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Compilation of Answers in 4th quarter HUM CREATIVE

WRITING and MODULE 9&10 (HUM 113)

Activity 1

Determine the structure applied in the poems below.

Poem Selection

My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun; A

Coral is far more red than her lips’ red; B

If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun; A

If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head. B

I have seen roses damask’d, red and white, C

But no such roses see I in her cheeks; D

And in some perfumes is there more delight C

Than in the breath that from my mistress reeks. D

I love to hear her speak, yet well I know E

That music hath a far more pleasing sound; F

I grant I never saw a goddess go; E

My mistress, when she walks, treads on the ground: F

And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare G

As any she belied with false compare. G

1. What stanzas can be seen in the poem?
There are quatrain and couplet stanzas.

2. What is the rhyme scheme/pattern of the poem? Use the lines on the
right side of each line in the stanza.
The rhyming pattern is ABAB CDCD EFEF GG which is the
Shakespearean sonnet.

3. What specific type of poetry is used in the poem?

It was lyric poetry.

Activity 2 Haiku Challenge

(Mayon Volcano)

Earth's fiery cone

Nature's perfect collision

The city wonders

Checking Your Understanding

Directions: Below are summaries/themes of classical poems. Classify the


1. The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri talks about a man, generally

assumed to be Dante himself, is miraculously enabled to undertake an
ultra-mundane journey, which leads him to visit the souls in Hell,
Purgatory, and Paradise. – (NARRATIVE)
2. The poem “All Things Bright and Beautiful” by Cecil Frances Alexander
tells about how great God Almighty is. The God who has given us eyes to
see, the God who control the season, the God who controls the sun, and
the God who creates and makes everything.- (LYRIC)

3. The “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard” by Thomas Gray is a 1751

poem about the buried inhabitants of a country churchyard and a
meditation on the inevitability of death for all. - ( LYRIC)
Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer.
For items 1 to 4, read the poem and answer the questions that follow.

“There was a young lady of station

‘I love man’ was her sole
exclamation; But when men
cried: ‘You flatter,’
She replied, ‘Oh! no matter
Isle of Man is the true explanation.'”.
- “To Miss Vera Beringer” by Lewis Carroll

1. What stanza is displayed in the poem?

a. couplet b. septet c. cinquain d. octave

2. The following rhyming words can be seen in the poem EXCEPT?

a. station – explanation
b. flatter – matter
c. exclamation – station
d. matter – fatter

3. What rhyme scheme is applied in the poem?


4. What specific type of poetry is used in the poem?

a. haiku b. sonnet c. limerick d. ode

For items 5 to 6, read the poem and answer the questions that follow.

“But thou, contracted to thine own bright eyes,

Feed'st thy light’s flame with self-substantial
fuel, Making a famine where abundance lies,
Thyself thy foe, to thy sweet self too cruel.”

5. What stanza is displayed in the poem?

a. tercet b. quatrain c. sexain d. sestet

6. What is the rhyme scheme of the excerpt?


7. What type of poetry is exemplified the poem?

“A single leaf dances in the breeze, / Unguided and unafraid/ Testament
to nature’s freedom/ unconventionally beautiful/ Mesmerizing in its
movements/ nature’s ballerina”?
a. lyric b. limerick c. narrative d. descriptive

8. What type of sonnet consists of an octave (eight lines) and a sestet (six
a. Spenserian
b. Shakespearian
c. Petrarchan Sonnet
d. all of the above

9. The “Odyssey” by Homer centers on the struggles and victories of

Odysseus, the king of Ithaca. What type of poetry is this?
a. lyric b. ode c. elegy d. epic

10. The poem, “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” by Samuel Taylor
Coleridge tells the story of an old sailor who has returned from his
voyaging and wants to share the terrible things he has encountered on
the high seas. What time of poetry is this?
a. ballad b. epic c. ode d. descriptive

Lesson 1 – Elements of Poetry: Structure of Poetry

Directions: Write a reflective learning about what you have learned about
imagery, diction, and figures of speech by answering the questions inside the
box. You may express your answers in a more critical and creative presentation
of your great learning.


There are different LESSON I want to know the
kind of form and I need to improve different structure
stanza of a poem. my vocabulary and of a poem.
Haiku is the one skills in writing a I want to widen my
that I like the most poem. knowledge and
among the forms skills in writing
of poem. poetry.

Module 9


Answer the following questions:

1. Who are the characters? Describe each character briefly.

The characters are the young couple. The young woman is lonely
and she is fond of taking care of her infant (doll) while the young man is
900856-B-H-333 employee. He was a workaholic and always busy, rarely
at home.

2. What are the conflicts that the couple face in the play?
In the story, the couple faced the problem between life and work.
The woman is always alone at the house. She wants to have a baby buy
her husband doesn’t want to. The man is always busy with his work in
the company. He was frightened that the baby will be the distraction and
reason of his eviction in the company. The company killed some of the
employees who neglect their responsibility in the organization.
3. Which among these problems can you relate with? Why?
As a student, fortunately I can’t relate with this problems. But
nowadays, the balance between life and work is one of the problems that
couples have been facing.

4. Do you know somebody who can relate with the problems expressed in
the play?
As I have mentioned earlier, in the present, many married couples
are struggling with these problems.

5. Describe the way the author wrote the text.

The author wrote the script mysteriously. In the first part, I
thought it was just a simple and cliché stories about a couple, but
behind the emotionless dialogue, there is a deep meaning.

6. How is it different from other literary texts you have encountered before?

It was full of surprises and the ending was harsh and tragic.

7. What literary does the play reveal about people of the working class?
The company plays an important role on the working class system.
The employees do what the company sets out for them. Despite of their
hard work and 24/7 working, they remain under the poverty household.
It’s even lead to exhaustion or worst death.

8. If you were the playwright, how would you have ended the story?
I will give the couple a happy ending and sue the company for their
sinful acts.

Activity 1

Identify the literary elements of the paly “The Worker” Refer to the play again
and look for the details that will complete the matrix below. Write your answers
based on the guide questions given for each element.

“The Worker” by Walter Wykes Literary Elements

Setting The story happened in the apartment.
• When and where did the story The woman was sitting in a rocking
happen? chair when her man came.
• Describe the beginning of the first
Character Young man- workaholic
• Who are the characters? Young woman- lonely
• Are there any description given?
• If there are none, briefly describe
each character.
Dialogues The dialogue was well-written and able
• How does each character speak? to depict the trait of each character.
• What particular motives, traits, or
attitudes are reflected by each
character’s lines?
• Did the playwright utilize any I think the playwright used dramatic
dramatic device? irony where the members of the
• If yes, identify and describe how it audience are fully and clearly aware
was used. of the significance and implications of
• Do you think the device was used the characters words, action, or
effectively and served its purpose? situations except the character
Why? himself/herself

Activity 2

Complete the graphic organizer by writing the events from the play “The
Worker” under each element of plot structure. Compare and contrast answers
with a partner.


This is a story about a husband and a

wife who lived in the time of Great
Depression. It
started when the wife who was
cradling an infant in her arms heard
her husband was going to enter
their apartment. The wife hurriedly
hid the infant into the drawer and
busied herself with the kitchen
stuff. When the husband entered the
room, he called her and found that his
wife was still doing the
kitchen things while usually it has
been done when he got home. He
thought that he came home too
early than usually but he did not. The
wife who approached him saw so
many office stuffs on the living
room table and guessed that her
husband has been fired from his job.
He then convinced her that he
was not fired at all
This is a story about a husband and a
wife who lived in the time of Great
Depression. It
started when the wife who was
cradling an infant in her arms heard
her husband was going to enter
their apartment. The wife hurriedly
hid the infant into the drawer and
busied herself with the kitchen
stuff. When the husband entered the
room, he called her and found that his
wife was still doing the
kitchen things while usually it has
been done when he got home. He
thought that he came home too
early than usually but he did not. The
wife who approached him saw so
many office stuffs on the living
room table and guessed that her
husband has been fired from his job.
He then convinced her that he
was not fired at all
This is a story about a husband and a
wife who lived in the time of Great
Depression. It
started when the wife who was
cradling an infant in her arms heard
her husband was going to enter
their apartment. The wife hurriedly
hid the infant into the drawer and
busied herself with the kitchen
stuff. When the husband entered the
room, he called her and found that his
wife was still doing the
kitchen things while usually it has
been done when he got home. He
thought that he came home too
early than usually but he did not. The
wife who approached him saw so
many office stuffs on the living
room table and guessed that her
husband has been fired from his job.
He then convinced her that he
was not fired at all
This is a story about a husband and a
wife who lived in the time of Great
Depression. It
started when the wife who was
cradling an infant in her arms heard
her husband was going to enter
their apartment. The wife hurriedly
hid the infant into the drawer and
busied herself with the kitchen
stuff. When the husband entered the
room, he called her and found that his
wife was still doing the
kitchen things while usually it has
been done when he got home. He
thought that he came home too
early than usually but he did not. The
wife who approached him saw so
many office stuffs on the living
room table and guessed that her
husband has been fired from his job.
He then convinced her that he
was not fired at all.
This is a story about a husband and a
wife who lived in the time of Great
Depression. It
started when the wife who was
cradling an infant in her arms heard
her husband was going to enter
their apartment. The wife hurriedly
hid the infant into the drawer and
busied herself with the kitchen
stuff. When the husband entered the
room, he called her and found that his
wife was still doing the
kitchen things while usually it has
been done when he got home. He
thought that he came home too
early than usually but he did not. The
wife who approached him saw so
many office stuffs on the living
room table and guessed that her
husband has been fired from his job.
He then convinced her that he
was not fired at all.
This is a story about a husband and a wife who lived in the time of Great
Depression. It started when the wife who was cradling an infant in her arms
heard her husband was going to enter their apartment. The wife hurriedly hid
the infant into the drawer and busied herself with the kitchen stuff. When the
husband entered the room, he called her and found that his wife was still doing
the kitchen things while usually it has been done when he got home. He
thought that he came home too early than usually but he did not.

Rising Action

The wife who approached him saw so many office stuffs on the living room
table and guessed that her husband has been fired from his job. He then
convinced her that he was not fired at all. Believing what her husband told, the
wife went back to the kitchen to finish her dinner preparation until her
husband called her again in an angry voice. He found a "baby" from the drawer
when he was going to put his file into it. He shouted so loudly and asked her to
destroy the "baby". She then went into the room with the "baby". Despite
destroying the baby, she hid the "baby" into her dress so she seemed to be
pregnant. The husband realized her disguise and tiredly asked her to
understand what he asked her to do. Yet, both of them were having a great
quarrel. He told her that it was not a real baby but a doll. She uncontrollably
told him that she wanted to have a baby but he just did not want it and the
"baby" was her true companion while she was all alone at the apartment. When
the man was going to throw it away the wife threatened him to go away. He
then gave up and let her kept the "baby" in one condition he did not want to
see it at home. The quarrel became more lunatic. The wife asked him to help
her take care of it but he did not want to. She then told him that he was so
selfish that he was so busy with his own jobs. The husband told her that he
was so busy doing the office works because many of his friends have been fired
and he had to do all the works in the office so he was always busy.

Telling her the truth, the husband told her that all of his friends got a
party on their expulsion. He also told her that on each party held for every fired
worker, he/she would get a cake on which there are candles which represent
the time dedication towards the office. While talking about this matter,
suddenly there was a knocking at the door. The man opened the door and
found that there was a messenger. He was so shock when he was told that the
messenger conveyed a message from his office to hold a party for him. The
messenger asked him what kind of cake favor he liked and how many years he
has served the office. Astoundingly, he tried to tell the messenger that he was a
great model of employee and he has been worked well for the office. Yet, the
messenger insisted him to choose the cake favor as soon as possible.

Falling Action

After the messenger gone, the husband approached his wife and told her
the truth. In a sudden realization, he asked his wife whether she told about the
"baby" to other people. In spite of a little forgotten about it, she then came to
remember that she ever told about the thing to woman in order to make her
jealous. The husband was so angry when he heard that. He told her that the
woman was so evil that she wanted to get his job in the office. Yet, it was too
late for him to do something. He was just fired and he then asked his wife to
throw away the "baby".


She hardly made decision between her husband and the "baby", but after
all she decided to leave her husband and went with Emma, her "baby".

Module 10

Activity 1

Direction: Study and interpret the meaning of the collage. From the collage
draw out and conceptualized the story line and theme of your script.

Now, think of three characters that be part of your story line. Name and
illustrate each character. Then, write short descriptions for each character.

Character 1

Name: Marie Calingasan

She graduated BS Civil Engineering, a bread winner in her family. Her

mother is sick so she works as a call center agent for eager treatment.
Character 2

Name: Joseph Gutierrez

He is a janitor in ABC Company. He has 5 children and all of them are


Character 3

Name: James Natividad

He is the owner of ABC Company. He is so strict to his employee.

Title: Underneath

The play tells a story about two workers who are desperate to improve
their life condition. The main conflict is about the mistreatment of ABC
Company to their employees and one of them is Joseph. They are underpaid
but overwork.

Activity 2

Setting the Mood


Time: 10 o’clock in the evening Place: ABC Company


Marites, a star employee in the GRIFIN Company was walking in the lobby
when Cecil suddenly appeared and they clashed each other.

Marites: Hey! Watch where you going!

Cecil: [crying] I’m sorry, I didn’t see you.

Marites: Why are you crying? Here, please take my handkerchief. [Guided
Cecil in the empty room)

Cecil: Thank you so much.

Marites: Why? What happened?

Cecil: I don’t want to work with Jay anymore! He is so annoying. He

always cut me off and doesn’t listen to my idea/opinion. I thought
we are a team.

Marites: Aww, I think you need to settle the problem with him personally
and ask him what his problem with you. You now, not everyone is
going to like you or we’re not always going to like everyone we
meet. It’s helpful to remember that who we perceive someone to be
is not necessarily who they actually are. You need better

Cecil: Yeah, I think he misunderstand my intention. I was just trying to

help him. I need to talk to him. Thank you very much [hug

Marites: Welcome. You and Jay will be okay, just talk to him. I know you
are both a good person, it was just misunderstanding.

Cecil: You are the best Marites, that’s why boss like you so much. You
know how to communicate with others and understand them.

Marites: [smile] [saw Jay passed by] Oh, Jay is there. Talk to him now.

Cecil: Yeah, I will go now. Thank you again.

[Cecil exits the room and talk to Jay, her team mate]

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