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Q. Which of the following is not a graphic input and output device?

A Line printer
B Tablet
C Digitizer
D Light pen

Q. Light pen is:

A An output device especially designed to produce hardcopy of graphics
B A television like device used to display data
C Smallest part of a display screen that can be individually controlled
D A light sensitive input device that when touched to the screen the presence of
light used to select an entry or indicate a position

Q. The graphics can be

A Drawing
B Photograph, movies
C Simulation
D All of these

Q. Computer graphics was first used by

A William fetter in 1960
B James fetter in 1969
C James gosling in 1991
D John Taylor in 1980

Q. Types of computer graphics are

A Vector and raster
B Scalar and raster
C Vector and scalar
D None of these

Q. The inside of the Cathode Ray Tube is coated with what material?
A Fluorescent powder
B No coating
C Phosphorus
D None of the above

Q. Which among the following is a part of the Cathode Ray Tube?

A Control Electrode
B Electron Gun
C Focusing System
D All of the Above

Q. Which among the following is not merit (advantage) of the Cathode Ray Tube?
A It runs at highest pixel ratio
B It is less expensive than any other display technology
C It is very large, heavy and bulgy
D None of the above

Q. Joysticks typically have a button on __________that is used to select the option

pointed by the cursor.
A Bottom
B Left
C Right
D Top

Q. The _____________ pen is a small input device used to select and display objects
on a screen.
A Ink
B Magnetic
C Light
D None of the above

Q. The CAD stands for?

A Computer And Data
B Commonly Available Data
C Computer Aided Drawing
D Computer Aided Design
Q. Pixel stands for?
A Picture Element
B Sound
C File Format
D None of these

Q. In CRT, the electron intensity is adjusted using .................

A Accelerating anode
B Control grid
C Electron gun
D Focusing anode

Q. Memory area holding the intensity information of an image is called ..............

A Refresh buffer
B Font cache
C Picture definition
D Video controller

Q. The purpose of refreshing a CRT is ..........................

A To avoid flickering
B To maintain steady picture
C To avoid fading of pixels
D All of the above

Q. DVST stands for ..........................

A Digital View Storing Table
B Direct Visual Storage Tube
C Direct View Storage Tube
D Digital View Storage Tube

Q. GUI stands for -

A Graphics uniform interaction
B Graphical user interaction
C Graphical user interface
D None of the above
Q. The amount of light emitted by the phosphor coating depends on the?
A Number of electrons striking the screen
B Speed of electrons striking the screen
C Distance from the cathode to the screen
D None of above

Q. Vector graphics is composed of

A Pixels
B Paths
C Palette`
D None of these

Q. Raster graphics are composed of

A Pixels
B Paths
C Palette`
D None of these

Q. A major disadvantage of DVST in interactive computer graphics is

A Ability to selectively erase part of an image
B Inability to selectively erase part of image from screen
C Inability to produce bright picture
D None

Q. The quality of an image depend on

A No. of pixel used by image
B No. of line used by image

C No. of resolution used by image

D None

Q. Each screen point is referred to as .........................

A Resolution
B Pixel
C Persistence
D Dot Pitch

Q. Smallest size object that can be displayed on a monitor is called.....................

A Picture element

B Point
C Dot Pitch
D aspect ratio

Q. __________ represents data of certain areas such as geographic maps, weather

maps, oceanography charts, and population density maps.
A Simulation

B Cartography

C Animation

D None of the above

Q. In vector displays beam is deflected from the endpoint to endpoint and the
technique is called________.

A Raster Scan

B Random Scan

C Conversion Scan

D None of the above

Q. ………… the separate memory area provided in graphics workstations?

A Conventional memory

B System memory

C Base memory

D Display processor memory

Q. Display processor is also called a

A graphics controller

B display coprocessor
C both (a) and (b)

D None of the above

Q. _____ stores the picture information as a charge distribution behind the

phosphor-coated screen.

A Flat panel displays

B Direct-view storage tube

C Cathode ray tube

D Light pen

Q. In which system, the Shadow mask methods are commonly used

A Raster-scan system

B Vector- scan system

C Conversion-scan system

D None of the above

Q. The number of pixels stored in the frame buffer of a graphics system is known as

A Resolution

B Depth

C Resalution

D None of these

Q. The components of Interactive computer graphics are -

A Frame buffer
B Display controller

C Monitor

D All of the above

Q. We translate a two-dimensional point by adding

A Translation distances
B Translation difference
C X and Y
D Only A

Q. When every entity of a geometric model remains parallel to its initial position,
the transformation is called as

A Scaling

B Translation

C Rotation

D Mirror

Q. A line can be represented by :

A One point

B Two points

C Three points

D Four points

Q. Shear transformation can be formed by scaling and rotation, justify True or False.



C Not always

D None of these

Q. The transformation that is used to alter the size of an object is

A Scaling

B Rotation

C Translation
D Reflection

Q. The rotation axis that is perpendicular to the xy plane and passes through the
pivot point is known as

A Rotation

B Translation

C Scaling

D Shearing

Q. The basic geometric transformations are

A Translation

B Rotation

C Scaling

D All of the mentioned

Q. _________ is a rigid body transformation that moves objects without


A Rotation

B Scaling

C Translation

D All of the mentioned

Q. The translation distances (dx, dy) is called as

A Translation vector

B Shift vector

C Both a and b

D Neither a nor b
Q. Shearing is also termed as ________________

A Selecting

B Sorting

C Scaling

D Skewing

Q. The transformation that changes the co-ordinate positions of an object along a

circular path is called_______.

A Translation

B Scaling

C Rotation

D Reflection

Q. The disadvantage of line DDA is

A Time consuming

B Faster

C Neither a nor b

D None of the mentioned

Q. DDA Stand for….

A Direct differential analyzer
B Digital differential analyzer

C Digital difference analyzer

D Data differential analyzer

Q. An accurate and efficient raster line-generating algorithm is

A Raster line Algorithm

B DDA line Algorithm

C Midpoint line Algorithm

D Bresenham’s line algorithm

Q. The Cartesian slope-intercept equation for a straight line is

y = m.x + b

y = b.x + m

C y = x.x + m

D y = b + m.m

Q. The process of changing the position of an object from one coordinate location to
another in a straight line path is called _________

B Transaction



Q. ________ is the process of expanding or compressing the dimensions of an

A Scaling

B A. Transformation
C B. Rotation
D C. Translation

Q. A transformation that slants the shape of an object is called ....................

A Reflection

B Shear

C Distortion

D Scaling
Q. The transformation that produces a parallel mirror image of an object are called

A Reflection

B Scaling

C Rotation

D Translation

Q. What happens if the values of scaling factors sx and sy less than 1 (i.e., sx<1 and

A Increase the object's size

B No change in the object's size
C Reduce the object's size
D All of the above

Q. The two-dimensional rotation equation in the matrix form is

A P’=P+T

B P’=R*P

C P’=P*P

D P’=R+P

Q. Which of the following is not a rigid body transformation?

A Translation
B Rotation
C Shearing
D Reflection

Q. The region against which an object is to be clipped is called ________________.

A Clip Window
B Cross Window
C Crop Window
D Cut Window
Q. The process of selecting and viewing the picture with a different view is called

B Windowing
C Filling
D All of the above

Q. If the endpoints of the line are P5 P6 and the corresponding code is 0001 and
0000, the logical AND code is 0000, then the result is __________.
A Completely Visible
B Completely Invisible
C Partially Visible
D None of the above

Q. A two-dimensional array contain the details of all the segment are called
A Segment name
B Segmentation table
C Operation
D None of the above

Q. The removal of a segment with its details are called

A Closing segment
B Deletion of segment
C Alter the segment
D None of the above

Q. The object space in which the application model is defined

A Clipping window or world window
B Screen coordinate system
C Viewing system
D World coordinate system

Q. The Cohen-Sutherland algorithm divides the two-dimensional space in how

many regions?
A 4
B 6
C 7
D 9

Q. For a 2d transformation viewing, in how many ways a clipping algorithm can

be applied?
A 2
B 3
C 1
D 5

Q. The process which divides each element of the picture into its visible and
invisible portions, allowing the invisible portion to be discarded is called__?
A Clipping
B Rotation
C Translation
D Reflection

Q. What is the primary use of clipping in computer graphics?

A adding graphics

B removing objects and lines

C Zooming

D Copying

Q. Sutherland-Hodgeman clipping is an example of_________________ algorithm.

A line clipping
B polygon clipping
C text clipping
D curve clipping

Q. One of the drawbacks of Sutherland- Hodgeman algorithm is that it can’t

produce ____________ areas.

A Connected

B Multiple

C Discrete

D Circular
Q. The rectangle portion of the interface window that defines where the image will
actually appear are called
A Transformation viewing

B Clipping window

C View port

D Screen coordinate system

Q. The region code of a point within the window is...........

A 0000

B D. 0001
C E. 1000
D F. 1111

Q. According to Cohen-Sutherland algorithm, a line is completely outside the

window if ............
A The region codes of line endpoints have a '1' in same bit position.
B The endpoints region code are nonzero values
C If L bit and R bit are nonzero
D The region codes of line endpoints have a '0' in same bit position.

Q. Which of the following clipping algorithm follows the Divide and Conquer
A Cohen- Sutherland algorithm
B Cyrus break algorithm
C 4-bit algorithm
D Midpoint algorithm

Q. Every segment has its own attributes like

A Size, visibility

B Start position

C Image transformation

D All of these

Q. The process of mapping a world window in world coordinate system to

viewport are called
A Transformation viewing
B Viewport
C Clipping window
D Screen coordinate system

Q. The process of extracting a portion of a database or a picture inside or outside

a specified region are called
A Transformation
B Projection
C Clipping
D Mapping

Q. The rectangle portion of the interface window that defines where the image will
actually appear are called
A Transformation viewing
B View port
C Clipping window
D Screen coordinate system

Q. Coordinates of window are knows as ..............

A Screen coordinates
B World coordinates
C Device coordinates
D Cartesian coordinates

Q. Coordinates of viewport are known as ............

A World coordinates
B Polar coordinates

C Screen coordinates

D Cartesian coordinates

Q. The region code of a point is 1001. The point is in the ................. region of window.
A Top right
B Top left
C Bottom left
D Botton right

Q. The result of logical AND operation with endpoint region codes is a nonzero
value. Which of the following statement is true?

A The line is completely inside the window

B The line is completely outside the window

C The line is partially inside the window
D The line is already clipped

Q. In line clipping, the portion of line which is _____________ of window is cut

and the portion that is _____________ the window is kept.

A outside, inside

B inside, outside

C exact copy, different

D different, an exact copy

Q. Cohen-Sutherland clipping is an example of _________________

A polygon clipping

B text clipping

C line clipping

D curve clipping

Q. The 4-bit code of bottom-right region of the window is ____________

A 1001

B 0101

C 1010

D 0110

Q. Only vertices from the subject polygon that are on the _______________ are

A lower half

B Boundary
C opaque side

D visible side

Q. We can correctly clip a polygon by processing the polygon boundary as a whole

against each ___________

A side wall

B top edge

C window edge

D bottom edge

Q. How many edges of the clipping are/is present in 2D?

A 1

B 2

C 3

D 4

Q. Any convenient co-ordinate system or Cartesian co-ordinates which can be

used to define the picture is called ___________
A spherical co-ordinates

B vector co-ordinates

C viewport co-ordinates

D world co-ordinates

Q. Which of the following co-ordinates are NOT used in 2d viewing

A modelling co-ordinates

B viewing co-ordinates

C vector co-ordinates

D device co-ordinates

Q. Deletion of any segment is much________ than creation of any new segment

A Easier
B Difficult

C Higher

D None

Q. The end point of polygon are called as

A Edges

B Vertices

C Line

D None of these

Q. The line segment of polygon are called as

A Edges

B Vertices

C Line

D None of these

Q. We assign all the attributes of segment under this

A Segment name

B Segment size

C Array

D None of these

Q. The initial size of segment will be_______

A 1

B 0

C 2

D 3

Q. By using the attributes of segment , we can________ any segment

A Change
B Control

C Print

D None of these

Q. An object can be viewed as a collection of

A One segment

B Two segment

C Several segments

D None of these

Q. In computer graphics, a graphical object is known as

A Point

B Segment

C Parameter

D None of these

Q. Ground rule(s) for Graphics software design is/are :

A Simplicity
B Consistency
C Performance
D All of the above

Q. Graphics primitive functions in graphics package is/are:

A MoveTo(y)
B LineTo()
C Drawtext()
D All of the above

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