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Cláudia Regina Abreu | Cidália Sousa

Unit 3 School and friends & Unit 4 My life, my home

Name: ______________________________________________________ Class: _______ No: ______

Date: _______________________________________________________ Score: _________________
Enc. Educação: ________________________________Teacher: __________________________


A. You will hear Mark and Rose talking to each other. Tick () the correct option.
1. Mark has got a new house.

2. He lives in a detached house.

3. His house has got only one floor.

4. His house has got a big garden.

5. He doesn’t have to share his bedroom.

6. He bought a new bedroom furniture.

7. Mark doesn’t help cleaning his house.

8. Rose will visit Mark next weekend.

B. Mark’s mother needs help to clean the house. Listen to the dialogue and tick ()
who does the household chores.
Mother Mark Susan
1. make the bed

2. feed the dog

3. wash the dishes

4. take the rubbish out

5. lay the table

6. water the plants

7. vacuum the floor

8. do the laundry
Cláudia Regina Abreu | Cidália Sousa

Unit 3 School and friends & Unit 4 My life, my home

Name: ______________________________________________________ Class: _______ No: ______

Date: _______________________________________________________ Score: _________________
Enc. Educação: ________________________________Teacher: __________________________


Read the text carefully.

My new school
1 Hi! I’m Mark Jones and I was born in Bristol, England, on 15th June. I’m
thirteen now and I’m in a new school this year. It is huge as there are 700
pupils and 80 teachers. It is quite a modern school with a gym, a big library
and three ICT rooms.

5 I usually arrive at school at a quarter to eight. I cycle to school because it

is not too far from my house. We start at eight o’clock and we have up to
seven lessons a day. Fortunately, we also have some free periods when we can go to the library
or go home! Lessons last forty-five minutes and we finish our day at five o’clock, because we can
also join clubs, like the music, the drama and the cooking club. Break time lasts twenty minutes in
10 the morning and we have a two-hour lunch break. I go home for lunch, but my friends who live
further away eat in the canteen.

My school rules are quite strict, but I think that they are effective. We must be punctual and bring
our equipment and homework for each lesson. We have a uniform and we are not allowed to eat
or use our mobile phone in class either.

15 I study maths, English, science, technology, history, geography, PE and citizenship. As I am in

Year 7, I must study a new language. I chose Spanish and I really love it! I’m good at speaking
foreign languages! My favourite lesson is Spanish because the teacher is really friendly, and he
explains things well. Later, I would like to continue to study languages. I would like to learn Chinese
as it is a fascinating language.
Adapted from:

A. Find the opposites of these words in the text.

1. old (paragraph 1) ___________________

2. old-fashioned (paragraph 1) ___________________
3. small (paragraph 1) ___________________
4. enemies (paragraph 2) ___________________
5. boring (paragraph 4) ___________________
Cláudia Regina Abreu | Cidália Sousa

B. Match the words from the text with the definitions.

1. huge (line 2) (a) divisions of time in a day

2. periods (line 7) (b) arriving at the correct time
3. break time (line 9) (c) very big or large
4. punctual (line 12) (d) not giving permission to
5. not allowed (line 13) (e) to interrupt or to stop something

C. Say whether these statements are right (R) or wrong (W) according to the text.

1. Mark Jones is a fifteen-year-old student.

2. Mark’s school is quite big and new.
3. He lives near his school.
4. Mark must arrive at school on time and he should follow the rules.
5. His favourite subjects are Spanish and Chinese.

D. Answer these questions about the text.

1. Where is Mark Jones from?


2. How does Mark go to school?


3. Can he use his mobile phone in class?



A. Choose the correct preposition.

1. I have to practise a lot to be good _______________ any sport.

a) at b) about c) in
2. Take _______________ your hat in class. You can’t wear a hat in here!
a) off b) to c) for
3. Don’t be afraid _______________ my dog! He is big, but very sweet!
a) for b) of c) with
4. To get the school library card you need to fill _______________ this form, please.
a) about b) for c) in
5. Sally is worried _______________ Claire, because she looks sad.
a) of b) about c) in
Cláudia Regina Abreu | Cidália Sousa

B. Complete the sentences with the correct modal verb.

mustn’t * may * will * might * shouldn’t

1. We __________________ accept bullying.

2. I don’t know yet, but I ________ need your help with this school project.
3. Good bye! I _________ see you tomorrow at school!
4. ________ I come in, please?
5. Look at the sign. You ________ use your phone here. You are in the library!

C. Create a compound word by adding a word from the list.

glasses * rooms * shake * book * over

1. Mary wrote something in Tom’s note__________________.

2. We have four bed__________________ upstairs.
3. Sophie invited her best friends to a big sleep__________________.
4. My father usually wears sun__________________ to protect his eyes from the sun.
5. She always drinks a banana milk__________________ for breakfast.

D. Complete these sentences with the comparative and superlative of the

adjectives in brackets.

1. All my friends are _______________ (short) than me and I’m _______________ (tall)
person in my family.
2. For me _______________ (difficult) thing is to clean my bedroom, but it is
_______________ (tidy) than yours.
3. The Pacific is _______________ (large) than the Atlantic Ocean, but the Arctic is
_______________ (small) ocean on Earth.
4. Mark thinks that German is _______________ (complex) than Spanish, but for him English
is _______________ (easy) language of all.
5. Your old computer is _______________ (good) than my new computer, but Sally’s is
_______________ (bad) computer ever made.


A. Imagine you are inviting your friends for a birthday party. Write a SMS where you:
- Mention the purpose of your invitation
- Say when and where (date / time / place)
- Request a confirmation
Cláudia Regina Abreu | Cidália Sousa

Hi guys!






Hope you all come! 😊


B. Choose a topic and write 35-50 words.


Write a story describing the events. Use the topics in the box to help you. Put the verbs in the
correct tense.

• Susan
• 12-year-old girl
• shy and quiet
• make fun of her
• make a drawing of her
• look like a pig
• start to laugh at Susan
• Zendaya
• see the drawing
• put it in the dustbin

Susan, a twelve-year-old girl, was very shy and quiet. Larry, a classmate, decided to _______
______________________________. He____________________________. She ________
_________________. Her classmates ___________________________________________.
Then ______________________________________________________________________
because she _______________________________________________________________.
Cláudia Regina Abreu | Cidália Sousa


Imagine you have a blog. Write a text about your school. Don’t forget to mention the name and the
place of your school, facilities, school uniform, timetable, your favourite subject and your favourite

Cláudia Regina Abreu | Cidália Sousa

Speaking – Student’s pictures

Part 2

My mum

Part 3

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