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Takeaway Where Is She From?

Where Is She From? English > Level Pre A1 Pre-starter
English > Level Pre A1 Pre-starter

Instructor: Date: ........................................................................................


Learner: Regional Branch: ....................................................................


Program: Center: .....................................................................................


• Let’s Start! • Let’s Explore! • Let’s Practice! • Extension Activity • Target Words • Learning Points

Let’s Start!

Fiona meets a friend. Where is her friend from?

Learning Outcome Can Do Statements

Exchange basic personal information. • I can say where I live and ask where others live.
• I can talk about countries, nationalities and
Ask your partner: languages.
• I can talk about things that I love.
• Do you have family in another
• Where do they live?
• Find the countries on a map.

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Copyright © ELL Technologies 2020. All Rights Reserved.
Takeaway Where Is She From?
Where Is She From? English > Level Pre A1 Pre-starter
English > Level Pre A1 Pre-starter

Let’s Explore!

Where are Fiona and Joe from? Do they speak Japanese*? Let's find out!

* "Japanese" is the nationality and the name of the language of Japan.

Instructions: Read the text aloud.

Fiona: Oh, I love sushi!

Joe: Sushi is my favorite food from Japan.
Fiona: Mine, too. Where are you from?
Joe: The United States. My parents are American. They are from New York.
Fiona: I'm from Brazil. My mother is Brazilian. My father is from Medellin.
Joe: Ah! He is Colombian! Do you speak Spanish?
Fiona: Yes, of course. And you?
Joe: I speak English and Japanese. I'm a translator.
Fiona: Really? That's fantastic! You understand the sushi menu!
Joe: Yes, but I don't understand all of it.

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Copyright © ELL Technologies 2020. All Rights Reserved.
Takeaway WhereWhere
Takeaway Is She From?
Is She From? English>/Level
English LevelPre
Pre-Starter / Meeting
A1 Pre-starter New
> Meeting People
English > Level Pre A1 Pre-starter
New People

Let’s Practice!

What are the sentences? Let’s find out!

Instructions: Put the words in the correct order.

1 from / you / are / Where / ?


2 My / Brazilian / . / is / mother

3 you / Spanish / Do / speak / ?


4 You / sushi / the / understand / menu / !


5 I / Japanese / speak / .

Let’s Practice!

Joe and Fiona talk. What do they say?

Instructions: Match the sentences in column A with the information in column B.

I love sushi menu!

Sushi is my favorite food and Japanese.

I speak English sushi.

You understand the are American.

My parents
from Japan.

3 Copyright © ELL Technologies 2020. All Rights Reserved.

Takeaway Where Is She From?
Where Is She From? English > Level Pre A1 Pre-starter
English > Level Pre A1 Pre-starter

Extension Activity

Match the country with the nationality!

Instructions: Complete the following steps. Fill in the Self-Assessment.

a) Cut up 16 cards.
Self-Assessment Yes No
b) Write the names of countries on 8 cards.
c) Write the nationalities of the countries on
I know the names of
the other 8 cards.
different countries.
d) Turn them over and place them on the
table. Don't look! I know the names of
e) Turn one card. Say the word. different nationalities.
f) Turn another card. Say the word.
g) If they match (correct country and
nationality), put them away.
h) If they are NOT a match, put them back on
the table.
i) Take turns with your partner.
j) Play until all the cards are matched up.

Target Words

• Where are you from? (expression): to ask a • Japan (noun): a country in Asia
person the name of their country e.g. He is from Japan.
e.g. Where are you from? I'm from China. • Japanese (noun): the language of
• to speak (verb): to say words in a language Japan
e.g. I can speak English and Chinese. e.g. I am learning Japanese.
• to understand (verb): to know the meaning of
e.g. Do you understand what he said?

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Copyright © ELL Technologies 2020. All Rights Reserved.
Takeaway Where Is She From?
Where Is She From? English > Level Pre A1 Pre-starter
English > Level Pre A1 Pre-starter

Learning Points

Countries and Nationalities

When you describe a person's nationality, you use the country and an ending to form the

The type of ending can be different. There are 4 endings that can be used: -an, -ian, -ish, -
Read the examples in the chart:

Country Nationality

The United States of America American

Canada Canadian

Spain Spanish

China Chinese

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Copyright © ELL Technologies 2020. All Rights Reserved.

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