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10 Lines On Rainy Day For Class 1

• A rainy day is a day which cools the weather with rain showers and a refreshing breeze.

• It is a boon for trees, birds, animals, plants and people during summer.

• It rejuvenates everyone by making the climate cool and pleasant.

• The fruits and flowers on trees look so fresh, colourful and refreshing on a rainy day.

• Many people like getting drenched in the rain and children love playing football on a rainy day.

• A rainy day uplifts the mood of a person and brings in a sigh of relief from the scorching heat.

• It plays an important role for farmers as it helps them in the growth and nourishment of crops.

• Some people listen to music and spending quality time with family and friends on a rainy day.

• Sometimes we can see a rainbow on the horizon on a rainy day.

• On a rainy day, nature becomes very rhythmic and peacocks spread their feathers and frogs dance
to celebrate the charm of rain.
The Cow Essay In English For Class 1

The cow is a domestic animal which is considered useful to mankind.

It is used as livestock mainly for providing various dairy products like milk, ghee and cheese.

It is found in various colours, shapes and sizes around the world.

In India, the cow is regarded as a sacred animal and worshipped by Hindus from ancient times.

It has two ears and eyes each, one big nose, two sharp horns, a long tail and four limbs.

It eats fresh grass, husk, grain and vegetables.

Cow’s milk is very nutritious and beneficial for human consumption.

Drinking cow milk regularly sharpens our brain and increases immunity power.

Farmers often use a male cow known as an ox to plough the fields and draw carts.

The cow dung is used by people as fuel and fertilizer for plants and for repelling insects.
Essay on Family Picnic for Class 1 Kids

• Family picnics are the best ways to spend quality time with our family members.

• During picnics, we get to talk a lot to each other and play together.

• When we are on a family picnic, we start our journey to the picnic spot early in the morning.

• We usually go to the zoo, gardens, farmhouse, etc. which are a little far, but not too far from
our home.

• My mother and grandmother cook delicious food and prepare snacks for the picnic.

• My brother collects all the things needed for games like playing football, cricket, etc.

• My father gets chocolates, sweets and other snacks from the shop for all the family members.

• My brother and I play games like badminton, cricket and football.

• We all play antakshari, hide-and-seek, dodgeball, etc. and then have lunch together. The day
slips away with a lot of laughter, chatter and fun.

• Family picnics are a great way to rejoice the bond that we all share.
Essay On Mango For Class 1

 Mango is the national fruit of India which is loved by one and all.

 It is a very juicy, pulpy and luscious fruit.

 Ripe mangoes can either be consumed raw or in the form of salad, juice, jams, milkshake or

 Mango is a rich source of various vitamins and minerals.

 It is regarded as the king of fruits and comes in various shapes and sizes.

 There are a huge variety of mangoes which are cultivated in India like Alphonso, Dasheri, Langra,
Badami, Malda, Banganapalli among others.

 It grows extensively during the summer season across various parts in India.

 Mango is my favourite fruit because it has a sweet and refreshing flavour.

 In addition to its taste, the fruit has many nutritional and health benefits too.

 Mango is a tasty fruit and everyone loves its juicy and lip-smacking flavour.
Essay on My Favourite Season Summer for Class 1 Kids

• Summer is my favourite season of the year.

• The weather during this season is very hot. May and June are the hottest months in the year.
People use coolers, ACs, etc. to keep the surroundings cool.

• The atmosphere in the evening is ideal for outdoor activities like playing, cycling, etc. as there
is an ample amount of brightness.

• People tend to wear comfortable, light-coloured cotton clothes as cotton is a good absorber of

• Cold drinks, aam panna, jaljeera, chilled fruit juices are consumed to beat the heat.

• It is the season of many fresh fruits and vegetables like watermelon, musk melon, mango,
litchi, cucumber, tomatoes, bottle gourd, etc.

• The reason why I love this season so much is that during this season, we get summer vacations
of around two months.

• This is the time to relax with our family members and spend quality time with them without
worrying about getting up early for school.

• On alternate summer vacations, we visit our village and I get to meet my grandparents and
cousins there.
• I play with my friends, eat a lot of ice creams, drink fresh fruit juices and watch cartoons
during the summer vacations. Summer season is really the best season of the year.
Five Lines On My School Bag For Class 1

 I have a cute little red school bag.

 It is very useful and helps me to keep my belongings safe.

 I carry my exercise books, a pencil case, lunch box and a water bottle in it.

 It is very spacious and has small pockets inside to carry essential things.

 My school bag keeps my books and other belongings safe from external damage like sun, dust or
My Book Essay For Class 1

 Books are a great source of information and knowledge to their readers.

 Reading books is considered a good habit as it increases our knowledge and wisdom.

 Books give us the insight to expand our thinking capacity and enhance our vocabulary.

 My favourite book is Noddy Storybook Treasury, which is written by Enid Blyton.

 This storybook includes a fantastic collection of stories of Noddy and all his Toy Town friends
from Toyland.

 I read the storybook during bedtime every day as all the stories are really interesting to read.

 The book has beautiful pictures in it along with an amazing collection of stories.

 The pictures make the stories appear more interesting and appealing to read.

 Storybooks help in enhancing my imagination and take me to a dreamy world of Noddy and his

 I love reading storybooks and wish to explore other types of books too.
My Brother Essay for Class 1

• I have an older brother whose name is Michael.

• He is two years older than me and studies in Class 3.

• My brother has a round face with black hair and brown eyes.

• He is very caring, loving and outgoing by nature.

• He takes care of me, whenever my parents are not at home.

• He shares his toys with me, whenever we are playing indoors.

• My brother is a well-mannered boy who is loved by everyone.

• He is very good in his studies and helps me in my studies too.

• He is very sincere and intelligent and never misses his school.

• I love my brother and always pray to God to help us maintain a strong bond forever.
My Dream House Essay For Class 1

My dream house is a place where I wish to live with my parents and siblings.

It should be a two-bedroom cottage on the ground floor.

The house should have a spacious veranda which is attached to the drawing-cum-dining hall.

It should have a huge kitchen and two bathrooms which are attached to the bedrooms.

My dream house should be built of bricks, cement, marbles and tiles with all modern amenities.

All the rooms of my house should be airy and well-ventilated with huge bow windows.

The walls in my home should be light yellow in colour which should give a bright look to the interiors.

There should be a beautiful view of a playground and park from the balcony.

My house should be surrounded by a small garden outside with trees, small plants and flowers in it.

My sweet home should be an ideal place where I should feel secure and comfortable to stay there.
10 Lines on My Family Essay for Class 1

I have a wonderful family and love all my family members.

My family consists of ten members - grandparents, parents, uncle, aunt, two brothers, one sister and me.

My father is an engineer and my mother is a school teacher by profession.

My grandfather is a retired government employee and my grandmother is a housewife.

My uncle and aunt are lawyers and all of my brothers and sisters go to the same school.

All my family members love, respect and care for each other.

My family goes for a picnic once every two weeks.

We all love to spend time with each other after dinner every night.

My family has taught me good lessons about love, unity and cooperation among ourselves.

I pray to God to protect my family from all evils and vices and keep us safe from all dangers of life.
My Father Essay In English For Class 1

My father’s name is Mr Raj Sharma.

He is a loving and dutiful person who takes care of my entire family.

He is an Engineer by profession and is a very hardworking person.

He is an intelligent person who answers all my questions in a witty way.

My father respects his own parents, my mother and each member of my family.

He maintains cordial relations with our relatives, friends and neighbours.

He drops me and my sister to school and my mother to work every day.

He helps me and my younger sister in our studies every day.

He teaches us good etiquette, humanity and ethics of life.

My father is my role model and I want to become like him one day.
My Favourite Flower Rose Essay for Class 1

• Rose is my favourite flower among all flowers.

• A rose is popularly known as the ‘King of Flowers’.

• They come in different colours such as red, white, pink, yellow, etc.

• A rose plant has small and sharp thorns on its stem.

• The flower looks beautiful when it blooms in the garden.

• Rose symbolises beauty, love and compassion.

• The petals of a rose are soft and used in perfumes due to its fragrance.

• Roses are used for decoration purposes in various ceremonies.

• Garlands that are woven in roses are often used in places of worship.

• A rose is a beautiful flower which has an attractive fragrance and colour.

My Garden Paragraph for Class 1

 I have a small beautiful garden in front of my house.

 There are many beautiful flowers like roses, orchids, sunflowers and lilies in my garden.

 My grandfather loves gardening and tends to our garden everyday.

 He taught me how to water the plants daily.

 I play with my pet dog, Jimmy in the garden every evening.

 Whenever I go for a vacation with my family, we visit the nurseries in the neighbourhood and
collect more plant saplings for our garden.

 My favourite flower is an orchid and we have a variety of different colours in our garden.

 Every day the sun shines bright on the plants and beautiful butterflies hover upon the flowers.

 There is an apple tree in my garden which bears sweet fruits.

 Gardening is my favourite past time and I love to spend time in my garden.

My Grandmother Essay for Class 1 Kids

• My grandmother’s name is Mrs. Cheryl Roy.

• She is an old lady who is seventy-five years old.

• She has a very pleasing personality.

• She dresses up in simple clothes and believes in simple living.

• She wakes up early in the morning and goes for a walk in the nearby park.

• She cooks delicious meals and helps my mother in her household work.

• She is a virtuous lady who offers prayers and performs her religious chants daily.

• Knitting is her hobby as she has made beautiful hand-made sweaters for me.

• She narrates enchanting fairy tales to me during bedtime.

• I love my grandma very much as she is an inspiration to everyone in my family.

My Mother Essay In English For Class 1

My mother’s name is Mrs Joya Roy.

My mother is a symbol of strength who holds the entire family together.

She is a teacher by profession and is a very friendly person by nature.

She is a very caring person who showers love and affection on all the members of my family.

She is a connecting link of the different members of my family as she binds everyone together.

She sacrifices all her wishes, needs and desires to see a smile on my face.

She helps me in my studies and guides me while doing my school homework.

Her love towards me is unconditional and she takes care of me and the entire family.

She provides a safe and secure environment for me and protects me from the evil gaze of society.

I pray to God to keep her hale and hearty and protect her from any illness.
My Parents Essay For Grade 1

My parents are the most wonderful people in the world.

They play a monumental role in our physical, mental, emotional and overall personality development.

My parents are the ones who help me to distinguish between the right and wrong path.

They protect and save me and my brother from the evils of society.

They listen to all our problems patiently and help us is making decisions in life.

They buy us beautiful gifts during our birthdays and festivals.

My brother and I cannot imagine our lives without our parents.

My mother prepares delicious food for us and my father helps us in our studies regularly.

My parents always encourage us to participate in various indoor and outdoor games.

I love both of my parents and pray to God for their well-being at all times.
My School Essay In English For Class 1

My school is one of the most popular schools in town.

My school building is very spacious and beautiful.

My school has a huge playground where I can play various outdoor games.

I have many friends at my school where we study and play together.

My school teachers are very kind and caring towards everyone.

We celebrate all national functions at my school with great pomp and show.

My school has a huge library where we can read books.

My school conducts physical education classes once every week.

My school has a science lab which is well-equipped.

I love to go to school because I learn new things every day.

Myself Essay For Class 1

• My name is Anjali Sharma.

• I am a 6 year old girl and I stay in New Delhi..

• I have two older brothers and I’m the youngest member of my family.

• My father is a doctor and my mother is a school teacher. They love all of us dearly.

• I study in Class 1 at St. Teresa Convent. I love going to school every day.

• I respect all my teachers and I have many friends at school.

• I love to play with dolls and toys with my friends.

• I love eating chips and ice cream. My parents take us for a picnic once every month.

• My hobbies are watching cartoons and listening to music once I return from school every day.

• I enjoy watching the stars in the night sky and want to become an astronaut when I grow up.
Essay On My Sister For Class 1

• I have an elder sister. Her name is Priya.

• She studies in Class 4.

• She is fond of dancing and painting.

• She is a very intelligent student and scores 1st rank in all exams.

• She helps my mother in household chores.

• We play together in the evenings after school.

• She assists me in my homework and studies.

• She advises me whenever I am confused.

• She is a loving and caring person.

• I love my sister so much and pray for her sound health.

My Teacher Essay For Class 1

• My favourite teacher’s name is Ms Stella D’Souza.

• She is my class teacher and takes our attendance on a daily basis.

• Although she has a strict personality, she is very caring and kind by nature.

• She is very disciplined and punctual and always comes to class on time.

• She teaches us the English subject and tells us a lot of interesting stories.

• My teacher gives us a warm hug before we walk in and out of our class every day.

• She guides us very well during any school function or competition.

• She teaches us to study and share things among our classmates and doesn’t give us loads of
homework every day.

• She helps us in our studies and makes it an interesting learning experience for all students.

• My class teacher is like a guide who motivates us to do well in our studies regularly.

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