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The Committee shall primarily be responsible in the implementation of scholarships and learning and

development interventions for the optimization of the performance of the human resources. As such,
it shall perform the following functions:

 Review and recommend the approval of Three-Year Learning and Development Plan and
Annual Learning and Development Plan;
 Recommend to the Regional Executive Director the availment of invitations and offers for
participation in learning events or study programs both local and foreign in relation to the
needs of the agency;
 Recommend the approval of list of learning events based on the identifies learning needs
with the corresponding list of nominees, in coordination with the Learning Administrator.
The list of courses and the nominees of each program shall be updated every six (6) months;
 Develop guidelines for the selection of nominees to learning and development programs
(scholarship, fellowships, learning event, etc.), in accordance with existing Civil Service
policies and standards;
 Incorporate in said guidelines the specific provisions on the responsibilities of nominees to
the agency sending them to a scholarship or learning grant and vice versa. These provisions
shall be embodied in the contract which the nominee and the Regional Executive Director
shall enter into’
 Disseminate to Offices learning or scholarship opportunities at least a month (if practicable)
before the date of screening for such grants;
 Conduct screening of qualified employees from the list of nominees to the training
course/scholarship under consideration;
 Conduct screening of learning Service Providers;
 Conduct continuing monitoring of agency scholars/grantees sent to various learning
programs, both foreign and local; and
 Submit to the Regional Executive Director a quarterly report of is accomplishments.

The Secretariat shall assist the Human Resource Development Committee (HRDC) in the
performance of its functions. It shall perform the following tasks;

 Prepare the Three-Year Learning and Development Plan and Annual Learning and
Development Plan;
 Provide the list of prospective nominees as basis in the screening by the Committee;
 Maintain databases in Learning and Development;
 Prepare pertinent documentation on Learning and Development;
 Prepare correspondences, memoranda, reports relative to Learning and Development;
 Issue notice of meeting to all members of the committee;
 Maintain records of committee deliberations and other documents relative to the availment
of the learning and development;
 Prepare minutes of Committee meetings and corresponding communications for submission
to the Regional Executive Director; and
 Prepare a quarterly report on the accomplishments of the Committee.
This Order is for the good of public service.


CSC MC No. 43, s. 1993 on Streamlining and Deregulating Human Resource Development Functions
 Heads of agencies, in coordination with the agency Personnel Development Committee
(PDC), shall have the primary responsibility to formulate and establish their respective
training and development programs.
 The Head of Agency, without a need of prior approval from the Commission, shall perform
the following:
o Determine training fees, amount of honorarium for resource person services, and
other training-related expenses;
o Authorize the attendance of agency personnel in conventions, conferences,
symposia, and for a sponsored by non-governmental organizations or private
o Authorize the availment of services of other training institutions or agencies, private
or governmental, in the conduct of in-house training and development programs;
o Select, nominate, and authorize employees, whether permanent or non-permanent
for training and scholarship grants, both local and foreign.
 In the selection of participants in training and scholarship programs, the PDC shall undertake
the screening of candidates. It shall ensure that such training and scholarship opportunities
are equitably distributed and are awarded to deserving employees considering such factors
as length of service, performance levels, training and development needs and, when
necessary, status of appointment.


CSC MC No. 10 s. 1989

Establishing a Personnel Development Committee in all Departments, Agencies, Instrumentalities,

Branches and Subdivisions in Government, Including Government-Owned and Controlled
Corporations and Local Governments

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