Book Synopsis of Camagay

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The work documents the life of gainfully employed women in the 19th century. Seven
occupations of women were studied, namely, the cigarreras (tobacco-factory workers),
the matronas titulares (licensed midwives), the maestras (teachers), the criadas (female
domestic workers), the tenderas and vendadoras (store owners and vendors),
the costureras and bordadoras (seamstresses and embroiderers), and the mujeres
publicas (prostitutes).

With women often absent or marginalized in the pages of history, the study attempts to unravel
through archival sources and other non-documentary sources like literature and iconography
the life of these working women. Despite the meager archival materials on women and more
specifically working women, this study prides itself in having used primary sources to document
working Filipino women during the Spanish period.

Unraveling the Past: Readings in Philippine History 

provides a glimpse of Philippine history through a selection of primary sources produced by the
individuals and institutions that witnessed or took part in shaping the past. This volume
includes documents and materials relating to different events from vital historical periods
beginning with the early Philippine society of the precolonial times, the occurrence and
termination of Spanish colonization, the struggle for sovereignty under the American and
Japanese occupations, the multifaceted challenges faced by postwar administrations, up to the
contemporary times which cover the Martial Law years. The book also incorporates sources
that tackle important issues concerning agrarian reform, economic nationalism, independent
foreign policy, national minorities, and the Philippine constitutions. This creates an opportunity
for a deeper understanding of the complex past by reading materials which tackle the different
aspects of history related to Philippine politics, economics, culture, society, and religion.

Encarnacion Alzona: An Anthology

This book is a chronological inventory of the writings of Encarnacion Alzona, the first Filipina
historian, on the Filipino woman, Philippine history, education, culture, and the life and works of
Dr. Jose Rizal.

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