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Lead Design and Editing: Drew Merritt
Contributing Design: Charles Baker, Brian Black, Donovan Baures, Jared Coplin, Seth Kravetz,
Merritt Miera, Ryan Patterson, Justin Shipler, Sean Trew
Art Direction: Brian Black
Graphic Design and Layout: CJ Hudgins
Cover Illustration: Ferdinand Ladera
Interior Illustrations: Zoe Badini, Mary Ellen Draper, Francesca Gatti, Melanie Korte, Tina Nguyen,
Ferdinand Ladera, Alana Radkevich, Alex van der Linde, Jackie Youwakim

Special Thanks: Dave and Erika Bean, Sumitra Black, and Jessica Merritt for your tremendous
support for this massive undertaking. We would not be here without you.

© 2021 Next-Level Gaming Grio’s Guide to the Wildlands. Next-Level Gaming logo, The Four
Tools of the Next-Level Encounter Design Philosophy, and Grio Whiteshine are trademarks of
Next-Level Gaming, LLC. All characters and the distinctive likenesses thereof are property of
Next-Level Gaming, LLC.

Next-Level Gaming, LLC is:

Drew Merritt: Co-Founder and President of Operations

Brian Black: Co-Founder and Brand Manager
CJ Hudgins: Design and Marketing
Charles Baker: Professional Game Master
Donovan Baures: Professional Game Master
Jared Coplin: Professional Game Master
Seth Kravetz: Professional Game Master
Arnaldo Raul Cortes Lebron: Professional Game Master
Ryan Patterson: Professional Game Master
Justin Shipler: Professional Game Master
Sean Trew: Professional Game Master


Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as 6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT
Product Identity, as defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a, NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact text of
Section 1(e), and not Open Content: Grio Whiteshine, Alchemist the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are
Practitioner Background, Master Herbalist Background, Poison copying, modifying or distributing, and You must add the title,
Master Background, Trapper Background, Amulet of Instant the copyright date, and the copyright holder’s name to the
Stasis, Blacklight Crystal, Bead of Instant Oasis, Book of Useful COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open Game Content you
Herbs, Canary Locket, Captain’s Cutlass, Cowl of the Badlands, Distribute.
Ever-Changing Map, Goggles of Heat Detection, Grio’s All-
Terrain Artificer Wagon, Grio’s Instant Campsite, Intrepid Shoes, 7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product
Magnificent Machete, Portable Bridge, Power Shovel, Respiration Identity, including as an indication as to compatibility, except as
Mask, Rod of Water Detection and Extraction, Sailboard, Seismic expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the
Detector, Snare Whip, Telescopic Pole, Ultimate Alchemist Metal owner of each element of that Product Identity. You agree not
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Copyright 2016, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls,
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee,
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The wilderness has always been a fundamental element of fantasy adventure. I
vividly recall the absolute sense of wonder that I experienced when first reading
Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings trilogy in junior high school. From the daunting
journey past Weathertop on the way to Rivendell, to the failed crossing over
the icy peak of Caradhras, to the long trek across the wide grassy expanse
watched over by the Rohirrim of King Theoden, to the final push through the
horrendous landscape of Mordor itself - all of these wild places actually became
characters in the telling of an epic story. Without these harsh and unforgiving
“characters,” Frodo’s arduous task most certainly would have felt less dynamic,
and his ultimate triumph likely would have been perceived as less magnificent.

In my experience with the 5th Edition of this game we love so dearly, much of
that dynamic wonder and wild magnificence has been absent. The details for
wilderness environments and their many hazards have been largely omitted
from official sourcebooks. Although this decision was almost certainly part of
an attempt to ensure that the rules of the game would be accessible and easy to
follow for new generations of players, the lack of wilderness mechanics clearly
creates a void for the game master who wishes to include these elements as a
part of the greater adventure tale. Grio’s Guide to the Wildlands is designed to
satisfy that very desire.

Our goal in creating this resource is to provide all of the tools that you might need
to create a living, breathing biome for your player characters to experience. We
have tried to do so with a balance of gritty realism and streamlined efficiency in
mind. We hope you enjoy the final product!

Drew Merritt,
Co-Founder of Next-Level Gaming

Introduction 1
The Four Tools of Next-Level Design 2
Who is Grio Whiteshine? 5
General Information and Tables 6
Expanded Climbing System and Fall Damage 6
Expanded Swimming System 8
Festering Wounds 10
Chapter One: Hunting in the Wildlands 14
Chapter Two: Herbalism & Poisoncraft 22
Chapter Three: Alchemy 38
Chapter Four: Desert Wastelands 56
Chapter Five: Tropical Jungles 76
Chapter Six: Swamps, Marshes, & Bogs 94
Chapter Seven: Foothills & Mountains 114
Chapter Eight: Temperate Forests & Woodlands 134
Chapter Nine: Steppes, Prairies, and Other Grasslands 154
Chapter Ten: Subterranean Caverns & Mines 170
Chapter Eleven: Arctic Expanse 188
Chapter Twelve: Seacoasts & Islands 206
Appendix A: Adventuring Gear & Magic Items 222
Appendix B: Backer List 230
Using This Book - Read This First provide opportunities for interaction with the
Within the pages of this sourcebook, you’ll natural environment.
find a number of unique natural encounters
that can be introduced into the wilderness Each encounter design consists of four distinct
environments of your 5th Edition game tools, all placed right at the Game Master’s
sessions. This synopsis is designed to fingertips. It is important to understand the
familiarize you with the design process and intent of the design philosophy so that you
the presentation of these encounters. may benefit from it to the fullest extent.
Important Tip: A Note on the Importance of Presentation
Much of the content in this book represents Characters who are moving through wildland
expanded rule systems that are not a part of areas are sometimes surrounded by
the core mechanics of the game. As a Game magnificent open vistas. At other times their
Master, it is crucially important that you dis- surroundings may be veiled by vegetation,
cuss the use of these rule systems with your rocky barriers, or harsh environmental
players before implementing them in your conditions. Often the territory through which
game sessions. Players should be made aware they are traveling has the potential to provide
of the potential risks and additional challeng- characters with subtle hints regarding
es presented by this content, and they should navigation methods, survival techniques, and
be given the opportunity to consent to use of potential hazards.
this material.
Regardless of their characters’ surroundings,
Additionally, it is best to fully disclose the sys- players will depend heavily on the descriptions
tems that you as the GM are using to resolve and presentation of the environment that is
encounters. If a Group Skill Challenge is in use, provided to them by the Game Master. The
walk your players through how that system majority of the encounters presented in
works. When dealing with expanded systems this guide are designed to give players the
for climbing, swimming, and wounds, do your opportunity to assess what is happening to
best to let the players understand the risks their characters through skill checks and
that are being presented before the character special character abilities.
makes an unrecoverable mistake. If there is
any doubt about the level of understanding,
explain the system further. While many play-
ers will enjoy the additional level of challenge
that is presented by this content, most players
will not enjoy the frustration that comes with
a misunderstanding about how to navigate
the risks.

As the GM, you have the freedom to adjust

these descriptions and mechanics for the
benefit of your players.

The hazards in the following chapters consist

of weather conditions, natural obstacles,
geothermic events, and other physical
phenomena that have the potential to engage
player characters with exciting challenges
that will be every bit as captivating as an evil
necromancer and his tower full of undead

This is a menu of options from which to choose.

With the variety of encounters and hazards
available here, we hope that you’ll be able to
find just the right balance of complexity and
enjoyment for your table. You are not likely to
utilize every encounter in this guide. Instead,
the chapters associated with each of the
nine natural biomes should provide you with
a few extra tools that you may use to keep
players on their toes, to make the world of
your adventure feel gritty and realistic, and to

intend to interact with the environment to
gather more information about the dangers
at hand.

Part One: The Narrative Thread For example, as the characters venture into
The “Needle and Thread” icon indicates the the depths of an abandoned mine where
section of the text that a Game Master may deadly cave-ins are possible, the following
use to connect an encounter to the larger descriptions might be available. The italic
story of a campaign. print is meant to be paraphrased or read
aloud to the players on a successful check.
For example, a raging forest fire can present The characters may realize a little or a lot
a dramatic challenge for players, but a about the inherent risk of the situation,
conscientious GM will need a reason for that depending on how successful they are with
fire to have started in the first place. the initial WIS (Perception) check and the
subsequent INT (Investigation) and/or INT
This first part of our encounter design offers (History) checks:
inspiration for the dedicated storyteller
and provides an opportunity to meld the The GM should call for this initial WIS
environmental challenge into the campaign (Perception) check or use characters’
world. Passive Perception:

Perhaps this fire was sparked by a lightning DC 12 WIS (Perception) or Higher: As you
storm that passed overhead while the proceed down the mine tunnel, you notice that
characters were taking a long rest. It might the support beams that had been so prevalent
possibly have been caused by a careless only a few moments before have now completely
group of bandits who failed to smother their disappeared. This is a rough-hewn and unsupported
campfire. Or maybe the archenemy of the tunnel that continues on into the darkness beyond.
adventuring party set this fire intentionally as
a combat tactic, and his forces are waiting for Once the characters have been introduced
the characters at the edge of the forest where to the basic details of the environment,
they are most likely to emerge. the GM may allow them to use other skills
and abilities to recognize more refined
The possibilities for narrative depth are information.
endless, but the goal of the Narrative Thread
section is to help the GM to consider how this DC 14 INT (Investigation) or Higher: There are
natural event fits into the story that is being markings on the floor and ceiling of this excavated
told by the players in the campaign. The
inspirational hooks that are provided may also corridor where support beams once stood, but it is
help an improvisational GM who is including now clear that they have been moved away, most
an encounter on the spur of the moment in likely when the workers abandoned this area of the
response to player character actions. mine.

DC 16 INT (Investigation) or Higher: You also

notice several cracks in the ceiling above your head
that extend as far as you can see in either direction.
The structural integrity of this tunnel is highly
Part Two: The Next-Level Description questionable.
An immersive description can truly bring
an encounter to life, and we realize how DC 18 INT (History) or Higher: You are aware
important it can be for Game Masters to have
well-written boxed text at their fingertips. that miners would only retreat from a tunnel like this
if there were a significant risk. That risk might be
The second element of our encounter design a potential collapse, accumulation of poisonous
includes the “Perceptive Eyes” icon, and when or flammable gasses, or some other threat to their
these peepers show up on the page, it’s an safety.
opportunity for the GM to describe what the
characters see, hear, and feel in the moments Success or failure in these skill checks can
leading up to a natural challenge. have a significant impact on how much time
the characters have to react as the potentially
What the characters understand may be catastrophic scene unfolds.
determined by passive skill checks, or it may IMPORTANT TIP:
be determined by a roll of the dice, but the
encounter page will always provide several Beyond the initial opportunity to perceive the
tiers of potentially available information. risk that is presented by the encounter, many
These tiers are not a simple checklist for of the higher-tier skill checks are intended
the GM to use as an “info dump” for the to be choices that are verbalized by player
player characters. Instead, a GM should ask characters. Allow them the opportunity to
the players to vocalize how their characters explore as thoroughly (or as thoughtlessly)
as they choose.
These situations should be quick and intense,
and we have streamlined the mechanical text
in a way that should allow the GM to resolve
the consequences rapidly.

Hazard Initiative Count

Some of the natural phenomena included
in Grio’s Guide may be run as if they are
Part Three: Player Action Opportunity monsters who are attacking the party. In this
If characters are able to spot the threat posed case, the hazard itself may be given a place
by a natural hazard, they should be given a (or multiple places) in the Initiative Count.
brief moment to describe how they react. The When this is the case, the information on
third part of our encounter system helps to hazard initiative will be provided at the top of
guide the Game Master in providing players the Mechanical Resolution section of the text.
with that opportunity. When this “d20” icon
is displayed, it should serve as a reminder for Simplified Group Skill Challenges
the GM to pause and ask the players what Alternatively, some of the encounters in
their characters would like to do with the the book are presented as Group Skill
information that has been presented. Challenges. This mechanic was implemented
in 4th Edition, and there are certain natural
If an avalanche is barreling down the events that benefit greatly from the Group
mountainside, a character might choose Skill Challenge philosophy. However, we’ve
to climb a nearby tree. If a sandstorm is on attempted to streamline this process in order
the horizon, the character may take special to make it quick and engaging for players and
preparations to cover her eyes, nose, and GMs alike.
mouth. If a section of rock on the cliffside that
the party is climbing looks like it is about to When a Group Skill Challenge is presented,
give way, the character may have a moment the GM is prompted to make the players at
to secure climbing gear for himself or for the table aware of the shift in mechanics. In
one of his companions. These moments are a game system that focuses heavily on the
among the most dramatic and intense in the mechanics of combat, it’s important for the
game, and they can be incredibly engaging players to understand that a challenge of this
for players. type will require them to think more about
their skills and proficiencies. Each Group Skill
Each of the encounters in this book is Challenge is presented with its own specific
designed to provide the characters with requirements, but they all adhere to the same
an opportunity to avoid danger through basic framework, as follows:
successful skill checks, but there may be times
when characters fail at the available checks • Roll for Initiative: Characters will roll for
and find themselves surprised. In moments initiative at the start of any Group Skill
where characters are caught completely off Challenge to determine the order in which
guard, their opportunities to react may be they make their checks. If the GM prefers,
extremely limited or non-existent, at the GM’s all characters may roll their checks
discretion. simultaneously.

• Successes vs. Failures: In any Group

Skill Challenge, the adventuring party
as a whole must accumulate a certain
number of successful skill checks before
accumulating a specified number of
Part Four: Mechanical Resolution failed skill checks. For example, in dealing
When the hazard has been introduced into the with the sudden appearance of icebergs
campaign world, and the players have been floating in an arctic sea, the group may
given their opportunity to perceive it and be required to make 9 successful skill
react to it, all that remains is a straightforward checks in order to navigate their ship
and balanced set of mechanics to resolve safely through the hazard. However, if
what happens to the characters in that the group accumulates several skill check
moment. These mechanics are indicated by failures first, there may be devastating
the “Mechanical Gears” icon on the encounter consequences as the hull of the ship takes
page. significant damage from collisions with
the icebergs.
Each encounter in this book has uniquely
designed mechanics that are intended to
make the natural hazard or obstacle feel
“real” and meaningful for the players, without
allowing it to slow the gameplay significantly.

• Skill Proficiency Requirements: In most Difficulty and Complexity Ratings
Group Skill Challenge scenarios, players To aid in ease of use, the Next-Level team has
will be free to choose how they use given each of the hazards in the book two
their characters’ skills for the benefit of important ratings. The ratings are placed at
the group. However, a player character the beginning of each encounter.
may only use skills in which he or she is
Proficient. For example, a Bard character • Player Difficulty Rating:
who is not proficient in the STR (Athletics) Some natural hazards are minor
skill would not be allowed to roll a STR inconveniences or barriers to travel, but
(Athletics) check during a skill challenge. some have the potential to wipe out an
Instead, the character would need to find entire adventuring party in the blink of
a way to use his or her proficiencies in the an eye. All encounters have been given a
most effective way possible. Player Difficulty Rating of Easy, Medium,
or Difficult to indicate their relative levels
• Optional “Creativity” Rule: The GM may of danger to the party. These levels of
also choose to place further restrictions difficulty are indicated by green, yellow,
on the skills that player characters choose and red dots, repsectively.
during a skill challenge. One optional rule
that may be put into play states that a
player character may not use the same • Mechanical Complexity Rating:
skill more than once during a Group Skill Additionally, some encounters are more
Challenge event. The intended effect of complicated for a Game Master to
this rule is to force players to come up execute than others. To aid in selection
with creative solutions to the problem of appropriate hazards for your game
that is being presented. sessions, we have given each encounter a
Mechanical Complexity Rating of Simple,
• Suggested Skills and Consequences: Average, or Complex. These levels are
Each Group Skill Challenge in Grio’s also indicated by the green, yellow, and
Guide to the Wildlands comes with a red scale. For Complex encounters, it may
list of potential skill checks and the be necessary to study the encounters and
consequences of failure should the rolls go their mechanics closely prior to the start
badly. These details are provided to assist of your game session.
the GM and to prompt players if they are
having trouble adapting to this style of
play. However, they are only suggestions.
The GM may adjudicate other player
actions according to his or her discretion.

Hazard DCs, Speeds, and Effects

All of the mechanical information required
for a GM to run a given hazard will be stated
directly in the Mechanical Resolution section
of the text. Difficulty Class information and
any physical attributes will be listed, and
potential damage dealt to player characters
(or Conditions that may be rendered against
those characters) will also be listed.

Scaling for Weak or Powerful Parties

Most of our encounters have been designed
and tested for a party of 4 to 6 adventurers
ranging from Level 5 to Level 8. The majority
of the encounters in this book will be printed
for that party level range. Adjustments may
be made to the Mechanical Resolution section
of certain encounters in the event that the
GM needs to scale the encounter for a very
small (or very large) party, or needs to scale
the hazard for groups that are significantly
above or below the intended level range for
the encounter.
In general, if scaling of an encounter needs to
occur, the Game Master should not make any
adjustments to the Next-Level Description or
Player Action Opportunity sections. Instead,
the GM should adjust all related DCs in the
Mechanical Resolution section two points in
the desired direction (easier or more difficult).

Grio Whiteshine came to be through one of our personal home games. Grio
was a quirky, bumbling wild magic sorcerer character that I played through
several campaigns. With Drew’s collaboration on backstory and characteristics,
our young adventurer set off on his first quest to discover the source of these
abilities, which were shunned by the society where he grew up.

Being cast out at a young age, Grio was forced to adapt to life on the streets and
small villages surrounding his home. Often getting into precarious situations,
he learned much more about the world, just from a need to survive. Because
of these harrowing experiences, Grio was able to gather mastery of his own
abilities as well as an understanding of the skills needed to escape dangers both
natural and unnatural.

During his time exploring the wilderness, Grio was always concerned that he
would face a difficult challenge that would end in his demise. Because of that
fear, Grio kept a meticulous catalogue of notes from these encounters, including
what actions worked for his fellow adventurers and what didn’t. While traveling
through several natural biomes in his journeys, Grio would use his previous
experiences to avoid dangerous encounters.

After a life of adventure, Grio made time to organize all of his notes in the hopes
that it would help adventurers who came after him to survive as he did. Grio’s
Guide to the Wildlands is Grio’s gift to those with the unquenchable desire to
explore and master the wilderness.

Brian Black (Grio Whiteshine),

Co-Founder of Next-Level Gaming

Each natural biome covered in the following the party is operating outside of the
chapters is uniquely challenging for player Initiative system since it takes a great
characters. However, there are some common deal more time than free-climbing.
elements that apply to encounters in more
than one environment. The information and ○ In order to select a proper location
for the piton, the Lead Climber
tables provided here can be used as an easy must succeed on either a DC 12
reference for character interactions with WIS (Survival) check or a DC 12
natural hazards INT (Nature) check (player choice).
Features like Stonecunning, or
EXPANDED CLIMBING SYSTEM proficiency with Mason’s Tools may
AND FALL DAMAGE provide Advantage on these checks
at the GM’s discretion. On a failure,
Adventurers may encounter a vertical cliff the Lead Climber places a piton in an
face, a wall of vines, or some other obstacle area of the rocky or icy surface that
that may be climbed. If in Initiative Order due is subject to the Flaking Effect noted
to a Combat or Chase scenario, characters below.
may descend or ascend at half of their normal
movement speed through a series of DC 15 ○ Flaking Effect: If the Lead Climber
STR (Athletics) Climbing Checks, as per the fails the required WIS (Survival) or
standard rules. These checks may be made at INT (Nature) check when hammering
Advantage for a climber with the assistance a piton into a rock or ice surface, the
of a rope that is properly secured overhead structural integrity of that surface
and are automatically successful for a creature is compromised, and it is not strong
with a CLIMBING SPEED. enough to hold the piton. The next
time that any climber uses the section
If NOT in Initiative Order, use the climbing of rope secured by that piton, the rock
distances referenced below. If a hammer and or ice where the piton is attached
pitons are to be used, a lead climber must splits open and fails to secure the
precede other climbers in order to drive the rope. The affected climber Slips and
pitons into the climbing surface and to feed must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity
the rope through the eyelets for trailing Saving Throw to avoid a fall. All
climbers. Use of a climber’s kit can assure climbers below the area of the flaking
that the lead climber does not fall more than effect must also succeed on the DC
25 feet if a Slip should occur. 15 Dexterity Saving Throw to avoid
being knocked off the wall by falling
Start by determining a climbing order rocks, ice, or debris. All failures on
for the party and determine whether the the DEX Save result in Fall Damage &
first climber(s) to ascend can provide any Injury from the table below.
assistance to the climber(s) who will ascend
later. ● Trailing Climbers - Depending on the
height of the vertical climb and the
● Lead Climber - Climbing a near vertical amount of rope at the party’s disposal,
surface without the aid of ropes is a task some Trailing Climbers may be able to
suited for a strong and confident athlete. benefit from pitons and ropes that are
secured by the Lead Climber.
○ Any climber with a Climbing Speed,
with specific climbing assistance ○ A Trailing Climber with the assistance
provided by a magical item or spell, or of properly secured ropes may move
with Proficiency in the STR (Athletics) 50 feet up or down the vertical
skill may move 50 feet up or down the climbing surface with no check
vertical climbing surface with no check required.
required. Since there is no pressure
being applied by Combat or a Chase, ○ If a 50 ft section of rope is occupied
it’s fair to assume that an athlete of this by more than one climber at a time,
ability should be able to take the time there is a 40% chance that the piton
necessary to find proper handholds securing it will give way, leading to a
and footholds. However, an unassisted Slip for all climbers who are on that
character (See Trailing Climbers below section of rope. If the party does not
for potential assistance) who does not have enough rope to accommodate
have any of these boons must succeed all of the climbers in the party, some
on a DC 15 STR (Athletics) check to Trailing Climbers may have to scale
move 50 feet up or down the wall the vertical face in much the same
when free-climbing. way that the Lead Climber would.
○ If climbing rock or ice, the lead climber
may hammer a piton into the surface
every 50 feet and attach a length
of rope to aid other climbers. This
technique can only be utilized when

● Slipping - On a failure of a STR (Athletics) Climbing Check, after experiencing the Flaking
Effect, or when a piton fails to hold, a climber loses a hand or foot hold and Slips. Once a
Slip has occurred, the climber must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity Saving Throw or fall from
the climbing surface. If not secured by any other means, a climber who fails this saving
throw falls toward the surface below. At the Game Master’s discretion, other members of
the party may be given an opportunity to use a Reaction, if one is available (and if they are
within range) when a climber falls. If the fallen climber hits the ground, he or she takes (1d6)
Bludgeoning damage per 10 feet fallen, lands Prone, and suffers the Injuries mentioned in
the table below:



50 feet (5d6) Sprained knee or ankle -
Movement speed halved until
next Long Rest.
80 feet (8d6) The condition(s) above, plus
broken legs - Movement
speed reduced to 0 until
magical healing is applied for
at least half of the HP lost
from the fall.
120 feet (12d6) The condition(s) above, plus
Unconscious and Unstable -
Creature drops to 0 HP and
begins making Death Saving
200 feet All Remaining HP Instant death

Falling Into Water From Significant Heights
When a character falls into a body of water from a significant height (10 feet or more), falling
damage should be calculated just as it would for a fall onto hard ground. This fall damage is
calculated at (1d6) Bludgeoning damage per 10 feet fallen, and the conditions from the Fall
Damage & Injury Table above should still be applied. However, a character who is falling
into deep water may make a DEX (Acrobatics) check if they are proficient in that skill. On
a success, reduce the Distance Fallen by half as he or she dives gracefully into the water. A
creature who falls into water by accident, or by diving from a height of 10 feet or more, will
initially sink 10 feet below the surface.

For example, a dexterous character who falls from a height of 50 feet into the ocean and
succeeds on the DC 12 DEX (Acrobatics) check will still take (2d6) points of Bludgeoning
damage from the fall. However, he will not sustain the injury or the movement penalty because
the fall is considered a 25-foot fall instead of a 50-foot fall.

Swim Checks Required to Surface

Furthermore, a submerged creature must make a Swim Check in order to get back to the
surface - a prospect that can be made incredibly difficult by heavy armor or encumbering
equipment. Note that these Swim Checks are only required to move vertically toward the
surface of the water. They are not required for horizontal movement. See the Swim Check
Table below:


Less than 50 lbs DC 8 Sinks 5 feet
51 to 100 lbs DC 10 Sinks 5 feet
101 to 150 lbs DC 12 Sinks 10 feet
151 to 200 lbs DC 14 Sinks 10 feet
201 to 300 lbs DC 16 Sinks 10 feet
301 to 400 lbs DC 18 Sinks 15 feet
Over 400 lbs DC 20 Sinks 15 feet

A character who chooses to drop gear may give themselves an easier Swim Check.

For example, Shaena Tealeaf, a Halfling Rogue, is not the strongest of characters. She weighs
39 pounds and has nearly maxed out her carrying capacity with a total of 80 lbs of gear, which
puts her Swim Check at a DC 12 (Total weight of 119 lbs). Only 10 lbs of that weight is due to
her Leather Armor, which would take 1 minute to doff. She may choose to drop her Burglar’s
Pack, which accounts for the other 70 pounds of gear, in order to lower the Swim DC to 8.

On the contrary, Flint Fireforge, a 215lb Dwarf Cleric, is carrying a total of 80 lbs of gear.
His required STR (Athletics) check for the swim is set at a DC 16 (Total weight of 295 lbs).
Unfortunately, his Chain Mail weighs 55 lbs, which is more than half of his total weight carried.
Since it takes 5 minutes to doff this Heavy Armor, Flint can only manage to drop 25 lbs of gear
to help with his Swim DC. He can’t do anything meaningful to help with his Swim DC before
he starts drowning, so that Heavy Armor is a real anchor in this scenario.

If a creature’s Swim Check is sufficient to reach the surface of the water, they may tread water
for up to 1 minute as they await assistance from their fellow adventurers. For each minute
that elapses, a character who is treading water must succeed on an additional Swim Check to
avoid being submerged again.

Challenging Swims and Physical Exertion

In certain scenarios, characters may have to consider the pace of a swim over long or unknown
distances. Even heroes have limits, and swimming rapidly for an extended period of time can
use up oxygen stores very quickly.

The Swimming Pace Table below takes the speed of the swim into consideration as an adjustment
to the standard rules for Suffocation. Of course, as long as an adventurer is swimming at
the surface of the water and is able to breathe consistently, suffocation does not come into
play. However, when Exhaustion sets in, or when a lengthy underwater swim is required, the
reductions to the length of time that a character can hold his breath become quite significant.

A Constitution Saving Throw is required at the end of each 30-second swim segment to avoid
panic and to continue holding one’s breath. The pace of the swim determines the DC of this
“composure” CON Save and whether that Saving Throw is rolled normally, or with Advantage
or Disadvantage. These “Composure” Constitution Saving Throws should not be used if the
party is in Initiative Order.


(Swimming Speed is Half of Walking Speed Unless Otherwise Altered by Spells, Character Features, or Special



Succeed on a DC 12
CON Save Rolled at
Fast Pace (Dashing) 10 x Swimming Speed
Disadvantage or lose 30
seconds of Hold Breath time.
Succeed on a DC 10 CON
5 x Swimming Speed
Normal Pace Save or lose 30 seconds of
(Rounded Down)
Hold Breath time.
Succeed on a DC 8 CON
Slow Pace (Conserving Save Rolled at Advantage
4 x Swimming Speed
Energy) or lose 30 seconds of Hold
Breath time.

A character who chooses to swim as fast as possible for as long as possible might find himself
running out of breath at just the wrong time.

For example, Grio Whiteshine has a standard swimming speed of 15 feet per round, and he
absolutely hates the water. When forced to swim, he would prefer for it to be over as quickly
as possible. If he sets out on an underwater swim of unknown length at a Fast Pace, he can
cover 150 feet every 30 seconds. Things may be going “swimmingly” until he fails his first two
DC 12 CON Saves (Rolled at Disadvantage) after having swum a total of 300 feet in the first
minute. You see, Grio’s CON Modifier of + 2 only allows him to hold his breath for a maximum
of 3 minutes under the best of circumstances. He’s just been swimming for one third of that
time, but two moments of panic have now cost him another third of his maximum time. He
might not even be able to make it back to where he started with the one minute he has left. If
he doesn’t make it to breathable air in the next 60 seconds, without another failure, Grio will
begin suffocating.

If instead Grio had chosen to take the slow and steady route, conserving energy as he swims
and rolling his DC 8 CON Saves at Advantage every 30 seconds, he is at an extreme statistical
advantage and is all but guaranteed to cover a minimum distance of 360 feet with his 3 minutes
of hold breath time. Granted, nothing is ever guaranteed in this game, but in this scenario, Grio
would likely be better off staying calm and carrying on. Moving at a slow pace also gives Grio
the option to turn and sprint back to where he started if one of those Con Saves goes poorly.
It’s a matter of style, but it’s good to have choices.

A creature with Festering Wounds is susceptible to significant damage and overall Exhaustion
as the systemic infection progresses. A creature who is proficient in the Medicine skill, or who
is proficient with an Herbalism Kit, may recognize the risk of infection with a basic examination
of the wounds (no check required). Any healing applied at this time will negate the risk of
Festering Wounds.

A creature with Festering Wounds will suffer the effects in the Festering Wounds Table below
until sufficient healing has been performed:



(2d6) Necrotic
A Short Rest AND Magical Healing up to Full
Damage. Max HP
HP, or a Short Rest AND a successful DC 12
is reduced by the
WIS (Medicine) check with the aid of a Healer’s
8 Hours amount of damage
Kit or Specific Herbalism Remedies, reverses
taken, and the
the infection to the stage in effect shortly after
creature takes 1
wounds were sustained.
Level of Exhaustion.

(4d6) additional
A Long Rest AND Magical Healing up to Current
Necrotic Damage.
Max HP, or a Long Rest AND successful DC 13
Max HP is reduced
WIS (Medicine) check with the aid of a Healer’s
16 Hours by the amount of
Kit or Specific Herbalism Remedies, reverses the
damage taken, and
infection to the 8-hour stage (additional healing
the creature takes 1
required to move up another level).
Level of Exhaustion.

(6d6) additional A Long Rest AND Magical Healing up to

Necrotic Damage. Current Max HP, or a Long Rest AND successful
Max HP is reduced DC 14 WIS (Medicine) check with the aid of a
24 Hours by the amount of Healer’s Kit or Specific Herbalism Remedies,
damage taken, and reverses the infection to the 16-hour stage
the creature takes 1 (additional healing required to move up another
Level of Exhaustion. level).
(8d6) additional A Long Rest AND Magical Healing up to
Necrotic Damage. Current Max HP, or a Long Rest AND successful
Max HP is reduced DC 15 WIS (Medicine) check with the aid of a
36 Hours by the amount of Healer’s Kit or Specific Herbalism Remedies,
damage taken, and reverses the infection to the 24-hour stage
the creature takes 1 (additional healing required to move up another
Level of Exhaustion. level).
A Long Rest AND Magical Healing up to Max
HP From 36-Hour Stage, or a Long Rest AND
successful DC 16 WIS (Medicine) check with
immediately falls
48 Hours the aid of a Healer’s Kit or Specific Herbalism
to 0 HP and is
Remedies, reverses the infection to the 36-hour
stage (additional healing required to move up
another level).
Resurrection Magic May Heal the Creature
60 Hours Death
According to its Specific Spell Description

(existing 5th Edition mechanics reprinted with examples for convenient reference)

A character needs one pound of food per day and can make food last longer by subsisting on
half rations. Eating half a pound of food in a day counts as half a day without food. Please see
the example below.

A character can go without food for a number of days equal to 3 + his or her Constitution
modifier (minimum 1). At the end of each day beyond that limit, a character automatically
suffers one level of Exhaustion.

A normal day of eating resets the count of days without food to zero.


Vertha has
Eating Eating
a +2 CON Accumulated Level of Accumulated Level of
Full Half-
Modifier and Days w/o Exhaustion Days w/o Exhaustion
Day’s Day’s
3 full rations Food for the Day? Food for the Day?
Rations Rations

1 full
Day 1 0 days No .5 ration .5 days No
1 full
Day 2 0 days No .5 ration 1 day No
1 full
Day 3 0 days No .5 ration 1.5 days No
Day 4 No food 1 day No .5 ration 2 days No
Day 5 No food 2 days No .5 ration 2.5 days No
Day 6 No food 3 days No .5 ration 3 days No
Day 7 No food 4 days No .5 ration 3.5 days No
Day 8 No food 5 days No .5 ration 4 days No
Day 9 No food 6 days Yes .5 ration 4.5 days No
Day 10 No food 7 days Yes .5 ration 5 days No


Vertha has
Level of Level of
a +2 CON Eating Accumulated Eating Accumulated
Exhaustion Exhaustion
Modifier and Every Days w/o Every Third Days w/o
for the for the
3 full rations Day Food Day Food
Day? Day?

1 full
Day 1 0 days No No Food 1 day No
1 full
Day 2 0 days No No Food 2 days No
1 full
Day 3 0 days No 1 full ration 0 days No
Day 4 No food 1 day No No Food 1 day No
Day 5 No food 2 days No No Food 2 days No
Day 6 No food 3 days No 1 full ration 0 days No
Day 7 No food 4 days No No Food 1 day No
Day 8 No food 5 days No No Food 2 days No
Day 9 No food 6 days Yes 1 full ration 0 days No
Day 10 No food 7 days Yes No Food 1 day No
A character needs one gallon of water per day, or two gallons per day if the weather is hot. A
character who drinks only half that much water must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving
throw or suffer one level of Exhaustion at the end of the day. A character with access to even
less water automatically suffers one level of exhaustion at the end of the day.

If the character already has one or more levels of Exhaustion, the character takes two levels
in either case.

Note in the example below that dehydration is much more severe than malnourishment. Because
drinking a normal day’s ration of water does not reset the count like it does with food intake,
there is not a clear advantage to skipping days of water intake. Drinking half of the necessary
amount only gives a character A CHANCE to survive longer on the available water supply. It’s
not guaranteed.


Vertha has Drinking % Chance

a +2 CON 2 gallons New of Level of
Modifier per Accumulated Levels of Drinking Accumulated Exhaustion for
and 4 day (as Days w/o Exhaustion 1 gallon Days w/o the Day? (Roll
gallons required Water for the per day Water of 12 or less
of water in the Day? with +2 CON
available desert) Modifier)

Day 1 2 gallons 0 days No 1 gallon .5 days 60%

Day 2 2 gallons 0 days No 1 gallon 1 day 60%

Day 3 No Water 1 day 1 Level 1 gallon 1.5 days 60%

Day 4 No Water 2 days 2 Levels 1 gallon 2 days 60%

Day 5 No Water 3 days 2 Levels 3 days 100%

2 Levels No 100%
Day 6 No Water 4 days 4 days
(Death) Water - 2 Levels

No 100%
Day 7 N/A N/A N/A 5 days
Water - 2 Levels

No 100%
Day 8 N/A N/A N/A 6 days
Water - 2 Levels


Before the rise of agriculture, hunting was the primary method of acquiring meat and other
animal products. Skilled hunters are still revered by their tribes for their ability to find, stalk, and
dispatch magnificent animals. A hunting session should be dramatic, full of imagery, suspense,
and useful mechanics that make hunting fun for all players no matter how much hunting
experience they may have in real life.
d6 Personality Trait
Creating Your Hunter - A Guide for Players I walk with a significant limp because
1 of a run-in with a neglected hunting
For characters who spend much of their trap.
time traveling in the wildlands, a proficiency
in hunting and trapping makes a great Animals are easier to predict than
2 people, and I am much more at home
deal of sense. The ability to harvest prey in the wildlands than I am in town.
animals for food and supplies may be the
difference between life and death in certain I made every item of clothing that I
environments. 3 wear from the hides of animals that
I’ve trapped.
When creating a hunter, consider taking I am missing two fingers on my
the Trapper background. This background left hand, and I like to share the
provides your character with specific 4
gruesome injury as a cautionary tale
advantages related to the discipline. for any small children that I meet.
Additionally, it is important to select Wisdom
as your highest ability score because the My favorite meal is fried squirrel, and
I’m eager to cook it for my traveling
checks required to prepare and conduct a 5
companions at every possible
hunt will rely heavily on a character’s Wisdom opportunity.
Modifier - specifically the WIS (Survival) skill.
Many of the traps that I create are
Background: Trapper obviously crafted to catch humanoids
rather than animals, but I cover my
Skill Proficiencies: Nature, Survival true intentions by giving overly
Tool Proficiencies: Leatherworker’s Tools detailed and deceptive justifications
for my designs.
Languages: One of your choice
Equipment: Traveler’s clothes, a pouch
containing 10 gp, Leatherworker’s Tools, d6 Ideal
and a Hunting Trap.
Food: Knowledge of trapping

provides the most efficient and
A Trapper understands the movements of 1 reliable means of survival for
animals in the wild. You have learned that a a person who is isolated in the
well-placed trap is much more efficient than wilderness. (Any)
even the best of hunters, and you’ve learned
how to craft many of these traps yourself. Deception: I care less about the
You have the ability to use the standard saw- products gained from trapping than
2 about the feeling of superiority that I
toothed Hunting Trap, and you can also set a
get from drawing an unwary creature
Spring Snare, a Tension Spear, a Deadfall, or into one of my traps. (Evil)
a Pit Trap according to your needs.
History: Most cultures preserve
Feature: Mechanical Genius unique knowledge of hunting and
Your experience with traps gives you trapping, and I am eager to learn as
Advantage on all WIS (Perception) checks to many new techniques as I can. (Any)
notice trap placement and INT (Investigation) Nature: The laws of nature may be
checks to discern mechanical trap operations. unmerciful, but they always make
The DCs of all WIS (Perception) checks made 4
sense - unlike the laws created by
to notice your traps, as well as any Saving people. (Lawful)
Throws rolled to resist their effects, are
Perfection: A trap design is never
increased by 3. Additionally, you may set a truly finished. It can always be
standard Hunting Trap as a Bonus Action on 5
improved through experimentation
your turn in combat. and redesign. (Any)
Balance: Hunting and trapping are
6 an essential part of natural balance.


d6 Bond d6 Flaw
The animal that I use as a hunting I have a compulsion to set at least
1 companion is my closest and dearest 1 one trap per day, and I sometimes
friend. place them in inappropriate locations.
The trapping tradition is culturally My desire for perfection causes me to
significant and must be passed onto set traps very slowly and deliberately,
2 2
future generations of wilderness sometimes to the frustration of my
survivalists. companions.
Cities and towns (and their inept I truly enjoy the sight of blood, so
citizens) are destroying the natural 3 I sometimes get caught up in the
world around us, and their expansion visual spectacle created by my traps.
must be slowed.
Although my contraptions are
My grandfather was a legendary expertly designed, I have trouble
4 trapper, and I honor his memory by keeping them secret and sometimes
practicing my skills regularly. 4
reveal their placement with
unconscious gestures and eye
Traps are tools of military superiority, movements.
5 and I consider myself a master
strategist. When I am in a settlement, I fidget
5 and pace nervously because of the
I use my knowledge to keep my
traveling companions safe, and I must I need to see the fruits of my labor,
6 always be first in the marching order and it is incredibly difficult for me to
so I can spot potential dangers to 6
walk away from a trap without seeing
others. it sprung.

are inexperienced hunters in real life, but
Before the Encounter grant Advantage on the WIS (Survival)
Determine the Quality of the prey by rolling check for especially good planning.
(1d8). Record this number for future use as
it will determine many of the aspects of the • Camouflage
hunting encounter, including but not limited Seasoned hunters know that blending
to the perceptive abilities of the animal and into the environment and breaking up
the precision required for a kill shot. This result their outline helps to avoid detection by
will be referred to hereafter as the Quality prey that rely on sight. This is especially
Modifier. important against predators with
binocular vision. Hunters may gather and
Hunt Preparation incorporate twigs, leaves, moss, grasses,
Prey species and predatory beasts have and other bits of the wilderness into their
evolved to detect hunters by sight, smell, or outfit. A Ghillie Suit is crafted specifically
hearing. A failure to take preparatory steps for this purpose and gives a hunter a
before an animal is encountered ends many tremendous edge on attempts to hide via
hunts before they have properly begun. camouflage.
Furthermore, choosing the terrain and
establishing an ambush position can greatly A hunter must succeed on a DC 14
increase the chances of a successful hunt. WIS (Survival) check to find and to
successfully incorporate plants from the
• Preparing the Ground local environment into his or her garb such
Setting the stage for a hunt can be the that they are well camouflaged. The hunter
difference between successfully bagging a has advantage on the WIS (Survival)
meal and going hungry. Whether stalking check if proficient with a Disguise Kit or
prey through a jungle, leading a predator wearing a Ghillie Suit that is suited to the
to a well-placed trap, laying out bait and appropriate biome.
waiting in a hide, or taking the time to
practice with and find the exact range of • Masking Scent
the kill zone, preparing the ground helps
the hunter conduct the hunt on his or her Without exception, game animals have
own terms. vastly more acute senses of smell than
humanoid hunters. The hunter must take
measures to mask scent, or be given away
To Prepare the Ground, the hunter must
by the wind. Fresh dung, urine, and fetid
succeed on a DC 16 WIS (Survival) check.
mud are examples of things that can be
Encourage the players to describe how
used to cover or eliminate a hunter’s scent.
their characters go about preparing the
ground. Avoid punishing them if they


It is also common practice to approach an animal from a downwind position. A skilled hunter
will always take note of wind direction and attempt to position himself or herself downwind
from the prey so that scent will be carried away from the animal.

Additionally, to Mask Scent, the hunter may do one of the following:

○ Succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom (Survival) check to find the correct substance with which
to mask their scent
○ Utilize a spell like Pass Without a Trace
○ Use the Scent Masking Concoction from the Alchemy chapter
○ State another feasible method for covering natural humanoid scent

• Eliminating Noise
Armor, weapons, heavy footfalls, and dry foliage are just a few examples of things that can
alert prey to a hunter’s presence. Removing, mitigating, and minimizing components that
create excess noise greatly increases the chances that a hunt will be successful.

Eliminating Noise requires a DEX (Stealth) check that will be adjudicated at the time of the
stalk that is based on the Quality of the prey. The hunter must be aware of their own noise
and any factors that may create unnecessary noise.

Mechanics of the Hunting System

In each of the following steps, a base DC will be calculated using the Quality Modifier of the
prey that was rolled before the start of the encounter. However, remember that the hunt is also a
narrative experience for the players. Consider using some of the descriptive text that is provided
with each step of the process.

Locating Prey
The surrounding wilderness is silent and serene as you begin to track your quarry. You bend down to touch
the ground, searching for tracks, scat, or any other signs of passage. The plan for your stalk will unfold based
on the preparations that you have made and the signs left by your prey.

To Locate Prey, the hunter, or the leader of the hunting party, must succeed on a WIS (Survival)
check. The DC for this check is 13 + (Quality Modifier), modified by situations outlined in the
table. If the hunter or hunting party leader fails to find prey, he or she may try again in 4 hours.

Change to Related
Proficient in INT(Nature) Skill -2
Successfully Preparing the Ground, Camouflaging, Masking Scent,
-2 each
and/or Eliminating Noise (see Preparation)
Ideal hunting conditions (May only apply in Jungle, Forest, or
Grassland biomes) such as plentiful forage, relatively low predator -2
population, very remote
Successfully utilizing a trained hunting creature (dog, horse, hawk,
Applicable class or background features such as Ranger Favored
Terrain, Outlander background, Circle of the Land Druid
Unfavorable hunting conditions (rain, snow, high winds, darkness,
Adverse environmental conditions, overpopulation of predators,
herd migration, nearby monsters, invasive species, disease, etc. +4
(Automatically applies to Desert, Arctic, and Subterranean biomes)


STALKING PREY Kill Shot Mechanics
You check the direction of the wind in an You are within range to take a shot, and you
attempt to prevent your scent from wafting note all of the factors that will add up to
toward your quarry, and you move swiftly and success or failure: the layout of the terrain
as silently as you can to gain an advantageous before you, the movements and intentions
position. of your prey, and the pounding of your own
The following mechanics should be followed
whether the hunter is moving on foot or If a hunter has successfully Stalked a prey
hunting from a blind or another stationary creature, it is time for the Kill Shot: a single
position. ranged attack with a weapon or spell. Spells
and features that deal area of effect damage or
● Determine Upwind or Downwind spells such as Magic Missile that automatically
○ A hunter must succeed on a DC 12 hit cannot be used for a Kill Shot. Spells that
WIS (Survival) check to determine the utilize a saving throw rather than an attack
direction of any prevailing or swirling roll may not be used for Kill Shots.
○ On a failure, wind conditions are not **Kill Shot Mechanics may only be used
in the hunter’s favor and that hunter is outside of a hunt at the GM’s discretion
considered “Upwind” during the stalk. (allowing for an ambush, calling a targeted
shot on an enemy combatant, etc). For the
● To stalk the prey without being discovered, purposes of the Kill Shot, Hit Points and
every member of the hunting party must Initiative are temporarily set aside.
make a DEX (Stealth) check. The DC for
this check is the prey creature’s Passive ● Kill Shot Sequence
Perception + (Quality Modifier). The The AC of the Kill Shot starts at 14 + the
situations outlined in the table below Quality Modifier of the creature being
may further impact the success of the hunted. A hunter has several opportunities
stalk. On any failure, the hunter or hunting to increase the probability of hitting such
party must return to Locating Prey if they a high DC by Sensing, Studying, Readying,
wish to continue the hunt. Alternatively, Aiming, and Signaling before the Release
the hunting encounter may devolve into of the shot.
combat at the GMs discretion (see below).
Each time the hunter succeeds on one of
the following skill checks, the Kill Shot’s AC
Change to decreases by the difference between the
Related DC check DC and the total rolled. Likewise,
Hunting from a each time the hunter fails on one of these
blind, elevated checks, the Kill Shot’s AC increases by
position, with a the difference between the check DC and
trained creature, -2 the total rolled. Describe each step of the
or other carefully process and keep track of the resulting
planned position or AC.
1. Sense: DC 13 WIS (Perception) check
Successfully to gauge the wind direction and speed,
Preparing thickness of foliage, interfering terrain, or
the Ground, other environmental effects.
Camouflaging, -2 each 2. Study: DC 15 WIS (Insight) check to
Masking Scent, and/ analyze the movements and intentions of
or Eliminating Noise the prey.
(see Preparation) 3. Ready: DC 13 + (Quality Modifier)
Wisdom Saving Throw for the hunter to
Downwind -2 calm breathing and center the mind.
More than one 4. Aim: DC 15 Dexterity check to aim true.
+2 per individual 5. Signal (optional): DC 14 Wisdom (Animal
individual hunting
Handling) check. If hunting with a trained
+2 per hunter animal companion, the hunter may signal
Hunter wearing
wearing Medium the attack.
Medium Armor
Armor 6. Release: The hunter makes the attack roll.
+4 per hunter
Hunter wearing
wearing Heavy
Heavy Armor
Upwind +4


Example Kill Shot Sequence: Grio is hunting a mighty elk of Quality 6. The Kill Shot AC for this
creature is 20 (14 + 6). Grio rolls a 14 as he Senses the environmental effects of the moment. This
success reduces the AC to 19, and Grio goes on to Study the movements of the elk. His roll of
20 on the WIS (Insight) check, further reducing the AC to 15. Grio Readies himself for the shot,
trying to calm his own heartbeat and steady his breathing, but he is unable to do so, rolling a 14
on his Wisdom Saving Throw. Since the result is 5 below the DC of 19 (13 + 6), the Kill Shot AC
increases by 5. As he raises his hands to aim a Ray of Frost for the attack, Grio rolls the exact
DC of 15 on his Dexterity check, resulting in no change to the AC. The final Kill Shot AC is 19 - a
difficult shot to be sure, but such a magnificent, high-quality beast should not be easy to harvest.

Success and Failure

• If the Kill Shot AC is met, the creature is killed immediately and retains all its Quality.
• If the Kill Shot AC is not met, the prey is either wounded or missed entirely.
○ A shot that misses the DC by 5 points or less hits outside the kill zone, wounding the
creature and decreasing the Quality Modifier used for any harvested products by 5. If
this reduction to the Quality Modifier reduces the Quality to less than 1, no products may
be harvested from the creature. Roll the damage for the attack as you normally would in
a combat engagement.
○ A shot that is under the DC by 6 or more misses the creature completely.
○ In either case, a docile prey animal will flee, but an animal with the will to fight will likely

Devolving Into Combat

Certain types of prey, especially those who are themselves predators, may attack instead of
fleeing, and the hunter may quickly turn into the hunted.

If the GM has decided that the hunt has devolved into combat, the fight or flight instinct of the
hunted creature makes it more powerful than it otherwise might be. Consult the table below for
changes to the creature’s stat block and Roll for Initiative!


1-3 10% more HP, +1 to attack and damage modifiers
4-5 20% more HP, +2 to attack and damage modifiers
30% more HP, Damage dice scale up (d4 becomes d6, d6 becomes d8, etc.),
+3 to attack and damage modifiers
40% more HP, Damage dice scale up, +4 to attack and damage modifiers,
extra attack


Products character who eats unpreserved meat beyond
The products of the Hunt are separated into this 4-hour mark must succeed on a DC 15
three categories: the trophy, edibles, and hunt Constitution Saving Throw or take a level of
materials. All three types of products are Exhaustion from the severe vomiting that is
irreparably damaged if the kill shot transmits induced by the rancid meat.
Acid, Fire, Necrotic, or Poison damage.
Preserving food by salting or smoking requires
Trophies a Long Rest and a DC 12 WIS (Survival)
Trophies include antlers, claws, teeth, spines, check. A successful check of this kind creates
beaks, heads, and other parts that may be a daily ration for every 2 pounds of meat
preserved indefinitely as wall mounts, jewelry, that is preserved. On a failure, only 1 ration is
or ornamentation. To gather a trophy from a preserved for every 5 pounds of meat.
successful hunt, a character must succeed on
a INT (Nature) check. The DC of this check is
DC 10 + (Quality Modifier). On a failed check, Hunt Materials
the trophy is ruined and is worthless. Hunt materials are any body parts that are not
considered an ornamental trophy or edible
When adding a trophy to a player’s inventory, meat. Materials gathered from a hunt may
be sure to give it an appropriate weight. For include bone, hide, sinew, and glands to name
example, a head is roughly 10% of the weight a few. Any Legendary Ingredients to be used
of an entire creature. Also note the type of in high-level alchemy concoctions should be
creature it came from and the final Quality of considered as Hunt Materials as well.
the trophy.
These materials can be harvested a number
A hunter may be able to find willing buyers of times determined by the size of the hunted
for high-quality trophies in major settlements. creature:
A well-preserved trophy should sell for
approximately 5 x Creature CR x (Quality Maximum Material
Modifier) gold pieces, but these types of Creature Size
Harvesting Attempts
sales are subject to negotiation.
Tiny 1
Edibles Small 2
A hunt may yield food for the hunter, provided
it can be harvested and preserved successfully. Medium 3
The maximum amount of food harvested is
determined using the following table: Large 4
Huge 5
Pounds of Food Harvested Gargantuan 6
¼ of the Quality Modifier, To harvest Hunt Materials, a successful DC 12
Tiny rounded down, (minimum ¼ + (Quality Modifier) WIS (Survival) check is
pound) required.
½ of the Quality Modifier,
Small rounded down, (minimum 1 When adding materials to a player’s inventory,
pound) the GM should assign appropriate weight.
Note the type of material it is (e.g. hide, bone,
Quality Modifier x 5 (minimum 5 etc.), the type of creature it came from, and
pounds) the final Quality of the material.
Quality Modifier x 10 (minimum
10 pounds)
Quality Modifier x 20, (minimum
20 pounds)
Quality Modifier x 50, (minimum
50 pounds)

Harvesting food from a successful hunt

requires a WIS (Survival) check. The DC for
this check is 20 - (Quality Modifier) because
it is much easier for a hunter to gather food
from a high-quality specimen. On a failure,
the number of pounds of harvested food is
reduced to the minimum listed in the table
above. Food harvested in this way only lasts
for a maximum of four hours unless characters
are able to salt, smoke, or freeze the meat. A



Herbalism is a discipline passed down from

one naturalist to another (often from parent
to child), and it involves the identification
and combination of useful plants to generate
healing and restorative effects. In nearly
every natural biome, a skilled herbalist should
be able to locate plants with medicinal
value. As a natural contrast, some of these
plants also have poisonous properties. Some
herbalists choose to focus on the mixing of
these powerful toxins instead. The following
mechanics and rules are designed to simulate
herbalism and poisoncraft within a 5e setting,
and they introduce a new means by which
your player characters can influence the
campaign world.

Creating Your Herbalist or Poison Master - A

Guide for Players

Healing is typically in high demand for an

adventuring party, and herbalism provides
the flexibility to supply that healing without Background: Master Herbalist
relying on magic. A character who can create
and carry a supply of restorative potions can Skill Proficiencies: Nature, Medicine
perform the same primary role of a healer Tool Proficiencies: Herbalism Kit
without a reliance on spell slots. This might Languages: One of your choice
also be a way for a character who is already Equipment: Traveler’s clothes, a pouch
focused on healing magic to augment his or containing 10 gp, an Herbalism Kit, and
her abilities. three Common ingredients of your choice.

On the other hand, a poisoner character might A Master Herbalist trained you in advanced
fit a more unique niche. These characters methods of foraging for plants and mixing
often come from darker settings and more beneficial restorative potions. You have
troubled backgrounds. The knowledge that helped the diseased, the wounded, and the
they wield is designed to take life rather than poisoned with this skill set, and you have
to restore it, and in turn, they are often sought some renown as a traveling healer. Common
out by evil organizations and individuals who people are more willing to let you into their
are interested in assassinations and political homes and may offer you a place to rest and
power plays. eat in exchange for your services.

When creating an herbalist, consider taking Feature: Botany Expert

either the Master Herbalist or the Poison Specify a type of natural terrain (Desert,
Master background. These backgrounds Jungle, Swamp, Forest, Grassland, Mountains,
provide your character with specific Arctic, Subterranean, or Coastal) in which
advantages related to the discipline. you are a master forager. When conducting
Additionally, it is important to select Wisdom a foraging expedition in this terrain, you find
as your highest ability score because the twice as much of any Common ingredient,
checks required to combine the herbs into and you may also gather one additional
potions and poisons will rely heavily on a Supplement ingredient of your choice. You
character’s Wisdom Modifier - specifically the may add both your WIS (Medicine) modifier
WIS (Medicine) skill. and your proficiency bonus on all checks that
use the Herbalism Kit.

d6 Personality Trait
I get caught up in the details of each and every plant that I encounter, often lingering
and losing track of time.
I prosthelytize to companions, acquaintances, and even complete strangers about
the amazing dietary and medicinal benefits of plants.
I carry a pouch of seeds with me at all times and make a point to plant one in a
patch of open soil each day when the sun is at its zenith.
Having spent so much time in the company of plants, I do struggle to make
meaningful connections with more “active” creatures.
5 I speak to plants, and they speak to me.
Dried herbs and seed-bearing plants sprout from every opening of my pack, my
pockets, and even my shoes.

d6 Ideal
Medicine: Herbalism is the most important academic discipline because of the help
and the harm that it can do to others. (Any)
Gain: My skills are in high demand, and I will sell medicines or poisons to the highest
bidder. (Evil)
Knowledge: There is an herbal remedy for every malady in the multiverse, and I will
one day know them all. (Neutral)
Chance: The power of life and death may exist in different parts of the same plant,
and fools are free to discover death if they cannot tell the difference. (Chaotic)
Peace: Though plants have both the ability to give life and to take it, my skills must
always be used for the good of those around me. (Lawful)
Balance: The wildlands contain so many blessings that can benefit civilization, and
we must maintain a proper balance in our relationship with nature. (Good)

d6 Bond
A younger sibling of mine died when I was a child, and a simple herbal remedy would
1 have been enough to defeat the disease. I’ll never allow this to happen again on my
2 The deity whom I serve is a patron of natural remedies.
One never knows when a potion or poison might make the difference in an
encounter. Always be prepared.
My mother taught me everything that I know about plants, and I live my life to honor
her memory.
5 My knowledge of plants gives me the upper hand in any situation.
Nature provides everything that we need for survival, and we must do our part to
protect nature in return.

d6 Flaw
1 People are a mystery to me. Plants are so much easier to understand.
2 I am addicted to some of the “medicinal” properties of the plants that I harvest.
Although I am passionate about herbalism, I am also highly allergic to most pollen, so
I find myself sneezing constantly.
I move slowly, and I am never in a hurry. Why rush through life? Stop and smell the
5 My teeth are permanently stained green from the herbal teas that I consume.
The plants that I work with have very long and complicated names that I cannot
pronounce, so I make up shorter names that are easier to remember.


d6 Personality Trait
Cold and calculating at all
1 times, I never allow myself
to show emotion.
I am slow to trust, and I
am confident that once my
trust has been gained, no
one would dare break it.
I always maintain a kind
and friendly demeanor
towards everyone I meet,
and no one suspects my
true vocation until it is far
too late.
Veiled threats are
embedded in my most
basic communications with
Background: Poison Master
I find it difficult to sleep
Skill Proficiencies: Nature, Medicine soundly at night because
Tool Proficiencies: Poisoner’s Kit, 5
the faces of my countless
Disguise Kit victims haunt my dreams.
Languages: Thieves Cant,
One of your choice I keep a menagerie of
Equipment: Disguise Kit, common clothes poisonous creatures in
with a hood, a pouch containing 20 gp, small jars and cages that I
and a Poisoner’s Kit. can carry in my pack.

From a young age you have known the ins d6 Ideal

and outs of the criminal underground. You
understand the flow of goods and the means Precision: A quick, clean
by which assassins are hired to do the dirty kill with no unpleasant
work of those who have enough coin. These mishaps is always my goal.
blades in the night are your primary source (Any)
of income. They come to you for brews
Pain: It is not enough
capable of dealing death in more subtle ways,
simply to kill; my targets
and your creations make it seem as though
will most certainly
their targets died of natural causes. After all, 2
experience pain as they
nothing sends a more menacing message
move on from this world.
than a king choking on his own blood.

Feature: Death Dealer Fate: Everyone dies at
Due to your vast experience with hired some point, and I have
assassins, you are capable of detecting the 3 no qualms with being
presence of poison in consumables and the vehicle of a person’s
on weapons, and as such you may roll with demise. (Neutral)
Advantage on any check used to determine if
food, drink, or weapons have been poisoned. Exploration: Poisons have
You have Resistance to Poison damage due to so many varied and unique
exposure over many, many years. Additionally, 4 characteristics, and finding
you may add your proficiency bonus to the new deadly substances
Save DC of any poisons that you create, and never gets old. (Chaotic)
you may apply poison to a weapon as a bonus Justice: My poisons are
action on your turn in combat. often used to dispatch
violent and depraved
criminals, and I can think of
no better use for my skills.
Pride: There are others
who do what I do, but
6 none have come close to
the reputation that I have
built for myself. (Any)
d6 Bond
Deep within my core I truly despise all living things and gain a great deal of
pleasure from their destruction.
The study of death is every bit as valuable as the study of life, and my
research in the area of poisonous substances is important work.
I have been wronged by many people during my lifetime. Some of them are
already dead, but many more are still on my list.
My brother is an assassin for a powerful organization, and I continue to
4 provide him with reliable tools of the trade in the hopes that I can keep
negative consequences from befalling him.
The poison master who mentored me expects me to live up to his
reputation. He may choose to eliminate me if I don’t.
The coin that I earn from this lucrative profession will keep my children from
growing up in the same squalid conditions that I did.

d6 Flaw
The poisonous fumes produced by my mixtures have taken their toll over
the years, and I have a nagging cough that cannot be quelled.
2 My loyalty goes to the highest bidder, without exception.
3 My taste buds are completely and permanently destroyed.
4 I enjoy the suffering of others much more than I care to admit.
Necrosis has turned the tips of my fingers black, so I must wear gloves to
conceal my craft from others.
I believe that my work makes me untouchable, and I am overconfident to the
point of arrogance.


HERBALISM FUNDAMENTALS: Forest, Grassland, or Coastal
Standard Discovery Table
• Potions: Mixed potions are the end
products of an herbalist’s efforts. 60% chance of
These potions might be used to heal discovery. A successful
damage sustained in combat, to DC 12 INT(Nature)
eliminate debilitating conditions, or to check increases the
create specific poison effects. Higher- chance of discovery to
level effects require rare and unique Common Tier 80%. The player rolls a
ingredients. Proficiency with an Herbalism Ingredients d6 and the character
Kit is necessary to manufacture restorative may select a number
potions, and proficiency with a Poisoner’s of ingredients (player
Kit is necessary to craft debilitating choice) in this tier equal
mixtures. to the result rolled on
the d6.
Types of potions and poisons are listed
at the end of this chapter (see Herbalism 30% chance of
Products). discovery. A successful
DC 16 INT(Nature)
• Ingredient Tiers: The plants necessary to check increases the
create herbalism products fall into two chance of discovery to
different tiers. Discovering useful plants Supplement Tier 40%. The player rolls a
in each tier requires a percentile roll, Ingredients d4 and the character
and for the creation of some products, may select a number
certain tiers of plants are required. Many of ingredients (player
ingredients that allow for the creation choice) in this tier equal
of more common effects fall under the to the result rolled on
Common tier. Supplements are used the d4.
primarily to boost the effects of Common

• Using the Kits: Unlike in the Alchemy

system detailed in Chapter Three, the
Herbalism System does not require
components or charges of any kind. The
Herbalism Kit and the Poisoner’s Kit in the
core rules are tool sets with which a player
character may develop proficiency, and
once that proficiency has been attained,
tool checks may be made using


Discovering Useful Plants (d100 Roll)

To forage for the necessary plants or

poisonous material for a desired product,
either the Herbalism Kit or Poisoner’s Kit
proficiency is required. Finding the necessary
ingredients in the wildlands is based on the
biome-specific percentage tables below.

The GM and the player who is controlling the

herbalist character must both realize that
such a character would be searching for very
specific combinations of plants. Therefore,
this system has been arranged as a shopping
list with many possible combinations. A
creative GM may imagine additional potions,
poisons, and herbal remedies beyond the
samples that have been provided here.


When a character wants to forage for ingredients, he or she can first make an INT (Nature) check.
Depending on the success of that roll, the percentage chance of finding proper ingredients may
be increased. The player then rolls the percentile dice, and if the roll is equal to or higher than
the required percentage, the ingredient(s) are acquired. For a 60% chance, a player must roll
41 or higher on the percentile dice. Foraging may only take place during a Long Rest or during
downtime as determined by the GM, and the character may only forage for ingredients within
one specific tier on each attempt.

Example: Grio Whiteshine is in the Sable Wood and would like to search for Common Tier
ingredients before the party settles down for a long rest. In this case, there is a 60% chance that
Grio can successfully locate the ingredients that he desires. Grio can choose to roll a DC 12 INT
(Nature) check to raise his chances of success to 80%. Grio rolls a 13 on his INT (Nature) check
and receives the boost to the percentile roll. He rolls a 23 on the percentile dice and is successful
in the foraging attempt because of that boost. Grio then rolls a d6 to determine how many
Common Tier ingredients are found. His roll of 4 allows him to choose four Common ingredients
of ingredients from the Common Plants list.

The percentages that are required to locate ingredients may be reduced or augmented by the
characteristics of certain biomes.

Desert, Arctic, or Mountain - Reduced Discovery Table

20% chance of discovery. A successful DC 12 INT (Nature)
check increases the chance of discovery to 40%. The
Common Tier Ingredients player rolls a d6 and the character may select a number of
ingredients (player choice) in this tier equal to the result
rolled on the d6.
10% chance of discovery. A successful DC 16 INT (Nature)
check increases the chance of discovery to 20%. The
Supplement Tier Ingredients player rolls a d4 and the character may select a number of
ingredients (player choice) in this tier equal to the result
rolled on the d4.

Jungle, Swamp, or Subterranean - Augmented Discovery Table

70% chance of discovery. A successful DC 12 INT (Nature)
check increases the chance of discovery to 90%. The
Common Tier Ingredients player rolls a d6 and the character may select a number of
ingredients (player choice) in this tier equal to the result
rolled on the d6.
40% chance of discovery. A successful DC 16 INT (Nature)
check increases the chance of discovery to 60%. The
Supplement Tier Ingredients player rolls a d4 and the character may select a number of
ingredients (player choice) in this tier equal to the result
rolled on the d4.

Great Mullein



A character who would like to make a potion or poison product from gathered ingredients must
make a single tool check with an Herbalism Kit or Poisoner Kit. The check is a simple d20 roll,
plus the character’s WIS (Medicine) modifier. Creation of products can be attempted during
a Short Rest, Long Rest, or downtime activity as determined by the time requirement on the
Herbalism and Poison Products tables. The DC of the required check increases based on the
type and number of ingredients required in the recipe, and poisons are typically more difficult
to create than standard herbalism products.

Example: Grio is Level 18 and would like to create a Potion of Supreme Healing. Per the
flaxseed oil supplement requirements, he has gathered four portions of the oil, and he also has
Chachacoma, Echinacea, Chamomile, and Valerian as his four unique Restorative ingredients.
The party has some downtime, and Grio needs five hours to combine the ingredients effectively.
Grio rolls a 2 on the d20 for his Herbalism Kit check, adds his WIS (Medicine) modifier of +7,
and as an Herbalism Master he gets to add his proficiency bonus of +6. Since the DC for the
Potion of Supreme Healing is a 16, and Grio’s roll only totaled 15, this attempt results in a failure.
Perhaps Grio notices that one of his ingredients had aged beyond use, and the product is now
a non-consumable, smelly paste. The ingredients and time are lost, and no product is available
for use.

Herbalism Products:
Each of the following products represents a single dose of an herbal remedy that can be
combined from Common and Supplement ingredients. These products require proficiency with
the Herbalism Kit. Unless otherwise noted, a dose can only be used to affect a single creature.

The Herbalism Kit Check DCs for these products are calculated as 8 + 1 (for each Common
ingredient) + 2 (for each Supplement ingredient). A product containing only Common
ingredients can be created in 1 hour. Each Supplement ingredient adds an hour to the creation

Herbalism Product Ingredients and Effects

Common: Aloe (1)
Aloe Vera
DC 9 Herbalism Kit The gel-like substance inside the leaves of this plant can be used to heal
Check minor ailments of the skin. Resets the CON Save DC and Max HP for
(Any Short Rest) creatures suffering from Sunburn. May be used to halt the progression of
Festering Wounds, but does not revert the infection to its previous stage.
Common: Chamomile (1) and Elderberry (1)
Antidote (Basic)
Supplement: Rosemary (1)
DC 12 Herbalism Kit
This simple mixture can render common poisons inert. Negates the lasting
(2 hours)
effects (aside from immediate Poison damage) of any Ingested poison with a
CON Save DC of 15 or lower.
Common: Chamomile (1), Gingko (1), White Clover (1), Honey (1)

Supplement: Rosemary (1) and Turmeric (1)

Antidote (Advanced)
DC 16 Herbalism Kit
This thick mixture is powerful enough to counteract more serious Ingested
poisons, and it can be used to treat the effects of Inhaled and Contact
(3 hours)
poisons as well. Negates the lasting effects (aside from immediate Poison
damage) of any Ingested, Inhaled, or Contact poison. Has no effect against
Injury poisons.
Common: Feverfew (1), Elderberry (1), and Pine Needle (1)
DC 11 Herbalism Kit
A creature that drinks this vial of liquid gains Advantage on saving throws
(Any Short Rest)
against poison for 1 hour. It confers no benefit to undead or constructs.

Common: Ocean Spray (1), Lizard’s Tail (1), Chamomile (1), and
Pine Needle (1)
Digestive Tincture
DC 14 Herbalism Kit Supplement: Turmeric (1)
(2 hours) When a parasitic infection or other stomach ailment takes hold, this
powerfully fragrant mixture is a reliable cure. Reverses the effects of Swamp
Gut, Otyugh disease, and other infections caused by fouled water.
Herbalism Product Ingredients and Effects
Common: Eyebright (1), White Clover (1), and Honey (1)
Eye Wash
Supplement: Flaxseed Oil (1)
DC 13 Herbalism Kit
Check (2 hours)
Administered directly onto eyes with an Action. Removes the Blinded
condition unless that condition is permanent.
Common: Great Mullein (1), Lizard’s Tail (1), Ocean Spray (1), and Eyebright
Healing Poultice
DC 12 Herbalism Kit A poultice coated with a paste made from these ingredients is highly
Check (Any Short
effective in preventing infection. Reverts Festering Wounds to a previous
level of severity. Negates the risk of Festering Wounds when used within 8
hours of sustaining the injury.
Common: Pine Needle (1)
Insect Repellant Supplement: Catnip (1)
(10 doses)
DC 10 Herbalism Kit When infused in a gallon of fresh water and applied directly to skin, this
Check (2 hours)
mixture keeps biting insects at bay. Keeps swarming insects from making
contact with exposed skin for a period of 4 hours.
Common: Chachacoma (1) and Mint (1)
Mountain Tea
DC 10 Herbalism Kit These two ingredients infused into a tea can increase blood circulation and
Check (Any Short help to fight altitude sickness. When consumed during a Short Rest or a
Long Rest, this tea removes 1 Altitude Point.
Common: Yerba Mate (1), Betony (1), Valerian (1), and Feverfew (1)
Potion of Mental
Supplement: Gotu Kola (1) and Sage (1)
DC 16 Herbalism Kit
The serenity of the mind is a beautiful thing! A creature who drinks this
Check (3 Hours)
mixture makes all Wisdom and Intelligence Saving Throws at Advantage for
a period of 8 hours.
Common: Any Restorative (1)
Potion of Healing
Supplement: Flaxseed Oil (1)
DC 11 Herbalism Kit
Check (2 Hours)
You regain hit points when drinking this potion.
Restores 2d4 + 2 HP
Common: Different Restorative Ingredients (2)
Potion of (Greater)
Healing Supplement: Flaxseed Oil (2)
DC 12 Herbalism Kit
Check (3 Hours) You regain hit points when drinking this potion.
Restores 4d4 + 4 HP
Common: Different Restorative Ingredients (3)
Potion of (Superior)
Healing Supplement: Flaxseed Oil (3)
DC 17 Herbalism Kit
Check (4 Hours) You regain hit points when drinking this potion.
Restores 8d4 + 8 HP
Common: Different Restorative Ingredients (4)
Potion of (Supreme)
Healing Supplement: Flaxseed Oil (4)
DC 20 Herbalism Kit
Check (5 Hours) You regain hit points when drinking this potion.
Restores 10d4 + 20 HP
Common: Mint (1), Great Mullein (1), and Valerian (1)
Potion of (Lesser)
Supplement: Reishi Mushroom (1)
DC 13 Herbalism Kit
The combined effects of these plants can reverse the course of minor
Check (2 Hours)
ailments. A creature who drinks this potion gains the effects of the Lesser
Restoration Spell.


Herbalism Product Ingredients and Effects
Common: Yerba Mate (1), Echinacea (1), Chachacoma (1), and Gingko (1)
Potion of (Greater)
Supplement: Reishi Mushroom (1) and Rosemary (1)
DC 16 Herbalism Kit
This potion affects both the body and the mind, eliminating the effects of
Check (3 Hours)
more serious maladies. A creature who drinks this potion gains the effects of
the Greater Restoration Spell.
Sunscreen Common: Eyebright (1) and Elderberry (1)
(10 Doses)
DC 10 Herbalism Kit In Desert, Mountain, or Coastal areas where Sunburn may be a significant
Check (Any Short risk, this lotion can serve as protection from the sun’s brutal rays. One dose
Rest) prevents the possibility of being affected by sunburn for 4 hours.
Common: Yerba Mate (1)
Yerba Mate
Supplement: Gotu Kola (1)
DC 11 Herbalism Kit
Check (Any Short
When infused together into a tea, these two plants speed the physical
recovery from exhaustion. Allows a creature to recover a Level of Exhaustion
on a Short Rest rather than on a Long Rest.

Poison Products: A dose of any of the Injury poisons listed

below may be used to coat a single blade or
Each of the following products represents up to 3 projectiles. The poison remains potent
a single dose of a toxic poison that can be until it has been introduced to a wound, and
combined from Common and Supplement then the poison no longer coats the weapon.
Ingredients. These products require proficiency
with the Poisoner’s Kit. Unless otherwise While the listed poisons are derived from
noted, a dose can only be used to affect a herbal ingredients, an adept poisoner would
single creature. likely be well-versed in creature toxins as well.
Poisons from a monster’s stat block should
**In many cases these poison effects are be used in accordance with the type of attack
much more severe than the poisons listed that delivers the toxin:
in the core rulebooks. They can have highly
significant impacts on PCs and NPCs alike. • Piercing Damage = Injury Poison
Game Masters are advised to allow these • Breath Weapon = Inhaled Poison
poisons only after careful consideration. • Tentacles or Skin = Contact Poison
If a poison’s description refers to effects The Poisoner’s Kit Check DCs for these
that last until the poison is neutralized, those products are calculated as 8 + 1 (for each
effects are assumed to continue indefinitely Common ingredient) + 6 (for each Supplement
until a specific antidote is administered, or ingredient). A product containing only
until a spell, like Protection from Poison or Common ingredients can be created in 1 hour.
Lesser Restoration, is cast on the affected Each Supplement ingredient adds an hour to
creature. the creation time.



Poison Product Ingredients and Effects

Common: N/A
Supplement: Jequirity Peas (1)

These tiny peas hold a powerful (if slow-acting) toxin that is preferred by
careful and patient assassins. If introduced to a small prick or cut, the toxin
is incredibly difficult to overcome. Many skilled killers have masqueraded
as helpful friends who were innocently swatting away an imaginary bee or
a spider who pierced the skin just before the aid could be rendered. Some
even go so far as to craft a false bee corpse that can be used as both a
delivery system and as evidence of the alleged sting.

Because of the small amount of poison in each pea, this poison is typically
delivered through a pin prick or a dart. It is highly difficult to obtain
(Injury or Ingested)
quantities large enough to coat a blade or an arrowhead. Once delivered,
the toxin works over a period of four days:
DC 14 Poisoner’s Kit
Check (2 Hours)
● 1 hour after exposure and following: Severe vomiting and diarrhea lead
to a serious risk of dehydration.
** On a failure of 5 or
● 24 hours after exposure: The poisoned creature must succeed on a DC
more, the Poisoner who
17 CON Save or suffer one Level of Exhaustion. This Exhaustion is due to
is working with the
dehydration. On a successful Save, the Exhaustion is overcome, but the
peas pricks a finger and
poison’s effects continue to progress until neutralized.
suffers the full effects of
● 48 hours after exposure: Fever and respiratory distress cause periodic
the poison.
sweating, a slight bluish tint to the skin, and mild hallucinations. The
poisoned creature must succeed on a DC 19 CON Save or suffer two
Levels of Exhaustion. On a successful Save, the Exhaustion is overcome,
but the poison’s effects continue to progress until neutralized.
● 72 hours after exposure: The poisoned creature must succeed on a DC
21 CON Save or become Stunned as internal organs begin to fail. The
creature also takes two additional Levels of Exhaustion. On a successful
Save, the creature is not Stunned or Exhausted further, but the poison’s
effects continue to progress until neutralized.
● 96 hours after exposure: If the poison has not been neutralized by this
point, the creature immediately falls Unconscious and begins making
Death Saving Throws until the poison is neutralized.

(Injury) Common: Betony (1)
Supplement: Monkshood Root (1)
DC 15 Poisoner’s Kit
Check (2 Hours) When introduced directly into the bloodstream through a wound, this
mixture has rapid paralytic effects and has the potential to stop a creature’s
** On a failure of 5 or heart within moments. A creature subjected to this delivery method must
more, the Poisoner who succeed on a DC 21 Constitution Saving Throw or become Paralyzed for 1
is working with the minute. The paralysis lasts until the poison is neutralized. After 1 minute has
plant pricks a finger and elapsed, the creature falls Unconscious and begins making Death Saving
suffers the full effects of Throws until the poison is neutralized.
the poison.

Common: Chamomile (1) - OR - Mint (1) - OR - Honey (1)

Supplement: Monkshood Flowers (1)
(Ingestion) The monkshood plant (sometimes known alternatively as wolfsbane) is
lethally toxic upon ingestion. Sometimes infused into tea or mixed with
DC 15 Poisoner’s Kit honey, a tiny amount of this poison can prove fatal. A creature who ingests
Check (2 Hours) a food or drink laced with this poison immediately takes (4d6) Poison
damage and must succeed on a DC 19 Constitution Saving Throw as it
** On a failure of 5 or begins vomiting incessantly. While poisoned in this way, the creature is
more, the Poisoner Incapacitated. On a successful Save, the creature continues vomiting for
who is working with the next hour but is not Incapacitated and takes half the Poison damage. If
the plant suffers the poison has not been neutralized within 1 hour, the creature must make
(4d6) Poison damage a DC 21 Constitution Saving Throw or fall Unconscious. While Unconscious
on contact. due to the effects of Aconite, a creature makes Death Saving Throws until
the poison is neutralized. On a successful Save, the creature does not fall
Unconscious but instead takes two Levels of Exhaustion.


Poison Product Ingredients and Effects

Common: Honey (1) - OR - Aloe (1)

Supplement: Belladonna Root (1)

The roots of the Belladonna (or Deadly Nightshade) plant contain powerful
Belladonna Root
alkaloids that can kill quickly when introduced directly into the bloodstream.
Poisoners may mix the ground up roots of the plant into a thick gel that may
be used to coat blades or arrowheads. When this poisonous concoction is
DC 15 Poisoner’s Kit
delivered through an open wound, the wounded creature must immediately
Check (2 Hours)
succeed on a DC 17 CON Save or become Stunned by the toxins. While
Stunned in this way, the creature experiences vivid hallucinations and cannot
act or react. If left untreated, the creature falls Unconscious ten minutes
after sustaining the injury and makes Death Saving Throws until the poison
is neutralized. On a successful Saving Throw, the creature takes one Level of
Exhaustion, but experiences no further harm from the toxins.
Common: Chamomile (1) - OR - Mint (1)
Supplement: Hemlock (1)

A small amount of Hemlock added to an otherwise inconspicuous cup of tea

Hemlock Tea is enough to kill a target within hours. One hour after ingestion, the creature
(Ingested) automatically takes (4d6) Poison damage. Additionally, the creature must
succeed on a DC 15 CON Save. On a failure, the creature experiences
DC 15 Poisoner’s Kit painful abdominal cramps, nausea, and full-body convulsions, conveying the
Check (2 Hours) Paralyzed condition. Additionally, two hours after ingestion, the creature
must succeed on a DC 17 CON Save or fall Unconscious. Death Saving
Throws are required until the poison is neutralized. A creature who succeeds
on either CON Save takes one Level of Exhaustion but experiences no further
harm from the poison’s effects.
Mandrake Root Common: N/A
(Inhaled) Supplement: Mandrake Root (1)

DC 14 Poisoner’s Kit This powerful hallucinogenic root can be burned, and the fumes can be
Check (2 Hours) captured for later use. Any creature who is within 5 feet of the fumes
must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution Saving Throw or become both
Poisoned and Incapacitated by the toxins for a period of 1 minute. While
** On a failure of 5 or Incapacitated in this way, a creature experiences nightmarish delusions and
more, the Poisoner who believes that it is being attacked by the nearest creature, regardless of what
is working with the is happening in reality. The desperation caused by these delusions forces
fumes suffers the effects an affected creature to use its Action to attack the perceived threat(s) as
of the poison. aggressively as possible. The GM decides what weapon or spell attacks the
poisoned creature uses. This effect lasts for the duration of 1 minute, and a
creature does not have the opportunity to repeat saving throws.
Common: N/A
Supplement: Manchineel Sap (1)
(Contact or Injury)
The milky sap of the Manchineel tree causes burning, can inflame the skin
DC 14 Poisoner’s Kit
tissues, can create blisters and eruptions within seconds. Often used to
Check (2 Hours)
create poison traps, or to coat weapons, this sap causes (3d6) Poison
damage if it contacts exposed skin. If the poison contacts a creature’s
** On a failure of 5 or
eyes, the creature is Blinded until the poison is neutralized by eye drops,
more, the Poisoner
an antidote, or magical protections. If the poison is not neutralized within
who is working with
8 hours, the Blinded condition becomes permanent. If the sap is delivered
the sap suffers the
into an open wound via a blade or a projectile, it instead does (8d6) Poison
effects of the poison.
Common: Any common food that pairs with fruit
Supplement: Manchineel Apple (1)

Manchineel When ingested, the fruit of the Manchineel quickly incapacitates and then
(Ingested) slowly kills its consumer. Some assassins choose to mix a few pieces of
Manchineel fruit in with more standard fare. A creature who ingests any
No check or time amount of this fruit will immediately take (3d6) Poison damage as the
required to utilize the poison burns the mouth and throat. The creature must also succeed on a
fruit as an edible item DC 14 CON Save or be Incapacitated as the throat swells shut, causing the
creature to Suffocate. On a success, the creature is not Incapacitated and
Suffocating, but instead begins vomiting uncontrollably and takes a Level of
Exhaustion every hour until the poison is neutralized.


Poison Product Ingredients and Effects

Common: N/A
Supplement: Manchineel bark (1)
When inhaled, the smoke created by burning the wood of the Manchineel
DC 14 Poisoner’s Kit
tree causes respiratory distress and death within moments. An adept
Check (2 Hours)
poisoner may capture this smoke for later release. A creature who is within
5 feet of the smoke must succeed on a DC 17 CON Save. On a failure, the
** On a failure of 5 or
creature takes (6d6) Poison damage from the smoke, becomes Blinded,
more, the Poisoner who
and is Suffocating as respiratory distress sets in. On a successful Save, the
is working with the
creature is not Blinded or Suffocating and takes half damage. A creature
fumes suffers the effects
who fails the Save continues Suffocating until a proper antidote or magic
of the poison.
neutralizes the poison.
Common: Wine or another sweet berry beverage
Supplement: Nightshade Berries (1)

The semi-sweet berries of the nightshade plant can be alluring but deadly.
Nightshade Berries
When mixed into wine or another sweet, berry-flavored beverage that
covers their unique taste, the ingested toxins work quickly and efficiently.
Ten minutes after ingestion, a creature must make a DC 16 CON Save.
DC 15 Poisoner’s Kit
On a failure, the creature is Stunned and begins to experience full body
Check (2 Hours)
convulsions and vivid hallucinations. If left untreated, the poisoned creature
falls Unconscious and begins making Death Saving Throws 1 hour after
ingestion. A creature who succeeds on the initial CON Save takes a Level of
Exhaustion but experiences no further harm from the toxins.
Common: Mixed with any cooked food
Supplement: Castor Bean (1)

The powerful ricin compound in Castor Beans can be lethal when small
Ricin amounts are mixed into prepared meals. Ten minutes after ingestion, a
(Ingested) creature who is poisoned in this way must succeed on a DC 18 CON Save
or experience severe vomiting and seizures as the poison takes hold. On a
DC 14 Poisoner’s Kit failure, the creature falls Unconscious for a period of one hour while under
Check (2 hours) the initial effects of the poison. If left untreated, the Unconscious creature
must make a DC 20 CON Save one hour after ingestion. On a failure, Death
Saving Throws are required until the poison is neutralized. A creature
who succeeds on either CON Save is conscious but takes two Levels of




Ingredient Description Effect

The aloe plant grows well in rocky desert conditions. The
fleshy leaves contain a gel-like substance that may be applied Restorative
topically to burns (including Sunburn) and other wounds.
The cylindrical root of the Deadly Nightshade plant may be
ground up as an ingredient for an Ingested poison much in the
Belladonna Root same way that its berries might, but it is more commonly used
(Supplement) with a gel that allows for the coating of blades or projectiles.
When used in this way, Belladonna becomes a powerful Injury
Betony is a common herb with purple flowers. The parts
Betony of the plant that grow above the ground create a calming
(Common) effect on both body and mind. It can also be used to enhance
paralyzing poisons.
The bizarre spiny seed pods of this woody shrub can be
Castor Beans broken open to access small seeds that are filled with
(Supplement) poisonous ricin. This poison is estimated to be thousands of
times more powerful than typical snake venom.
This small herbaceous plant is a member of the mint family.
Catnip The chemical compounds within its leaves are highly attractive
(Supplement) to the olfactory receptors of felines and a strong deterrent to
biting insects.
Infusions made from this small yellow flower are highly
Chachacoma Bolstering,
effective at improving blood circulation and countering the
(Common) Restorative
effects of altitude sickness.
Chamomile This well-known blossom creates a simple herbal infusion that Bolstering,
(Common) promotes relaxation and digestive health. Restorative
Echinacea The benefits of this common purple coneflower include Bolstering,
(Common) reduced inflammation and improved immunity. Restorative
Sometimes referred to as the “medicine chest” by able
Elderberry healers, the elderberry plant touts benefits as varied as Preventative,
(Common) relieving stress, healing minor skin ailments, reducing fever, Restorative
and even calming epileptic seizures.
Eyebright Eyebright can be ground up to deter bacterial growth and as
(Common) part of a salve used to protect skin from the rays of the sun.
Feverfew A somewhat mysterious anti-inflammatory, pain reliever, and
(Common) digestive aid, this little flower is related to the common daisy.
Flaxseed Flaxseeds may be pressed to produce an oil that promotes Bolstering,
(Supplement) general well-being, including skin and heart health. Restorative
Gingko The leaves of this tree may be used to improve metabolic
(Common) function, circulation, and mental focus.
Gotu Kola This powerful herb contributes to reduced anxiety and
(Supplement) increased mental clarity.
This plant is a mild sedative and has wound treatment
Great Mullein Preventative,
applications. It is particularly useful as part of a poultice to
(Common) Restorative
keep wounds from festering.
All parts of this dangerous plant contain toxins that affect
the central nervous system, potentially causing convulsions, Poison
paralysis, and death.
In addition to being an edible food source packed with energy,
Honey Preventative,
honey has antibacterial properties and may help to prevent
(Common) Restorative
allergic reactions to local pollen.
Though the poison in these tiny red fruits is slow-acting, it can
Jequirity Peas
lead to severe dehydration from vomiting, mild hallucinations, Poison
and organ failure over a period of days.


Ingredient Description Effect
Though folk medicine teaches that this plant may impart
Lizard’s Tail regenerative abilities, it is simply named for its tail-shaped
(Common) bunch of flowers. These wetland plants do help to treat
festering wounds and infections caused by fouled water.
Dubbed “the tree of death,” every part of this plant is highly
toxic, and it can be used to deliver damaging Ingested, Poison
Inhaled, Contact, and Injury poisons.
Mandrake Mandrake roots contain powerful hallucinogenic toxins that
(Supplement) have the ability to induce delirium.
Mint Mint leaves have a pleasant cooling flavor and immune
(Common) boosting vitamins
This attractive purple flower, also known as wolfsbane, has
powerful paralytic effects. When ingested or introduced via Poison
injury, it is one of the most deadly poisons available.
These dark-colored berries are sometimes mistaken for
blueberries by inexperienced foragers. Unlike blueberries, they
Berries Poison
can cause blurred vision, loss of muscle control, hallucinations,
convulsions, and death.
Commonly known as a “blood cleanser,” this flowery plant
Ocean Spray Preventative,
is often used in infusions for wound dressing and digestive
(Common) Restorative
Known for their antioxidant and digestion boosting properties,
Pine Needle
pine needles can be used to brew a base tea for herbal Bolstering
Mushroom This small mushroom is thought to bolster the immune
(Supplement) system, fight fatigue, and help heal serious illnesses.

A dramatic aid to blood circulation and cognitive abilities,

Rosemary can be used to bolster a number of healing Bolstering
products and antidotes.
This plant has long been used as a type of “spiritual cleanser.”
It aids the immune system, reduces stress, and focuses the Bolstering
The antioxidant and immune-boosting properties of this
Turmeric yellow spice are actually believed by certain cultures to Preventative,
(Supplement) prolong life. A skilled herbalist may use it to counter the Restorative
effects of illness or poison.
Valerian root has long been used as a sleep aid and a stress
reducer. It promotes an overall calming effect on the mind Restorative
and body.
White Clover White Clover is a highly nutritional herb with specific benefits
(Common) for eye and skin health.
An infusion made from this plant has powerful restorative
Yerba Mate Bolstering,
effects on both the body and mind. In fact, a Yerba Mate tea
(Common) Restorative
can significantly improve rest and recovery.

Reishi Mushroom
Overview Background: Alchemist Practitioner

Alchemy is the mystical process of You have spent the majority of your life
transforming one material into another in an dedicating yourself to the art of alchemy. The
attempt to produce magical effects. Those various alchemical ingredients are common
who are proficient in alchemy strive to knowledge to you, and your skill with
enhance abilities, manipulate the elements, Alchemy Supplies and components from the
and wreak havoc on their enemies. The Alchemy Toolkit is unmatched. This mastery
following mechanics and rules are designed of alchemical science allows you to enhance
to simulate alchemy within a 5e setting, and abilities and manipulate the world around
they introduce a new means by which your you..
player characters can influence the campaign
world. Skill Proficiency: History, Nature
Tool Proficiency: Alchemist Supplies
Creating Your Alchemist - A Guide for Players Focus Expertise: You gain +1 to an Ability
Score of your choice. This represents
There are a number of reasons to create an your primary alchemical focus (Body,
adventurer with a background or a proficiency Mind, or Soul).
in the discipline of alchemy. Some players use Equipment: Alchemist Supplies, a
alchemy as a means of supplementing spell miner’s pick, a pouch containing 20 gp, a
slots. Some use it as an alternative to multi- notebook, a set of travelers clothes, and
classing. Either way, alchemy provides your a book on alchemical ingredients.
character with the power to create MORE
magical effects. Feature: Genius Mixologist
Thanks to your previous training, you have a
Alchemy can be a very expensive discipline, knack for handling all things alchemical. When
but in campaigns with high treasure rewards, rolling a check to determine the creation of
it becomes a truly valuable way to spend all any alchemical concoction, the time required
of that hard-earned gold. Wealthy characters is reduced by half. Additionally, you may roll
might utilize alchemy as a means by which your checks using double your proficiency
they can “buy” extra spell slots. bonus when the check involves your chosen
Focus Expertise ability score. You may roll with
When creating an alchemist, consider taking Advantage on all INT(Nature) checks made
the Alchemist Practitioner background. This to locate and extract alchemical ingredients.
background provides your character with
specific advantages related to the discipline. Suggested Characteristics
Additionally, it is important to select Dedicated alchemists spend much of their time
Intelligence as your highest ability score consumed by study and experimentation. The
because the checks required to discover and concoctions manufactured in this trade are
combine ingredients will rely heavily on a the result of knowledge collected and passed
character’s Intelligence Modifier - specifically down by a few talented chemists over the
the INT (Nature) skill. centuries, but they also require many hours
of trial and error by an individual practitioner.
Other ability scores should be considered as As such, alchemists tend to be somewhat . . .
well since the spell save DCs and attack roll eccentric.
bonuses used with alchemical concoctions
are related to specific ability scores. For
example, an alchemist with a higher Charisma
score and a lower Strength score will likely
have more success with the Charisma effects
of the Soul Focus than she will have with the
Strength effects of the Body Focus.

Spell saves against alchemy

concoctions = 8 + Ability Modifier
Related to the Effect + Proficiency
Bonus + Any Special Modifiers

Spell attack bonus for alchemy

concoctions = Ability Modifier
Related to the Effect + Proficiency

d6 Personality Trait
I am extremely paranoid that others are attempting to steal my alchemical
When I meet a fellow academic, I prod for information incessantly, hoping to unearth
new truths about the multiverse.
I have been involved in far too many explosions, and instinctively fall to the ground
and cover my head whenever I hear a loud noise.
My eyebrows were burned off long ago, so I have crafted a pair of false eyebrows
from mouse fur. They look unquestionably “natural.”
I often mumble chemical formulas and mathematical equations to myself while
eating, traveling, and even while in combat.
I keep a dead roach named Reginald in my pocket and sometimes speak to it as if it
is a Familiar.

d6 Ideal
1 Fame: I want to be known by all as the most powerful alchemist in history. (Any)
2 Power: My concoctions give me the power to dominate those of lower intellect. (Evil)
Knowledge: The more that I learn, the more that I realize how little I truly know.
Experimentation: The elements combine in fascinating ways, and the permutations
are endless. (Chaotic)
Discipline: A careless mistake in mixing a concoction could cost someone their life.
Sacrifice: My work is more important than my comfort, and I must sacrifice for the
greater good. (Good)

d6 Bond
1 Alchemy is far superior to magic, both in its reliability and its precision.
I am obsessed with the pursuit of a specific elixir of wondrous power, but no matter how hard I
try, I haven’t been able to produce the desired effect.
I have an elderly loved one who is at death’s door, and the only hope of extending this
cherished life is to discover the elusive Philosopher’s Stone.
I am the last in a long line of alchemy practitioners, and I must find a worthy apprentice to
whom I can teach this noble discipline.
The alchemy notebook that I carry with me contains powerful secrets. No eyes but my own may
gaze upon it, and I would defend it with my life.
The Alchemy Supplies that I use in my experiments have been handed down by able
practitioners through the centuries. I would be devastated if they were lost or broken.

d6 Flaw
1 I do not believe that any other person is truly capable of understanding my craft.
2 The arcane arts are a disturbing mystery to me, and I secretly despise those who can cast
3 I am obsessive in everything I do, and I do not understand when to stop with a course of
4 I have doubts about my alchemical concoctions and prefer to try them out on others before
using them on myself.
5 I often ignore my better judgement and pursue experiments that are likely to cause harm.
6 Alchemy is a very expensive discipline, and I have a habit of stealing to support my work.

ALCHEMY FUNDAMENTALS: be replenished by spending some time
scavenging. An alchemist should always
• Concoctions: Alchemical concoctions be on the lookout for key ingredients to
are the primary means by which an replenish their Alchemist Toolkit (see
alchemist can manipulate the world. Mechanics of the Alchemy System below).
These concoctions might be used to
provide temporary ability enhancements, • The Three Foci - Mind, Body, and Soul:
to allow glimpses into the future, or Alchemy focuses on three avenues of
even to sprout wings for limited time. manipulation called foci: Mind, Body, and
More complex concoctions require Soul. Each focus is connected to a pair
more complex ingredients, known as of ability scores and associated elements
legendary ingredients. These higher-quality (both primary and secondary) that are
concoctions produce more permanent used with Alchemy Supplies to create
results. Whatever the level of quality, alchemical concoctions.
creating concoctions must be approached
with extreme caution and only the most • Body Alchemy typically focuses on
skilled students of alchemy should even physical manipulations and is often
attempt such an endeavor. The tiniest administered through injections, capsules,
mistake can have catastrophic results. or mechanical grafts. These might
strengthen the muscles, enhance speed,
Types of concoctions are listed at the end or create additional limbs.
of this chapter (see List of Concoction
Effects). Associated Abilities: Strength and
IMPORTANT TIP: Alchemical concoctions Primary Element: Adamantine
create spell-like abilities by using science Secondary Elements: Gold (10 gp) and Tin
rather than magical methods. Feel free
to create your own concoctions with the • Mind Alchemy manipulates what the
following considerations: mind perceives, how it comprehends
things, or how it is influenced. This type
○ Concoctions primarily produce effects of manipulation often manifests itself
of cantrips and first, second, and third- through inhalable vapors or oils that
level spells. accelerate the release of pheromones.
○ Anything beyond that should be Typically, these concoctions influence the
considered a Legendary Concoction minds of an alchemist’s adversaries or
and approached accordingly. enhance the alchemist’s own faculties of
• The Primary Elements of Alchemy: Each
focus (Mind, Body, or Soul) utilizes a Associated Abilities: Intelligence and
primary element that acts as a catalyst Charisma
for changes to the associated abilities. Primary Element: Diamond
Each of these primary elements is a Secondary Elements: Silver (100 sp) and
crucial ingredient in the creation of an Lead
alchemical effect within its focus. The
primary elements are Diamond (Mind), • Soul Alchemy manipulation focuses on the
Adamantine (Body), and Mithral (Soul). energy that connects the soul to its body.
These effects are created primarily by
• The Secondary Elements of Alchemy introducing alchemical mixtures directly
(Substitutes for Primary Elements): into the bloodstream with syringes,
Although using primary elements is the dissolvables, or patches. The resulting
safest and most efficient method of effects may be a variety of enhancements
making concoctions, another method to overall vitality.
may be used. Each focus has a secondary
element that is more commonly found, Associated Abilities: Wisdom and
and which can be used in place of the Constitution
primary element. However, in using these Primary Element: Mithral
secondary elements an alchemist accepts Secondary Elements: Platinum (1 pp) and
a certain risk that the resulting concoction Mercury
might produce adverse - sometimes even
deadly - effects.

• Components From the Alchemist Toolkit:

In addition to the primary elements and
their near substitutes, the crafting of
concoctions also relies on key components
that are found in the Alchemist Toolkit.
These components are consumed
when creating a concoction, but can
Mechanics of the Alchemy System: The alchemical process allows for the creation
of concoctions that produce spell-like
• Alchemist’s Supplies Augmented: abilities and effects that may otherwise be
Because the Alchemist’s Supplies in the inaccessible to the character. Each effect falls
core rules are fairly nondescript and do under a specific focus (Mind, Body, and Soul)
not have many specific uses, this system and is associated with a given ability score
assumes that proficiency with these (Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence,
supplies is a prerequisite for creating Wisdom, or Charisma).
any alchemical concoction. However,
additional consumable components are The steps of the process for the GM are as
also required. Hence the addition of the follows:
Alchemist Toolkit.
1. Have the player choose the desired effect
• An Alchemist Toolkit has a reasonable from the List of Concoction Effects.
amount of common components and 2. Use the Alchemy Effects Cost Table to
ingredients: materials like oils, pastes, determine completion time, required
purified water, powdered iron, and various ingredients, and the related DC.
common components. These are assumed a. Have players make the necessary
to be plentiful and easily acquired, but they Alchemy check using the INT(Nature)
are by no means infinite. An Alchemist skill.
Toolkit contains 10 charges which are b. Spend Ingredients (consumed during
consumable and which may be utilized the process) and advance time based
when creating concoctions. Replacement on success or failure.
charges may either be purchased or c. Refer to “Side Effects Table” and
scavenged (see Scavenging for Materials resolve the outcome (If Any).
and Materials Cost Table). 3. If requirements are met, the player
produces the given concoction and may
For more powerful alchemical concoctions, consume it at the appropriate time.
an alchemist may need to collect specific
ingredients that are more difficult to obtain.
Perhaps these ingredients can only be found
in isolated or dangerous locations. They may
only exist on other planes of existence, or they
may even be the body parts of formidable

IMPORTANT TIP: In an effort to provide for

flexibility, secondary elements are common
items or coins which can be used directly in
the creation of alchemical concoctions. At
the GM’s discretion, the use of secondary
elements may be disallowed, and characters
may be required to search out or purchase
primary elements in order to increase the
rarity of concoctions.

The Alchemical Process

The process of crafting a concoction
consists of three aspects: materials, time,
and proficiency. In order for an alchemical
attempt to be made, a practitioner must be
able to provide the materials, to dedicate
the necessary time, and to accept the risks
involved with the attempt. If the material
cost or time commitment cannot be met,
then the attempt cannot move forward. If the
risk is high, then the player of the alchemist
character must either choose to move forward
or to delay until such time that the risk can be

Concoctions are categorized based on a

rarity scale (common, uncommon, rare, very
rare, and legendary). The higher the desired
effect’s rarity, the higher the overall cost.
See the Alchemy Effects Cost Table on the
following page.

Grio Whiteshine has been dabbling in the study of alchemy for many years. As he and his
adventuring companions are preparing to explore a shipwreck beneath the swells of the Gulf of
RoHalta, Grio considers the fact that the ability to breathe under water would be very useful in this
scenario. He plans to attempt a Gill Growth Concoction from the Constitution branch of the Soul
Alchemy focus. His steps are as follows:

1. The Gill Growth Concoction produces a Very Rare alchemical effect, which means that Grio
must prepare to spend as many as 14 hours of downtime to produce the concoction.
2. Grio will have to spend 5 charges from his Alchemist Toolkit, and either 300 gold pieces
worth of Mithral or 15 platinum coins, all of which will be consumed during the attempt.
3. Grio chooses to dismantle a set of Mithral Chain Mail to acquire the ingredient portions that
he needs (about 3/5ths of the chain mail based on a 500 gp value of the armor and the
ingredients cost from the Material Costs Table). He uses the more expensive mithral because
he’s had bad experiences with Secondary Elements in the past.
4. With all the ingredients gathered and the time set aside, Grio must succeed on a DC 18
INT(Nature) check to create the concoction.
5. Since he is not using Secondary Elements, Grio will only experience side effects if he fails in
the alchemy attempt.
6. Unfortunately, the result of Grio’s INT(Nature) check is a 12, which is a failure of 5 or more. The
concoction fails dramatically, and a roll of 5 on the Severe Side Effects table leaves Grio with
Indefinite Madness.
7. If Grio had had access to a Legendary Mineral (See Game Master Sidebar with Legendary
Ingredients), he could have boosted his chances for success and reduced the risk of Severe
Side Effects at the same time.
Side Effects
Some concoctions may create adverse effects during their creation or consumption. The Game
Master should refer to this table to determine the outcome.

Side Effects Table

Alchemy Check Result Side Effect Resolution
Critical Failure: -5 or more Roll on “Severe Side Effects” Table
Failure Roll on “Failure Side Effects” Table
Success While Using Secondary
Roll on “Secondary Element Side Effects” Table
No Side Effect and Double the Amount of the
Critical Success: +5 or more

Failure Side Effects: With these common side effects, the concoction fails, materials are wasted,
and the alchemist may be affected negatively because of the attempt

Roll 1d10 Failure Side Effects

Impurities in the ingredients cause a rare reaction that does (4d10) Necrotic
damage to the alchemist.
2 The energy required to attempt the concoction leads to 1 Level of Exhaustion.
If the alchemist creates another concoction within 1d4 days, he or she is
Poisoned for the next 24 hours after the attempt.
4 The alchemist suffers from temporary madness. Roll for “Short Term Madness”
5-10 No Effect

Secondary Element Side Effects: If an alchemist chooses to use Secondary Elements, there is
an added risk of volatile reactions that can cause side effects. These effects are only experi-
enced by a creature who consumes an alchemical concoction that was created using Second-
ary Elements, and as such, it is important that the GM keeps track of the alternative effect. The
GM should keep the result a secret until the concoction is consumed. In addition to the intend-
ed effect, the character also experiences the effect from the table below.

Roll 1d10 Secondary Element Side Effect

Once the concoction wears off, you fall Unconscious for a period of 1 hour and
have vivid dreams of another plane of existence.
Immediately upon consuming the concoction, your skin turns an unusual color
(Green, Blue, Purple, Etc). The color returns to normal after a Long Rest.
Immediately upon consuming the concoction, you take (1d10 + 4) Necrotic
4 Once the concoction wears off, you become Poisoned for 24 hours.
Immediately upon consuming the concoction, you sprout horns and a tail.
5 These can only be removed with a Lesser Restoration spell or a Minor Remedy
6 Immediately upon consuming the concoction, you lose your voice for 1d4 hours.
7-10 No Effect

Severe Side Effects: Severe side effects only take place during the crafting of the concoction
when a horrible failure violently disrupts the process. When an alchemist fails the required IN-
T(Nature) check by 5 points or more, the materials are lost, and a potentially devastating side
effect manifests itself immediately after the failure.

Roll 1d10 Severe Side Effect

The alchemist’s hit points are reduced to 0 and he or she must begin making
death saving throws on the next turn. Roll for Initiative.
The alchemist’s Strength Ability Score is reduced to 1. This can be reversed only
by a Greater Restoration spell or a Major Remedy concoction.
The alchemist is transported to the Ethereal Plane for a period of 24 hours and
3 can only communicate through minor influences on the Material Plane (change
in temperature, movement of small objects, projecting emotions, etc)
4 The alchemist’s alignment changes to a random one determined by the GM.
5 The alchemist suffers from madness. Roll on the “Indefinite Madness” table.
The alchemist becomes addicted to concoctions and must consume one every
6 24 hours or take one Level of Exhaustion. This addiction can be broken if no
concoctions are consumed for a period of 10 days.
7-10 No Effect

Differences Between Concoctions and Spells
● When a concoction is consumed, the effects take hold immediately and last for the duration.
Concoction effects DO NOT REQUIRE CONCENTRATION, even if the underlying spell
descriptions refer to concentration requirements. If the concoction requires a Spell Save
DC or Spell Attack roll, use the ability score that is associated with the concoction. For
example, the Alchemical Breath Concoction mimics the effects of the Poison Spray cantrip
and requires a CON Save from the target. Because it is listed as a Dexterity Effect of the
Body Focus, the Save DC is determined by the alchemist’s Dexterity Ability Score. Likewise,
the Zap Vitality Concoction can inflict necrotic damage on a target using a melee spell
attack. Since it is a Wisdom Effect of the Soul Focus, the alchemist must use his or her
Wisdom Ability Modifier on the attack roll.

● Additionally, because alchemical concoctions do not require concentration, they have a

set duration to their effects. If a concoction has a duration of 1 hour, the effects of that
concoction will last for the full hour and cannot be voluntarily ended by the consumer. In
order to end an alchemical effect prior to its stated duration, an alchemist may ingest a
special elixir associated with the alchemical focus (Body Elixir, Mind Elixir, Soul Elixir). These
elixirs are common concoctions that should be kept on hand at all times.

● The spell-like effects of concoctions are precisely engineered and predetermined. Therefore,
they may not be executed in an enhanced or amplified manner (as a spellcaster is able to
cast spells at a higher level). Under no circumstances may a concoction grant improved or
augmented abilities to anyone other than the consumer.

Acquiring Material
The most common way to acquire materials is through purchase. Considering that each form
of currency (Gold, Silver, Platinum) can be used as a secondary element for a focus of alchemy,
one can simply spend time refining the materials in the coins themselves into a necessary
component for creating an alchemical concoction. An alchemist must simply exchange the
given currency for an associated effect under the appropriate focus.

Material Costs
The following table represents the cost of alchemical ingredients. Ingredients may typically be
purchased from alchemy shops in major settlements.

Material Costs Table

Element/Ingredients GP Cost for 1 Ingredient Portion
Common Ingredients (Refill 1 charge of
1 gp
Alchemist Kit)
Platinum, Gold, Silver 10 gp equivalent of corresponding coin type
Tin, Lead, Mercury 10 gp
Adamantine, Mithral, Diamond 100 gp
Legendary Ingredient (If available) 1,000 gp +

Scavenging for Common Ingredients

If a player character wishes to scavenge for Common Ingredients to replenish charges for the
Alchemist Toolkit, he or she must spend a minimum of 1 hour searching and must make a DC 12
INT(Nature) check. Use the results from the Replenishing Alchemist Toolkit Table below, and
keep in mind that the Alchemist Toolkit can only hold 10 Charges at a time.

Replenishing Alchemist Toolkit Table

DC 12 INT(Nature) Check Time Spent Scavenging Number of Charges Gained
Critical Failure: -5 or more 1d4 Hours 0
Failure 1 hour 1d6 - 2
Success 1 hour 1d6 + 2
Critical Success: +5 or more 1 hour 2d4 + 4

Obtaining Primary Elements
Adamantine, Mithral, and Diamond have been ● The location is difficult to reach and has
used through the ages and are commonly a plethora of hazards the party must
mined deep within the earth. However, many overcome. It may take several days to
civilizations (both current and ancient) complete the journey, and it might even be
used these metals for a variety of purposes. the primary reason that the party chooses
At the GM’s discretion, sizable stores of to enter the wildlands.
alchemy quality elements may be discovered ● The ingredient may be a body part of a
by questing within a given natural biome. powerful creature. This creature should
Consider tying in the location of these primary provide a hard or deadly encounter for the
elements into the history of the current party. Typically these creatures will have
location. Here are a few examples: Lair and/or Legendary Actions.
● Perhaps the location is a hot spot for a
Ancient Civilization - The ruins of an particularly powerful hazard (volcano,
extinct civilization exist in these parts. tornado, etc).
Create your own group skill challenge
consisting of only History, Nature, and Legendary Ingredient Quest Examples
Investigation skills to see how much of the
primary element can be discovered. ● Desert: Oasis, Pyramids, Lost Civilization
● Swamp: Old Ruins, Hags’ Hut, Primordial
Old Mine - The party has heard of an old Corpse
mine in the area. Rumor has it the mine ● Mountain: Crashed Airship, The Highest
shut down due to a horrific tragedy. If the Peak, Temple of an Air God
party can solve the mystery and defeat the ● Grassland: Tar Pits, Lost Cave, Cursed
nameless threat, they may also discover Village
rich deposits of a primary element. ● Forest: Heart of the Forest, Forgotten
Grove, Secluded Elven Civilization
Lost Shipment - A caravan was transporting ● Arctic: Glacier, Frozen Lake, Fallen Empire
materials across the wilderness. They were Ruins
attacked by bandits who stole a store of ● Coastal: Shipwreck, Underwater Cavern,
primary elements. Track the bandits down Sunken Temple
and receive a share of the materials as a ● Subterranean: Magic Vein, Dark Dwarf
reward. Stronghold, Deepest Reaches
Regardless of the adventure location, an IMPORTANT TIP: Another optional component
alchemist should be required to invest quite that may be added to the alchemy system is a
a bit of time and energy into locating sizable Legendary Mineral. This mineral can exist as a
quantities of primary elements, and pack crystal, metal ore, or some other imaginative
animals or vehicles may be necessary to substance. Consider using some or all of the
transport these heavy materials. following traits to create a Legendary Mineral
Obtaining Legendary Ingredients
Legendary ingredients are by far the most ● This mineral can only be found in
potent of the alchemy ingredients and are wilderness locations.
the most difficult to acquire. They can replace
ANY of the lower tier ingredients under their ● The mineral must be mined from
specific foci and are used to create the most the earth, but once found, it can be
powerful alchemical concoctions. This means duplicated through the alchemy process.
they are not typically available for purchase, If an alchemist has a sample of the
and if they are, they are reserved for the material, he or she can attempt to
very, VERY wealthy. Generally, the only way duplicate it with a DC 20 INT(Nature)
to acquire such an ingredient is to discover check. If successful on this check, the
it yourself. This will involve heading into the alchemist can turn the sample into 1,000
most dangerous areas the wildlands have to gp worth of the Legendary Mineral.
offer and/or encountering a highly dangerous
creature. ● This mineral can be used in place of
a Legendary ingredient, or it can be
Incorporating a legendary alchemy ingredient used as a supplemental ingredient that
into your game is a great opportunity for provides a +5 to INT(Nature) checks to
you to highlight the more dangerous aspects create concoctions.
of the natural biome that your characters
are exploring. The search for legendary ● Name Examples: Residuum (Exandria),
ingredients should be a quest that is Unobtainium (Avatar), Vibranium
challenging for the players and provides a (Marvel), Lyrium (Dragon Age), Lerasium
sense of accomplishment upon its completion. (Mystborn Trilogy).
Keep in mind these legendary ingredients
can produce powerful concoctions that can
permanently enhance a player character,
therefore, the challenge of obtaining these
ingredients should reflect that potential.

Consider the following when thinking of the

location of your legendary ingredient.

Alchemy Effect Cost Table ** Common Ingredients = 1 Charge from Alchemy Toolkit

Common Any Short Rest Common x 2 12
Common x 3 AND
Uncommon 1d4 Hours 14
Secondary Element x 3
Common x 5 AND
Rare 8 Hours/1 Work Day Secondary Element x 5 16
or Primary Element x 1

Common x 5 AND
Very Rare 2d4+6 Hours Secondary Element x 15 18
or Primary Element x 3

Common x 5
1d4-1 Days (if 0 refer
Legendary AND Primary Element x 5 20
to Very Rare)
ANDLegendary Element x 1

List of Standard Concoction Effects

The following is a sampling of possible alchemical concoctions. Game Masters are encouraged
to work with players to create other unique alchemical effects. (Additional concoctions can
easily be created to represent spell effects from other 5th Edition sourcebooks).

Body Focus - Strength Effects

Effect Description
Body Elixir A small draught that works to end the effects of a Body
Common concoction prior to its intended duration.
DC 12 INT (Nature) + STR Mod
(Any Short Rest)
Enhance Strength Concoction A mechanical graft that covers both arms, starting at the
Common shoulder blades and tracing down to the backside of the
DC 12 INT (Nature) + STR Mod hands. When active, it burns with empowering energy. +2 to
(Any Short Rest) all Strength Saving Throws and Ability Checks for 1 hour.
Minor Enhancement Concoction A capsule that when ingested allows for minor manipulation
Common of physical appearance, vocal amplitude, and minor telekinesis
DC 12 INT (Nature) + STR Mod effects. Gain the ability to cast the Thaumaturgy cantrip for
(Any Short Rest) one hour.
“Eat Me” Concoction A simple, bland teacake that lasts as long as a normal traveling
Common ration. When eaten it causes the bearer to increase in size.
DC 12 INT (Nature) + STR Mod Gain the effects of Enlarge/Reduce on self (enlarge only) for 1
(Any Short Rest) minute.
“Drink Me” Concoction A small alchemical draught. When activated it causes the
Common bearer to decrease in size. Gain the effects of Enlarge/Reduce
DC 12 INT (Nature) + STR Mod on self (reduce only) for 1 minute.
(Any Short Rest)
High Jump Concoction A mechanical graft placed upon the outside of both legs,
Uncommon starting at the upper thigh and extending down towards the
DC 14 INT (Nature) + STR Mod achilles heel. When activated, it allows the bearer to jump long
(1d4 hours) distances. Gain the effects of Jump on self for 1 minute.
Aura of Alchemy Concoction A capsule that when ingested produces an alchemical aura
Uncommon around the consumer. Gain the effects of Mage Armor on self
DC 14 INT (Nature) + STR Mod for 8 hours.
(1d4 hours)

Body Focus - Strength Effects

Effect Description
Bull’s Strength Concoction A tablet when ingested causes the consumer’s strength to
Uncommon increase substantially. Gain the effects of Enhance Ability
DC 14 INT (Nature) + STR Mod (Bull’s Strength) on self for 1 hour.
(1d4 hours)
Booming Crystal Concoction A sizable capsule with two combustible elements within.
Uncommon When thrown, the volatile substances combine upon impact to
DC 14 INT (Nature) + STR Mod create an alchemical reaction of epic proportions. Cast Shatter
(1d4 hours) at 2nd Level.
Fade to Black Concoction A capsule that can be thrown and that breaks on contact,
Rare releasing a powerful vapor which robs creatures within its
DC 16 INT (Nature) + STR Mod radius of their ability to see. Cast Darkness on a specific area
(8 Hours) for 10 minutes.
Auditory Denial Concoction A capsule that can be thrown at a location and which
Rare produces a vapor upon impact. Those exposed are unable to
DC 16 INT (Nature) + STR Mod speak or hear while within the area of the burst. Cast Silence.
(8 Hours)
Stupefacient Concoction A tiny, hollowed-out clay sphere that is filled with an
Rare alchemical oil that vaporizes on impact. Creatures within the
DC 16 INT (Nature) + STR Mod radius of the blast are robbed of their physical strength and
(8 Hours) their ability to move normally. Cast Slow for 1 minute.
Natural Weapons Concoction A tablet when consumed alters the consumer’s natural
Rare physiology, granting the user beastly natural weapons. Gain
DC 16 INT (Nature) + STR Mod the Natural Weapons benefits of the Alter Self spell for 1 hour.
(8 Hours)
Natural Armor Concoction A tablet when consumed produces a thick, bark-like skin on
Rare the consumer. Gain the effects of Barkskin on self for 1 hour.
DC 16 INT (Nature) + STR Mod
(8 Hours)
Oleum Vitae An alchemical oil that is vaporized in the form of oxygen.
Very Rare This oil is used to provide the temporary respiration system
DC 18 INT (Nature) + STR Mod inside of the Plague Mask and the Deep-Water Diving
(2d4 + 6 Hours) Apparatus, and it may be used in other devices to aid
respiration in harsh environments.
Gaseous Form Concoction A capsule that when ingested causes the consumer to
Very Rare dematerialize into a cloud of gas. Gain the effects of Gaseous
DC 18 INT (Nature) + STR Mod Form on self for 1 hour.
(2d4 + 6 Hours)
Strength Mutagen Concoction This process involves a series of injections into the muscles
Legendary of the chest, arms, and legs. A gradual transformation takes
DC 20 INT (Nature) + STR Mod hold in the body, causing a substantial increase in strength.
(1d4-1 Days) Permanently increase Strength Ability Score to 20.
Purity of Power Concoction A series of injections lead to a dramatic increase in upper
Legendary body strength and explosive power. Gain the Grappler Feat
DC 20 INT (Nature) + STR Mod and expertise in the STR(Athletics) skill.
(1d4-1 Days)

Gaseous Form Concoction

Body Focus - Dexterity Effects
Effect Description
Enhance Dexterity Concoction A mechanical graft that covers both legs, starting at the upper
Common thighs and tracing down to the backside of the ankles. When
DC 12 INT (Nature) + DEX Mod active, the legs take on an especially lithe level of agility. +2 to
(Any Short Rest) Dexterity Saving Throws and Ability Checks for 1 hour.
Alchemical Breath Concoction A capsule that is placed in the consumer’s mouth and crushed,
Common thus producing an alchemical reaction that can be exhaled
DC 12 INT (Nature) + DEX Mod outward to a damaging effect. Cast Poison Spray.
(Any Short Rest)
Agility Concoction A draught that boosts the alchemist’s speed and agility. Gain
Common the effects of the Mobile Feat for 8 hours.
DC 12 INT (Nature) + DEX Mod
(Any Short Rest)
Speedster Concoction A tablet when ingested allows the consumer to move in short,
Uncommon fast bursts. Cast Expeditious Retreat on self for 10 minutes.
DC 14 INT (Nature) + DEX Mod
(1d4 Hours)
Enhance Movement Concoction A mechanical graft placed along the outsides of the legs.
Uncommon When activated allows the bearer to move with enhanced
DC 14 INT (Nature) + DEX Mod speed. Cast Longstrider on self for 1 hour.
(1d4 Hours)
Aquatic Adaptation Concoction A tablet when consumed alters the consumers natural
Rare physiology, allowing their body to adapt to an aquatic
DC 16 INT (Nature) + DEX Mod environment. Gain the Aquatic Adaptation benefits of the
(8 Hours) Alter Self spell for 1 hour.
Cat’s Grace Concoction A mechanical graft placed along both arms and legs. When
Rare activated the alchemist’s natural agility increases substantially.
DC 16 INT (Nature) + DEX Mod Gain the (Cat’s Grace) benefits of Enhance Ability for 1 hour.
(8 Hours)
Ghost Step Concoction A vapor that when inhaled creates a minor disruption in the
Rare user’s physical makeup. The alchemist’s passage through an
DC 16 INT (Nature) + DEX Mod area cannot be detected visually, audibly, or olfactorily while
(8 Hours) moving inconspicuously. Gain the benefits of Pass Without a
Trace (only on self) for 1 hour.
Wall Walker Concoction A combination of mild adhesive and magnetic resonance
Rare allow the alchemist to manipulate the gravitational forces for a
DC 16 INT (Nature) + DEX Mod limited time. Gain the benefits of Spider Climb for 1 hour.
(8 Hours)
Pure Adrenaline Concoction A tablet that when ingested causes the consumer to move
Very Rare with incredible speed and reaction time. Gain the benefits of
DC 18 INT (Nature) + DEX Mod Haste for 1 minute.
(2d4 + 6 Hours)
Dexterity Mutagen Concoction This process involves the removal of skin around the arms
Legendary and legs. A mechanical graft replaces the skin and eventually
DC 20 INT (Nature) + DEX Mod forms to the bearer’s body, causing their Dexterity to increase
(1d4-1 Days) substantially. Permanently increase Dexterity Ability Score to
Enhanced Mobility Concoction A series of injections lead to a lengthening of limbs, a toning of
Legendary musculature, and dramatically increased flexibility. The result
DC 20 INT (Nature) + DEX Mod is a permanent increase in movement speed. Gain the Mobile
(1d4-1 Days) Feat and expertise in either the DEX (Acrobatics) or the DEX
(Stealth) skill.
Wings Mutagen Concoction A mechanical graft replaces the skin around the shoulder
Legendary blades and upper back. The bearer then consumes an
DC 20 INT (Nature) + DEX Mod alchemical capsule that begins the formation of wings in the
(1d4-1 Days) location of the replaced skin. Gain permanent wings with a
Flying Speed of 50ft.

Mind Focus - Intelligence Effects
Effect Description
Mind Elixir A small draught that works to end the effects of a Mind
Common concoction prior to its intended duration.
DC 12 INT (Nature) + INT Mod
(Any Short Rest)
Enhance Intelligence Concoction An alchemical oil is placed within a device which produces
Common a gas to be inhaled by the consumer, temporarily enhancing
DC 12 INT (Nature) + INT Mod intelligence. +2 to Intelligence Saving Throws and Ability
(Any Short Rest) Checks for 1 hour.
High Alert Concoction A draught that heightens the alchemist’s senses and improves
Common mental reaction speed greatly. Gain the effects of the Alert
DC 12 INT (Nature) + INT Mod Feat for 8 hours.
(Any Short Rest)
Oil of Deduction An alchemical mixture that produces a vapor once opened. The
Uncommon vapor is then inhaled giving an exposed creature keen powers
DC 14 INT (Nature) + INT Mod of observation. Gain the effects of the Observant Feat for 8
(1d4 Hours) hours.
Enhance Comprehension An alchemical oil is placed within a device which produces a
Concoction gas to be inhaled by the consumer, allowing them to become
Uncommon incredibly receptive to all manner of written and spoken
DC 14 INT (Nature) + INT Mod language. Gain the benefits of Comprehend Languages for 1
(1d4 Hours) hour.
Involuntary Rest Concoction A capsule which can be thrown. Upon impact it produces a
Uncommon copious amount of gas that causes exposed creatures to fall
DC 14 INT (Nature) + INT Mod unconscious. Cast Sleep for 1 minute.
(1d4 Hours)
Fox’s Cunning Concoction A special smelling salt is inhaled by the alchemist, boosting
Rare intelligence for a limited time. Gain the (Fox’s Cunning)
DC 16 INT (Nature) + INT Mod benefits of Enhance Ability for 1 hour.
(8 Hours)
Predictive Visions Concoction A paste is spread on the lips and gums, generating vivid flashes
Rare of future probabilities of success. Cast Augury.
DC 16 INT (Nature) + INT Mod
(8 Hours)
Duplicity Concoction An oil is applied directly to the alchemist’s skin, creating an
Rare explosion of psychoactive pheromones that confuse and
DC 16 INT (Nature) + INT Mod disorient enemies. Cast Blur on self for 1 minute.
(8 Hours)
Telepathy Concoction A draught that allows its drinker to hear the thoughts and
Rare intentions of those nearby. Gain the benefits of Detect
DC 16 INT (Nature) + INT Mod Thoughts for 1 minute.
(8 Hours)
Paralysis Concoction A breakable vial that can be thrown. Once broken it produces
Rare a gas that causes rapid but temporary paralysis. Cast Hold
DC 16 INT (Nature) + INT Mod Person on a single target.
(8 Hours)
Influencing Serum Concoction A beguiling alchemical perfume is placed directly on the
Rare alchemist’s skin, creating a pheromone that makes creatures
DC 16 INT (Nature) + INT Mod nearby susceptible to subtle suggestions. Cast Suggestion on a
(8 Hours) single target.
Out of Body Concoction A psychoactive substance placed directly beneath the user’s
Very Rare tongue that allows projection of one’s consciousness towards
DC 18 INT (Nature) + INT Mod a specified location. Gain the benefits of Clairvoyance for 10
(2d4 + 6 Hours) minutes.
Flawless Communication A capsule that once cracked open produces a vapor. When
Concoction inhaled, the consumer possesses the ability to communicate
Very Rare fluently in any recorded language. Gain the benefits of Tongues
DC 18 INT (Nature) + INT Mod for 1 hour.
(2d4 + 6 Hours)

Mind Focus - Intelligence Effects
Effect Description
Intelligence Mutagen Concoction An alchemical mixture is produced and burned within a small
Legendary hut or enclosed space. The consumer spends a considerable
DC 20 INT (Nature) + INT Mod amount of time inhaling the concoction and gains access to
(1d4-1 Days) a higher percentage of their cerebral cortex. Permanently
increase Intelligence Ability Score to 20.
Precision Tracking Concoction An alchemical mixture is produced and burned within a small
Legendary hut or enclosed space. The consumer spends a considerable
DC 20 INT (Nature) + INT Mod amount of time inhaling the concoction and gains permanent
(1d4-1 Days) improvements to mental acuity. Gain the Keen Mind Feat
Wordsmith Concoction A powerful alchemical substance is injected directly into
Legendary the user’s spinal cord, granting a powerful understanding of
DC 20 INT (Nature) + INT Mod language and ciphers. Gain the Linguist Feat and expertise in
(1d4-1 Days) either the INT (Religion) or the INT (History) skill.

Mind Focus - Charisma Effects

Effect Description
Enhance Charisma Concoction An alchemical oil is sprayed upon the skin and seeps into the
Common pores, thus enhancing the consumer’s natural charm. +2 to
DC 12 INT (Nature) + CHA Mod Charisma Saving Throws and Ability Checks for 1 hour.
(Any Short Rest)
Friends Concoction An alchemical oil is sprayed upon the skin and creates a powerful
Common pheromone that can be tailored to a specific target. A creature
DC 12 INT (Nature) + CHA Mod who is exposed to the pheromone becomes infatuated with the
(Any Short Rest) consumer. Gain the ability to cast the Friends cantrip for 1 hour.
Pinpoint Insecurities Concoction A capsule when cracked open produces a vapor. Once inhaled, the
Common consumer is able to pinpoint the insecurities of others. Gain the
DC 12 INT (Nature) + CHA Mod ability to cast the Vicious Mockery cantrip for 1 hour.
(Any Short Rest)
Scent Masking Concoction An alchemical oil is sprayed upon the skin which suppresses
Common natural odor and emission of pheromones. Masks scent for up to
DC 12 INT (Nature) + CHA Mod 1 hour for Hunting or for any other purpose where odor might be
(Any Short Rest) detrimental to success.
Distracting Perfume Concoction The alchemist applies a powerful perfume directly to his or her
Uncommon skin. When the resulting vapor is inhaled by nearby targets, it
DC 14 INT (Nature) + CHA Mod distracts them from their tactics and attacks. Cast Bane on up to 3
(1d4 Hours) creatures for 1 minute.
Beguiling Concoction An alchemical oil is sprayed upon the skin and creates a powerful
Uncommon pheromone. Those who are exposed to the pheromone become
DC 14 INT (Nature) + CHA Mod enamored with the consumer. Cast Charm Person on one
(1d4 Hours) humanoid target for 1 hour.
Hypnotism Concoction A capsule that can be thrown at a target which produces a vapor
Uncommon upon impact. If the vapor is inhaled, making the target becomes
DC 14 INT (Nature) + CHA Mod susceptible to the alchemist’s commands. Cast Command on 1
(1d4 Hours) creature.
Project Identity Concoction An alchemical oil is sprayed upon the skin and creates a shifting
Uncommon mist that hovers around just above the surface of skin and
DC 14 INT (Nature) + CHA Mod clothing, allowing the consumer to manipulate how others
(1d4 Hours) perceive them. Cast Disguise Self for 1 hour.
Instill Bravery Concoction An alchemical oil is placed within a device which produces a gas
Uncommon that can be inhaled by the consumer. Once inhaled the consumer
DC 14 INT (Nature) + CHA Mod is instilled with a sense of purpose and bravery. Cast Heroism on a
(1d4 Hours) willing creature for 1 minute.
Eagle’s Splendor Concoction An alchemical oil is sprayed upon the skin and creates a powerful
Rare pheromone that can be produced at will, allowing the consumer’s
DC 16 INT (Nature) + CHA Mod natural charm to become enhanced. Gain the (Eagle’s Splendor)
(8 Hours) benefits of Enhance Ability for 1 hour.

Suppress Impulse Concoction A capsule that can be thrown at a target which produces a vapor
Rare upon impact. The vapor is either inhaled or absorbed by the
DC 16 INT (Nature) + CHA Mod target’s pores, calming them down and making them more docile.
(8 Hours) Cast Calm Emotions on creature for 1 minute.
Love Potion Concoction An alchemical oil is sprayed into the mouth of the user. When the
Rare consumer of the potion speaks, the dulcet tones of his or her voice
DC 16 INT (Nature) + CHA Mod become irresistible to a single creature of the user’s choice, and
(8 Hours) that target becomes enthralled with the consumer. Cast Enthrall
on a single target for 1 minute.
Fade Away Concoction An alchemical oil that can be sprayed on skin and items being
Rare worn by a creature. While the oil is active, it reflects light in such
DC 16 INT (Nature) + CHA Mod a way that the user cannot be seen through standard visual
(8 Hours) perception. Cast Invisibility on self for 1 hour.
Duplicitous Self Concoction An alchemical oil is placed within a device which produces a gas
Rare to be inhaled by the consumer. Once inhaled, the consumer can
DC 16 INT (Nature) + CHA Mod project additional replicants that can be seen by those around him
(8 Hours) or her. Cast Mirror Image on self for 1 minute.
Veracity Concoction A capsule that can be thrown at a location which produces a
Rare vapor upon impact. Those exposed are inclined to be honest for a
DC 16 INT (Nature) + CHA Mod limited time. Cast Zone of Truth for 10 minutes.
(8 Hours)
Alchemical Curse Concoction An alchemical oil is sprayed directly in the face of a creature.
Very Rare Those exposed experience notable disadvantages in combat and
DC 18 INT (Nature) + CHA Mod other scenarios that require significant skill. Cast Bestow Curse on
(2d4 + 6 Hours) character for 1 minute.
Ghostly Friends Concoction An alchemical oil is sprayed upon the skin and creates a powerful
Very Rare pheromone that can be produced at will. The pheromone attracts
DC 18 INT (Nature) + CHA Mod spirits within the vicinity who regard the consumer as a friend and
(2d4 + 6 Hours) ally. Cast Spirit Guardians on self for 10 minutes.
Charisma Mutagen Concoction An alchemical mixture is produced and burned within a small hut
Legendary or enclosed space. The consumer spends a considerable amount
DC 20 INT (Nature) + CHA Mod of time inhaling the concoction, allowing them to permanently
(1d4-1 Days) enhance their natural charisma. Permanently increase Charisma
Ability Score to 20.
Fortune’s Favor Concoction An alchemical oil is produced and mixed with water. The consumer
Legendary spends a period of time bathing in the concoction which
DC 20 INT (Nature) + CHA Mod permanently changes the pheromones they produce. Once the
(1d4-1 Days) change takes hold, things just seem to work in the user’s favor.
Gain the Lucky Feat and expertise in either the CHA (Persuasion)
or the CHA (Performance) skill.

Alchemical Breath Concoction Sip hon Vitality Concoction

Wings Mutagen Concoction

Soul Focus - Wisdom Effects
Effect Description
Soul Elixir A small draught that works to end the effects of a Soul
Common concoction prior to its intended duration.
DC 12 INT (Nature) + WIS Mod
(Any Short Rest)
Enhance Wisdom Concoction A small, dissolvable film is placed upon the tongue and allows the
Common consumer to temporarily enhance Wisdom. +2 to Wisdom Saving
DC 12 INT (Nature) + WIS Mod Throws and Ability Checks for 1 hour.
(Any Short Rest)
Firefly Concoction An alchemical mixture is placed within a vial and a dissolvable
Common bead is added to the mixture. When the concoction is consumed,
DC 12 INT (Nature) + WIS Mod the user is able to produce tiny orbs of light that are an extension
(Any Short Rest) of the mind. Gain the ability to cast the Dancing Lights cantrip
for 1 hour.
One with Nature Concoction A small, dissolvable film is placed upon the tongue and allows the
Common consumer to temporarily attune with surrounding elements of
DC 12 INT (Nature) + WIS Mod nature. Gain the ability to cast the Druidcraft cantrip for 1 hour.
(Any Short Rest)
Profound Intuition Concoction An alchemical mixture is injected directly into the bloodstream
Common of the user, providing them with unique insight on matters great
DC 12 INT (Nature) + WIS Mod and small. Gain the ability to cast the Guidance cantrip for 1 hour.
(Any Short Rest)
Arcane Sight Concoction The consumer drops an alchemical mixture directly into their
Uncommon eyes, allowing them to perceive magical auras for a limited time.
DC 14 INT (Nature) + WIS Mod Cast Detect Magic on self for 10 minutes.
(1d4 Hours)
One With Animals Concoction The consumer injects the alchemical mixture directly into their
Uncommon bloodstream, increasing the natural empathy experienced with
DC 14 INT (Nature) + WIS Mod common beasts. Cast Animal Friendship on self for 24 hours.
(1d4 Hours)
Spirit Animal Concoction Two alchemical patches placed on either arm and activated
Uncommon in unison inject the alchemical mixture into the bloodstream,
DC 14 INT (Nature) + WIS Mod allowing the user to call forth a helpful spirit from the feywild.
(1d4 Hours) Cast Find Familiar.
Hunter’s Sense Concoction An alchemical mixture dropped directly into the eyes allows the
Uncommon consumer to hone in on prey. Cast Hunter’s Mark on creatures for
DC 14 INT (Nature) + WIS Mod 1 hour.
(1d4 Hours)
Owl’s Wisdom Concoction A small, dissolvable film placed upon the tongue allows the
Rare consumer an enhanced perception of the spiritual world. Gain the
DC 16 INT (Nature) + WIS Mod (Owl’s Wisdom) benefits of Enhance Ability for 1 hour.
(8 Hours)
A Light In The Darkness An alchemical mixture dropped directly into the eyes allows the
Concoction consumer limited sight in complete darkness. Cast Darkvision on
Rare self for 8 hours.
DC 16 INT (Nature) + WIS Mod
(8 Hours)
Minor Remedy Concoction An alchemical mixture is injected directly into the bloodstream of
Rare the consumer, curing minor ailments. Cast Lesser Restoration on
DC 16 INT (Nature) + WIS Mod creature.
(8 Hours)
Extrasensory Detection Two alchemical patches placed on both temples create an
Concoction extrasensory perception that allows the user to locate familiar
Rare objects. Cast Locate Object on self for 10 minutes.
DC 16 INT (Nature) + WIS Mod
(8 Hours)
Perceive Invisibility Concoction An alchemical mixture dropped directly into the eyes allows the
Rare user to see invisible creatures in the vicinity. Cast See Invisibility
DC 16 INT (Nature) + WIS Mod on self for 1 hour.
(8 Hours)
Major Remedy Concoction An alchemical mixture is injected directly into the bloodstream
Very Rare of the consumer, curing more serious conditions. Cast Greater
DC 18 INT (Nature) + WIS Mod(2d4 Restoration on creature.
+ 6 Hours)

Soul Focus - Wisdom Effects
Effect Description
Emit Fear Concoction A small, dissolvable film is placed upon the tongue and allows
Very Rare the consumer to instill fear and panic in others. Cast Fear for 1
DC 18 INT (Nature) + WIS Mod minute.
(2d4 + 6 Hours)
Touch Of The Ethereal Concoction An alchemical mixture injected directly into the bloodstream of
Very Rare the consumer allows temporary travel through the Ethereal Plane.
DC 18 INT (Nature) + WIS Mod Cast Blink on self for 1 minute.
(2d4 + 6 Hours)
Weave Breaker Concoction A small, dissolvable film is placed upon the tongue which allows
Very Rare the consumer to render a single magical effect inert. Cast Dispel
DC 18 INT (Nature) + WIS Mod Magic at 3rd level.
(2d4 + 6 Hours)
Spiritual Alignment Concoction A small, dissolvable film is placed upon the tongue and allows the
Very Rare consumer to tap into the spirit and vitality of those around them.
DC 18 INT (Nature) + WIS Mod Cast Beacon of Hope on self for 1 minute.
(2d4 + 6 Hours)
Wisdom Mutagen Concoction An alchemical mixture is transfused directly into the bloodstream
Legendary of the consumer over the course of a day and permanently
DC 20 INT (Nature) + WIS Mod enhances wisdom. Permanently increase Wisdom Ability Score
(1d4-1 Days) to 20.
Limitless Experience Concoction A powerful alchemical substance is injected directly into the
Legendary user’s spinal cord, granting skills and expertise beyond previous
DC 20 INT (Nature) + WIS Mod understanding. Gain the Skilled Feat and expertise in either the
(1d4-1 Days) WIS (Insight) or the WIS (Perception) skill.

Soul Focus - Constitution Effects

Effect Description
Enhance Constitution Concoction An alchemical mixture is injected directly into the bloodstream
Common of the consumer, temporarily increasing Constitution. +2 to
DC 12 INT (Nature) + CON Mod Constitution Saving Throws and +5 max hit point increase for
(Any Short Rest) 1 hour.
Resistance Concoction A patch placed upon the back of the neck that creates a stable
Common but elevated level of adrenaline in the user. Gain the ability to
DC 12 INT (Nature) + CON Mod cast the Resistance cantrip for 1 hour.
(Any Short Rest)
Vitality Tap Concoction A small, dissolvable film is placed upon the tongue and allows
Common the consumer to temporarily steal vital essence from others.
DC 12 INT (Nature) + CON Mod Gain the ability to cast the Chill Touch cantrip for 1 hour.
(Any Short Rest)
Stability Of Spirit Concoction An alchemical mixture is injected directly into the bloodstream
Common of a dying creature, creating a surge of adrenaline that is
DC 12 INT (Nature) + CON Mod capable of bringing the creature back from the brink of death.
(Any Short Rest) Gain the ability to cast the Spare the Dying cantrip for 1 hour.
Restore Vitality Concoction An alchemical mixture is injected directly into the bloodstream
Uncommon of an injured creature, healing minor wounds and injuries. Cast
DC 14 INT (Nature) + CON Mod Cure Wounds.
(1d4 Hours)
Vitality Renewal Concoction A small needle jabbed into the user’s muscle tissue stimulates
Uncommon a small and sustainable increase in adrenaline. Cast False Life
DC 14 INT (Nature) + CON Mod on self for 1 hour.
(1d4 Hours)
Zap Vitality Concoction A small patch is placed on a creature’s exposed skin which
Uncommon releases an alchemical mixture directly into their bloodstream,
DC 14 INT (Nature) + CON Mod draining vitality. Cast Inflict Wounds on a creature.
(1d4 Hours)
Bear’s Endurance Concoction A small, dissolvable film is placed upon the tongue and allows
Rare the consumer to temporarily enhance Constitution. Gain the
DC 16 INT (Nature) + CON Mod (Bear’s Endurance) benefits of Enhance Ability for 1 hour.
(8 Hours)

Soul Focus - Constitution Effects
Effect Description
Enhanced Resolve Concoction A single-dose patch which releases an alchemical mixture
Rare directly into a recipient’s bloodstream, resulting in increased
DC 16 INT (Nature) + CON Mod toughness and endurance for a period of 8 hours. Cast Aid on
(8 Hours) one creature.
Anti-Decay Concoction An alchemical preservative is injected into the muscle tissues
Rare of a recently deceased corpse, preserving the body for a
DC 16 INT (Nature) + CON Mod limited time. Cast Gentle Repose.
(8 Hours)
Neutralize Poison Concoction An alchemical mixture is injected directly into the bloodstream
Rare of the consumer, allowing neutralizing poisons in the body.
DC 16 INT (Nature) + CON Mod Cast Protection From Poison for 1 hour.
(8 Hours)
Bound By Blood Concoction Identical patches are placed on two individuals. When
Rare activated they release an alchemical mixture directly into both
DC 16 INT (Nature) + CON Mod bloodstreams simultaneously, connecting the vitality of one to
(8 Hours) another. Cast Warding Bond on self for 1 hour.
Counter Energy Concoction An alchemical mixture is injected directly into the bloodstream
Very Rare of the consumer and serves to counter a specific type of
DC 18 INT (Nature) + CON Mod damaging energy. Cast Protection From Energy on a creature
(2d4 + 6 Hours) for 1 hour.
Siphon Vitality Concoction Metallic fingernails infused with mithral and mercury are
Very Rare affixed to the users hands. When the blood of another creature
DC 18 INT (Nature) + CON Mod is drawn with these nails, vital essence is transferred from the
(2d4 + 6 Hours) wounded creature to the user. Cast Vampiric Touch on self for
1 minute.
Gill Growth Concoction An injection of a transformative mixture into the user’s neck
Very Rare causes an eruption of gill-like tissue that allows for underwater
DC 18 INT (Nature) + CON Mod breathing. Cast Water Breathing on one creature for 24 hours.
(2d4 + 6 Hours)
Constitution Mutagen Concoction An alchemical mixture is transfused directly into the
Legendary bloodstream of the consumer over the course of a day and
DC 20 INT (Nature) + CON Mod permanently enhances Constitution. Permanently increase
(1d4-1 Days) Constitution Ability Score to 20.
Tough As Nails Concoction A powerful alchemical substance is injected directly into the
Legendary user’s spinal cord, granting an incredible sense of vigor and
DC 20 INT (Nature) + CON Mod vitality. Gain the Tough Feat permanently.
(1d4-1 Days)


One With Animals Concoction

Most deserts are composed of compacted A character needs two gallons of water per
rocky soil, and very few actually resemble the day because of the Extreme Temperatures
infamous sand dunes of the Sahara. These of the desert environment. A character
desert wastelands are as inhospitable an who drinks only half that much water must
environment as an adventurer could imagine, succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving
and a journey into one, or across it for that throw or suffer one level of Exhaustion at
matter, is not to be taken lightly. Some of the the end of the day. A character with access
many natural hazards that adventurers could to even less water automatically suffers one
potentially encounter here are listed below: level of Exhaustion at the end of the day.

• Sudden dust storms

• Unexpected lightning discharges EXTREME TEMPERATURE & OTHER
• Deep canyons and fissures Average daytime temperatures in most
• Unstable salt flats deserts reach 105 °F/ 41°C. Humidity is
• Sinkholes incredibly low, and the best clothing for this
environment includes robes, tunics, and other
In addition, groups who dare to travel in this garments that completely cover a character’s
environment must deal with the constant threat skin, thereby locking in as much moisture as
of sunburn, dehydration, and heat exhaustion. possible. These Desert Garments also help to
This is a harsh and unforgiving landscape that prevent sunburn, which is a very real concern
kills without mercy. The Game Master who for travelers.
chooses to run an adventure in this biome
must be equally as unmerciful. We advise While traversing the desert, characters must
GMs and players who are not interested in make a DC 12 CON Save against Extreme
a highly challenging environment to avoid Temperature for every half-day (4 hours)
the Desert Wastelands biome altogether. of daytime travel. Wearing the appropriate
desert garments gives a character Advantage
on these saves and prevents Sunburn.
LANDSCAPE & LACK OF MOISTURE Conversely, a character who is not wearing
Sandy deserts and arid badlands receive only the appropriate desert garments may not roll
a few inches of precipitation per year. As a at Advantage on these CON Saves and also
result, the plant and animal life found here has has a 100% probability of suffering Sunburn
adapted to survive in the very dry climate. The if exposed to the sun for as little as one hour.
only significant sources of accumulated water
exist far below ground or in the few oasis Sunburn
locations where water is captured near the When affected by Sunburn, the character
surface, although an experienced survivalist takes cumulative (2d6) Radiant damage, and
may be able to locate smaller supplemental the DC of the CON Saving Throw for the next
sources (See Water Requirements in the half-day of travel rises by 2. The character’s
Desert). Max HP is reduced by the damage taken.
On subsequent days of travel while exposed
to the sun, the CON Saves must be rolled at
MECHANICAL DIFFICULTIES the higher DC for characters who are already
The dry sand and dirt that is continually sunburned. This damage and HP reduction
stirred up in desert environments is especially cannot be healed with a Short rest or a Long
harmful to mechanical devices with moving rest.
parts, included but not limited to vehicles,
constructs, and manufactured humanoids To heal a sunburn and reset the DC of CON
with moving joints. For each day traveled in a Saves to 12, a character must spend at least
desert environment, a piece of medium-sized a Short Rest without direct exposure to
or larger mechanical equipment with moving sunlight and receive magical healing from
parts has a 30% chance of malfunctioning spells or a Potion of Healing. Alternatively,
from the accumulation of grit in its inner a balm created from the aloe plant can
workings. If such a malfunction occurs, the provide the same level of healing as the
equipment ceases to function and loses all Lesser Restoration spell. A character who
Movement Speed. Such malfunctions can be is proficient in either the Survival skill or
resolved during a Long Rest with a successful the Nature Skill, or who is proficient with an
DC 15 INT (Investigation) check. Characters Herbalism Kit, may locate an aloe plant with a
who are Proficient with Carpenter’s Tools, successful DC 15 check using either skill. This
Smith’s Tools, or Tinker’s Tools may roll with check may only be made once per travel day.
Advantage on this check to repair equipment.
Wearing Medium or Heavy Armor in the extreme heat of the desert environment can raise an
individual’s body temperature by as much as 20 °F/ 11°C, and puts a character at Disadvantage
on CON Saves that are related to Extreme Temperatures.

Travel during the dark hours of the night may help the characters to avoid all of the risks
mentioned above. Nighttime temperatures average around 25 °F/ -4°C, so CON Saving Throws
against Extreme Cold Temperatures actually become necessary. For every 4 hours of travel in
the Desert at night, a creature must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution Saving Throw to avoid
taking a Level of Exhaustion due to the sub-freezing temperatures.


The exertion of travel can also increase the risk of Exhaustion from heat and dehydration. The
following adjustments to the Travel Pace Table in 5th Edition manuals should be taken into
• A party moving at a Fast Travel Pace covers more distance per day and suffers a -5 penalty to
Passive WIS (Perception) scores and all WIS (Perception) skill rolls. Furthermore, creatures
make all CON Saving Throws for the purposes of avoiding Exhaustion at Disadvantage
because of elevated body temperature and additional loss of hydration from the increased

• This Disadvantage on CON Saves also applies to any rolls required due to a Forced March
beyond 8 hours of travel in a day.


Small quantities of water can be located in certain desert plants with a DC 20 WIS (Survival)
roll. If successful, the character locates cacti or other hearty plants that hold 1 gallon of water.
This type of roll can only be made once per day.

The potential sources of Exhaustion listed above can be challenging for a DM to track. For this
reason, we have included the table below to help you assess Exhaustion penalties at the end of
each travel day.

Full Meal/Ration Within 3
Food Intake Days (10 pounds of feed for No
pack animals)
3 + CON Modifier Days w/o
Food Intake Yes

Less than one gallon

Water Intake consumed for the day (x 5 for Yes
pack animals)

One gallon consumed for the Yes, on failed DC 15 CON

Water Intake
day (x 5 for pack animals) Save

Two gallons consumed for

Water Intake No
the day (x 5 for pack animals)
2 Levels of Exhaustion for
Already suffering Exhaustion
Already Dehydrated < 1 gallon or Failed DC 15
from lack of water intake
CON Save
Yes, on failed DC 12 CON
Save (at Advantage with
For every 4 hours of daytime
Extreme Temperature proper desert garments,
and at Disadvantage with
Medium or Heavy Armor)
Encounter results may
Other cause additional levels of See Encounter Description

Player Difficulty Rating: |Mechanical Complexity Rating:
The animals that live in the barren wasteland Allow the characters to choose a course
of the desert understand the importance of of action based on the level of knowledge
hydration. They know where they can find acquired from the previous checks. If they
water on a regular basis, so game trails are move toward water, there is a very high
of incredible significance for adventurers who chance that they will encounter desert beasts,
understand that they might lead to an oasis and possibly even people, who have done the
or another source of moisture. However, a same. Characters with a high level of success
traveling party may encounter these game on the checks above should be able to reach
trails at any time, and they may lead in an oasis within an hour of travel in the proper
directions other than the group’s intended direction.
direction of travel.
If the characters misread the signs and
This encounter puts player characters to an move in the opposite direction (toward the
important choice, and it can be fairly dramatic if lack animal bedding areas), they may also face
of water is already a concern after several days in an encounter with beasts. However, they will
the desert. Use animal trails that run perpendicular have journeyed at least 1 hour off course, and
they will not reap the benefits of the oasis
to the direction that the party wishes to go. Make
unless they retrace their steps.
them choose between maintaining their course and
searching for water. This is also an encounter that
may lead to combat that might otherwise be avoided.
Who knows what beasts or bandits may lay in wait to “WAS FOLLOWING THESE
ambush travelers on their way to an oasis? TRAILS REALLY WORTH IT?”
Characters who choose to move in the
correct direction locate a shady oasis in
NEXT-LEVEL DESCRIPTION (3d20) minutes and may replenish all of their
“YOU KNOW, I’M STARTING water supplies. The GM may determine what
TO FEEL A BIT PARCHED.” other creatures they encounter along the way,
DC 10 WIS (Perception) or Higher: As you and the oasis may also attract many desert
gain some elevation by scrambling to the crest of a animals who come to drink on a daily basis.
nearby rock (or dune, if in a sandy desert), you are
easily able to recognize multiple animal trails that Characters who travel toward the animal
cross your path from left to right. bedding areas instead realize their mistake
after (3d20) minutes and must make
DC 12 INT (Investigation) or Higher: The tracks an additional DC 12 CON Save against
left by these animals indicate repetitive use. You see Exhaustion because of the unnecessary
the telltale signs of small rodents, herd animals, and travel. They may choose to commit time and
predators moving back and forth along this desert energy toward backtracking, and they still
highway, and it seems that it leads to an important have the opportunity to locate the oasis with
resource that is well known by the animals of this the additional time and effort.

DC 15 WIS (Survival) or DC 15 INT (Nature)

or Higher: You are aware that game trails like
these often lead from bedding areas to water. If you
follow the tracks far enough, you are almost certain
to find the areas where the animals are sleeping or
drinking. The question is, “Which way to the water?”

DC 20 WIS (Survival) or Higher: You take

the time to move up and down the trail a few
hundred feet in each direction. Not only do you see
indications of daily use, but you can also tell that the
impressions left by the herd animals on their return
journey from water are ever so slightly deeper as
they return in a water-logged state, urinating more
frequently and leaving deeper marks in the muddy
earth as a result. You know with certainty which
direction leads to water.

Player Difficulty Rating: |Mechanical Complexity Rating:
NARRATIVE THREAD horizon in addition to what looks like water. If
“SOUL-CRUSHING DISAPPOINTMENT” there is just desert as far as they can see that
Mirages happen when the ground is very hot direction, the only reflection that they see is
and the air is cool. The hot ground warms a the blue sky, which gives the appearance of
layer of air just above the ground. When the water.]
light moves through the colder air and into
the layer of warmer air it is refracted (bent). A
layer of very warm air near the ground refracts PLAYER ACTION OPPORTUNITY
the light from the sky nearly into a U-shaped “WE’VE BEEN BAMBOOZLED!”
bend. Our brain thinks the light has traveled Characters who are aware of the mirage will
in a straight line. Our brain doesn’t see the likely choose to press on in their original
image as bent light. direction of travel. Characters who did not
meet or exceed the minimum DC 15 INT Save
Mirages can cause a person to become even more believe they are headed towards an oasis with
disoriented in an already relentless and difficult- nice cool refreshing water and the potential
shade of some trees. A little green slice of
to-navigate environment. Mirages can be used to
paradise, thick with vegetation and a pristine
complicate the characters’ search for water in the pool of water shimmering in the distance is
desert, leading them astray and costing valuable calling to them. The characters are compelled
time in the harsh desert climate. This encounter will to continue travelling in the direction of the
cause the players to make a high-stakes decision, mirage, unaware they have been tricked by the
and it should be used when the need for water is heat and the light. They roll with Disadvantage
most apparent. It can serve as a narrative precursor on any additional saving throws they make to
to the discovery of an actual oasis, it could lead understand the true nature of the mirage.
the group toward an additional encounter with a
desert monster, or it could serve as a frustrating and MECHANICAL RESOLUTION
confusing element that causes them to believe that “WAS FOLLOWING THESE
foul magic is afoot. TRAILS REALLY WORTH IT?”
• The mirage is visible for (1d4 + 2) hours as
the sun is hanging high above the desert.
“YOU KNOW, I’M STARTING • At the end of each hour spent travelling
TO FEEL A BIT PARCHED.” toward a mirage in the desert, ONLY
Passive Perception: As you fight the glare of the characters who are proficient in either
relentless sun, you see the shimmering reflection of the Survival skill or the Nature skill may
water on the horizon. It seems to be only a mile or repeat the Intelligence Saving Throw to
two away. realize that they have been led astray
by the mirage. If any of these characters
DC 15 Intelligence Saving Throw or Higher: previously rolled below the minimum
Though it does seem strange and out of place, acceptable DC of 15 when the mirage was
you’ve heard rumors of oases like this in the desert, introduced, they must roll this additional
and it could be just the life-saving source of water saving throw at Disadvantage.
that you’ve been looking for.
• If any of the subsequent Intelligence
DC 17 Intelligence Saving Throw or Higher: Saving Throws meet or exceed the DC
You notice that waves of heat are coming off the of 17, a character recognizes the mirage
sand around you, and that the sun is its peak. You’ve for what it is and can choose to change
heard that effects like this can play tricks on the mind. their direction of travel accordingly. If
It’s hard to trust what you see off in the distance. It everyone in the group fails, or if no one
could be water, or your eyes might be deceiving you. in the group is proficient in Survival or
Nature, they travel for another hour in the
DC 20 Intelligence Saving Throw or Higher: wrong direction, wasting valuable time
You know for a fact that the heat and light is playing and prolonging their stay in the desert.
a trick on you, and you understand exactly how the
phenomenon occurs. This mirage makes it appear • A group without the necessary proficiencies
that water is just a few miles away when it is not. in Survival or Nature will travel toward the
Mirages are also notorious for making far away mirage until dusk. They will not locate
structures appear much closer than they actually an oasis, and they will have travelled
are. [If there are in fact trees, mountains, significantly off course.
or man-made structures within 20 miles of
the characters’ position, describe how the
characters understand that they are seeing
reflections of these other structures on the

Player Difficulty Rating: |Mechanical Complexity Rating:
NARRATIVE THREAD approach. That being said, special combat
“THAT’S GOING TO TAKE encounters that fit within the nature of the
QUITE A WHILE TO CROSS.” campaign world may be added at the end of
Canyons are generally created over long ages the challenge (whether the group succeeds
of time by flowing water, and as such may or fails) at the discretion of the GM.
still offer access to flowing streams or even
rivers. Canyons are much wider than fissure Allow players to vocalize their preparations
fields and take longer to travel across. It is and strategic decisions as they begin
highly likely that an adventuring party will the journey into the canyon. Take those
take more than one day to travel through a preparations into account as you adjudicate
sizable canyon. the Group Skill Challenge.

The challenging terrain of a deep canyon can serve

your narrative in many different ways. Canyons MECHANICAL RESOLUTION
are notorious for serving as hideouts for bandits IT’S NOTHING MORE THAN A
and other nefarious individuals. Every night spent LENGTHY STROLL.”
camping out in a canyon, the party could potentially If the players decide to navigate around the
attract the attention of opportunistic predators canyon, it stretches on for (2d100) miles in
or strange monsters. It’s also quite easy to lose whichever direction they choose. Calculate
one’s bearings among the twists and turns of the the necessary travel time and choose any
canyon walls. Dead-ends, switchbacks, and other additional encounters that they might face
disorienting terrain features can work against the along the way. You will not need the mechanics
party while working to the advantage of enemies
who are familiar with the canyon’s geography. If the players elect to descend into the canyon
and to cross to the opposite rim, it is (3d10)
miles across, and the canyon floor is 1 mile
NEXT-LEVEL DESCRIPTION below the rim. The GM may run the canyon
“IT’S SO HOT OUT HERE, BUT crossing as a Group Skill Challenge with the
following parameters:
Passive Perception: You stand on the rim of
an expansive canyon. This deep scar in the
• The group must accumulate 12 successes
terrain stretches beyond your visual range,
before accumulating 5 failures as they use
both to your right and your left. However,
skill checks to navigate the challenging
you can just make out what appears to be the
terrain of the canyon. A character may
opposite rim directly ahead, many miles from
only use skills in which he or she is
where you are currently standing. It looks as
Proficient. Grant Advantage on any skill
if the canyon floor could be as much as a mile
check for which the character is using
below you, and you must make the choice
equipment or special techniques that
either to descend into the canyon or to travel
could be considered particularly helpful.
around it.
• Roll for Initiative! Alternatively the GM
DC 13 (WIS) Survival or DC 13 (INT) Nature
may have all players declare the checks
or Higher: The trek across this canyon will be
that they are making and to have them
slow-going. It might take days, but there’s
roll simultaneously. This allows the GM
no doubt that the journey around it would
to adjudicate the combined successes
take longer. There’s also a possibility that a
or failures of the group and to adjust
river or a stream still cuts through the heart
consequences accordingly.
of this expansive gash in the otherwise arid
• The following skill checks are possible
solutions that characters may consider,
PLAYER ACTION OPPORTUNITY however, the GM may choose to allow
“I THINK I ACTUALLY SEE A other creative solutions at his or her
Encountering a canyon represents an
extended challenge for the characters within • DC 12 STR (Athletics) or DC 12 DEX
the narrative timeframe of the campaign. They (Acrobatics) to aid the group with descent
are committing to days of exertion when they and ascent of canyon walls. On a failure, a
choose to timeframe of the campaign. They character sustains a minor injury that slows
are committing to days of exertion when they the progress of the party.
choose to descend into the canyon. However, • DC 12 WIS (Animal Handling) to
the Group Skill Challenge that follows will encourage mounts and pack animals to
present their challenges in more of a montage keep calm on the narrow pathways of the

canyon walls and amidst the shadows of
the canyon floor. On a failure, a mount or a
beast of burden sustains a minor injury that
slows the progress of the party.
• DC 12 WIS (Survival) to locate the
safest possible pathways through this
challenging terrain. On a failure, the party
becomes lost for a significant period of time.
*Special Feature: Have all members
of the party make an additional DC
12 Constitution Saving Throw against
the Extreme Temperatures of the
Desert, taking a level of Exhaustion
on a failure.
• DC 12 INT (Nature) to recall lore about
this terrain and the plants and animals
that may be helpful or harmful to the party.
*Special Feature: A success on this
check results in a day’s worth of food
and water for each player character
(not mounts or pack animals). On a
failure, no helpful resources are found.
• DC 12 INT (Investigation) to spend
the required amount of time to locate a
water source within the canyon *Special
Feature: A success on this check
results in a hydration opportunity and
a full replenishment of the party’s
portable water supply. On a failure, the
river bed is located, but it appears to have
dried up ages ago.
• DC 12 WIS (Perception) to notice a
potential mistake by another party member
before it is made *Special Feature: On
a success, this eliminates one failure
previously accumulated by the group.
On a failure, the stated consequences of
the other check occur anyway.
• DC 12 WIS (Medicine) to prevent and/
or treat injuries, dehydration, exhaustion,
and other potential health risks *Special
Feature: On a success, this eliminates
one failure previously accumulated
by the group. On a failure, the stated
consequences of the other check occur
• DC 12 INT (Religion) to invoke the
assistance of a patron deity who can ease
the passage of the group. On a failure,
the deity chooses not to intervene for the
remainder of the challenge, and this check
cannot be repeated.

• Spell casters may choose to use spells to

help them navigate this hazard. The spell
does not count as a success or a failure
with regard to the group challenge, but
it may potentially aid the skill checks of
other characters at the GM’s discretion.

Player Difficulty Rating: |Mechanical Complexity Rating:


THE HORIZON?” Allow the characters to choose a course
The desert is a harsh and unforgiving region of action based on the level of knowledge
in which to live, but towns and villages do acquired from the previous checks. If
sometimes spring up in the depths of the they move toward the ghost town, they
barren expanse. Sometimes they exist to are prolonging their time in the desert by
extract valuable resources from beneath the detouring (3d6) miles off of their intended
earth’s surface. Sometimes they serve as course. There is no way for the characters
waypoints for journeys across the wastes. And to determine whether the town still holds
at other times, their purpose is misguided and anything of value until they investigate
unadvisable. Whatever the original reason thoroughly, but they will be able to confirm
for these towns’ existence, they sometimes that it has been abandoned by its original
fail to survive. The decrepit husks of long inhabitants while still at a significant distance.
abandoned buildings stand as a reminder of
how difficult life in the desert can be. These
ghost towns may offer shelter. They may offer
supply. Or they may offer nothing but danger.

A ghost town in the desert wastes can be used as

an enticing lure for your players. When adventurers
have been journeying across the wildlands for
several days, any sign of civilization can be tempting.
Often these deserted settlements can be seen from
miles and miles away, but a party will never know
exactly what they hold until they’ve completed
a closer investigation. The ghost town can be
a source of conflict for player characters in your
story. Does it hold valuable treasures? Have new
occupants (monstrous or otherwise) already claimed
it as their own? Is it simply a place to find shelter
from the brutal heat? Whatever pros and cons may
exist, a ghost town is a nearly undeniable temptation
for wanderers in the desert.

The sun has climbed to its zenith in the
cloudless sky, and the barren wastes stretch
on before you for miles and miles. As you
shield your eyes from the glare, you see the
telltale rectangular shapes of buildings on the
DC 13 INT (History) or Higher: As you think
back on stories that you’ve heard about the
wilds, you do recall tales of a town in these
parts. But the desert lights sometimes
play tricks on the eyes as well. Is it really a
settlement, and is it truly as close as it seems?

DC 15 INT (History) or Higher: This is not

a mirage. The buildings are definitely real,
but you also remember that the town was
abandoned long ago. However, it is possible
that valuable supplies may remain within the
dead shells of those once treasured homes
and shops. It might be worth going out of
your way to investigate further.

Characters who choose to approach the town may discover valuable supplies, but they may
also be walking into an ambush. Assuming that the characters perform a thorough investigation
of the town, they find TWO of the following. Roll twice on the table below (ignoring repeat
results) to determine what awaits them in the ghost town’s remains:


A young blue dragon named Aktox has claimed an old barn as its first lair. It
1 guards 140 pp, 265 gp, 840 sp, 15 gemstones worth 100 gp each, an Amulet of
Health, and a Figurine of Wondrous Power (Bronze Griffon)

All valuables seem to have been removed from the town when it was
abandoned, but there is a stone well at the center of town that leads
to an underground aquifer 100 feet below the surface. The water is
plentiful, fresh, and clean.
3 The party finds 3 flasks of oil and a lantern in an abandoned outbuilding.

The party finds an old map case that holds a detailed map of the region. As
4 long as they possess this map, the members of the party cannot get lost for
the next 24 hours.

5 The party finds a small chest that contains three Potions of Healing.

8 Dust Mephits rise up from the empty streets and attack as soon as the party
enters the town. The remainder of the town holds nothing of value.

The party locates an intact and operational Spyglass beneath a pile of rubble
7 in a ramshackle general store. Other supplies in the store have been looted or
destroyed long ago.

8 The party locates a 50-foot length of Hempen Rope and a Grappling Hook.
A gang of 6 human Bandits have tied their 6 riding horses to a post outside
of an old mercantile while they ransack it in search of valuables. As the party
arrives, the bandits have just located a Potion of Flying, but they are unaware
of its properties.
The party locates 2 Shovels, a Hammer, and 10 Iron Spikes in a rotting crate
behind one of the buildings of the town.
A Giant Poisonous Snake has made its den in a rundown shed and attacks the
party on sight.
A small cemetery lies on the outskirts of the town. As the party approaches, 6
Skeletons erupt from the dusty earth and attack.

Player Difficulty Rating: |Mechanical Complexity Rating:
Encountering large fissures in the desert can be Going around this barrier will add (2d4 hours)
both dangerous and time-consuming. These of travel, but attempting to traverse the
natural occurrences can waylay travelers and fissures may prove highly dangerous, or even
increase exposure to the harsher elements. fatal. Getting land-based mounts, vehicles,
Navigating such terrain is not impossible, but or pack animals across these fissures may
it may result in exhaustion or serious injury if be especially difficult. Award the players for
not properly equipped. Fissures are the result creativity, but hold them accountable to the
of continual exposure to weather or naturally challenges that this terrain presents.
flowing water. In some instances they can be
the direct result of earthquakes, and they can
spread up to 15 feet wide and hundreds of MECHANICAL RESOLUTION
feet deep. I’LL BE IN THE SHADE!”
These barriers can be used to add depth (pun If the players decide to navigate across the
intended) to the desert environment of your fissure field, it stretches on for (6d100) feet
campaign, and they have the potential to delay, in the direction that the party wishes to travel.
injure, or exhaust player characters. Such hindrances There is a fissure approximately every 30 feet,
can cause prolonged exposure to unforgiving and these fissures are each (1d12 + 4) feet
weather conditions of the desert environment and across. There is no need to measure out exact
can become quite dangerous. Placing a fissure distances for each fissure, however, because
the GM may run the crossing as a Group Skill
field in your players’ path is the perfect way to add
Challenge with the following parameters:
some drama when characters need to arrive at a
destination within a given timeframe. It can also • The group must accumulate a total of
add complexity when characters are attempting to 1 success for each creature traveling
escape a pursuer. Finally, a barrier like this might with the party (including mounts and
lead to a hidden treasure or the lair of some deadly pack animals) before accumulating 3
predator. total failures as they use skill checks to
navigate past the fissure field. A character
may only use skills in which he or she is
NEXT-LEVEL DESCRIPTION Proficient. Grant Advantage on any skill
“PEOPLE LIVE OUT HERE?” check for which the character is using
Passive Perception: In this particular section equipment or special techniques that
of the desert, a number of fissures have formed, could be considered particularly helpful
significantly complicating travel in the intended (ladder, 10-foot pole, ropes, climber’s kit,
direction. The fissure field expands as far as the eye etc.)
can see to your right and to your left. Your group
might have to travel for miles in either direction in • It may be beneficial to have all players
order to bypass this hazard. declare the checks that they are making
and to have them roll simultaneously.
DC 15 INT (Nature) or WIS (Survival) or This allows the GM to adjudicate the
Higher: You understand that most of the fissures combined successes or failures of the
group and to adjust consequences
that stretch out before you will likely be fairly narrow
at the top, but the risk of injury is significant if a
member of your party were to fall into one. Some of • The following skill checks are possible
them could be up to 100 feet deep. solutions that characters may consider,
however, the GM may choose to allow
DC 15 INT (Investigation) or Higher: Stepping other creative solutions at his or her
to the edge of one of the fissures, you kick a stray discretion:
stone and wait impatiently as it clatters down into the
darkness of this massive crack in the earth. Based * DC 14 STR (Athletics) to perform a
on the timing of the fall, you judge the fissure to be running long jump across fissures
as much as 80 to 100 feet deep. It’s best to avoid * DC 14 DEX (Acrobatics) to cross on
taking that tumble yourself. a narrow pole, plank, rope, or other
improvised bridge
* DC 14 WIS (Animal Handling) to have
a domesticated mount or pack animal
perform a running long jump
* DC 14 WIS (Survival) to locate areas to

descend, cross, and climb slowly and safely
* DC 14 WIS (Perception) to notice a potential mistake by another party member before
it is made * Special Feature: On a success, this eliminates one failure previously
accumulated by the group.

Spell casters may choose to use spells to help them navigate this hazard. The spell does not
count as a success or a failure with regard to the group challenge, but it may potentially aid
the skill checks of other characters at the GM’s discretion.

• Any creature who fails a check begins to tumble into a fissure and risks serious injury. The
falling creature must succeed on a DC 15 DEX Saving Throw. On a failure, the creature
plummets (10d12) feet and takes the appropriate bludgeoning damage (1d6 per 10 feet
fallen). Other injuries may be sustained based on the depth of the fall according to the Fall
Injury Table on page 7.

• Additionally, when a creature has fallen into a fissure, no other skill checks may be made
purely for the purpose of crossing the fissure field until any checks required by the GM have
been made to bring the fallen creature back to the surface. These additional “emergency”
skill checks do count toward both the success and failure totals for the group skill challenge.
If the party chooses to abandon an injured or dead creature at the bottom of a fissure (How
Rude!), they may continue making checks toward the necessary total instead of attempting

If the group reaches the required number of successes before reaching 3 total failures, all
characters who are not Incapacitated find themselves on the opposite side of the fissure field
and are able to continue traveling in the originally intended direction.

If the group reaches 3 total failures first, they drag themselves, beaten and bruised, back to the
side of the fissure field where they started. All characters take one level of Exhaustion and have
no choice at this point but to take the extra time to travel around the hazard.

Player Difficulty Rating: |Mechanical Complexity Rating:


Dry Lightning occurs when a thunderstorm • The lightning lasts for (3d4 + 2) rounds
produces an electrical discharge, but all of • The Storm acts on Initiative Counts 20
the usual precipitation evaporates before and 10, unleashing a bolt of lightning near
reaching the ground. These types of lightning the characters on each of its turns.
strikes are notorious for starting wildfires in • On each of its turns, the Storm rolls (1d4)
arid regions. This hazard can be incredibly to determine if it targets a creature or the
dangerous for individuals who are traveling ground. On a 4, it targets a creature. On a
across an elevated area with few options for 1-3, it targets an area of ground nearby. A
shelter. creature wearing metal armor or wielding
metal weapons will likely be targeted
This is a hazard that can very easily be combined over those who are not in contact with
with a combat encounter. Feel free to use an metal equipment. Taller races may also be
attack by desert creatures (especially creatures targeted over shorter races.
with resistance or immunity to Lightning damage) • If a creature is to be targeted based on
the Storm’s roll above, roll (1d100) to
alongside the Dry Lightning phenomenon.
determine which creature is targeted.

• On a 1-50, the Storm targets the

NEXT-LEVEL DESCRIPTION creature wearing or wielding the
“WHY IS YOUR HAIR STANDING largest amount of metal gear.
ON END LIKE THAT?” • On a 51-70, the Storm targets the
DC 16 WIS (Perception) or Higher: You tallest creature in the area of the
suddenly notice static electricity building up party.
between your arm hairs as the follicles begin • On a 71-100, the Storm targets a
to lift slightly. creature of the GM’s choice who has
not been targeted in the past round.
DC 20 WIS (Perception) or Higher: You
begin to smell burnt hair in your nostrils and • A creature targeted by the Storm must
a slight tingling sensation down the back of succeed on a DC 20 Dexterity Saving
your neck. The change in the color of the sky Throw or or be hit by lightning. A
becomes a noticeable mirror of the color of creature wearing metal armor or carrying
the sands below. an exposed metal object must roll with
Disadvantage. A creature avoids the
DC 20 WIS (Perception) or Higher: The smell lightning strike on a success and takes
of ozone permeates the air accompanied (5d8) Lightning damage on a failure.
with a subtle high-pitched crackling sound.
Although there are no rain clouds in sight, you • A creature who is directly hit by lightning
are suddenly aware that lightning is about to must also succeed on a DC 24 Constitution
strike your location! Saving Throw or become Deafened and
Paralyzed for 1 minute. The affected
creature may repeat the saving throw at
PLAYER ACTION OPPORTUNITY the end of its next turn.
• At a location where lightning strikes
ROLL FOR INITIATIVE! ground that consists of desert sand, it
creates a 10-foot cube of glass that is
If they are not completely caught off guard partially buried beneath the ground. This
because they have succeeded on at least one glass cube has jagged molten spikes
of the WIS (Perception) checks above, the protruding from its top surface. A creature
players should be given one round of Actions, who steps onto the top surface of one of
Bonus Actions, and Movement to react to these cubes must succeed on a DC 12
the information that they do have. Perhaps Dexterity Saving Throw, falling Prone
they can decrease their chances of being on a failure and taking (1d4) Piercing
struck by getting lower to the ground, or they damage and (1d4) Fire damage as they
might have a chance to use protective spells. are contacted by the recently struck
Regardless of their actions, the dry lightning molten spikes.
strikes begin at the top of the following round.

Player Difficulty Rating: |Mechanical Complexity Rating:

NARRATIVE THREAD Or perhaps it’s the ground itself that is making the
“MOUTHS OF THE EARTH.” deeper crunching noise.
Deep within arid deserts occasionally lays a
salt flat; miles of blinding white terrain formed DC 21 INT (Investigation) or Higher:
by evaporated saltwater where no flora and You decide to test your hypothesis, using your
few fauna reside. While salt flats appear dry equipment to dig a bit in the soil. After you get about
above, the truth is not always so simple. a foot deep, you see there is a crevice underneath
Beneath many salt flats, moisture gathers that feels wet to the touch. It seems that the terrain
below the salt in an enormous natural cistern
underneath your feet is not fully solid, and it would
that houses a small lake of sandy mud. While
the average creature travelling through this be wise to take care travelling forward.
treacherous terrain might not cause a collapse
of the brittle crust of salt that tops this pit, PLAYER ACTION OPPORTUNITY
groups or caravans could break through and “DON’T STAND SO CLOSE TO ME!
be swallowed whole in moments. SPREAD OUT!”
Once the threat is perceived (DC 17 check or
Consider using a Quagmire to slow the party’s higher), the cracks become noticeable and
travel to an important destination, by swallowing characters who have managed to notice them
their mounts and supplies, or by blocking off wide can each take an Action, Bonus Action, and
swathes of land.. Quagmires can also be used as a Movement to attempt to prevent the ground
dangerous natural trap with dire repercussions. An underneath them from collapsing in on
itself. Characters might spread out, thereby
intelligent enemy might incorporate this hazard into
distributing their weight more evenly across
a battle strategy. Characters who are compelled to the terrain. Horses might be dismounted,
rush toward a location or away from a threat might or caravans emptied and carried by several
stumble into the quagmire unaware. people to do the same. Armor can be taken
off and carried by multiple people. For equally
distributing their weight, they get advantage
“CAN FOOTSTEPS FEEL HOLLOW, OR IS on the initial Saving Throw to avoid the
THAT JUST ME?” collapse.
Passive Perception: The landscape before you
has begun to change dramatically. There is a fine MECHANICAL RESOLUTION
layer of dust particles that have settled onto a “I HATE TO PUT IT THIS WAY,
thicker base layer of salt here, which has developed BUT DON’T BE SUCH A STICK IN THE MUD.”
• The area of the quagmire that is subject
a ruddy sheen. The appearance of this layer of dust
to collapse risk takes (1d4 + 3) rounds to
is unusual . . . very different from the desert soil that traverse.
you’ve seen up to this point . . . and you are not able
to determine its source. • On each turn, characters must make a DC
12 Dexterity check as they are walking
DC 13 WIS (Survival) or Higher: There is no across the salt flat. On a success, the
sign of animal or plant life anywhere nearby. No crust remains intact. On a failure, the
tracks. No cacti or desert flowers. Just blinding crust breaks, and all players stop making
white salt for miles, as far as the eye can see. Dexterity checks as the ground beneath
them gives way.
DC 15 INT (History) or Higher:
You recall stories of great battles that happened • Characters must now succeed on a DC12
near these Salt Flats, which involved deep trenches Dexterity Saving Throw, taking (8d4)
dug by both armies. Occasionally, large ruts in the Bludgeoning damage on a failure and
half as much on a success, as the immense
ground have served as strategic encampments,
weight of the salt crust slides in on top of
although this particular area seems quite flat, with them. All creatures and objects are initially
little area for cover. If there were trenches here long buried 10 feet under the quagmire mud as
ago, they would be completely covered over by now. this heavy crust pushes them downward.
DC 17 WIS (Perception) or Higher:
Grooves and crenulations reveal that you’re walking
on an extremely shallow depression in the ground,
descending by just over an inch from the salty
wasteland that surrounds it for miles. You notice your
footsteps are crunchier than before; perhaps there is
even less moisture here than the surrounding desert.

• Creatures likely will not have had an opportunity to hold their breath before falling into
the quagmire and are immediately Suffocating beneath the surface. When a creature runs
out of breath or is choking, it can survive for a number of rounds equal to its Constitution
modifier (minimum of 1 round). At the start of its next turn, it drops to 0 hit points and is
dying, and it can’t regain hit points or be stabilized until it can breathe again.

• A creature beneath the surface may make a DC 12 STR (Athletics) check on its turn as an
Action. On a success, the creature moves at half of its normal movement speed toward the
surface. On a failure, the DC of the STR (Athletics) check rises by 1 as no progress is made
and fatigue begins to set in. If a creature fails the check by 5 or more, they inadvertently
dig themselves 5 feet deeper, confusing which direction is up. If a character does not need
to breathe, the check DC does not increase, but they can still accidentally dig themselves

• Vocal and Somatic components for spells are impossible while beneath the surface of the

• A character who has reached the surface moves at half speed until exiting the mud. They
are no longer Suffocating and can freely exit the quagmire, but they may have trouble
finding their companions and supplies.

• To rescue a creature that is buried beneath the mud, one of the other characters must first
succeed on a WIS (Perception) check to discover the approximate location of the buried
creature beneath the surface. The DC on this check is equal to the number of feet the
target is currently buried below the surface, plus 5. On a success, they may use any means
at their disposal to draw the buried creature out of the mud.

• A spell such as Move Earth works as normal once above ground, and makes excavating one’s
friends and equipment much easier. Divination spells like Locate Object could likewise aid
one in finding companions or gear, bypassing the required WIS (Perception) check.

Player Difficulty Rating: |Mechanical Complexity Rating:


Sandstorms are caused by strong winds The sandstorm moves at 600 feet per round.
blowing over loose soil or sand. The If the player characters have spotted it in
widespread abundance of loose earth and time with the active checks above, they will
extreme dry conditions in deserts makes them have only seconds to prepare themselves.
the most common locations for sandstorms, Preparations that may help them to weather
and they can arise with very little warning. the storm include:
Visibility rapidly drops to zero, and it becomes
impossible to navigate as the sun is blotted • Wearing goggles or other protective
out. Eyes fill with dirt, and lungs burn as the eyewear
air becomes earth. The tiny particles find their • Covering the mouth and nose with a
way into every crevice. Wagon axles, gears, filtering mask or a moistened cloth
and even the simplest of machines quickly • Covering exposed skin
seize up and break. • Spells or magic items that create a
protective barrier from the abrasive
Sandstorms may become a part of your setting in a particles such as Resilient Sphere.
number of ways. In addition to creating an insidious
threat in the less inhabitable parts of a campaign *Spells like Tiny Hut take too long to cast,
world, they may also have an almost magical “feel” and effects that increase AC, like the Shield
to them, like the winds are some sort of barrier spell, have no effect against the sandstorm.
intended to keep a lost treasure hidden or to keep an
Unless they are completely taken by surprise,
evil presence at bay. Sandstorms often hide things grant each player one opportunity to vocalize
of high import that need to be lost to the world. They how their characters prepare themselves.
may also uncover things that need to be found. Who Once the storm is upon them, further action
knows what could be hidden behind the veil? will be difficult, if not impossible.

Passive Perception:
The air around you feels momentarily stagnant, and
then the wind changes direction with a conspicuous
whistling flourish.

DC 13 WIS (Perception) or Higher: The sky

begins to darken, and the temperature drops
suddenly as a huge wall of clouds blots out the
sun [or the moon if at night]. It is still far away, but
it seems to be moving quickly in your direction.
You can now tell by the direction of the wind that a
massive sandstorm will be on top of you within a few
short moments. Outrunning this suffocating wall is
out of the question, and urgent action must be taken
if you hope to survive it!

DC 18 (WIS) Survival or DC 18 (INT) Nature

or Higher: You know that the sand blown by the
storm will be abrasive to any exposed skin and is
especially dangerous to the eyes. You also know
that, without a properly fitting mask or a moistened
piece of cloth to put over your face, there’s a risk of
inhaling the sand and suffocating. You should take
preparations right now to cover your eyes, mouth,
and nose, and you should seek any additional
shelter that you can find!

MECHANICAL RESOLUTION • Creatures with exposed skin due to
“I’LL NEVER GET ALL THE SAND improper desert clothing take (6d4)
OFF OF ME” slashing damage for each hour of exposure
The sandstorm covers an area that is (4d10) to the storm. Characters with proper Desert
miles wide and (1d100 + 50) feet high. The Garments take half of that damage each
storm lasts for (1d3 + 1) hours, but the sky hour. Objects left out in the storm also take
will remain orange and somewhat darkened slashing damage and have the potential to
for the next (1d4) days even after the winds be completely buried in the sand.
have died down. • Characters without a proper Respiration
Mask, moistened cloth, magical barrier, or
For each hour that the sand storm lasts, some other effective means of covering
characters who are in the area of the storm their noses and mouths (such as a blanket
and who are not completely surrounded by or bedroll) are forced to begin holding their
a solid structure, or by protective magic, are breath as the dirt and sand fills their lungs.
subjected to the following effects. Ɵ A creature can hold its breath for a
number of minutes equal to 1 + its
• All exposed, non-magical flames are Constitution modifier (minimum of 30
extinguished. seconds).
• Protected flames, like those of a lantern, Ɵ A creature gains one level of Exhaustion
have a 75% chance of being extinguished. for every minute spent in the area of the
• All ranged weapon attacks are Sandstorm without complete coverage
at Disadvantage. of the nose and mouth.
• A creature cannot hear anything above Ɵ These levels of Exhaustion cannot
the howling of the wind unless the source be removed by any means until the
of the sound is directly adjacent to it. creature is surrounded by fresh air.
• Characters without specific eye protection
are Blinded for the duration of the storm.
The visual range of creatures with eye
protection is reduced to 5 feet.

Player Difficulty Rating: |Mechanical Complexity Rating:
NARRATIVE THREAD • Safe Characters: Creatures who succeed
“AH, A RELATIVELY FLAT PIECE on the DC 21 check know the exact
OF THIS DESERT” dimensions and dangers the sinkhole
Desert sinkholes are holes in the ground that imposes and know how to avoid them.
have been covered over time by a loose layer These characters will avoid being caught
of sand. When that layer of sand is disturbed, in the hazard and will not have to make
the unstable structure begins to collapse. The the following Strength Saving Throw
sand funnels into a narrow vertical shaft that to avoid being pulled downward by
may lead to a larger underground cavern, the sinkhole under any circumstances.
much in the same way that sand funnels These successful characters may also
through an hourglass. If a large enough choose to grant Advantage, or eliminate
creature stumbles onto the unstable surface Disadvantage, on the Strength Saving
area above a sinkhole, it will be dragged down Throw of one other party member who
into the depths of whatever lies beneath. can hear or see them. This can only be
achieved by casting an assistive spell or
A desert sinkhole can serve your story as any man- by extending a rope, a pole, or some other
made trap might, forcing the adventurers to utilize object with reach while remaining outside
their strength and cunning to escape. It might also of the unstable area.
be used to lead an unwary party to a significant
underground location or to reveal the ruins of a • Cautious Characters: Creatures who meet
long-lost desert civilization. This event is an intense or exceed the DC 17 check are aware
that something is happening and are
encounter that could be deadly for one or more
on alert. They may approach cautiously
characters if the dice are not friendly. Use with and try to move around the sinkhole, but
caution! they may not actually be aware of its
full dimensions. The unstable area has a
NEXT-LEVEL DESCRIPTION radius of (2d10 + 10) feet. If the cautious
“CAN YOU SEE THAT UP characters do not give the sinkhole a wide
AHEAD TOO?” enough berth, they could still be pulled
DC 17 WIS (Perception) or Higher: You notice in. A successful DC 17 INT (Investigation)
a subtle change in the topography of the desert floor check at this stage will provide a cautious
up ahead. You see a slight depression in the ground, character with ALL of the information that
could have been obtained through the
with an oddly circular appearance to it.
checks above, but a failure leads to their
triggering and being caught in the hazard.
DC 19 WIS (Perception) or Higher: You are able These cautious characters will not have
to see that the terrain before you actually looks like a Disadvantage on their Strength Saving
pit filled to the brim with sand. The earth appears to Throw as they are being dragged into the
have settled in an unusual way, indicating that there sinkhole.
is something below the surface. It’s very difficult to
understand what lies beneath, or if the ground in the • Surprised Characters: Creatures who
area nearby is stable. did not meet any of the checks above
are surprised as the sinkhole collapses
DC 21 WIS (Survival) or DC 21 INT (Nature) and have Disadvantage on their Strength
or Higher: The area out ahead of you is clearly Saving throws to avoid being pulled into
a sinkhole. You are not only able to tell that the the sinkhole once they are within its
ground is unstable and about to collapse, dragging unstable area.
anything within its radius underground, but you are
• Magic items or character features that
also able to tell the exact dimensions of the sinkhole prevent a character from being surprised
and which areas of the ground are safe to traverse. can counteract this effect and allow a
character a straight roll when making the
Characters caught in a desert sinkhole have
only a second to react before being pulled
quickly and completely beneath the surface.
Allow characters to act as follows based on
how well they did in the checks above:



• At the beginning of the collapse, all creatures within the unstable surface area of the sinkhole
must succeed on a DC 19 Strength Saving Throw to resist being dragged down into the void
as the sand gives way. Players who are completely aware of the sinkhole’s dimensions DO
NOT need to make this Saving Throw, as they are standing safely outside of the unstable

• Creatures who fail this initial Saving Throw are Restrained and are immediately moved
downward into the vertical shaft as the sand pulls them under. These characters take
(5d6) Bludgeoning damage from the fall and the debris that falls in on top of them. These
characters land Prone and are immediately buried with an enormous amount of sand and
debris. The sand need not fill the entire chamber below to pose a risk to buried creatures.
The sheer volume of material that is raining down on the character is enough to bury him or
her alive in seconds. The sinkhole only acts once. At the end of this initial action, all of the
sand that was suspended near the surface has fallen to the bottom of the chamber, along
with any creatures who were dragged down with it.

• If a creature succeeds on the initial Strength Saving Throw, it is able to grasp enough solid
ground to keep from being swept into the hole. It can use half of its Movement speed to
stand safely at the beginning of its next turn and may act as it normally would.

• Any characters at the bottom of the chamber are now Restrained and Suffocating, unable
to free themselves through non-magical means.

A Suffocating creature can survive for a number of rounds equal to its Constitution modifier
(minimum of 1 round). At the start of its next turn, it drops to 0 hit points and is dying, and it
can’t regain hit points or be stabilized until it can breathe again.

Characters may take turns in Initiative Order to free the Restrained and Suffocating party
member(s). A successful DC 12 STR (Athletics) check is sufficient to move a substantial amount
of debris from the pile on the floor of the chamber. Characters who utilize shovels or other tools
that increase the amount of sand that can be moved may roll this check at Advantage. Each
successful check has a 25% chance of uncovering a buried creature. The Power Shovel moves
twice as much earth and has a 50% chance of uncovering a buried creature.

Tropical Jungles, sometimes known as & JUNGLE ROT
rainforests, can be incredibly challenging The constant moisture of the tropical rainforest
environments for adventuring parties for can lead to debilitating skin infections over
several reasons. The incessant precipitation extended periods of travel. Any serious open
may lead to flash floods and mudslides. The wounds sustained in combat may fester, as
thick overhead canopy is home to an entire outlined in the Festering Wounds section on
ecosystem of interesting and dangerous (page 10) of the introduction. Additionally,
creatures. Undergrowth at the ground tropical ulcers that are sometimes known
level may be so thick that basic navigation as “jungle rot” may form from the simplest
becomes a serious problem, and the heat blisters or scrapes. The GM may choose to
and moisture of this natural biome make it a apply Festering Wounds as jungle rot at his
breeding ground for parasites and disease. or her discretion, even if serious injuries have
not been sustained from combat encounters.
LANDSCAPE & Jungle rot is most likely to take hold around a
creature’s feet and ankles.
Adventurers will find that blazing a trail
through the jungle without a machete may TRAVEL PACE IN THE JUNGLE
be nearly impossible. Thick vegetation
dominates the landscape and makes travel
slow and arduous. Where trails exist, they
may lead to the dens of any number of wild MINUTE HOUR DAY
beasts and monstrosities who call the jungle
their home. -5 penalty
to passive
Clothing choice is very important to managing Wisdom
body heat and perspiration. Unlike in the (Perception)
Desert, where a traveller needs to be fully Fast 2 Miles 15 Miles scores AND
covered to protect from the blazing sun, a wise CON Saves
traveller in the tropical rainforests of the world for low water
will leave skin exposed to keep from losing intake at
water to excessive perspiration. Characters Disadvantage
who wear Medium or Heavy Armor, or thick
clothing of any kind will need to drink twice 150
Normal 1.5 Miles 12 Miles None
as much water as they normally would to Feet
avoid the effects of dehydration.

1 Mile 9 Miles
Able to use
Feet stealth
A character typically needs one gallon of
water per day, but while wearing Medium or
Heavy Armor in the jungle, that requirement
increases to two gallons of water per day. A
character who drinks only half the required **Disadvantage on CON Saves also applies
amount of water must succeed on a DC 15 to any rolls required due to a Forced March
Constitution saving throw or suffer one level of beyond 8 hours of travel in a day.
Exhaustion at the end of the day. A character
with access to even less water automatically
suffers one level of Exhaustion at the end of
the day.

If the character already has one or more levels

of Exhaustion, the character takes two levels
in either case.

Player Difficulty Rating: |Mechanical Complexity Rating:


RUIN THE DAY.” The Flash Flood acts on both Initiative Counts
Flash floods occur due to intense or prolonged 20 and 10 and remains in the area for (1d4+2)
rainfall. The torrent can be powerful enough rounds. It moves at 150 feet per round. The
to move boulders, tear out trees, and flood is (3d20) feet wide, and the water
destroy buildings, and it has the potential to level rises 10 feet as the flood passes through
sweep unwary travelers away in a heartbeat. the area.
Occasionally, floating debris can accumulate
at man-made or natural barriers, causing On each of the flood’s turns, any creatures
significant flooding upstream. A raging wall still within its area take (4d4) Bludgeoning
of water may result when the obstruction damage and lose (1d2-1) random items
suddenly breaks loose. from inventory. Any creatures in the space
occupied by the flood must succeed on a
A flash flood is unlikely to be a serious threat to DC 19 Strength Saving Throw or be swept
the lives of characters, but it can serve your story 150 feet downstream. A character who is
by separating the party, by carrying a character to holding onto a firmly rooted object (tree,
a vital narrative location, by causing the loss of one rock, rope, etc.) may roll with Advantage on
or more important items, or by otherwise placing a the saving throw. A creature may repeat the
strain on party resources. saving throw at the end of each of its turns
and reaches a safe location on a success. A
creature who is rendered Unconscious in this
NEXT-LEVEL DESCRIPTION way must immediately begin making Death
“NOT GOOD VIBES, I’M AFRAID.” Saving Throws as drowning occurs.
DC 15 WIS (Perception) or Higher: The roar of
rushing water and the loud cracking of debris can be After 1d4+2 rounds, the flood expands beyond
heard from several hundred feet upstream. the narrow confines of its banks, slows to a
normal current, and poses no further threat to
DC 18 WIS (Perception) or Higher: It’s clear conscious creatures. Those who remain in the
that you have only a brief moment to move yourself flood’s area when it calms are deposited at a
and your companions out of the path of a wall of safe part of the bank in their current location.
Unconscious creatures continue making
water that is carrying a deadly accumulation of
Death Saving Throws until stabilized.
earth, wood, and stone!

DC 20 WIS (Perception) or Higher: You quickly

assess your options and see that the best choice is
a large, sturdy tree that may offer a chance to get
above the flood.




Allow characters who have perceived the

risk to use a full round of Actions, Bonus
Actions, and Movement to deal with the
threat. Characters who rolled lower than the
minimum required check are surprised and
may not move, act, or react in this initial round.

Player Difficulty Rating: |Mechanical Complexity Rating:

NARRATIVE THREAD DC 15 (INT) Investigation or Higher:

“FINALLY I CAN SEE... A certain amount of friction and wear and tear can
WHERE I MIGHT DIE!” be expected from this method of traversing the
Jungle topography can vary significantly, but gorge. The hempen rope on which the trolley is
it is often concealed by the dense canopy of
suspended is old and frayed, but the wooden trolley
foliage that covers the region. Deep gorges
are very common in the jungle biome, and itself appears to be in relatively good condition.
they can create very challenging barriers for
A Jungle Gorge can serve your adventure in a GO WRONG?”
number of ways. If the party has already been The characters may choose to use the trolley
significantly taxed by the jungle environment, the to get across the gorge, or they may choose to
gorge may simply be a terrain feature that must be climb down the nearest wall and back up the
navigated to reach the final intended destination. wall on the other side. Detouring around the
gorge results in (2d4-1) hours of additional
However, if your group of players is in need of
travel through the dense jungle.
additional challenge, this feature can be a great
complication to a combat or chase encounter as If the players decide to scale the gorge walls,
well. use the Expanded Climbing Mechanics from
the Introduction. If they choose to use the
Keep in mind that, if the party is travelling at trolley, proceed to the Mechanical Resolution
night, or in a mist that lightly obscures the below.
area, the following WIS (Perception) checks
would be made at Disadvantage.
“I WONDER IF THOSE The rock faces on either side of the gorge are
VINES WILL HOLD” nearly vertical inclines that measure (2d100 +
DC 15 (WIS) Perception check or Higher: As 50) feet from bottom to top, and void in the
you are moving through the dense foliage of the center of the gorge measures (1d100 + 20)
jungle, the vegetation suddenly gives way to a deep feet across.
void. One more step and you would have fallen into
a rocky gorge that plummets dozens of feet below A fall from the rope or the trolley results in
where you are currently standing. the damage and injuries mentioned in the
Fall Damage & Injury Table detailed in the
Expanded Climbing System.
DC 18 (WIS) Perception check or Higher: The
walls of the gorge do have plenty of hand-holds and The frayed rope that supports the trolley
could be scaled with adequate climbing equipment. has been weakened by use and time. If no
As you scan the length of the gorge to your left and other reasonable efforts have been made
to your right, you notice the remains of what appears to strengthen it, it will snap as soon as 200
to be an abandoned rope trolley system. The rope pounds (creatures and equipment combined)
is intact and spans the full width of the gorge, and or more is applied to it.
the basic wooden box frame of the trolley hangs
directly in the middle of the line. The existing rope may be strengthened or
supplemented by a creature who travels its
If investigating the trolley further: full length in the trolley while making the
necessary repairs. The repairs may involve
Basic examination There is no pulley system affixing additional ropes, jungle vines, or other
attached to the line, and it seems that the trolley helpful equipment possessed by the party.
On the contrary, the party may lean toward
was designed to slide across as the passenger or
the casting of a Mending spell or another
passengers pull hand over hand on the guide rope. similar spell with the potential to improve the
The trolley travels along the guide rope on metal condition of the rope. If the repair attempts
eyelets that are in operational condition, and it has are successful, the party may traverse the
a pull rope that can be used to retrieve it from the far gorge without significant risk of falling.
side of the gorge.

Player Difficulty Rating: |Mechanical Complexity Rating:

NARRATIVE THREAD or other polearm, or a thin branch might be

“EVEN THE PLANTS HAVE TEETH HERE!” used to force the razor grass to lay down as
Razor grass is a plant with triangular well. Other improvised tools may be used at
stems and leaves that bear thousands of the GM’s discretion.
minute “teeth.” The sharp teeth may not be
immediately noticeable, but they easily slice If this technique is used successfully by a
through clothing and flesh when a creature character at the head of a single-file line, all
passes through the areas where it grows. characters may pass through the razor grass
without risk of injury. However, this takes
Razor grass grows in tall, thick patches that create time to accomplish. Travel speed is reduced
to a Slow pace of 200 feet per minute over
formidable barriers for adventurers who travel
extended periods, and the area covered
through the jungle. A GM may use this barrier by Razor Grass counts as Difficult Terrain
feature to force high-pressure decisions from players. if in Initiative Order. It will take a group
Perhaps time pressure compels the party to choose approximately half an hour to press through
between pressing through at the risk of injury or the razor grass with one of the techniques
taking a long detour around the area covered by above, and it will take one full hour to navigate
razor grass. If an enemy is in hot pursuit, this barrier around it.
may also force a decision on whether to try to hide
among the slicing leaves or to turn and fight in front MECHANICAL RESOLUTION
For every 5 feet that a creature moves through
“SERIOUSLY. WHAT IS WRONG the razor grass without using a technique
WITH THIS PLACE?” like those mentioned above, it takes (1d6)
Passive Perception: The sky is fully visible for Slashing damage. The wounds are deep
enough that they become susceptible to
the first time in hours as the jungle canopy opens
infection in the damp jungle environment.
up above you, but the path ahead is choked with See Festering Wounds.
tall grass that reaches to a height of nearly ten feet
above the jungle floor. These blades of grass are
thickly clustered, providing significant cover and
near zero visibility.

DC 13 INT (Investigation) or Higher: As you

inspect one of the tall blades of grass, you see
hundreds of minute teeth that run along its edge.
Pushing through this area could be a painful

DC 15 WIS (Survival) or DC 15 INT (Nature) or

Higher: The grass in front of you is known as Razor
Grass because of the razor sharp teeth that line
each individual blade. They will easily slice through
clothing and flesh, and the only ways to pass safely
are either to chop it down with a machete or to press
the tall grass down toward the ground as you move
forward. You’ll need a long sturdy tool that can be
used to force the grass to lay down as you
blaze a trail.


A character at ground level will find it impossible
to see how far the razor grass extends. A
creature that climbs or flies up to a vantage
point above the razor grass will see that this
barrier extends for approximately a mile in
the intended direction of travel.

A machete can be used to blaze a trail

through razor grass. A 10-foot pole, a spear

Player Difficulty Rating: |Mechanical Complexity Rating:

NARRATIVE THREAD When combined together, the pollen of these two

“AH...AH...AH CHOO!” species is known to be an extreme irritant to most
Allergens exist everywhere, but in the humanoids.
jungles of the world where few people live,
adventurers are much more likely to come STINGING UNDERGROWTH
across something to which their immune
systems have never been exposed, potentially Passive Perception: The dense undergrowth
triggering allergic reactions. The constant
overhanging the path has become more and more
dampness and warmth triggers the growth
of exotic fungi. Local insects possessing rare difficult to avoid. The leaves have a dull sheen to
venoms are aggressive and quick to sting. them when the light hits it just so.
The air can be full of pollen from dozens of
species of flowering plants and trees. When DC 15 WIS (Survival) or Higher: The plants all
the party’s bodies turn against them, they will around you seem to be a variety of stinging nettle.
have few options for respite. Furthermore, You can probably move through without fear if you
initial symptoms may be slow to manifest, cover exposed skin, but getting stung may be painful
significantly increasing the risk of a severe and there is a potential for an allergic reaction.
DC 16 INT (Investigation) or Higher: The
The party may encounter allergens simply by leaves of the plants ahead have tiny, white, hair-like
travelling through the jungle, or by sampling the protrusions on them. On closer inspection, the hairs
local fare in a friendly village. A reaction may occur end in a barbed hook that looks very sharp.
after a fight with the local wildlife if a party member
took piercing or slashing damage. Perhaps the DC 17 INT (Nature) or Higher: This plant is called
locals have weaponized a particular allergen, such Gympie Stinger, and it contains tiny white stingers
as bee venom or poison ivy, and use it to coat their that will imbed into the skin, causing a severe allergic
weapons or to create sinister traps. reaction that could result in anaphylactic shock. If
the allergic reaction doesn’t kill you, infection from
NEXT-LEVEL DESCRIPTION the stinger is a potential hazard.
Imporant Tip: Prior to your session, choose VELVET ANT STING
which of the three following allergens has
the potential to antagonize your player DC 15 WIS (Survival) or Higher: There are signs
characters. These irritants would likely of a large colony of ants in this area. “Roadways” cut
inhabit distinctly different areas within the into the deadfall, trees and plants that have been
jungle and would not likely occur together. stripped of their leaves, and an absence of animal
However, combat encounters may be tracks all point to a dangerous species of ant having
combined with any one of these allergic
claimed this area.
reactions as a complication.

INHALED POLLEN DC 17 INT (Nature) or Higher: There is a musty,

slightly acrid smell in the air: muriatic acid. Out here
DC 14 WIS (Perception) or Higher: You noticed that can only mean the presence of Velvet Ants.
tiny motes of dust floating in the shafts of light Their sting can cause a severe reaction in most
coming down through the jungle canopy above. You humanoids that can paralyze and lead to death.
can’t help but to breathe them in. They make your
throat itch slightly, but do not seem to have any other DC 18 WIS (Perception) or Higher: Hundreds
immediate effect. of large red ants roughly an inch in length are
rapidly spilling out of a fallen tree nearby. They are
DC 15 INT (Medicine) or Higher: The dust in aggressively moving towards you.
the air is most definitely pollen. The itching in your
throat is likely the beginning of an allergic reaction. PLAYER ACTION OPPORTUNITY
Symptoms may include difficulty breathing and “WHO FORGOT THE ANTITOXIN?”
hives. It might be beneficial to cover our noses and • Layers of Clothing - Against stinging
plants, the party can cover their exposed
mouths with a damp cloth or a mask to minimize the
flesh to avoid any immediate effects.
amount of pollen we are breathing in. However the irritants may still find a way to
affect the party if they don’t take action. If
DC 18 INT (Nature) or Higher: A rare variety of the party takes a Long Rest after coming
palm tree, and a species of black orchid found only into contact with plants that provoke
deep in the jungle, both thrive in this environment. a reaction, they will need to wash or

discard their clothes to avoid the effects. Anaphylactic shock causes blood pressure
Spells like Resilient Sphere that create a to drop suddenly and airways to constrict,
protective barrier between creatures and blocking breathing. This shock can be
the plants are effective, but spells that cured through forced administration of an
protect against incoming attacks, such as Antitoxin, accompanied by a successful DC
Shield, do not have any effect. 10 WIS (Medicine) check. Spells like Lesser
Restoration and Greater Restoration can also
• Face Covering - Against airborne reverse the effects of shock. Until the shock is
allergens, such as the pollen above, a cured, a creature is Suffocating.
party member can cover their nose and
mouth with a damp cloth or a mask. A dry STINGING UNDERGROWTH
cloth will have no effect. Using a damp
cloth only alleviates breathing problems. An exposed creature must make a DC
The dust will still get onto their clothes 14 Constitution Saving Throw upon initial
and into their eyes. If the party makes exposure, and repeat the save each hour until
no effort to remove the pollen from their clothing is changed or washed. On a success,,
clothes and armor, such as washing them, a creature is immune to the effects of the
removing them, or using spells such as allergen for the next 24 hours.
Prestidigitation to clean them, they will
still suffer the inhalation effects when they A creature who fails this saving throw is
remove their face coverings. Poisoned and goes into anaphylactic shock.
Roll for Initiative. Suffocation begins on
• Antitoxin - All of the allergic reactions the character’s next turn. (See Anaphylactic
here may be treated through ingestion of Shock Above) If a creature fails the saving
Antitoxin. throw by 5 or more, its Constitution score is
also temporarily reduced by 5 points until
• Fire - A lit torch or a sustained flame of finishing a Long Rest.
any kind is enough to keep Velvet Ants
at bay. Other spell effects that would Furthermore, the stingers that have embedded
prevent an ant from making contact with themselves into the exposed skin will become
a creature are also strategically valid. Festering Wounds. A creature may spend
time removing the stingers during a Short
Reminder of Suffocation Rules: When a
creature runs out of breath or is choking, it Characters who notice the approach of the
can survive for a number of rounds equal ants can easily outrun them, or they may
to its Constitution modifier (minimum of 1 use spell effects or fire to keep the ravenous
round). At the start of its next turn, it drops creatures from getting close enough to bite.
to 0 hit points and is dying, and it can’t regain The ants are unable to get within attack range
hit points or be stabilized until it can breathe if one of these tactics is used by the party.
A creature who is stung must make a DC 16
INHALED POLLEN Constitution Saving Throw.

An exposed creature must make a DC 17 Roll for Initiative and place the ants at count
Constitution Saving Throw approximately 10 10. The colony is an enhanced swarm that
minutes after initial exposure, and repeat the covers a circular area with a radius of 20 feet.
save each hour until success. On a success, a The swarm can move 20 feet per round. On
creature becomes immune to the effects of its turn, the mega swarm makes simultaneous
the allergen for the next 24 hours. Once all sting attacks on all creatures who are within
creatures in the party have succeeded on the its area. The sting attacks have a +7 to hit,
saving throw, there is no further risk from the deal (4d4) poison damage, and force a DC
inhaled pollen. 16 Constitution Saving Throw. A creature who
fails the saving throw is Paralyzed. Affected
Creatures who fail the saving throw creatures can repeat the save at the end of
immediately become Poisoned and Blinded their turn.
for (1d4) hours as the pollen makes their eyes
swell shut. If a creature fails the saving throw
by 5 or more, there is a 50% chance of going
into anaphylactic shock and beginning to
Suffocate within a matter of seconds. Should
this occur, Roll for Initiative to resolve the
effects of the shock. Suffocation begins on
the next turn for any affected creatures.

Player Difficulty Rating: |Mechanical Complexity Rating:


High within the branching liana of many HAPPEN... IS IT?”
jungles and rainforests are the fruits of Once a character has identified the threat,
epiphytic fungi and lichens. Psychoactive allow them a chance to declare actions they
and debilitating to organisms not equipped might take to combat the imminent fungal
to handle them, fungal infestations like this bloom.
also zig-zag through the ground, connecting
tree roots together with symbiotic mycelium Spells such as Gust of Wind or Control
that distributes nutrients between trees and Weather might be used to improve conditions
provides both a home to adapted burrowing for player characters, and other spell effects
creatures and a substrate for parasitic fungi should be considered carefully by the GM as
to blossom throughout the jungle carpet. well. Any spell that creates a magical barrier,
or that decreases exposure to the fungal
Most of these fungi are usually harmless unless spores over time, should grant creatures
eaten. However, after it rains, the very same Advantage on Saving Throws against the
mycelium that serves the botanical health of spores.
the region can become a birthing ground for
a fog of toxic and psychoactive spores. Equipment such as a Plague Mask or other
full facial covering allows a creature to add
A Fungal Bloom can serve your story by transforming +2 to Saving Throws against spore effects.
a seemingly harmless jungle path into a highly Simply covering one’s mouth has no effect;
treacherous environment. Spores may contaminate the spores can still enter through mucous
membranes such as open eyes and ears,
the parties supplies, or they may briefly set party
and also through exposed wounds. Only full
members against each other as they lose control of coverings do the trick. Improvised coverings
their mental faculties. Perhaps the area of the fungal may subject the wearer to the Blinded
colony is home to plant-like humanoids who use the and Deafened conditions if not specifically
bloom as a defensive barrier. designed to allow for these senses.


DC 10 WIS (Perception) or Higher: TO SOIL ONESELF.”
The pinning heads of mushrooms can be
seen rising from the soil and slowly spreading ROLL FOR INITIATIVE!
their gills as you travel through the thick
undergrowth. While characters are using any action
opportunities above, the GM may roll a
DC 16 INT (Investigation) or Higher: d10 four separate times to randomly select
As you reach down to inspect the mushrooms, four different types of fungus from the list
you discover that they are thick and swollen below. Alternatively, the GM may choose four
with spores. You also uncover thick, fibrous varieties of fungus that are present in the
mycelium underneath that runs deep into the jungle. Any of the fungi listed here can be
black jungle dirt. Upon further investigation, accurately identified by a character with a
it appears that this mycelium can be found successful DC 15 INT (Nature) check.
everywhere you make the effort to dig a few
inches into the ground. During a bloom, each fungal population
covers an area with a 120-foot radius and may
DC 19 INT (Investigation) or Higher: take several turns to traverse. Additionally each
You look up and discover that the canopy different fungal variety should be separated
above has been colonized with multi-colored by at least half an hour of travel through the
mushroom caps that dwarf those that you’ve jungle. At the beginning of each encounter
seen underfoot. It seems that each one is with one of these fungal zones, have players
preparing to release their spores into the air. roll a new initiative order and choose the
It’s clear that you are about to be surrounded associated effects from the descriptions
by a cloud of potentially poisonous spores. below.

1. Braided Puffball - This mildly poisonous,

ball-shaped mushroom is a parasitic
fungus that grows on the jungle floor.
Creatures who are walking through the
area risk kicking a cluster of puffballs
and releasing toxic spores into the air.
Have each character make a DC 14 WIS creature. This effect may be triggered
(Perception) check at the beginning of multiple times while creatures are in the
each turn to avoid accidentally contacting region populated by the dropslime colony.
a puffball cluster. A creature who fails this All creatures in the area must succeed on
check inadvertently kicks up spores in a a DC 14 Dexterity Save, or take (2d8) acid
5-foot square and must succeed on a DC 14 damage as the dropslime contacts areas
Constitution Saving Throw or take (2d6) of exposed skin. No damage is taken
Poison damage and become Blinded for on a successful save. Spells like Wall of
one hour. The Blinded condition can be Force that prevent physical objects from
removed with a Lesser Restoration spell or passing through a magical barrier can be
by taking a Short Rest and rinsing eyes used to shelter an area completely from
with clean water or an Eye Wash. the raining slime.

2. Hanging Pearls - Glittering strands of 5. Helicanthia - Named for its helix-shaped

algae house tiny morsels of crunchy fungal spores, Helicanthia is a potentially beneficial
caps making these lichens a sought-after fungus. Any character with Proficiency
food source by beasts and exotic food in Medicine, Nature, Survival, or with the
traders. Characters are able to collect Herbalism Kit will automatically notice
(2d10) pearls from nearby tree trunks. The the presence of these potentially valuable
pearls may be sold to interested traders fungi and will be aware of their properties.
for (2d12) silver pieces each. They are also On each turn in the initiative order while
edible, and three pearls are enough to passing through this fungal colony, a
sustain one creature for a day. character may choose to use an Action
to roll a DC 16 INT (Nature) check and
3. Blue Brain Truffle - These brain-shaped harvest (1d4) portions of Helicanthia. A
mushrooms grow on rotting plant material character may then prepare the collected
and favor branches covered in shade, Helicanthia during a Short or Long Rest
where they can grow fat and stay moist. with a successful DC 14 WIS (Medicine
When a creature passes beneath such a Check). For each successfully prepared
branch, the mycelium in the ground below portion of Helicanthia, a concoction is
triggers the blue brain truffle to release its produced that has the properties of a
spores. At the beginning of each turn in Potion of Healing. Characters who are
the initiative order, a creature may notice Proficient with the use of the Herbalism
and avoid the triggering mycelium with Kit may roll both of these checks at
a successful DC 14 WIS (Perception) Advantage. However, the spores can
check. On a failure, the truffle drops be dangerous while they remain in their
its spores which attempt to infect the natural state. A character whose HP is at
triggering creature’s mind, forcing a DC least 1 point below maximum, who fails
18 Intelligence Saving Throw. On a failure, either the Nature check to harvest or the
the creature is Charmed by the fungus for Medicine check to prepare Helicanthia,
1 minute. The creature is no longer aware will be infected by the life-draining fungus.
of its surroundings, and is not able to The creature immediately takes (2d6)
avoid further interactions with triggering Necrotic damage, and acquires Festering
mycelium. Instead at the beginning of Wounds as described on (page 10) of the
each of its turns, it attacks the nearest Introduction .
creature with no regard for its own safety.
The Saving Throw may be repeated at 6. Hornstar Lichen - This glowing parasitic
the end of each turn, and a creature lichen grows like thick white hair on
regains control of its mental faculties on anything that stays still for more than
a success. Spells and character features a few days. It presents a challenging
that prevent the Charmed condition will complication to jungle combat encounters
negate the effects of this fungus. that may take place in the area populated
by the colony, and ambush predators
4. Dropslime - This is a mucosal secretion often find these areas to be advantageous.
that rains down from fungal colonies Monsters in the area populated by
that grow high in the jungle canopy. The Hornstar Lichen receive a +5 bonus to
mycelium network below allows these Stealth. The lichen can be seen from
fungi to sense the heat of warm-bodied the jungle carpet to the tops of trees,
creatures beneath them, and they can actively draining nutrients of its hosts
detach themselves to fall upon the and producing a faint yellow light. While
unsuspecting victims. Creatures passing Hornstar Lichen produces dim light of its
through this area may notice and avoid own, its sheer volume blocks out nearly all
the triggering mycelium network with a sunlight that might normally penetrate the
successful DC 14 WIS (Perception) check canopy above, leaving areas where it has
at the start of each turn. If any creature taken root always in Dim Light, no matter
fails this check, the dropslime immediately the time of day. The area also becomes
rains down in a circular area with a 30-foot Difficult Terrain.
radius that is centered on the triggering
7. Thorncap Colony - Though thorncaps likely to become Festering Wounds.
may appear simply as girthy, spear-like
mushrooms jutting out of the ground, their 10. Death Veil Parasol - One of the strangest
mycelium has been known to stretch for mushrooms found in jungles that only
miles. The mycelium creates natural voids blooms at night. The Death Veil is a
beneath the surface that naturally support tiny, singular black sprout that feeds off
the thorncaps’ need to feed on rotting of magical energy. In any area with an
carcasses. At the beginning of each turn infestation of these mushrooms, spell
in the initiative order, a creature has a 30% casters must make a DC 14 Constitution
chance of walking over a 3-foot deep Saving Throw (Concentration Save)
void in the earth that has been created immediately after each casting. On a
by the burrowing mycelium. An affected failure, the caster loses control of the spell.
creature falls into an open pit in the These spell effects do not end; instead,
ground and takes (4d6) piercing damage. they turn on their casters, with buff spells
The creature is Restrained as it is impaled affecting enemy creatures and offensive
on the spike-shaped fungi and cannot effects targeting the one creating them.
free itself. Others may assist in freeing a Jungle creatures who do not cast spells
Restrained creature, pulling it up out of themselves, but who exhibit resistance to
the shallow pit on a successful DC 14 STR magical effects, tend to inhabit the areas
(Athletics) check. However, the punctures near Death Veil colonies and may defend
left by the thorncap mushrooms become them aggressively.
Festering Wounds if left unattended.

8. Foghair Mold - This rare denizen of the

jungle grows high in the canopy, releasing
a cloying fog of spores that cause the area
to be Lightly Obscured. The first time a
creature moves through this fog, it must
make a DC 14 Charisma Saving Throw. On
a failure, it is afflicted with a form of Long-
Term Madness. It makes all Intelligence,
Wisdom, and Charisma ability checks and
saving throws with Disadvantage while
in the cloud of spores and for one hour
thereafter. On a success, the creature is
immune from the effects of Foghair Mold
for 24 hours.

9. Redspire Polypore - A carnivorous fungus,

these crimson, thorn-covered growths
twist and tangle around areas of foot
traffic in the jungle. They have the ability
to modify the color of their gills which furl
up as camouflage, cloaking them among
the browns and greys of the jungle dirt.
When a creature gets close enough, the
mycelium triggers the fungus to eject tiny
frilled fruits filled with reproductive spores.
These fruits stick into a nearby creature’s
flesh with small hooked barbs so that
the creature might carry the fruit across
the jungle and allow the propagation of
the species. The Redspire Polypore acts
on Initiative Counts 20 and 10. On each
turn, it makes 3 ranged weapon attacks
with its hooked barbs. These barbs have
a +3 to hit, and on a Hit, a creature takes
(2d10) piercing damage, and a red fruit
pod is deeply embedded in exposed
skin. A character must make a DC 14 WIS
(Medicine) check to remove the barbs
from the skin without inflicting greater
damage. On a failure, the affected creature
takes another (2d4) slashing damage as
the pod is removed. Regardless of whether
the barbs are removed without the extra
damage, the wounds left in their place are

Player Difficulty Rating: |Mechanical Complexity Rating:

NARRATIVE THREAD jungle surroundings. However, many small creatures

“NATURAL CORDAGE” likely call this natural structure home. Making your
Vine walls are found in untamed wild jungles. way through forcibly could result in irreparable
When the lower echelon of shrubbery and trees damage to this ecosystem and might even prompt
in a patch of fertile soil receives less and less retaliation by the organisms who live here.
light because of the thick canopy overhead, it
may begin to give way to creepers and vines.
These vines throw themselves around the PLAYER ACTION OPPORTUNITY
branches and trunks of larger trees. As might “ONWARD, OR UPWARD?”
be expected, some vines will die off, forcing The characters may get past the wall by going
newer vines to grow around them, creating over, around, or through:
an ever-thickening wall of plant life. Over a
period of years, this process can create a mass • The wall is (2d100+30) feet tall. It can be
of both living and dead vegetation, which can climbed without specialty climbing gear.
become a nearly impassable barrier.
• The party will be forced to travel (1d4+1)
Characters who stand before a seemingly hours to navigate through the dense
impenetrable wall that stretches into the jungle will jungle to walk around the wall.
naturally wonder what is on the other side. The
wall could easily conceal anything from a long-lost • The wall is (1d100+30) feet thick. Details
temple to a hag’s den. A dark wizard or evil druid on penetrating the wall are provided
seeking isolation could grow a vine wall magically
or over the course of time, hiding themselves and
their uniquely accumulated knowledge away from
the rest of the world. The vine walls themselves MECHANICAL RESOLUTION
may house small creatures: an ecosystem of bugs, OVER THE WALL - (Altered Version of Expanded
Climbing Mechanics)
rodents, and other critters.
• Climber’s kits and pitons may not be
The ecology of a vine wall can be diverse effectively attached to the plant matter
and complicated. Those versed in Herbalism in the wall, so ropes are of no particular
or proficient with Woodcarver’s Tools assistance. Any climber may ascend or
have Advantage on the following checks descend 50 feet with a successful DC 13
to identify the finer details of the vine wall. STR (Athletics) check.
Characters proficient in Nature, Survival,
Perception, or Investigation skills can make • On a failure, the climber loses a hand
checks to determine the best ways to handle or foot hold and slips. Once a slip has
the massive ecosystem safely. occurred, the climber must succeed on a
DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or fall from
the climbing surface. If not secured by
NEXT-LEVEL DESCRIPTION any other means, a climber who fails this
“SHALL WE CLIMB?” saving throw falls toward the hard ground
Passive Perception: Before you lies a black wall below. Other members of the party may
of entangled vines that stretches across your path in be given an opportunity to use a Reaction
both directions. The vines twist around nearby trees if one is available, and if they are within
and create a thick barrier from the jungle floor all the range, when a creature falls. If the fallen
way up to the canopy. climber hits the ground, he or she takes
(1d6) Bludgeoning damage per 10 feet
DC 12 INT (Investigation) or Higher: It’s hard fallen and suffers the injuries mentioned
to determine how far this wall of vegetation may in the Expanded Climbing System
extend into the surrounding jungle, but you can see detailed in the introduction.
that it is made up of a mixture of dead and living
vegetation. It appears that actively growing vines
have encased a layer of dead and decaying plant
matter within. Gently probing the wall also reveals
that it seems to be home to a large number of jungle
insects and arachnids.

DC 16 WIS (Survival) or DC 16 INT (Nature)

or Higher: Dead plant matter is typically easier to
burn than living plants, and there’s enough decaying
plant matter here to create ignition, even in the damp

ROLL 1d8
• The party may attempt to cut or bludgeon
their way through the wall, however, it is 3 swarms of bees and 3
incredibly difficult as many of the still living 1
swarms of wasps
vines are old and thick. The vine wall has
an AC of 13, each 5-foot cube has 20 HP,
and it is Resistant to non-magical Slashing 3 swarms of centipedes
and Bludgeoning damage. It is immune to and 3 swarms of spiders
all Piercing damage, magical or not. The
wall is Vulnerable to Fire damage.
3 2 swarms of bees
• As such, any Fire damage applied to the
wall will also ignite an active flame that 4 2 swarms of wasps
can spread quickly through the entire
barrier. After it has been ignited, the Vine 5 2 swarms of centipedes
Wall burns uncontrollably and unleashes
the creatures mentioned in the table to 6 2 swarms of spiders
the right. The entire wall is reduced to
smoldering ashes in a number of rounds 7 1 swarm of bees
equal to (Thickness x Height)/100. There
is a risk that this tactic could lead to a 8 1 swarm of spiders
Forest Fire encounter, as detailed on page

• A creature with the ability to use Speak

With Plants could ask the living vines to
create a passable tunnel through the wall.
The CHA (Persuasion) check required to
accomplish this is a DC 12.

If the party is aggressive in their attempts

to get through the wall, they may encounter
multiple swarms of insects. Each time the vine
wall takes 20 points of damage, roll (1d8)
on the table below to see what creatures
emerge. If the wall is actively burning, roll
(1d8) each round to release new swarms.

Player Difficulty Rating: |Mechanical Complexity Rating:

NARRATIVE THREAD have worn away the rock, causing the clearing
“PEERING INTO THE BOWELS to be unstable ground.
These underground limestone caves vary in DC 18 INT (Investigation) or Higher:
size and are typically found in the jungles The humidity slightly increases in the already
of the world. Many are nothing more than a sodden air. Bending down you notice several
narrow tunnel, some are vast and deep open tracks from the local wildlife and they all
pits, and others cannot be seen from the completely avoid the clearing. The ground at
surface at all. Invariably they contain fresh the edge of the clearing is porous and slightly
water and are perhaps the only source of crumbles when you press a finger against it.
fresh water for miles around. Ancient jungle
civilizations have risen and fallen based on
the health of a nearby cenote. PLAYER ACTION OPPORTUNITY
Cenotes are also incredibly dangerous. Establish a clear marching order for the party,
Characters may not even realize that they are as the characters in front are particularly at
standing on one until their weight breaks the risk. A party that spots the cenote may choose
fragile dome and they fall dozens, or hundreds to go around it and may encounter (1d4-1)
of feet to the clear, dark water below. The smaller and more obscured cenote entrances
interior walls are often sheer and sloped as they try to avoid the larger cenote.
inwards towards the top making climbing
up the sides of a cenote nearly impossible The top of the dome below hasn’t yet fallen
without climbing equipment. Disorienting in, but it is very thin and weak. Perhaps its
subterranean structures, lack of light and fresh ceiling may even have a few sizable holes in
air, and the potential for unknown horrors in it. No trees grow on the top of the weakened
its depths makes a cenote a potentially deadly ceiling, but ferns and other smaller plants
place to explore. may obscure the openings. A medium or
larger creature moving across the ceiling of
Cenotes are sacred places where it is said the dead the cenote will easily break through it and fall
into the depths.
travel the afterlife. Sacrifices made at a cenote are
seen as being directly transmitted to the gods. Food, Allow players to state any special preparations
goods, crafts, and people, both willing and unwilling, that their characters are making as they move
have been cast into cenotes to appeal to the gods through the area. Belaying one another with
for rain, fair weather, fortune, or power. These awe- ropes and spreading out to more equally
inspiring locations can serve your story as an unseen distribute weight are valid strategies.
risk during a chase scenario, as an entrance to the
underworld, or as the lair of a legendary monster.
NEXT-LEVEL DESCRIPTION • The circular clearing above the cenote has
“THIS DOESN’T FEEL RIGHT AT ALL” a radius of (1d100 + 50 feet).
Passive Perception: You come to a very large, • If the party fails to discover a cenote
almost perfectly circular clearing in the thick entrance, the first character(s) in the
jungle undergrowth, which seems very odd. marching order must make a DC 15
There aren’t even stumps where trees might Dexterity Saving Throw or fall into the
have grown - only a few small ferns. cenote as the fragile roof collapses. On a
success, the falling character manages to
DC 15 INT (Nature) or Higher: It’s clear that catch the edge, delaying a fall. However,
something is preventing large trees from if the party was moving at a fast pace, or
growing in the clearing, and the trees on the was otherwise being reckless with their
outskirts of this area are different from what movements, the first character(s) in the
you’ve seen elsewhere in the jungle. Their marching order make this saving throw
roots are thicker and less spread out,and they at Disadvantage, and the next closest
seem to get their water from sources nearer character(s) in the marching order must
to the surface. also make a DC 15 Dexterity Saving Throw
to avoid falling into the cenote.
DC 18 INT (Nature) or Higher: Judging by
the composition of the soil, the average • Any sudden movements or any additional
rainfall this part of the world receives, and the weight that is added to the unstable area
relief of the surrounding land, there is likely where a character has already broken
an underground water source somewhere far through the ceiling will lead to a total
below the clearing. The moisture within may

collapse. If this collapse occurs, all creatures in the area of the clearing fall into the deep
water below.

• The water at the bottom of the cenote is (3d10 x 5) feet below the ceiling and is half as
deep. Calculate the falling damage as you normally would (1d6 bludgeoning per 10 feet
fallen), as a fall from this height is still quite dangerous. A character who is attempting to
dive gracefully into the deep water below may avoid half of the calculated bludgeoning
damage with a successful DC 15 DEX (Acrobatics) check. Spells like Feather Fall completely
negate this damage.

• A submerged creature must make a swim check in order to get back to the surface of
the deep pool at the bottom of the cenote - See the Expanded Swimming System in the

• Climbing In and Out

If the players have enough rope, and they are starting from the ceiling of the cenote, getting
in is rather straightforward. However, the walls of a cenote are sheer, and often angle inwards
the whole way up to the top. Climbing this sort of surface is nearly impossible without a
climber’s kit or magical assistance. Any creature attempting to free-hand climb (i.e. without
climbing gear or magical assistance) the inside wall of a cenote must make a DC 15 STR
(Athletics) check for the first 20 feet of climbing or fall into the water below. This DC
increases by 1 for each additional 20 feet traveled towards the top as the walls get more
severely sloped inwards, and thus harder to climb, the higher you go. Similarly, the DC
decreases by 1 as a creature free-hand climbs down starting with a DC equal to 15 + (depth
of cenote / 20).

• The deep pool at the bottom of the cenote may lead to an important adventure location.
The Flooded Passage Encounter can be used for further exploration.

Player Difficulty Rating: |Mechanical Complexity Rating:


Mudslides occur when water quickly saturates ROLL FOR INITIATIVE!
the ground and causes rapid erosion of soil
on a steep slope. This results in a downhill • Allow characters who have perceived the
surge of earth, vegetation, and other debris. risk (at least a DC 14) to use a full round
Mudslides can be triggered by seismic events of Actions, Bonus Actions, and Movement
or intense rain after a drought or dry season. to deal with the threat.
A mudslide is a deadly event that levels almost • Characters who meet or exceed the
everything in its path. It can represent a deadly highest DC of 20 can also use a Reaction
encounter that will take many character resources to grant one other creature of their
to overcome. Alternatively, a mudslide can be used choice Advantage on its next skill check
to cut off a path, or to create a new path through or saving throw. Characters who rolled
the jungle. This unstoppable force of nature could lower than the minimum required check
split the party, it could carry away important items, or are surprised and may not move, act, or
it could drive the characters to particular locations react in this initial round.
within the jungle. This encounter could also serve as
Because of the erosion that has affected this
a threat to a nearby settlement that must be saved.
area in the recent past, there are no sizable
trees, rocks, or other terrain features to which
NEXT-LEVEL DESCRIPTION characters may secure themselves.
DC 14 WIS (Perception) or Higher: Your party MECHANICAL RESOLUTION
has been making your way along a jungle ridge, “WHAT A DIRTY TRICK”
trying to maintain a steady elevation above a valley Once characters who are aware of the risk
that runs several hundred feet below. As you are have had their opportunity to act, the ground
traversing the steep hillside, you feel a slight settling beneath the party collapses and breaks free
beneath your feet. The slopes are saturated from without further warning, becoming a free-
recent rains, and the air around you still hangs thick flowing mudslide. All creatures who are in
with moisture. contact with the ground risk being swept
down the hillside with the flow of sludge.
DC 17 INT (Investigation) or Higher: As you
The Mudslide acts on both Initiative Counts
attempt to assess the risks of this area more fully,
20 and 10 and surges continuously for
you can tell that much of the vegetation here is (1d4+1) rounds until it settles, trapping
very small and relatively young. Where you might anything moving with it under a layer of mud.
expect to see large trees and well-established The relative power of the mudslide is
undergrowth, you see only a few small saplings and determined by a roll on the Mudslide Power
flowers instead. Perhaps some natural force has Table on the following page:
devastated this area in the recent past, leaving the
jungle floor more open. There are notable signs of
erosion here as well.

DC 20 WIS (Survival) or DC 20 INT (Nature)

or higher: Mudslides are common after heavy
rains. The disturbance caused by your party’s
passage is likely enough to make the earth give
way on this steep slope. Spreading out to disperse
your weight over a wider area might be helpful, and
belaying one another with ropes is a good idea for
additional safety.


2-5 11 +5

6-10 15 +7

11 or More 20 +10

• On each of the mudslide’s turns, a creature • If a creature is utilizing special equipment

that is in direct contact with the ground to resist the flow of mud, Advantage may
in the area of the slide must succeed on be granted at the GM’s discretion.
a Strength Saving Throw against the DC
determined by the mudslide’s power. After (1d4+1) rounds, the mudslide buries
creatures and lost objects beneath a layer of
• On a failed save, the creature takes (3d6) mud approximately 1 foot thick as it settles and
Bludgeoning damage, loses (1d2-1) disperses at the base of the hillside. Remain
random items from inventory, becomes in initiative order until any buried creatures
Blinded and Restrained by the mudslide, have been located. Incapacitated creatures
and is swept 100 feet toward the bottom can be located by any creature who comes
of the slope. A creature who is knocked within 30 feet and succeeds on a DC 14 WIS
Unconscious in this way must begin (Perception) check. Any creatures who are
making Death Saving Throws on its next not Unconscious or otherwise Incapacitated
turn. are able to get themselves out of the mud
without assistance.
• On a successful save, the creature takes
half as much damage, is not Restrained or While buried, an Unconscious or otherwise
Blinded, and is only moved 50 ft towards Incapacitated creature is Suffocating. It can
the bottom of the slope. A creature who survive for a number of rounds equal to its
succeeds on this saving throw is able to Constitution modifier (minimum of 1 round).
spot and use terrain features that can help At the start of its next turn, it drops to 0 hit
them to resist the power of the mudslide. points (if not at 0 HP already) and is dying,
These characters grab onto a tree or rock and it can’t regain hit points or be stabilized
further down the hill, outside the area of until it can breathe again.
erosion that existed above, and are able to
roll subsequent Strength Saving Throws Each object lost from inventory requires one
against the mudslide at Advantage. hour and a successful DC 15 INT (Investigation)
check to recover. On a failed check, the hour
of search time is lost, but the item is not

ADVENTURE ENVIRONMENT hour of drinking the unsafe water, a character
Wetland environments are synonymous with must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution Saving
misery for adventurers who are traveling on Throw. On a failed save, the character is
foot or on standard mounts. Even traveling infected with Swamp Gut. See below for
by boat can be very difficult because of the details.
thick vegetation beneath the surface of the
murky waters. Reptiles, insects, and poisonous
plants thrive here, and finding a dry place to
This parasitic infection arises from ingesting
camp for the night is nearly impossible.
tainted water. The symptoms include fever,
muscle cramps, vomiting and/or diarrhea,
This is another biome that presents constant
and severe fatigue.
(and sometimes oppressive) challenges for an
adventuring party. Groups who dare to travel
A character who has contracted Swamp Gut
in this environment must deal with parasites,
automatically takes a level of Exhaustion
ambush predators, very slow travel pace,
every 8 hours until the disease is cured. These
and a significant risk of disease. We advise
levels of Exhaustion are in addition to levels
GMs and players who are not interested in a
accumulated from any other source (lack
highly challenging environment to avoid the
of sleep, forced marches, extreme weather
Wetlands biome altogether.
conditions, etc).

LANDSCAPE AND SWAMPY WATERS Swamp Gut can be cured with a Lesser
Standing water dominates this environment. Restoration spell, and may be impossible to
Sometimes the ground is saturated and contract while under the protection of certain
spongy with a few puddles of water that spells. It may also be cured by a Digestive
have accumulated in low-lying areas. At other Tincture brewed by a skilled herbalist.
times the water may be several feet deep. The
opacity of the water in swampy terrain reduces Standard uses of a Healer’s Kit, or a WIS
visibility when characters are attempting to (Medicine) check performed by someone
see what lies beneath the surface. If fully without Herbalism training, have no effect
submerged in the water, a creature’s vision against Swamp Gut.
is Lightly Obscured by the murkiness of
the water, putting all vision-based WIS FESTERING WOUNDS AND JUNGLE ROT
(Perception) checks at Disadvantage. For a The constant moisture of the swamp can lead
character who is looking down on the surface to debilitating skin infections over extended
of the water from above, items and creatures periods of travel. Any serious open wounds
below the surface are Heavily Obscured. sustained in combat may fester, as outlined in
the Festering Wounds section on (page 10) of
WATER REQUIREMENTS IN THE SWAMP the introduction. Additionally, tropical ulcers
A character typically needs one gallon of water that are sometimes known as “jungle rot” may
per day. A character who drinks only half the form from the simplest blisters or scrapes.
required amount of water must succeed on The GM may choose to apply Festering
a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or suffer Wounds at his or her discretion, even if
one level of Exhaustion at the end of the day. serious injuries have not been sustained
A character with access to even less water from combat encounters. Jungle rot is most
automatically suffers one level of Exhaustion likely to take hold around a creature’s feet
at the end of the day. and ankles.

If the character already has one or more

levels of Exhaustion, the character takes two
levels in either case.

Fresh drinking water is not prevalent in a
wetland environment. All water should be
boiled before drinking, and often reeks of
sulfurous emissions, giving it a rotten egg
smell. A Detect Poison and Disease spell will
make this characteristic evident to the caster.
Characters who drink fouled water without
boiling or magical purification efforts, have a
chance of becoming incredibly ill. Within one
All overland travel speeds are cut in half while moving through the Wetlands biome due to
standing water. The exertion of travel can also increase the risk of Exhaustion from heat and
dehydration. If a Constitution Saving Throw must be made to avoid the effects of insufficient
water intake, characters moving at a Fast Pace make the saving throw at Disadvantage. The
following adjustments to the Travel Pace Table in 5th Edition manuals should be taken into



-5 penalty to
passive Wisdom
Fast 200 Feet 2 Miles 15 Miles scores AND CON
Saves for low
water intake at

Normal 150 Feet 1.5 Miles 12 Miles -

Slow 100 Feet 1 Mile 9 Miles Able to use stealth

** Disadvantage on CON Saves also applies to any rolls required

due to a Forced March beyond 8 hours of travel in a day.


Player Difficulty Rating: |Mechanical Complexity Rating:


Leeches are small, worm-like creatures. They If a member of the party has noticed the
vary in size from about the size of a grain of swarm by succeeding on one or more of the
rice to monstrous things over a foot long. checks in the Next-Level Description section
Many varieties are predators, ambushing their and is not currently surrounded by the swarm,
prey from high tree branches or watery lairs. they can simply keep their distance. The
They pierce the flesh with jaws or a proboscis, swarm is unlikely to catch them immediately.
injecting an anti-coagulant to keep their meal
of blood flowing and analgesics to keep prey If the party finds themselves unable to avoid
from detecting them. the area, anything they can do to limit their
exposure to the swarm, such as climbing
Though the majority of leech species live in trees or rocks, may give them more time to
freshwater, there are also terrestrial leeches find a way out. The swarm is relentless in their
that roam the land near water, and there are search for blood and can climb any surface.
some leeches that live in marine environments, Submerging below the surface of the water is
such as tidal pools and estuaries. While one not an effective means of avoiding the swarm
leech is an annoyance at most, a humanoid as leeches are amphibious in nature and
can be killed hundreds of leeches feeding at continue to swarm underwater.
the same time.
When the swarm senses prey, it will pursue
A leech swarm can serve your story by slowing slowly, but with determination. However, the
progress through swampy terrain, interrupting swarm will not pursue prey more than 100
a night’s rest, or creating a mystery where feet from a body of water. This special swarm
exsanguinated bodies are found covered in tiny is not a creature, and cannot be killed. It is
a moving threat made up of thousands of
bites and near slimy trails that lead into the water..
individual creatures.
This encounter becomes incredibly interesting if
the party is forced to endure the swarm in order Leeches are fragile. Any spell that deals
to discover something that is hidden in the murky damage across an area of effect temporarily
waters of the swamp (a body, a magic item, a lost eliminates the leeches in that area, but
trinket of significance, etc). hundreds more are prepared to take their
place. Spells like Antilife Shell prevent the
leeches from entering. However, single target
“HORRIFIC WRITING!” spells like Fire Bolt have no noticeable effect
on the swarm. Leeches will also retreat from
DC 15 WIS (Perception) or Higher: The water
mundane or magical damage sources like
around you is teeming with miniscule, worm-like burning oil, a cold snap, and acid.
creatures that seem to be moving closer to you.
There is a palpable stink of rotten fish in the air,
and the shore is lined with dead fish covered in tiny,
bloodless wounds.

DC 15 INT (Nature) or Higher: While leeches

are commonplace in swampy environments, it
is alarming that so many have gathered here.
Something has driven them into a frenzy.

DC 18 INT (Nature) or Higher: The waters here

are infested with voracious aquatic leeches. Given
the time of year and relative humidity, it’s safe to
say they’re on the hunt for blood and preparing to
spawn. It would be very dangerous to remain here
for long.


Leeches can be removed by pulling them off of exposed skin, but the sweeping tide of writhing
predators can quickly overwhelm the party. If a character is covered in leeches, that character
may use an Action to remove (1d4) “Leech Points” (see Ravenous Writhing below).


• The leech swarm covers a circular area with a radius of 30 feet and has a walking, climbing,
and swimming speed of 10 feet. The area of the swarm counts as Difficult Terrain. While a
character is within the area of the swarm, whether it be on land or in the water, new leeches
attach themselves to the character each round. Armor or clothing will not mitigate this as
leeches can find the tiniest of holes to squeeze through.

• Each round on Initiative Count 20 and Initiative Count 10, every character in the area of the
swarm is automatically inflicted with (1d4) “Leech Points”. These points must be tracked,
and each point represents ten wriggling bloodsuckers that are attached to that character. A
character can have a maximum of 10 Leech Points, at which point, there just isn’t any more
room for new leeches.

• At the end of each of their turns, a character with at least one Leech Point remaining must
roll a Constitution saving throw due to the loss of blood. The DC of this saving throw is 10 +
the player’s current number of Leech Points. On a failed save, the player immediately takes
a level of Exhaustion.

• This encounter lasts as long as characters are within 100 feet of the swarm or as long as at
least one character has remaining Leech Points


Player Difficulty Rating: |Mechanical Complexity Rating:

NARRATIVE THREAD DC 18 INT (Nature) or Higher: You pick up a

“ENDLESS BUZZING” dead specimen of the local insects from the ground
No matter where you travel in the swamp, and instantly notice that it has some pronounced
there will always be insects. Normally, an
features that are different from others of its kind--it
insect bite is nothing more than a nuisance, or
perhaps a minor infection at worst. However, is stronger, larger, and a different color than others
if enough bugs are gathered in one place of the species. You know that changes like this only
(usually near water sources filled with larvae), happen during swarm behavior, and it may become
swarms can metamorphose into something quite an ordeal to move through this swarm of
much more horrific. Most swarms are made up bloodthirsty creatures.
of mosquitos, horse flies, or similar parasitic
creatures that are common within acrid
swamps, sbut the most aggressive parasites “TO WITNESS PROBOSCIS”
feed on blood and lay eggs beneath the skin
of their victims. ROLL FOR INITIATIVE!
Swarms are the most dangerous at the Swarms are measured in distance rather than
hours of dusk and dawn, when they rise from length in rounds. The swarm covers a circular
slumber to feed and multiply. Even worse, area with a radius of (6d8) x 10 feet. The
when enough insects gather, they can take on area is Lightly Obscured, and the direction of
new physical forms--a phenomenon known as travel to get out of the swarm’s area may not
swarm metamorphosis. Some swarms can be be apparent.
miles long, with member counts high enough
to darken the sky. When the swarm descends upon the players,
there is no escaping. Not even armor or thick
An insect swarm can serve your story by sapping clothing can deter the insects from their goal
the strength of your party, frightening them with of extracting blood to obtain the nutrients
a decentralized threat of endless enemies, or needed to create a new batch of eggs. If
highlighting the insidious dangers of the swamp a character is successful on the check to
that can return days later as diseases. A wise druid create the herbal Insect Repellant, creatures
or a black dragon might use these swarms as a who use an Action to apply it to exposed
protective barrier around a swampy lair. skin gain a +4 to all CON Saves against the
itch created by the swarm. This benefit lasts
for up to one hour.
“A HAZE OF WINGS!” A swarm cannot enter water, so completely
Passive Perception: The ubiquitous buzzing of submerging oneself in the swamp can prevent
the swamp has increased here; there are many bites from flying insects, though it might
more insects than you’ve seen up to this point, and cause other complications to a traveling party:
swatting away the creatures is no longer of use. On leeches, quippers, disease, or more dangerous
each of your companions, gangs of wriggling insects predators.
can be seen searching for exposed skin to bite.
If a character lights and swings a torch,
DC 12 INT (Investigation) or Higher: You take surrounds itself with burning oil, or takes
other mundane measures to protect its own
a look at the local water supply, and realize that it is
space from the swarm, that space is safe only
packed with tiny larvae, some of which have started for the turn, and the surrounding area is still
to pupate and transform into winged creatures Lightly Obscured.
before your eyes.
Certain protective spells may be sufficient
ONLY A character who is proficient with the to ward an individual against the insect
Herbalism Kit - DC 14 WIS (Survival) or DC 14 bites completely. Other spells may have the
INT (Nature) or Higher: Given the circumstances, potential to create temporary pockets of
you take a few moments to pick several Catnip safety within the swarm at the GM’s discretion.
plants that you know to provide significant relief
from the itch of insect bites and stings. By crushing
the stems and mixing the sap with Pine Needles and
some swamp mud, you quickly create enough of this
repellant for you and your fellow adventurers.


• When a creature starts its turn within the area of the swarm, it automatically takes 2 points
of Piercing damage and 2 points of Poison damage and must make a DC 15 Constitution
Saving Throw against the compulsion to scratch the itchy welts created by the insect bites.
On a failure, the itchiness is too much to bear, and the creature begins to scratch, opening
wounds and causing 1 additional point of Slashing damage. If a creature fails any Saving
Throw by more than 5 points, the gashes created by the scratching are large enough that
some of the swarming insects are able to lay clusters of eggs in the open wounds.

• If a character has opened wounds by failing a Constitution Saving Throw on any of its
previous turns, the automatic Piercing and Poison damage each increase by 2 points on
the next turn. The creature must repeat the Saving Throw at the beginning of each turn
spent inside the swarm, and the Piercing and Poison damage each continue to increase by
2 on every subsequent failure.

• Magical healing, a successful DC 12 WIS (Medicine) check with a Healer’s Kit, or specific
knowledge of Herbalism remedies are all sufficient to heal the wounds rendered by the
Insect Swarm. This healing attention must be provided within 8 hours after the wounds are
sustained, or the wounds will begin to Fester. See Festering Wounds on page 10 of the

• Egg clusters laid in a creature’s skin will hatch, and larvae will burrow their way to the
surface 60 hours after being laid. As they burst out, they open fresh wounds and do (2d4)
Slashing damage and (2d4) Necrotic damage to the affected creature.


Player Difficulty Rating: |Mechanical Complexity Rating:


Fog is a common phenomenon near large The area of the fog covers every square mile
bodies of water, and it occurs frequently of territory for the next (1d4 + 1) hours of
in wetland environments as well. Although travel. If the characters do nothing to raise
it does not pose an immediate threat to the air temperature and “burn away” the fog,
individuals who are traveling through it, fog the area remains Heavily Obscured. This
can heavily obscure vision, making navigation effectively conveys the Blinded condition to all
and general perception highly difficult. creatures who rely on normal sight. A blinded
creature can’t see and automatically fails any
You may use the Impenetrable Fog to help set the ability check that requires sight. Attack rolls
mood of the environment, to add an element of against the creature have Advantage, and the
complexity to a wetland combat scenario, or to help creature’s attack rolls have Disadvantage.
your player characters to consider magical forces
Additionally, a party attempting to navigate
that may be at work in your campaign world. This through these foggy waterways is almost
encounter may also be easily transported to a certain to wander off of their original heading
Coastal environment. unless an experienced trailblazer is among
them. For every hour traveled in the
NEXT-LEVEL DESCRIPTION impenetrable fog, have the navigator roll a
“CAN YOU FOLLOW THE SOUND WIS (Survival) check to remain on course. On
OF MY VOICE?” a result of 20 or less, the party wanders for an
Passive Perception: The mist that is so prevalent hour in a random direction as determined by
here has now thickened into an impenetrable fog. a roll of (1d8).
Your vision is heavily obscured, and you are unable
to see anything around you. DIRECTION TRAVELED
ROLL 1d8
(1 HOUR)
DC 15 INT (Nature) or DC 15 WIS (Survival) 1 North
or Higher: You are aware that the fog is unable to
2 Northeast
penetrate the barrier created by the water below it,
and it occurs to you that visibility might actually be 3 East
better beneath the surface. 4 Southeast

DC 18 INT (Nature) or DC 18 WIS (Survival) 5 South

or Higher: You understand that fog dissipates 6 Southwest
when the air temperature rises. Perhaps there is
7 West
something that you or your travelling companions
may do to significantly increase the air temperature 8 Northwest
in your vicinity.
Each time the characters stray from their intended
direction of travel, an ambush by an opportunistic
PLAYER ACTION OPPORTUNITY predator is likely to occur. Poisonous snakes,
“WHAT JUST TOUCHED MY LEG?” crocodiles, constrictor snakes, shambling mounds,
Allow creative solutions for navigation and young black dragons are all excellent choices.
through the fog. Enemies or predators with
Blindsight have a distinct advantage while
the fog lingers, as do predators who move
beneath the surface of the water. If the
characters simply choose to wait until the fog
dissipates, they may find themselves at the
mercy of such monsters. Characters may have
to rely on their hearing or smell to perceive
these threats before an ambush occurs.


Player Difficulty Rating: |Mechanical Complexity Rating:
Before running this encounter, a GM should have accurate body weights and encumbrance for each
character. Total weight plays an important role in the mechanical resolution of this hazard.

NARRATIVE THREAD on a DC 15 WIS (Survival) check. On a failure,

“WATCH YOUR STEP” a creature steps into a patch of quicksand
Quicksand occurs when water cannot escape and begins to sink. Player characters who
sand, clay, or mud. This creates a liquefied soil take special precautions to move slowly, or to
which cannot support much weight. Once a probe for quicksand using a pole or stick, may
creature breaks the surface, the quicksand roll with Advantage on this check.
presses in and traps the unlucky individual.
Quicksand is a common natural hazard If in Initiative Order due to combat or a chase
in wetland and coastal areas and can be scenario, this WIS (Survival) check should be
inconvenient at best and deadly if handled made as a free check the first time a character
carelessly. uses movement on a turn.

Quicksand can be indistinguishable from

other naturally occurring pools and puddles. “I’D LIKE TO GET OUT QUICKLY,
Adventurers who travel light may not sink as IF THAT’S AN OPTION.”
deeply as those who are more encumbered, ROLL FOR INITIATIVE!
but both should keep in mind that slow and
calculated movements are the key to survival. • Once a creature has fallen into quicksand,
Drowning tends to be the first concern while place the Quicksand at Initiative Count
dealing with quicksand, but it is actually 20.
almost impossible to submerge completely.
Creatures are more buoyant in quicksand than • Each individual patch of quicksand has
they are in water, so they generally won’t sink a radius of 5 feet. Unless a creature falls
past waist deep unless forced downward. The Prone directly in a patch of quicksand,
real threats come in the forms of immobility it will initially only sink up to its center
and the risk of rapid hypothermia and of gravity. Lighter, or less encumbered,
exhaustion. creatures sink even less. Heavy creatures
may find themselves quite deep from the
Quicksand is an excellent complication to a combat start.
encounter. Hidden pockets of quicksand spread
around the battlefield can catch characters by • Active struggling and outside forces both
surprise and require players to think critically under have the potential to drive a creature
pressure. Use this encounter if you wish to have deeper into quicksand. Use the Quicksand
them work as a team to get out of a sticky situation. Table to determine initial depth and
additional depth each round. A forceful
action or spell that has the power to drive
NEXT-LEVEL DESCRIPTION a creature deeper into the quicksand
“STINKING BOG? MORE LIKE SINKING BOG!” successfully pushes it (1d3) levels deeper.
DC 14 WIS (Perception) or Higher: The terrain
ahead includes several shallow pools of water, some • Quicksand quickly saps heat energy out of
of which have small bubbles forming on the surface. a creature who is trapped there. When
a creature is at any Depth Level of the
DC 16 WIS (Survival) or DC 16 INT (Nature) quicksand at the beginning of its turn,
or Higher: Quicksand is common in wetland areas that creature must succeed on a DC
and is often concealed beneath small pools of this 14 Constitution Saving Throw or take
kind. A creature who gets stuck in quicksand and the Cold damage that corresponds to
struggles will certainly sink more rapidly than a its current depth, taking half as much
creature who is calm and collected. damage on a successful save.

• On each turn, a creature may choose

DC 17 INT (Investigation) or Higher: Using
to use an Action to attempt a STR
a probe to explore the depths of one of these (Athletics) check to remove itself from
pools, you discover that it is in fact quicksand. One the quicksand. The DC of this check is
misplaced step and you might find yourself waist determined by the creature’s current
deep in the muck. Depth Level on the Quicksand Table. This
check represents a strenuous effort that
PLAYER ACTION OPPORTUNITY will either free the creature completely or
“SO MUCH TIME TO CONTEMPLATE cause it to sink even deeper. Creatures
MY OWN DEATH.” who are able to grab onto a firmly
In order to avoid the quicksand while moving secured object (like a rope, a pole, or a
through the area, each character must succeed branch) may roll with Advantage.
50 lbs or less Shins DC 12 (1d4) 0 Levels 1 Level
51 - 150 lbs Knees DC 13 (1d6) 1 Level 2 Levels
151 - 300 lbs Thighs DC 14 (2d4) 1 Level 2 Levels
Over 300 lbs Waist DC 15 (2d6) 1 Level 2 Levels
N/A Abdomen DC 16 (2d8)
N/A Chest DC 17 (2d10)
N/A Shoulders DC 18 (3d8)
N/A Neck DC19 (3d10)
N/A Submerged DC 20 (3d12)

A creature who wishes to hold its breath before going completely under must use a Bonus
Action to inhale deeply at or before the Submerged Depth Level. Otherwise, the creature
begins Suffocating immediately on the next turn.

Suffocation Rules

A creature can hold its breath for a number of minutes equal to 1 + its Constitution modifier
(minimum of 30 seconds).

When a creature runs out of breath or is choking, it can survive for a number of rounds equal
to its Constitution modifier (minimum of 1 round). At the start of its next turn, it drops to 0 hit
points and is dying, and it can’t regain hit points or be stabilized until it can breathe again.

For example, a creature with a Constitution of 14 can hold its breath for 3 minutes. If it starts
suffocating, it has 2 rounds to reach air before it drops to 0 hit points.


Player Difficulty Rating: |Mechanical Complexity Rating:
*Before running this encounter, a GM should have accurate body weights and encumbrance for
each character. Total weight plays an important role in the mechanical resolution of this hazard.

A bog is specifically defined as a wetland that accumulates peat, or dead plant material. Over
time, this peat can create thick layers, sometimes in the form of floating mats of dead vegetation.
When these mats build up long enough to crowd together, they can completely cover large
bodies of water. This happens quite often in glacial basins that form relatively small, but deep,
ponds. As peat accumulates over time, other wetland plants, small shrubs, and even trees may
begin to grow on top of the floating mat of vegetation, giving it the appearance of an average
meadow. These quaking bogs may appear as if they are solid ground with only a few puddles
on the surface, when in reality they consist of relatively thin floating mats of vegetation on top
of a surprisingly deep body of water. The quaking bog may be able to support the weight of
adventurers walking on top of the floating mat . . . up to a point. When a hapless traveler is
unlucky enough to fall through a weak point in the mat into the dark water below, it can be
incredibly difficult to break through to the surface again as it closes overhead. Many animals
and human beings have drowned in quaking bogs for this reason.

A quaking bog is a misleading hazard that may lull your adventurers into a false sense of confidence. After
trudging through more obvious wetlands, they may mistake it as relatively dry ground. It may be even more
surprising to find one of these deep ponds covered over by floating mats of vegetation in a highland valley
among the peaks of jagged mountains. Regardless of where they are found, quaking bogs hide many
secrets. Perhaps other unfortunate adventurers (and their valuable belongings) have been lost to the bog in
ages past. Or maybe a coven of villainous hags uses the bog to snare unwary prey. A wealthy benefactor
may even send a group of adventurers to retrieve a valuable item that was lost in the bog.

There typically would not be any beastly threats beneath the surface of a quaking bog because the mat
completely blocks the surface, and the resulting acidity and low oxygen content of the waters below make it
an inhospitable environment for creatures who might otherwise live here. However, there is the possibility that
Undead creatures could exist beneath the bog mat. When one of them reaches up and pulls an adventurer
under, this makes for an incredibly complex combat environment.


Passive Perception: You have found your way • The encounter descriptions in the Next-
into an expansive clearing populated by a few holly Level Description section begin when
shrubs and an abundance of heather. There are the characters have already reached the
middle of the bog area. The bog extends
some small trees spaced out across this area, but
for (5d10 x 10) feet in all directions. Every
it’s open terrain with very little cover. Puddles are time a creature uses movement, it has a
visible in several places across the clearing, but the chance of falling through a weak spot in
thick grass that covers this area is relatively dry in the floating mat. A Percentile (d100) roll
comparison. should be made by the player each time
a character moves across the surface of
DC 13 WIS (Perception) or Higher: As you the mat. The percentages based on total
continue to walk across the clearing, you begin to weight are provided in the Bog Mat Table
realize that the ground has a bit of a “springy” feel on the next page.
to it. It bounces slightly with each step, as if you are
walking from the bow to the stern of a small rowboat. • If a character is running, jumping, or
It’s an unusual feeling, to be sure. otherwise placing additional stress on
the floating layer of vegetation, use the
DC 18 INT (Nature) or DC 18 WIS (Survival) percentages in the “Moving Recklessly”
column. If a character is crawling,
or Higher: You have heard tales of bogs that
distributing their weight over a broader
accumulate so much peat over the centuries that area, or actively working to make sure that
they form dense floating mats of vegetation. This they don’t fall through, use the percentages
seems to be such a bog, and the mat apparently in the “Taking Precautions” column.
covers a fairly large body of water that is likely very
deep as well. You’re not sure if this floating mat of • When a creature falls or is pulled through
vegetation has the strength to hold you and your the bog mat, they immediately sink
gear. to a depth of 10 feet below the mat
and become Invisible to their traveling
DC 21 INT (Nature) or DC 21 WIS (Survival) or companions who remain on the surface.
Higher: You have also heard that unwary travelers The thick vegetation closes up behind
sometimes fall through weak points in the floating the unlucky victim blocking all line of
mats and are never heard from again! It suddenly sight. Anything below the surface has
Complete Cover from creatures above
occurs to you that a broader distribution of weight is
the surface and vice versa.
likely the safest way to remain on the top side of the
floating mat. • The floating mat of vegetation on the
surface of the bog is 2 feet thick, and a
PLAYER ACTION OPPORTUNITY 5-foot square section of the mat has
“I’VE GOT A SINKING FEELING” an AC of 10 and 30 HP. When a 5-foot
square section of the mat is reduced to
ROLL FOR INITIATIVE! 0 HP, an open hole is created, allowing
creatures below the mat to surface. The
Characters who find themselves standing in mat is Immune to Piercing, Poison, and
the middle of a quaking bog may feel the Psychic damage, and it is resistant to
urgent need to get out, but slow and steady Acid and Fire damage because of the
wins the race here. Any running or jumping acidic waters of the bog.
will double the probability of breaking through
the surface. Characters may decide to probe • The water beneath the floating mat is
the mat with a long pole or a weapon as they (2d10 + 10) feet deep. Visibility beneath
gradually move to safety. They may also the surface of the floating mat is very low
decide to distribute their weight across a because most of the light from above is
broader surface area by crawling or affixing blocked by the mat. The area beneath
wider items to their feet. Some may have the surface is in Dim Light during daylight
spells that allow them to travel more lightly hours and Darkness during nighttime
across the surface of the bog as well. Allow hours.
the characters to describe their creative
modes of travel as they make their way off of
the bog mat.




Less than 50 lbs 10 or Lower 20 or Lower 5 or Lower

51 - 100 lbs 20 or Lower 40 or Lower 10 or Lower
101 - 150 lbs 30 or Lower 60 or Lower 15 or Lower
151 - 200 lbs 40 or Lower 80 or Lower 20 or Lower
201 - 300 lbs 50 or Lower Guaranteed 25 or Lower
301 - 400 lbs 60 or Lower Guaranteed 30 or Lower
Over 400 lbs 70 or Lower Guaranteed 35 or Lower

In order to help retrieve a fallen member of the party, the location of the victim must be
established first. TThis will require creating a hole in the mat or using a spell like Locate Creature.
A rescue aid like a rope or a pole may be extended through a section of the mat that has
already been cleared within range of the compromised individual.

Distribution of weight is still very important! If an attempt is made to pull a creature back up
onto the surface of the quaking bog mat, the combined weight of the rescuer(s) and rescuee(s)
should be taken into account on the Bog Mat Table above. It’s possible that additional pieces
of the mat will give way and that more of the team will fall into the water.

For example, if an adventurer with a total weight of 160 lbs is attempting to drag an adventurer
with a total weight of 250 pounds out of the water, without taking precautions to distribute
weight, there is a 70% chance (410 lbs total weight) that the rescuer will fall through the mat
as well.

Furthermore, a submerged creature must make a swim check in order to get back to the surface
- a prospect that can be made incredibly difficult by heavy armor or encumbering equipment.
See the Expanded Swimming System on page 8 of the Introduction.


Player Difficulty Rating: |Mechanical Complexity Rating:

NARRATIVE THREAD that form around the base of trees. When methane
“THIS SWAMP HAS GAS” and oxygen combine, they produce carbon dioxide,
Methane and Hydrogen Sulfide emissions which can lead to illness and/or asphyxiation.
are mostly harmless occurrences within the
swamplands, but direct exposure can be
deadly. As the players travel, they may find PLAYER ACTION OPPORTUNITY
themselves in an area that has pockets of “SO HORRIBLE I CAN TASTE IT”
swamp gas trapped beneath the surface. As Characters may use a number of methods to
various swamp gasses combine, the reaction deal with swamp gas emissions. The following
causes noxious bubbles to appear on the is a short list of possibilities:
surface of the water and produces steam-like
vapor. Bulges of peat moss and soil might Magical detection of (and/or resistance to)
be present, indicating pockets of poisonous the swamp gasses be achieved through spells
gas that have collected below.. Extremophile like Detect Poison and Disease, Protection
plants feed off these emissions in the soil, From Poison, and Resistance.
growing wherever they can carve out a niche.
It is important to refrain from lingering too Depending on the amount of time spent in
long in such an area as one can become ill the area, a creature might be able to avoid
and exhausted. It is vitally important not to the effects of the gas by holding its breath. A
expose these natural gases to fire. The results Plague Mask or a Respiration Mask would be
can be catastrophic. much more reliable though.

Swamp gas emission is a great way to introduce It is crucially important to avoid metallic
your players to the hazardous atmosphere of a sparks and any sources of fire while in the
swamp environment. It is perfect for games that proximity of swamp gas emissions.
require the players to spend an extended amount
of time traversing wetlands, and it also serves as an
excellent complication to a combat encounter.

DC 12 WIS (Perception) or Higher: While
traversing the swamp, your vision is lightly obscured
by a gentle mist that rises from the surface of the
water. Outside of the occasional bubbling sounds
coming from the fetid pool, it is eerily silent. There is
also a pungent odor of rotten eggs.

DC 14 WIS (Survival) or Higher: There is little

wildlife or vegetation present in this area. The only
exceptions are the pale shoots of an odd looking
plant that seems to lack chlorophyll. The air here
seems thin, and you feel light-headed.

DC 14 INT (Investigation) or Higher: A light

vapor is emerging from the various puddles around
you, creating a thin mist. Frothing bubbles form on
the surface of the water, exuding an acrid scent.
On the small protrusions of land nearby, misshapen
piles of soil bulge upward in a peculiar way. You find
a dead bird floating in the water nearby. It appears
that it might have suffocated.

DC 17 INT (Nature) or Higher: Some of

the natural gases found in the swamplands are
hydrogen sulfide and methane, both of which are
extremely flammable. Methane emissions can form
both under the soil on land and underwater. They
can also lead to the thriving of certain fungi plants
• Constitution Saving Throw - After spending one minute exposed to the poisonous gasses in
the mist, a creature must make a DC 15 Constitution Saving Throw. On a failure, the creature
becomes Poisoned for 1 hour. On a success, the creature is immune to the effects of the
inhaled gasses for 1 hour.

• The general mist created by the swamp gas emissions covers an area with a radius of (4d10
x 10) feet. Within this circular area, there are (4d10) individual methane pockets indicated
by slight bulges in the soil or bubbles on the surface of the water. These individual pockets
are spaced out rather evenly within the area of the mist but are close enough to one another
to create a chain reaction if just one pocket of gas is ignited.

• Each pocket has the potential to ignite and create an explosion with a radius of 10 feet. A
creature can perform the DC 14 INT (Investigation) check from the Next-Level Description
section above as a Bonus Action to locate all individual methane pockets within 30 feet of
it at the time of the check.

• Ignition: If fire or a spark of any kind comes within 10 feet of a swamp gas emission point,
all creatures in a 10-foot radius of the gas pocket must succeed on a DC 14 Dexterity Saving
Throw or take (8d6) Fire damage. A creature takes half as much damage on a success.

• Roll for Initiative! A methane pocket that has been ignited only burns for a few seconds, but
the remaining gas pockets in the area begin to light in a chain reaction. On Initiative Counts
20 and 10, all any swamp gas pockets within a 20-foot radius of one that has just exploded
will also ignite, and the players within the radius of each new explosion must make the DEX
Save mentioned above. This continues until all methane pockets in the area have exploded.


Player Difficulty Rating: |Mechanical Complexity Rating:


A Shambling Mound is a heap of decaying COME FOR US ALL”
moss, vines, and compost that is created Players may be wary of the island and the
when lightning or fey magic animates swamp risk/reward trade-off that it offers. The only
vegetation. Primarily operating as stationary way that they might avoid being attacked is
ambush predators, shambling mounds thrive to move on from this place immediately. As
in most wetland environments. Mounds that any ambush predator does, the shambling
feed frequently enough have the potential to island can remain exceptionally still, and it has
grow to a limitless mass, and some grow to perfect camouflage.
a size where they are no longer just mounds;
they become islands. There is no indication that the island is a living
creature unless spells or magical detection
This encounter may serve to make the swampy equipment are utilized. The monster does
wilderness of your campaign an even more emanate low-level heat that will register for a
menacing location. The arcane nature of this foe character wearing Goggles of Heat Detection,
but a regular compost heap generates
may lead your player characters to consider the
similar levels of heat. Spells like Detect Magic
magical powers that brought it into existence. and True Seeing will indicate the presence
Was it left here on purpose as a guardian? Did it of the dangerous plant monster. Detect
come to be through simple happenstance? Either Thoughts does not register anything from the
way, a shambling island may represent a terrifying shambling island because it does not possess
realization that all is not as it seems in the depths of any language abilities. Spells like Tiny Hut and
the unforgiving swamp. Wall of Force do not protect creatures from
attacks beneath their respective domes.
NEXT-LEVEL DESCRIPTION If player characters are wise enough to
observe this island stealthily from a distance
Passive Perception: A respite from the flooded (beyond its Blindsight range of 60 feet), they
marshlands lies ahead; a muddy island rises up may witness the true nature of the island as
before you, offering enough elevation for your entire it quickly lashes out to attack and engulf a
party to get up out of the muck and mire. young crocodile.

DC 14 WIS (Survival) or Higher: There is a

silence here that is almost deafening. The croaks
of frogs, the buzzing of insects, and the squawking
of birds have ceased completely. Animal life seems
to have abandoned the area for the time being. The
question is, “Why?”

DC 16 WIS (Survival) or DC 16 INT (Nature)

or Higher: The absence of life here would typically
indicate a toxin of some kind, or perhaps a dominant
predator. If it were a toxin, one might expect to find
dead bodies that could be examined further. If it
were a predator, those bodies would have likely
been consumed . . . Looking around, you see no




The island is a dome of decaying vegetation with a radius of 100 feet. At its highest point, it is
5 feet above the surface of the water in the surrounding swamp. The water around the island
is 5 feet deep.

The island uses the Shambling Mound stat block with the following alterations:

• The island does not move from its current position due to its massive bulk and only acts on
Initiative Counts 20 and 10.

• The island has 216 (16d12 + 112) HP

• The island’s STR score is 22, and its CON Score is 24.

• On Initiative Count 20, the island rumbles and shakes, forcing a DC 12 Dexterity Saving
Throw from all creatures who are atop it. On a failure, the creature falls Prone. The island also
inflicts crushing damage to any creatures who are currently engulfed.

• On Initiative Count 10, the island uses its Multiattack on any creatures who are within 10

• Multiattack. The island makes four slam attacks. If three attacks hit the same Medium or
smaller target, that target is Grappled (escape DC 16), and the island uses its Engulf on the

• Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: (3d8+6) Bludgeoning

• Engulf. The shambling island engulfs a Medium or smaller creature Grappled by it. The
engulfed target is Blinded, Restrained, and unable to breathe, and it must succeed on a DC
16 Constitution Saving Throw on Initiative Count 20 or take (3d8+6) Bludgeoning damage.


Rugged hills and towering mountains impact travel in remarkable ways for even the hardiest
of adventuring parties. Thinning oxygen at higher elevations, arduous terrain, and treacherous
weather conditions are just a few of the challenges that travelers may face here. Whenever a group
makes the choice to venture into the mountains, a simple misstep may be the only difference
between reaching the summit and instant death. Precipitous falls, hypothermia, altitude sickness,
and exhaustion have the potential to make this a highly challenging biome.

Travel pace in the Mountains is restricted by elevation and rate of ascent. The following table
shows the maximum distance and altitude gain a party can attain in a day’s travel (not including
forced marches).



No Slope 16 Miles, 0 Feet 24 Miles, 0 Feet 30 Miles, 0 Feet

Easy (Gentle Slope) 12 Miles, 3,000 Feet 18 Miles, 5,000 Feet 22.5 Miles, 6,000 Feet

Medium (Moderate
8 Miles, 4,000 Feet 12 Miles, 6,000 Feet 15 Miles, 8,000 Feet

Hard (Steep Slope) 4 Miles, 3,000 Feet 6 Miles , 4,500 Feet 7.5 Miles, 6,000 Feet


Both the mightiest warrior and the most powerful wizard can be laid low by ascending too
rapidly into high-altitude situations. The air is simply too thin for the unaccustomed body to
handle. As the Game Master, you will need to decide whether or not you want to include complex
mechanics for altitude sickness in your Mountain encounters.

Early signs of mild altitude sickness include a slight headache, nausea, vomiting, and loss of
appetite. Later, a mental fog falls on the creature, extremities begin to swell as tissues fill with
fluid, and nosebleeds may occur. Creatures who do not need to breathe are unaffected by
Altitude Sickness. As the party ascends they will begin to experience shortness of breath, even
while idle or sleeping, a persistent dry cough, and fever. Severe headaches follow, along with an
uncoordinated movements, inability to concentrate, and increased nausea and vomiting. If the
party climbs high enough, their vision will go blurry as the blood vessels in their eyes begin to
burst, and they might even lose consciousness as their lungs begin to fill with fluid.

Characters with knowledge of mountainous hazards, such as Rangers with mountains as their
favored terrain, Circle of the Land (Mountain) Druids, or those proficient with vehicles or mounts
that traverse the air will know that altitude sickness can be avoided by a gradual ascension of
no more than 1,000 feet per day.

For the uneducated, the symptoms of altitude sickness are mysterious and seemingly sourceless.
To them, there appears to be no perceptible reason why their physical and mental faculties
would be leaving them.

High Altitude is defined as 4,000 to 11,000 feet, Very-High Altitude is 11,000 to 18,000 feet, and
Extreme Altitude is anything above 18,000 feet.

If a party chooses to ascend at a gradual rate of less than 1,000 feet per day, Altitude Points
do not impact creatures traveling with the party until they are in the Extreme Altitude zone.

Altitude Points and Their Effects

A creature accumulates 1 Altitude Point for every 4 hours of travel in High Altitude, every 2 hours
of travel in Very-High Altitude, and every 1 hour of travel in Extreme Altitude. These Altitude
Points are cumulative, and may only be removed by the specific methods mentioned below.


0 None No negative effects None
Disadvantage on Wisdom,
1 Persistent Headache Intelligence, and Charisma ability DC 13 CON Save
Severe Headache, Nausea,
2 Disadvantage on all ability checks DC 15 CON Save
Vomiting, Nosebleeds
Previous Symptoms + Previous effects + Disadvantage
3 DC 15 CON Save
Mental Fog on Concentration Saving Throws
Previous effects + Disadvantage
Previous Symptoms + on weapon attacks and any spell
4 None
Swelling in Extremities attack rolls that require a somatic
Previous Symptoms +
Previous effects + Movement
5 Shortness of Breath and Dry None
Speed Halved
Previous effects + Daytime
Previous Symptoms + Vision Reduced to 60 Feet and
6 None
Blurred Vision Darkvision Range Reduced by
DC 12 CON Save to remain
Conscious. The DC increases by
2 for every Altitude Point above
Previous symptoms + Lungs
7 Previous effects + Unconscious 7. A Death Saving Throw must
Filling With Fluid
be rolled for every hour that a
creature is Unconscious in this


Removal of Altitude Points

When a creature receives the benefits of a Long Rest, remove one Altitude Point.

- AND -

When a creature with Altitude Points spends 8 hours in an extradimensional space

with air, such as those created by spells like Tiny Hut, remove one Altitude Point. These
methods may be combined to remove two Altitude Points if a Long Rest is taken in
one of these accommodating extradimensional spaces.

Lesser Restoration can be used to remove one Altitude Point. Greater Restoration can
be used to remove two Altitude Points. Spells that bring a creature back from the
dead do not remove Altitude Points. A skilled herbalist may also create an infusion
from Chachacoma and Mint which can increase blood circulation and help to fight
altitude sickness. When consumed during a Short Rest or a Long Rest, this tea removes
1 Altitude Point.


Player Difficulty Rating: |Mechanical Complexity Rating:

NARRATIVE THREAD to strengthen it with some of your supplies or with

While traveling through the mountain range, DC 18 INT (Investigation) or (Proficiency with
your party comes across a deep mountain Carpenter’s Tools): Only the lightest member
gorge that could add many hours of potential of your party should be sent out onto the bridge
travel time, but luck is on their side. They spot in its current state, and unneeded gear should be
a rickety rope bridge swinging in the wind,
offloaded before the attempt. It would be wise to
creaking ominously but promising to save a
great deal of travel time if crossed. Someone make sure that the person is safely secured to a
has tried to make this gorge more passable. solid anchor point while performing the necessary
Time has taken its toll—the bridge has fallen
into disrepair. The gorge is 100 ft across, and PLAYER ACTION OPPORTUNITY
the bridge spans that distance. It is 5 feet “AFTER YOU, I INSIST”
wide, drooping in the middle and swaying in Characters can make their way across the rope
the wind. The sun bleached planks of wood bridge to save time, or they can choose to go
look rotten, with some that have completely the long way. If they choose the long way,
fallen away, leaving uneven gaps. The edges use the Vertical Climb Encounter mechanics
of the ropes are frayed and untrustworthy. as they descend (2d100 + 50) feet into the
gorge and climb a similar distance back up
An unstable rope bridge presents your party with a the other side. This process will delay the
choice: take a chance and risk the stability of the journey for no fewer than 4 hours and may
bridge, or take the careful route and tind a way to put party members at significant risk of injury.
descend into the gorge and then climb back up the If they choose to cross the bridge, characters
other side. The bridge is dangerous, but it could save may attempt to reinforce the bridge after
the group days of travel. This encounter could be realizing its structural weaknesses.
used as part of a chase or in conjunction with combat
to add excitement and new dynamics. Perhaps the A Mending spell can be used to make the
necessary repairs to the bridge one 10-
wind picks up while the party is crossing, a sudden
foot section at a time (departure from spell
thunderstorm assails them while they navigate their description based on incomplete repairs
passage, or the integrity of the bridge fails and splits to the bridge). These magical repairs are
the party, placing them on opposite sides of the expedient and imperfect, but they are enough
gorge. to make the bridge safe for heavier creatures
to cross.
“IF IT SEEMS TOO GOOD Alternatively, a character proficient with
TO BE TRUE . . .” Carpenter’s Tools can make the minimally
Passive Perception: You see a rickety rope necessary repairs by succeeding on a DC 13
INT (Investigation) check while using those
bridge up ahead, swaying conspicuously in the
tools. Add the character’s Proficiency Bonus
wind. Several of the knobby, splintered planks are to these checks if not already proficient in the
hanging loosely from the frayed ropes to which they Investigation skill. If neither of these options
were once secured. are available, the party may improvise repairs
using gear and skills at their disposal, and the
DC 12 INT (Investigation) or (Proficiency GM may adjudicate the success of the repairs
with Carpenter’s Tools): Time and weather have accordingly.
eaten away at this rope bridge. You’re not sure if
you should trust it completely, but crossing it would
save you many hours of travel. If you don’t cross
here, you would have to descend several hundred
feet down into the gorge and somehow find a way
up the other side.

DC 15 INT (Investigation) or (Proficiency with

Carpenter’s Tools): The bridge has decayed
significantly. The sun bleached planks of wood look
about ready to turn to dust and blow away in the
wind if disturbed. You’re certain that it cannot hold
the weight of more than one party member at a time
in its current state, but perhaps you could find a way
MECHANICAL RESOLUTION • On a failure of either the DEX (Acrobatics)
“MMMMAYBE I SHOULD HAVE or the INT (Investigation) check, a creature
GONE FIRST…?” makes no headway and may take no
Actions, Bonus Actions, or Reactions as it
ROLL FOR INITIATIVE! spends its effort maintaining its balance
on the wildly swaying bridge. If the
The bridge extends across the entire 100-ft creature fails either check by 5 or more, a
gap. Before repairs have been completed, the gust of wind or a weak spot in the bridge
following rules apply: causes the creature to lose its footing, and
it falls through a gap in the bridge.
• A creature that falls for any reason during
an attempt to cross the bridge must • If more than 200 lbs of combined weight
succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity Saving is applied to the bridge before repairs
Throw to grab onto the remains of the have been completed across its entire
bridge and to avoid plummeting into the length, there is a 60% chance that the
gorge. ropes of the bridge will break, causing all
creatures who are on the bridge at that
• The floor of the gorge is (2d100 + time to fall. A creature who is successful
50) feet below. A fall from this height on the required DC 15 Dexterity Saving
without magical assistance, or without Throw, or who is otherwise secured, holds
being otherwise secured to avoid the fall, onto the remains of the bridge as it swings
could potentially result in severe injury toward the side with the most complete
or death. See the Expanded Climbing repairs. If no repairs have been made,
System and Fall Damage on page 6 the bridge swings toward the far side of
of the Introduction. The harness from the gorge. A creature who is able to hold
a Climber’s Kit can be used to secure a onto the bridge takes (4d6) Bludgeoning
creature to the bridge itself, or ropes damage as the bridge slams into the rock
may be secured to a location on the near wall, but may then climb up the remains of
side of the bridge. If adequately secured the bridge to safety. A creature who fails
during a fall, the Dexterity Saving Throw is the saving throw plummets into the gorge
not required. unless otherwise secured.
• A single creature weighing less than 200 Once repairs are complete, the party is
lbs (gear included) can make its way no longer in Initiative Order and may pass
across the bridge carefully by succeeding without any further risk.
on a DC 13 DEX (Acrobatics) check at the
beginning of each turn. On a success, the
creature navigates through the uneven
spacing of the planks at half of their
normal movement speed and can use an
Action to Dash, to perform partial repairs,
or to otherwise assist with the crossing
attempt. If using Carpenter’s Tools
or improvising repairs with available
supplies, the creature must also succeed
on a DC 13 INT (Investigation) check to
strengthen the bridge.


Player Difficulty Rating: |Mechanical Complexity Rating:

NARRATIVE THREAD Surprised creatures are at Disadvantage on

“LOOK AT THOSE ROCK their first round of Dexterity Saving Throws
FORMATIONS UP THERE!” against the boulders.
Rockslides are very common in mountainous
regions, and they can sometimes unseat Characters who have noticed the impending
massive boulders that have the potential to threat have only a split second to react. Allow
do alarming amounts of damage to creatures these alerted characters to use a full round of
and objects below. When several boulders the Actions, Bonus Actions, and Movement, and
size of wagons and small huts come hurtling then proceed with the Mechanical Resolution
down the hillside at uncanny speeds, the below.
party will literally have to be on their toes to
avoid a devastating impact. Remember that alerted characters who
choose to use the Dodge Action will gain
While this is not designed to be the “Rocks fall, Advantage on their Dexterity Saving Throws.
and everyone dies,” type of encounter, it can be Additionally, since the boulders only strike
potentially heavy-hitting if the dice are not in the creatures who are on the ground, any
characters’ favor. This encounter should occur in character with the ability to Fly, Levitate, or
an open “chute” on the mountainside, or perhaps to rise at least 10 feet above the ground by
somewhere above the treeline. It can be used to any other means, is completely safe from the
falling rocks.
create a very short (but potentially eye-opening)
interaction with the mountain environment, and
it might be a precursor to a later use of the more MECHANICAL RESOLUTION
violent and deadly Mountain Avalanche encounter. “WHY ARE ROCKS FALLING
The boulders may have been set on their downhill
• The boulders act on Initiative Counts 20
journey by erosion or other natural forces at work and 10, and the rocks continue to hurtle
farther up the mountainside, but it is also possible downhill for (1d3) rounds. The rocks may
that an enemy of the party could use this as a trap only strike creatures who are on the
or a warning. ground.

NEXT-LEVEL DESCRIPTION • The chute that the boulders are passing

“DID YOU HEAR THAT?” through is 200 feet wide, and the
Passive Perception: A loud “Crack!” echoes from characters are near its center. The
minimum distance to safety is 100 feet
several hundred feet above your party’s current
in a lateral direction. Moving up or down
location. It wasn’t lightning. Instead it sounded more the slope of the hill does not create a safe
like two very large rocks being struck together. distance while the boulders are active.
There are no trees or other objects that
DC 13 WIS (Perception) or Higher: As you may be climbed by creatures who are in
glance uphill, you see small stones and pebbles the path of the falling stones.
settling and rolling down the slope. You also have
just enough time to see several massive boulders • On each of the boulders’ turns, all creatures
that have bounced over the edge of an escarpment on the ground in the area must succeed
above you and are careening toward you at very on a DC 13 Dexterity Saving Throw or be
high speeds. It doesn’t take a genius to understand hit by a large stone moving at high speed.
that a collision with one of these stones could be On a success, the creature effectively
dodges the oncoming boulders and takes
no damage. On a failure, the creature is hit
by a massive rock and takes (10d6) points
PLAYER ACTION OPPORTUNITY of Bludgeoning damage, is Stunned, and
“DUCK!” is knocked Prone.

ROLL FOR INITIATIVE! Since a Stunned creature cannot move and

automatically fails future Dexterity Saving
In this particular encounter, any creatures Throws, a hit by one of these boulders can
who have Passive Perception of less than 13, be life threatening. Communicate to fellow
and who have not rolled the minimum DC 13 adventurers in the party that they will need to
WIS (Perception) check, will be surprised and assist in order to get a Stunned character out
should not be allowed to act or react in any of harm’s way.
way. Items or abilities that prevent a character
from being surprised will aid a character in
this situation.


Player Difficulty Rating: |Mechanical Complexity Rating:
Before the session, roll for the height of the wall. The wall is a nearly vertical incline that
measures (2d100 + 50) feet from bottom to top.


FROM THIS TERRIBLE PLACE” The characters are faced with a choice to
While traveling through mountainous terrain, tackle the difficult climb or to detour (3d4)
a party should expect to reach areas that are hours to find a less strenuous path. If they
only passable by vertical ascent. A sheer rock choose to make the climb, using the proper
face or a wall of ice at high altitude demands equipment is essential. Hammers, pitons,
proper skill and advanced equipment to ropes, a climber’s kit, and any other specialized
navigate successfully. climbing equipment can help to make sure
that characters are safely secured to the rock
Placing a vertical climb in your party’s path can face. Allow the party to choose a lead climber
serve the story in a number of exciting ways. When if necessary, and have them determine their
seeking a treasure, unique quest information, or a climbing order. Due to the strenuous nature
villain who has barricaded himself in a mountain of climbing a vertical surface, the hands and
fortress, the party may simply see a vertical climb feet of all climbers must be free for use during
as a temporary barrier that slows their passage. the climb. All equipment and/or creatures
that are being carried up the wall by a player
However, it can also be utilized as a part of a thrilling
character must be securely stowed in a
combat engagement, or as part of a combination backpack, a secure harness, or some other
with a mountain weather event. If the characters container.
make hasty and unadvisable choices, this simple
barrier could be their undoing.
NEXT-LEVEL DESCRIPTION • If in Initiative Order due to combat or
“BEWARE FALLING BODIES” a Chase scenario, characters may locate
Passive Perception: The rocky terrain of the sufficient handholds and footholds to
mountain pass has converged on all sides, funneling descend or ascend at half of their normal
your party into a small clearing that is enclosed by movement speed. At the beginning of
walls of stone. Directly before you, in your intended each turn, a creature may climb up or
direction of travel, stands a towering rock face that down the wall by succeeding on a DC
leads straight upward. The only choices are to climb 15 STR (Athletics) Climbing Check. The
STR (Athletics) check does not require
or to go back the way you came.
an Action or Bonus Action, but these
checks should be made on each turn
DC 12 WIS (Survival) or Higher: There are before movement is taken. The climbing
a number of risks associated with a climb of this checks may be rolled at Advantage for a
magnitude. Of course falling from a great height climber with the assistance of a rope that
onto the solid rock below could lead to injury or even is properly secured overhead.
death, but climbing injuries also include sprains,
muscle pulls, and severe cuts from jagged rocks. • If NOT in Initiative Order, use the
Making this attempt without the proper climbing Expanded Climbing System referenced
equipment would be a foolhardy undertaking. in the Introduction. A hammer and pitons
may be used by a Lead Climber who climbs
DC 15 WIS (Survival) or DC 15 INT (Nature) ahead in order to drive the pitons into the
or Higher: The pace of this climb will be slow, but climbing surface and to attach the rope
it should allow you to proceed more quickly than for trailing climbers. Use of a Climber’s
Kit by this Lead Climber assures a fall of
backtracking to find an alternate route. A competent
no more than 25 feet if a Slip should occur.
lead climber can definitely find the proper hand and
footholds and should be able to secure ropes that
will make it easier on the rest of the party.

DC 17 WIS (Survival) or DC 17 INT (Nature)

or Higher: During the time that it will take to finish
this ascent, the members of your party will be
directly exposed to harsh mountain weather, and
potentially even aerial predators who may nest
nearby. Lookouts should be posted, and climbers
will need to be prepared for anything.


Player Difficulty Rating: |Mechanical Complexity Rating:
Before the session, roll for the severity of the storm using the Storm
Severity Table on the following page.

Traversing mountainous terrain has its fair
share of dangers. However, none of them
are as formidable or deadly as being caught
in a mountain storm. Finding oneself in high
winds, freezing temperatures, falling hail, and
lightning strikes can most certainly lead to an
untimely death.

Adventurers may only find themselves dealing with

a powerful mountain storm in the most extreme of
circumstances. Perhaps the party requires a unique
item or material that can only be found at the highest
peak, or maybe the only way to reach their next
destination is through a hazardous mountain pass.
Whatever the reasoning, adding a mountain storm
encounter to your game will demonstrate the sheer
power of nature.

Passive Perception: A swift wind suddenly rushes
past you, sending chills through your body and filling
your nostrils with the familiar smell of rain.

DC 12 WIS (Perception or Higher): You notice

the distinct makings of a storm cloud in the distance.
A flash of light can be seen within its depths, followed
by a loud crack of thunder a couple of seconds later.
The gathering wind seems to be moving the storm in
your direction.

DC 14 WIS (Survival) or DC 14 INT (Nature)

or Higher: It is crucially important to find shelter
quickly as storms of this type may bring high winds,
hail, and dangerous lightning strikes.


Characters will participate in a Group Skill
Challenge to navigate their way to safety
during the storm. Remind the players of the
mechanics used in a Group Skill Challenge.
Because of the difficult terrain and the
movement speed of the oncoming storm,
characters will only have a few moments
to prepare themselves for the worst.
Allow players to describe any equipment,
techniques, or spells that their characters
are able to use in the 1 minute that they have
before the storm is on top of them. Take these
preparations into account as you begin the
Mechanical Resolution of this encounter.
When running a Mountain Storm encounter it is important to establish the severity of the
storm that the players are caught in. The storm consists of four parts; Wind Rate, Precipitation,
Lightning Strikes, and Time Required to Find Shelter.

Roll (1d4) or choose from the “Storm Severity” table below:



Level 1 - All Skill Moderate Wind Moderate Rain 4 6
Checks are at a (DC 13 CON
DC 15 Save Against
Level 2 - All Skill Strong Wind Heavy Rain 3 8
Checks are at a (DC 14 CON Disadvantage to
DC 16 Save Against checks that rely on
Hypothermia) sight
Level 3 - All Skill Strong Wind Light Hail (1d4 3 10
Checks are at a (DC 14 CON Bludgeoning
DC 17 Save Against Damage Before a
Hypothermia) Check)

Level 4 - All Skill Powerful Wind Heavy Hail (3d4 2 12

Checks are at a (DC 15 CON Bludgeoning
DC 18 Save Against Damage Before a
Hypothermia) Check)
Disadvantage to
checks that rely on

• Hypothermia: Before a character makes a skill check as a part of the group skill challenge,
that character must succeed on a Constitution Saving Throw at the DC determined by
the Wind Rate on the table above. On a failure, the character immediately takes (3d6)
Cold damage before attempting the chosen skill. If a character is wearing specialized
Cold Weather Clothing, or if the character is Resistant to Cold damage, the CON Save
may be rolled at Advantage. Creatures who are Immune to Cold damage automatically
succeed on this CON Save.

• Lightly Obscured Vision: If the storm includes Heavy Rain or Heavy Hail, any WIS
(Survival) checks to navigate to safety, as well as any WIS (Perception) checks that rely
on sight, are rolled at Disadvantage.

• Hail Damage: If the storm includes Hail, before a character makes a skill check as part
of the group skill challenge, that character takes either (1d4) points of Bludgeoning
damage for Light Hail or (3d4) points of Bludgeoning damage for Heavy Hail.

• Lightning Strike: If the prescribed number of failures takes place before a party reaches
shelter, lightning strikes in the immediate area. All creatures must succeed on a DC 15
Dexterity Saving Throw or take (8d6) Lightning damage. Creatures take half damage
on a success.


Group Skill Challenge Requirements

• Roll for Initiative! Alternatively the GM may have all players declare the checks that they
are making and to have them roll simultaneously. This allows the GM to adjudicate the
combined successes or failures of the group and to adjust consequences accordingly.
• The DCs of the required skill checks, as well as the number of successes required to find
shelter, are determined by the severity of the storm as rolled on the Storm Severity Table
above. A GM may choose to allow the players to know the DC required for success, but
they should not be aware of the number of successes that are required to find shelter
unless a character uses the WIS (Survival) skill as mentioned below.

• The use of spells does not count as a success or a failure in this challenge, but it may
assist other characters with the required skill checks, or it may help mitigate damage
from hypothermia, hail, or lightning. Due to the high winds, precipitation, and imminent
lightning strikes, Ritual spellcasting cannot be used while exposed to the storm, and
spellcasters may find it incredibly difficult to maintain concentration on spell effects.

• As per usual, characters may only use skills in which they are Proficient. The following
skills may come into play during the skill challenge, but other creative methods may also
be allowed at the GM’s discretion. The GM may choose to suggest some of these skills
for characters who are Proficient.

• A successful STR (Athletics) check may allow a player character to help the
group along through the difficult winds and treacherous terrain or to carry an
incapacitated character.

• A successful DEX (Acrobatics) check can be used to help others avoid lightning
strikes. * Special Feature: On a success, this eliminates one failure previously
accumulated by the group.

• A successful WIS (Insight) check may be used to predict the movement of the
worst parts of the storm and to seek shelter outside of its primary path.

• A successful INT (Investigation) check can be used to locate areas of partial

shelter along the path in order to avoid the worst moments of the storm.

• A successful WIS (Medicine) check allows a character to identify signs of

hypothermia and to aid those suffering from it or to stabilize an incapacitated

• A successful INT (Nature) check - May be used to understand the electrical

qualities of the storm and to forecast its level of danger (knows exactly how
many failures before the next Lightning Strike).

• A successful WIS (Perception) check allows a character to spot inherent risks in

the terrain itself to prevent unnecessary injury to members of the group. * Special
Feature: On a success, this eliminates one failure previously accumulated by
the group.

• A successful WIS (Religion) check may be used to invoke the name of a deity
and to plead for safe passage.

• A successful WIS (Survival) check allows a character to identify the shortest

path to meaningful shelter for the group (knows exactly how many successes are
required to find shelter).

Once the required number of successes has been reached, the party finds themselves in a
mountain cave that is deep enough to protect them from the cold winds, the precipitation, and
the lightning caused by the storm. The storm remains in the area for 1 additional hour and
then passes.


Player Difficulty Rating: |Mechanical Complexity Rating:
Bfore this session: First, roll for the dimensions of the avalanche. The avalanche area is (3d100
+ 50) feet wide laterally across the mountain slope, (3d100 + 100 ) feet long up and down the
mountainside, and creates a wall of snow that is (2d12 + 2) feet thick. It moves at a rate of 200
feet per second. Review the group skill challenge mechanics at the end of the Mechanical Resolution
section and all of the tables below before moving on with player actions.

An avalanche is one of the most powerful and terrifying forces of nature, rivaling hurricanes,
earthquakes, and forest fires in its intensity. Tons of ice and snow barreling down a mountainside
at speeds of up to 200 miles per hour can be absolutely catastrophic. This hazard is a killer;
mountain travelers should always be wary of the potential for avalanches after a recent snowfall.

Avalanches create an intense and exciting hazard for your adventuring party as they trek through a snowy
mountain pass, but they should be used sparingly and are likely a once-per-campaign type of encounter. Not
only do avalanches have the power to annihilate a party, but to experience the power of an avalanche once
is likely enough to keep characters on the lookout any time they venture into the mountains. Be thoughtful
when including this hazard and pick the proper timing and location.

The relative power of the avalanche is determined by its thickness as indicated on the Avalanche
Power Table below:

Avalanche Power Table


1 1-5 feet 12 +6 3 feet
2 6-10 feet 16 +8 8 feet
3 11-15 feet 22 +11 13 feet
4 16 feet or more 30 +15 18 feet

The Strength Save DC of the avalanche and its Strength Modifier will be especially important
in determining the safety of characters who have climbed trees, who are hanging onto
boulders, or who are using special equipment or magic to resist the effects of the avalanche.

At any point when a creature is in direct contact with the moving snow in the area of the
avalanche, that creature must succeed on a Strength Saving Throw against the DC determined
by the avalanche’s thickness. On a success, that creature is able to avoid being dragged away
and buried by the snow. On a failure, the creature is dragged and buried somewhere down
the mountainside. Any equipment or objects that were not being worn by a character who is
caught up in the avalanche are also dragged away and buried in random locations downhill.
A buried creature’s or object’s depth beneath the surface is determined by the Bury Depth on
the Avalanche Power Table.

If a creature is utilizing equipment or a specific terrain feature to resist the pull of the snowslide,
the avalanche also makes a Strength check (with the appropriate modifier from the Avalanche
Power Table) against the Breakage Threshold of the piece of equipment or terrain feature. A
list of common breakage points are listed below:


Rope (Hempen) Any length DC 17 Strength Check
Rope (Silk) Any Length DC 17 Strength Check
Chain Any length DC 20 Strength Check
Trees Small, Medium, or Large Listed in Terrain Assistance Table Below


DC 13 WIS (Perception) or Higher: The snow on the mountainside is particularly thick. As you continue
to trudge through it, you begin to notice conspicuous cracks in the surface of the snow, and you hear a deep
“whumping” sound as the snow shifts and settles underfoot.

DC 15 INT (Nature) or WIS (Survival) or Higher: You have stumbled into an area that is ripe for an
avalanche! Any sudden movements or loud noise will most certainly set it off, and you have only a moment
to get yourself and your companions to safety!

DC 18 INT (Nature) or WIS (Survival) or Higher: Outrunning an avalanche is impossible. The snow
and ice will reach incredible speeds as it slides down the steep mountainside. Your only hope is to climb high
enough, or to move laterally across the slope of the mountain, to get yourself completely out of its path. If you
are ultimately caught in the deluge, you are likely to be buried alive!


• Roll for Initiative! Alternatively the GM may have all players declare the checks
that they are making and to have them roll simultaneously. This allows the GM
to adjudicate the combined successes or failures of the group and to adjust
consequences accordingly.

• If any characters have recognized the threat (successful DC 15 Nature or Survival

check or higher), those characters should be given a full round of Action, Bonus
Action, and Movement to mitigate the risk. All creatures who failed to meet at
least the DC 15 checks above, are caught by surprise and should not be given the
opportunity to react in any way.

• Characters with Passive Perception of at least 12, and who are aware of the avalanche
threat, may immediately assess the width of the avalanche area and their relative
position in it. Surprised and imperceptive characters are unaware of the avalanche
dimensions or their options to avoid it. Roll (1d6) on the Party Location Table to
determine the party’s general position within the avalanche zone:


Roll 1d6 Location Within the Avalanche Area

1-2 The party is directly in the center of the avalanche area.
3-4 The party is 100 feet from a safe area on the lateral edge of the avalanche zone.
5 The party is 50 feet from a safe area on the lateral edge of the avalanche zone.
6 The party is 25 feet from a safe area on the lateral edge of the avalanche zone.

• This same DC 12 Passive Perception check may also reveal trees and boulders
that are in close proximity and that offer potential elevation above the flow of the
avalanche for characters who are aware of the threat. Surprised characters may
not take advantage of these terrain items. A DC 13 STR (Athletics) check will be
required to climb any of these terrain features at the beginning of the Group Skill
Challenge. Have each alerted character roll (1d10) according to the following table
to determine what terrain elements are nearby.




1-4 Cannot reach any object nearby N/A
5-6 Can reach a small tree nearby Breaks on a DC 20 STR check
7 Can reach a medium sized tree nearby Breaks on a DC 25 STR check
8 Can reach a medium sized boulder nearby Does not break
9 Can reach a large boulder nearby Does not break
10 Can reach a large tree nearby Breaks on a DC 30 STR check

• If a character is aware that the party is close enough to the lateral edge of the
avalanche area, the best possible self-preservation strategy is likely to Dash out
of the potential path of the avalanche. However, if an alerted character is unlucky
enough to be in the middle of the affected area, the only option may be to climb a
tree or a boulder and to hope for the best. Surprised characters have no option but
to rely on their strength as the avalanche begins. Allow the casting of helpful spells
and the use of specialized equipment by alerted characters here, if they choose to
use their Actions or Bonus Actions for that purpose, and then move on to the group
skill challenge mechanic to resolve the encounter.

MECHANICAL RESOLUTION • A successful DC 13 DEX (Acrobatics)

“WE’RE GOING FOR A RIDE!” check allows an alerted character to jump
When the alerted characters have had their safely from boulder to boulder, or tree to
opportunity to act, the avalanche is triggered tree, while the avalanche is still moving.
and begins in earnest. The outcome of this A failure results in a fall into the moving
encounter will be determined by a Group avalanche.
Skill Challenge. Successes need not be
tracked, but the group must avoid the flow • A successful DC 13 WIS (Perception)
of the avalanche and uncover any buried check allows an alerted character to
creatures and objects before accumulating 5 track the relative positions of up to 3
total failures. creatures or objects that are caught in
the flow of the avalanche while it is still
The casting of spells does not count as a in progress. On a failure, the character is
success or a failure in the group tally but may unable to keep track of the locations of
aid in related skill checks. A buried creature any creatures or objects.
may cast spells only if it has the necessary
breathing room and bodily space for Verbal • A successful DC 13 WIS (Survival)
and Somatic components of the spell check allows a creature who is being
(unlikely). dragged and buried by the avalanche
to create a small pocket of air beneath
As per usual, characters may only use skills in the snow as it settles. This grants the
which they are Proficient. The following skills creature additional breathable air before
may come into play during the skill challenge, beginning to suffocate and allows space
but other creative methods may also be for Verbal and Somatic spell components.
allowed at the GM’s discretion. The GM may
choose to suggest some of these skills for • A successful DC 13 STR (Athletics)
characters who are Proficient. check allows a creature who is being
dragged and buried by the avalanche
Stage 1: Avalanche Triggered to use a swimming motion to remain
close to the surface. This results in the
Potential checks available as the avalanche creature’s being buried closer to the
begins - Stage 1 of the Challenge (ends when surface and grants Advantage to direct
all characters have had the opportunity to WIS (Perception) or INT (Investigation)
make their first skill check) checks used by unburied creatures to
find them.
• A successful DC 13 STR (Athletics) check
allows an alerted character to climb At this point, the avalanche slows and
quickly to the highest point of a tree or settles at a point well down the slope of the
boulder, if there is one nearby. A failure mountainside (the number of feet rolled for
results in a fall into the moving avalanche. the avalanche length) from where it began.


All creatures who were moved by the • A successful DC 13 WIS (Perception)
avalanche are buried, Blinded, Deafened, check allows an unburied creature with
and Suffocating (with the exception of a the Keen Hearing and Smell trait to locate
successful Survival check above). another creature or object that is buried
under the snow after the avalanche has
Suffocating - When a creature runs out of settled. On a failure, the creature is
breath or is choking, it can survive for a unable to pinpoint the location of other
number of rounds equal to its Constitution buried creatures or objects until its next
modifier (minimum of 1 round). At the start turn.
of its next turn, it drops to 0 hit points and
is dying, and it can’t regain hit points or be • A successful DC 13 INT (Investigation)
stabilized until it can breathe again. check allows an unburied character to
locate creatures and objects that have
Stage 2: Avalanche Settled been buried by the avalanche based on
the debris pattern. This check may be
Potential checks available after the avalanche made at Advantage if a previous WIS
has settled - Stage 2 of the Challenge (ends (Perception), WIS (Survival), or INT
when all creatures and objects have been (Religion) check hast been successful.
uncovered OR when 5 total failures have been On a failure, the character who failed is
accumulated across both Stages combined) unable to pinpoint the location of other
buried creatures or objects until its next
• A successful DC 13 INT (Survival) check turn.
allows an unburied character who is
attempting to locate a buried creature • A successful DC 13 STR (Athletics)
or object to use a long stick or pole as a check allows an unburied creature to dig
probe. If successful while searching for 1 foot into the snow (without the aid of
a buried creature, this probing technique equipment) where an object or creature
also creates a breathing hole that is known to be buried. Improvised
eliminates the possibility of Suffocation equipment may allow the character to
for one creature who is buried beneath dig more quickly at the GM’s discretion.
the snow. On a failure, the character is If specialized equipment (like a shovel or
unable to locate objects or creatures that a mining pick) is used during this check, a
have been buried by the snow until its creature can dig 5 times as deep on each
next turn. attempt.

• A successful DC 13 INT (Religion) check

allows an unburied character to receive The group may continue making skill checks
guidance from a patron deity that aids until they have accumulated a total of 5
in the location of buried creatures or failures (adjusted by any reversals mentioned
objects. On a failure, the deity chooses above). When 5 failures have been tallied, all
not to intervene for the remainder of undiscovered objects and creatures become
the challenge, and this check cannot be impossible to locate. Buried creatures
repeated by the character who failed. who rely on the ability to breathe die from
Suffocation. Buried objects are permanently
removed from character inventory.


Player Difficulty Rating: |Mechanical Complexity Rating:


BE FLOATING LAND MASSES?” Each earthberg represents an area of land
In civilizations where the arcane arts have that is (1d10) x 1000 square feet. Each
reached their zenith, conclaves of wizards earthberg is also levitating at its own unique
have inevitably come to the conclusion that height (3d10) x 100 feet above the surface of
their strongholds are safer when floating far the terrain below.
above the common earthbound peasants.
Therefore, adventurers in these realms There is very little mechanical complexity
may have reason to encounter the floating to this encounter, but a GM can craft some
earthbergs on which these fortresses rest. meaningful complications to a battle that
Although powerful magic is required to keep rages hundreds or thousands of feet in the air.
them aloft, earthbergs place very meaningful Utilize the Fall Damage from the Expanded
separation between powerful mages and Climbing System in the introduction, and
those who might seek to unseat them. consider the following mechanics for rescuing
a falling character.
Earthbergs represent an intentional blockade for
your campaign storyline. Adventurers will not be • When a character falls from an earthberg,
able to reach these floating bits of terrain without Initiative must be rolled if it is not already
flying mounts, flying vehicles, or powerful magic. in effect.
Depending on the methods by which characters
• The falling creature descends at a rate of
choose to alight on earthbergs, there may also be a 500 feet per round if there is no system
significant risk of their plummeting back to the ground of restraint or magic to stop or slow the
below. Consider carefully what other defenses fall.
the mage denizens of these floating islands would
employ and let gravity do the rest. • Another creature may use a Reaction to
assist a falling creature during the turn in
which the fall is initiated.
TO DESCRIBE THESE THINGS” • Any other rescue attempts must utilize
a character Action or Bonus Action,
Passive Perception: Hundreds of feet above the
and must take this rate of descent into
rocky terrain on which you stand, massive islands of account.
stone hover in the sky like dense clouds.

DC 15 INT (Arcana) or Higher: The arcane

power that is necessary to hold these earthbergs
aloft is substantial. Such a feat of magic could only
be performed by a mighty group of wizards, or by
a magical artifact that has been infused with their
collective power.

DC 18 INT (Arcana) or Higher: Access to the

floating islands can only be attained through flight
or teleportation. The wizards who reside there
would likely prefer the use of teleportation circles
or interdimensional portals that they can control


If the characters know of a way to travel to
the surface of a nearby earthberg, they may
choose to do so. Otherwise, this serves as a
mystery that the players will need to solve.
Information may also be available on the
arcane defenses that are used to protect each


• Consider the following example:

• The group is already in Initiative Order because they were in the midst of a combat
engagement with Trevanya, the evil mage, and her minions.
• The earthberg on which this combat encounter takes place is 900 feet in the air.
• Grio Whiteshine is propelled off of the edge of the earthberg when Trevanya casts
• If Grio hits the ground, it will be at a velocity that is sufficient to cause his death.
• Grio will have fallen 500 feet by the end of Trevanya’s 6-second turn in combat unless
someone else in the party has prepared a Reaction spell, like Featherfall, or can use a
Reaction in some other way to change this eventuality.
• Luckily for Grio, his good friend Vertha had previously positioned himself at the edge
of the earthberg and had readied an Action to lasso anyone unlucky enough to fall. He
uses his Reaction to make the Dexterity check that is necessary to toss a rope around
Grio’s flailing legs, . . . but he fails miserably when he rolls below the necessary DC of 13
that the GM has established for this task.
• Grio’s other companion, Klaesic, uses his action to leap onto the back of his trained
wyvern mount and Dash through the air to Grio’s rescue. However, since the wyvern can
only fly a maximum of 160 feet on its turn, Klaesic comes up 340 feet short. He has no
other abilities that can help Grio at that range.
• As Grio continues to fall, he can cast Levitate on himself when his next turn comes
around because he has another 400 feet to fall before he makes contact with the hard
ground below.
• If Grio is all out of spell slots, he might also remember that he can use his Ring of Air
Elemental Command to slow his descent. If all of those options fail, Grio goes SPLAT!


Forests may seem almost commonplace in the life of an adventurer because they are so
prevalent in the wilderness. They may be a source of mystery, housing hidden civilizations or
lost artifacts. They may also provide shelter and respite for weary travelers. However, a scenic
woodland can quickly turn into a deadly environment just as easily as any of the other natural
biomes in this guide.

Woodlands offer a little bit of everything to your party, but the general level of risk is lower than
in some of the other environments in this book. Many of the hazards mentioned here provide
opportunities for narrative expansion and world-building, but most will not be life-threatening
for player characters. See the Player Difficulty and Mechanical Complexity Ratings for more


There are no penalties to travel pace in this environment. Use standard travel speeds from the
core rules.


Player Difficulty Rating: |Mechanical Complexity Rating:
Before running this encounter, decide if the cave is occupied or unoccupied. If
occupied, design an appropriate level encounter using beasts or monstrosities.
Provide signs of their coming and going from the cave in the form of tracks, fresh kills,
or other-worldly traces. If unoccupied, use the hazards detailed below.

NARRATIVE THREAD The following checks relate to what the party

“HELLO? ANYBODY IN THERE?” knows when they discover an unoccupied
Caves can be found almost anywhere. cave:
Forests, however, can provide a unique set of
circumstances that create caves unlike any • DC 13 WIS (Survival) or Higher: There is no
other. The most-common type is caused by sign that the cave is occupied. No fresh tracks,
a forest taking root over limestone, typically
no scat, no other markings that would indicate
after a mudslide, volcanic eruption, flood, or
other mass movement of earth. After decades anything has made a home here. It is odd that a
or centuries of tree roots slowly breaking seemingly good shelter in the wilderness would
the stone apart, cracks form allowing water be unoccupied.
to wash away much of the stone not held
by tree roots. This process can create vast • DC 16 WIS (Survival) or Higher: Caves
underground chambers and passageways in this sort of terrain can build up a significant
lined with tree roots. amount of deadfall in them. The process of
all the vegetation rotting away can cause a
At some point in your campaign adventures, the concentration of noxious gases which can
party is likely to be desperate for shelter and a Long linger in low places. It could also be that this
Rest. That is the time to introduce a mysterious cave. cave floods frequently, prohibiting anything from
A dry cave may seem very inviting. However, these living here for long. Maybe there is a darker,
places are rarely unoccupied, and if they are, there more sinister reason the cave is unoccupied. Or
is likely a very good reason. Perhaps there is an maybe it is nothing at all.
accumulation of poisonous gas, or maybe the cave
floods regularly. Perhaps the cave is haunted or • DC 18 WIS (Perception) or Higher: As you
serves as a portal to some other plane or existence. peer down into the absolute darkness of the
The narrative options are almost limitless. cave entrance, the wind swirls for just a moment,
and you feel a bit lightheaded. Perhaps just a
bit of vertigo? Or maybe there is something foul
The following checks relate to finding the PLAYER ACTION OPPORTUNITY
If the party is descending into the cave,
• DC 13 WIS (Survival) or Higher: Animal they may have an additional opportunity to
tracks in the area clearly avoid certain parts of spot any threat that lurks within. Climbing
the terrain ahead, though it is not clear why. equipment and ropes may help to ease their
descent, and use of light sources or Darkvision
• DC 16 WIS (Perception) or Higher: It’s will be imperative.
very hard to see, but there is an opening in the
ground that is covered by twigs, leaves, and
other deadfall. It doesn’t look like a trap. It could
have occurred quite naturally.

• DC 16 INT (Nature) or Higher: By its very

nature, this forest is certain to have hidden caves
and pits. The limestone terrain makes it almost
impossible for there not to be caves here.


The entrance cavern is (3d6 x 10) feet deep, and the descent into the cave is nearly vertical. Use
the Expanding Climbing System rules to adjudicate climbing progress and falls. The GM will
need to track relative positions of the climbers as they move up or down the cave walls.

• A 10-foot-thick layer of accumulated cave gas lingers at the bottom of this entrance.

• The specific properties of the gas may cause asphyxiation, explosion, or both.

• A creature can hold its breath for a number of minutes equal to 1 + its Constitution modifier
(minimum of 30 seconds).

• When a creature runs out of breath or is choking, it can survive for a number of rounds equal
to its Constitution modifier (minimum of 1 round). At the start of its next turn, it drops to
0 hit points and is dying, and it can’t regain hit points or be stabilized until it can breathe

Accumulated Gasses

These gasses are odorless and colorless and will slowly suffocate the party if they remain at the
base of the cavern. They also have the potential to ignite if given a spark.

• While in the gas layer in the bottom 10 feet of the cave entrance, any source of mundane
or magical flame, or any forceful metal-on-metal contact that is sufficient to create a spark,
immediately causes the gasses to detonate.

• Any creature caught in the explosion must make a DC 15 Dexterity Saving Throw, taking
(6d6) points of Fire damage on a failure, or half as much on a success.

• Furthermore, the detonation shakes the cave walls violently. Any creatures who are climbing
walls in any part of the cave at the time of the explosion must succeed on a separate DC
13 Dexterity Saving Throw to avoid falling from the wall. Use of a climbing rope grants
Advantage on this Save, and use of a Climber’s Kit will prevent a fall of more than 25 feet.
Consult the Expanded Climbing Rules for details on fall damage and injuries.


• Any creature who is in the bottom 10 feet
of the cave at the time of the explosion
must make a separate DC 13 Dexterity
Saving Throw or take (2d6) Bludgeoning
damage from falling rocks shaken loose
by the detonation, taking half damage on
a success.

• If no detonation has occurred, a creature

who spends 1 minute in the accumulated
gasses at the bottom of the cave must
succeed on a DC 12 Constitution Saving
Throw or immediately take 1 Level of
Exhaustion. Creatures who do not need
to breathe are not affected by the gasses
in this way.

• At the end of the next minute, if a creature

is still in the gas layer, it must succeed on
a DC 13 Constitution Saving Throw or take
another Level of Exhaustion. The DC of
these Con Saves increases by one for each
minute spent in the gas such that the DC
is 12 + the number of minutes since the
initial Constitution Saving Throw.


Player Difficulty Rating: |Mechanical Complexity Rating:

NARRATIVE THREAD is an imminent threat to anyone who is below

“THE ABUNDANCE OF TREES this widowmaker. While it may or may not fall,
PROVIDE SOME SHELTER” this is a very dangerous location for your camp.
Among the various challenges of the forest,
there is one so mundane that adventurers
may simply overlook it. A dead or dying PLAYER ACTION OPPORTUNITY
tree is easy to spot, and it may remain in its “A CUT ABOVE THE REST”
place for many years after the last sap has If none of the advanced checks from the
circulated through its trunk. Whether due Next-Level Description section are successful,
to lightning, disease, time, weight of snow, the characters are not aware of the danger
landslides, or volcanic eruptions, dead trees that looms above the campsite. Have the
are easy to identify by their lack of leaves characters establish their watch order and
and deteriorating bark. However, unobservant move on to the Mechanical Resolution section
travelers may unknowingly set up camp of this encounter.
beneath the formidable heft of these plants,
and the consequences can be horrendous. The only ways to avoid the damage from
the falling tree are to move to an alternate
A deadfall encounter can be used in either a forest or campsite or to protect the campers below
a jungle setting, and once a party has experienced with a significant mundane or magical barrier
that can withstand the initial impact.
this disaster at their campsite, their level of diligence
will likely go through the roof. It creates a feeling
of constant threat in a wilderness environment. MECHANICAL RESOLUTION
This encounter may be used in combination with “I’VE GOT A CRUSH ON YOU”
some meaningful push to establish camp, forcing • On each character’s watch, Flip a coin
player characters to make decisions quickly and or Roll (1d2) to see if the tree falls. On
a Heads (1), the tree will fall during this
potentially overlook the danger. It also serves as a
watch, and on a Tails (2), the tree will
great complication to a combat encounter in the late hold until the next watch. If the tree is to
watches of the night. fall, have the character who is on watch
make another attempt at a DC 20 WIS
NEXT-LEVEL DESCRIPTION (Perception) check. On a success, they
“THE CREAKING IS QUITE OMINOUS” hear the snapping of the trunk as the
• Passive Perception: The wind is picking up high winds continue to buffet the canopy
around you. As you look around the woodlands, above and have just one turn to aid their
party. On a failure, they too are Surprised
you notice there are dead branches littering the
as the tree plummets to the earth in the
forest floor. Many of these could be used for center of the campsite.
kindling; this might be a good place to gather
firewood and make camp. • Roll for Initiative as the tree is coming
down. The tree acts on Initiative Count
• DC 15 WIS (Perception) or Higher: The 20 and only acts once. All characters
wind is moving briskly through the trees and who are sleeping or otherwise unaware
the sky is darkening quickly. It is possible that of the threat are Surprised and may not
a storm may be moving in. The trees sway back take Actions, Bonus Actions, Reactions, or
and forth from the gusts, and the strain can be Movement, during the first round.
heard in the form of occasional creaks echoing
through the forest. • A conscious character, such as an Elf with
the Trance ability or a person on watch,
notices the falling tree and gets to make
• DC 17 WIS (Survival) or Higher: As an
a DC 18 Dexterity Saving Throw to move
experienced survivalist, you have made a habit outside of the affected radius, avoiding
of always checking the canopy above your all damage on a success. Others who were
planned campsite. As you look up, you are sleeping or surprised cannot make a Save
incredibly thankful for this old habit. (Reveal the to avoid damage. The massive tree trunk
information from the Perception check below) hits every creature and object within a 30-
foot radius of the center of the campsite as
• DC 20 WIS (Perception) or Higher: A it smashes into the ground, rolls, bounces,
massive, dead tree of tremendous girth is and shatters.
leaning precariously toward the center of your
campsite. The gray trunk is somewhat supported
by intersecting branches of other trees, but there


• The tree deals (6d12 + 6) Bludgeoning damage to all creatures and objects that it hits,
and the circular area of the campsite within the 30-foot radius becomes Difficult Terrain
until cleared. This damage is enough to destroy standard tents and wagons, but it is not
enough to break through spells like Tiny Hut, or Wall of Force, or the dome of an Instant

• If a creature is hit by the tree, it must roll a DC 14 Strength Saving Throw or be knocked
Prone and become Restrained by a large piece of the fallen tree. The creature may repeat
the Saving Throw at the end of its next turn to end the Restrained condition.

• This obviously interrupts a Long Rest attempt, and the impending chaos after the tree falls
may draw the attention of forest predators or other enemies who may attack while members
of the party are hurt and distracted.


Player Difficulty Rating: |Mechanical Complexity Rating:


A wild forest area leads to hunting activity The obvious choice that player characters
of all kinds. Travelers should be aware that must make is whether or not to follow the
animal traps may be present along game game trails to expedite travel. Allow the
trails, and that these traps can cause serious players to discuss the pros and cons of each
injury. Traps in the forest may include Spring decision and adjudicate the outcome with the
Snares, Tension Traps, Deadfall Traps, and Pit mechanical details below.
Traps. These traps are generally set in large
numbers, so from time to time even the most If the characters choose to blaze their own
responsible of hunters may forget or abandon trail instead of following the game trails, the
an armed trap in the depths of the forest. journey through this thick portion of the
forest should take an extra (2d4) hours. At
A hunting trap is a simple complication to forest the end of that time period, the party makes
travel that has the potential to reinforce the dangers it safely to a more manageable area of the
of the wildlands for your player characters. PCs are wood, but each character must succeed on a
generally looking for traps while they travel through DC 12 Constitution Saving Throw or take one
level of Exhaustion.
a dungeon, but perhaps fewer characters will be
actively looking for traps while strolling along a forest
trail. The traps may have been set by a forgetful MECHANICAL RESOLUTION
hunter, a villainous band of forest-dwelling ruffians, “WHAT AN INGENIOUS CONTRAPTION!”
or a Troll looking for an easy meal. Perhaps the If traveling along the game trails, have the
responsible party is still lurking nearby, ready to take players determine a single file marching order
advantage when the trap is sprung. If so, this creates as they proceed. Only the lead character
should be allowed to perceive the presence
an exciting complication to a combat encounter.
of a trap before it is sprung. Lead characters
with the Alert Feat (or any other feature that
NEXT-LEVEL DESCRIPTION eliminates the possibility of surprise) will
“THE EASIER PATH SOMETIMES automatically notice the presence of a trap
COMES WITH CHALLENGES OF ITS OWN.” just before approaching the trigger.
• Passive Perception: The forest has thickened
significantly here. The trees are packed tightly The characters will encounter one of the
together and the undergrowth is very thick in following hunting traps after approximately
most places. However, you do notice that there half an hour of travel. Roll on the Hunting Trap
are game trails where animals have beaten Table or choose the trap that you prefer for the
encounter. Details of each trap mechanism
paths through the thick foliage. You must choose
are provided on the following page.
whether to blaze your own trail or to follow the
natural pathways that already exist.

• DC 14 WIS (Survival) or DC 14 INT

(Investigation) or Higher: Bending down to
take a look at one of the game trails, you can
see hoof marks that indicate large prey species
that have passed this way recently. You can
also see the paw marks of predators that seem
to utilize this trail as well.

• DC 17 WIS (Survival) or Higher: Game

trails make for much easier and faster travel
through the forest, but there is a reason that
predators of all kinds stalk these trails. It would
be wise to stay alert.





Lead character is snared by the

ankle and hangs upside down, 10
1 Spring Snare DC 14
feet above the ground. (Details

Lead character must succeed on a

2 Tension Spear Trap DC 16 DC 15 Dexterity Saving Throw or be
impaled by the spear (Details Below)

First two characters must succeed

on a DC 12 Dexterity Saving Throw
3 Deadfall Trap DC 14
or be crushed by the falling log
(Details Below)

Lead character falls into an 8-foot-

4 Pit Trap DC 18
deep spiked pit (Details Below)

Spring Snare: This trap can be used to

snare anything from rabbits to full-sized
deer. A flexible sapling or branch serves as
the spring pole and is attached to a stake
that is driven far enough into the ground
to hold the tension. A simple trigger
mechanism is attached to a tripwire, and
when the tension on the sapling is released,
the animal is snared and pulled up off the
ground as the tree regains its upright
position. A creature caught in a Spring
Snare is Restrained until the rope takes 2
points of Slashing damage. If a creature
falls from its snared position, it takes (1d6)
Bludgeoning damage from the fall.

Tension Spear Trap: One end of a trip

wire is secured to a stationary stake, while
the other end is attached to a hair trigger.
When the trigger is activated, the tension
on a horizontal bent branch is released,
driving a fire-hardened wooden spear tip
into the creature’s flank. These traps are
often used for wild boar, so the spear tip
typically strikes 2-3 feet off the ground.
The spear tip impales a creature, doing
(3d10 + 8) points of Piercing damage,
and the creature is Restrained by the trap
until the spear tip is removed. The use of a
Help Action from someone other than the
impaled party member is sufficient to end
the Restrained condition.


Deadfall Trap: A large stone or log is
balanced precariously in such a way that it
will fall across the trail when the trigger is
activated. For hunting purposes, the trigger
may be a tripwire or a line that is attached
to some sort of bait. In this case a tripwire
releases the support beneath a 500-pound
log that falls onto the pathway, doing (8d6 +
10) Bludgeoning damage and conveying the
Restrained condition to any creature it hits. A
creature remains Restrained in this way until
the creature itself, or another member of the
party, uses an Action to move the log away.
A character who can Push, Drag, or Lift 500
pounds or more is automatically successful.
All others must succeed on a DC 15 Strength
check to move the log away.

Pit Trap: A pit trap is made by digging

a deep pit in the ground and planting
sharp stakes pointed upwards from
the bottom. Foliage covers the top of
the pit but will not support more than
30 pounds of weight. A creature who
falls into this pit trap takes (4d10 + 10)
Piercing damage and is Restrained
while impaled on the wooden stakes.
The use of a Help Action from someone
other than the impaled party member
is sufficient to end the Restrained

Wounds sustained from the Tension Spear or the Pit Trap may begin to fester at the
GM’s discretion. Use the mechanics for Festering Wounds from the introduction.


Player Difficulty Rating: |Mechanical Complexity Rating:
Before the session, choose or roll for the severity of the rapids using the River Turbulence
Table below. Turbulence Levels 5 and 6 should be considered potentially deadly.


Turbulence Level Rate of Movement Per Round (with or
Width of River
Roll (1d6) without a Water Vehicle)
1 (4d6 + 10) feet 60 feet
2 (6d6 + 20) feet 90 feet
3 (4d8 + 30) feet 120 feet
4 (6d8 + 40) feet 150 feet
5 (6d10 + 50) feet 180 feet
6 (8d10 + 60) feet 210 feet


When rivers become more turbulent and Passive Perception: You hear the sound of
violent, they transform into whitewater rushing water coming from somewhere up ahead.
rapids. This natural occurrence demonstrates As you emerge from the tree line, you see the white
the sheer power of a moving body of water rushing water of a raging river with no clear pathway
and should be approached with caution. across.
White water rapids occur when the course
of a river becomes so turbulent that the
DC 14 WIS (Survival) or Higher: The whitewater
unstable current froths, making the water
appear opaque and white. This can occur here indicates severe danger. Swimming across is
when the gradient (the rate at which a river nearly impossible and getting caught in the current
changes elevation) increases, when a river is can be life-threatening. Perhaps heading up or down
constricted or forced into a narrow channel, stream will lead to a calmer part of the river that is
when there is a major obstruction (such as a easier to traverse.
large boulder in the middle of the river), or
when heavy volumes of water lead to a higher DC 15 INT (Nature) or Higher: Whitewater rapids
stream flow rate. Each of these elements can occur when obstructions, changes in gradient, and
contribute to a whitewater rapid and cause natural constrictions break up the natural flow of
the river to become extremely dangerous to water. All of these features can be quite fatal for
navigate. creatures who are swept up by the water. Rapids
often continue on for miles in either direction.
This encounter may easily be used in both the
mountain and the forest biomes. Introducing
DC 16 INT (Investigation): Trees along either
whitewater rapids into your game may complicate
shoreline hang over the river. It is a risky proposition,
a timed element of your campaign, forcing player
but perhaps staying above the water will prove
characters to make a partially informed or reckless
useful if you can figure out a way to bridge the gap.
decision in order to achieve an objective. This
encounter also has the potential to send characters
off course, forcing them to traverse uncharted PLAYER ACTION OPPORTUNITY
territories. There is a risk of losing precious cargo, “SOME OF US COULD USE A BATH”
and there is also the potential for reward in the form Some potential player choices are detailed
here, but the GM may allow for other creative
of shorter travel time, should they choose to ride the
solutions to the problem as well. At any point
rapids downstream. when a character falls into the water, Roll
for Initiative and proceed to the Mechanical
Resolution section of this encounter.
Spell Considerations


A spell like Control Water that creates a If the average roll of the group is below the
pathway through the wild river can be required DC threshold, the boat or canoe is
extremely helpful in this scenario. However, smashed against the submerged rocks and all
the cantrip Shape Water has no meaningful passengers are thrown into the water. If the
impact on an attempt to cross the river due party succeeds, then they successfully ride the
to its limited area. Additionally, creatures rapids and travel downriver in a short amount
targeted by the spell Water Walk are able of time. The GM must determine whether or
to remain on the surface of the water for not this puts them closer to their objective.
the duration, but they are still subject to
the turbulence of the moving surface and
A target of the Water Walk spell must
succeed on a DC 13 DEX (Acrobatics) ROLL FOR INITIATIVE!
check in order to move across the surface
of the torrent successfully. On a failure, Turbulent River Features
the creature stumbles and takes (3d4)
Bludgeoning damage and must attempt the While outside of a Water Vehicle and being
DEX (Acrobatics) check again to continue moved by the turbulent river, a creature may
moving in this way. The Bludgeoning damage encounter Turbulent River Features. While in
applies to each failure. Initiative Order, the GM may adjudicate how
these features affect any creatures who are
Finding Another Route attempting to assist from a moving Water
The simplest solution is for the characters to
remain on solid ground until they can find a At the beginning of each creature’s turn,
more appropriate place to cross. For every the river moves that creature a number of
hour of travel in a consistent direction either feet determined by the River Turbulence
upriver or downriver, roll (1d4-1) and subtract Table above. The GM then rolls on the River
that number from the current Turbulence Rapid Features Table below to determine if
Level. If the party is not satisfied with what additional hazards are encountered. After the
they find and continues onward to find an effects of any features have been resolved,
easier route, repeat the process for each the character who is being moved by the
additional hour of travel. river may complete Actions, Bonus Actions,
and Movement as determined by character
Creating a Tree Bridge features and skills.

Taking the time to cut down a tree to make a

natural bridge is a possibility. An axe or saw
is required, and it will take (1d4-1) hours to
cut the tree (half as much if a character has
proficiency with Woodworking or Carpenter’s
Tools). There is a 30% chance that the tree
falls in such a way that it is swept away by the
flood and cannot be used as a bridge.

If the tree bridge spans the river, each creature

who attempts to cross must succeed on a DC
17 DEX (Acrobatics) check to move across
the uneven and slippery surface. On a failure,
the creature slips and falls into the raging

Riding the Rapids

The players may decide to ride the rapids

downstream. Characters in a Water Vehicle
can make a Group STR (Athletics) check
to navigate the rapids downstream to a
calmer part of the river. Advantage may be
granted to those specific characters who are
proficient with Water Vehicles. Advantage is
also granted to all party members who are
utilizing a Flat Bottom Canoe (Page 224). The
DC threshold for the group check is 4 times
the Turbulence Level of the river.


Roll (1d10) Effect
A creature who is caught in this feature does not
continue downriver and is held underwater until it
1: Strainer or Sift
succeeds on a Strength Saving Throw with a DC
equal to 4 times the Turbulence Level of the river.
A partially submerged rock or blocks
On a success, the creature continues to be swept
other larger objects from passing
downriver. A Help Action from another creature who
through, but still allows the passage of
is within 5 feet, or who is using appropriate equipment
or spell effects, may grant Advantage on the Strength
Saving Throw.
2: Sweepers A creature who encounters this feature must succeed
on a DC 17 Dexterity Saving Throw, taking (1d4)
Trees lean significantly over the river, but Bludgeoning damage for each Turbulence Level on a
still remain rooted on the shore. failure.
A creature caught in this feature does not continue
3: Holes and Eddies
downriver and may exit the river with a successful
STR (Athletics) check that is equal to 3 times the
Water pours over a submerged
Turbulence Level of the river. On a failure, the creature
depression or forms a powerful, swirling
remains stuck in the swirling current, but is able to
current near the bank.
keep its head above water.
4: Pillows
A creature automatically takes (1d8) Bludgeoning
damage for each Turbulence Level as it is smashed
Water flow hits a large object, resulting in
against a large underwater object.
the water piling up or “boiling”.
A creature who encounters this hazard is pushed
into an underwater void beneath the rock and is
5: Undercut Rocks held beneath the surface until it succeeds on a
Strength Saving Throw with a DC equal to 5 times
Erosion has undercut the surfaces of the Turbulence Level of the river. On a success, the
rocks over time. A void exists below the creature continues to be swept downriver. A Help
lip of a partially submerged rock. Action from another creature who is within 5 feet, or
who is using appropriate equipment or spell effects,
may grant Advantage on the Strength Saving Throw.
6: Sieves
The creature is sucked between the two obstructions
The water flows between two and automatically takes (1d6) Bludgeoning damage
obstructions, causing a flow that is for each Turbulence Level as it continues downriver.
higher in velocity.
The creature is moved downriver at the pace
7-10: No Hazardous Feature
determined by the River Turbulence Table.


Player Difficulty Rating: |Mechanical Complexity Rating:
Before the session begins, review the Chase Mechanics in the core rule books if you are
unfamiliar with their use.


Forest fires occur when an errant spark or
flame ignites the local flora of the forest. ROLL FOR INITIATIVE!
Usually occurring during the dry seasons in
the late summer, these fires can pop up and The encounter is effectively a Wilderness
spread extremely quickly, razing everything Chase scenario for creatures who are caught
in their path. When the fire gets big enough, near the inferno. There is very little that
it creates erratic winds of its own due to the characters can do to stop the fire completely.
sudden and extreme changes in temperature. The goal will more likely be to delay it or
This can cause the fire to spread even faster to flee. If a settlement is at risk, evacuation
and may make it even more difficult to put might be the primary goal. Some structures
out. Forest fires left unchecked can burn for may be saved through effective firefighting
days, usually dying out on their own due to a techniques, but characters should not feel
lack of fuel. compelled to position themselves as a barrier
between the forest fire and the settlement.
Forest Fires are deadly in more ways than the
obvious. In addition to being raging forces of nature When the characters recognize that a fire is
that burn away everything in their path, the thick approaching, they may take several steps to
black smoke that these fires produce can prove just prepare and protect themselves:
as deadly as the flames themselves. This encounter
• A Plague Mask, a Respirator Mask, or
could serve as a fiendish trap laid by a desperate an improvised filter mask made from
or fleeing villain. It could also serve as a threat to moistened cloth can negate the CON
the people in a settlement that the adventurers Saves required in the area affected by
have an incentive to protect. This encounter, while smoke, although it does not prevent Vision
devastating on its own, could be combined with a from being Lightly Obscured.
combat engagement against enemies who might
gain an advantage amidst the smoke and the flames. • Dousing clothing and equipment with at
least 1 gallon of water can help fight off
the heat. Reduce all Fire damage by half
NEXT-LEVEL DESCRIPTION for the remainder of the encounter.
Passive Perception: You see thick black smoke • Spells to dismiss or control the wind can
among the trees up ahead. This enormous choking slow the progress of the fire.
cloud of darkness seems to be coming towards
you from several directions. A number of animals • Using spells to create barriers or to rob the
are running toward you and away from the smoke, fire of additional fuel can also be effective.
obviously fleeing to safety.

DC 16 WIS (Perception) or Higher:

The temperature in the area seems to be rising. You
notice beads of sweat forming on your brow. You
can hear the distant cracking sounds of timber that
has been set ablaze. The forest is on fire!

DC 18 WIS (Survival) or DC 18 INT (Nature)

or Higher: The smoke from this fire may be as
dangerous as the flames. It obscures your vision and
chokes your lungs, and one mistake in navigation
could be your last. The fire has likely spread across
a very large area already, and it will have a tendency
to move with the prevailing winds and will move
faster uphill. Your exit strategy should take these
factors into account.


During a chase, a participant can freely use the Dash action a number of times equal to 3 +
its Constitution modifier. Have each player determine the number of “free” Dashes that are
available to their character. Each additional Dash beyond that number requires the creature to
succeed on a DC 10 Constitution check at the end of its turn. On a failure, the creature gains one
level of Exhaustion.

The fire cannot use a Dash action, nor does it suffer from Exhaustion. The chase ultimately ends
when every member of the party has remained outside of the ring of smoke for 3 consecutive

• The fire begins as a circular area with a radius of 200 feet, and its outer edge starts 100 feet
from the party.

• On Initiative Count 20, the fire Moves 60 feet in the direction of a wind that is determined
by a percentile roll on the Fire Direction Table below. This wind direction may be altered by
character spells. If there is no prevailing wind when Initiative Count 20 arrives, the Fire does
not Move on that turn.

• On Initiative Count 10, the radius of the fire Expands by 30 feet in all directions. The circular
area of the fire continues to grow by 30 feet each turn, regardless of wind direction.

• A creature who begins its turn within 10 feet of the fire takes (4d4) Fire damage.

• A creature who begins its turn Inside the area of the fire takes (8d8) Fire damage.

• A creature who is within 30 feet of the fire is also impacted by the smoke that is generated
by the blaze and must make the CON Save below. The area affected by smoke is always larger
than the area affected by fire. The smoke exists within the area of the fire and extends 30
feet beyond the edge of the fire.

• The smokey area is Lightly Obscured, putting all vision-based checks at Disadvantage

• A DC 13 Constitution Saving Throw is required by a creature who starts its turn within 30 feet
of the fire in the area affected by the ring of smoke. On a failure, the creature takes one level
of Exhaustion. Creatures who are actively holding their breath, as well as creatures who do
not need to breathe, do not need to make this Saving Throw. Consider the description of any
spells, items, or other features that might negate this effect.

Chase Complications

As a party is moving across space threatened by a forest fire, or as they are fleeing the area of
the forest fire, the following chase complications may arise. You may use the Wilderness Chase
Complications Table from the core rules, or you may roll on the Forest Fire Complications Table

Complications occur randomly. Each participant in the Chase (including the Fire) rolls (1d20) at
the end of its turn. Consult the appropriate table to determine whether a complication occurs. If
it does, it affects the next chase participant in the initiative order, not the participant who rolled
the die. The participant who rolled the die, or the participant affected by the complication, can
spend inspiration to negate the complication.

If a complication is rolled a second time, take the next lowest result to avoid repetition. Feel free
to add other complications if this list is used in its entirety.


Percentile Roll Direction of Fire Movement
Original Direction (Toward the
1-60 Party)
61-70 North
71-80 East
81-90 South
91-100 West

Roll (1d20) Complication

The forest floor begins to rise in elevation. Make a DC 12 WIS (Survival) check to
1 locate a path of escape that does not put you and your companions at greater risk.
On a failure, the fire and smoke move an additional 10 feet in your direction.

A sudden and unexpected gust of wind envelopes you in plumes of dark smoke.
Make a DC 13 Constitution Saving Throw, or take 1 Level of Exhaustion.

A small forest stream intersects your path. Make a DC 10 DEX (Acrobatics) check
3 to move across the slippery stones. On a failure, you fall Prone and take (1d4)
Bludgeoning damage.

You become entangled in the thick undergrowth of the forest. Make a DC 14 STR
4 (Athletics) check to break free. On a failure, you are Restrained and do not move
this turn.

The sap within a nearby tree explodes from the intense heat. Make a DC 15
5 Dexterity Saving Throw. On a failure, pieces of the splintered tree strike you, doing
(1d10) points of Piercing damage.

Burning embers are raining down all around you. Several of them find patches of
6 dry vegetation and erupt as new extensions of the inferno. The fire immediately
Expands by an additional 30 feet.

Trees in the area have begun to topple, and a large trunk blocks your path. Choose
7 either a DC 12 STR (Athletics) check to jump over it or a DC 12 DEX (Acrobatics)
check to slide under it. On a failure, you collide with the trunk and fall Prone.

Animals are running away from the fire in a panicking stampede. A large Elk runs
directly into your path and impulsively Charges you before continuing to flee. The
ram attack is a +5 to hit and does (3d6 + 3) Bludgeoning damage. If it hits, make a
DC 13 Strength Saving Throw or be knocked Prone.

A thick haze is filling the forest ahead, and your vision is Lightly Obscured. Make a
9 DC 14 WIS (Perception) check at Disadvantage to continue moving toward your
objective. On a failure, you move at half your normal speed this round.

A significant downhill slope lays before you, providing an opportunity to distance

yourself from the fire. If you are traveling using your Walking Speed or the Walking
Speed of a mount, succeed on a DC 10 STR (Athletics) check and take an extra
Dash action this turn. This Dash action does not count against your Dash limits
for the chase. On a failure, you tumble down the hill and take (2d6) Bludgeoning
damage, landing Prone.

11-20 No Complication


Player Difficulty Rating: |Mechanical Complexity Rating:

NARRATIVE THREAD feet. There are 6 individual orbs when the

In the deep dark of fey-touched forests, lights
can often be misleading. Hypnotic lights are • As soon as a character moves closer to
magical globes of energy that are purposely the lights, he or she must make a DC 21
designed to mislead travelers. They might Wisdom Saving Throw. On a success, the
lure an otherwise perceptive watchman away character receives all of the information
from his post, or they might lead unwary in the Next-Level Description above and
adventurers into a trap created by the ruler of recognizes the malicious intent as the
this sylvan realm. orbs attempt to influence the character’s
mind. That character is immune to the
The magic that embodies these Hypnotic Lights is hypnotic effect of the lights for a period
difficult to resist. Only the wisest of creatures will be of 24 hours. On a failure, the character is
able to realize the malice that is masked by their Charmed by the lights and is completely
beauty. Use this magical hazard to establish the unaware of reality for 1 hour. Multiple
arcane powers of their creator or of the forest itself. characters may be Charmed by the lights
at a time.

NEXT-LEVEL DESCRIPTION • While Charmed in this way, a creature:

COMES WITH CHALLENGES OF ITS OWN.” • Is in a dream state and is Blinded and
Passive Perception: The forest has grown Deafened to the environment around
incredibly dark here, but distant lights are visible its body. See Dream State Description
through the gaps in the trees. A group of creatures below.
is moving silently and at a steady pace, and they • Is compelled to move steadily in the
appear to be moving in your direction. direction of the lights at a normal
travel pace.
DC 18 WIS (Insight) or Higher: The lights move • Can only be awakened from the Dream
in a peculiar way. They advance toward you for a State with a Greater Restoration spell
or the Break Enchantment feature of
moment, but then they pause as if waiting for some
the Dispel Evil and Good spell.
sort of reaction. When the movement continues, the
glowing orbs circle and wander back to where they • Dream State Description: As you take
started. Perhaps this is a ploy of some kind to lure the first step toward the lights in the
you closer. distance, the entire forest begins to glow
with a beautiful blue and purple radiance.
DC 18 INT (Arcana) or Higher: These are not Tiny orbs of light float about the forest
torch lights or lanterns. The lights are clearly magical, canopy, and produce a gentle and relaxing
and feel somewhat beguiling. There is dark magic at resonance. None of your companions are
work here. visible to you, but you are filled with an
overwhelming sense of peace and joy.
Your destination no longer seems obvious,
PLAYER ACTION OPPORTUNITY or even important, to you. The only thing
“SO NICE . . . I’D LIKE TO GET CLOSER” that matters is the euphoria that these
The two possible choices are fairly clear: the lights create deep within your psyche.
character who sees the lights may choose to
move closer or to hold the current position. If • The fey or otherworldly entity who has
the choice is to remain at a distance, the lights created the magical lights may use them to
will not come any closer. They will linger lure the Charmed creature(s) to a location
for an hour and then disappear. If a player of its choosing. Once at that location, or
chooses to have the character investigate the once an hour has passed, a creature will
lights more closely, proceed to the Mechanical leave its Dream State and come back to
Resolution phase. reality, no longer Blinded, Deafened, or
• Each light is a small floating orb the size of
a ball bearing that moves independently
and floats 4 to 6 feet above the ground. A
radiant glow initially surrounds each orb
such that it looks like the glow of a candle
flame, producing bright light in a 5-foot
radius and dim light for an additional 5
Grasslands often serve as buffer zones between other natural biomes. As such, they are among
the most frequently encountered environments during overland travel. Although prairies,
steppes, and other grassland regions may seem fairly innocuous, they can present their fair share
of challenges. Traveling adventurers should be particularly aware of the fact that conditions
may change in the blink of an eye.


There are no penalties to travel pace in this environment, and this biome lends itself to mounted
travel more than any other. Use standard travel speeds from the core rules, and be aware of
travel speeds for mounts and vehicles.


Player Difficulty Rating: |Mechanical Complexity Rating:
Before the session begins, review the Chase Mechanics in the core rule books if you
are unfamiliar with their use.

NARRATIVE THREAD many nomadic communities throughout history.

“THE FIRST INSTINCT” The issue with milling a herd, of course, is finding
Of all the many emotions inherent in the animal a way of misdirecting them while avoiding being
kingdom, panic is one that is often taken for trampled. This usually requires a mount of some
granted. Surely, prey animals will run--such is kind. Interestingly enough, a number of successful
their relationship with predators--but what
military engagements have begun with a stampede
happens when thousands of animals thunder
across your path? caused on purpose by the aggressor.

Anything can startle a group of animals, PLAYER ACTION OPPORTUNITY

from loud noises, to close lightning strikes, “I DON’T HAVE TO BE FASTER
or predatory behavior from other animals. THAN THEM . . . “
In general, grazing animals that have just The encounter is effectively a Wilderness
finished feeding are less likely to be agitated Chase scenario for creatures who are caught
by such happenings; during this time they are in the path of the stampeding herd. However,
spread out into smaller groups to digest. The characters have more power to stop the
danger for a stampede often comes late at pursuers in this chase than they have in some
night, when the darkness obscures the vision of the other scenarios in this guide.
of the beasts.
When the characters recognize that a
When a herd of animals is driven into such a state stampede has begun, is approaching they
of fear that their only instinct is to flee, the results may take several steps to prepare and protect
can be catastrophic and will destroy anything in themselves:
their path. Unfortunately for a band of road-weary
travellers, there is little hope for stopping a stampede • Utilizing mounts, vehicles, or spells that
can increase movement speed will help
after it has begun. A stampede can serve your story
characters to stay in front of the herd.
by complicating a party’s path into a dangerous
territory, showcasing the local wildlife, separating • Spells that create barriers that the herd
the adventurers from each other, or forcing them must go around can be very helpful as
to take a new route through the wilderness. Clever well.
characters can also utilize the herd as a distraction,
a way to obtain food, or for tactical purposes. • Loud noises also have the potential to
reroute the herd.
NEXT-LEVEL DESCRIPTION • The dust that is kicked up by the
stampeding animals is hazardous, but
Passive Perception: You feel a rumble under your donning a mask can prevent breathing
feet and the rhythm of hooves clattering against the issues.
ground, accompanied by a cacophony of animal
cries. A cloud of dust obscures the threat from your Give the characters who have perceived the
vision, but you understand exactly what is coming threat 1 round to react and prepare for the
your way. A stampede is barrelling towards you and stampede’s arrival.
your companions! You have just moments to come
up with a plan of escape.

DC 18 Wisdom (Animal Handling) or Higher:

Stampedes happen when animals are afraid, but
that fear can sometimes manipulated - even in
animals that are not domesticated. With a loud
enough noise or distraction, it might be possible
to reroute the stampede out of the path of you
and your companions. This might even turn into an
opportunity to hunt for meat and hides if you can
think quickly enough.

DC 18 Intelligence (History) or Higher: The

process of moving a herd that is already in motion
is known as ‘milling’, and it has been practiced by


MECHANICAL RESOLUTION this Saving Throw. Consider the
“I JUST HAVE TO BE FASTER THAN YOU!” description of any spells, items, or
During a chase, a participant can freely use other features that might negate this
the Dash action a number of times equal effect.
to 3 + its Constitution modifier. Have each
player determine the number of “free” Chase Complications
Dashes that are available to their character. As a party is moving across space threatened
Each additional Dash beyond that number by a stampeding herd, the following chase
requires the creature to succeed on a DC 10 complications may arise. You may use
Constitution check at the end of its turn. On the Wilderness Chase Complications Table
a failure of this check, the creature gains one from the core rules, or you may roll on the
level of Exhaustion. Stampede Complications Table below.

The basic stampede is modeled off of a Complications occur randomly. Each participant
herd of buffalo-like creatures with a Walking in the chase rolls (1d20) at the end of
Speed of 50 feet, STR +5, DEX +0, and CON its turn. Consult the appropriate table to
+4, giving the herd 5 Dash actions before determine whether a complication occurs. If
it suffers from Exhaustion and slows to a it does, it affects the next chase participant
walk. The chase ultimately ends when the in the initiative order, not the participant
stampede has used up all of its available who rolled the die. The participant who rolled
free Dashes. the die or the participant affected by the
complication can spend inspiration to negate
*As the GM, you may decide to use any the complication.
creatures that regularly travel in herds. To
increase the difficulty of this hazard, consider If a complication is rolled a second time, take
using a herd of wild Riding Horses with a the next lowest result to avoid repetition.
Walking Speed of 60 feet. Feel free to add other complications if this list
is used in its entirety.
• The stampede begins as a circular area
with a radius of 100 feet, and it starts
with its leading edge 100 feet from the

• On Initiative Count 10, the herd Moves

a minimum of 50 feet in the direction of
the party. The herd may use a Dash to
move 100 feet instead.

• At any point when a creature is within the

radius of the stampede, it must succeed
on a DC 19 Dexterity Saving Throw or
take (6d8) Bludgeoning damage from
the herd. A creature takes half damage
on a successful save.

• A creature who is within 10 feet of the

stampede is impacted by the dust that
is kicked up by the pounding hooves.
The dust exists within the area of the
stampede and extends 10 feet beyond
the edge of the herd.

• The dusty area is Lightly Obscured,

putting all vision-based checks at

• A DC 11 Constitution Saving Throw is

required by a creature who starts its
turn within 10 feet of the stampede
in the area affected by the ring of
dust. On a failure, the creature
moves at half its normal speed as its
vision is Heavily Obscured and as the
dust chokes its lungs. Creatures who
are actively holding their breath, as
well as creatures who do not need
to breathe, do not need to make



Rocky outcroppings on either side of your path begin to funnel you and the herd into
a narrow gully ahead. Make a DC 12 WIS (Survival) check to locate a path of escape
that does not put you and your companions at greater risk.On a success, you avoid the
gully. On a failure, the herd gains an extra Dash action that can be used immediately.

If you are on a mount, make a DC 13 WIS (Animal Handling) check to keep the animal
2 from being spooked by the animals in the herd. On a failure, your mount runs in a
random direction this round as determined by the GM.

A medium-sized fissure cuts across the plain and intersects your path. The fissure is
(5d4) feet across. Use your Long Jump movement ability (number of feet equal to
your Strength score) to jump across the gap. On a failure, you move at half speed this
round as you scramble through the shallow fissure instead.

A single, large tree sprouts from the open grassland ahead of you. Choose either a
4 DC 14 STR (Athletics) check to climb the tree or a DC 14 DEX (Acrobatics) check to
bypass the tree and continue running. On a failure, you fall Prone.

A lone beast surges wildly ahead of the herd and makes a reckless attack against
5 you. Make a DC 15 Dexterity Saving Throw. On a failure, you take (2d8) Bludgeoning
damage and are knocked Prone.

You are redirected into a small canyon as the herd presses against you. Cast a spell
that creates a loud noise or make a DC 16 CHA (Intimidation) check to make the
6 creatures back down. On a success, you are able to get out of this tough spot. On a
failure, you take (2d8) Bludgeoning damage this round, and each subsequent round,
until you are successful.

The terrain ahead has become exceedingly rocky and uneven. This area counts as
Difficult Terrain for the next two rounds.
A sudden gust of wind blows across the flat open plain and kicks up a cloud of dust.
8 Make a DC 12 Constitution Saving Throw to maintain your pace. On a failure, you are
momentarily blinded and your Movement Speed is halved.

The herd is moving erratically. Make a DC 13 WIS (Insight) check to predict what they
9 will do next. On a failure, you misjudge the area that is most dangerous and have to
double back, losing all of your Movement Speed for this turn.

A steep escarpment is visible to your right, providing an opportunity to elevate

yourself above the herd. Make a DC 17 STR (Athletics) check or a DC 17 DEX
(Acrobatics) check to climb the small cliff quickly. On a failure, you tumble to the
ground, taking (1d6) Bludgeoning damage and falling Prone. On a success, you are
safely out of the path of the herd and may choose not to participate in the remainder
of the chase.

11-20 No Complication


Player Difficulty Rating: |Mechanical Complexity Rating:


Brush Fires are a natural part of the cycle of A group of characters with no incentive to
the land and have been happening since the fight the fire may simply avoid it, and if they
dawn of time. They can be sparked by any have swift mounts or the ability to travel
number of events, but the ingredients are quickly, that should pose very little challenge.
almost always the same: dry vegetation, a However, as a consequence for their apathy,
recent drought, and strong winds. When these a large area of the grassland will burn, and
ingredients combine, all it takes is an inciting anything in the fire’s path will be destroyed.
event, such as a lightning strike or an errant
spark from a campfire. The resulting blaze can If the party has enough warning before the
quickly cover large swathes of open plain. flames move to surround them, they also
have a window of time to prepare and to
Much like a Forest Fire, the real dangers here are protect themselves in the Prep Phase of
the smoke and the rate of speed at which the wind the Mechanical Resolution below. The most
accelerates the devastation. However, in contrast important thing for characters to do is to
to the life-threatening chase that is represented in make sure that they (and any locations they
the forest version of this encounter, the Brush Fire is are trying to protect) are not completely
encircled by the fire.
better-suited for a group of adventurers who intend
to risk injury to prevent the fire’s passage. Perhaps If caught on foot without any ability to outrun
they are trying to keep the fire from overrunning the growing flames, the safest thing to do
their campsite, or they might be protecting a small is to find a potential control line. A natural
nomadic village on the steppes. Regardless of what formation, like a small ridge or a river, might
they’re protecting, the adventurers may actually serve as a control line for a party that is
have a chance to stop this destructive force. This fire simply running from the fire. However, the
could be set intentionally by combatants or hunters party might also be able to create a fire line
who are seeking to flush their quarry in a particular using tools or magic if they intend to stand
direction. It could also be a random act of nature and fight.
that exemplifies the unpredictability of the wildlands.
Another possibility is to create a “back burn,”
Either way, there is tremendous potential for a
a second controlled fire that moves towards
grassland Brush Fire to rage out of control. the brush fire, taking away the downwind
fuel that is needed for the blaze to continue
NEXT-LEVEL DESCRIPTION moving forward. Because grassland fuel can
“WHERE THERE’S SMOKE...” be burned up much more quickly than the
Passive Perception: In the distance, you can see trees and undergrowth in a forest fire, this
a grayish-green haze on the horizon, and the scent back burn can serve as a control line if the
party has the ability to keep it in check with
of smoke begins to fill your nostrils. You begin to
water or magic.
notice tongues of orange flame flickering at ground
level, and you can tell that they are being propelled
DC 13 INT (Nature) or Higher: The dry grass The GM may run the remainder of this
you’ve been traversing crunches softly with each encounter as a Group Skill Challenge with
the following parameters:
step. The lack of moisture in the area has really
taken a toll on the land. You know that wildfires are • The group must accumulate a total of
often a part of the cycle of rebirth here on the plains, 10 successes before accumulating 4
but it is still valid to ask whether or not this fire began total failures as they use skill checks to
naturally. overcome the risk presented by the fire.
A character may only use skills in which
DC 15 WIS (Survival) or Higher: The wind whips he or she is Proficient. The GM may grant
the dead grass and foliage around you. Embers Advantage on any skill check for which the
travel quickly on the breeze. These winds won’t put character is using equipment or special
the flames out. Instead, they will act as a bellows to techniques that could be considered
the forge. It would be a deadly mistake to remain particularly helpful (shovel, miner’s pick,
downwind of this fire without some sort of “control bucket of water, etc.)
line” that can slow the fire’s progress.
• Spell casters may choose to use spells to
help them navigate this hazard. The spell
does not count as a success or a failure


with regard to the group challenge, but it may potentially aid the skill checks of other
characters at the GM’s discretion.

• Roll for Initiative! Alternatively the GM may have all players declare the checks that they
are making and to have them roll simultaneously. This allows the GM to adjudicate the
combined successes or failures of the group and to adjust consequences accordingly.

The Prep Phase

• The smoke that is blowing rapidly across the open grasslands precedes the fire by a
full 300 feet, and characters will need to take precautions against smoke inhalation
if they choose to remain downwind of the fire. A Plague Mask, a Respiration Mask, or
an improvised filter mask made from moistened cloth can prevent smoke inhalation
throughout this encounter. A character without a mask or other protection from smoke
inhalation makes all skill checks at Disadvantage

• Checks that rely on vision are at Disadvantage regardless of preparations because the
smoke creates a Lightly Obscured area.

• The blaze is moving quickly and will reach the area in 5 minutes. During this Prep Phase,
the players can attempt a number of protective strategies that count toward the total
successes and failures in the Group Skill Challenge. Allow each character one skill check
during the Prep Phase.

• The following skill checks are possible solutions that characters may consider during the
Prep Phase, however, the GM may choose to allow other creative solutions at his or her

• All of the following checks should be made at Disadvantage unless characters use
specific equipment or spells to counteract smoke inhalation.

• DC 13 STR (Athletics) to haul water in available containers and use it to douse a

protected area. On a failure, the character trips and damages a container such that it
can no longer be used for this purpose.
• DC 13 DEX (Acrobatics) to run among the approaching flames to deliver messages
or to assist others who are in close proximity to the fire. On a failure, the character
takes (3d6) Fire damage.
• DC 13 WIS (Medicine) to moisten cloths or handkerchiefs with water from a waterskin
so that they can serve as filter masks against the smoke for all characters. On a
failure, the masks do not fit properly and do not counteract the Disadvantage on
subsequent skill checks.
• DC 13 WIS (Religion) to invoke the name of a deity and pray for a change in the
winds. On a failure, the deity chooses not to intervene and cannot be petitioned
again through the remainder of this encounter.
• DC 13 INT (Arcana) to create and control a magical “back burn” that eliminates the
vegetation that would otherwise fuel the fire as it approaches. * This does not utilize
a specific spell description. Casters may use a spell in place of this check if they
have one available. On a failure, control of the magical fire cannot be maintained
and the Prep Phase immediately ends. Move to the Burn Phase below.

• Vision-based checks at Disadvantage due to Lightly Obscured area:

• DC 13 WIS (Perception) to notice a potential mistake by another party member

before it is made * Special Feature: On a success, this eliminates one failure
previously accumulated by the group. On a failure, the smoke is too thick to notice
the potential mistake and no benefits are gained.
• DC 13 INT (Nature) to determine the pattern of the prevailing winds and to direct
firefighting efforts to areas where the fire is likely to spread most aggressively. On a
failure, the winds are too erratic to predict.
• DC 13 WIS (Survival) to utilize a natural “control line” effectively to slow the blaze, or
to construct physical barriers that will block the fire’s progress. On a failure, no such
barriers are evidently available.


• When all characters have had the opportunity to act in the Prep Phase (or it has otherwise
ended), the number of successes and failures will directly affect the DC of the skill checks
that are still to come in the Burn Phase below.
• If the group had 0 failures, the following checks are made at DC 11.
• If the group had 1 failure, the following checks remain at a DC 13.
• If the group had 2 failures, the following checks are made at DC 15.
• If the group had 3 failures, the following checks are made at DC 17.

The Burn Phase

• Players must now attempt to actively protect themselves and the targets of their
protective efforts. The players may choose appropriate skill checks as the flames close
in around them. The checks in the list from the Prep Phase are still valid, with the
exception of the INT (Arcana) check for “back burn.” Players may choose other creative
methods at the GM’s discretion.

• On any skill check failure during the Burn Phase, the character takes (6d6) Fire damage
and gains one Level of Exhaustion.

Resolution of the Challenge: If the party accumulates a total of 10 successes before they reach
4 failures, the brush fire burns itself out as fuel becomes scarce, and the risk to people and
property in the area ends. If the party reaches 4 failures first, they are forced to flee through
the flames and smoke to make a narrow escape. All creatures take (6d6) Fire damage and gain
one Level of Exhaustion. The Brush Fire destroys all structures in its path as it continues to burn
for the next (3d6) hours.


Player Difficulty Rating: |Mechanical Complexity Rating:


Tar pits are natural hazards that occur when There are a number of things that characters
crude oil seeps upward from fractured rock might choose to do as they navigate the
layers deep beneath the surface. Over time, tar pits. Whether the party stumbled upon
the crude oil becomes more and more viscous this hazard accidentally or sought it out
and takes the form of pooled asphalt. All specifically, they can take certain measures
manner of wildlife, objects, and humanoids based on their given objective.
can find themselves trapped within the sticky
substance if they are not careful. Tar pits vary Just Avoid It - Players should not traverse
in size and can cover areas up to 100 acres. the tar pits under any circumstances. Most tar
They typically range from 2 to 15 feet deep. pits can be easily avoided by walking around
Although these pits produce a distinct rotten them, which adds only a few extra minutes to
smell, they often become obscured by water travel times. Contact with the tar adds several
or plant matter that collects on the surface, possible complications, and the introduction
making it difficult for passing travelers and of a sustained flame (magical or otherwise)
animals to recognize the perilous risk that that is able to heat the tar to its flash point
they represent. might make this hazard very exciting indeed.

Tar pits can represent a unique problem solving The Right Tool for the Job - Those hoping
scenario, they can provide access to a needed to discover treasure, trinkets, or creature
resource, or they can be a potentially deadly remains may come up with a clever way to
complication to a combat encounter. Consider search beneath the surface of the tar. A 10-
a quest item or a rare magical artifact that has foot pole or a Telescopic Pole can be useful
for probing down into the tar without making
allegedly been lost in the sticky mess. Use the tar
direct physical contact. However, the tar
pit as a trap while a predator or a band of ruffians here is highly adhesive and will permanently
waits nearby. Alternatively, the tar can be used as impact any equipment that is used to probe
an adhesive or flammable substance the party can its depths. Gear of any kind that makes direct
utilize. Did someone say flaming catapult projectiles? contact with the tar is unusable afterward
unless it can be thoroughly cleaned. Utility
spells like Prestidigitation can clean an item
“IS THAT SMELL ... YOU?” magically. Alternatively, a skilled Alchemist or
Herbalist may create a solution that will clean
Passive Perception: As you continue your trek
a single creature or item with a successful
across the grasslands, you come to an area where DC 15 skill check using the appropriate set
a foul odor permeates the air, but the source of the of tools (Alchemist’s Supplies or Herbalism
smell is unclear. Kit).

DC 15 WIS (Perception) or Higher: What looks Magical Assistance - Magic can play a
like a sizable pond lays before you, but it is covered significant role in this encounter. Consider
by so much vegetation and debris that it almost spells like Water Walk as an effective means
escapes your attention until you are standing right of moving across the surface of the tar
next to it. An extremely dark substance of some kind pit without risk of becoming stuck. The
exists beneath the layer of debris. In certain areas, transformative properties of Intrepid Shoes
small bubbles grow steadily before gently bursting can also negate the adhesive properties of the
tar pit, and Locate Object is definitely helpful
at the surface.
for pinpointing items that are buried beneath
the surface. Without the aid of divination
DC 15 INT (Investigation) or Higher: After spells, a creature must have a way to probe
probing the ground in the area, it is very clear that beneath the surface and must succeed on a
the substance is highly adhesive. It takes all of your DC 20 INT (Investigation) check to locate
strength to retrieve the tool after inserting it just a any object that is covered by the tar. See the
few inches into the muck. Tar Pit Investigation Table below.

DC 17 INT (Nature) or Higher: You realize what

lies before you is a tar pit, and you can only imagine
the things (and creatures) that have been lost in it
over time. The smell in the air is likely sulfur, and this
tar should be treated as both highly adhesive and


MECHANICAL RESOLUTION Players probing beneath the surface must
“WHAT HAPPENS IN THE PIT, make a DC 20 INT (Investigation) check to
STAYS IN THE PIT” find anything at all. On a successful check, roll
Some characters may attempt to enter the on the table below to see what they locate.
pit, perhaps in search of a specific item. Once Retrieval of the item may require special
creature moves into the area of the tar pit, equipment or magic.
the creature is Restrained by the tar, and every
attempt at movement must be preceded by a
successful DC 21 STR (Athletics) check. This TAR PIT INVESTIGATION TABLE
check can be rolled at Advantage if a fellow
Roll Result Item Found
party member is using the Help Action to
assist with movement, as long as the “helper” 1 Nothing Useful (Debris, Rock,
is not also stuck in the tar pit. On a failure, Dead Animal, etc.)
the creature remains Restrained and does
not move. On a success, the creature may 2 Trinket (Roll on Sample
move as if through Difficult Terrain, but the Trinket Table in core rules)
Restrained condition returns immediately
after that movement is completed, and the 3 Rare Fossil worth (1d100 + 10)
check must be repeated to move again. A gold pieces
creature cannot breathe beneath the surface 4 Quest Item or Magic Item
of the tar. (Roll on Magic Item Table of
your choice)
The tar ignites when at least 5 points of Fire
damage are applied to the pit. If one portion
of the pit ignites, the entire pit ignites. The An Elaborate and Murderous Trap - If the
tar burns continuously and uncontrollably for party is in pursuit of a particularly cunning
(4d6) days after being lit, creating plumes of enemy who is aware of the pits, the villain
thick black smoke that are visible for 20 miles might try to utilize the pits to significant
in every direction. A creature who is within 5 advantage. If characters are lured into the tar,
feet of the flammable area of the tar pit after a burning torch or a magical flame is enough
it has been lit takes (8d8) Fire damage each to roast them alive.
turn until moving more than 5 feet away from
any source of burning tar. Additionally, any Tar pits can also be used as part of a large-
tar that remains on a creature continues to scale military strategy. The heroes may be
burn even if the creature is outside the area of unfortunate enough to watch an entire army
the tar pit, doing (4d4) Fire damage on each driven into tar pits by a superior tactical
turn. These residual flames can be doused maneuver.
with at least 5 gallons of water, they can be
smothered with a blanket (or similar item), or
they may be extinguished magically.

Encounter Complications

This particular hazard on its own is not a

significant danger to an adventuring party.
The likelihood of each member of the
party getting stuck is low. However, when
accompanied with another encounter, a tar
pit can create a dynamic experience. Consider
using one or several of the following examples
as inspiration:

A Predator’s Domain - The tar pits are

frequented by various predators. If a party
member gets stuck, a dominant predator (or
a pack of smaller predators) arrives in (1d4)
rounds to collect an easy meal. A grassland
predator might also pursue the party, chasing
them into the tar pits as a hunting strategy.

Time is of the Essence - Perhaps the party

has learned of a particular item that lays
somewhere deep in the pits, and they need
the item to counter a specific threat. Make
sure to set a timeframe for success and add
1 hour for each failed investigation check to
find the item.
Player Difficulty Rating: |Mechanical Complexity Rating:
DC 17 INT (Nature) or Higher: You notice that
NARRATIVE THREAD the center of this pool bubbles constantly, burping
the stinking odor of sulfur into the air around you.
Geysers are naturally occurring fountains
that exist when groundwater is superheated This indicates that this pool might not be quite what
by magma deep within the crust of the it seems. It’s highly probable that the chemical
earth. Geysers regularly erupt due to the makeup of this water makes it unsafe to enter.
build-up of pressure from chemical reactions
and fluctuations in temperature. Due to the DC 20 INT (Investigation) or Higher: You
constant pressure and the complex chemical discover that the area around this pool lacks
makeup of these geysers, the boiling vegetation, and the stone has been pitted by acid.
temperature of the water here can be as high It seems that the pool periodically experiences a
as 300 °F/ 150°C, which is far above safe levels surge of geothermal pressure. When it erupts, it will
for most creatures. The pool at the surface send scalding hot acid up into the air. You are able
level can range from 10 to 50 feet deep. to identify the “splash zone” of the pending eruption
Periodically, a sudden surge in geothermal
and know you must get at least 60 feet away from
activity occurs, causing the geyser to erupt
and spray scalding hot water high into the air. the fountain to avoid contact with the superheated
The water of this Acidic Geyser also contains acidic water.
naturally occurring sulfuric acid and can
produce a caustic mist that can cause extreme PLAYER ACTION OPPORTUNITY
burning of the nose, eyes, and lungs. “JUST A QUICK DIP. WHY NOT?”
Allow players to interact with the geyser
Acidic Geysers may look like enticing spots for based on the information they have received
relaxation as they are almost indistinguishable from above. If any of the player characters tries to
safer hot springs. However, a character who takes a test the water, they may discover its very high
dip here may not live long enough to recover from temperatures and avoid further contact with
the mistake. A geyser is not extremely dangerous on it. However, the caustic fumes will have an
effect on any creatures who linger in the area
its own, but it makes a highly dangerous complication
for long. A creature who gets close enough
during combat. It could also be a source of very to test the water must succeed on the DC 15
rare Alchemical ingredients that the party needs to Constitution Saving Throw mentioned below.
collect. Perhaps the characters notice the glint of a
magic item that has been lost within the fountain, or Spells or abilities that grant resistance to Fire
maybe it serves as the den of a monstrosity that is and/or Acid damage can help withstand the
able to withstand the high temperatures and acidic damaging water of the pool. Depending on
nature of the spring. the depth of the fountain, spells like Mage
Hand, Levitate, or Telekinesis can be used to
retrieve items from the pool without taking
Passive Perception: You see a steaming pool of Spells like Gust of Wind can disperse toxic
water, with a colorful array of algae clinging to the fumes, which only reform 4 rounds after the
surrounding rocks. The air near this pool is thick with spell ends.
moisture and you catch the faint smell of rotten eggs.

DC 14 INT (Nature) or Higher: You know this is a

naturally heated pool of water. You understand that
some deep underground pocket of magma is likely
warming this mineral-rich water.

DC 15 Tool Check (Alchemist Supplies) or

Higher: You are able to sample the water and
determine its chemical makeup. This hot spring has
naturally occurring sulfuric acid, and it is definitely
not safe to make contact with the water. In addition
to being incredibly hot, it has powerful corrosive
properties. (Requires a DC 15 Constitution
Saving Throw against toxic fumes)


• The geyser pool has a radius of 10 feet and is (1d6 x 10) feet deep.
• Any creature who ends its turn within 10 feet of the geyser pool must succeed on a DC 15
Constitution Saving Throw or take (6d4) Acid damage from breathing the acrid fumes.
A creature who takes this damage is also Poisoned for 1 hour. On a successful save, the
creature takes half damage and is not Poisoned. Creatures who hold their breath, who do
not have to breathe, or who are wearing a Plague Mask are not required to make this saving

• When a creature enters the water of the geyser pool for the first time, and whenever a
creature starts its turn in the water of the pool, it immediately takes (8d8) Fire damage and
(8d8) Acid damage. The creature is also Blinded if its eyes are directly submerged in the
water of the pool.

• The Acidic Geyser erupts on Initiative Count 20, beginning (1d4) rounds from the start
of any combat engagement. The eruption begins with an enormous bubble that pushes
the corrosive gases outward to fill the 60-foot-radius area around the geyser pool. Any
creatures in this area must immediately succeed on the DC 15 Constitution Saving Throw
or suffer the Acid damage and the Poison effects from the caustic gases mentioned above.

• On Initiative Count 10 of the same round that it begins to erupt, the geyser douses everything
within a 60-foot radius with hot, acidic
water. Creatures who are caught within the
60-foot radius at the time of this second
stage of the eruption must succeed on
a DC 18 Dexterity Saving Throw or take
(4d8) Fire damage and (4d8) Acid
damage from the superheated and acidic
water, taking half as much damage on a
successful save.

• Any non-magical armor or weapons that

are exposed to the water of the geyser take
a cumulative and permanent -3 penalty
to attack rolls, damage rolls, or AC. This
damage can only be repaired magically.
Otherwise, the corrosive qualities of the
acid render the equipment broken and


Player Difficulty Rating: |Mechanical Complexity Rating:
Before the session, roll on the Tornado Category Table on the next page, or
choose the relative power of the Tornado.

NARRATIVE THREAD DC 20 INT (Nature) or Higher: The winds cease

“THAT FLYING LONGSWORD abruptly, leaving an eerie calm in their wake. While
NEARLY RUINED MY DAY.” others in your group might begin to relax, you know
When a burst of warm, humid air collides that this is the most dangerous signal--a precursor
with a cold front, the cold air is pushed
to a tornado! You should seek shelter as quickly as
upward by the warm air, creating an updraft.
Since heat rises, that warm air then rushes possible, away from loose objects or debris that
upward, creating the potential for sharp, could be picked up by the funnel!
swirling winds. As the rotating updraft,
called a mesocycle, continually draws the PLAYER ACTION OPPORTUNITY
warm air back into the cold air, creating an “IS THAT A FLYING COW!?”
increasingly violent rotating storm. This
mesocyclone lowers beneath the storm cloud, ROLL FOR INITIATIVE!
creating an immensely destructive swirling
vortex of violent wind that may eventually Characters have a full round of Actions, Bonus
reach the ground. Once it hits the ground, Actions, and Movement to prepare for the
the newly formed tornado will rip through worst. The best option is to find sturdy shelter
anything and everything that it approaches. at the lowest possible elevation, but that may
Twisters are usually accompanied by severe be easier said than done.
thunderstorms, and hail is also common.
Magic can be very helpful. Here are a few
Tornadoes can be used to create a monumental examples of how magic may be used to
moment in a story. A force of nature that creates this mitigate this encounter.
type of wanton destruction in such a short period
of time can push your story in a completely new • Move Earth or Stone Shape could be used
direction. A naturally occurring tornado can certainly to make a rudimentary shelter.
devastate an area, but a cyclone that is created • Spells that control wind speeds could
by an evil circle of druids has even longer-lasting counter the intensity of the tornado.
• The Shield spell might be used to prevent
implications. Consider this as an extremely deadly
the impact of flying debris.
encounter on its own and only consider additional • Resilient Sphere can prevent damage
complications for highly capable parties. altogether for a time.

NEXT-LEVEL DESCRIPTION Concentration checks for spells are made

“ANYONE REMEMBER TO at Disadvantage for any character who
BRING AN UMBRELLA?” is exposed to the winds of the tornado.
Passive Perception: Out of your peripheral vision, Spells that prevent the wind from making
you notice that the clouds have turned a strange contact with a character may negate this
shade of green. The scent of rain is heavy on the Disadvantage.
increasingly stronger wind. The clouds of a massive
storm are rushing in your direction. There is a sudden
gust as the wind changes directions very suddenly.

DC 14 INT (Nature) or Higher: Most severe

thunderstorms will cause the sky to turn green due
to the excessive amount of moisture in the air. A
storm of this strength is nothing to trifle with. High
winds and hail are extremely likely.

DC 18 INT (Nature) or Higher: A storm of this

magnitude has the potential to create not just hail,
a cyclonic funnel that can rip through structures and
hurl projectiles over long distances. If this storm
carries that kind of strength, there are very few
places to hide.



Roll (1d100) and consult the table below


Roll (1d100) Tornado Category

1-40 1
41-65 2
66-85 3
86-95 4
96-100 5

• The radius of the funnel is a number of feet equal to (1d4) x 10 x Tornado Category.
• The tornado acts on Initiative Count 20 and Initiative Count 10 every round and lasts for
(3d4) rounds.
• When the Tornado acts, it moves 50 feet in a random direction and makes four Debris
Attacks. The Debris Attacks are each a Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 150/600
ft., one target. Hit: 6 (2d6) Slashing damage. The movement is determined by rolling (1d8)
on the Tornado Direction Table below:


Roll (1d8) Movement Direction

1 North
2 Northeast
3 East
4 Southeast
5 South
6 Southwest
7 West
8 Northwest


• The following effects impact a creature who begins its turn within the “lift zone” of the
tornado or when it enters the “lift zone” on its turn. The “lift zone” extends from the outer
edge of the funnel a number of feet equal to 20 x Tornado Category.

• A flying creature is immediately knocked Prone and falls to the ground, taking (1d6)
Bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet fallen.

• The creature is Deafened and its Movement speed is halved.

• The creature takes (2d6) Bludgeoning damage from hailstones.

• The creature must succeed on a Strength Saving Throw or be borne skyward by the
tornado. The DC of the Strength Saving Throw depends upon the Tornado Category.
Consult the table below. On a success, the creature is able to remain on the ground.

• A creature who is lifted skyward by the tornado is immediately ejected away from the
funnel in a direction determined by a (1d8) roll on the Tornado Direction Table. The
character then falls the entire Lift Distance and lands Prone, taking (1d6) Bludgeoning
damage per 10 feet fallen.


1 20 feet 14 30 ft 60 feet
2 40 feet 17 60 ft 120 feet
3 60 feet 20 90 ft 180 feet
4 80 feet 23 120 ft 240 feet
5 100 feet 26 150 ft 300 feet


The world beneath the surface is an alien landscape shrouded in darkness and mystery. Very
few adventurers spend a significant amount of time in these caverns and mining tunnels, and
even fewer have delved into the unknowable depths below. Those who arrive here without
reliable light sources, fresh water, respiration gear, and incredible navigational skills might never
see the light of day again.


All long-distance travel speeds are cut in half while moving through the Subterranean
environment. Mounted travel is unlikely here, and travel pace on foot is generally slower than
it is on the surface due to the difficulty of the terrain. The following adjustments to the Travel
Pace Table in 5th Edition manuals should be taken into account.

Distance Distance
Pace per Effect
per Hour per Day

-5 penalty to passive
Wisdom (Perception)
Fast 200 feet 2 miles 15 miles scores AND CON Saves
for low water intake at

Normal 150 feet 1.5 miles 12 miles -

Slow 100 feet 1 mile 9 miles Able to use stealth


Player Difficulty Rating: |Mechanical Complexity Rating:

Mines are often home to many dangerous gases. The most common gas to cause underground
mine explosions is methane. Methane is a colorless, odorless, highly flammable, and highly
explosive noxious gas that occurs naturally and gets trapped in coal layers. All it takes is a naked
flame or a spark to cause an explosion. Cave-ins happen when the supporting pillars within the
mine fail, which can occur with or without an explosion. Often cave-ins occur due to the less
predictable hazard of seismic activity.

Mine explosions and cave-ins can serve your story by separating the party, by blocking a specific mode of
exit, by opening up a previously unavailable pathway or chamber, or by driving the party toward an important
narrative location. This hazard is not intended to be a party killer, but rather as a surprising redirection. However,
it can be deadly for lower level characters, so use it with caution.


DC 12 WIS (Perception) or Higher: As you • Roll for Initiative! Alternatively the GM
proceed down the mine tunnel, you notice that the may have all players declare the checks
support beams that had been so prevalent only a few that they are making and to have them
moments before have now completely disappeared. roll simultaneously. This allows the GM
to adjudicate the combined successes
This is a rough-hewn and unsupported tunnel that
or failures of the group and to adjust
continues on into the darkness beyond. consequences accordingly.
DC 14 INT (Investigation) or Higher: There are • When the alerted characters have had
markings on the floor and ceiling of this excavation their opportunity to act, the collapse is
corridor where support beams once stood, but it is triggered.. The outcome of this encounter
now clear that they have been moved away, most will be determined by a Group Skill
likely when the miners retreated from this area of the Challenge. The group must accumulate 6
mine and took the support beams elsewhere. successes in order to avoid being crushed
by the falling rock and must uncover
DC 16 INT (Investigation) or Higher: You also any buried creatures and objects before
notice several cracks in the ceiling above your head accumulating 3 total failures.
that extend as far as you can see in either direction.
• The casting of spells does not count as
The structural integrity of this tunnel is highly
a success or a failure in the group tally
but may aid in related skill checks. A
buried creature may cast spells only if
DC 18 INT (History) or Higher: Mining tunnels it has the necessary breathing room and
like this one are often abandoned due to instability, bodily space for Verbal and Somatic
but they are also abandoned when poisonous or components of the spell (unlikely).
explosive gases accumulate over time. Whatever
caused the miners to pull back from this artery likely • As per usual, characters may only use
poses a great risk. skills in which they are Proficient. The
following skills may come into play during
the skill challenge, but other creative
PLAYER ACTION OPPORTUNITY methods may also be allowed at the GM’s
“I’LL RISK A BIT MORE LIGHT” discretion. The GM may choose to suggest
• If any characters have recognized the some of these skills for characters who
threat (successful DC 14 Investigation or are Proficient.
higher), those characters should be given
a full round of Action, Bonus Action, • A successful DC 14 STR (Athletics)
and Movement to mitigate the risk. All check may be used to move large
creatures who failed to meet at least the boulders that block the party’s path
DC 14 check above, are caught by surprise or that have buried a comrade. On a
and should not be given the opportunity failure, another path must be located,
to react in any way. and everyone in the group must
immediately succeed on a DC 12
• Take note of character light sources. Dexterity Saving Throw, taking (2d6)
Any source of flame, whether natural or Bludgeoning damage from falling
magical, has a 60% chance of triggering rocks on a failure and half as much on
an explosion here. If a mine explosion a success.
does not trigger the cave-in, a minor
seismic tremor can be used instead. • A successful DC 14 DEX (Acrobatics)
check may be used to keep a specific or
• * A character who successfully deploys randomly selected comrade from being
a Seismic Detector anywhere within the hit by a large piece of falling debris.
mine complex will discover that there are On a failure, the party member is hit
unsafe levels of seismic activity in the area. anyway and takes (3d6) Bludgeoning
damage as they are partially buried in
• If an explosion is triggered at this point the rubble. While buried in this way, a
because of an open flame, all characters creature is Restrained but is still able
within a 20 foot radius of the explosion to breathe normally due to the large
are caught by surprise and must make a size of the debris.
DC 14 DEX Saving Throw. Characters take
(8d6) Fire damage on a failed save, or half • A successful DC 14 WIS (Perception)
as much damage on a successful one. check may be used to detect the
presence of air currents that indicate
• If no explosion is triggered, describe the a path toward relative safety, either
seismic tremor and proceed with the deeper within the mine or back toward
Group Skill Check below. the surface. On a failure, the cloud of
dust caused by the collapse thickens around the characters, Lightly Obscuring vision
and putting all future Perception checks in this challenge at Disadvantage.

• A successful DC 14 WIS (Survival) check may be used to retrace the group’s footsteps
through the mine tunnels. On a failure, the tracks of the party have been covered by dust
and debris and are completely imperceptible for the remainder of the challenge.

• A successful DC 14 INT (Investigation) check may be used to discover the presence of

alternate routes and shortcuts that were previously unnoticed by the group. On a failure,
the character failing the check must make a DC 12 Constitution Saving Throw, taking
one Level of Exhaustion from the choking cloud of dust on a failure.

• A successful DC 14 CHA (Intimidation) check may be used to spur the group onward,
helping them to escape the dangerous area. On a failure, the member of the party with
the lowest Dexterity score trips over a fallen rock and needs to be helped back to his or
her feet, slowing the party’s progress. The player who tripped must roll his or her next
skill check at Disadvantage.

• Additional skills may be used at the discretion of the GM. Describe successes and failures
based on the context of the situation.

Resolution of the Challenge: If the party achieves the 6 required successes, they arrive safely
at a point of the GM’s choosing. If they reach a 3rd failure before reaching safety, the party
member with the lowest Dexterity score is buried by falling rubble. When buried in this way,
the character takes an additional (3d6) Bludgeoning damage, is Restrained by the rubble, and
requires the assistance of the party to dig them out. Death Saving Throws may be necessary
due to accumulated damage, but the character is not Suffocating while buried.


Player Difficulty Rating: |Mechanical Complexity Rating:

Subterranean caves and passages are most often created by the power of moving water, and
sometimes that water accumulates at the lowest points in a cave system. This can lead to flooded
passageways that may only be accessed by explorers who are willing to swim.

A flooded passage is an excellent way to challenge player characters within a subterranean cave. As the GM,
you may choose what goal or objective exists on the other side of this watery tunnel. Is it a dragon’s hoard? Is
it a secret entrance to a fortress? Is it simply the only way out of the cave? Regardless of what you choose, the
tension created by a swim through a pitch black tunnel of unknown length is sure to get your players thinking


NEXT-LEVEL DESCRIPTION group. They may also choose to send a scout
“HOW LONG CAN YOU HOLD swimmer ahead to determine how long the
YOUR BREATH?” underwater passage is. Allow the group some
Passive Perception: After descending to what time to describe the preparations that they
seems to be a low point in the cave system, you find are making before entering the water.
yourself standing at the edge of a dark, still pool of
water. The stone passageway comes to an end
here and does not seem to lead to any other tunnels “HOW MANY DEAD BODIES DID
or exits. YOU SEE IN THERE?”
The Game Master does not need to ask the
DC 12 INT (Investigation) check or Higher: A players to roll for initiative unless a combat
small luminescent fish can be seen swimming in a encounter is being added to this natural
circular pattern beneath the surface of the pool. You hazard, or until a character runs out of breath
watch for a moment as it darts about, creating a dim or is choking.
source of light in the depths. Within a few seconds,
the fish turns toward the cave wall farthest away • The Flooded Passage extends into the
from your current location and continues swimming darkness for (3d100 + 100) feet. It
is roughly 20 feet in diameter from
quickly away from you. It descends deeper and
beginning to end. There are no light
deeper as it moves well beyond the cave wall sources other than those being used by
that initially seemed to be a dead end. There is the characters, and the passageway has
an underwater passage that continues in that some turns and changes in elevation that
direction! make long-range vision impossible until
the last 60 feet of the swim.
DC 14 WIS (Survival) or DC 14 INT (Nature)
or Higher: It is well-known that water often • Before the last 60 feet of the swim, a
accumulates at the lowest point of a cave system. character who is too heavy to swim
However, it is also possible that the eroding power effectively may be able to “run” along
of the water has cut a lengthy passage through the bottom of the stone passageway and
the rock. The only questions are, how long is the still move at half of their normal Walking
passage, and where does it emerge? Speed.

If a player character is willing to venture • However, the last 60 feet of the swim
into the pool while utilizing Darkvision or a is nearly vertical as characters emerge
waterproof light source: into an open chamber with breathable
air. Expanded Swimming Rules apply
Passive Investigation: You submerge yourself to all characters for this final vertical
swim. Once characters emerge safely
into the darkness of the still pool and swim downward
from the Flooded Passage, they are free
to get a closer look. Although you can only see the to continue traveling through the cave as
features that are within a relatively short distance, they normally would.
you can tell that there is a long flooded passage
ahead of you. It is impossible to tell how far it goes, • If a character runs out of breath, the GM
or where it leads, without risking the swim. should immediately call for all players to
Roll for Initiative in order to resolve how
that character’s companions are able to
The design of this encounter is meant to force
• Creatures with a Swimming Speed, or
the player characters into a difficult decision.
with special equipment that allows them
The only apparent choices are to turn back
to move more efficiently under water, may
the way they came or to risk a swim through
use those alterations when calculating
the flooded passageway of unknown length.
distance on the Swimming Pace Table
If the characters choose to swim, they may
pause to make some potentially helpful
decisions here as well.
• Characters who do not have a Swimming
Speed move at half their normal Walking
The Expanded Swimming System Rules from
Speed while travelling through the
the Introduction should be used as a part of
passage. Characters are completely
this encounter, so the overall weight of each
submerged through the entire swim, so
character will be very important. Note the
they are forced to hold their breath if
total bodyweight plus equipment weight
they have no other assistance from spells
of each character when they enter the
or special equipment. There may be air
water. Intelligent characters may choose to
pockets available to characters during
leave heavy items behind, or they may think
the swim if the GM decides that they are
of creative ways to keep heavy gear from
necessary. A DC 12 WIS (Perception)
weighing down the weakest swimmers in the
check should be8 sufficient to spot an air


pocket near the ceiling of the passage if the GM chooses to make one available. Once an
air pocket has been used by a creature, there is not enough breathable air left there for
additional creatures.

Basic Rules for Suffocation:

• Ask players to use the calculations below to determine how long their character can hold
his or her breath and how many rounds he or she can survive after running out of breath
or choking.

• A creature can hold its breath for a number of minutes equal to 1 + its Constitution modifier
(minimum of 30 seconds).

• When a creature runs out of breath or is choking, it can survive for a number of rounds
equal to its Constitution modifier (minimum of 1 round). At the start of its next turn, it drops
to 0 hit points and is dying, and it can’t regain hit points or be stabilized until it can breathe

• For example, a creature with a Constitution of 14 can hold its breath for 3 minutes. If it starts
suffocating, it has 2 rounds to reach air before it drops to 0 hit points.

If characters are not in Initiative Order, the Swimming Pace Table below can be used to speed
up the resolution of this encounter. Ask the players to select a swimming pace and to calculate
how far that will allow them to swim for each 30-second increment. It might be wise to share
with the players that swimming at a faster pace comes with a significant risk of reducing the
amount of time that a character can hold their breath.

A Constitution Saving Throw is required at the end of each 30-second swim to avoid panic and
to continue holding one’s breath. The pace of the swim determines the DC of this “composure”
CON Save and whether that Saving Throw is rolled normally, or with Advantage or Disadvantage.
These “Composure” Constitution Saving Throws should not be used if the party is in Initiative


(Swimming Speed is Half of Walking Speed Unless Otherwise Altered by Spells, Character
Features, or Special Equipment)

Succeed on a DC 12 CON Save
Rolled at Disadvantage or lose
Fast Pace (Dashing) 10 x Swimming Speed
30 seconds of Hold Breath
Succeed on a DC 10 CON Save
5 x Swimming Speed
Normal Pace or lose 30 seconds of Hold
(Rounded Down)
Breath time.
Succeed on a DC 8 CON Save
Slow Pace (Conserving Rolled at Advantage or lose
4 x Swimming Speed
Energy) 30 seconds of Hold Breath

If a creature’s Swim Checks in the final 60 feet are sufficient to reach the surface of
the water, they may easily exit the pool and resume travel as they normally would.


Player Difficulty Rating: |Mechanical Complexity Rating:
Before the Session:
• These mechanics may be very challenging on their own for both the players and the
GM. Combining them with combat has the potential to become overwhelming.
• Decide which variation of Contaminated Air will be used: Mold Spores, Dust, or Choking
Gases. If you choose Choking Gases, roll (1d100). On a 1-24, the gas is explosive.
• The affected area is an underground cavern that is (4d4 x 20) feet in diameter.
• Consider relying on Passive Perception to detect the hazards. If the GM stops the party
and asks for an active check, the players may be alerted to the hazard.


“I MIGHT HAVE SOMETHING Fine particles of dust can settle in massive
CAUGHT IN MY THROAT” deposits underground, especially in areas
One of the deadliest hazards below ground where heavy mining took place sometime in
is bad air. Without wind, or even regular air the past.
currents, pockets of deadly substances can
build up over time. Some are odorless and kill Passive Perception: There is a layer of very
slowly. Others smell so bad that they would fine dust on the ground. With every step that
gag a buzzard, and a single whiff may lay the you take as you move through the area, the
mightiest of heroes low. dust is stirred up and hangs in the air around
Contaminated air serves as an insidious conflict
that the characters in your party may not be able DC 12 INT (Investigation) or Higher: The dust
to predict. It emphasizes the foreign nature of the seems to be the result of mining or some massive
underground realm and serves as a reminder earth movement down here. Over time, it has settled
that there is potential danger around every bend. in this place.
Use it as a prelude to a combat scenario, or add
meaningful time elements to subterranean traps by DC 14 WIS (Medicine) or Higher: Breathing in
including the effects of bad air. dust can be very hazardous to our health. Although
it seems quite mundane, it could be deadly. We
should cover our mouths and noses immediately.
Mold Spores Choking Gases
While mushrooms cannot grow in the lungs of Methane, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide,
living creatures, molds can, causing a number and hydrogen sulfide can accumulate in great
of respiratory problems. quantity and concentration in subterranean
areas, and with the exception of hydrogen
sulfide which has a distinct rotten egg scent,
DC 14 WIS (Perception) or Higher: Naturally
they are odorless and virtually undetectable
luminescent fungi fill the cavern ahead. You see an to the party. Creatures have been found dead
occasional glint in the air. Like tiny motes of glitter just a few feet from fresh air in old mines and
reflecting just so. excavations.

DC 14 INT (Nature) or Higher: Some type of tiny DC 18 WIS (Perception) or Higher: There is a
fungal spores are suspended in the air here, though staleness to the air, and a distinct lack of smell to it.
what type of fungus is difficult to determine. No moldiness or dampness or anything else, which
is exceedingly odd. Something is amiss here.
DC 18 INT (Investigation) or Higher: Wedged
between some nearby rocks you find the recently DC 20 INT (Nature) or Higher: Concentrations of
dead corpse of a common cave rat. It has small certain gases can be toxic. What we’re experiencing
pale hairlike tendrils growing out of its mouth, and may be signs of the presence of these gases. It
it appears that an invasive fungus has taken root would be wise to use face coverings here.
inside the dead body.

DC 20 INT (Nature) or WIS (Survival) or

Higher: These are the spores of a mold known
as the Pale Death. It grows in the lungs of living
creatures. We should cover our mouths and noses
immediately! It may already be too late!


PLAYER ACTION OPPORTUNITY ● On a successful Save, the creature’s Current
“I REALLY DON’T FEEL WELL AT ALL” HP and Maximum HP is reduced by half
If the party chooses to move through this its Mold Points (rounded down). For every
area, they can cover their mouths and noses point rolled above the required DC for the
to reduce the effects of inhaling the bad air. Save, the creature’s accumulated Mold
The characters may choose to use specialized Points are reduced by a point.
equipment like a Plague Mask or a Respirator
Mask, or they may use an improvised filter ● On a failed Save, the creature’s Current
mask made from moistened cloth. HP and Maximum HP is reduced by its
total Mold Points. For every point rolled
Spells or effects that create gusts or pockets below the required DC for the Save, the
of fresh air may allow the party to move creature’s accumulated Mold Points are
through the area with no ill effects. Spells increased by a point.
that create rain, waves of water, or deal fire
damage in the affected area may also cleanse ● If a creature reaches 0 HP due to the
the air at the GM’s discretion. accumulation of Mold Points, Initiative
should be rolled as the creature falls
If dealing with dust, the party can move at a Unconscious and makes Death Saving
slow pace to limit the amount of dust they Throws as usual.
kick into the air.
● Magical Healing cannot fully benefit a
creature unless it also adds to Maximum
“THE WHOLE PLACE IS COMING DOWN” HP. A character who is Proficient with
the Herbalism Kit can make a special
Mold Spores DC 15 check with those tools in order to
Moving through the spores: A creature who is reduce the number of Mold Points. On
moving through the area of the mold spores at a successful check, the Mold Points are
a normal pace with no face covering incurs 30 reduced by the total value of the roll. On
Mold Points during the 1 minute that it takes a failed check, there is no healing effect.
to move through the area. Creatures moving
at a Slow pace, or lingering for any reason, ● This saving throw is repeated at the
take 2 minutes to move across this area and end of every hour as long as a creature
absorb 60 Mold Points each. Characters who has active Mold Points. The reduction in
are moving at a Fast pace are only in the area maximum HP remains until the creature
for 30 seconds and may take 15 Mold Points. finishes a Long Rest with 0 Mold Points.

Equipment Considerations: A Plague Mask

blocks all Mold Points, and the Respiration Dust
Mask reduces the accumulated points by
half (rounded down). An improvised mask of ROLL FOR INITIATIVE!
moistened cloth requires a successful DC 13
WIS (Medicine) check by the character who Moving through the dust.
attempts to improvise it. On a success, it also ● When it uses Movement on a turn, each
reduces accumulated Mold Points by half. On creature kicks up 2 units of Dust in every
a failure, it does not fit properly and has no space that it touches as it crosses the
effect against the mold. affected area. Note that subsequent
movement through the same area (square
Delayed Spore Effect: 10 minutes after first or hex) accumulates additional Dust
receiving Mold Points, an infected creature in that area. Add two points for each
begins to feel scratchiness in their throat, creature that moves through the area. This
difficulty breathing, and coughing. They must dust hangs in the air for hours and does
make a Constitution Saving Throw based on not dissipate without a powerful gust of
the number of Mold Points obtained. Consult wind, a huge amount of moisture, or other
the table below for the DC of the Saving significant magical effects.
● Areas with Dust are Lightly Obscured,
and areas with more than 2 units of Dust
# of Mold Points CON save DC are considered Heavily Obscured.
● A creature who is intentionally moving
1-10 12 at half-speed only kicks up 1 unit of Dust,
and the use of Intrepid Shoes keeps
11-20 14 the character who is wearing them from
21-30 16 kicking up any Dust at all.

40-50 18
50+ 20


Accumulating Dust Points: If a creature that Choking Gases
requires air passes through an area affected
by Dust and is not wearing a face covering ROLL FOR INITIATIVE!
or holding its breath, it takes on Dust Points
equal to the accumulated Dust in the area. ● Creatures may move across this cavern
at their normal Movement Speeds unless
Equipment Considerations: A Plague Mask otherwise impeded.
blocks all Dust Points, and the Respiration
Mask reduces the accumulated points by ● A creature that starts its turn in the affected
half (rounded down). An improvised mask of area and is not holding its breath or using
moistened cloth requires a successful DC 13 specialized respiration equipment must
WIS (Medicine) check by the character who succeed on a DC 14 Constitution Saving
attempts to improvise it. On a success, it also Throw or take one Level of Exhaustion
reduces accumulated Dust Points by half. On as its vision fades, it begins to cough,
a failure, it does not fit properly and has no and it can’t think clearly. A creature will
effect against the Dust. accumulate one Level of Exhaustion each
time it fails a Saving Throw until it is out of
Losing Dust Points: At the start of a creature’s the affected area.
turn, it makes a Constitution Saving Throw
against its accumulated Dust Points. A ● Equipment Considerations: A Plague
creature who has accumulated no Dust Points Mask will negate the need for these CON
does not need to make the Saving Throw. Use Saves completely, and a Respiration Mask
the table below to determine the DC. will allow a creature to make the CON
Saves at Advantage. An improvised mask
# of Dust Points CON save DC of moistened cloth requires a successful
DC 13 WIS (Medicine) check by the
1-5 10 character who attempts to improvise it.
6-10 14 On a success, it also allows Advantage on
all CON Saves while in the area.
11+ 18
● Explosive Gases: If it was determined that
● On a successful Save, the creature is the gas is also explosive (pre-session roll
struggling to breathe, but can continue above), any source of natural or magical
to Move and take Actions. It overcomes flame, any spells that cause Lightning
any Blinded or Choking conditions caused damage or other electrical effects, or any
by the Dust in previous rounds. For every action that causes a spark, ignites gas
point rolled above the required DC for and causes it to explode. Each creature
the Save, the creature’s accumulated Dust in the area must make a DC 16 Dexterity
Points are reduced by a point. Saving Throw, taking (8d6) Fire damage
on a failure and half as much on a success.
● On a failed Save, the creature is coughing After the explosion, the choking gases
uncontrollably. It is Blinded, moves at have been dissipated.
half-speed, cannot take Actions, Bonus
Actions, or Reactions until the start of its
next turn, and is Choking.

● When a creature runs out of breath or is

choking, it can survive for a number of
rounds equal to its Constitution modifier
(minimum of 1 round). At the start of its
next turn, it drops to 0 hit points and is
dying, and it can’t regain hit points or be
stabilized until it can breathe again.

● If a creature reaches 0 HP due to the

accumulation of Dust Points, Initiative
should be rolled as the creature falls
Unconscious and makes Death Saving
Throws as usual. A creature who falls
Unconscious in this way cannot regain HP
or be stabilized until it is outside of the
area affected by the Dust.


Player Difficulty Rating: |Mechanical Complexity Rating:

A magma chamber is a large pool of molten rock that exists in the area of the earth’s crust
beneath a volcanic crater. Adventurers who are traveling through the subterranean realm may
not be aware that they are in the vicinity of such a volcano until they come upon this chamber
deep beneath the surface. The chamber will include intrusive rock formations that allow for very
cautious travel across the chamber. The GM will decide how many of these rock formations there
are and where they are placed.

This environment makes for an exceptional complication to combat. Fire Elementals, Red Dragons, and other
creatures who are immune to fire damage are at an incredible advantage in such areas. A magma chamber
may also represent a challenging barrier for your player characters to cross. Even with obvious structures
that allow for foot traffic, they may be forced to think of some very creative solutions to avoid taking massive
damage. This hazard is also closely related to the Volcanic Explosion encounter in the Coastal chapter, and
the two can be used creatively in close coordination.


NEXT-LEVEL DESCRIPTION As the party chooses to cross through the
“ARE THOSE INTREPID SHOES chamber, the instability of this location
STILL IN THE BAG OF HOLDING?” becomes very obvious. Periodic bursts of lava
Passive Perception: The air temperature has bubble up and splash nearby in many areas
increased dramatically, and a red glow reflects off of the chamber. Small gas bubbles also have
of the walls ahead. As you peer around the corner a tendency to burst and release toxic fumes.
and down below, you see the opening of a massive Although both of these occurrences are fairly
chamber, the floor of which consists primarily of rare and random, characters should have a
molten rock. There are a few areas where solid plan to avoid their effects.
rock is visible above the molten pool, but they are
surrounded by bubbling and spurting lava. MECHANICAL RESOLUTION
DC 16 INT (Nature) or Higher: The ceiling of the
cavern, just 10 feet above the ledge on which you are ROLL FOR INITIATIVE!
standing, is riddled with vent holes. This indicates
that you are standing in the magma chamber The floor of the chamber is 5 feet below the
beneath an active volcanic crater. In times past (who underground entrance to the chamber, and
knows how distant), pressure has built within this there is a similar passage that serves as an
chamber and has led to volcanic eruptions on the exit 5 feet above the floor on the opposite
surface above. The temperature of the molten rock side. This puts the distance between the
here is high enough to kill a creature on contact, and lava and the ceiling of the chamber at 15 feet.
the extreme heat near the magma has the potential The distance across the magma chamber
to burn as well. from entrance to exit is (1d100 + 80) feet.
Creatures are completely safe while standing
at either the entrance or the exit to the
DC 18 INT (Nature) or Higher: Gaseous vapors chamber, but they are above the lava while
can be seen rising off of the molten rock, and inside the chamber itself.
although they consist primarily of steam, there are
The intense heat is very dangerous when
certainly some toxic fumes mixed in as well. Periodic directly adjacent to lava. When a creature
bursts of magma may occur. Contrary to popular begins its turn within 5 feet of the lava, it
belief, objects do not “sink” in the incredibly dense must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution Saving
lava, but the heat directly above it can be enough to Throw, or take one Level of Exhaustion
kill within seconds. from the extreme heat. Creatures who are
Resistant to Fire Damage may make this
Save at Advantage and creatures who are
“IT’S NOT SAFE TO STAND THERE” Immune to Fire Damage need not make the
Player characters will have to decide how to Saving Throw.
get across the magma chamber in the safest
possible way. As mentioned in the Narrative At any point, if a creature falls into the area
Thread, there are a few areas of intrusive covered by lava, that creature bursts into
rock that can be used as “stepping stones” flame and immediately takes (18d10) Fire
to get across the magma chamber. In most damage. This level of Fire damage repeats
cases, these will be small and will require the at the beginning of every turn in which
characters to leap from one to the next. the creature is in contact with the lava. If a
creature escapes the area covered by the lava
If a creature should choose to scale the rock but is still on fire, the damage is reduced to
walls of the chamber, they may do so using the (4d6) Fire damage.
Expanded Climbing Rules in the Introduction.
During the climb, these creatures are always The intrusive rock formations that serve as
directly over an area of the chamber floor that stepping stones within the chamber each
is covered in lava. have a radius of no more than 5 feet. Any
creature who is standing on one of these
rock formations is immediately adjacent to
The most important decisions that the players the lava. The rock formations are randomly
will have to make are in what order they should arranged and spaced at intervals of (3d4)
cross the chamber and what equipment may feet. Therefore, a character jumping from
be used to assist them. Spells like Water Walk one rock to another may have to utilize a
can be used to traverse the lava (at the risk of Standing Long Jump, or, if the distance is
taking Fire damage), and Intrepid Shoes may too great to jump, may need mechanical or
also allow a character to walk on the molten magical assistance.
surface without being harmed. Neither of
these methods will protect a character from
the “lava bursts” and “gas pockets” mentioned


• Long Jump. When you make a long jump, • Each one of these pockets releases
you cover a number of feet up to your gas from the surface of the lava to
Strength score if you move at least 10 the ceiling of the chamber within a
feet on foot immediately before the jump. cylinder that is 15 feet high with a
When you make a standing long jump, radius of 5 feet.
you can leap only half that distance. Either
way, each foot you clear on the jump costs • There is a 10% chance that this gas
a foot of movement. is released directly below a creature
who is moving in an area above the
• Mechanical Assistance. The lava at the lava (levitating, climbing walls, walking
base of the chamber is very dense molten with magical assistance, etc.)
rock, so objects are not likely to “sink” very
far into it. Equipment like a 10-foot-pole, • Roll (1d100) to determine the location
or a sturdy polearm of any kind, can be of the gas pockets.
used to double the distance of a standing
long jump if a character plants one end • On a result of 10 or lower, a pocket
into the lava and rides across on the other of Hydrogen Sulfide gas is released
end. A piece of equipment is permanently directly beneath a creature who
destroyed after just one of these uses. occupies a space up to 15 feet above
the surface of the chamber floor
• Magical Assistance. The spell Water Walk (flying, levitating, climbing, etc).
specifically allows creatures to walk on If there is more than one possible
the surface of lava, but characters who creature whom the burst might affect,
use this method take (8d10) Fire damage the GM should choose randomly by
on each turn in which they contact the rolling an appropriate polyhedral die.
molten rock. Spells like Levitate, Fly,
Spider Climb, and Protection From Energy • The affected creature must make a
all have meaningful uses in this context. DC 17 Constitution Saving Throw or
be knocked Unconscious by this burst
of toxic gas. Creatures who do not
The Magma Chamber acts on Initiative Count need to breathe, or who are wearing
20 and Initiative Count 10 as follows: a Plague Mask, do not need to make
this Saving Throw. Creatures who
• On Initiative Count 20, the chamber are wearing a Respiration Mask may
releases 3 random lava bursts. make the Save at Advantage.

• Each one of these bursts occurs within

a cylinder that is 5 feet high and that
splashes exposed surfaces within a 5
foot radius.

• There is a 10% chance that this may

happen next to a creature who is in
the midst of the chamber crossing.

• Roll (1d100) to determine the location

of the bursts.

• On a result of 10 or lower, a burst

occurs within 5 feet of a creature who
occupies a space immediately adjacent
to the lava. If there is more than one
possible creature whom the burst
might affect, the GM should choose
randomly by rolling an appropriate
polyhedral die.

• The affected creature must make a DC

17 Dexterity Saving Throw to avoid
the violent splashing of the lava. On
a success, the creature avoids the lava
entirely and takes no damage. On a
failure, the creature takes (8d10) Fire
damage as lava splashes into its space.

• On Initiative Count 10, the chamber

releases 3 random gas pockets.


Player Difficulty Rating: |Mechanical Complexity Rating:
THROUGH HERE” Depending on their motivations, the char-
In the deepest, darkest recesses of the acters may take a number of actions. They
subterranean realm, adventurers should could, of course, turn and travel back in the
expect to encounter the unknown and the direction from which they came. They could
unknowable. While a “bottomless” pit is attempt to cross the chasm and continue on
naturally impossible, the powerful delving the other side. If they intend to travel to the
of Elder Elementals and other apocalyptic Elemental Plane of Earth, they can simply
creatures of the depths can create a dive in and hope for the best.
bottomless chasm that serves as a portal
between the Material Plane and the Elemental
Is your party looking for an interplanar journey? Are GEAR IS SECURELY ATTACHED”
The distance across the chasm is (4d20 +
they on a mission to rescue characters who have
60) feet. The ledges on each side of the gap
been enslaved by the earth elementals? Or does this are at the same elevation and have plenty
barrier simply represent a mysterious obstacle on of room for Large or smaller creatures to
the characters’ way from one point to the next in the stand comfortably. There is no stone surface
dark places beneath the earth? A GM SHOULD NOT anywhere within the void represented by the
utilize this hazard unless a journey to the Elemental chasm.
Plane of Earth is a manageable development for the
campaign narrative. A fall into the chasm results in a creature’s
plummeting 500 feet into the darkness before
NEXT-LEVEL DESCRIPTION being transported safely to a location of the
“MY HAIR IS STANDING ON END, GM’s choosing on the Elemental Plane of
AND IT’S NOT JUST FROM THE WIND” Earth. The final result of the fall is not visible
Passive Perception: A rush of cold wind greets to creatures at the top of the chasm due to
you as you approach the edge of an impossibly depth, darkness, and the mist that rises from
deep chasm beneath the earth. A continuous updraft the portal below.
emanates from the depths, bringing with it clouds of
thick mist. Creatures who are attempting to cross the
chasm must deal with the powerful updraft
DC 16 INT (Nature) or Higher: This is not a that rises from the depths. The updraft has
the following qualities:
natural feature. Something otherworldly is at work
here. ● The updraft disperses gas or vapor, and
it extinguishes candles, torches, and
DC 16 INT (Arcana) or Higher: The powerful similar unprotected flames in the area. It
energy that emanates from this chasm is palpable. causes protected flames, such as those
The wind smells deeply of earth, and tendrils of of lanterns, to dance wildly and has a 50
conjuration magic rise with each updraft. This is likely percent chance to extinguish them.
an interplanar vortex, but where exactly it leads is
anyone’s guess. ● Ranged weapon attacks that pass over the
chasm or that are made against targets
DC 25 INT (History) or Higher: Ancient dwarvish within its space have Disadvantage on
tales speak of a bottomless chasm that leads directly their attack rolls.
to the Elemental Plane of Earth - a place with majestic
mountain ranges that are filled with unimaginable
● A creature must make a Strength Saving
Throw if it flies over the chasm for the first
wealth. But these are the exaggerations of legend. time on a turn or if it starts its turn there
There is no reliable evidence that such a place while flying. On a failed save, the creature
exists. is knocked and falls.


Original Sketch of Grio

ADVENTURE ENVIRONMENT Frostbite if exposed to the extreme cold for
The icy expanse of the Arctic is technically a as little as one hour.
desert because it receives very little precipitation
throughout the year. However, the precipitation • Frostbite typically affects exposed extremities
that does fall remains frozen for most of the like the nose,fingers,and toes first. If a creature
year, leading to unique terrain formations that is traveling in extreme cold with exposed
cannot be found anywhere else. Adventurers skin or improper clothing, frostbite will
who travel in the arctic may have to deal with have the following effects:
snowy tundra, rugged glaciers, and seas of
colliding icebergs. This is not a biome for the • When affected by Frostbite, the
faint of heart. character takes cumulative (2d6) cold
damage for each half-day (4 hours)
In addition, groups who dare to travel in this of travel in freezing temperatures,
environment must deal with the constant and the DC of the CON Saving Throw
threat of frostbite, snow blindness, and for the next half-day of travel in
hypothermia. We advise GMs and players Extreme Temperatures rises by 2. The
who are not interested in a highly challenging character’s Max HP is reduced by the
environment to avoid the Arctic biome damage taken. On subsequent days
altogether. of travel while exposed to the cold,
the CON Saves must be rolled at the
LANDSCAPE AND LACK OF VEGETATION higher DC for characters who are
Due to the lack of precipitation, unusual light already frostbitten. This damage and
conditions, and the permafrost caused by HP reduction cannot be healed with a
extreme cold, there are no trees or large plants Short Rest or a Long Rest.
in the extreme arctic environment. During
the summer months, when the snows have • Frostbite of the lower extremities will
melted, the open tundra is filled with mosses, cut a creature’s movement speed in
lichens, and wildflowers for a short time. half, much the same as 2nd-Level
Exhaustion would.
WEATHER CONDITIONS • Frostbite of the upper extremities will
The average Arctic winter temperature is put the creature at Disadvantage on
-30° F / -34°C, while summer temperatures all weapon and spell attack rolls.
range from 37-54° F / 3-12° C. Wind chill
can lower these perceived temperatures • Frostbite can also affect the corneas
significantly. Summer temperatures that of the eyes, causing Blindness, but
average above freezing are only realized in this only takes place during Blizzard
the warmest four months of the year. The rest conditions where a character is
of the year is brutally cold. traveling without eye protection.

The best clothing for this environment consists • To heal Frostbite and reset the DC
of layers of insulated fabrics, animal furs, and of CON Saves to 12, a character
thick outer clothing. Gloves, sturdy boots, and must spend at least a Short Rest
goggles are also necessary to avoid the risks without direct exposure to freezing
associated with extended exposure to the temperatures and receive magical
elements. healing from spells or Potions of
Healing that restores the character to
While traveling in the arctic, characters must its original Max HP.
make a DC 12 CON Save against Extreme
Temperature for every half-day (4 hours) of • If Frostbite is allowed to progress for
travel. With the aid of cold weather clothing two full days without the proper
or Resistance to Cold damage, a character healing procedures, blood flow to the
may remain in sub-freezing conditions for a affected areas will cease completely,
number of hours equal to 1 + its Constitution and the Frostbite will transition
modifier without making these Constitution into Gangrene. Gangrene is a serious
Saving Throws. Thereafter, even a character infection that can become systemic,
with these protections must succeed on a and it should be treated according to
DC 12 Constitution saving throw, but may roll the rules for Festering Wounds in the
at Advantage. Wearing the appropriate cold Introduction. By the time Frostbite
weather clothing generally prevents Frostbite has become gangrenous, it is already
as well. Conversely, a character who is not at the 48-hour stage of the Festering
wearing the appropriate arctic clothing may Wounds table.
not roll at Advantage on these CON Saves
and also has a 100% probability of suffering
• Hypothermia occurs when a body loses heat more quickly than it can produce heat, resulting
in a dangerously low body temperature. If left untreated, hypothermia will eventually lead to
failure of the heart and respiratory system. In the arctic environment, hypothermia is well-
represented by Levels of Exhaustion.

• Snow blindness is caused by overexposure to UV rays as they reflect off of the snow. A
creature who is not adapted to the arctic environment, who travels without specific eye
protection, may experience this condition. Four every hour of travel during which a character
is without eye protection, that character has a 60% chance of developing snow blindness.
If this condition takes effect, the character is Blinded for a period of 24 hours. After the 24
hours have passed, the character’s vision returns to normal.


Travel through the deep snow of the arctic tundra is both slow-going and exhausting for
creatures who are neither adapted to these conditions nor using the proper travel equipment.
In general, a creature travels at 1/6th of its normal overland pace while traveling through deep
snow (as can be seen in the Snowy Travel Pace Table below).


Travel Pace/Equipment Distance
Fast, On foot, without equipment** ¾ of a mile per hour
Normal, On foot, without equipment** ½ of a mile per hour
Slow, On foot, without equipment** ⅓ of a mile per hour
Fast, with snowshoes 1.5 miles per hour
Normal, with snowshoes 1 mile per hour
Slow, with snowshoes ⅔ mile per hour
Fast, on cross-country skis 3 miles per hour
Normal, on cross-country skis 2 miles per hour
Slow, on cross-country skis 1.5 miles per hour
Fast, on a dogsled or horse-drawn sleigh 6 miles per hour
Normal, on a dogsled or horse-drawn sleigh 4 miles per hour
Slow, on a dogsled or horse-drawn sleigh 3 miles per hour
**No equipment - Must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw at the end of each
hour of travel or take a level of Exhaustion (In addition to any Exhaustion from Extreme

Standard wheeled vehicles like wagons, carts, and carriages do not function in off-road snowy
tundra. Grio’s All-Terrain Artificer Wagon is a magical exception to this rule. Dogsleds and
horse drawn sleighs must be used in place of these vehicle types. Snowshoes and cross-country
skis increase the efficiency of foot travel through this environment.

Any creature who is traveling by foot through deep snowy tundra, without the aid of specialized
equipment to aid in efficiency, must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw at the end
of every hour of travel or take a level of Exhaustion. Additionally, the daily food and water
requirements double for a creature who travels for at least one hour in these difficult conditions
without the use of specialized modes of transportation.

Both snow-covered and icy surfaces count as Difficult Terrain for the purposes of Chases and
Combat encounters.


Player Difficulty Rating: |Mechanical Complexity Rating:
Before the session, know the damage thresholds, crew requirements, and HP of the water
vessel that is in use during this encounter. The ship must have an able helmsman who has
Proficiency with Water Vehicles.


Icebergs are hidden killers on the Arctic seas. The characters aboard the water vehicle in
As little as 1/8 of the berg may be visible above question should have the opportunity to state
the surface of the water, and the ice beneath how they choose to handle this risk. Keep in
the surface can be very dangerous to ships. A mind that each seagoing vessel has its own
ship that collides with the underwater portion crew requirements. If the player characters
of an iceberg may be reduced to kindling in are needed to operate the vessel, there may
the blink of an eye, leaving its occupants to be few of them left to watch for icebergs. If
deal with the even more dire consequences the ship has a dedicated crew aside from the
of Frigid Water and attempting to survive on player characters, the adventurers will have a
the flotsam left by the shipwreck. meaningful opportunity to help keep the ship
safe by watching from the rigging or from the
Icebergs may serve your story by creating a rails. Depending on the destination, it may or
challenging barrier to sea travel. They might also be may not be possible to navigate around the
used by wily Arctic enemies to launch an ambush. icebergs. If a detour is allowable, it should
Monsters that are able to hunt beneath the surface represent a significant loss of time, and it
of the cold water, or from the air, might easily pick might lead to additional encounters at sea.
off crewmen who have blundered into seas riddled
with these huge pieces of floating ice. Failure to MECHANICAL RESOLUTION
navigate the treacherous icebergs may also create “LET ME STEER THIS THING!”
the opportunity for a dramatic rescue as a part of
the group narrative. Group Skill Challenge Requirements

• Roll for Initiative! Alternatively, the GM

NEXT-LEVEL DESCRIPTION may have all players declare the checks
“OH! THAT LOOKS MUCH that they are making and to have them
roll simultaneously. This allows the GM
Passive Perception: The cold is pervasive here to adjudicate the combined successes
on the relatively open arctic sea, and progressively or failures of the group and to adjust
larger pieces of ice can be seen floating past the consequences accordingly.
gunwales of your vessel. Some of them are as large
as boulders, and others are the size of small houses. • The ultimate outcome of this encounter
will be determined by a group skill
DC 12 INT (Investigation) or Higher: As you challenge. The characters aboard the ship
attempt to get a closer look at one of these icebergs, must succeed on a total of 9 skill checks
you can follow its outline just below the surface, and before accumulating a number of failures
you can see that its dimensions continue to expand sufficient to sink the ship (determined by
as it extends downward into the dark depths of the Hull HP). Characters may only use skills in
which they are Proficient. Any NPC crew
sea. The portion beneath the surface is likely four to
members, aside from the helmsman who is
five times larger than the piece of cold blue ice that steering the ship, should be excused from
is visible above the swells. This poses a significant these skill checks as they go about their
threat to the hull of your vessel. own emergency duties. The helmsman
(whether PC or NPC) should be required
Proficiency with Water Vehicles or DC 16 INT to make the Water Vehicles check below
(Nature) or Higher: The rolling swells and ocean as a part of the Group Skill Challenge.
currents will make navigating this section of ocean
quite difficult. All crew members who are not actively • The use of spells does not count as a
engaged in the operation of the vessel itself should success or a failure in this challenge,
be on iceberg watch to help prevent a collision with but it may assist other characters with
the drifting ice. the required skill checks, or it may help
mitigate damage to the ship’s hull.


• As per usual, characters may only use • A successful DC 12 CHA (Performance)
skills in which they are Proficient. The check allows a character to sing,
following skills may come into play during dance, or play a musical instrument in
the skill challenge, but other creative such a way as to encourage the others
methods may also be allowed at the GM’s aboard the ship to go about their
discretion. The GM may choose to suggest duties with diligence and watchfulness.
some of these skills for characters who On a failure, a sailor is particularly
are Proficient. distracted by your poor performance
and misses an approaching berg. The
• A successful DC 12 Water Vehicles result is (4d20) points of damage to
check allows a character to steer the the hull.
ship or boat among the dangerous
icebergs or to aid another character • A successful DC 12 CHA (Intimidation)
(granting Advantage on that check allows a character to bark orders
character’s next skill check) who is at the sailors and other characters
proficient with Water Vehicles. On a on deck, ensuring that they prevent
failure, a medium-sized growler berg collisions with the dangerous icebergs.
rakes along the underside of the vessel, On a failure, one of the sailors does not
doing (4d20) points of damage to take kindly to your orders and punches
the hull. you in the face, doing 6 points of
Bludgeoning damage.
• A successful DC 12 STR (Athletics) or
DC 12 DEX (Acrobatics) check allows If the hull of a water vessel is reduced to 0
a character to quickly climb up the HP at any point during this challenge, the
rigging of any sailing vessel with a tall ship breaks up violently and sinks beneath
mast and to take an advantageous the surface of the water within a matter of
lookout position. Alternatively, a minutes. The GM may combine the appropriate
character might use Athletics or elements of the Frigid Water and Stranded at
Acrobatics to run about the deck of a Sea encounters to resolve the situation from
vessel and to check for icebergs along this point forward.
various portions of the hull. A failure
results in a fall onto the deck of the
ship and (1d6) Bludgeoning damage
to the affected character.

• A successful DC 12 INT (Nature) or a

DC 12 WIS (Survival) check allows a
character to attune to the swells and
currents at work around the vessel,
potentially helping to avoid bergs that
are changing position due to the power
of the sea. On a failure, the character
makes a miscalculation while tracking
a small iceberg that is moving more
rapidly than expected. It strikes the
side of the hull, doing (4d20) damage.

• A successful DC 12 WIS (Perception)

check allows a character to track the
relative positions of several icebergs
that are floating near enough to the
vessel to pose a threat while shouting
warnings to the helmsman. On a
failure, the character is unable to
keep track of two dangerous bergs
that make simultaneous contact with
the vessel, doing a combined (4d20)
points of damage to the hull.

• A successful DC 12 INT (Religion)

check allows a character to receive
guidance from a patron deity that
aids in the location of submerged ice.
On a failure, the deity chooses not
to intervene for the remainder of the


Player Difficulty Rating: |Mechanical Complexity Rating:


There are several methods by which an Ice Avoiding any activities that might compromise
Cave or a Glacier Cave may form. In some the crystalline structure of the Ice Cave should
cases this is an actual cavity formed within be the primary goal. Fire of any kind is risky,
a glacier, but it may also be represented and major vibrations are taboo as well. In order
by a limestone cave or a lava tube where to emerge from this place, characters will
temperatures stay below freezing throughout need to be mindful of these basic risks. Allow
the year. In either case, a cavern of ice creates the players to describe what precautions their
a unique and treacherous environment for characters are taking.
explorers. Because the ice never has an
opportunity to melt completely, interesting
and unstable formations of compacted snow MECHANICAL RESOLUTION
and ice can exist here. FROM THE COLD, OR THE FRIGHT”
• If characters arrived here because of
This cave may be the terminus of a Glacier a fall through a Glacier Crevasse, use
Crevasse or it may be a location that a party seeks the climbing details at the end of that
out for shelter during a Blizzard. As such, an Ice encounter to adjudicate any attempts to
Cave may be an exceedingly rare occurrence in climb back out of the same opening.
your campaign narrative. This encounter assumes
that any characters who have arrived here the • The twists and turns of this Ice Cave
opportunity for a dramatic rescue as a part of the should be considered Difficult Terrain
group narrative. This encounter assumes that any throughout. Characters wearing crampons,
characters who have arrived here may not have or who are otherwise able to traverse icy
conditions, may move normally.
done so completely by their own choice and that
escape from an external threat, or from the cave • As a character explores the Ice Cave, he
itself, is a major part of the challenge. They may, of or she leaves very few natural signs of
course, stumble upon cold-loving monsters who call passage and, if not intentionally leaving
this place home. items behind to create a trail, may only
be tracked by other members of the
NEXT-LEVEL DESCRIPTION party with a successful DC 20 WIS
“MAYBE WE’LL ‘SLIP’ INSIDE (Survival) check. However, sound travels
FOR A SPELL” exceptionally well here, so shouts or
Passive Perception: The floor and walls of this sounds of combat may grant Advantage
very small and constricting cavern are completely to adventurers who are searching for a
lost companion.
coated in thick blue ice, and the temperature here
is well below freezing. Eerie thumps and creaks • The ceilings of tunnels and rooms in this
echo all around you and reverberate through the cave are no more than 5 feet high and
unknown depths beyond this chamber as well. should be described as very constricting
and disorienting, unless otherwise noted.
DC 13 WIS (Survival) or Higher: This cavern
• During daylight hours, rays of light make
is an incredibly dangerous location. Footing is their way down into the cave through
treacherous, lighting is unreliable, and it might be the translucent ice and through narrow
necessary to scale walls of solid ice to escape. To vents and cracks in the structure. None
get out of here alive, you’ll have to overcome all of of these cracks are of sufficient size to
the challenges of a normal cave and then some. allow characters to climb out of the cave.
All vision-based checks (including the
DC 15 INT (Nature) or Higher: Many tons of Survival checks described below) are at
unstable material rest above your head, and a bit Disadvantage in this area of Dim Light
too much heat or vibration could cause it all to come unless Darkvision or a source of Bright
tumbling inward. Ice structures are much more fickle Light is used. During nighttime hours, the
cave is completely dark.
than limestone. Collapse is a major concern.
• If a torch or other open flame (natural or
magical) that produces significant heat is
used as a light source, describe how the ice


on the ceilings of the passages begins to
glisten and melt from the heat. Extended • On a success, the character discovers
exposure to these types of flames will that one path actually leads downward
cause obvious cracks and minor collapses into the heart of the cave for several
as the structural integrity of the ice is hundred feet before opening up
compromised. Candles, Lanterns, and into a network of tunnels created by
Spells that are incapable of producing Fire an underground river system. If the
damage (Light, Dancing Lights, Continual correct path can be discovered from
Flame, etc.) do not cause the ice to melt here, an exit may be located.
in this way.
• On a failure, the character spends
• If the ceilings and walls of the Ice Cave one hour exploring one of the eight
sustain more than 15 points of Fire or passageways before discovering that
Thunder damage at any point during it is a dead end and being forced to
this encounter, a major collapse occurs, return to the central room. A character
closing off passageways and trapping the with crampons is able to complete
offending character(s) in a space with a this exploration in 1/2 an hour. The GM
radius of no more than 10 feet until they may introduce additional monsters or
can be rescued by creatures from outside threats at his or her discretion.
the collapsed area. Breathable air exists in
this space for 1 hour before the creatures • The third and final check is a DC 16 WIS
within begin to Suffocate. Use of fire (Survival) check that must be made to
to melt the ice as a means of escape is determine in which direction the water
certain to cause further collapse and beneath the thickly frozen surface of
instant death as tons of ice crush inward the river network is flowing. A character
on this tiny area. who has the Strength and the necessary
tools to break through the frozen surface
• In order to navigate the incomprehensible of the underground river automatically
maze of ice tunnels, characters will need succeeds on the final check as the flow of
to succeed on three WIS (Survival) checks the river becomes obvious. The character
of increasing difficulty. should realize that the exit to the Ice Cave
is downstream from this location. The
• As a character begins to execute an Strong Ice here requires a DC 20 Strength
escape from the Ice Cave, he or she check to break through. A mining pick, or
must succeed on a DC 10 WIS (Survival) a comparable tool, grants Advantage on
check. Remember that this check is at this check.
Disadvantage without a source of Bright
Light or Darkvision. • On a success, the character can follow
the river network downstream to an
• On a success, the character passes exit near the sea.
through a narrow passageway that
seems to climb in elevation, and arrives • On a failure, a character follows the
in a slightly larger chamber with eight river network in the wrong direction
different passages that spider outward for one hour and may repeat the
from the central room. The ceilings check to recognize the error. The GM
here are 10 feet high. may introduce additional monsters or
threats at his or her discretion.
• On a failure, the character stumbles
into an unseen chute that leads deeper
into the cave where an icy Monstrosity
of the GM’s choosing awaits. Should
the adventurer(s) evade or defeat the
Monstrosity, they can make their way
back up to the top of the chute with
a successful DC 18 (Athletics) check.
A character who is wearing crampons,
or who has assistance from other
climbing gear, may make this check at

• After the initial WIS (Survival) check is

resolved, a character must succeed on a DC
14 WIS (Survival) check (at Disadvantage
without a light source or Darkvision)
to locate the correct exit passage from
among the many options that radiate from
the slightly larger chamber mentioned
Player Difficulty Rating: |Mechanical Complexity Rating:

NARRATIVE THREAD DC 14 WIS (Survival) or DC 14 INT (Nature)

“I HATE SWIMMING, AND or Higher: You know that ice is typically thicker
NOW IT’S FREEZING COLD TOO?” near the shoreline, where the water is shallower.
Frigid Water is a serious threat in the Arctic Depending on the depth of this body of water, and
environment since hypothermia is a known
the potential currents and heat sources that may
killer. Player characters should be aware of
the risk when traveling out onto ice. Even exist beneath the surface, the ice closer to the center
though the arctic environment is subject to may be significantly weaker.
temperatures far below freezing, deep bodies
of open water can sustain enough heat and
movement to weaken ice that may appear to DC 18 WIS (Survival) or DC 18 INT (Nature)
be solid and reliable footing. or Higher: When traveling over weak ice, leaving
space between party members may help to ensure
If a party has the choice to travel across the ice that no more than one person will fall through if the
or around the body of water to reach a necessary ice is compromised. It may also be a good idea to
objective, their chosen route may have enormous have ropes at the ready to help pull a fellow party
consequences. Decide how big the body of water member out of the slush.
is ahead of time to determine how long it will take to
travel across versus traveling around. Elements of PLAYER ACTION OPPORTUNITY
time pressure can increase the drama associated “I’M NOT SURE IF VENTURING
with the decision, and this setting can also lead to FARTHER OUT IS WISE”
a very exciting combat encounter against creatures As with many other natural encounters,
who are immune to Cold damage. unstable ice may present a choice between a
quick trip from Point A to Point B and a long
journey around a body of water. If players
NEXT-LEVEL DESCRIPTION choose to venture out onto ice that cannot
“STEP LIGHTLY NOW...” support their combined weight, use the
Passive Perception: The surface of the water is mechanics below to resolve the encounter.
frozen and covered with a thin layer of snow, so it is
difficult to distinguish the ice from the solid shoreline. Spacing is important while traveling across
It is also very difficult to tell how thick the ice may be ice. When a large section of ice breaks, all
here. The body of water before you clearly extends creatures in its radius will be submerged.
outward for quite a long distance. Therefore, the GM must be aware of the
players’ choices regarding spacing.
DC 14 INT (Investigation) or Higher: As you
initially make your way out across the frozen surface
near the shoreline, your footing feels solid and
reliable. However, once you’ve traveled a significant
distance out onto the ice, ominous creaks and
thumps make it clear that there is definitely some
risk of breakage.




The frozen surface breaks based on relative thickness. Ice is typically thicker and more solid near
the shoreline, and weaker near the deeper areas of the body of water. Use the Ice Breakage Table
below to determine whether or not the ice breaks in a given scenario. Both player characters and
enemy combatants may choose to break ice intentionally with the included Strength checks.


Holds up to extreme
Strong Ice -
movements like
Breaks in a Circular Holds up to 2,000
DC 20 STR check to combat. Must be
Area with a 10-foot pounds of static
break intentionally broken intentionally
radius and becomes weight
or by a massive
Has a 50% chance
Questionable Ice - of breaking each
Breaks in a Circular time a character
Holds up to 400
Area with a 15-foot DC 10 STR check to moves in combat
pounds of static
radius and becomes break intentionally or if characters are
Slush Dashing or moving
recklessly as part of
a chase.
Has an 80% chance
Weak Ice - of breaking on each
Breaks in a Circular time a character
Holds up to 100
Area with a 20-foot DC 5 STR check to moves in combat
pounds of static
radius and becomes break intentionally or if characters are
Slush Dashing or moving
recklessly as part of
a chase..
Cannot Support
Mechanically the
Concentrated Weight Immediate
Slush same as Frigid
of more than 5 Submersion

Frigid Water • On each round after being submerged, a

creature may use an Action to make an
• If ice breaks, the surface collapses in the attempt to slide up onto solid ice. The
prescribed radius around the creature creature must succeed on a DC 14 STR
or object that initiated the break and (Athletics) check to achieve this feat.
converts to Frigid Water. On a success, the creature finishes flat
• A creature immersed in Frigid Water on the surface of an adjacent area of
(any water below 40°F or 5°C) must Questionable Ice in a Prone position. On
immediately succeed on a DC 13 a failure, the creature is unable to pull itself
Constitution Saving Throw or gain one out of the Frigid Water. If assistance
Level of Exhaustion from the initial is provided by another creature (e.g.
cold shock response. Creatures who are an extended rope or pole, or another
Resistant or Immune to Cold damage character who lies Prone to extend
immediately succeed on this initial saving a helping hand), the STR (Athletics)
throw, as do creatures that are naturally check may be rolled at Advantage, or
or magically adapted to living in ice-cold any Disadvantage imposed because of
water. Exhaustion may be eliminated.

• A creature may move at half its normal • If more than 400 pounds of combined
movement speed while submerged in weight (creatures and equipment) is applied
Frigid Water, unless character features, to the adjacent area of Questionable Ice,
magical assistance, or special equipment another circle of ice (15-foot radius) breaks
grant a faster Swimming Speed. away, and any other creatures within that
radius are also submerged in the Frigid


• A creature may remain in Frigid Water for a number of rounds equal to 5 + its Constitution
modifier before beginning to lose body functions. On the next round after reaching this
threshold, speech becomes slurred and Movement Speed drops to 0 as the creature loses
muscle control. The creature also takes a level of Exhaustion as hypothermia begins to set
in. When Movement Speed drops to 0, the creature can no longer keep itself afloat without
assistance. If no assistance is available, the creature sinks beneath the surface at a rate of 15
feet per round. Suffocation rules are in effect while the creature is submerged.

Raising Body Temperature

• Once out of the water, the party will no longer be in Initiative Order, but the ordeal continues
until all creatures’ body temperatures are brought back above the hypothermic threshold.

• Wet clothing must be doffed to aid in the warming process. Use the Table below for Doffing
clothing and armor.


Cold-Weather Clothing and Light Armor 1 minute

Medium Armor 1 minute
Heavy Armor 5 minutes

• Any creature who has been submerged in the Frigid Water must succeed on a DC 13
Constitution Saving Throw every minute to avoid taking additional levels of Exhaustion.
While wearing wet clothing, the Saving Throw is an automatic failure. If in completely dry
clothing or blankets, the Saving Throw is rolled normally. If immediately next to a sustainable
heat source (a campfire, a Thermal Cube, a Create Bonfire spell), or in a warm shelter, the roll
may be made at Advantage.

• Once sufficiently warmed (after making one successful Saving Throw), existing levels of
Exhaustion remain, but new levels do not accrue.


Player Difficulty Rating: |Mechanical Complexity Rating:

NARRATIVE THREAD DC 22 WIS (Survival) or Higher: The best way

“WHY DID WE COME UP to assure the safety of your party while traversing
HERE AGAIN?” a glacier is to use long lengths of rope to connect
Glaciers often contain deep cracks or fissures teams of three or more. The rope should be tied
that lead far down into the mass of slowly
securely around the waist of each member of the
moving ice. These crevasses are caused by
the stresses on the larger glacier as it moves group, and they should walk with plenty of space
across the hard frozen earth below, and they between them. If one member of the group happens
often reach depths of 100 feet or more. To to fall through the snow into a hidden crevasse, the
make matters worse, crevasses can easily be others will have a better chance of arresting the fall.
covered by an accumulation of snow, which
makes them nearly impossible to see. A PLAYER ACTION OPPORTUNITY
creature who is trekking across the top of a “DON’T BE SUCH A DRAG”
glacier must be aware of the ever-present While the option to travel around the glacier
risk of breaking through one of these “snow likely exists, it may require hours or even days
bridges” and plummeting into the crevasse of additional travel time in the harsh arctic
below. environment. This choice should be presented
to player characters, and pros and cons should
Traversing a glacier is a very dangerous activity, and be clearly described. Keep in mind that
the most experienced wilderness experts are likely characters may have to climb to reach the
aware of the risks associated with crevasses. As top of the glacier as well. Use the Expanded
the GM, you should determine whether this serves Climbing System in the Introduction to
your story better by giving the group survivalist manage the icy climb up the face of a glacier.
a moment to shine, or whether this is a challenge
that is far beyond the knowledge of your group of Cross-Country skis, vehicles, and other rapid
player characters. It can be used to good effect forms of arctic travel are not effective while
atop a glacier. Standard boots, snowshoes, or
as an accidental means of entrance into ice caves
crampons are the only effective options. Refer
beneath the glacier. This natural hazard may also be to the Snowy Travel Pace Table in the Travel
combined with a combat encounter if the GM feels Pace in the Arctic section of this chapter to
that it’s appropriate for the story. The presence of determine overland travel speeds based on
aerial predators makes this a particularly challenging the party’s footwear and chosen pace.
If the characters choose to take the shorter
route by traveling across the glacier’s surface,
“WATCH YOUR STEP” prompt them to describe any precautions
they are taking while they travel. Probing for
Passive Perception: The expansive glacier
voids beneath the snow, using the rope team
stretches on for miles before you, and the surface on technique from the highest Survival check
its topside is rugged and uneven. Snow drifts, jagged above, and readying equipment like crampons
projections of blue ice, and disorienting shadows all and ice axes are all potentially effective ways
intermingle and discombobulate your perception of to lower the risk posed by hidden crevasses.
the ice sheet before you.
● Before resolving this encounter the GM
DC 16 INT (Nature) or Higher: You are aware should record:
that deep cracks are often created by the uneven
movements of a glacier. As you look across the ○ Group travel pace, readied equipment,
surface of this massive sheet of ice, you realize and footwear
that any crevasses that exist are likely covered with
enough snow to render them invisible. It would be
○ A very clear marching order or travel
formation (single file, ranks, double
wise to take some precautions. file, etc.)
DC 18 WIS (Perception) or Higher: The ice ○ Total weight of each creature (body
feels firm beneath your feet as you venture across weight plus equipment carried).
the glacier. However, the vibrations created by your
passage do cause a slight settling effect in one of
the snowdrifts nearby. It seems that there might be
empty voids beneath certain snow bridges.


● Glaciers are massive and take a great deal of time to traverse, so the mechanics of this
encounter operate using standard Travel Pace rather than Initiative Order, unless the party
is in a Chase or a Combat scenario.

● Alternatively, a GM may choose to place snow-covered crevasses in specific locations if using

a pre-planned battle map for a Combat encounter. The percentile (1d100) rolls mentioned
below will not be necessary for crevasses that are placed in predetermined locations, but
the Saving Throws should still apply.

● The GM should secretly assign each creature in the party who has a risk of falling into a
crevasse a number that corresponds to one of the sides of an appropriate polyhedral die.
Pick a die that most closely matches the number of creatures in the party who have a risk
of falling into a crevasse, rounded up. If there are 5 members of the party, use a d6. If there
are 7 members of the party, use a d8, and so on. This “random fall” die will be rolled when
there is a random chance of a party member falling through the snow into a crevasse. If an
unassigned number is rolled, no one in the party falls.

● Travel Pace has a significant effect on the likelihood of falling into a hidden crevasse. A
creature who is travelling quickly or recklessly (as they might when fleeing, pursuing, or
fighting atop a glacier) has a high probability of breaking through a snow bridge and falling
into a deep fissure in the ice. Use the Glacier Travel Pace Table below to determine the
likelihood of a fall.


-5 Penalty to Passive
Fast - Applies to Dashes, Perception scores and not
70% Chance of a Creature
Combat, Flight or Pursuit, actively trying to avoid
in the party falling into a
and Rapid Overland Travel crevasses, Disadvantage on
crevasse when moving
Pace Dexterity Saving Throws
related to Crevasses
Normal Perception abilities, 50% Chance of a Creature
Normal - Cannot be used in
Normal Dexterity Saving in the party falling into a
Combat or Chase scenarios
Throws crevasse when moving
Probing for crevasses, Able
20% Chance of a Creature
Slow - Cannot be used in to Use Stealth, Advantage
in the party falling into a
Combat or Chase scenarios on Dexterity Saving Throws
crevasse when moving
related to Crevasses

• As the party moves across the glacier • If that creature was moving at a Slow
surface, the GM should roll (1d100) for Travel Pace, was Wearing Crampons,
every hour of travel when not in Initiative was Readying an Ice Axe, or was
Order. If the fall percentage threshold actively probing for Crevasses at the
on the table above is met or exceeded, time of the fall, the Saving Throw is
roll the polyhedral die that most closely rolled at Advantage. This Advantage
approximates the number of creatures in overrides any sources of Disadvantage
the party. The creature that is assigned to from above.
the result of this “random fall” die roll falls
through a snow bridge into a crevasse. • On a success, the creature momentarily
grabs onto the icy surface just below
• When a creature falls through a snow the opening of the crevasse and gives
bridge, it must immediately make DC other members of the party the use of a
17 Dexterity Saving Throw to slow the Reaction to offer assistance. A spell with
momentum of the fall with crampons, ice a casting time of a Reaction can be cast if
axes, other readied equipment, etc. one has been prepared. On a failure, the
falling creature immediately disappears
• If the creature was moving at a Fast into the void without slowing its own fall,
Travel Pace, was Dashing, or was and no Reaction spells can be cast on that
moving while in a Chase or Combat creature.
scenario at the time of the fall, the
Saving Throw is rolled at Disadvantage.


• When a creature falls through a snow chances to save themselves.
bridge, any other creature who is tethered
to the falling creature, or who is within 5 • If Already in Initiative Order atop the
feet of the creature, may make a Strength glacier, the chance of a fall is automatically
Saving Throw with a DC that is equal to at 70% and the percentile roll should take
the creature’s total weight (equipment place whenever a creature uses Walking
included), divided by 10 (rounded down). Speed on its turn. There is no need to
roll the “random fall” die. Allow players
• For example, for a 150 pound creature to make the roll on behalf of their own
who is carrying 60 pounds of gear, the characters as they move.
DC of the required Strength Save is 21.
• The following steps are used if the party
• All tethered or adjacent creatures is already in Initiative Order atop the
make this Strength Saving Throw at glacier:
Disadvantage if the falling creature
failed its own Dexterity Saving Throw. • Have each player Roll (1d100)
whenever their character uses Walking
• This Saving Throw CAN be shared Speed.
among multiple players who are • If a fall threshold (70% chance of a
tethered to, or who are within 5 feet fall) is met, have the moving character
of, the falling creature. On a success, make a DC 17 Dexterity Saving Throw
the fallen creature is saved and pulled as they end their movement (check for
back to the surface. On a failure, any Advantage or Disadvantage based on
creature who fails the STR Save is pace and equipment).
pulled into the crevasse as well. If the • Allow for Reactions if the character
Saving Throw was being shared by succeeds on the DEX Save.
multiple creatures, all of the creatures • Have any tethered or adjacent
who combined on the failed STR Save characters make a Strength Saving
are pulled into the crevasse. Once no Throw to prevent the fall.
other creatures are available to help, • If the Strength Save is successful,
all creatures in the crevasse disappear the fallen creature may use half of its
into the darkness below. No other available movement on the the next
DEX Saves should be allowed beyond turn to climb back to the surface of
the one made for the creature who the glacier.
initially fell through the snow bridge.
Falling into a crevasse does not necessarily
• Visualize the Following Example: A rope mean instant death. Many of the cracks in a
team of three characters are tethered glacier bend and twist into the darkness below
together with hempen rope as they walk in such a way that a creature might survive
in a horizontal rank across the surface the fall with just a few bumps and bruises.
of the glacier. They are spaced 20 feet The GM may choose to assign Bludgeoning
apart from one another. Grio Whiteshine, damage and or fall injuries if desired. The real
who is in the middle of the horizontal challenge for any members of the party who
rank, currently has a total weight of 225 remain on the surface of the glacier is finding
pounds with the gear that he is carrying. out where their lost comrades have landed
Grio falls into a crevasse but succeeds and how to reunite with them.
on the required DC 17 Dexterity Saving
Throw (rolled at Advantage) because he Ultimately, the depth of a glacier crevasse
is wearing crampons that dig into the ice and where it leads is up to the GM and the
near the opening of the crevasse. Vertha direction of the narrative that he or she plans
and Klaesic, who are on the outside of the to weave. The crevasse may deposit the
rope team formation, may each roll their character(s) in an Ice Cave within the glacier.
required Strength Saving Throws normally Alternatively, a glacier near the sea may have
because Grio made his DEX Save and was crevasses that act as chutes that terminate in
able to arrest his own descent. As long as the Frigid Water.
Vertha’s and Klaesic’s combined Strength
Saving Throw rolls add up to or exceed the If characters are lost to a crevasse, the rest
required DC of 22 (225 pounds, divided by of the party may choose to send climbers
10 and rounded down), they successfully down in search of the fallen member. Use
pull Grio back to the surface. However, if the Expanded Climbing System mechanics
Vertha and Klaesic roll a combined 21 or to adjudicate their descent, but realize that
lower (Vertha rolls a 10 and Klaesic rolls the icy walls within the glacier are much
an 11), they are dragged across the surface more difficult to navigate than other climbing
of the ice because of Grio’s weight and surfaces. The checks required to avoid the
the abruptness of the fall, and all three Flaking Effect are increased to a DC 16, and
characters are dragged into the abyss the Dexterity Saves required to avoid a fall
of the crevasse. They disappear into the after a Slip are increased to a DC of 17.
darkness below without any additional
Player Difficulty Rating: |Mechanical Complexity Rating:
• Before the Session: Determine what, if any, shelter will be available to the party during the
blizzard. Shelter might take the form of a shallow cave. Characters might also be able to
utilize a dead, hollow tree, or the inside of a beast of burden. Perhaps you intend to drive
them into the burrow of something large and monstrous that will also be seeking shelter
from the storm, or maybe they have access to spells that provide shelter, such as Tiny Hut.
• Roll for the length of the storm. The peak effects of the storm will last for (3d4) hours.


DOWN NOW” If the party succeeds on any of the checks
A blizzard is a combination of strong driving above, they are likely to want to seek shelter.
winds and snow, either falling snow or snow Give them an opportunity to search for
on the ground that gets picked up by the whatever shelter is available to them.
wind. The worst of the blizzard can last for
hours, with milder effects lasting for days The partymay also take steps to ready
and covering thousands of square miles. The themselves for the storm:
wind makes the already frigid temperatures
even more dangerous. Those who are caught • Covering exposed flesh and getting out of
unaware and unprepared in a blizzard, may the wind to protect against Frostbite
end up missing fingers, toes, and noses, if they • Wearing snow-goggles, or crafting
survive at all. The driving snow also makes rudimentary ones, to prevent Blindness
it extremely difficult to see and navigate as • If they have enough time and, conditions
travelers are faced with featureless white in are right, they may be able to set up tents
every direction. or dig a snow cave.

The party may encounter a blizzard as part of MECHANICAL RESOLUTION

their normal travel from one location to another, “I’M GOING TO END UP AN ICICLE”
or perhaps there is a more sinister reason for the During the blizzard, the driving wind and
low temperatures create extreme risk for
encounter. A tribe of Frost Giants could be gathering
Frostbite and Hypothermia. The following
to raid a nearby city. The blizzard might have been mechanics presume that the characters are
sent by a powerful wizard to kill the party or slow not completely sheltered from the wind on all
their progress. Or perhaps the party needs to sides as they would be in a cave or a magical
recover a legendary flower that only blooms during shelter.
a blizzard. Use this powerful storm to drive the
narrative decision-making of your player characters. ● The standard benefits of cold weather
clothing and Resistance to Cold damage
do not apply while exposed to the
NEXT-LEVEL DESCRIPTION driving winds of a blizzard. While these
“IT’S LIKE MILLIONS OF ICE protections typically allow a creature to
remain outdoors in freezing temperatures
Passive Perception: There is a storm brewing
for hours (See Extreme Temperatures and
on the horizon, like a wall of white moving
Other Weather Conditions), creatures
your way. It’s clear that you might be in for a
in cold weather clothing and creatures
bit of snow.
who are Resistant to Cold damage must
always make the hourly Constitution
DC 14 WIS (Survival) or Higher or Outlander
Saving Throw while exposed to blizzard
Background: The air pressure is dropping
conditions. During a blizzard, this is a DC 15
rapidly, and it is definitely getting colder. The
Constitution Saving Throw. These Saving
wind just shifted, and this storm is likely very
Throws may still be rolled at Advantage
due to the protections from cold weather
clothing and Resistance to Cold damage.
DC 16 INT (Nature): Massive white clouds are
building as they race across the landscape.
The wind is shifting and increasing in speed.
○ On a failure, a creature takes one Level
of Exhaustion and has a 60% chance
Even if there is no snow in this storm, the wind
of developing Frostbite, even if skin is
will drive the snow on the groundbefore it,
not exposed to the elements.
and visibility will drop to near zero.
○ On a success, the creature suffers no
ill effects from the storm during that


● A creature who is not wearing cold
weather clothing, if not Resistant or ● Hearing is limited to a range of 30 feet.
Immune to Cold damage, automatically
fails all Constitution Saving Throws ● All movement speeds while exposed to
related to Extreme Temperatures during the blizzard’s winds are reduced by half.
a blizzard. The result is certain death This speed reduction is in addition to any
within a period of 6 hours (Level 6 existing reductions due to Difficult Terrain
Exhaustion). The creature automatically or Travel Pace restrictions in the Arctic
suffers Frostbite on all exposed skin.
● Flying speeds for all creatures are reduced
● A creature without goggles or other eye to 0 during a blizzard.
protection will suffer from the Blinded
condition after one hour of exposure to the ● All Climbing checks are made at
blizzard as the corneas of their eyes suffer Disadvantage.
from Frostbite. This Blinded condition
lasts until the Frostbite is completely ● If the party chooses to travel through a
cured as required on any other body part. blizzard, a DC 25 WIS (Survival) check
If the Frostbite of the corneas reaches the is required every hour of travel to stay on
two-day mark and is allowed to become course. On a failure, the party moves in a
gangrenous, the Blinded condition random direction for an hour. The random
becomes permanent. direction may be determined by a roll of
(1d8), where 1 = North, 2 = NE, 3 = East,
● Open flames from mundane sources
like campfires, torches, lanterns, etc. are ● Ritual and Concentration spells cannot be
extinguished by the driving winds. performed outside of shelter unless the
caster succeeds on a DC 20 Concentration
● Any tracks left in the snow are eliminated Saving Throw. This fails automatically if
within 1 minute. the caster is not wearing cold weather
clothing or is not Resistant or Immune to
● Visibility is limited to 10 feet, and Cold damage.
creatures without eye protection are at
Disadvantage on all WIS (Perception)
checks that depend on sight.


The open sea can be an inviting lure for heroes, but it comes with more than its fair share of
dangers. This chapter does not describe relaxing days at the beach and pleasant sails along
the coastline. The coastal environment can be as harsh as any desert or swamp, and in certain
circumstances, it may feel like an actual war zone. The dynamic powers of the sea await all
adventurers who are bold enough to explore them (and for a GM who is willing to set the
awesome power of nature loose on the players).

Many of the encounters in this chapter are EXTREMELY challenging for lower-level adventuring
parties. Use with caution.


While nautical vessels and navigation methods are clearly important in the coastal regions,
these topics are beyond the scope of this book and our focus on natural hazards. A number
of good resources exist for nautical rule systems, and we encourage you to use your preferred
resource as your player characters navigate the challenges of the deep.


Player Difficulty Rating: |Mechanical Complexity Rating:


When the wreckage of ships and the bodies If water pressure is an element that is being
of sailors ultimately find their way to the represented in your game world, players
bottom of the sea, they are for all intents must realize that their characters’ bodies do
and purposes lost to the living who remain have limitations. Creatures who are aquatic
on the surface. Aside from the obvious or amphibious (already have the ability to
lack of breathable air, deep water presents breathe underwater and have a swimming
adventurers with the challenges of darkness, speed) will be adapted for this environment.
extreme cold, and crushing pressure. Most of Others will likely need assistance to proceed
these issues are overlooked in the descriptions below 100 feet
of magical items that allow characters to
breathe underwater, and a conscientious GM Assistance may come in the form of magic
should think through the implications of how items like a Ring of Swimming, Gloves of
they might affect the bodies of heroes who Swimming and Climbing, Intrepid Shoes, or
venture far beneath the waves. the Cloak of the Manta Ray, all of which provide
a character with magically adapted swimming
Because treasures on the ocean floor are speeds. Assume (as mentioned above) that
inaccessible to most humanoid creatures, this this transformative magic also protects
encounter opens up a number of amazing them from pressure at depths of up to 500
possibilities for adventurers who are attempting feet. Equipment like the Deepwater Diving
to recover lost wealth and magical artifacts lost at Apparatus and Free-Diving Gear can also
assist a diver below the 100-foot threshold.
sea. The party might be able to visit civilizations
A vehicle like the Apparatus of the Crab may
of underwater creatures, and underwater combat allow exploration at additional depths.
will become more tactical, taking more than just
movement and breathable air into account. Very few existing spells are able to help
protect a diver while allowing free movement.
NEXT-LEVEL DESCRIPTION Spells like Resilient Sphere and Wall of Force
“I NEVER REALIZED can insulate a diver from pressure, but must be
SWIMMING COULD BE SO PAINFUL” moved through the water by an external force.
Passive Perception: The ability to breathe A Polymorph spell that turns a character into
underwater is a magnificent thing! But once a creature with a swimming speed also allows
adaptation to pressures and temperatures
you’ve descended to about 100 feet beneath
that would be common for that creature.
the surface, the crushing pressure becomes a major
issue. Your head is spinning, and you feel dizzy and
confused. It becomes difficult to expand your lungs MECHANICAL RESOLUTION
to inhale. Going any deeper seems impossible. “I DO NOT ENVY THE FISH”
A diver who ventures below 100 feet without
DC 14 INT (Nature) check or Higher: the aid of specialized diving gear or magical
protections automatically takes Bludgeoning
Descending into the darkness and freezing cold of
damage for each 50 feet of additional depth.
the deep sea requires much more than a source of The creature must also make a Constitution
breathable air. The pressure of millions of gallons of Saving Throw against the effects of pressure
water on a humanoid frame changes the way that that is four or more times that of normal
gases in the blood interact and move through the atmospheric pressure at the surface.
body. An apparatus, or a magical effect, that can
insulate a diver from the added pressure is a must. Creatures who are naturally or magically
adapted to the aquatic environment (have a
DC 14 INT (Arcana) or Higher: Wondrous items swimming speed) do not take this damage
that grant a creature with a swimming speed have and automatically succeed on the Constitution
also been imbued with magical energies that can Saving Throws. Creatures who are resurfacing
DO NOT have to make saving throws as they
provide marginal protections from the pressures
pass through these 50-foot checkpoints on
encountered at significant depths. One of these the way back to the surface.
items should be sufficient to allow a creature to
proceed safely to depths of up to 500 feet. Beyond
that, the mysteries of the deep sea may still be


Use the following table to adjudicate each individual diver’s progress:

100 Feet (2d4) DC 12 Takes 1 Level of Exhaustion
150 Feet (3d4) DC 13 Takes 1 Level of Exhaustion
200 Feet (3d6) DC 14 Takes 1 Level of Exhaustion and Stunned
250 Feet (4d6) DC 15 Takes 1 Level of Exhaustion and Stunned
300 Feet (4d8) DC 16 Takes 1 Level of Exhaustion and Stunned
350 Feet (5d8) DC 17 Takes 1 Level of Exhaustion and Stunned
400 Feet (5d10) DC 18 Takes 1 Level of Exhaustion and Stunned
450 Feet (6d10) DC 19 Takes 1 Level of Exhaustion and Stunned
500 Feet + (8d10) DC 20 Unconscious and Making Death Saving Throws

Visibility and Extreme Temperature

Below 500 feet, sunlight is not able to penetrate the water effectively. This zone between
500 feet and 1,000 feet only receives Dim Light during daylight hours. The water temperature
here also drops below 40°F/5°C, qualifying it as Frigid Water.

● A creature immersed in Frigid Water (any water below 40 degrees Fahrenheit) must
immediately succeed on a DC 13 Constitution Saving Throw or gain one Level of
Exhaustion from the initial cold shock response. Creatures who are Resistant or Immune
to Cold damage immediately succeed on this initial saving throw, as do creatures that are
naturally or magically adapted to living in ice-cold water.

● A creature may remain in Frigid Water for a number of rounds equal to 5 + its Constitution
modifier before beginning to lose body functions. On the next round after reaching this
threshold, speech becomes slurred and Movement Speed drops to 0 as the creature loses
muscle control. The creature also takes another level of Exhaustion as hypothermia begins
to set in. When Movement Speed drops to 0, the creature can no longer swim without
assistance. If no assistance is available, the creature sinks beneath the surface at a rate of
15 feet per round. Suffocation rules are in effect while the creature is submerged.

Below 1,000 feet, a diver enters a realm of crushing darkness that few have ever experienced.
Aquatic beasts like the killer whale will not go beyond 1,000 feet, though sperm whales, giant
squid, and some sharks are able to withstand the pressure at greater depths. This abyssal
realm is unreachable unless extremely powerful magic or GM accommodation makes it


Player Difficulty Rating: |Mechanical Complexity Rating:


Tidal caves form as a result of wave action At low-tide tidal caves are easy enough to spot.
eroding away relatively soft rock surrounded At high-tide, unless the party is underwater,
by harder rock. The soft rock is carried away they are nearly impossible to detect.
by the water, leaving caves that can be deep
and extensive. At low tide these caves drain, Passive Perception (at Low-tide): The entrance
making them accessible to foot traffic. Larger to a sea cave is visible along the rocky coastline up
tidal caves have been known to be used by ahead. The waves crash against the rocks about ten
ships seeking shelter from storms or pirates. feet below the opening, and the sea spray contrasts
However, at high tide they fill with water, greatly with the black interior of the cavern.
trapping potential explorers within and
exposing them to numerous dangers. Tidal **Additional descriptions are provided for
range (the difference in sea level at low tide each chamber.
and high tide) can be anywhere from near
zero to over fifty feet, depending on the DC 16 INT (History) or Sailor Background:
topography of the coastline and the time of
Caves like this are created as the waves pound the
year. Tides come in over a period of six hours,
but they can easily catch explorers off guard. rocks incessantly over many, many years. They flood
at high tide and can be very dangerous, but they
A party might encounter a tidal cave while seeking can also serve as wonderful hiding places. Many
refuge from pursuers or a storm. Maybe they have a pirate’s treasure has been tucked away in a sea
been given a quest to find hidden pirate treasure, or cave just like this one, and it looks like there’s a bit of
they may have tracked a coven of sea hags back to time before high tide.
their lair. This cave could be an entry point (or an exit)
for the Subterranean realm beyond. However they DC 19 INT (Nature) or Higher: The power of
arrive here, the dynamic nature of this cave could the sea’s movement within these caves can be
be their undoing if they are not alert to its dangers. an absolute death trap. Getting caught in there at
high tide might be the last thing that a person ever
does. Swimming against the incoming surge without
specialized equipment is nearly impossible.


PLAYER ACTION OPPORTUNITY back through the “Lower Chamber”
“CAN YOU SEE THE as it drains through the crack in the
The biggest threat to the party will be getting
caught in the cave when the tide comes in. It ● Lower Chamber. At the bottom of the
may be easy for them to get caught up with 5-foot drop, this chamber widens out
the exploration, or simply be too far in to swim significantly, but the ceiling is only about
out without drowning. 2 feet high. Creatures have to crouch or
crawl to proceed beyond this point, and
For each chamber within a tidal cave, give the the chamber is completely dark. This room
players an opportunity to discover the hazard is 60 feet wide and stretches on for 180
ahead. Each chamber type listed below will feet before an upward slope leads to the
have at least one DC that can be overcome by next chamber. Light sources reveal the
a Wisdom (Survival) or Intelligence (Nature following characteristics:
or Investigation) check. You may also rule
that the players can discover the nature of ○ Description: Daylight from the
the danger that lies ahead if, for example, entrance of the cave does not reach
one of the players is of a sea-faring race, has this chamber, and the ceiling is only 2
the Sailor background, or other applicable feet high. While crawling on hands and
situational bonuses. knees, an explorer can notice that there
are small “blow holes” that have been
MECHANICAL RESOLUTION created in the floor of the chamber
“AT LEAST I’LL DIE SURROUNDED in several places. The crashing of the
BY BEAUTY” sea echoes loudly up from below, and
The Tidal Cave consists of the three salty spray makes its way up through
consecutive chambers detailed below. Player these “blow holes” periodically. It’s
characters may discover a larger, more very clear that the waves have washed
expansive cave beyond the “Hiding Spot” at away portions of the stone below this
the GM’s discretion. chamber. Though the ceiling is very low,
this room is more expansive, stretching
● Entrance Chamber. The main entry on for many feet in all directions.
chamber is very straightforward. The
seaward opening is 10 feet in diameter, ○ Mechanics: When the tide comes in,
and the tunnel slopes slightly downward this part of the cave will be dark and
for its 60-foot length. Light from outside completely flooded from floor to
the cave bathes this area during daylight ceiling. The “blow holes” serve to allow
hours. There is a 5-foot drop at the end of water to drain out of this room during
the tunnel that leads downward into the low-tide, but they also allow water to
darkness of the next chamber. seep into this room long before water
begins rushing into the main entrance
○ Description: The tunnel is mostly free to the cave. The widening within this
of standing water with a few puddles tunnel adds to the hydraulic effect as
lingering here and there. The floor and water moves in. Water pours into this
walls are all coated with slick green area much more quickly than it moves
algae and strands of damp seaweed, out, and creatures in the third and final
almost all the way to the ceiling of chamber may not realize that the tide
the chamber. After sloping slightly is coming in until this room is already
downward its full length, the floor completely flooded.
drops away quite steeply about 60 feet
from the entrance, leading downward
into a dark recess approximately 5
feet below.

○ Mechanics: Characters may come

to understand that this entrance
chamber floods almost completely at
high tide. The description of algae at
the top of the walls is the indicator,
but characters may also discover this
fact with a DC 12 INT (Nature) check.
The low elevation and widening in
the “Lower Chamber” that is detailed
below creates powerful hydraulics at
high tide. While the tide is actively
coming in, a creature in the “Entrance
Chamber” must spend 3 feet of
movement to swim 1 foot toward the
exit. The powerful suction pulls water
● Hiding Spot. The final room is where any narrative objective for this cave may reside (sea
hags, pirate treasure, a place to hide out, etc.) Another rocky slope leads back upward,
gaining approximately 3 feet in elevation. The chamber in this third and final area of the cave
is a rounded grotto with low 6-foot ceilings and a radius of 15 feet. It is not spacious, but it is
very much out of sight. A natural rock shelf sits near the low ceiling so that treasures can be
stored here without getting incredibly wet. There is no natural light here, but light sources
or Darkvision used by the characters reveal the following:

○ Description: The dark recesses of this claustrophobic chamber make for an exceptional
hiding place. There is a natural shelf that has been punched out of the rock up near the
ceiling, and on this shelf sits {narrative or treasure element}. Nosy explorers have to work
fairly hard to get back here. There are no obvious passageways leading away from this
room, but there is a 3-foot-high, very narrow crack, only the width of a person’s hand, in
the back wall. Peering through this crack, you can see that an enormous cavern stands
on the other side of the thick stone wall. Much of the cavern appears to be flooded, and
dim light creeps in from openings in the ceiling.

○ Have whatever battle is necessary, and allow your players to discover a treasure that
makes the risk worthwhile. Just as they get the last bit of information about the huge
chamber on the other side, they might notice that water is slowly creeping into the
“Hiding Spot” and that the “Lower Chamber” is already flooded.

○ Mechanics: Characters can immediately jump into the dark water and swim for it if they
choose, spending 3 feet of movement for every 1 foot of progress as they fight against
the incoming surge. Once a swimmer gets through the 180 foot “Lower Chamber,” they
should be able to surface for air in the “Entrance Chamber” which is only just beginning
to flood. They still have 60 feet to go, but at least they can breathe while fighting to
make the exit.


• The physical exertion required to make this swim is noteworthy. Consider using the
“Composure” CON Saves from the Expanded Swimming System by having a character
make a DC 12 CON Save if they choose to use Dashes as a part of the swim.

• Additionally, it’s dark and cramped in the “Lower Chamber.” If the characters do not
have reliable magical light sources, the GM might require WIS (Survival) check, at
Disadvantage, for players to navigate this part of the swim.

• Finally, there is the option to break through the wall into the larger chamber beyond.
A DC 30 Strength check is required to break through the rock wall and to continue
exploring. A party who breaks through successfully will not face the drowning risk in the
larger caverns beyond.


Player Difficulty Rating: |Mechanical Complexity Rating:
Before the Session, determine what mode of rescue is available to the player characters.
Being stranded at sea without any assistance is effectively a death sentence.

NARRATIVE THREAD malnourishment are very real threats if you are not
“I’D HAVE RATHER DIED IN THE ACCIDENT rescued soon. The relentless rays of the sun from
THAN SUFFER THE SLOW DEATH THAT above, as well as hungry predators from below, also
put you at great risk. You must do what you can
There are a number of ways in which an
individual adventurer, or an entire party, might to ration food and water, to prevent unnecessary
become stranded at sea. A shipwreck might exposure, and to protect yourself from sea creatures
be caused by a severe storm, a collision with - all while remaining visible to would-be rescuers.
icebergs, or a sea battle that sends a vessel remaining visible to would-be rescuers.
to the depths. In any case, survivors may
find themselves in dire circumstances long Frigid Arctic Seas
after the destruction of a ship. Exposure,
dehydration, exhaustion, and underwater Passive Perception: The sting of the cold
predators are all significant risks for characters water feels like being stabbed by a thousand
who are stranded at sea. tiny knives. As you rise to the surface, icicles
immediately begin to form on the exposed
A GM who allows player characters to become surfaces of your body and clothing. Pieces
stranded at sea can use the tension and desperation of floe ice and small icebergs are visible all
that arises from the event as a powerful narrative around you, and they may help to keep you
tool. Perhaps it leads to a dramatic rescue by NPCs afloat. However, it’s the cold that presents
the biggest challenge. Desperation starts to
who are crucially important to the story. It could
sink in, along with the hypothermia.
be an opportunity for a patron deity to intervene.
Hallucinations and delirium might lead to an altered DC 12 WIS (Survival) or DC 12 INT (Nature)
state of mind for one or more characters. And of or Higher: Your first priority is to get your body
course, character death is a real possibility as temperature up. As cold as the water is, you know
well. Be creative and make sure that the story is that cold will set in even more quickly once you get
well-served by the time that your characters spend yourself out. Fire is not a realistic option in the midst
stranded at sea. of this ice floe. The only other options for warmth
may be physical exertion or shared body heat.
“THIS IS A DIFFICULT REALITY DC 13 INT (Investigation) or Higher: As you
TO ACCEPT” move around through the floating ice, you’re able
to locate a sizable piece of wreckage - a broken
Temperate Coastal Seas piece of hull that is large enough to allow (1d6 + 2)
creatures to get up out of the frigid water.
Passive Perception: You find yourself swimming
upward and striving to reach the surface of the
dark blue expanse. As you burst through and take
a massive gasp of fresh air, you look around and PLAYER ACTION OPPORTUNITY
see that you are surrounded on all sides by the “IF ONLY THERE WERE A DOOR
immeasurable vastness of the sea. You rise and fall
Depending on the environment, Coastal
on blue swells that reach outward to the horizon on or Arctic, this encounter may present very
all sides, and you realize that you are stranded. different challenges for adventuring parties.
The Coastal variant may play out over a
DC 12 WIS (Perception) check or Higher: period of days or weeks and has many of the
Within a few moments you notice some flotsam same risks as being stranded in the Desert.
floating on the surface of the water only about 100 The Arctic variant is not likely to last as long
feet away from your location. The planks and crates due to the imminent threat of hypothermia.
will not be a solution to all of your problems, but
they may serve to help keep you afloat. Some of Allow players to describe what their
the containers may also hold usable supplies, if you characters do to improve the chances of
can get to them quickly enough. survival. Floatation of some kind is crucially
important to avoid exhaustion and drowning.
DC 15 WIS (Survival) or DC 15 INT (Nature)
or Higher: There are a number of serious
concerns that come to your mind. You have only the
supplies in your personal gear, so dehydration and


A creature must make periodic swim checks without floatation (See Swim Check Requirements
Table in the Introduction). Some sort of shelter from the elements, or some means of temperature
regulation, will also be a high priority. If those two issues have been addressed, then hydration,
nutrition, and visibility should be considered next.

Roll for Initiative and move in turn order until all creatures have secured life-saving floatation.

The mechanics for this encounter will include a combination of mechanics from core rules and
from elsewhere in Grio’s Guide.

Stranded in a Coastal Sea:

● Expanded Swimming System

● Basic Rules for Suffocation
● Sunburn Mechanics - 100% probability of suffering Sunburn if exposed for as little as one
● Food and Water Requirements
Stranded in an Arctic Sea:

● Expanded Swimming Mechanics

● Basic Rules for Suffocation
● Frigid Water


Player Difficulty Rating: |Mechanical Complexity Rating:
Before the Session
1. Roll for timing, number, and dimensions of the waves.
2. Characters will have (1d4 + 1) minutes between each wave.
3. The Tsunami consists of (2d2 - 1) waves.
4. Each Tsunami wave is (2d4) miles wide and is (5d4 x 10) feet tall.
5. Determine what kind of shelter or Water Vehicles are at the party’s disposal, if any.
6. Review the Expanded Swimming System in the Introduction.


CLOSE TO THE SKY?” Passive Perception: As you look up and down
Tsunami, Japanese for “Harbor Wave”, are the coastline, you notice that the tide seems to be
some of the most destructive forces in the going out early and very rapidly.The receding water
world. They are capable of devastating is uncovering parts of the ocean floor that are not
thousands of miles of coastline and hundreds
generally uncovered at low tide. It’s as if the ocean
of thousands of people with very little
warning. These huge waves are caused by the is being drained like a bathtub! There is also a large
vertical displacement of a large body of water, flock of sea birds flying rapidly inland. That’s an odd
typically by an earthquake, but they could thing to see since they usually stick to shore where
also be caused by a landslide, a meteor, or any food is more plentiful.
other massive impact. Tsunami waves start
out small but incredibly energetic, moving DC 14 WIS (Perception): The horizon looks odd.
across the open ocean at over 500 miles per It seems to be growing in height - like the edge of
hour. When the waves reach shallow water, the world is curling up towards us. It looks like a
they slow down, grow to terrific heights, and wave, but it would have to be huge to be seen from
tumble down upon the shore. this far away. Surely it’s just a trick of the light.
The only potential warning of Tsunami is a DC 16 INT (Nature): The receding water is a
sudden and unexplained receding of the
telltale sign of an approaching Tsunami. No other
ocean away from the shoreline, similar to a
low tide, but occurring much more quickly phenomenon in nature could create such an effect.
and exposing much more of the sea floor. The wave on the horizon is incredibly huge and
Once this recession of the ocean starts, the moving towards the shore at a rapid pace. It will
wave is only a few minutes away. wash over the location where you are currently
standing in ajust a few moments.
A Tsunami can be an incredible indicator of trouble
in your campaign narrative. A powerful spell from PLAYER ACTION OPPORTUNITY
the Conjuration school takes its name from this “CLIMB . . . FLY . . . ELEVATE!”
natural phenomenon, and it can be very difficult If the party realizes the danger, their greatest
to tell the magical version from the version that hope for survival is to seek high ground.
occurs in nature. It might be that an evil wizard Creatures with flying speeds will be able to
has chosen to create this wall of water hundreds avoid the Tsunami altogether if they can get
of feet high to uncover a sunken ship momentarily, above the wave quickly enough.
to take out his revenge on a coastal settlement, or
Spell Considerations. Certain spells and
to create a diversion for some other foul scheme.
magic items give characters the ability to
The world of your adventure might suddenly be walk on water or to breathe underwater.
pelted by a meteor storm at sea that prompts further While these spells may negate the risk of
investigation. Or perhaps this is the sinister deed of a drowning, a creature is still subject to the
powerful sea monster that is beyond the characters’ damage caused by the force of the water and
comprehension. any Bludgeoning damage caused by items
and structures on shore.

Spells or magic items that grant a Swimming

Speed will be incredibly useful when the wave

The hemispherical dome versions of Tiny Hut

and Wall of Force can be put to good use
here, and there’s never been a better time for
a Teleport spell.


MECHANICAL RESOLUTION succeed on this check. If successful, the
“THAT’S A LOT OF WATER” creature is only moved half the distance
The Tsunami travels 600 feet inland before (150 feet) of the receding surge during the
receding. It moves at 200 feet per round as round. On a failure, the creature is moved
it moves inland and 300 feet per round as the full distance (300 feet).
it rushes back out to sea. Each wave lasts 6
rounds. ○ Example: A creature who is dragged
the full 300 feet each round could
ROLL FOR INITIATIVE! be deposited as much as 300 feet
offshore. The receding surge covers
The wave acts on Initiative Count 20: the initial 600 feet that it moved
inland on its 4th and 5th turns and
● The wave’s leading edge moves 200 another 300 feet on its 6th turn. A
feet inland on its first turn, carrying any creature who succeeds on all three
Huge or smaller objects (including Water STR (Athletics) checks could remain
Vehicles) with it as it moves. Gargantuan or as much as 150 feet inland since it
larger creatures and objects are buffeted, is only dragged 450 feet back from
but are only moved half the distance on maximum inland progress of the wave.
any given round. A player character might also be able
to use meaningful swimming speed on
● When the wave moves through an area on each of his or her turns. Keep track of
its first turn, any creature aboard a Water each character’s position in relation to
Vehicle must succeed on a DC 16 Dexterity the shoreline.
Saving Throw or be thrown overboard and
take the Bludgeoning damage mentioned Player Turns:
● If a creature is in the area occupied by
● The wave does double damage to all the wave and is not safely aboard a Water
structures, effectively destroying any Vehicle, the creature must make a DC 25
buildings that are not made of stone. (Athletics) Check to move under its own
power. Creatures with a Swimming Speed
● If the wave moves through a creature’s automatically succeed on this check. On
space on its 1st turn, the creature must a failure, the creature is controlled by the
make a DC 20 Strength Saving Throw. On wave and cannot take any movement of
a failed Save, the creature takes (6d10) its own. If the creature is submerged at
Bludgeoning damage from the crushing the time of the failed check, it remains
force of the wave and is submerged 15 feet submerged.
underwater. While submerged, a creature
is holding its breath. On a successful save, ● Because the water is roiling and churning,
the creature takes half as much damage a creature must make a DC 15 Wisdom
and is not submerged. (Perception) check to see any other
creature in the water. Visibility in the water
● On the wave’s 2nd-3rd turns, it continues is limited to a maximum of 30 feet.
to surge inland at 200 feet per round.
Creatures caught in the wave’s space ● If a character is piloting a Water Vehicle,
must make the DC 20 Strength Saving he or she must make a DC 20 Water
Throw mentioned above if they are not Vehicles check to keep the vehicle from
safely aboard a Water Vehicle. On a failed impacting objects on shore. On a failure,
save, they take (3d10) Bludgeoning the vehicle is destroyed as it smashes into
damage as they are buffeted by the wave an obstacle, and the character is thrown
and contacted by debris and structures overboard into the wave.
beneath the water. Creatures take half
damage on a successful save. Surfing. Some players may attempt to surf the
Tsunami. If a character can get to a suitable
● Dragged Out to Sea. Once the leading piece of flotsam, they may make a DC 18
edge of the wave reaches its maximum Dexterity check at the start of each of their
distance inland (600 feet), it begins to turns to surf the Tsunami and dodge objects
recede, pulling everything with it. On the on shore. On a failure, the surfing creature
wave’s 4th-6th turns, it is rushing back immediately falls into the wave and takes
out to sea at a rate of 300 feet per round. (6d6) Bludgeoning damage.
A creature attempting to swim or brace
itself against this riptide must succeed The Next Wave. Repeat the process above for
on a DC 25 STR (Athletics) check as each wave of the Tsunami. Subsequent waves
it desperately uses swimming speed, affect creatures who have been dragged out
shoreline features, remains of structures, to sea as well as creatures who are still on the
and other natural objects to keep from shoreline.
being pulled violently out to sea. Creatures
with a Swimming Speed automatically
Player Difficulty Rating: |Mechanical Complexity Rating:
Before the Session
1. This is a multi-day encounter. Consider what signs precede the eruption and what effects
will linger afterward. A creature using a Seismic Detector at any point in the days leading
up to the eruption will be able to detect dangerous levels of seismic activity in the region.
2. Determine what, if any, shelter will be available to the party during the encounter. Know
the damage thresholds and HP of any structures that you choose to make available. As
a general rule, wooden buildings might range from 150-300 HP, depending on their size.
Stone structures would likely stand up to at least twice that much punishment. Notice that
most of the stages of the volcanic eruption have the potential to breach structures and
other shelters at some level.
3. Determine how much time the characters will have from the time they notice the first signs
of the imminent eruption until the Blast Wave reaches them.
4. Roll (1d2) four separate times to determine how many minutes pass between each stage of
the eruption. Alternatively, you may choose an amount of time that equates to the distance
from the volcano. Players should not be made aware of this information.


SMOKE LIKE THAT?” DC 14 WIS (Perception) or Higher: The ground
An explosive volcanic eruption can feel like just rumbled and shook beneath your feet, prompting
a world-ending event. It is certainly earth- the birds to scatter from nearby trees. After the minor
shattering. The initial blast wave can level
earthquake, you look upward and notice plumes of
forests and settlements in the blink of an eye.
Molten rock literally falls from the sky. Searing smoke on the slopes of a tall mountain nearby. The
hot poisonous gases, dust, and ash flow in crisp white snow at its peak appears to be coming
huge, deadly clouds, burning and choking the down the slope as an avalanche. It was likely shaken
life out of everything as they sweep over vast loose by the tremor.
swathes of ground. Toppled trees combine
with lava-melted ice and snow, triggering DC 17 WIS (Perception) or Higher: The side
enormous mudslides that clog local rivers and of the mountain facing you is swelling noticeably
cause extensive flooding. outwards. The plumes of smoke and gas venting
from the swollen mountain are increasing in size and
In the days after the eruption, the ash cloud number.
continues to block out the sun for hundreds
of miles around. Local temperatures drop as DC 19 INT (Nature) or Higher: All signs point
the sun cannot penetrate the clouds. Lava
towards the nearby mountain blowing its top, though
may pour out of the volcano for days, weeks,
or months, igniting fires as it flows. If this such signs might last for weeks even decades.
eruption occurs on an island (as they often There really is no way of knowing when the eruption
do), the aftermath may be very difficult to will happen without the use of Divination magic. If
escape. we are still in the area when the explosion occurs,
the initial blast wave could create enough energy to
Active volcanoes tend to form in coastal areas where shatter our bodies and every building nearby. The
plate tectonics cause an upwelling of pressure and blast will launch balls of molten rock into the sky, and
magma. An adventuring party moving through this then a cloud of hot, choking ash that will linger in the
area in the days prior to an eruption will experience air for days. There may also be mudslides and lava
tremors, and may observe outgassing from the flows.
ground near the mountain before an eruption births
a brand new volcano. What will they make of it? Is PLAYER ACTION OPPORTUNITY
it a wholly natural occurrence? Has a sinister beast “WE SHOULD REALLY GET GOING”
moved into the heart of the mountain, causing it The primary decision that characters may
to belch fire? Does an angry deity or fiend require need to make is whether there is anything or
a sacrifice of some kind in order to prevent the anyone that requires their protection. Much
eruption? Build the story surrounding this eruption in of the time spent before the eruption may
the days and weeks leading up to the main event. involve warning and evacuating the local
Start with subtle indicators that may not be as populace.
obvious or forceful as what you will read below.
Very few parties will be powerful enough to
stand against the incredible force that is about
to come to bear, so allow them a bit of time to
plan their next moves. For those parties who
have powerful spells at their disposal (7th


Level spells or higher), this could be a really ● If the creature succeeds, it takes
amazing show of heroism. half damage, is not Deafened, and
is not thrown or knocked Prone (no
Give the party a chance to spot the shelter Bludgeoning damage).
you have set up for them, if any.
● Structures automatically sustain double
• Wholly reliable shelter from a volcanic the Thunder damage produced by the
eruption is very rare. Blast Wave. Collapsing structures do an
• The party could hide in a shallow cave additional (4d10) Bludgeoning damage
or very sturdy, well-made, stone or metal to creatures caught inside. Creatures
building for shelter, but there is a chance inside a collapsing structure must make
that caves in the area may serve as lava a DC 15 Dexterity Saving Throw to avoid
outlets as the eruption continues, and falling rubble, taking half damage on a
there is a chance that buildings of any successful save.
material may be utterly annihilated.
● Allow characters the predetermined
Timing of spells will be incredibly important. amount of time (1d2 minutes) between
High-level spells like Forcecage (box form), the Blast Wave and the Pumice Rain.
Magnificent Mansion, Control Weather, Describe the molten bits of rock that
Demiplane, Tsunami, Gate, Invulnerability, have exploded into the sky and that are
and the like can all create viable defenses likely to begin returning to the ground
against the various stages of the Volcanic very shortly.
Eruption. But if they are used at the wrong
time, they may not serve their intended Stage 2 - Pumice Rain
“RUN FASTER! DEATH IS ON OUR HEELS!” Molten balls of gas-infused rock rain down
The eruption consists of 5 stages: Blast from the sky. When the balls impact at
Wave, Pumice Rain, Pyroclastic Flow, Lahar, ground level, they splash and explode
Aftermath. Each is outlined below, and each sending ball-bearing sized molten bullets
takes place within a circular area with a radius whizzing through the air. These projectiles
of 30 miles. have sufficient velocity to pierce metal and
Stage 1 - Blast Wave
● The Pumice Rain lasts (2d4) rounds and
Volcanoes can release tremendous amounts acts on Initiative Count 20.
of energy when they erupt: sufficient to
destroy nearly everything within 30 miles ● On the Pumice Rain’s turn, each creature
of the epicenter. This initial blast wave can within a 30-mile radius of the volcano
flatten entire forests as it travels up to twice who is not completely protected by
the speed of sound. magical forces must roll a DC 19 Dexterity
Saving Throw or take (6d6) Piercing
The Blast Wave is visible from a distance as damage and (6d6) Fire damage, or half
it levels trees and structures in its path. The as much on a successful save. A creature
explosion that generates the Pumice Rain with partial shelter has Advantage on this
stage is also visible at this moment, as pieces saving throw.
of the mountain rocket into the skies above,
streaming smoke and ash in their wake. ● Structures automatically sustain double
the Piercing damage and double the
When the Blast Wave hits, the destruction Fire damage produced by the Pumice
is instantaneous, and Initiative Order is not Rain. Collapsing structures do an
needed. Creatures in a shelter have Advantage additional (4d10) Bludgeoning damage
on the following saving throws: to creatures caught inside. Creatures
● Each creature within a 30-mile radius inside a collapsing structure must make
of the volcano who is not completely a DC 15 Dexterity Saving Throw to avoid
protected from the Blast Wave by magical falling rubble, taking half damage on a
forces must make a DC 20 Constitution successful save.
Saving Throw.
● Allow characters the predetermined
● On a failed save the creature: amount of time (1d2 minutes) between
the Pumice Rain and the Pyroclastic Flow.
○ Takes (10d10) Thunder damage Describe the cloud of dark, burning ash
○ Is Deafened for 1 hour that has been flowing rapidly down the
○ Is thrown 60 feet and knocked Prone, slopes of the mountainside during the
taking another (6d6) Bludgeoning Pumice Rain barrage. It should be clear
damage. to the characters that the worst is not yet
Stage 3 - Pyroclastic Flow Stage 5 - Aftermath
If the party has survived to this point, they
ROLL FOR INITIATIVE! see before them a darkened and devastated
wasteland full of burning embers and mud.
A cloud of searing hot ash, gases, and dust The air is thick with clouds of ash that extend
moves through the area at hundreds of miles thousands of feet into the air. Flying is not
an hour, burning and choking anything in its a good option for creatures who need to
path. breathe.

● The Pyroclastic Flow lasts (2d4) rounds ● For every hour that a breathing creature
and acts on Initiative Count 20. spends in the Aftermath, it must succeed
on a DC 12 Constitution Saving Throw
● The area is Highly Obscured during these or take (2d8) Poison damage from the
rounds. ash and toxins in air. A creature takes
half as much damage on a successful
● On the Pyroclastic Flow’s turn, each save. Wearing a Plague Mask negates the
creature within a 30-mile radius of the need to make this CON Save for up to
volcano who is not completely protected an hour (until the oxygen stores must be
by magical forces must roll a DC 20 replenished). Wearing a Respiration Mask
Dexterity Saving Throw or take (6d6) grants Advantage on the saving throw.
Fire damage, or half as much on a
successful save. A creature with shelter ○ A creature who is not Immune to
has Advantage on this saving throw. Poison takes one Level of Exhaustion
each time it fails this saving throw.
● Structures automatically sustain double
the Fire damage produced by the ● For every hour of foot travel within the
Pyroclastic Flow. Collapsing structures radius of the Aftermath, roll (1d100) to
do an additional (4d10) Bludgeoning determine if a random event affects the
damage to creatures caught inside. party:
Creatures inside a collapsing structure
must make a DC 15 Dexterity Saving ○ Lava Flow: A river of lava 50 feet wide
Throw to avoid falling rubble, taking half snakes continuously across the party’s
damage on a successful save. path. They must find a way to cross
or lose 1 hour of travel time. See the
● Additionally, a creature in this radius must Magma Chamber encounter for details
succeed on a DC 15 Constitution Saving on contact with lava.
Throw or be Poisoned by the toxic gases of
the Pyroclastic Flow for 1 hour. A creature ○ Choking Gases: The party stumbles
who is wearing a Plague Mask cannot be into a pocket of choking gases
poisoned in this way, and a creature who released by the eruption. Use the
is wearing a Respiration Mask may roll the Accumulated Gases mechanics from
save at Advantage. the Forest Cave encounter.

● Allow characters the predetermined ○ Muddy Pit: The Lahar created a

amount of time (1d2 minutes) between field of quicksand-like pits. Use the
the Pyroclastic Flow and the Lahar. Mechanical Resolution from the
Quicksand encounter.
Stage 4 - Lahar
○ Secondary Eruption: Another part of
ROLL FOR INITIATIVE! the mountain erupts, creating another
Blast Wave and Pumice Rain event.
If creatures are anywhere on the slopes of Run these as above, but halve the
the mountain itself, they will have to deal duration, reduce save and check DCs
with the Lahar Stage of the eruption as by 5, and halve all damage dealt.
well. Use the Player Action Opportunity
and Mechanical Resolution sections from
the Mudslide encounter in the Tropical 1d100 Random Event
Jungles Chapter. 1-20 Lava Flow
● The Lahar may flow into cave entrances 21-35 Choking Gases
and may carry creatures deeper into the
cave system, at the GM’s discretion. 36-45 Muddy Pit
46-50 Secondary Eruption
● Add (3d6) Fire damage to the damage
mentioned in the Mudslide encounter 51-100 No random event
since the mud here has been mixed with
scalding ash and molten rock.


Wondrous item, very rare

This amulet serves as a fail-safe to protect the bearer from extreme

cold and crushing hazards, such as avalanches, sinkholes, tsunamis,
and cave-ins. The amulet immediately activates whenever its wearer
is overexposed to subfreezing conditions or significant pressure.

If the attuned wearer fails a Constitution Saving Throw against

Extreme Temperatures (cold) or any saving throw that might result
in the character’s being unintentionally buried beneath snow, water,
or earth, the amulet activates causing a minor ward to appear
around the character. This magical ward immediately warms the
character, prevents all Bludgeoning damage, and prevents the risk of
Suffocation for a period of 1 hour, thus allowing for the possibility of
rescue. Once the amulet has been used in this way, it may not convey
these benefits again for 24 hours.

Wonderous item, uncommon (+1), rare (+2), very rare (+3) (requires attunement by a sorcerer, wizard, or warlock)

This item can be used as an arcane focus that grants the listed bonus to attack rolls and saving
throws for your spells. As an action, you can attach the crystal to a Tiny object that is being
held or worn (such as a sword, staff, or jewelry). While attached in this way, the crystal grants
the attuned user Darkvision within a radius of 30 feet, or it extends existing Darkvision by an
additional 30 feet.

When the command word is spoken, the crystal glows with a soft UV light that illuminates
intentionally hidden objects, granting Advantage on Investigation checks made to find secret
doors or similar hidden clues.


Wondrous item, legendary

This turquoise bead is rumored to have been created by a lost civilization that once thrived in
a lush and beautiful landscape. A character may plant the bead in any terrain and simply apply
a gallon of water. Within 4 hours the surrounding area will grow into a lush oasis. The oasis
contains an ample supply of fresh water, has several varieties of fruit trees, and maintains a
moderate temperature both day and night. At the GM’s discretion, some of the special features
from the following table may also be added:

Roll 1d8 Special Feature

Magical Waterfall and Lake. Those who bathe in the water receive the effects of the Greater
Restoration spell.

2 Exotic Fruit. This fruit contains the properties of Good Berries.

Lush with Valuables. The Oasis contains 1d12 x 100 gp worth of valuables (Gold Coins, Scattered
Jewels, Treasure, Etc). The Oasis may also contain one Legendary alchemy or herbalism ingredient.

A Cozy Paradise. Those who take a short rest here receive the benefits of a Long Rest instead.
Those who take a Long Rest gain Inspiration.

A Touch of Fey. The Oasis contains 1d4 nymphs who will assist the players with their needs. They
provide the Help action to any activities taken within the Oasis.

Pool of Resurrection and Reincarnation. A pool which contains magic healing properties. A body
6 can be placed within the pool and receives the full benefits of the Resurrection spell. Anyone who
drinks from the pool has a 25% chance of being reincarnated in the pool upon death.

A Djinn is Born. A Djinn is created and tied to the Oasis. The Djinn will grant three wishes to a
character, but those wishes may only add features to the Oasis.

8 Roll Twice. Reroll on duplicates.

Canary Locket Captain ’s Cutlass

Cross-Country Skis


Wondrous item, uncommon Weapon (dagger), rare

This small journal was lost by an accomplished You gain +1 to attack and damage rolls made
Herbalist, and it contains hundreds of with this magic weapon. As an action you can
useful entries on the flora in several distinct jam this plain knife into a hard surface, such
wilderness biomes. While carrying this book, as ice or stone, and it will act as a hammered
you can gain Advantage on all checks to piton that is able to support up to 500 pounds.
locate and combine useful herbs. As another action, from its hilt, up to 25 feet
of thin silk rope unravels and can be used to
CANARY LOCKET repel or otherwise climb to safety. As a third
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) action, the rope can wind itself back around
the hilt of the knife.
This golden bird-shaped locket, when worn
around the neck, makes a shrill chirping sound COWL OF THE BADLANDS
in the presence of foul air or poisonous fumes. Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
In addition to the warning sounds, the locket
grants Advantage to the wearer on saving While wearing this cowl, you automatically
throws against poisonous or acidic fumes. succeed on Constitution Saving Throws
related to Extreme Temperatures (heat)
and are Immune to the related condition
CAPTAIN’S CUTLASS of Sunburn. In addition, your daily water
Weapon (any sword with the Finesse trait), very rare requirements are halved while attuned to this
(requires attunement) item.

You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls CROSS-COUNTRY SKIS

made with this magic weapon. Additionally, Adventuring gear, common
this sword has up to 8 charges that may be - 5 gp, 3 pounds
used for the following properties.
These skis can be used to traverse snowy
While wielding the sword, you can use an arctic terrain with ease. Difficult terrain
action to expend some of the charges to cast caused by snow does not slow you down. A
one of the following spells (using Charisma character who is navigating a steep downhill
as your spellcasting modifier): Heroism (1 slope, or who is attempting another seriously
charge), Enhance Ability (2 charges), Beacon challenging maneuver while wearing these
of Hope (3 charges), Freedom of Movement (4 skis may be asked to perform a DC 13 STR
charges). Additional targets may be affected (Athletics) check, falling Prone on a failure.
by Heroism, Enhance Ability, and Freedom of
Movement as part of the same action as long DESERT GARMENTS
as the necessary charges can be expended. Adventuring gear, common - 2 gp, 3 pounds
This set of clothes consists of sandals, cotton
The sword regains 1d6+2 expended charges trousers, a long-sleeved tunic, a sash, and a
daily at dawn (maximum of 8 charges). If cloth head covering to block the intense rays
all charges are expended, roll a d20. On a 1, of the sun.
the sword loses its additional properties and
becomes an Uncommon +1 weapon without
the ability to cast spells.

Free- Diving Gear

Ghillie Suit

Ever-Changing Map Wonderous item, rare

This seemingly blank, folded parchment bears

an ornately designed compass rose in one
corner. When the parchment is unfolded, and
the command word is spoken, the large sheet
displays the user’s current location along
DEEPWATER DIVING APPARATUS with all relevant landmarks (such as rivers,
Armor (plate), rare - 1,000 gp, 100 pounds
mountains, settlements, and well-known or
famous structures) within a 10-mile radius.
This specialized suit of plate armor is The information on the map takes 1 minute to
completely sealed off to be watertight. It materialize and does not include information
includes a helmet with a glass viewing window about subterranean areas or the interior of
a a renewable alchemical oxygen supply structures.
provided by Oleum Vitae. If the wearer takes
30 points of Piercing or Bludgeoning damage FLAT-BOTTOM CANOE
Adventuring gear, common - 50 gp, 75 pounds
while wearing this armor, it loses its water-
tight property until it is repaired by a Mending
spell, or by making a DC 15 check with Smith’s This canoe is specially designed with a flat
tools. front and wide shallow draft. Made from
lighter materials, the canoe can easily traverse
Due to limited visibility and hearing, all WIS swampy wetlands, effortlessly gliding over
(Perception) checks are made at Disadvantage water and vegetation alike. The canoe is
while wearing this armor. The wearer of this furnished with two oars and may hold a crew
armor sinks at a rate of 60 feet per round and of 3 medium-sized creatures. It is otherwise
is only able to walk on solid ground beneath identical to a rowboat.
the surface of a body of water. Swim checks
automatically fail. FREE-DIVING GEAR
Adventuring gear, uncommon - 30 gp, 3 pounds
The supply of breathable air in this apparatus
is provided by a special alchemical oil, called Free-diving gear includes long flippers to
Oleum Vitae, that is vaporized in the form of be worn on the feet, gloves with webbing
oxygen. Once the oil has been consumed, a between the fingers, and a water-tight mask.
creature who is wearing the apparatus begins While wearing this gear, a creature’s Swimming
to Suffocate. The rig can be used again Speed is doubled. A creature without a natural
when the supply of Oleum Vitae has been Swimming Should end at Speed. Not sure
replenished by a capable alchemist. where the rest of this came from.

Due to limited visibility and hearing, all WIS GHILLIE SUIT (UNIQUE TO BIOME TERRAIN)
Adventuring gear, uncommon - 20 gp, 5 pounds
(Perception) checks are made at Disadvantage
while wearing this gear.
This set of clothing has been specially
designed to go over top of clothing and armor
DUAL CINCH CLIMBING HARNESS that is already being worn. The thin, net-like
Adventuring gear, common - 5 gp, 2 pounds
material is interwoven with cloth strips that are
made to look like the environment for which
This modified climbing harness has two long the ghillie suit is designed. The suit comes in
leather straps that can be thrown around a four varieties: Dark Foliage (Jungle, Forest,
tree, column, pole, or other cylindrical object Swamp), Light Foliage (Grassland, Mountain,
and clipped into the belt for swift ascent. The Coastal), Desert, and Arctic. Wearing a ghillie
harness allows the wearer to use full Walking suit imposes Disadvantage on sight-based
Speed instead of half while ascending. WIS (Perception) checks to detect a creature
who is wearing it in the proper biome.
Wondrous Item, rare Wondrous item, legendary

In addition to providing all the normal eye This wagon uses artificer technology to
protection benefits of standard goggles, these deliver an all-purpose, all-terrain, all-inclusive
goggles are magically imbued with the ability experience. The internal combustion engine
to detect specific heat signatures of living is powered by four air elementals working in
entities. When activated by the command perfect harmony, providing the wagon with
word, the goggles allow the wearer to detect unique and customizable properties. The
a glowing red aura around any creature that wagon is perfect for those who constantly
is producing significant body heat within 120 find themselves in harsh environments such
feet. The goggles do not detect undead or as archaeologists, alchemists, or your run-of-
any other creatures that exhibit abnormally the-mill adventurers.
low or absent metabolism.
• Expanded Internal Living Space: The
Typically used by search and rescue teams to wagon comes with powerful enchantments
track down creatures who have been lost in which allows for an average size exterior
blizzards or avalanches, these goggles may with a cozy and roomy interior. Complete
also be used to identify invisible creatures with living quarters, wash room, storage
within range. area, and two spare rooms to use at your

• Advanced Hover Capabilities: The wagon

uses antigravity enchantments which
allows the wagon to traverse even the
most difficult types of terrain. Climbs
vertical cliff walls! Handles swampy terrain
with ease! You’ll never ride a horse again!

• Improved Hazard Protection: The exterior

of the wagon is repurposed to protect
against extreme weather conditions and
natural disasters (AC 25 and 300 HP). If
you should find yourself buried under
mountains of snow, or sinking to the
Goggles of Heat Detection bottom of the ocean, simply use our once
a day DIMENSION DOOR feature to get
yourself out of a tight spot.

Adventuring Gear, common - 5 gp, 3 pounds

This pair of axes can be utilized in climbing

scenarios where snow and ice make progress
difficult. With a pick on one end and an adze
on the other, these axes allow mountaineers
to arrest sudden falls or to help belay

You have Advantage on all Strength and

Dexterity Saving Throws related to climbing
or mountaineering in icy or snowy terrain.

Grio s All-Terrain

Artificer Wagon

Intrepid Shoes

Plague Mask

INTREPID SHOES Wondrous Item, uncommon
Wonderous item, very rare (requires attunement)
This self-contained breathing apparatus
These shoes are decorated with stylized completely covers the head and protects the
images of waves, sand, and snow. As an wearer from airborne hazards in the external
action, the wearer can transform these shoes environment for a short time. With its own
into wide flat footwear that act as flippers, limited oxygen supply, a plague mask can be
snowshoes, crampons, or other protective worn for up to one hour, during which time
footwear. The shoes may confer any of the the wearer cannot be harmed by smoke, toxic
following abilities: fumes, or allergens that affect the eyes, nose,
throat, or lungs, nor can the wearer contract
• Swimming Speed equal to your Walking airborne diseases.
• Ignore Difficult Terrain cause by ice or The supply of breathable air in this mask is
snow provided by a special alchemical oil, called
• Negate the Fire damage conveyed by lava Oleum Vitae, that is vaporized in the form
that is dense enough to be traversed of oxygen. Once the oil has been consumed,
• Ignore the sinking qualities of quicksand a creature who is wearing the mask begins
to Suffocate. The mask can be used again
MACHETE when the supply of Oleum Vitae has been
Adventuring gear, common - 1 gp, 2 pounds replenished by a capable alchemist.

A machete is designed to cut through thick Due to limited visibility and hearing, all WIS
jungle undergrowth. Difficult terrain caused (Perception) checks are made at Disadvantage
by thick vegetation does not slow you down while wearing this head covering.
while using this tool. If used as a weapon, the
machete uses the stats of a Sickle.
Weapon (sword), common
Inside a tall canvas bag are two iron stakes,
This item contains the same properties as each of them four feet long, When these
the machete, but is much sharper and more stakes are driven into the ground no more
versatile. Reinforced with adamantine that than five feet apart, and the command word is
allows the machete to cut through even the spoken, a sturdy suspension bridge magically
hardest of materials, this machete can be extends from the location between the stakes
used to cut through large trees and magically out to a piece of ground up to 60 feet away.
augmented plants. When used as a weapon it The bridge can support up to 3,000 lbs, and
provides a +1 to attack and damage rolls. can be reduced back to a pair of stakes by
speaking the command word from either side
of the bridge.

Wonderous Item, common

This compact shovel can be easily carried in, or

strapped to the side of, a backpack. Digging
through dirt, sand, snow, or any other soft
material that a shovel could normally move
takes half the time that it otherwise would.

Respiration Mask
Rod o f Water Detection
and Extraction
Wondrous Item, uncommon

This special scarf is embedded with a

lightweight flexible material that when
donned, fits tightly over the nose and mouth.
Excess material can then be wrapped around
the rest of the face and neck, granting
Advantage on saves resulting from airborne
hazards such as toxic fumes and allergens. Sailboard
Wondrous Item, uncommon

This item appears as nothing more than a

branched wooden stick, but once activated
with a command word, the rod can detect
the locations of significant deposits of fresh
water for up to 1 hour. A creature holding the
rod knows the location and specific direction
to any surface accumulations of more than ROPE LADDER
1 gallon that exist within a 1 mile radius. Adventuring gear, common - 5 gp, 2 pounds
The bearer of this item is also attracted to
underground water deposits and surface This 20-foot portable ladder can be rolled up
plants that hold a minimum of 1 gallon of and packed away compactly for easy storage
water within a radius of 500 feet. When the and transportation. It has been reinforced
creature touches the rod to any of these for extra durability, can support up to 1,500
sources, it will magically siphon water from pounds, and is fitted with hooks at one end
the chosen deposit. Water travels through the to help secure it to a branch or ledge. When
rod and streams from the branched handles. climbing this ladder, a creature moves with no
Once used in this way, the rod cannot be used climbing penalties. The ladder has an AC of 15
again for 24 hours. and 5 HP, and it can be broken with a DC 20
Strength check.
To determine the size of the water source that
the rod detects and how much fresh water
the rod can extract from it, the GM may roll or SAILBOARD
choose from the table below. Vehicle, Water or Land - 500 gp, 60 pounds

Gallons This 5-foot-long board is outfitted with a

(Roll Source of Fresh 10-foot mast, a sail, and a small cargo area.
1d6) Size Water
Extracted It is designed to be a convertible and agile
method of transportation in water or on
1-2 None None N/A land. It is specially equipped with retractable
3 Tiny 1d4+1 Small Plants
wheels such that the transition between water
and land can be made smoothly without
Shaded interrupting travel.
4 Small 1d6+2 Puddles or
Small Pools Due to its light weight, the sailboard is able to
pick up speed quickly, but also has difficulty
5 Medium 2d6+4
Large Cactus sailing directly against the wind.
or Natural Well

Lake, River, or
6 Large Unlimited

Seismic Detector Snare Whip


Adventuring gear, uncommon - 50 gp Adventuring gear, common - 5 gp, 1 pound

This small round device of gnomish design This 10-foot-long, lightweight pole folds in
consists of a metal spring suspended in a upon itself into a 1-foot-long handle that can be
clear liquid behind sealed glass. When placed easily carried or stored. Used mainly to probe
on the ground or other flat and level surface, dangerous ground, the pole will collapse or
it can detect even the most subtle vibrations break if more than 50 lbs of weight is placed
from seismic activity. It takes one minute to upon it. Additionally, the pole includes a pair
precisely level the device for it to function of pincers on the telescoping end that may
accurately. be activated by a button on the handle end.
These pincers are strong enough to grasp and
A skilled user may also make a DC 15 WIS hold Tiny objects weighing up to 1 pound.
(Survival) check to detect the movement of
large creatures, or groups of more than 20
smaller creatures, and the direction in which ULTIMATE ALCHEMIST METAL DETECTOR
they are moving. Creatures must be moving Staff, Uncommon
on the ground in order to be detected. On a
failure, the vibrations indicate movement, but While holding this staff, you can use an action
the user is unable to determine the direction to expend 1 of its 5 charges to cast Locate
from which it is coming. Object from it. The staff can also be used as a
magic quarterstaff.

SNARE WHIP The staff regains 1d4 + 1 expended charges

Weapon (whip), uncommon daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll
a d20. On a 1, the staff becomes a nonmagical
This +1 Whip has the additional ability to latch quarterstaff.
on to outcroppings, tree branches, ledges,
and other free-standing objects. Outside
of combat, this whip grants Advantage on
DEX (Acrobatics) checks used to swing from
branches or rock formations.

When used in combat, the wielder can use the

whip to initiate a Grapple or to use the Shove
action on a creature to knock it Prone. A
creature may choose to use a DEX (Acrobatics)
check, instead of a STR (Athletics) check, for
these contested actions.

Ace McCrae Durin Brewhammer Michael “Mikeystein” Ramage
AJ “Asphodel” Dylan “Howl” Hall Michael Ingle
Alan Castellano Tanori Eric Gonzalez Mike McElroy
An Angry Altmer Heidi Jugovic Nicholas O’Brien
Andrew C. Hintz Hunter Harwood Noelle A. Martinez
Andy Lieberum J. Finkiewicz Owen Rion
Ben O’Connor James Eustice Penphiva
Brian Black James Honey Rafael Mejia
Bruce Spiegelman Jeff Gregory Renee Hupp
Bryan Edwards Jesse “symetrik” Warren Richard Comstock
Chad Neely John Hammond Rob Black
cheekycleric (Jessica) Jonathan Hamilton Robert T
Chris Sweat Joshua A. Fischer Seán Gordon
Craig Hicks JP Shawn Craine
Dakota Reighard Justin Mitlehner Shawn Surber
Dan Estabrook Justin Washington Taylor Sansom
Daniel Dower Kelly W. Rush Thomas Saunders
Daniel Reid Kmart Timothy J. Gordon II
David Mkrtchyan Kym Wright Umbraxon
Donovan Baures LeoPoldine WhiteHowl
Downs Deering Louis G. Pratt Wilson W. Chan
Duncan Cuny Mark P. Madden Zack Olson


Aaron Hamilton Christian H. Weule Emily Mayo
Aaron Stanger Christian Myers Emily Principe-Velez
Abigail Palen Christopher Bevard Eric Schumann
Abram Tamez Christopher Hood Ernst Anderson
Adam Estabrook Christopher Robert Esko Halttunen
Adrian Aquino Quinten Ethan Chandler
Alex Pernestti Christopher Stickles Ethan Smith
Alexander Grimes Christopher W. Francis Francesco Paparelli
Andreas Coleman Cody Smith Fred Hansen
Andrew Anderson Colin Anderson Gerardo Medina
Andrew C. Hintz Colin Houser Gordon Milner
Andrew McWilliams Colton Clause Grayson Gunnoe
Andrew Roberts Connor Hutcheson Greg Engleman
Anna Slowinski Corey Close Griffin R. Monczka
Anthony M. Briley Corinne Brown Esqueda J. Michael Roseberry
Antonio Bazzone Curtis Harper Jackie Youwakim
Aram Tlaseca Damian Taylor Jacobe Vanier
Arien Rollins Damien McConnell Jaedon Burch
Ashton Sewell Damon Ring James A. Zottarelli
Augustine L. Rollinger Dane Counts James Allen
Austin Thomas Daniel Alexander Wom- James Appleby
Bastion G. Fennell ack James Denny
Benedict Hewetson Daniel Hughes James Robert Jones
Blake Webb Daniel Tiecher Jan Malcomess
Bradley Collins Stephenson Darren Trapp Jared Coplin
Brendon Naftel David A. Nolan Jason Andrew Smith
Brian Hefling David Norris-King Jason Behnke
Brian Kevin Otten David Salaberry Jason J. Ostrowski
Bryan Adams Dawson Dabreau Javier Andres Verdin
Bryan Edwards Dena Heck Jay Platta
Bryan Turnbull Devin Writer Jay Ross
Bryn Jones Diana Sandres Martinez Jeff Johnson
Buddy Siweumptewa Don Darling Jeff Peters
Caitlin Knight Don Washington Jeffrey D. Merrill
Caleb Plehn Donevan Spurlock Jeffrey Thomas Hunter
Callum L. Miles Douglas Cunningham Jesse E. Spence
Chappall Gage Duncan F. Cuny Jessica Hoppe
Chase Street Dylan Teague Jessy L Maldonado
Chris Johnston Dylan Trahan Jody L. Conner
Chris Michel Elizabeth A. Fowler Johann Gastineau
John Hanson Liam O’Regan Rafe T Ruegg
John Kirkland Lillith Turle Ramon Villarreal
John Rogers Liz Siewerth Rebecca Tien
John Wightman Louis Orr Reuben Wood
John Zambrano Marc Cashen Rob Black
John-Richard S. Lohmann Marc Oliver Tritt Robbert Fliek
Jon Rossman Marc R Kassouf Robert Davenport
Jonathan Colon Marcus Mills Robert Faucett
Jonathan E. Ericson Martin Schröter Robert McGuinness
Jonathan Prout Martin White Robert Mesch
Jonathan Santerre Mathew Ryan Hurdle Robert Myers
Jonathan St. Peter Matt Dlabich Robert Scripps IV
Jonathen Bingham Matthew Dayton-Mason Rodney Scott
Jonathon Seiler Matthew Sullivan Ryan Lee
Joseph Cirilo Megan Lister Sam Wang
Joseph E. Goslin III Michael Gionfriddo Santino Cristante
Joseph Sharkey Michael Hurdle Scott Corbett Millar
Josh Blick Michael Ingle Scott Leslie
Joshua A. Fischer Michael Kruse Scott Martin
Joshua Higgins Michael Lamb Sean K. Cochran, DMD
Joshua Toennis Michael Maritato Sean Meagher
Juan F. Gonzalez Michael Martin Sébastien Mairesse
Juan Pablo Ferrer Michael Plastria Shawn Emslander
Jules Lelay Michael Ramage Simon Trépanier
Julian Harrison-Wirth Michael Smith Simon VanVactor-Lee
Julian Schmid Miguel Cabrera Eisman Sohan Krish Govind Naresh
Justin Bojarski Mike McElroy Stephen Gac
JW Walker Mollie Baldus Stephen Nojek
Karl Peterson Ms. Dawn Calderwood Tarale Wolffe
Katherine-Ann Sigeti Myra Post Taylor Sansom
Kendra Hosseini Nathan Subyak Thien Duy Phan
Kevin Martin Nathan Wyatt Thomas DellaFera Jr.
Kevin Morrow Nathaniel Zabinski Thomas Lyon
Kevin Schilling Nicholas Wilson Thomas M. Berard
Kevin Wilson Noah Peters Timothy Bertotti
Kim Rangård Noah Stewart Timothy J. Gordon II
Kraig Allan Gander Otto VanLeeuwen Tom Dodson
Kyle Goodwin Patrick Pryds Treyvor Bridenbaker
Kyle Kolbert Patrick R Higgins Tyler Pajski
Kym Wright Patrick Schultz Víkingur Brynjar Víkingsson
Lachlan Dean Philip Rogers Vincent Mojta
Lance G Buttars Phillip Cualing Wayne T. Barlow
Leoht Steren Rachel Greene Zack Willig

A W Verbraeck Asis J. Carlos Charlie J. Ulloa Darryl Viljoen
Aaron F. Stanton Askur Þór Björgvinsson Cheyenne Martin Daryl Graham
Aaron G. Sorensen Astrid Portner Chi Kin Choy Dave P Blewer
Aaron Huff Atle Sveen Chris Adams Dave Patriquin
Aaron L. Bulger Augustin Daumas Chris Black Dave Rockwell
Aaron Pollett Austin Farrar Chris Gonnella David A. Santiago
Aaron Roush Aydin Mardan Chris Hughes David Ameer Tavakoli
Abby Thornton Barnabas Fletcher Chris Kottman David Arnold
Abdulla Hamad Ahmed Alkhalifa Beau Cazet Chris McKinnon David Benkarski
Adam B. Learn Ben Beaver Chris Perry David Gibson
Adam Chunn Ben Brady Chris Shakespear David Greig
Adam Dahlheim Ben Lachman Chrissy Gugel David James Wright
Adam Epstein Ben O’Connor Christian Bedard David King
Adam Gerecke Ben Olsen Christian Pirlet David L. Pierce Jr
Adam Gruszczynski Ben Wood Christian T Wenham David Lapp
Adam Jung Benet Davis Christian Ulm David Marshall
Adam Kappel Benjamin Charlet Christie Jennings-Wyckoff David McQuiston
Adam Koszela Benjamin D. Appleton Christine Balne David Nemeth
Adam Rodgers Benjamin Lindsey Christoffer Jadepalm David Powell
Adam Toulmin Benjamin Saxton-Ruiz Christopher A. Hoffmann David Richard Schlabach
Adenis Alexandre Benjamin Tanner Christopher A. LeBlanc David Swan
Adrian Dittrich Benjamin Wernette Christopher Anderson David Wiggins
Adrián Merino Martínez Bert Van Pol Christopher Avery David William King
Adrian Money Beth Baguley Christopher Battaglia Dawn K. Garcia
Adrian Ross Beth Johnston Christopher Cody Harrison Dawson Moon
Adrien BAUDRAZ Bill McIntyre Christopher Creamer Dawson Vander
Aidan Bohannon Billy Clark Christopher E. Hearne Dean Black
AJ Price BJ Hillinck Christopher Heck Declan
Alan A. Valdez Blaine C. Nicolaisen Christopher Hepworth Delaney Pinnick
Alan Greve Blair McKenzie Christopher J.C. Ryan Dennis Courneyea
Alan L. Livingston Blake Johnson Christopher Laws Dennis vandebroek
Alan Mateo Blake Taylor Christopher McDowell Deena Shipler
Alan Purdy Brad Stitt Christopher Shaw Derek Paul Ibarra
Alberto Gonzalez Brandon Aten Christopher Streissguth Derick D. Spiekerman
Alex Chisolm Brandon Jones Christopher Thibodeau Derrick Cunningham
Alex Ford Brandon LaBonne Christopher Thompson Devin Puls
Alex Geray Brandon Mcguire Christopher Wilson Devon Mitchell
Alex Kearney Brandon Shaw Cleef Dizon Dillon Morris
Alex Norman Brandon Varga Cliff Kamppari-Miller Dillon Van Buskirk
Alex Parker Brennan Wilson Clifton Ponciano Dominic Guido
Alex Shields Brett Palmer Cody L. Lewis Dominik A. Rudolph
Alex Whitehurst Brian Anderson Cody Rinehart Dominique Declerck
Alexander Archibald Brian Eric Taylor Coleman Hiebert Donald Andrew Bronson
Alexander Cotterill Brian Fohlmeister Colin Dunn Donny August
Alexander Gaynor Brian Haynes Collier B. Gladin Doug Connelly
Alexander Hasselstrøm Brian Kim Collin Farr Douglas Blume
Alexander Maas Brian Koonce Connor Riggs Douglas Paul
Alexander Sawyer Brian Lewis Cory Nelson Drew Zambrotta
Alexandre Allard Brian Lovell Courtney Carlson Duncan Harris
Alexandre Gosselin Brian Severson Craig A. Kreger Duncan Kight
Alexandrian Tse Brian Shepherd Craig Coley Duncan Robert Leugs
Alexis Jeffries Brian Skinner Craig Hicks Dustin DeMink
Alfie J. Ailes Jr. Brian Van Nostrand Craig P. Zielonka Dustin Follett
Alisha Cox Broc Atkinson Cully Smutzler Dustin Michal Tallman
Allison Jean Smith Bruce Abbott Curt Duval Dustin R. Leatherman
Alysia Smith Bruce Jackson Cynthia Heaton Dylan Lisoway
Alyssa Hadfield Bruce Mohon Cynthia King Dylan P. Moore
Amanda Gedeon Caelen McMillan Dakota Reighard E Justin Mast
Amr Helmi Caeli Jollimore Dale Hargrove Eduardo Ramirez
Andreas Haas Cai Brockley Damian Adams Edward J. Ryder III
Andrew Brouwer Caitlin Baker Dan Dittmer Edward Jacobson
Andrew Elliott Cam Mullins Daniel A. Brothers Edward Paul Warren
Andrew Franklin Cameron Beck Daniel Boyd Edward Zych
Andrew J Wallen Cameron Robinson Daniel DiMeo Edwin Robertson
Andrew Lieberum Cameron Schaub Daniel Garcia Elgin Scott
Andrew Martin Candice Joslin Daniel Gutierrez Elisa Franssen
Andrew Moses Carlos Cisneros Daniel Harris Elizabeth Tharby
Andrew Obrigewitsch Casey Cain Daniel Higbee Ellis Putman
Andrew P Matthias Casey Kelley Daniel J. Thompson Emily Jackson
Andrew Richardson Casiah Lewis Daniel Jones Emmet Peak
Andrew Williams Catherine Harding Daniel L. Justice Eric Baldwin
Andy Gullikson CC Snyder Daniel Markey Eric Bounous
Andy Tri Nguyen Chad Buell Daniel Matheson Eric Duffy
Angela Mazur Chancey Scott Daniel Prewitt Eric Huff
Annie Castaneda Chappall Gage Daniel Smith Eric Liberti
Anthony Lazaroski Charles Bud Curtis Danika Brasic Eric Owens
Anthony Ray Niedrich Charles Hill Danil Bulatov Eric Salahub
Anthony Walmsley Charles Mars Daphne Wang Eric Stitzman
Apakorn Phasuk Charles Vavrick Darimont Thomas Eric Swirsky
Aron Glasser Charlie Drake Darren Moore Eric Ware
Erick Anderson Jacob Law Jochen Buennagel Karl Harrison
Erik Johnson Jacob McSweeney Jodie Dennhardt Kat Keillor
Ernst Naezer Jacob Mitchell Trom Jodie Williams Katarzyna Korona
Esko Halttunen Jacob T. Causey Joe Blowers Kate Young
Esko Vesala JacQuez Page Joe D. Finley Katharine Benn
Ethan Daniel Rauch Jaime Easter Joe Rigney Katherine Lugo
Ethan Kurylo Jaime Leigh HARVEY Joel Graves Katie C. Frimodig
Etienne D Meylan Jaime Mayo Joel Rodriguez Katie Johnson
Eugene Demaitre Jaime Rivera John A. Baggett Katrina McQuarrie
Fahad Mustafa Jake Crigger John A. Favaro Katy Dent
Fiona McLoughlin Jake de Bis John Aaron Davis Kazimir Wake
Florian Macé Jake Grant John David Dunn Kelly W. Rush
Francesca Gatti Jake Thompson John Fernett Kelly Weaver
Francis Carelli Jakob Pfafferodt John Gronquist Kelly Williams
Frank Damato James Albert Monaghan John H. Bookwalter Jr. Kelsie O’Dea
Fred Herman James Bartlett John Hammond Ken E. Elwert
G. Galen Mayhew James Blagden John Hein Kenan Rubenstein
Gabriel Casillas James Colaiseno John Schultz Kendall Rogers
Gabriel Gauthier James Crowder II John Scott Erdoesy Kenneth M Watson
Garnet Shepherd James D. Porter John Snyder Kenneth N. Fairbank
Garvin W. Anders James Daniel Reid John Stoops Kent Morris
Gavin A. Boutdy James Davison John Thomas Keven Ruest
Geraldine Shipler James E. Beadle John Williams Kevin Brennan
Georg Heller James Hepburn John Zanath Kevin Chapman
George Fazakerley James Honey Johnathan K. Taylor Kevin Cowdin
George Sherburn James Jackson Johnathan Taylor Kevin Feeman
Gerald Daigle James Johnson Jonathan Carter Kevin Hoffman
Gerald McEvoy James Lorenzana Jonathan Chiaravalle Kevin M Saxton
Gerardo Medina James Makepeace Jonathan Peterson Kevin Pagliarini
Gerben van Essen James Payne Jonathan Sill Kevin Ramdeo
Ginette Beavis James Ross Jonathon T. Engstrom Kiai Weidemann
Gissela Baker James Young Jordan A. Furman Kim Brandes
Giuseppe D’Aristotile Jr. Jamie Corfield Jordan Arnold Kim Øien
Goh Choon Guan Jan Artoos Jordie Jenkins Kimberly Haling
Gordon Milner Jan Eberhart Jorrit Muller Kimberly Pauley
Graham Davey Jan Philip Kolbaum Jose A. Acevedo Kirby Adams
Granby Limb Janice Elaine Roy José Gonçalves Klara Allsopp
Grant Bischoff Janine Lünenborg Jose Rivera Zarandona Kodey Bruno
Grant Potts Jarred Merriam Jose Rodriguez Kolten Webber
Greg Moss Jasmine Weeks Joseph Antone Guzman Konrad van Heukelom
Greg Rowe Jason B. Gabel Joseph Budovec Kory Beatty
Gregg Marshall Jason Gross Joseph Cabrera Kristchan Crespo
Gregor Steinhorn Jason Lotito Joseph DeOliveira Kristen Heacock
Gregory Hastings Jason Marlar Joseph Finkiewicz Kristian Williams
Gregory Lynn Jason Melton Joseph Flores Kristin Deeds
Grétar Mar Sigurðsson Jason Quistorff Joseph Henry Blanco Kristina Powell
Haci Ibrahim Tanirgan Jason Sallis Joseph Marek Kyle D. McHenry
Hamilton Spivey Javier Velez Joseph Michael Jewell Kyle Ross Conway
Harold S. Hughes III Jay Grenier Josh Crompton Kyle Tippets
Hayden Robertson Jay H. Peringer Josh Elliott Kyle Urban
Hayden Wasley Jay Straughan Josh Newton Landon Jamieson
Heather Chamberlain Jayson Santiago Josh Scheibe Lane Michael Luebber
Heather Nelson Jean-Marc Rivas Josh Sjothun Larry Determan
Heidi Jugovic Jean-Yves Trouveroy Joshua Bailey Lars Enzweiler
Henning Eriksen Jeff Clark Joshua D. Mailhiot Laura Brunberg
Henry Meier Jeff Herron Joshua Grosser Laura L. Picou
Holly Koponen Jeff Gregory Joshua Johnson Lauren & Tish Fox
Honore Depew Jeff Mackewicz Joshua King Lauren Jameson
Houssin Bazire Jeff Phinney Joshua Mattern Lee Holloway
Hunter Henrichsen Jeffrey Brownson Joshua Ohmer Lena Mao
Hunter J. Allen Jeffrey Fitch Joshua Phillips Lennert Faltysek
Hunter M. White Jeffrey Harden Joshua Remer Leo Petrazickis
Ian Barnes Jeffrey Harper Joshua Sciberras Leon Adrian
Ian Williams Jeffrey Lanzer Joshua Sonnie Leonardo C. Cornelio Jr.
Isaac Frank Jeffrey Smith Joshua Van Laningham Lev Flowers
Isaac Graham Jennifer Patterson Josiah Rise Lewis Johnson
Isaac Lamb Jennifer Pawlik Josue Rangel Pena Liam O’Sullivan
Isaac McClellan Jennyfer Wren Binns JT Thompson Lidia Coe
Isobel Thompson Jens Eberle-Sudo Juan Pablo Gonzalez Lilette Lacaden
Israel Martinez Jeran Jenks Juergen Barters Lily Lin
Iulian-Ioan Puț Jeremy Huggins Julia Margolies Logan J. Shafer
Ivan Danielewicz Jeremy J. Smith Julian Christensen Logan Williams
Iván Rael Núñez Harper Jeremy Orriss Justin Ackinson Lonnie C. Daniel
Iwona Kiszelewska Jeremy Pinske Justin Carroll Lorenzo Moscianese
J.R. Devid Jerry Hanson Justin Coffran Lorenzo Suiker
Jack Doughty Jesse Rathbun Justin Grant Louis Bloomfiepd
Jack Frost Jesse Warren Justin Merrick Louis Deutschman
Jack Kuszel Jessica A. Eaton Justin Mitlehner Louis Pratt
Jackie Mayrose Jessica Bohlman Kaelib Winarski Lowell Burton
Jacob Chapin Jessica Kenney Kaelon Fullmer Lowesky Rosario
Jacob Cornelius Jim Frederick Kalle Lukkala Lukas Scheerer
Jacob Daniel Hughes Jin Ying Li Kane Gartrell Luke Alexander
Jacob Keating Jobin Veach Sr. Kara Argue Luke Fabis
Luke Timms Michael Liebhart Pedro Grana Carmona Ryan Kearns Stewart P. Taylor
Lynette Guzman Michael Lonon Pedro L. Salgado Ryan McGregor Stuart Morell
Magdalena Wanzen- Michael Palmer Pelle Bjørn Nilausen Ryan Schaufele Susan McCafferty
böck Michael Poznanski Pete Fry Ryan Schnackel Sven Drießen
Magnar Sveen Michael Schwab Peter Cohen Ryan Vanderwerf Szabó Gábor
Malachi Cowells Michael Weeks Peter Fox S. Kelly Marshall Talakai Na’Dane
Malcolm Mackenzie Michael Young Peter Georges Sabrina Hernandez Tanya Jackson
Malinda Weiner Michele Jacobsen Peter M. Bemelmans Sage Vizcarra Tatyana Vogt
Malte Wendt-Larsen Miguel Therriault Peter Mason Sam Moran Taylor Venteicher
Marcin Nowicki Mike Costello Phil Beneker Samuel Bunda Ted McClintock
Marco A. Lopez Mike Mancini Philip Hindley Samuel Lopes Tegan Bourke
marcus arena Miles Canyon Spencer Philip Sheppard Samuel Rice Terry Davidson
Marcus B. Puller Miles Mateus Philip Wert Sarah Bartlett Terry E Roberts
Marie L. Erck Mitch Cowan Phillip Bush Sarah Cantley Terry Kolhoff
Marisa L. Hoffower Mitchel Wilson Phillip Prochaska Sascha Wetzel Terry Zembrzuski
Mark Bannon III Mitchell Porteous Phillip Swanson Sasha Calame Thaddeus Watulak
Mark Gunter Morten Cornelsen Polychronidis Nikolaos Saskia Leymann Thiago Malta Fernandes
Mark H. Dreschler Mr Jason Reynolds R.T.W. Goossens Savan Ashok Gupta Thilo Schub
Mark Madden Mr M A Brown Rachelle Mildren Savannah L. Oellrich Thomas Burns
Martijn Jansen Mr Richard J. Ashton Randall Ellington Scott Berger Thomas Clifford
Martin Bontrager Mr. Robert Jackson Randy Smith Scott Drouin Thomas Guy
Martin Michel Natalie Taber Ray Coleman Scott E. Eckert Thomas Higginbotham
Mary Daniels Nathan Gearhart Raymond Taylor Scott McGloughlin Thomas J. Talamini
Mary Olivia Harlow Nathan Levesque Rebecca Schroeder Scott Simmons Thomas Olson
Mat Stewart Nathan Lords Rebecca Tom Scott Wells Thomas WIlliam Hartwig II
Mathias Eek Nathan Royalty Reece Hanlin Sean Drewanz Thorbjørn Reimann-Andersen
Matous Adamec Nathan Wolke Regina Korhut Sean Frackowiak Tim Griffin
Matt Byrne Nathaniel Johnson Remo Maillart Sean Rowan Tim Neill
Matt Cook Nathaniel Jones Renate Braul Sean Ryan Duffy Tim Rinehart
Matt Frazita Nathaniel Laveck Ricardo Sanfins Searlait O’Hagan Tim Sullivan
Matt Knapil Neil Lilley Richard Balsley Sebastian Puper Tim Winton
Matt Merrell Neil Taylor Richard Line Selina Gowin Timothy Ferrell
Matt Pickup Ngai Yiu Wong Richard Rodriguez Senne Audier Timothy Foss
Matt Sywenky Niccolo Grando River T. Ross Seth Bell Timothy G. Smith
Matteo Marannino Nicholas Hall Rob Cuomo Seth Church Tobias Christensen
Matthew Barker Nicholas Harvey Robert Borriello Seth Kravetz Todd Dowd
Matthew Barnes Nicholas Hull Robert Browning Seth Lilly Toop Nouwens
Matthew Bliss Nicholas Loving Robert Guthrie Shana Bolander Travis Pogmore
Matthew Byron Nicholas Madrid Robert Harrts Shane Collins Trent Redfield
Matthew Carroll Nicholas R Lehnert Robert Hupf Shane Giles Trevar Fracchiolla
Matthew D. Pierce Nicholas R. Williams Robert Hurn Shane Power Trever Bergh
Matthew Golub Nicholas Shaw Robert McGookin Shaun Bixby Trevor Brian Nesbitt
Matthew J. Delaney Nicholas Slowes Robert Wallace Shaun Kiefer Trevor James Knoebel
Matthew Jones Nick Heinbaugh Robert Matros Shawn M. Fortier Tristan Conor McGee
Matthew Michael Agee Nick Martin Robert Muhlig Shawn Rose Tristan Saindon Groulx
Matthew Quinn Nick Sutton Robert Praetorius Jr Shea Michael Duerler Tyler Erickson
Matthew Robert Engles Nicolas Dulière Robert Scripps IV Shea Williams Tyler Lane Cody
Matthew Rudolph Nicolas Hampton Robert Wilson Shelby Watkins Tyler Lee Yates
Matthew sharp Nicole Borruso Roberto Mejias Silvio Oehme Tyler R. Gibson
Max Barker Nicole Frame Robin Beddow Silvio Sibilia Tyler S
Max Krembs Nik Bradač Robin Jonsson Simon Dalcher Tyler Schaeffer
Max Morehouse Nikkolette Lee Robin M. Mayenfels Sir Robert Bombalier Tyler Stewart
Max Topping Noah Acierno Robin Pallett Skyler A. Hall Vic Harris
Maxx Ratliff Noah Ruhmer Robin Tanquerel Sohan Rao Victoria French
Megan Chester Noel Smith Robyn Pesticcio Sol Sukut Victoria Hunsaker
Meghan A. McElaney Noelle Martinez Ron Miller Sophia Brittain Victoria Peter
Meghan Cobourn Olivier Boudreault Ronen Orland Stefan Dyke Walter Hosking
Micah Olguin Oscar Ortiz Ronnie Nocera Stefan Schlichting Wayne Marshall
Michael B. Daugherty Owen Rion Ross Guthro Steffan Grønlund Wayne Naylor
Michael Bakker Owen Smith Roux du Toit Stephane Gelgoot Will Matthews
Michael Carrig Oxto Santiago Medina Roxanne Sergeant Stephanie Kellogg William Combs
Michael Chadd Øystein Borhaug Ruben Brandt Stephanie Meier William Crewe
Michael Edward Martin Pablo Llanos Ortiz Russel Pryor Stephen Bowyer William F. Wittman
Michael Field Paige Lisko Russell Hoyle Stephen Hoffman William G. Schiemenz
Michael Gadd Parker Maxwell Russell McLaughlin Stephen Nash William Hart
Michael Green Patrick Beaulieu Ryan Allison Stephen Schorn William Henry Greenslade
Michael Griffeth Patrick Harrington Ryan Arias Delafosse Stephen Smith William Shepherd
Michael Hansen Patrick Hennessey Ryan Benson Stephen Tonks William Wood
Michael Hebert Patrick Hoskins Ryan Cherry Steve Capezza Zachary Paul
Michael J Rider Patrick Lee Ryan Copeland Steve Nelms Zachary Stephen Battista
Michael Jacobson Patrick Russell Ryan Finn Steve Ray Zacharyah Barlow
Michael John Essers Patrick Smith Ryan Ford Steve Riese Zack Olson
Michael Johnson Paul A. Didonato Ryan Hover Steven Cairnduff Zack Thompson
Michael Leguillow III Paul Gasperini Ryan Hughes Steven Jaskowiak Zeke Fowler
Michael Lehmann Paul Van Rompay Ryan Johnston Steven M. Almasy


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