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English  Form 4  Answers 


Unit 1 4. debug
5. bookmark
Reading B
B 1. C
1. True 2. A
2. False 3. A
3. True 4. A
4. False 5. B
5. True 6. A


1. unpleasant (Suggested answer)
2. pretending
3. acquaintances A
4. preoccupied 1. Do you like individual or group sports? Why?
5. realize • I like individual sports because I get to be
6. impostor independent and rely on my own skills and
expertise to overcome any challenge.
GRAMMAR (Language Awareness) • I like group sports because I get to play alongside
my teammates which is not only fun but also
A helps me learn new skills faster.
1. sent; am waiting 2. Give one benefit of doing individual and group
2. are going; go sports.
3. costs; is saving • One benefit of individual sport is it helps players
4. believes; spends rely on themselves to improve their performance
5. need which helps increase their confidence.
6. is … playing • One benefit of group sport is it helps increase
7. is looking; thinks teamwork and cooperation among players.
8. are buying; want 3. Would you like to play a sport like rugby? Why?
9. isn’t attending • Yes, I would. I like a sport that requires a lot of
10. aren’t having physical skills and fitness. I like to keep fit.
B • No, I wouldn’t. It is a physical sport and looks very
1. older dangerous. I’m afraid I’d get injured because the
2. convenient as players are running at high speed.
3. most challenging 4. Would you like to try an extreme sport such as white-
4. most popular; biggest; more water rafting? Why?
5. simple as • Yes, I would like to try an extreme sport. These
activities are challenging and I like to push
LISTENING & Vocabulary myself out of my comfort zone.
• No, I wouldn’t like to try an extreme sport.
A These activities are dangerous and can be life-
1. backup threatening.
2. download
3. emoticon

A1 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  English  Form 4  Answers

Mobile Phones

Advantages Disadvantages

1. retrieve information using the Internet; 1. can create a lot of interruptions

use mobile apps

2. useful functions such as record videos 2. can distract drivers and pedestrians
and take pictures

3. can store a lot of information such as 3. can be addictive as people spend hours
photographs on their phone

4. relieve boredom by playing online 4. allows cyber-bullying to happen

games, read news/stories, keep in touch
with friends

Mobile phones are gadgets that help us stay connected with people and the outside world. Most people agree that they’ve
a lot of advantages but there are some who disagree.
To begin with, mobile phones allow us to retrieve information quickly from the Internet or using mobile apps.
Furthermore, they’ve useful functions that allow us to record videos and take photos. Moreover, they’ve a lot of storage so
we can store a lot of pictures or information. Lastly, people can use their phones to entertain themselves with interesting
mobile apps and games.
On the other hand, mobile phones have disadvantages too. Firstly, people can send messages or call at any time and
this can cause a lot of interruptions for the receiver. Secondly, they can be a distraction to drivers and pedestrians. When
the phone rings, drivers may look away from the road to check their phones. Similarly, some pedestrians spend more time
looking at their phones instead of concentrating on the road. Thirdly, there are many interesting apps and online games
available on phones. Though they’re entertaining, many people become addicted to them hence their phones. Finally, they
allow bullies to target people easily by sending messages directly to their mobile phones.
All in all, mobile phones are one of the most useful inventions in recent times. There are more advantages than
disadvantages and therefore, I believe they help make our lives more convenient when used wisely.

Paragraph 1 - d Paragraph 2 - f Paragraph 3 - b, c, g, a Paragraph 4 - e, h
To: [email protected]
Subject: Housewarming-party Invitation
Dear Gerry,

I’m doing great! (1) I’m glad to hear about your news. I can only imagine how busy you must have been.
Thanks for inviting me. (2) I’d love to come to your party. I can’t wait to visit you as well as see your new house.
(3) Let me tell you about my news. My cousin spent a week with me. (4) First, she taught me how to shoot a video
using a mobile phone. It was a cooking video. (5) On top of that, she taught me how to edit the video. It was not as
difficult as I thought it’d be. (6) After that, she let me upload it on her channel.
(7) I must go now. By the way, do you need any help preparing for the party? (8) Let me know how I can help.

See you soon!

Wei Kyen

© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. A2

English  Form 4  Answers 


Unit 2

Name Activity Purpose

George Martin Walked from New York to California Raised money for healthcare for emergency

Promote ‘A Journey for 9/11’

Carlos Moleda Raced from California to Maryland Challenged misconceptions about physically-
challenged athletes

Leonard Burman Cycled from Oregon to New Hampshire Raised money for healthcare and infrastructure
for the poor

Paul Ridley Sailed from Canary Islands to Antigua Raised awareness of skin cancer research

Dean Karnazez Ran 50 marathons, in 50 states over 50 Helped get youths physically active

C Listening & Vocabulary

1. misconception
2. transmitted
1. C
3. endured
2. B
4. infrastructure
3. A
5. consecutive
4. B
6. beat
5. A
7. navigation
6. C
GRAMMAR (Language Awareness) B
1. A
Practice 1
2. C
1. where
3. C
2. who
4. C
3. which
4. that
5. whose
6. who
Practice 2
1. were hiking, heard
2. left, was drizzling
3. was swimming, were surfing
4. saw, was going
5. were … doing
6. was riding, met
7. injured, was climbing
8. were cruising, overturned

A3 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  English  Form 4  Answers

Speaking & Vocabulary

caring communication

stamina empathy

(Suggested answer)
In my opinion, good nurses have to be caring. They listen to patients and want to help them. Good nurses need to have
good communication skills. They must be able to interpret medical information that doctors give and pass correct
information to the patients. Good nurses have to show empathy. They must be able to put themselves in their patients’
shoes so they can show more understanding and patience towards them. They also must have problem solving skills.
Though years of work experience will help foster these skills, nurses should have some natural talent in the area of
problem solving. Finally, I believe good nurses need good stamina. They work long hours and in shifts and most of the
time are on their feet. With good stamina, they won’t tire easily.

⎧ • General information about the person
⎧ Paragraph 1 ⎨
⎪ ⎩ • Why you are writing about this person

⎪ • The person’s characteristics
⎪ ⎧
⎪ Paragraph 2 ⎨
⎩ • Give examples of these characteristics
The person I ⎪
admire the most ⎨
⎪ ⎧ • How the person influenced you
⎪ Paragraph 3 ⎨ • Give examples of how the person influenced you
⎪ ⎩

⎪ ⎧ • General comment about the person
⎪ Paragraph 4 ⎨
⎩ ⎩ • How you feel about the person

(Suggested answer)
The person I admire the most is my cousin Trisha. She is a doctor and she works tirelessly to save people’s lives.
I admire my cousin because she is the most dedicated person I know. She spends long hours at the hospital to help care
for the patients. She has to monitor her patients progress, diagnose problems and administer medical treatments. She
works hard to help her patients get better.
Another quality that stands out is her excellent bedside manners. This quality not only puts her patients at ease
but also helps reassure them that they are in good hands. I believe this quality is important for doctors to have as it
helps patients feel less afraid about going to the hospital to seek treatment. Her patients trust her because she shows
compassion and empathy towards them.
I really like my cousin Trisha. All the people who have crossed paths with her feel the same way. Both patients and
hospital staff hold her in high regard. I hope to make a positive impact in other people’s lives when I become a nurse in

© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. A4

English  Form 4  Answers 

(Suggested answer - Mind map)

doctor work to save the dedicated long hours; monitor patients

people’s lives person I know progress; diagnose problems;
administer medical treatments

Paragraph 1
Paragraph 2

My cousin

Paragraph 4 Paragraph 3

patients, staff hold positive impact in other excellent bedside put patients at ease; reassure
her in high regard people’s live; nurse in manners them; feel less afraid; shows
future compassion and empathy


1. C
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. C
6. A
7. C
8. C
9. D
10. B

A5 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  English  Form 4  Answers


Unit 3

1. The Attire Shop
2. Just Computers
3. The Outdoor Store
4. House of T-Shirts
5. The Outdoor Store
6. The Attire Shop

Grammar (Language Awareness)

1. might not, have to
2. can’t
3. must
4. need to, could
5. had better, ought to
6. would rather
7. should
8. ought not
1. have applied
2. bought
3. has been selling
4. has given
5. has been restocking

Listening & VOCABULARY

1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. C


There are sales at Avenue Mall and Home Comfort. Both places are offering discounts on furnishing. Though Avenue Mall’s
discount is higher than Home Comfort, its range of furnishing is not as wide as Home Comfort. I believe you will have
more choices at Home Comfort. Moreover, it is offering free delivery if you spend over RM700. Finally, Home Comfort also
allows refunds up to 10 days. In my opinion, you should shop at Home Comfort because it offers more choices and value
for money.
1. price
2. pricey
3. budget
4. offer
5. sale
6. discounts
7. bargain

© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. A6

English  Form 4  Answers 

1. Paragraph 3
2. Paragraph 1
3. Paragraph 4
4. Paragraph 2
Vivek Nathan
35, Jalan Ambang,
Taman Chempaka,
30100 Ipoh,

The Manager
Pet World,
Lot 51, Jalan Sejati,
30100 Ipoh,
Perak. 10 January 2022

Dear Sir/Madam,


I am writing to apply for the position of a store assistant as advertised on the website I am 18 years
old and I just completed my secondary-school education.
I am an animal lover and I own a pet. I am comfortable working with all types of animals. I am computer savvy and
I can operate a cash register. I am available to work on weekdays and weekends.
In addition, I have previous working experience at an Animal Shelter and a boutique as a sales assistant. I am
hardworking, eager to learn and trustworthy. I consider myself a caring and compassionate person.
Please contact me if you have any questions regarding my application. I am available for an interview at your
convenience. I hope my application will be taken into consideration.

Yours faithfully,

A7 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  English  Form 4  Answers


Unit 4

Online learning has been growing steadily in recent years. However, no one can deny how important it has become since
the recent pandemic started. As a result, more students and teachers have become familiar and proficient in navigating
online learning. Though it adds value to the education system it has disadvantages too.
Online learning has many advantages. Firstly, it offers flexibility. Students are able to learn at their own pace and
follow a schedule that suits their learning style. Another advantage is convenience. For instance, students do not have to
travel far to get to school and parents can save on transportation fees. Other than that, students have access to a lot of
learning materials which they can access easily online.
On the other hand, online learning comes with some drawbacks too. To start with, students will have limited
interaction with their peers. I believe that students will not only find it difficult to have group discussions but also feel
isolated and lonely without any face-to-face interaction. Some students may even find it difficult to ask questions or seek
clarification about difficult topics from their teachers. Also, students need a home computer with fast broadband access so
online learning can happen without any disruptions. However, this can be expensive and not every family has the means
for this extra cost.
To sum up, online learning offers students another way to gain knowledge. Though there are disadvantages, I believe
the advantages far outweigh them. In fact, I think online learning will eventually make education affordable and accessible
to learners of all ages.
⎧ • Learn at your own pace

⎪ • Follow schedule suited to your own learning style
⎪ • No travel time to school
⎧ Advantages ⎨
⎪ ⎪ • Save on travel cost
⎪ ⎪
⎪ ⎪ • Easy access to a lot of learning materials
⎪ ⎩
Online ⎪
learning ⎨
⎪ ⎧ • Limited interaction with classmates
⎪ ⎪
⎪ ⎪ • Difficult to do group discussions
⎪ ⎪
⎪ ⎨ • Feel isolated and lonely
⎩ Disadvantages

⎪ • Hard to ask teacher questions
⎪ • Expensive

(Accept any suitable answer.)
All in all, online learning complements physical learning in schools. In my opinion, online learning has more disadvantages
than advantages. I think online learning lacks face-to-face interaction which is very important to help effective teaching,
learning and sharing of ideas.

Grammar (Language Awareness)

1. will 4. will
2. am going to 5.
will have prepared
3. is going to 6.
Will … have received

© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. A8

English  Form 4  Answers 

1. Neither 4. All, None
2. both, and 5. either
3. Both, either 6.
Neither, nor, both
1. don’t speak, will, get
2. falls, freezes
3. would, were
4. sleep, feel
5. had, could play
6. perform, could represent


1. Zamir 2. Joseph 3.
1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. A

Speaking & Vocabulary

(Accept any suitable answer.)

Opinion 1/Agree
The Internet has changed our lives in many positive ways. To begin with, we can get unlimited access to information because
there are millions of websites on the Internet. This means we can widen our knowledge and increase our understanding
on a wide selection of topics. Furthermore, the Internet helps people from anywhere in the world stay connected. For
example, we can share ideas with like-minded people, make new friends or stay in touch with family and friends living in
faraway places. Lastly, the Internet gives businesses a platform to advertise employment opportunities and offer goods
and services to the public. People can apply and interview for jobs online or shop for goods and services from the comfort
of their homes. The way I see it, the Internet has enriched our lives but as technology continues to advance, we can expect
more benefits from the Internet.

Opinion 2/Disagree
People forget that many activities that happen on the Internet can disrupt people’s lives. Firstly, the consequences of
having a wealth of information on the Internet means illegal activities can also take place. Some people download content
illegally because they do not want to pay for it. Piracy is not a victimless crime. Content creators such as artists or writers
suffer because their work is accessed without payment. Another drawback is the risk of people stealing someone’s identity.
When we key in our bank or credit card details, hackers can access it to steal and commit fraud. Although the Internet offers
a lot of useful information, there are equal amount of information that is inappropriate or harmful. Finally, the Internet
enables bullies to harass others easily. Having presented all these disadvantages, I can only conclude that the Internet
affects people’s lives negatively.

(Accept any suitable answers.)
1. Students will miss out on face-to-face interaction with their peers and teachers as most of their classmates will be in
traditional schools.
2. There are more disadvantages than advantages.
3. Students can enjoy a complete education experience at a traditional school surrounded by teachers and friends who
can offer a wide variety of points of views.
4. Homeschooling is home education where parents teach their children.
5. Students can enjoy a flexible study schedule and curriculum which include going on field trips to gain hands-on
learning. This helps them learn, understand and retain new information better.
6. Parents have to spend a lot of money on books and learning materials to make sure their children get enough practice
7. Students can learn at their own pace. Therefore, they can spend more time on difficult topics.

A9 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  English  Form 4  Answers

1. Homeschooling is home education where parents teach their children.
2. To begin with, students can learn at their own pace. Therefore, they can spend more time on difficult topics.
3. Furthermore, students can enjoy a flexible study schedule and curriculum which include going on field trips to gain
hands-on learning. This helps them learn, understand and retain new information better.
4. Firstly, parents have to spend a lot of money on books and learning materials to make sure their children get enough
practice materials.
5. Lastly, students will miss out on face-to-face interaction with their peers and teachers as most of their classmates will
be in traditional schools.
6. To sum up, there are more disadvantages than advantages.
7. I believe that students can enjoy a complete education experience at a traditional school surrounded by teachers and
friends who can offer a wide variety of points of views.


1. A 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. B
1. had waited
2. had been taking
3. had been blooming
4. had eaten
5. had gone
6. had been keeping
1. misunderstand
2. kindness
3. display
4. creativity
5. probability
6. disapprove
7. misuse
8. craziness
1. Our principal said we could all go home at 12 noon.
2. Ashok said he had never been to Sabah.
3. Grandmother asked me where my parents are.
4. My brother said he had been looking for a new car.

© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. A10

English  Form 4  Answers 


Unit 5 7. Daniel’s sister declared that she only knew about her
two favourite noodles which were ‘char kway teow’
Reading and ‘laksa’.
8. Daniel informed her that she would be surprised
A with the many different ways people cook noodles.
Accept reasonable answers such as bungee jumping, 9. Daniel’s sister admired the foreigners who really
travelling on a cruise or visiting certain places. went out of their way to find all the best food in the
B country.
Accept reasonable answers for this part. 10. Daniel observed that those travellers doing the
videos had been one step ahead of them.
Summer Sun/Warmer weather
Winter Snow/Christmas
Spring Flowers/New growth/Fresh air 1. hit the books: to study
Autumn Falling leaves/Bare trees 2. pull my weight: to do one’s fair share of work.
3. went out of their way: to do something with more
C effort
1. Via skype. 4. one step ahead: to be more prepared, advanced,
2. Not to see everything in white/ There is no snow. skilled or successful than someone or something
3. The streets and storefronts looked fascinating else
because they were decorated with lights and
garlands. Listening
4. At the Ski Lodge where a part of the hotel had been
transformed into a magical ski lodge complete with A
falling snow, snowmen with pine trees, ski racks and Announcement 1
strings of fairy lights and lanterns. Flight Number: MH 122
5. The writer could see the sun most of the time, where
Destination: Jakarta
the air around is not freezing and thick clothing is
unnecessary. Departure : 09.30 a.m.

GRAMMAR Announcement 2
B Flight Number: KLM 4321
1. teach → teacher Destination: 04.20 a.m.
2. foreign → foreigner
Departure : Istanbul
3. travel → traveller
Gate: B7
Reported Speech Announcement 3
1. Daniel’s sister told him to stop watching the YouTube
and instead focus more on his studies. Flight Number: QR932
2. Daniel stated that he was looking for information to Destination: London
complete his school project. Departure : 06.00 p.m.
3. Daniel’s sister requested to know about the project
that Daniel has to do so. Gate: 10
4. Daniel explained that his teacher wanted them to
compile notes and pictures about Malaysian food. Announcement 4
5. Daniel’s sister said that there would be a lot of Flight Number: AQ211
delectable dishes. Destination: Sydney
6. Daniel confirmed his sister’s opinion by asking
whether she knows about the kinds of noodles Departure : 11.50 a.m.
available. Gate: 6

A11 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  English  Form 4  Answers

1. A 2. C 3. C

Vietnam Spring Rolls Indonesian Cheese Pancake

I visited Vietnam with my sister last year. I fell in love with Before my visit to Bandung, I have heard about this
the spring rolls being sold in the country which are very Indonesian sweet pancake known as ‘murtabak’. When I
different from the local spring rolls. This savoury delicacy arrived at the stall selling the pancake, I realised that the
consists of lettuce leaves, prawns, carrots and cucumbers sweet pancake is completely different from our local,
spread onto rice paper. The rice paper is then rolled and we savoury one. It looks more like the local ‘apam balik’ in
can see the contents because it is transparent. The spring which the only difference is the fillings. The Indonesian
rolls can straightaway be eaten. We can also dip it into a ‘murtabak’ has a variety of different fillings. Customers can
special sauce. This can be a healthy snack because it is not choose chocolate, cheese, butter or peanut butter. The
deep fried. It is delicious as well as well-balanced. Watching generous amount of butter, cheese and condensed milk
the lady making the spring rolls seems easy although I added as fillings have resulted in a rich flavoured pancake;
have doubts about preparing them myself. I have found buttery as well as creamy. It tasted great but I was only able
the recipes to make this dish but I have not tried it out yet. to eat a little at a time as the thick pancake quickly made
I may give it a try because I have not found this kind of me feel full.
spring roll being sold here.
Accept reasonable answers. Example:

© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. A12

English  Form 4  Answers 


77, Lorong Rampai Sari,

Taman Cempaka,
09800, Serdang,
21st June, 2022.

Dearest Sarah,
Thanks for your email, sharing about your enjoyable holiday. I’m sure you and your siblings have developed
a closer bond. At the moment, I feel refresh and energetic after coming back from the trip.
Our holiday was certainly fun and adventurous but not a relaxing one. It certainly took us away from the
hustle and bustle of the city. My family and I went to the Mulu National Park in Sarawak where most of our time
was spent hiking around the different regions of the large park. We were not that prepared for the adventures,
though! My brother and I were fit enough for the expedition although our parents did have a rough time. We
went along a trail in the rainforest to discover about various interesting flora and fauna. We also had the chance
to explore caves and watched thousands of bats flying out of the cave entrances. What a unique view to see!
However, it was quite challenging to go along a 3 km plank walk through the primary rainforest to visit the
Deer Cave and Lang Cave. The interior of the caves looked magnificent and exploring the caves was a learning
The trip offered challenging activities especially for people like me who love nature and outdoor
adventures. However, three days were not enough to explore the whole park. I may sign up for another trip
where I can try white-water rafting. Would you like to join me? It would be a great opportunity to see you again.
Wish you all the best for your coming examination! Good bye.
Your cousin,

A13 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  English  Form 4  Answers


Unit 6

1. A 2. D 3. D 4. D 5. B 6. D

1. Students are being asked to choose their favourites game for the co-curricular activity by teachers.
2. Indoor games which can be interesting should be selected by the students.
3. Her best friend will be chosen as a partner whenever Melinda runs a marathon.
4. Willie is being scolded by his father, Mr. Tan for playing computer games continuously. / Willie is being scolded for
playing computer games continuously by Mr.Tan, his father.
5. Permission for having football and rugby games are being refused because large crowds may turn up to watch the
matches. / Football and rugby matches are not allowed (by the Minister) due to the possibility of large crowds that
may turn up to watch.
6. People have been advised by the authorities to get involved in many recreational activities.
7. Alex’s brother should be helped in finding a good strategic game or a word puzzle game.
8. Parents are being asked by teachers to be more understanding during this challenging time. / During this challenging
time, parents are being asked by teachers to be more understanding.
1. …in spite of being planned months before the pandemic.
2. …people still put in effort to exercise.
3. … so that their staff can work from home.
4. …so sophisticated that there are devices which can be used to track one’s step.
5. …that many virtual runs have been organised.
6. …so that he can have some form of exercises during the implementation of the MCO.
7. …in order not to put on more weight.

1. A to make it difficult
2. B become involved in
3. B effect
4. C deal
5. B obtain
6. C alleviate
Playing chess ✓ School debater Running 100 M runs ✓ Studying ✓
Playing video games ✓ Dancing Practising high jumps ✓ Doing homework ✓
Playing netball ✓ Riding a bicycle ✓ Listening to music ✓ Having badminton

© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. A14

English  Form 4  Answers 

Suggested answers
Part A
Akmal Do you play video games, Hafiz?
Hafiz Yes, I do. What about you, Akmal?
Akmal I enjoy playing games, too. I prefer strategy or adventure games but sometimes I also play games like word
puzzles and scrabbles.
Hafiz Oh, I’m more into simulation and sports games. I go for racing, bowling and football. You should try them.
Akmal I’ve never tried any sports games. I’m sure it would be challenging, just like any other games. What game do
you suggest?
Hafiz Definitely challenging. You need to be quick and alert in order to win. After some practices, you’ll be a master
of the games. You can try Rocket League or FIFA 21 if you like football. There are so many that you might be
spoilt for choice.
Akmal At the moment, I play Battlestar Galactica. The sci-fi game is thrilling, providing tactical elements which need
you to be in command of a situation at all times. However, it might be fun to try sports games in the future.
Hafiz Yes, the racing game is sure to captivate your interest! Be prepared to stick to your one hour allocated time.
Akmal Alright, I’m already looking forward to playing the game!

Suggested Answers
Part B
Types of
Examples Benefits Disadvantages Conclusion
Role- 1. Genshin Impact Role-playing games can These types of *Most games can
playing 2. War Thunder • promote social and emotional games can be lead to addiction
learning and civics skills. uninteresting and role-playing
• also foster identity exploration. because of limited games can be
The players can attempt numerous actions or the interesting
social approaches that they ability to control a and exciting so
want to use and see which work character described players should
including exploring gender by choices find them
identity. provided. entertaining.
• be a powerful empathy-building *They can be
tool to take other players’ played for
thoughts, feelings and strengths relaxation with
into consideration. friends and
family members.
Puzzles 1. Jigsaw Puzzles Real Puzzle games can Sometimes a puzzle *These games
2. Sudoku • improve memory. can be difficult and are actually good
• build better collaboration and unsolved one can exercises for the
teamwork. result in frustration. brain.
• teach you to be a better problem One can also *Children can
solver. learn to cheat by increase their
searching for the vocabulary while
answers provided. the elderly can
improve their

A15 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  English  Form 4  Answers

Strategy 1. Battlestar Galactica: Players of real-time strategy games The games may Players should
Deadlock may cause a confusion be prepared
2. StarCraft II: • have faster information processing, between fantasy to master the
Legacy of the Void • improve in visual selective and reality which strategies and
attention. can be difficult to tactics to enjoy
• provide inexpensive, real-time deal with in real life. these games.
• allow players to reflect their
Action 1. Legend of Zelda Players may The violence Action games
2. Batman: • enhance higher-order brain found in many require players
Arkham City functions. action games may to master certain
• improve a wide range of abilities, cause an increase skills in order to
from simple perceptual and motor in aggressive play the game
skills to higher-level abilities thoughts and and venture into
such as flexibility and attentional behaviour. higher levels.
• get excitement and entertainment.
Adventure 1. Monkey Island Adventure games: Adventure games These games can
2. Broken Sword • enable the ability to multitask. usually have be engaging so
• improve in perceptual decision storylines with too players must be
making, which means the ability to many characters aware of how
identify and select targets. or too many tasks much time they
• help to maintain focus on a goal in which can be spend on playing
the face of distractions. boring to some the games to
people. avoid addiction
or neglecting
other things.
Simulation 1. Railway Empire Simulation games can help: One needs Good for people
2. Dirt Rally • to improve cognitive skills. a thorough who want to
• to provide a hand-on experience. understanding and get fascinating,
• players to use various skills to an awareness of all thrilling,
adapt to the real world. the skills involved terrifying,
in the simulation and satisfying
such as flying a experiences
plane or driving which they
a car. cannot gain in
real life.
Sports 1. Tony Hawk’s Pro Playing sports games: May lead to a less *People can
Skater • provides fun and challenges. physically active try out various
2. Lonely Mountains • improves hand-eye coordination. life. sports games
Downhill • helps in making quick decisions. before taking up
• encourage a person to have more a real one.
interaction with others. *Players can use
the sports games
as practices

© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. A16

English  Form 4  Answers 


To: holidayrun.challenge

From: [email protected]

Subject: Details of Virtual Run

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am very interested to take part in the event that you are organising. That run can be a great activity to occupy my
time during the school holidays.
It would be helpful to me if you can provide further details on certain matters. The first one is whether a participant
needs to pay any registration fee. If any fee is required, please provide the amount of the fee and to whom should I pay it
to. The next question is about the T-shirts and medals. If I am interested to have them, how much do they cost? Another
matter is the category of the participants. Will they be separated into categories based on their ages or genders? The
last information that I hope to be clarified is whether there will be prizes to be awarded for the participants.
I greatly appreciate if you can give me the information as soon as you possibly able to.
Thank you very much.

Yours sincerely,
Sofiah Ahmad

A Review of a Video Game

The chosen game is simply called “A Word Puzzle” which can be neither too easy nor challenging for an average
player. It is geared towards providing entertainment while helping players to learn the English Language. “A Word Puzzle” is
quite different from the usual Vocabulary games as the process of completing the puzzles provides you with a fun gaming
experience. “A Word Puzzle” is designed for anyone who likes puzzles and word games. The game does not require the
Internet and is completely free. It has 450 puzzles and thousands of hidden words that become more difficult as the level
increases. As you progress through the game, you can open the locked achievements, compete with your friends on the
scoreboard, or win various different badges in stages.
To play “A Word Puzzle”, a player can learn through a tutorial given at the beginning. The aim is to find hidden words
appropriate to the subject chosen. To collect points and badges, you need to use the letters provided to spell the hidden
words. With practice, you can easily improve your Vocabulary, concentration and spelling skills.
This game benefits players who wish to learn the English Language outside the classroom, in an informal environment.
The players can gain more Vocabulary and also improve their word recognition skills. Competent players may find the
game boring as they go through almost similar process or spelling the same words repeatedly. Nevertheless, the game is
easy to learn and definitely educational for young children.


1. B
2. B
3. B
4. C
5. A
6. A
7. B
8. D
9. D
10. D

A17 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  English  Form 4  Answers


Unit 7 B
1. “Wow! Such a big fish!”/ “Look, Daddy! I got a big
Reading fish!”
2. “The sunset looked so spectacular!”
A 3. “I really love all the food!” / “The dishes were all
1 The floral source of nectar delicious!”
4. “We had a great time!” /”Oh, it was fun!”
2 Help to reduce high cholesterol
5. “No wonder I’m exhausted!’”/”Really? I can’t believe I
3 A drone did it!”
4 In honeycombs 6. “How time flies!” / “Has it been a week already?”
5 At their abilities to carry out the assigned tasks. C
1. C 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. B
1. 2 5. cooperative
2. 1 6. skin
3. 4 7. wild
1. a hoe
4. 3 8. nectars
2. a trowel
3. a wheel barrow
4. a pair of gloves
A 5. a rake
1. Visiting zoos can always be a great outing for 6. a spade
families, couples, and friends alike. (Gerund) 7. a flowerpot
2. Most parents will want their children to see the wild 8. a watering can
animals. (To-infinitive) 9. pruning shears
3. Parents may worry about their young children
running around all over the place. (Infinitive without
A watering can is used to water plants. It is good to use it
to), (Gerund)
for a small patch of garden. A big watering can is heavy to
4. Improving speech and language skills is an
lift so one should buy a size that is not too large. It can also
educational benefit for the children. (Gerund)
be easier to use a rubber hose and connect it to a tap.
5. They can start to ask all sorts of questions about the
animals. (To-infinitive) C
6. Engaging with the natural world around them can 1. college student
increase their environmental awareness. (Gerund) 2. motorcycles and cars
7. Encouraging the children to repeat new words and 3. cycling
phrases is a practice for language skills. (Gerund), 4. time and money
(To-infinitive) 5. lifestyle
8. Children will explore and experience new 6. natural resources
environments in a relatively safe and controlled 7. Going green
space. (Infinitive without to), (Infinitive without to) 8. engage
9. Some children might feel afraid when encountering 9. water them.
animals that they have never seen before. (Infinitive 10. reduce the use
without to), (Gerund) 11. jog or just enjoy
10. Parents could try to teach them about how to stay 12. better environment
safe and respect animals from the wild. (Infinitive
without to), (To-infinitive), (To-infinitive)

© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. A18

English  Form 4  Answers 

Gardening is a rewarding hobby. You can grow vegetables, flowers or fruit trees. There are so many types of greeneries
that you can choose to plant. It can be a good exercise for your body and you also help in sustaining the environment. Soap
and oil containers can be recycled as pots. Some students may find this interesting because it allows for creativity when
you cut out the containers. However, I don’t think that many students would try gardening. Taking care of the plants can be
a bore and gardening can also be difficult and time consuming.
In sustaining the environment, you can practise organic gardening. You need to avoid using chemical pesticides and
synthetic based fertilisers. Instead, you should prepare fertilisers using compost made from food waste. In addition, you
also need to store rain water so that you can water the plants without adding any extra cost to your water bill.
Many people have chosen to start gardening when the Government began to enforce the Movement Control Order
nationwide. I believe the pastime is a good idea because they gain a number of benefits. They can have a supply of fresh
vegetables and fruit. Flowers like roses and petunias are a feast to the eyes because they are colourful and beautiful. I agree
that young people may find gardening a bit dull but the elderly people love this activity. Gardening is not only relaxing but
sometimes, time it can also be challenging.
Picture A Picture B
The situation in picture A is common in cities and large In our country, cycling is more known as a recreational
towns. activity. However, bicycles have become a mode of
transportation in some cities in the world.
No, I do not live in the town centre but in the outskirts Anybody can go cycling as a hobby or as a mode of
where it is not so congested with traffic. transportation if one has a bicycle.
One of the disadvantages of living in towns is facing these People can go cycling at any place, along the road or in
traffic jams. The vehicles contribute to air pollutions and designated parks. By going green, people can ride bicycles
also noise pollution. instead of motorcycles.
People should use public transport more, make effort to It will be a good exercise and you become healthier.
carpool and promote environmental-friendly vehicles
which are quiet and do not emit carbon monoxides.
Every human being should be responsible in carrying out Cycling helps towards sustaining the environment because
steps towards environment sustainability. it does not use fuel. Therefore,it will not cause pollution.

Teachers can accept reasonable answers for any activity that can help to protect/improve the environment. Here are a few
Plant more trees/stop logging and deforestation/collect rainwater/carpool/use energy-saving bulbs
Sustainable Practices in Everyday Life
It is a good practice to include wise resource use as a way of sustaining the environment. Doing it consistently should
be a vital part in one of four daily activities in order to reduce emissions and energy use as well as present pollution and
waste. It is a lifestyle that an individual or a society strives to use little or less natural resources of the Earth. They often
attempt to reduce their carbon footprint that is the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere due to the
activities of a particular individual, organisation, or community.
Sustainable living does not mean living without luxuries but it is more towards the awareness of a person’s actions to
reduce resource consumption and unnecessary waste. We must try to conserve energy whenever possible but switching to
renewable energy such as solar energy or wind energy is very much preferred.
We can try maintaining environmental sustainability by changing our methods of transportation, energy
consumption, and diet. Instead of driving cars or riding motorcycles, we should walk, cycle or use public transportation
to help in preserving precious energy resources. As a result, walking and cycling are exercises that help you to be fit and
healthy. You also save money as the use of fuel is unnecessary.

A19 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  English  Form 4  Answers

There are many other ways of sustaining the environment that you can adopt and save money. Among them are to
reduce the use of electricity and water, recycle and reuse of things or take up gardening. Let us be responsible and do our
part in saving the Earth.
Gan Xiao Lin,
SMK Kg Redang,
34000 Ipoh,

The Editor,
The Malaysian News,
Hicom-Glenmarie Industrial Zone,
40150 Shah Alam,
Selangor.28th Feb 2022.

Dear Sir/Madam,
Misuse of Recycling Bins

I wish to draw the attention of the members of the community about the negligent attitude of people in the
community towards recycling. I have encountered recycling bins at many places that have been used for trash instead of
the recyclable materials such as paper, glass and aluminium cans. It is extremely sad that people misuse them as rubbish
bins where they overflow with garbage left by those irresponsible people.
Campaigns after campaigns have been launched to educate people about recycling, yet many of them have chosen
to be so ignorant about it. I am sure those people have seen posters and advertisements about the Three R’s, read articles
about them or hear about them on the radio and television. Malaysians should be given wake up calls to be aware of their
responsibility so there will be no more contamination of recyclables. That kind of attitude has wasted the recycling efforts
made by others. The authorities must find quick solutions in solving the problems.
The public should also be made to realise that there is more to recycling. There is a need to sort out different materials
and separate them which is definitely not the same with dumping them into the bins. The most important fact is everyone
has to cooperate in saving the Earth!
Thank you.

Yours sincerely,
Gan Xiao Lin,
(Gan Xiao Lin)

© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. A20

English  Form 4  Answers 


Unit 8

1. image 3. genetics 5. environment 7. self- confidence
2. unique 4. Mozart 6. experiences 8. great effort
1. C 2. D 3. D 4. B 5. A 6. B

1. The rich lady has her personal assistant arrange everything for her image make-over.
2. She wears clothes chosen by her image consultant.
3. The consultant has a famous designer create clothes for the lady’s new wardrobe.
4. The lady has a stylist cut her long hair to a shorter length.
5. She has a make-up artist teach her how to apply cosmetics effectively.
6. She has a dietician prepare her daily food intake.
7. Every day, she follows her exercise schedules planned by a personal trainer.
8. Finally, the lady has her new image photographed by a photographer.
1. If they had left the house earlier,
2. If he had joined his friends who smoke,
3. If the students had listened to their counsellor teacher,
4. we would buy ourselves new attire.
5. his company would have succeeded in getting more customers.
6. he would look smarter.
1. A 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. C 6. B

Genre 1: Talk/Speech Genre 2: Conversation/Dialogue
Topic: Fashion Topic: Being fashionable/Good Image
Speaker/Participants Speaker/Participants
1. Sara Bennet 1. Linda 2. Kate
What can you learn? What can you learn?
- Be prepared for anything - Be friendly/Have reliable friends
- Self -confidence is important - Good appearance is important
- Save money - equip yourself with knowledge
Accept any reasonable answers.
1. A 2. B 3. C 4. B

A21 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  English  Form 4  Answers

Suggested answer
i. Songket and batik are two completely different crafts. Songket is woven and make use of either silver or gold thread
to form motifs. Batik has designs and motifs drawn on the fabric using the ‘canting’ technique to apply liquid hot wax
onto the fabric. Songket is more expensive but depending on designs and materials, the hand-drawn batik can also
cost between RM200 to RM400 per piece. Songket is quite exclusive because people wear them on special occasions
like weddings or special dinners. Although people do not wear ‘batik canting’ for shopping, they go to work or attend
office functions in them. Finding ways in cutting cost may encourage people to buy these products if they are not so
ii. Having a career in the crafts industry can be a good prospect if you are creative, together with great patience and
tolerance. The youngsters should be given an opportunity to learn more about the crafts.
iii. Providing courses on how to come out with a songket or batik product can spark interest in them. They should also be
taught how to start a business and produce them commercially.
Suggested answers
Food has always been an interest to human beings. People need to eat at least three times a day and some people simply
love to eat. So, people in the food industry around the world create various types of dishes to cater to these people. There
is food like bread, pasta, rice, meat, cakes and so many others that can be prepared in hundred ways. Food is also presented
in a beautiful way to make them look good and appetising.
A career in the food industry can be challenging. Becoming professional cooks or chefs can be demanding because
you have to see to other aspects besides cooking the food itself. However, there are other positions such as junior chefs,
sous chefs and servers who work together with chefs and head cooks. These positions are usually available in restaurants,
hotels or residents of the rich and famous.
Many people can cook but education and experience will make a difference between the professionals and the
common cooks. Nevertheless, a chef can learn how to cook professionally as well as manage a kitchen by doing on-the-
job training in commercial kitches and large restaurant. These places provide the environment where they can learn skills
needed to handle more advanced cooking techniques. Another way to earn qualifications is by going to vocational schools
and universities to take culinary arts and restaurants management courses. The latter would be a good option for those
who would also like to own their own restaurant.
Date : 3rd Feb 2022
To : Encik Kamarul Azim bin Abdul Aziz
From : Syamsul Razmi bin Razali
Subject : Choice of Arts made by Class Form 4 Bakti
This report is to inform you that all the students in my class have voted for three out of the five choices given to us.
We have agreed to select photography, drawings and theatre. The choice for photography is obvious because we would
like to learn the techniques in photography by using the cameras on our phones. At the moment, most of us simply click
the button just for the sake of taking photographs. Many of us are interested in taking up drawing because we cannot
draw well. If we can learn basic drawings, at least we can use the skill in making notes or in class such as during Biology
lessons. We chose theatre because we can learn to express ourselves, build self-confidence and there are a few who are
interested in script-writing.
As you probably know, most of us do not have much knowledge in the selected area. As there is no specific
requirement needed, everyone is looking forward to the extra activities. We hope that by the end of the courses, we
would at least gain some knowledge that we can apply in everyday life.
Lastly, on behalf of the students in my class, I would like to thank you for the opportunity given to us to venture
into this new field.

Prepared by,
(Class Monitor 4 Bakti)

© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. A22

English  Form 4  Answers 

Dear Annika,
I hope not too late to welcome you to our beautiful country. As you probably know, it is a multi-racial country with
Malays, Chinese, Indians and many indigenous people. As such, we have a few traditional clothing of the different races. As
a teenager you must have loved your jeans and T-shirts which I think you know are casual wear. So, they are safe to wear if
you go out with friends for outings or shopping. You may team up your jeans with blouses or long-sleeved shirts for parties
and small gatherings among friends. If there are elderly people, it will be adequate if you replace the jeans with a skirt or a
pair of trousers. Anyway, you specifically ask my advice on what to wear for the open house. “Hari Raya” is a Muslim festival.
The open house is not always formal but guests usually turn up in traditional clothes.
Wearing a dress is also appropriate but it is not advisable to wear casual clothes to such occasions. My advice is for
you to buy baju kurung which is versatile and can be worn to any formal or informal function. Just shop around and you
may get a good bargain because the celebration would be around the corner.
Good luck!


1. The man might have created a pack of lies but people would still believe him.
2. The crowd of people may have laughed even if the jokes are not funny at all.
3. You may have killed a colony of ants, yet they will keep coming back later.
4. Mother whipped up some batches of cakes that she could have catered for the neighbours, too.
5. Looking at the fleet of buses, she worried that she could have boarded a wrong one.
6. The workers got caught in the showers of rain or they could have finished the job earlier.

1. A work 4. B splash
2. C fought 5. C Look
3. B scared 6. C chickened
1. If only I could swim with my friends.
2. If only I could have helped out in putting the matters right.
3. If only he would listen to what I’d told him.
4. I wish I have a bigger car.
5. I wish I had studied harder at school and got good results.
6. I wish I have enough money to travel abroad.
1. f 2. d 3. c 4. a 5. e 6. b

A23 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  English  Form 4  Answers



1. B 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. B
Reading 6. A 7. D 8. A

PART 1-SHORT TEXTS (MCQs) Practice 5

Practice 1 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. B 6. A
1. C 2. A 3. B 4. B 7. B 8. A
5. A 6. C 7. A 8. C PART 4-GAPPED TEXTS
Practice 2 Practice 1
1. A 2. B 3. C 4. B 1. C 2. H 3. B 4. E 5. A 6. G
5. A 6. C 7. A 8. C Practice 2
Practice 3 1. E 2. C 3. B 4. G 5. D 6. A
1. C 2. C 3. B 4. A Practice 3
5. B 6. A 7. B 8. C 1. C 2. F 3. A 4. G 5. B 6. E
Practice 4 Practice 4
1. B 2. B 3. A 4. C 1. C 2. F 3. B 4. G 5. E 6. A
5. C 6. A 7. B 8. C
Practice 5
PART 2-MULTIPLE-CHOICE CLOZE 1. D 2. H 3. F 4. C 5. B 6. E
Practice 1
1. B 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. B PART 5-Matching and INFORMATION TRANSFER
6. C 7. B 8. C 9. A 10. D Practice 1
1. D
Practice 2 2. C
1. D 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. B 3. A
6. D 7. A 8. D 9. B 10. A 4. B
5. link
Practice 3 6. adhered
1. B 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. C 7. sanitise
6. A 7. B 8. D 9. A 10. B 8. register
Practice 4 Practice 2
1. A 2. D 3. A 4. A 5. D 1. E
6. C 7. B 8. D 9. B 10. C 2. F
Practice 5 3. C
1. C 2. B 3. B 4. D 5. A 4. D
6. D 7. C 8. B 9. A 10. C 5. cultural
6. leisurely
PART 3-LONGER TEXTS 7. exploring
8. itinerary
Practice 1
1. B 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. B Practice 3
6. D 7. D 8. C 1. E
2. B
Practice 2 3. A
1. C 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. A 4. D
6. C 7. C 8. A 5. volcano
Practice 3 6. unforeseen
1. A 2. D 3. D 4. B 5. B 7. harrowing
6. A 7. B 8. B 8. rumbling

© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. A24

English  Form 4  Answers 

Practice 4 Practice 3
1. E 5. relax To: [email protected]
2. C 6. rare
3. D 7. imagination Subject: Part-time job
4. F 8. stitches Hi Johari,
Practice 5
It’s a great idea to get a part-time job and I think I’d
1. A 5. future
like to join the job hunt with you. To begin, we’d look for
2. E 6. dreams
an online employment site and browse part-time jobs
3. B 7. aspire
suitable for fresh school-leavers. I think positions such as
4. C 8. self-satisfaction
store assistants or front-counter help are best as on-the-
job training will be provided. Moreover, let’s focus on
jobs in department stores or fast food restaurants. After
that, we should prepare our resumes. I can’t wait to hear
(Suggested answers)
from you.
Practice 1
To: [email protected] Romesh
Subject: Fishing trip Practice 4
Hello Swee Hong, Dear Harin,

I think you should go fishing with your uncle and Yes, I remember our conversation very well and I
cousins. It’s a wonderful outdoor activity. I’d love to join think it’s a great idea. There are online courses but most
you, too. First of all, it’s a good exercise as you’ll have to of them have expensive tuition fees. Since we’re on a
do a lot of walking to the fishing spot. Since you’ll be in tight budget, I’d suggest we buy a language book with a
the sun, you’ll get some vitamin D, too. Moreover, you’ll CD. This is the best introduction to a new language. We
be surrounded by lush greenery which offers a scenic can learn words and useful phrases as well as practise
view. The peaceful nature of your surroundings can be our pronunciation using the CD. Importantly, we can
relaxing too. That’s all for now! learn at our own pace. What do you think? Please share
your view.
Your friend,
Danny Your friend,
Practice 2 Dennis
To: [email protected] Practice 5
Subject: Sunday’s activities Hello there,
Hello Jodie!
First, start training several times a week. This will
I’ve a lot of plans for us. After breakfast, we’ll go help you condition your body for the race. Remember to
to Cheshire Mall because your favourite store is having have a positive attitude so you’ll stay on track with your
a sale. Then, I’ll treat you to lunch at a new seafood training. Get enough sleep especially a few days before
restaurant there. The restaurant has many good reviews the race. On race day, remember to stretch. Then, start
so I think we’ll enjoy the food. I’ve invited two friends slow and pace yourself. After that, slowly increase your
over for tea in the afternoon. We can chat, play board speed until you start running at your normal training
games and watch a movie. Could you bring some board pace. Finally, drink water during and after the race. All
games, please? I guarantee we’ll have a lot of fun. the best!

Bye! Your friend,

Mandy Kamila

A25 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  English  Form 4  Answers

Practice 6 an avid reader so I can help library goers with book

To: [email protected] recommendations if required.
Please contact me if you have any questions about my
Subject: Party ideas application. I am free any day for an interview. I look
Dear Rohan, forward to hearing from you.

If I were you, I’d make it a potluck. You can make Yours faithfully,
a few main dishes and ask your guests to bring some   Joe
of their favourite dishes. This way there’ll be a wide (JOE LIM)
selection of food. Second, organise some fun outdoor
games or a scavenger hunt. You’ve a big garden for
Practice 3
these activities Finally, put mats or bean bags in the
During the holidays, I spent a few days with my
garden and set up a projector and screen. Then, you can
cousins. One day, we went boating. At first, I was nervous
screen a movie. Have lots of fun!
but it eased after the safety briefing and I put on a life
Your cousin,
My excitement grew as we cruised down the river
Suhan lined with lush greenery. Then, something in the water
caught my eye. It looked like someone was in it. I panicked
PART 2: GUIDED Writing
and screamed. My cousins rushed to my side but I could
(Suggested Answers)
only point to the water. Everyone looked hard and the
Practice 1 boatman intermediately manoeuvred the boat to the
One day, my friend and I were at a bus stop. We spot.
chatted but I kept a close eye on the road for the bus. Everyone remained silent as we got closer to the
When I looked towards the road again, I saw a spot. Then, the boatman used a long pole to poke at the
woman, on the pavement, busily digging into her hand object. My heart beat frantically as I waited. Suddenly,
bag. Just then, two men on a motorcycle approached from the boatman shouted that it was an old tyre caught in a
behind. Immediately, I walked forward. I was suspicious submerged tree. Everyone cheered and I let out a big sigh
of their behaviour because they were very close to the of relief.
pavement. All of a sudden, the pillion rider stretched out
Practice 4
his arm towards her bag.
Paying cash is the best method to manage your
I shouted at the men. My outburst frightened the
money effectively and there are many reasons to support
woman and she immediately ran towards the bus stop.
this statement.
Several people gathered around her and the men quickly
To start with, paying cash prevents overspending.
left the scene. I approached the woman and explained
You are more aware of your spending when you have to
why I had shouted. She was still in shock.
take money out of your wallet. You will be able to stop
After she calmed down, the woman thanked me. I
yourself before bursting your budget. In addition, you can
was relieved that I was able to prevent a snatch theft.
save money. Paying cash forces you to think twice before
Practice 2 spending. Also, if you use a credit card, you spend money
on annual fees.
From: [email protected]
Besides that, paying cash eliminates possible
To: [email protected]
security breaches. Cash payments do not require your
personal details. Therefore, your personal or bank details
Dear Sir/Madam,
will be safe. Finally, it reduces your exposure to marketing
I am writing to apply for the position of library assistant
practices. Usually retailers ask credit-card users for contact
as advertised on your website. I am 18 years old and
details. However, you can avoid getting phone or email
waiting for my SPM results.
messages when you pay cash.
I am proficient in using the computer. I am
In my opinion, paying cash helps you manage your
organised as well as can follow instructions well. I
money effectively. It not only allows you to track your
understand the importance of completing tasks in
money but also safeguards it.
a timely manner so I am not afraid of hard work and
putting in long hours to complete my tasks.. Practice 5
I am able to work weekdays as well as weekends e-Sports involves multiplayer video games played
and public holidays. I was a former school librarian so competitively in front of spectators. Many believe gaming
I am familiar with working in a library. In addition, I am isn’t an ideal activity but others disagree.

© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. A26

English  Form 4  Answers 

There are many benefits of e-sports. Firstly, you necessities in their daily life. Considerably, there are both
can gain valuable skills. You can improve hand-eye positive and negative effects of social media for students.
coordination, concentration and problem-solving One good advantage of scrolling through the
skills. Secondly, you can boost your thinking skills and various social media such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok,
confidence. Finally, student-gamers can enjoy improved YouTube or Twitter is that students can be exposed to
academic performance. As student-gamers have a higher current news, events and information which are shared by
interest in STEM subjects, they are likely to achieve better friends through the medium. They can also find tutorials
results. and various food recipes or join online classes and
e-sports has several drawbacks, too. To begin, it seminars via social media.
poses several health risks. For example, back and neck However, students who are attached to the
pain and heart-related diseases are connected with a telephones most of the time have little time to
sedentary lifestyle. Besides that, it can cultivate bad habits communicate face-to-face with other people. Some of
such as poor posture. Lastly, gaming is highly addictive. In these students can become less confident to talk to people
fact, this addiction can slow down brain development and which can cause a detrimental effect for their future.
disrupt sleep. A study has discovered that too much exposure to
To sum up, e-sports has many pros and cons. social media may cause some harm to the health of the
However, I believe you can enjoy the benefits when you students as well as increase the risk of mental illness. As
don’t let it consume your life. most of the social media users post the best things to be
shared, some friends who are watching might feel envious
PART 3: EXTENDED Writing TASK and inadequate with their life. There are also many cases of
(Suggested Answer) cyber bullying which result in the victims feeling stressed
and worse, depressed.
Students should learn about responsibility.
Practice 1 Therefore, they should limit the time to browse their
Food Wastage accounts in social media. Instead, they should put in effort
Have you ever heard that rice will cry if you do not to communicate face-to-face with friends and family. It is a
finish eating it? The message is that children should not simple act that can change your life.
waste food because there are many others who are badly
Practice 3
off for sustenance.
Over the years, attempts have been made towards
Here are some ideas that you can practise to avoid
conserving natural resources of the Earth and also
food wastage. One way is by planning your meals ahead
protecting its global ecosystems. Hence, with good
of time for at least one week. With your menu, list down all
management and up-to-date knowledge, we can hope to
the ingredients needed for the meals. Before shopping for
venture further in sustaining the environment.
new groceries, check for anything that you already have
Going green or practising environment
in your kitchen. Therefore, you only need to buy items
sustainability, needs some effort but it is neither time nor
which are only out of stock and an adequate amount of
money consuming. The simplest thing that you can do is
perishable items.
to switch off electrical appliances and lights when they
You can also try to portion your food smartly. While
are not in use. As Malaysia relies on fossil fuel as the main
ensuring you have enough food on the table can be
source of energy, saving electricity reduces the use of the
daunting, you can learn through trial and error. At the
non-renewable resources.
beginning, you may make a guesswork out of portion
You must avoid the use of plastic bags in your
size to know the amount that your family members will
everyday life by taking along your own bags when going
consume. After some time, you can even save more
shopping. It is common knowledge that plastics are non-
money on your food budget instead of the food becoming
biodegradable and take a long time to decompose. They
leftovers and later trashed into the bins.
pollute the environment and some plastics find their way
You do not need to have green fingers to grow your
into our ocean and harm precious marine life.
own food successfully. Just put in some effort and later
Going paperless certainly helps in saving more trees.
you get to eat fresh fruit and vegetables which are devoid
As such, modern technologies also contribute towards
of chemicals as well.
sustaining the environment. Application forms, utility
In conclusion, it is imperative for all of us to step up
bills, surveys and even catalogues, flyers and leaflets are
to the plate in order to avoid food wastage, in whatever
made available online to replace paper. Another step
ways that we can do.
you can take is to buy things that are reusable instead of
Practice 2 disposable items. Bring your own tumblers and containers
Most Malaysians are active social media users which when buying food and drinks. Use metal straws, cloth
include students who deem social media as one of the napkins and practising the 3R’s will go far in achieving our

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  English  Form 4  Answers

The effort may bring a snowball effect but they can utilises another. Despite the widely used of modern
be the baby steps taken to show that we care. technology, not all shops offer this cashless application,
especially at the wet markets or night markets.
I really recommend using e-wallets as the benefits
Practice 4 outweighs the disadvantages. I hope that in the future,
Recently, my family and I flew to Sabah for a holiday. e-wallets application will be more developed and all
We stayed at a hotel in Kota Kinabalu, a bustling town traders can approve all kinds of e-wallets for the comfort
about 8km from the airport. The capital of the state is also of the consumers.
a gateway to various natural splendours in the state.
Practice 6
There are so many activities that you can do in
My favourite restaurant is a famous Korean
Sabah. One of the attractions you must visit include the
restaurant called Kohyangi Dak which means the home
Filipino Handicraft market, jam-packed with small stalls
of chicken. The place is located in Setia Alam, Selangor,
offering dried local produce and handicrafts from Sabah,
about 3 km from my house. As the name suggests, chicken
Philippines and Indonesia. Just before sun set, you can go
makes up the menu being served there.
to the famous Waterfront and have dinner in one of the
I love its fried chicken which are coated in a variety
restaurants there so you can capture the breathtaking
of flavours and fried until crisp. Although deep-fried, the
sunset over the South China Sea. You can go island
chicken is not oily but crunchy on the outside. Yet, the flesh
hopping which transports you to paradise beaches where
is succulent and juicy. You can have your choice of chicken
you can enjoy parasailing, swimming and snorkelling.
parts that you like whether they are wings, drumettes,
If you love nature, you can visit Tunku Abdul Rahman
breasts or thighs, and they still have the same scrumptious
National Park which is made up of five islands.
taste. Besides fried chicken, other dishes include kimchi
A trip to Sabah will not be complete without a hiking
fried rice, japchae which is fried glass noodles, and spicy
trip up the highest mountain in South-east Asia. However,
rice cakes that are famous as street food in Korea called
not everyone can climb the mountain so you can go to
Kundasang and visit the cow farm there. You get to taste
The service provided by the restaurant is quite slow
the ice creams made from fresh milk which come from the
especially during a full house which is usually from noon
to 2 p.m. However, you can avoid the peak hours so you
I would definitely recommend Sabah as a place
will be served faster when there is less crowd.
to go for a holiday. However, Sabah is a large state that
I would say that the high-end food is a bit costly
one cannot travel to all the interesting places, try out
but you can give yourself a treat once in a blue moon!
exotic food and learn about the indigenous customs and
It is recommended for friends and family to go to this
traditions in a few days’ time.
restaurant to celebrate birthdays or anniversaries. The
Practice 5 restaurant has a pleasant, elegant ambience where
Nowadays, paying via e-wallets is becoming one of having a small gathering will be a relaxing, comfortable
the fastest growing payment trends in Malaysia. Some of experience.
the e-wallets applications available are Touch ‘n Go, Boost,
FavePay and GrabPay.
I use MAE, an e-wallet produced by Maybank. I can Practice 7
use it easily as I only need to scan the code provided. Celebrating Women’s Day
Furthermore, it also comes with some helpful features that It was a memorable occasion for the three
help me to manage my money, budget and save. Using generations of women in the family when my father and
MAE also enables me to track and control my spending by I held a surprise celebration for them in conjunction with
transferring only my monthly budget to MAE in order to the International Women’s Day. My grandmother, mother
prevent overspending. and sisters were caught unaware when we presented each
By using e-wallet, cash is redundant but you need of them with a bouquet of roses after our breakfast that
a smart phone. It will be safer because chances of losing day.
the money are almost nil. You save time as you can avoid Grandma was struck dumb and tearfully hugged
queuing to withdraw money from the ATM machine and my father and I. Mother and my two sisters expressed
you can get rebates when you make purchases using their gratitude and applauded us for keeping a secret
these e-wallets. successfully. The bouquets of pink roses to convey the
One disadvantage of using e-wallets is the meaning of gratitude, grace and joy were delivered to our
probability of an incompatibility of the e-wallets between houses without their knowledge. Then, I read out a special
the customers and the shops. You use a certain type of poem that I specially dedicated to them. Father and I were
e-wallet whilst the outlet where you buy things from both very grateful that all the ladies have stuck with us
through thick and thin.

© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. A28

English  Form 4  Answers 

As it was a special day, my father wanted my The dreaded job was saved to be the last one. We
mother to relax so we went out for lunch at our favourite sat in front of boxes with things that mom had found
restaurant. The management of the restaurant had scattered around the house. Most of them were our things
provided a secluded corner, specially decorated for the and we had to think whether we wanted to keep or throw
event. Out of the blue, the manager of the restaurant came them away. The things we decided to keep must be put
to greet every lady in the restaurant and presented each of away neatly afterwards.
them with a beautiful cupcake. We were really exhausted when everything was
We should be in favour of singing praises of our done. As her appreciation for us , mom cooked special
loved ones, not only on birthdays but also other days to let dishes and prepared our favourite drinks for the fast-
them know how we cherish and hold them in high regards. breaking dinner. Spring- cleaning was unaccommodating
I strongly believe that all women should be appreciated. and tiring but the results were very delightful and
Practice 8
“How I Met My Best Friend” 4. REPORT
My best friend and I have known one another for
Practice 10
a very long time. Currently, we are attending different
schools but we still get in touch through social media. Date 14th May 202_
Once in a while, I call her and then, we will talk for hours! To Encik Daniel bin Muhammad
I first met her on the first day of pre-school where
Subject Sports Day
the teacher seated both of us next to each other. At the
beginning, we were shy and just sat gloomily waiting for From Syarifah Amira binti Syed Asyraf
any instructions from the teacher. It was only after a few It was a fun-filled Sports Day for the students of
days that I felt comfortable in my own skin that I began SMK Gunung Pauh last Saturday. Everyone had been
to draw the attention of the girl by my side. I shared my excited since sports practices started and the day before
macaroni and cheese with her and she gave me some the actual date was a significant time. A full-dressed
chocolates. From that day, we were almost inseparable! rehearsal was held in the morning whereas in the
Syamira is a beautiful, understanding and helpful afternoon, members of the four sports houses went all
person. She is quiet but she smiles all the time! For all the out decorating their tents to vie for the best decorated
ten years that I know her, Syamira has been my backbone tent.
and a driving motivator to most of successful ventures. The day started with the arrival of Tuan Haji
She has always been my greatest supporter in my sports Hashim bin Maarof as the honoured guest. First, there
and academic activities. Likewise, I have done the same was a march past by representatives of the Red House,
thing for her, too. Green House, Blue House and Yellow House and the
On my last birthday, she surprised me by appearing final sports events started after the official speech. The
at my house bearing a bouquet of chocolates and balloons. running events were 400 metres, 200 metres, 100 metres
It was an unexpected gesture from her that brought tears including the relay and hurdles for all categories. There
to my eyes. I hope that we would continue to have an were also events for teachers and the Game Officials.
everlasting friendship so we can cherish our nostalgic The highlight of the day was during the
memories right into our old age. announcements of the results for all the competitions
Practice 9 on that day. The overall champion was the Red House,
Spring-cleaning at Home followed closely by the Yellow and Green Houses. The
Hari Raya was around the corner and it was that Blue House grabbed the trophy for the best decorated
time of the year when my sister and I would shudder, just tent and the best mascot. The best athletes, male and
thinking about. It was the fasting month, yet my mother female were both from the Red House. The event ended
would remind us without fail why we had to carry out the at half-past noon after the presentation of all medals
spring cleaning. Obviously, Mom was overwhelmed with and trophies.
clutter, dirt and grime around the house. Students showed a great level of sportsmanship
Mom would assign the tasks for everyone and work as well as learning teamwork skills which will benefit
started immediately after the dawn prayer. My brother them in future interactions with other people in society.
took down all the curtains for me to have them wash. Indeed, teachers and students should celebrate Sports
Then, my sister and I must wipe the windows and the grills Day with vigour and great enthusiasm!
free from dust and stains. Another job for my brother was
to clean all the ceiling fans. Mom was a bit old school that Prepared by,
she still thought it was a boy’s job to climb up ladders. Syarifah Amira
During the spring-cleaning, we would also clean the (Secretary of Sports Committee)
ovens, refrigerator and the kitchen cabinets.

A29 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  English  Form 4  Answers

Practice 11 Practice 12
Date 13th April 2022 Date 22nd May 2022
To Puan Asyikin binti Ali To Puan Syarifah binti Khairul
Subject English Language Week Subject Donation Drive for School
From Syamil bin Ahmad From Safiah binti Saidin
The English Language Society of SMK Jelai The Entrepreneur Club of SMK Desa Tanjung
organised its annual English Language Week from organised a Donation Drive to collect funds for
2nd of April until 6th of April 2022. Using the slogan the school to carry out various projects and to buy
“ English is Fun”, the objective of the programme is to more books for the school library. The school alumni
encourage the use of the language among students association, teachers, parents and students have been
and for students to show their abilities in using English exceptionally generous in their support towards this
Language. purpose. We raised a total amount of RM18,350.00 just
The event kicked off on Monday, 2nd April 2022, through donations from staff, parents and alumni. An
with the assembly in the Open Hall. After the official additional RM5,644.50 was raised by having a Canteen
announcement, the Form 1 students entertained the Day where we opened a few booths to sell food and
audience with choral speaking and the Form 2 students things. The school Canteen Day was held in the field on
performed a medley of melodious songs. Saturday morning 27th August 2022. The total amount
Meanwhile, contests and other activities that collected after everything was wrapped up came to
have been held throughout the week were the poem RM23,994.50.
recitations, scrabble games, spelling bee, public speaking About RM6,000 will be given to the library and the
and crossword puzzles. On the last day, students had rest will be used for school projects such as to buy paints
the opportunity to watch the animated film “Pixie and for murals and plants to beautify the school compound.
Friends”. Tickets were sold at RM1.00 per student. The The money will be put to good use and managed wisely
money raised will go to the English Language Society by the teachers in charge.
fund to be used for future programmes. We are grateful to the alumni association for
The closing ceremony of English Language giving a large contribution, especially by the successful
Week was held on Friday at 10.30 a.m. The Principal, entrepreneurs and corporations. We are also indebted to
Puan Maria Samad presented books and hampers as parents and students who volunteered their services to
gifts to the winners and awarded certificates to all the ensure the success of the Canteen Day. Besides having
participants. fun, the students gained entrepreneurial, planning and
We were pleased with how everything has organisational skills. Some of the students also gained
turned out. The English teachers and the committee valuable interpersonal skills when interacting with all
members deserved the accolade for all their effort to walks of life. The donation drive is a valuable experience
make the event a success and we also wish to express for the students if they were to organise another charity
our gratitude to all participants who put their heart drive in the future.
out to join the various activities organised. It is hoped
that this programme would motivate students into Prepared by,
learning English and improve their confidence level into Safiah binti Saidin
speaking the language. (Secretary of Entrepreneur Club)

Prepared by,
Syamil Ahmad
(Secretary of Eng. Lgg. Society)

© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. A30

English  Form 4  Answers 

Part 1
1. B 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. B 7. A
Part 2
8. A 9. C 10. C 11. C 12. A 13. B 14. B 15. A
Part 3
Speaker 1 – D
Speaker 2 – G
Speaker 3 – A
Speaker 4 – E
Speaker 5 – C
Part 4
21. hike
22. plants
23. river
24. waded
25. pollution
26. decreasing
27. logged
28. machinery
29. murky
30. thirty

A31 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

  English  Form 4  Answers


Final Year Test

Part 1
1. B 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. B

Part 2
9. A 10. B 11. D 12. B 13. B 14. D 15. B 16. C 17. A 18. B

Part 3
19. A 20. A 21. A 22. A 23. D 24. A 25. B 26. C

Part 4
27. G 28. B 29. D 30. E 31. A 32. F

Part 5
33. B 34. C 35. D 36. A
37. passages
38. calm
39. climbing
40. patient

Part 1
Question 1
(Suggested answer)

To: [email protected]

Subject: Holiday get together

Dear Logan,

What exciting news! My family isn’t going anywhere so I’m free to spend time with you.
I hope you can spare two days. First, let’s catch up over tea at my house. Second, we’ll go sightseeing to several
interesting places. Third, our families can dine together at a seafood restaurant nearby. Finally, let’s have a picnic at the
beach. I’ll invite my friends, too. I think we’ll have a wonderful time.
I hope you’re excited about our plans. See you soon!


© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. A32

English  Form 4  Answers 

Part 2
Question 2
(Suggested answer.)
An Eco-friendly Life at Home
An eco-friendly life helps conserve the environment. You do it by reducing, reusing and recycling.
There are many ways to go green. First, use energy-saving lights, appliances and plumbing systems to reduce your
energy and water consumption. Second, make new things from old things. For example, use plastic bottles, old furniture
and clothes to create new and useful things. Third, recycle more. Bring your own bags when you go shopping and
containers for storage. Lastly, turn food scraps into fertilizer for your garden plants.
This way of living also benefits you. To start, efficient use of electricity and water means low utility bills. This helps to
save money. Next, your indoor air is healthier. Using products made from renewable resources and efficient ventilation
systems keep the air clean.
In conclusion, leading a green life means making changes in your life. In the long run, these changes will save the

Part 3
Question 3
(Suggested answer.)
My School Library
The school library is an important place for teachers and students. It helps support teaching and learning and can leave
a lasting impact on the lives of students.
There are many things I like about my school library. It is a comfortable reading place. It is bright and airy. The
librarian and staff are friendly, well-trained, skilled and helpful. I feel welcomed when I go there.
However, I would like my school library to have more reading-based activities. First, I want activities that can create
interest so students want to explore new genres or read work from different writers. Second, I want programmes that
help students get interested in books and reading as well as aid them to study their classroom subjects. Besides that,
not all my friends have the same reading level. There should be fun activities so students can develop their reading skills
so they become confident readers.
In addition, there should be a wide selection of reading materials. To start, the collection should be updated so
students get the opportunity to read the latest resources. Moreover, the materials should be in a variety of formats.
Lastly, the library should incorporate current technologies such as computers and Internet connection so students can
access information and resources easily.
In short, my school library is good but it could be better. I think if they incorporate my suggestions, it has the power
to enrich the lives of all its users.

Question 4
(Suggested answer.)
The Best Cendol
I recently had some cendol. I’ve had cendol before at road side stalls and a few restaurants. However, the chef at Nyonya
Best Cafe in the city centre makes the best cendol I have ever tasted.
The cafe offers a variety of desserts but I ordered the cendol when I saw on the menu that it was their best-selling
dessert. The dessert made a colourful picture. The combination of mung beans, cendol jelly, palm sugar and coconut
milk arranged attractively made my mouth water. The hint of pandan and coconut milk aroma made the dessert very
Then, I took my first spoonful of the dessert. I hoped that it tasted as good as it looked. I wasn’t disappointed. The
mung beans and jelly were smooth and soft. The mixture of palm sugar and coconut milk was deliciously thick and
creamy. Each spoonful was a wonderful explosion in my mouth.
The dessert was rich but it wasn’t too sweet. The sweetness was just to my liking so I was able to finish every bit of it.
The ingredients were fresh and prepared well. However, I would have preferred a little less mung beans.
One bowl costs RM7.90. They used real ingredients such as fresh coconut milk and there were no artificial flavouring
or colour. I think the dessert is not only tasty but also value for money. I would recommend it to my friends and family
because it is a deliciously creamy dessert.

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  English  Form 4  Answers

Question 5
(Suggested answer)

A Stranger Who Changed My Life

One day, I accompanied my mother to the wet market. Her first stop was a vendor opposite a food stall. I went to the
food stall. I drank tea while my mother was buying some vegetables.
A women, came to the stall and stood near my table. Both her arms were laden with bags. I watched her put them
down on an empty chair and order some food. When she was about to leave, her movements shook the table. As a result,
my glass fell and tea spilt everywhere. She was shocked and immediately apologised. I smiled and told her it wasn’t a
problem. After she paid for her food, she apologised again and left.
When I went to pay my bill, the stall owner told me that the woman had paid it. I was puzzled. It was just an accident
but she must have felt bad and kindly paid for me. The woman’s gesture left a good feeling in my heart. I was smiling to
myself the whole day.
I wondered why a small gesture affected my mood and thoughts so much. If people felt kindness around them,
surely they would feel uplifted too. I decided, then, that I wanted to pass on the kindness the woman had shown me.
Since then, I have carried out a number random act of kindness to strangers. Helping put a smile on their face is
rewarding. The stranger made me see the world differently and I am happier for it.

© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. A34

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