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July 2019
Certified Industrial Engineer (CIE) Exam Review Assessment 2019

NAME: _____________________________________________________________________________


PART I – General Engineering

Engineering Math:
1. In what quadrants do the secant and cosecant of an angle have the same algebraic sign?
a. I and II b. I and III c. II and III d. II and IV

Answer: b. I and III

2. The lengths of side AB and side BC of a scalene triangle ABC are 12 cm and 8 cm respectively. The
size of angle C is 59 . Find the length of side AC.
a. 12 b. 14 c. 16 d. 18

Answer: b. 14

Let x be the length of side AC. Use the cosine law

122 = 82 + x2 - 2*8*x*cos(59o)
Solve the quadratic equation for x: x = 14.0 and x = -5.7

Elementary Electrical Engineering:

3. Find the equivalent resistance for the circuit shown below.

a. 13.9 ohms b. 12.6 ohms c. 11.1 ohms d. 10.7 ohms

Answer: c. 11.1 ohms

Note that the 4 and 5 are NOT in parallel because the 2 and 8 are in between. The 1 and 2 are NOT in
series because the 4 is in between. The 1 and 7 are NOT in parallel because the 4 is in between. The
only combination you can make (at first) is the 3, 6, and 9 are in series, so:

Now the 5 and 18 are in parallel:

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The 2, 3.9, and 8 are in series:

The 4 and 13.9 are in parallel:

Finally, all three are in series

Req = 1 + (4 || {2 + [5 || (3+6+9)] + 8}) + 7

= 11.1 ohms

4. Find the current through the 5 volt source by simplifying the resistors to a single equivalent resistance.

a. 220 mA b. 210 mA c. 200 mA d. 190 mA

Answer: b. 210 mA

The 10 and 20 are in parallel (because the tops and the bottoms are connected so that they share the
same voltage) and the 30 and 40 are in parallel.

Now the two resistors are in series, so:

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We can compute the current using Ohm's law,

I = V/R = 5 V / 23.81ohms = 210 mA

5. On the highway at speed 55 mi/h (88.5 km/h), you close your eyes for half a second during a sneeze.
How far do you travel while your eyes are closed in meters?
a. 10.7m b. 11.5m c. 12.3m d. 13.1m

Answer: c. 12.3 m

All constant acceleration problems can be solved using the basic motion equations. This problem
involves more in unit conversion than in actual motion calculation, and one approach is to just make
fractions out of all the conversion factors so that the desired units remain and the others are canceled

6. A projectile is launched upward from level ground at an angle of 60o with the horizontal. It has an initial
velocity of 45m/s. How long will it take before the projectile hits the ground?
a. 4.1s b. 7.95s c. 5.8s d. 9.53s

Answer: b. 7.95s

2Vo sin 
245sin 60o

 7.95 sec

Environmental Engineering:

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7. The disease caused by severe mercury poisoning characterized by ataxia, numbness of the hands & feet,
and weak muscles.
a. Itai-Itai Disease b. Chagas Disease c. Minamata Disease d. Parkinson’s Disease

Answer: c. Minamata Disease

8. An electrochemical process used in the removal of colloidal matter in wastewater through the addition of an
agent that will reduce the electrostatic charges surrounding the colloidal matter.
a. Disinfection b. Chemical Flocculation c. Ozonization d. Coagulation

Answer: d. Coagulation

9. A 600 mL sample of nitrogen is heated from 27 °C to 77 °C at constant pressure. What is the final volume?
a. 650 mL b. 700 mL c. 750 mL d. 800 mL

Answer: b. 700 mL

The first step to solving gas law problems should be converting all temperatures to absolute temperatures.
This is the most common place mistakes are made in this type of homework problem.

T K = 273 + °C
Ti = initial temperature = 27 °C
Ti K = 273 + 27
Ti K = 300 K

Tf = final temperature = 77 °C
Tf K = 273 + 77
Tf K = 350 K

The next step is to use Charles' law to find the final volume. Charles' law is expressed as:

Vi/Ti = Vf/Tf

Vi and Ti is the initial volume and temperature
Vf and Tf is the final volume and temperature

Solve the equation for Vf:

Vf = ViTf/Ti

Enter the known values and solve for Vf.

Vf = (600 mL)(350 K)/(300 K)

Vf = 700 mL
3 3
10. A sample of helium gas at 25°C is compressed from 200 cm to 0.240 cm . Its pressure is now 3.00 cm
Hg. What was the original pressure of the helium?
-3 -3 -3 -3
a. 1.4 x 10 cm Hg b. 2.5 x 10 cm Hg c. 3.6 x 10 cm Hg d. 4.7 x 10 cm Hg
Answer: c. 3.6 x 10 cm Hg

It's always a good idea to write down the values of all known variables, indicating whether the values are for
initial or final states. Boyle's Law problems are essentially special cases of the Ideal Gas Law:

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Initial: P1 = ?; V1 = 200 cm3; n1 = n; T1 = T

Final: P2 = 3.00 cm Hg; V2 = 0.240 cm3; n2 = n; T2 = T

P1V1 = nRT (Ideal Gas Law)

P2V2 = nRT

so, P1V1 = P2V2

P1 = P2V2/V1

P1 = 3.00 cm Hg x 0.240 cm3/200 cm3

P1 = 3.60 x 10-3 cm Hg

11. A balloon filled with gas expands its volume by 2.0 L. If the pressure outside the balloon is 0.93 bar and
the energy change of the gas is 450J, how much heat did the surroundings give the balloon?
a. 636 J b. 734 J c. 832 J d. 930 J

Answer: a. 636 J

Remember that 1 Joule = 100 L*bar.


Now solving for q:

q=636 J

12. There is a house hold heater that operates at 4 V and at 35 Ω and is used to heat up 15g of copper wire.
The specific heat capacity of copper is 24.440 J/mol/K. How much time is required to increase the
temperature from 25˚C to 69˚C?
a. 34512 secs. b. 32891 secs c. 37541 secs d. 35296 secs.

Answer: d. 35296 secs.

It is important to know the equation in circuitry that calculates power: P=V /R, which is derived from the
equation V=IR. We will also be using q=mCsΔT.
P=(4) /35=.457 J/s
q=(15)(24.440)(69-25)= 16130.4 J

We now know how many joules of heat must be added to the copper wire to increase the temperature and we
know how many joules of energy are given off by the heater per second. We divide to find the number of
(16130.4 J)/(.457 J/s) = 35296.3 seconds

Engineering Ethics:
13. A newly certified industrial engineer has applied for a promotion at a firm she has been working at for
several years. During an interview for the new position, she is asked to contrast her qualifications with
other registered engineers at the firm who have applied for the same position. She should

a. withdraw her application for the position.

b. give a full accounting of all the ways her ability and experience are superior to those of the other
c. demand to speak to the interviewer’s supervisor.

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d. decline to compare her qualifications but offer to describe them.

Answer: d. decline to compare her qualifications but offer to describe them.

14. Engineers shall acknowledge their errors after consulting with their employers or clients.
a. True b. False

Answer: b. False

15. Assets which get exhausted to the extent of extraction are called:
a. Tangible asset b. Intangible asset c. Wasting asset d. Fictitious asset

Answer: c. Wasting Asset

16. Loss leads to reduction in:

a. Liability b. Capital c. Income d. Asset

Answer: b. Capital

PART II – Production Systems

Industrial Materials & Processes:

17. A heat treatment process that is used widely to restore ductility in cold worked materials or in
castings. Material is heat soaked to a specific range of temperature for a period of time and allowed to
cool slowly in a furnace or in still air.
a. Case Hardening b. Precipitation Hardening c. Annealing d. Tempering

Answer: c. Annealing

18. A type of polymers which can be raised temps above their glass transition temperature, Tg and cooled,
softened, and hardened without modifying any of their original material properties while the effects of
heating are irreversible.
a. Thermoplastics b. Thermosetting Polymers c. Elastomers d. Composites

Answer: a. Thermoplastics

Methods Engineering:

19. What is the meaning of this therblig symbol -

a. Rest b. Plan c. Avoidable Delay d. Unavoidable Delay

Answer: d. Unavoidable Delay

20. What is the abbreviation of the therblig name Search?

a. S b. Se c. Sr d. Sh

Answer: d. Sh

Work Measurement:

21. A time study was performed on a particular machine, the results of which are as follows:

Mean manual effort time per cycle: 12.36 minutes

Mean cutting time (power feed): 7.79 minutes
Mean performance rating: 90%

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Machine allowance (power feed): 12%

Fatigue allowance: 15%

Compute the standard time for the operation given the allowances are added to their normal times.
a. 18.82 b. 19.35 c. 20.97 d. 21.52

Answer: d. 21.52

Standard power feed cycle time = 7.79 X 1.12 X 1.00 = 8.7248

Standard manual effort time = 12.36 X 0.90 X 1.15 = 12.7926
Standard time for operation = 21.5174 mins.

22. A time study was conducted on a job that contains four elements. The observed times and performance
ratings for six cycles are shown:

Element Rating Observation Time (Minutes per Cycle)

1 2 3 4 5 6

1 90 2.36 3.11 6.45 2.12 2.79 7.35

2 110 5.25 2.25 1.89 2.45 6.10 2.12

3 120 9.78 8.90 9.31 15.45 10.10 8.75

4 85 4.45 3.90 4.07 3.85 4.23 4.97

5 115 3.57 8.24 4.01 3.56 4.12 9.27

Assuming an allowance factor of 11.0% based on an eight-hour shift, compute the standard time for the
job given the allowance is added to the total time.
a. 26.93 b. 27.48 c. 25.76 d. 28.11

Answer: a. 26.93

Element 1 (Eliminate observations nos. 3 & 6) 2.595 x 0.90 = 2.3355

2 (Eliminate observations nos. 1 & 5) 2.178 x 1.10 = 2.3952
3 (Eliminate observation no. 4) 9.368 x 1.20 = 11.2426
4 4.245 x 0.85 = 3.6082
5 (Eliminate observations no. 2 & 6) 3.815 x 1.15 = 4.3873
AF = 1 / (1 - 0.11) = 112.360%
ST = 23.96875 x 1.12360 = 26.93 minutes

Learning Curve:
23. If a production team experiencing a 75% learning rate takes 10 hours to produce the 4th unit, how
many hours would it be expected to take to produce the 12th unit?
a. 8.38 b. 7.51 c. 6.34 d. 5.92

Answer: c. 6.34

b = ln(0.75)/ln(2) = -0.41504
10 = T1 (4) = T1 = 17.78 hours
T12 = 17.78(12) = T12 = 6.34 hours

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24. New workers at Company ABC typically learn at a 82% rate. If a new worker requires 45 minutes to
produce his first unit of output, how many units will he need to produce before his output rate exceeds 15
units per hour?
a. 4693 b. 4695 c. 4396 d. 4593

Answer: a. 4693

15 units per hour = 60 mins/15 units = 4 mins units

Ln(0.82)/ln(2) = -0.28630
4 = 45(n)
n= 4693.61 = 4693

25. Given: A female worker performs physical labor that has an energy expenditure rate of 4.8
kcal/min for 35 minutes. During the rest breaks, his energy expenditure rate is estimated to be 0.95
kcal/min. Determine an appropriate length of a rest break.
a. 8.3 minutes b. 10.5 minutes c. 9.2 minutes d. 11.4 minutes

Answer: c. 9.2 minutes

The energy expenditure rate of the physical activity at the maximum time-weighted average
during shift for female worker: 4 kcal/min.

Trst = [35(4.8 – 4.0)]/(4.0 – 0.95) = 28/3.05 = 9.18 = 9.2

26. Given: 33 year old man who weighs 75 kg. Determine the daily basal metabolism rate per minute.
a. 1.26 kcal per min b. 1.22 kcal per min c. 1.24 kcal per min d. 1.20 kcal per min

Answer: b. 1.22 kcal per min

He is 1.3 decades [(33 – 20)/10] older than 20 year Age correction: 1.3(0.02) = 0.026
Basal metabolic rate of a 20-year old male: 1.0 kcal per kg of body weight

BMRh/kg = Basal metabolic rate of a 20-year old male x (1 - Age correction) BMRh/kg = 1.0(1 - 0.026) =
0.974kcal/hr/kg of body weight

For 24 hours:
BMRd = 0.974(75)(24) = 1753.2 kcal/day BMRm = 1753.2/((24)(60)) = 1.22 kcal/min

Production Planning & Control

27. Given:

What is the average completion time per job using FCFS sequencing rule?
a. 17.50 b. 18.60 c. 19.70 d. 20.80

Answer: b. 18.60
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28. The daily demand for Yatzee Koolers is averages 300 units with a standard deviation of 15 units. The
lead time to delivery of an order for Koolers is a constant 3 days. What is the reorder point if a 3%
chance of stockout would be tolerated? Z(0.03)=-1.89
a. 928 units b. 950 units c. 985 units d. 1,000 units

Answer: b. 950 units

Use the formula for ROP with constant leadtime and variable daily demand.
ROP = ̅ ( ) √ = 300*3 + 1.89*15*sqrt(3) = 949.1 = 950 units

Facility Planning & Design

29. Matthew Design Company has been asked to design the layout for a newly constructed office building
of one of its clients. The closeness matrix showing the daily trips between its six department offices is
given below.

Trips between Departments

Department 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 25 90 165
2 105
3 125 125
4 25
5 105

Design a layout on a 2x3 grid that will minimize nonadjacent load. What is the layout of your building?

3 1 5

6 4 2

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2 5 3

4 1 6


5 1 4

3 6 2


1 6 2

3 5 4

Answer: b.

Diagram: 105 125

2 5 3

25 90
25 105

4 1 6

Zero non-adjacent loads

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2 5 3

4 1 6

30. Based on the relationship chart below, what is its recommended layout?

5 3 1

2 4

6 7

b. 1 3

4 2

5 6 7

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c. 3

6 2 4

7 5

1 3

6 2 4

5 7


Answer: d.

1 3

6 2 4

5 7

1 3

6 2 4

5 7

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PART 3 – Decision Analysis

Engineering Economy:
31. A piece of machinery has a first cost of $31,000 with a monthly operating cost of $10,000. If the
company wants to recover its investment in five years at an interest rate of 1% per month, the monthly
income must be closest to:
a. $5,498 b. $6,386 c. $8,295 d. $10,688

Answer: d. $5,498

32. A firm borrows P2,000 for 6 years at 8%. At the end of 6 years, it renews the loan for the amount due
plus P2,000 more for 2 years at 8%. What is the lump sum due?
a. P5,679.67 b. P6,034.66 c. P6,789.98 d. P5,888.77

Answer: b. P6,034.66
Future worth of P2,000 for 6 years at 8% = 2,000 (1 + 0.08) = P3,173.75
New capital after 6 years = 3173.75 + 2,000 = P5,173.75
Lump sum due after 2 years at 8%:
F = 5173.75(1 + 0.08) = P6,034.66

Probability & Statistics:

33. A graduate statistics course has seven male and three female students. The professor wants to select
two students at random to help her conduct a research project. What is the probability that the two
students chosen are female?
a. 0.13 b. 0.11 c. 0.09 d. 0.07

Answer: d. 0.07

Let F1 represent the event that the first student is female

P(F1) = 3/10 = .30
What about the second student?
P(F2 /F1) = 2/9 = .22
P(F1 * F2) = P(F1) * P(F2 /F1) = (.30)*(.22) = 0.066

34. In a large city, two newspapers are published, the Sun and the Post. The circulation departments
report that 22% of the city’s households have a subscription to the Sun and 35% subscribe to the Post. A
survey reveals that 6% of all households subscribe to both newspapers. What proportion of the city’s
household subscribe to either newspaper? That is, what is the probability of selecting a household at
random that subscribes to the Sun or the Post or both?
a. 0.51 b. 0.53 c. 0.55 d. 0.57

Answer: a. 0.51

P(Sun or Post) = P(Sun) + P(Post) – P(Sun and Post)

= 0.22 + 0.35 – 0.06 = 0.51

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Industrial Quality Control:

35. Find the reliability of this system:

a. 95.5% b. 96.6% c. 97.7% d. 98.8%

Answer: b. 96.6%

R  [0.95  0.92(1 0.95)] * [0.98] * [0.90 0.90(1  0.90)]

= 0.996 * 0.98 * 0.99 = 96.6%
36. Given the probabilities below, calculate the expected breakdown cost.

Number of Breakdowns Daily Frequency

0 3
1 2
2 2
3 3

Assume a cost of $10 per breakdown.

a. $10 b. $15 c. $20 d. $25

Answer: b. $15

Number of Breakdowns Daily Frequency Probability

0 3 0.3
1 2 0.2
2 2 0.2
3 3 0.3

Expected number of breakdowns = (0)(0.3) + (1)(0.2) + (2)(0.2) + (3)(0.3)

= 0 + 0.2 + 0.4 + 0.9
= 1.5 breakdowns/day

Expected breakdown cost = Expected number of breakdowns * Cost per breakdown

= 1.5 * $10
= $15/day

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Operations Research:
37. The following Integer Program is to be solved: Min C= 8.5X + 16.2Y – 2.5Z such that X≥5, Y≥3 and
Y-Z≥10. Which of the following is the optimal solution?


a. 5 6 2

b. 8 10 0

c. 2 10 2

d. 5 10 0

Answer: d.

For Min C= 8.5X + 16.2Y – 2.5Z such that X≥5, Y≥3 and Y-Z≥10. Check which of the answers satisfy
the constraints. Choces A and C can be eliminated. Between Choices B and D, X=8 and X=5 is the
difference, with Y and Z both same values for both choices. Since we have a minimizing objective, the
lower X value , min(8,5) = 5 must be the correct answer.


a. 5 6 2 Does not satisfy Y-Z>=10

b. 8 10 0

c. 2 10 2 does not satisfy X>=5 and Y-Z>=10

d. 5 10 0

Two products have their loyal following: Product X is currently the market leader at 75%, while rival brand
Y has the remaining 25% of the market. The following transition matrix is applicable per year:

From\To X Y

X 0.8 0.2

Y 0.3 0.7

38. What is the projected market share of Y after 2 years?

a. 36.25% b. 32.5% c. 26.25% d. 22.5%

Answer: a. 36.25%

Enter into calculator MatA=[0.75, 0.25] and Matrix B = transition matrix. Two years’ transition should be
written as MatA*MatB*MatB or equivalently MatA*MatB^2. You can get MatAns = [0.6375, 0.3625],
and the second entry is the required market share of product Y.

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39. Given the following demand for tires and frequency for 200 days, simulate for 10 days with the use of
these random numbers: 52, 37, 82, 69, 98, 96, 33, 50, 88, & 90, and determine the average daily demand
of tires.

Demand for tires Frequency

0 10
1 20
2 40
3 60
4 40
5 30

a. 2.7 b. 2.9 b. 3.7 d. 3.9

Answer: d. 3.9

Assignment of random numbers:

40. Refer to problem 39, what is the expected demand for tires?
a. 2.75 b. 2.95 c. 3.75 d. 3.95

Answer: b. 2.95

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