NCM 116 - Ortho Midterm Exam Midyear

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1.NAME, YEAR AND SECTION, GROUP NO.Required to answer. Single line text.

2.When discussing physical activities with Mang Ot-ot, the nurse should instruct
her to.Single choice.

(1 Point)
Avoid weight bearing until the hip is completely heated.
Limit hip flexion to only 45 to 50 degrees.
Intermittently cross and uncross legs several times daily.
Maintain hip flexion at 90 degrees when sitting.
3.The deformities have been managed right after birth, the mode of management
most likely to be utilized could be:Single choice.
(1 Point)
Application of Dennis-Browne shoes
Night splint
Serial manipulation and serial casting
Prescription of Orthopedic shoes
4.A nurse is caring for a client who is going to have arthrography with a contrast
medium. Which assessment by the nurse would be of highest priority?Single
(1 Point)
Allergy to Iodine or shellfish
Ability of the client to remain still during the procedure
Whether the client has any remaining questions about the procedure
Whether the client wishes to void before the procedure
5.The classic signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis include which of the
following?Single choice.
(1 Point)
Pain on weight-bearing, rash and low-grade fever
Crepitus, development of Heberden’s nodes and anemia
Fatigue, leucopenia and joint pain
Joint swelling, joint stiffness in the morning and bilateral joint movement
6.The major rationale for the use of acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) in the treatment
of rheumatoid arthritis is to:Single choice.
(1 Point)
Prevent extension of the disease process
Reduce fever
Reduce the inflammation of the joints
Assist the client’s range of motion activities without pain
7.The nurse is teaching a client with osteomalacia how to take prescribed vitamin
D supplements. The nurse stresses the importance of taking only the prescribed
amount because high doses of vitamin D can be toxic. Early signs and symptoms
of vitamin D toxicity include:Single choice.
(1 Point)
sensory neuropathy and difficulty maintaining balance.
flushing and orthostatic hypotension.
dry skin, hair loss, and inflamed mucous membranes.
GI upset and metallic taste.
8.The first symptoms of HNP which are aggravated by sneezing, coughing and
bending are: 1. severe low back pain 2. muscle spasm 3. weakness of the lower
extremities 4. atrophy of the leg musclesSingle choice.
(1 Point)
9.A nurse is providing instructions to the parents of a child with scoliosis
regarding the use of a brace. Which statement by the parents indicates a need for
further instruction?Single choice.
(1 Point)
I will encourage my child to perform prescribed exercises
I should avoid the use of powder because it will cake under the brace
I will have my child wear soft fabric clothing under the brace
I should apply lotion under the brace to prevent skin breakdown
10.Which of the following is the definitive diagnostic test for juvenile
idiopathic/rheumatoid arthritis?Single choice.
(1 Point)
There is no definitive test
Rheumatoid factor (RF)
Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) B 27
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)
11.ASA (aspirin) is being administered to a client. The nurse understands that the
most common mechanism of action for nonnarcotic analgesic is their ability
to:Single choice.
(1 Point)
Inhibit prostaglandin systhesis
Directly affect the central nervous system
After pain perception in the cerebellum
Target the pain-producing effect of kinins
12.A client with Paget's disease develops osteoporosis due to:Single choice.
(1 Point)
bone resorption is rapid
inadequate calcium in diet
vitamin D deficiency
lack of pressure on the bones
13.To assess the joints, the nurse asks a client to perform various movements. As
the client moves the arm away from the midline, the nurse evaluates the ability to
perform:Single choice.
(1 Point)
14.During a scoliosis screening in a college heath center, a student asks the
public health nurse about the consequences of untreated scoliosis. The nurse
would be accurate by identifying one of the direct complications as:Single choice.
(1 Point)
impingement on pulmonary function.
spontaneous spinal cord injury.
pituitary hyposecretion.
osteoporosis of the vertebra.
15.The assessment that ensures the ER nurse that a patient’s spinal cord injury is
below C4 is:Single choice.
(1 Point)
Unlabored respiration.
Ability to blink the eyelids.
Voluntary eye movement.
Ability to make a facial grimace.
16.On a visit to the clinic, a client reports the onset of early symptoms of
rheumatoid arthritis. Which of the following would be the nurse most likely to
asses?Single choice.
(1 Point)
Deformed joints of the hands
Limited motion of joints
Rheumatoid nodules
Early morning stiffness
17.A client has a bone marrow aspiration performed, immediately after the
procedure, the nurse should:Single choice.
(1 Point)
Position the client on the affected side
Begin frequent monitoring of vital signs
Cleanse the site with an antiseptic solution
Briefly apply pressure over the site where this procedure is being done.
18.An adult has chronic lower back pain and receives hot pack three times a
week. The nurse knows that the treatment is given for which of the following
reasons?Single choice.
(1 Point)
To improve the client’s general circulation
To help remove debris from the wound
To relieve muscle spasm and promote muscle relaxation
To keep the client warm and raise his temperature
19.During a neurologic check, the nurse asks the patient to dorsiflex the foot
against the resistance of the nurse’s hand. The inability to perform this action
confirms that there is cord damage at:Single choice.
(1 Point)
20.A client has a Fiberglas cast on the right arm. Which action should the nurse
include in the care plan?Single choice.
(1 Point)
Evaluating pedal and posterior tibial pulses every 2 hours
Avoiding handling the cast for 24 hours or until it is dry
Keeping the casted arm warm by covering it with a light blanket
Assessing movement and sensation in the fingers of the right hand
21.A client has a herniated disk in the region of the third and fourth lumbar
vertebrae. On assessment, the nurse expects to note:Single choice.
(1 Point)
severe low back pain.
sensory deficits in one arm.
hypoactive bowel sounds.
weakness and atrophy of the arm muscles.
22.Which among these clients is at highest risk for developing low back pain?
Single choice.
(1 Point)
the man working with a drill hammer
the man delivering mails in the building
the man washing windows of a building
the salesman selling truck tires
23.During the acute stage of rheumatoid arthritis affecting the ankles, what
primary precaution should the patient use to protect the ankle joints?Single
(1 Point)
Use of ankle splints
Avoidance of all walking
Bedrest with foot elevated
ROM exercises
24.Mang Ot-ot, age 74, suffers from degenerative joint disease due to
osteoarthritis and is admitted for a total joint replacement of the right hip. During
the preoperative period, the nurse should focus assessment primarily on:Single
(1 Point)
Self-care ability
Response to pain medications
Range of motion in the affected joint
Local and systemic infections
25.After teaching the client with severe rheumatoid arthritis about the newly
prescribed medication methothrexate (Rheumatrex 0), which of the following
statements indicates the need for further teaching?Single choice.
(1 Point)
"I should brush my teeth after every meal”
“I will continue taking my birth control pills”
“I must not drink any alcohol while I’m taking this drug”
“I will take my vitamins while I am on this drug”
26.The client will go electromyography (EMG). Which of the following information
should be given when preparing the client for this procedure?Single choice.
(1 Point)
electrode needles will be inserted into your muscles
scalp electrodes will be applied and graphical recording of electrical activities of your brain will
be done
you will be placed in a tunnel-like device
a contrast medium will be injected into your vein
27.When a client has cervical halter traction to immobilize the cervical spine
counteraction is provided by:Single choice.
(1 Point)
Lowering the head of the bed
Elevating the foot of the bed
Application of the pelvic girdle
Elevating the head of the bed
28.The nurse should monitor the client with a pelvic fracture receiving an opium
derivative, such as morphine, for what common adverse reaction?Single choice.
(1 Point)
Respiratory depression
High fever
Pupil dilation
29.The deformity in Pott’s disease is brought about by:Single choice.
(1 Point)
Destruction of the vertebral bodies resulting in their subsequent collapse.
Weakness of the spine
Deviation of the spine laterally
Exaggeration of the lumbar curvature
30.The nurse notes the following assessment findings regarding the client’s
peripheral vascular status: cramping leg pain relieved by rest; cool, pale feet; and
delayed capillary refilling. Based on these data, the nurse would make a nursing
diagnosis of:Single choice.
(1 Point)
Impaired gas exchange
Ineffective peripheral tissue perfusion
Impaired skin integrity
Impaired physical mobility
31.When antibiotics are not producing the desired outcome for a client with
osteomyelitis, the nurse interprets this as suggesting the occurrence of which of
the following as most likely?Single choice.
(1 Point)
Development of pus leading to ischemia
Production of bacterial growth by avascular tissue
Formation of scar tissue interfering with absorption
Antibiotics not being instilled directly into the bone
32.After surgery and insertion of a total joint prosthesis, a client develops severe
sudden pain and an inability to move the extremity. The nurse interprets these
findings as indicating which of the following?Single choice.
(1 Point)
Bleeding in the operative site
Joint dislocation
A developing infection
Glue seepage into soft tissue
33.The conservative method used in treating herniated disk are the following
except:Single choice.
(1 Point)
Spinal fusion
Ice and heat therapy
Oral steroids
34.While caring for a client with a newly applied plaster of Paris cast, the nurse
makes note of all the following conditions. Which assessment finding requires
immediate notification of the physician?Single choice.
(1 Point)
Onset of paralysis in the toes of the casted foot
Presence of slight edema of the toes of the casted foot
Report, by client, the heat is being felt under the cast
Moderate pain, as reported by the client
35.The nurse is caring for a client who complains of lower back pain. Which
instructions should the nurse give to the client to prevent back injury?Single
"Narrow the stance when lifting."
"Push or pull an object using your arms."
"Bend over the object you're lifting."
"Stand close to the object you're lifting."
36.At which of the following times would the nurse instruct the client to take
ibuprofen (Motrin), prescribed for left hip pain secondary to osteoarthritis, to
minimize gastric mucosal irritation?Single choice.
(1 Point)
On arising
At bedtime
On an empty stomach
Immediately after meal
37.The clinical nurse specialist developed clinical pathways for common
orthopedic conditions. The interdisciplinary team uses these pathways to:Single
(1 Point)
accurately bill the client for services provided.
provide a care plan for caregivers to ensure continuity of care.
describe the pathophysiology of the diagnosis.
provide a step-by-step care plan.
38.As part of treatment of gouty arthritis for Mrs. Martin, age 66, the physician
orders anti uric acid medication to be given in large doses until the maximum
safe dosage can be determined. The nurse would determine the maximum
dosage and the need for dosage reduction by asking Mrs. Martin to report which
of the following symptoms?Single choice.
(1 Point)
Bleeding gums and bruising
Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea
Blurred vision and nausea
Gastric irritation and heartburn
39.When preparing a teaching plan for the client with osteoarthritis who is taking
celecoxib (Celebrex), the nurse expects to explain that the major advantage of
celecoxib over diclofenac (Voltaren), is that the celecoxib is likely to produce
which of the following?Single choice.
(1 Point)
Nausea and vomiting
Renal toxicity
Gastrointestinal bleeding
40.Which level of independence is an appropriate nursing care plan goal for a
patient with a C8 transection?Single choice.
(1 Point)
Manage a mechanical wheelchair with a joystick
Manage a specially equipped wheelchair
Manage an ordinary wheelchair
Manage a mechanical wheelchair with hand control
41.A client comes to the outpatient department with suspected carpal tunnel
syndrome. When assessing the affected area, the nurse expects to find which
abnormality that is typically associated with this syndrome?Single choice.
(1 Point)
Negative Trousseau's sign
Positive Chvostek's sign
Negative Phalen's sign
Positive Tinel's sign
42.A nurse has given instructions to a client returning home after knee
arthroscopy. The nurse determines that the client understands the instructions of
the client states that he or she will:Single choice.
(1 Point)
Report fever or site inflammation to the physician.
Stay off the leg entirely for the rest of the day.
Refrain from eating food for the remainder of the day.
Resume regular exercise the following day.
43.The client immobilized skeletal leg traction complains of being bored and
restless. Based on these complaints, the nurse formulates which of the following
nursing diagnoses for this client?Single choice.
(1 Point)
Self-care deficit
Impaired physical mobility
Diversional activity deficit
44.When developing the teaching plan for the client with rheumatoid arthritis to
promote rest, which of the following would the nurse expect to instruct the client
to avoid during the rest periods?Single choice.
(1 Point)
Positions of flexion
Prone lying positions
Proper body alignment
Elevating the part
45.Which of the following cells are involved in bone resorption?Single choice.
(1 Point)
46.Elderly clients who fall are most at risk for which injuries?Single choice.
(1 Point)
Pelvic fractures
Cervical spine fractures
Humerus fractures
Wrist fractures
47.A surgical procedure that involves inserting a small fiberoptic scope into the
joint, which provides visualization of the internal structuresSingle choice.
(1 Point)
48.A diagnostic test that allows for a segmental view of the desired area helpful
in determining soft tissue tumor &spinal fractures.Single choice.
(1 Point)
Magnetic resonance imaging
Computed Axial Tomography
49.A client has sustained a closed fracture and has just had a cast applied to the
affected arm. The client is complaining of intense pain. The nurse elevates the
limb, applies an ice bag, and administers analgesic, with little relief. The nurse
interprets that this pain may be caused by:Single choice.
(1 Point)
Impaired tissue perfusion
The recent occurrence of the fracture
Infection under the cast
The anxiety of the patient
50.A client is diagnosed with gout. Which foods should the nurse instruct the
client to avoid? Select all that applies.Multiple choice.
(1 Point)
Green, leafy vegetables
51.The nurse is caring for a client with a gout. Which of the following laboratory
values does the nurse expect to note in the client?Single choice.
(1 Point)
Calcium level of 9 mg/dl
Uric acid level of 8 mg/dl
Uric acid level of 5 mg/dl
Phosphorus level of 3 mg/dl
52.Musculoskeletal assessment consists of:Single choice.
(1 Point)
Joints for symmetry, crepitus, swelling, tenderness or pain and ROM
Bones for deformity & limb length discrepancy
Muscle masses for symmetry, involuntary movements, tenderness, tone& strength
All of the above
53.Following arthroplasty, the nurse should maintain correct position of Mang
Ot-ot’s operative leg by:Single choice.
(1 Point)
Placing sandbags or pillows to Keep leg abducted.
Positioning her supine and on the operative side.
Placing an abductor wedge or pillows between the legs.
Elevating the affected leg on two pillows or supports.
54.Which of the following categories of medications would the nurse anticipate
being included in the conservative management of a client with a herniated
lumbar disk?Single choice.
(1 Point)
Muscle relaxant
Parenteral analgesics
55.Which of the following would the nurse use as the best method to assess for
the development of deep vein thrombosis in a client with a spinal cord injury?
Single choice.
(1 Point)
Leg girth
Homan’s sign
56.When completing the history and physical examination of a client diagnosed
with osteoarthritis, which of the following would the nurse assess?Single choice.
(1 Point)
Weight loss
Local joint pain
57.A client with diabetes mellitus has had a right below-knee amputation. The
nurse would assess specifically for which of the following signs and symptoms
because of the history of diabetes?Single choice.
(1 Point)
Slight redness of incision
Separation of the edges
Edema of the stump
58.Patient Donna is suffering from acute low back pain and consulted the doctor.
The doctor give an impression of HNP. Which of the manifestations will likely be
related to such disorder?Single choice.
(1 Point)
“My back pain is relieved when I have taken alaxan tablet.
“My backpain makes me weak and I have fatigability
“ My backpain is on and off and will last for two hours?
“My backpain radiates down my left leg and has been going on for 3 months without
59.The diagnosis of Idiopathic Scoliosis was given to XYZ because:Single choice.
(1 Point)
Muscle imbalance in the back
Deformity is caused by disorder of the spine
No apparent cause is indicated
The cause of the deformity is neurological
60.A 7-year-old boy who is scoliotic with a cast tells the nurse that he is bored.
An appropriate intervention would be to:Single choice.
(1 Point)
Watch television
Watch a puppet show
Listen to the radio
Read a story and act out the part
61.When ambulating a client following surgical removal of a protruded
intervertebral lumbar disc, the nurse would do which of the following?Single
(1 Point)
Administer analgesia after walking
Provide a cane for support
Immobilize the head and neck
Maintain proper body alignment
62.Mr. Alcasid asks the nurse, "What is osteoarthritis?" Which response from the
nurse is correct?Single choice.
(1 Point)
you have inflammation in your joints
there is shortening of your long bones
your bones are inflamed
your weight bearing joints are inflamed
63.A client with osteoarthritis tells the nurse she is concerned that the disease will
prevent her from doing her chores. Which suggestion should the nurse offer?
Single choice.
(1 Point)
"Do all your chores in the morning, when pain and stiffness are least pronounced."
"Do all your chores in the evening, when pain and stiffness are least pronounced."
"Pace yourself and rest frequently, especially after activities."
"Do all your chores after performing morning exercises to loosen up."
64.A ling Marta is a client with rheumatoid arthritis . She asks the nurse why she is
taking Prednisone (Deltasone) the nurse best response would be that it:Single
(1 Point)
decrease inflammation
increase bone density
enhance the immune system
reduce peripheral edema
65.The nurse is assessing a client with possible osteoarthritis. The most significant
risk factor for osteoarthritis is:Single choice.
(1 Point)
congenital deformity.
66.In the initial interview, Nurse D should consider the following contributory
factors in the development of Scoliosis: 1. Postural defects 2. Family history 3.
Childhood diseases 4. Antepartal historySingle choice.
(1 Point)
All of the above
67.What is the greatest risk in the immediate postoperative period to patients
who suffer orthopedic trauma requiring reconstructive surgery of the lower
extremities?Single choice.
(1 Point)
Pulmonary embolism
Fat embolism
Gas gangrene
68.ZXY, 14 year old female was admitted with deformity “hump” at the right side
of the back noted 1 month prior to admission. In assessing the shoulder heights,
the nurse noted that:Single choice.
(1 Point)
Both shoulders are equal but depressed.
The left is higher than the right.
The right side is higher than the left.
Both sides are equal.
69.The Brown-Séquard syndrome results in which neurologic deficit?Single
(1 Point)
Bilateral loss of temperature and motor function below the level of injury
Motor and sensory loss in upper extremities only
Bilateral loss of pain sensation below the level of injury
Ipsilateral loss of motor function, contralateral loss of pain sensation and temperature
70.ABCD, 6 months old, was admitted with deformities on both feet which have
been observed since birth. It was revealed that the mother did not have pre-natal
check-up and the child was delivered spontaneously by a “manghihilot”, the
diagnosis is Clubfoot, bilateral. The management should have been done at an
early stage of condition because:Single choice.
(1 Point)
The bones and soft tissues are still soft and pliable.
The bones are rigid but muscles and ligaments are still pliable.
The deformities are easily corrected since there are only few manipulation to be done.n 1
The deformities are just mild during infancy.
71.Which of the following guidelines should a nurse include in the teaching plan
for a patient who has osteoarthritis?Single choice.
(1 Point)
sleep at least 10 hours each day
maintain a high fiber diet
achieve ideal body weight
increase daily calcium intake to 1500 mg
72.After a computer tomography scan with intravenous contrast medium, a client
returns to the unit complaining of shortness of breath and itching. The nurse
should be prepared to treat the client for:Single choice.
(1 Point)
Inflammation from the extravasation of fluid during injection.
Fluid overload from the volume of the infusions
A normal reaction to the stress of the diagnostic procedure.ion 1
An anaphylactic reaction to the dye
73.The diagnosis of Pott’s disease is confirmed on the basis of the following
procedures:Single choice.
(1 Point)
Sputum culture
Neurological examination
74.A patient under steroid therapy should be advised by the nurse to:Single
(1 Point)
avoid individuals who have infections
limit carbohydrates in the diet
take the medication on an empty stomach
stop the medication when symptoms have subsided
75.The nurse is assessing the casted extremity of a client. The nurse assesses for
which of the following signs and symptoms indicative of infection?Single choice.
(1 Point)
Coolness and pallor of the extremity
Dependent edema
Diminished distal pulse
Presence of a “hot spot” on the cast
76.Which statement by the client with rheumatoid arthritis would indicate that
she needs additional teaching to safely receive the maximum benefit of her
aspirin therapy?Single choice.
(1 Point)
I always take aspirin with food to protect my stomach
Once I learned to take aspirin with meals, I was able to start using the inexpensive generic brand
I always watch for bleeding gums or blood in my stool
I try to take aspirin only on days when the pain seems particularly bad
77.During a senior citizen health screening, the nurse observes a 75-year-old
female with a severely increased thoracic curve, or "humpback". What is this
condition called?Single choice.
(1 Point)
Genus varum
78.A female client with rheumatoid arthritis has been on aspirin grain TID and
prednisone 10mg BID for the last two years. The most important assessment
question for the nurse to ask related to the client’s drug therapy is whether she
has.Single choice.
(1 Point)
Blurred vision
Decreased appetite
Tarry stools
79.The nurse must observe the client with musculoskeletal disorder for;Single
(1 Point)
Gait, Body mobility, and Posture
Tendon reflex
Muscle reflex
Abdominal girth
80.Which of the following statements by the parent of a child with systemic
juvenile idiopathic/rheumatoid arthritis (Still’s disease) indicates a need for
further education about the disease?Single choice.
(1 Point)
“My child no longer has symptoms, so I don’t think she needs medications.”
“The condition is causing a rash to come and go.”
“I’m concerned that my child may develop heart damage.”
“I think that my child’s symptoms worsen when she is upset.”
81.The nurse should emphasize that the rehabilitation of the spinal cord–injured
patient:Single choice.
(1 Point)
Focuses on adjustments necessary to reenter society and the workplace.
Will return the spinal cord–injured patient to the pre-accident functional level.
Completely Targets on self-care
Usually is achieved within a few months after stabilization.
82.A client is admitted with acute osteomyelitis that developed after an open
fracture of the right femur. When planning this client's care, the nurse should
anticipate which measure?Single choice.
(1 Point)
Instructing the client to ambulate twice daily
Withholding all oral intake
Administering large doses of oral antibiotics as prescribed
Administering large doses of I.V. antibiotics as prescribed
83.A client seeks care for low back pain of 2 weeks' duration. Which assessment
finding suggests a herniated intervertebral disk?Single choice.
(1 Point)
Pain radiating down the posterior thigh
Atrophy of the lower leg muscles
Homans' sign
Back pain when the knees are flexed
84.What would be the most important nursing intervention in caring for the
client’s residual limb during the first 24 hours after amputation of the left leg?
Single choice.
(1 Point)
Abducting the residual limb on a scheduled basis
Applying traction to the residual limb
Elevating the residual limb on a pillow
Keeping the residual limb flat on the bed
85.The nurse observes that the client’s knee is swollen and painful. Consequently,
which one of the following nursing measures should be carried out?Single choice.
(1 Point)
Ambulate with him at frequent intervals
Help to change positions to achieve comfort
Encourage quadriceps setting exercises
Perform passive range of motion during each shift
86.A client is 1 day postoperative after a total hip replacement. The client should
be placed in which of the following position?Single choice.
(1 Point)
Semi Fowler’s
87.A client is admitted to undergo lumbar laminectomy for treatment of a
herniated disc. Which action should the nurse take first to promote comfort
preoperatively?Single choice.
(1 Point)
Administer hydrocodone (Vicodin) as prescribed.
Provide teaching on nonpharmacologic measures to control pain.
Notify the physician of the client's pain.
Help the client assume a more comfortable position.
88.A 51-year-old client with Paget's disease comes to the hospital and complains
of difficulty urinating. The emergency department physician consults urology.
What would the nurse suspect is the most likely cause of the client's urination
problem?Single choice.
(1 Point)
Benign prostatic hyperplasia
Urinary tract infection
Renal calculi
89.Which of the following is the primary reason for splinting the hands and wrists
of client with rheumatoid arthritis?Single choice.
(1 Point)
to prevent contractures
to improve the strength of the hands and wrists
to relieve pain
to relieve muscle spasm
90.Nurse Josie is diagnosed with Carpal Tunnel syndrome ,which means that
Nurse Josie has an injury to which of the following nerve?Single choice.
(1 Point)
radial nerve
ulnar nerve
peroneal nerve
median nerve
91.After teaching the client about risk factors for rheumatoid arthritis, which of
the following is not a risk factor?Single choice.
(1 Point)
History of Epstein-Barr virus infection
Female gender
Adults between the ages 60 to 75 years
Positive testing for human leukocyte antigen (HLA) DR4 allele
92.A client with gout is receiving probenecid (Benemid). When caring for this
client, the nurse should monitor which laboratory value?Single choice.
(1 Point)
Hemoglobin level
Serum uric acid level
Serum potassium level
Red blood cell count
93.The nurse is caring for the client who is going to have an arthrogram using a
contrast medium. Which of the following assessments by the nurse are of highest
priority?Single choice.
(1 Point)
Whether the client wishes to void before the procedure
Ability of the client to remain still during the procedure
Whether the client has any remaining questions about the procedure
Allergy to iodine or shellfish
94.The nurse is assessing an infant with developmental dysplasia of the hip.
Which finding would the nurse anticipate?Single choice.
(1 Point)
Symmetrical gluteal folds
Unequal leg length
Limited adduction
Diminished femoral pulses
95.Which of the following is a method to relieve pressure on the back for people
whose work requires prolonged standing?Single choice.
(1 Point)
Sit occasionally with legs straight out
Place one foot on small stool or box
Bend over occasionally to flex back
Stand on one foot at a time
96.The nurse is giving instructions to a client who's going home with a cast on his
leg. Which point is most critical?Single choice.
(1 Point)
Reporting signs of impaired circulation
Using crutches properly
Exercising joints above and below the cast, as ordered
Avoiding walking on a leg cast without the physician's permission
97.Bone scan is done by:Single choice.
(1 Point)
Inserting needles in the muscles & recording of muscular electrical activity
Injecting radioisotope per IV and X rays are taken
Graphical recording of electrical activities.
Taking plain X ray films
98.Before discharge, the nurse reviews the signs and symptoms of joint
dislocation with Mang Ot-ot. The nurse would determine that Mang Ot-ot
understands the instructions by his identification of which of the following
symptoms?Single choice.
(1 Point)
Severe hip pain with shortening of the extremity.
Severe pain and swelling of the affected hip joint.
Painless, sudden deformity of the affected hip joint.
Positive Homan’s sign and Inability to bear weight.
99.After falling down the basement steps in his house, a client is brought to the
emergency room. His physician confirms that his leg is fractured. Following
application of a leg cast, the nurse will first check the client’s toes for:Single
(1 Point)
Change in color
Increase in the temperature
100.Following application of Rizzers jacket cast, the patient complained of nausea
and vomiting and abdominal cramps.These indicate signs and symptoms ofSingle
(1 Point)
Plaster sore
Nerve impairment
Cast syndrome
Circulatory impairment
101.A woman is admitted to the hospital and diagnosed with osteoarthritis. The
nurse would not expect to find which of the following during assessment?Single
(1 Point)
Bouchard’s nodes C. Heberden’s nodes
Herberden's nodes
Symmetrical joint involvement

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