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the Megaverse®

Violence and the Supernatural
The fictional worlds of Palladium Books® are violent, deadly and filled with supernatural monsters.
Other-dimensional beings, often referred to as "demons," torment, stalk and prey on humans. Other alien
life forms, monsters, gods and demigods, as well as magic, insanity, and war are all elements in these
Some parents may find the violence, magic and supernatural elements of the games inappropriate for
young readers/players. We suggest parental discretion.
Please note that none of us at Palladium Books® condone or encourage the occult, the practice of
magic, the use of drugs, or violence.

The Rifter® Number 55

Your guide to the Palladium Megaverse®!
First Printing- July 2011
Copyright 2011 Palladium Books® Inc.

All rights reserved, world wide, under the Universal Copyright Convention. No part of this book may be reproduced in part or whole,
in any form or by any means, without permission from the publisher, except for brief quotes for use in reviews. All incidents, situations,
institutions, governments and people are fictional and any similarity, without satiric intent, of characters or persons living or dead, is
strictly coincidental.

Robotech® and Robotech® The Shadow Chronicles® are Registered Trademarks of Harmony Gold USA, Inc.

Palladium Books®, Rifts®, The Rifter®, Coalition Wars®, After the Bomb®, RECON®, Nightbane®, Phase World®, Palladium
Fantasy Role-Playing Game®, The Mechanoids®, The Mechanoid Invasion®, Splicers®, and Megaverse® are registered trademarks
owned and licensed by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc.
The slogan "A Megaverse of adventure - limited only by your imagination," and titles and names such as Armageddon Unlimited,
Beyond the Supernatural, Chaos Earth, Dead Reign, Dyval, Elf-Dwarf War, Heroes of the Megaverse, Dimensional Outbreak, Worm-
wood, Minion War, Mysteries of Magic, Thundercloud Galaxy, Warpath: Urban Jungle, BTS-2, HU2, NEMA, MercTown, Mere Ops,
Tome Grotesque, Beyond Arcanum, Naruni, Mechanoid Space, Dinosaur Swamp, Arzno, Lazlo, Vampire Kingdoms, Victor Lazlo,
Lazlo Agency, Lazlo Society, Heroes Unlimited, Powers Unlimited, Ninjas & Superspies, Aliens Unlimited, Mutant Underground,
The Nursery, Hardware Unlimited, Gadgets Unlimited, The Three Galaxies, Void Runners, Gramercy Island, Skraypers, Ancestral
Mystic, Atorian Empire, Land of the Damned, The Citadel, The Palladium of Desires, Wolfen Wars, Wolfen, Wulfen, Cosmo-Knight,
Cyber-Knight, Dark Day, Doc Reid, Gargoyle Empire, Free Quebec, Xiticix, Xiticix Invasion, Fadetown, Siege on Tolkeen, Psyscape,
Dweomer, ARCHIE-3, Morphus, NGR, Northern Gun, Coalition States, Erin Tam, Emperor Prosek, Splugorth, Splynncryth, Splynn,
Mega-Damage, Mega-Hero, Megaversal, Methodean, Quorian, Riftlord, Skelebot, SAMAS, Glitter Boy, Dog Boy, Dog Pack, Techno-
Wizard, Triax, Ley Line Walker, Shifter, Bio-Wizardry, Psi-Stalker, Brodkil, Juicer, Crazy, 'Burbs, 'Borg, 'Bot, D-Bee, Chi-Town,
and other names, titles, slogans, and the likenesses of characters are trademarks owned by Kevin Siembieda and Palladium Books Inc.

Palladium Online www.palladiumbooks.com- Also visit us at Facebook.com/Palladium Books

The Rifter® #55 RPG sourcebook series is published by Palladium Books Inc., 39074 Webb Court, Westland, MI 48185. Printed in
the USA.
- Palladium Books® Presents:

Sourcebook and Guide to the Palladium Megaverse®

Coordinator & Editor in Chief: Wayne Smith

Editor: Alex Marciniszyn

Contributing Writers: Interior Artists:

Brandon Aten bradshaw
Braden Campbell Kent Buries
Glen Evans Mark Dudley
Jonathan Farnham Joseph Lawn
Travis Guerrero Kevin Long
Paul Herbert Michael Mumah
Jeremy Hutchins Kevin Siembieda
Andrew Lander
Kevin Siembieda

Proofreader: Julius Rosenstein

Cover Illustration: R.C. Aradio

Cover Logo Design: Steve Edwards

Credits Page Logo: Niklas Brandt

Typesetting & Layout: Wayne Smith

Art Direction: Kevin Siembieda

Based on the RPG rules, characters,

concepts and Megaverse® created by Kevin Siembieda.

Special Thanks to all our contributors, writers and artists - and a special welcome on board to the artists and
writers making their debut this issue. Our apologies to anybody who may have gotten accidentally left out or their
name misspelled.
-Kevin Siembieda, 2011
Contents- The Rifter® #55- July, 2011
Page6-Art Page 22 - Ancient Rivalries
Page 23- Names and Visions
Here's a peek at Rifts® Vampire Kingdoms™. The illustra-
Page 24 - The Lost Homeworld
tion by Nick Bradshaw with additional inks and embellishment
Page 25- Quarian Riftlord™ R.C.C.
by Kevin Siembieda shows the true form of the Master Vampire.
Page 29 - Potential Adventure Ideas
Scary stuff. There's more about Rifts® Vampire Kingdoms™
Artwork by Mike Mumah.
in the back of this issue and a description of the book can be
found on page 10 of Coming Attractions.
Page 30- Ancestral Mystic R.C.C.
Page 7 - From the Desk of Kevin Siembieda - Optional source material for Palladium Fantasy®
Kevin talks about what has been going on at Palladium Books, Paul Herbert presents a lost mystic art from the Time of a
our successes, the new website, disappointments, and pressing Thousand Magicks known as Ancestral Mysticism. A magic that
forward with an eye toward fun, new adventure and quality prod- draws upon the knowledge and powers of the mage's ancestors.
ucts to challenge your imaginations. There are tables and information for creating an Ancestral Mystic
player character and other fun tidbits.
PageS-News Artwork by Kent Buries.
It's convention season and Palladium is revving up for Gen Page 36 - Souls
Con Indy and others. Palladium doesn't attend a lot of conven-
tions, and it has been a few years since we even attended Gen
- Optional source material for Palladium Fantasy®
Con Indy. As you might imagine, we're excited about being at Jonathan Farnham presents a few new magic spells that draw
Gen Con and hope garners will drop by to say hello, get auto- upon or steal souls.
graphs and have some fun. Our next convention will be the De- Artwork by Joseph Lawn.
troit Fanfare, a comic book and media event that should be lots
of fun. Page 38 - Dark Day ChroniclesTM, Volume III
Kevin also talks about the new Palladium website, Robotech®, - A Short Story for Nightbane®
and Editor Alex Marciniszyn's new fight with a blood disease,
Jeremy Hutchins presents more tales of the Nightbane after
among other things.
Dark Day as they learn about their powers and the supernatural
world of demons and evil that has leached into our world.
Page 9 - Coming Attractions Includes character stats for Gabriel Quintos, an Athanatos, and
Out of print titles continue to come back into print. The most Nightbane, Avalon Lauren Murphy.
recent being Rifts® Book of Magic. Meanwhile, new releases Artwork by Mike Leonard.
that have been delayed are finally coming out. Coming Attrac-
tions gives you the complete lowdown and descriptions of all Page 47- Triax™ Update
the hot new releases coming your way. We are especially ex- - Revised O.C.C.s from Rifts® World Book 5
cited about Rifts® World Book One: Vampire Kingdoms™
Expanded & Updated, which has been almost completely re- Brandon K. Aten updates the Military O.C.C.s of the New
written. You can get a little sneak preview of it in this issue of German Republic, adding skills from Rifts® Ultimate Edition
The Rifter®. We're also excited about Rifts® Lemuria which is plus a few new ones.
in final production and should be at the printer by the time you Page 47 - NGR Medical Officer
read this. It will be followed by other hotly anticipated titles like Page 49 - NGR Infantry Soldier
Robotech® New Generation Sourcebook, Rifts® Megaverse Page 51- NGR Field Mechanic
in Flames™, Rifts® Vampires Sourcebook, Dead Reign™ Page 53 - NGR Cyborg Soldier
Sourcebook Three, and many others that will inspire adventure Page 55 - NGR Power Armor Commando
and delight your imaginations. Page 56- NGR Robot Combat Pilot
Back in print titles start on page 13. What are you waiting for? Page 57- NGR Intelligence Division Agent (New!)
You know you want these role-playing game titles. Page 60- New Skills
Artwork by Kevin Long from the original World Book Five.
Page 18- Home Away from Home
Page 61 - The Cutting Room Floor: The CCW
- Optional source material for Palladium Fantasy®
- Material for Rifts® Thundercloud Galaxy™
Travis Guerrero is back with bold insight about the strange
and magical race of beings known as the Quorians. He explores Here is some text and history written by Braden Campbell and
their roots, language, society, and culture which includes some Kevin Siembieda that didn't make it into Rifts® Dimention Book
surprises like the Quorian Riftlord R.C.C. 14: Thundercloud Galaxy™. It provides some insight about the
Page 20 - Duels of Honor Consortium of Civilized Worlds and their efforts in the Scramble
Page 21 - Military for the Thundercloud.
Page 22 - Crime and Punishment Artwork by Mike Mumah.

Page 69- The Black Crusade™, cially Rifts®, Chaos Earth™, Palladium Fantasy RPG®, Heroes
Part Two: The Methodeans™ UnlimitedfM, Ninjas and Superspies™, Beyond the Supernatu-
ral™, Dead Reign™, Splicers® and Nightbane®.
- Optional source material for Rifts®
Pay is lousy, fame is dubious, but you get to share your ideas
Andrew Lander returns with more dimension spanning in- and adventures with fellow garners and get four free copies to
trigue, adventure ideas and alien races. The Methodeans are a show to your friends and family.
secretive race of humanoids who have only recently appeared
on the Megaversal scene, and nobody knows what their agenda The Cover
might be. This article sheds a little light on that. Or does it only
The cover is by RC Aradio. RC fell in love with Rifts® after
open up more questions?
the Colt the Outlander™!Rifts® crossover comic strip that is
Page 69 - Methodean Trading Syndicate (MTS)
appearing in Heavy Metal® Magazine. Part One appeared last
Page 71- G'due D'gud Dimension
Summer, Part Two (the conclusion) is to appear in an issue this
Page 72- Zuthxiou R.C.C.
Fall. RC loves Juicers and wanted to do them or some kind of
Page 73 - Biomech Union Dimension
Rifts® cover, so we let him cut loose to do the moody and power-
Page 74- ChuChwa Conglomerate
ful piece that graces this issue. Nice. RC has also done the cover
Page 75 - Legion of Mars
for Rifts® Megaverse® in Flames. All we can say about that
Page 77 - Green Valley
piece is, wow.
Page 80- Old Gizzard
Page 81 - Methodean Equipment
Optional and Unofficial Rules & Source Material
Page 83 -Hook, Line and Sinker™ Adventures
Artwork by Joseph Lawn. Please note that most of the material presented in The Rifter®
is "unofficial" or "optional" rules and source material.
Page 86 - Sweet Vengeance They are alternative ideas, homespun adventures and material
- A short story for Rifts® mostly created by fellow garners and fans like you, the reader.
Things one can elect to include in one's own campaign or simply
Glen Evans presents a thrilling tale of courage and survival set enjoy reading about. They are not "official" to the main games or
in the gladiatorial arenas of Atlantis. world settings.
Artwork by Mark Dudley. As for optional tables and adventures, if they sound cool or
fun, use them. If they sound funky, too high-powered or inap-
Page 93 - Rifts® Vampire Kingdoms ™ propriate for your game, modify them or ignore them completely.
-Sneak Peek at the new Revised & Expanded Edition All the material in The Rifter® has been included for two
Here's an excerpt from Rifts® Vampire Kingdoms™ in reasons: One, because we thought it was imaginative and fun,
which legendary Vampire Hunter Doc Reid talks about the un- and two, we thought it would stimulate your imagination with
dead. Written by Kevin Siembieda. fun ideas and concepts that you can use (if you want to), or which
Artwork by Nick Bradshaw. might inspire you to create your own wonders.

The Theme for Issue 55 www.palladiumbooks.com- Palladium Online

This issue of The Rifter® is split between magic and discov-
ery, and people and war- the Quorians, NGR soldiers and the The Rifter® #56
CCW. The articles are packed with compelling source material The Rifter® #56 is our traditional "horror" issue, but while
to fill your campaigns with adventure, unique settings, menac- there may be things that drink your blood and go bump in the
es, monsters, and weirdness. This issue focuses on material for night, we may surprise you with some other things.
Rifts®, Phase World®, Nightbane®, and The Palladium Fan- • Source material for Rifts®.
tasy RPG®. We hope you enjoy these contributions from fans • Source material for Beyond the Supernatural™.
like you, and that they inspire new avenues of adventure. • Source material for Dead Reign™.
• Source material for numerous settings.
The Rifter® Needs You • News, coming attractions and much more.
We need new writers and artists to fill the next 13 years of The
Rifter®. You do not need to be a professional writer to contribute
to The Rifter®. This publication is like a "fanzine" written by
fans for fans. A forum in which garners just like you can submit
articles, G.M. advice, player tips, house rules, adventures, new
magic, new psionics, new super abilities, monsters, villains, high-
tech weapons, vehicles, power armor, short works of fiction and Palladium Books® - 30 years of
more. So think about writing up something short (even something
as small as 4-6 pages). Newcomers and regular contributors are role-playing infinite possibilities.
always welcomed.
The Rifter® needs new material, especially when it comes to Limited only by your imagination TM
adventures and source material, for all of our game lines, espe-

From the Desk of Kevin Siembieda
2011 continues to be a year of ups and downs, success and - Rifts® World Book 8: Rifts® Japan™ - Back in print -
disappointment. We always have a million ideas and plans. Some Available now
work out, others don't. Here are some of this years successes and -Rifts® World Book 13: Lone Star™- Back in print- Avail-
disappointments, so far. able now

Success Disappointments trimmed with hope

The Creators Conference in April was a great success. We It seems like the Palladium family just can't catch a break. We
talked, we brainstormed and everyone walked away enlightened. seem to have had to deal with more than our share of disappoint-
The excitement level was out of this world. There are nearly a ment, trouble and woes these past several years:
dozen role-playing game books in development as a direct result The Crisis of Treachery from which we are still feeling the
of it. The Conference was everything I had hoped for. You'll be ripples.
seeing new imaginative books and great artwork corning, starting Two MMO deals that promised the world but fell through for
right now. reasons beyond Palladium's control.
New Website. It's gorgeous. It's easy to navigate. It's fun. The deaths of Erick Wujcik, Keith Parkinson, Alex's father,
And we plan to do a whole lot more with it, like video chats by and my father, Henry Siembieda, and a number of other people
me discussing Palladium Books, running games and Game Mas- close to us.
ter tips. Carmen Bellaire plans to do video book reviews, and we Alex's house fire.
have much more in store. And now Alex Marciniszyn is sick with a blood disease.
After feeling ill for a while now, he has only recently been diag-
Palladium Books Facebook Page. People love it. It's fun. nosed. He's getting treatment and we are all optimistic about his
We plan to expand into Twitter and other online social mediums. future, but this is something he'll have to deal with for the rest of
his life. More on Alex's situation in the News.
Palladium Comic Book Project. I don't want to talk about
this much until we are in full development, but we are working Inability to get new books out on time. Palladium seems for-
on ways to bring Palladium's game I.P.s (intellectual properties) ever unable to get books out on time. We work harder than most
into the comic book world in a variety of mediums. This would people can imagine and put in crazy hours, but we still struggle
be a way for Palladium to reach new audiences and expand our with getting books out on time. I know this drives people crazy,
presence in other markets, which could lead to other good things and we're at the top of that list. We need to get books out faster
for the company. and on time. However, it's hard to do that and maintain our high
quality. It's hard to do that when you're dealing with emotional
New RPG Releases that You Love. We continue to produce issues like Alex's house fire and illness. It's hard to find the en-
quality role-playing game sourcebooks that entertain and chal- ergy and words when other things weigh on your mind. Writing
lenge your imaginations. Books that surprise, please and take you and editing have been going slow. Releases are late. It is so frus-
to places you were not expecting. We present worlds of adventure trating.
that make you want to play. That's not going to stop. In fact, the We're working on fixing the problem with late releases. We
books in the pipeline and in development are going to blow your have a vast number of sourcebooks in development and Palladi-
mind. um's artists and writers are all taking their game to the next level.
Out of Print Titles Back in Print. We've been very success- You will love what's corning from Palladium Books. Several
ful in bringing a large number of out of print titles back in print. books are corning out in July and August, with more throughout
Here's a list: the year.
- Aliens Unlimited™ - A Heroes Unlimited™ sourcebook Support for all game lines. While some game lines have lan-
-Rifts® World Book 20: Canada- Back in print- Available guished, we plan to put a stop to that. There are three sourcebooks
now planned for Robotech® over the next 6-8 months, two Splic-
- Rifts® Dark Conversions™- Back in print- Available now ers® sourcebooks, a Dead Reign™ sourcebook, a Nightbane®
- Palladium Fantasy RPG® - Back in print- Available now sourcebook (in development), talk about a couple new Heroes
- Rifts® Game Master Guide - Back in print- Available now Unlimited™ sourcebooks, two Chaos Earth™ sourcebooks are
- Rifts® Book of Magic - Back in print- Available now corning, and several Rifts® titles. What about Palladium Fan-
- Rifts® World Book 5: Triax & The NGR™- Back in print tasy®? I have big plans for Palladium Fantasy, but it's too soon
- Available now to talk about it yet. The outcome of the Creators Conference has
- Rifts® Bionics Sourcebook - Back in print - Available now freelance writers and artists working on new masterpieces. And
- Rifts® China One - Back in print- Available now hopefully, books will be released on time. I'm also eyeballing a
- Rifts® Megaverse® Builder - Back in print- Available now new guy to hire on staff provided we can find the money to do so.
- Rifts® Baseball Cap- Back in stock- Available now
-Rifts® Black Vault™- Back in print- Available now Rifts® movie. This Spring there was a lot of behind the scenes
- Rifts® Mercenaries™- Back in print- Available now excitement about the Rifts® movie. We renewed the movie op-
-Rifts® Dimension Book 6: Three Galaxies™- Back in print tion for one more year with Walt Disney Pictures and JB Films
- Available now and ... no word since. It's very cool that the rights have been
renewed for another year. That makes it nine years the film rights Palladium Books is Booth 1125 at Gen Con Indy.
have been optioned, suggesting this is a project Jerry Bruck-
Palladium creators you'll get to meet include:
heimer does not want to let slip through his fingers. But will there
be a Rifts movie, ever? It's out of Palladium's hands and we just • Kevin Siembieda (that's me!)
don't know. Furthermore, if the film does get the greenlight for • Wayne Smith (the Editor-in-Chief of The Rifter®)
production, I'll probably be sworn to secrecy and not be able to • Nick Bradshaw (artist)
tell you a word. Crazy. • Michael Mumah (artist)
Good or bad, we continue to give you our all. Books may be • Brandon Aten (writer)
late, but they rock. The writing and art are better than ever. The • Matthew Clements (writer)
concepts and characters, fun and exciting. And we have a whole • And others to be announced.
lot of them coming your way. FYI: I don't think there are any "official" Palladium gaming
Keep those imaginations burning bright. events on the schedule but there are always a bunch of "unof-
ficial" games.
-Kevin Siembieda, July 2011

Palladium to attend Detroit Fanfare

News September 24 & 25,2011 at Coho Hall,
Downtown Detroit
By Kevin Siembieda, the guy who should know
One of the main guests is Kevin Eastman, co-creator of the
Convention time is here. It's that time of year again and we Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles®. That means we'll be there
are busy planning and preparing for a number of conventions selling TMNT RPG products and getting our own TMNT game
and trade shows. As I write this, Gen Con Indy is less than four books (and comics) signed by Kevin Eastman. I know I'll be
weeks away. In September we're attending the Detroit Fanfare, dragging a stack of Ninja Turtles® game product and comics for
in October it's the Alliance Trade Show. Plus, we're eyeballing Kevin to sign. It's the first time Kevin has been to my home town
a couple of small, local conventions in the Detroit area. We are of Detroit so I'm looking forward to chit-chatting and catching
especially excited about Gen Con. Spread the word and let people up.
know we'll be at these shows, and come on over to see us. Palladium will also be selling Ninja Turtles® RPG books
and other Palladium titles at the Fanfare. Of course, I'll be at the
booth along with other members of the Palladium crew, selling
Palladium to attend our wares, signing autographs and chatting with fans.
Gen Con Indy- August 4-7,2011 Detroit Fanfare is a comic book and media convention that
made a big splash last year where the headline guest was Stan
Palladium Books® Booth 1125 Lee.
Other guests in 2011 that may be of interest to garners
Gen Con Indy is the biggest gaming convention in North
include Dave Dorman (Palladium cover artist), Tim Bradstreet
America, and Palladium will be there along with many other
(White Wolf artist), and pal, Defiler and Palladium contributor of
game companies. From video games and board games to role-
old, William Messner Loebs. And who doesn't love actor Bruce
playing games and trading card games, the industry leaders and
Campbell (Evil Dead, Burn Notice, etc.)?
hopeful start-up companies will be at Gen Con Indy promoting
If you are a few hours' drive away (Ohio, Indiana, Windsor)
their games and getting new people to try their games.
If you are going to Gen Con Indy, please stop by to say hello,
you should think about coming over to this very cool convention.
chit chat, get books autographed, and buy the latest releases, back For more details go to: http://www.detroitfanfare.com
stock titles, some out of print books (like TMNT RPG titles and
Rifts® Ultimate Gold), collectibles, original artwork, T-Shirts New Palladium Website
and other goodies. The guys and I are happy to sign books and
chat for a little while with everyone who comes by. So please, is Love at First Sight
come on over and join the fun. If you have friends going to Gen We launched the website in April and people love it. We had
Con, tell them to do likewise. Send everybody over to say hello. our share of glitches and problems, but we addressed everything
In fact, you can give Palladium a helping hand by spread- and continue to make tweaks in improvements. We'll be adding
ing the word that Palladium Books will be at Gen Con Indy. features and offer sales and special features. If you haven't seen
Palladium creators you'll be able to meet include: the new website, you should drop by. Most people are impressed
Kevin Siembieda
and pleased. I've had a number of conversations with folks on
Wayne Smith the phone where I'm telling them about it and they look it up on
Michael Mumah (artist) their computer or smart phone. Every time the reaction is, "Wow,
Brandon Aten (writer) it looks really great! I love it." That's happened to me at least a
Matthew Clements (writer; tentative) dozen times now. I think you'lllike it to. www.palladiumbooks.
And others to be announced. com
For more info go to Gencon.com.

grade. We're like brothers and I have his back. Over the next
Palladium's Facebook Page few months the doctors are confident they can get Alex's blood
The Palladium Facebook page continues to be a fun place to chemistry to where it belongs and help him manage the illness.
visit, chat and have fun and we invite you to join us there as well. Alex's spirits are good.
1 try to post and answer people several times a week. More fea- Here's more good news. As you may recall, Alex's home
tures and interaction are coming. Our new "tech guy" Rex, has caught fire. The family has been displaced. We found some good
other ideas for us as well, so expect to be seeing us on Twitter and people (friends of ours) willing to repair the home at a discount
all over the web in the months to come. Social media, watch out! price. By the time your read this, Alex and family should be
moved back into the fully repaired and renovated home. All we
Robotech® Titles are Coming are waiting for now is getting the Certificate of Occupancy from
the City. The house looks fabulous.
Robotech® New Generation Sourcebook is the book that
will follow Rifts® Lemuria. We're starting to put things in place
for its production and release right now. I approved the color cov- Rifts® Crossover Comic
er sketch this week and Apollo Okamura is working on it.
Not only that, but we hope to release one additional Ro- in Heavy Metal® Magazine
botech® title by the end of 2011, with more to follow. The Ro- As you may recall, RC and Dominic Aradio have created a
botech® Marines book is not dead. Probably a 2012 release. two-part Rifts®/Colt the Outlander™ crossover comic strip
that is appearing in Heavy Metal® Magazine. Part Two is com-
Vampire Kingdoms™ Sneak Preview pletely done and probably appearing in one of the Fall issues
(September?). It is awesome so watch for it. Both parts will also
A Rifts® Vampire Kingdoms™ Sneak Preview is available
be appearing a collection of Colt the Outlander™ presented as
as a FREE PDF download from DriveThruRPG.com. So are
a graphic novel collecting several of the Colt strips in one juicy
sneak previews for Armageddon Unlimited™ and Thunder-
book. Watch for it.
cloud Galaxy™. The Rifter® Number Zero and Hades Map
By the way, Colt artist RC Aradio is the gentleman who did
Pack were recently made available on DriveThruRPG.com as
the cover to this issue of The Rifter®. Nice. He's also done a
well. DriveThruRPG offers more than 90 out of print titles (and a
dynamic cover for Megaverse® in Flames, the end book in the
few that are not) as PDF downloads.
Minion War™ series where the action comes to Rifts Earth (Sep-
tember release).
80+ Palladium RPG titles
as PDFs at DriveThruRPG.com
This is an excellent source to get a wealth of gaming mate-
rial. You can get the first 48 issues of The Rifter®, as well as
out of print titles such as Nightbane® Book Four: Shadows of
Light™, the original Mechanoids® RPG, Beyond the Super-
natural™ First Edition Rules, Boxed Nightmares™, Palla-
dium Fantasy RPG® 1st Edition Rules, Heroes Unlimited™ Palladium's 2011 Release Checklist
Revised 1st Edition, Rifts® 1st Edition and many others at
DriveThruRPG.com. Check 'em out. All dates are tentative, but these are the release dates Palla-
dium is shooting for.
Palladium Editor, Alex Marcinizyn 2011 Releases
Fights Blood Disorder -The Rifter® #53- Available now.
- The Rifter® #54 - Available now.
A bit of troubling news. My dear friend, Alex - yes, Alex
-Armageddon Unlimited™- Available now.
Marciniszyn whose name you've see in the credits of EVERY
- Rifts® Dimension Book™ 14: Thundercloud Galaxy™-
Palladium book since 1984- is suffering from a serious, chron-
Available now.
ic blood disease. It is called Polythemia Vera. In short, Alex's
- Palladium Fantasy RPG® - Back in print
blood is too thick. Way too thick. His red blood cell count is way
- Aliens Unlimited™ - A Heroes Unlimited™ sourcebook -
too high, blood platelets are giant and all of this can result in
Back in print
blood clots that can cause a host of other problems. The disease
-Rifts® World Book 20: Canada- Back in print
is also responsible for the exhaustion, heightened anxiety, and
-Rifts® Dark Conversions™- Back in print
other problems Alex has been experiencing for the last couple of
- Rifts® Game Master Guide -Back in print
- Rifts® Book of Magic - Back in print
The good news is, once they get the disease under control,
-Rifts® World Book 5: Triax & The NGR™- Back in print
the illness is manageable. We have a medical plan of action and
-Rifts® Bionics Sourcebook™- Back in print
Alex is getting treatment. He is reasonably positive and I'm there
- Rifts® China One - Back in print
to help him deal with it all every step of the way. A lot of people
- Rifts® Megaverse® Builder -Back in print
don't know it, but Alex and I have been best friends since 8th

-Rifts® Dimension Book™ 6: Three Galaxies™- Back in
-Rifts® Black Vault™- Back in print
- Rifts® Mercenaries™- Back in print
- Rifts® Baseball Cap - Back in print

- The Rifter® #55 - Available now.
-Rifts® WB One: Vampire Kingdoms™, Expanded & Up-

-Rifts® World Book™: Lemuria- New
- Robotech® New Generation™ Sourcebook (tentative)
-Rifts® Vampires Sourcebook™- New

- Rifts® Megaverse® in Flames (Minion War™ crossover)-

- Dead Reign™ Sourcebook Three
- Rifts® Chaos Earth™ sourcebook

-Palladium Fantasy®: Mysteries of Magic™ Two and maybe
another Fantasy title.
a few years ago. Best of all, it will be quickly followed by the
In the Pipeline Rifts® Vampires Sourcebook™.
• The Vampire Hunter O.C.C.
- Rifts® Chaos Earth™ Sourcebooks
• Hero Vampire and Deluded Vampire O.C.C.s.
- Rifts® Antarctica
• Techno-Wizard vampire slaying weapons and devices, new
- Robotech® UEEF Marines and other Robotech® source- and old.
• Vampires: Their strengths, weaknesses and powers.
- Rifts® sourcebooks
• The Vampire Kingdoms expanded.
- Palladium Fantasy® other sourcebooks
• Travel through the Vampire Kingdoms and surrounding
- Warpath™ Urban Jungle RPG areas.
- And other good stuff. • Desert survival rules and guidelines.
• Vampire strategies and plans for conquest.
New! • The observations of Doc Reid.
• Camazotz, Lord of Bats and Darkness - his plans for con-
Rifts® World Book One: quest of the Vampire Kingdoms and humanity.
• Ciudad Juarez mapped and described. A typical village
Vampire Kingdoms™, and other places also described.
• The Yucatan Peninsula, and adventure ideas galore.
Expanded & Updated • Were-Jaguars and other Were-Beasts of the Yucatan.
Kevin Siembieda has completely rewritten, reorganized, and • Updated and revised to 109 P.A., plus Archie Three and
expanded one of the most popular Rifts® World Books ever more.
published: Vampire Kingdoms™. • Cover by E.M. Gist.
Updated to 109 P.A., there is so much new material that it is • New artwork by Mike Wilson, Kent Buries, Mike Mumah
practically a new book, yet it also preserves most of the original and Nick Bradshaw, plus the best of Kevin Long and Tim
characters, concepts and information. The new material is built Truman from the original book.
upon the original text, only rewritten, clarified and expanded. • Written by Kevin Siembieda.
Vampire Kingdoms™ will be updated and expanded in a more • 192 to 224 pages- $24.95 retail- Cat. No. 802-E. Available
dramatic fashion than Kevin's work in Rifts® Sourcebook One now.

• Notes on the Dominators and Gene-Tech.
• Notable Dominator weapons, gear and salvage available
to players.
• Notable monsters and strange creatures.
• Monster Creation Tables.
• Colony Creation Tables.
• Indigenous People Tables.
• 101 Ruins and Adventures.
• Notable weapons, colony ships and equipment.
• The Trensik Mercenaries, Elder Races, Dominators and
• The Exiles, Splugorth Kingdom of Desslyth and other mys-
terious people.
• An overview of the Thundercloud Galaxy, bits of history,
new insights and many avenues of adventure.
• Any type of space opera and science fiction scenario you
can imagine can be played out in the Thundercloud Gal-
• Written by Braden Campbell and Kevin Siembieda.
Rifts® Dimension BookTM 14: • Cover by John Zeleznik. Art by Michael Mumah.
• 160 pages- $20.95 retail- Cat. No. 883. Available now.
Thundercloud Galaxy™
-Available now
The Thundercloud Galaxy is a place for action and adventure.
NEW Titles
It is where the Dominators still tread and where the last of the
Elder Races are said to hide. Ancient ruins of the Elders and other Coming Soon
advanced people litter the worlds of the Thundercloud Galaxy.
Some hold the secrets to riches, others threaten to unleash forgot-
ten technology and ancient menaces.
Colonization efforts in the Thundercloud, sponsored by the
civilizations in the rest of the Three Galaxies, offer the promise
of a new beginning and a glorious future. Colonists flock to the
Thundercloud filled with dreams. Space pirates and an array of
cutthroats also flock to the galaxy, guns in hand, ready to rob and
fleece the colonists. Lawmen and heroes are in great demand,
and the opportunities for clever adventurers are said to be with-
out limit. Strange beings like the feline Shing, insectoid CheDive,
and Whetu, who defy description, and monsters like the devour-
ing Yboor are just the tip of the proverbial iceberg when it comes
to life in this galaxy. It is also home to the Bushi Federation and
the Splugorth Kingdom of Desslyth, and is a playground for
space pirates, raiders, the mysterious Exiles and the dark forces
of the Minion War.
As the civilizations of the Anvil and Corkscrew Galaxies
scramble to colonize the Thundercloud in a mad rush to grab as
much as they can, they are beginning to realize the galaxy holds
more riches, beauty, horrors and secrets than anyone has ever
imagined, making it a place of discovery, adventure and treach- Rifts® World Book 32: Lemuria™
ery like no other. The power, secrets and magic of the underwater realm of
Thundercloud Galaxy™ is a perfect companion to the rest of Lemuria revealed. Player characters can use symbiotes, magic
the Phase World®/Three Galaxies™ based Dimension Books™ and technology to breathe underwater and spend time below the
as well as the Minion War™ series. Players can be pirates, raid- waves.
ers, brigands or hired guns, or they may be explorers, adventur- Lemuria is more than an underwater civilization of aquatic be-
ers, Spacers, or any number of heroes trying to protect the colo- ings. They can trace their lineage as far back as the Atlanteans
nists or the indigenous peoples of countless worlds and colonies. and can survive on dry land as well as underwater. In fact, their
The possibilities are truly limited only by your imagination. greatest secret is that there is no one resting place for the Lemuri-
• 16 new alien races. ans, their great cities are always moving. Learn about the people
• Mysteries of the Elder Races, complete with stats for them of Lemuria, new Biomancy magic and weapons, Biomancy en-
gineered riding animals, sea herbs, new powers of healing, sea
monsters, and more. Epic adventure awaits.
• The Lemurians, their race, history and society.
• New O.C.C.s including the Serpent Hunter, Shriekers,
Oceanic Guardsman, Aquatic Biomancer and others.
• The Stone Guardians of Easter Island and other mysteries.
• Biomancer Gardens and Aquatic Biomancy.
• Biomancy armor, weapons and equipment.
• Symbiotic creatures and constructs; some that enable air-
breathers to survive underwater, indefinitely.
• New psionic abilities.
• Sea Serpents, Sea Dragons, monsters, and riding animals.
• New dangers, new challenges, adventure ideas and more.
• Written by Greg Diaczyk.
• Cover by John Zeleznik.
• 160 pages - $20.95 retail - Cat. No. 885. Final page count
and price may be subject to expansion and increase. At the
printer. August release.
• And much, much more.
Robotech® • Cover by Michael C. Hayes. Interior art by various artists.
• Written by Kevin Siembieda, Braden Campbell and Mark
New Generation™Sourcebook Dudley.
This Robotech® sourcebook will be a 2011 release. • 128 pages- $16.95 retail- Cat. No. 884. August or Septem-
• Rules for using mecha, power armor and technology from ber release.
all four eras of Robotech.
• Kit-bashed mecha and rules for jury-rigging and combin- Rifts® Megaverse® in Flames™
ing parts from different generations of mecha.
The Minion War spills across Rifts Earth, where demons and
• Freedom Fighter O.C.C.s and resistance organizations.
infemals hope to recruit allies and use the Rifts as gateways of
• Rogues and misfits from the three Robotech Wars. destruction. Their influence shakes things up across the planet,
• New weapons, vehicles, mecha and more. especially at locations where demons and Deevils already have a
• Villains, traitors, bandits, Invid henchmen, adventure and strong presence. More details to follow, but for now, 'nuff said.
adventure ideas galore. • Soulmancer and Blood Magic.
• Written by Kevin Siembieda and Irvin Jackson. • The Seven Deadly Plagues.
• A "manga" size sourcebook. • The Demon Plagues across the globe.
• 192-256 pages - $16.95 retail - Cat. No. 554. Final page • Battleground: Earth- as demons and infernals amass their
count and price may be subject to change. August or Sep- legions.
tember release. • Rifts Calgary- also known as Hell's Pit; the kingdom de-
• Ciudad de Diablo, Harpies' Island and other notable Hell
Rifts® Vampires Sourcebook™ holes on Earth.
All new source material • Lord Doom, Pain and other demonic leaders.
• Horune treachery, Dimension Stormers and other villains.
Trouble is stirring in the Vampire Kingdoms as ambitious
• Global chaos and the places most dramatically affected by
vampire lords, ladies and misanthropes seek to expand their pow-
the Demon Plagues.
er to dominate more mortal life forms.
• Notable demonic Generals, mercenaries, people and places.
Written by Kevin Siembieda and a handpicked selection of • Many adventure ideas.
other writers, this sourcebook explores the vampires of Mexico • Written by Carl Gleba.
and their kingdoms in ways you never imagined. Tons of new • 192 pages- $24.95 retail- Cat. No. 876. September or Oc-
data, adventure ideas and revelations. tober release.
• Vampire protectors and guardians.
• Vampire rogues, mercenaries and warlords. Rifts® Chaos EarthTM Sourcebook:
• Vampire operations away from the Kingdoms.
• Vampire incursions along the southern borderlands. First Responders
• New vampire hunters and human strongholds. Data about the chaos and madness of the early days of the
• Vampire hunter "exterminators." Great Cataclysm, and the brave men and women who tried to
• Frightful revelations, secrets, and adventure ideas. stem the tide of destruction and save lives, the First Responders.

• Apocalypse Plagues: Strange diseases, symbiotes and mu- • A handful of vehicles and miscellaneous equipment.
tations that transform, torment, harm and kill Earth's • UFO watch groups, alien spies, NPCs and more.
survivors. • Suggestions, rules and information for your galactic cam-
• First Responder O.C.C.s, skills and special equipment. paigns.
• Civilian O.C.C.s, skills and orientation. • Plus some super abilities, spell magic and psionics.
• Notable rescue vehicles, robot drones, and technology. • Adaptable to Rifts®, Phase World® and Rifts® Dimension
• New weapons, vehicles, mecha and more. Books™, complete with conversion notes for Rifts®.
• Character modification and enhancement rules. • Written by Wayne Breaux Jr., additional text by Siem-
• Creatures from the Rifts and adventure ideas galore. bieda.
• Written by Jason Richards & Kevin Siembieda. • 208 pages - $24.95 retail - Cat. No. 515. Available now!
• 96 to 128 pages - $16.95 retail - Cat. No. 665. Fall 2011.
Rifts® Dimension Book™ 6:
Back in print Three Galaxies™
A guide to the Three Galaxies, this book takes a look at dozens
Aliens Unlimited™ of solar systems, notable planets, select alien races, people, civi-
A sourcebook for Heroes Unlimited™ lizations and monsters, as well as space anomalies, spaceships
and more. This is another sourcebook that is ideal for campaigns
Aliens Unlimited™ brings alien beings to your Earth-based
involving the Minion War™, the Thundercloud Galaxy™,
Heroes UnlimitetJfM setting and enables you to take your Earth
Phase World® and adventures in the Three Galaxies.
heroes to alien worlds. This sourcebook has everything you need
to launch an alien based campaign or galactic adventures, or in- • An overview of the Three Galaxies.
• 16 O.C.C.s/R.C.C.s including the Obsidian Spell Thief and
troduce alien invaders, villains, heroes and campaign ideas.
Aliens Unlimited™ makes the perfect resource and compan- Space Warlock.
ion to the Thundercloud Galaxy TM or any of the Rifts® Dimen- • A half dozen monsters plus the mysterious Necrol.
• More information on the Intruders, Kreeghor, Splugorth
sion Books™ and Minion War™ series. Looking for some new
space aliens, villains and monsters to add to your Thundercloud and others.
Galaxy™ or Minion War™ campaign? Need some unique • Draygon Industries and their weapons.
Splugorth slaves? Demon henchmen? Take a look at Aliens Un- • Demon Stars, Demon Planets and magic starships.
• Notable spaceships and weapon systems.
limited™ (and the Aliens Unlimited™ Galaxy Guide™ com-
• The monstrous Necrol and their living weapons and space-
panion sourcebook); easy to adapt.
• 85 alien races/R.C.C.s., plus a bonus alien.
• Notable equipment of the Three Galaxies.
• 15 alien monster races, plus NPC villains.
• Galactic Organizations (Atorian Empire and more). • A wealth of background material and adventure ideas.
• Rules and tables for Creating Alien Characters, including • Written by Carl Gleba.
an expanded Alien Appearance & Bonuses Table, Reason • 160 pages- $20.95 retail- Cat. No. 851. Available now.
for Coming to Earth, Equipment, Special Vehicles and
more. Rifts® Mercenaries™
• 90+ weapon stats, including Cold Weapons, Energy Weap- This fan-favorite sourcebook presents everything you need to
ons, Incendiary Weapons, Sonic Weapons, and a wide create and run a mercenary company on Rifts Earth. It includes
range of Kisentite Blades. creation rules, new Occupational Character Classes such as the
• Info about alien bionics, body armor, and power armor.

Professional Smuggler, Thief, Safecracker, Spy, Bounty Hunter,
Master Assassin, and others, plus a treasure trove of mercenary
weapons, vehicles, gear and arms dealers.
• Nine Mercenary O.C.C.s.
• Rules and tables for creating a mercenary company.
• Six NPC mercenary companies described.
• Northern Gun- weapons and gear.
• Naruni Enterprises- weapons, force fields, vehicles & gear.
• Golden Age Weaponsmiths - arms dealer that specializes
in vehicles.
• Wellington Industries- weapons and gear, including Ram-
jet rounds.
• Iron Heart Armaments Inc. - combat vehicles.
• Chipwell Armaments Inc. - power armor.
• Angrar Robotics- power armor.
• Coalition Army - combat vehicles.
• Casualties of Peace - adventure outline.
• Written by C.J. Carella.
• 160 pages- $20.95 retail- Cat. No. 813- Available now.

Rifts® Adventure Sourcebook

The Black Vault™
For generations it has been rumored the Coalition States main-
tains a Top Secret facility where it locks away and stores all the
magic weapons and items it confiscates from adventurers and
mages. The CS, of course, denies these rumors, but they are true.
And the truth is revealed for the first time in this epic sourcebook
packed with secrets and magic items. Do your characters dare to
rob the Black Vault?
• The Legend of the Black Vault.
• The Coalition's Campaign Against Magic.
• Coalition Anti-Magic Squads.
• The Black Vault, its defenses and inventory of magic items.
• 101 Magic Items - each ''item" (79 of them) is described in
detail. The last 22 items are magic potions with the effects
of magic spells. • Techno-Wizard Bionics and notable gear of the Tundra
• Written by Kevin Siembieda. Rangers.
• 48 pages - $9.95 retail- Cat. No. 855 - Available now. • The Canadian frontier mapped and described.
• City of Old Calgary, Fadetowns and notable cities and lo-
Rifts® World Book 20: cations; some with maps of the area.
• Travel rules for snow, ice, and arctic conditions, plus
Rifts® Canada™ storms, flash floods and other weather events.
A comprehensive overview of Canada, including notable plac- • Rules for hypothermia and exposure.
es, cities, towns, people, O.C.C.s, monsters and conflicts. Though • 192 pages - $24.95 retail - Cat. No. 835 - by Kevin Siem-
much of Canada has reverted to wilderness, there are pockets of bieda.
civilization and technology, though not all of them human. • Back in stock and available now.
• The Inuit Shaman O.C.C. and abilities.
• 12 Monsters of the· North, including Sasquatch and Loop Rifts® Dark Conversions™
• 7 demonic beings including Demon Bears, Windigo and The focus of Dark Conversions™ is on creatures of dark-
Sedna the Sea Hag. ness and other monsters such as Alien Intelligences, Elementals,
• 8 D-Bee R.C.C.s common to Canada, including the Cyber- Were-Beasts, vampires, weird supernatural beings, Elementals,
Horsemen of Ixion (bionic Centaurs). the Nightbane and others. If you are looking for practitioners of
• The Headhunter O.C.C. defined. Includes the Techno- dark magic, villains, monsters and vile horrors to pit against your
Warrior, Assassin, Anti-Robot Specialist, Techno-Hound, heroes, this is the sourcebook for you. Many creatures also have
and Momano Headhunter. notes on how they fit into the Rifts Earth setting and where they
• Tundra Ranger O.C.C.s: Ranger, Scout, Cavalry, and may be encountered.

• 130 monsters statted out and described for your inclusion • Cover by David Dorman. Interior art by Perez, Wilson &
in Rifts®, Chaos Earth™, Phase World® or any Mega- others.
Damage setting. • 352 pages- $26.95 retail- Cat. No. 845- Siembieda & others.
• Were-Beasts, Gremlins, Gargoyles and spirits. • Back in stock and available now.
• Undead legions, Demon and Deevil hordes from the world
of Palladium Fantasy RPG®. Rifts® Book of Magic
• Conversions for the Nightbane® and the Nightlords™ and
their minions. The ultimate Rifts® reference on magic
• Alien Intelligence creation roles and tables. This is it, the ultimate guide to magic for Rifts Earth. All the
• Elemental beings of lesser and greater stature. magic spells, magic tattoos, Techno-Wizard items, magic weap-
• Entities and monsters from Beyond the Supernatural™. ons, equipment, body armor, restraints, parasites, symbiotes,
• Dark Magic: Witches, Shifters, Diabolists, and Summon- magic items, Bio-Borgs, armor, automatons, Iron Juggernauts,
ers. and more from Rifts® World Books 1-23, Sourcebooks 1-4, and
• 192 pages- $24.95 retail- Cat. No. 852- by Siembieda & Siege on Tolkeen 1-6, collected into one big reference.
others. • 850+ spells of great variety.
• Back in stock and available now. • 370+ magic items, weapons and devices.
• Elemental Magic, Temporal Magic, Ley Line Magic, Cloud
Rifts® Game Master Guide Magic and Necromancy.
• Tattoo Magic, Nazca Line Magic, Nature Magic, Whale-
The ultimate Rifts® reference and sourcebook, it contains
songs and Ocean Magic, and more.
all the weapons, equipment, body armor, power armor, robots,
• Magic Songs, Chants, Biomancy, Magic Herbs, and Iron
vehicles, skills and psionics from Rifts® World Books 1-23,
Sourcebooks 1-4, and Siege on Tolkeen 1-6, collected into one
• Techno-Wizard weapons and devices, Rune Weapons, Mil-
big reference. Plus maps, lists and indexes of O.C.C.s, R.C.C.s,
lennium Tree wands and other magic items.
experience tables and more.
• Magic herbs, plants, components and Symbiotes.
• 503 weapons, including explosives, plus E-Ciips and ammo
• Shamanistic magic, Fetishes, Talismans and more.
• Comprehensive index of Practitioners of Magic.
• 300 skills listed and described.
• Designer notes, comments, tips & hints for running magic
• 290 pieces of equipment.
• 104 suits of body armor.
• 352 pages- $26.95 retail- Cat. No. 848- Siembieda and
• 182 vehicles.
• 86 suit of power armor.
• Back in stock and available now.
• 58 robots.
• Optional combat roles and examples of play.
• Comprehensive index of O.C.C.s, R.C.C.s, P.C.C.s, and Rifts® Bionics Sourcebook™
Monsters. A compendium of bionic and cybernetic systems in the Rifts
• Experience tables for scores of character classes. North America setting, with information about Partial and Full
• Designer notes, rules clarifications and reference notes. Conversion Cyborgs, Headhunters, City Rats, the Cyber-Doc and
• Game Master tips and hints for running Rifts®. more. A must-have resource for fans of cyborgs.
• Maps, adventure ideas, and a lexicon of terms. • 220+ bionic components and features plus foreign bionics.

• 47 Commercial Cybernetic implants and 24 Black Market • 224 pages - $24.95 retail - Cat. No. 810 - by Kevin Siem-
bionics. bieda.
• 7 different City Rat O.C.C.s and insight to life in the 'Burbs. • Back in stock and available now.
• The Cyber-Doc O.C.C. explored in more depth. Note: For dozens of new weapons, armor, robots, drones,
• The Cyber-Snatcher Villain O.C.C. dealing in "previously power armor suits, cyborgs, vehicles and updated information
owned" bionics and cybernetics. Want to guess how they about the NGR, Triax and the war, see Rifts® World Book 31:
come by these parts? Triax™ 2- 192 pages- $24.95 -Cat. No. 881.
• The Cyborg O.C.C. revisited plus rules & info on repairing
• TW Bionics, cybernetics to inhibit magic and more.
• 112 pages- $16.95 retail- Cat. No. 850- by Kevin Siem-
• Back in stock and available now.

Rifts® World Book 24:

Rifts® China One
There is no place on Rifts Earth more exotic, magical and dan-
gerous than China, especially since the Hells of the Y ama Kings
have bled into the mortal plane.
Rifts® World Book Five: • 33 Chinese Demons, including Yaksha the Tiger and the
Triax and the NGR™ • 8 Chinese Goblins and the Naga-Spawn (semi-divine hu-
The New German Republic (NGR) is surrounded and besieged mans).
by the hostile Gargoyle Empire- a nation of giant monsters. Only • 5 Chinese Ghosts, plus the Terra-Cotta Warriors.
the superior robotics and weapons technology of Triax keeps the • 24 Demonic curses.
monsters at bay, but for how long? This epic World Book pres- • 11 provinces and the Yama Kings who rule them.
ents the Triax robots, power armor, cyborgs, and world setting • The eight Hells on Earth.
that is Rifts Germany and the surrounding region. More than • The Dragonlands, the Ghost City, Qingping Market, City
100,000 copies sold! of the Future, Wuchang, and many other notable places.
• 35+ weapons and explosives, plus body armor and other • World overview, maps and adventure ideas galore.
gear. • 160 pages - $20.95 retail - Cat. No. 857 - by Wujcik &
• 19 combat vehicles from tanks to jet aircraft. Siembieda.
• 12 Triax giant robot suits and vehicles. • Back in stock and available now.
• 9 other types of Triax robots and drones. Note: For 18 new O.C.C.s, heroes of the Celestial Court, Geo-
• 8 Triax Cyborgs plus bionic components. front, secret technology, mystical powers, Demon Wrestling, De-
• Triax power armor units including the T-550 Glitter Boy. mon Quelling, Chi Weapons, martial arts and more, see Rifts®
e 11 NGR Military O.C.C.s. World Book 25: Rifts® China 2-160 pages- $20.95- Cat.
• The Euro-Juicer and designer drugs. No. 858.
• Gypsy O.C.C.s and their special abilities.
• The Gargoyle Empire and its technology and war ma- Rifts® Dimension Book™ 7:
• 21 notable weapons of the Gargoyle Empire and 4 R.C.C.s. Megaverse® Builder
• Setting and regional overview, Brodkil, Gene-Splicers and Your guide to creating your own comer of the infinite Mega-
more. verse®. The big picture of how the Megaverse® works, plus
• Cover and art by Kevin Long. 13 pages of comic book story. rules and suggestions for creating your own dimension.
• Dimension creation rules.
dom, from which they launch their pillaging raids. And that's just
the beginning.
• 13 different races available to player characters from hu-
man to Wolfen, Changeling, Elf, Dwarf, Ogre, Troll, Gob-
lin, and many others.
• 25 Occupational Character Classes to select from.
• Magic unlike any you've ever seen before.
• 300+ Wizard and Warlock spells.
• 80+ psionic powers.
• 40 magic items plus magic potions, powders and fumes.
• 20 Curses and magical Faerie Foods.
• Summoner and the circles of power and summoning at his
• Diabolist and his Runes, Wards and Power Words.
• Mind Mage, Psi-Mystic, Psi-Healer and Psi-Sensitive.
• Poisons, herbs, potions and magic components.
• Men at arms with punch and power.
• Holy Swords and Rune Weapons.
• 100,000 years of history.
• Dimensional storms and anomalies. • A complete game with all the rules you need to play (ad-
• Dimensional monsters and travelers. ditional sourcebooks, characters, abilities and settings op-
• The dimensions of Spires, the Great Machine, and the Gar- tional).
bage Pit. • 336 pages - $26.95 retail - Cat. No. 450 - by Kevin Siem-
• Dozens of Hook, Line and Sinker™ adventure outlines and bieda.
ideas for many more. • Back in stock and available now.
• The Shifter O.C.C. expanded, exotic Familiars & summon-
ing table.
• Tolkeen Artifact Hunter O.C.C. and Scavenger O.C.C.
• Designer notes, suggestions, tips & hints for dimension
• 96 pages - $16.95 retail - Cat. No. 859 - by Carl Gleba.
• Back in stock and available now.

"Rifts® Logo" Baseball Cap

Back by popular demand. A black Rifts® Logo on a khaki
baseball cap with black trim. Looks great and fans love it! Makes
a great gift.
• Cotton cloth fabric, khaki color with black trim and black
Rifts logo.
• Cloth Velcro strap for size adjustment. A nice cap.
• $14.95 per cap- Cat. No. 2544- available now.

"Rifts® Logo" Dice Bag

Gold print on a rich black, faux velvet material. Looks gor-
geous, a sturdy and well made drawstring bag. A big 7x9 inches,
can hold a lot of dice.
• Black Dice Bag: $8.00 per bag - Cat. No. 2539 - Available
Armageddon Unlimited™
Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®
For Heroes Unlimited™ - Recent Release
A complete role-playing game set in a unique realm of high
fantasy and epic adventure that has thrilled fans for 28 years. All Armageddon Unlimited™ is the ultimate good vs evil set-
the fantasy elements you'd expect are there, but spun in ways ting and adventure. The fate of the world hangs in the balance
that you may not expect. Magic has replaced science. The elder and only you can stop its destruction as demons and Deevils fight
races of Dwarves, Elves and Titans have given way to the rise of for control of the Earth and bringing about the end of life as we
humanity and the W olfen Empire. Meanwhile the monster races know it.
- Goblins, Orcs, Ogres and Trolls - lay claim to the Old King- Armag~d~on Unlimited™ is more than an epic world-saving
adventure, 1t 1s also a sourcebook jam-packed with new powers,

magic, weapons and Power Categories that can be incorporated
into any Heroes UnlimitedfM campaign. This book can be used
as a standalone adventure sourcebook for Heroes UnlimitedfM or
Home Away
as a pivotal plot in an expansive Minion War™ campaign. Get a
free sneak preview of the book from DriveThruRPG.com.
• 7 new Minor and 14 Major Super Abilities.
from Home
• Deevil and Demon magical Chaos Weapons.
• Enchanted Weapons of Order and a few Enchanted Ob-
Quorian Culture
jects. Optional Source Material for
• Demon Hunter Power Category and abilities.
• Crusader of Light Power Category and abilities. The Palladium Fantasy RPG®
• Heroic Hellion Power Category - play a "reformed de- ;By Travis Guerrero
mon." Long before they came to the Palladium World, the Quorians
• Hellion monster creation table. had developed a culture to live and die by. Having lost any way
• Magically Bestowed Variant Power Categories and abili- back to their homeworld however, and with the losses they suf-
ties let you wield weapons that empower good and destroy fered during the Elf-Dwarf War, including the apparent extinc-
evil. tion of the Riftlords, much of what they were was lost. There is
no question that their time in the Palladium World has changed
• Doctor Vilde, the mastermind behind the Armageddon
them as a people, but they are still a prideful race which has not
abandoned who they once were. At the very least, a part, if not
• The secret island base of Doctor Vilde and 16 maps. more, of who they were before still remains.
• More than a dozen NPC villains. Note: The information here is an expansion of the Quorian
race as described in Palladium Fantasy RPG® Book 9: Baal-
• The Church of Unity and its role in bringing about Arma-
gor Wastelands™. For details on the Quorians such as stats and
some culture notes not included here, please read their write-up
• The Chaos Generators - the key to stopping Armageddon. within that book.
• A menagerie of evil villains, people and places.
• The Armageddon scenario, adventure ideas and Minion
War™ on Earth.
The Quorians have their own unique language which is sim-
• Written by Carl Gleba. Additional text by Kevin Siem-
ply known as Quorian, even to them. It is known that it once had
another name, a name they called it before their arrival on the Pal-
• Cover by John Zeleznik. ladium World, a name that had its own meaning. However, that
• 160 pages- $20.95 retail- Cat. No. 527. Available now. name has since been lost to time. It is believed that the language
was named after the main continent of their homeworld, or per-
haps the name of the first Riftlord who unified their people, but
the truth behind it appears to be lost even to them.
When the language is spoken, vowels are almost always held
for a second, allowing the sound to carry before continuing. The
first consonant of a word is emphasized and the last consonant
is spoken far more softly, as if the word starts off strong and
slowly fades to silence. As a result, each consonant of the word
often sounds like a separate, distinct word to the untrained ear. If
the word is composed of only one syllable then it simply starts
off strong and quickly goes to a faded, soft whisper. Despite the
nuances of the spoken word, there is no such distinction in the
Check out Palladium's website written word.
Perhaps one of the most interesting aspects of the Quorian
- www.palladiumbooks.com - language is the fact that they don't naturally have any word for
"peace." The closest translation anyone has been able to come
for updates, news and other information. up with so far is the word "surrender." If anyone declares to a
Quorian that they want peace, then in Quorian eyes, the person
is effectively walking up waving a yellow flag (see Military for
more notes on surrender and the yellow flag). This attitude is also
Also visit us at attributed to the fact that the Quorians are a well known race of
Facebook.com/PalladiumBooks warriors.
It is not proper to shout when speaking Quorian. The tone is
not what is important; it is what is said that matters most. While
one will not take offense to someone shouting, it is simply viewed day?" Age in terms of years is irrelevant; they merely keep track
as foolish and will lower others' opinions of the shouter. That is, of the three phases of life: child, adult, and elder.
because if spoken properly, there is no need to shout. One could Quorians reach spiritual adulthood after they have their first
set down a challenge with spoken words alone. Shouting is just "dream-vision." This dream-vision typically occurs at a time of
some cheap trick to make one seem bigger, a trick only the weak age that most humans refer to as early adolescence. The dream-
need to employ. vision is viewed as a very significant part of Quorian life and can
The language places a rather large emphasis on the concept cause one's entire life to change drastically, some more so than
of "understanding." There are several words to describe differ- others. For that reason, guidance is often sought for interpreta-
ent levels of understanding something. They have 10 different tion. While Psi-Mystics can perform such interpretations, Onei-
words which translated mean, "I understand." However, each romancers are viewed as the most skilled, with Shaman being a
one means something more. One can mean, "I understand your close second.
words, but the concept is strange/foreign." Another can mean, "I Within one year of their first dream-vision, tradition dictates a
understand and agree wholeheartedly." Then another will mean, Quorian leave the family's village or wandercamp. This is to help
"I understand what you're trying to say but completely disagree." the Quorian find his or her own place in the world and that cannot
This last one can often come off as a challenge, and these are but be done while the attachments from birth are still present. After
three examples of the varying degrees. leaving, the Quorian is never welcomed back. There are theories
for this, but any Quorian will simply explain that this is because
Quorians do not get along with their families. If given the choice,
Children and Aging most Quorians would prefer to spend their time with strangers as
Children are conceived in much the same way as human chil- opposed to those who share their blood.
dren, involving a man and a woman and a 9 month gestation
period. Due to their war-like nature, many expect the Quorian
mating rituals to be highly aggressive and very rough. On the Duels of Honor
contrary, there are those who know better and will state that there The Quorian sense of honor is very easily insulted. Even the
is no more gentle touch than a Quorian in love. This fact causes slightest insinuation that one is not courageous, forthright, and/or
many to be shocked and dismayed since even the appearance of a dependable can, and typically will, result in what most consider a
Quorian indicates a tough and very physical warrior nature. duel of honor. Though, much like the Dwarves, the duel of honor
Each and every Quorian born is unique and individual. Until with a Quorian is little more than an all-out brawl. The loser owes
the Quorians came to the Palladium World they had no concept of the winner an apology, simple as that. These duels tend to be
twins or triplets (or more). The concept of multiple children being rather bloody, often beating the other half to death. Luckily, their
born at the same time was truly a foreign concept which was quite amazing healing factor helps to prevent them from killing each
disturbing in the eyes of many. Even now, after so much time has other and allows them to quickly recover.
passed, most Quorians find the thought unsettling, but have come Most other races view Quorians as violent and easily pro-
to accept it as just one of the many strange things which go on in voked, typically preferring to avoid their company when possible
this alien world. to avoid getting caught up in some barbaric duel that has little
Once a child is born, the child is looked after by the entire basis. A Quorian will not even necessarily declare a challenge,
family. Father and mother, as well as any older siblings, are to the duel simply is. For this reason, most should not make idle
look after the health and well-being of a child. The oldest child comments, say something without thinking, or anything one does
must look after the younger ones as a result of birth order, giving not mean, when dealing with a Quorian. Quorians, on the other
the absolute youngest of a family the least responsibility. This hand, are known for being very up-front and honest, speaking
often gives the eldest child a great feeling of burden, especially their mind. When they do this though, they are fully aware of pos-
when the parents must go out to do battle. As a result, it is not sible consequences and prepared for what comes with it.
uncommon for a feeling of animosity between siblings and even Two Quorians getting into a duel of honor with each other is
towards the parents. The animosity is something that is simply viewed as a normal event. These duels tend to be something con-
expected and accepted within the Quorian culture. sidered fairly common, even if not the case. Truth be told, Quo-
Until children reach spiritual adulthood, they are viewed as rians don't make a habit of saying insulting comments without
the weak members of the villages or "wandercamps." This means meaning it, and most don't give good cause to be insulted by their
the child is to be cared after and protected, not because they are own. As a result, duels are far more uncommon than most people
family but because they are too weak to fend for themselves. The truly believe. This is not to say they don't happen; they're just
Quorian word for "family" doesn't convey a feeling of love and not an everyday event as many outsiders believe. Unfortunately,
togetherness, but one of obligation and duty. A child is brought most don't understand the Quorian sense of honor and mentality,
up being trained to be self-sufficient, not being coddled and viewing them as little more than barbarians.
showered with affection. As a result, there are no strong bonds Few outsiders can truly appreciate the way Quorians handle
or sense of connection between family members, except for the matters. However, their method of dueling is fairly similar to that
"paired" parents who have chosen a life together. of Dwarves, which was one of the many reasons the two races got
There is no set age for a child to become an adult. In fact, along so well at the start of their dealings during the Great War.
Quorians do not even keep track of such trivialities as age. Each While they went their separate ways during the war, the Dwarves
day one is alive is worthy of celebration. As a Quorian was once are still one of the few races who can get along well with Quori-
quoted as saying, "Life is short, and the life of a warrior is all the ans. Luckily, Quorians at least recognize how much more vulner-
shorter. Why celebrate once a year when you can celebrate each able most other races are, and will actually give them the chance
to don armor first. On the other hand, Quorians rarely take it easy while being convinced of their own immortality in battle. Quori-
on anyone, regardless of race or position of power. ans fully understand that as individual warriors they will fall, but
as a people they believe they are virtually undefeatable.
Warriors of the same wandercamp or village often know each
Ruling Structure other well, will respond to each other well and cover each other's
In their home dimension, the Quorians lived in very large backs. Despite this understanding within the warrior section,
communities led by the Riftlords. Underneath the Riftlords were warriors alone will lead to a very costly battle. Rallied behind
the "Dream Shamans," Oneiromancers. Below the Oneiromanc- a strong and intelligent leader, using tactics and strategy such as
ers were the Psi-Mystics. Finally, though they had no official flanking and attacking supply lines comes into play, making these
place of power, the Shamans of the communities were viewed as already fierce warriors a nearly unstoppable force. Unfortunately,
advisors and could have a great deal of influence, sometimes even it is very hard to impress these warriors enough to convince them
more than the Oneiromancer. In this way, the Quorians were able that their fighting skills are not enough for straightforward tactics
to maintain a large, structured community and still maintain an and to follow a single leader.
element of control. When dealing with Quorian rank on the battlefield, even for
Sadly, every last Riftlord is rumored to have been completely small, separate groups, it is decided the same as the ruling structure
destroyed during the Elf-Dwarf War. While Quorians hold onto above. When there are two Quorians of the same rank involved,
hope that the Riftlords have survived in secret and will one day the more powerful warrior is in charge. However, if the two cannot
return, this has still left a hole within the Quorian social structure. agree which Quorian that is, then they must have a duel (similar to
The race has fractured all the more and large groups are almost an all-out brawl, which might be one of the reasons they get along
completely unmanageable. Oneiromancers have helped to try and so well with Dwarves) to prove once and for all which is better.
fill the void, taking over leadership to the best of their ability, but This will be done even if they are only moments away from a battle
the Quorians are clearly diminished as a people. with an enemy. After all, they cannot face the enemy (and win)
Now, Quorians tend to be split up into small "wandercamps," until they face each other and remove any doubts.
groups of Quorians who rarely stay in one place long, and villag- A Riftlord is the only member of a Quorian community who
es which settled down to one location, something that is still rela- reserves the right to declare a retreat. No other Quorian can do
tively new but increasing in numbers. Even the most competent this, not even an Oneiromancer in the absence of the Riftlords.
of Oneiromancers can rarely handle any more than 60 individu- Since the Riftlords were the undisputed leaders of the commu-
als in a wandercamp. The largest villages, usually composed of nities, there was little question to their courage. If the issue of
several wandercamps, may go as high as 500, but typically less. cowardice ever did emerge, the issue could be taken up with the
These larger villages are mostly a result of the Earthshakers (see Riftlord personally and settled in a duel. The Riftlords also tend-
Baalgor Wastelands™ for more details on Earthshakers) where ed to be expert warriors, and this typically did not end well for
they are set up, not the leadership of Oneiromancers. the challenger.
The Earthshakers play no actual role within the lives of the Sadly, this means that without the Riftlords, it is almost un-
Quorians, but the hope that these magnificent creatures may hold heard of for a Quorian to ever retreat from a battle, no matter the
some key to finding their way home, or to some major upcoming reason or how hopeless it may seem. This has led to the deaths of
event just as important, is what unifies them as a people at these many Quorians which could have been prevented simply by re-
places. It is important to note that even though the Oneiromanc- treating. However, retreating is one of the signs of cowardice, and
ers have difficulty handling large groups, the entire fault does not few Quorians would ever risk such a dishonor. Death of honor is
fall with them. Despite their social structure, Quorians are inde- a far worse fate than the death of the body.
pendent, proud, and honorable, making large groups extremely As you may have gathered by now, Quorians don't retreat and
difficult to manage. don't give in easily. Surrendering is a sign of weakness and one
The ability for anyone at all to gather a group of these inde- that rarely comes up, but it is not totally unheard of. Quorians are
pendent spirited individuals together shows skill and deserves to unsure of how this tradition started, but to surrender a Quorian
be respected. It only goes to show all the more the true respect waves a yellow flag. It is from the Quorians which the concept
and power the Riftlords wielded when they were still present. of a "yellow stripe" on someone's back or a "yellow belly" now
With their tragic loss though, the Quorian "go-it-alone" nature refers to cowardice on the Palladium World. Due to their time on
has resulted in a much smaller and fractured people. Unless the the Palladium World, they have come to accept the symbol of a
Riftlords do return, it seems the only hope for the Quorians to white flag as a term for surrender as well.
have any type of united front will be a result of the Earthshakers. While Quorians will rarely retreat or surrender, they accept
these acts within others far more easily. Quorians only know how
to accept unconditional surrenders. This means the Quorian name
Military the terms under which they accept the surrender and the others
The Quorians are highly disciplined and orderly fighters. As simply must accept it or the war continues. They will not even
long as they are rallied around a strong leader or have given their listen to requests under such circumstances. As for enemy armies
word of honor, they are truly a force to be reckoned with. How- retreating, usually a cowering army will be left alone to run away
ever, if their leader is weak or lacks the skill in handling these without pursuit short of demeaning words as the victorious Quo-
people, things can quickly lead to a feeling of chaos. This is par- rians laugh at them, unless a strong leader orders the battle to
tially a result of their healing factor leading them to take fool- continue. This, unfortunately, can often work against the Quori-
hardy actions, using only straightforward and direct charges into ans as the enemy can retreat and regroup while the Quorians do
battle, getting in over their heads, never retreating, and the whole not have such luxury.
Their mentality of no retreat, no surrender, and no "peace" her armor, then reveal previously concealed abilities to quickly
leads most others to believe the Quorians are almost at constant and easily kill the Quorian warrior with more powerful weapons.
war. This, however, is not the case. The Quorians are actually Furthermore, a Quorian warrior who retreats from battle, even
quite capable of living side by side with another without going with good reason, is viewed as an even greater coward. The cow-
to war or serving the other. As best as can be translated to Quo- ard is likely to be marked by those actions, a symbol literally be-
rian, this is "separation." Separation is the concept of living near ing carved into the forehead for all to see forever, and exiled. This
someone, but not having any actual connection to the other. This exile will not only include the individual wandercamp or village,
is actually a very common and basic Quorian mentality. but from every Quorian society. Fortunately, there is hope for
On the other hand, "peace," as near as the Quorians can figure, redemption, if the Quorian can prove he is truly brave and coura-
involves living together and having no set ruler, no one better, geous. Once marked as a coward though, it is hard to ever prove
no one lesser, everything just being in total harmony. To live in to the contrary. For some, this is a lifelong quest.
peace, everyone must be equal, everyone must be happy, but the If the retreat abandoned fellow comrades to die, the coward
Quorians view this as something just not possible. For everyone will likely be killed on the spot. Killing of this coward will take
to be equal and everyone to be happy, that means everyone can priority even to fighting the enemy. In the Quorian mindset, a
do anything they want and this will certainly lead to chaos, or coward who abandons a brother or sister in arms during battle
someone is ruling and everyone is surrendering to that person's may as well as have tried to kill those comrades, for it is the
will. Anything else is simply a lie. same in Quorian eyes. For this reason, they must kill this traitor
before the coward can betray any other allies. There is no chance
for redemption after betrayal, only death. The chance for further
Crime and Punishment betrayal is simply too great to risk.
Rules of Quorian society aren't very complicated. Have a high
regard for all life, unless a Gosai, is the primary rule. To have a
high regard for life is more than just not engaging in senseless Preferred Weapons
bloodshed, it is also treating that life with a degree of civility Due to tradition, Quorians tend to prefer simple weapons with-
such as not torturing, starving or beating people, etc., without out many moving parts or very much metal at all. Probably the
very good reason. Beyond that it is to respect another's freedom most common are blunt weapons, with weapons such as staves and
and to act with honor. Respecting another's freedom is not only spears coming after. They have no particular disdain of weapons
to entail not enslaving someone, but also respecting their space such as swords and axes, those that favor things like a large metal
and not stealing from them, etc. blade, but no fondness for them either. Unlike the Gosai, they do
It is rare for a Quorian to ever break these most basic rules of not have any biological aversion to metal, but a more personal
life, at least not within a Quorian society. One who feels a devi- reasoning that actually dates back to the Quorian home world.
ant from such ways often leaves Quorian society once reaching Before coming to the Palladium World, the Quorians made
spiritual adulthood to live by a different set of rules in a differ- very few weapons and those they did make were typically fash-
ent type of society. If a Quorian breaks some such liberty within ioned from wood, stone, or bone, almost always blunt in design.
Quorian society, most commonly a matter of honor, it is settled Their metalworking techniques were very crude. This is in part
with a Duel of Honor (as described above). More often than not, because of the methods used, but also because metal resources
this settles things once and for all. on Quoria are not as pure as on the Palladium World, resulting
There are rare instances when this is not enough, or a conflict in lesser quality. Methods to refine their techniques were never
continues. In cases such as this, if the matter is small, the matter very worked out, as Quorians usually prefer to rely on their own
is handled by the leader of the community. More often than not strength and abilities rather than those of some weapon.
though, the matter which cannot be settled with a simple duel is After coming to this world, many new metalworking tech-
large enough that it is handled by the community as a whole. For niques were learned. While they never could compete with the
example, a Quorian wearing armor (shields, armlets, and gaunt- Dwarves in quality, or even Kobolds for that matter, they at least
lets are acceptable) is typically viewed as a pathetic display of became more competent and could compete with many other
weakness and cowardice. This can result in chastisement, abuse, races. The inclusion of magical items made weapons all the more
and more than likely, exile. Some outsiders view this as extreme, intriguing. While they are still not necessary as no true warrior
but to a Quorian, cowardice and weakness should be treated like needs a weapon, Quorians definitely developed a new fondness
a diseased limb, removed before it spreads. for them. Regardless of what they have learned, many Quorians
still follow the tradition of using no weapons or only basic blunt
Note: In settings such as Rifts®, where one single shot from a
types merely because it is tradition.
Mega-Damage weapon can kill, even the Quorians have come to
accept the use of armor. Light armor is preferred. Many will not
even use anything more than partial armor, giving their enemies
weak points to strike. In their mentality, this helps save honor for
Ancient Rivalries
they still need to have skill to avoid enemies taking advantage of From nearly the beginning of their inclusion in the Elf-Dwarf
these spots. If an enemy displays no ability to use M.D.C. weap- War, the Quorians were pitted against the Gosai. Dwarves lured
ons and cannot damage the armor, the Quorians will first discard the Quorians in with promises of superior quality weapons
any armor worn before engaging in battle. While the Quorians (Dwarven quality) and magical weapons, including rune items.
are no fools, a clever and tricky opponent may be able use this These were brand new and fascinating to the Quorians who were
mentality, feigning weakness, to get a Quorian to take off his or more than happy to help in exchange. While the Great War lasted
for nearly 2,000 years, the Quorians did not participate in it for its
full duration. Quorians have a very high regard for life and dislike a minimum of two names, with some up to five total names. The
engaging in senseless bloodshed, and for this reason they quickly Quorian will either use the name of the first dream-vision or the
lost their enthusiasm for the Elf-Dwarf conflict. most current one to be identified by, but only one (whichever the
To a Quorian, war is waged for a reason, and has a definable individual prefers). This single name is referred to as the "recog-
goal. During a war, battle should be limited to the offending par- nized" name, the name the Quorian will go by.
ties. However, with the horrors both Elf and Dwarf committed Some outsiders will make the mistake of believing that call-
during the war, the Quorians could no longer stand such atroci- ing a Quorian adult by the first name, the original birth name,
ties. For one, the Quorians believed innocents should be left out is a sign of closeness. On the contrary, to a Quorian this can be
of the conflict, though Elves and Dwarves both seemed to no quite insulting and may very well lead to a duel as a result. Once
longer show that distinction, consumed by their own obsessions a Quorian has reached spiritual adulthood using the childhood
with destroying each other. Even today, Quorians show hesita- name alone, while still a part of the full name, is equivalent to
tion when dealing with either of these races as the stories of their saying the Quorian is acting like a child. While there may be
actions have been passed down through the generations. times when such a comment is appropriate, it should only be done
Even though they no longer took part in the Elf-Dwarf War, if someone is well prepared to risk the consequences.
the conflict between Gosai and Quorians persisted and contin- Oneiromancers typically have three names. The first is their
ues to this very day. The exact reason for this is no longer even birth name, the second is their first dream-vision name, and the
known to them, but all the Quorians need to know is that it is. third is Oneiromancer, which translates to "Dream Shaman" or,
They do not doubt the actions of their ancestors, especially not more commonly among the Quorians, "Of Many Dreams." Both
the Riftlords, and know their decisions must have been wise and translations are accurate. This is because Oneiromancers are
with good cause. It is believed by many that the Gosai showed no known to have so many dream-visions within their lives. Should
honor with their assassinations, or that someone important was an Oneiromancer seek the counsel/interpretation of another, rare
killed. There is another popular belief that one of the first Rift- but not unheard of, a new name will be added to the typical three
lords swore on his honor to fight them for the Dwarves. Now, names of the Oneiromancer, selected by the second Oneiromanc-
even after his death, they, as a people, are sworn to uphold that er.
oath. When a Quorian makes initial introductions, the entire name
is given, each and every part of the name. After this, only the
"recognized" name is required, which is also repeated after the
Names and Visions full name is stated. Even though the full name is only given once
At birth, a Quorian is given a name by the parents. This name (at first introductions), it is important to remember the full name.
may be given after consulting an Oneiromancer, Shaman, or Psi- Though it is not commonly used, it is viewed as insulting to have
Mystic for added advice. While consulting one of these individu- been forgotten even if only given once. To a Quorian, this is the
als within the tribe is not required, it is considered tempting fate equivalent of saying he or she is not important and not worth
to do otherwise. If a child is not named properly at birth it is remembering.
believed it can inflict bad luck upon the child until adulthood. Naturally, old acquaintances may not be familiar with a new
This is just one example of their highly superstitious natures. For- name (one gained since their last meeting). This is, of course,
tunately, bad luck from a name at birth can be overcome once the understood and accepted. It is up to the individual Quorian to
child reaches spiritual adulthood. remember which form of their name was last given to someone. If
As described previously, a child reaches spiritual adulthood the Quorian has forgotten, this can be equally insulting to the old
after having their first dream-vision. Once this happens, the Quo- acquaintance. For this reason, it is said a Quorian must be good at
rian will take a second name. The second, new name is consid- remembering and some believe they naturally have Total Recall.
ered the "true" name of a Quorian. This is because the Quorian is However, this is not true and Quorians are trained diligently from
no longer limited to that which he or she was born under, but now birth to remember such things, though it is quite possible they'll
taking true independence for the first time in life. It is taken very have a poor memory in all other regards.
seriously and considered its own right of passage. Deciding how The matter of a "true" name in regards to magic is a bit blurred
this is to be handled is one of the first true tests of the new adult. when it comes to Quorians. While in a magical sense, the name
Typically, the counsel and guidance of an Oneiromancer is given at birth holds great power over an individual, but when it
sought, with Shamans and Psi-Mystics being sought if one is not comes to Quorians, they are said to be starting life again, similar
available. Regardless of what advice is given, the final decision to being reborn, after each dream-vision. Each and every new
of how to act rests solely upon the shoulders of the new adult, name taken as a result of dream-visions is more than just a title
including deciding a second name. While counsel will usually or an alias. These new names become a part of their very being.
give a new name fitting of the first dream-vision and commonly As a result, merely knowing the birth name may not be enough
taken, the name is not forced upon the Quorian. It is important to to hold full power over a Quorian as it is but one piece of their
note that the birth name is not changed and' does not go away; it "true" name.
remains as part of the full name of the Quorian, only not as im-
portant as the first dream-vision name.
Some Quorians will continue having dream-visions, up to Religion
three more for a total of four, throughout their life. With each Quorians have little respect for priests and other men of the
new dream-vision, a new name is taken. Again, counsel is often cloth. Until arriving on the Palladium World, the Quorians never
sought but not required. These new names are added to the full had priests. This is a new and strange concept to them. There are
name of the Quorian. As a result, most adult Quorians will have those who suspect that this indicates there are no deities in their
native dimension. While this is possible, not even the Quorians As a result ofthe dimensional barrier, few know how the first
know for sure, but their explanation is simple. Priests, and oth- Quorians came to arrive on this world, other than some element
ers who need to tum to the gods for help, are weak. A warrior of random chance or perhaps a type of lost magic. Some suspect
should never need to tum anywhere except to himself and his that the Riftlords destroyed the secrets of how to cross the breach
camp. They do not doubt their existence or power, merely that to protect their people from being summoned ever again. Those
they should not be the source to solve problems. who subscribe to this theory often speculate that it was this act
In recent years, as some have turned to wizardry and "elemen- that led to a conflict between the Dwarves and Quorians, ulti-
talism" (Warlock magic) in the hopes of finding some way home, mately leading to the destruction of the Riftlords, at least on the
a small handful have turned to the gods, even becoming priests, Palladium World.
with similar aspirations, praying that perhaps these beings can There is another rumor which states the dimensional barrier
be the key home. Those who have turned to the gods have even around Quoria was actually erected by the Riftlords. For those
begun to suspect that perhaps the Riftlords are not gone, but have that believe this rumor and know about the barrier at the edge
been elevated to godhood. These true believers scour ancient reli- of the world, it is suspected that it may have been erected by the
gious texts, anything written by the Quorians, for any type of clue Riftlords in an attempt to protect the rest of the world from the
to the names of these gods. madness of the Elves and Dwarves. While this seems unlikely,
If true, the ascended Riftlords have likely fallen in power due it is argued that the true power of the Riftlords is not well docu-
to lack of worship over the years. By finding their names they can mented and it could have easily been within their power. Note:
once again be worshipped and regain their lost power, once again The barrier at the edge of the world is not a well known fact. This
regaining the power to take them home. Due to the fanatical ob- is for a select few who do, to be heard after the characters learn of
session the Quorian people have to the Riftlords, this theory may it, or to include rumors for flavor and the readers.
not be so far-fetched. Unfortunately, due to the low regard the
Quorian people have of priests, even the views of Quorian priests
are easily dismissed and ignored. Unless some hard proof can be The Elements
found, their people are likely to never listen. The Quorians believe quite simply that there are only three
elements in the entire universe. These elements are quite simple:
Body/Physical, Mind/Psychic, Spirit/Magic. Everything in the
The Lost Homeworld universe is connected to one of these three elements. Fighters
The Quorian homeworld is known as Quoria. It has been lost have the strongest connection to the physical element. The world
to their people since the end of the Elf-Dwarf War. Even though we exist on, the trees, metal, and all these aspects, are physical
no Quorian alive on the Palladium World can recall their home- elements. The mental element is responsible for things such as
world, it does not reduce their longing to one day return there. psychic abilities, creativity, freedom, and other such metaphysi-
They know one thing: it is home. That is all they need to know. cal elements. Psychics naturally have the strongest connection to
Legends and tales of their lost home have been passed down from the mind element.
generation to generation. Though such legends and tales can of- Spirit is the life force of all things, people, animals, magic,
ten be distorted, especially after so much time has passed, it does and even more importantly to Quorians, is the random aspect of
not stop the Quorians from believing them as the truth. chance. With the Quorians as superstitious as they are, chance
Most tales indicate that the environment of Quoria is similar plays a very important role in their lives, and that means they
to that of their home in the Baalgor Wastelands, but far more respect the element of spirit more so than any other. Mages have
pleasant. Of course, these are Quorians, and what is pleasant to the strongest connection to the spirit element and it is believed
them is not necessarily the same to most other races. The Quo- this connection helps them to control their fate more than any
rians thrive in the harsh climate of the Baalgor Wastelands, but other.
Quoria is believed to have dry air and heat levels that surpass Just because the three elements represent different things
what they have become accustomed to. There are plants that does not mean they cannot overlap. In fact, it is believed almost
could help with dream-visions and roaming animals they often all things possess some aspect of all three. An example of this
took as pets. Though, to a Quorian, a pet is an animal that can is processed minerals, those which do not exist naturally, which
hunt and fight, not an animal that is used for companionship. are viewed as a mix of body and mind elements. Magic weapons
Seeing as how much time has passed, this could quite easily be are both body and spirit elements. Oneiromancers are said to
a version of their homeworld that has been distorted through the be a true balance of all three, and for this they gain all the more
generations, or even that the homeworld has undergone changes respect.
since that time. Another aspect of these elements which should not be ignored
One of the most commonly known difficulties to the Quorians is space. For those on the Palladium World, space is a relatively
finding their home is that they have no clue where it is. However, unknown factor and most will never even realize it's there. How-
there is a second problem not nearly as well known. There is a di- ever, some have made it to other worlds such as Rifts Earth where
mensional barrier sealing it off from all others. Even if one could such knowledge is more common. Space is viewed as the element
find the dimension they would need to be able to navigate the of the mind. It is clearly not physical. Spirit is a representation of
dimensional barrier to actually reach the worlds on the other side. life, and space is not considered life. Clearly to the Quorians, it
This is a talent very few possess. The now missing Riftlords were must be mental, a representation of freedom and openness. How
among the very best at navigating this barrier, making their help the mind created space is not quite clear, but one does not need
during the Elf-Dwarf War to bring large numbers of Quorians to to know to accept.
the world essential.
Quorian Riftlord R.C.C. eighth or higher level). However, when away from the rest of
the community and there are no other Riftlords around, it is not
Practitioner of Magic uncommon for them to be called a Riftlord by other Quorians as
they are the closest thing to one in the area. This is also common
Design Note: The Riftlords are a class that once existed during when others outside of the Quorian community are around, so as
the Elf-Dwarf War, a time when legends were fact. Their power not to give away the Riftdancer's true level of experience. Before
level may not be suited for most Palladium Fantasy campaigns. becoming a true Riftlord, the Riftdancer is considered similar in
They are recommended primarily as reference material, NPCs, rank to the Oneiromancer or Psi-Mystic, depending on experi-
and/or higher powered campaigns and settings. If a G.M. feels ence and skill.
this class is not appropriate for the campaign then he should be
able to restrict its use or alter some of the abilities to make it more
acceptable. Players should respect the decision of the G.M. and Experience, Training, and Knowledge
not argue too heavily. This is designed for fun and options, not The future Riftlord is trained in the ways of magic like a wiz-
for causing problems. ard. Their training specializes though in the area of Rifts as op-
posed to general magic knowledge. Once the training comes to
The skills and talents of a Riftlord could not be taught to just a certain point in the traditional sense, the Riftdancer must go
anyone. Instead, the power needed to become this highly re- through real world experiences to improve. It is believed that
spected class of Quorian was a birthright. Only those of certain only the fundamentals can be taught to a Riftdancer and the rest
bloodlines could even attempt to become a Riftlord, and some of must be learned on their own. By going through real experiences,
those still lacked the potential to learn the art. Those not of the the Riftdancer (and even a Riftlord for that matter) can under-
bloodline who attempted to do so can only expect disaster. There stand their magic to a greater degree and will be able to increase
is one such mention of this in the stories taught in training of an in power and ability without being specifically told or taught.
adopted son, not known by the father, that attempted to learn the In order to improve as a Riftlord, they need to increase in
art, but ended up putting his entire community in danger when he experience and in knowledge. Only by learning more about the
could not control the great power of a true Riftlord. world around them and themselves, can a Riftlord understand
While in training to become a Riftlord, the Quorian is more their talents better. It is up to the experienced Riftlords, those
commonly called a "Riftdancer." This name tends to stay with who have earned the right to truly call themselves lords, to make
the Quorian until reaching a high level of training (usually around sure the younger Riftdancers receive this experience. This is usu-
ally done by sending them on missions and quests for training, spells. Permanent P.P.E. Base: 2D4x10+20, plus the P.E. attri-
regardless of how necessary or dangerous it is. bute number. Add 3D6 P.P.E. per level of experience, starting
Since the bloodlines of the Riftlords are not very common at level one. The Riftlord can also draw on P.P.E. from ley lines,
and they are such a valued asset to the communities, usually a nexus points, and other Quorians whenever available. Riftlords
Riftdancer (or even a Riftlord for that matter) will not be sent find tapping into the P.P.E. of races other than Quorians to be
out without at least two Quorian warriors as protectors. However, quite difficult. They say there is a foreign flow to the energy of
this does not mean the Riftdancer is not in danger. The warriors others. As a result, a Riftlord must draw 2 P.P.E. for 1 P.P.E.
are only there to protect against unforeseen dangers and to step in desired. This can be done from a willing victim only. The other
before the Riftdancer is killed. half of the energy drawn is lost in the exchange. Note: They are
They are to not interfere with the mission of the Riftdancer not skilled practitioners of magic. Whether this foreign flow of
unless death of their protectorate seems imminent. The protec- energy is a result of them not being skilled practitioners of magic
tors can be asked to do little things as long as the Riftdancer asks or something only Riftlords can see is unknown. Practitioners of
specifically and it does not affect the mission too greatly. These magic of other races suffer no loss of energy when drawing from
tasks can be something such as helping to clear a path, cook a a Quorian.
meal, lifting an object that is either too heavy for the Riftdancer
or to hold it while the Riftdancer needs to do something else (part Second Level
of an elaborate plan perhaps). Asking the protectors of too much 1. Ley Line Phasing: Same as the Ley Line Walker O.C.C.
though is a sign of weakness and cowardice. These protectors are Ability from the Rifts® RPG.
usually well trained warriors which can be trusted. 2. Ley Line Transmission: Same as the spell invocation of
the same name, but at half the P.P.E. cost.
First Level 3. Locate Ley Line: This is the ability to locate a ley line
1. Sense Dimensional Anomaly: This is similar to the spell using a cross between a mystical ability and deductive analysis
invocation of the same name. The Riftlord will automatically with their knowledge of nature. A ley line can be detected up to
sense the ripples in the space-time continuum. To get a clear view 20 miles (32 km) away plus 5 miles (8 km) per level experience,
of the anomaly, the Riftlord must spend 15 P.P.E. (same knowl- twice as far for a ley line nexus. A Riftlord can roll once every
edge as the spell). melee round to sense a ley line, but must roll two consecutive
2. See and Use Ley Lines: Same as the Wizard O.C.C. successful rolls to locate it. Base Skill: 30% +5% per level of
3. Ley Line Drifting: Same as the Wizard O.C.C. experience.
4. Ley Line Rejuvenation: Same as the Wizard O.C.C. This 4. Track Rift Scent: According to the Riftlords, each Rift has
is in addition to their normal Healing Factor. a unique and recognizable scent. If the Riftlord finds the loca-
5. Dimensional Teleport (Basic): This is considered a natural tion of a recent Rift (within the last few hours), he can track the
ability. It can only be used on a ley line nexus and does not cost scent of anything which may have come through it for up to 1D4
any P.P.E. See the Invocation spell of the same name for further days plus one day for each level of experience, starting at level
details. Base Skill: 20% +5% per level of experience (+ 10% on 1. After this time, the scent is too faint to be tracked any longer.
a ley line, +20% on a ley line nexus). Note: Unlike the spell, this The Riftlord is also able to identify any person or object that has
ability always works. A failure on the skill roll will result in tele- traveled through a Rift within this time period. Once the scent of
portation to a random dimension. In addition, it will take several the person or object has been identified, it is possible to backtrack
days until the Riftlord can gain a sense of the location of their the individual to the source of the original Rift, even if it is has
home dimension (or another well known dimension such as Pal- closed. Base Skill: 25% +5% per level of experience.
ladium). Until this happens, the Riftlord will be unable to teleport 5. Dimensional Teleport (Advanced): The ability of the Rift-
again. It will take 1D4x8 days for a first level Riftlord to locate a lord to use and understand ley lines has increased to the point that
familiar dimension. Every level thereafter, the multiple reduces this ability can be used as long as he is on a ley line. If only on a
by one (1D4x7 at second level, 1D4x6 days at third, etc.). For this ley line, and not a nexus, it costs 50 P.P.E. All other aspects are
reason, it is rarely used until higher level. the same as the level one ability.
6. Dimensional Knowledge: The Riftlord can remember the
location of any dimension they have previously traveled to, even Third Level
if they are not the one who created the portal to the world. This 1. Learning New Spells: The Riftlord has a better under-
dimensional knowledge varies from Riftlord to Riftlord as each standing of the ways of magic and can now cast spell magic. Due
of their experiences have been different. Quoria is almost always to their focus on Rifts and time though, the Riftlord has not yet
the best known dimension and the point of reference the Riftlord learned any additional spells beyond the House of Glass spell
will use to be able to find all other dimensions. The only time this (detailed below). They can still learn/purchase new spells the
is not the case is if the Riftlord was not born on Quoria, but this same as a wizard by finding an instructor. Tend to be attracted to
is a rare occurrence. Note: Merely seeing the portal is not enough spells that manipulate time and space. Any spells outside of their
unless the Riftlord has actually traveled there in person. specialty cost double the P.P.E. (same as the Necromancer). See
7. Magic Bonuses: +1 to save vs magic at levels two, six, ten the Wizard O.C.C. for more details on learning new spells.
and fourteen, +4 to save vs Horror Factor, +2 to save vs posses- 2. House of Glass (special): The very first spell learned is a
sion and mind control of all kinds, and + 1 to Spell Strength at variation on the typical House of Glass spell. This is very similar
levels four, eight and twelve. to the Rifts spell of the same name. The main difference is that
8. P.P.E.: All Riftlords are living batteries of mystic energy. the spell also affects the Riftlord, causing whatever damage he
The character draws from this energy to create magic and cast
deals to the victim to damage himself as well. Most Riftlords will explored, seen from a remote source, or even visited in a dream-
prefer this version as opposed to the normal invocation version. vision with no other connection to it. Learning of a new place
It is a method to see which person is tougher without any cheap through a dream-vision is rather common among Riftlords and
tricks. When this spell is in effect, it only matters which one can has caused many to travel to distant and foreign lands believing it
take more damage as both are receiving the exact same punish- significant. The new dimension can be determined by the G.M.,
ment. It is not only a test to see which can take more damage, but rolled on the table in Land of the Damned One: Chaos Lands
also a demonstration of the confidence of the Riftlord to be better (pages 166-171 ), or by some other method.
than any opponent. If the courage of the Riftlord is ever called
into question it is common to use this spell on the challenger to Fifth Level
show the Riftlord is not scared of taking damage and is capable 1. Navigate Dimensional Barriers: Some worlds, such as
of handling whatever he deals out. their home world of Quoria, have a dimensional barrier surround-
Learning this spell is a part of the initiation for a Riftlord. ing them, making it impossible for most to break through. Only
Casting it shows that the Riftdancer has successfully learned to masters of dimensional teleporting even have a chance. While all
handle spell magic and it is typically used against a higher level Riftlords possess the ability to naturally teleport to their home
Riftlord, usually an instructor. This, quite obviously, will more world at any level, attempting to access another world with such a
often than not end in defeat for the Riftdancer. Losing can be barrier requires considerably more skill. The chances for success
an important part of the lesson, teaching the Riftlord in training are quite small, however.
how to handle defeat. It is not always enough to go into a fight Additionally, there are dangers of attempting to do so and fail-
confident of winning, but willing to go into a fight even when ing. There are creatures that can live within the barrier, and at-
winning seems impossible. That is what true courage is about, tempting to pass through can leave the character vulnerable to at-
and only one of many lessons learned throughout training. This is tack from these creatures. These dimensional beings can attempt
not to encourage suicide or starting senseless battles that cannot to possess the character, control their mind, or siphon off their
be won, but to help the Riftdancer understand that sometimes it is very life force. Base Skill: 5% +3% per level of experience (see
more important regardless of the outcome. P.P.E.: Eight. additional bonuses below). This starts as a level one skill. The
3. Dimensional Teleport (Expert): Now being fluent enough Riftlord can temporarily raise the chances of getting through by
in the ways of casting magic, the Riftlord is capable of using a expending P.P.E. For every 3 P.P.E., the Riftlord gains a+ 1% to
dimensional teleport regardless of location. If not near a ley line this skill. Note: All characters with the ability to dimensionally
or ley line nexus it costs 100 P.P.E. to use. All other aspects are teleport can attempt to learn this ability for the cost of one O.C.C.
the same as the level one and level two abilities. Related Skill.
Fourth Level Bonuses (all bonuses are cumulative):
+ 10% for powerful beings such as dragons, Demon and Dee-
1. Spell Casting: By this point, the Riftlord has gained a vii Lords, Godlings, Demigods, gods, and Alien Intelligences.
stronger understanding of their magic. It is possible to open small Riftlords, due to their skill of dimensional travel, fall into this
portals to cast light in an area (Globe of Daylight), a time distor- category.
tion that causes reflections to emerge in the space around them + 10% if the character has some method to help navigate, such
(Multiple Images), and other types of spells that manipulate time as following someone who knows the way, following a sum-
and space. A Riftlord can select one of the following. One ad- mons, a worshiper's prayer, etc.
ditional spell can be selected for each subsequent, new level of + 10% if the character has successfully navigated the dimen-
experience. Note: Additional spells may be added to this list if sional barrier before.
the G.M. and player can agree it is fitting. +20% if the individual is a native of the dimension.
Astral Projection
Close Rift Sixth Level
Dimensional Pocket 1. Resist Summons: The Riftlords have an understanding of
Dimensional Portal dimensional portals and Rifts. Through this understanding, the
Globe of Daylight Riftlord can resist any attempt to be summoned via a spell, circle,
Globe of Silence or any other form. When any attempt is made, this ability will
Mystic Portal automatically block the attempt and alert the Riftlord to the at-
Multiple Image tempt. The character can make a conscious decision to lower this
Teleport: Lesser defense and allow the summoning spell to work. They will only
Teleport: Superior appear if they want and there is NO battle of wills, they are free
Time Capsule to do as they please. Note: This power is common among drag-
Time Hole ons, Demon and Deevil Lords, Godlings, Demigods, gods, and
Time Slip Alien Intelligences (as per the Summoner O.C.C., page 145 of
Wink-out Palladium Fantasy RPG®, Second Edition). While a Riftlord
2. Dimensional Intuition: The Riftlord gains additional intui- does not compare to any of these races in pure power, it is their
tive knowledge of other dimensions. At levels four, seven, ten, skill and technique that allows them to resist a summons equally.
twelve and fourteen, the Riftlord gains the knowledge and loca- 2. Answer Summons: The knowledge of the Riftlord has
tion of one other, previously unknown dimension. This new di- grown to the extent that they can answer the summons for any
mension may have been picked up by scent in the past and never Quorian within a one mile (1.6 km) radius per level of the Rift-
lord. While this protects the other Quorians from being sum- more powerful than the seventh level version, another Riftlord
moned, the Riftlord is in danger. Having taken the place of anoth- still cannot be summoned. P.P.E.: One hundred forty.
er, the Riftlord cannot prepare a proper defense and is subject to
the Battle of Wills. The Riftlord receives a+ 1 to save vs submis- Fourteenth Level
sion at levels 7, 10, 13 and 15. Note: The Riftlord is considered 1. Sanctuary: By this point in life, many Riftlords are older
a Greater Being for the purposes of maintaining control (as per and considering settling down, if they have not done so already.
the Summoner O.C.C., page 141 of Palladium Fantasy RPG®, It is common for the Riftlord to make a "realm" where he can
Second Edition). always safely rest, train, and live. While it is possible to walk
into this area, touch it, and interact with it almost as normal, this
Seventh Level is no longer the same land, air, and water and is now the domain
1. Summon Quorian Warrior: This is the ability for a Rift- of the Riftlord. The spell actually isolates this section of the land
lord to summon a Quorian warrior from their home world. Most into a different dimension where violence is not possible. This is
Quorians will automatically be subservient to a Riftlord out of the equivalent of the Spell of Legend of the same name, but at
respect. Only one Quorian can be summoned with this spell at a half the cost. Note: If an enemy becomes immobilized within the
time. Once summoned, the Quorian can stay an indefinite period sanctuary, the Riftlord will never take advantage of the situation
of time. The Quorian cannot return to his or her home world un- to attack a defenseless opponent.
less sent by the Riftlord or another portal can be found. This spell
can also be used to send a single Quorian back to their home Quorian Riftlord R.C.C.
world for the same cost. This spell cannot be used to summon a
Shaman, Psi-Mystic, Oneiromancer, or another Riftlord. P.P.E.: Alignments: Same as all Quorians, but Riftlords, more so than
Seventy. most, tend to favor "honorable" alignments.
Racial Restrictions: Only Quorians of a certain bloodline can
2. Reopen Rift: If the Riftlord discovers the location of a
learn this class. That bloodline is believed to have been killed
closed Rift, he can cause it to reopen to the exact same loca-
off by the end of the Elf-Dwarf War.
tion as before. This can be very dangerous without knowing what
Attribute Requirements: I.Q. 10, M.E. 12, and P.E. 14 or high-
originally came through the Rift. This ability will only work for
er. Riftlords are the leaders of their people so a high M.A. and
as long as the "scent" of the Rift remains (see the level two ability
P .B. can also be helpful but not mandatory.
for details on scent duration). P.P.E.: One hundred forty.
O.C.C. Skills:
Land Navigation (+ 10%)
Eighth Level Language: Quorian 98%, plus one of choice (usually Dwarf;
1. Temporal Magic: Starting at eighth level, the Riftlord can +5%).
select Temporal Spells. These spells can be selected instead of Literacy: Quorian (+ 10%)
one from the list at third level. Riftlords can also select one Tem- Mathematics: Basic (+20%)
poral Spell at levels eight, ten, twelve, and fourteen in addition to Mathematics: Advanced (+10%)
the usual spell selection. The spells can be up to one level higher Military Etiquette (+20%)
than the Riftlord. This means that an 8th level Riftlord can select Wilderness Survival (a +10% applies while in desert areas
a 9th level Temporal Spell or that a lOth level Riftlord can select only)
a spell from 11th level. Temporal Spells can be found in Rifts W.P. Knife/Dagger
World Book Three: England (also in the Rifts Book of Magic). W.P.: Two of choice.
2. Increased Ley Line Energy: The Riftlord is able to further Hand to Hand: Expert
tap into the amazing power of a ley line. Though the range, du- Hand to Hand: Expert is commonly changed to Hand to
ration, and damage of spells remain the same as normal for the Hand: Martial Arts for the cost of one O.C.C. Related Skill, or
proximity to a ley line, all the effects to P.P.E. are doubled for a Hand to Hand: Assassin (if Miscreant or Diabolic; extremely
Riftlord. This includes the amount of P.P.E. that can be tapped as rare for a Riftlord) for the cost of two.
well as the recovery rate. O.C.C. Related Skills: Select eight other skills of choice at level
one, plus select one additional skill at levels three, six, nine,
Tenth Level and twelve. All new skills start at level one proficiency. It is
important to note that Riftlords are traditionally born on Quo-
1. Summoning Spells: At this level, the Riftlord can select
ria. Unless born on the Palladium World, most of their skills
any type of summoning spell instead of one from the list at third
will be based around talents available on their home world.
Communications: Any (+5% ).
Domestic: None.
Twelfth Level
Espionage: Any, except Sniper (+10%).
1. Summon Quorian Superior: This ability is similar to the Horsemanship: Exotic only.
seventh level ability. With this advanced spell, the Riftlord is ca- Medical: None.
pable of summoning a Quorian other than just a warrior. This Military: Any (+10%).
includes a Shaman, Psi-Mystic, and Oneiromancer. Like the war- Physical: Any (+5% when applicable).
riors, these other Quorians will typically be naturally subservient Rogue: None.
to the Riftlord out of respect. The spell is still limited to only Science: Any.
one Quorian being summoned at a time. Despite this spell being Scholarffechnical: Any (+15% to Lore skills only).
Weapon Proficiencies: Any. or he has some method of using it to try and get home. If it's the
Wilderness Survival: Any (+5% ). latter, then it can easily prove either a blessing or damnation for
Secondary Skills: The character also gets to select four second- their people. While it may hold the power to send them home, it
ary skills from the previous list at level one, and one additional can just as easily be used to bring more of their people here and
skill at levels four, eight, and twelve. These are additional ar- enslave them if it falls into the wrong hands, a consequence often
eas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the bonus overlooked by the ambitious.
listed in the parentheses. All secondary skills start at the base What is the leader really up to? It can be up to the player char-
skill level. Also, skills are limited (any, only, none) as previ- acters to find out. Then decide to either help him or stop him. This
ously indicated in the list. can also be a useful storyline for a Summoner character looking
Starting Equipment: Two sets of clothing, a robe or cloak with for some new circles.
hood, boots, a pair of gloves, belt, bedroll, backpack, two large 2. Wiped Out: The Riftlords are indeed hiding, and they've
sacks, two small sacks, a water skin, and a tinder box. done such a good job they're hiding even from themselves! They
Armor: Like all Quorians, a Riftlord will steadfastly refuse to decided the best place to hide something was to hide it in plain
wear armor of any sort (shields, gauntlets, and armlets are sight. Instead of leaving, they found a way to temporarily wipe
okay). Riftlords are the only Quorians to actually wear armlets their memories. After a period of time they were supposed to re-
and this is often used to identify one on a battlefield. If desired, gain their memories, but something went wrong and it became
a Riftlord can begin with a chain mail armlet with 12 S.D.C. permanent. As a result, the bloodline of the Riftlords is still very
(see below for more armlet descriptions). much alive, only they've forgotten how to use their power. At-
Weapons: Starts with a dagger and two weapons of choice. One tempting to find a member of the bloodline and restore their pow-
of these weapons is typically an honorary weapon given at the er could be an entire campaign.
end of initial training (starting at first level). It is held as sacred How did they learn this? Dream-visions are an obvious and
and typically holds sentimental significance. If anyone steals easy answer. Other possibilities exist, including finding some
or damages it there is no end that a Riftlord will go through ancient text documenting what happened. Another idea is that
to seek revenge. Though this weapon is not of Dwarven qual- Riftlords were said to be masters of not only "Rifting," but time
ity or magical in any way, it tends to be the favorite weapon as well. Perhaps a message from the past (or future, a vision of
of the Riftlord. Magic weapons and additional items must be things to come) reaches the characters, giving the clues and warn-
acquired later. ings. This could open a wide range of possibilities.
Money: Quorians are aliens to the Palladium world with a dif- Once they find the descendant of the bloodline, what if he isn't
ferent type of monetary system. They typically only have a what they expected? Maybe he was banished from his tribe for
small handful of valuables worth 1D4x10 in gold. However as being a coward. Is he really afraid, or did he simply suggest a
valued members of the Dwarven military, they are often taken tactical retreat (as only a true Riftlord can do)? The would-be
care of by the Dwarven Empire and may be paid for missions Riftlord may be clumsy and terrible at combat, leaving the char-
or even receive a regular salary. acters with their work cut out for them. Do they give up and try
Experience Point Table: Same as the Necromancer. to find another, or do they have faith in the bloodline and try to
bring out his true potential?
3. A Cold Reception Home: The Quorians have long desired
Potential Story Ideas to return home. Whether through a Riftlord, circle magic, godly
intervention, or other means, what if the characters finally find
As a writer, these are additional story ideas I had toyed with,
their way home to Quoria? Sometimes dreams are better off as
but decided to avoid as definitive aspects of my world and cul-
dreams. What if their home world has undergone some massive
tures. They are included here as a few additional ideas that may
change, such as a new ice age? It has been thousands of years,
inspire a G.M. for a Quorian based storyline. Enjoy.
and it's possible the Riftlords of old had been seeking a new
1. Going in Circles: There is a fair chance that the first Quo- home, knowing what the future of Quoria held. If their world is
rians arrived on the Palladium World via circle magic. This is totally inhospitable, what do they do now? Do they return to the
likely the cause for the extreme distrust Quorians have of circle Palladium World and tell their people the truth? Leave them to
magic. One wandercamp in particular tells a tale of Dwarves us- have futile hope? Try to find some new world to call home?
ing a power circle to bring large numbers of their people here This is just one idea, but the concept of the home they've
forcibly and bound them into slavery. According to the tales, it sought for not being what they've imagined can leave several
was not one power circle but a series of them all connected: one possibilities. Keep in mind this should not be used to dash the
a standard summoning circle for Quorians (a circle which has players' hopes and dreams. While things not being what they ex-
since been lost), one for a dimensional portal (see Power Circles pected can be a great twist, making players feel like everything
in Palladium Fantasy; Second Edition on page 150), another for they've done was pointless is not the goal. This shouldn't be a
navigating the dimensional barrier (another circle lost), and an- crushing defeat, but just one more stop along the way of their
other which allowed them to even summon and control Riftlords adventure, or the beginning of a new one. New doors and pos-
(also lost). sibilities should be opened. Maybe there is some way for them to
While the tales say the Riftlords destroyed this wretched cir- save it, or maybe this is designed to give the Quorians on the Pal-
cle, the leader of the wandercamp suspects it may still exist, bur- ladium World a new, greater purpose in their current home. In-
ied somewhere in the Baalgor Wastelands. He continues to lead stead of being frozen over, maybe the world has been conquered,
his people in search of this fabled circle. Even those under him do the native Quorians' spirits crushed, and it is up to the group to
not know if he intends to finish the Riftlords' work to destroy it, rekindle their warrior spirit and free their people.

These "guardian angels" remain in close contact, staying by
Ancestral Mystic the Mystic's side at all times and are ready to assist their relative
in any and as many ways, as possible. There is no battle of wills
or twisting of words like a summoned creature may attempt. Nei-
Optional Source Material for ther is there any bargaining required. The spirit of the ancestor is
willing to help as a family member would any loved one.
The Palladium Fantasy RPG® Because of this open bond and trusted relationship, the Ances-
By Paul Herbert tral Mystic can allow himself to be opened up for an unusual form
of possession from the newfound spirit of his ancestor. Whilst
Whoever said, "You can choose your friends, but you cannot
connected as one, the Mystic is in full control, and he is able
choose your family, " had clearly never met an Ancestral Mystic.
to utilize various traits and knowledge of the possessing spirit.
- The Great Sage, Sulyott The two are working together for the goals of the Mystic. These
traits can extend into skill knowledge, experience and reflexes,
During the Time of a Thousand Magicks, there were a number resistances and even (in some cases) magical and psionic abili-
of mystical arts that have since been eliminated or forgotten to the ties! Remember, the ancestor's spirit desires to aid the psychic
world. One such art form was that of the Ancestral Mystic. as much as he is able and these "gifts" represent the ultimate aid.
Ancestral Mystics are often, although not always, lonely, re- These intimate connections can be exhausting to the Ancestral
clusive people who lack the social adeptness of normal folk. It Mystic, and as such they can only be maintained for a short peri-
is not that they dislike company or crowds; it is just that they od of time. They also require some of the psychic's inner strength
are a little awkward at gatherings. They feel uncomfortable when (I.S.P.) to channel the link between the two worlds.
forced to socialize and are generally of a quiet, shy disposition.
It takes this Mystic a long time to make friends that he can relax
with even though he may not have a lack of distrust for them. You Can't Choose Your Family
They are simply anti-social, timid characters. Indeed. The Ancestral Mystic has developed his psionics and
It is also usual for these traits to have been developed from tuned his thoughts, senses and power towards the spirit world. So
childhood. This is normally the result of a traumatic incident in- much so that he has been contacted by a long deceased relative.
volving the loss of one or both parents or sometimes a sibling. It This is never someone the psychic knew in his lifetime. However,
would seem that the psychic's emotions are escalated by some the Mystic is not yet so attuned that he can select which spirits he
sort of early empathic absorbing of the emotions of those around wishes to commune with.
him, specifically leaving the Mystic feeling abandoned, alone and The spirit that originally contacted him wasn't random but
scared. The rest is not known. Most other Ancestral Mystics be- it also wasn't orchestrated by the living psychic. The following
lieve that they empathically transmit their emotions to the spirit table should be used to determine the O.C.C. of the ancestor that
realm as a cry for help. Their cries are so sincere, so passionate, comes through to the Mystic at each new plateau of his ability.
so raw that they find their way to their ancestors. When they think The O.C.C.s of the ancestor are typical of an adventuring type as
they are alone and without kin, they are proven wrong. these kindred spirits can relate to the hopes, passions and desires
Whereas the average psychic may seem to be more attuned of the living relative. They are the ones who can give aid and
to his fellow man due to his abilities, the Ancestral Mystic is the guidance and as such, it is the experienced adventurer (good or
opposite. These psychics develop their psionics just as any other evil) that makes the bond with the Mystic.
would but at some point, either their emotional loss or simply just
their reclusive nature and inability to deal with the world around Spiritual Ancestor O.C.C. Random Table
them, has directed their abilities to channel the spirit world. This
1-2% Assassin (evil)
is not, in itself, unusual for a psychic, but the Ancestral Mystic
3-4% Beastmaster
goes much, much further.
5-7% Blacksmith
Tales of spirit guides, watchmen and guardian angels have
8-9% Bounty Hunter
been discussed around the fireplaces of Palladium for centuries.
10% Conjurer
Ask any soldier or adventurer and they can regale a story of how
11-12% Diabolist
they were starving, cold and at death' s door when a guiding light
13-14% Druid
led them to shelter or perhaps how they had been set upon by a
15-18% Farmer
half dozen Orcs and, nearly beaten, they were inspired by a vision
19% Forsaken Mage
and found the energy and willpower to overcome these unwin-
20-21% Gladiator
nable odds. Some say such things are the acts of the gods (others
22-23% Holy Crusader
say wine). Few know the realism of ghosts, entities and spirits.
24-25% Illusionist
Only one can confirm these guardian angels to be an absolute.
26-27% Juggler
During a communion with the spirit world, usually at an early
28-29% Knight
age (teens), the Ancestral Mystic will make contact with a friend-
30-31% Long Bowman
ly spirit that is welcoming, helpful and somehow feels familiar.
32-34% Merchant
The spirit in question will reveal himself as one of the psychic's
35-36% Mind Mage
very own ancestors! Although never admitted, it is believed that
37-38% Minstrel
in actual fact the spirit is the one who made contact and has been
39-40% Necromancer (evil)
very close to the Mystic throughout his or her life.
41-42% Noble
43-45% Nomadic Tribesman consciously they can have adverse side effects on the innocent
46-47% Pirate (evil) and kindhearted. Legends (the few there are) tell of Ancestral
48-49% Prestidigitator Mystics becoming corrupted by the spirits of their ancestors and
50-51% Priest of Darkness (evil) the power they can offer, but these are only in the cases of what
52-53% Priest of Light (good) were once the truly vilest of souls. The same can be said for good
54-55% Psi-Healer and honorable ancestors, who could have a benevolent influence
56-59% Ranger on a wicked Mystic.
60-63% Sailor
64-65% Scholar Ancestral Mystic P.C.C. Abilities & Bonuses:
66-67% Scholar Monk 1. Link With Ancestors: At level one, the Ancestral Mystic
68-69% Shaman has become so attuned to the spirit of one of his ancestors that
70-73% Soldier he has formed a mystical link, allowing the spirit to possess his
74-76% Spy body and share its knowledge and abilities with the psychic. This
77-78% Summoner grants the Ancestral Mystic certain skills, powers and bonuses
79-82% Thief for a limited period of time. Only one spirit may bond with the
83-84% Undead Hunter psychic at any given time, so choose wisely.
85-86% Warlock To bond with the chosen ancestor (and thereby receive the
87-91% Warrior (Mercenary) bonuses), the Mystic must spend 20 I.S.P. This union lasts for
92-93% Warrior Monk 5 minutes per level. During this time, all applicable bonuses are
94% Were-Shaman conferred as well as access to all of the ancestor's skills and abili-
95-96% Witch (evil) ties. Any psionics used or spells cast cost their usual amount of
97-98% Witch Hunter (good) I.S.P. or P.P.E. which is taken from the character's own. All skill
99-00% Wizard percentages, including Weapon Proficiencies, are at the current
level of the Ancestral Mystic, although a bonus may be applica-
A Family Reunion ble. This use of his own P.P.E. and I.S.P. is a sign of the psychic's
power over the bonding and not the ancestor's knowledge. The
One's family tree isn't a small thing. Man has wandered Pal-
spirits have chosen to aid the Mystic as they have much wisdom
ladium's soil for centuries, Elves for millennia, and as such there
and experience to give.
is an entire host of relatives and spirits passed that may be con- Additional Ancestral Communions: As the Mystic focuses
tactable. Even the poorest Ancestral Mystic may have his or her his efforts, he further widens his doorway to the spirit world. As
roots in ancient nobility or once had kin who led armies across such, the character is able to form a link with another ancestor at
the New Kingdom or engaged dragons as equals, trading the levels 2, 4, 6, 9, 12 and 15. At level six, the Mystic is so attuned
magical incantations of wizardry. to his family tree that should he know of a specific ancestor (and
It is believed that as they become more attuned to the spirits, his or her O.C.C.), he has a 60% chance of contacting that spirit
the most powerful of the Ancestral Mystics can reach the spir- and forming a link. This chance increases by 10% per level after
its of specific ancestors whom they have researched and thought level six (at level ten, the chance maxes out at 98%).
were once forgotten. There is even a rumor that one could have Rare Ancestral Communions: Should the character attain
such a connection that they may be able to contact those long, level 12, he has become so habitually integrated with the spirit
long passed away, back to the Time of a Thousand Magicks or realm that he is able to connect with his family from much more
further. than mere generations ago but with ancestors who lived thou-
The more the Ancestral Mystic opens himself up to the spirit sands of years previously! There is a possibility that these ances-
realm and the communion with his ancestor, the more he becomes tors may have wielded magicks unknown to modern sorcerers.
attuned. This channel becomes second nature and strengthens Could the secrets of Rune Magic be uncovered by the rare Mys-
with the frequency of the ancestor's visits. As the psychic's de- tics?! These O.C.C.s are left up to the G.M. but may include any
velopment continues, he is contacted by further relatives! Each of the following:
new spirit is as cooperative and helpful as the first, giving their Alchemist
knowledge, skills and even powers freely as and when called Sage
upon. They too have approached their living descendant to aid, Runesmith
guide and empower him. Temporal Wizard
Although these ancestral spirits are as obedient and ever serv- Cannibal Mage
ing to the Mystic's every whim, they also have a certain align- Song Mage
ment or, in the case of some, a code they would have followed in War Mage
life. Their bond with the psychic, as well as his control over them, Enchanter
added together with (of course) the prolonged period of being de- Any substituted from The Rifter® or rest of the Megaverse®.
ceased and in limbo in the spirit realm, have all but depleted their Ancestor Characteristics: At the point of linking with each
old alignment. This means that an evil Ancestral Mystic can form new spirit, some of the ancestor's details should be developed as
a union with what was once the noblest of knights. The bond of this will impact on various skill selections, powers and character
family and kinship is now the driving force behind this alliance. traits. Details such as name, gender and age (at death) are im-
The alignment and disposition may not be apparent on a con- portant to round out a character. Their alignment and disposition
scious level, but some forces are so wicked and cruel that sub- should also be known as this will impact on the player character
the closer the bond gets. Certain questions should be asked. What Communications & Performing Arts: Any.
is their land of origin may determine what area of knowledge and Domestic: Any.
language selections are known (and available to the player). At Espionage: None.
what time in Palladium's history were they alive? This may re- Horsemanship: General or Exotic only.
flect on their knowledge of history and skill choice as well as pos- Medical: First Aid only.
sible racial hostilities. (Are these imparted to the psychic? That Military: None.
is left to the G.M.) As mentioned previously, all skills, spells and Physical: Any except Acrobatics, Gymnastics, Boxing and
psionic powers should be selected at the moment of gaining a Wrestling.
new ancestor and these choices cannot be altered once chosen. Rogue: Any.
2. Psionic Powers: At level one, the Ancestral Mystic auto- Science: Any (+5% ).
matically has the powers of Commune with Spirits, Empathy, Scholar/Technical: Any (+10% on Lore, Language and Lit-
Presence Sense and Sixth Sense (a warning by his guardian an- eracy).
gel?). Plus he gets to select two powers from the Sensitive cat- Weapon Proficiencies: Any.
egory and one from the Physical category. Wilderness: Any.
Additional Psionic Abilities: The character gets to select one Secondary Skills: The character also gets to select four second-
additional psionic power from the category of Sensitive or Physi- ary skills from the previous list at level one, and two addi-
cal at levels 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 and 15. tional skills at levels four, eight, and twelve. These are addi-
3. I.S.P.: To determine the character's amount of Inner tional areas of knowledge that do not get the advantage of the
Strength Points, take the number ofM.E. as the base, roll2D4x10 bonus listed in parentheses. All Secondary Skills start at the
and add it to the base number. The character gets another 10 I.S.P. base skill level. Also, skills are limited (any, only, none) as
for each additional level of experience, starting at level two. Con- previously indicated in the list.
sidered to be a Master Psionic. Starting Equipment: Two sets of clothing, a cloak or robe (with
4. P.P.E.: Add a die roll of 1D6x10 to the P.E. attribute for or without a hood), boots, a pair of soft leather gloves, belt,
the character's initial base P.P.E. Add another 2D6 points to his blanket, bedroll, backpack, two medium-sized to large sacks,
P.P.E. for each level of experience, starting at level one. The An- two small sacks, a water skin, food rations for 1D4 weeks, a
cestral Mystic can also draw on ambient P.P.E. from ley lines and small mirror, a hair comb and a flint & tinder box.
blood sacrifices the same as a Wizard. Armor: Starts with soft leather (A.R. 10, S.D.C. 20).
5. Bonuses: As a Master Psychic, the Ancestral Mystic needs Weapons: A knife, and one additional weapon of choice. All
to roll a 10 or higher to save versus psionic attack (plus any M.E. weapons are basic S.D.C. weapons of good quality. Magic
attribute bonuses). +2 to save versus mind controlling drugs, po- weapons and additional items must be acquired later.
tions and magic charms, +4 to save versus possession and +2 to Money: The character starts with 250 in gold. Additional money
save versus Horror Factor. will come from payment for services rendered and/or the ac-
Note: The Ancestral Mystic does not instinctively have any quisition of booty.
spell casting abilities. Any spell casting abilities are purely pos- Experience: Same as the Psi-Mystic P.C.C.
sible through a link with a spell casting ancestor. All spells (and
any ancestor's psionics) must be selected at the point of bonding Abilities & Bonuses Gained
with the spirit. Once chosen, this selection cannot be altered (the
ancestor hasn't suddenly learned different spells, after all). Based on Ancestral Spirit O.C.C.
O.C.C.: Assassin - Evil.
The Ancestral Mystic P.C.C. Bonuses: +1 on initiative, +2 to pull punch, +2 to save versus
Alignment: Any. Horror Factor.
Attribute Requirements: None, however a high I.Q. and M.E. Skills: Scale Walls (+10%), Concealment (+14%), Detect Con-
(10 or higher) are strongly suggested. cealment (+10%), Pick Locks (+15%), Prowl (+10%), Track Hu-
Racial Requirements: Members from any race can become an manoids (+ 10% ), W.P. Knife, W.P.: Select one, Use Poison.
Ancestral Mystic P.C.C. Powers/Abilities: + 1 attack per melee round!
Multiple O.C.C.s are not possible. O.C.C.: Beastmaster.
O.C.C. Skills: Bonuses: +3 to save versus poison & disease.
Languages: Native Tongue at 98% plus two of choice (+20%). Skills: Animal Husbandry (+25% ), Identify Plants & Fruits
Land Navigation (+10%) (+10%), Track Animals (+15%), Wilderness Survival (+10%),
Dowsing (+5%) Dowsing (+ 10% ), Holistic Medicine (+ 10% ), Horsemanship:
Mathematics: Basic (+20%) General, Horsemanship: Exotic.
W.P.: Two of choice. Powers/Abilities: Animal Kinship, Animal Diagnosis, Animal
Hand to Hand: Basic Telepathy.
Hand to Hand: Basic can be changed to Expert at the cost
of two O.C.C. Related Skills, or Martial Arts/Assassin (if evil O.C.C.: Blacksmith.
alignment) for the cost of three. Bonuses: + 1 to damage, + 1 to Spd attribute.
O.C.C. Related Skills: Select a total of six other skills. Plus se- Skills: Basic Math (+5%), Recognize Weapon Quality (+20%),
lect one additional skill at levels three, six, nine and twelve. Field Armorer (+20% ), Pick Locks (+5% ).
All new skills start at level one proficiency. Powers/Abilities: Metalworking (+ 10).
O.C.C.: Bounty Hunter. Skills: Literacy: Native (+20% ), Lore: Religion (+ 15), Horse-
Bonuses: + 1 to parry,+ 1 to save versus Horror Factor. manship: General, Intelligence (+5%), W.P. Shield, Climb
Skills: W.P. Net, Streetwise (+15%), Intelligence (+10%), Dis- (+ 10% ), Wilderness Survival.
guise (+5%), Surveillance (+10%), Interrogation (+5%), Track Powers/Abilities: Heavy Touch.
Humanoids (+15%), Detect Concealment & Traps (+10%).
Powers/Abilities: None. O.C.C.: Illusionist.
Bonuses: +2 to save versus illusions, + 1 to save versus Horror
O.C.C.: Conjurer. Factor.
Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +1 to pull punch, +1 to save versus Skills: Camouflage (+ 10% ), Disguise (+ 10% ), Imitate Voices
magic. (+12%), Palming (+10%), Ventriloquism (+10%).
Skills: Literacy: Native (+ 10% ), Lore: Magic (+ 15% ), Lore: Powers/Abilities: Sound & Image Illusions!
Geomancy & Ley Lines (+10%), Basic Math (+20%), Land Nav-
igation (+10%), Wilderness Survival (+5%). O.C.C.: Juggler.
Powers/Abilities: See/Use Ley Lines. Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +1 to dodge, +1 to strike with thrown
O.C.C.: Diabolist. Skills: Juggling (+40%), Palming (+10%), Concealment (+5%),
Bonuses: + 1 to save versus Magic, +2 to save versus Horror Fac- Public Speaking (+5% ), Streetwise (+4% ).
tor. Powers/Abilities: None.
Skills: Art (+10%), Cryptography (+20%), Sculpting (+20%),
Basic Math (+25%), Literacy: Elven 98%. O.C.C.: Knight.
Powers/Abilities: Power Words, Literacy: Runes, Mystic Sym- Bonuses: + 1 on initiative, +2 to pull punch, + 1 to save versus
bology, Identify Energized Wards, Recognize Enchantment, Horror Factor.
Recognize Magic. Skills: W.P. Lance, W.P. Shield, Heraldry (+20% ), Horseman-
ship: Knight, Miliary Etiquette (+15%).
O.C.C.: Druid. Powers/Abilities: Way of the Horse, Way of the Lance.
Bonuses: + 1 to save versus disease, + 1 to save versus Horror
Factor. O.C.C.: Long Bowman.
Skills: Animal Husbandry (+20% ), Anthropology (+ 15% ), As- Bonuses: +2 to Spd attribute, + 1 to dodge.
tronomy (+15%), Botany (+2%), History (+20%), Land Navi- Skills: W.P. Archery, W.P. Targeting, Sniper, Wilderness Sur-
gation (+ 15% ), Lore: Faerie Folk (+20% ), Wilderness Survival vival (+10%).
(+20%). Powers/Abilities: Superior Bowmanship, Dodge Arrows.
Powers/Abilities: Oghrunes, Knowledge of Sacred Sites, See/
Use Ley Lines, Ley Line Drifting, Ley Line Rejuvenation, Rec- O.C.C.: Merchant.
ognize Enchantment on Animals. Bonuses: None.
Skills: Basic Math (+25%), Public Speaking (+10%), Language:
O.C.C.: Farmer. Foreign: Select two (+10%).
Bonuses: + 1 to damage, +2 to Spd attribute. Powers/Abilities: Trust 40% (unless M.A. bonus is higher).
Skills: Animal Husbandry (+5% ), Cook (+5% ), Wilderness Sur-
vival (+5% ), Identify Plants, Preserve Food. O.C.C.: Mind Mage.
Powers/Abilities: None. Bonuses: +2 to save versus psionics, +6 to save versus mind con-
trol, +3 to save versus Horror Factor.
O.C.C.: Forsaken Mage. Skills: Literacy: Native (+15%), Language: Select one (+15%),
Bonuses: + 1 to save vs magic, + 1 to save versus Horror Factor. Basic Math (+20%).
Skills: Language: Elven (+20% ), Language: Select one (+20% ), Powers/Abilities: Select one power from each of the three nor-
Literacy: Native (+15%), Literacy: Elven (+15%), Basic Math mal categories and two Super Psionic powers (any).
(+20%), Horsemanship: General.
Powers/Abilities: See/Use Ley Lines, Recognize Enchantment, O.C.C.: Minstrel.
Recognize Magic, select one spell from each level 1-5 Wizard Bonuses: None.
spells (may include rare spells). Skills: Sing (+25%), Public Speaking (+10%), Dance (+10%),
Play Instrument (+30% ), Language: Select one (+ 15% ).
O.C.C.: Gladiator. Powers/Abilities: Trust 40% (unless M.A. bonus is higher).
Bonuses: +3 to pull punch, +1 to parry, +1 to save versus Horror
Factor. O.C.C.: Necromancer.
Skills: Dance (+10%), Disguise (+10%), Recognize Weapon Bonuses: +4 to save versus Horror Factor.
Quality (+ 15% ), Sign Language (+ 10% ), W.P. Spear, W.P. Skills: Lore: Demons & Monsters (+20% ), Lore: Magic (+ 10% ),
Forked Weapons, W.P. Net, W.P. Sword, W.P. Shield. Basic Math (+20% ), Skin & Prepare Hides (+5% ), Wilderness
Powers/Abilities: Disarm on 19 or 20, W.P. Paired Weapons. Survival.
Powers/Abilities: Impervious to Vampire's Slow Kill, Animate
O.C.C.: Holy Crusader. Dead (24; 40% chance; can only be performed once per day).
Bonuses: +1 on initiative, +2 to pull punch, +1 to save versus Select one spell from each level 1-5 of Necromancy magic.
Horror Factor.
O.C.C.: Noble. O.C.C.: Sailor.
Bonuses: None. Bonuses: + 1 on initiative, + 10% to sense of balance.
Skills: Dance (+ 15% ), Heraldry (+ 15% ), Horsemanship: Gen- Skills: Seamanship (+20%), Rope Works (+10%), Castaway
eral, Military Etiquette (+15%), Literacy: Native (+20%), Lan- (+5%), Climb (+5%), Swim (+10%), Sail (+10%), Sea Lore
guage: Foreign (+15%). (+ 15% ), W.P. Blunt, W.P. Grappling Hook.
Powers/Abilities: None. Powers/Abilities: None.

O.C.C.: Nomadic Tribesman. O.C.C.: Scholar.

Bonuses: + 1 on initiative, + 1 to strike, + 1 to save versus Horror Bonuses: None.
Factor. Skills: Lore: Select two (+20%), Literacy: Native (+20%),
Skills: Wilderness Survival (+10%), Knowledge & Customs Language: Elven (+20%), Literacy: Elven (+20%), Basic Math
(+10%), W.P. Archery, Dowsing (+10%), Holistic Medicine (+20%).
(+5%), Identify Plants & Fruits (+10%), Track & Trap Animals, Powers/Abilities: None.
Skin & Prepare Animal Hides (+5%).
Powers/Abilities: None. O.C.C.: Scholarly Monk.
Bonuses: + 1 to dodge, + 1 to save versus magic, + 1 to save versus
O.C.C.: Pirate. poison and disease.
Bonuses: + 1 on initiative, + 1 to save versus Horror Factor. Skills: Cryptography (+20% ), Writing (+20% ), Public Speaking
Skills: Seamanship (+15%), Rope Works (+10%), Castaway (+15%), Basic Math (+20%), History (+15%), Lore: Demons &
(+10%), Climb (+10%), Swim (+5%), W.P. Blunt, W.P. Grap- Monsters (+20%), Lore: Magic (+20%), Lore: Religion (+20%).
pling Hook, W.P. Sword. Powers/Abilities: Automatic Dodge! Magic knowledge.
Powers/Abilities: None.
O.C.C.: Shaman.
O.C.C.: Prestidigitator. Bonuses: + 1 save versus poison & disease, + 1 save versus Hor-
Bonuses: + 1 on initiative, + 1 to save versus illusions. ror Factor.
Skills: Palming (+20%), Concealment (+15%), Card Sharp Skills: Sing (+20% ), Dance (+ 15% ), Wilderness Survival
(+ 10), Escape Artist (+ 15% ), Pick Locks (+ 10% ), Public Speak- (+ 10% ), Holistic Medicine (+ 10% ), Dowsing (+ 10% ), Sign Lan-
ing (+ 10% ), Streetwise (+ 10% ). guage (+5%), Recognize Weapon Quality (+5%).
Powers/Abilities: Recognize Magic 22%. Powers/Abilities: Sense Mystical Power, Sense Ley Lines,
Sense Mystical Beings.
O.C.C.: Priest (of Light)- Good.
Bonuses: + 1 to save versus Horror Factor. O.C.C.: Soldier.
Skills: Dance (+20%), Lore: Religion (+20%), Lore: Demons Bonuses: + 1 to pull punch, + 1 to damage, +2 to Spd attribute, + 1
& Monsters (+15%), Language: Select one (+20%), Basic Math to save vs Horror Factor.
(+20%), Wilderness Survival (+10%). Skills: Scale Walls (+5%), Forced March, Military Etiquette
Powers/Abilities: All Blessings, Remove Curse, Tum Dead. (+20% ), W.P. Shield, Surveillance, Interrogation.
Powers/Abilities: None.
O.C.C.: Priest (of Darkness)- Evil.
Bonuses: + 1 to save versus Horror Factor. O.C.C.: Spy.
Skills: Lore: Religion (+20%), Lore: Demons & Monsters Bonuses: + 1 on initiative, + 1 to save versus Horror Factor.
(+15%), Language: Select one (+20%), Basic Math (+20%), Skills: Literacy: Native (+15%), Literacy: Select one (+10%),
Streetwise (+10%). Disguise (+ 10% ), Intelligence (+ 10% ), Interrogation (+ 10% ),
Powers/Abilities: All Curses, Remove Curse, Tum Dead, Ani- Impersonation (+ 10% ), Locate Secret Compartments/Doors
mate & Command Dead. (+10%), Concealment (+5%), Palming (+5%).
Powers/Abilities: Trust 40% (unless M.A. bonus is higher).
O.C.C.: Psi-Healer.
Bonuses: +2 to save vs psionics, +4 to save vs mind control, +4 O.C.C.: Summoner.
to save vs poisons, +2 to save vs Horror Factor, + 12% to save vs Bonuses: + 1 to save vs magic, +2 ro save vs Horror Factor.
coma. Skills: Gemology (+15%), History (+15%), Lore: Demons &
Skills: Cook (+10%), Biology (+15%), Holistic Medicine (+20), Monsters (+20% ), Lore: Faerie Folk (+ 15% ), Basic Math (+20% ),
Identify Plants (+ 10% ), Preserve Food (+ 10% ), First Aid (+ 10% ). Preserve Food (+15%).
Powers/Abilities: The psionic powers of Deaden Pain, Healing Powers/Abilities: Understands all Protection and Summoning
Touch, Advanced Healing, and Psychic Diagnosis, plus select Circles, Decipher Circles, Power Words, Mystic Symbology,
one of choice from the Healing category. Recognize Enchantment, Recognize Magic.

O.C.C.: Ranger. O.C.C.: Thief.

Bonuses:+ 1 to strike, +2 to save versus Horror Factor. Bonuses: + 1 dodge, + 1 save versus Horror Factor.
Skills: Animal Husbandry (+ 10% ), Land Navigation (+20% ), Skills: Pick Locks (+15%), Pick Pockets (+15%), Locate Se-
Skin/Prepare Animal Hides (+ 15% ), Track/Trap Animals cret Compartments/Doors (+ 15% ), Streetwise (+ 15% ), Prowl
(+20%), Wilderness Survival (+20%). (+10%), W.P. Knife.
Powers/Abilities: None. Powers/Abilities: None.

O.C.C.: Undead Hunter. O.C.C.: Wizard.
Bonuses: + 1 on initiative, + 1 to damage, + 1 to save versus Hor- Bonuses: + 1 to save versus magic, +2 to save versus Horror Fac-
ror Factor. tor.
Skills: Literacy: Native (+ 15% ), Lore: Demons & Monsters Skills: Language: Elven (+20%), Language: Select one (+20%),
(+20%), Wilderness Survival (+10%), Climb (+10%), Field Ar- Literacy: Native (+ 15% ), Literacy: Elven (+ 15% ), Basic Math
morer (+5% ). (+20%).
Powers/Abilities: + 1 attack per melee round! Select three spells Powers/Abilities: See/Use Ley Lines, Ley Line Drifting, Ley
from the Undead Hunter starting list. Line Rejuvenation, Recognize Enchantment, Recognize Magic,
Select one spell from each levell-5.
O.C.C.: Warlock.
Bonuses: + 1 to save versus magic, +2 to save versus Horror Fac-
Skills: Lore: Demons & Monsters (+10%), Lore: Faerie Folk
(+5% ), Land Navigation (+ 10% ), Wilderness Survival (+ 10% ).
Powers/Abilities: Speak Elemental, Sense Elemental, Sense Na-
ture of Life Sign, Special Abilities of Life Sign, Brotherhood Eti-
quette, select one spell from each levell-5, according to chosen
life sign(s) (5 spells total).
Optional Source Material for
O.C.C.: Warrior (Mercenary).
Bonuses: +2 to pull punch,+ 1 to damage, +2 to Spd attribute,+ 1 The Palladium Fantasy RPG®
to save versus Horror Factor.
Skills: W.P. Sword, W.P. Shield, Scale Walls (+10%), Recog- By Jonathan Farnham
nize Weapon Quality. Scholars and philosophers have long debated about the soul
Powers/Abilities: None. and the afterlife. Many pore over the numerous texts in the Li-
brary of Bletherad, looking for even the smallest hint of where
O.C.C.: Warrior Monk. the soul may go after death. Due to the power of the soul, some
Bonuses: + 1 to save versus disease, + 1 to save versus Horror of the most extensive research has been done by mages through
Factor. the years. Many priests believe that their soul will go on to the
Skills: Climbing (+10%), Lore: Religion (+20%), Lore: Demons next eternal life.
& Monsters (+15%), Land Navigation (+15%), Swim (+10%), There have been a few accounts by alleged dimensional trav-
Wilderness Survival (+ 15% ), Play Musical Instrument (+20% ), elers who have claimed to have reached a land described as, for
W.P. Spear, W.P. Staff. lack of a better word, perfect. According to these dimensional
Powers/Abilities: Stick Fighting, Begging. travelers, the crossings between these afterlife dimensions have
powerful magic barriers that affect the memories of those who
O.C.C.: Were-Shaman. enter or leave. It is not certain who created these barriers, but it
Bonuses: + 1 to save versus Horror Factor. is known through these dimensional travelers that the gods use
Skills: Lore: Religion (+20% ), Lore: Demons & Monsters these dimensions for their followers. Some scholars question
(+15%), Language: Select one (+20%), Basic Math (+20%), whether these dimensional travelers were legitimate or just drag-
Streetwise (+10%). ons or gods in disguise. It could be an elaborate joke, or a clever
Powers/Abilities: Totem (1) Abilities, Animal Metamorphosis ploy by the gods to give more reason for followers to worship
(including dangers). them. The scholars do agree that if these incredibly powerful di-
mensional barriers do exist, it would explain why those who are
O.C.C.: Witch. resurrected do not remember what happened after death.
Bonuses: + 1 to save versus magic, +2 to save versus Horror Fac- These dimensional barriers wipe the memory of whoever pass-
tor. es in. Dimensional travelers have either had a powerful enough
Skills: Lore: Demons & Monsters (+20%), Lore: Faerie Folk protection against this magic, or spent an unknown amount of
(+10%). time in these dimensions before their memory was restored.
Powers/Abilities: Intimidate 40%, select one bonus power of These barriers would wipe the memory when leaving too, caus-
Major Pact (rolllD8), select one spell from each levell-5. ing the same problems when attempting to return to their home.
Many of these dimensions may be used by the gods to let their
O.C.C.: Witch Hunter- Good. followers live after their first life - not just those from the Pal-
Bonuses: +1 to parry, +1 to save versus magic (+3 by Witch), +2 ladium World, but also many other worlds where these gods are
to save versus Horror Factor. worshiped. These are not deific realms, but it is more common for
Skills: Lore: Demons & Monsters (+20% ), Horsemanship: Gen- a certain god to make an appearance in these worlds more often
eral, W.P.: Select one, Literacy: Native (+10%), Intelligence than the in Palladium World.
(+5% ), Climb (+ 10% ), Track Humanoids (+ 10% ). A soul is what is needed for a resurrection to be successful.
Powers/Abilities: Impervious to Mind Control, select one spell Part of the reason for the prosperity of the Elves during the Gold-
from each level1-3. en Age was their powerful magic that allowed for resurrecting

someone who had died recently, by using the Resurrection spell, This led to the now infamous Rune Weapons being created by
or resurrecting someone who had died a good time before with the Dwarves; most specifically, those with soul drinking abilities.
little to no body present, with the Resurrection: Superior spell. When the blade of a soul drinking weapon cuts into an opponent,
the weapon is able to drain his very soul into the weapon. Nor-
mally, when the person dies, the soul would travel on unless a
resurrection spell calls it back into the body. But with the soul
drinking weapon, the resurrection spell is impossible. When the
great Dwarf Rune Blacksmith, Frolin, created the first soul drink-
ing Rune Weapon, the tides of the war began to turn.
The soul itself is incredibly powerful, and can be used in vari-
ous magicks. It also has a shadow which acts as a sort of finger-
print. This is how an object can be traced by psychics back to
whoever touched it; the fingerprint of their soul was impressed
on it.
The thing about the shadows of souls is that they can be sto-
len or given up freely. Shadow Mages are notorious for mak-
ing shadow soul pacts with people for insurance on transactions.
A person can freely give up his soul shadow until the contract
is completed. If the shadow of a soul is not returned, instead of
moving on upon death, a person's soul is trapped inside a vessel
where the shadow resides. While this is similar to the effects of a
soul drinking weapon, the difference is that a soul can be released
from the vessel. Many assassins will give up their soul's shadow
so that they cannot be tracked. Without their shadow to leave an
impression on an object, it is not possible to read what happened
to the object while in their possession. Any Object Read done on
an object previously held by someone without the shadow of their
soul will either fail to reveal information or only provide infor-
mation on other people who have touched it. Once the contract is
complete, the soul's shadow can be returned. If a person is dead
when the soul and shadow is released, the soul will pass on as it
normally would.

Resurrection (Superior) Create Soul Shadow Container

Level: Spell of Legend. Level: Thirteen.
Range: Special. Range: Touch.
Duration: Instant and permanent. Duration: Special.
Saving Throw: None. Saving Throw: None.
P.P.E.: 4,000 P.P.E.: 50
This Spell of Legend works in the same way that the Resur- This spell allows a Shadow Mage to enchant a container to
rection: Deific spell works, with a few restrictions. The spell can enable it to contain the shadow of a person's soul. The container
only be performed on the remains of a person, or within a six used must be at least one pint in volume and have a lid. Once the
foot (1.8 m) distance from where the person died if the body was container is enchanted, it becomes unbreakable. Upon death, the
obliterated. This spell can only be performed on a mortal. The person's soul joins the shadow inside the vessel. If a soul's shad-
success factor of the normal Resurrection spell also applies. If the ow has been released after being contained inside, the container
person was dead for longer than two months, one roll each on the returns to its prior state, is no longer unbreakable, and cannot
Random Insanity Table and the Phobia Table are required if the hold a soul's shadow unless the spell is cast on it again.
resurrection was successful.
This figurative "safety net" of magic gave the Elves some re-
assurances that if they took some risks, even if it lead to death,
Steal Soul Shadow (Ritual)
there was a good possibility of corning back. Because of this, the Level: Thirteen.
Elves delved deeper into various kinds of magic than they would Range: Touch.
have dared otherwise. Duration: Special.
These resurrection spells played an important role in the Elf- Saving Throw: 16 or better; none if willing.
Dwarf War. It was a huge advantage for the Elves when after a P.P.E.: 400
battle, whether the Elves won or not, they could simply resurrect
This spell allows a Shadow Mage to steal and capture the
a large portion of their fallen soldiers to fight again in the future.
shadow of a person's soul inside a container. Typically the spell
is used as a way to ensure a contract between the mage and a
person is kept. It can also be used offensively, but the victim is
allowed a save vs magic ritual (needs a 16 or better). The ritu-
al requires a Soul Shadow Container present to hold the soul's
shadow. If one is not present, the soul's shadow will return to the
Dark Day
person's body after five minutes.
The real power behind this spell is when a person who no lon-
ger has his soul's shadow is killed then resurrected. His soul's
shadow acts like a "claim slip" for his body, and the soul will
not return if the shadow is not there. A successful resurrection
will effectively create a human Golem for the Shadow Mage to
control. It is not required for the Shadow Mage to resurrect the
Volume III
person himself, and will be magically guided to the location of
the human Golem for one hour after the resurrection.
A Nightbane® Short Story
The human Golem will not move on its own unless given a By Jeremy Hutchins
command by the Shadow Mage in possession of his Soul Shadow
Container. It can be moved by another person, and will not resist Lovecraft was right when he said "we (humans) live on a
unless commanded. The human Golem retains all attributes, Hit placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity,
Points and S.D.C. at the moment of death, plus any which are and it was not meant that we should voyage far. " Dark reading
restored by the resurrection magic. The human Golem will no for a child, but my adopted father insisted on it. I sometimes won-
longer be able to perform any magic or psionics if the person was dered if Lovecraft knew far more than he was letting on. There
able to do so before. The Shadow Mage can command the Golem are many parallels to the Elder Evils of his tales and the Ba 'al
to perform simple tasks such as guarding a door, killing a person, of this world.
etc. The Golem does not have any of his past memories and will Dark Day began slowly, with few knowing the invasion was
not recognize any family or friends. taking place. Those of us in the know never imagined so bold a
move while the ignorant masses panicked when the light did not
To release a human Golem from this state, someone must find come. Riots, murders, suicides, and mayhem rocked the world as
and open the Soul Shadow Container that contains his soul's a whole, building to a crescendo as the darkness refused to ebb.
shadow. He will immediately stop following any commands that So many died in that single day and so many others disappeared,
have been given and will only remember what happened before it is difficult to fathom any true goal of the enemy amidst the
his death. If someone else besides the Shadow Mage has the Soul carnage. What brings the Ba'al to this world? Their Nightlands
Shadow Container in his possession for more than a week's time, seems a peifect home to them. Why come here? Those were ques-
he will be able to control the human Golem that belongs to the tions that plagued me and my allies in the coming days. How can
soul's shadow contained inside. one anticipate the motives of beings so utterly alien? I could not
When the person dies, these Soul Shadow Containers restrict help but to wonder how many of Lovecraft's protagonists held
the release of P.P.E. that evil mages would use for their magic. similar desires before the madness took them.
Instead, Shadow Mages will use or sell these containers, so when Many innocents were affected by Dark Day, from humans to
they are opened, the soul, along with the doubled P.P.E., is re- the supernatural. Nightbanes that never shifted did so unexpect-
leased. This only works when the soul and its shadow are in the edly, often in front offriends or family. Some were killed by ter-
container, and there is no human Golem. These containers can be rified witnesses while others committed suicide. A rare few were
sold for 500-10,000+ gold, depending on whose soul is contained found by us and helped to better understand the true nature of the
within. world around them. Kendra was one such person. An innocent
whose young life was filled by tragedy, her end would have been
met on Dark Day were it not for the efforts of a small group of
valiant beings. The day before she thought her grasp of the world
was solid, but a single day of seemingly endless night changed all
of that. Like the unfortunates of Lovecraft's tales, Kendra bore
witness to things none should ever witness. No matter one's age,
there are things that cannot be unseen or unlearned. These trau-
matic events are the murderers of innocence.
-From the Journal ofTrystan Dey

* * *
Kendra's rest was uneasy as her nightmare continued. It was
the same vision every night for the past week and Kendra as-
sumed it was some twisted version of Hell: a bleak, ruined world
filled with roving monsters under a permanent twilight sky. Previ-
ously, she would see events there that would wake her, screaming

and crying, from a deep slumber as she clutched her covers over love and Rosa had that in abundance. An orphan as well, she
her head like a protective shield. Demonic images of armor-clad grew up in a facility much like this one but with a far less caring
beings bearing cruel axes chasing down pale humans and hack- staff. It was not a religious facility, rather a state run orphan-
ing them to pieces, flying monstrosities with the heads of vul- age and Sister Rosa, then known as Rose, grew up fearing those
tures swooping down to skewer running victims, and amorphous who watched over them. Rumors that some of the girls who grew
blobs of teeth and tentacles scooping up any living being within into their womanhood sooner than the others were receiving un-
reach and rending flesh from bone with each bite - such were her wanted attention from the male caregivers were abundant. Rose
vivid dreams. Tonight, however, things were different. Kendra was fortunate in that she was a late bloomer and received far less
watched a vast horde in this demonic abyss moving steadily to- such attention than some did, but she heard and saw plenty. It
wards a brilliant, flat disk that stood as tall as a drive-in theater was enough to make her vow that no one would ever harm an-
screen. Hundreds, maybe thousands, of the creatures marched other innocent again if she could help it. Years later, after taking
towards the radiant barrier and plunged into the light without her vows with the sisterhood, one of her former caregivers was
hesitation. Behind them, massive beings with similar dark armor, arrested on multiple counts of child pornography, child endan-
deer-antlered helmets and barbed whips kept the momentum go- germent, and statutory rape. Sister Rosa attended his trial and
ing while riding in spiked chariots pulled by skeletal steeds that offered testimony of her time in the facility, detailing uncomfort-
should have died long ago. ably the abuse she suffered at his hands. Before the sentencing,
Kendra woke suddenly and for the first time it was not due to she was given permission to approach the accused by his legal
her nightmare. A curious sensation, a fluttering in the pit of her counsel and she told the caregiver that she forgave him for any
stomach, distracted her. Kendra slid out of her bunk and tried sins he committed against her. He responded with a sneer, stating
not to wake the others. She shared a room with three other girls that he should have done more to her while he had the chance. A
and Kendra's bunkmates were very light sleepers. Already quite year later he was murdered in prison by his fellow inmates. Even
adept at sneaking by them when she could not sleep in the past, hardened felons had a code, and the crimes this man committed
the young orphan displayed that same grace now. Kendra had against children were avenged with justice meted out by the most
a lithe frame, just beginning to show her womanly curves. Her unlikely source.
long, wavy brown hair fell a few inches past her narrow shoul- Closing the door again, Sister Rosa forced aside the memory
ders. Kendra was a pretty girl according to the sisters who ran the and made her way towards the girls' dormitory. The facility was
orphanage, St. Christopher's Children's Home, and more than a small in comparison to the state one, but this felt more like a
few of the boys were paying her attention now that she was wear- home to the children. A converted apartment building, it was
ing a bra. She turned fourteen last month and the sisters held a foreclosed upon by the state and sold to the church at a reason-
party for her and all of the other children whose birthdays were able price. Though the state gave them much of their funding
in February. It marked her eighth year at St. Christopher's and for the orphans, only the Sisters of Our Father's Grace were al-
while Kendra liked the sisters, she wished someone would have lowed to tend to the children's daily needs. Every Friday, Father
adopted her before now. Once a child hit a certain age, adoption Daniel came over to play the piano and give dance lessons to
was unlikely and Kendra suspected she would spend the rest of any children wanting to learn. Sister Rosa was his most common
her childhood here. dance partner but she was nowhere near as good as the priest.
Shaking away the dark thought, she sneaked past Gladys, As a youth, Father Daniel's parents insisted upon classical music
Anna, and Wendy with ease. A floorboard creaked faintly as she lessons and ballroom dancing for their son, and now he shared
passed Anna's bed, but the girl groaned and rolled over onto her his love of music with the kids. Rosa walked into the room they
side without waking. Kendra let out the breath she was holding used for the dance lessons, formerly two rooms that had a wall
and moved on, unable to shake away the feeling that something knocked out to make one larger area, and smiled at the memory of
was amiss. Maybe it was the meatloaf from dinner making her last Friday's dancing. She tripped and took both her and the good
stomach lurch, but it did not explain her inability to lose the sense Father down, causing raucous laughter from the kids. As embar-
of dread accompanying it. Hand clasped firmly around the an- rassing as it was, she loved to hear the sound of laughter fill the
tique door handle, Kendra twisted it painfully slow to avoid the orphanage. Too often, it was a place of sorrow, so laughter, no
squeaking she knew would come before finally hearing the slight matter how minute, chased away the dreariness for a time. Pass-
click of the slide retracting. She pulled the door open smoothly ing by one of their few full-length mirrors, Sister Rosa paused
and stepped out into the hallway without the slightest sound. a moment to glance around and make sure she was truly alone.
Certain that no one was awake to witness her antics, Rosa broke
* * * into a short routine that looked to be part tap dance and part coor-
dinated staggering. Amused at her own ineptitude, Sister Rosa's
Sister Rosa stopped at the last door of the boys' dormitory
laughter drowned out the stifled giggles of her unseen spectator.
and opened it slightly while peering inside. Four beds were filled
and the sleeping forms never stirred from the familiar sound of
* * *
the nightly check. The nuns took their task of giving these way-
ward children good homes very seriously. God entrusted these Kendra kept to the prime hiding places as she made her way
innocent children into their care and not a single sister regretted through the facility. Years of nighttime sneaking, as well as being
their life here at St. Christopher's. Sister Rosa had been at the a master of hide-and-seek, made her an expert on St. Christo-
orphanage for a year now, but she quickly grew to love the chil- pher's various nooks and crannies. When she did hear the foot-
dren as her own. She vowed to remain celibate when she took her falls of someone approaching, Kendra quickly found a good place
oath and habit but the message of the church was unconditional to hide. From her vantage point behind a stack of boxes, Kendra

saw Sister Rosa enter the room. She liked the friendly nun, who glass. Moving her head as she steamed the glass in a larger area,
came to them a year ago now, and fought the urge to reveal her- the murdering twin raised one bony finger and began to write in
self. Sister Rosa was the one on watch tonight and Kendra sud- the mist. The single word was a perfect replica of Sister Rosa's
denly felt very foolish about being out of bed and prowling about. tidy scrawl and it chilled Kendra to the bone.
Sister Rosa was very sweet and probably the most caring of the
nuns. Not that the others were cruel by any means, but there was Die.
something special about Sister Rosa that made you love her.
Crazed Rosa brought one finger slowly across her own throat
Rosa stopped suddenly and peered in Kendra's direction,
while baring a smile that held no warmth in it. The message was
making the girl freeze. Realizing a moment later that the nun
unmistakable. Crazed Rosa lurched forward through the glass
was looking at her own reflection in the nearby mirror, Kendra
and entered the room at a full run while Kendra wasted no time
relaxed. When Sister Rosa broke into her impromptu dance, Ken-
doing the same thing.
dra snapped a hand over her mouth to stifle the fit of laughter that
threatened to erupt. Try as she might, Kendra still made some
noise but Sister Rosa's own laughter was loud enough to mask it.
* * *
The nun started to walk out of the room when she looked again at Stop right here, lad.
the mirror, this time with a puzzled expression. Kendra crawled Declan panted from the exertion of his long trek. His new-
slowly, slipped further behind the boxes and tried to become one found energy was refreshing, but it was not able to keep up with
with the shadows around her. Sister Rosa moved before the mir- the pacing and distance he traveled. The hospital was more than
ror and stared at it curiously, even reaching out with one hand to three miles from here, yet the frequent stops to hide and moving
touch the glass. Kendra could not see what distracted the nun, but from shadow to shadow wore on the nerves as well as his en-
something certainly had her attention. She leaned out from her durance. Huddled on the stoop of an apartment building, Declan
hiding place a little, trying to see what was so interesting. Curios- took a moment to catch his breath while getting his bearings. The
ity killed the cat, Kendra thought, but had no idea why that phrase building across the street looked like an old apartment complex
came to mind. but the sign above it gave the indication there was more than
A pair of hands shot through the mirror and grabbed Sister meets the eye.
Rosa. In the blink of an eye the woman disappeared, physically "Saint Christopher's?" Declan asked aloud. Anyone hearing
yanked into the mirror! Kendra clamped a hand over her mouth the man would assume him insane for talking aloud to no one
once again, this time to stifle a scream, and recoiled into her hid- in particular, but anyone listening would not know that Declan
ing place with wide eyes. Her screams of denial and shock were O'Conner was a Sword Bearer.
blocked by something deep in her subconscious telling her to Inside. This is where the flyers were going.
keep quiet. Despite the feeling, the young girl quietly sobbed near Declan closed his eyes and rubbed the bridge of his nose with
to hysterics as she tried to fathom what just happened. Trembling, his thumb and forefinger. How in the hell did this bracelet/sword
she leaned out from her hiding place as far as she dared and saw of his know that?
something writhing in the mirror's glass. It was a shape or series I can read minds. I caught a glimpse o' this place from the
of shapes contorting and flailing wildly. Daring to move further wee one.
from the safety of her concealment, Kendra saw the shapes clear- "Something you forgot to mention?" Declan asked, forgetting
ly now and the sight froze the girl's blood. he really did not need to speak for Hallow, his sword, to hear him.
Sister Rosa lay flailing on the ground beneath her attacker, Nae. You do nae need to know e'rythin' about me. Not yet,
slapping futilely at the gripping hands that sought her neck. Her anyway.
attacker was a woman dressed in barely more than rags and sport- "Kind of one-sided, isn't it? You can hear my every thought
ed old scars along much of her visible skin. She loomed over but I can't know everything about you?"
Sister Rosa and fought desperately to grab her victim around her Later. I promise, lad. For now you need to get in the orphan-
neck. Kendra was rooted to the spot where she stood, transfixed age. I can sense a minion o' the Dark Ones in there.
by the battle going on between the two women. One was the fa- "That's handy," Declan muttered, but he rose despite himself
miliar Rosa that Kendra had come to know and love while the and crossed the street to find a way in.
other was a shabbier, scarred brute of a woman with insane eyes
and drool dripping from her clenched teeth. It was over in sec- * * *
onds, with Sister Rosa weakening and finally going limp while
Kendra ran faster than she thought possible. Her mind raced
her crazed attacker rose above the dead nun and spun around
as she tried to imagine anywhere she could hide from this crazed
to face Kendra directly through the mirror. Too afraid to move,
image of her beloved Sister Rosa. She knew every good spot in
Kendra's green eyes went even wider when they locked onto the
this building, but each time the young girl found a place, she
familiar brown ones of the murderer. Face twisted with savage
would think of her fellow orphans. If this insane thing were to
fury and her hair a chaotic mess, the features were still identifi-
stop hunting her, what would it do to the children? Barely able to
able enough. Aside from the scars and her current homicidal ex-
wrap her brain around the fact this thing stepped out of a mirror,
pression, the woman looked identical to the dead nun at her feet.
Kendra did the only rational thing she could think of: distracting
Crazed Rosa, as Kendra dubbed her, stepped closer, prompting
it. She knew this place better than the mirror woman and could
Kendra to take a reflexive step back. The woman stopped sudden-
outdistance her with ease, but Kendra slowed her pacing to al-
ly and stared through the mirror at the terrified girl on the other
low the thing to keep her in sight, at least for now. Kendra was
side. She opened her mouth and exhaled slowly while the mirror
a good runner, faster than most of the children here, but tonight
began to mist up where the breath touched the other side of the
she was putting on speed she did not even know she had. There Adrenaline now fading and the pain from the wall's impact
were times when scrambling around a comer that her feet would catching up with her, Kendra succumbed to her body's desire.
slip on the hardwood floors and she needed to use her hands to She thought she saw a tall shape standing over her with some-
regain balance. Immediately, she would start off again in a new thing in his hands, but her mind was already trying to shut down.
direction and would lope on all fours for the first few steps like
an animal. If it registered in her mind the changes in her body as * * *
she fled, Kendra gave it no consideration at the moment. Soon,
Declan was trying to figure out the best way to get into the
she hoped, one of the other nuns might wake. They were keep-
orphanage - at the behest of a magical sword worn currently as
ing their chase quiet, with both running barefoot though the halls
a bracelet on his arm... no, he wouldn't sound completely insane
and rooms. Kendra stayed quiet more out of fear for the orphans,
if a cop walked by and Declan told that story - when he heard
though she could not imagine why her pursuer had the desire to
strange sounds coming from the other side of the door. Whatever
remain unseen. Soon, though, someone would make a mistake.
was happening in there, a series of loud thumps and the sound
Kendra would slip and the murderous Rosa would be on her or
of a woman crying out in pain was all Declan needed to hear.
the killer would tire of the chase and begin exploring other rooms.
Bringing up one foot, the Sword Bearer felt the surge of his new
Making up her mind, Kendra ran towards the front door. A
strength flow through the limb and the door gave under the kick
quick glance over her shoulder revealed the crazy double was still
with impressive ease.
on her heels. If she left the building, maybe the murderer would
Standing in the hall beyond was a strange sight as a woman
follow and she might lose her on the streets. At least the children
who might have once been pretty stood over the prone body of a
would be safe. Rounding two more comers, Kendra grabbed the
young girl. The woman's face was a mask of rage as she glared at
wooden frame of the final arch before they passed into the en-
Declan for his intrusion. With sounds coming out of her that no
trance hall and tried to use it to gain some momentum. The feeble
human should be able to make, the wild woman raked at the air
frame, already weakened with age, cracked in her surprisingly
between them with her hands, as if trying to claw at some unseen
strong grip and Kendra lost her balance completely. As agile as a
foe, and spit at the Sword Bearer.
cat, she rolled as her feet came out from under her on the slippery
hardwood floor and managed to get back to a crouching position, Kill her, lad. Now.
but it was too late. Hands clamped onto her face and throat with What?! Declan's mind bucked at the implications of that ac-
an iron grip, lifting Kendra off the floor with impossible strength. tion. Murder was wrong, no matter how frigging crazy the person
Inches away, the crazed eyes and animal snarl of the killer Rosa might be. Based on the looks of this lady, she was definitely a
leered at her prey. loon.
"They're coming," the Doppelganger of the nun said in a She's no lady an' she's no human being, lad. She's one o' the
familiar whisper. There was little sanity left in those eyes and Dark Ones.
that scared Kendra more than anything else. "Your kind will be Declan felt a sudden change that caused him to look at his
crushed. You can't stop them, little one." right hand. Resting in it like it was there the entire time was a
Kendra flailed in the unyielding grasp, kicking out with her glistening blade of brilliant silver. The handle was wrapped in a
feet and clawing with her fingernails in an attempt to do any kind brown leather strap while the pommel held a Celtic cross at the
of damage to her attacker. Crazed Rosa blinked in confusion and base surrounded by a perfect circle. The blade itself was more
tightened her grip on Kendra's neck, cutting off the air flow com- than three feet of perfectly weighted killing steel with a razor
pletely. Kendra did not know why the woman suddenly seemed edge on both sides that had ended the lives of many foes over the
so concerned by her fighting, or why the murderous double centuries. Declan felt the perfect balance and knew his weapon,
looked at her strangely. Her only thoughts were of breathing and Hallow, was truly unique.
escape, in that order. The crazy woman lunged for the girl on the floor and Declan
"Now you die," the crazed Rosa promised and Kendra felt her passed the point of no return. Taking the weapon in a two-handed
body soar. Rosa threw her as effortlessly as one might a wadded grip, Declan swung it in a perfect arc, catching the woman along
piece of paper at a trash bin. Breath blasted from her, Kendra the back of the neck and severing the head with his down swing.
impacted the wall and felt the drywall give under her. Something The body and head struck the floor simultaneously as Declan fin-
should have broken in the young girl's body but it did not. That ished his follow-through and stepped back with wide eyes as his
hurt, yes, but adrenaline kept most of the pain away for the mo- actions registered in his shocked brain.
ment. Kendra fell to the floor and was slow to try and rise as she "Oh my God, oh my God, I just killed a woman ... oh my God."
blinked away the darkness that threatened to overtake her. Nae, lad. Ye killed a Doppelganger. Perfect copies o' humans,
Many sounds assailed her at that moment and Kendra shrieked they are, but they are anything but human.
quickly before covering her head defensively with her arms. An- "Oh yeah," Declan said as he was still in shock. "It's okay,
other loud crack, as if the crazy woman had thrown something officer. My magic sword said she was evil, so it's okay I cut her
at Kendra and missed, echoed in the entry hall. The murderous damn head off!"
double screeched in rage and then again in pain as another voice, Just as the impulse to throw his blade out into the street went
a deeper one, joined in the odd sounds with a quick grunt. Then, through his mind, Hallow reverted instantly back to its bracelet
as suddenly as it began, all was quiet. All Kendra could hear was form, clamping firmly onto its Bearer's wrist. Not to be dissuad-
a man's voice muttering quietly to himself, the words barely au- ed, Declan tried to rip the bracelet off anyway, even if it meant
dible. losing his hand in the process. The odd struggle was interrupted
"Oh my God, oh my God, I just killed a woman ... oh my God." by the soft groaning of the semi-conscious young girl at his feet.

* * * "Get the hell out of here, whatever you are!" the man yelled,
holding the blade in both hands defensively before him. While he
Kendra fought the urge to faint and slowly opened her eyes. A seemed to be a little out of sorts, he was not terrified to see what
strange man towered over her looking a bit shaken, as if he just appeared to be an angel, a demon, and some glowing kid landing
noticed she was there. Stifling the urge to scream again, instead in the street before him. Most people would have run screaming
Kendra shoved off the floor and back into the wall as she tried by now.
to put some distance between them. There were sounds com- "Declan!" Miko said suddenly, drawing a curious stare from
ing from upstairs as the noise of the struggle was heard. Kendra Avalon and Gabriel both.
looked from the man to the body of Crazed Rosa. The man's gaze The man paused and stared at the Guardian as well, confusion
went with hers and both stared in shock at the sight of the corpse obvious on his face. "How ... how do you know my name?"
slowly melting into a dark, bubbly substance. Within seconds, all "You beat us to her," Miko added, ignoring the question and
signs that there even was a body were gone as the Doppelganger nodding towards the girl instead. "Kendra," he added. "She was
evaporated completely. Kendra and the stranger stared at one an- in danger, wasn't she?"
other in mute astonishment before the young girl, whose brain The sword lowered a little. "Yes. You ... you're the ones I saw
had seen more than enough this day, collapsed. flying off the roof of the hospital?"
For his part, Declan watched as his sword's tale was proven "Yes. You rescued her just in time," Miko congratulated.
true. Unable to refute what he saw with his own eyes, he was The man nodded slowly but it was obvious he was still wary.
unwilling to share what he witnessed with those who were un- "That's where we were going, but we got held up. We ran
doubtedly coming downstairs to investigate the sounds. After all, into a group of Hunters and were forced to out-fly them and hide.
he just kicked in the door to an orphanage and would be standing Good thing you showed up when you did or she might not have
there next to the body of an unconscious young girl that might be survived, Declan."
one of theirs. This would look far more like a kidnapping than a The sword's tip was almost on the ground by now as the man
rescue. stared at the trio in confusion. "My ... my sword, uh, it told me to
Take her. go there and save her."
"That's kidnapping," Declan argued. "She's safe now. The Gabriel and Avalon exchanged incredulous looks before cast-
others will watch her. We need to leave, though. The police ing their gazes at Miko.
frown on breaking and entering orphanages." "Oh, you'll fit right in," the Guardian said with an enigmatic
No, lad. She's been exposed. She's seen too much. They'll try grin.
again and again until the girl dies. She's safer with you.
Declan fought the urge to laugh. They were both in trouble if * * *
he was the safest option she had.
Twenty minutes later, Declan had learned more about the su-
The jlyers'll be here soon. Take her an' wait for them, then. pernatural world than Hallow had taught him in a lifetime of im-
She cannae stay here. ages. Miko was a Guardian, mysterious beings of light energy
Grumbling about his lack of options, Declan carefully scooped with the gift of foresight. Gabriel was an Athanatos, a race of
the unconscious young girl into his arms. His new strength was beings whose powers revolved around the main five elements
proving quite useful as she felt as light as a feather. Declan ran of the universe: air, earth, fire, water, and death. Avalon was a
out the door and down the street, sticking to the shadows as much Nightbane, shape-shifters who know only two forms, their hu-
as possible to cover his escape. Back in the entrance hall, Sis- man Fac;ade and their powerful Morphus. No two Morphus were
ter Martha gasped at the sight of the ruined front door. Rushing alike and Avalon's was a form of angelic beauty complete with
to their telephone, she tried to dial 911 without success. With feathery wings and an aura of peace surrounding her. Gabriel and
all lines busy, there was little the sisters could do but rouse the Avalon both confirmed that Kendra, too, was a Nightbane. Per-
children and start to perform a head count. It would be another haps that was why the Doppelganger had sought her out with
twenty minutes before the losses of Sister Rosa and Kendra were such intensity.
discovered. Kendra woke and immediately fainted once again at the sight
of hideous Gabriel. The Athanatos was of the Necrosis variety of
* * *
his kind - death. As such, his supernatural form was terrifying to
"Down there!" Miko called. behold. Onyx skin and hair, he was built like a man but that was
Gabriel and A valon looked down and saw the slight move- where the similarity ended. Leathery, bat-like wings sprouted
ment in the street that the Guardian indicated. It was a man who from his back while whip-like tendrils were wrapped around his
appeared to be carrying something in his arms. The trio of fly- wrists, ready to unfurl and strike on a moment's notice. It was an
ers circled the area as they watched him. A few blocks later, he impressive feat that Declan had not reacted stronger to Gabriel,
stopped in the recessed entrance of an abandoned building. With for the Gregorian form of the Necrosis Athanatos was a mon-
a nod from their strange little friend, Gabriel and Avalon fol- strous thing to behold. Once Kendra woke again and remained
lowed the Guardian down to street level. conscious- thanks in large part to Gabriel switching to his human
Landing lightly in the middle of the street, they were greeted form - Kendra learned about her true nature. Her initial disbe-
by the sight of the man brandishing a formidable looking blade as lief was swept away by the sight of so many supernatural be-
he stood defensively over the unconscious form of a young girl. ings around her, but the young woman hardly felt special. She
Miko studied their faces for a moment before smiling widely. was simply Kendra, an orphan from St. Christopher's who was

a somewhat skilled dancer, liked to sew, and was handy in the Kendra looked from face to face, unsure of how to answer.
kitchen. Did she have wings? Miko said she could change, like Avalon
"You'll see," Miko said in response to Kendra's denials, draw- and Gabriel. Would she be able to fly like they could? "I don't
ing curious stares from all of his companions. think I do," she said finally, looking to Miko for confirmation.
Declan gave the Guardian a hard look. "What do you know?" "I can carry you and Avalon will carry Kendra," Gabriel said.
Miko's familiar smile waned as his nearly transparent eyes Trust them, lad. It's the quickest way and they do want to help.
stared at nothing. "Too much," he admitted. "My people don't No Guardian would be helping evil folks.
know exactly what we are. We used to be humans I think, in the Declan frowned but he had no argument. So far, Hallow had
past, but we woke up one day like this with little or no memory never steered him wrong, though it was taking some getting used
of a past life. I see images sometimes of a house by a lake, oak to taking advice from a talking sword.
trees all around, and a dirt road leading into the distance. I think "I'm game if she is," Declan said, giving Kendra a wink.
it might have been my home once, but I'm not sure. I've never "Okay," she agreed, though she recoiled instinctively as Ga-
been able to find it." briel and Avalon changed forms before them. Gabriel still scared
He looked at each of them when he spoke again. "I've seen all the crap out of her. She was glad he was taking Declan.
of you in my visions. Sometime I get just sights, but many times Seconds later, they were gone, Avalon carrying Kendra, Ga-
I get conversations, too. That's how I know many of your names briel carrying Declan, and Miko leading the way. Now they need-
and little things about you. For example, I knew Declan's sword ed to find Trystan without becoming targets themselves.
was magical, even before I sensed it. I knew Kendra was a Night-
bane because I've seen her change. I've even seen your brother,
Avalon. I think we have to seek him out next." Character Statistics
"How do you know these things?" Declan asked, astonished.
"I can't wrap my head around it."
Miko shrugged. "How did you find Kendra and rescue her?"
Declan unconsciously touched the bracelet on his right wrist
with his left hand as Miko asked his question. "It speaks to me, in
my head. Its name is Hallow, and it's been around a long time. It
tells me I'm a Sword Bearer, whatever that is."
Miko tapped his temple with two fingers and gave a half-grin.
"Works the same way with me. I see things and hear things, but
they don't often make a lot of sense. I get a general impression of
which direction I need to go next, but it's vague with no sense of
distance or reason why. I just know I'm needed there and I go."
That seemed to end the discussion for the moment and gave
everyone something to consider. After a long pause, Gabriel was
the first to speak up.
"Miko, you say we have to go see Avalon's brother next,
The Guardian nodded.
"No time like the present. Let's get moving before a patrol of
Hunters or Hounds finds us. Which way?"
Closing his eyes, the Guardian's pale face screwed up in con-
centration. "North," he finally said. "I see a place where three
rivers meet near a large, grassy area. There's a big fountain there
shooting water up in multiple sprays."
"Point State Park?" Avalon asked.
Everyone turned to her in surprise. It was Gabriel who asked,
"You know it?"
"Yeah," she said. "I've been there before. That's where my
brother is?"
Miko shook his head. "Not there, but close. Across one of the "Gabriel" Quintos
rivers somewhere, in sight of the park. That's where we'll find
hi m. " Alignment: Aberrant
Gabriel stepped out of their hiding place and checked the Attributes: I.Q. 19, M.E. 17, M.A. 11 (7 in Gregorian form), P.S.
skies. They were still as dark as ever but he could not see any 21 (35 in Gregorian form), P.P. 20 (29 in Gregorian form),
signs of avian danger. "We should get moving, then. Staying put P.E. 18 (27 in Gregorian form), P.B. 11, Spd 36 (24 mph/38
is too dangerous for very long. Something is bound to come by." km); can fly with wings at 70 mph (112 km).
"Urn," Declan began, thinking of a problem. "How do we get Height: 5 feet, 11 inches (1.8 m; same height in Gregorian form).
there? I don't have wings, and I don't think Kendra does, either, Weight: 180 lbs (81 kg; 220 lbs/99 kg in Gregorian form).
right?" Experience Level: 5
Hit Points: 27 (54 in Gregorian form).

S.D.C.: 91 (265 in Gregorian form). the Ba'al-ze-neckt, the eternal Night Lords. Quintos suffered
P.P.E.: 158 much at the hands of his captors, who used every conceivable
R.C.C.: Athanatos (Necrosis- Scourge). torture on the Athanatos. Siphoning much of his power and
Armor Rating: 10 (Gregorian form only). experience, Quintos is far weaker than his years would indi-
Horror Factor: 13 (Gregorian form only). cate, but his power is coming back fast. Quintos is determined
Combat Training: Assassin. to use as much of that newly earned might to make the Ba'al
Number of Attacks: 6 and their minions suffer as he did all those years, and Quintos
Combat Bonuses: +5 to strike (+8 with chains, +8 with Psi- has an appetite for vengeance that cannot be sated.
Sword), +3 to parry (+4 with chains, +5 with Psi-Sword), +3 Appearance: In his human form, Quintos is a man of average
to dodge, +5 to roll with impact, +3 to pull punch, + 1 to initia- looks. Not overly tall nor possessing a weightlifter's build, he
tive, +4 to damage, +3 to save vs Horror Factor, +6% to save does look to be a man who prefers to stay in shape. His dark
vs coma/death, +2 to save vs magic, +2 to save vs poisons,+ 1 hair is becoming streaked with gray but he barely looks to be
to save vs psionics, + 1 to save vs insanity. out of his twenties. Quintos rarely has any facial hair and dis-
Combat Bonuses (Gregorian form): +9 to strike (+ 12 with plays the many mannerisms that professional soldiers share in
chains, +12 with Psi-Sword), +7 to parry (+8 with chains, +9 his movements and habits. It is his alternate form, which he
with Psi-Sword), +7 to dodge, +5 to roll with impact, +3 to calls his Gregorian, which truly alienates him from all others.
pull punch, +1 to initiative, +24% to save vs coma/death, +6 Like some twisted demon from the pits of Hell, Quintos is a
to save vs magic, +6 to save vs poisons. truly horrible thing to behold. His pale skin and graying hair
O.C.C. Skills: Detect Ambush 60%, Demolitions 87%, I.D. Un- darkens to an onyx color. Sharpened claws grow from his feet
dercover Agents 35%, Kickboxing, Running, W.P. Automatic and fingers. Leathery bat wings sprout from his back and can
Pistols, W.P. Auto & Semi-Automatic Rifles, W.P. Sword, bear him aloft at great speeds. Whip-like tendrils snake out of
W.P. Pole Arm, W.P. Chain. holes in his wrists up to fifteen feet away and writhe or kill
O.C.C. Related Skills: Tracking (humanoids) 60%, Pilot: Au- on his mental commands. His white teeth become fangs and
tomobile 91%, Prowl 60%, First Aid 70%, Streetwise 42%, his white eyes give him the only other color from head to toe
Lore: Demons & Monsters 60%, Lore: Magic 60%, Lore: beyond a variation of black. Able to enact some or all of these
Nightbane 65%, Lore: Vampires 60%. changes at once, Quintos can frighten even the stoutest heart
Secondary Skills: Gymnastics, Fencing, W.P. Paired Weapons, with but a stare while in his natural form.
Forced March, Wrestling, Climb (gained via Gymnastics) Combat Damage: Punch (2D6+ 10), Roundhouse Kick
30%. (3D6+10), Axe Kick (2D8+10), Knee Strike (2D6+10), Jump
Languages (Spoken/Written): Greek 98%/90%, English Kick (3D8+10 - counts as two attacks), Backward Sweep,
90%170%, Latin 90%/70%, French 90%/70%, German Body Flip/Throw, Body Block/Tackle (2D6+10), Claws
90%170%, Spanish 90%/70%. (3D6+10 when manifested), Chains (4D6+10 when manifest-
Psionics Powers: I.S.P.: 78, Create Psi-Sword, Induce Pain. ed), Psi-Sword (7D6+ 10 when manifested).
Spells of Note: Shadow Meld, Traitorous Hand. Combat Damage (Gregorian form): Punch/Kick (5D6+24),
Nightbane Talents (special for Necrosis Athanatos): Blood- Claws (6D6+24), Chains (7D6+24), Psi-Sword (7D6+24).
bath, and The Shroud.
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 2000 feet (610 m) in Gregorian Avalon Lauren Murphy
form (or when he manifests his eyes); regenerates 1D6x10
S.D.C./Hit Points every melee round of inaction (all forms); Alignment: Scrupulous.
may shift from human to Gregorian at no P.P.E. cost but Attributes: I.Q. 13, M.E. 15, M.A. 20, P.S. 14 (24 in Morphus
takes 1 full melee round, may shift as 1 action if he makes form), P.P. 16 (21 in Morphus form), P.E. 13 (26 in Morphus
an M.E. save; may manifest one or more Gregorian traits in form), P.B. 14 (18 in Morphus form), Spd 22 (15 mph/24 km),
human form (10 P.P.E. per trait) and it takes 1 action per fea- 34 in Morphus form (23 mph/37 km), 40 when flying (27
ture: Wings (allowing flight), Eyes (grants extraordinary vi- mph/43 km).
sion during the day and nightvision at night), Chains (grants Height: 5 feet, 6 inches (1.6 m; 5 feet, 9 inches/1.75 min Mor-
Supernatural strength to all attacks and chain damage), and phus).
Body Appearance (black skin and hair - grants the additional Weight: 110 lbs (50 kg; 155 lbs/70 kg in Morphus).
H.P./S.D.C. with this manifestation). Experience Level: 4
Disposition: An enigma even among his own kind, Quintos Hit Points: 32 (85 in Morphus form).
(known as Gabriel in the modern times) is a being capable S.D.C.: 55 (197 in Morphus form).
of great compassion and equally great violence. Driven by a P.P.E.: 116
code of honor that he strictly adheres to, Quintos has walked R.C.C.: Nightbane.
the world since a time when the Spartans were a major power Combat Training: Expert (Martial Arts in Morphus form).
in ancient Greece. A soldier for most of his long life, he was Number of Attacks: 6 (8 in Morphus form).
captured by Hitler's SS, led by one of their most powerful Combat Bonuses (Facade): +3 to strike, +4 to parry, +4 to
sorcerers, on the Mediterranean Island of Sicily in 1945. Un- dodge, +4 to roll with impact, +3 to pull punch, + 1 to save
known to the Germans of that time, the sorcerer was a native vs Horror Factor, +2 to save vs magic,+ 1 to save vs disease.
of a parallel dimension known as the Nightlands, and when Combat Bonuses (Morphus): +7 to strike, +8 to parry, +8 to
Hitler committed suicide later that year, the Shadow Sorcerer dodge, +8 to roll with impact, +7 to pull punch, +2 to initia-
took his prize back to the Nightlands and handed him over to tive, +1 to disarm, +3 to save vs Horror Factor, +22% to save

learned a lot about herself and her place in the world that day.
Avalon possesses a magnetic personality that makes those
around her take notice and trust the young woman. Despite
her youth, she has learned the skills necessary to survive in
the post-Dark Day world. Any that watch her dancing will tell
you to never underestimate the graceful beauty because be-
hind that aura of peace lies a warrior that even mighty Quintos
has learned to respect.
Appearance: Average height but with a dancer's long, graceful
build, there was no surprise when she took up gymnastics and
dancing at a young age. Now in her early twenties, Avalon's
skill as a dancer and gymnast has grown, as a score of tro-
phies and awards on her parents' walls can attest. Set to take
over the studio where she practiced most of her young life
in a few years, Dark Day put a stop to that dream. Avalon's
thin build hides a truly formidable warrior, brought on even
more so when she switches to her Morphus. In her Fa<;ade,
Avalon is a waifish woman of medium height and thin build
with auburn hair barely to her shoulders. With an unassuming
demeanor, those who get to know her feel the weight of her
charismatic personality quickly enough. Like her brother, she
is destined to be a big part of a conflict that she neither wants
nor seeks, yet neither can escape. In her Morphus, a few of
Avalon's changes are profound, yet many are subtle tweaks
on the woman's many gifts. Dove-like wings emerge from
her back, adding to her already angelic countenance. An al-
most otherworldly aura of awe emanates from her, as becomes
evident when strangers cross her path. She grows slightly in
stature, gaining a few inches of height, but little else differs.
vs coma/death, + 10 to save vs magic, +6 to save vs poisons, One of the few Nightbane whose Becoming heralded a being
+3 to save vs disease. of true beauty, many of the uglier Nightbane mutter curses be-
O.C.C. Skills: Advanced Mathematics 70%, Basic Mathemat- hind the woman's back. If Quintos is nearby, offenders make
ics 80%, Computer Operation 75%, Computer Programming sure to whisper even quieter, for the Necrosis Athanatos seems
65%, Computer Repair 65%, Dance (Professional Quality) to have an affinity for the beautiful Nightbane.
70%, Gymnastics, Lore: Nightbane 60%, Streetwise 47%. Combat Damage (Facade): Punch (1D6), Kick (2D4+2).
Secondary Skills: Aerobic Athletics, Astrology 45%, Body Combat Damage (Morphus): Punch (3D6+9), Kick (3D6+11).
Building & Weight Lifting, Pilot: Motorcycle 72%, Running,
Swimming 65%.
Talents: Commanding Presence, The Shroud, Doorway, and
Soul Shield.
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 200 feet/61 m (500 feet/152 m
in Morphus); may change between her human form and her
Morphus at will; can sense the presence of other Nightbane
within a 300 foot (91.4 m) diameter; mirror walk; immune
to all forms of mind control abilities; cannot be transformed
by any means; regenerates 10 S.D.C./Hit Points per melee in
Disposition: Avalon grew up in a loving home with doting par-
ents. She knew from a young age that she was adopted, but
Tom and Carolyn never treated her like anything but their own
flesh and blood. Intelligent, artistic, and inquisitive, she looked
at the world as a wonderful place in which to live. Right up
until Dark Day, that is. Carolyn's murder right in front of the
young Nightbane's eyes opened Avalon to feelings and skills
she never knew she had. It was fight or die and unlike many
people, the young woman's will to fight was far stronger than
her will to surrender. With timely intervention from the be-
ing she knew only as Gabriel, Avalon fought past a squad of
Hounds sent to kill Nightbane before their first Becoming and

Triax™ Update
Revised O.C.C.s from
Rifts® World Book 5: Triax and the NGR™
By Brandon K. Aten, based on and expanding original material by Kevin Siembieda
When working on Triax 2, I fell in love with the original and tend to travel light, giving priority to medical equipment over
concepts that Kevin Siembieda created. The idea of a futuristic, everything else. The Medical Officer tends to avoid bionics for
high-tech nation that was largely spared from the global destruc- himself but is likely to have a handful of cybernetic implants to
tion of the Great Cataclysm, but which was then thrust into a assist him in his work. The Medical Officer is familiar with cy-
decades long war with a horde of demonic invaders was so fresh bernetic implants and prosthetics and is even able to remove and
and unique. Taylor White and I had a blast brainstorming and install most basic systems, however, on the field of combat, the
taking bits and pieces of information scattered throughout a num- character's goal is usually to stabilize a patient and medivac the
ber of Rifts books and fitting them into the existing canon of the soldier to the nearest hospital for more extensive treatment.
world of Rifts while also crafting a larger, flowing narrative for Note: Unlike most NGR military O.C.C.s that suffer an expe-
the backdrop of the nation. rience penalty for leaving the NGR military, NGR Medical Of-
When Rifts® Ultimate Edition first came out, I was extremely ficers who leave the military or turn rogue continue to advance
pleased at how Kevin and the Palladium staff updated the skill list in experience under the Medical Officer O.C.C. without penalty.
and then modified the original Rifts O.C.C.s with special abilities 1. Disease Diagnostic Specialist: Diagnose disease with ex-
for each one. I loved these abilities and thought that the classes in treme clarity and accuracy. This grants the Medical Officer the
World Book 5 could be updated in the same way to make them following skill bonuses: +20% to the Medical Doctor skill roll
more distinct from one another, and bring them more in line with when making a diagnosis and+ 10% to the Brewing and Holistic
the classes from Rifts® Ultimate Edition. I updated their skill lists Medicine skills when formulating a medicinal remedy. He is so
to include skills that had been modified since their original print- good that he can reduce the symptoms (i.e. the penalties and dura-
ing as well. tion) by half. He can also recognize possession, magical illnesses
The feel of World Book 5 always drove me to want to play and curses at his normal skill percentage.
a more military oriented game that other Palladium games like
Robotech® and Deluxe Advanced RECON® really delivered, but 2. Install Cybernetics and Bionics: Like the Cyber-Doc, an
which wasn't prevalent in the world of Rifts®. The Rifts setting NGR Medical Officer can install and remove cybernetic implants
and the NGR just seemed like a perfect place to tell those types and bionics, but requires at least a makeshift operating room. In-
of stories, so I set out to bring a little more of that feeling into stalling cybernetics is fast and easy (no skill penalty), but bionics
the setting. One thing that I wanted to include was a list of a few are very complicated and demanding on the character's time and
skills from some other Palladium games that would help Game skill. Penalties: -5% to the Cybernetic Medicine skill to remove
Masters and players give their games more of the hard military bionics or any prosthetic, -5% if working in poor conditions, an-
feel. I hope that this article provides that type of feel for you and other -5% if working with inadequate tools, -10% if the bionics
your garners, and allows you access to many more avenues of are more advanced or non-Triax devices, -20% when dealing with
adventure. extremely alien physiology and/or alien cybernetics. All penalties
are cumulative. If there is any penalty for working under pressure
or on a time limit, it should be reduced by half. Taking the Cy-
NGR Medical Officer bernetic Medicine skill a second time eliminates most penalties.
The Medical Officer is roughly the equivalent of a Body Fixer 3. Repair Cybernetics: Given time and facilities, the NGR
with additional special training with cybernetics. While both the Medical Officer can completely repair cybernetics. The repairs
Body Fixer and the Cyber-Doc classes exist in the NGR and actu- require 1D6+4 hours to work on each item (hand, arm, shoulder,
ally thrive in a society that places such a high level of dependence one forearm weapon, then another, etc.). Please note that this skill
on technology, neither is really trained for the rigors and horrors does not apply to bionics. Base Skill: 30% +5% per level.
of war. The NGR Medical Officer has undergone basic combat 4. O.C.C. Bonuses:
and self-defense training (even though some refuse to wear or use
2D4+2 to S.D.C.
firearms of any kind) and is a capable surgeon even when having +2 to I.Q.
to deal with sub-par working conditions and makeshift operating
+2 to P.P.
+1 to P.E.
The Medical Officer and all field medics (see the M.O.S. under
+1 to M.A.
the NGR Infantry Soldier O.C.C.) can use any type of weapon,
+ 2 to Perception Rolls.
body armor, or vehicle but most tend to prefer light body armor

Hand to Hand: Basic can be changed to Expert for the cost
of one O.C.C. Related Skill, or to Martial Arts (or Assassin
if an evil alignment) at the cost of two O.C.C. Related Skills.
Hand to Hand: Commando is not available to the NGR Medi-
cal Officer.
O.C.C. Related Skills: Select seven other skills, but at least two
must be selected from Technical or Science, plus two addi-
tional skills at levels 3 and 6 and one at levels 9 and 12. All
new skills start at level one proficiency.
Communications: Any except Surveillance, T.V.Nideo, and
Cryptography (+5%).
Cowboy: None.
Domestic: Any (+10%).
Electrical: Basic (+20%).
Espionage: Wilderness Survival only (+ 10% ).
Horsemanship: None.
Mechanical: Basic and Automotive only.
Medical: Any (+20%).
Military: Find Contraband, Forced March, and NBC Warfare
only (+10%).
Physical: Any, except Boxing, Acrobatics and Wrestling.
Pilot: Any except Tanks and APCs, and Robots and Power
Amor (+10%).
Pilot Related: Any.
Rogue: Cardsharp, Find Contraband and Gambling (Standard
and Dirty Tricks) only.
Science: Any (+10%).
Technical: Any (+15%).
W.P.: Any.
+4 to Perception Rolls regarding medical condition, diagnosis/
Wilderness: Identify Plants and Fruits, Land Navigation and
health or medical procedure, dealing with drugs, chemicals and
Preserve Food only.
Secondary Skills: Select six skills from the Secondary Skill List
+3 to save vs fatigue, insanity or drugs.
on page 300 of Rifts® Ultimate Edition and an additional
+4 to save vs Horror Factor regarding combat injuries.
skill at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15. These are additional areas of
Alignment: Any. knowledge that do not get any bonuses, other than a possible
Attribute Requirements: I.Q. 10 or higher and an M.E. of 14 or bonus for having a high I.Q. All Secondary Skills start at base
higher; a high P.P. is ideal but not mandatory. level.
Racial Restrictions: Human. Standard Equipment: Medical Equipment: Medical harness
O.C.C. Skills: with its many pouches, two dozen disposable (paper) surgi-
Mathematics: Basic (+20%) cal gowns, handheld computer, pocket-sized digital audio
Mathematics: Advanced: (+20%) recorder, an additional laser scalpel, and portable laboratory.
Literacy: Euro (+30%) Medical Kit: Anti-bacterial soap, anti-bacterial hand sanitiz-
Language: Euro ( + 30%) er, disposable towels, bandages, suture tape, protein healing
Language: One of choice (+20%; usually English or Russian). salve, aspirin, painkillers, antibiotics, sedatives, anesthetic,
Sensory Equipment (+20% medical, +5% all others) hypodermic gun, stethoscope, pen flashlight, and portable
Medical Doctor (+ 10%) compu-drug dispenser. Surgical Kit: Variety of scalpels, one
Cybernetic Medicine (+5%) laser scalpel, needles, clamps, sutures, suture tape, suture gun,
Brewing: Medicinal (+ 10%) IRMSS kit, RMK kit, handheld digital blood pressure reader,
Biology (+30%) 1D4 digital thermometers with individual sanitary sleeves, six
Pathology (+30%) unbreakable specimen containers, 100 pairs of disposable sur-
Crime Scene Investigation (+20%) gical gloves, two pair of reusable surgical gloves and other
Forensics (+20%) assorted basic surgical items. Standard Military Equipment:
Chemistry (+ 10%) One T-12 Medic Body Armor, TX-42 Laser Rifle, side arm
Chemistry: Analytical (+ 10%) of choice, utility belt, leg belt and pouches, backpack, air fil-
Military Etiquette (+10%) ter and gasmask, portable language translator, walkie-talkie,
Pilot: Hovercraft (+10%, includes the XM-50 and the XM- canteen, two smoke grenades, two signal flares, two standard
250) uniforms and two dress uniforms.
W.P. Knife Equipment Available upon Assignment: XM-50 Medical Am-
W .P. Energy Rifle bulance Pod, XM-250 Medical Hover Station, other medivac
Hand to Hand: Basic vehicles, other means of transportation, additional weapons
and ammunition, additional medical supplies/equipment and Racial Restrictions: Human or D-Bee as described on page 60
nano-bots, robot assistant, access to medical assistants (nurs- ofTriax 2.
es, orderlies, etc.). They also have access to hospitals, their M.O.S.: Select one of the following areas of specialty. The char-
laboratory facilities, operating rooms, examination equipment, acter gains all skills under that M.O.S. Please note that most
access to computers, military escort/protection, food rations, M.O.S. programs have attribute requirements and may grant
and field equipment. Note: Availability of equipment andre- additional bonuses to those listed above:
sources may be dependent upon the local commander, supply Communications Specialist: Requires an I. Q. of 10 or higher.
stock, location, casualties and combat conditions. However, M.O.S. Bonus: +1D6 to S.D.C., +2 to Perception Rolls.
the Medical Officer usually gets priority regarding medical Basic Electronics (+ 15%)
supplies, facilities and equipment. Cryptography (+10%)
Money: The Medical Officer gets a roof over his head, food, cloth- Electronic Countermeasures (+ 10%)
ing, access to power armor storage, robot hangars, maintenance Laser Communications (+ 10%)
areas, medical facilities and all other basic needs provided for Radio: Basic (+25%; use this bonus instead of the bonus listed
free as part of his/her pay. The monthly salary starts at 3,500 under O.C.C. Skills)
credits a month (savings of a first level character is 2D4xl,OOO T.V. and Video (+15%)
credits) and goes up from there. Pay grade is similar to the chart One Communication skill of choice (+ 10% ).
found in Rifts® World Book 11: Coalition War Campaign™.
When not in the field, the Medical Officer is given use of Combat Engineer: Requires I.Q. of 11.
a private apartment near a hospital or on a military base. The M.O.S. Bonus: +2D6 to S.D.C., + 1 to I.Q.
apartment has a private bathroom, tiny kitchenette, living Military Fortification (+ 15%)
room, bedroom and study/library, and comes complete with Trap Construction (+ 10%)
stereo, video system, and personal computer. The Medical Of- Trap and Mine Detection (+ 10%)
ficer can opt to live off base at his own expense. Demolitions (+5%)
Rank: Standard Military. All Doctors/Medical Officers start at Demolitions Disposal (+5%)
the rank of captain. Excavation (+5%)
Cybernetics and Bionics: Select two cybernetic augmentations Weapon Systems
from any category (usually sensory augmentation).

NGR Infantry Soldier

The NGR Infantry Soldier is the typical infantryman, the grunt
of the army, the unsung hero. Every NGR soldier must go through
intense basic training where he is taught the basics of combat and
related skills such as basic radio communication, piloting a ve-
hicle, and how to use common military weapons. After this, the
infantryman must select an M.O.S. which will be his military spe-
cialization or occupation during his military career. The soldier is
one of the few military O.C.C.s that is not initially trained in the
use of robots and power armor, but if the specialized training is
approved by an officer, then the soldier can undergo training at a
later date (Robot and Power Armor skills are not selectable by the
soldier until at least level 2). The soldiers are often assigned as a
crew member of a robot vehicle, or assigned to a pilot or gunner
position of a tank, APC, or hover vehicle.
Fifty percent of active Infantry Soldiers are human refugees
from outside of the NGR. Many of the refugees, approximately
75%, will become career soldiers and half of those will meet their
end on the field of combat defending their new homeland, the
1. O.C.C. Bonuses and Modifiers:
+2D6 to S.D.C.
+1 to P.E.
+1 to P.S.
+2 to Perception Rolls.
+ 1 to save vs Horror Factor at levels 1, 3, 6, 9 and 12.
Alignment: Any.
Attribute Requirements: A high I.Q., P.S., and P.E. are help-
ful, but not a requirement. Certain M.O.S. programs will have
specific requirements.
EOD/Demolitions Specialist: Requires an I.Q. of 10 and a Transportation Specialist: Requires a P.E. of 8.
P.P. of 12 or higher. M.O.S. Bonus: + 1 to P.E., +2 to dodge while driving.
M.O.S. Bonus: +2D6+ 10 to S.D.C., +2 to M.E., + 1 to P.E., +2 Pilot Tanks and APCs (+ 10%)
to roll with explosions. Pilot Truck (+ 10%)
Basic Electronics (+5%) Pilot Automobile (+ 15%)
Basic Mechanics (+5%) Pilot Hover Vehicles (+10%; in this case, training includes
Demolitions (+20%) hovertanks like the Rhino and the Phantom)
Demolitions Disposal (+ 15%) Combat Driving
Demolitions: Underwater (+ 10%) Pilot: One of choice.
Trap and Mine Detection (+15%)
Sharpshooter: Requires a P.P. of 11 or higher.
Point Man/Scout: Requires an I.Q. of 9 or higher. M.O.S. Bonus: +2 to M.E., +2 to strike on Called Shots, +1 to
M.O.S. Bonus: +2D6 to S.D.C., + 1 to P.E., +2 to Perception Perception Rolls.
Rolls. Sniper
Detect Ambush (+ 15%) Camouflage (+ 10%)
Detect Concealment (+ 15%) Detect Concealment (+ 15%)
Intelligence (+5%) Prowl (+10%)
Land Navigation (+ 10%) Intelligence (+ 15%)
Prowl (+10%) Recognize Weapon Quality
Surveillance Systemsffailing (+5%) W.P. Sharpshooting: Energy Rifle

Pig Man/Heavy Weapons Specialist: Requires a P.S. of 14 O.C.C. Skills:

and P.E. of 12 or higher. Mathematics: Basic (+10%)
M.O.S. Bonus: +3D6+15 to S.D.C., +2 to initiative, +1 to Literacy: Euro (+ 10%)
strike with modem weapons. Language: Euro (+ 10%)
Recognize Weapon Quality (+20%) Radio: Basic (+ 10%)
Weapon Systems (+10%) Computer Operation (+ 10%)
Demolitions (+5%) Military Etiquette (+10%)
Demolitions Disposal (+5%) Pilot: One of choice (except Robots and Power Armor; +20% ).
W.P. Heavy M.D. Weapons Climbing (+ 10%)
W.P. Heavy Military Weapons General Athletics
W.P.: Two Modem of choice. Forced March
Swimming (+10%)
Infantryman: No Requirement. Running
M.O.S. Bonus: +2D8 to S.D.C. Lore: Demons and Monsters
Land Navigation (+5%) W.P. Energy Rifle
Pilot: One of choice (any except Robots, Power Armor, or W.P. Energy Pistol
Ships; + 10% ). W.P. Knife
First Aid (+5%) Hand to Hand: Basic
W.P.: One Ancient of choice. Hand to Hand: Basic can be changed to Expert at the cost
W.P.: One Modem of choice. of one O.C.C. Related Skill, or Martial Arts (or Assassin if an
Physical: One of choice (except Acrobatics or Gymnastics). evil alignment) at the cost of two O.C.C. Related Skills. Hand
to Hand: Commando is not available to the Infantry Soldier.
Field Medic: Requires an I.Q. and a P.P. of 11 or higher. O.C.C. Related Skills: Select six other skills, plus one additional
M.O.S. Bonus: + 1 to I.Q., + 1 to M.E. skill at levels 4, 8 and 12. All new skills start at level one
Brewing: Medicinal (+5%) proficiency.
Biology (+10%) Communications: Any (+10%).
Field Surgery (+20%) Cowboy: None.
Sewing (+10%) Domestic: Any.
Pathology, Chemistry or Xenology (+10%). Electrical: Basic Electronics only.
Medical Doctor (+5%) Espionage: None.
Horsemanship: None.
Army Aviator: Requires a P.P. of 12 or higher. Mechanical: Automotive and Basic only (+ 10% ).
M.O.S. Bonus: +1 to P.P., +2 to dodge in flight.
Medical: First Aid only (+ 10% ).
Pilot Jet Aircraft (+ 15%) Military: Any (+ 10% ).
Pilot Jet Fighter (+10%) Physical: Any, except Acrobatics.
Pilot Hover Vehicles (+10%; in this case, training includes Pilot: Any (+10%; Robots and Power Armor skills are not
heavy transports like the XM-279 Earth Lifter)
available until at least level 2).
Navigation (+10%) Pilot Related: Any (+10%).
Basic Mechanics (+ 10%)
Rogue: Any (+5% ).

Science: None. 1. Brand Familiarity: The Field Mechanic is knowledgeable
Technical: Any (+10%). about technology from all of the NOR's allies and trade partners,
W.P.:Any. but is truly an expert regarding Triax vehicles, robots and power
Wilderness: Any (+5%). armor since they work with Triax technology all day, every day.
Secondary Skills: Select two skills from the Secondary Skill List Some feel that they could tear apart and rebuild an X-10A Preda-
on page 300 of Rifts® Ultimate Edition at levels 2, 4, 7, 10 tor in their sleep and, honestly, they wouldn't be too far from
and 13. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not the truth. When working with, repairing, modifying or enhancing
get any bonuses, other than a possible bonus for having a high Triax weapons, vehicles, robots or power armor, the Field Me-
I.Q. All Secondary Skills start at base level. chanic receives a+ 10% bonus to the applicable skill roll, and can
Standard Equipment: T-10 Standard Infantry Armor (Heavy generally perform the task in 75% of the time.
Weapon M.O.S. will have an Enhanced Exoskeleton), one On the other hand, when working with technology from the
standard issue rifle (either a TX-17, TX-30, or TX-42), one CS, Northern Gun, Sovietski, or other nation/company, the task
pistol of choice, 4 E-Clips per weapon, 2 fragmentation gre- takes approximately 10% longer to complete, but is still done
nades, survival knife, flashlight, distancing binoculars, util- with expert skill (no penalties).
ity belt, gun holster for side arm, additional air filter and gas 2. Enhance Robotic Strength: Through the modifications of
mask, walkie-talkie, canteen, four standard uniforms, and one the servos, hydraulics and inner workings of a suit of power ar-
dress uniform. mor or a giant robot, the Field Mechanic can adjust the Robotic
Equipment Available upon Assignment: Any vehicle in which Strength of that unit for a period of time. This is not usually done
the character is trained, aircraft, hover vehicle, additional in a combat context, but is usually reserved for those times when
weapons, energy clips, and vehicles, medical kit, portable a utility or labor 'bot is needed in the field and the combat units
computer, portable language translator, cameras, surveillance are all that is available. The tinkering of these internal systems
equipment, explosives (including fusion blocks), and has low may increase the strength but it drastically reduces the reaction
to mid-level military clearance. Note: Availability of equip- times of the usually agile robots and power armor suits. It is not
ment and resources may be dependent upon the local com- uncommon to see Jaegers or Gunman units assisting with cleanup
mander, supply stock, location, casualties and combat condi- after a battle, or assisting in the construction of a military forti-
tions. fication.
Money: The Infantry Soldier gets a roof over his head, food, The Field Mechanic must roll on his Robot Mechanics skill
clothing, access to power armor storage, robot hangars, main- and spend 1D4 hours adjusting the capabilities of the vehicle
tenance areas, and all other basic needs provided for free as (requires another roll and 1D4 hours to be reverted back). The
part of his/her pay. The monthly salary starts at 1,000 credits augmented machine will have its Robotic Strength increased by
a month and goes up from there. Pay grade is similar to the 15 points and will be able to carry, lift, and pull twice as much
chart found in Rifts® World Book 11: Coalition War Cam- as normal for the modified P.S. In this state, the robot or power
paign™. armor suit is -10 to strike, parry, dodge, initiative, and roll with
Living quarters are nice dormitory style barracks with four impact. Speed is reduced by half, and the unit is also incapable
soldiers sharing living quarters. Each has his own bedroom
but they share a bathroom and living space. Alternatively, the
character can opt to live off base at his own expense.
Rank: Standard Military.
Cybernetics and Bionics: None to start. Cybernetics may be
purchased or given as rewards for outstanding service in the
line of duty.

NGR Field Mechanic

The Field Mechanic is a highly regarded specialist in the re-
pair, modification, and maintenance of robots, power armor, mili-
tary vehicles, and machines in general. They are the lifeline of the
Armored Division and key personnel in a military that relies so
heavily on robots, cybernetics, and machines. These brave men
and women are frequently in the middle of combat, making modi-
fications, or helping to retrieve robots and vehicles. On occasion,
they slip behind enemy lines with commandos or a reconnais-
sance team to examine and assess enemy strengths in regards to
armor and military fortifications, or to help break into or sabo-
tage enemy systems. The NGR Field Mechanic is a specialist in
Triax equipment and works extremely well in a military structure
where materials and equipment can be requisitioned rather than
bartered for or hunted down.

of performing power punches. The augmented unit can also lift O.C.C. Skills:
greater amounts for short periods of time. The robot or power ar- Mathematics: Basic (+20%)
mor can lift to above its waist twice the amount it can carry (like Mathematics: Advanced (+10%)
a forklift). It can hold the load for one minute for every 5 points Literacy: Euro (+30%)
of Robotic Strength. Language: Euro (+30%)
For example: A Jaeger power armor suit has a Robot P.S. of Language: One of choice (+10%; usually Techno-Can, Eng-
40. After Hans, the Field Mechanic augments the suit, it will have lish, or Russian).
a Robotic P.S. of 55. This will allow the Jaeger to carry 5,500 Radio: Basic (+20%)
pounds and pull11,000 pounds (five and a half tons). It can also Optic Systems (+ 15%)
lift 11,000 pounds for 11 minutes. Sensory Equipment (+ 15%)
The augmented inner workings of the robot or power armor Computer Operation (+ 10%)
suit can remain in this state for 48 hours of use, + 2 hours per level Computer Repair (+ 10%)
of the Field Mechanic, before causing irreparable damage to the Basic Electronics (+20%)
internal parts. If this duration is exceeded then the unit is pretty Electrical Engineer (+20%)
much useless until it can be repaired at a military facility or an Robot Electronics (+20%)
XM-170 Repair Barge. Repairs will take approximately a week Mechanical Engineer (+ 20%)
and be extremely costly, no doubt resulting in a strict reprimand Robot Mechanics (+20%)
and disciplinary action from the commanding officer. Vehicle Armorer (+20%)
Weapons Engineer (+20%)
3. Jury-Rig Repairs: The Field Mechanic can slap together
Weapons Systems (+10%)
solid temporary repairs in half the time that last twice as long. See
Military Etiquette (+ 10%)
the Jury-Rig skill for details.
Jury-Rig (+20%)
4. Repair and Soup-Up Machines and Vehicles: This ability Pilot: Hovercraft (+10%, includes the XM-60 and the XM-
is generally the same as the Operator ability of the same name, 170)
but unlike the North American Operator, the NGR Field Mechan- Pilot: Robots and Power Armor (+6%)
ic usually needs approval or authorization to carry out modifi- Robot Combat: Basic
cations or enhancements. Many times, when an enhancement is Running
requested it may not be approved for a few weeks, if at all, even W.P. Energy Pistol or Energy Rifle
though the Field Mechanic could have completed the modifica- W.P. Heavy M.D. Weapons
tion, checked the fluids and given the vehicle a polish before the Hand to Hand: Basic
officer finished reading the requisition. Hand to Hand: Basic can be changed to Expert for the cost
Replace M.D.C.: The Field Mechanic can repair the M.D.C. of of one O.C.C. Related Skill, or to Martial Arts (or Assassin
the Main Body and key sections. Repaired amount cannot exceed if an evil alignment) at the cost of two O.C.C. Related Skills.
the original M.D. C. amount. Hand to Hand: Commando is not available to the Field Me-
Add M.D.C.: M.D.C. can be added to vehicles, robots, power chanic.
armor, and body armor. The percentage increase depends on the O.C.C. Related Skills: Select six other skills, but at least two
Field Mechanic's level of skill and experience. +5% at levels must be selected from Mechanical, plus one additional skill at
2,4,6,8,10, 12 and 14. levels 4, 8 and 12. All new skills start at level one proficiency.
Maximize Performance: Can tweak almost any vehicle or Communications: Any (+10%).
most any machine to perform better. Can increase speed 20%, Cowboy: None.
range (of weapons, radio signals, sensors etc.) by 10%, reduce Domestic: Any.
weight by 10%, increase damage output of energy weapons by Electrical: Any (+20%).
10%, increase payload of energy weapons by 10%, and add one Espionage: None.
extra weapon or feature, per each body area of a vehicle or stand- Horsemanship: None.
ing fortification (front/nose, mid-section, rear section, top/roof, Mechanical: Any (+20% ).
bottom/undercarriage, and wing). Medical: First Aid only (+10%).
Military: Any (+10%, +20% to Field Armorer and Munitions
5. O.C.C. Bonuses:
2D6+2 to S.D.C. Expert if selected).
Physical: Any, excluding Acrobatics and Wrestling.
+2 to I.Q.
+2 to P.S. Pilot: Any (+10%).
+1D4 P.E. Pilot Related: Any (+10%).
Rogue: Computer Hacking, Find Contraband, Pick Locks, and
+2 to Perception Rolls.
+4 to Perception Rolls regarding technology. Safe-Cracking only (+5%, +10% to Computer Hacking if se-
+ 3 to save vs fatigue and disease. lected).
Science: Any (+ 10% to Artificial Intelligence if selected; costs
Alignment: Any. two skills).
Attribute Requirements: I.Q. 9 or higher; a high P.S. and P.P. Technical: Any (+10%).
are helpful but not required. W.P.:Any.
Racial Restrictions: Human or D-Bee as described on page 60 Wilderness: None.
ofTriax 2.

Secondary Skills: Select two skills from the Secondary Skill List are Partial Conversion 'Borgs, and over 60% of the soldiers have
on page 300 of Rifts® Ultimate Edition at levels 2, 4, 7, 10 at least some level of cybernetic enhancement.
and 13. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not 1. Armored Division Branch Training: The Cyborg Soldiers
get any bonuses, other than a possible bonus for having a high of the NGR Armored Division are divided into three branches,
I.Q. All Secondary Skills start at base level. each tasked with specific duties during military operations. Once
Standard Equipment: Either a T-13 mechanic armor, T-42 or a soldier registers for full cybernetic conversion he undergoes
T-30 rifle, pistol of choice, four smoke grenades, two frag- specialized training to learn his support or combat role as well as
mentation grenades, 6 signal flares, survival knife, flashlight, a battery of strenuous mental testing to make him accustomed to
distancing binoculars, laser distancer, hand-held computer, life as a metal warrior.
potable tool kit, portable laser torch, and laser wand (Triax • Armored Reconnaissance: Cyborgs assigned to Armored
equivalent of the Wilk's products), large toolbox and tools, Recon groups are usually light, agile cyborgs carrying a few
utility belts, additional air filter and gasmask, portable lan- heavy weapons, but whose focus is truly on espionage, mo-
guage translator, walkie-talkie, four coveralls, two standard bility and stealth. They usually work in tandem with NGR
uniforms, one dress uniform. Infantry and Intelligence Division soldiers to disrupt enemy
Equipment Available upon Assignment: Any T-Series or X -se- logistics behind enemy lines. They are also often tasked with
ries power armor in which the character is trained. Additional locating new Gargoyle aviaries and relaying their locations
weapons, energy clips, vehicles, and medical kit, and has low back to command. Cyborg Soldiers in the Armored Recon-
to mid-level military clearance. The character also has access naissance Branch get the following skills:
to most military bases, military garages, hangars, storage bays, Gymnastics (+10% where appropriate)
and repair/mechanic shops, as well as access to computers and Acrobatics (+ 10% where appropriate)
mechanic data systems. Note: Availability of equipment and Escape Artist (+ 10%)
resources may be dependent upon the local commander, sup- Two Espionage or Military skills of choice (+15%).
ply stock, location, casualties and combat conditions. How- Two Wilderness skills of choice (+ 15% ).
ever, the Field Mechanic usually gets priority regarding robot • Cybernetic Mechanized Infantry: The Cybernetic Mecha-
replacement systems and parts, T-13 and T-11 body armor, nized Infantry is a combined arms force composed heavily of
mechanic's tools, and access to mechanic/repair facilities. Cyborgs (around 45% ), and includes NGR Infantry, Robot Pi-
Money: The Field Mechanic gets a roof over his head, food, lots and Power Armor Commandos. It makes up the largest
clothing, access to power armor storage, robot hangars, main- Cyborg component of the NGR Armored division with a full
tenance areas, medical facilities and all other basic needs pro- 50% of the enlisted military cyborgs joining this branch. The
vided for free as part of his/her pay. The monthly salary starts Cybernetic Mechanized Infantry are a mobile and highly self-
at 3,000 credits a month (savings of a first level character is sufficient fighting force, deployed with XM-350 Leopard III
2D4x1,000 credits) and goes up from there. Pay grade is simi- APCs and other personnel carriers, usually carrying the major-
lar to the chart found in Rifts® World Book 11: Coalition ity of the ammunition and gear the Cyborg Soldiers will need
War Campaign™. for a particular mission. They are accustomed to fighting with
When not in the field, the mechanic is given use of a three limited logistical support, and usually strike fast and hard. The
bedroom apartment which is shared with two other mechan- Cybernetic Mechanized Infantry is usually on its way out of
ics. The apartment has one bathroom, tiny kitchenette, living the field of operations before the enemy has collected them-
room, bedroom and study/library, and comes complete with selves for an organized response. Cyborg Soldiers in the Cy-
stereo, video system, and personal computer. The mechanic bernetic Mechanized Infantry branch get the following skills:
can opt to live off base at his own expense. Combat Driving
Rank: Standard Military. Weapon Systems (+5%)
Cybernetics and Bionics: A Universal Hand or Headjack and Two Military skills of choice (+15%).
two cybernetic augmentations from any category. The selec- Two Espionage skills of choice (+ 10% ).
tions are usually made from sensory augmentation such as a Two W.P.s of choice.
Gyro-Compass, Amplified Hearing, Macro-Eye, etc. • Heavy Assault Armored Infantry: The Cyborgs of the
Heavy Assault Armored Infantry are among the most danger-
NGR Cyborg Soldier ous soldiers in the NGR mainly because of their massive hulk-
ing frames, access to some of the heaviest weapons available
With the recent adoption of military Full Conversion Cyborgs to the Cyborg Soldiers, and the support that they receive from
by the Coalition, and the pervasive use of heavy machines by the heavy armored vehicles like the Phantom and Rhino hover
Sovietski and Free Quebec, the NGR no longer stands alone as a tanks and a wide array of Robot Combat vehicles. This branch
nation with a major military force comprised of cyborg soldiers. is comprised mainly of heavy cyborgs, NGR Infantry Soldiers,
What sets the NGR Cyborg Soldier apart from his foreign coun- and Robot Pilots, with the occasional Intelligence Division
terparts is the level of training of the soldier and the technological Officer to provide intelligence, logistical and technical sup-
level of his cybernetic body. port. Cyborg Soldiers in the Heavy Assault Armored Infantry
Triax supplies the NGR with some of the most technologically Branch get the following skills:
advanced combat cyborgs that the world has ever seen, and the Gymnastics Weapon Systems (+10%)
military uses them with frightening efficiency and effectiveness. Three Military skills of choice (+20%).
In fact, 18% of the NGR troops are Full Conversion 'Borgs, 15% One Pilot skill of choice (+ 10% ). Two W.P.s of choice.

Sensory Equipment (+10%)
Computer Operation (+ 10%)
Military Etiquette (+10%)
Pilot: One of choice (+20%).
Pilot: Tanks and APCs (+20%)
Sensory Equipment (+ 10%)
Climbing (+ 10%)
Swimming (+10%)
S.C.U.B.A. (+10%)
W.P. Automatic Rifle
W.P. Energy Rifle
W.P. Heavy M.D. Weapons
Hand to Hand: Basic
Hand to Hand: Basic can be changed to Expert for the cost
of one O.C.C. Related Skill, to Martial Arts (or Assassin if an
evil alignment) at the cost of two O.C.C. Related Skills, or to
Hand to Hand: Commando at the cost of three O.C.C. Related
O.C.C. Related Skills: Select five other skills, plus one addi-
tional skill at levels 4, 8 and 12. All new skills start at level
.ii.v·( one proficiency .
~· I
. J.( ~- .... \II.~ Communications: Any (+10%) .
"'S ~ . ""'( ~ • Cowboy: None.
;.-,, " rr~ ~· Domestic: Any.
Electrical: None.
2. Cybernetic Body: The Cyborg must be either a Partial or
Espionage: Tracking (Humanoids), Intelligence, and Wilder-
Full Conversion Cyborg. All candidates for such conversion are
ness Survival Only.
thoroughly screened and evaluated for life as a living machine.
Horsemanship: None.
Although there are special operatives, variants and exceptions,
Mechanical: None.
the NGR has several specific cyborg designs used by the military.
Medical: First Aid only (+10%).
Each branch primarily uses the specific body types listed below,
Military: Any (+10%).
but occasionally exceptions are granted for different Triax body
Physical: Any that are still appropriate.
types to be used. Occasionally, a body type from one of the NGR
Pilot: Any (+ 10% ).
trading partners like Free Quebec is made available (this is up to
Pilot Related: Any (+ 10% ).
your G.M.). Those Cyborg Soldiers who opt for Partial Conver-
Rogue: Any (+5% ).
sion use the rules for creating a Cartial Cyborg starting on page
Science: None.
75 of Rifts® Ultimate Edition.
Technical: Any (+10%).
• Armored Reconnaissance: VX-300 Striker, VX-320 Cy-
W.P.: Any.
clops, VX-340 Slasher, VX-635 Prowler.
Wilderness: Any (+10%).
• Cybernetic Mechanized Infantry: VX-340 Slasher, VX-370
Secondary Skills: Select two skills from the Secondary Skill List
Stopper, VX-500 Manhunter, VX-550C Chromium Cyborg,
on page 300 of Rifts® Ultimate Edition at levels 2, 5, 8 and
VX-20,000 Barracuda.
13. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get
• Heavy Assault Armored Infantry: VX-500 Manhunter,
any bonuses, other than a possible bonus for having a high I.Q.
VX-550C Chromium Cyborg, VX-2010 Marauder, VX-2020
All Secondary Skills start at base level.
Monster, VX-3000 Bombardier, VX-20,000 Barracuda.
Standard Equipment: All the appropriate ammunition and
3. O.C.C. Bonuses: equipment for the cyborg's body styling and weapon systems.
+1D4M.E. Energy rifle of choice, four extra E-Clips, four grenades of
+2 to Perception Rolls. choice, distancing binoculars, utility belt, backpack, walkie-
+2 to strike with Heavy M.D. Weapons. talkie (for back-up), and full access to regular maintenance
and repairs.
Alignment: Any. Equipment Available upon Assignment: T -100 Eagle jet pack,
Attribute Requirements: M.E. of 15 or higher, a good I.Q. and hover vehicle or other transportation, additional weapons and
M.E. are desirable but not necessary. equipment. The character also has access to most military
Racial Restrictions: Human. bases (medium security clearance) and facilities. Note: Avail-
O.C.C. Skills: ability of equipment and resources may be dependent on the
Mathematics: Basic (+10%) local commander, supply stock, location, casualties and com-
Literacy: Euro (+ 10%) bat conditions.
Language: Euro (+20%) Money: The Cyborg Soldier gets a roof over his head, food, cloth-
Radio: Basic (+10%) ing, maintenance areas, medical facilities and all other basic
needs provided for free as part of his/her pay. The monthly +3 to initiative.
salary starts at 1,800 credits a month (savings of a first level +2 to Perception Rolls.
character is 1D6x1,000 credits) and goes up from there. Pay + 1 attack per melee.
grade is similar to the chart found in Rifts® World Book 11: 3. O.C.C. Bonuses and Modifiers:
Coalition War CampaignTM. + 1D8 to S.D.C.
Soldiers' quarters are a nice dormitory style barracks. Four +2 to P.P.
Soldiers share one dormitory area. Each gets a private bed- +2 to save vs Horror Factor.
room and study with a personal computer, computer games,
stereo and television. All share one bathroom (which may not Alignment: Any.
be an issue if the Cyborg Soldier is full conversion), a sitting Attribute Requirements: I.Q. 11, M.E. 12, P.S. 14, and P.P. 14
room, and living room area. Or a soldier can opt to live off or higher.
base at his own expense. Racial Restrictions: Human or D-Bee as described on page 60
Rank: Standard Military. ofTriax 2.
Cybernetics and Bionics: As appropriate per body styling. Ad- O.C.C. Skills:
ditional cybernetics or bionics can be purchased or granted as Mathematics: Basic (+20%)
a reward for exceptional military service. Literacy: Euro (+30%)
Language: Euro (+30%)
Language: One of choice (+10% usually Techno-Can, Eng-
NGR Power Armor lish, Russian or Demongogian).
Radio: Basic (+20%)
Commando Electronic Countermeasures (+ 20%)
The NGR Power Armor Commando is a specialist in the use Computer Operation (+ 10%)
of combat power armor, explosives and heavy weapons. Being Intelligence (+ 20%)
trained in the use of almost all of the man-sized power armored Military Etiquette (+20%)
suits in use by the NGR allows the Commando a great amount of Pilot: Jet Pack (+ 10%)
flexibility no matter what the resources are of the base or outpost Pilot: Hovercraft (+ 10%)
where he is stationed. Typical assignments for the Commando Pilot: Robots and Power Armor (+ 10%)
include seek and destroy, sabotage, anti-armor assaults, enemy Robot Combat Elite: T-Series (either double digit or triple
penetration and rescue missions, most of which take place behind digit)
enemy lines. In most cases, the job of the Power Armor Com- Robot Combat Elite: X-Series double digit
mando is to get in, do the job and get out. Robot Combat Elite: X-Series triple digit
The Power Armor Commando goes through extensive training Navigation (+ 10%)
to understand the strengths and weaknesses of all enemies of the Weapon Systems (+10%)
NGR and have familiarized themselves with the demonic hordes Climbing (+ 10%)
attacking his nation as well as the technology the Gargoyle and Running
Brodkil hordes use against them. Specializing in one of those ar- Demolitions (+20%)
eas is also a requirement of the training process. Demolitions Disposal (+20%)
W.P. Energy Rifle
1. Anti-Supernatural or Anti-Robot Specialty (A.K.A. De- W.P. Heavy M.D. Weapons
mon Hunter or Robot Hunter): The Power Armor Commando Hand to Hand: Expert
is highly trained to fight all adversaries of the NGR, but they are Hand to Hand: Expert can be changed to Martial Arts (or
required to pick a specialty during their training. If they select Assassin if an evil alignment) at the cost of one O.C.C. Re-
the anti-supernatural specialty, they start with Lore: Demons and lated Skill or Commando at the cost of two O.C.C. Related
Monsters and Lore: Magic, both at +20%, and receive a +4 bonus Skills.
to Perception Rolls regarding these skills. The skills advance per O.C.C. Related Skills: Select five other skills, plus one addi-
level as normal. If the anti-robot specialty is selected, the pilot tional skill at levels 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15. All new skills start at
will receive Basic Electronics and Basic Mechanics (Robot Elec- level one proficiency.
tronics and Robot Mechanics as well as their prerequisites are Communications: Any (+ 15% ).
also made available as O.C.C. Related skills to those who select Cowboy: None.
this specialty). Game Masters may also make available the Fa- Domestic: Any.
natic Robophile skill from Rifts® Canada, page 117. Electrical: Basic Electronics only (+ 10% ).
2. Maximum Performance: The Commando excels at getting Espionage: Any (+5%).
the most out of his machines and regularly pushes them beyond Horsemanship: None.
their limits. When piloting power armor, reduce the penalty for Mechanical: Automotive and Basic only (+10%).
stunts and trick piloting maneuvers by 5% and increase speed by Medical: First Aid only (+ 10% ).
10%. In addition, the following bonuses are gained when piloting Military: Any (+ 10% ).
a suit of power armor. These are in addition to any other training: Physical: Any, excluding Acrobatics.
+2 to strike with long-range weapons both integrated and Pilot: Any (+5%).
Heavy M.D. handheld weapons. Pilot Related: Any (+ 10% ).
+2 to roll with punch or fall. Rogue: Any (+5% ).

Science: Any. 2. Piloting/Gunnery M.O.S. Bonuses: Many of the robots in
Technical: Any (+10%). the NGR military are manned by a crew of two or three soldiers,
W.P.: Any. sometimes more. There is often a pilot, a copilot, and many times,
Wilderness: Any. one or more designated gunners who man the number of weapon
Secondary Skills: Select two skills from the Secondary Skill List systems available to the massive war machines. Pilots are usually
on page 300 of Rifts® Ultimate Edition at levels 1, 4, 7 and the higher ranking, or more skilled soldiers while the gunners are
11. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get pilots in training who are learning the ropes of modem warfare.
any bonuses, other than a possible bonus for having a high I.Q. Regardless, all pilots and gunners undergo a highly intensive and
All Secondary Skills start at base level. specialized training program, in which they learn some functions
Standard Equipment: Either a T-25 Uber or a T-31 Super of both roles, but a specialty is always selected during the pro-
Trooper for most missions, T-1000 Eagle Jet Pack, rail gun cess. Add the following Bonuses based on the M.O.S. selected:
or heavy weapon of choice, one standard issue rifle (either Robot Pilot M.O.S.: The following bonuses are gained when
a TX-17, TX-30, or TX-42), one pistol of choice, 1D4 tear piloting a large robot vehicle (NOT manning a designated gunner
gas grenades, 1D4 smoke grenades, 1D4 fragmentation gre- position). These are in addition to any other training:
nades, 1D4 plasma or micro-fusion grenades, survival knife, +2 to strike with long-range weapons both integrated and
flashlight, distancing binoculars, utility belt, gun holster for Heavy M.D. handheld weapons.
side arm, additional air filter and gas mask, walkie-talkie, four +2 to strike in melee combat.
standard uniforms, and one dress uniform. +2 to roll with punch, fall, or impact.
Equipment Available upon Assignment: Any T-Series or X- + 1 to disarm giant-sized opponents.
series power armor in which the character is trained. Addition- + 1 to initiative.
al weapons, energy clips, and vehicles, medical kit, portable +2 to Perception Rolls.
computer, portable language translator, cameras, surveillance + 1 attack per melee.
equipment, and explosives (including Fusion Blocks), and has
mid-level military clearance. Robot Gunner M.O.S.: The following bonuses are gained
Money: The Power Armor Commando gets a roof over his head, when manning a designated gunner position of a large robot ve-
food, clothing, access to power armor storage, robot hangars, hicle (NOT piloting). These are in addition to any other training:
maintenance areas, and all other basic needs provided for free + 3 to strike with long-range weapons integrated into the robot
as part of his/her pay. The monthly salary starts at 2,600 cred- vehicle. (This bonus does not include handheld weapons.)
its a month and goes up from there. Pay grade is similar to +3 to disarm on a Called Shot. +2 to initiative.
the chart found in Rifts® World Book 11: Coalition War + 1 to Perception Rolls. + 1 attack per melee.
Campaign™. Fire link: On a successful Weapon Systems skill roll, the gun-
When not in the field, this special forces soldier is given use ner can fire link two weapon systems he controls. This linked at-
of a private apartment on or near a military base. The apart- tack is made with only half of the bonus to strike, rounded down,
ment has a private bathroom, tiny kitchenette, living room, and cannot be used with missile systems. If the Weapon Systems
bedroom and study/library, and comes complete with stereo, skill roll is failed, then only one of the weapons fires at the target,
video system, and personal computer. still at half of the bonus to strike.
Rank: Standard Military. 3. O.C.C. Bonuses and Modifiers:
Cybernetics and Bionics: Select two cybernetic augmentations +2D4 to S.D.C. + 1 to P.P.
from any category (usually sensory augmentation such as Gy- + 1 to M.E. +2 to Perception Rolls.
ro-Compass, Universal Headjack, Amplified Hearing, etc.). + 1 to save vs Horror Factor at levels 1, 4, 8 and 12.

Alignment: Any.
NGR Robot Combat Pilot Attribute Requirements: I.Q. 9, M.E. 13, and P.P. 13 or higher.
The NGR Robot Combat Pilot is seen as one of the glamorous, Racial Restrictions: Human or D-Bee as described on page 60
elite military occupations. Generally, the pilots are hotshots who ofTriax 2.
pilot the massive combat robots of the NGR into battle. While M.O.S.: Select one of the following areas of specialty. The char-
they specialize in the use of large military robots, occasionally acter gains all skills under that M.O.S.:
they support NGR Army Aviators in flying large transports and Robot Pilot M.O.S.:
military aircraft and can even sometimes be seen behind the con- Pilot: Two of choice (+20%).
trols of tanks and military APCs if they are needed. In most cases, Robot Combat Elite: Triax X-Series four digit
the job of the Robot Combat Pilot is to engage the enemy head on Sensory Equipment (+ 10%)
and penetrate enemy lines. They are also used to defend strategic Weapon Systems (+10%)
positions, safeguard NGR cities and military bases, provide sup-
Gunner M.O.S.:
port for ground troops, and are frequently deployed on seek and
Pilot: One of choice (+10%).
destroy, reconnaissance, and rescue missions.
Sensory Equipment (+20%)
1. Maximum Performance: The pilot excels at getting the most Weapon Systems (+20%)
out of his machines and regularly pushes them beyond their limits.
O.C.C. Skills:
When piloting a large robot vehicle, reduce the penalty for stunts
Mathematics: Basic (+20%)
and trick piloting maneuvers by 5% and increase speed by 10%.
Literacy: Euro (+30%)
Language: Euro (+30%) surveillance equipment, and explosives (including fusion
Language: One of choice (+ 10% usually Techno-Can, Eng- blocks), and has mid-level military clearance. Note: Avail-
lish, Russian or Demongogian). ability of equipment and resources may be dependent upon
Radio: Basic (+10%) the local commander, supply stock, location, casualties and
Electronic Countermeasures (+ 10%) combat conditions. However, the Robot Combat Pilot and his
Computer Operation (+ 10%) crew usually get priority treatment regarding the allocation of
Navigation (+15%) X-series robots, assault vehicles, aircraft, and parts and am-
Military Etiquette (+20%) munition for said robots and vehicles.
Pilot: Hovercraft (+10%) Money: The Robot Pilot gets a roof over his head, food, clothing,
Pilot: One of choice (+20% ). access to power armor storage, robot hangars, maintenance ar-
Pilot: Robots and Power Armor (+10%) eas, and all other basic needs provided for free as part of his/
Robot Combat Elite: X-Series triple digit (excludes Triax Glit- her pay. The monthly salary starts at 2,800 credits a month and
ter Boys) goes up from there. Pay grade is similar to the chart found in
Climbing (+ 10%) Rifts® World Book 11: Coalition War Campaign™.
Running When not in the field, this special forces soldier is given use
W.P. Energy Rifle of a private apartment on or near a military base. The apart-
W.P. Energy Pistol ment has a private bathroom, tiny kitchenette, living room,
W.P. Heavy M.D. Weapons bedroom and study/library, and comes complete with stereo,
Hand to Hand: Expert video system, and personal computer.
Hand to Hand: Expert can be changed to Martial Arts (or Rank: Standard Military.
Assassin if an evil alignment) at the cost of one O.C.C. Re- Cybernetics and Bionics: Gyro-Compass, Headjack, and Ear
lated Skill, or Commando at the cost of two O.C.C. Related Implant to start. Additional cybernetics may be purchased or
Skills. given as rewards for outstanding service in the line of duty.
O.C.C. Related Skills: Select four other skills, plus one addi-
tional skill at levels 4, 8 and 12. All new skills start at level
one proficiency. NGR Intelligence
Communications: Any (+5% ).
Cowboy: None. Division Agent
Domestic: Any. The NGR Intelligence Division is a unique branch of the
Electrical: Basic Electronics only (+ 10% ). Army that trains its operatives in the areas of espionage, recon-
Espionage: None. naissance, and information gathering. While the Coalition has a
Horsemanship: None. number of organizations created to protect it from its numerous
Mechanical: Automotive and Basic only (+10%). supernatural enemies, the NGR relies mainly on the operatives
Medical: First Aid only (+10%). of the Intelligence Division. The agents trained by the division
Military: Any (+10%). are usually quick thinking, resourceful, charismatic and confident
Physical: Any, excluding Acrobatics. men and women who remain cool under pressure.
Pilot: Any (+15%). Each agent undergoes a training program tailored to the spe-
Pilot Related: Any (+ 10% ). cific individual. Every one of them is recruited and selected for
Rogue: None. specific reasons, be it natural aptitude, psychic ability, leadership
Science: Any. skills or just extreme dedication to the protection of the NGR.
Technical: Any (+10%). The nature of the training determines the types of missions to
W.P.: Any. which the character will be assigned but the missions can range
Wilderness: Land Navigation and Hunting only. from anything to stakeouts, prisoner rescue, and impersonation
Secondary Skills: Select two skills from the Secondary Skill List to assassination of high ranking enemy officials and long-term
on page 300 of Rifts® Ultimate Edition at levels 1, 3, 7 and undercover operations.
11. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get
The agent's services are often utilized by both the Intelligence
any bonuses, other than a possible bonus for having a high I.Q.
Division and the Civilian Law Enforcement branch of the Army,
All Secondary Skills start at base level.
but mission assignment is always at the discretion of the superior
Standard Equipment: Assigned to a crew of any X-series robot
vehicle such as the X-2000 Dynamax, X-2010 Longstrike, or
the X-4500 Gunman. Choice of a T-25 Uber or a T-1011 En- 1. Special Abilities (select two at level 1, and make an ad-
hanced Exoskeleton, one standard issue rifle (either a TX-17, ditional selection at levels 4, 7 and 12):
TX-30, or TX-42), one pistol of choice, survival knife, flash- Immersion: Through cultural immersion training, the Intel-
light, distancing binoculars, utility belt, gun holster for side ligence Agent becomes extremely skilled at blending into his
arm, additional air filter and gas mask, walkie-talkie, canteen, surroundings, allowing him to fit in almost anywhere. The char-
four standard uniforms, and one dress uniform. acter gets a one-time bonus of + 15% to 2D4 to the following
Equipment Available upon Assignment: Any X-Series Ro- skills (player's choice): Trust/Intimidate, Charm/Impress, Se-
bot in which the character is trained, aircraft, hover vehicle, duction, any one Language skill, Performance, Public Speaking,
additional weapons, energy clips, and vehicles, medical kit, Sing, Wardrobe and Grooming, Disguise, Impersonation, Inter-
portable computer, portable language translator, cameras, rogation, Undercover Ops, Military Etiquette, Find Contraband,
Streetwise, and Research. This bonus is cumulative with all other psychic sensitive, but the recruit must have a clean criminal re-
bonuses. cord, be registered with the government, and undergo a strenu-
Marksmanship - Pistol or Rifle (can be selected twice for ous series of classes and training targeted at helping the psychic
both): Special weapons training grants the Intelligence Agent ad- control his or her abilities. Due to their enhanced conditioning,
ditional bonuses when using either a pistol or a rifle. The agent Intelligence Division psychics are extremely loyal to the NGR
gets the following bonuses:+ 1 attack/action per melee round, +2 and, because of their ability to pull thoughts directly from the
to strike on an Aimed or Called Shot, + 1 to strike with a burst minds of others, they are among the best at what they do. The
or spray, + 1 to disarm on a Called Shot when using the selected psychic starts with eight powers from the Sensitive category, and
weapon type. will get one selection from the Super category at levels 8 and 15.
E.O.D. (Explosive Ordnance Disposal): The Intelligence Base I.S.P. is the Intelligence Agent's M.E. +5D6, +1D6+1 per
Agent receives extensive training in explosives and demolitions level. The character also gets Lore: Psychics at +20%.
of all kinds, granting him the Demolitions, Demolitions Dispos- Iron Will: Intense psychological training helps the Intelli-
al, and Underwater Demolitions skills at a bonus of + 15%. The gence Agent develop a tough disposition which even the tough-
agent also gets the Homemade Explosives skill found on page 74 est interrogators have trouble breaking. The character is immune
of Coalition War Campaign™, with a 20% bonus. to the effects of Horror Factor, cannot be tortured through pain
Supernatural Expert: Agents that show exceptional aptitude alone (it would require the use of drugs, psionics or magic), and
in a particular area of study are encouraged to pursue further receives +3 to M.E.
study. If the character selects the supernatural expert, he starts Guerilla Warfare Expert: The agent excels at operating
with Lore: Demons and Monsters and Lore: Magic, and Lore: behind enemy lines for extended periods of time. They are ad-
Psychics, all at + 15% in addition to other bonuses. The agent ept at gathering information on their adversaries, supply lines,
receives a +5 bonus to Perception Rolls regarding these skills. and troop movements, as well as harassing them with traps of
Technology Expert: Agents that show exceptional aptitude in all kinds. The character receives a + 15% bonus to the follow-
a particular area of study are encouraged to pursue further study. ing skills: Intelligence, Wilderness Survival, Trap Construction,
If the character selects the technology expert, he starts with the Camouflage, Trap and Mine Detection and Detect Concealment.
equivalent of the Fanatic Robophile skill from Rifts® Canada, These bonuses are cumulative with all additional bonuses.
page 117, and is +5 to Perception Rolls regarding technological Intelligence Commissioned Officer: The Intelligence Com-
opponents. missioned Officer is a skilled leader with knowledge of Military
Cyber-Humanoid (costs two and must be selected at char- History, and Etiquette, and is unsurpassed in the military tactics
acter creation): The Intelligence Agent is actually a light Full in every theater where NGR troops are found. Some officers are
Conversion Cyborg covered in a Bio-System skin covering. 15% recruited early on in their military career, yet most (80%) of all
of Intelligence Division Agents are Cyber-Humanoids. The Cy- Intelligence Officers are promoted from well seasoned veterans.
ber-Humanoid has the following statistics: Commissioned Officers receive the Military skills of Leadership,
e M.D.C. of Main Body: 100 and Theater Warfare (described below), the Technical skill, His-
• M.D.C. of Limbs: Hands: 25 each, Forearms: 35 each, Upper tory: NGR, with a specialty in NGR Military, each with a + 15%
Arms: 45 each, Feet: 25 each, Legs: 70 each, Head: 75. bonus.
• Arms and Hands: 2. Intelligence Division Branch Training: After admittance
Attributes: P.S. and P.P. of 20. into the NGR Intelligence Division, the character is assigned to
Weapons and Features: one of the three specific departments modeled after its pre-Rifts
• One multi-system hand, three features on the other hand. equivalent; foreign intelligence, domestic intelligence, or mili-
• One wrist feature of choice. tary intelligence. Each of the three divisions has its own special
• Three finger weapons or features of choice. training program that the character undergoes after the prelimi-
• Two knuckle features of choice. nary training that all agents go through. This training gives the
• One concealed forearm weapon of choice. character a full understanding of the relationships between all
• Legs and Locomotion: three divisions, a detailed understanding of the inner workings
Speed Attribute: 110 (75 mph/120 km). and hierarchy of their own selected division, the duties and re-
Other Leg Attributes: P.S. and P.P. of 20. sponsibilities of their organization, and lastly, specific immersion
Weapons and Features: training that helps the character build contacts and false identities.
• Each leg has a feature of choice, usually a concealed storage Characters select their Intelligence Division at character creation,
compartment, or quick-draw holsters. which cannot be changed, though each branch works closely with
• Other Features: the others in order to protect the interests of the NGR. (Note to
Head: Psionic Electromagnetic Dampeners, Combat Comput- G.M.: These contacts and identities can add a vast new array of
er, Universal Headjack, and one option of choice. adventure to the story you want to tell. Bits and pieces of intel can
Eyes: Both Multi-Optic Eyes. find their way to the player at various times through the use of
Ears: Two features of choice. these contacts as the Intelligence Agent uncovers plots and plans
Mouth/Throat: Two features of choice. against the NGR and Triax Industries. Be careful not to give too
Chest: Oxygen Storage Cell and one feature of choice. much away at once.)
Other: Cyber-Disguise AA-1, and Cyber-Disguise Type ASH • Federal Intelligence Service (BND) - Bundesnacbrichten-
Supplemental. dienst (Foreign Intelligence): Foreign Intelligence Agents
Psychic Sensitive (costs two and must be selected at char- have two alternate identities. Each of the two identities can be
acter creation): The Intelligence Division recruits the occasional from either the Coalition States, the Sovietski, one of the War-
lord Camps, Poland, Northern Gun, the Free Scandinavian Al- Climbing (+ 10%)
liance, the New Navy or New Camelot. Each identity has 1D4 Swimming (+10%)
contacts which he can use to extract information or acquire Prowl (+10%)
hard to get resources. The agent also gets two additional Lan- General Athletics
guage and Literacy skills with a +10% bonus. W .P. Energy Rifle
• Military Counter-intelligence Service (MAD) - Mil- W.P. Energy Pistol
itiirischer Abschirmdienst (Military Intelligence): Military W.P. Two of choice.
Intelligence Agents do not have any alternate identities, but Hand to Hand: Martial Arts
they have a large number of contacts and informants that pro- Hand to Hand: Martial Arts can be changed to Hand to
vide knowledge on the militaries of foreign nations. The agent Hand: Commando at the cost of one O.C.C. Related Skill.
has 3D4 contacts in either the Coalition States, the Sovietski, O.C.C. Related Skills: Select two Rogue or Espionage skills,
one of the Warlord Camps, Poland, Northern Gun, the Free one Wilderness skill, and three other skills, plus one additional
Scandinavian Alliance, the New Navy or New Camelot. The skill at levels 3, 7, 11 and 15. All new skills start at level one
character also gets+ 10% to three Military skills of choice. proficiency.
• Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV) Communications: Any (+15%).
- Bundesamt fur Verfassungsschutz (Domestic Intelli- Cowboy: None.
gence): The Domestic Intelligence Agent has 1D4+2 alternate Domestic: Any (+5% ).
identities, with each one based in Dusseldorf, Koln, Berlin, Electrical: Basic Electronics only (+5% ).
Frankfurt, Munich or Passau. Each identity has 1D4 contacts Espionage: Any (+15%).
within that city who are tapped into the workings of the local Horsemanship: None.
VGN (German Black Market) and the criminal element. The Mechanical: Basic only (+5% ).
character also gets the Streetwise skill at+ 15%. Medical: First Aid only (+10%).
3. O.C.C. Bonuses and Modifiers: Military: Any (+20%).
+2D4 to S.D.C. Physical: Any.
+ 1D4 to I.Q., M.A. and M.E. Pilot: Any (+10%).
+3 to Perception Rolls. Pilot Related: Any (+ 10% ).
+4 to save vs Psionic Attack, Insanity or Torture. Rogue: Any (+10%).
+2 to save vs Horror Factor. Science: Any.
+2 to initiative. Technical: Any (+ 10% ).
+3 to strike with ranged weapons. W.P.:Any.
+ 1 to strike with melee weapons. Wilderness: Any (+10%).
+ 1 to parry, dodge, and roll. Secondary Skills: Select two skills from the Secondary Skill List
on page 300 of Rifts® Ultimate Edition at levels 2, 4, 8 and
Alignment: Any. 12. These are additional areas of knowledge that do not get
Attribute Requirements: I.Q. 13, M.E. 12 and M.A. 14. any bonuses, other than a possible bonus for having a high I.Q.
Racial Restrictions: Human or D-Bee (very rare) as described All Secondary Skills start at base level.
on page 60 of Triax 2. Standard Equipment: Either a T-25 Uber or a T-31 Super
O.C.C. Skills: Trooper for most missions, T-1000 Eagle Jet Pack, rail gun
Mathematics: Basic (+ 10%) or heavy weapon of choice, one standard issue rifle (either a
Literacy: Euro (+30%) TX-17, TX-30, or TX-42), one pistol of choice, 1D4 tear gas
Language: Euro (+30%) grenades, 1D4 smoke grenades, 1D4 fragmentation grenades,
Literacy: Two of choice (+20%). 1D4 plasma or micro-fusion grenades, survival knife, flash-
Language: Two of choice (+20% usually Techno-Can, Eng- light, distancing binoculars, utility belt, gun holster for side
lish, Russian or Demongogian). arm, additional air filter and gas mask, walkie-talkie, handheld
Radio: Basic (+20%) computer, language translator, canteen, four standard uni-
Electronic Countermeasures (+20%) forms, and one dress uniform. Equipment will vary drastically
Computer Operation (+ 10%) from each undercover mission to the next.
Laser Communications (+ 10%) Equipment Available upon Assignment: Any T-Series or X-
Cryptography (+10%) series power armor in which the character is trained. EIR-15
Surveillance (+ 10%) Gargoyle 'bot or other means of military transportation when
Disguise (+20%) in the field on a direct NGR military support mission. Addi-
Escape Artist (+20%) tional weapons, energy clips, and vehicles, medical kit, camer-
Intelligence (+20%) as, surveillance equipment, and explosives (including Fusion
Military Etiquette (+20%) Blocks), and has high-level military clearance. Note: Avail-
Pilot: Jet Pack (+10%) ability of equipment and resources may be dependent upon
Pilot: One of choice (+20% ). the local commander, supply stock, location, casualties, and
Pilot: Robots and Power Armor (+5%) combat conditions. The Intelligence Agent always has prior-
Navigation (+ 10%) ity over power armor, S.C. D.B.A. equipment, heavy weapons,
Tracking (people) (+ 10%) explosives, cybernetic repairs and weapons.
Weapon Systems (+10%)

Money: The Intelligence Agent gets a private, two bedroom to charm/impress vs everyone at level one, +5% at levels 2, 4, 6,
apartment with a study, living room, kitchenette and private 8 and 10. Also +5% to Military Etiquette skill.
bath. Living conditions of each alternate identity are extreme- Theater Warfare: Surface, Submarine, Ground, or Airspace:
ly modest and sparse when in the field, unless approval has Theater Warfare skill is taught at military academies and war
been granted as a requirement to keep a cover. Most Intelli- colleges in the NGR, CS, Sovietski, and other high-tech places
gence Agents are pretty good with working this system to their throughout the world. It is an advanced skill that grants not only
advantage, since almost every cover they have is important. tactical knowledge but also the strategic knowledge to wage total
Pay grade is similar to the chart found in Rifts® World Book war within the particular theater of specialty. Note: This skill is
11: Coalition War Campaign™. generally not available to low ranking characters. It is usually re-
Rank: Standard Military. served for officers, Military Specialists, Intelligence Agents, and
Cybernetics and Bionics: If the character did not choose the Cy- for higher ranking characters. Characters pick one of the follow-
her-Humanoid option, they will get a Gyro-Compass, Clock ing theater specialties:
Calendar, Universal Headjack, and Amplified Hearing. High Surface: Surface Warfare covers the tactical and strategic use
ranking officers (S'h level and higher) are likely to have the of naval power for force projection. Surface Warfare specialists
following additional implants: one or two cybernetic eyes, are usually commanders of Carrier Assault Groups of Fleet Com-
one additional lung implant, Cyber Disguise AA-1, or a cy- mand Admirals.
bernetic finger or two, or even an artificial arm. Others can be Submarine: Submarine Warfare specialists are masters of the
purchased or awarded for acts of heroism, or provided for a cat and mouse type of warfare that submarines excel at. Subma-
specific mission. rine Warfare specialists can be found as part of Carrier Assault
Group command, or leading packs of silent and deadly subma-
New Skills Available to Ground: Ground Warfare includes training in the use of con-
ventional and unconventional warfare to achieve tactical and
NGR Military Personnel strategic goals. Ground Warfare specialists can be commanders
of commando assault teams or Generals marshaling troops in the
Note: Some of these are direct imports from the Robotech® field.
The Shadow Chronicles® RPG, but they are a good fit for ANY Airspace: Airspace Warfare specialists are trained in the use
of the Palladium Books® military games. of fighters, bombers, attack aircraft, and UCAVs for air superior-
ity and force projection. They are usually CAGs on aircraft car-
rier groups or commanders of fighter wings.
Military Skills Base Skill: 35% +5% per level.
Robot Drone Command: All of Triax DV and EIR Robot
Drones are programmed for combat and can adequately operate
with limited or no human direction. Certain NGR soldiers are Pilot Skills
trained to command and instruct these combat drones to operate Aerobatics: Essentially a civilian version of Combat Flying,
in tandem with each other to work more effectively in combat. characters with this skill are usually stunt or exhibition pilots. All
Most NGR body armor can be used to synchronize the individual penalties for airborne stunts and maneuvers are half, and the pilot
drones to its combat computer and HUD so the drone commander is + 1 to dodge and +2 to roll with impact/survive a crash while
is aware of what is each drone is seeing and experiencing, al- flying. Base Skill: There is no base skill, but for each new level,
lowing him to check the status of the drone or to issue new or- reduce the stunt/maneuver penalties by another one point.
ders. When connected, the soldier is aware of all the programmed Combat Flying: Similar to the skill Combat Driving, the
skills and can issue orders via radio. With additional experience Combat Flying skill represents a character's ability to fly in ad-
and training, the drone commander can better divide his atten- verse weather and combat conditions. All penalties for airborne
tion between more drones. At level one, the character can control stunts and maneuvers are half and the pilot is +2 to dodge and
two drones and can control an additional drone at levels 4, 7, 12 +3 to roll with impact/survive a crash while flying. Base Skill:
and 15. When operating drones, each drone gets the following There is no base skill, but for each new level, reduce the stunt/
bonuses:+ 1 attack per melee, +2 to strike with ranged weapons, maneuver penalties by another one point. Note: This skill is only
+3 to strike, parry, and dodge in melee. The drone commander available to military trained pilots, not civilians. Bonuses do not
gets +2 to Perception Rolls, but all combat attacks and combat stack with Aerobatics, but do combine with other skills such as
abilities are reduced by half. Base Skill: Not applicable. Note: Elite Aerial Combat.
If a character with this skill is using the X-1471 Wolfhound and
controlling DV-39 Wolf robot drones, the penalties are negated.
Leadership: This skill represents an officer or NCO's ability
to give orders and have them obeyed. An officer or NCO with
good leadership skills can motivate subordinates and subalterns
to do the impossible with nothing while smiling all the way. Skill
Bonuses: +2 to M.A. attribute, +5% to trust/intimidate (20% if
the character doesn't already have M.A. bonuses) vs armed forc-
es personnel at levell, and +5% at levels 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11. +5%

The Cutting Room Floor
Additional Source Material for Rifts® Thundercloud Galaxy™
By Braden Campbell and Kevin Siembieda

TheCCW 2) Freedom from Conquest. No CCW member planet may

engage in the conquest or colonization of other worlds without
the consent of the Consortium Authority. The violent conquest
Consortium of Civilized Worlds of other planets is expressly forbidden and cannot be carried out
Population in the Thundercloud Galaxy: One trillion. under any circumstances. Permission to colonize uninhabited
Demographics: 25% Humans, 21% Catyr, 10% Noro, 10% Re- worlds is usually granted, but such activities are monitored to en-
publican Wulfen, 10% CheDive, 24% Others (including 72 spe- sure that the planet does not have intelligent beings or even a high
cies indigenous to the Thundercloud Galaxy). potential to evolve intelligent species who may be compromised
by the colonization process.
The Consortium of Civilized Worlds (CCW) is arguably the
3) Freedom from Anarchy. All signatory worlds must be rep-
single most powerful political entity in the Three Galaxies. Its
resented by a planetary government; e.g. one global ruling body
origins can be found in a military agreement between the Human
for a single planet, or one body of government for two or more
Alliance and the Noro Federation. The Great War brought them
associated worlds or home world and colony planets. Only in a
together and attracted other planetary civilizations to join the Al-
few special cases is just a portion of a planet granted membership
liance as well. What started as a means to survive the aggression
into the CCW and the rest of the world left out of its jurisdiction.
of the Transgalactic Empire (TGE) created the pan-galactic su-
Ordinarily though, balkanized worlds with many independent
perpower that is the CCW. As a whole, the agreement that binds
ruling bodies are refused membership. Likewise, member worlds
the worlds of the CCW is more akin to a massive trade and mu-
that enter into a state of civil war have a five year grace period
tual defense treaty between partners than it is a single, coherent
to cease hostilities or face expulsion. The threat of exile is often
galactic nation. Instead of having an all-powerful, centralized
enough to get warring nations or disgruntled factions to broker
government like the TGE, the Consortium of Civilized Worlds
peace for the greater good of their world.
has left its constituent governments intact. Each member world
4) Freedom from Tyranny. This includes the right to own
enjoys autonomous rule and self-government and sends a certain
property, the right to a fair trial, the right for the people to have
number of representatives, based on their collective population,
a voice in their government and to elect government representa-
to Terra Prime where they are represented in the Consortium
tives. In most cases, the Fourth Freedom has been interpreted to
Congress. Within the Consortium Congress the repre~ent~tives
include freedom of expression/self-expression, freedom of reli-
speak on behalf of their civilization/world(s) and we1gh m on
gious worship, equality for all sentient life forms and the right to
issues of importance, including peaceful interaction, trade, de-
bear arms.
fense, and other matters. Otherwise, the various constituents of
It is important to note, especially in the case of the Thunder-
the CCW can rule and conduct themselves as they see fit. (In this
cloud Galaxy, that while all member worlds are covered by the
regard, the government works in a similar way to the government
Compact, there are actually two different levels of membership.
of the United States.)
There are Full Members and there are Associate Member Civili-
While sentient beings of member worlds are not forced to
change their ways - indeed, the CCW prides itself on being a
Full Members are those people who have attained the ability,
"cultural tapestry" - they all must sign the Civilization Com-
either via magic or technology, to become space-faring.
pact. This document is the Constitution of the CCW. It encom-
Associate Member Civilizations are sentient beings, usually
passes the Consortium's most ardent belief that all sentient spe-
humanoids, who have not yet achieved the capability for space
cies are created equal, and from their sentience, derive certain
exploration, be they a relatively advanced people or a developing
inalienable rights. In order to become a member of the CCW, a
civilization. Contact with the civilizations of these underdevel-
planetary civilization or collection of planets must agree to up-
oped planets is strictly controlled by the Consortium Authority
hold the Compact, or make certain societal changes that allow
and, as a rule, consists of a few small trading or scientific out-
them to uphold it. The Compact is the heart of the CCW's col-
posts, and a CCW embassy building/outpost for diplomatic li-
lective legal system, and abandoning it is grounds for expulsion
aisons and an Office of Development. Ostensibly, all associated
from the Consortium.
planets are defined as "pending" members of the CCW and are
At the heart of the Civilization Compact are the Four Free-
defended by the Consortium Armed Forces (CAF). That is as far
doms, the rights which every citizen of the CCW is guaranteed
as the CCW' s protection reaches, and outside influence is, as a
by law. They are:
general rule, kept to a minimum to let the people grow and ad-
1) Freedom from Slavery. Slavery is outlawed on all Consor-
vance on their own. On worlds where the indigenous population
tium member planets and territories. Slaves may not be owned,
embrace the change and advancement the CCW has to offer, there
sold, held or transported within Consortium space, and any slaves
may be a request for Expedited Associate Member status. Plan-
who are found there are considered to be free people and auto-
etary civilizations (i.e. the one or more expansive and powerful
matically granted asylum by CCW authorities.
indigenous civilization(s)) given Expedited Associate Member winner, more often than not, is the one with vastly superior tech-
status (which is usually granted to all who requests it) authorize nology- the CCW chartered colony.
direct CCW intervention and counsel to help their civilization ad- The indigenous people of colony worlds have no rights under
vance to the level of a space-faring people. Such worlds are given the Compact, because their civilization was never acknowledged
favored status and authorize CCW consultants to advise them on and never became a member of the CCW. Instead, it is the colony
matters ranging from political structure to the arts and technol- and its sponsoring Charter Company claiming the planet in the
ogy. These worlds are also likely to authorize the establishment name of the CCW that has superior rights to the planet. Thus, it is
of onsite CCW colony cities (i.e. advanced, modem cities devel- the colony and its colonists that are protected. The native people
oped by humans or other CCW members, for humans and other are at the bottom of the CAF' s list of priorities for colony worlds.
CCW members), terra-forming, mining and industrial operations In these cases, the indigenous people are deemed too primitive
on the associated planet. and peripheral to be recognized and their planet is, in effect, sto-
Full Member worlds immediately have all the rights of the len out from under them by a technologically superior interloper.
Civilization Compact, and are entitled to the Four Freedoms. Depending on the leadership and morality of the Charter Compa-
Associate Member Civilizations are usually given member- ny and/or its colonists, the indigenous people may be embraced,
ship because the CCW recognizes their potential for becoming nurtured and cultivated by the colonists, assimilated into colonial
an advanced, space-faring people within 50-500 years (especially society without preservation of the people's history or culture,
with guidance by the CCW and admission into the Expedited treated as second-class citizens, enslaved or even wiped from the
Membership program), and share outlooks and morals similar to face of the planet.
the CCW's own high ideals. However, Associate Members may Should a colony world fall under attack by the TGE, demons,
sometimes include planets or people with different views or dis- space pirates or other space-faring invaders, the CAF (Consortium
similar outlooks and politics but who offer a unique resource or Armed Forces) is supposed to provide protection to the planet and
tactical advantage for the Consortium. its inhabitants. However, as its forces are spread thin across the
In times of crisis, the CCW provides full military protection Thundercloud Galaxy to begin with, and now with many fleets
and humanitarian relief to Full Member worlds. Associate Mem- being called back to deal with the demon threats closer to home
ber Civilizations are also protected by the CAF space fleet, but in in the Corkscrew and Anvil Galaxies, response time in the Thun-
the eyes of the Consortium Authority, CCW citizens carry more dercloud is usually slow, and CAF resources may be insufficient
weight and are regarded as more important than the planet's na- to deal with the invasion force. Under that scenario, the CAF tries
tive inhabitants, so their safety and rights always come first. to evacuate and rescue the CCW colonists, leaving the indigenous
Colony worlds are an entirely different animal. Colony people to fend for themselves. In a worst case scenario (about
worlds are planets that either have no indigenous population, or 10% of the time since the demonic invasion erupted), the CAF is
a population that lays claim to less than 40% of the planet, has unable to respond for 3D6 days, leaving even the CCW colonists
no dominant global power or central government, and whose to survive on their own.
tech level ranges from Stone Age to Medieval. Under the aus- Though the CCW is well known for its humanitarian efforts
pices of the "reinterpreted" Consortium Compact, such worlds and open-door policy to accept all space-faring civilizations re-
may be claimed by CCW Chartered Companies, colonized, and gardless of race, there is something of a double standard when it
their indigenous people brought in line to accept and embrace comes to the Thundercloud Galaxy and what the CCW considers
the principles of the CCW by any means necessary. While this to be "primitive" people. This cold and callous behavior is the
was originally intended as a peaceful and gentle assimilation into antithesis of what the CCW represents, but one must remember
the CCW civilization for their own good, in practice it has led that the CCW colonists are caught up in the mindset of New Im-
to the conquest and subjugation of many worlds and their native perialism and the frenzy of the Scramble. Many of the Consor-
people. In many cases, the indigenous people are absorbed into tium settlers believe they are on a mission to tame the wilds of
the colony- sometimes as second-class citizens, other times with the Thundercloud and bring civilization to the unwashed masses.
the full rights of CCW citizens - but in either case, their humani- They try to tum every primitive sentient species they encounter
tarian rights are completely usurped by the "superior" rights of into productive, full members of the CCW. The most ardent Con-
the Charter Company, and their heritage and history completely sortium evangelists see themselves as parents guiding and disci-
obliterated. Once a CCW Charter Company is granted coloniza- plining wayward children for their own good. Take these things
tion rights, it is the indigenous people who are treated as if they into consideration and you can imagine how such a seemingly
are a potential threat to the colony. As such, the Charter Company contradictory attitude can not only endure, but become the ac-
can take whatever means and measures necessary to protect "its" cepted norm. It's sad and unacceptable, but it is the current state
colonists, workers, investments and planetary resources. This of affairs in the Thundercloud.
can result in the slaughter and even genocide of the planet's na-
tive people. The CCW would never allow such a thing if it knew
about such atrocities, but such respect and sensibility has gone
CCW Government Agencies
out the window when it comes to the Scramble for the Thunder- In 9500 TE, the CCW created the Consortium Authority,
cloud Galaxy. The race to acquire and cultivate member planets whose job was (and still is) to oversee the exploration and coloni-
is so bonkers wild, and communications are so terrible, that there zation of the Three Galaxies. The Authority is a kind of umbrella
is no oversight. Charter Companies and out-of-control colonists organization which controls the Ministry of Discovery and Devel-
can pretty much do as they please. By the time authorities might opment, the Ministry of Interplanetary Affairs, and the Office of
find out and try to put a stop to it, the crisis is usually over. The Colonial Administration. It also has close ties with the Ministry of
Defense and the Grand Admiralty of the CAF. In fact, one of the

few branches of government that it does not have any influence backward, savage beings into proper human allies. For various
with is the TVIA. reasons, moneymaking and political ambition being chief among
The heads of the ministries are elected by the people every six them, the rest of the Board of Directors sees little problem with
years. The Grand Admiral and the Director of the Consortium how she handles the company, even if it does go against the ide-
Authority are hand-picked by the Consortium Prime Minister, als of the CCW. As long as CEO Drennen gets results and makes
and are answerable only to him or her. The Authority Director is them plenty of money, they are content and don't ask questions.
also, incidentally, the third most powerful official in the Consor- It helps that Drennen is well connected, and that the Admirals of
tium government (behind the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime the Thundercloud Task Force support the Scramble because they
Minister). feel it is the only way to hold the Transgalactic Empire in check.
Even with all of these resources at its disposal, the Authority Since the underdeveloped civilizations of the Thundercloud
lacks the manpower to explore and colonize the billions of star Galaxy have nowhere to turn, and since the colonists have no
systems that make up the Three Galaxies. As a solution, it was real way of influencing how the colonies are run, what goes on in
granted permission to create and use sanctioned Charter Com- the Thundercloud stays in the Thundercloud. Furthermore, most
panies. These brought in additional money from corporate spon- colonists, company developers and adventurers who go into the
sors and private shareholders, and let the Consortium Authority galaxy are seldom heard from again, as they have their hands full
greatly extend the scope of its operations. with building new lives or just surviving on the frontier. Those
engaged in smuggling and other illegal operations have their own
The Thundercloud Development Company reasons for staying quiet. Meanwhile, heroes and good-hearted
The first of these Charter Companies was the Thundercloud adventurers, as well as opportunists, either spend all their time in
Development Company, funded with the vast personal fortunes the new frontier or have no forum on which to speak out when
ofFolvel Tanet and Kestrel Hobbs. Better known simply as "The they leave the Thundercloud. Worst of all, the "civilized" peo-
Company," it is by far larger than every other CCW Charter ple back home don't know or care about what's going on in the
Company put together, with colonies on thousands of worlds in Thundercloud Galaxy. And with the eruption of the Minion War
the Thundercloud Galaxy. However, since most of the Compa- in the Three Galaxies, the petty problems of the backwoods gal-
ny's planets are either very sparsely populated, or inhabited by axy are the least of anyone's concerns.
underdeveloped Associate Member Races, and they are spread The only things that could possibly upset the Company's ap-
far and wide across the galaxy, there are almost no Congressional plecart are the Galactic Courts and the Treaty Violation In-
representatives from the Thundercloud. This means colonists and spection Agency. The Consortium Authority has no power over
indigenous people who are exploited and live and suffer in poor these two groups, and therefore, neither does the Company. Still,
to atrocious conditions have nowhere to take their complaints or that doesn't mean they can't run some kind of interference.
fight for change other than their local Company Man. For its part, First, most of the Consortium colony worlds in the Thun-
the Thundercloud Development Company is in no rush to have dercloud have a citizen population that is so small they do not
its colonial possessions become full CCW members with Con- warrant the construction of a full-time courthouse. Nor do they
gressional representation, because the Company would lose the warrant the employment of a full-time judge. As a result, the
absolute control it currently enjoys. The day that the Thunder- Company has brought back the concept of a Circuit Judge who
cloud Galaxy is completely settled and civilized like much of the travels from one settlement to another at regular intervals. There
Corkscrew Galaxy, is the day the Company becomes a shadow is one judge per every sector of CCW-claimed space in the Thun-
of its former self. dercloud. That's one official to oversee the courts of every colony
The Company is set up and run as a massive corporation with within 500 light-years. The Company could appoint more, but
intergalactic holdings. At the top, the CEO presides over a large that would be a waste of money and resources at the present time.
group of executives, called the Board of Directors. Beneath them When the judge is in town, any and all cases are heard. When
is a confusing array of Divisional Presidents, Vice-Presidents, there is no judge, the colonists can either have an offender wait
Senior Leadership Teams, and Regional Managers. At the bottom in jail until one shows up, or they can take matters into their own
on the pecking order are the workers, which in this case include hands. Justice on the frontier, like life itself, can be swift and bru-
colonists, civil engineers, builders, craftsmen, scientists, Inde- tal, and many a criminal has wound up swinging from the end of a
pendent Defense Force conscripts, other personnel and indepen- rope long before the Circuit Judge arrives. It can be six months to
dent contractors (outsiders who work for the Company but are a year between judicial visits, which just encourages settlers to do
not actual colonists; e.g. the player characters and other adventur- for themselves. By the time the judge shows up, most legal prob-
ers, mercenaries, small businesses and opportunists). lems have been taken care of in one way or another, which only
The current CEO of the Thundercloud Development Com- reinforces the illusion that everything is fine to the authorities.
pany is Laverra Drennen, a 103 year old woman from Terra As for the TVIA, just because they show up in the Thunder-
Prime. Her parents were members of the Consortium Diplomatic cloud Galaxy, doesn't necessarily mean they have an easy time
Corps, and as such, she was used to traveling to many differ- getting around it. Most TVIA Inspectors corning from the Cork-
ent worlds. Known as a risk-taker, she made a sizeable personal screw or Anvil Galaxy arrive at the Consortium capital world of
fortune by the time she was 50. She is fluent in six languages, Eden, where they are welcomed with open arms by Company
and unknown to most, is a fervent human supremacist who hates representatives and given very nice accommodations while some
and distrusts all alien races. CEO Drennen sees the Thundercloud kind of transportation is arranged for them. Then the stonewall-
Development Company as her opportunity to claim uninhabited ing begins. "Inspector, unfortunately we were not informed about
worlds for humanity and personally turn the rest of a galaxy of your visit and a ship won't be available to take you off Eden for

at least six weeks." "We're sorry, Inspector, but the colony you usually comprised of retired CAF veterans, ex-military and/or
wished to visit has suffered an outbreak of a plague and the whole police personnel, professional security companies, and volunteer
place is quarantined and locked down." "The ship that was to take native people and/or colonists trained to fight in the defense of
you on your tour suffered a massive breakdown and will be laid their world. The job of the IDF is to defend their assigned world
up in spacedock for the next month." And so on. Even when an or colony from outside threats, keep the citizens safe, uphold
Inspector manages to get aboard a ship (provided by the Com- Consortium law, and to protect Company property from destruc-
pany for their use), he is often taken to see planets that are doing tion or harm. This mandate is very easily abused, especially when
very well for themselves; model communities where nothing is there are no actual CAF Troopers around to say otherwise. Of-
going wrong and there are certainly no creative interpretations of tentimes, an IDF army can brutalize the local indigenes with no
the Civilization Compact. reprisal, all the while claiming that they are protecting the Com-
pany's interests. Again, with things the way they are in the Thun-
CCW Military Force dercloud Galaxy, the degree to which the IDF protects or takes
advantage of the native population, and even the colonists, can
The Consortium Armed Forces (CAF) plays an important vary a great deal. It often depends on the strength of leadership
role in the development of the Thundercloud. A full 20% of the and the general alignment of the commanding officer or Com-
CCW fleet operates within this galaxy. Half of those are dedi- pany representative. However, well-intentioned leaders and IDF
cated to non-combat, exploratory and mapping missions under troops of predominantly good alignment may find themselves
the Consortium Discovery Corps. The remainder is split up into caught in morally ambiguous situations, or be commanded by
48 Battle Groups, with one group assigned to each sector of their Company representative (i.e. their employer) to engage in
claimed space. All things being equal, that would work out to activity they disagree with or find immoral and wrong. Failure to
an average of 6 starships for every CCW planet. However, Full comply with orders is likely to result in being fired, having pay
Member Worlds and the oldest and most developed of Associate docked and being forced out of the IDF, leaving those fired by the
and Colony Worlds necessitate a larger degree of protection, and Company able to work only as mercenaries with a reputation for
thus a larger number of orbiting ships. This leaves hundreds of being unreliable, rogues, or troublemakers.
the fringe worlds and the least significant colonies out of the loop
For those planets fortunate enough to have a detachment of
without any regular protection. Like the Circuit Judges, the lesser
actual CAF Troopers, things are generally much more civilized.
colonies are scheduled for regular, drive-by patrols every few As professional soldiers, rather than a private Company Army or
months, but that leaves long periods of time when the CAF patrol
hired goons, the Troopers always try to refrain from intimidating
is light-years away. In case of an emergency, a patrol of ships, or the colonists and native people, and try their best to uphold the
at least one or more of the larger CAF warships, can be called in
spirit of the Civilization Compact. Theft of Consortium property
(most often a single destroyer) to save them from pirates, raiders,
and attacks upon Consortium citizens are seen as acts of war, and
slavers, and invading aliens, but it can take hours or sometimes CAF retribution is swift. Note: Even at their worst, few CAF
days before help arrives. Furthermore, cunning space pirates and soldiers or the IDF militia are anywhere as brutal as Styrke, the
raiders take note of the patrol schedule, have a good idea of how
mercenary police force ofthe United Worlds of Warlock.
quickly the CAF can respond, and calculate how much time they
Independent Contractors is a broad term that includes ev-
have to strike and get away to avoid CAF intervention.
eryone form hired workers to mercenaries. "Contractors" are of-
In the early days, it was CAF policy to ensure there was at
ten hired by a Chartered Company to fill in for shortfalls within
least one garrison of soldiers to police and defend every colony
their own ranks and resources. Defense is one of the areas that
site, but that ended long ago. Now, only colonies and worlds that
sees the hiring of a great many "Independent Contractors." This
have the most valuable resources or strategic importance have means mercenaries and adventurers, though when times are tough
a permanent complement of CAF soliders. The rest use private
and combat troops are slim pickings, colony defenders might be
armies, mercenaries and other hired guns. At least a third of the
anyone willing and able to carry a gun for a paycheck. Mercenar-
colonies don't have any permanent defenders, bringing in hired
ies and other third party "contractors" are expected to be trained,
guns only when they are needed. The reality is that there were
combat ready troops with their own weapons, armor, gear and
never enough soldiers to go around, and now with the Minion
vehicles. While they too answer only to the company that hired
War, resources are stretched thinner than ever.
them, they cannot be drafted into the CAF. Screening of person-
To protect its colonial holdings, all CCW Charter Companies nel is minimal to non-existent for most private contractors, and
have the authority to hire their own civilian police force and pri- many mercenary companies employ rough characters and even
vate army, from ground troops to space fleets. Such Company- criminals. Speaking of which, when plunder is hard to come by
owned private armies are known as Independent Defense Forc- or the heat is on, some raiders and space pirates hire themselves
es (IDFs). Their training is provided to them by a representative out as mercenaries and Independent Contractors. Many Charter
of their respective Charter Company, and equipment usually Companies have an unspoken policy of hiring elite squads of
consists of laser weapons and light suits of combat armor. Pay mercenaries and adventurers to deal with special problems the
for IDFs and experienced meres and adventurers can be good to CAF and IDF might find morally untenable. This is especially
very good. Pay for inexperienced "protectors" is low. IDFs are true of matters that require special talents, discretion and no trace
answerable to the Company, not the CAF. It is worth noting that of who was responsible. The Thundercloud Development Com-
in an emergency, the Consortium Congress can draft IDFs into pany, among others, always have work for employees who know
the regular armed forces, but so far, this has never happened. how to get a job done and keep their mouths shut.
IDFs (Independent Defense Forces) have a certain standard
to uphold and try to screen for criminals. As a result, IDFs are
CCW Colonization Process Company Overseer who tries to establish and maintain friendly
relations with the indigenous people. However, the colonists can
The Consortium Discovery Corps (CDC) has nearly 7,000 take any land and resources they want. It is ultimately up to the
Explorer-class cruisers operating within the Thundercloud Gal- Company Representative as to how concerned and receptive the
axy. Although that might sound like a lot, it works out to one ship colony (and company) is to the needs, rights and traditions of
for every six million unexplored star systems. Needless to say, the indigenous population. Sadly, eight out of ten colonies com-
the missions of CDC crews can last for years or even decades at pletely disregard the needs of primitive inhabitants and do as they
a time, during which they explore new worlds and find and cata- please. If the indigenous people threaten and attack the colony(s),
logue every habitable planet they come across. If time permits, they are "pacified" by any means necessary. This almost always
they might even send a team of scientists down to the surface leads to violence and bloodshed, and more often than you might
to collect samples of local plant and animal life, run tests on the imagine, results in slavelike pacification and even genocide.
atmosphere and soil, and make certain that if a colony is planted
there it has a real chance for survival. This doesn't always happen
however, and many times, just the planet's general specifics are Isolation and Deprivation
recorded and entered into the log. The planet may not even get a In the Anvil and Corkscrew Galaxies, where global popu-
name. The explorers then submit a report to the Consortium Au- lations can reach into the billions, Consortium planets are sur-
thority, who gives the Thundercloud Development Company first rounded by an invisible yet all-pervasive information net. Using
right of refusal to colonize said planet. The Company reviews the desktop terminals, wearable computers, and even cybernetic im-
data and, if they decide it's economically or politically worth- plants, the citizens of the CCW have access to almost anything at
while, they proclaim it open for settlement and colonization. any time. News and entertainment are available to them around
Colonists can come from all over the Consortium of Civilized the clock and without delay. Entire libraries and databases are
Worlds, but the overwhelming majority of them hail from dense- theirs to peruse. Needless to say, this means that those who come
ly populated planets deep within CCW space. In order to leave to the Thundercloud Galaxy are literally being unplugged from
the planet they currently live on, they must submit an applica- mainstream society. Many people suddenly find that they have no
tion to the Office of Colonial Administration, and undertake interpersonal skills whatsoever, having spent most of their lives
a training course to prepare them for the rigors of frontier life in a series of online relationships. Isolation, boredom, loneliness,
on a distant and undeveloped alien world. Once basic training is and data-withdrawal are all very common afflictions. Everything
completed, the colonists' names are added to a waiting list from they knew their entire lives is gone.
which any of the Consortium's Charter Companies can draw. The The reality of building a colony is always much different from
colonists, themselves often don't know where they are going un- what they imagined, more dangerous, more frightening and much
til they are already on their way. However, because of glamorized harder to accomplish. Isolation does strange things to people, and
hype about the new frontier and the excitement of the Scramble, although surrounded by hundreds, even thousands of fellow colo-
there are millions of people on that waiting list every single year. nists, the settlers may feel lost and alone. Ninety percent have
All licensed Consortium colonists are first brought to the Eden trouble sleeping and suffer from nightmares, 50% are plagued by
System, where the Thundercloud Development Company and the mild depression and anxiety, and 12% from severe depression.
majority of other Charter Companies have their headquarters. Sleeplessness, depression and anxiety usually go away or dimin-
Upon arrival, they are greeted by helpful and smiling company ish substantially within 6-12 months, but some never recover.
representatives who finalize their contracts and encourage them Furthermore, isolation tends to make the new colonists irritable,
for their new life. The colonists are told what planet they are to paranoid, frightened, on edge and aggressive. This quickly leads
settle, what it is like there, and what specific goals, if any, the to a strong sense of community ("We need each other") as well as
sponsoring company would like them to achieve. In exchange, a "them or us" mentality. This is most often exhibited as a reflex
they are given a plot of land, all the equipment they need to get reaction to kill everything strange and frightening. Indigenous
them started, and told they will receive regular supply drops, and people often bear the full weight of the colonists' paranoia and
have the protection of an armed garrison of troops and the CAF violence simply because they are intelligent and alien. A monster
fleet to guard their backs. If they agree to sign, the colonists are or predatory animal is bad enough, but an intelligent alien race
taken to the specified planet to start their new life under the guid- whose planet you are colonizing/invading ... the imagination just
ance and support of their sponsoring Charter Company. If they goes wild. Without strong leadership and someone to quiet their
refuse, they can either go back home at their own expense, or try fears and calm the situation, reaction to the indigenous people can
to make a go of things on their own. Fewer than 6% get cold feet be fierce and terrible.
and back out. A more amusing manifestation of isolation is an almost obses-
The Thundercloud Development Company, alone, is en- sive and often ridiculous attachment to possessions representing
gaged in settling an average of 86 new planets per year. In or- their old life. Robbed of the intangibles of constant communica-
der to save the time and cost of terraforrning, each one of these tion and civilization, Consortium colonists of the Thundercloud
worlds has a natural biosphere and environment capable of sus- tend to become very attached to their remaining creature comforts
taining human life. However, there is also a chance that there will and symbols of their old life. As a result, it is not at all unusual
be primitive intelligent life on the planet. Under the reinterpreted for them to show up in an untamed wilderness bearing crystal
Compact, any world whose indigenous intelligent species has a goblets, antique silverware, or fine bone china. In one instance, a
tech level lower than Medieval, and dominates less than 40% of family from Terra Prime brought a grand piano with them, por-
the planet, is suitable for colonization. Such low-tech civilizations taging it across four rivers and hauling it over a mountain range.
are easily subjugated, but all colony sites will have at least one This attitude of "home is where my stuff is" also means that they

tend to dress poorly or strangely for their environment, wearing ment. However, the CheDive claimed Heoda as part of their an-
three piece suits in the jungles, and patent leather shoes in the cestral lands. Neither side would budge. The crisis boiled for two
arctic. It's ridiculous, and any colonist who plans to make his new months until the Fourth Emperor finally ordered the TGE Impe-
life a success soon learns to adapt or die. Still, this is yet another rial Forces to withdraw. War had been averted for the time being,
facet of New Imperialism and a desire to bend and shape a colony but the Heoda Incident only strengthened the CCW' s notion that
planet to their will. To make it an extension of home. Many colo- the Transgalactic Empire is out to conquer everything they see,
nists believe as long as they continue to surround themselves with whereas the people of the Consortium are morally superior.
the trappings of civilization, they will retain their civility, even in Kingdom of Desslyth. Over the past few centuries, this place
the dark heart of the Thundercloud Galaxy. has become one of the most exotic ports of call that Consortium
Over time, most colonists adapt to their new life and the physi- travelers can get away to. It offers far more in terms of services
cality of exploring and colonizing a new, untamed world. Most than many of the Utopia planets, and is reputed to be no more
come to embrace their new life, accept the changes and uncertain- dangerous than the streets of Center. In the Corkscrew Galaxy,
ties, and excitement and purpose they never felt before. Likewise, Desslyth is regarded as an alien yet alluring place to visit, like
many colonies come to terms with indigenous people and many Zanzibar mixed with the opium dens of Imperial China. Many
learn to accept each other and grow together to share the world. trashy romance novels are set in Desslyth, almost all of which
Of course, there are other colony worlds without a happy ending. involve beautiful female travelers who really should know better
Places where the environment, monsters or other forces plague than to fall in love with chiseled, long-haired, space pirates or
and destroy the colony. Planets where the indigenous people rise mercenary soldiers. Almost all of the Consortium patrons who
up to chase away or wipe out the invading colonists despite their come here know all about the ospina drug trade, but simply take
advanced weapons and technology, or vice versa. And worlds it in stride (assuming they didn't come for drugs in the first place).
where the colony plays havoc with the indigenous people and/or This view is not shared by all, however. Several religious
the environment, resulting in tragedy. fundamentalist groups, who seem to pop up in the Anvil Gal-
axy more than anywhere else, have started forming temperance
CCW Foreign Affairs movements to stop the spread of ospina. A few of these groups
have powerful political connections, and are calling for the CAF
Transgalactic Empire. The Consortium is determined to to declare "a war on drugs" and wipe out this whole "nest of
outpace the Kreeghor in terms of colonization, and claim more vipers." Although faith-based initiatives usually don't get too far
worlds for the CCW. This has led them to settle many planets, in the Consortium Congress, this one just might, especially since
each with a very few number of people. At the same time, no the Deputy Prime Minister, Jared Carden, recently had the Forge
one in the CCW wants to go to war with the TGE again. It is Dream (see Rifts® Dimension Book™ 5: Anvil Galaxy™, page
an accepted fact that should the two superpowers ever undertake 19, for details).
another Great War, the resulting conflict could gut the Three Gal- The Prides of Shing. The CCW has heard the stories of how
axies. Therefore, for all their displays of bravado and military this race of talking lions defeated the Golgans in a brief war, but
strength, both the CCW and the TGE will do almost anything to like most everyone else, has never made any kind of official con-
avoid an open conflict in the Thundercloud Galaxy. And yet, in tact with them. The Pride Worlds lie somewhere out on the far
the heat of the Scramble, where the stakes and tensions are high, eastern side of the Gaelra Arm of the galaxy, but exactly how
disagreements can escalate quickly. A prime example of this is many worlds there are, and the full extent of the Shing territo-
the Heoda Incident of 9900 TE. rial "claims," are unknown. Certain members of the Company
Heoda was a cluster of eight stars packed together inside a are intrigued by the tales that the Shing have no centralized gov-
massive nebula. Located in the Gaelra Arm near the Annach Gulf, ernment, but then wonder how they will make peaceful contact
the Cluster had four habitable planets, including the home world with them.
of the Kasaro. On each of these worlds, strange alien ruins were The Republikan Enklaves. The Golgans were fine when they
found. Heoda also directly touched on the borders of the CheDive were confined to the Anvil Galaxy and weren't engaged in any
Theocracy. The scorpion people had been Consortium members kind of aggressive expansion. They were almost funny in a way,
for a mere six years, and now they sought to increase their hold- the deflated balloon of tri-galactic politics. The Consortium still
ings. The TGE, feeling that they had missed a golden opportunity feels that way about the Republik, but has taken a different atti-
by not claiming the CheDive Theocracy for themselves, decided tude towards the Enklaves, which are starting to look like a sepa-
to take Heoda instead. Doing so would let the Empire break into rate nation, not just a colony. Since the Golgans did not sign the
the Gaelra Arm and possibly block off the Consortium's advance. Lanator Accords, there is nothing that the CCW can legally do to
The CCW, which had been settling worlds in a clockwise direc- stop the Golgan Destroyer, the Argosy, from using orbital nuclear
tion, moving along the top of the Thundercloud, couldn't allow weapons on any world not affiliated with the Consortium. This
this. The result was a standoff that nearly started a Second Great makes the Enklaves, for all intents and purposes, a rogue state,
War. and the CAF hates rogue states. In fact, they hate them so much
The TGE sent a flotilla of more than one hundred and twenty- that several Admirals are now drawing up plans for a preemptive
five starships into the Heoda Cluster. Imperial forces quickly oc- decapitation strike against the Republik.
cupied many of the alien ruins, establishing strong encampments. The Denlech Settlers. Even though the Consortium supports
The CAF responded in kind with a task force of nearly two hun- the Free World Council in its battle to achieve independence
dred vessels, and upon their arrival, politely asked the TGE to from the Kreeghor, it doesn't feel the same about the Denlech.
leave. The result was a standoff. The Empire had occupied the Hypocrisy? You bet. It's all well and good for people to fight for
ruins first, which made the Cluster theirs under the Tanet Agree- their inherent rights, just so long as they are fighting the enemies
of the CCW. The average Consortium citizen, if he is even aware Notable CCW Colony Worlds
of the situation on Denlar, sees the Denlech as a bunch of filthy
rotters who should be crushed underfoot for their ingratitude. Up- in the Thundercloud Galaxy
starts, that's all they are. Not like those brave patriots on Good Eden Three, also known as Bountiful Harvest. This planet,
Hope, Forge bless them. The biggest problem in this whole mess orbiting a red dwarf star near the tip of the Gaelra Arm, was the
is that the CAF cannot tell the commandos apart from the ev- first to be settled by the Thundercloud Development Company.
eryday Denlech Settlers. A few unscrupulous CAF commanders It is a near perfect copy of Terra Prime, with an oxygen atmo-
have suggested building internment camps to house those sus- sphere, warm seas, and steady, predictable weather. At some
pected of giving aid to the rebels. point in the planet's distant past, it was covered in active volca-
Trensik Mercenaries. The Trensik are not to be trusted. Even noes. Later on, shallow seas lay over all four of its continents.
though they proclaim they have no political allegiance and never These factors today mean that Eden Three has some of the richest
betray an employer, neither the CCW nor the CAF are buying it. arable soil in the galaxy.
On the other hand, the Trensik cannot be easily dismissed because The headquarters for the Thundercloud Development Com-
there are just so damned many of them. Ideally, what the CCW pany is located in the heart of the capital city, Tanet. A massive
would like to do is to find Trennis so they can provide the Trensik spaceport has been constructed on an island offshore from the
with everything they might ever need. Then they wouldn't have capital. It is here Consortium colonists first arrive in the Thun-
to fight for their meals anymore, and the TGE would be out sev- dercloud, are given their assignments, and then flung off into the
eral billion useful allies. If the Trensik cannot be assimilated into wilderness, after a layover that may take up to 3D6 days per fam-
the Consortium, then it is the opinion of the CAF that they must ily or individual.
be neutralized in some way. Teaca Majoris. This is the home of the Kujamoya, a land of
cool, rainy forests and vast grasslands. It also boasts breathtaking
United Worlds of Warlock. The CCW is unaware that the
mountain ranges and gorges, and many geologists believe this
UWW has started to colonize an area of the galaxy it calls the
world had a very active period not too many millions of years
Thundercloud Possessions. Hardly surprising, since most of the
ago. There are several small Consortium colonies on Teaca's
UWW don't know about it either.
largest landmass, but the two largest are Kettlewell (population
The Exiles. Individually, the Exiles are merely a nuisance 72,000) and Bertram (population 95,000). One is on the west
from a military point of view, but they're a threat to the constant coast, the other on the east, and between them lies 3,500 miles
flood of CCW colonists heading into the Thundercloud. The in- (5,600 km) of wilderness. The Company decided that it would
stability they can cause with their schemes makes them an unpre- be in everyone's best interest to construct a trans-continental
dictable element in a galaxy that really doesn't need any more of railroad to connect these two sites. Work began on the "Kettle-
those. Bert line" over twenty years ago, initially making great progress.
Motherhome-in-Exile. One of the most divisive issues in However, problems set in. Although the continent had been en-
Consortium society today is that of Wulfen reunification. For tirely mapped by an orbiting satellite, no one had gone out and
over five centuries now, half of the Wulfen people have lived be- done any actual geologic surveys before construction began.
hind the so-called "Kreeghor Curtain," while the remainder have Plagued by disease, mudslides, shortages of manpower, and at
been founding members of the CCW. Each side would like to least one embezzlement scandal, the railroad has, so far, cost the
bring the other into its respective fold without somehow touching lives of over 12,000 (mostly native) workers. It is commonly said
off another Great War. In the minds of some Republican Wulfen, that there are ten dead Kujamoya for every mile of mag-lev track.
discovering Motherhome-in-Exile just might be the key to suc- Currently, the western arm has come to a dead stop as workers
cess. try to build a bridge over Shafer Falls; a mile wide (1.6 km), 360
The four Dark Tribes allied themselves to the Kreeghor only foot (109 m) tall curtain of fresh water flowing out of the inte-
as a means to overthrow and kill the Wulfen Royal Family. These rior. Although the superstructure is being made of modern ma-
events soon led to the outbreak of the First Great War, and despite terials, the Kujamoya employ bamboo-like scaffolds from which
two hundred years of fighting and billions of lives lost, they were to work, and accidents are many. The total length of the bridge,
unable to capture and secure Motherhome. The members of the when finished, will be one and one-quarter miles (2 km), but for
Royal Family were indeed removed from power, but by the hands now, it simply sticks out over the raging water, incomplete.
of the Republicans. The Emperor and his kin were sent into exile The eastern portion of the railroad is tunneling its way under
on the planet of Agetia, where they lived comfortably and eventu- the Indigo Mountain Range with the expectation that someday,
ally all died of old age. The Dark Tribes got what they wanted in the two halves will meet somewhere in the middle. At least thirty-
the end, but were denied the joy of killing the royals themselves. two different spurs (all in various states of progress) jut off the
Many Wulfen in high positions would like to find Mother- main line toward other colony sites or to proposed colony sites.
home-in-Exile so that they can capture Greyaxe's descendants The Usa-Orlando Colonies. This binary star system is locat-
(who are also the last living members of the ancient Royal Fam- ed in the southeastern part of the Gaelra Arm, across the Hollan
ily) and present them to the Dark Tribes as a peace offering. It Gulf from the Catyr Commonwealth, about halfway between the
is hoped that by allowing the Dark Tribes to kill the captives, Bushi Federation and the Republikan Enklaves. It consists of Ilsa,
that the centuries-old blood oaths will finally be appeased. Then a blue sub-giant, and Orlando, an orange dwarf. The stars are less
serious moves can be made towards reunification and eventual than one light-year apart, and there is one settled world in each
Wulfen self-rule. The human and Noro delegations within the solar system.
Consortium know nothing of this plan. Ilsa-4 is a large planet with Terra-Prime-like gravity and a
temperate clime. As an odd celestial feature, it is orbitally locked
behind Ilsa-3, a gas giant. Cut off from the sun, days on Ilsa-4 are militia force of 2,000 IDF. Attacks from space pirates still remain
like twilight and the nights are pitch black. The planet also has a all too commonplace, since the repair station and the spare parts
series of rings. Ilsa-4's atmosphere, while breathable, is dense- stored therein are simply too tempting a target to pass up.
"double thick" as many refer to it. The Consortium colony was Orlando-2 is a high gravity (twice Earth norm), temperate
built high up on a mountain plateau where the air pressure is world with a solitary continent. The air here is fine and breath-
relatively normal. Below, the atmosphere ofthe planet sinks into able, but for four months out of the local year, the upper atmo-
the valleys and swirls around like an unending fog. The colony sphere turns into a giant electrical storm! This cuts the planet off
contains anti-aircraft defenses, barracks, a small hospital, organic from the rest of the galaxy, since the storms block any and all
recyclers, and a major repair facility that can service all kinds of radio transmissions, and pose a grave danger to transatmospheric
vehicles and starships up to and including frigate size. Sixteen ships. Eight thousand people live here. The local IDF numbers
thousand people call this colony home, and are protected by a just over 1,600 troops.

The Black Crusade

Part 2: The Methodeans
Optional Source Material for Rifts®
By Andrew Lander
Author's Note: Some of the races, O.C.C.s, equipment and • It's not obvious, but the Methodeans are also masters of Tattoo
other material referenced in this article are found in The Rifter® Magic.
#52, under the article, The Crusaders and The Black Crusade. The Methodeans neither deny nor confirm such rumors. They
are, however, extremely secretive and never allow outsiders to
The Methodeans are a secretive race of humanoids that have
learn anything about their past, where they come from, or what
been recently encountered throughout the Megaverse. Although
their motivations are.
it is rare to see a Methodean in a busy inter-dimensional trade
market, such as Center or Splynn, they have been encountered
on a number of worlds for a variety of reasons. Most often, they
are operating as merchants or looking for some profitable oppor- Methodean Trading
tunity. In many dimensions the Methodean Trade Syndicate, or
MTS, has become synonymous with the humanoids.
Methodeans are quickly earning a reputation as master magi-
Syndicate (MTS)
cians who utilize a wide variety of magic and psionics. Method- The Methodean Trading Syndicate, or MTS, is an inter-di-
ean towns and bases are typically centered around a stone pyra- mensional trading organization operated by the enigmatic Metho-
mid. Individuals have exhibited the powers of Ley Line Walkers, deans. MTS operates in dozens of dimensions, but specializes in
Techno-Wizards or Shifters. Canny observers will also note the isolated civilizations that have few links to other worlds. This en-
subtle use of magic tattoos and psionics. However, it is also well ables MTS to easily maintain a monopoly on trans-dimensional
known that the Methodeans make liberal use of technology to trade in these dimensions, thus reaping huge profits.
supplement their magical prowess. MTS seems to have an insa-
tiable appetite for high-end electronics, new types of weapons, or
other exotic gadgets and will pay good money for new products.
Organization Characteristics
The Methodeans always cloak themselves in thick robes, (See Rifts® Adventure Guide, page 123.)
hoods, face masks, or environmental body armor (see Methodean Size and Orientation: Trans-dimensional Syndicate.
Dark Robes below). They never take off their coverings except, Total Points: 767
it's presumed, when inside their private, secured quarters. The Sponsorship: Secret.
Methodeans rarely talk about their past, where they come from, A. Outfits: Unlimited (50).
what their goals are, etc. Diligently asking locals who regularly B. Equipment: Electronic Supplies and Good Gear (10), Medi-
trade with them and sifting through the gossip will yield the fol- cal Clinic (20), Magic Technologies (40).
lowing with a successful Streetwise roll: C. Vehicles: Unlimited Vehicles (60).
• The Methodeans avoid worlds inhabited by the Splugorth. D. Weapons: Superior Tech & Magic Weapons (45).
• They are all human looking, but hide their identity because E. Power Armor & Bots: Basic Power Armor (15).
their enemies are searching for them. F. Communications: Superior Communications (50).
• They were former slaves of the Splugorth and learned all their G. Internal Security: Impregnable (60).
magic from these inhuman monsters. That's why they avoid H. Headquarters: Sprawling Estates (75).
worlds inhabited by the Splugorth.

merchants. While MTS does have extensive military power, it
seeks to expand its influence peacefully. Doing so requires fewer
resources, both when setting up shop and over time. After agree-
ments are set, MTS purchases land on a local nexus and con-
structs a compound containing a magic pyramid with a Techno-
Wizard portal, warehouses, and other outbuildings. They then
hire locals to supplement their work force. As many as two-thirds
of an MTS compound's population may be natives. Positions
available for locals include merchant and government liaison,
store clerks, warehouse labor, janitors, clerks, and other low level
jobs. Few locals are given a position of authority by the paranoid
Methodeans, and compound security rarely has non-Methodeans
on the payroll. However, when away from the MTS compound,
the Methodeans regularly hire local bodyguards, mercenaries and
goons for extra security.
MTS makes use of both advanced technology and magic.
However, the Methodeans' skill with Techno-Wizardry, Stone
Magic, and traditional spell magic is pervasive. MTS agents are
always well outfitted with the best technological and magical
weapons, armor, and equipment. The average Methodean agent
has advanced armor (60-135 M.D.C.) with 1-4 Techno-Wizard
enhancements, energy weapons equal to the best Kittani or Na-
runi guns, advanced electronics, and a smattering of other magic
items. Vehicles can include anything, with the exotic and mili-
tary grade transports being common. The one area of technology
MTS does lack is advanced power armor and robots. Although
they have enough funds to purchase such tools, the leaders rightly
deduced that they are unnecessary, given the magic prowess of
the average MTS agent.
MTS possesses an extremely advanced network of inter-di-
mensional portals and communications systems. They accom-
plish this by combining stone pyramids with Techno-Wizardry.
Every compound's pyramid has one or more Techno-Wizard por-
tals (see the Methodean Crystal Arch below) based on the spell
Re-Open Gateway. These Crystal Arches cost much less P.P.E.
to activate than traditional teleportation or Rifts created at a pyra-
mid. The Crystal Arches also aid in cross-dimensional commu-
I. Intelligence: Military Scouts (5), Psychics and Sorcerers (20), nications.
Supernatural (20), Spy Network (40). MTS is beyond paranoid when it comes to security. Every
J. Monthly Budget: Unlimited (100). compound is surrounded by a wall (typically 10 to 30 feet/3-9
K. General Alignment: Aberrant and Miscreant (2). m tall) and guarded around the clock. The pyramids themselves
L. Criminal Activity: Assassins (10), Psychic or Wizard Enforc- are offlimits to non-Methodeans and guarded by mysterious, and
ers (12), Smuggler Teams (15), Soldiers of Fortune (8), Sur- heavily armed, Methodean guards (no local goons here). Elec-
veillance Experts (10), Techno-Wizards (10). tronic and magical surveillance and traps protect every square
M. Reputation: Known (10). foot of the compound. Even MTS merchants and traders away
N. Salary: Outrageous (40). from the compound have extensive security. In addition, the
0. Special: Friendship: Merchants (10), Government Backing Methodeans secretly spy on all the locals who work for them, not
(30). to mention any potential rivals or enemies. Locals are screened
P. Disadvantages: None (0). with technology, magic, and psionics before being hired and
are paid enormous bonuses for revealing security leaks, such
Methodean Shifters and Stone Masters started MTS over 60 as someone attempting to bribe them or another employee who
years ago. They sought to create an organization that could utilize gives away secrets.
their extensive magic and knowledge of dimensions for profit, When MTS moves into a new area they always build a sizable
and to further their other mysterious goals. Typically, when a spy network augmented with psychic, magical, and supernatural
Shifter discovers a new dimension it's evaluated to see if any agents. They also have access to experienced military scouts to
commercial potential exists. The ideal dimension has no other explore local militias and police. In addition, they worm their
trans-dimensional merchants present, such as the Naruni or Splu- way into the criminal underground, offering the services of their
gorth. MTS looks for raw materials the dimension is lacking as expert assassins, supernatural soldiers and enforcers, and extend
well as finished goods they could benefit from. A team then Rifts their trading activities into the black market. One of their most
to the promising world to negotiate trade agreements with local lucrative operations is smuggling illegal goods to and from a di-
mension. Thus, their influence on any given world usually far mension description guidelines from Rifts® Dimension Book
exceeds what one would expect for the number of Methodeans Seven: Megaverse® Builder.
present. Often, they can start or stop wars, or make trade deals
and alliances with a quiet murder, bribe, or blackmail in the right
place and time. G'due D'gud
MTS cost the Methodeans an enormous amount of resources A subterranean dimension where the inhabitants all live un-
to start (building pyramids and Crystal Arches is no small feat), derground - and the "ground" surrounding them is composed of
but has paid off more than handsomely. Even with the cost of hundreds of different types of crystals and gems.
aggressive expansion, MTS is generating hundreds of billions of
credits in pure profit every year. This is after the huge salaries and
bonuses paid to employees, both local and Methodean.
Dimensional Characteristics
1. Type of Dimension: Infinite. As far as the Methodeans can
tell, the dimension has no limits.
Secrets Revealed 2. Primary Dimensional Medium: Crystals. Ninety percent
The Methodeans are none other than the True Atlantean Clan of the earth surrounding the livable space is composed of com-
Aerihman. The clan elders conceived of MTS as a way not only mon, precious, and semi-precious gemstones. All types of crys-
to make money, but also to expand their inter-dimensional in- tals and gems found on Earth, and several dozen new types, are
fluence and provide resources and intelligence to use against common as dirt.
their enemies. For example: MTS spy networks are constantly 3. Secondary Dimensional Medium: Air. Breathable by hu-
on the lookout for other True Atlanteans. When found, they're mans (though stale) contained in chambers, crevices, and tunnels.
thoroughly scouted out and then a hit team is sent in to kill them The smallest chambers can barely be wriggled through, the larg-
(Sunaj Assassins, Slayers, magic users, and psionics - often dis- est is about 20 miles (32 km) across. Fresh and mineral tainted
guised as locals or inter-dimensional raiders). MTS also seems to water runs through some chambers in streams, rivers, and lakes.
have an unlimited budget to hire local muscle and assassins to ha- 4. Density of Dimensional Fabric: Permeable. No bonuses or
rass, rob, beat up, and kill any True Atlanteans found. Often such penalties to enter or exit.
thugs are paid through third party criminal partners and are used 5. Magic Level: Intermediate magic energy. Ley lines and
to "soften up" the True Atlanteans before the hit team moves in. nexuses are present but not visible. They only offer extra P.P.E.
Also, when (not if!) Clan Aerihman's alliance with the Splugorth during periods when magic surges. In this dimension, that's pri-
turns sour, MTS will provide them with alien technology, cash, marily after an earthquake.
mercenaries, bases, and other resources outside the Splugorth's 6. Dimensional Energy Matrix: Neutral. No outside technol-
sphere of influence or knowledge. Thus, providing a major strate- ogy will function in the dimension, not even that built in a dimen-
gic advantage against the wily Splugorth. sion with a universal energy matrix. The current level of technol-
The Aerihmans created the Methodean ruse on purpose and ogy developed by all inhabitants encountered by Methodeans so
even spread the rumors about them being former Splugorth slaves far is Iron Age.
to deceive others as to their true intentions, and explain their mas- 7. Flow of Time: Slower. For every day that passes in G' due
tery of multiple forms of magic. They also intentionally avoid D' gud, two pass on Rifts Earth.
worlds with a Splugorth presence or large numbers of True At- 8. Dimensional Quirks: Earth elemental affinity. Traveling
lanteans so they can keep MTS a secret as long as possible. to or from the elemental plane of earth or similar dimensions is
Another side benefit of the organization is that young and in- +20%, as well as summoning earth elementals. Traveling to or
experienced Aerihmans can get some seasoning by working for from the elemental plane of fire or summoning a fire elemental is
MTS for several years. Many clan elders encourage young Shift- -10%. The P.P.E. cost of all earth elemental magic (not conven-
ers, Sunaj Assassins, and others to join MTS so that they gain tional or Stone Magic that involves earth) is halved.
more practice, skill, and inter-dimensional experience before be-
ing reassigned to more dangerous and important tasks. Outside Dozens of underground civilizations thrive in this subterra-
the organization, the average Clan Aerihman member knows nean dimension. A half dozen intelligent races war, scheme and
MTS as an inter-dimensional trade guild operated by clan elders, plot against each other in a chaotic struggle to acquire more liv-
but few have actually heard it called the Methodean Trade Syndi- ing space. All are composed of mineral life and organic matter is
cate (although, if they hear the name many will not be surprised, unheard of here. Humanoid visitors have to bring their own food,
since the Methodean deception is often used in other Aerihman for none can be foraged in these hard, underground chambers.
operations). However, only the elders and MTS leaders know its The Methodeans have allied themselves with one of the stron-
true size and scope. Keeping details on a "need to know" basis gest races, the Zuthxiou. Zuthxiou appear to have smooth, black
has paid off. Several Splugorth, through a few double agents and obsidian bodies that are hard to the touch, but bend and flow like
well-placed moles, have heard of MTS, but dismiss it as small ink. Like most creatures in this dimension, they are tough S.D.C.
and of marginal influence. beings (100-400 S.D.C. each). However, their true strength com-
pared to their rivals comes from their intelligence. The Zuthx-
* * * iou are the most powerful wizards of G'due D'gud as well as
very active merchants. The Zuthxiou are organized into merchant
The following are some of the more notable dimensions the and wizard houses, called Kags, that vie amongst themselves for
Methodeans have established a presence in. They follow the di- power and position, while occasionally warring with their neigh-
The Methodean trading compound is located in one of the
largest Zuthxiou cities, Q'irrda. The compound has heavy secu-
rity, including two entire military companies protecting it, due
to the frequent conflicts surrounding them. Although the Metho-
deans' technological gadgets don't work, and the Zuthxiou's
wizardry nearly equals their own, the Methodeans have several
advantages against the locals. Techno-Wizardry, Stone Magic,
and Tattoo Magic are unheard of on G'due D'gud, giving the
Methodeans mysterious abilities the locals fear and respect. But
most importantly, their high-tech body armor retains its M.D.C.
toughness. Aggressive Zuthxiou and other locals have learned to
respect heavily armored Methodeans. The Methodeans, always
thinking ahead, refrain from trading M.D.C. body armor or teach-
ing their "exotic" magical arts to the locals so they can maintain
their advantage.
This dimension has proven a treasure trove for the Method-
eans. They are able to trade wood, plants, small animals, and the
food necessary to keep such things alive for (literally) tons of
semi-precious and precious stones. (Such organic minutiae has
become a mark of status among the Zuthxiou.) Not only can the
Methodeans sell the gems in other dimensions at a huge profit,
but they utilize the stones themselves, powering their Techno-
Wizardry and Stone Magic. An example is the tons of blue tour-
maline crystal exported every month for the construction of Crys-
tal Arches and other Techno-Wizard devices (see below). Note,
because of the dimension's moderate magic level, no naturally
magic gems (such as xanthine) are present. The trading com- Average Size: Five feet (1.5 m) plus 4D6 inches (10-61 em) tall.
pound at Q'irrda receives so much dimensional traffic that the Weight: 180 to 320 pounds (81 to 144 kg).
Methodeans recently installed two P.P.E. Vats (see Methodean Hit Points: P.E. + 1D6 per level of experience.
equipment below) in the pyramid to supplement its meager P.P.E. S.D.C.: 1D4x100, plus those gained from O.C.C.s and physi-
reserve. cal skills. Zuthxiou are not supernatural creatures and do not
transform into M.D.C. beings in dimensions with high levels
Zuthxiou ofP.P.E.
Natural Armor Rating: A.R. 12, a roll to hit of 12 or less causes
Zuthxiou are one of several races encountered on G' due no damage.
D'gud. They appear as hairless humanoids with human-like fa- Horror Factor: 10 when first encountered by dimensional trav-
cial features, two arms, and two legs. Their bodies, however, are elers due to their strange appearance. None otherwise.
shiny jet black and as smooth as silk, but hard like stone. Oth- P.P.E.: 4D6 base. A Zuthxiou magic user adds 4D6 P.P.E. to his
er intelligent species on G'due D'gud are stronger, larger, and base in addition to that provided by his O.C.C.
tougher than the Zuthxiou. However, the Zuthxiou have rose to Disposition: Cunning, back-stabbing, and selfish. Zuthxiou also
prominence by their intelligence and cunning. consider themselves refined and cultured. Most can lie, cheat,
Zuthxiou society is based around one's Kag. A Kag can be wage war, plot and scheme with a smile on their face.
thought of as a clan, guild or even an extended family. Kags Average Life Span: 6D6+200 years. Physical maturity is at-
represent various occupations that Zuthxiou specialize in, with tained by age 30. Females lay 1D4 obsidian-like eggs as often
wizardry and merchant Kags being the most common. Kags can as once a year and can procreate until around age 150.
number as few as a couple dozen members, or as many as several Natural Abilities: Basically same as a human except has Night-
thousand. Zuthxiou join a Kag based on merit, not bloodline, af- vision 200 feet (61 m; can see in total darkness) and good
ter reaching adulthood. Once part of a Kag, all ties with parents overall vision and hearing.
and other family are severed. Skills of Note: Speak Zuthxiou at 98% and most learn 1D4 other
Zuthxiou culture is highly competitive and chaotic. Only a languages common toG' due D' gud. Those that associate with
loose alliance of the most powerful Kags keeps any semblance of the Methodeans have learned Dragonese at a basic level. Oth-
order. Violence, both subtle and gross, sometimes echoes through erwise they use magic to facilitate communication.
dark cities of the Zuthxiou as individuals and Kags vie for power. Available O.C.C.s: Zuthxiou can select any O.C.C. that a hu-
However, when threatened by outsiders, the Zuthxiou have an man can select, excluding those requiring augmentation such
unspoken agreement to help each other. Not helping a fellow as 'Borgs, Juicers, and Crazies. Wizards (Ley Line Walkers
Zuthxiou fend off an outsider is both a mark of shame and pun- without the ley line powers), Mystics, Shifters, and Warlocks
ishable by those currently in power. (especially Earth) are common, with nearly a quarter of the
Alignment: Any, but most are selfish and evil. population being able to use magic.
Attributes: I.Q. 3D6+6, M.E. 4D6, M.A. 3D6+2, P.S. 2D6+10, Experience Level: 1D4+4 or as set by the Game Master for
P.P. 3D6, P.E. 2D6+8, P.B. 3D6, Spd 3D6. NPCs. Intense competition ensures Zuthxiou that survive the
chaos are veterans of battle, politics, and mercantile pursuits. 30 strong ley lines and half a dozen nexuses spread across its
Players should start at first level, representing a young, untried surface.
Zuthxiou. 6. Dimensional Energy Matrix: Positive. Only technology
Attacks per Melee: As per Hand to Hand Combat skill. developed with a universal or positive energy flow will work.
Damage: As per P.S. or weapon. Technology from dimensions with a negative flow, such as Rifts
Bonuses: No racial bonuses beyond any high attributes. Earth or the Three Galaxies, does not function. The current level
Vulnerabilities: None, other than being disoriented the first time of technology developed by the Biomech Union is roughly equal
exposed to full daylight (-1 to strike, parry, and dodge for the to the Three Galaxies.
first hour). 7. Flow of Time: Normal. For every day that passes in the
Psionics: Standard. There are a few Kags dedicated to psionics. Biomech Union, one day passes on Rifts Earth.
Magic: By O.C.C. only. Many Zuthxiou learn magic. 8. Dimensional Quirks: None.
Standard Equipment: As per chosen O.C.C., although Zuthxiou
that have never left G' due D' gud will only have access to me- The Union, or Biomech Union as its known to organic visi-
dieval weapons and equipment. tors, is a space-faring civilization not unlike the Consortium of
Money: As per chosen O.C.C. Civilized Worlds in the Three Galaxies. It seeks peaceful coex-
Bionics & Cybernetics: Not available. istence with all intelligent species. Its unique difference is that
Habitat: Zuthxiou eat a variety of crystals and gems, breathe air all 37 species comprising it are non-organic, but biomechanical.
like humans, and require a small amount of water every day. In fact, with one exception, the whole dimension appears to be
Other than finding sufficient crystals for food, they can sur- void of organic life, but filled with its biomechanical equivalent.
vive in any environment that humans can. After encountering Such creatures have silicon chips for brains and hydraulic fluid
the Methodeans, the Zuthxiou have started to experiment with for blood. For examples of biomechanical animals, see Rifts®
dimensional travel and a few have managed to travel to other Dimension Book Seven: Megaverse® Builder, page 50 (Avian
dimensions. Biomech) and page 55 (Saurian Biomech). All biomech creatures
Slave Market Value: Potentially, 1D6x10,000 credits. Even from this dimension, including the 37 biomech humanoids of the
though slavery is common on G' due D' gud, the Methodeans Union, are minor Mega-Damage beings with Robotic Strength.
have refrained from exporting captured Zuthxiou to other di- Even though they possess P.P.E., none have magical aptitude or
mensions so they can keep G' due D' gud a secrect. psionic potential. Indeed, due to the alien nature of their minds
Alliances and Allies: Zuthxiou will trade and even ally with oth- they save vs psionics as if they were Minor Psychics (12 or higher
ers in order to gain position, profit, or advantage. Most such
alliances, however, are temporary. The Methodeans have for-
mal deals with the most powerful Kags of Q'irrda and work
hard to placate their allies in the shifting power struggles of the
city. The Zuthxiou, in tum, stay loyal to the Methodeans in the
hopes of being shown dimensional spanning magic and high
technology. However, tensions are building as the Method-
eans resist the Zuthxiou's requests for magic and technology.
Rivals and Enemies: Besides rival Kags, Zuthxiou commonly
war with the Shuhh'Ra and Gruvpp, two other intelligent
mineral races of G' due D' gud. The Dex'vic, a race capable
of traveling through the crystal-earth as if it were water, also
regularly try to raid the Zuthxiou (and everyone else).

The Biomech Union

A seemingly normal dimension with a peaceful, space-faring
civilization composed completely of biomechanical creatures.

Dimensional Characteristics
1. Type of Dimension: Infinite.
2. Primary Dimensional Medium: Space/vacuum.
3. Secondary Dimensional Medium: Galaxies with billions
of solar systems. Much like Rifts Earth or the Three Galaxies.
4. Density of Dimensional Fabric: Strong. -20% to dimen-
sionally teleport or Rift to except at the central nexus, the planet
Orgunik. Orgunik is considered to have a permeable dimensional
fabric (no penalties or bonuses).
5. Magic Level: Low magic energy. Ley lines and nexuses are
invisible and of insignificant power. The central nexus, Orgunik,
has intermediate magic energy. Although, even it has less than

to save). Also note, even though they originate in a dimension 4. Density of Dimensional Fabric: Strong. -10% to dimen-
with a positive energy matrix, their pseudo-living nature enables sionally teleport or Rift to except as noted below under dimen-
them to survive without problems in dimensions with a negative sional quirks.
energy matrix. 5. Magic Level: Intermediate magic energy. Ley lines and
As far as the Union knew, the whole universe was filled with nexuses are present but not visible. They only offer extra P.P.E.
biomechanical creatures, until they discovered the planet Or- during periods when magic surges.
gunik. The surface of the planet is covered in rough, blue-green, 6. Dimensional Energy Matrix: Negative. Only technology
Mega-Damage, translucent crystal plates, which vary from a few developed with a universal or negative energy flow will work.
feet across to nearly a mile (1 m to 1.6 km) in diameter and are Technology from dimensions with a negative flow, such as Rifts
between three and five feet (1-1.5 m) thick. The plates, however, Earth or the Three Galaxies, functions perfectly. The current lev-
cover a planet-wide ocean composed of a thick slurry containing el of technology developed by the ChuChwa is roughly equal to
microscopic organisms. The organic ocean covers the entire plan- late twentieth century Earth.
et and varies from one to three miles (1.6-4.8 km) deep. Scans 7. Flow of Time: Normal. For every day that passes in the
show that below the ocean is the featureless rock of the planet ChuChwa Conglomerate, one day passes on Rifts Earth.
itself. 8. Dimensional Quirks: Weakly linked. The ChuChwa di-
The Union established a science outpost on the planet (which mension has weak dimensional fabric (+20% to dimensionally
does have a breathable, earthlike atmosphere) and soon discov-
ered that the plates on the surface are actually formed when the
slurry contacts air. The microorganisms die and the slurry hard-
ens into the plate crystal. Tectonic forces then crack, and eventu-
ally displace the plates until an uneven jumble results.
Eventually, the Methodeans discovered the planet and en-
countered the scientists. After evaluating the mercantile poten-
tial, they struck a deal with the Union and built an outpost. Meth-
odean Stone Masters discovered they could shape the crystal
plates like rock and quickly constructed a magic pyramid on the
planet's most powerful nexus. After several decades of operation,
the Methodeans have three pyramids with outposts to study the
organic slurry and trade with the Biomech Union.
The Methodeans trade magic items, alien technology and or-
ganic plants and creatures to the Union in exchange for biomech
plants and animals. Most biomech animals sold in Center or Sp-
lynn actually originated with the Methodeans (no doubt sold and
resold through intermediaries to keep their origin secret). The
Methodeans also discovered several uses for the organic slurry.
By adding dyes and then pouring it into a mold, they can eas-
ily create M.D.C. stained glass windows, cups, pitchers, etc. It is
also quite nutritious, containing a healthy mix of carbohydrates,
protein, vitamins, and minerals. Its awful taste leaves something
to be desired, though. They also discovered how to combine the
slurry with cytoplasmic blobs to create the P.P.E. Vat. However,
they keep this discovery for themselves.

The ChuChwa Conglomerate

A dimension overrun with its sole intelligent species, the
ChuChwa. Extreme overpopulation and resource depletion
threaten to destroy the ChuChwa civilization from within.

Dimensional Characteristics
1. Type of Dimension: Pocket dimension. Its exact size is un-
known, but estimated to be at least 4 million miles (6.4 million
km) in diameter.
2. Primary Dimensional Medium: Air, breathable to hu-
mans. As far as the Methodeans can tell, the sky stretches for
millions of miles in every direction.
3. Secondary Dimensional Medium: Continent size land
mass, flat like a pancake, floating through the air.

teleport or Rift to or from) to one other known dimension. The
Methodeans named it ChuChwa Alpha, and it is filled with a Legion of Mars
highly energetic (and deadly) plasma containing high amounts
of P.P.E. It has no inhabitants (or native life of any kind) and an
impenetrable dimensional fabric except when Rifting to or from
(circa 109 P.A.)
ChuChwa. The Methodeans speculate that other dimensions share MTS is not the only operation the Aerihmans have launched
a link with ChuChwa, but explorations have only found this one. using the Methodean deception. The Legion of Mars is a com-
ChuChwa are a race of thin, furry, seven foot (2.1 m) tall hu- pany-sized mercenary band of magically augmented soldiers
operating in North America on Rifts Earth, led by the Method-
manoids that reproduce at an alarming rate. Even with modem
ean, Kataad Zar. They have a solid reputation and are known for
birth control, their continent has a population four times what it
their many battles against the Coalition during the Tolkeen War.
should be able to support. The ChuChwa are also running out of
natural resources, such as fresh water, oil, and coal. The continent Currently, the Legion is recruiting new, small bands of specialist
soldiers (the player characters?) in preparation for a dangerous
is run by a tyrannical military regime that is slowly losing con-
contract with an unknown employer.
trol. Laws are brutal, with most criminal offenses resulting in a
death penalty. Mass riots are common and people regularly starve
in the streets of sprawling, polluted megalopolises. Organization Characteristics
Several Aerihman Stone Masters and Shifters residing on (See Rifts® Adventure Guide, page 132.)
ChuChwa discovered ChuChwa Alpha almost two hundred years
ago (before ChuChwa's overpopulation problem). Nothing came Size and Orientation: Free Company.
of the discovery until 140 years later after the founding of MTS. Total Points: 206
Looking for new opportunities, an experienced Shifter familiar A. Sponsorship: Secret.
with ChuChwa hit on an idea to utilize ChuChwa Alpha and B. Outfits: Open Wardrobe (10).
ChuChwa's resource depletion to their advantage. A gargantu- C. Equipment: Cheap Gear (2) & Magic Technologies (40).
an pyramid was built on ChuChwa next to a new type of power D. Vehicles: Fleet Vehicles (10).
plant utilizing both Techno-Wizardry and conventional technol- E. Weapons, Power Armor & Bots: Advanced Weaponry (20).
ogy. Plasma from ChuChwa Alpha was channeled through a Rift F. Communications: Full Range System (15).
and into the power plant. Its P.P.E. was stripped and sent back G. Internal Security: Iron-Clad (20).
to the pyramid for storage while its extreme heat was bled off to H. Permanent Bases: Headquarters (10).
produce electricity. The electricity was then sold to the ChuChwa I. Intelligence Resources: Scout Detachment (5).
at great profit. The Methodeans soon discovered that after the J. Special Budget: Small Potatoes (15).
plasma was stripped of its P.P.E. and heat, it cooled into highly K. General Alignment: Aberrant and Miscreant (0).
radioactive uranium dust particles. They now collect these par- L. Criminal Activity: Smugglers (15) & 2 Expert Assassins (24).
ticles and sell them to a ChuChwa refinery, who turns them into M. Reputation: Known (10).
nuclear fuel rods. N. Salary: Good (10).
ChuChwa has only three major products of value to MTS.
Over half of the Legion's troops are Tattoo Soldiers (effec-
First, the excess P.P.E. produced by ChuChwa Alpha is periodi-
tively the same as Sunaj warrior thralls, only trained and given
cally channeled through crystal arches to MTS pyramids in other
tattoos exclusively by the band's leadership). A sizable group of
dimensions with low magical energy. Second, MTS buys some
Cold-Blooded (Rifts® Mercenary Adventures, page 18) also
nuclear fuel rods back from ChuChwa for their own use or to
fight for the band. Since they never seem to run out of Cold-
export to other customers. Lastly, while the ChuChwa people are
Blooded or Tattoo Soldier recruits, the band's leadership obvi-
nothing special, their social situation makes it easy for MTS to
ously has the capacity to make more of each. Rounding out the
acquire ChuChwa and transport them to other dimensions where
band's forces are a small contingent of Combat Mages (Rifts®
they are sold as slaves. Even though slavery is technically illegal
Mercenary Adventures, page 5) and Shifters with their Deevil
on ChuChwa, indentured servitude is common. Creditors (such as
your local MTS utility company) regularly indenture those who
The Legion fancies itself a heavy infantry unit, capable of tak-
don't pay their bills. Such unfortunates who owe MTS money are
ing on a variety of assignments. Indeed, they have proven they
most often shipped off to some other dimension in chains for sale.
can survive against all enemies, including the Coalition, Federa-
The operation, while expensive to set up, has proven profitable
tion of Magic factions, bandits, and monsters. The Legion makes
and MTS has a second pyramid and power plant under construc-
limited use of combat vehicles and has no power armor or robots.
tion with plans for a third. MTS agents are quickly gaining pow-
They prefer to rely on their supernatural powers.
er on ChuChwa due to their use of magic and high technology,
The Legion was started by a mysterious organization originat-
neither of which the ChuChwa possess. The military regime in
ing somewhere east of the Magic Zone. The organization pro-
charge has all but begged MTS for such resources. However, the
vides new magic tattoos to the band, as well as the creation of
current plan is to trade just enough technology and magic so the
new Cold-Blooded. Kataad Zar secretly sends company profits
regime stays in power, but not enough to give them firm control.
back to the organization regularly. This is why, despite the com-
With high instability, social reforms will stagnate and MTS can
pany's many successes, it is still only modestly equipped (no ro-
expand its slave trade easily.
bots and power armor, and only a few APCs). Only Kataad Zar
and a few of his closest associates know the truth behind the se-

108 P.A.: The Legion negotiates a new contract with Tolkeen
proper just in time to participate in the Sorcerers' Revenge. They
fight on the front lines, pushing the Coalition out of Tolkeen ter-
ritory. The Legion accounts itself well but takes heavy casualties
in the process.
109 P.A.: Still with a year left in their contract, the Legion
finds itself outnumbered a hundred to one helping to defend Blue-
line from the Coalition's second wave. Kataad Zar quietly Rifts
his troops back to the Magic Zone after only a few skirmishes
with the advancing Coalition horde.

Recruitment and Pay

Legion of Mars prefers to recruit impressionable youths who
aren't wise to the mercenary trade and won't ask too many ques-
tions about the company's leadership. The company has its own
training camp in the eastern Magic Zone where new recruits are
turned into Tattoo Soldiers or Cold-Blooded. New recruits can
either sign on for 3 years, with the first year receiving half pay,
or six years. Their time period does not start until after they've
finished training, which can take six months for a Cold-Blooded
or 12 to 18 months for a Tattoo Soldier.
Weekly Pay:
400 credits for line soldiers.
550 credits for non-commissioned officers.
600 to 1000 for officers and experienced magic users.

Kataad Zar: 10'h level Methodean (True Atlantean) Shifter,
cret organization. Few of the recruits realize that the secret found- Miscreant, with a commanding personality (M.A. 22). Zar pre-
ers of the band even exist, although some of the officers suspect. fers not to enter combat himself, but does regularly send his Dee-
vii minions into the fray. Also, he recognizes that he is not the
History best strategist and leaves most of the details of battle to his sec-
ond in command, Father Feistus. Zar typically appears with his
100 P.A.: Kataad Zar proposes the idea of a mercenary band
signature black armor, but has never been seen without his liquid
in North America to clan Aerihman elders. He reasons it will give
silver facemask in place.
them better military intelligence in the area and access to a small
Father Feistus: Second in command of the company, Father
but experienced military force should the organization need one
Feistus appears as an old human with graying hair, dressed in a
(the Aerihmans, under the guise of Methodeans, will simply pose
suit (even in the middle of combat). However, it is well known
as just another employer without the band's members being any
that he is a Fiend in disguise and all in the company fear him.
the wiser). Also, the Legion provides the organization with an-
Father Feistus is Zar's Greater Familiar and has a great working
other source of revenue to fund other ventures. The organization
relationship with him. Zar is the big picture man and handles all
agrees and Zar begins recruiting young, impressionable humans
the personnel while Feistus takes care of the rest of the details.
to become Tattoo Soldiers.
Other Personnel: Experience levels 1-6.
101 P.A.: Legion of Mars gets its first contract in the magic
80-100 Tattoo Soldiers.
zone protecting an arch-wizard's holdings. Only their supernatu-
40-60 Cold-Blooded.
ral toughness saves them from destruction by the arch-wizard's
2-8 Wilderness Scouts.
rivals. The band continues to grow.
8-12 Combat Mages.
103 P.A.: The Legion signs a contract with Davenport, a small
4-6 Shifters.
town in Rivereen, the southeastern barony of Tolkeen. They re-
12-20 Deevils and monsters.
cruit many locals and grow their force to over three hundred.
2 Assassins (posing as scouts).
104 P.A.: Legion of Mars adds Cold-Blooded to its ranks, giv-
Total Personnel: 148-208 soldiers. Legion of Mars also has
ing it added toughness and versatility.
between 50 to 80 non-combatants, including family members,
105 P.A.: War finally breaks out with the Coalition and the
medics, kitchen staff, communication specialists, sensor opera-
Legion accounts itself well, giving ground grudgingly.
tors, and drivers. Adults belong to non-men-at-arms O.C.C.s,
107 P.A.: After two years of back and forth fighting, Daven-
levels 1-4; about 113 have some combat training (Hand to Hand:
port is overrun by the Coalition. Legion of Mars, reduced to a
Basic and 2 W.P.s), but they are not mercenaries and will not
fraction of its former strength, spends most of the year recruiting
fight except in the most desperate circumstances.
and training new soldiers.

Standard Issue Equipment two on a nexus). The unit can only activate a magical effect
once per melee and uses up one attack:
Like every other participant in the Sorcerers' Revenge, the Le- • Defensive spells and tattoos: +1 to M.D.C. bonus resulting in
gion looted a huge array of Coalition equipment after the battle. + 175 to M.D.C. rating (subtract this M.D. C. first).
However, Kataad Zar sold it all for profit. • Attack spells and tattoos: Counts as one extra attack during the
• L-20 pulse laser rifle with eight long E-clips. melee, roll to strike, inflicts 2D4x10 M.D.
• WI-GL4 grenade launcher or WI-23 missile launcher issued to • Close combat spells and tattoos (magic weapons, monsters,
1 out of every 5 soldiers. etc.): Increase hand to hand damage to 2D4x10 M.D. for the
• 12 grenades (6 plasma, 4 fragmentation, and 2 smoke). next four rounds.
• Armor: light Ironwood non-EBA for magic users (25-40 • Recovery spells: Replenish 2D6 M.D.C.
M.D.C.), half suits of medium and heavy armor for all others
(40-70 M.D.C.), all have a built-in short range radio (5 miles).
• Vibro-Blade and survival knife. The Legion's Secrets
• NG-S2 Basic Survival Pack. Legion of Mars was founded and is controlled by the Aerih-
• Techno-Wizard devices, armor enhancements, and weapons
man True Atlantean clan. Kataad Zar is an experienced Aerihman
are common among veterans. Officers have at least two en-
Atlantean secretly using the company for the clan's purposes. He
hancements added to armor. cares nothing about the soldiers fighting for him, seeing them as a
means to further his clan's goals. In addition to reasons stated ear-
Combat and Non-Combat Vehicles lier for the company's existence, it also acts as a convenient way
• 4 GAW-M113 Improved APC (Rifts® Mere Ops, page 128). for Aerihman to travel North America seeking out other True At-
• 2 Mountaineer ATVs with tripod mounted NG-101 rail guns lanteans to slay or perform other nefarious missions. Also, many
(escort and cargo vehicles). young and inexperienced Sunaj Assassins, Slayers, and Shifters
• 4lightly armored buses and cargo trucks (M.D.C. 30) for sol- join the band for a tour of duty to get some seasoning. (Both As-
diers, families, supplies, and equipment. sassins are Sunaj, as well as at least half the Shifters and a dozen
• 12 S.D.C. trucks for families, supplies, and equipment. Tattoo Soldiers are Sunaj.) While with the band, the Aerihman
pose as normal humans and do not reveal their link to the dreaded
Sunaj or clan Aerihman (carry only North American equipment,
Headquarters clothing, and weapons; even personal effects are left at home).
Legion of Mars has a base of operations in eastern Tennessee, The Aerihmans come from a secret base they possess deep
almost in the D-Shifting region of the Appalachians. The base is a in the D-Shifting region of the Appalachians (actually, it's
motley collection of S.D.C. buildings (barracks, garage, and stor- grown from a military encampment to a full-sized town). The
age) and one oversized bunker (800 M.D. C.). Since the company town, Green Valley, is located in a fertile valley that has few
spends most of its time away, they erect few fortifications. How- dimensional anomalies, despite being deep inside the D-Shifting
ever, there are always 2-40 recruits undergoing training and a region. The Aerihman built a pyramid atop the nexus near the
training staff of 6 veterans on hand at all times. The headquarters center of the valley, further reducing the anomalies. The Aerih-
is located near the large village of Boonkoot. The soldiers help man reach the base from the Legion's headquarters by way of a
protect the village in return for food and basic supplies. winding series of secret paths that crisscross the least dangerous
D-Shifting areas.
Modern Army Unit Statistics
(Using the rules in The Rifter® #23, page 77.) Green Valley (circa 109 P.A.)
Type of Unit: Mercenary Infantry Company.
Number of Troops: 175 Summary
Average Level: 3'ct, Regular (Type 4 unit). Green Valley is a sleepy town located in the most unlikely of
M.D.C. Bonus: 9 (Light M.D.C. beings in medium armor [+3] places, the D-Shifting region of southeast America. While it ap-
with limited, light APC support [+3].) pears like so many other wilderness towns on Rifts Earth, it hides
M.D.C. Rating: 1,575 a menacing secret.
Attacks per Melee: 4, plus 1 armor support attack.
Bonuses: +2 to strike & +4 to parry in hand to hand, +2 to dodge,
+2 to strike in ranged combat, +0 to shoot wild, + 1 on initia- City Characteristics
tive (communications & optics), +15% to skills. +1 to save vs (See Rifts® Adventure Guide, page 110.)
Horror Factor (morale and experience).
Orientation & Disposition: Rigid and Orderly.
Damage: Modern Weaponry. 4D6x2 M.D. (or 8D6) for ranged
Type & Size of Community: Militaristic Encampment.
combat, and 4D6 M.D. for hand to hand weapons. Armor sup-
Weapons & Armor: Well Armed (20).
port attacks inflict 2D4x10 M.D.
Medicine: Excellent (25).
Base Horror Factor: 13 (+1 for reputation when enemies face
Agriculture & Natural Resources: Good (15).
Real Estate/Land: Bad (1).
Magical Abilities: Four times per day the unit can activate one of
Vehicles & Fuel: Very Basic (6).
the following effects (plus one time per day on a ley line, plus
Administration & Social Structure: Fearless Leader (10).

of humans and nogs from another dimension. However, humans
and D-Bees from the surrounding wilderness have settled in the
community, seeking its protection from the dangers ofthe area.

The town is located in a deep valley surrounded by modest
mountains and tall hills. Nestled next to a small river, most of
the surrounding farms and ranches grew up close to the town to
be near its protection. Two short ley lines cross at the town's
pyramid. However, they do not connect to other lines in the sur-
rounding D-Shifting region.

From the outside, Green Valley appears to be an autocracy run
by First Speaker Aerillezon Xerxia (11th level Methodean!True
Atlantean Stone Master). The reality is that Aerillezon answers
to more powerful Methodeans in another dimension. Although all
the local Methodeans know where the true power lies, they don't
discuss such matters with non-Methodeans.
Aerillezon's autonomy has come from her proven leadership
ability. She is both naturally charismatic (M.A. 20) and diplo-
Alignment: Mixed: Anarchist & Unprincipled (4). matically minded. Although some immigrants complain about
Magic: High Magic (30). the Methodeans' snobbish behavior (including Aerillezon herself
Racial Tolerance: Disapproving and Suspicious (1). on occassion) and strict rules of secrecy, Aerillezon has managed
Trade: Established Trade (10). to placate all of them so far and build their trust. She is one of the
Threats: Dangerous (3). few Methodeans that refrains from constantly wearing a Metho-
Skill Levels & Professionals: Communication Specialist (5), dean dark robe or mask. She is an architect at heart. Not only of
Stone Masters (10), Defense: Sunaj Slayers (15), Ley Line buildings, but of organizations. Aerillezon loves to create things
Walkers (10), Techno-Wizards (12). that last, and jumped at the chance to create a new settlement
Community Overall: Average (5). from scratch.
Shelter: Fortified (35).
Security & Fighting Force: Mixed Fighting Force (25). Society
Power/Energy: Ley Line (40).
Special Features: Communications Suite (10), Cellars (4), Tech- Green Valley is a closed and insular society. Although the
no-Wizard Workshops (10), Alliance- Methodean Trading town welcomes new immigrants, such newcomers must cut all
Syndicate (20). contact with the outside world and agree to never leave Green
Total Points: 322 points Valley. The Methodeans also have strange laws designed to
maintain their secrecy. For example, it's illegal for non-Method-
eans to enter the pyramid. All laws are enforced with harsh pun-
City Statistics ishments. The few that tried to leave the community have been
Population Breakdown: 2,516 total. hunted down and slain with uncanny efficiency. Punishments are
44% Humans (native). public, including executions.
14% Humans (transplanted). The town has two types of residents: Methodeans and non-
11% Nogs (transplanted). Methodeans. With the exception of a few token positions, all
10% Methodeans (human-like). those with power are Methodeans. Methodeans also own most of
21% Assorted D-Bees. the real estate, since they build all the buildings (its illegal to con-
(Expected to grow 5% annually over the next 10 years.) struct a building without a stone structure and built-in utilities).
The situation is unlikely to change since virtually all Methodeans
Located deep in the D-Shifting region of the Appalachian
are trained as magic users, psychics, warriors, or other skilled oc-
mountains of eastern Tennessee, Green Valley was settled 20
cupations in their home dimension. Non-Methodeans have little
years ago by the Methodeans, a race of humans claiming to be
access to education above an elementary level.
hiding from the Splugorth. The Methodeans found the small val-
Despite being relegated to second-class citizenship, immi-
ley ideal because of its extreme isolation, surrounded by wilder-
grants continue to flow into the town. Its primary attraction is its
ness and dimensional anomalies. The valley itself is relatively
safety. Since its founding, no monster or enemy has breached its
free of anomalies, although an unusually large number of mon-
walls, and rarely do the outlying farms have troubles thanks to
sters wander into the area from the mountains.
aggressive patrols in the surrounding hills. And no one complains
The Methodeans quickly built a magic pyramid on the nexus
about paying rent to a Methodean when it comes with running
near the center of the valley and then started building a small
water and electricity.
town surrounding it. With the Methodeans came a small number

Technology and Magic they can also break out TW rifles. They have no heavy weapons
or vehicles. The police is composed primarily of non-Method-
Green Valley emphasizes magic over technology. It boasts eans. Although half the detectives and officers are Methodean
nearly a hundred Techno-Wizards and two score other magic us- (including two psychics and one Ley Line Walker) as well as the
ers (all Methodean). The town generates power by converting ley chief constable.
line P.P.E. into electricity. The militia numbers almost 200 and consists of non-Method-
The Methodeans also run a radio network used by the local ean volunteers led by Methodean officers. The volunteers work
police, militia, and army. Unknown to non-Methodeans, the com- part-time in the militia for extra money and prestige. The mili-
munications suite has long-range capabilities and sophisticated tia is primarily equipped with medium M.D.C. body armor and
encryption to keep in contact with Methodean!Aerihman agents TW rifles. Only the officers have access to heavy weapons or
for hundreds of miles around (when ley line interference allows). special TW devices, although all members know how to use the
Methodeans possess numerous Techno-Wizard gadgets as few heavy weapons mounted on the walls. The militia is mainly
well as many technological devices (most of a non-Earth de- a garrison force helping the army to guard the town walls and
sign). Non-Methodeans have access to fewer luxuries. For ex- gates. They do not possess any vehicles. However, a militia squad
ample, most still use draft and riding animals for transportation sometimes accompanies the army on patrols into the surrounding
and labor. Residents who manage to save their money often own hills to get a little seasoning.
a couple of amenities, such as a Techno-Wizard icebox, oven, The army numbers 146 and consists of four platoons and a
or laundromatic. However, since Methodean Stone Masters and command staff. Three of the platoons contain human and nog
Techno-Wizards construct all buildings, every resident has both tattoo warriors led by Methodean officers (Sunaj Slayers). The
hot and cold running water, electricity, indoor lights, and heat. fourth elite platoon is composed exclusively of Methodeans (Su-
naj Slayers mixed with magic users and psychics) and guards the
Foreign Affairs pyramid. Every soldier has medium to heavy M.D.C. armor and
an assortment of TW weapons, with plenty of heavy weapons to
Visitors to Green Valley are uncommon. If a patrol encoun-
go around. The army makes extensive use of radio communica-
ters strangers away from the town they will try to learn as much
about the travelers as possible. Unless the patrol's officer thinks tions (encrypted) and even has a dozen TW hover jeeps. Man
the travelers will make good immigrants, they will try to lead the for man, the army's equipment and magical augmentation makes
individuals away from the town itself without revealing its exis- them a potent force that has never let the town down. They regu-
tence. Those who manage to travel to the town itself are met with larly patrol the surrounding farms and hills in an effort to keep
cold suspicion. Obvious weapons of any kind are not allowed the valley safe.
in the town and visitors will soon find out that there is only one
small hotel available. Those who stay more than a day will soon Places of Interest
notice they are being subtly watched. Those who don't move on 1. Pyramid: Dominating the town is a moderately-sized mag-
after their business is concluded are forcibly removed. ic pyramid sitting on the local nexus. In addition to serving as
Green Valley has no contact with other communities in North an inter-dimensional gateway for the Methodeans, it also aids in
America. However, extended surveillance of the town reveals construction and controlling local weather. Security is impreg-
that small caravans of travelers (6-20 people, all Methodeans) nable, with only Methodeans allowed inside.
periodically come and go from the town. Although they seem 2. Techno-Wizard Workshops: The primary industry of the
to come and go from different directions, in actuality, most are town, nearly a hundred Methodean Techno-Wizards utilize the
taking winding routes through the D-Shifting region to the large local ley line and pyramid power to create numerous Techno-
village of Boonkoot in the eastern Magic Zone. From there they Wizard devices. The workshops mostly produce civilian devices.
split up and spread out on separate missions throughout North Techno-Wizard weapons are only manufactured inside the pyra-
America. mid. Although the town uses many of the artifacts, most are ex-
Green Valley does have one powerful ally, the inter-dimen- ported to other dimensions via the pyramid. Only the Methodeans
sional merchants known as the Methodean Trading Syndicate (or know to whom such exports go.
MTS). Although Green Valley is not officially part ofMTS, both 3. Old Town: The tallest and grandest of the town's build-
have the same overarching agenda and regularly trade and help ings reside here, as well as all the Methodeans not housed within
each other. Most of Green Valley's trade is with MTS, shipped the pyramid itself. Old town is under subtle surveillance and pa-
through the pyramid. trolled by the police and security forces to ensure its residents'
Armed Forces 4. Purple Parsnip Farms: Located on the ley lines surround-
Green Valley has three groups of defenders; the police, the ing the town are several farms that grow a strange vegetable. Al-
militia, and the army. though tasteless, a single purple parsnip provides enough calories
The police are the most visible presence in town and they and nutrition to feed a grown man for a day. It grows rapidly in
number over 50 patrolmen along with a dozen detectives and of- any season, but requires the presence of a ley line for sustenance.
ficers. They regularly patrol the town and immediate surround- Purple parsnips are a staple of the town's diet. The vegetable is
ings in squads of six. Most sport light M.D.C. body armor and a also exported to other dimensions by the Methodeans.
TW pistol (with stun, S.D.C., and M.D.C. settings). They've also 5. North and South Markets: Everyday items can be found
been equipped with short-range radios as well as other miscel- at these two open-air markets and the surrounding shops. No
laneous police gear. In the event of an emergency or civil unrest, weapons, armor, or vehicles are sold here or anywhere in town.

6. High Hill Park. is as hard as weathered oak on the inside and cares little for
7. New Town: Newer, less grand buildings house locals who newcomers to Green Valley. He will be especially chummy
can stomach the Methodean's unbending rules and restrictions. with True Atlanteans, going so far as to reveal he's a True At-
8. Buildings Under Construction. lantean in order to gain their trust and learn more about them.
9. Green Valley Inn: The only accommodations in town for Experience Level: 11th level Atlantean Nomad.
visitors. A single, starkly furnished room costs 120 credits in Natural Abilities: As is common among all True Atlanteans,
trade (no universal credits accepted in town) per night. Anyone Old Gizzard can sense the presence of vampires, operate stone
who complains about the price is told to sleep outside the town pyramids, sense ley lines and nexus points, sense Rifts, and
walls. Next door is the Green Dragon Pub and diner, the only Ley Line Phase, and cannot be transformed by any means. In
drinking and eating establishment in the surrounding neighbor- addition, his P.P.E. recovers at the rate of 10 per hour of rest
hood. Unknown to residents, both are under electronic surveil- or sleep.
lance by the Methodean security forces to keep an eye on visitors. Magic Knowledge: Old Gizzard has 6 magic tattoos at his dis-
Town Secrets Heart Pierced by Wooden Stake (15 P.P.E.): Protection
from vampires. Old Gizzard will show off this tattoo to other
Green Valley was founded by, and continues to be a pawn of, True Atlanteans to prove he's a 'cousin.'
the True Atlantean Clan Aerihman. Using their well established Flaming Sword (10 P.P.E.): 2D6 M.D.
Methodean deception as cover, the Aerihmans have built a secret Eye of Knowledge (15 P.P.E.): Allows Old Gizzard to read
base within spitting distance of both the Splugorth of Atlantis and and speak all languages.
other True Atlanteans operating in North America. Green Valley Heart Wrapped in Vines (15 P.P.E.): Gives Old Gizzard
gives the Aerihmans a secure place for its agents to enter and exit Superhuman Endurance, as the spell.
North America without the Splugorth's knowledge. It also has Flaming Eye (20 P.P.E.): Gives Old Gizzard thermo-imag-
provided additional resources in the way of exported food and ing and can shoot fire bolts from his eyes (11D4 M.D.). Usu-
Techno-Wizard devices. The energy of earth's ley lines is such ally reserves it for a surprise attack.
that Techno-Wizard artifacts can be created and purple parsnips Skull with Glowing Eyes (15 P.P.E.): Adds 1D4+ 1 to Old
grown faster than anywhere else in the Megaverse. Gizzard's M.A. He activates this tattoo before talking to the
However, the biggest reason for Green Valley's founding characters if he can do so without their notice.
is the raw power of Earth's ley lines. Green Valley's pyramid P.P.E.: 46. Plus has a TW battery with 50 P.P.E. in it.
produces enough P.P.E. to open dozens of dimensional portals Psionic Powers: A major psionic with the sensitive abilities of
a day (using Methodean Crystal Arches). Thus, it acts as a hub Empathy, Mind Block, Read Dimensional Portal, See Aura,
for inter-dimensional travel. Over a dozen Crystal Arches in the Sense Dimensional Anomaly, Sense Magic, Sixth Sense, and
upper chambers of the pyramid lead to as many dimensions. It's
quite common, inside the pyramid, to see MTS trade caravans,
individual Aerihmans, or small parties constantly coming and go-
ing between the Arches. For security, the vast majority of these
travelers never exit the pyramid. Even trade caravans whose de-
parture must be delayed are stored in underground chambers be-
neath the pyramid, so as to hide the extensive use of the pyramid
by Green Valley's true masters.

Old Gizzard
The local woodsman and explorer known as Old Gizzard is
one of the few friendly individuals the characters are likely to
meet in Green Valley. However, appearances are deceiving. Old
Gizzard is actually an agent of the Methodeans who keeps an eye
on newcomers to the town.
Real Name: Unknown, has been known as Gizzard, and then Old
Gizzard (after get'n' some snow in the hair) for centuries. Ask
him how he got the name. It's a funny story about a Splugorth
Conservator, a Blow Worm, and a barroom brawl.
Alignment: Miscreant.
Attributes: I.Q. 17, M.E. 22, M.A. 18, P.S. 18, P.P. 12, P.E. 23,
P.B. 10, Spd 34.
Hit Points: 67; S.D.C.: 105.
Size: 6 feet, 8 inches (2m) and 210 lbs (94.5 kg).
Age: 561, but looks to be a weathered man of sixty.
Disposition: Talkative and friendly, it's easy to kill time with
Old Gizzard by having a beer or playing cards at the local
pub. Such friendliness is only a fa~ade, however. Old Gizzard

Telepathy. Old Gizzard uses his sensitive powers to discover There's also a third category of people Old Gizzard keeps an
the character's intentions as well as help him survive the D- eye out for, True Atlanteans. He'll make an extra effort to chum
Shifting region surrounding Green Valley. I.S.P.: 80. up to anyone who's a True Atlantean and will even claim to be a
Combat Skills: Hand to Hand Combat: Basic and Boxing. True Atlantean himself. He won't hesitate to show off his marks
Attacks per Melee: Seven physical or two magic tattoo attacks of heritage if they don't believe such a gruff and uncouth ruf-
per melee round. fian could be from such a heroic race. He'll claim not to know
Bonuses: +1 to strike, +5 to parry and dodge, +5 to roll with what clan he's from and that he's only met a couple of other True
punch/impact, +4 to pull punch, +6 to save vs magic, +4 to Atlanteans outside his parents. True Atlanteans with a working
save vs psionics, +8 to save vs Horror Factor, +4 to save vs knowledge of Atlantean history and heraldry might be able to dis-
poison/drugs,+ 16% save vs coma/death. cern that the crest of his Flaming Sword is from Clan Aerihman,
Weapons of Note: TW Storm Rifle and TW Firebolt Pistol. Al- and Old Gizzard will be forever grateful for being told what fam-
ways carries a couple of silver knives, a frag grenade, and a ily he belongs to. (Note: Old Gizzard was born well before Clan
couple of smoke grenades. Aerihman replaced the Heart Impaled by a Stake tattoo with the
Armor and Equipment: Wears homespun non-environmental Skull with Glowing Eyes tattoo. He still has the Heart Impaled
armor with 40 M.D.C. Also has a Splugorth Talisman of Ar- by a Stake on his right wrist just like other clans.) The reality is
mor (100 M.D.C. Armor of Ithan, three times per day). Has a that Old Gizzard is old enough to remember the other Atlantean
TW Campsite Crystal, TW Secure Line Communicator, and Clans uniting together and threatening to destroy the Aerihmans
TW Survival Bracer (12 P.P.E./24 I.S.P. to activate Sustain, if they continued to conquer other races. Old Gizzard has had a
20 P.P.E./40 I.S.P. to activate Impervious to Energy). Mun- cold hatred for all other True Atlanteans since and goes out of his
dane equipment includes a gas mask, military radio with way to set them up for destruction.
Methodean encryption built in, nightvision binoculars, and When it appears the characters are about the leave Green Val-
various survival tools. ley, Old Gizzard will offer to help guide them out of the D-Shift-
Skills of Note: First Aid, Lore: Demons and Monsters, Lore: Ley ing region for a small fee. If the characters don't take him up on
Lines and Geomancy, Land Navigation, Wilderness Survival, his offer he will trail behind them to make sure he can enact one
Swimming, Climbing, General Repair and Maintenance, and of two scenarios for them. For those he believes are no threat,
Radio: Basic at 98%. Identify Plants and Fruits, Jury-Rig, he'll work to confuse their passage through the D-Shifting region
and Cook at 93%. Horsemanship: Exotic 88%, Prowl 80%, even more than normal by leading them in a circuitous route and
and Electronic Countermeasures 43%. Since coming to Rifts using illusory terrain spells (either magic scrolls provided by his
Earth, he has learned how to draw P.P.E. from ley lines and allies or cast by Methodeans trailing the characters). Thus ensur-
nexuses like a magic user. He habitually uses ley line energy ing they won't be able to find their way back to the town. If he
to replenish both his own P.P.E. and his P.P.E. battery as well deems the characters to be a threat to Green Valley, or the party
as activate Sustain (using his TW Survival Bracer) and Super- contains a True Atlantean, he'll set them up for ambush. When
human Endurance (using his Heart Wrapped in Vines tattoo) they least expect it, they'll be attacked by a squad of Methodean
when leaving Green Valley. soldiers (Sunaj Slayers, Ley Line Walkers, and Mind Melters)
Description: A tall, thin, weathered outdoorsman with a crooked supported by a platoon of Green Valley T-man soldiers. Xerxia
nose and gray in his black hair. Has a somewhat disheveled trusts Old Gizzard's judgment, and if he requests more troops
appearance and gruff, if friendly, manner. than this she'll likely grant it.
Characters are likely to meet this friendly old-timer at the
Green Valley Inn or Green Dragon Pub, both of which he fre-
quents. He'll approach visitors and strike up a conversation. Old Methodean Equipment
Gizzard will freely tell stories about his extensive travels (half of
which are true) and joke with the characters about the Coalition, Methodean Body Armor
magic users, or whoever else seems to be on the characters' bad
Methodeans have four types of body armor they routinely
side. In the midst of their conversation he also asks where the
use. They are basically the standard Sunaj armors (Black-Suit,
characters come from, where they're going, and try to gather any
Scout, Assassin, and Assault) with cosmetic changes. Methodean
other information about them.
varieties of armor typically come in a wide array of colors, with
Old Gizzard claims to have traveled around the southeast of
camouflage and gray being the favorite. Like Sunaj body armor,
America for a couple of years now, but just recently arrived in
Methodean armor always covers the entire body, including the
Green Valley. In actuality, he's a permanent resident of the town
face. However, while most Sunaj facemasks are monstrous in ap-
and works as a guide leading Methodeans in and out of the D-
pearance, Methodean facemasks tend to be either a single, blank
Shifting region. In his spare time he keeps his eyes out for visi-
globe of one-way M.D.C. glass or a beautifully sculpted metallic
tors, finds out as much about them as possible, and reports to First
face. Other than cosmetic differences, Methodean armor has the
Speaker Xerxia. The players will most likely fall into one of two
same statistics as Sunaj armor.
categories in Old Gizzard's mind. The first are harmless travelers
who pose no threat to Green Valley. The second are individuals
who want to reveal the existence of Green Valley to the outside Methodean Crystal Arch
world. Xerxia and Old Gizzard would rather be careful and elim- This ten foot (3 m) wide, twelve foot (3.6 m) tall arch is con-
inate such individuals than let them spread word across North structed out of tourmaline crystals melded together into a seam-
America of Green Valley's existence. less whole by a Stone Master. Tourmaline is a rare gem that the

Methodeans have found in great quantities in some far-off di- The robe cannot have any Techno-Wizard modifications added
mension. It can be found in many colors, and black tourmaline to it, but any used by the wearer (such as those attached to armor
is most commonly used by Techno-Wizards and Stone Masters, worn underneath) will include the robe in their effect. It's very
but the Methodians have found clear blue tourmaline to be very common for Methodeans to have access to magic of concealment
useful. When properly melded by a Stone Master, wired to an (Invisibility, Shadow Meld, etc.) and protection (Armor oflthan).
enchanted onyx and red zircon, and mystically tied to a stone M.D.C.: 12
pyramid, the arch is able to open a dimensional portal to a match- Weight: 12 pounds (5.4 kg); superior mobility, no movement
ing arch in another pyramid. The mated arch can, likewise, open penalty.
a portal back to the first. The Methodeans use these devices ·to Market Cost: Not available. Would sell for 100,000-300,000
increase the volume of material they can transport at stone pyra- credits on the right market. Those who steal dark robes will soon
mids. They also claim the arches minimize the ripples a dimen- find a Sunaj Assassin on their tail. The Methodeans seem to have
sional Rift creates that are felt by supernatural beings throughout a limitless supply of the robes.
the Megaverse. Although they can't prove such claims, if true, it
allows the Methodeans to grow their inter-dimensional power in
complete secrecy. Lastly, if the sender uses an arch, the P.P.E.
P.P.E. Vat
cost of pyramid communication (as described under the powers This device was conceived when the Methodeans discovered
of stone pyramids) is halved when communicating to the corre- that cytoplasmic blobs (a 10-30 pound/4.5-13.5 kg, single celled
sponding pyramid the arch is linked to. The arches are always in animal, see Rifts® Dimension Book™ Seven: Megaverse®
well-protected chambers near the top of the pyramid. Builder page 51) could exist symbiotically with the organic slur-
Device Level: Eight. P.P.E. Construction Cost: 1,840, only ry from the planet Orgunik in the Biomech Union. They had been
works at a pyramid. Spell Chain Needed: Primary Spell: Re-Open experimenting with ways to extract P.P.E. from simple life forms
Gateway (180), Secondary Spell: Energize Spell (8), and a secret in an attempt to supplement the P.P.E. reserves of magic pyramids
ritual requiring a Stone Master linking the arch to the pyramid (it in dimensions with weak magic. The organic slurry of Orgunik
is immovable without breaking it). Physical Requirements: Onyx was too basic to generate sufficient P.P.E., while the cytoplasmic
worth 20,000 credits, red zircon worth 2,000 credits, two tons blobs require too much food to justify the small amount of P.P.E.
of blue tourmaline crystal, and various electronic parts to con- the Methodeans could extract from them. However, together they
trol it all. Activation and Duration of Charge: Activation requires produced a workable result. When half a dozen cyto-blobs are
only 92 P.P.E. (taken either from the pyramid or the users). The introduced to the slurry they gorge themselves on the delicious
portal stays open for 4 minutes. However, by pumping another meal until they divide and multiply. The slurry, however, seems
92 P.P.E. into the device, the portal's duration can be extended to feed off the cyto-blob's excretions, and after a delicate bal-
another 4 minutes (no interruption in operation). This can be done ance is reached, the slurry and cyto-blobs exist symbiotically in-
continuously to keep the portal open for extended periods. Note: definitely without outside influence. The Methodeans discovered
The arch is immobile and has 850 M.D.C. Construction Time: when sufficient cyto-blobs are stuffed together in a vat of slurry
1,472 hours. Market Cost: Unavailable! The Methodeans do not (several thousand), they give off sufficient P.P.E. to be useful.
share this device with anyone else. Construction costs equals at The typical P.P.E. vat is built into the basement of a magic
least a half million credits. pyramid. It's actually closer to a well, being only about 10 feet
(3 m) across but over 100 feet (30.5 m) deep. The vat contains
thousands of cytoplasmic blobs swimming in the Orgunik slurry.
Methodean Dark Robes A long column of blue tourmaline crystal laced with ruby quartz
These robes come in a variety of colors, some very bright. and malachite runs the length of the vat and upwards into the pyr-
They typically drape loosely on the wearer and include long amid proper. The column typically reaches the topmost chambers
sleeves covering the hands, and a long hood. They get their name of the pyramid, where the crystal arches are found. By touching
from a permanent enchantment sewn into their lining that cloaks the column, a character can access the vat's P.P.E. reserve. The
everything covered by the robes in complete darkness. When typical vat produces and holds 4D6x10 P.P.E. every six hours.
the hood is pulled up and sleeves worn long, the wearer's face, This is typically enough to operate a crystal arch between two
hands, and feet are completely concealed by an inky blackness. and four times per day.
Even when holes or rents are tom in the robe, only blackness Despite the free P.P.E. the vat provides, it's typically only
will be seen beneath. The blackness even distorts the wearer's used in dimensions with low magical energy or, occasionally, in
heat signature and psychic aura (both look fuzzy). The magical pyramids with extraordinarily high traffic. The vat requires ex-
darkness cannot be dispelled by ordinary or magical light. It also tensive reconstruction at the pyramid as well as importing tons
distorts the wearer's voice, typically giving it a base, mechani- of organic slurry and tourmaline crystal. The average cost of a
cal buzz. The wearer, however, can see and hear normally when P.P.E. vat totals around 4 million credits. For this reason, it's rare
wearing the robe. to find them outside of MTS pyramids. Although, the Sunaj are
The robe itself is actually constructed of Mega-Damage poly- evaluating its use for military installations.
carbonate fiber supported by thin, concealed, lightweight plates
(strategically located) and padding. It does not have any of the TW Force Fence
normal features associated with environmental body armor.
However, it's loose enough that light or medium armor can be This device draws on ley line power to create an invisible bar-
worn underneath it (damage is done to the robe first). Method- rier roughly twenty feet (6 m) wide and twenty feet (6 m) tall. The
eans often wear Methodean black-suit or scout armor underneath. wall is barely visible as faint blue energy with occasional streams

of magic energy rippling along its surface like an electrical cur- Charge: Each transmission is a separate activation. To Recharge:
rent. Anything striking the force field is stopped as if hitting an Since it draws power from the ley line, the communicator can be
invisible wall. Inflicting approximately 100 M.D. to a ten foot (3 activated with simple force of will (or even by flipping a switch
m) diameter of the field will momentarily disrupt that ten foot on some models); the transmission is sent and received within 2-3
area for 1D4 seconds, allowing two people or man-sized objects seconds. It only works on a ley line. Note: The communicator is
to pass through the field for each second of disruption (or one typically in a hardened case having 1 M.D.C. Construction Time:
large vessel if opened for two seconds or longer). After those few 9 hours. Market Cost: 20,000-30,000 credits depending on the
seconds, the field heals itself and another 100 M.D.C. is neces- availability and market.
sary to momentarily punch through it. The Methodeans often use
it on their bases, which usually are located on ley lines.
The TW force fence generators typically appear as thick bars
strung together, massive cabling, or a combination of the two. It's
Hook, Line and
quite versatile and multiple fences can be positioned together to
cover a large area. Their fields will seamlessly meld when placed
Sinker™ Adventures
next to each other. The device can also be buried just below the The HLS adventure format was originally devised and created
surface or built into a wall. The force field extends upward/out- by lolly Blackburn.
ward without disturbing or damaging the ground or wall. While
the force field does protect the device in addition to extending Hook, Line and Sinkers™ are a handy adventure format
away from it when not buried, such a tactic conceals its presence. where only the barest elements for an adventure are provided.
Device Level: Four. P.P.E. Construction Cost: 318, only works The rest of the development is left to the G.M. HLS adventure
on a ley line. Spell Chain Needed: Primary Spell: Rift Triangular outlines work well both as stand-alone adventures or as stepping
Defense System (840), Secondary Spell: Electric Arc (8). Physi- stones in a larger campaign. Use only the ones that strike your
cal Requirements: Red zircon worth 2,000 credits, forty Onyx fancy, spin off an entire campaign of your own from one or more
crystals with a total worth of 40,000 credits and sufficient wiring HLS, or play 'em all!
and/or containment bars. Duration of Charge: Energy field will
The Hook is the current situation or location of the adventur-
work indefinitely when on a ley line or until the field is turned off.
ing party.
The field must be turned off to enter/exit unless one can teleport.
To Recharge: Since it draws power from the ley line, the fence The Line is an opportunity for adventure that presents itself to
can be activated with simple force of will (or even by flipping a the player characters. Think of this as the "bait" or enticement for
switch on some models); the field appears within five seconds. the party to enter the adventure.
It only works on a ley line. Note: Each twenty foot (6 m) line of The Sinker is the "clincher" to the Line. The Sinker presents
field generators has only eight M.D.C., although it is protected the party with a dilemma or development that makes the situation
by the field when active. Construction Time: 125 hours. Market a true adventure.
Cost: 110,000-200,000 credits depending on the availability and
Heinous Assault
Hook: The characters, perhaps down on their luck or looking
TW Secure Line Communicator for work, run into a preacher by the name of Father Feistus. The
This small cell phone-like device records the user's words (or well dressed and polite cleric is looking for enterprising young
another sound) and transmits them along the user's ley line (and adventurers to perform some reconnaissance for his friends, the
any connecting ley lines) to other TW secure line communica- mercenary band, Legion of Mars. All warm smiles and firm hand-
tors. The messages are scrambled using conventional encryption shakes, Father Feistus explains that the Legion has been contract-
techniques and then unscrambled by the receiving communicator. ed to assault a camp of aliens in a nearby forest. The aliens, who
Communicators must be preset to a given scramble code, but can are cleverly disguised as humans, are experienced magic users
store dozens in their memory. Any communicator set to listen and are building a magic pyramid on the ley line running through
for the given code on the same ley line network will pick up and the forest. If they complete it, they'll be able to Rift thousands of
unscramble the transmission (each communicator can only listen cohorts to the area and threaten all the "god fear'n people" of the
for one code at a time). In effect, each communicator is like a region. The Legion has many experienced soldiers, but they're no
walkie-talkie that has a range extending over the whole ley line good at infiltrating enemy camps and they desperately need better
network, and each scramble code is like a separate frequency. intelligence. The good Father implores the characters to accept
The advantage of using a TW secure line communicator over the mission, "for the good of the people," not to mention 100,000
the traditional Ley Line Transmission spell is that it cannot be credits upon completion.
eavesdropped on. While a telepath can detect the transmission,
it only sounds like a high-pitched buzzing noise thanks to the Line: If the characters accept the mission, the Father gives
encryption. them a military radio (already tuned to the Legion's channel and
Device Level: Two. P.P.E. Construction Cost: 47, only works encrypted), rough directions to the alien camp, and 10,000 credits
on a ley line. Spell Chain Needed: Primary Spell: Ley Line Trans- up front for expenses and supplies. He also draws out a symbol on
mission (30), Secondary Spell: Blinding Flash (1). Physical Re- a piece of paper (two concentric circles bisected by two parallel
quirements: Chrysophase quartz crystal worth 4,500 credits, clear lines) and instructs them to paint/draw it on their armor, clothing,
quartz worth 60 credits and a military grade radio. Duration of etc. so the Legion's soldiers will recognize them as allies. Their
instructions are to infiltrate the alien camp and radio back their
numbers, how far along the pyramid is, what their defenses are starts executing every man, woman, and child. Characters who
like, etc. After the fighting starts they should hunker down and let interfere with the bloodbath will be attacked. If the characters
the Legion do its thing. The Legion wants to attack the day after help the visitors, they will have to devise very clever strategies
tomorrow, so Father Feistus recommends they start right away. to ensure the outgunned Atlanteans survive. Whatever the char-
If the characters gather supplies and leave immediately they acters choose, the Legion's attack will move forward, and if the
can reach the forest and its ley line within a half a day. How- characters tip off Father Feistus about their wavering loyalty, the
ever, the alien camp and construction site is concealed in an out Legion's timetable may be stepped up.
of the way area and they'll need to search up and down the ley
line for several hours before finding it. The construction site, sur- Wilderness Explorers Wanted,
rounded by tall trees, consists of a large stone quarry (hole in the
ground) next to a giant stone building two hundred feet (61 m) Investigative Experience Required
on a side and twenty feet (6 m) tall. This is the first level of the Hook: Visiting the local "big city" of the area (could be La-
pyramid and its internal chambers are already complete. Several zlo, New Lazlo, or a smaller city like Arzno ), the characters get
passages lead into the pyramid and dozens of humans enter and word that the local constables are wanting to hire adventurers for
exit at different times. There is no defensive perimeter set up and a dangerous mission. Two days ago, a horrendous mass murder
only a few guards stand on top of the pyramid to keep watch. took place, where Gilra the Trader, his sons, daughters-in-law,
The heaviest weapons the characters see are a few rifles and the and grandchildren, 14 people in all, were found dead in their
dozen workers swarming over the outside of the structure seem homes. In addition to being a successful businessman, Gilra was
unarmed. Observant characters will note that there is no camp set a renowned True Atlantean and well respected in the community.
up in the vicinity outside the pyramid. The authorities arrived just after the fight ended, and Gilra had
The information is well received by the Legion when the char- managed to kill two of his assailants and wound a third. The re-
acters make radio contact. However, Father Feistus insists the maining escaped into the night, but the investigators captured the
characters get closer to investigate, ideally enter the pyramid's wounded assailant. After much psionic questioning, they've de-
chambers so they can more accurately estimate the aliens' num- termined that he was part of the mercenary band, Legion of Mars.
bers. If the characters refuse or argue, he'll threaten to withhold The Legion has not been spotted in the area, but the police and
payment, saying the Legion's scouts could have told them what militia are searching fervently for them. The psionic questioning
can be seen from the forest's edge. The characters will have to also revealed where the Legion's headquarters is, near the vil-
think up a plan to get more information either using deception or lage of Boonkoot in eastern Tennessee. The constables are wor-
stealth. Turns out, if they approach the aliens directly, they seem ried that the Legion is a front for Splugorth operations in North
very friendly, open and talkative. They explain they are dimen- America since the captured assailant was a tattoo man. Gilra had
sional travelers and want to establish a school to teach ley line no other relatives, and the local judge has decided to liquidate
walking. This ley line seemed a perfect place since it's out of his sizable estate and put up the cash as a reward for more infor-
the way and shouldn't bother anyone else. The pyramid is to be mation on his attackers. If the characters are willing to travel to
their home and school, and also their link back to their kinsmen. Boonkoot and discover who is behind this heinous crime they can
The construction workers are Stone Master allies of the Ley Line collect the reward. G.M. Note: Make the reward sizable for the
Walkers, magically molding the pyramid into being. The char- characters, probably over 1 million credits, since they'll have to
acters can observe about two dozen Stone Masters working on spend extensive time and energy traveling through the dangerous
the pyramid or drawing rocks from the quarry, two dozen older wilderness.
people who must be Ley Line Walkers, and almost a hundred
adolescent and young men and women who must be students. Line: Depending on where the adventure starts, the charac-
Only a dozen guards keep watch in rotating shifts. ters will have to spend anywhere from days to months travel-
ing through the North American wilderness to reach the eastern
Sinker: Eventually, the characters will notice that every one Magic Zone. After asking several locals and doing some search-
of the "aliens" has a tattoo of a flaming sword on their left wrist ing, they eventually find the village of Boonkoot. The Legion of
and a heart impaled by a stake on their right wrist. The "aliens" Mars headquarters is easily found next to the village. Observation
are indeed True Atlanteans and the tattoos are their marks of heri- or asking questions around the village and headquarters will re-
tage. They are telling the truth about their intentions and reason veal the following: 1. The Legion's headquarters is mostly empty
for building the pyramid. In addition to noticing their magic tat- right now with only twenty raw recruits and a training staff of
toos, the characters will observe nearly two dozen children play- six. The rest of the Legion is "out west somewhere," not even the
ing in the pyramid (they are kept inside most of the time for their training staff knows where. 2. The Legion's training staff helps
safety) as well as their parents. If engaged in conversation, the protect the village in return for food and supplies. 3. No one in
"aliens" will invite the characters to a meal where they will ob- Boonkoot or the headquarters has heard of events out west or
serve the "aliens" eating very human food, engaging in very hu- what transpired with Gilra the Trader. They have not seen the Le-
man conversation, and living much like one would expect a large gion since before that event happened. 4. The training staff, con-
extended family to. sisting of Tattoo Soldiers and Cold-Blooded, are veterans of the
The characters are faced with a moral dilemma. Do they do Legion, but know nothing about the Legion's leaders or who's
the job they were hired for? Do they warn the True Atlanteans been hiring the Legion lately. There are no indications of Splu-
about the impending attack? If the characters try to convince Fa- gorth activity in the area. G.M. Note: Let the characters exhaust
ther Feistus that he is mistaken about the visitors' intentions he all lines of inquiry before moving onto the next part.
gets angry and cuts all communication. If they decide to com-
plete their mission the Legion easily overwhelms the camp and
Sinker: Just when the characters think they've hit a dead end, ing the Splugorth in the Three Galaxies, for Crucious is a famed
a dozen strange travelers arrive and set up camp at the Legion's Atlantean Undead Slayer. Substantiating his claim to chivalry are
headquarters. They are Methodeans and all are completely cov- two nearby Zuthxiou orphans that Crucious freed from Metho-
ered in armor or Methodean Dark Robes. They remain very se- dean slavery only two days ago. If the characters still decide to
cretive and avoid the characters as much as possible. Over the attack Crucious he uses his extensive magic tattoos to escape.
next several days, through observation and investigation, the He only fights to defend the Zuthxiou orphans or himself, and
characters find out that they are placing magic tattoos on the Le- attempts to disable rather than kill the characters.
gion's recruits and performing magic rituals to turn several into Deeper Sinker: The Methodeans ambush the characters in a
Cold-Blooded. After a week, they depart the headquarters and double cross designed to keep them from leaving G'due D'gud
head east. Following the Methodeans, the characters find them and revealing its existence to other inter-dimensional powers.
taking a winding path through the D-Shifting region of the Ap- (Having no knowledge of dimensional travel is irrelevant, the
palachians. The characters will have to deal with ley line storms, paranoid Methodeans take no chances.) If the characters allied
shifting alien environments, and other dimensional disturbances with Crucious previously, he fights by their side. If he escaped an
while keeping track of their quarry. Eventually, the Methodeans attack from them earlier he comes to their rescue during the am-
come to the town of Green Valley. Investigating, the characters bush. Either way, in the battle's aftermath he offers the characters
find Green Valley is controlled by the mysterious Methodeans. a deal. Help him reach the magic pyramid in the center of the
To collect their reward, they will have to find out who the Metho- Methodean compound and he'll use its magic to transport them
deans are, what they're doing here, and then make it back to the all away from "this cursed dimension."
city. Opposing them will be the wily Old Gizzard and Xerxia,
who will try to find out what the characters are doing in Green Deepest Sinker: Crucious not only wants to get out of G' due
Valley and prevent them from escaping. D' gud, he wants to find out why the evil Methodeans want him
and the characters dead. Before they leave for good, he suggests
they capture a Methodean for questioning. Capturing a Method-
Deep, Dark Double Cross ean will not be easy as they fight like the devil, especially if they
Hook: Traveling characters crossing a ley line are suddenly recognize Crucious. If successful, the character will learn the
caught in a ferocious ley line storm. Purple lightning and strange Methodeans are human or human-like. However, their captive re-
... slimy things rain from the sky incessantly. Just when the char- fuses to talk, other than making arrogant threats. Crucious refuses
acters see the edge of the ley line approaching, the air around to use torture, but magic or psionic questioning may reveal some
them ripples, followed by a bright blue flash. Feeling dizzy, the Methodean secrets. Careful examination will reveal the Method-
characters find themselves in pitch-blackness. ean's "Marks of Heritage," a Flaming Sword magic tattoo on the
Line: The characters are in a lightless cavern. The magical- left wrist and a Skull with Glowing Eyes tattoo on the right wrist.
ly astute will correctly guess they have traveled through a Rift Crucious notes how similar they are to True Atlantean Marks of
(Lore: Magic, Lore: Dimensions, or Lore: Ley Lines skill check). Heritage. Smart characters will also try to pry information about
Exploring the cavern, the characters encounter strange, mineral- the MTS compound from their captive. But they'll have to be fast
based monsters, all hostile. Eventually, after walking through since it's only a matter of time before the captured Methodean is
miles of tunnels, they encounter the Zuthxiou. They are in G' due missed and an investigation or rescue is under way. And once the
D' gud. The Zuthxiou try to manipulate and trick the characters as Methodeans realize one of their own is missing, MTS compound
pawns in their constant political infighting. security will be on high alert.

Sinker: After much investigation, the characters eventually

learn other dimensional travelers inhabit the caverns of G' due
D' gud, the Methodeans. Through bribery, trickery, or outright
force (no one will help them for free), the characters come into
contact with the Methodeans. The Methodeans offer to transport
the characters home for the outrageous sum of 65 million Earth
credits or 45 million Three Galaxies credits (they will gladly ac-
cept either, or equivalent trade). Seeing that the characters are
"underfunded" dimensional travelers and can't afford the fee, the
Methodeans reluctantly agree to send them home if they perform
one small "errand." Bring them the head of the wanted fugitive,
Crucious of Alexandria.
Deep Sinker: Since the Methodeans placed a sizable bounty
on Crucious' head he has gone into hiding. After much sleuthing,
the characters find and confront Crucious. Much to their surprise,
rather than running or fighting, Crucious tries to talk to the char-
acters. He claims he has broken no law, but that the Methodeans
placed a bounty on him for reasons he cannot fathom. He has
been stranded in this dimension for months with no way home. If
characters will listen he'll tell them stories of his exploits fight-

He leaves me an empty bucket. His ravaged face turns toward

Sweet me, revealing nothing that might be on his mind, but I have an
idea. I've learned that as a race, female Ogres are usually sterile,
and male Ogres are known to kidnap and hold human females
captive in order to make Ogre babies. Mr. Ugly may have been

turned into a Bio-Borg but that doesn't mean he no longer gets
itchy pants, and with me wearing nothing but a smock and chains,
I could do nothing about it if he felt like having his way with me.
Then again, he also knows I belong to Commander Varoba, and
A Short Story for Rifts® he doesn't allow mistreatment of his "property" unless he orders
By Glen Evans The Ogre wheels away and strides back through the door. His
I wake to the sound of the metal door closing. The smell of my hand grips the iron-bound door by its latch bolt and pulls it firmly
small, cramped cell slaps me in the face. I rise up off the straw shut. I sit motionless, listening to the silence and thinking of how
pile that serves as my bed. A sliver of yellow light slices through hopeless my life has become. The smells of my environment no
a tiny crack, my only window to the outside world. The metal longer assail me. I guess my relenting sense of despair has al-
latch of my cell door is twisted. With a grating screech, the iron- lowed me to grow accustomed to the rank and harshness. I can no
bound door opens. The eight-foot Ogre Bio-Borg who serves as longer make myself cry over my situation. No matter how much I
my jailer strides in. I've seen lots of ugly D-Bees in my life, most weep and long for freedom, tears do not come. I've even stopped
of them during my two visits to the Republic of Columbia, but thinking about escape, a word without meaning here in Atlantis.
none compare to this four-armed abomination. There isn't a day My thoughts drift for a time, wandering through memories of
that goes by that I don't wish I had a laser torch to cut those ugly my former life, which is sidestepping into the realm of dreams. I
warts off his green face. catch myself thinking I've always been a slave here in Atlantis.
He removes the wooden bucket beside the door that serves That my eyes have never seen the blue, warm waters of the Gulf
as my toilet. He ignores me for the most part, even if I wasn't of Mexico, that I never flew a CSN-117 Shrike back and forth
shackled from head to toe there isn't a thing I can do to hurt him. from the CSS Joseph Prosek to escort Coalition diplomats to the
Well, I suppose I could insult him, but the freak doesn't even Republic of Columbia. I must have imagined piloting a Super
understand American. Besides, regardless of what I say, he just SAMAS through a category four hurricane in order to fight off an
smiles with that stupid toothless grin of his. invasion army of aquatic D-Bees attacking Baton Rouge. From
the deepest depth of my mind's eye, I conjured up piloting an lowish, foul smelling broth full of three-inch long, sausage-sized
AFC-050 from Fort Pinnacle to Chi-Town with General Mican- green caterpillars. There's also a purple tomato, three slices of
der Drogue aboard, and him allowing me a two-minute peek at dark bread, and a small wooden cup full of a white fluid trying to
his top-secret prototype of the CAF-1 Stratocarrier. My imagin- pass itself off as milk, but I doubt it comes from anything mam-
ings tell me I hoped to receive a transfer from the Prosek to Air malian. I've been given this breakfast on numerous occasions.
Station Alpha, so that I might be allowed to provide the Stratocar- When I first arrived, I would only eat the tomato and bread. Not
rier an air escort on her first mission, and perhaps within a few because I'm squeamish; three months of survival training in the
years, pilot her myself. marshes of Louisiana removed that a long time ago. I was more
I fight the urge to scratch the new acquisition to my tattooed worried about possible side effects. What if the caterpillars made
body. I bear sixteen magical tattoos now. It's the first one Va- me sick? They were definitely not your garden type butterfly lar-
roba actually allowed me to pick myself. I only hope getting it vae. Yet the moment I learned I was to be forced into gladiator
was worth surviving in the arena against three Serpent Beasts. type combat, I knew I had no other choice. My body would re-
I still hear the sounds of the spectators cheering my slave name, quire protein, and if these creepy crawlers were going to be my
"Calista, Calista, Calista." only source then down the hatch, as we used to say in the officers'
mess. The night after my first meal of caterpillar stew, I dreamed
I guess several million credits were both won and lost, which
they burrowed out of my stomach and crawled their way into my
of course means the winners were the ones shouting my name.
brain. I know better now, they're completely digested, yet every
It's only a matter of time before the losers plot to have me fight
so often, the nightmare returns.
something lethal enough to kill me, yet allow me a slim fighting
chance, that way they'll win back their money. That's why this I place a caterpillar on a slice of dark bread, tear apart some of
newest tattoo, the first of my own choosing, has to succeed, it's the purple tomato, roll up the bread and pretend it's sausage on
the only way I can see I'll survive my next match. a bun. My vivid imagination does not allow me to make believe
that it tastes as such, nonetheless it's sustenance to keep up my
The process didn't even hurt this time around. I vaguely re-
member the initial procedure that turned me into a tattooed freak.
The Tattoo Mage pours red goo all over your naked body. The My restraints only allow my fingers to come within an inch
goo becomes a rubbery material, which keeps you alive while the of my face. In fact, I'm manacled in such a way that I cannot
initial twelve tattoos are etched into your flesh. Your whole body touch any part of my body, not even to wipe myself after using
convulses with burning agony, as if a surgeon decided to suture the bucket, and all I'll say about it is that I've become inventive
you up with a red-hot iron poker. They say without the red goo with a few rags and a bundle of straw. The reason for all of this
the victim simply dies. The human body cannot endure having so restraint is to prevent me from activating my tattoos, having any
many tattoos installed at a single time. Nevertheless, for the next sort of leverage, and full use of my hands or feet. I once tried to
two weeks, any movement, even if it's just your big toe, causes see if I could activate a tattoo by pressing it with my nose, no
shooting pain. The last three times V aroba had me augmented, such luck. I've been told that at some point, I'll be able to activate
receiving the tattoo hurt less and less, namely because with each the magic simply by thinking, but I'm sure they'll have killed me
one, I become less human, and more like aD-Bee. All the same, before that time comes. In addition, to guarantee I'm completely
the transformation has not changed my overall looks. I can feel powerless, twice a day they throw some kind of talcum powder
the hateful stares each time I'm taken from my cell for all of on me that nullifies the magic. All it takes is some water and it
Splynn to see. They hate me for my good looks. My long golden washes right off. If I tried licking it off with my tongue, I'd be
hair, my misty blue eyes, and long sleek legs that give rise to dead in less than a minute. The powder is extremely toxic, even
a physique of well-defined, feminine curves. Being stationed at to a magical being like me.
Fort Pinnacle granted me year-round access to sunny, Gulf Coast I consume everything, including the bread bowl. Then I slide
weather, thus every inch of my exposed skin became a perma- my tray back under the door. I learned rather quickly that if you
nent, shiny, chestnut brown. I was once told I look Atlantean, do not return the tray, the next time around they open the door
hence the reason the current Atlantis population hates me so. and throw your meal at you. I find such treatment a peculiar con-
"Why am I allowed to look as I do?'' I asked a long time ago. trast. I'm treated like an animal, yet they expect me to uphold
"Why not cut off my hair, poke out my eyes, or blemish my skin?" dinner etiquette.
"Because they want to see you die," was the response. "They A half hour passes by. I know so because my cybernetic
want to see your beauty marred. They relish when someone with clock-calendar implant tells me so. In fact, all of my cybernetic
your looks is made to suffer and die." implants still work. The gyro-compass, the universal head jack
& ear implant, security clearance access chip, my 1.0. chip, and
I then asked a truly dumb question, "Why?"
my tracer/locator chip. The transformation into a tattooed freak
"Because they are the epitome of that which is defined as evil, did nothing to damage them and surprisingly, my captors did not
and no matter what you say or do, they define you as something remove them. Then again, what would be the point? The Coali-
that is good and beautiful, and for that you must die. Be thankful tion will never fly a patrol over Atlantis and pick up my signal,
you've been given a fighting chance, when so many others are and even if I was detected, no diplomatic party is going to try to
sent to the slaughterers." negotiate for my release. I'm five ranks below the level where
At the floor of the iron-bound door is an oval shaped opening they would consider the option, and even then it depends upon
about 6 inches tall. A wooden tray slides into the room. I glance whether or not you're worth the effort. I knew the moment I
over to see what sort of breakfast I've been given. Round bread ejected over the Gulf of Mexico that I was on my own. One of
with its center scooped out to form a bowl. It's filled with a yel- the first things they tell you in flight school is if you go down in
hostile territory and no one arrives within an hour, best of luck. Xoi removes my smock to give Varoba a full view of my nude,
Your only hope is to make your way toward a regularly patrolled tattooed body. We dare not look up, even though we can't see
region. The world is just too dangerous a place to risk the lives of him. It's his version of control. If either of us disobeys, Mr. Ugly
others for anyone, unless of course, the knowledge in your head will come in here and beat us both senseless.
is vital and the upper echelons want it kept out of the hands of A booming voice from up above speaks in a language I've yet
the enemy, then an entire battalion will come looking for you. to understand.
Me, on the radar screen of significance, I don't even qualify as a
bird. If you somehow make it back alive, you'll be treated like a "He wants to know where the new tattoo is." Xoi says.
hero. You're hoisted high in the air with fanfare, parades, a shiny I tell him it's the one on my right side just below my armpit.
medal will be placed around your neck, and perhaps the bars on He adjusts me so it can be seen from up above.
your uniform will go from silver to gold. The voice says something else.
However, if you don't come back, your friends mourn you "What sort of creature is it?''
for a little while, and maybe a few in the upper echelons who
"An arm lizard," I reply.
remember you will shed a tear, and at your wake they will speak
on how bravely you represented the Coalition, but that's about it. "A what?"
Those with family receive the standard compensation and a let- "An arm lizard."
ter of bereavement. As soldiers, we live and die for our beloved "What in the Forge is that?"
Coalition; but we don't have time for lamentation, that's the role
of a citizen. "A North American giant reptile."
The door opens again and a small, cloaked form comes into "And you picked it out yourself?"
view. It's a rail thin Elf girl, aged and ruined, her face ravaged by "Arkiopex showed me pictures of various beasts. I chose this
her abusers. Her right arm is missing below the elbow. Varoba's one."
butler, Xoi, told me her fingers, hand, and forearm were served as "Why?"
appetizers for some of Varoba's guests a few weeks ago; appar-
We've ignored Varoba for too long. He pipes in angrily. Xoi
ently, the kitchen ran a little short. I mourn her tragedy, but not
points to the tattoo and tells him all that I've said, knowing full
enough to trade places with her. My odds are no better but at least
I have a fighting chance. well that I'm deliberately being vague. He may not have a human
head, but I can tell there is a worried look on his face and tone in
Mr. Ugly pushes his way into the cell, knocking her out of the his voice.
Silence for what seems an eternity. Then the voice makes a
I pull back against the chains that prevent me from leaving long-winded reply, and then I hear what I suppose could be bel-
this room. ly laughing. I hear Xoi swallow the lump in his throat, then he
Out of her dress pocket, she produces a key and unlocks the makes a nervous chuckle.
chain around my waist that binds me to the wall. I stumble for- "I don't know how you do it, but you continue to amuse him."
ward, one foot in front of the other. My strides are held in check
"That's what they said about my drill sergeant back in basic."
by the yellow iron chains worn around my ankles. I await a shove
by Mr. Ugly, he likes watching me pick myself up. It also gives Two hours later, I'm at the Arena of Champions preparing
him a delightful view of my backside. I'm not sure what thrills for my match. The word humongous does not even come close
him more, the abuse or the show. to describing the arena. The stadium in the fortress city of Chi-
Town seats over 50,000 people, and it would fit inside this arena
It takes us ten minutes to traverse the maze of dark and shad-
with twice the room to spare. However, the entertainment is quite
owed corridors, hallways filled with doors similar to mine. As
different. You won't find singers, musicians, professional sports,
I walk by I can feel the cold and emptiness as row after row of
racing, or anything resembling civilized society. The only thing
these doors pass my field of vision. The sound of my chains fills
my ears, but every so often, I briefly hear the distant sound of the inhabitants of Atlantis like watching is living things brutally
punished, maimed and/or killed. For the most part, humans make
moaning and the clanging of iron.
up a large percentage of victim fodder. I'm told there are some
Glass globes containing liquid light flare before us in the corri- individuals who are regarded as champions or "sport heroes" and
dor until we finally arrive at a wooden door. Ugly opens the door their competitions are usually not lethal, but that is because they
and motions me inside. It's a circular stone chamber about thirty are "free" and choose to be a professional combatant. Prisoners
feet in diameter. It's an empty room except for Xoi, a ten foot tall and slaves like me are not given a choice, nor do we have the op-
Shaydorian Intel. So far, he's been the kindest individual I've met tion of surrendering. We either survive or die, and all surviving
since arriving here in Atlantis three years ago. I stand beside him does is guarantee that you won't die today, but should expect it
while Ugly stands guard outside. Xoi mutters to me in American, in the near future. I've learned not to focus on the loop of death,
"Are you doing well this morning?" otherwise it will make it all the easier for your opponent to kill
"As well as expected." you. In order to live, I have to focus on surviving, however that
Circulating ten feet above Xoi's head are mirrored windows. does not mean I must avoid thinking about revenge. Such think-
We can't see who is looking down on us, but we both know who's ing I do not consider a hindrance, but an added incentive pushing
up there. V aroba wants to inspect his merchandise, and make sure me to succeed.
my first tattoo choice was worth the credits he paid for it.

Shortly after I arrive, I receive a welcomed pampering. For only opportunity to watch the spectacle. However, make no mis-
some bizarre reason, this monster society likes to see their vic- take; this is not a reward, but a way of breaking your spirit. Vic-
tims looking their best before they die. They beat them down un- tors are made to see that in the end, you will die eventually. Those
til they're nothing but skin and bone, yet when it's time for the who've survived yesterday and today, in time, will meet their end
axe to come down they want them squeaky clean. Before each in the arena. There is no hope of escape, just the inevitability that
fight, I'm given a sponge bath, healed of any ailments, and given you will one day lie down in a pool of your own blood. All the
fresh garments to wear for the occasion. I must admit I enjoy the same, Sir Vealmor represents the ultimate nuisance. He won't die
pampering. Varoba has also decided my attire shall remain the and he refuses to be beaten. After my last match, I watched him
same, a bronze colored, chain mail, two-piece bikini. It barely take on a... demon. I believe Xoi called it a Baal-Rog. The thing
covers anything; fortunately, I wear a red cloak pinned at the was gigantic in stature, the epitome of your worst nightmare, and
shoulder with a circular broach on which is Varoba's insignia. he killed it with just two psychic energy swords, at least as far as I
My only true complaint would have to be the gladiator sandals; could tell. The moment it died, he jumped upon its chest, with his
there is nothing attractive about them. arm raised, yelling the most defiant war cry I've ever heard. Why
Prisoners and slaves like me are required to wait our tum in he wasn't simply shot right then and there, I don't know. The de-
small cages a little bigger then your average broom closet. We are mon vanished, leaving no trace of its existence, just Sir Vealmor
not able to see the fighting in the arena, nor does anyone tell us standing there in defiance of an angry crowd of several thousand
the results. You can't rely on crowd noise because they're always monsters and D-Bees. I only wish such a sight could have been
yelling, unless somebody they really despise dies or a large num- televised so everyone back in the Coalition and the Republic of
ber win a big purse, then they really start to cheer, and therein lies Columbia could have seen it. Sir Vealmor might be an unsavory
the reason why some of us are given a fighting chance: money, D-Bee, but what he represented at that moment is the same spirit
the driving force of Splynn. in the hearts of every human trying to endure this relentless war
to exterminate our existence from this world.
The prisoner and slave competitions cater toward the savage
appetites of the spectators who want to see blood and mutilation, Two heavily armed Overlords arrive to escort me to the arena
however the spectators are also looking to cash in all the millions floor. Ugly opens my cell and urges me out. I open my eyes, rise
of credits waged on our survival. Well before any of us are brought to my feet, and follow them. It takes us about five minutes to
out, the spectators are treated to a parade of the combatants and reach a small platform where a hovercraft awaits us. Ugly makes
monsters the event planners have prepared for us. Brochures tell a guttural sound to get my attention. I look over at him and he
the viewing audience which of us is performing and they get to waves at me as if to say, 'Have a nice trip.' I return the gesture
decide which monsters they want us to fight, thereby they have with one of my own.
control over their level of entertainment. There's no logic to how The two Overlords and I board the hovercraft, which brings
the audience selects our matches, the loudest majority simply us out of a tunnel for all to see. It's at this point that I find my-
shout our name out when a particular combatant or monster is self truly liberated. I know that may seem strange, surrounded
presented. However, there is a small percentage within the crowd by thousands of monsters, all of whom want me dead, but at no
who possess the inside details of our strengths and capabilities. other time have I've been able to focus so intently on a single
Therefore, if the audience really wants you dead, they'll vote for task. Sure, I passed my exams and made something of myself as
the sure thing that will kill you, but if they want to prolong your a Coalition soldier. I led my squadron on numerous successful
death or force you to provide them a good spectacle, they'll give missions. Heck, I saved a Columbian diplomat's life from an am-
you the so-called "fighting chance" and they'll bet on the odds bush. Yet at none of those times did I face insurmountable odds.
of you dying. Conversely, those with the inside knowledge will There is nothing in my former life to compare it to. Every time I
make the counter-bet that we'll not only survive but we'll end up step into this arena I have to will myself to survive, and there is
victorious. Therefore, the safe gamble is the monster, choose the little in my Coalition training that I can use to help me, except for
right one and you could strike it rich. Because of the huge sums one rule of thumb the upper command made us memorize each
of money exchanged back and forth, it's the main reason why Mr. day.
Ugly and a number of other bodyguards are down here. The Splu- Know in your heart that you are a noble warrior asked to do
gorth do not want anyone thinking the competitions are fixed. terrible things so that one day we can know lasting peace and
They also do not want to take a chance on any slaves escaping. safety. Do not doubt what you know to be true.
I'm not sure which of the two is the bigger concern.
My old life died the day that Slaver Barge snatched me out of
While I'm mentally preparing for my match, I ignore every- the ocean and brought me here. Amber Desjardins was lost to the
thing going on around me. I could care less about who else is in sea three years ago. She has no living family. She did her duty
this hell with me, although my heart swells whenever I see Sir and sacrificed herself for the greater good, insuring the Coalition
Vealmor, the three-hundred-year old Elf Cyber-Knight Crusader. and humanity will survive. This I know to be true, yet I am very
He's been fighting the forces of darkness and protecting the help- much alive. If I must choose between death and living out the rest
less since even before the end of the Dark Age. Twenty-seven of my days as an ungodly monster, then I pick the latter. Obtain-
times he's been brought to the arena and each time he's killed ing lasting peace and safety for myself can be mine if and only if
whatever they put up against him. Twenty-seven times. No slave I survive my next opponent.
or prisoner has a record that comes even close to his; heck, this is
Speaking of which, it approaches, rising from the lower depths
only my fifth fight. Most don't make it past their seventh.
beneath the arena floor as if it were the Devil himself. I stare
When slaves and prisoners are victorious, they put them in a at it, trying to recall if I've ever seen anything like it before, a
large cell room with a big window to view the arena. This is your
reptilian humanoid with a broad chest and pale blue-green skin give him one. I parry his strike, then follow it with a kick to his
with larger yellow scales. There are two rows of sharp, hook- jaw. It snaps his head around and sends a tooth flying.
like spines protruding from its back. It's wielding a large, two- I try for another kick but he rams his fist into my midsection,
handed, double-headed black axe with smoke pouring off the top, and it nearly knocks the wind out of me. I blink blurry eyes, try-
a most definitely magical weapon. ing to shake the fogginess from my head. He comes charging at
I continue to stare at him. There is a mean-spirited sneer upon me, so I dive to the ground, roll out of his way, and spring up to
his face. He looks very committed to the fight. my feet. My hand touches the bulge on my abdomen, not only out
Good, so am I. of pain but also to activate my lightning bolt tattoo.
I touch the tattoo on my left forearm of two-crossed flaming He turns and charges. I release a blast of electrical energy. It
swords with long, straight blades dripping blood. Magically man- slams into him, knocking him to the ground. As he starts to rise
ifesting in my right hand is a claymore sword powerful enough up, I rip into him with two more energy blasts. He shakes and jit-
to damage the strongest alien materials, or the skin of any super- ters for several seconds before collapsing.
natural creature. Three years ago, I could not have wielded this I take a moment to look in the direction of Varoba. I see him in
weapon to save my life. Since then, my survival instincts have his usual front row seat with Ugly standing behind him. The dis-
kicked in enough that I've been more than capable of defending tance between the arena floor and the front row seats, I estimate it
myself and taking off my opponent's head. to be nearly thirty-five feet. There is also one of a dozen sculpted
I'm not sure how much time passes by. I space out the mo- stone heads and busts encircling the pit beside him. I've seen
ment, staring at this reptile man. Suddenly, he charges, and then them become animated and brought to life to protect the crowd
it occurs to me, he's a Vanguard Brawler, I wonder where they from any direct attack made by gladiators or monsters. Further-
found him? more, there is a protective, magical force field every ten feet to
keep incidental or indirect contact from injuring the spectators.
I bring up my sword just in time to parry his massive axe, but This magical safety screen rises an additional ten feet above the
the force of his blow knocks me back. He hastily swings again. front row.
Despite the weapon's size, he brandishes it effortlessly, as if he'd
been trained since childhood. My sword resists each of his blows, The time has come. Live or die time. In either case, I will have
but the impacts jar me to my bones. my revenge and/or freedom.

Man, his weapon stinks, I groan, as another blow squashes me I tum and run toward V aroba' s direction, allowing the Brawler
to the ground. It smells funkier than a soldier on patrol in the Lou- to regain his senses. I hear the confusion in the crowd. They're
isiana marshes who spent too many days in his power armor. I've wondering what my intentions are.
seen tech guys practically vomit the moment the hatch is opened. I stop and wait for him to recover. I even motion for him to
I count the seconds between each axe swing, then, with on join me. I make a sidelong glance in Varoba's direction. I'm just
target timing, I roll out of the way during a pause between his fifteen feet away from the wall.
blows. He starts to swing, but not before I strike him across his The Brawler comes at me like a missile. I wait until he's with-
scaly chest. The sword leaves a red scratch that he barely seems in twelve feet.
to notice. I touch the arm lizard tattoo.
I didn't think they'd send me up against a fragile opponent When I told Xoi that the monster tattoo was an arm lizard, I
who'd die from a single blow. Thankfully, he's not grinning and wasn't lying. My mother had been a Coalition research scien-
laughing, otherwise I'd really have cause to worry. tist, which meant she studied things that the government told her
Abruptly, I'm on the ground clutching my throat, unable to to pretend didn't exist. On one of her expeditions, she traveled
breathe. The smoke from his axe hangs around me like a cloud. I along the Gulf Coast studying the indigenous gigantic reptiles
find myself writhing in desperation for oxygen. Yet reptile man that people before the Great Cataclysm called dinosaurs. Mother
makes a critical error in watching me struggle instead of follow- found them fascinating. She wanted to learn all that she could
ing up with an attack. I've seen it before. The aggressor chooses about them just for knowledge's sake, but the twenty-year plan
to watch, savoring the end of an enemy's life instead of finishing for the Coalition expansion did not include territory occupied by
him off. He also assumes I'm done for. Yes, I ought to be near dinosaurs, so they told her to pack up and return home. Nonethe-
death, having been cut off from fresh oxygen, but I'm no longer less, she enjoyed her time there and sent me photographs and her
an ordinary human. With sixteen magic tattoos on my body, my reports of her findings. The moment I saw the tattoo drawing for
essence has been charged with enough mystical energy to make the dinosaur, I brooded over whether the Splugorth High Lord
me almost as durable as a Coalition SAMAS. Tattoo Artist appreciated what exactly this animal could do. The
I'm on my knees in a heartbeat. Seeing me start to recover, Splugorth are quite cautious about what sorts of tattoos slaves
he charges. I raise my weapon but I'm not ready to withstand can obtain. Certain monster and power tattoos are restricted de-
another blow. His axe slams into my shoulder. I clutch the wound pending upon your slave and/or prisoner status. Apparently, this
with my free hand. Definitely don't want that to happen again. particular High Lord didn't believe that a Brachiosaurus (which
is pre-Rifts Greek for arm lizard) couldn't be used for anything
I ready myself for his next move, while watching carefully for in violation of Splugorth law. Furthermore, Varoba mistakenly
a chance to go on the offensive. He swings at my legs, so I leap
thought I was an uninformed soldier with no familiarity with wild
over it. I swing at his head. He easily parries it with his axe. He animals and lacked the insight to notice and/or choose anything
tries again for my legs. Since he wants them so bad, I decide to
potentially ungoverned.

The moment the dinosaur manifests, the whole arena goes High Lord Tattoo Artist. I've never heard of the Splugorth se-
dead silent. My opponent finds himself nearly underfoot. My verely punishing one of their elite minions before, so who knows
sauropod measures eighty-two feet long, with its head forty-eight what befell him.
feet above the ground, weighing in the vicinity of fifty-five tons. As for myself, I receive a promotion to servant status for
Dragons are big, the Great Homed Dragon that teleported in front Azizad. It doesn't sound that different, but trust me, it's a huge
of my Shrike and caused me to crash in the first place blocked out improvement. My new position instills me the "freedom" to trav-
the sun, but this Brachiosaurus of mine is even bigger. el throughout Atlantis and to accompany Slavers and other elite
My opponent just stands there with his face glazed with shock, minions to capture and extract dinosaurs from the Gulf and East
making it all the easier for my pet to lift up its front foot and Coast of North America in a region the Coalition referred to as
squash him like a bug. Dinosaur Swamp. Therefore, in a sense, I've been given the op-
The crowd continues to stare with fascinated horror as I take portunity to return home, well, not really. Like all lesser minions
up a stance between its forelegs. The silence slowly begins to of the Splugorth, my movements are heavily monitored and ev-
dissipate, and is replaced by a surge of boos and moans made by erything I do is regarded with suspicion. I've already proved my-
those disappointed that I survived yet again. self a liability by killing my previous owner, but the Splugorth re-
gard it more as a failure on his part and not so much as a strategic
I glance upward and see Varoba rejoicing in my success, but insurrection on my end. Nonetheless, the excessive surveillance
I know better. I can even see the stress line forming on his brow. tells me they are concerned about what I might do next.
The Splugorth will be questioning him about how I obtained the
dino tattoo. They are not going to be happy with him, and his That is where I'm at as of this moment. I suppose I "could"
highly prized position within the hierarchy is in serious jeopardy. attempt an escape, although I risk getting captured and killed
on sight. They've provided me more than enough rope to hang
He rises to his feet and salutes me. Ugly stands behind him myself. With each trip to Dinosaur Swamp, it's like the Splu-
with all four arms crossed over his chest. I lower my head and gorth are edging me on. "Go ahead, try and see what happens if
drop to my knees, showing my submission to my master, which you escape, maybe you'll make it, maybe you won't." What do
is my cue to dispel the dinosaur, but I don't. Instead, I pulse a I do if I successfully get away? Where do I go? I can't return to
command into its magical brain. the Coalition, not unless there's a way to wash off these tattoos.
The fact the sculpted heads didn't open fire on the dinosaur I'd register big time on the noses of the mutts and their spooky,
the moment I created him and allowed me to get this close to the zombie-like handlers. Even if I sent word out to my friends and
wall, revealed what I always suspected about this monster city: superiors of my survival, they'd regard it with heavy suspicion. If
they really know nothing about dinosaurs and their capabilities. I told them I'd been a prisoner of Atlantis, well you can bet they'd
Well, it's time I give them a lesson. really be looking for me, and I wouldn't be welcomed back with
Sauropods are like aircraft carriers, slow and methodical, with open arms for sure. I'd be considered a prisoner of war, interro-
easily identifiable offensive capabilities, but their defensive tal- gated and forced to reveal all that I'd seen and heard.
ents go unnoticed. Sauropods can negate magic and dispel magi- So what is the answer for me? Stay put, living a life where
cal barriers equal to the skills of true magic users. So with almost giant eyeballs are monitoring me in my sleep or when I take a
no effort, the force field protecting Varoba from debris and stray leak, or run away and try my hand at surviving on my own in the
projectiles/energy bolts is no more. I stay in my kneeling posi- wilderness. Hmm, tough choice. Yet all my life I've had to make
tion, appearing to be submissive to my master. Nobody seems to the tough decisions and so far, I've never betrayed myself or sur-
be aware of what's going on. I can tell Varoba's psychic powers rendered to adversity. I'll make a decision soon, but first I'm go-
activate because his eyes suddenly widen in alarm. ing to the Arena of Champions with Xoi and my one armed Elf
I raise my head, smile maliciously, and make a graphic gesture servant, Eldora, to watch Ugly fight Sir Vealmor. I have put most
towards him, and with his complete attention on me, the Brachio- of my earnings on the Cyber-Knight, and if he is successful, we
saurus rears back and rams its head right into Varoba's chest. will make enough to buy Eldora a new arm. However, in keeping
Had he been wearing any kind of armor or received some kind of with my Splugorth position, I did put a side bet on Ugly, only the
Bio-Wizardry he might have survived. Instead, his body explodes Coalition soldier in me felt it was necessary to remove his extra
into a cloud of gore and red mist, with the majority ending up on pair of arms, otherwise it wouldn't be a fair fight. Ah, it feels
Ugly. good to be in the pilot's seat once again.
I expect the guards or the statues to immediately open fire on
me, yet to my complete astonishment, I'm led away to an inter-
rogation room. There High Lord Azizad (Overseer of the Arena
of Champions) and his entourage question me for about an hour.
I think for sure this is where I'll meet my end, or at least be tor-
tured for a few days. Instead, they take their anger out on Varoba
and High Lord Arkiopex. Varoba was sort of a field naturalist in
charge of determining the value of alien and animal life forms as
slaves and/or potential minions. As far as the Splugorth are con-
cerned, he failed in his slave master duties, and those of his au-
thoritative position. They blame his death on his own arrogance
and intellectual failures. I'm not aware of what became of the

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Rifts® Vampire Kingdoms™
A Sneak Peak of the new, able power and worshiped as a god by the vampires who serve it.
The Intelligence exists in another dimension beyond our physical
Revised & Expanded Edition borders of reality and can not physically enter our plane of ex-
By Kevin Siembieda istence until a certain number of conditions have been met. The
most notable being a minimum number of vampires born of its
specific pathogen. The spreading of the Vampire pathogen must
start with a willing "host" born in our mortal world. This is a mad
man who wants to become an Undead Vampire for selfish or evil
reasons. Tales of immortality via undeath and superhuman pow-
ers are enough to attract some people to forsake their humanity,
betray their people and become a Master Vampire -the vector or
"carrier" that spreads the disease and creates more undead. Ex-
actly how a person makes contact with the Vampire Intelligence
to become the carrier is not yet known, but it may very well have
to do with evil intent, dedication to evil and pure luck.
In the world of vampires, the carrier is known as the Master
Vampire. They are also sometimes known as the Maker Vampire
and many become self-appointed Vampire Lords, Kings and Em-
perors who hold positions of power at the top of vampire society
and command undead hordes. It is the Master Vampire who cre-
ates other vampires and they in turn create more and spread the
pestilence of vampirism. Each created by this chain of heredity
all answer the Master Vampire and his creator, the Vampire Intel-
ligence. The Master may be male or female, and is, as a rule, the
most intelligent, powerful and cunning of the vampires.
There is a narrow window of opportunity here when an infes-
tation is just beginning, use it. For the first few weeks, the new
born vampire - or in the vernacular of vampires, those "reborn"
as the undead - are disoriented, frightened and uncertain. They
behave rather like young children and look to their creator, the
Master Vampire, for explanation, instruction and protection. Dur-
ing this short orientation period, the reborn undead remain near
Excerpts from Doc Reid's Report: the Master who made them. Find and slay the Master and all of
these first few creations, and you can contain the localized in-
Understanding the festation in its tracks and stop it, but you must act quickly. Once
the vampires created by the Master begin to spread out on their
Vampire Pestilence own, they can create more of their kind, spreading like a dis-
ease and creating an epidemic that can leave thousands dead in
The following are a few choice excerpts from a secret its wake. Like any swiftly spreading disease, the greatest fear is
report compiled by the famous Vampire Hunter, Doc Reid, a pandemic and the loss of millions. Frankly, I'm a bit surprised
circa 108 P.A. Commissioned by the Council of Learning the vampires of Mexico have not made such a move, but I fear it
at Lazlo, the document had been shared with the Kingdom is only a matter of time.
of Tolkeen, so it is possible it has fallen into the hands of The living dead created by the Master are known as Second-
the Coalition States after the Kingdom fell to the Coalition ary Vampires, or sometimes as, Common Vampires, and many
Army in 109 P.A. If this is the case, the document would other nomenclatures. They possess many of the same powers and
have been classified as Top Secret while heads of the CS abilities as the Master Vampire, including the power to make
Army Military Intelligence and Propaganda Department more vampires. However, they are not as intelligent or powerful,
evaluate the data and decide if any action should be taken. and possess a greater range of weaknesses and vulnerabilities.
Though intelligent, Secondary Vampire exhibit a more savage
nature ruled by hunger and feral instincts. They have more diffi-
The Vampire Pathology culty controlling their base desires and possess a smaller range of
I have found the behavior of vampires to emulate that of dis- skills. Furthermore, they instinctively recognize the Master Vam-
ease. Thus, I often refer to them as a pathogen and think of them pire as their superior and seldom challenge his authority.
as a plague. The vampire pathogen starts with a supernatural
creature known as a Vampire Intelligence; a being of consider-
Without the Master to serve as the starting point and "carrier," This is the part people have the most trouble accepting and
vampirism can not be spread. This misanthrope is the beginning, understanding. Your loved one slain by a vampire is dead. There
but not the end. The disease of vampirism is so insidious that is no cure for death. Not even vampirism. Those who tell you
once it has begun to spread, it is almost impossible to quarantine otherwise are liars or fools.
and stop. Despite the legends and lies perpetuated by the vampires
One reason for this, is that unlike true germs, the Secondary themselves, there is no coming back from the dead. Your wife,
Vampires are both the disease and additional carriers. husband, sister, brother, best friend, killed by a vampire ~ dead.
Another reason is that Secondary Vamp ires embrace the mon- It is imperative you understand and accept this hard fact. The
sters they have become, and fight anyone trying to stop the spread abomination that rises from the grave as a vampire may bear the
of contamination. You might think they would hate becoming face of the person you knew in life, but he or she is not that indi-
monsters. A real human would, but that's what you must under- vidual. The vampire is a demon, a monster, who now wears the
stand, a vampire, though he may appear to be human or even bear face and body of the person you knew just as you might wear a
the face and memories of a loved one, that person is dead and a suit of environmental armor. It is a disguise these vile demons use
monster has assumed his appearance. The person you once knew, to trick the living to get close enough to feed upon us, enslave us,
is gone. and create more of their kind.
There are also Wild Vampires, the savage predatory of the Terms such as "undead" and "living dead," which even I use
Undead Vampires' hierarchy; more on them later. from time to time, may confuse the reality of what the vampire
really is. Such terms are misnomers, because the victim of a vam-
pire is neither "living" or "undead," but something completely
new and inhuman. Every vampire that is born, replaces one of
us with a monster. That's not your loved one any more, it is a
monstrous abomination patterned after the person who died. A
monster that has stolen bits of memory, skills and identity from
the person who died to uses them to disguise itself as human.

Vampires and the Human Illusion

The person you knew in life is no more. He died when the
vampire slew him. In his place stands a demon that has stolen
that person's appearance and mimics some of his personality, but
this thing is not that person nor is it human. This is a monster. A
predator in human clothing. A cunning monster that uses human
appearance to cause hesitation, confusion and even acceptance
from us. Do not be fooled.
I have found people respond well thinking of vampires in
the context of the old children's story Little Red Riding Hood.
That's not grandmother any more, that's a wolf in granny's cloth-
ing and skin. And my, oh my, what big teeth grandma has. The
better to eat you with, my dears.
Remember that, and like Little Red Riding Hood, you may
survive your encounter with a vampire. I'm serious.
Just as the wolf was not grandma, a vampire is not human.
It never was and can never be human. As far as I can tell, it is
Humanity Gone an animated corpse inhabited by a tiny fragment of the Vampire
I apologize if I am confusing you with my reference " to dis- Intelligence. The Slow Kill of its victim over a period of several
ease. Allow me to clarify. I am not saying vampires are people nights enables the Intelligence, via its Master or Secondary Vam-
afflicted with a disease or that vampirism can be cured, it can not. pire carrier, to infect and take over the body of its victim three
I am saying vampires are the disease. Their behavior mimics that days after the person dies. This process also enables the monster
of pathogen. A human being who becomes an Undead Vampire within to draw upon some the memories, personality and skills of
is dead and gone. He is beyond help or a cure, because he is dead. the person the vampire has slain. Thus, the thing that rises from
Let me repeat that: A human being who becomes a vampire is the grave is not the person who died, but a monster using the vic-
dead and gone. tim's brain patterns to appear to be a shadow of that individual.
I will discuss the process by which a person becomes a vam- It is a brilliant disguise, because we humans tend to believe
pire later. What you need to understand is the process that turns what we see, not what we know to be true. Case in point, when
a human into a vampire is fast and it is fatal. The victim dies. we see grandma, even though we saw her die, we don't see a mon-
The vampire's bite starts the transformation. Three successive ster, we see our grandma. Somehow, seeing her standing there
bites over a short period of time kills the victim. The only way to smiling sweetly and beckoning to us to give her a hug, causes our
prevent death is to slay the Master or Secondary Vampire respon- emotions to override reason. It's granny. It's a miracle. Give her
sible for the attacks before the victim dies. a big hug.

Wrong. It's an abomination. Grandma died. You saw it. You the slain person whose body they have stolen, to be their own. I
know it. This is not grandmother. It is a demon and a pestilence don't doubt that some of these Deluded Vampires torture them-
that wants to kill you and drink your blood, or use the Slow Kill selves by denying their true nature. I have seen some battle the
to slay you and tum your body into another murderous vampire. wickedness that swells within their breasts and the hunger that
Reading this on paper may sound obvious and easy, but when drives them to kill. Some sincerely try to be human and maintain
faced with it in person, it is another story. I have seen Juicers and their human identity for a remarkably long period of time. Even
hardened war vets rush into the arms of grandma, or their wife or under torture and pain of death, I have seen Deluded Vampires
child, only to have their throats ripped open and blood drained by insist, with their last dying breath, they are not monsters and can
a monster who finds it funny. control their predatory instincts.
Even those of us who never knew the woman as grandma sees They are wrong, of course.
an innocent old woman. A fellow human being. A mother figure. Just as a leopard cannot change its spots, a vampire cannot
It makes us hesitate and that gives the monster the edge it needs be something it is not. ALL vampires need blood or die. Though
to launch an attack. Whether the vampire is an eight year old, the vampire who clings to shadows of humanity may try to be
eighteen year old or eighty year old, it is difficult to imagine that human, it needs blood to survive. The blood may be offered
fellow human as a monster. It's the way we, as humans, are hard- freely by a friend or loved one, but the creature must feed upon
wired, and the Undead Vampires take advantage of it. To survive, somebody. Animal blood cannot be substituted, and the blood of
we need to learn to override our ingrained behavior patterns. If D-Bees requires twice as much because it is only half as fulfill-
you kno~ the person is a vampire risen from the grave, strike ing and nutritious. Some so-called Heroic Vampires rationalize
without hesitation or regret. You are killing a monster in grand- feeding on their enemies and only kill to feed without ever turn-
ma's skin, not grandma. This is apparent when grandma picks up ing their victims into vampires. Others draw blood from willing
a half ton Combat Cyborg and tosses him aside like a rag doll, or donors via sanitized medical procedure, but how is any of this
turns to mist, or lunges at you with fangs bared and eyes glowing different than the monsters of the Vampire Kingdoms? How are
like red hot coals. Only by then, it may be to late. those who offer their blood freely any different than the human
(Also see Appearance under Vampire Powers.) cattle and servants of evil vampires? And are they offering their
blood freely, or is there subtle mind control taking place? Such
Dispelling the Myth practices are nothing more than an attempt to rationalization the
aberrant behavior of the vampire and deny the truth: The vampire
Despite the preponderance of hard evidence and even anec- is a predatory monster who lusts for the blood of humans and
dotal reports to the contrary, there persists a romantic notion that lives to hunt and kill humanoid prey.
vampires are tragic figures who can be saved or redeemed. Some
In the end, a single vampire will kill at least several dozen
people even cling to the idea of "heroic vampires" that are able
people in the course of a year. Hundreds or thousands in its life
to maintain their humanity and suppress predatory instincts. Such
time. The vampire must feed on blood. If denied blood, the mon-
"good vampires" do not exist. To believe otherwise is to open
ster becomes desperate to feed or starves. In time, the hunger
yourself and those around the vampire to danger.
becomes obsession and, like a starving mad dog, the monster will
1. As I have already made clear, the vampire is not your grand- attack and feed upon anyone, including the mortals it claims to
ma, husband or child. It is a supernatural monster using your love above all others. I have proven this a thousand times over.
loved one's appearance for its own evil purpose. Vampires can not control their need for blood. When push comes
2. Vampires, all vampires, are consumed with only two things: to shove, vampire instinct takes over and it is humans and D-
hunger and sating that hunger through killing. Sating the hunger Bees who pay the price every single time. A Deluded Vampire
is everything. Undead Vampires are killing machines. Killing is in denial may insist he had no choice or lost control. He may sob
what they do. A vampire that claims otherwise is lying to you or and proclaim to hate himself for his reprehensible acts of murder
itself. to momentarily quench his unquenchable thirst, but it won't stop
3. A vampire who believes itself to be the person who died and him from doing so again, and again, and again. The monster can't
whose identity it has stolen, is confused and deranged. Sooner or help himself. It all comes down to survival, and the survival in-
later, the monster will accept its true nature or be unable to sup- stincts of the vampire supercedes all others.
press the hunger and kill. We are human, they are not. We are the prey. Vampires the
4. Vampires use the illusion of humanity with great cunning hunter. Never doubt that.
and skill. They can make themselves seem quite ordinary and in-
nocent, and no different than you or I. They can make themselves Wicked is as Wicked Does
seem likeable, caring and kind, or sympathetic, vulnerable and
sincere. Regardless, it is all a deception to get close to their prey: Cruelty, sadism and vampires
YOU. Their convincing acting abilities are aided by the mon- Undead Vampires live to dominate, terrify and feed upon in-
sters' powers of mind control and metamorphosis. (See Appear- ferior humanoid life. Humans and D-Bees are regarded as prey to
ance under Vampire Powers.) be hunted, and in the Vampire Kingdoms, we are cattle bred, cor-
I must confess, I have encountered Delude Vampires who ralled, butcherd and devoured. They also use humans and D-Bees
honestly believe they are the person they were in life, afflicted as slaves and servant, pets and playthings. All too often pets and
with the "curse of vampirism." These lost souls are in denial playthings are made to satisfy the demons' sadistic pleasures and
about what they are and mistake the memories and emotions of base emotions. They are beaten, raped, tortured and humiliated a

The wickedness and sadism of vampires is so reprehensible
that a newly risen vampire often seeks out the loved ones of the
deceased whose body the monster now wears, as his first victims.
The vile creature is drawn to the family and friends not because
of the fond memories and emotions he has stolen from the de-
ceased, but to make a mockery of them and destroy everything
he once held dear. What a rush it is to return from the grave as
daddy or mommy to rip the life from the children and spouse.
The delicious horror from the children as their life is bled out of
them, one by one, by darling daddy or loving mother is the best
thrill-kill high the vampire will ever know in its eternal life. And
just to be cruel, the new vampire may decide to turn the wife or
little sister or sweet auntie into a vampire like itself. I know this,
because it has been told to me by hundreds of undead before I had
the pleasure of taking their horrible life.
All mortals are considered lesser beings, but as terrible as hu-
mans are treated, D-Bees, get it even worse. The less human a
D-Bee's appearance, the more humiliation and suffering the poor
being will suffer at the hands of vampires. The food pens of the
Vampire Kingdoms are 50% D-Bees, and D-Bee slaves are treat-
ed like mules and barely worthwhile. One vampire told me they
are little more than a barn cat or scurvy old dog. Vampires behave
like playground bullies when it comes to all of their slaves and
servants, laughing at every misstep, accident and plea for mercy.
Like a malicious child pulling the feathers from an injured bird,
the vampire picks and pokes and pries until the mortal curls up
into a sobbing ball of misery. If the pitiable slave is lucky, his evil
masters find this satisfying or hilarious and lets him live again. If
the slave is unlucky, his tormentors my find this a disappointing
end to an evening of fun and games, and feed upon him, kill him
or torture him for many more hours.

thousand different ways. The majority of vampires, regardless of

their station, enjoy inflicting fear and suffering in all its forms,
from the physical to the psychological. I find many people do not
realize the undead not only drink blood, but are psychic vampires
that immerse themselves in dark emotions. Fear, hate, sorrow,
agony are all sweet nectar to Undead Vampires. When a vampire
kills and feeds, the monster soaks up the delectable quintessence
of life tinged with the tantalizing flavor of terror or ecstasy that
only a vampire can evoke. When the mortals around them quake
in terror or tremble with hate, vampires get an endorphin rush
making them feel aroused and powerful. Thus, an environment of
despair, sorrow and suffering in and around the Vampire King-
doms is not an accident of vampire culture, but quite deliberate.
The more miserable, demoralized and hopeless their servants and
slaves feel, the more delicious and enjoyable the environment for
the vampires.

Also from Palladium Books®
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