HSN Code Schedule Alpha

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Alphabetical list of Commodities mentioned in

UPVAT Schedules,and their HSN Codes

S.N. Commodity HSN Code

1 Aam papar 2006 00 00
2 Absorbent cotton wool 5601 21 10
3 Acetals and hemiacetals, whether 2911 00 00
or not with other oxygen function
and their halogenated,
sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated
4 Acids sludge,Acid slurry 3825 00 00
5 Acrylic polymers in primary forms 3906 00 00

6 Activated carbon; activated 3802 00 00

natural mineral products; animal
black, including spent animal
7 Acyclic alcohols and their 2905 00 00
halogenated, sulphonated,
nitrated or nitrosated derivatives
,Diacetone alcohol
8 Aerials, antennas and parts 8529 10 00
9 Agricultural implements – 8201 00 00
manually operated or animal
Axe shovel,Baguri,Bill
hook,Bucket chain,Budding
knife,Cane juice boiling pan,Crop
yield judging hoops,
10 Agriculural implements – Tractor 8432 80 00
driven or power driven)
Bund former,Cage wheel
,Ditcher,Duster, Fertilizer
decorticator,Puddler ,Reaper or
eed scre
11 Aids & implements used by 9021 00 00
handicapped persons
12 Ajwain ,Dhania ,Kalaunji ,Magaj of 0910 99 00
all kinds,Methi,Postadana ,Tej-
patta,Ararote,saunf, Guchchi
postadana,long patta,Kesar ,Seik
narial, .Khatai ,amchur

13 Aldehydes, whether or not with 2912 00 00

other oxygen function; cyclic
polymers of aldehydes;

14 Alkali earth metals; whether or 2805 00 00

not intermixed or
interalloyed,Alkaline-earth metals
whether or not intermixed or
interalloyed ,Rare-earth metals,
scandium and yttrim, whether or
not intermixed or interallyed
15 All intangible goods like copyright, 9901 00 00
patent, rep. license etc; transfer of
right to use goods

16 All kinds of bangles 7018 10 10

17 All metal Castings; 7419 91 00
18 All seeds other than oilseeds;Fish 1209 00 00
seeds,Prawn seeds,Shrimp seeds

19 All types of ropes and strings 5607 00 00

20 All types of yarn other than cotton 5406 00 00
& silk yarn in hank;
21 All utensils including pressure 7615 00 00
cookers / pans except utensils
made of precious metals;Hand
22 Alta , Mahawar,Mehndi leaves 3304 99 90
and its powder, Kajal,
23 Aluminium calcides,Benzene citric 2853 00 00
acid,,Bronze powder, Cilidides,
Cyclohexanone,Ethylene Diamine
Tetra Acetic Acid, Nitrillo Triacetic
Acid and their
Derivatives,Ethylene glycol,Heavy
ethylene glycol Litharge and grey
oxide,,Nitrillo Triacetic Acid and t

24 Aluminium conductor steel 7604 29 10

reinforced (ASCSR).
25 Aluminium hydroxide, aluminium 2818 00 00
26 Aluminium ores and concentrates 2606 00 00

27 Amine-function compounds and 2921 00 00

derivatives and salts
28 Amino-resins, polyphenylene 3909 00 00
oxide, phenolic resins and
polyurethanes in primary
forms,P.U.Foam sheet
29 Ammonia, anhydrous or in 2814 00 00
aqueous solution
30 Ammoniated latex ,Centrifugal 4001 10 00
latex,All other qualities and
grades of Latex,Latex concentrate

31 Ammunition 9306 00 00
32 Animal (including fish) fats and 1516 10 00
oils, crude, refined or purified
33 Animal driven cart 8716 80 20
34 Animal hair 5102 00 00
35 Animal or vegetable fats boiled, 1518 00 00
oxidised dehydrated, sulphurised,
blown, hainchaed by heat in
vacuum or in inert gas or
otherwise chemically modified;
inedible mixtures or preparations
of fats and oils
36 Animal shoenails, nalkhuri and 7317 00 11
nails used in nalkhuri
37 Aquatic feed,Aquatic feed 2309 90 30
supplement,concentrate and
additives thereof
38 Arak 2208 90 00
39 Arecanut powder and betel nut 0802 90 10
40 Arms 9302 00 00
41 Art brassware and ingots ,Deepak 7419 99 30
made of brass & copper ,Statue
made of brass
42 Articles other than (ornaments)made 7774 00 00
of rolled gold and imitation gold

43 Artificial graphite; colloidal or semi- 3801 00 00

colloidal graphite; preparations
based on graphite or other carbon
in the form of pastes, blocks,
plates or other semi-manufactures

44 Artificial waxes and prepared 3404 00 00

waxes;Slack wax and residue wax

45 Aseptic packaging aluminium foil 7607 00 00

of thickness less than 0.2 mm and
backed by paper and LDPE)

46 Atta ,Maida,Suji 1101 00 00

47 Atta chakki patthar,Grinding wheel 6804 00 00

48 Audio cassettes 8523 29 10

49 Aviation turbine fuel (Duty paid) 0r 2710 19 20
Aviation turbine fuel (bonded)
,Aviation Gasoline (Duty paid) or
Aviation Gasoline (Bonded)
50 Baan made of kaans ,moonj ,sunn 4601 99 00

51 Baby milk food ,Milk powder 0402 10 20

52 Bagasse, 2303 20 00,
53 Bajra ,Kakun ,Kodon,Mandua, 1008 00 00
54 Bakery mix ,Bread improver,Gel 1901 20 00
(cake improver)
55 Baking powder;Yeast 2102 00 00
56 Balanced cattle feed ,Balanced 2309 90 90
poultry feed
57 Balata,Gutta 4001 30 00
percha,Guayule,Chicle and similar
natural gums in primary forms or
in plates, sheets or strips

58 Ball clay 2508 40 00

59 Bamboo 1401 10 00
60 Bans ki tilli (phatti) 4601 00 00
61 Barbed wire 7313 00 00
62 Barely Malt, 1107 00 00,
63 Barley 1003 00 00
64 Barytes 2511 00 00
65 Basic Chromium Sulphate, , 2833 00 00
Magnesium sulphate, Ferrous
Sulphate,Sodium hydro
sulphate,Sodium Hydrogen
sulphate,Strontium sulphate
,Sulphate of alumina ,Zinc
66 Batasha 1704 90 90
,Gatta,Illaichidana,Kampat ,Misri
(sold by religious institutions)

67 Bearings including plumnes 8482 00 00

blocks, covers adopter with drawl
sleevs locknuts and rolling
elements,Locate rings for
68 Bed sheets,pillow covers and 6300 00 00
other Textile madeups excluding
those made on handlooms
69 Beedi leaves and Tendu leaves 1404 90 10
70 Beehive 9914 00 18
71 Beeswax, other insect waxes 1521 90 00
whether or not refined or coloured
,Spermaceti whether or not
refined or coloured
72 Beltings of all kinds. 5910 00 00
73 Benzole 2707 10 00
74 Besan , 1106 00 00
75 Betel leaves,Prepared 1404 90 40
Paan,Unprepared paan
76 Bhusi ,Outer covering of paddy 1213 00 00
77 Bichchia 7115 00 00
78 Bicycles, tricycles, cycle 8712 00 00,
79 Bindi,Roli,Sindur,Kumkum 3304 99 40
80 Bio-fertilizers 3101 00 99
81 Bio-mass briquettes. 9902 00 00
82 Bitumen 2714 90 20
83 Bituminized water proof paper 4810 00 00
84 Black board,Takti 9610 00 00
85 Bleach liquid, Bleaching powder, 2828 00 00
sodium hypochlorides,
86 Bone grist,Bone sinews 0511 99 20
87 Bone meal 0506 90 10
88 Bones 0506 00 00
89 Books and periodicals & journals 4901 00 00
including Braille books;
90 Borates; peroxoborates 2840 00 00
91 Boric acids ,Oxides of boron 2810 00 00
92 Boxes ,cable drums,Crates,Tea 4415 00 00
chests,of wood
93 Boxes,cases,crates and similar articles
94 Bran oil 1515 90 00
95 Bricks 6904 00 00
96 Broken glass ,Glass scrap 7001 00 00
97 Brushes other than tooth brush 9603 90 00
98 Buckets made of iron & steel, 7323 90 00,
99 Buckets of plastic 3924 90 00
100 Buffing goods and polishing 3405 00 00
materials,Rubber rolls and
101 Bullions and species 7118 00 00
102 Bun,Bread excluding pizza bread 1905 90 91

103 Bura 1701 11 90

104 Butadine,Propylene,Ethylene 2711 14 00
105 Butter 0405 10 00
106 Butter milk 0403 90 10
107 Buttons 9606 00 00
108 Calcium carbides 2849 00 20
109 Calcium petroleum sulphonate 3403 00 00
110 Calendars 4910 00 00
111 Candles 3406 00 00
112 Cane furniture 9403 89 00
113 Carbon (carbon blacks and other 2803 00 00
forms of carbon not elsewhere
specified or included),Carbon
114 Carbon tappin electrode,Cinema 8545 00 00
115 Carbonates; peroxocarbonates 2836 00 00
(percarbonates); commercial
ammonium carbonates containing
ammonium carbamate;
polycarbonates,Soda ash
,Sodium bicarbonate

116 Carboxyamide-function 2924 00 00

compounds of carbonic acid,
amide-function compounds of
carbonic acid ;Caprolactum,
117 Carboxyimide-function compound 2925 00 00
(including saccharin and its
salts)and imine-function
118 Carboxylic acids with additional 2918 00 00
oxygen function and their
anhydrides, halides, peroxides
and peroxyacids; their
halogenated, sulphonated,
nitrated or nitrosated
derivatives;Purified Terephthalic
119 Carboys, bottles, jars, phials of 7010 00 00
glass, of a kind, used for the
packing goods; stoppers,caps,
lids and other closures, of
glass;Feeding bottles of glass
120 Carboys,bottles,flasks and similar articles
3923 30 of00
121 Cartons (including flattened or 4819 00 00
folded cartons), boxes (including
flattened or folded boxes), cases,
bags and other packing
containers, of paper, paperboard

122 Casein, caseinates and other 3501 00 00

Casein derivatives, casein glues

123 Castor oil ,Chlorine castor oil 1515 30 00

124 Cathode ray 9030 00 00
oscilloscopes,Spectrum analyzers

125 Cattle feed 2308 00 00

126 Cattle feed concentrate and 2309 90 20
additives thereof
127 Cattle feed supplement 2309 90 10
128 Cattle fodder,Green fodder 1214 00 00
129 Caustic potash or Potassium 2815 20 00
130 Caustic soda or Sodium 2815 11 00
131 CD and its parts 8523 40 40
132 Cell Phones and its parts 8517 12 00
133 Cellulose and its chemical 3912 00 00
derivatives, and cellulose ethers,
not elsewhere specified or
included in primary
forms,Carboxymethyle cellulose
134 Centrifugal, monoblock 8413 70 00
submersible pump sets
135 Chaff cutter 8433 30 00
136 Chains made of any metals or 7315 00 00
alloy other than those made of
items described in Schedule III
137 Chalk stick,Chalk powder 2509 00 00
138 Charas 1302 19 00
139 Charcoal 4402 00 00
140 Charkha, Amber Charkha, 8445 20 15
141 Chart,Globe,Maps 4905 00 00
142 Cheese 0406 00 00
143 Chemical elements doped for use 3818 00 00
in electronics, in the form of discs,
wafers or similar forms; chemical
compounds doped for use in
144 Chemical preparations for 3707 00 00
photographic uses (other than
varnishes, glues, adhesives, and
similar preparations)
145 Chemical wood pulp,Semi- 4702 00 00
chemical wood pulp
146 Chicory (green) 2101 30 10
147 Chikan Products 9914 00 11
148 Chillies (dried) 0904 20 00
149 Chlorates and perchlorates; 2829 00 00
bromates and perbromates;
iodates and periodates
150 Chlorides, chloride oxides and 2827 00 00
chloride hydroxides;bromides and
bromide oxides; iodides and
iodide oxides;Sodium
chloride,Sodium hypochlorides
151 Chooran 2106 90 70
152 Chromium ores and concentrates 2610 00 00

153 Chromium oxides,Chromium 2819 00 00

154 Cinder ash,Coal ash ,Coal boiler 2621 90 00
155 Clay including fire clay, fine china 2508 00 00
clay and ball clay;Red Ocher

156 Clinker 2523 10 00

157 Coal tar, Tar coal 2706 00 10
158 Coal,Coal powder 2701 00 00
159 Cobalt ores and concentrates 2605 00 00
160 Cobalt oxides ,Cobalt 2822 00 00
hydroxides,Cobalt oxides
161 Cocoa pod & beans 1801 00 00
162 Coconut in shell & separated 0801 19 90
kernel of coconut other than
kopra,Goley ka burada
163 Coffee beans & seeds 0901 00 00
164 Coir 5305 00 00
165 Coir products excluding coir 5609 00 10
166 Coke in all its forms as defined 2704 00 00
under section 14 of the Central
Sales Tax Act
167 Colour boxes ,Water colour,pastel 3213 00 00
168 Colour lakes; preparations based 3205 00 00
on colour lakes
169 Colouring matter of vegetable or 3203 00 00
animal origin (including dyeing
extracts but excluding animal
black), preparations based on
colouring matter or vegetable or
animal origin excluding catechu or
170 Combs 9615 10 00
171 Compounded rubber 4005 00 00
unvulcanized in primary forms or
in plates, sheets or strip ,
172 Compounds with other nitrogen 2929 00 00
173 Compounds, inorganic or organic, 2846 00 00
of rare earth metals, of yttrium or
of scandium or of mixtures of
these metals
174 Computer stationery 4823 40 00
175 Computer system and 8471 00 00
176 Condiments 2103 00 00
177 Condoms and contraceptives, 4014 10 00
178 Connectors 8536 60 00
179 Contact lens 9001 30 00
180 Copper Clad sheets for Printed 7409 00 00
Circuit Boards
181 Copper ores and concentrates 2603 00 00
182 Cork 4501 00 00
183 Cork sheets 4502 00 00
184 Cotton 5201 00 00
185 Cotton Coated fabrics 5212 00 00
186 Cotton newar,Handloom newar, 5806 00 00
187 Cotton waste ;Cotton waste yarn 5202 00 00

188 Cotton yarn in hanks and cones, 5207 00 00

189 Crayons 9609 00 00
190 Cream ,Flavoured milk,UHT milk 0403 00 00

191 Creosote oils 2707 91 00

192 Cross talk meters ,Distortion 9030 40 00
factor meters,Gain measuring
,Network and logic analyzers
193 Crucibles ,Refractory 6903 00 00
Monolithic,Pitet tube
194 Crude oil as defined under section 2709 00 00
14 of the Central Sales Tax Act

195 Crushed bone 0506 90 90

196 Cultivator or tiller,Harrow , Roller 8432 20 00
hoe ,Rotary hoe (agriculural
implements – Tractor driven or
power driven)
197 Cumin seeds 0909 30 00
198 Cups and glasses of paper 4823 60 00
199 Cups and glasses of plastics 3924 10 00
200 Cups,Shield,Trophy 9504 90 00
201 Curd, Lassi, 0403 10 00,
202 Cyanides, cyanide oxides and 2837 00 00
complex cyanides
203 Cyclic alcohols and their 2906 00 00
halogenated, sulphonated,
nitrated or nitrosated derivatives
204 Cyclic Hydrocarbons ,Acetylene 2902 00 00
205 D C Micro motors, 8501 10 11
206 Dal-chini 0906 00 00
207 DATA / Graphic display Tubes; 8540 00 00
TV parts, Picture tubes and parts
208 Degras, Residues resulting from 1522 00 00
the treatment of fatty substances
or animal or vegetable
waxes,Soap stock
209 Delta starter for water handling 8511 00 00
and parts thereof
210 Dementhalised oil 3301 90 00
211 Deoiled cake ,De-oiled paddy 2306 90 20
husk or outer covering of paddy ,
De-oiled rice bran,De-oiled rice
212 Dextrose Syrup 3505 00 00
213 Diary,Graph book ,Laboratory 4820 10 00
note book
214 Diazo-, Azo- or azoxy-compounds 2927 00 00

215 Diesel oil as defined in the United 2710 19 30

Provinces Sales of Motor Spirit,
Diesel Oil and Alcohol Taxation
216 Digital still image cameras 8525 80 00
217 Diodes, transistors and similar 8541 00 00
semi-conductor device, photo
sensitive semi conductor devices,
including photo voltaic cells
whether or not assembled in
modules or made up in to panels;
light emitting diodes; mounted
piezo-electric crystals
218 Dithionites and Sulphoxylates 2831 00 00
219 Dolomite 2518 00 00
220 Dressings (related to drugs and 3005 00 00
221 Drip irrigation 8424 81 00
equipments,Sprayer, Sprayer cum
Duster , Sprinkler
222 Drugs & Medicines including 3004 00 00
medicated ointments,
223 Dry block rubber,Dry crepe rubber 4006 90 00
224 Dry fruits,Tamarind 0813 00 00
seeds,Tamarind powder
225 Ductile pipes and fittings 7304 00 00
226 Dung and upla made of dung, 3101 00 91
227 Duster (Jharan) 6307 10 00
228 DVD and its parts 8521 00 00
229 Dyes and moulds(used in 8454 00 00
230 Earth movers 8430 00 00
231 Earthen roofing tiles (Khaprail/Nali 6905 00 00
232 Edible oils 1515 00 00

233 Eggs 0407 00 00

234 Elaichi of all kinds 0908 30 00
235 Elastic 5604 00 00
236 Electrical ammeter,Electrical 9030 33 10
Voltmeter,Electrical Kwh meter,
including components,
accessories and spare parts
237 Electrical apparatus for line 8517 00 00
telephony or line telegraphy
including line telephone sets with
cordless handsets and tele-
communication apparatus for
carriage-current line system or for
digital line system;All equipments
for communication such as private
238 Electrical auxillary 8535 00 00
contactors,Electrical burner
control cubicle,Electrical bus
duct,Electrical contact
Contactors,Electrical Control
gears,Electrical HRC fuse
,Electrical single phasing
preventor and timers,Electrical
SMPS, Electrical s
239 Electrical capacitors, fixed, 8532 00 00
variable and parts
240 Electrical circuit breakers, 8535 20 00
including components,
accessories and spare parts
241 Electrical Control desk,Electrical 8537 00 00
control panels,Electrical
distribution boards,Electrical
kiosk,Electrical local control
station,Electrical motor control
center,Electrical panel
boards,Electrical power control
center,Electrical programmable
logic contro

242 Electrical energy 2716 00 00

243 Electrical Insulating 8547 00 00
materials,Insulating papers and
boards, insulating fabric tape and
244 Electrical Insulator 8546 00 00
245 Electrical jointing materials, 8547 00 00
including components,
accessories and spare parts
246 Electrical relays, including 8536 40 00
components, accessories and
spare parts threof.
247 Electrical resistors.(including 8533 00 00
rheostats and potentiometers)
other than heating resistors
248 Electrical starters, including 8535 90 10
components, accessories and
spare parts threof.
249 Electrical Switches,Electrical 8535 30 00
selector switches, including
components, accessories and
spare parts threof
250 Electrical thermostat including 9032 00 00
components, accessories and
spare parts threof.
251 Electrical Winding wires, 8544 10 00
252 Electrodes,Solder wire, 8311 00 00
253 Electronic calculators 8470 10 00
254 Electronic Diaries 8470 29 00
255 Electronic fuses,fuses 8536 10 10
256 Electronic Integrated Circuits and 8542 00 00
257 Electronic typewriters 8469 00 20
258 Embroidary or Zari articles that is 9909 00 00
to say – Lachka, thapa, gokharu,
imi, zari, Kasab, salma, dabaka,
chumki, gota, sitara, nagsi, kora,
badia gizai including their cutting,
waste & garlands of zari;

259 Embroidery machines 8447 00 00

260 Embroidery needles ,Panel 7319 00 00
pins,Safety pin
261 Empty cylinders of LPG 7311 00 00
262 Envelopes 4817 10 00
263 Enzymes; prepared enzymes not 3507 00 00
elsewhere specified or included

264 Epoxides, epoxyalcohols, 2910 00 00

epoxyphenols and epoxyethers,
with a three-membered ring and
their halogenated, sulphonated,
nitrated or nitrosated derivatives;

265 Eraser 4016 92 00

266 Esters of other inorganic acids 2920 00 00
(excluding esters of hydrogen
halides) and their salts; their
halogenated, sulphonated,
nitrated or nitrosated derivatives
267 Ethers, ether-alcohols, ether- 2909 00 00
phenols, ether-alcoholphenols,
alcohol peroxides, ether
peroxides, ketone peroxides and
their halogenated, sulphonated,
nitrated or nitrosated derivatives

268 Ethylene oxide 3808 50 00

269 Ethylene, propylene ,butadiene 2711 14 00
270 Exercise books 4820 20 00
271 Feeding bottle nipples. 4014 90 30
272 Felsphar 2529 00 00
273 Ferro alloys 7202 00 00
274 Ferrous metals & extrusions 7215 00 00
including rods,tubes,angles,channels
and sections of all size and
measurement and rolled products (
including sheets,plates and cicles of
all size and measurement);
275 Ferrous metals & extrusions 7736 00 00
including rods,tubes,angles,channels
and sections of all size and
measurement and rolled products (
including sheets,plates and cicles of
all size and measurement);
276 Ferruginous manganese ores and 7201 00 00
concentrates with a manganese
content of 20% calculated on the
dry weight
277 Fertilizer broadcaster (agriculural 8432 40 00
implements – Tractor driven or
power driven)
278 Fertilizer seed 8432 30 00
broadcaster,Planter, Seed
drill(agriculural implements –
Tractor driven or power driven)
279 Files used by artisans ,Aari and 8203 00 00
Kanni used by carpenter and
280 Finishing agents, dye carriers to 3809 00 00
accelerate the dyeing or fixing of
dye-stuffs and other products and
preparations (for example,
dressings and mordants), of a
kind used in the textile, paper,
leather or like industries, not
elsewhere specified or include
281 Fire clay 2508 30 00
282 Fire wood except Casurina & 4401 00 00
Eucalyptus timber.
283 Fish (Processed or frozen), 0303 00 00
284 Fish fats and oils, crude, refined 1504 00 00
or purified
285 Fish(when not cured or 0302 00 00
frozen),Prawn(when not cured or
frozen),Other aquatic
products(when not cured or
frozen),Meat (when not cured or
286 Fishnet, fishnet fabrics, 5608 11 00
287 Flavouring essences, 2106 90 60
288 Fluorides,Fluoroaluminates 2826 00 00
,Fluorosilicates,and Other
complex Fluorine salts
289 Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine and 2801 00 00
Iodine ,Liquified chlorine
290 Flushdoor 4418 00 00
291 Fly ash 2621 00 00
292 Food items supplied to Aaganbari 2106 90 94
centres under ICDS with effect
from 1-4-08,Porridge
293 Footwear of all kinds with 6405 00 00
maximum retail price of Rs.
300.00 or less.
294 Frame looms ,Light shuttel 8446 00 00
looms,Paddle looms
looms,Implements used in the
production of khadi / khaddar;
handloom fabrics and parts
295 Fresh flowers 0603 10 00
296 Fresh fruit juice (other than those 2009 00 00
sold in sealed or tinned container
or in hotels or restaurants);Cane
juice fresh (other than those sold
in sealed or tinned container or in
hotels or restaurants)

297 Fresh fruits 0810 00 00

298 Fresh milk,Pasteurised 0401 00 00
milk,,Separated milk.
299 Fresh plants, Saplings 0601 00 00
300 Fresh vegetables 0709 00 00
301 Fried and roasted grams. 2008 19 40
302 Frozen semen 0511 99 91
303 Fruit drink (whether in sealed 2202 90 20
containers or otherwise) Fruit
juice (whether in sealed
containers or otherwise)
304 Fruit jams ,Jelly (Fruit) ,Fruit 2007 00 00
paste ,Fruit squash
305 Fulminates, cyanates and 2842 00 00
306 Fungicides of technical grade 3808 92 00
307 Furnace oil including residual 2710 19 50
furnace oil
308 Garlic 0703 20 00
309 Ghanta made of copper or brass 8306 00 00
,Ghanti of brass, Gharial made of
copper or brass ,Ghunghroo of
brass ,Majira made of copper or
310 Ghee 0405 90 20
311 Ginger 0910 10 10
312 Gingili oil 1515 50 00 4
313 Glass dumet wires 7413 00 00
314 Glass fibers (including glass wool 7019 00 00
and glass filaments and articles
and glass filaments) and articles
thereof (for example: yarn, woven
fabrics), whether or not
impregnated, coated, covered or
laminated with plastics or varnish

315 Glass frit and other glass, in the 3207 00 00

form of powder, granules or flakes
,Prepared pigments and all their
derivatives,Ultramarine and
316 Glass lead in wire 7806 00 00
317 Glass moly wire 8102 00 00
318 Glucose 1702 30 00,
319 Glycerol Crude,Glycerol 1520 00 00
lyes,Glycerol waters
320 Glycosides, natural or reproduced 2938 00 00
by synthesis and their salts,
ethers, esters and other
321 Gola (Dried Coconut) 0801 19 20
322 Gold 7108 00 00
323 Goods of clay made by kumhars 6912 00 40
(potters) excluding ceramic pots
and articles
324 Green tea leaf 0902 10 00
325 Greeting cards 4909 00 00
326 Ground granulated blast-furnace 2618 00 00
slag (GGBS)
327 Gudri 6310 00 00
328 Gum tape 3919 00 00
329 Gunny bags,Jute twine ,Jute 5609 00 30
sacks and Bags
330 Gwar ,Gwar gum powder,Gwar 0708 00 00
refined dal or split and punwad,
331 Gypsum of all forms & 2520 00 00
332 Hair band ,Rubber band, 4016 99 00
333 Hair clip (other than that of 9615 90 00
precious metal) ,Hairpins
334 Haldi 0910 30 20
335 Halides of non-metals,Halide 2812 00 00
oxides of non-metals
336 Halogenated derivatives of 2903 00 00
337 Halogenated, sulphonated, 2908 00 00
nitrated or nitrosated derivatives
of phenols or phenol-
alcohols;CNSL, cardanol
338 Hand pumps, spare parts & 8413 20 00
fittings thereof.
339 Handicrafts including wooden 9905 00 00
handicrafts and cane handcrafts
but excluding wooden furniture,
cane furniture.
340 Handloom durries; Handloom 5705 00 20
cloth of all kinds
341 Handloom lois,whether 9914 00 21
plain,printed,dyed or embroidered

342 Handloom shawls,,whether 6214 00 00

plain,printed,dyed or embroidered

343 Handmade glass phials of 7017 00 00

capacity not more than 25 ml.
manufactured by himself;
344 Handmade safety matches 3605 00 11
345 Handwoven tat-patti 5705 00 30
346 Hardwares ,Millstores 7731 00 00
347 HDPE Mosquito net 6304 00 00
348 HDPE/PP circular strips and 3926 90 00
woven fabrics ,HDPE Fabric,
,High density polythene fabric
based paper,Tel ki kuppi
349 Headphones,Earphones and their 8518 30 00
350 Herb,Bark,Dry plant ,Dry 0604 99 10
flower,Dry root ,Jari booti
351 Herbicides ,Plant growth 3808 93 00
promoters & regulators
352 Hessian cloth and sheets,Jute 5310 00 00
cloth ,Hessian based paper
353 Heterocyclic compounds with 2933 00 00
nitrogen heteroatom(s) only
354 Heterocyclic compounds with 2932 00 00
oxygen heteroatom(s) only
355 Hide and skin (excluding animal 4103 00 00
hair) as defined under section 14
of the Central Sales Tax Act
356 Hing ,Resins 1301 00 00
357 Honey 0409 00 00
358 Hooves ,Horns 0507 00 00
359 Hosiery goods 6115 00 00
360 Housing for bearing 8483 00 00
361 Human Blood & blood plasma. 3002 90 10
362 Hurricane lanterns,Petromax, 9405 50 10
accessories, components and
parts thereof
363 Hydrazine and hydroxylamine and 2825 00 00
their inorganic salts; other
inorganic bases; other metal
oxides, hydroxides and
364 Hydrides, azides, cilidides and 2850 00 00
365 Hydrochloric acid ,Chlorosulphuric 2806 00 00
366 Hydrogen peroxide whether or not 2847 00 00
solidified with urea
367 Hydrogen, Rare gases and 2804 00 00
oxygen gas ;Carbondioxide and
nitrogen gas
368 Hydroxide and peroxide of 2816 00 00
eroxide,of strontium or barium
369 Ice 2201 90 10
370 Ice Box 4014 90 20
371 Ilet,Shoe ilet 8308 00 00
372 Incense sticks commonly known 3307 41 00
as agarbati, dhupkathi or
dhupbatti, hawan samagri
including dhoop agarbatti ,
sambrani or lohbana;
373 Indigeneous handmade musical 9906 00 00
374 Industrial cables (High voltage 8544 00 00
cables, XLPE Cables, jelly filled
cables, optical fibres),
375 Industrial monocarboxylic fatty 3823 00 00
acids; acid oils from refining;
industrial fatty alcohols, soap
stock,Palm fatty acid,
376 Inorganic compounds of non- 2811 20 00
377 Inorganic products of kind used 3206 00 00
as luminophores, Ultramarine and
preparations, Other colouring
matter,Bronze Powder,Red
378 Insecticide 3808 91 00
379 Inverters 8504 40 10
380 Ion-exchangers based on 3914 00 00
381 Iron oxides,Iron hydroxides 2821 00 00
382 Isotopes other than those of 2845 90 00
heading No. 2844 00 00;
compounds, inorganic or organic
of such isotopes, whether or not
chemically defined

383 IT software or any media 8523 80 20

384 Items covered by PDS (except 9907 00 00
385 Jaggery ,Gur,Edible variety of rab 1701 11 10
386 Jaiphal 0908 10 00
387 Javitri 0908 20 00
388 Jewellery made of gold, silver and 7113 00 00
precious metals , ,Articles of gold,
silver and precious metals

389 Jowar 1007 00 00

390 Jute as defined under section 14 5303 00 00
of the Central Sales Tax Act
391 Jute Yarn, 5307 00 00
392 Kankaul mirch 0904 00 00
393 Kattha 1404 90 50
394 Kerosene oil sold through PDS 2710 19 11
395 Ketones and Quinones whether or 2914 00 00
not with other oxygen function and
their halogenated, sulphonated,
nitrated or nitrosated

396 Khandsari 1701 11 20

397 Khoya 0405 90 90
398 Khumba ,Mushroom, 0602 00 00
399 Kirpan 8211 00 00
400 Kite, manjha & Charkhi used for 9914 00 15
flying kites.
401 Knitting wool 5109 00 00
402 Koramaal 7773 00 00
403 Kutu,kutu flour,ramdana 9914 00 14
404 Lac & Shellac including paseva, 1301 90 99
mulamma, button lac and kiri
405 Lace ,Shoe laces 5804 00 00
406 Lantern and Lamps using 9405 50 59
kerosene oil and their chimney
but excluding gas
lantern,patromax and stove and
their parts,accessories and
407 Lassi 0403 90 90
408 Laterite 2507 00 00
409 Lay-flat tube 4013 00 00
410 LCD panels, LED panels and 9013 90 10
411 Lead glass tubes 7002 00 00
412 Lead ores and concentrates 2607 00 00
413 Lead oxides,Orange lead ,Red 2824 00 00
414 Leaf plates and cups - pressed or 1404 90 90
415 Leaf plates and cups excluding 1404 90 91
pressed or stitched;
416 Lenses 9001 00 00
417 Leveller or scoop (agriculural 8429 20 00
418 Lignite 2702 00 00
419 Lime stone ,Hydrated Lime 2521 00 00
420 Line telephone sets with cordless 8517 11 00
handsets ;Telephones and parts
421 Linear alkyl benzene, L.A.B. 3817 00 11
Sulphonic Acid, Alfa Olefin
422 Liquid Crystal Devices, flat panes 9013 80 10
display devices and parts thereof

423 Liquid glucose (non medicinal) 1702 00 00

424 Liquid petroleum gas for domestic 2711 13 00
use as defined under section 14
of the Central Sales Tax Act

425 Livestock 0102 00 00

426 LLDPE/LDPE/HDPE,,Polyethylen 3901 00 00
e terepthalate chips,Polymers of
ethylene in primary
427 Lock washers clamps 8205 00 00
428 Locks of all kinds, their keys and 8301 00 00
parts thereof,Padlock
429 M.O.P. 3104 00 00
430 Macca or Maize 1005 00 00
431 Machinery, Equipment, 9903 00 00
Apparatus, and component spare
parts, accessories thereof) ,De-
432 Mahabhog,Bhog,Panchamrit,Pras 2106 90 93
ad sold by religious institutions

433 Maize oil 1515 29 00

434 Manganese ores and 2602 00 00
concentrates, including
ferruginous manganese ores and
concentrates with a manganese
content of 20% or more,
calculated on the dry weight

435 Manganese oxides 2820 00 00

436 Marble goods 6815 00 00
437 Mathematical instruments and 9017 00 00
apparatus,Geometry boxes
,Mechanical drawing,Scales
438 Mats of plastics 3926 00 00
439 Maurang,Ramraj and Geru 2509 90 00
440 Meat (Processed or frozen) 0202 00 00
441 Mechanical wood pulp, Pulp of 4701 00 00
442 Medical equipment /devices & 9018 00 00
implants, Biological instruments
and apparatus,Scientific
443 Meethi Supari 2106 90 30
444 Mentha oil, Menthol 3301 24 00
445 Metal containers,Shooks,Cash 7309 00 00
446 Metallic jaali 7314 00 00
447 Micro cellular Sheets, Banwar 4008 00 00
Sheets,Crumb rubber
448 Microphones, Combined 8518 10 00
microphone / speaker sets and
their parts
449 Mild Steel Sheets 7220 00 00
450 Mirch ,Pepper 0904 10 00
451 Mixed alkylbenzenes 3817 00 19
452 Mixed alkylnaphthalenes 3817 00 20
453 Mixed Xylene 2707 50 00
454 Molasses 1703 00 00
455 Molybdenum ores and 2613 00 00
456 Moonga,Moti made of glass 7018 10 20
457 Motor vehicles (used) 9912 00 00
458 Moulded plastic footwear, hawai 6401 00 00
459 Mower 8433 10 00
460 Muddhas made of sarkanda, 9603 10 00
phool bahari jhadoo and
Unbranded broomsticks;
461 Multimedia speakers and their 8518 22 00
462 Mungauri and bari including 1901 90 00
soyabean mungauri and
soyabean bari ,Kachri,Sewaiyan

463 N.P.K. 10:10:10, N.P.K. 3105 00 00

12:32:16,N.P.K. 12:6:0,N.P.K.
14:35:14,N.P.K. 15:15:10,N.P.K.
15:15:15,N.P.K. 16:9:0, 23,N.P.K.
20:20:0, 23,N.P.K. 23:23:0,
D.A.P.18:46:0,M.A.P. 11:52:0

464 Nails, 7317 00 00

465 Napa Slabs (Rough flooring 6801 00 00
stones) & Shahabad stones.
466 Naphthalene 2707 40 00
467 Naptha 2711 19 00
468 National Flag, flag, poster, 6307 90 21
banner, token and goods of like
nature related with Armed Forces
Flag Day celebrated on December
469 Natural gas other than 2711 21 00
compressed natural gas(CNG)
470 Natural polymers (for example, 3913 00 00
alginic acid) and modified natural
polymers (for example, hardened
proteins, chemical derivatives of
natural rubber), not elsewhere
specified or included, in primary
471 Natural rubber and similar natural 4001 00 00
gums in primary forms or in
plates, sheets or strips ,Raw
rubber ,Earth scrap, Dry ribbed
sheet of all RMA Grades
472 Neera,Toddy 2206 00 00
473 News paper,Journals,Periodicals 4902 00 00

474 Newsprint when sold to news 4801 00 00

paper publishers
475 Nickel ores and concentrates 2604 00 00
476 Niobium, tantalum, vanadium or 2615 90 00
zirconium ores and concentrates

477 Nitric acid,Sulphonitric acids 2808 00 00

478 Nitrile-function compounds 2926 00 00
479 Nitrites; nitrates ,Sodium nitrate 2834 00 00
480 Non mechanized boats used by 8902 00 20
481 Non woven fabrics,Narrow woven 5603 00 00
fabrics ,Other Newars and tapes,

482 Non-ferrous metals & alloys, such 7742 00 00

as aluminium, copper, zinc &
extrusions of those including
rods,tubes,angles,channels and
sections of all size and measurement
and rolled products ( including
sheets,plates and cicles of all size and
483 Non-judicial stamp paper sold by 4907 00 00
Govt. Treasuries, Postal items like
envelope, postcard etc. sold by
Govt., rupee note when sold to
the Reserve Bank of India &
Cheque, loose or in the book
484 Nucleic acids and their salts; 2934 00 00
other heterocyclic compounds
485 Nuts, Bolts ,Fasteners that is to 7318 00 00
say – hinges, rivets, cotter, cotter
pins, staples, panel pins
486 Nylon tape, 5607 50 40
487 Oil based washing soap other 3402 00 00
than detergent and toilet
soap,White washing materials not
elsewhere mentioned in any other
shcedule, Other washing
materials,Sodium petroleum
488 Oilcake 2306 90 10
489 Oilseeds 1207 90 00
490 Old,discarded,unserviciable or 7743 00 00
obsolete machinery,stores and
vehicles including waste products

491 Onion 0703 10 10

492 Opium,bhang 1302 11 00
493 Optical fibre and optical fibre 9001 10 00
bundles and joining kits and
joining materials thereof
494 Optical fibre cables 8544 70 00
495 Oral contraceptive pills 3006 60 00
496 Organic derivatives of hydrazine 2928 00 00
or of hydroxylamine
497 Organic manure 3101 00 00
498 Organo-sulphur compounds 2930 00 00
499 Ornaments made of any metal or 7117 00 00
alloy other than gold or silver or
any alloy thereof
500 Other articles for the conveyance 3923 90 00
or packing of goods of plastics,

501 Other inorganic acids 2811 10 00

502 Other metal alloys, powders, 8107 00 00
pastes of all types & grades &
other metal scrap
503 Other ores and concentrates 2617 00 00
504 Other plates, sheets, film, foil and 3920 00 00
strip of plastics, non-cellular,
whether lacquered or metallised
or laminated, supported or
similarly combined with other
materials or not; lithe film used in
505 Oxygen-function amino- 2922 00 00
506 Packing containers of paper, 4817 30 00
507 Packing materials of cork , cork 4503 10 00
508 Paddy 1006 10 00,
509 Paneer 0404 00 00
510 Paper of all kinds (including 4802 00 00
newsprint when sold to person
other than newspaper publishers),
handmade paper , whether meant
for writing, printing, copying,
packing or for any other purpose
excluding cellophane, mill board,
duplex board and grey board

511 Paper printed labels and 4821 00 00

paperboard printed labels.
512 Paper self adhesive tape,waste 4823 00 00
513 Pappad 1905 90 40
514 Paraffin wax of all grade 2712 20 00
standards other than food grade
standard including standard wax
and match wax
515 Parched rice ,Beaten rice ,Chiwra 2106 90 99
, Flattened rice,Khoi Parched rice
coated with sugar or gur
commonly known as Murki,
Parched paddy
516 Parts of pumpsets 8413 91 00
517 Parts of Umbrella except garden umbrella
6603 00 00
518 PCB Sheets for Printed Circuit 8534 00 00
Boards,Printed Circuit Boards
519 Pearls, whether they are sold 7101 00 00
loose or as forming part of any
article in which they are set
520 Permanent Magnets and articles 8505 10 00
intended to become permanent
magnet (ferrites)
521 Peroxides of sodium or potassium 2815 30 00

522 Petrol 2710 11 00

523 Petroleum coke 2713 00 00
524 Petroleum jelly IP,Normal 2712 00 00
Paraffin, Light liquid paraffin of IP
525 Petroleum resins, coumarone- 3911 00 00
indene resins, polyterpenes,
polysulphides, polysulphones
526 Phenols,Phenol-Alcohols 2907 00 00
527 Phosphides, whether or not 2848 00 00
chemically defined, excluding
528 Phosphinates (hypophosphites), 2835 00 00
phosphonates (phosphites);
phosphates and polyphosphates,
Sodium Tripoliuphosphate,
Trisodium phosphate

529 Phosphoric acid ,Polyphosphoric 2809 00 00

acids,Diphosphorus pentaoxide

530 Phosphoric esters and their salts, 2919 00 00

including lactophosphates; their
halogenated, sulphonated,
nitrated or nitrosated derivatives

531 Photographic paper 3703 00 00

532 Pickle (fruit) 2004 00 00
533 Pigments (including metallic 3212 00 00
powders and flakes) dispersed in
non-aqueous media, in liquid or
paste form, of a kind used in the
manufacture of paints (including
enamels); stamping foils; Dyes
and other colouring matter put up
in forms; Lithphone and other

534 Pipes of all varieties excluding 6811 83 00

G.I. pipes, C.I. pipes, ductile
pipes, PVC etc. and fittings.
535 Pizza bread 1905 21 00
536 Plastic granules, plastic powder, 3915 00 00
master batches and scrap

537 Plough (agriculural implements – 8432 10 00

Tractor driven or power driven)

538 Plywood ,blockboard 4412 00 00

539 Pollution control equipment 9027 00 00
BOc incubator,COc apparatus
,Cyclones ,Detectors Electrostatic
precipitators,Filter head
assembly,Filters for air pollution
control,High volume sampler,Ion
analyzer,Mist eliminator,Particl

540 Poly cotton rovings (puni and 5203 00 00

541 Polyacetals, other polyethers and 3907 00 00
epoxide resins, in primary forms,
polycarbonates, alkyd resins,
polyallyl esters and other
polyesters, in primary
forms,Polyester staple fiber film
542 Polyamides in primary forms 3908 00 00
543 Polycarboxylic acids, their 2917 00 00
anhydrides, halides, peroxides
and peroxyacids; their
halogenated sulphonated, nitrated
or nitrosated derivatives
544 Polyester fiber waste 5505 00 00
545 Polyester Yarn, partially oriented 5509 00 00
,Polyester texturised yarn
546 Polymers of propylene or of other 3902 00 00
olefins, in primary forms
547 Polymers of styrene, in primary 3903 00 00
forms,Polymer of Styrene-
polystyrene or Expandable
548 Polymers of vinyl acetate or of 3905 00 00
other vinyl esters in primary forms;
other vinyl polymers in primary
549 Polymers of vinyl chloride or of 3904 00 00
other halogenated olefins, in
primary forms
550 Postal items like envelope, 9704 00 00
postcard etc. sold by Govt.
551 Potato 0701 00 00
552 Poultry (Processed or frozen) 0207 36 00
553 Poultry feed,Poultry feed 2302 00 00
554 PP/HDPE woven sacks,LDPE 3923 20 00
woven sacks ,Polythene bags,
plastic bags, pouches and
closures,LDPE plastic bags for
milk pouches
555 Precious and semi precious 7103 00 00
stones such as emeralds, rubies
and sapphires whether they are
sold loose or as forming part of
any article in which they are set

556 Precious metal ores and 2616 00 00

557 Prepared driers 3211 00 00
558 Prepared rubber accelerators; 3812 00 00
compound plasticisers for rubber
or plastics, not elsewhere
specified or included; anti-
oxidising preparations and other
compound stabilisers for rubber or
plastics , Mixed PVC stabilizer

559 Prepared unrecorded media for 8523 00 00

sound recording or similar
recording or other phenomena
including Compact Disc (CD) and
Digital Versatile Disc DVD
560 Pre-sensitised aluminium plate 7606 00 00
561 Preserved vegetable 2001 00 00
562 Pressure pans 7615 19 90
563 Pressure cookers 7615 19 10
564 Pressure gauges (Air pollution 9026 00 00
control equipment)
565 Printed materials 4911 00 00
566 Printed wrappers used for packing 4811 00 00
567 Printing ink excluding toner and 3215 00 00
cartridges ; Writing ink
568 Processed or preserved fruits 0812 00 00
569 Puffed rice, commonly known as 9914 00 30
Poha, Murmura and lai;
570 Pulp of bamboo,Pulp of other 4706 00 00
fibrous cellulosic materials,Pulp of
raddi paper
571 Pulses (both whole and split), 0713 00 00
572 PVC,C.I, G.I Pipes and fittings 3917 00 00
,Hose click ,Hose-collar,Hose
connector,Hose nipple ,Hose
sockets of plastic
573 Quartz powder 2506 00 00
574 Quaternary ammonium salts and 2923 00 00
hydroxides; lecithins and other
phosphoaminolipids, Lecithins

575 Radio communication receivers, 8527 99 11

Radio Pagers.
576 Radioactive chemical elements 2844 00 00
and radioactive isotopes
(including the fissile chemical
elements and isotopes) and their
compounds; mixtures and
residues containing these
577 Rail engines 8601 00 00
578 Railway Coaches & Wagons 8605 00 00
579 Railway crossings,Railway elastic 7302 00 00
rail clips,Railway fish
–plate,Railway steel clips,Railway
steel turnout sleepers ,Railway
switch expansion jointsand
accessories and parts thereof

580 Railway signalling equipments 8530 10 00

and accessories and parts thereof

581 Railway track bolts and nuts and 8608 00 00

accessories and parts thereof
582 Rakhi 9914 00 12
583 Rampoori chakoo 8214 90 00
584 Raw cashew 0801 31 00
585 Raw silk 5002 00 00
586 Raw wool including animal hair 5101 00 00
587 Reaction initiators, reaction 3815 00 00
accelerators and catalytic
preparations, not elsewhere
specified or included
588 Readymade garments 7755 00 00
589 Reclaimed rubber in primary 4003 00 00
forms or in plates, sheets or strip
,Skimmed rubber ,Reclaimed
rubber, all grades and qualities

590 Reducers and blanket wash / 3814 00 00

roller wash used in the printing
industry;Retarders used in the
printing industry,Rubber blankets

591 Religious pictures not for use as 4911 92 00

592 Renewable energy devices & 9910 00 00
spare parts
593 Residual lyes from the 3804 00 00
manufacture of wood pulp,
whether or not concentrated,
desugared or chemically treated,
including lignin sulphonates, but
excluding tall oil

594 Rice 1006 00 00

595 Rice bran ,Rice polish 2302 40 00
596 River sands and grit 2505 90 00
597 Rosin and resin acids, and 3806 00 00
derivatives thereof: resin spirit and
resin oils; run gums
598 Rubber polishers 4016 00 00
599 Rudraksh ,Rudraksh mala, 1404 90 70
Tulsikanthi mala.
600 Rusk 1905 40 00
601 Rye 1002 00 00
602 S.S.P 3103 00 00
603 Sabudana,Sago,Maize germ 1108 00 00
,Maize gluten,Starch
604 Sacred thread, commonly known 9914 00 13
as yagyopavit;
605 Safety matches 3605 00 10
606 Salt (branded or otherwise),Kala 2501 00 00
namak,Sendha namak

607 Satellite receivers and its parts 8527 99 19

608 Sattu 9914 00 17
609 Saturated acyclic monocarboxylic 2915 00 00
acids and their anhydrides,
halides, peroxides and
peroxyacids; their halogenated,
sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated
610 Sawdust 4401 30 00
611 School bag 4202 00 00
612 Scientific instruments 9031 00 00
613 Scissor 8213 00 00
614 Scrap of glass and broken glass 7001 00
615 Scrap of metals 7204 00 00
616 Seed grader 8437 00 00
617 Self adhesive plates, sheets, film 3919 00 00
foil, tape, strip of plastic whether
or not in rolls.
618 Sewing machine, its parts & 8452 00 00
619 Sewing thread ,Threads including 5204 00 00
Fire resistence thread ,Hand spun
620 Sharpener 8214 10 00
621 Ships 8901 00 00
622 Signal analyzers 9030 33 90
623 Signal Generators and parts 8543 20 00
624 Silica sand 2505 10 00
625 Silicates, commercial alkali metal, 2839 00 00
silicates of sodium, sodium
metasilicates, sodium
metasilicates of potassium,
Magnesium Trisilicate
626 Silicon carbide 2849 00 10
627 Silicon steel stamping 8207 00 00
628 Silicones in primary forms 3910 00 00
629 Silk fabrics,Benarasi silk sarees 5007 00 00

630 Silk worm laying cocoon 5001 00 00

631 Silk yarn in hanks and cones 5006 00 00
632 Silver 7106 00 00
633 Singhara (whether fresh, dried or 9914 00 33
boiled),Singhara flour
634 Skimmed milk powder, tinned 0402 10 10
bottled or packed
635 Slate pencils ,pencils 9609 90 10
636 Soapstone powder 2513 00 00
637 Sodium bichromate,Sodium 2841 00 00
dichromate,Potassium dichromate

638 Solvent oils other than organic 9911 00 00

solvent oil; oil based washing
soap other than detergent and
toilet soap.
639 Spectacle frame 9003 00 00
640 Spectacles excluding sungoggles 9004 90 00
& sunglasses
641 Spirits and Spirituous liquors of all 2208 00 00
kinds including Alcohol as defined
under the United Provinces Sales
of Motor Spirit, Diesel oil and
Alcohol Taxation Act, 1939 but
excluding country liquors.

642 Sports goods excluding apparels 9506 00 00,

and footwear.
643 Stainless steel circles 7219 00 00
644 Stainless steel flat bars ,flats, 7221 00 00
patta and circles,
645 Stainless steel ingots, billets, 7218 00 00
646 Stainless steel wire ,Stainless 7223 00 00
steel wire rod
647 Staple fiber yarn 5511 00 00
648 Staples 7415 00 00
649 Stepper Motors 8501 10 12
650 Stop clock 9105 00 00
651 Stoppers, caps and lids (including 8309 00 00
crown corks, screw caps and
pouring stoppers) capsules for
bottles, threaded bungs, bung
covers, seals and other packing
accessories, of base metal.

652 Stoppers, lids, caps,and other 3923 50 00

closures of plastic
653 Straps of Hawai 6406 00 00
chappals,Antisatic Insole,Shoe
lower ,Shoe sole,Shoe
upper,Wooden heel
654 Strings for Musical Instruments 9209 00 00
655 Submersible pump sets 8413 80 00
656 Sulphides of non- 2813 00 00
metals,Commercial phosphorus
657 Sulphides; Polysulphides 2830 00 00
658 Sulphites; thiosulphates,Sodium 2832 00 00
sulphite ,Sodium bi sulphite,Hydro
sulphite of soda,Sodium
659 Sulphonamides 2935 00 00
660 Sulphonated, nitrated or 2904 00 00
nitrosated derivatives of
hydrocarbons, whether or not
661 Sulphur, sublimed or precipitated; 2802 00 00
colloidal sulphur,
662 Sulphuric acid and anhydrides 2807 00 00
663 Survey instruments and apparatus 9015 00 00

664 Sweetmeat, namkeen and sugar 2106 00 00


665 Synthetic essential oil 3301 90 00

666 Synthetic organic colouring 3204 00 00
matter, whether or not chemically
defined; preparations based on
synthetic organic colouring matter;
synthetic organic products of a
kind used as fluorescent
brightening agents or as
luminophores, whether or not
chemically defi

667 Synthetic organic tanning 3202 00 00

substances inorganic tanning
substances; tanning preparations,
whether or not containing natural
tanning substances; enzymatic
preparations for pre-tanning
excluding catechu or gambiar

668 Synthetic rubber and factice 4002 00 00

derived from oils in primary forms
or in plates, sheets or strip,
mixture of any product
669 Syringes 9018 31 00
670 Tanning extracts of vegetable 3201 00 00
origin; tannins and their salts,
ethers, esters and other
derivatives excluding catechu or
671 Tantalum ores and concentrates 8103 00 00
672 Tarpaulin 6306 00 00
673 Tea 0902 00 00
674 Telecom tower 7308 20 19
675 Tele-communication apparatus for 8517 62 00
carriage-current line system or for
digital line system
676 Telephone answering machines 8519 50 00
and parts thereof
677 Teleprinters and parts thereof 8443 32 90
678 Tender green coconut,Coconut 0801 19 10
containing water,
679 Terpene chemicals like pine oil, 3805 00 00
depentine, DD, Turpentine,
terpeneol ;Gums and turpentine
680 Textile bags and sacks 6305 00 00
681 Textile Finishing agents, Textile 3506 00 00
Printing Binder-PVA Copolymer,
Textile Non-woven binder-PVA
copolymer, Lamination emulsion-
PVA copolymer, Packaging
emulsion-PVA copolymer, Sticker
Emulsion-PVA copolymer, Binder
for water based paint-PVA

682 Textile waste 6308 00 00

683 Thermocol 3903 00 00
684 Thorium ores and concentrates 2612 20 00
685 Til 1207 40 00
686 Timer (relating to pullution control 9107 00 00
687 Tin containers 8007 00 00
688 Tin ores and concentrates 2609 00 00
689 Titanium ores and concentrates 2614 00 00
690 Titanium oxide 2823 00 00
691 Toluole 2707 20 00
692 Tools 8205 00 00
693 Toys excluding electronic toys 9503 00 00
694 Tractor trolley & attachments & 8716 30 00
parts thereof
695 Tractor tyres 4011 60 00
696 Tractors, 8701 00 00
697 Transformers 8504 00 00
698 Transmission apparatus other 8517 61 00
than apparatus for radio or T.V.
broadcasting, Transmission
apparatus incorporating reception
699 Transmission towers 7308 20 11
700 Transmission wire 8544 60 00
701 Trishul made of copper or 7419 99 90
brass;Hawan kund made of
copper or brass;Aachmani made
of copper or brass ,Mukut of
statue made of copper or brass

702 Tube of animal driven cart 4013 10 00

(agriculural implements –
manually operated or animal
703 Tubes of bicycle, tricycle and 4013 20 00
cycle rickshaw
704 Tubes of tractor 4013 90 00
705 Tubes,pipes ,Hoses ,Hose click 4009 00 00
connector,Hose nipple,Hose
sockets of rubber
706 Tungsten ores and concentrates 2611 00 00
707 TV Parts 8529 90 00
708 Tyre of animal driven cart 4011 99 00
(agriculural implements –
manually operated or animal
709 Tyre of bicycle, tricycle and cycle 4011 50 00
710 Umbrella except garden umbrella 6601 90 00

711 Unfilled razai 5811 00 00

712 Uninterrupted Power Supply 8504 40 00
(UPS) device and parts thereof
713 Unsaturated acyclic 2916 00 00
monocarboxylic acids, cyclic
monocarboxylic acids, their
anhydrides, halides, peroxides
and peroxyacids; their
halogenated, sulphonated,
nitrated or nitrosated derivatives
714 Uranium or Thorium ores and 2612 10 00
715 Ustra used by barbers 8212 00 00
716 Vaccines 3002 20 00
717 Vanaspati (Hydrogeneted 1516 20 00
Vegetable Oil)
718 Vegetable alkaloids, natural or 2939 00 00
reproduced by synthesis, and
their salts, ethers, esters and
other derivatives
719 Vegetable oil 1515 00 00
720 Vegetable waxes (other than 1521 10 00
triglycerides) whether or not
refined or coloured , beeswax,
other insect waxes and
spermaceti, whether or not refined
or coloured; degras; residues
resulting from the treatment of
fatty substances or animal or
vegetable waxes
721 Vibhuti sold by religious 9914 00 31
722 Video cassettes 8523 29 20
723 Video phones 8517 62 90
724 Vineer 4408 00 00
725 Water / Hydraulic / industrial 8481 00 00
valves,Foot valve
726 Water other than aerated, 2201 90 20
mineral, distilled, medicinal, ionic,
battery, de-mineralised and water
sold in sealed container.

727 Water vessels (other) 8902 00 00

728 Weedicides and pesticides ,Micro-3808 99 00
nutrients ,Micro nutrient
729 Welding equipments. 8468 00 00
730 Wet dates 0804 10 20
731 Wheat 1001 00 00
732 Wheat bran 2302 30 00
733 Windmill for water pumping and 8412 80 30
for generation of electricity
734 Wireless equipments 8517 69 00
735 Wires and Wire drawings 7229 00 00
736 Wood tar; wood tar oils; wood 3807 00 00
creosote; wood naphtha;
vegetable pitch; brewers' pitch
and similar preparations based on
resin, resin acids or on vegetable
737 Wooden Kharaun 4421 90 00
738 Wooden shavings 6808 00 00
739 Wooden spoon 4419 00 00
740 Wooden toys 9503 00 10
741 Woolen carpet 5705 00 10
742 Word processing machines 8469 00 10
743 Workbooks bearing the name of 4820 90 00
the author thereon or prescribed
in the syallabus of any
Educational Board or Council
744 Woven Label Tapes 5807 00 00
745 Writing instruments 9608 00 00
746 X-ray appartus 9022 00 00
747 X-ray film 3701 10 00
748 Xylole 2707 30 00
749 Zinc ores and concentrates 2608 00 00
750 Zinc Oxide,Zinc peroxide 2817 00 00
751 Zip ,Zip fastners,Zipper 9607 00 00
752 Zirconium ores 2615 10 00
753 Zuna used for cleaning 7323 10 00

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