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Identify the 

stages of adolescent development

Puberty is completed

Select one:
a. Cognitive Development     
b. Social - Emotional Development

c. Physical Development 

Your answer is correct.

Question 2
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Many metal illness begin during childhood and persist into adolescence. Which of these
mental illness starts commonly in adolescence?

Select one:
a. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
b. Bipolar Disorder (BD) 

c. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity (ADHD)

Question 3
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_____ during the adolescent years can bring physical, psychological changes.
Select one:
a. Hormonal changes 
b. Depression
c. Peer Pressure

d. Social pressure
Question 4
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There are two factors that affect a person development, nurture (environment) and
__________ (genes, inherited traits).

Select one:
a. national
b. nature 
c. natural

d. nurturing
Question 5
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It is a thinking disorder. A person views him/herself as inadequate, unlovable, or

incompetent. This results to negative thoughts, developing faulty assumptions and self-
defeating behavior.
Select one:
a. bullying
b. confidence
c. personality

d. low-esteem 
Question 6
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It is crucial to encourage young people to develop ______ coping strategies. This can
help them respond productively to stress.
Select one:
a. few
b. positive 
c. numerous

d. negative
Question 7
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 Answer Is the part of the brain that controls the pituitary gland

Question 8
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Adolescents rely upon peer groups and/or cliques for some advice
Select one:
a. Cognitive Development
b. Moral Development

c. Social Development 

Your answer is correct.

Question 9
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Teenagers that are successfully managing their condition can become ____ to others.

Select one:
a. celebrity
b. teacher
c. role models 

d. idols
Question 10
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Identify the stages of adolescent development

Increase concern for future

Select one:
a. Physical Development 
b. Cognitive Development     

c. Emotional Development

Your answer is incorrect.

Question 11
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Putting some structure around observations, inner thoughts, feedback and specific

examples help to make sense out of all this information. That’s whereAnswer -
_______ come in.

Question 12
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Read and analyze the situation: Wilma is eager to prove to her parents that she attend
the youth leadership camp. It is a three-day event in another city. She is trying to tell her
parents that she can take care of herself. 

She is trying to ______.

Select one:
a. resolve personal issues and personal conflicts
b. gain more personal independence 
c. adjust to sexually maturing bodies and feelings

d. understanding personal issues and personal conflicts

Question 13
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Those with the _____ thinking styles are creative they look at the big picture. They have
the tendency to procrastinate.

Select one:
a. imaginative 
b. systematic
c. visual

d. analytical
Question 14
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Which statement differentiates the words SYMPHATIZE and EMPHATIZE?

Select one:
a. Empathize means to feel the same as the other person, while to sympathize means to
understand the feelings of others and why they feel that way

b. Sympathize means to feel the same as the other person, while to empathize means to
understand the feelings of others and why they feel that way 
Question 15
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"Your beliefs become your thoughts,

Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny."
- Mahatma Gandhi

What does this quote say about personal beliefs?

Select one:
a. Our beliefs about ourselves and the world around us can ultimately affect our future
b. Destiny is result of events that are beyond our control and must accept it
c. Parents should teach their children how to think and act properly for a better future.
Question 16
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____ is the use to technology in bullying which includes sending mean text messages,
posting videos, stories, or photos that ridicule someone, and spreading rumors through
social networking sites.

Select one:
a. virtual bullying
b. cyberbullying 
c. unbullying

d. net bullying
Question 17
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It is a mood disorder characterized by intense and persistent negative emotions. It

results to a negative impact on people's lives resulting to social, educational, personal
and family difficulties.

Select one:
a. Eating disorder
b. Depression 
c. Schizophrenia
d. Learning Disorder
Question 18
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Identify what mode of psychosocial development

The adolescent makes a commitment to an occupation, religious outlook,  ideological
viewpoint, etc. according to parent’s wishes, with little personal reflection or

Select one:
a. Foreclosure status
b. Diffusion status 

c. Moratorium status

Your answer is incorrect.

Question 19
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The Department of Education implemented the School-Based Program that provides

feeding programs that primarily aims to improve the nutritional status of the
beneficiaries by at least 70% at the end of 120 days. It aims to increase classroom
attendance by 85% and improve the children's health and nutritional values and
Which statement shows the importance for this project?

Select one:
a. Learning and development is should also address the physical needs of students. 
b. Healthy foods should be made available in cafeterias

c. Schools should teach proper eating habits to students as part of their holistic
Question 20
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Any positive or negative expectation about circumstances, events, or people that may
affect a person's behavior toward them in a manner that causes those expectations to
be fulfilled 

Which of the following situations shows this concept?

Select one:
a. Mary used to always fail in class. She was not smart but hardworking. She kept her
motivation high and she graduate with distinction. 
b. Anna always believes that she bound to fail her math test no matter how much she
studies. She decided to just let it be. She was not surprised of the result.

c. Nadya never exercises and eats a lot of junk food. She believes that her family has the
fat gene. She became chronically obese as adult.
Question 21
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Adolescents can get involved in the community. They can volunteer their time and skills
to different organizations. They will help give them a sense of ______ and connection
with other people.

Select one:
a. entertainment
b. honor
c. experience

d. purpose 
Question 22
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Which of these keywords describes a person with an interpersonal thinking styles?

Select one:
a. structured
b. emotional 
c. impersonal

d. logical
Question 23
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Adolescence is marked by physical, emotional and mental changes. Due to the________

Select one:
a. hormonal 
b. school
c. logistical

d. factual
Question 24
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It describes the level that individuals perceive control over their own behaviors and
those which are external to themselves.
Select one:
a. power
b. motivation
c. education

d. locus of control 
Question 25
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_____is the developmental stage between puberty and adulthood.

Select one:
a. professional
b. teenager
c. old age

d. adolescence 
Question 26
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One of the most important task in adolescence is the search for ____. They try out
different roles and personality until they find what suits them.

Select one:
a. future
b. career
c. identity 

d. adventure
Question 27
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______ is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by hyperactivity, inattention and

Select one:
a. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
b. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
c. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity (ADHD) 

d. Bipolar Disorder (BD)

Question 28
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Resiliency is the ability to 'bounce back' from a stressful situation. A resilient person
should be able to:

Select one:
a. learn from their experiences
b. endure hardships
c. cope confidently with life's challenges

d. find the people to blame 

Question 29
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It refers to the period of time between childhood and adulthood

Select one:
a. Adolescence 
b. Physical Growth

c. Development
Question 30
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 Identify the stages of adolescent development

Tremendous Physical growth gain height and weight

Select one:
a. Cognitive Development     
b. Physical Development 

c. Social - Emotional Development


Your answer is correct.

Question 31
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Identify in what characteristic of adolescence

Complaints that parents interfere with independence

Select one:
a. Early adolescence
b. Middle adolescence 
c. Late adolescence

Your answer is correct.

Question 32
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Mental illness can be ___. Parents with mental illness can pass the condition to their
Select one:
a. hereditary 
b. dangerous
c. continuous

d. malignant
Question 33
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Which statement is FALSE about the causes of mental illness?

Select one:
a. It is a brain disorder
b. It is the result of abnormal brain functioning.

c. It is the result the environment alone. 

Question 34
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_______ refers as someone's personal thoughts and feelings about one's overall
condition. It is how someone thinks about themselves, their self-concept.

Select one:
a. autonomy
b. competence
c. perceived self-efficacy

d. subjective well-being 
Question 35
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William friends are turning into bullies. A few of their practical jokes are getting very
aggressive. He doesn't want to participate and think they are really causing more pain
that fun. His friends he thinks he just being a teacher's pet whenever he tries to stop

Which developmental task/skill does he need:

Select one:
a. established a positive view about his identity
b. finding purpose and a personal identity
c. adjust to sexually maturing bodies and feelings
d. form friendships that are mutually close and supportive 
Question 36
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What coping strategies being shown by the following individuals? 

Louie feels that his teacher in Algebra is deliberately making his life miserable. He hates
the subjects and failing it anyways. He decided to skip his Algebra class by going to the
clinic or skipping school.

Select one:
a. Self-reliance - Emotion Regulation
b. Social Isolation - Social withdrawal
c. Escape - Behavioral avoidance 

d. Delegation - Complaining
Question 37
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Identify the stages of adolescent development, Greater interest in privacy

Select one:
a. Social - Emotional Development 
b. Physical Development
c. Cognitive Development     

Your answer is correct.

Question 38
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Which of these are most common stressors among adolescents?

Select one:
a. interpersonal relationships and school 
b. school and family
c. family and financial conditions

d. health and safety issues

Question 39
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Stressors can result to mental health and behavioral problems which includes ____.

Select one:
a. antisocial acts, creativity, depression
b. aggression, laziness and learning disability
c. depression, aggression and antisocial acts 

d. depression, anxiety and cancer

Question 40
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Pituitary Gland
TheAnswer is the master gland of the body.

Question 41
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Adolescence are susceptible to the effects of bullying because of their need for ___.

Select one:
a. social level
b. social acceptance 
c. social skills

d. social factor
Question 42
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Families, friends, peers and other people are few of the people we interact with. These
_____ can also affect our development.

Select one:
a. cultural factors
b. communication
c. interpersonal relationships 

d. crisis
Question 43
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What are the significant stressors among adolescents?

Select one:
a. parental expectations, health and social issues
b. hormonal changes, peers and sense of identity 

c. puberty, social acceptance and economy

Question 44
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_____ from parents is crucial in helping adolescents in making decisions. This can help
mature into adulthood.

Select one:
a. Rules
b. Presence
c. Guidance 

d. Approval
Question 45
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Quadrant A are logical thinkers. They like to know and manipulate theories, numbers,
data and research. They prefer activities like data collection and reading textbooks.
However, they might have difficulties with delegating tasks and other synergistic

Which of these would be the best career options for this thinking style?
Select one:
a. engineer 
b. social worker
c. artist

d. nurse
Question 46
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____ is any event or situation in a person's life that results to change or discomfort.
Select one:
a. Reproduction
b. Stress 
c. Growth

d. Education
Question 47
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Adolescents are often characterized by _____ behaviors and attitudes. They are too
focused on their own feelings, thinking and interests.
Select one:
a. negative
b. selfish
c. determined

d. egocentric 
Question 48
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They are able to make moral choices by relying on internalized standards of right and

Select one:
a. Social Development
b. Moral Development 

c. Cognitive Development

Your answer is correct.

Question 49
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The adolescent lacks a sense of direction, and has little motivation to fine one;  they
simply experiment with various paths or choose ones that offer immediate gratification

Select one:
a. Diffusion status
b. Moratorium status

c. Foreclosure status 

Your answer is incorrect.

Question 50
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Identify in what characteristic of adolescence

Greater emotional stability
Select one:
a. Late adolescence
b. Early adolescence

c. Middle adolescence        

Your answer is incorrect.

Question 51
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_____ is an early sign of maturation during adolescence. It is the sudden increase in


Select one:
a. grades evaluation
b. graduation
c. growth spurt 

d. grants
Question 52
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People are in this status group when they have moved through an identity crisis and
made a commitment

Select one:
a. Identity Achievement status 
b. Diffusion status

c. Moratorium status

Your answer is correct.

Question 53
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__________ coping strategies target the causes of stress. It aims to reduce or remove the
cause of the stressor.

Select one:
a. Problem-focused 
b. Emotion-focused
c. Stress-focused

d. Learning-focused
Question 54
Not answered
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Most adolescents can move to Lawrence Kohlberg’s 3rd and final stage of moral
development… to what he calledAnswer

Question 55
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Young people that have a sense of purpose feel good about themselves, and handle
their own problems better. We should encourage them to play an active role in the
Select one:

Question 56
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Adolescence dominated by the need to __________ and the need to belong.

Select one:
a. stand for
b. stand in
c. stand out 

d. stand at
Question 57
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Question text

______ is the combination of the characteristics or qualities, qualities and traits that form
an individual.

Select one:
a. age
b. personality 
c. genes

d. family
Question 58
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Identify the stages of adolescent development 

Greater Capacity for Setting Goals

Select one:
a. Physical Development
b. Social - Emotional Development 

c. Cognitive Development     

Your answer is incorrect.

Question 59
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What is the first stage in Freud’s Theory of Psychosexual Development

Select one:
a. Oral Stage 
b. Anal stage

c. Phallic Stage

Your answer is correct.

Question 60
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The following statements is a definition of stress, except

Select one:
a. It is a response to pressure or threat
b. a state of mental or emotional strain
c. a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness 

d. something that causes strong feelings of worry or anxiety

Question 61
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Our individual experiences help shape our personality. It includes the unique and
significant __________ from our childhood to the present moment.
Select one:
a. events and experiences 
b. stages and success
d. grades and certificates1

c. crisis and development

Question 62
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___ is also important. We also need to take time to rest, relax and take care of our
physical needs.

Select one:
a. health 
b. clothes
c. money

d. air
Question 63
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Maria likes order. She enjoys creating patterns and often use codes to remember facts.
She enjoys activities that are clear and methodical. 

You can say that she has a _____ thinking style.

Select one:
a. Imaginative
b. Systematic 
c. Analytical

d. Visual
Question 64
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Learning a new skill can build a sense of ______ in adolescents. This can help boost their
confidence and independence.
Select one:
a. determination
b. accomplishment 
c. involvement

d. connectedness
Question 65
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The adolescent or young adult is in an extended period of indecision about their

identity;  they are preoccupied with ‘finding themselves’;

Select one:
a. Diffusion status
b. Moratorium status

c. Foreclosure status 

Your answer is incorrect.

Question 66
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He is known as the "Father of Brain Dominance". He proposed that the brain is divided
into four quadrants. He pointed out the each of us has a preference on how we think.

Select one:
a. Albert Einstein
b. Robert Sperry
c. Neil Armstrong

d. Nedd Herrmann 
Question 67
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_______________ is the practice of turning your attention to a single point of reference. It

can involve focusing on the breath, on bodily sensations, or on a word or phrase.

Select one:
a. Texting
b. Sleeping
c. Meditation 

d. Blogging
Question 68
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What is the final stage in Freud’s Theory of Psychosexual Development

Select one:
a. Phallic Stage
b. Genital Stage    

c. Latency stage 

Your answer is incorrect.

Question 69
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A professional trained to provide assistance building insight and understanding

personal experiences.

Select one:
a. neurologist
b. psychiatrist 
c. geneticist

d. teacher
Question 70
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Teenagers will try distinct roles that may be different from what is expected of them.
This is the time they try to figure out who they are. Adolescence can lead to ____.
Select one:
a. role play
b. role confusion 
c. role assignment

d. role design

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