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DEPENDENT 1. A researcher wishes to compare academic aptitudes of married mathematicians

and their spouses. She obtains a random sample of 287 such couples who take an academic aptitude
test and determines each spouse’s academic aptitude.

DEPENDENT 2. A political scientist wants to know how a random sample of 18- to 25-year-olds feel
about Democrats and Republicans in Congress. She obtains a random sample of 1030 registered
voters 18 to 25 years of age and asks; do you have favorable/unfavorable opinion of the Democratic/
Republican party? Each individual was asked to disclose his or her opinion about each party.

INDEPENDENT 3. An educator wants to determine whether a new curriculum significantly improves

standardized test scores for third grade students. She randomly divides 80 third graders into two
groups. Group 1 is taught using the new curriculum, while group 2 is taught using the traditional
curriculum. At the end of the school year, both groups are given the standardized test and the mean
scores are compared.

INDEPENDENT 4. A stock analyst wants to know if there is difference between the mean rate of
return from energy stocks and that from financial stocks. He randomly selects 13 energy stocks and
computes the rate of return for the past year. He randomly selects 13 financial stocks and compute
the rate of return for the past year.

INDEPENDENT 5. An urban economist believes that commute times to work in the South are less
than commute times to work in the Midwest. He randomly selects 40 employed individuals in the
south and 45 employed individuals in the Midwest and determines their commute


1. A study is designed to test whether there is a difference in mean daily calcium intake in adults with
normal bone density, adults with osteopenia (a low bone density which may lead to osteoporosis) and
adults with osteoporosis. Adults 60 years of age with normal bone density, osteopenia and
osteoporosis are selected at random from hospital records and invited to participate in the study.
Each participant's daily calcium intake is measured based on reported food intake and supplements.
The data are shown below.
1200 1000 890
1000 1100 650
980 700 1100
900 800 900
750 500 400
800 700 350
Procedure for testing hypothesis:
1. State the null and alternative hypothesis
Null Hypothesis: There is no significant difference in mean daily calcium intake of adults in
their 60 years of age with normal bone density compared to adults with osteopenia and adults with
Alternative Hypothesis: There is significant difference in mean daily calcium intake of adults
in their 60 years of age with normal bone density compared to adults with osteopenia and adults with
2. Set the level of Significant of Alpha level (a)
(α) = 0.10
3. Determine the Test Distribution to use
ANOVA test
Dependent Variable: Calcium Intake
Independent Variable: Bone Density (Normal, Osteopenia, Osteoporosis)

4. Calculate Test Statistic of P-value

• Failed to Reject Ho

5. Make Statistical Decision

➢ Failed to Reject Ho

6. Conclusion
There is no sufficient evidence to support that there is a significant difference in mean daily
calcium intake of adults with different bone density in their 60 years of age.

2. Some studies have shown that in the United States, men spend more than women buying gifts and
cards on Valentine’s Day. Suppose a researcher wants to test this hypothesis by randomly sampling
nine men and 10 women with comparable demographic characteristics from various large cities
across the United States to be in a study. Each study participant is asked to keep a log beginning one
month before Valentine’s Day and record all purchases made for Valentine’s Day during that one-
month period. The resulting data are shown below. Use these data and a 1% level of significance to
test to determine if, on average, men actually do spend significantly more than women on Valentine’s
Day. Assume that such spending is normally distributed in the population and that the population
variances are equal
107.48 125.98
143.61 45.53
90.19 56.35
125.53 80.62
70.7 46.37
83 44.34
129.63 75.21
154.22 68.48
93.8 85.82

1. State the null and alternative hypothesis
Null Hypothesis: There is no significant difference between the spending habit of men and
women in the United States on Valentine’s Day.
Alternative Hypothesis: There is a significant difference between the spending habit of men
and women in the United States on Valentine’s Day.
2. Set the level of Significant of Alpha level (a)
(α) = 0.01
3. Determine the Test Distribution to use
Independent Sample T-test
Dependent Variable: Expense
Independent Variable: Gender (Men and Women)

4. Calculate Test Statistic of P-value

5. Make Statistical Decision

➢ Failed to Reject Ho

6. Conclusion
There is no sufficient evidence to support that men spends more than women on Valentine’s
day in the US.
3. A researcher is interested whether a training course increases the teaching performance of the
teachers who attended the training courses. Test at 10% level of significance. The data are shown


1 85 95 11 89 97
2 84 98 12 87 98
3 86 97 13 82 95
4 87 92 14 81 95
5 89 96 15 86 92
6 82 93 16 89 91
7 80 94 17 89 94
8 84 95 18 84 95
9 86 90 19 85 96
10 82 82 20 88 97

1. State the null and alternative hypothesis
Null Hypothesis: A training course will not increase the teaching performance of the teachers
who attended the training course.
Alternative Hypothesis: A training course will increase the teaching performance of the
teachers who attended the training course.
2. Set the level of Significant of Alpha level (a)
(α) = 0.10
3. Determine the Test Distribution to use
Dependent Sample T-test
Dependent Variable: Teaching Performance
Independent Variable: Training Course (Before and after)
4. Calculate Test Statistic of P-value
5. Make Statistical Decision
➢ Failed to Reject Ho

6. Conclusion
There is no sufficient evidence to support that training courses increases the performances of
the teachers who attended the course.

4. A pediatrician wants to determine the relation that may exist between a child’s height and head
circumference. She randomly selects eleven 3- year-old children from her practice, measures their
heights and head circumference, and obtains the data shown in the table below


27.75 17.5
24.5 17.1
25.5 17.1
26 17.3
25 16.9
27.75 17.6
26.5 17.3
27 17.5
26.75 17.3
26.75 17.5
27.5 17.5

1. State the null and alternative hypothesis
Null Hypothesis: There is no significant relationship between a child’s height and head
Alternative Hypothesis: There is significant relationship between a child’s height and head
2. Set the level of Significant of Alpha level (a)
(α) = 0.05
3. Determine the Test Distribution to use
Pearson r
Dependent Variable: Height
Independent Variable: Head circumference

4. Calculate Test Statistic of P-value

5. Make Statistical Decision

➢ Reject Ho

6. Conclusion
There is sufficient evidence that supports a child’s height relationship to its head

5. The following data represent the smoking status from a random sample of 1054 U.S. residents 18
years or older by level of education.

Test whether smoking status and level of education are independent at the α = 0.05 level of
1. State the null and alternative hypothesis
Null Hypothesis: Smoking status is independent with the level of education.
Alternative Hypothesis: Smoking status is dependent with the level of education.
2. Set the level of Significant of Alpha level (a)
(α) = 0.05
3. Determine the Distribution to use
Chi-square test
Two Categorical Variable:
Smoking Status (Current, Former, Never)
Level of Education: Less than 12, 12, 13-15, 16 or more years)

4. Calculate Test Statistic of P-value

5. Make Statistical Decision

➢ Failed to Reject Ho
6. Conclusion
There is no sufficient evidence to support that the smoking status is correlated with the level of
6. A pediatrician wants to determine the relation that may exist between a child’s height and head
circumference. She randomly selects eleven 3- year-old children from her practice, measures their
heights and head circumference, and obtains the data shown in the table below


27.75 17.5
24.5 17.1
25.5 17.1
26 17.3
25 16.9
27.75 17.6
26.5 17.3
27 17.5
26.75 17.3
26.75 17.5
27.5 17.5

1. State the null and alternative hypothesis
Null Hypothesis: There is no significant relationship between a child’s height and head
Alternative Hypothesis: There is significant relationship between a child’s height and head
2. Set the level of Significant of Alpha level (a)
(α) = 0.05
3. Determine the Test Distribution to use
Pearson r
Dependent Variable: Height
Independent Variable: Head circumference

4. Calculate Test Statistic of P-value

5. Make Statistical Decision

➢ Reject Ho
6. Conclusion
There is sufficient evidence that supports a child’s height relationship to its head

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