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1. Key Terms: List some terminologies assigned with each Philosophers.

Briefly define or describe each term.


SOCRATES “Know thyself” Know your limits, know your

motivation, recognize your identity,
personality and being.

AUGUSTINE Individual Identity The idea of the self that is achieved

through self-presentation that leads to

DESCARTES “Cogito ergo Sum” “I think, therefore I am”

Thinking is the proof that we do exist.

HUME Bundle of perceptions The self is a collection of different

impressions and experiences.

KANT External self Made up of ourselves and the physical

world where there is representation of

FREUD Superego It is the voice that incorporates the values

and morals. It tires to persuade the Id and
ego to turn to moral goals rather than
pleasurable goals.

MERLEAU- Phenomenology of Unity of the function of the mind and the

PONTY Perception body.

2. TEXTUAL ANALYSIS. Explain the passage.

“The most difficult thing in life is to know yourself.”
For me, the meaning of this passage is about, knowing the things that will give you
wisdom and happiness is difficult to. We accomplished things that we want to do but when
we already did it, we realize that we’re not really happy and it feels like we want to strive for
more. It seems that we don’t know ourselves truly because we don’t even know how can we
make ourselves complete. Knowing the things about yourself is a hard thing to cope up with,
especially if we started knowing our weaknesses, failures, and its consequences. Sometimes
our mind confuses who we really are and who we should really be. There are self-questions
that we ourselves, can’t even find an answer for it on our owns. We don’t even know where
our life will go its way. Knowing ourselves is not just easy as looking at the mirror. It takes a
long time and a lot of difficult process, to discover who we are and what’s our purpose in this
world. Without knowing ourselves, we can’t accept and love our own self in a way that we
should be, and that’s the hardest part for me.

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