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Technical Manual

Videojet Technologies Inc., Wood Dale, IL 60191 U.S.A.; Tel: (618) 234-1122; Tel: (800) 527-6275; Fax: (618) 234-1529.
©Videojet Technologies Inc. 2002. All Rights Reserved. “Marsh” is a registered trademark of Videojet Technologies Inc. Printed in U.S.A. P-3076
Unicorn Technical Manual

Table of Contents
Table of Contents . . . i
Introduction . . . 1
Specifications . . . 1
Maintenance . . . 2
Startup . . . 2
Shutdown . . . 2
Troubleshooting . . . 3
Servicing . . . 6
Preparing the Unicorn for Servicing . . . 6
Special Notes for Reassembling the Unicorn Printhead . . . 6
Standard Unicorn Assembly . . . 7
Printhead Assembly . . . 8
Controller Assembly . . . 9
Backflushing a Nozzle . . . 10
Backflushing a Valve . . . 11
Replacing the Nozzle Block . . . 12
Optional 7 mm, 15 mm, and 20 mm Nozzle Blocks . . . 13
Replacing a Valve . . . 13
Replacing the Regulator . . . 14
Replacing the Valve/Photocell Board . . . 15
Replacing the Display . . . 17
Replacing the Battery . . . 18
Replacing the Circuit Board . . . 19
Parts List . . . 20
Introduction . . . 20
Unicorn 100/240V with US Power Cord . . . 21
Unicorn 100/240V with International Power Cord . . . 21
Unicron 100/240V Arabic . . . 21
Unicorn 100/240V Chinese . . . 21
Unicorn Printhead Assembly . . . 23
Unicorn Controller Assembly . . . 25
Rebuilt Parts (Exchange Only) . . . 27
Consumables – Porous . . . 27
Consumables – Non-Porous . . . 27
Other Components . . . 27

P-3076/03041 Rev XB Table of Contents i

Unicorn Technical Manual

Introduction This Unicorn Technical Manual provides you with complete maintenance,
troubleshooting and servicing information for the Marsh Unicorn Ink Jet
Printer. It also contains a replacement parts list.

CAUTION: To avoid serious injury or damage to the equipment, perform

procedures in this manual only if you are a qualified technician.

For more information or assistance contact your local distributor or Marsh

Technical Support any time at (800) 851-3441.
The Unicorn will support porous or non-porous ink applications. To use
non-porous ink, you will need to order a quart ink kit and an ADS Ink
System. (See the parts list on page 20.)

CAUTION: Once porous or non-porous ink is introduced into the printhead, do

not change the ink type. Doing so can damage printhead components and
void your warranty.


Figure A: Unicorn Dimensions

(7.0 cm)
(55.4 cm)
4.25" 0.28" (0.71 cm)
(10.8 cm)
(41.9 cm) 11.5" (29.2 cm)

1.75" (4.45 cm)

(5.1 cm)

9" (22.9 cm)

P-3076/03041 Rev XB Introduction 1

Unicorn Technical Manual

Maintenance Startup
At beginning of each shift:
1) With the spray cap on the solvent bottle, spray the nozzles with
solvent. Be sure you are using the correct type of solvent (porous or
non-porous). In harsh environments, you may need to spray the
nozzles more often than once per shift.
2) Purge the printhead.
3) Check the ink level in the bottle; install a new bottle if necessary. In
harsh environments, or if print quality declines, replace the ink bottle
with solvent and purge solvent through the unit.

CAUTION: Be sure you are using the correct type of solvent. Porous and
non-porous inks and solvents cannot be used interchangeably in a printhead.

If you are shutting down a porous unit for less than two weeks, simply turn
off the controller. You do not need to purge the printheads with ink or
solvent. Also, do not remove any ink that may have caked on the nozzle
block. This will keep contaminants from entering the nozzles. When you
restart the unit, follow the daily maintenance procedures on page 2.
If you are shutting down a porous ink system for more than two weeks
purge the printheads with porous solvent. Leave the solvent in the ink lines
until you restart the unit.

If you are shutting down a non-porous unit for more than three days, the
printhead should be purged with non-porous solvent to prevent nozzle
clogs. Leave the solvent in the ink lines until you restart the unit. For
shutdown periods of less than three days, perform routine maintenance as
described on page 2.

2 Maintenance P-3076/03041 Rev XB

Unicorn Technical Manual


Problem Possible Cause Solution

Row of keys fail to work. Chips loose on the circuit board. Make sure the RAM chip (U3) and the
software (U2) are properly installed, and
that the Zilog chip is not loose.

Printed circuit board is defective. Replace the printed circuit board. (See
page 19.)

The green light is on, but the unit will not Wires loose from the barrel terminals. Reseat any loose wires in the barrel
print. terminals. (See Figure B.)

The unit prints intermittently. Wires disconnected from the barrel Reseat any loose wires in the barrel
terminals. terminals. (See Figure B.)

The print light is constantly orange. Printhead photocell board defective. Replace the printhead photocell board.
(See page 15.)

The machine resets itself. Valve shorted out. Replace the defective valve. (See
page 13.)

The unit will purge but not print. Wires loose from the barrel terminals. Reseat any loose wires in the barrel
terminals. (See Figure B.)

A dot or dots missing. Unit ran out of ink. Replace the ink bottle.

Nozzle clogged. 1. Spray the nozzle block with solvent.

2. Backflush the nozzle. (See page 10.)
3. Replace nozzle block. (See page 12.)

Tube and jewel assembly in the nozzle Replace the nozzle block. (See page 12.)
block cracked,

Worn valve. Increase dot size to temporarily adjust for

worn valve.

Valve became loose from the valve board. Reseat the valve on the valve board.

Valve is defective. Replace the valve. (See page 13.)

Ink line became loose. Reattach the ink line.

Wires loose from the barrel terminals. Reseat the wires in the barrel terminals.
(See Figure B.)

One or more valves fail to work, resulting Cable from the controller to the printhead Secure the cable from the controller to the
in missing dots touched the valve board causing a short. printhead with a tie wrap.

Valve is defective. Replace the valve. (See page 13.)

Valve/photocell board is defective. Replace the valve/photocell board. (See

page 15.)

P-3076/03041 Rev XB Troubleshooting 3

Unicorn Technical Manual

Problem Possible Cause Solution

The unit comes on and the print key is Unit locked up. 1. Unplug the power supply from the unit,
orange. then plug it back in.
2. Zap the controller by keying in Z A P
Shift A.

CAUTION: Zapping the controller

will result in the loss of all print
parameter settings (dot size,
character width, print delay). These
will need to be reset after the ZAP

Note: Always perform the ZAP

routine after replacing software.

The dots are splattering on the print Printhead too far away from the product. Position the printhead as close as
sample. possible to the product without rubbing
against it and no further than 3/8"
(9.5 mm) away.

Note: Avoid contact between the

printhead and the product as this
may cause print quality to suffer.

No power. Unit is not properly plugged in. Plug unit into an appropriate power

Ink is leaking from the regulator. Regulator is cracked or defective. Replace the regulator. (See page 14.)

The bottle will not engage when replacing Regulator is not properly seated in the Reseat the regulator in the printhead
the bottle. saddle of the printhead base. base.

Regulator is cracked. Replace the regulator. (See page 14.)

Display screen is blank or garbled. Display is defective. Replace the display. (See page 17.)

Prints unrecognizable characters when Power supply has recycled and the 1. Type in the correct language code for
displayed correctly. Unicorn has defaulted to the Hebrew the language you are using. (If English
language. is the language being used type
2. Zap the controller by keying in ZAP
Shift A.

CAUTION: Zapping the controller

will result in the loss of all print
parameter settings (dot size,
character width, print delay). These
will need to be reset after the ZAP

4 Troubleshooting P-3076/03041 Rev XB

Unicorn Technical Manual

Problem Possible Cause Solution

Message prints backwards or is too long. One of the two photocells are dirty. 1. Clean the photocells.
2. If you have software version 4.0 or
above, you can manually set the
conveyor direction, eliminating the
need for two photocells. See your
Owner’s Manual for instructions on
setting the conveyor direction.

Photocell is defective. Replace the photocell board. (See

page 15.)

Keyboard is not responding. Contacts on the PC board are dirty. Clean the contacts.

Contacts on the back of the keypad are Clean the contacts.


Figure B: Barrel Terminal Wiring Diagram

light brown

P-3076/03041 Rev XB Troubleshooting 5

Unicorn Technical Manual

Servicing Preparing the Unicorn for Servicing

Before beginning work on the Unicorn, follow these steps. Failure to follow
these steps may result in serious injury or damage to the unit.
To begin servicing the Unicorn:
1) Remove the ink bottle.
2) Cover the front of the printhead with an absorbent cloth and purge the
printhead to remove any ink from the system.
3) Remove the Unicorn and power supply to a well-lit, static-free

Special Notes for Reassembling the Unicorn Printhead

Make sure the regulator is properly seated in the saddle of the printhead
base to allow proper connection of ink bottles. Also ensure that the valve
retaining clip offset is facing the valve board to prevent valves unseating
from the valve board. Finally, make sure that valves are properly oriented
and seated in the valve board, and that all wiring and tubing will not be
kinked when the printhead cover is replaced.

6 Servicing P-3076/03041 Rev XB

Unicorn Technical Manual

Standard Unicorn Assembly

Printhead Assembly

Controller Assembly

Controller Mounting

Power Supply

Mounting Tab

Bracket Assembly

P-3076/03041 Rev XB Servicing 7

Unicorn Technical Manual

Printhead Assembly

Valve Retaining
Printhead Top Clip

Tubing (Nozzle)

Nozzle Block

Cable from

Tubing (Valve)


Photocell Board

IDC Connector

Valve Board

Printhead Bottom

8 Servicing P-3076/03041 Rev XB

Unicorn Technical Manual

Controller Assembly

Controller Top


Rubber Keypad


Printed Circuit Board



Cable to Printhead

Controller Bottom

P-3076/03041 Rev XB Servicing 9

Unicorn Technical Manual

Backflushing a Nozzle
1) Prepare the Unicorn for servicing. (See page 6.)
2) Remove the printhead cover by removing the three screws from the
bottom of the printhead. With the unit flat on the workbench, place
your thumb on the regulator and press down lightly as you lift up the
top half of the printhead.

Note: Hold the components in place with your finger if necessary. Make
sure the valve/photocell board assembly remains in the printhead base.
Also, avoid unnecessary flexing of the cable between the two boards to
prevent damaging the cable connections.

3) From a print sample, locate the nozzle that needs backflushing.

4) Slide out the photocell board.
5) Disconnect the tubing connected between the valve and the nozzle
from the valve end only; allow it to hang free.

CAUTION: Remaining ink pressure may cause ink to shoot out of the

6) Place a cloth at the open end of the tubing.

7) Install the cleaner assembly nozzle (from the service kit) on a bottle of
8) Press the solvent bottle against the clogged nozzle and spray solvent
through it for several seconds.
9) Reconnect the tubing to the valve.
10) Slide the photocell board back into place, photocells facing out.
11) Replace printhead cover, remount, and purge for several minutes.

10 Servicing P-3076/03041 Rev XB

Unicorn Technical Manual

Backflushing a Valve
1) Prepare the Unicorn for servicing. (See page 6.)
2) Remove the printhead cover by removing the three screws from the
bottom of the printhead. With the unit flat on the workbench, place
your thumb on the regulator and press down lightly as you lift up the
top half of the printhead.

Note: Hold the components in place with your finger if necessary. Make
sure the valve/photocell board assembly remains in the printhead base.
Also, avoid unnecessary flexing of the cable between the two boards to
prevent damaging the cable connections.

3) Slide out the photocell board.

4) Locate the valve that needs backflushing. (Valves requiring
backflushing can be identified by a print sample or by drooling or
leaking ink.)
5) Disconnect the tubing between the regulator and the valve from the

CAUTION: Remaining ink pressure may cause ink to shoot out of the

6) Remove the tubing between the valve and the nozzle from the valve.
7) Install the cleaner assembly nozzle (from the service kit) on a bottle of
8) Install tubing (from the service kit) on the cleaner assembly nozzle.
9) Connect the tubing from the cleaner assembly nozzle to the outlet
(center) port of the valve.
10) Place an absorbent cloth around the open end of the other tubing
connected to the valve.
11) Plug in the power supply and purge. (See the Owner's Manual for how
to purge.)

Note: If the Unicorn is not purging, you will not be able to run solvent
through the valve.

12) Spray solvent through the valve for several seconds.

13) Disconnect the solvent bottle from the valve port.
14) Reconnect the tubing from the inlet (off-center) port of the valve to the
regulator; reconnect the tubing from the nozzle to the outlet (center)
port of the valve.
15) Slide the photocell board back into place, photocells facing out.
16) Replace the printhead cover, remount, and purge for several minutes.

P-3076/03041 Rev XB Servicing 11

Unicorn Technical Manual

Replacing the Nozzle Block

Removing the Nozzle Block

1) Prepare your Unicorn for servicing. (See page 6.)
2) Remove the printhead cover by removing the three screws from the
bottom of the printhead. With the unit flat on the workbench, place
your thumb on the regulator and press down lightly as you lift up the
top half of the printhead.

Note: Hold the components in place with your finger if necessary. Make
sure the valve/photocell board assembly remains in the printhead base.
Also, avoid unnecessary flexing of the cable between the two boards to
prevent damaging the cable connections.

3) Carefully lift the controller mounting frame off the bottom half of the
4) Carefully slide up the photocell board.
5) Slide out the nozzle block.

Installing the New Nozzle Block

1) Pull off the ink tubes one at a time. As you disconnect an ink tube from
the old nozzle block, connect it to the corresponding nozzle of the
replacement nozzle block. (See Figure C.)
2) Slide the newly connected nozzle block into its slot in the printhead.
3) Replace the photocell board and printhead cover. Be careful not to
pinch any of the wires in the printhead.
4) Install an ink bottle, plug the system in, and purge the Unicorn with
ink to remove any air introduced into the system.
Your unit is ready to return to normal operation.

Figure C: Valve Board to Nozzle Block Diagram

Valve Valve
1 1
2 3 3
4 5 5
6 7 7

Front View

12 Servicing P-3076/03041 Rev XB

Unicorn Technical Manual

Optional 7 mm, 15 mm, and 20 mm Nozzle Blocks

An optional 7 mm, 15 mm and 20 mm nozzle block is available for the
Unicorn printhead. If you wish to install a 7 mm, 15 mm or 20 mm nozzle
block, see the Parts List section of this manual for ordering information and
follow the procedure for replacing the nozzle block.

Note: The 15 mm and 20 mm nozzle blocks require a photocell board

(PN 15876) with a revision level of L or later. If your Unicorn does not have a
photocell board with revision level L or later, you must order a new photocell
board with the 15 mm or 20 mm nozzle block.

Replacing a Valve

Removing the Valve

1) Prepare your Unicornn for servicing. (See page 6.)
2) Remove the printhead cover by removing the three screws from the
bottom of the printhead. With the unit flat on the workbench, place
your thumb on the regulator and press down lightly as you lift up the
top half of the printhead.

Note: Hold the components in place with your finger if necessary. Make
sure the valve/photocell board assembly remains in the printhead base.
Also, avoid unnecessary flexing of the cable between the two boards to
prevent damaging the cable connections.

3) Slide out the photocell board.

4) Locate the defective valve. (If a valve has shorted, it will usually be
locked open with ink leaking. A good valve has a resistance reading of
approximately 16 ohms.)
5) Remove the valve retaining clip.
6) If necessary move aside functioning valves to get to the defective
7) Disconnect both pieces of tubing from the valve.

CAUTION: Remaining ink pressure may cause ink to shoot out of the

8) Disconnect the old valve from the valve board.

Installing the New Valve

1) Connect the tubing from the ink manifold to the intake (off-center) port
on the new valve.
2) Connect the tubing from the nozzle to the outlet (center) port on the
new valve.
3) Plug the new valve into the valve board.
4) Replace the valve retaining clip.
5) Slide the photocell board back into place, photocells facing out.
6) Replace the printhead cover, remount, and purge for several minutes.

P-3076/03041 Rev XB Servicing 13

Unicorn Technical Manual

Replacing the Regulator

Removing the Regulator

1) Prepare your Unicorn for servicing. (See page 6.)
2) Remove the printhead cover by removing the three screws from the
bottom of the printhead. With the unit flat on the workbench, place
your thumb on the regulator and press down lightly as you lift up the
top half of the printhead.

Note: Hold the components in place with your finger if necessary. Make
sure the valve/photocell board assembly remains in the printhead base.
Avoid unnecessary flexing of the cable between the two boards to
prevent damaging the cable connections.

3) Carefully lift the controller mounting frame off the bottom half of the
4) Carefully pull the tubing off the regulator ports.

Note: Over time the tubing end may stretch. You must trim the tubing to
ensure a snug fit on the new regulator ports.

5) Remove the regulator through the valve board.

Installing the New Regulator

Note: The new regulator has been factory adjusted. Any additional adjustment
will void your warranty and cause operating difficulties.

1) Position the new regulator through the opening in the valve board.
2) Using pliers, carefully slide the tubing onto the regulator ports, one at a
3) Replace the printhead cover. Be careful not to pinch any of the wires in
the printhead.
4) Secure the printhead halves with the three screws.
5) Install an ink bottle, plug the system in, and purge the Unicorn with
ink to remove any air introduced into the system.
Your unit is ready to return to normal operation.

14 Servicing P-3076/03041 Rev XB

Unicorn Technical Manual

Replacing the Valve/Photocell Board

Removing the Valve/Photocell Board

1) Prepare your Unicorn for servicing. (See page 6.)
2) Remove the printhead cover by removing the three screws from the
bottom of the printhead. With the unit flat on the workbench, place
your thumb on the regulator and press down lightly as you lift up the
top half of the printhead.

Note: Hold the components in place with your finger if necessary. Make
sure the valve/photocell board assembly remains in the printhead base.
Also, avoid unnecessary flexing of the cable between the two boards to
prevent damaging the cable connections.

3) Carefully lift the controller mounting frame off the bottom half of the
4) Carefully pull the tubing off the regulator ports.

Note: Over time the tubing end may stretch. You must trim the tubing to
ensure a snug fit on the new regulator ports or you may need to replace
the tubing.

5) Pull the tubing (all of it) through the opening in the valve board.
6) Disconnect the IDC connector from the valve board.
7) Remove the regulator.
8) Slide out the nozzle block; leave the valves connected to the nozzle
9) Slide out the valve/photocell board assembly.
10) Remove the valve retaining clip.
11) Disconnect the valves from the old valve board taking care not to bend
or break valve leads.

P-3076/03041 Rev XB Servicing 15

Unicorn Technical Manual

Installing the New Valve/Photocell Board

1) Plug the valves in on the new valve board. (See Figure D.)
2) Carefully slide in the new valve/photocell board assembly.
3) Slide the nozzle block into position.
4) Slide in the valve retaining clip and seat the valves.
5) Reposition the regulator.
6) Plug in the IDC connector.
7) Pull the tubing back through the opening in the valve board.
8) Reconnect the tubing to the regulator.
9) Replace the printhead cover, remount, and purge for several minutes.

Figure D: Valve Board to Nozzle Block Diagram

Valve Valve
1 1
2 3 3
4 5 5
6 7 7

Front View

16 Servicing P-3076/03041 Rev XB

Unicorn Technical Manual

Replacing the Display

Removing the Display

1) Prepare your Unicorn for servicing. (See page 6.)
2) Remove the controller from the controller mounting frame.
3) Remove the three screws from the controller bottom to remove the
controller top.
4) Remove the tape that holds the display in place.
5) Disconnect the display from the connector on the printed circuit board.

Installing the New Display

1) Plug the new display connector into the printed circuit board.
2) Secure the display in place with tape.
3) Reconnect the halves of the controller.
4) Remount the controller to its mounting frame.
5) If necessary, adjust the intensity of the display screen by adjusting the
potentiometer on the back side of the circuit board.

P-3076/03041 Rev XB Servicing 17

Unicorn Technical Manual

Replacing the Battery

CAUTION: Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced. Replace only
with the same or equivalent type recommended by the manufacturer. Dispose
of used batteries according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

VORSICHT! Explosionsgefahr bei unsachgemäßem Austausch der Batterie.

Ersatz nur durch denselben oder einen vom Hersteller empfohlenen
gleichwertigen Typ. Entsorgung gebrauchter Batterien nach Angaben des

Removing the Battery

1) Prepare your Unicorn for servicing. (See page 6.)
2) Remove the controller from the controller mounting frame by
removing the two screws in the mounting tabs.
3) Remove the three screws from the controller bottom to remove the
controller bottom.
4) Using a small screw driver, carefully remove the battery.

Installing the New Battery

1) Install the new battery. Make sure to line up the mark on the battery
with the notch on the chip holder.
2) Reinstall the bottom cover, and secure with three screws.
3) Reinstall the controller onto the mounting frame.
4) Reinstall the mounting frame on the conveyor bracketry.
5) Plug the power cable into the controller.
6) Plug in the power supply.
7) Reinstall the ink bottle.

18 Servicing P-3076/03041 Rev XB

Unicorn Technical Manual

Replacing the Circuit Board

Removing the Circuit Board

1) Prepare your Unicorn for servicing. (See page 6.)
2) Remove the controller from the controller mounting frame by
removing the two screws in the mounting tabs.
3) Remove the three screws from the controller bottom to remove the
controller top.

Note: Avoid handling the new circuit board as much as possible; repeated
handling could damage it.

4) Using pliers, carefully pull out the wires from the barrel terminals one
at a time.
5) Remove the old circuit board.
6) Remove the display from the old circuit board, disconnecting the
7) Remove the PROM if necessary, by carefully prying it out. Be careful
not to bend the legs. Make note of the direction of the notch on the
PROM. This notch must match up to the notch on the socket on the
new circuit board.

Installing the New Circuit Board

1) Insert the PROM into its connector on the new circuit board. Match up
the notch on the PROM with the notch on the socket to make sure the
PROM is pointing in the proper direction.
2) Replace the display in the new circuit board.
3) Place the new circuit board in the top half of the controller.
4) Reconnect the barrel terminals. Next to each barrel terminal on the
circuit board, is printed the color code of the wire that must be installed
into that specific terminal. (See Figure E.)
5) If necessary, adjust the intensity of the display screen by adjusting the
potentiometer on the back side of the circuit board.

Figure E: Barrel Terminal Wiring Diagram

light brown

P-3076/03041 Rev XB Servicing 19

Unicorn Technical Manual

Parts List Introduction

Use the Parts List to obtain whatever you might need to expand, upgrade,
repair, or maintain your system. The Parts List includes exploded
illustrations of system components with a textual parts listing.
To place an order, provide your local distributor or Videojet Technologies
Inc. with part numbers and quantities.

20 Parts List P-3076/03041 Rev XB

Unicorn Technical Manual

Description Part Number Quantity per Package

Unicorn 100/240V with US Power Cord 21493 1
Unicorn 100/240V with International Power Cord 21494 1
Unicron 100/240V Arabic 23457 1
Unicorn 100/240V Chinese 21941 1
1. Printhead Assembly RP21507 1
2. Controller Assembly RP15906 1
3. Power Supply, with US Power Cord RP16061 1
Power Supply, with International Power Cord RP19706 1
4. Cord, Power US RPJ500-0043-001 1
Cord, Power International RPJ500-0043-002 1
5. Clamp, Mounting RP28800 1
6. Clamp, Cross RP28801 1
7. Tubing, 1" x 9" (2.5 cm x 22.9 cm) RP19161 1
Tubing, 1" x 15" (2.5 cm x 38.1 cm) RP19160 1
8. Ratchet Handle RP19321 1
9. Bracket Assembly RP21506 1
10. Kit, Bracket and Frame 21809 1
11. Plug, Pry-Out 7/8" RP19757 1

P-3076/03041 Rev XB Parts List 21

Unicorn Technical Manual

Description Part Number Quantity per Package

Unicorn Standard Assembly







22 Parts List P-3076/03041 Rev XB

Unicorn Technical Manual

Description Part Number Quantity per Package

Unicorn Printhead Assembly
1. Housing, Printhead Top RP15875 1
2. Housing, Printhead Bottom RP21849 1
3. Clip, Valve Retaining RP16053 1
4. Regulator Assembly RP15884 1
5. Nozzle Block, 10 mm RP15894A18078 1
Nozzle Block, 7 mm (Optional) 22836 1
Nozzle Block, 15 mm (Optional) 18154 1
Nozzle Block, 20 mm (Optional) 18217 1
6. Tubing, Valve 713, 14H, 16H RPJ501-0030-004 1
7. Valve, 600LT 12V 600Hz Square Pin RP27339 1
8. Board, Square Pin Valve RP21501 1
9. Board, Photocell RP15876 1
10. Cable, Valve/Photocell Board RP17020 1

P-3076/03041 Rev XB Parts List 23

Unicorn Technical Manual

Description Part Number Quantity per Package

Unicorn Printhead Assembly




24 Parts List P-3076/03041 Rev XB

Unicorn Technical Manual

Description Part Number Quantity per Package

Unicorn Controller Assembly
1. Housing, Controller Top and Bottom RP15907 1
2. Keypad, Rubber RP15788 1
3. Gasket, LCD RP15909 1
4. Display, LCD RP16166 1
5. Board, PC with Software RP15912 1
6. Cable, Controller to Printhead 1 ft. RP15914 1
Cable, Controller to Printhead 20 ft. RP15989 1
7. RAM, 8K Time Keeping RP25123 1
8. Chip, Driver RP28477 1

P-3076/03041 Rev XB Parts List 25

Unicorn Technical Manual

Description Part Number Quantity per Package

Unicorn Controller Assembly


8 5

26 Parts List P-3076/03041 Rev XB

Unicorn Technical Manual

Description Part Number Quantity per Package

Rebuilt Parts (Exchange Only)
1. Printhead Assembly 15873-R 1
2. Controller Assembly 15906-R 1

Consumables – Porous
1. Ink, Porous Cartridge Black 20943 12
2. Ink, Porous Cartridge Blue 20944 12
3. Ink, Porous Cartridge Red 20945 12
4. Ink, Porous Cartridge Green 20946 12
5. Solvent, Porous Cartridge 20947 12

Consumables – Non-Porous
1. Ink, Non-porous Quart Black 20133 12
2. Ink, Non-porous Quart Red IJ-NP-R-Q 12
3. Ink, Non-porous Quart Blue 20151 12
4. Ink, Non-porous Quart Green IJ-NP-G-Q 12
5. Ink, Non-porous Quart Brown 20596 12
6. Ink, Non-porous Quart Violet 20597 12
7. Ink, Non-porous Quart Yellow IJ-NP-Y-Q 12
8. Ink, Non-porous Quart Orange IJ-NP-O-Q 12
9. Ink, Non-porous Quart Ultraviolet IJ-NP-U-Q 12
10. Solvent, Non-porous Quart IJ-NP-S-Q 12

Other Components
1. Ink System, ADS 26278 1
2. Kit, Quart Ink/Solvent 28636 1
3. Adapter, Quart Ink/Solvent RP28659 1
4. Cover, Controller Harsh Environment 16283 1
5. Cleaner, Nozzle RP15943 1
6. Kit, Printhead Service 16040 1
7. Kit, Unicorn Hardware RP21823 1
8. Frame Kit, Controller Mount RP15773 1
9. Bracket Kit, Long Reach 15990 1
10. Bracket Kit, Remote 15916 1
11. Hanger, Power Supply RP16568 1
12. Overlay, Keypad Greek 27392 1
13. Overlay, Keypad Arabic 27393 1
14. Overlay, Keypad Hebrew 27394 1
15. Manual, Unicorn Owners P-3015 1

P-3076/03041 Rev XB Parts List 27

Unicorn Technical Manual

Description Part Number Quantity per Package

16. Manual, Unicorn Technical P-3076 1
17. Card, Unicorn Quick Reference P-3013 1
18. Card, Unicorn Quick Reference Cyrillic 28737C 1

28 Parts List P-3076/03041 Rev XB

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