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“Through the character of adversity,

the world will know peace."

– Archer Family Motto
Created by
Lead Writer • Mechanics Lead
Patrick Kapera • Kevin Wilson

Line Developer
Patrick Kapera

System Development
Scott Gearin

Additional Writing Conceptual Art

Sean Michael Fish, B.D. Flory, Scott Gearin, Cris Dornaus, Carl Frank, Paul H. Way
John R. Phythyon, Jr., Heath Scheiman, Les Simpson,
Lucien Soulban Editors
B.D. Flory, Scott Gearin, Les Simpson, D.J. Trindle,
Additional Concepts Rob Vaux, KD Yates
and Assistance
Shawn Carman, Steve Crow, B.D. Flory, Brendon Goodyear, Indexer
Bill LaBarge, Iain McAllister, David Molinar, Janice Sellers
Michael Petrovich, Omar Topete, Joe Unger
Creative Director
Art Director Mark Jelfo
jim pinto
Graphic Designer
Cover Art Steve Hough
Veronica V. Jones
Chief Executive Officer
Color Plates John Zinser
Carl Frank
Chief of Operations
Interior Art Maureen Yates
Storn Cook, Jonathan Hunt, A. Bleys Ingram, G.W. McKee II,
Richard Pollard, Mike Sellers, Ethan Slayton, Dan Smith, Production Manager
Paul H. Way, Jeff Wright Mary Valles

In memory of
John Zinser, Sr.
1938 – 2001

The Spycraft/Shadowforce The Spycraft/Shadowforce

Archer Story Team is… Archer Design Team is…
Chad Brunner, Shawn Carman, Steve Crow, Sean Michael Fish, B.D. Flory,
B.D. Flory, Paul Nelson, Heath Scheiman, Les Simpson, Scott Gearin, Jim Wardrip
Steve Wallace, Joe Unger

Special Thanks to…

Janice Sellers would like to dedicate her work on this book to her spooky bother Mark, who works at No Such Agency.
A very special thanks also to Peter Adkison, Monte Cook, Ryan Dancey,
Jonathan Tweet, Anthony Valterra, Skip Williams, and our friends at Wizards of the Coast.

Playtest Team XYZZY is…
John Cater, Jason Dyer, David Dyte, Gunther Schmidl, Dan Schmidt, Dan Shiovitz, Emily Short

Dale Adams, William Adley, Ed Alexanian, Brian Anderson, Heath Anthony, Chaz Aris, Steve Bailey, Kevin Ballew,
John Ballew, Jon Bancroft, Steve Barr, Jeff Bates, Matt Birdsall, Scott Boding, Cody Branzovsky, Scott Brotherton,
William Buckley, Richard Buckner III, Ryan Buesing, Brian and Cynthia Bullock, Michael Burch, Simon Campey,
Ryan Carman, Shawn Carman, Cheryl Carmody, Ken Carpenter, Tracy Carpenter, Brian Carroll, Jim Carroll,
Aaron Cartels, Rich Carter, Richard Cattle, Chris Celestino, Melissa Childs-Wiley, Neil Christy, Brian Clark,
Ryan Clark, Tom Clayton, Casey Cole, Mark Craddock, Joshua Cremosnik, Steve Crow, Gerry Crowe, Scott Cullen,
Christine D'Allaird, Tim D'Allaird, Robert Dake, Chris Dauer, Lance Day, John Dees, Julie Dees, Mark Denny,
Dana DeVries, Lisa DeVries, Jay Dunkleburger, Rochelle Dvorak, Suzanne Dvorak, Jake Eddington,
Richard Eldridge, Tim Elkins, Steve Emmott, Lance Engle, Tim Fletcher, Chris Foley, Joshua Ford, Doug Foster,
Mike Franklin, Andrew Franks, Mike Friedl, Mara Valentine Fritts, Thomas Fritts, Ron Gephart, Mark Granquist,
Michael Grove, Greg Gruschow, Rob Hall, Jerry Ham, Paula Hershman, Phil Herthel, Steve Heubusch,
Marshall Hitch, Mick Hitch, Matthew Hoeveler, Stephen P. Holleran, Nabil Homsi, Nathan Hood, Carl Hotchkiss,
Jason Isaac, Sy Hughes, John Henry Jackson, Mike Jackson, Maureen Jackson, Ryan Jensen, Garner Johnson,
JD Jorgenson, Sara Jorgenson, Elana Kahana, Kalai Kahana, Brian Kamen, Jeremy Kilburn, Erick King,
Paul Kleiman, Bill LaBarge, Karen LaBarge, Nick Lalone, Justin Lewis, Shannon R Lewis, Josh Light,
Morgan Littleton, Dave Lockman, Jason Loughmiller, Mark Lowry, Eric Machen, Brian Martinez, M. Leigh Martin,
Ray Matthews, George Matzen, Chris McCardle, Matt McGowan, James Hunter McLamb, James McPherson,
Mark Means, Shane Meeks, Clint Menezes, Kevin Millard, Ken Mills, David C. Misner, Bill Mize, David Molinar,
Jose H. Molinar, J. David Moody, Joshua O’Connor-Rose, Ben O’Leary, Jessica Ocker, Matt Oliver, Sam Ortiz,
Glenn Owens, Trey Palmer, Steve Partridge, Miguel A. Perez, Jr., Kent Peet, Bear Peters, Felicia Peters,
Michael Petrovich, Stephan Pfuetze, Pat Phillips, John Piziali, Janel Price, Matt Raddings, Tom Reed, Ben Reid,
Micah Reid, Dan Reilly, Allen Riley, Lara Rivero, Rolando Rivero, Ken Roberts, Hector Rodriguez, Joseph Rutledge,
Steven Rutledge, Patrick Rykwalder, David Salisbury, Mike Sander, Jason Sato, Nancy Sauer, Heath D. Scheiman,
Matthew Schenck, Jason Schnell, Bill Schwartz, Craig Scudgington, Kristopher Scudgington, Richard Shaffstall,
Crystal Simpson, Les Simpson, Aaron Smalley, Aaron Smith, Abagail Smith, Jeff Smith, Jessica Smith,
Mandy Smith, Marshall and Sonya Smith, Gary Sondergaard, John Stapeley, Cynthia Stewart, Simon Stroud,
Karl Michael Surber, Taoman, Steve Temple, Adam Thomas, Omar Topete, Heather Townsend, David Trask,
Shawn Trevor, Jackie Unger, Joseph Unger, Matt Van Kirk, Randy Vaughn, Isabella Villiani, Frank L. Voros,
Garland Walker, James Walker, Sharon Walker, Todd Wallace, Wayne West, Stephen Wilcoxon, Shannon Wiley,
Todd Wilkinson, David Williams, Melissa C. Williams, Wayne Williams, Benji Wilson, Sean Winchell,
Shaun Witney, Erik Yaple, Mike Zaret, Jay Zicht, John Zinser, Brandon Zuern

Spycraft, Shadowforce Archer and all related marks are ™ and © 2002 Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc. All rights reserved.

All characters, names, places, and text herein is copyrighted by AEG.

Reproduction without AEG's written permission is expressly forbidden, except for the purpose of reviews and when permission to photocopy is clearly stated.

Vitality points, wounds, Defense, and other rules from the Star Wars™ roleplaying game and other items not covered by the Open Gaming License used with permission from Wizards of the Coast.

The mention of or reference to any company or product in this book is not a challenge to the trademark or copyright concerned.

This book uses governments, intelligence agencies, and political figures as settings, characters, and themes. All such uses are intended for entertainment purposes only.
Shadowforce Archer
Alliance PsiTech . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Chamber Organization . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Chapter 0: Primer .....................7 Alliance Resources . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Episode 1: Skypilot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 The Game in South Africa ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
What is Shadowforce Archer? . . . . . . . 13 Playing the Great Game . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Another World, Another War . . . . . . . . 14 Current Plotlines . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Puzzling the World Apart . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 The Alliance Genre . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Chambers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Tepe, Dumisani R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
The Archer Foundation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Graham, Elias “Tendaji” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
The African Alliance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 The Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
The Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 The Company's Mission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
The European Commonwealth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Agent Expectations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
The Guardians of the Whispering Knife . . . . . . . . 24 Tactical Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
The Pan-Asian Collective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Company PsiTech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Room 39 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 Chamber Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
The Russian Confederacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Company Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
The Game in the U.S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Chapter 1: Shadow History . . . . . . . . . 33 Playing the Great Game . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
The Great Lie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Current Plotlines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
The 1900s: Discovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 The Company Genre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
The 1910s: Strife . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Hunter, John D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
The 1920s: Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Hendricks, Molly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
The 1930s: Descent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Deitrich, Col. Alan J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
The 1940s: Trial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 The European Commonwealth . . . . . . . . . 86
The 1950s: Consequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 The Commonwealth Mission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
The 1960s: Scandal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 Agent Expectations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
The 1970s: Chaos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Tactical Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
The 1980s: Deconstruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Commonwealth PsiTech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
The 1990s to Now: Rebirth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 Chamber Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
A Century of Turmoil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Commonwealth Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
The Game in Europe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Chapter 2: Shadow Community . . . . 51 Playing the Great Game: Fade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
The Archer Foundation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Playing the Great Game: Gemeinschafft . . . . . . . . 91
The Foundation's Mission . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 52 Current Plotlines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Agent Expectations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 52 The Commonwealth Genre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Tactical Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 53 Wilde, Katherine “Katt” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Archer PsiTech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 53 Kincaid, Ashley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Chamber Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 53 Bartolomei, Stefan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
The Game in Australia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 54 “Fade” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Playing the Great Game . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 55 The Guardians of the
Current Plotlines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 55 Whispering Knife . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
The Foundation Genre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 56 The Guardian Mission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Bringing It All Together . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Agent Expectations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Big Brother . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 56 Tactical Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Which Agents Are Sent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 57 Guardian Artifacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Who's in Control? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 57 Chamber Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Mission Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 57 Social Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Where Do Masterminds Go? . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 57 Guardian Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
World Leaders in the Know . . . . . . . . . . 57 The Game in the Middle East . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Nostrum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Playing the Great Game . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
“Two” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Current Plotlines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
The African Alliance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 The Guardian Genre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
The Alliance Mission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Midnight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Agent Expectations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Aurora . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Tactical Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

Table of Contents
The Pan-Asian Collective . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
The Collective Mission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Chapter 4: New Agent Options . . . . 161
Shadowforce Archer Agents:
Agent Expectations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Step-by-Step . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
Tactical Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Prestige Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
Collective PsiTech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Cat Burglar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Chamber Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Counter-Terrorist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
Collective Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Hacker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
The Game in Asia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Sniper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
Playing the Great Game . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Project: PROMETHEUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
Current Plotlines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
Chemical Monster Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
The Collective Genre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
Dareka . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 Chapter 5: Psionics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
Tsong, Tien-Kai . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 One Step Beyond . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
Room 39 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 Playing a Psion Agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
Room 39's Mission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 Basic Psion Feats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
Agent Expectations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 The Mentalist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
Tactical Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 Mental Psion Feats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
Room 39 PsiTech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 Mental Psion Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
Chamber Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 The Physical Adept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
Room 39 Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 Physical Psion Feats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
The Game in the U.K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 Physical Psion Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
Playing the Great Game . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 The Telepath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
Current Plotlines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 Telepathic Psion Feats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
The Room 39 Genre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Telepathic Psion Skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
Savage, Emily . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 PsiTech Gadgets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Combes, Alistair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
Singleton, Sarah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 Chapter 6: The Mystic World . . . . . 213
The Russian Confederacy . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 Echoes of the Ancients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
The Confederacy Mission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 Playing a Mystic Agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
Agent Expectations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 The Shadespeaker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
Tactical Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 Mystic Feats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
Confederacy PsiTech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 Invocations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
Chamber Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 The Thirst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
Confederacy Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 Mystic Relics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
The Game in Russia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
Playing the Great Game . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 Chapter 7: Threats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
Current Plotlines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 Sample Threats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
The Confederacy Genre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 The Circle of Hate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ 238
Petrovich, Nikolai . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 Dr. Fu and the Lung Triad . . . . . . . . . . ........ 240
Stazlaus, Uri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 P.E.R.I.L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ 242
Oleksandre, Davros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 The Shop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ 244
The Hand of Glory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ 246
Chapter 3: The Outside World . . . . 149 Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
Contested Regions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 Author Afterword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
The Middle East . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
South America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 Open Game License . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
The Eyes of Argus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 Open Game Content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
Savage, Lord reginald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
The Hand of Glory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 Location Illustrations
Kraus, Eva . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 Archer Conspiracy: Shadow
The Shop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 Community Influence Zones . . . . . . . 32
Gray, Dennis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 The Panopticon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

Shadowforce Archer
Terms you Need to Know
Many world-specific terms are used throughout this
Shadowforce Archer is AEG’s official world setting
book. If you get stuck and don’t know what something
means, check out the Glossary (page 249) for a definition.
for the Spycraft roleplaying game line. In the Spycraft What This Book Contains
Espionage Handbook, we introduced generic rules for
All of the material in this book is meant for players.
roleplaying cinematic espionage games. The plots,
We begin with the Shadowforce Archer Primer (pages
characters, and organizations in the Handbook were
7–32), which introduces the core themes behind the
intentionally devoid of supporting backstory and
setting and describes the Archer Foundation and its
unconnected to one another to allow the players
subsidiaries. Players can jump start Shadowforce Archer
maximum control over the details of their own games.
games by reading the Primer, though material in
Shadowforce Archer offers you a cohesive world in
Chapters 1-3 are recommended for those who desire
which to set your missions, and gives the players a
greater depth in their games.
collection of organizations to work for, linked together
Chapter 1 (Shadow History) describes the secret
by a common goal — protection from threats of global
history of the 20th Century which leads up to the
setting in your hands. Over one hundred years of saga
But Shadowforce Archer is more than just a collec-
is detailed here, including events you only think you
tion of groups, NPCs and plotlines; it is an ongoing
know the truth about, and many that never made the
story that you control. The material presented in this
book constitutes the first episode of the first season of
Chapter 2 (Shadow Community) goes into greater
our interactive storyline, in which you — the players —
detail about the Archer Foundation’s structure,
decide the course of events both major and minor.
resources, personnel, and goals. Sections are included
By including elements of this setting in your own
for each of the groups (“Chambers”) that train and field
games, making decisions about them, and reporting
agents for the Archer Conspiracy, including details
back to us through the official Shadowforce Archer
about their allies, enemies, and current plotlines.
website (, you determine
Inspirations and roleplaying hints for each group can
the course of events in this setting, and define the
also be found here, along with 2-3 NPCs for each.
unfolding backstory. You decide who lives, who dies,
Chapter 3 (The Outside World) contains information
and why. Visit our website for more information, and to
about world powers outside the Archer Conspiracy (and
sign up as an agent or Game Control to participate in
peripherally linked to it), and threats to the global
this exciting new multiplayer experience.
security of the new millennium.
Note: This book does not contain the rules needed to
Chapter 4 (New Agent Options) describes the
play. You must have the Spycraft Espionage Handbook
differences between designing an agent for Spycraft and
to create and use agents.
designing one for Shadowforce Archer, and offers a
A Brief Word About You number of prestige classes for advanced players. Rules
for chemical monsters are also found here.
More than anything else, Shadowforce Archer is
Chapter 5 (Psionics) contains all the basic rules for
about you. Beyond the interactive elements (which
psionics and playing psionic agents. Included are all
aren’t for everyone — thus they’re limited to the
three base psion classes (mentalist, physical adept, and
website), we’ve carefully constructed this book to
telepath), as well as new feats and a healthy number of
include only information we felt players could use at the
skills (powers) for your agent to choose from. Finally,
table. NPCs are kept to a minimum, and presented with
many new Psitech gadgets are located at the back of this
multiple versions for games of different power levels.
Plots are left open for you to adapt as you wish, and
Chapter 6 (The Mystic World) describes how heroes
every effort is made to limit the story to material you
can use the power of the human spirit to perform acts
can use as a springboard for your own ideas.
of superheroism, as well as how villains can warp it to
Further, we’ve included agent options for nearly
dominate the world. A large number of mystic relics and
every story element in the game. All three major psion
a new prestige class — the shadespeaker — are also
classes are included, as are rules for mystic agents, play-
described in this chapter.
ing chemical monsters, and examples of all the major
Chapter 7 (Threats) is a collection of threats you can
threats in the setting. Future sourcebooks will introduce
drop into any ongoing game of Shadowforce Archer,
and develop new concepts instead of fleshing out old
with basic descriptions and statistics.
ones. We hope you enjoy this approach to world design.

"Let this union of nations usher in a new age of global security,
in which the safety of the entire world is placed before the
desires of any single body. Let this Pact be our bond,
our guide, our mission — to save the world… from itself."
– Raymond Archer,
at the 1950 Conspiracy Caucus

Shadowforce Archer
Seattle, Washington.

“So why are you so fascinated with us?” Hunter
asked as the van turned onto Kara’s street.
Kara observed him with a combination of intrigue
and trepidation. “You’re an urban legend. The Foundation:
a secret society for the modern age.”
Kara Stride pulled the ripcord taut for a third time Hunter leaned back into the captain’s chair as she
with no response. Her mind raced as fast as the wind continued. “Raymond Archer, philanthropic founder
rushing past her as she helplessly plummeted to earth. of a global government conspiracy to protect the world
The second chute’s dead, too, she thought, her eyes from itself. Allies in every nation in the world.
dancing across the landscape below as she fumbled The truth behind everything from the John F. Kennedy
for a solution. I’m at 9,000 feet, maybe… 8,000? Thirty assassinations to the proliferation of movies made by
seconds or so, no more. Mario van Peebles and SNL alumni. And,” she patted the
Three seconds later, Kara derided herself for wonder- jetpack, “all these wonderful toys.”
ing who rigged her chutes instead of looking for the “Argus keeps you that well-informed, does he?”
answer that must be there. Maybe it was the Foun… “He does.”
What the hell is that? Kara’s eyes focused on a shape “We’re here,” the driver said, not looking back.
that had darted up from the ground below — a human “Thanks for the chat, John Hunter,” Kara said, hop-
shape. In seconds, it streaked across the sky, a thin trail ping onto her front lawn. “Say hi to the spooks for me.”
of crimson smoke in its wake. Nearly before Kara Hunter grinned again, wondering why Emily couldn’t
realized that the shape was a man — a flying man — be more like her sister. “Sure.”
it rushed into her and scooped her up, arcing toward a “We’re gonna get you, you know. Blow your secrets
lakeshore a half mile away. on the front page of The Times.”
He’s handsome, Kara noted as her rescuer put down “Looking forward to it.” Hunter shut the van door
in a clearing beside the lake. The high-pitched whine of and signaled for the driver to move on. Then he lifted
the jetpack strapped onto his back lost its urgency and his watch and flipped open the dialface, revealing a tiny
slowed to a quick hum, then faded altogether. Glancing video screen, and waited. Seconds later, the fuzzy image
over his shoulder, Kara reached out toward the pack, of a young man with a crew cut appeared.
and— “You rang?” the face greeted Hunter.
“Don’t touch that!” the flier warned her, then eased “Stride made me. I’m heading back to the field office.”
back with a charming smile. “It’s not hot, but it can still “We’re on it,” the face said, then vanished.
be dangerous.”
Kara Stride checked her mailbox then fumbled for
“And flying isn’t?” Kara chided as he dropped her
her keys, taking just long enough to watch the
to her feet.
Foundation van turn the corner. As she entered
“It’s safer than skydiving, apparently.”
and closed the door, a Jeep Cherokee took its place
“Touché,” she answered. “You’re with the Archer
across the street. Two men got out and walked away,
Foundation, aren’t you?”
in different directions, one much faster than the other.
“Let me take you home.” A van pulled up behind
The second man wore a freshly trimmed crew cut.
them and the side door opened. A man within was
wearing a ski-mask. Kara rounded the second floor landing as the house’s
Kara’s eyebrow arched. “Not the most welcoming internal sensors recognized her and brought up the
invitation…” lights in her study and the hall outside to a warm 70
“Him?” the flier asked. “He’s harmless. Just the watts. Her computer booted up, the password ready-
driver.” entered as her fingerprints were confirmed on the door
“Driving,” Kara said. “There’s an extreme sport.” handle, and the entertainment system launched the
The flier grinned. “You have no idea.” latest Katt Wilde feature, Cat’s Paw.
“So now that I know who you work for,” Kara said, Collapsing into her executive chair, Kara listened to
slipping into the van, “you think I can know your the bold overture over the movie’s opening credits and
name?” waited for her browser to load. Less than a minute later,
The flier entered the van behind her and signaled for the screen was flooded with a sea of pale green binary
the driver to get moving. “Hunter,” he responded. “John code in the shape of an eye. She typed in the password
Hunter.” — gameafoot — and scanned the news boards for the
latest news from her father’s associates.

6:13 p.m. She studied the enormous volume of data streaming
through her computer and tried to make sense of it.
Former U.S. Army Sergeant George Deacon twisted
“Coordinates? No, too many variables. Too long to be a
his head around on his shoulders, cracking his neck, and
glanced up at the quarry’s window. She was still at the
The stress reliever ball she obsessively gripped in her
computer, just as she’d been for the last two hours.
hand slipped from her fingers, bounced off her foot, and
“Not the most interesting assignment, is it, Deacon,”
rolled across the bedroom, toward the printer stand.
came Dominic Telling’s voice as he approached.
“Damn,” she grumbled, stomping over to retrieve it,
“You’re supposed to be on the other side of the
“now I’ve lost my train of thought…”
block,” Deacon reprimanded. “We shouldn’t be seen
She stared at the stress reliever with a shocking
realization. “That’s it!” she cried, leaping to her feet and
“Lighten up, Deac. It’s not like we’re staking out
slipping a CD into the computer’s burner. “They are
Carlos the Jackal or anything.”
“You watch too much TV.”
Several seconds later, as the burner’s tray slid open,
Deacon resisted the urge to scream when Telling
the light dimmed in her bedroom — not much, a mere 10
pulled a flask from his breast pocket and offered it to
watts. But it was enough for her to know that someone
had entered the house — someone the ID system didn’t
“Why’s this one so important, anyway?” Telling
asked, taking a long swig of what Deacon preferred to
Without a word, Kara retrieved the CD and slipped
believe was mineral water.
out the window, jumping down to the lawn below and
“She’s family,” Deacon said. “Sister of someone high
around the back of the house.
up over in the U.K.”
Behind her, a man entered the room and scanned
“Room 39?” Telling chuckled. “I hear they ha—”
the interior, then approached and studied the work-
Deacon dropped down on one knee almost before
station. He noted the empty CD tray and smiled.
Telling’s body crumpled into the gutter, three thin trails
He was about to follow through the window when
of blood appearing across his neck. He felt a momentary
the first alarm went off outside — a house alarm,
chill as he pulled his sidearm from the holster at the
preceded sharply by the sound of breaking glass.
base of his back, sure it was just a spring breeze.
Moments later, another alarm, this time a car, complete
Deacon immediately homed in on the area to his
with a metallic voice repeatedly commanding.
right, away from where he’d been looking only
“Step away from the vehicle.”
moments before, and was stunned to find a man dressed
The intruder’s smile widened. Clever girl, he mused,
in a long trench coat and low-brimmed hat with stylish
lifting a spongy ball in the shape and color of a globe
winter shades facing him. The man’s slender fingers
from its resting place on the floor. He lifted the ball and
gleamed in the early evening moonlight.
spun it in his talons. Clever girl indeed.
“Hello, Agent Deacon,” the newcomer crowed.
“Drop your weapon before someone gets hurt,”
Deacon called out, as loudly as he thought he could
get away with on the suburban street. Can’t
wake the neighbors, he thought. Control
woodn’ lik thaaaat…
“I have no weapon,” the newcom-
er replied, lifting his arm so that the
coat fell back to reveal five long
talons, tipped with a glossy sheen.
“And someone has already gotten
Deacon’s vision, now
wildly blurred, faded and
failed as the toxin raced through his
system, lodging in his otherwise healthy
The Cat’s Paw credits scrolled behind Kara as
she hunched closer to the screen.
“Amazing,” she commented to no one in particular.

London, England. Seattle, Washington.
Emily Savage weaved through the halls of the Molly Hendricks left the Stride home with her laptop
Omnium Corporation, rushed past the administrative tucked under her arm, mentally cycling the possibilities.
assistant seated in front of a door labeled “Transworld Thirty paces across the street, she was rudely interrupt-
Transport,” and bounded towards the office just beyond. ed as someone softly grabbed her shoulder. She whipped
“When were you going to tell me?” She raised her around, ready to rail on the interloper and came up
voice even higher than she’d practiced stalking the short. “Oh, Hunter. You… startled me.”
halls. “Got anything yet?” John Hunter asked, his eyes
“Close the door, please,” the twenty-something tight and still. That was how you knew he was serious
strawberry blonde perched behind the desk said. — his eyes lost their humor.
“For God’s sake, my sister’s under Company surveil- “We have about a gig of data Stride was download-
lance and the Shop gets into her house? What kind of ing from what appears to be a Shop domain — at least,
operation are we running that we can’t protect a woman it was behind a Shop frontpage. Looks like only a frac-
in the confines of her own home?” tion of that’s important, though.”
“Calm down, Emily,” Sarah Singleton replied in a “How do you know?”
mock-soothing voice, rising from her seat and closing “That’s all she copied onto a CD before she ran.”
the door. “The situation is under control. Kara has evad- Hunter opened the cabin door to a semi labeled
ed their agent. It’s just a matter of time before we reac- Straight Arrow Pest Control and gestured for Molly to
quir—” enter, then followed her in. Ducking into the sleeping
“Agent? Singular? How many men did the Company cabin and through a small door beyond that was nor-
have on this case?” mally concealed as the cabin’s back wall, Hunter
“Three, as you requested, but their main man was stepped into the body of the semi’s trailer — 55 feet of
recalled when his cover was blown saving Kara’s life.” weapons, surveillance gear, and high-tech wizardry
Sarah Singleton had a way of stating the obvious in compliments of the Company’s friends at R&D.
such an understated tone that most people wanted to “So what is it?” he asked. “Technical specs?”
strangle her. Emily was not unlike her peers. “So Hunter Molly shook her head. “Not likely. Too many vari-
just left her there, knowing she was in danger.” ables, and the fixed math doesn’t make sense for
“This was a reconnaissance mission, Emily. We never PsiTech.”
expected Kara to be targeted by anyone but us. How “May I?” One of the lab technicians lifted Molly’s
could we know she’d stumble onto something the Shop laptop away and another seated both agents in swivel
found important?” chairs in front of a vast array of computer monitors.
“She’s one of Father’s blasted Eyes. Of course she’d Hunter leaned in close to Molly after the technician
find something important. That’s what they do!” Emily was gone and whispered, “I still don’t trust ’em, you
raised her fingers to her forehead in an effort to con- know?”
centrate, to control the panic welling within her. “I want “These guys? They’re fine. It’s the Shop we have to
to go after her,” she said, knowing the response before worry about.”
she asked. “Indeed,” came the gravelly voice of Colonel Alan
“Refused,” Singleton clipped. “You know the rules. Deitrich from a monitor centered between them. The
She doesn’t find out about you — she can stay on the Company Control waited until both agents were paying
outside.” attention and then continued.
“She’s harmless,” Emily argued. “This is now a rescue mission. We’ve confirmed that
“She works for your father,” Singleton stated flatly. the man who killed agents Deacon and Telling was a
“That hardly qualifies as harmless.” Shop operative who operates under the codename Strik-
Emily knew she was right. It was part of the reason 9.”
she’d moved to Britain. Only distance could keep her “Wonderful,” Hunter quipped.
sister safe from their family secret — the proverbial “What’s wrong? Who is this guy?” Molly asked.
thorn in the Archer Foundation’s side. “High-paid, known Shop assassin. Coats six-inch
“Now that this is a rescue mission, Hunter’s been talons over each hand with a mutagenic poison,”
reassigned. Let him handle it.” Control replied. “Uses his own blood on the blades.
“He’s the best,” both women said together. Cycles through mutations so quickly we can’t devise an
“Oh,” Molly sighed. “Sorry I asked.”
“Got it!” the female technician called over the chaos

of the battle bus interior. “They’re coordinates, but not Hunter clipped it with the Saab. The Company would
on earth.” pay for the damage (or rather, the U.S. government
“Where” Hunter asked. would). As the car sped across the open field between
“Outer atmosphere. Likely a satellite or space plat- the compound’s outer perimeter and the launch zone,
form.” Hunter saw that the transport rocket was already on the
“Better and better,” Molly smirked as a signature pad and cursed the Company for not having another
grin spread across Hunter’s face. “What are you smiling Sagittarius at the airport as he requested. The improved
about?” horsepower of the Foundation sports car might have
“I know where she’s going.” gotten them here a few precious minutes earlier…
“Where?” “The rocket’s prepped,” Molly mimicked his words.
“I’ll tell you on the way. Come on.” Hunter led Molly “I know,” Hunter spat back at her.
over toward their custom-built Sagittarius (“with all the “They’re ready to launch.”
usual refinements, of course”), waving bye to the “I know!”
Colonel on his way.
10:46 p.m.
Overwatch Monitoring Station Delta-4.
Kara skidded to a halt as they passed the security
95 miles northeast of Vancouver, Canada.
station closest to the pad. Displayed on the screen were
10:12 p.m.
two figures, running past the slumbering guards Argus
“Are you sure about this?” Kara asked, peering had subdued. “We have company!” she screamed to her
through the chain link fence around the innocuous father, not realizing her unintentional pun.
compound. Inside, a few lone guards patrolled the “There’s no time!” Argus called back to her. “We
grounds. have to leave… now!”
“Absolutely,” Argus answered. “The coordinates you Kara pulled herself away from the station and fol-
downloaded from that Foundation site were quite clear- lowed closely behind her father, questioning their
ly spatial coordinates.” actions for the forty-sixth time that evening.
“Spatial. As in space,” Kara said, the queasy feeling
returning to her stomach. 10:51 p.m.
“As in outer space, my dear.”
Hunter darted across the enormous field of catwalks
“Don’t be superior, father,” Kara admonished.
leading to the launching pad with the tense ferocity of
Argus beamed, the way he only beamed in pictures
a charging tiger. Molly, hard-pressed to keep up behind
from his old days in the field, as part of the Archer
him, made sure he didn’t run into anything sharp — or
Foundation’s Cold War elite. Pictures Kara was never
allowed to see.
The shockwave from lift-off stopped both agents
“How do you expect us to get into this place, any-
dead in their tracks, and knocked Molly back off her feet
way?” Kara continued.
into the hard steel behind her. Hunter crouched to avoid
“Elementary, dear,” Argus proclaimed, lifting his
the bulk of the blast, but kept his eyes on the rocket arc-
cane and sliding it open. Within she could make out a
ing into the sky above them, knowing it was too late.
long, thin blade, polished to a brilliant silver gleam. He
Molly promised to send a gift basket to the folks
whipped out the sword, slicing through the chain link
who’d failed to have the Sagittarius waiting for them at
with incomparable grace. Kara didn’t even think she
the airport, and lifted herself to her feet. Shifting her
heard the sound of the links splitting apart. “We kindly
weight, she kicked something small which was lying on
ask the guards for their keycards, and when they refuse,
the steel weave of the catwalk — a six-inch talon.
we knock them unconscious and steal them.”
“Ah, yes. Of course.”
Overwatch Space Platform Skypilot. Six hours later.
10:42 p.m. “How long?” Argus called over the rising din in the
central compartment.
Hunter pulled into the Overwatch compound drive-
“Three minutes,” Kara answered. “Maybe less.”
way and leaned on the horn. “Come on, buddy!
“Perfect.” Argus’ fingers danced gracefully across the
Emergency! We haven’t got all night!”
keys of the requisitioned laptop. The screen displayed an
“Now see here, sir…” The angered guard came up
endless array of commands, responding to the defenses
short as he saw the driver of the rental car. “Yes, sir.
of the station’s hidden secondary computer system. The
Right, away, Mr. Hunter.”
data stream paused for a moment, and he reached back
Refusing to wait until the gate was completely open,

Shadowforce Archer

into the tangle of wires hanging out of the laptop’s case smile spreading across his warped, mutated face.
and checked for a loose connection. Instinctively, he flexed the fingers and wrist of his right
“Nice.” Sarcasm dripped from Kara’s words as she hand, releasing more deadly toxin to trickle onto the
launched herself across the compartment, toward the gauntlet’s talons.
astrologics panel. “Who built this place, a blacksmith?” “No!” Argus cried, flinging himself in between them
Argus smiled, only allowing himself a moment’s and shouldering Kara toward the airlock below. “You
glance in the direction of his older daughter before refo- can’t have her, you monster!”
cusing on bypassing the system security. “The Argus caught himself on the station’s ribbing, free-
Overwatch stations weren’t built for looks, dear.” His ing the long blade of his sword-cane.
tone was characteristically level. “But utility.” “One Savage is as good as another,” Strik-9 growled,
Kara dug her feet into crevices beside the panel and swiping at Argus and leaving a thin trail of poison
used the leverage to pull it free of the wall. Behind was droplets in the air between them. “Perhaps better.”
a pit of electronics — wires and circuit boards meshed “There’ll be no bounty for you, Strik-9!” Argus swept
together with no apparent rhyme or reason. Kara smiled out at him to keep him at a distance. “Not today!”
at the familiar sight. “Well, they could have included an Argus didn’t expect Strik-9’s next move, a low kick
instruction manual for this place,” she chided, “a leaflet, to his abdomen, which left him doubled over and tilting
maybe?” backward. His head knocked against the duct frame and
“There,” Argus smiled ruefully, a moment before the he felt light-headed.
panels around him blinked back into action. He turned “England’s greatest secret agent,” Strik-9 gloated,
back to Kara, who had crawled into the pit and attached preparing to strike. “This is how it ends.”
a small device to what appeared to be its core. Argus’ legs suddenly shot out from where they had
“Coordinates?” he requested. curled up to his belly, propelling Strik-9 across the com-
“…and… gotcha!” Kara exclaimed, pulling the device partment. He twisted a cufflink free and threw it after
free and tossing it across the compartment to her father. the villain. “Kara! Close your eyes!”
“What are they targeting?” The cufflink exploded in a shower of sparks,
“Cities,” Argus replied. “Eight cities.” momentarily blinding the villain. Argus looked to Kara,
“With what?” who had righted herself outside Strik-9’s capsule. “Take
“I don’t know.” Argus detached the laptop and hand- the laptop to John Hunter,” he screamed. “The man who
ed it to Kara, then focused his attention on a new piece saved you. Tell him to give it to Control.”
of code. “This is promising—a piece of errant code “What about you?” Kara answered.
tacked onto the end of the transmission. An email, per- “Control!” Argus repeated, his voice suddenly bold
haps?” and sharp. Then he paused, regaining his composure,
“Can you read it?” and smiled warmly. “Don’t worry, child. This is only the
“I think so, yes.” Argus went still, then pale as the beginning.”
screen in front of him displayed a satellite photo beside An iris closed between them, cutting Argus off from
an image of a placid island. view. Kara closed her eyes and, focusing on her father’s
“What’s wrong?” smile, pushed herself into the capsule.
“Of course!” Argus exclaimed. “This isn’t a A moment later, she felt the jolt as it broke away
Foundation mission.” from the station and into the turbulence of re-entry…
“Then who?”
“The Shop. And I know what they’re after.” For the next chapter in the exciting Shadowforce
“Too bad you’ll never have the chance to tell!” Archer saga, pick up The Archer Foundation sourcebook,
“Strik-9!” Argus screamed as Kara dove to intercept on sale soon and visit!
the newcomer. He launched himself toward them, a feral

whose schemes jeopardize the safety of millions, multi-
national syndicates with the resources to bring govern-
ments to their knees, and at times even rogue agents
bent upon ruining the fifty-year old pact that safe-
guards the world from utter destruction.
The world of Shadowforce Archer is a fantastic
Perhaps the most important assignment any agent of
the Archer Foundation accepts is the one that never
ends: ensuring the world is safe, whether it wants to be
reflection of our own, in which heroic superspies protect
or not. The conspiracy to keep knowledge of the world’s
the world against criminal organizations, evil geniuses,
greatest threats (and its greatest champions) a secret is
and many other threats to global security. It is a world
only possible through the efforts of a vast network of
in which action and adventure are the name of the
specialists and informants, not to mention the media
game, conspiracy and cover-ups have replaced trust and
and world governments who support it. But it is ulti-
patriotism, and human evolution has unlocked powers
mately Archer’s agents themselves who must make sure
dreamt of only in comic books and science fiction nov-
that nothing slips through the cracks.
The second lesson of Shadowforce Archer: Things
The world of Shadowforce Archer is many things,
are rarely entirely as they seem.
few of them expected and all of them the stuff of high
adventure. You might want to consider them the next Espionage and Evolution…
time you look outside your window…
The world of Shadowforce Archer has diverged from
Action and Adventure our own in one last all-important way. The dawn of the
21st century has brought with it the realization of true
Think of Shadowforce Archer as your favorite espi-
human potential.
onage movie, television show, or book. Every scene or
chapter offers a new challenge, a new avenue for …of the Human Mind…
intrigue, suspense, and drama. In the world of
The discovery of psionics has brought with it incred-
Shadowforce Archer, every day brings a new mission,
ible powers, abilities ranging from reading minds to set-
bolder and more dangerous enemies, shocking revela-
ting things on fire with a single thought. Mentalism has
tions, surprising and exotic locales, and beautiful new
introduced PsiTech — gadgets which defy the laws of
temptations that threaten both the agent’s wards and
physics and science — physical adepts who regularly
the very fiber of his character. Impossible odds are made
exceed the limits of human strength, speed, and
even through the keen senses and quick reflexes of the
endurance, and telepaths who wage a silent war that
world’s greatest secret agents (and the occasional laser-
only they can comprehend, the battles of which are
watch). Only they stand between the world and those
fought across the treacherous landscapes of the human
who would destroy or dominate it.
Here, the action is extreme, and the adventure never
ends. Russian serum soldiers fight Pan-Asian ninja in …and the Human Spirit
helicopters flying wildly out of control over Prague.
There is one last frontier to be explored — the arcane,
Company operatives chase villains and their henchmen
which is fueled by the human spirit. Artifacts of lost
through the flaming wreckage of their South American
cultures and occult rituals focus this power as a razor-
strongholds. And agents rarely think twice before div-
sharp weapon. Power-mad sorcerers wield ancient pow-
ing into the line of fire to save the world.
ers that can only be countered by the focused strength
The first lesson of Shadowforce Archer: Spies are
of mystic agents trained by the Guardians of the
nothing if not bold.
Whispering Knife, one of the Archer Foundation’s least
Conspiracy and Cover-Ups understood allies.
The final lesson of Shadowforce Archer: The future is
On the surface, the world of Shadowforce Archer
looks just like the one you woke up in this morning, the
world you have comfortably grown up in, the world you
accept on face value. But that comfort and acceptance
comes with a price — one which only the agents of the
Archer Foundation are prepared to pay.
Beneath the surface, the world is far more dangerous
than anyone suspects, filled with brilliant madmen

Shadowforce Archer
loss of life suffered during the Allied forces’ victory, and
looked anxiously toward a time when “the Bomb” might
ANOTHER WAR be used again. A small group of these wary observers
was not content with merely watching, however.
Over the next five years, these individuals observed
Shadowforce Archer is set in the world around you. the spread of Communism through Eastern Europe and
Technology has advanced far beyond anyone’s expecta- Asia, and the birth of what would soon be called the
tions, governments and laws change daily, and the clar- Cold War. It became evident that the world was rapidly
ity of yesterday has been replaced with uncertain- spiraling out of control, that the greatest discoveries
ty and fear. and victories of all time were merely catalysts
But between the doubts and the in a horrible chain-reaction which could
dubious policies, a secret war is only end with the total devastation of civi-
being waged. This war is rarely lization as we know.
ideological, or political, or even On May 8, 1950, five years to the
personal. The soldiers on its day after the German surrender and
front line call it practical, two months before the communist
because the goal of the conflict forces of North Korea invaded to the
— at least for them — is nothing south, seven men and women gathered at
short of protecting the entire the Australian headquarters of Raymond Archer,
world… from itself. a biologist, physicist, and close personal friend of
J. Robert Oppenheimer. They discussed the
A Century of growing dangers posed by rampant techno-
Change logical advances and the tensions of the
History is only a shade incor- Cold War, as well as the proliferation
rect. By and large, events of groups dedicated to profiting
occurred as you have been from these conditions. These eight
taught by the papers, your teach- figures — prominent members of the
ers, and the government. But world’s intelligence agencies — went
there is an underlying truth to work building a solution.
which has remained hidden The result of their efforts was the Archer Pact,
from you, a second layer a private agreement which clandestinely dedi-
beneath the events — concealed cated resources and personnel to policing
beneath a conspiracy of lies and protecting the world from all
concocted to protect you from potential threats, including its
the horrors of the modern age. own governments. This group
The dawn of the second half — the Archer Foundation —
of the 20th century defined is the focus of
this conspiracy. As technologi- Shadowforce Archer.
cal advances made global
physical war an obsolete prac- The
tice, they also engendered a Ecology of
new danger — global devasta- Evil
tion. With the creation of Recently, Archer suf-
“peacekeeping” devices such as fered its greatest setback
the atomic bomb, biological when the Shop — Archer’s
warfare, and industrial espionage, PsiTech research and development
the need to safeguard the world from horrors of its own division — broke away, becoming the world’s newest
creation became painfully clear. criminal organization. Aside from placing many of
Archer’s secrets in the hands of a dangerous new enemy,
The Archer Pact this has jeopardized much of the Conspiracy's structure,
In the months following the attacks upon Hiroshima as agents now question their every move. Until the
and Nagasaki, much of the world cheered the end of break, the Shop pervaded nearly every level of the
what they perceived as the greatest war in human his- conspiracy. Its betrayal means that anyone might be a
tory. But silently, they also mourned the devastating traitor.

This situation drastically altered the way in which Archer’s Cloak & Dagger
the Archer Chambers operate. As the Foundation reels
The Archer Conspiracy operates in total secrecy,
from the news, many of its Agents operate alone, with-
shielded from the public it protects by the same network
out the guidance or support they have long depended
it uses to watch for potential threats. This network is
often referred to as the Conspiracy's Cloak. When secu-
Storm Clouds Gather rity leaks occur, operatives of the local Chamber are
called in to plug them. These agents are often assisted
The Shop’s succession could not have come at a
by other members of the local shadow community, who
worse time for the Foundation. Every day, new and
also benefit from the Cloak.
more powerful enemies creep into sight, waiting for the
When the Cloak fails, the Foundation calls in its
Foundation to show a weakness. The Hand of Glory, a
Dagger — mission teams directed to shut down or elim-
threat forged in the fury of World War II, is close to
inate the leak at all costs. These teams often include the
finding the key to ultimate power — a relic lost thou-
Conspiracy's espionage elite—agents of the very highest
sands of years ago, which may unlock the hidden
caliber, who are prepared to risk everything, up to and
secrets of the universe. And in Russia, allies have
including their own lives, to protect Archer’s secret.
become enemies, turning an entire nation of spies
against Raymond Archer’s protectorate. Chamber Descriptions
The following pages introduce Archer’s Chambers —
their strengths, weaknesses, brief histories, and func-
WORLD APART tions as part of the Archer Conspiracy.
Each Chamber description includes the following:
Shadow Community: The nations and geographic
The Archer Pact carved the world into eight shadow areas governed and protected by the Chamber.
communities — pools of spies, soldiers, informants, spe- Focus: The Chamber’s primary specialty, and the type
cialists, political figures, criminals, and others whom the of mission they are most often called upon to perform.
Foundation periodically calls upon in times of need. Tactics: Common methods and practices.
Each shadow community is administered by a Chamber, Organizations: The real-world organizations the
or branch of Archer operations. Chambers each have a Chamber most commonly draws from.
dedicated staff of full-time agents directed by one or Headquarters: The location of the Chamber’s central
more individuals or small groups known as Control, office.
who in turn answer directly to the Archer Foundation. Control: The name of the Chamber’s director.
This system as a whole is referred to as the Archer
Additional information about each Chamber is avail-
able in Chapter One: World.
Through its Chambers, the Archer Foundation mon-
itors the activities of the world’s shadow communities,
as well the actions of the world’s governments and the
A Word About Accuracy
reports of the world’s media. When something occurs Shadowforce Archer is set in the real world,
that threatens the security of the world, agent teams are and includes real-world organizations, persons,
called in to take care of the problem — usually from the and conflicts. But to maintain the style and flavor we
Chamber where the problem is located. The Archer desire, many liberties have been taken. In all cases we
Foundation has the final say concerning these missions have tried to remain respectful of the conditions our
(the focus of most Shadowforce Archer game sessions), setting is derived from, but in many cases accuracy has
but individual Chambers are usually allowed to direct been sacrificed for playability and fun. Agencies have
their own agents without interference. been combined, altered, and augmented to suit the needs
To keep everyone honest, mission teams are usually of a factionalized roleplaying game, and new goals and
formed from more than one Chamber (i.e. agents are biases have been established to fuel the drama and ten-
summoned from two or more shadow communities to sion commonly seen in spy film and literature. Perhaps
form teams). This practice ensures that no Chamber may most importantly, history itself has been changed in
operate exclusively of the others, but it also gives play- some cases, to support the game’s contention of a global,
ers of Shadowforce Archer a justification for designing century-long conspiracy, and we have intentionally
agents from different factions. deviated from the real world as of 2002. Should any of
our decisions fail to satisfy, we apologize.

Shadowforce Archer


Shadow Community: Technically, Archer’s central required to launch the Pact. Since 1950, the Institute has
Chamber guards and observes everything from the remained at the cutting edge of scientific development,
Malay Peninsula to New Zealand, and shares all sur- specializing in biological and medical research — fields
rounding water bodies with neighboring counterparts, in which it has surpassed even the most cutting edge
but Pan-Asian Collective operations frequently take minds outside the Conspiracy. Through its genome and
place in Archer’s northern territories. psion investigations, the Foundation has pushed
Function: Global surveillance and analysis; supervi- scientific progress farther than anyone else on earth —
sion of all Chambers and direction for all missions save some gifted criminal masterminds which their
(often as field analysts working with teams from other agents face in the field.
Chambers); financing the Conspiracy; psion research The Archer Foundation strives to maintain connec-
and PsiTech design. tions to every intelligence agency, military, corporation,
Tactics: Counterespionage; leadership and organiza- media outlet, secret society, and social group that might
tion; tactical application of psion powers; “constructive provide it with information about global affairs. It also
conspiracy” (using the conspiracy as a political and manages the transportation of agents to areas of crisis,
social weapon); heavy use of specialists. communication between Chambers and teams in the
Organizations: Australian Security and Intelligence field, financing, and recruiting (though Chambers may
Organization (ASIO), Australian Secret Intelligence also recruit on their own).
Service (ASIS), International Reporting and Information Necessarily, the Foundation is compartmentalized —
Service (IRIS), INTERPOL. some even call its internal structure Byzantine. But it is
Headquarters: The Archer Institute for the Sciences, also terrifically efficient, managing a worldwide
a stately modern skyrise in Canberra, just a few blocks network unlike anything since the Roman Empire.
from the offices of the ASIO. It makes the best use of every resource, especially its
Control: “Two” (see below), though rumors persist corps of psion agents, whose minds operate on a level
about the existence and identity of “One”. most ordinary humans cannot even comprehend.
Externally, the Foundation operates through
“Through the character of adversity the world will
Australia’s two principal intelligence agencies — the
know peace.” The Archer family motto has influenced
ASIO (an internal, counterespionage group) and the
the Conspiracy's growth throughout the last fifty years
ASIS (which acts abroad). Both were formed mere
and can be felt in every office of every Chamber around
months before the Archer Pact was established, and
the world, but nowhere is it more prevalent than in
have been compromised on a fundamental level by the
Archer’s own backyard. Pitting friends and enemies
against one another in order to weaken them all, the
Coincidentally, the authority of both agencies has
Foundation has elevated the motto to an extreme bat-
recently increased several-fold, which makes many
tlefield ethic. Its agents are cunning strategists, hard-
outsiders nervous. Though publicly unexplained, this
ened spies, and brilliant psions of the highest degree, all
augmentation is part of a calculated Archer stratagem
trained at the Foundation’s front organization, the
aimed at countering the loss of the Shop, and the
Archer Institute for the Sciences.
myriad problems their betrayal has caused (see page 55
The Institute was operational for some time before
for more).
the Pact formed in 1950. Raymond Archer’s dream of
This Chamber’s Control is known only as Two. Little
global security was born of the first and second World
is known about this guarded man or his origins, other
Wars, and fermented for many years before it became a
than his being a veteran of the Cold War. Two has no
reality. Prior to the start of the Cold War, the Archer
interests outside the Conspiracy, and is wholly dedicated
Institute was known as a think-tank specializing in
to Raymond Archer’s vision. One of the most powerful
political, military, and social analysis, which world
psions on the planet, Two has been called “the next step
leaders turned to for advice and counsel in times of cri-
in human evolution.”
sis. This reputation gained the Institute much wealth
and influence, as well as the contacts and knowledge



Shadowforce Archer


Shadow Community: The African continent, includ- The African Alliance is the youngest of Archer’s
ing Madagascar — Egypt and the Middle East are shared Chambers, and was not represented (or even considered)
with the Guardians of the Whispering Knife (see page during the 1950 caucus that inspired the Conspiracy.
24); surrounding seas are shared with other Chambers. The Chamber was the brainchild of its current Control,
Focus: Special operations (see below); spy training. Elias “Tendaji” Graham, a South African national and
Tactics: Modern espionage/covert tactics; gunplay; well-known philanthropist. Graham was recruited into
heavy use of physical adepts and interpersonal skills. the deranged schemes of a genocidal madman known as
Organizations: National Intelligence Agency (NIA), Helix, a powerful psion who desired to spread the genetic
The National Intelligence Coordinating Committee purity of awakened mental powers across the globe.
(NICOC), The South African National Defense Force Helix conceived and built the Lodge (he called it
(SANDF), South African Police Service (SAPS), South Eden) to cultivate the psion gene, but his tampering
African Secret Service (SASS). accidentally released a psion plague which killed three
Headquarters: A private compound on the Comoro out of every four people it came in contact with. (For
Islands (“The Lodge”). more about this critical event in the Shadowforce Archer
Control: Elias “Tendaji” Graham. history, see page 41).
Graham alerted Archer to Helix’s plan early enough
Though remote and relatively self-contained, the
for them to contain the plague and cover it up, and then
Chamber known as the African Alliance has a broad
lobbied to set up a new Chamber in Helix’s base.
scope and an incredible responsibility: they are in
Graham’s argument was sound; with Africa torn by
charge of what Archer obliquely refers to as special
internal strife and often overlooked by outside
operations. In essence, special operations are what
intelligence agencies, a local Chamber could go largely
Archer does every day — covert missions in which the
unnoticed, and help the Foundation bring the
scope and threat are both global. But where most
tumultuous area back under control.
Chambers specialize in particular skills and techniques,
Since its inception, the African Alliance has grown
agents of the African Alliance are broadly trained,
into one of Archer’s strongest, most stable Chambers.
offering the most versatile range of options possible
With no history or prior allegiances, the Alliance was
when in the field, and therefore the best chance of
able to infiltrate every level of the South African
successfully completing tasks with no clear or immediate
government as it reorganized, and covertly helped to
rebuild the nation’s intelligence agencies after full
Alliance agents usually begin their education at the
democracy came in 1994. This stability has earned the
NIA’s intelligence academy, one of the world’s foremost
Alliance a respect that some other Chambers — notably
spy schools, but it is the grueling training ground at the
the Company and the Russian Confederacy — are rarely
Alliance’s private island headquarters — the Lodge —
afforded. Today the Alliance is critically important to
where their finest agents are born, or rather reborn.
Archer’s mission, and beyond its special operations,
The Lodge’s external appearance is very much in
trains many of the Conspiracy's agents.
keeping with its innocuous name; from the air, the
Elias Graham, who has run the Chamber since its
seven-mile island looks like a private estate or vacation
inception, is a rare breed. He maintains a public life
resort. But beneath the welcoming paradise is a techno-
outside his Archer duties, working for unilateral
logical wonder, a sprawling subterranean complex from
freedom and civil rights in his homeland and across the
which the Alliance’s operations are staged and the
globe. He is fast becoming one of the most respected
neighboring continent is observed. Supplied with a con-
social reformers in the world, and his extra-curricular
stant stream of minute-to-minute data by Archer’s pri-
activities may soon preclude his responsibilities to the
vately-owned satellite relays, the Alliance remains in
Conspiracy. But until then, Graham remains one of most
constant touch with its territory even while hidden deep
nurturing and loved of Archer’s Controls. His agents are
beneath the waves.
unwaveringly loyal, and accept his commands without



Shadowforce Archer

Shadow Community: The Americas, Canada, Perhaps the worst of these revelations was Operation
and Greenland; surrounding seas are shared with MKULTRA, the misguided CIA research project into
neighboring Chambers. mind control and genetic manipulation. Again without
Function: Enforcement. authorization, the Company privately devoted many of
Tactics: Military and paramilitary action; strategic its healthy psions to the project, as well as a quantity of
reconnaissance; sabotage; propaganda; “the business of the serum originally used to induce psion powers (see
war”. page 40 for more). In the end, MKULTRA resulted in
Organizations: Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), nothing more than several high-profile deaths (often by
Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), Department of suicide) and a cadre of psychotics with the power to
Defense (DoD), National Security Agency (NSA), topple small buildings.
National Security Council (NSC). Archer “cleaners” (trouble-shooters) had to be called
Headquarters: A training camp southwest of Butte, in to hunt down the psion maniacs and clean up
Montana (“The Kennel”). the Company’s mess. Though largely successful,
Control: Colonel Alan Deitrich (Ret.). the incident still forced Archer’s hand. Following in the
U.S. government’s own footsteps, the Company was
The Central Intelligence Agency has long been called
methodically removed from public scrutiny. Cutting ties
“The Company,” a moniker promoted only within the
with its CIA roots, the Company withdrew deeper into
organization’s ranks. Outsiders are discouraged from
the U.S. intelligence system and was restructured.
using the name, which seems to be reserved as a private
During the last two decades, the Company hid within
term for operatives alone. But there is is another reason
the U.S. government, offering up its parent organization
for the name, one which has been buried beneath fifty
when necessary to dodge the media or internal auditors.
years of fraternity and public acceptance. The Company
Their current mission is narrow; they are an operations
— the real Company — works for the Archer Conspiracy.
arm, doing what they know best — policing the world.
The Conspiracy is more entrenched in the United
Even after the scandals, the Company has been
States than in any other nation, which makes it both
unable to completely cut their ties with the U.S., which
very strong and very vulnerable. With the tremendous
unknowingly provides the Chamber with funding and
resources of the world’s largest superpower at its
personnel — as well as one of their leading training
disposal, Archer has made great strides in its mission,
grounds and recruiting centers, the Farm (Camp Perry,
but the many scandals that have plagued the United
Virginia — see page 76). Relying on a core group of
States intelligence community — especially the CIA —
conspirators within the U.S. government, the Company
are a grave danger to Archer. In fact, American scandal
siphons resources using forged paperwork, misdirection,
nearly destroyed them.
and lies. Normally, the Foundation would avoid the
The first nail in what might have been Archer’s
danger inherent with such a large-scale contrivance, but
coffin came in 1961, when the CIA—and parts of the
the enormous wealth and firepower of the United States
Company, without the authorization or guidance of the
government is simply too much to ignore.
Archer Foundation — orchestrated a covert paramilitary
Archer’s U.S. Control assumed his post when the
invasion of Cuba with the intent of deposing Fidel
Shop recently declared independence (an act made
Castro. This fiasco, known as the “Bay of Pigs,” drew the
possible mainly through the Company’s myriad political
world’s attention to the CIA and the Company.
and military connections). Alan Deitrich is a retired
This failed operation was not the only one undertaken
career military intelligence officer, and his sole respon-
by the Company without Archer’s blessing. During the
sibility is to keep the Company in line. Trained at the
remainder of the 1960s and through the 1970s and
Farm and later the Company’s own Kennel, Deitrich is
1980s, a laundry list of indiscretions were revealed,
more than prepared for the challenge. He’ll bring the
bringing the Conspiracy closer to the brink of discovery
Company back from the brink — at any cost.
and destruction.



Shadowforce Archer
Shadow Community: Everything west of the Russian The Gemeinschafft Consortium was already in place,
Federation except the United Kingdom and Ireland, though for how long is still a topic of wild debate.
including France, Germany, Belgium, Greece, Italy, During the 1950s, Vangeli assured Raymond Archer and
Czechoslovakia, and others; surrounding seas are shared his allies that the Consortium was still in its “infancy,
with neighboring Chambers. only a twinkle of greatness…” But urban myth through
Function: Economic espionage; industrial espionage; the streets and markets of Germany and France place
political levering; conspiracy as a high art form. them at conferences dating back to the turn of the cen-
Tactics: Disinformation; information and media tam- tury, and earlier.
pering; mediation; slander; terrorism. The Gemeinschafft Consortium has guided the last
Organizations: Direction Générale de la Sécurité five decades of Europe’s growth, rebuilding its unity,
Extérieure (DGSE), Central Directorate of General independence, and financial security. Lasting improve-
Information (DCRG, for specialists only), Federal ments such as the European Economic Community
Intelligence Service (BND), and various terrorist and (today known as the European Union) and its proposal
criminal elements when necessary. for universal currency are their designs. The fall of the
Headquarters: Mobile (though rumors persist that Berlin Wall, reunification of Germany, and restructuring
one or both Chamber Controls have their own strong- of corrupt intelligence agencies also reflect their work.
holds hidden somewhere in Europe). But skeptics still voice concerns about the
Control: Stefan Bartolomei (for the European Union) Consortium’s influence upon the European landscape,
and “Fade” (see below). warning that allowing any single group this much
control is asking for a powerful enemy. For now, Archer
Conspiracy theorists have long presumed the exis-
allows the Consortium to handle affairs in Europe —
tence of a shadowy group of power brokers, hidden
with the advice of not one but two Controls.
behind a veil of industrial discretion and polite distance,
The first is Stefan Bartolomei, a retired member of
whose fingers tightly clutch the strings which make the
the DGSE’s covert Action Service (the branch of French
world dance. This group of bankers, media moguls,
intelligence devoted to covert military operations), with
commercial tsars, political analysts, and outright crimi-
numerous contacts throughout the French, German, and
nals has been given many names — the Bavarian
Italian governments. Stefan filters pertinent information
Illuminati, the Bilderbergers, the New World Order…
to the Consortium through the global information
In truth, they are called the Gemeinschafft
channel, and organizes most local Archer missions.
Consortium, and they established the European branch
Mission teams assigned by Stefan Bartolomei tend to
of Archer’s espionage and political maneuvering. Their
be composed of military and ex-military commandos,
founder, a pre-war capitalist labor baron named Bruno
toughened espionage agents whose purpose was lost
Vangeli, was known to Raymond Archer long before the
when the Cold War ended, and — much to the Archer
Pact, and his contacts spoke for themselves. Vangeli
Foundation’s chagrin — not a few former terrorists.
operated a vast network of contacts in all levels of
Bartolomei claims that these latter individuals offer him
European society and government, and offered the Pact
a unique weapon on the criminal’s own level, and a
its best chance to stabilize the upheavals which had
window into the world’s underbelly, but the leash he has
plagued Europe in the past.
been allowed with them is short… very short.
Europe has always been a hotbed of political
The second is something of a mystery. “Fade” (as he
intrigue. The birthplace of modern espionage, Europe
is known among Europe’s criminal elite) was assigned
epitomized the best and the worst of spying. With two
directly by Archer and operates his own agent teams
World Wars and four decades of conflict as evidence, it
according to his own protocols. Fade’s agents are culled
was readily apparent that the area required special
from the streets and prisons of Europe, where they are
attention, especially during the Conspiracy's formative
known as thieves (often of quite high-end merchandise)
and miscreants of all sorts.



Shadowforce Archer
Shadow Community: The Saudi Arabian peninsula, commune with the recently deceased and at times even
as well as Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and north- channel them.
ern Africa (including Egypt); surrounding seas (and the Keepers of the secret mystic history of the world,
Persian Gulf) are shared with neighboring Chambers. the Guardians know the true rise and fall of kings,
Function: Protectorate of ancient knowledge; para- countries, and continents. They are privy to whispered
normal investigation; wetworks (assassination) and truths shielded by thousands of years of lies, and are
infiltration. rumored to know the dark origins of the human soul.
Tactics: Mystic warfare (spiritual magic); melee com- Umbra was the first Guardian to communicate with
bat (especially with blades); stealth; terrorist and guer- Conrad Archer and his allies at Room 39, sent to assist
rilla warfare; poison, intimidation, and guile; survival them when psionics unexpectedly surfaced again in the
tactics. early part of the 20th century (see page 34 for more
Organizations: None (see below). about the origins of modern psion powers). But Umbra
Headquarters: Unknown. was far from the last Guardian to work with the Archer
Control: None, and all (see below). family. Raymond Archer forged an alliance with the
society himself when the Pact was established in 1950,
In G’lilot, just north of Tel Aviv, Israel, there is
sure that their unique experience and skills would be
a building called the Center for Special Studies,
a great asset to the protectorate. He has never been
a labyrinthine stone structure with many courtyards,
each dedicated to a period of history in the Arab-Israeli
Today, the Guardians are the Foundation’s paranor-
conflict. Engraved on the walls of this memorial are the
mal watchdogs, and those who are sent on missions
names of more than 400 intelligence officers who have
involving the supernatural and the occult. They are also
died in active duty over the last fifty years. A special
included when missions require fast and quiet infiltra-
corner of the memorial is without names, in honor of
tion, and sometimes when an investigation requires…
the men and women whose duties cannot yet be
additional information from a body. Finally, they are
revealed. All of these nameless fallen were members of
occasionally (very rarely) asked to call upon certain
the Israeli intelligence community.
lethal melee techniques they have carried down through
One of them was more.
the centuries. Of this last skill, the Guardians are more
In 1944, a woman known only as Umbra died on the
guarded than anything else — almost as if they are
island of Crete at the hands of the Nazi party. She was
embarrassed by it, remorseful of some horrible atrocity
there with a group of psion and mundane secret agents,
in their long history.
trying to stop the wife of the most feared man in the
Liaisons from the Guardian homeland are stationed
world — Adolf Hitler — from unleashing a creature of
at the home office of each Chamber in the Archer
unimaginable power, an ancient entity capable of
Conspiracy, linked to each other and to their own
plunging the world into eternal hellfire.
Control — a woman named Aurora — through what
The thing that made this woman so much different
appears to be a mystic/telepathic bond. The transfer of
from her peers is that she was one of a select order,
thoughts between them is very fast, and seems to be
a secret society hundreds or thousands of years old,
limited to communication with Aurora herself (or at
dedicated to safeguarding it from supernatural threats
least that’s what the Guardians tell the Foundation).
and knowledge that could drive its inhabitants over the
Aurora is not as secretive as her culture, frequently
brink of insanity. This group is known as the Guardians
making her way into the field — sometimes with mission
of the Whispering Knife.
teams, sometimes alone. Four years ago, Aurora was
The Guardians are an ancient people, guided by
captured by an enemy organization named the
spiritual forces only they can see. Some are powerful
Assassins, for reasons as yet unknown. Since her escape,
mystics, capable of wielding incredible powers by virtue
her private forays have become more common, and
of their faith alone, others are lethal melee experts
more pressing.
whose enchanted knives are forged in the realms of the
dead, and still others are shadespeakers, who can

of The

Shadowforce Archer
Shadow Community: Everything between Mongolia When talk (or thought) fails, however, agents of the
and the Malaysian Peninsula, including China, Japan, Collective have the training to use their bodies to
India, and the Philippines; surrounding seas are shared physically overwhelm any and all potential threats.
with other neighboring Chambers. Knowledge of the ancient traditions of the martial arts
Function: Interrogation; psychological warfare; are imparted to Collective agents, who are often consid-
PsiTech research; reconnaissance. ered near-superhuman by the men and women of other
Tactics: Martial arts; computer espionage; disguise; Chambers. From scaling sheer walls without the use of
long-term planning; stealth; telepathy and mentalism. climbing gear (and sometimes without the use of their
Organizations: Central External Liaison Department hands) to flying leaps across impossible distances to
(CELD); Ministry of State Security; New China News breaking bones by force of will alone, agents of the
Agency. Pan-Asian Collective are considered some of the most
Headquarters: Beijing, China. skilled unarmed combatants in the world.
Control: Tien-Kai Tsong. The origins of Collective martial arts trace back to
the legendary Chinese hero, Wong Fei-Hung. Having
During the Second World War, the Japanese govern-
saved Conrad Archer’s life in 1941 (17 years after his
ment employed small bands of secret police called the
presumed death), Fei-Hung provided the psion (and his
Kempei Tai. These dogged investigators rooted out
philanthropic allies) with intense training and incredible
subversion and betrayal with ruthless determination,
secrets of the eastern disciplines. These became the basis
took suspects into custody without warrant or cause,
for the wildly powerful martial arts learned by agents of
and relentlessly interrogated them — often to death —
the Pan-Asian Collective to this day.
for information about their perceived acts of sedition.
Divorced from their families and friends (often at a
Following World War II, most of the world was still
very young age), Collective agents are also trained in
very nervous about Asia — Japan in particular — and it
the subtle, patient practice of deep cover operations.
privately fell to the members of the Archer Pact to
Once mastery with disguise is achieved, each Collective
ensure that the threat they posed during the conflict
agent develops several completely different identities,
wouldn’t extend into the Cold War. The Pact decided
each with its own distinct appearance, voice, history,
that Archer’s Asian Chamber must take the dangers of
and demeanor. These are tested in various places where
its protectorate seriously, and that just as many of its
the agent is already well-known (like his home town or
resources be dedicated to looking inward as out.
former place of employment) to ensure that he is unde-
Thus, for fifty years, the Pan-Asian Collective has
tectable. Only when an agent can fool his family or a
been patterned after the now-disbanded Kempei Tai,
lover is he released into the world.
whose methods — though often overzealous — were
Collective agents operate alone or in small numbers,
perfectly suited for their twofold mission. Though
infiltrating towns, embassies, government installations,
trained in the espionage schools of existing Asian
or enemy Agencies for months or years at a time and
agencies, Collective agents learn the fine arts of disguise
assuming one of their alternate identities for the dura-
and psychological warfare, how to infiltrate any group
tion. They adopt lifestyles in keeping with their assumed
or government and wrest their secrets from them. Their
roles, their presentations never wavering. Then, one day
lessons focus both on potential enemies and on their
when their new friends and coworkers least expect it,
own governments.
they strike, complete their assigned task, and vanish
Pan-Asian agents are trained to use their personal
into the night.
willpower to overpower their opponents and their minds
The Collective’s current Control is formerly of
to rip information directly from their foes. The
China’s Ministry of State Security. A rigid military offi-
Collective makes heavy use of mentalists and
cer and veteran of the Cold War, his goal is to bring Asia
telepathic psions, recruiting them whenever possible;
out of the isolationism it cultivated after breaking with
after all, how much easier is it to steal someone’s secrets
the former Soviet Union.
when you can rummage through his mind without ever
saying a word?


Shadowforce Archer

Shadow Community: England, Ireland, Scotland; some were fond of was the Dream Suite, and still
surrounding seas are shared with neighboring Chambers. another was the Blue Room, after the color of the walls
Function: Cryptography; counterterrorism; industrial in the isolation chambers where early psions were
espionage; investigation. trained.)
Tactics: Electronic warfare (computer hacking); small In recent years, England’s primary role in the world’s
team tactics; political manipulation; discreet use of intelligence community has changed, and her unofficial
strategic force. psion branch has changed with it. With the Cold War
Organizations: Defense Intelligence Service (DIS), over and terrorism on the increase everywhere, it has
Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), become necessary for a line of defense to be drawn;
Secret Intelligence Service (MI6), and the Special Air Room 39’s contribution is the Ultracorps, a covert tactical
Service Regiment (22 SAS). squad trained to counter threats both foreign and
Headquarters: The Omnium Corporation, World domestic. Operating under the code name PALLADIUM,
Headquarters (London, England). Ultracorps frequently answers the call for ready
Control: Sarah Singleton, Omnium CEO. combatants in Archer’s secret war. Brazen yet perfectly
regimented, Ultracorps is a finely-honed weapon with
From 1914 to 1919, Room 40 of the Old Admiralty
only one credo: “Fortune favors the bold!”
Building in Whitehall was occupied by a band of crack
Alongside the commandos of Ultracorps is the second
British codebreakers whose function it was to unravel
half of Room 39’s modern incarnation: the Broken Seal.
enemy ciphers. These brilliant men and women proved
Almost entirely composed of hacker rebels from
invaluable for the war effort, and earned themselves a
Generations X and Y, the Broken Seal’s mission is one
permanent place in the history books. But had anyone
of electronic warfare and industrial espionage. Jointly a
ever realized what was happening right next door,
team of computer specialists and field investigators, the
things might be remembered much differently.
Broken Seal can uncover the truth about anything or
According to Royal Navy records, Room 39 was
anyone, and support Ultracorps during its missions.
occupied by a specialized communications project dur-
Historically, Ultracorps has been the dominant partner
ing the War, but in reality the small office was devoted
in this relationship, but with the recent appointment of
to psion research, with particular interest in ESP and
a hacker as Chamber Control (see below), this is starting
to change.
Powers of the mind were considered little more than
Room 39’s most dangerous adversary is also perhaps
a crackpot science at the time, and were not revealed to
their greatest smoke screen. Britain’s counterespionage
many nations until the Treaty of Versailles in 1919. As
branch, MI5, has long suspected the presence of a rogue
a result, Room 39 was allotted few resources and even
spy operation in the U.K., and has recently acquired
fewer personnel; only the endorsement of key political
reason to believe that such an organization is not only
and military figures who believed in the operation’s
active but deeply rooted in the United Kingdom.
potential kept it going. But in time Room 39 proved just
With full approval from Parliament, MI5 is now track-
as important as its neighbor; by the start of the Second
ing down leads in Britain, searching for their unseen
World War, the operation offered Britain more informa-
foe. Sooner or later, one of those leads is going to pay
tion about psion powers than any other government—
off… (For more about this conflict within the British
and a way to use them.
Chamber of the Archer Conspiracy, see page 130.)
During World War II, the occupants of Room 39 were
The British Control at the moment is Sarah
moved to a larger, more comfortable headquarters, and
Singleton, the youngest Control in the Conspiracy's
were renamed Project MESSENGER. Their mission was
history and a prodigal find of the Broken Seal division.
also expanded from simply researching psion powers to
Gifted with remarkable intelligence and uncanny skill
using them in the field for active espionage.
with computers, Sarah is a strong leader, if an imper-
Unofficially, however, the men and women of Britain’s
sonal one (see page 135).
psion branch continued to call it Room 39, and their
successors have upheld the tradition. (Another name



39 29
Shadowforce Archer
Shadow Community: The Russian Federation; his Soviet handlers. Soon, the rest of the atomic spy ring
surrounding seas are shared with neighboring Chambers. — and the full extent of Russia’s betrayal — was
Function: Rebuilding Russia (“cleaning house”); revealed.
counterespionage; military counsel; equipment and The discovery could not have come at a worse time.
munitions supply. As part of the Archer Pact, it was decided that the
Tactics: Illicit psion, chemical, and biological Russian Chamber would itself act as a mole — an entire
research; police techniques, foreign intelligence data division of moles — scattered across the nation in every
collection; healthy black market sales. military and intelligence agency. Archer’s Russian
Organizations: Federal Agency for Government agents would counter the Cold War from within.
Communications and Information (FAPSI), Federal In 1991, revolution shredded the Iron Curtain and
Border Service (FPS), Federal Security Service (FSB), toppled the Berlin Wall, and Russia was laid bare before
Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), Chief Intelligence the rest of the world. The image was bleak indeed.
Directorate of the General Staff (GRU), Ministry of Russia’s coffers were empty and her people were starv-
Internal Affairs (MVD). ing. The great Red Menace had festered from within,
Headquarters: Khodynke Airfield, Moscow (“The neglected until only a bleeding, hollow shell remained.
Aquarium”). Of course, the Foundation was already well aware of
Control: Chief Marshal Davros Oleksandre. Russia’s condition, and stepped in to help the faltering
giant back to its feet (suitably hobbled, of course).
Early psion research (before the discovery and
But when the Russian intelligence services were disas-
exploitation of the human genome) was limited to
sembled, new indiscretions were revealed: a thriving
chemical triggering in the form of a potent serum
black market selling off global secrets and weapons of
devised by the field’s pioneers (see page 36 for more
mass destruction; frightening forays into biological and
about the early awakening of psion powers). The serum
chemical warfare; enemy moles and double agents in
force-awakened psion powers almost instantly, but used
nearly every level of government; evidence of contin-
the subject’s regular mental faculties to fuel the change.
ued serum-soldier research; and worst of all, the defec-
The stress was nearly always too much to bear. In the
tion of the entire Chamber under the leadership of a
end, most subjects of this process were dead within a
criminal organization dating back to the era of Stalin.
month; the remainder were hopelessly insane, confined
Russia is now firmly in the hands of a criminal
for the rest of their miserable lives to hidden sanitari-
organization known as P.E.R.I.L. (the Project for
ums, or worse.
Expansion, Retribution, Iniquity, and Lies), whose roots
Reasonably safe methods of nurturing psion abilities
in the Soviet espionage arena have well prepared them
were eventually developed by the mentalists of the
to combat the Archer Foundation. They have a
Archer Foundation, consisting of genetic manipulation,
forty-year head start in the area, allies through the
daily training exercises, and rigorous lifelong discipline.
government and criminal underground, and worst of all,
These discoveries were distributed throughout the
control of Archer’s Russian Chamber (see below).
Conspiracy, and serum testing eventually came to a halt.
Archer’s mission in the former Soviet Union has
By 1950, the serum was considered obsolete, and
changed. No longer caretakers, agents now root out and
inhumane. The Archer Pact included explicit directives
gouge away corruption wherever they find it, using the
ordering the destruction of all serum samples and
nation’s own system against itself. Their task is not easy.
prohibiting further serum-soldier research.
Russia’s society is nearly eighty years behind the times,
This was the second rule Russia ignored.
and many regions have fallen under mob rule. The gov-
The first was brought to light in January, 1950, when
ernment is a landscape of lies, treachery, and violence.
Klaus Fuchs — a scientist at Oppenheimer’s Los Alamos
And Chief Marshal Davros Oleksandre—the man who
laboratory — confessed to being a Soviet mole, and
misled the Foundation for twenty years—refuses to
transmitting information about U.S. atomic research to
relinquish Chamber Control. Without leaders, the sol-
diers on this battlefield face an entirely different kind of
secret war.



Shadowforce Archer

9 4 8

Shadow Community
Influence Zones
Chamber Headquarters
1 = Archer Foundation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Archer Institute for the Sciences — Canberra, Australia
2 = African Alliance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "The Lodge" — Comorro Islands, Africa
3 = Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "The Kennel" — Outside Butte, Montana, USA
4 = European Commonwealth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mobile
5 = Guardians of the Whispering Knife . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unknown
6 = Pan-Asian Collective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beijing, China
7 = Room 39 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Omnium Corporation — London, England
8 = Russian Confederacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "The Aquarium" — Moscow, Russian Federation
9 = Archer Family Sanctuary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Private Subterranean Base — Iceland

= Chamber HQ

“It’s interesting how one sets out to control
the future, and winds up concealing the past.”
– Aurora,
The Guardians of the Whispering Knife

Shadowforce Archer
continue studying the recovered fragments of Linear
Script A, in the hopes of securing a refined translation
For the most part, the alternate history of
and a place in history.
What he eventually found would change the world.
His work revealed that Linear A was mathematical in
Shadowforce Archer mirrors our own. There are several
nature, intended to measure, define, evaluate, and even
points at which it deviates, however. The following
explore the world with incredible precision. The script
sections document some of the most divergent events of
was created by a culture that predated the Minoans,
the last hundred years, decade by decade, focusing on
which had made unbelievable scientific leaps before a
the rise of psion abilities and the birth and spread of the
sudden, unexplained decline. They understood much
Archer Conspiracy. Additional information about this
about science that “modern” thinkers of the late
shadow history will be included in most forthcoming
nineteenth and twentieth centuries were only just
Shadowforce Archer supplements.
rediscovering — and even more that had not yet been
The 1900s: Discovery considered.
One such discovery was, according to the transla-
The most influential divergence was also one of the
tions, so incredible that the pre-Minoans had buried it
first, dating back over five thousand years. In 1900,
in their final years, in the center of a labyrinth deep
British archaeologist Sir Arthur Evans unearthed
within a mountain on the Greek mainland.
the palace of Knossos, the capital of the ancient Minoan
Schillingsfield, now obsessed with unraveling the
civilization, on the Greek island of Crete. Evans
secrets of the pre-Minoans, pulled every string he had to
recovered many relics of great historical value,
fund an expedition to the labyrinth’s location, and set
including over 2,000 items inscribed with one or both of
out for Greece.
two previously unknown language systems. He named
In the spring of 1903, Schillingsfield set out for the
these languages Linear Scripts A and B.
Greek mainland with European explorer Conrad Archer,
As far as the world at large is aware, only Linear
where they clandestinely scoured the area until they
Script B was ever deciphered — by English architect
found an entrance to the subterranean maze. It took
Michael Ventris in 1953. Ventris determined that Linear
another three weeks before Schillingsfield and Archer
B was in fact an archaic Greek dialect, though it was
discovered what they calculated to be the exact center
clearly much earlier than any previously found (being
of the maze. Breaking down an ancient stone wall,
700 years older than the earliest classic Greek). Linear
they entered another room, lost for countless centuries,
Script B is now considered the oldest known
and carefully picked their way through the darkness.
Indo-European writing system in existence.
The room was vast, and its odd dimensions confused the
Linear Script A, on the other hand, has always
explorers, but it was apparently empty.
remained something of a mystery — at least to the world
After several days of searching, the pair finally
at large. In truth, the method for unraveling it was
accepted their fate — either there was no discovery to be
found several months after Evans’ initial discoveries on
made, or Schillingsfield’s translations had been wrong.
Crete, during an investigation of a storeroom buried far
But while gathering their gear to leave, Archer’s thumb
beneath Knossos. Much by accident, two of Evans’
grazed a sharp spike of rock near the foundation,
assistants — Sir Avery Schillingsfield and his wife,
breaking the skin. The spike was discolored, but
Evelyn — stumbled onto an even deeper level, previously
appeared harmless, so Archer ignored the minor injury
unknown to the explorers. The area contained a hidden
and returned to his packing.
tomb, holding the remains and collected treasures of a
The truth of what had happened to him would not be
ruler preceding the famed Minos, and indeed the whole
discovered for eight years.
of the Minoan empire. Among these treasures was a
remarkable stone tablet, explaining Linear Script A with The 1910s: Strife
startling simplicity.
The world underwent radical changes during
Being inherently ambitious (though not particularly
the 1910s. Europe plunged into the first global war,
ethical), Sir Avery concealed the hidden room and kept
industrialization put an indelible mark upon the nature
it from his colleagues as he deciphered bits and pieces
of combat, and Russia endured a bloody revolution
of Linear Script A. All the while, his wife, who had
which changed the face of modern politics. The century
mysteriously fallen ill shortly after their secret discovery,
was really coming into its own, though it was a painful
grew weak and frail (see page 36 for more about her).
journey and cost humanity many years of peace.
Eventually, Avery was forced to return her to the
The craft of espionage shared in this sweeping,
comfort of the British Isles, where he volunteered to
turbulent change. Though an important part of world

Shadow History
affairs in the past, intelligence-gathering took a front The driver and his friend agreed about what they’d
seat during World War I (1914-1918), as cryptography seen: Conrad Archer had scooped the child up into his
and SIGINT (Signals Intelligence) became the new arms, and rushed forward, up onto and over the moving
weapons of the age. Transmitting coded messages and car!
deciphering those of the enemy doomed and saved Scarcely aware of what he’d done, but somehow sure
countless lives. Intelligence-gathering agencies, that it had happened, Conrad Archer stammered out an
however, were still quite primitive, and some nations apology, offering to pay for any damages. But the
(most notably the United States) had no established driver ignored him, pressing for an explanation of his
information centers at all. incredible feat. When the explorer could provide none,
Against this backdrop, the drama begun with the the driver asked him to see him in his
discoveries on Crete continued. Conrad Archer now had London office, explaining that he was
a son, Raymond, but even fatherhood could not a “doctor of sorts.” Archer,
quell his wanderlust, unsure and a little frightened
and Conrad soon by what was happening,
found himself agreed to meet with the man,
traveling to the who gave the name “Glentry.”
four corners of Over the following three
the earth in months, Glentry’s office —
search of the past. the Society for Psychical
In 1911, during an Research (SPR) — probed
exploratory hike in Conrad Archer’s back-
Peru, Conrad and two ground, searching for the
others were caught in source of his unusual
crossfire during a border abilities. They studied
dispute. Without hesitation him closely and,
and lacking any weapons, on three separate
Conrad suddenly burst into occasions, were
action, subduing several gunmen able to trigger
and routing the rest. After the his latent reflexes.
shooting stopped, his companions Eventually, they
were shocked at his prowess. They decided that Archer’s
said that he moved “like the fastest, condition was too compli-
strongest man they had ever seen.” cated, too incredible, for
Unsure what had happened, the Society to handle
Conrad tried to recall the attack alone. They offered him
without success; the moment the chance to join a group
was little more than a blur in which could help him, an
his mind. office within British Intelligence
Unable to explain the incident, Conrad devoted exclusively to the study of
focused on the situation at hand. In time, the expedition psychic phenomena, with whom the Society occasionally
uncovered the lost city of Machu Picchu, which to this worked: Room 39. Archer agreed to the transfer and
day is heralded as one of the greatest archaeological spent many weeks in the “Dream Suite,” under the
discoveries of all time. Conrad returned to his home in careful observation of Britain’s finest unconventional
London with newfound wealth, looking forward to a minds.
few quiet years with his wife and son. Room 39 determined early on that Conrad was
Nine months later, while Conrad was visiting a “channeling” the abilities of one or more highly-skilled
friend in Gravesend east of London, young Raymond combatants, and that his body was reacting to the
wandered off on his own. Conrad noticed a few experience with increased strength, speed, and durability.
moments later, just as the boy was stepping out in front But the real breakthrough came that winter, when an
of an oncoming motor car, and raced across ten yards unusual woman appeared at the Dream Suite’s door
and into the path of the speeding auto. A moment later, claiming to know how Conrad Archer had gained his
unaware of what had happened, he found himself amazing powers.
behind the vehicle, which had swerved off the road and
into a ditch.

Shadowforce Archer
The woman called herself Umbra, and spoke with a For the next three years, Room 39 scoured the
thick accent. She dressed in dark robes which concealed markets and museums of the world (legal and illicit),
her form and, as the agents of Room 39 later discovered, searching for the lost relic: a tribal statue in the shape
a wide array of lethal weapons. of a chameleon. But it remained hidden until 1915,
Umbra never revealed how she had entered the Old when an American collector claimed to have acquired it
Admiralty Building undetected, or how she had known for his private preserve.
to go there in the first place. She merely explained that Room 39 purchased the artifact and arranged to
Conrad Archer was now the vessel of one-third of the have it shipped across the Atlantic on the transport liner
greatest power the world had ever seen, and calmly Lusitania. But as the ship neared the coast of Ireland,
waited to be invited in. it was torpedoed by a German U-Boat and sunk. Over a
After a lengthy conversation that bred more thousand people died, and the relic was presumed lost at
questions than answers, Room 39 had some idea sea. (Unknown to Conrad Archer and his allies in Room
what was going on. The hidden chamber in the Greek 39, the sinking of the Lusitania was no accident – it was
labyrinth had indeed held a great treasure — an alchemical the work of Evelyn Schillingsfield and her new allies in
formula which had forever transformed Conrad Archer Germany.)
when he’d nicked his thumb on the stone spike. The The sinking of the Lusitania is considered a major
change was irreversible and had given him incredible contributing factor in the United States’ entry into the
physical abilities. His blood was now a diluted version Great War, which brought the conflict into sharp focus
of the formula, and a serum could be developed from it for the men and women of Room 39. Many of them
to temporarily instill the ability in others. desired to do more than just parse codes, and the agency
The Dream Suite researchers (not to mention Conrad lost many good operatives who volunteered for combat
Archer himself) were stunned, but Umbra continued, duty at the front.
telling them that Avery Schillingsfield’s discovery on In 1919, seven months after the fighting ended,
Crete had released a great evil — a mystic creature which one of them did. From the moment he realized his
was now festering inside Schillingsfield’s crazed wife, incredible powers, Conrad Archer felt the pressure of
Evelyn, growing stronger and more insane by the year. responsibility upon him, and Umbra’s startling
If left unchecked, she would eventually become a revelations only increased the urge to use his powers in
monster the likes of which no one could possibly the service of humanity. So, against the better judgment
comprehend. The being’s only weakness was the formula of all involved, he traveled to France and, behind closed
in Conrad Archer’s veins, and the two companion doors, offered the serum made from his blood to the
samples buried in other ancient sites around the world. assembled leaders at the Treaty of Versailles.
Finally, Umbra delivered the real bombshell: Avery
Schillingsfield had heard about Conrad’s remarkable The 1920s: Research
awakening and returned to his translations. Obsessed Conrad Archer’s decision changed the world.
with gaining similar power, he’d traveled to Egypt and With most of the world’s nations able to produce
scavenged the ruins of Akhenaton IV. The second psychic soldiers — all but Germany, which was left out
formula — the key to awakening higher mind functions of the summit — the landscape of politics and war began
— was already his. to shift. The obvious application of Conrad’s physical
The Dream Suite researchers questioned Umbra at abilities to espionage made the craft all that much more
length, trying to determine where she came from, who important, and most of the ’20s were spent developing
she worked for, and how she knew so much about the agencies and programs geared to take full advantage of
pre-Minoan formula, but those answers would not come the tools at hand.
until much later (see page 100 for much more about Still, knowledge of Conrad’s gift remained largely
Umbra’s group). Instead, she focused on the third under wraps. As a condition on his offer, Conrad
formula, which — until the late 19th century — had been demanded that the world leaders at the summit agree in
buried on the Kibo summit of Mount Kilimanjaro. writing to keep the number of people in the know to a
German missionaries had collected the relic which held minimum, and threatened to withhold serum samples
the formula, and sold it off on the black market. Now it which could not be generated without fresh samples of
could be anywhere. his blood if they broke his trust. In effect, one man held
Umbra offered to remain with Room 39 until the the entire world hostage during this decade.
third formula was found and safely locked away again. Archer remained with Room 39 throughout the ’20s,
The agency graciously accepted her, though she never and together they kept knowledge of the remaining two
quite fit in; in fact, during the years she worked with samples from all others. With Umbra’s help, the Dream
them, no one ever saw her face. Suite rapidly grew into the world’s premiere “psion

Shadow History
intelligence agency” (named after the term Umbra Russian intelligence agencies entered their second
used to describe Conrad’s abilities — psion powers), major revolution as the NKVD was born, and U.S.
and the hunt for Evelyn and Schillingsfield continued. espionage endured growing pains, still hindered by
The former was never seen during this decade, lying low rampant isolationism and a cautious administration.
and spreading her tendrils across Europe (see the time- As at the dawn of the century, Europe found itself at
line for more), but the latter eventually emerged in the front line of global change, as the Spanish Civil War
1923. erupted and a new threat loomed in the future: Adolf
Raymond Archer (now twelve) was staying at the Hitler (hereafter referred to as the Demagogue) and his
Dream Suite, nurturing the abilities he’d inherited from Nazi regime, bent on bringing the world to its knees.
his father. The researchers were keen to determine the After 1938, when Germany occupied Austria and
extent of his abilities, and the probability of recreating seized INTERPOL’s home office, Room 39 targeted the
his spontaneous awakening. Equally curious, Avery Demagogue as an especially dangerous foe. It was then,
Schillingsfield infiltrated the Dream Suite — using during a routine scouting mission, that one of its agents
incredible gadgets his new intellect had devised — and first sighted Evelyn Schillingsfield at his side.
kidnapped the boy. The Dream Suite immediately went into action,
A rescue operation was immediately mounted by planting bugs and collecting data. Within weeks, they
Room 39’s commander at the time, Captain Mansfield had gathered enough information to make them very,
Cumming (“C”). As one of his last acts with the service very afraid. Now operating under the name “Eva Kraus,”
(and MI6), Cumming personally led the mission, which the creature who was once Avery Schillingsfield’s wife
also included Raymond’s father and the infamous was apparently using the Demagogue and his war
Sidney Reilly, a psion soldier (or physical adept, as the machine to collect items of mystic power for purposes
thinkers called them) created from the Archer research. then unknown. She had also convinced the Demagogue
The operation took the team across the English that psion abilities were a gift from God, and that he
Channel into Holland, where Schillingsfield had had been cheated out of them by the other nations of
perverted an SPR cell into a personal cult dedicated to the world. “Now,” she told him, “it is time we took back
his twisted vision. Convinced that the physical adept what is ours… our birthright!”
formula could be harvested from Raymond, the first of The end of the 1930s ushered in the second global
a new generation of spontaneous psions, Schillingsfield war within 25 years, as the Demagogue annexed
was only moments from performing the operation when Czechoslovakia, then invaded Poland. Europe’s
Cumming’s team arrived. production of physical adepts increased twice over, and
The battle that followed was short and bloody. would have tripled if Room 39 had not been so prudent
None of Schillingsfield’s followers were psions, nor were with their serum surplus. Militaries and spy agencies all
they prepared to face trained operatives. Schillingsfield across the world expanded almost out of control. But
himself escaped by virtue of a remarkable device that the true threat — Avery Schillingsfield — was yet to be
produced an inch-thick rubbery barrier none of the seen.
pursuers could break down. The barrier dissolved
minutes later, but Schillingsfield was already long gone. The 1940s: Trial
With Raymond once again safe, the agents returned The 1940s saw the world poised at the very brink of
to their home office and immediately went about collapse. Psion soldiers operated in the intelligence
increasing security. agencies of every nation in the world (save Germany,
The remainder of the 1920s was quiet, though sad. which had its own powerhouse in Eva Kraus).
Within days after returning from the rescue mission, The Japanese secret police known as the Kempei Tai
Captain Cumming became seriously ill and retired. operated with impunity thanks to prime minister Hideki
He died three months later, the result (it was later Tojo, one of their former operatives. The killer elite
learned) of incompatibility with psion serum. SMERSH stalked the icy wastes of Russia, ready and
Non-latents fuel their abilities, quite literally, with their willing to wage the Great Patriotic War. President
own lives. Roosevelt sent General “Wild Bill” Donovan on a
fact-finding mission to Europe, preparing for a conflict
The 1930s: Descent America refused to accept. And in England, Winston
As the 1930s commenced, it became clear that the Churchill organized the Special Operations Executive
world was growing worse. Depression gripped the (SOE) to set Europe ablaze.
United States and turmoil rocked Europe. Nations all During World War II, Room 39 moved, expanded,
over the world were rallying toward something big, and received many additional resources to wage the war
but no one was entirely sure what it was. against the Nazis. It also gained a number of significant

Shadowforce Archer
allies, each of whom played an important part in the ENIGMA-coded with the M4 SHARK machine, but the
conflict. Raymond Archer, now in his 30s and a British had cracked even that variant of the cipher by
full-blown physical adept, was recruited into the this point in the war.
agency, as were many German agents turned by The transmission was a status report on a secret
Operation DOUBLE-CROSS (the British operation that operation (codenamed AVATAR) taking place on the
turned dozens of German infiltrators during the war). island of Crete, which the Germans had captured the
The first and most prolific of the turned Germans previous year. According to the report, the lower ruins
was codenamed Snow, and volunteered to become a on the island (where the original Linear Script A tablet
physical adept early on, working closely with the was discovered) held the key to locating a “being of
Archers throughout the war. equal power to my own, which we are mere weeks or
even days from unearthing.”
This information was not received well at the Dream
Suite, where Umbra confirmed that at least one other
being like the one inside Eva was known to exist. Room
39 launched an ambitious operation (codenamed
GODSMASHER) to attack the island and eliminate
Eva once and for all. Both Archers, Snow, Umbra, and
several other “Guardians of the Whispering Knife,”
along with a unit of mundanes, arrived ready for battle,
only to find themselves facing a most unexpected foe:
mind-controlled Nazi troops.
Based on information provided by the Guardians of
the Whispering Knife, Room 39 had long suspected that
the final formula imparted telepathy, including mind
control. Now, on the shores of Crete, they could see the
result: Nazi shocktroops who would fight to their last
breath, and do everything in their power — up to and
including sacrificing themselves — to win the war.
Beyond their ranks, the increasingly monstrous Eva
Kraus stood poised, minutes from unleashing another
mystic horror upon the world.
The Archer Foundation still marks the battle waged
on Crete during the final months of the war as the most
profound use of non-conventional weapons and tactics
during the first half of the century. In the end, dozens of
The 1940s were a wild and uncontrolled period of Nazi troops lay dead across the island, many of the
espionage history, as agents everywhere were swept up Cretan ruins were destroyed (including the original
in the chaos of war and world change. Especially after pre-Minoan site where everything began), Conrad
the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor brought the U.S. Archer lay in critical condition, and Umbra was dead.
into the war and Nazi atrocities came to light, it was Eva Kraus still lived, but with the destruction of the
obvious that nothing would ever be the same again. pre-Minoan site her search for the companion entity
The private struggles of Room 39 were drawn into was thwarted for the time being. Also, Operation GOD-
the foreground in early 1944, after the U.S. formed its SMASHER had yielded an important prisoner — German
own covert action and intelligence service, the Office General Mannheim Kreipe, whose information about
for Strategic Services (OSS). The head of the OSS’s Bern Eva’s zombie minions proved invaluable for the war
office, Allen Dulles, was a known quantity. He’d worked effort. According to his testimony, the dominated troops
alongside the New York British Security Coordination were controlled by the Demagogue himself, and their
(BSC) commanded by Sir William Stephenson (code- instinct, their intuition, was reduced when they were far
name Intrepid), a trusted Dream Suite operative. These from him. This gave agents of the Allied psion agencies
two men assisted each other regardless of the petty the edge they needed against the Nazis’ secret weapon,
rivalries between their agencies, and produced perhaps but it also meant that Eva had used the third formula
the most startling intelligence of the war: a direct not on herself, as previously suspected, but on the
communiqué to the Demagogue from one of his Demagogue, transforming the terror of Europe into a
lieutenants, referred to as Shiva. The message was menace of global proportions.

Shadow History
There was some hollow consolation. Through They started with what the world perceived to be the
Kreipe’s debriefing, the Guardians determined that Eva’s opposing “superpowers,” Russia and the United States.
mystic companion was not found on the island. Her The former head of the Eastern Bloc fell under the
hunt for the god-king would continue. purview of the Russian Confederacy, which focused on
Through the late spring of 1945, the war in Europe maintaining order and level heads behind the Iron
made a decisive turn as the Red Army pushed through Curtain. Their goal, at least for the time being, was
eastern Germany. Rumors persisted that the Demagogue internal control, with only marginal foreign interest.
had taken his own life in a bunker in Berlin, but Room The United States Chamber continued the early
39 didn’t believe them for a moment. efforts of Allen Dulles and Frank Wisner, who helped to
Then in late April, while recovering from the injuries found the CIA. They paralleled the CIA’s organization,
he suffered on Crete, Conrad Archer received a private function, and intent, but ultimately, the Conspiracy’s
summons to a remote location in Italy, signed by Avery “Company” answered to the Foundation.
Schillingsfield. The note demanded that he alert no one, Room 39 continued to monitor the United Kingdom
and warned that millions would die if he failed to and surrounding water zones, and retained their
answer. Recognizing it as a trap but knowing that cryptography and psion research.
Schillingsfield had all the tools to carry out his promise, The Guardians of the Whispering Knife, already well
Archer slipped off to meet the madman alone. known to Raymond Archer and his Foundation and
He was never heard from again. bound to Middle Eastern affairs by ancient tradition,
Three months later, Schillingsfield’s greatest were also trusted with guarding Africa and its satellites.
achievement — the atom bomb — destroyed two cities, The Asian states (Japan, China, Indochina, Korea,
ended the war, and ushered in a new and terrible age. and their neighbors), largely misunderstood by those
The power of the bomb created an atmosphere of global present at the summit, were grouped together as the
paranoia, which resonated sharply through the halls of “Pan-Asian Collective” and charged with “their own
Room 39 when another envelope arrived later the same internal affairs.”
year. It contained a copy of a letter Albert Einstein had That left Europe, still a hotbed of rivalry and
written to propose the weapon’s fundamentals and a revolution, torn between East and West with no
discreet picture of one Julius Preston (a.k.a. Avery foothold for peace and security. But Raymond Archer
Schillingsfield), who’d worked on the Manhattan had come prepared — with an old friend of his father’s,
Project. The message was clear: Schillingsfield had gone Bruno Vangeli. A private citizen with no allegiances to
completely over the edge, severing all ties with his any government or political system, Vangeli represented
former life, and was now dabbling in world destruction. the best hope for the suffering region, and all other
He had thrown down the gauntlet that could potentially Chambers were charged with assisting him in his
lead to another World War — a final, terrible war that mission to reunify and strengthen the area.
could only end in the extinction of the entire human Finally, the Archer Foundation paid the bills (no one
race — and he was daring Room 39 to stop him. asked where the money came from), kept things
running, and supervised the others.
The 1950s: Consequence This system was tenuous at best, especially in the
By the start of the 1950s, the “Cold War” was in full early months of the Cold War when nothing was certain
swing. America and Russia stood as polar opposites in a and hostilities threatened to erupt anywhere at a
race for strategic and arms superiority, with the rest of moment’s notice. Fortunately, however, the first few
the world caught in the middle. But the Cold War would years of the Cold War were fought away from the
not be fought so much as waged by agents of both public eye, giving the Archer Conspiracy the time it so
nations, trying to outwit, outmaneuver, and outlast each desperately needed to get its footing.
other in a never-ending slow-boil of hysteria.
Raymond Archer, now absolutely dedicated to the The 1960s: Scandal
cause of world peace — to stopping threats like The 1950s is widely considered the “covert action
Schillingsfield, Eva, and the Demagogue from ever era.” In contrast, the 1960s are typically referred to as
endangering anyone again — decided it was time to “the era of disasters.” The first came in April of 1961,
fight back. On May 8, he and six other members of the when parts of the Company, acting well outside their
world’s intelligence community met in the headquarters charter and without the permission of the Foundation,
of his newly-formed front organization, the Archer involved the Chamber in the “Bay of Pigs,” the exile
Institute. The need for an organized defense against invasion of Cuba intended to kill Fidel Castro. The inva-
Schillingsfield and others like him was obvious, sion ended in abject failure, resulting in hundreds of
but they still required a plan. This summit provided one. deaths and millions of dollars lost.

Shadowforce Archer
It also uncovered revelations about the U.S. Chamber instincts like everyone else, and trusted in the chain of
— that the Company was involved in many other command. The Foundation pulled the strings largely
unapproved paramilitary operations, and that they had without incident during this decade.
established the MKULTRA research program to study the Elsewhere, tensions were rising to a fever pitch.
effects of drugs, torture, and even variants of psion In Africa, racial confrontations spiked, several times
serum on human subjects, many of whom were erupting into violence and finally sparking into an open
unwitting or unwilling. civil war with the suspicious death of Prime Minister
Officially, the Bay of Pigs affair tarnished the Patrice Lumumba in 1961. Behind the scenes, the
reputation of the U.S., and infuriated President African Alliance strived to keep order, but with less
Kennedy, who reportedly wanted to “tear the CIA into a open assistance from Room 39 and the European
million pieces” for their recklessness. But he settled for Commonwealth (following their respective nations’
the resignations of Allen Dulles (the man who made withdrawal from the African continent), the struggle
Archer’s American Chamber the powerhouse of the Cold was long and hard-fought.
War) and Richard M. Bissel, Jr. (the brain trust behind Racial tensions also ruined the chance for lasting
the invasion). Dulles’ replacement was John A. McCone, peace in the Middle East, as Israel seized land from its
a former chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission, Arab neighbors, inciting the so-called “Six-Day War.”
who was completely unaware of the Foundation and its It is unknown if the Guardians were involved in this
mission. Effectively, this isolated the Company within conflict or its UN-assisted resolution.
the U.S. government, making them an agency of moles In Berlin, a concrete wall 28 miles long and 5 feet
operating without sanction. high was constructed by the Communist party, physi-
Worse, the Bay of Pigs prompted a reorganization of cally dividing a nation already torn asunder by war
the CIA, creating a Technical Sciences Division under and social strife. Until the barbed wire went up,
the Deputy Director of Plans (DDP), who was also the European Commonwealth’s effort to relocate East
uninvolved in the Conspiracy. As a result, much of the German refugees saved more than 10,000 lives. After
CIA’s research (including some Foundation secrets) fell that, early cooperation with the Russian Confederacy
into the hands of the uninformed. Loose ends abounded saved many thousands more.
concerning the U.S. Chamber, and many remain today. The decade showed its worst beginning in 1964, as
Meanwhile, the Soviet Union and the United States the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution — settled after North
vied for the lead spot in the ever-escalating space race, Vietnamese patrol-boats fired upon U.S. destroyers —
a project that appeared all-consuming on both fronts. offered President L.B. Johnson sweeping military power
To the West, the space race was the pet project of to use in the growing Vietnam War. Four years later, the
President John F. Kennedy, a man completely Vietcong (Vietnamese Communist forces) invaded South
uninvolved (though some say not entirely uninformed) Vietnam in a nationwide assault, the “Tet Offensive,”
with the Archer Conspiracy, while in the East, the race prompting an ever-greater commitment to a war many
continued under the direction of the Russian Americans vehemently opposed. Concurrently, several
Confederacy. Conspiracy resources won the first round shadows (spies) unaligned with the Conspiracy watched
of the space race, as Russian astronaut Yuri Gagarin the unfolding horror from the shadow communities of
orbited the Earth in the Vostok I spacecraft in late 1961. Pan-Asia, and claimed the entire war was unnecessary
Many more victories would go to the Russians through — the result of friction between the Pan-Asian
the next thirty years. Collective and the U.S. government (not the Company,
But the real action between Russia and the United who were clearly too busy in the 1960s to launch a war).
States went on behind the scenes. The age of espionage Soon enough, the voices stopped, the condemning
was in full swing, and spies were everywhere. Russians shadows vanished, and the with the Vietnam War
infiltrated the U.S., and vice versa, and both sides spied spreading and the world seemingly slipping into the
on everyone else as well. Many such operations were self-destruction the Conspiracy was created to prevent,
orchestrated (or countered) by the Archer Conspiracy, the finger-pointing stopped and the real work began.
but many more were not. To maintain the veil of
secrecy worldwide required a good deal of distance in The 1970s: Chaos
many cases, which in turn allowed the unknowing The Company regained some footing in 1966 with
governments of the world plenty of room to continue the appointment of Richard Helms as CIA Director.
their own operations. This led to a period of mass chaos, Helms’ views paralleled those of the Foundation, and
when the Conspiracy’s loose structure failed to identify the Company performed many beneficial operations
everyone who was a friend — and everyone who wasn’t. under his watch (including several against the parent
In the end, most Archer operatives simply lived by their organization during the Vietnam War).

Shadow History
All corners of the Conspiracy scrambled to put out formed African Alliance). The Operation (codenamed
fires. The Pan-Asian Collective — whether involved in POISON APPLE) was one of Raymond Archer’s last field
starting the Vietnam Conflict or not — worked side by missions, and garnered the Foundation pure samples of
side with the Russian Confederacy, Guardians, and both the remaining pre-Minoan formulae (which Helix
Foundation to bring the fighting to a close. had in his possession when he was captured).
The Commonwealth and Room 39 worked together to Outside the acquisition of the Lodge, the African
stabilize the world economy and rebuild the support situation only declined in the 1970s. Racial strife
network the others needed to succeed. The Company continued to spark brush wars across the continent,
prepared to enter the war, to end it if they had to. and Steven Biko — political activist and mentor of Elias
But in 1972 another scandal erupted in the U.S. as Graham (see page 71) — became one of the most high-
Nixon office “plumbers” (saboteurs) broke into the profile casualties of the struggle, a victim of South
National Democratic Committee’s HQ. The plumbers African police brutality. Biko’s death was a bitter pill for
relied upon CIA resources, which again put the Tendaji to swallow, following his stint working for the
Company at risk when the break-in was discovered. madman Helix, and haunts him to this day.
Helms, who refused to cooperate with Nixon during the Decisive victories were made by the end of this
scandal, was fired, removing the Company’s last major decade. First and foremost were the Strategic Arms
political ally. Limitation Talks (SALT) between the U.S.S.R. and U.S.
Then, following 1974 accusations by the New York superpowers, which resulted in unprecedented
Times that the CIA was spying on the U.S. populace scale-backs in nuclear arms construction. Second was
(among other abuses of power), the Rockefeller the continuing space race, now under the joint shadow
Commission was established to review U.S. intelligence direction of the Russian Confederacy and the Company,
services. The Company ducked for cover, surviving only with assistance from the Foundation and others. Great
by feeding the CIA to the media wolves. There was talk strides were made this decade away from the public eye,
of pulling out of the nation altogether, but Archer including many early experiments that would prove the
realized that getting back in after the fallout would be foundation for today’s OVERWATCH project (see page
practically impossible. So the Company hunkered down 56).
and endured the storm; it took years before they could
rebuild. The 1980s: Deconstruction
Precious few Company personnel were present for Acquisition of the two remaining formulae changed
the brutal conclusion to the Vietnam War. Against the the Foundation and its allied Chambers. Telepathic and
stage of the besieged capital of Saigon, the battle raged mentalist psions were trained and incorporated into the
for days as countless Vietnamese, desperate to flee the ranks, and the Shop was formed to build wondrous
approaching Communist forces, fought to obtain a spot technical “gadgets” for use in the field. The power and
on the U.S. helicopters ferrying people to warships tools at agents’ disposal were more numerous and more
waiting in the South China Sea. In the end, thousands versatile than ever before; for this reason, the late 1970s
of South Vietnamese (and not a few military troops and and beyond are now referred to by Archer as the Age of
Conspiracy personnel) were trapped behind the the Superspy.
Communist enemy lines. Inquiries about the missing The 1980s saw many incredible operations, some
spies fell on deaf ears, and missions into the territory stemming from very old Foundation concerns. Reagan’s
met with armed resistance. Though the Pan-Asian “Star Wars” program was aborted (though money would
Collective and Russian Confederacy denied any involve- continue to funnel into it until 1993), and Archer
ment, the impediments should have been a sign of launched its first long-term space platform, Overwatch.
things to come. As it happened, the Foundation and its Countless destructive moles, sleepers, and double agents
peers were busy elsewhere. were ferreted out of the system (especially in the U.S.).
Avery Schillingsfield — still alive by virtue of the Archer took steps to reduce the number of nuclear
original psion sample and now calling himself “Helix” weapons in the world. Parts of Africa were liberated
— resurfaced on an island off the coast of Africa. from oppression. And Communism was dismantled,
He’d built a prison for his personal collection of the prompting reconstruction in Europe and Russia.
world’s most powerful psions. Helix planned to awaken The enemies changed in the 1980s, growing more
latent psions across the planet while simultaneously insidious than ever before. The rise of terrorism and
wiping out mundanes; the scheme was countered by computer hackers gave rise to a revamped version of
an Archer strike team called in by one of his own Room 39, broken into two cooperative halves — the
subordinates (who concluded the operation by taking Broken Seal (comprised of computer specialists) and
over the complex as the headquarters of the newly Ultracorps (comprised of counter-terrorists and urban

Shadowforce Archer
warfare specialists). This change also moved the last of In 2001, without warning, a large portion of the
Room 39’s psion research and gadget creation into the Archer Conspiracy’s mentalists — all members of the
hands of the Archer Foundation, where it remains today. Research and Development department known as the
There were tragedies as well — the situation in the Shop — broke away, forming their own rival agency.
Middle East worsened considerably, leaving the The reasons for the Shop’s secession are as yet
Guardians in charge of a precarious region; Chernobyl unknown, as are their true goals as an independent enti-
and the Space Shuttle Challenger both exploded with ty. The Foundation is reasonably certain, however, that
lethal results, and the Foundation’s best minds came to they do not intend to bring its existence to light (or they
suspect that several outbreaks of ebola and other viru- already would have). The Shop has no compunction
lent contagions might be something more than just about fighting and even killing their former allies, and
medical diseases. But by the end of the decade, it was has even left behind some nasty surprises for
becoming clear that the Foundation and its Chambers Foundation agents — from sabotaged gadgets to disloy-
were finally striking a happy balance. At last there was al agents and specialists.
some order. Thus the Archer Conspiracy has entered a dangerous
new era, when friends have become enemies and shades
The 1990s to Now: Rebirth of gray dominate the espionage arena. Now, they must
The modern world has witnessed the passing of save the world not only from itself, but also from ene-
many aging foes, slipping away with the dawn of mies of their own creation.
the millennium. Communist Russia is gone and the
Cold War is over. Equality has replaced apartheid.
And Europe is poised to enter an unprecedented age of
But new threats have replaced the old. Ancient
hatred fuels violence in Yugoslavia. Religious tension
This timeline includes both Shadowforce Archer-
in the Middle East is flaring up. The grim specter of
specific information and items of general espionage and
terrorism looms over even the most powerful nations of
world interest.
the world.
The Archer Foundation saw all of these things, and Before 1900
prepared for them. They prevented countless disasters
throughout the 1990s, staving off social unrest, political 1881: Kempei Tai and Black Ocean Society formed.
upheaval, and coordinated terrorist attacks, but they
1882: Society for Psychical Research (SPR) estab-
could never have envisioned the storm brewing in their
own back yard.
In 1991, as the Foundation celebrated the fall of the The 1900s
Iron Curtain and Russia’s freedom from the Communist
yoke, they instead found themselves at the mercy of an 1900: Archaeologist Sir Arthur Evans discovers the
enemy organization which had usurped not only most palace of Knossos on the island of Crete, as
of the Russian government but their own Chamber in well as samples of Linear Scripts A and B.
the area as well. The Project for Expansion, Retribution,
1901: Sir Avery Schillingsfield and his wife, Evelyn,
Iniquity, and Lies (P.E.R.I.L.) had long-since gathered the
discover a level beneath Knossos, containing
necessary resources for a protracted secret war, and as
a tablet that can help decipher Linear Script
liaisons from the Foundation arrived, threw down the
A. Evelyn grows ill and must be returned to
gauntlet. All four Foundation representatives were
London, where Avery secretly continues his
shipped home in pieces. (For more about P.E.R.I.L. and
researches into the lost language.
the current struggle in Russia, see page 136–137.)
For the last ten years, the Foundation has coordinated Black Dragon Society formed by Ryohei
operatives within the hostile wilds of P.E.R.I.L. Uchida, a leading member of the Black
-controlled Russia, a task which has consumed their Ocean Society.
every available moment. The effort has stolen time from
1902: Evelyn Schillingsfield is committed to an
countless smaller projects deserving of the Foundation’s
asylum after a mental breakdown. Sir Avery,
attention, including many minor problems festering
now quite obsessed, focuses his efforts on
around the world — and still another problem among
gaining the knowledge of the culture that
their own ranks.
created Linear Script A. Within the year, he

Shadow History
organizes an expedition to mainland Greece,
where “one of their greatest treasures” is
1903: Schillingsfield and European explorer Conrad
Archer seek out an ancient labyrinth of
Greek myth, where the first of three Minoan
alchemical formulae is discovered. Conrad
Archer is unwittingly exposed to the formula,
and awakens as the century’s first psion.
His abilities don’t immediately manifest,
however, and the expedition returns home,
seemingly empty-handed.
Evelyn Schillingsfield comes out of her
stupor and escapes the asylum. She is not
seen again until 1915.
1904–1905: Russo-Japanese War.
1905: U.S. Bureau of Investigation formed.
1906: HMS Dreadnought, the first modern battle-
ship, is launched from Britain.
1907: Britain’s Room 39 studies the practical
applications of psion powers for spying.
1908: Germany launches the Nassau, its version of
1913: Turkey cedes Crete to Greece as a result of
the HMS Dreadnought.
the Balkan Wars.
Raymond Archer (Conrad’s son) is born.
1914–1918: The Great War.
The 1910s 1914–1919: Room 40 cracks codes and ciphers for the
British. Never do they suspect that Britain’s
1911: Conrad Archer narrowly escapes death
psychic research division is right next door.
during Hiram Bingham’s expedition to the
Andes Mountains. He only survives by virtue 1915: The third and final Minoan formula is
of his newly-awakened psion abilities (he is discovered in a relic originally buried high on
the century’s first physical adept). the Kibo summit of Mount Kilimanjaro.
The relic remains hidden until Room 39
1912: Archer’s strange case attracts the attention
tracks it down in the U.S. and arranges for it
of the Society of Psychical Research, who
to be transported to England on board the
recruit him as a test subject. Within weeks,
Cunard liner Lusitania.
his growing power becomes evident, and he
is drafted into Room 39 for further study. The transport liner Lusitania is sunk by
a German U-Boat captured by Evelyn
Shortly after acquiring Conrad Archer, Room
Schillingsfield, who exhibits incredible mystic
39 is contacted by agents of the Guardians
powers and knowledge. She steals the third
of the Whispering Knife, who claim to know
formula and scuttles the submarine, leaving
where his powers come from. They also warn
the crew for dead. No trace of her presence
of the danger posed by the mystic creature
is found.
inhabiting Evelyn Schillingsfield.
1917: Partly due to hysteria generated by the
The Guardians try, and fail, to prevent Avery
Lusitania attack, the U.S. enters the Great
Schillingsfield from acquiring the second
Minoan formula, hidden among the Egyptian
ruins of Akhenaton IV. Schillingsfield takes Bolshevik Revolution and birth of
this sample himself, becoming the century’s Communism in the Soviet Union. Cheka is
first mentalist (see page 179). formed.

Shadowforce Archer
1917–1934: Soviet intelligence undergoes many revisions. Doyle, focus on experimental psychical
The Cheka become the GPU (1922-1923), research, leaving behind the spiritualist
and then the OGPU (1923-1934). methods of the previous century. They coin
the terms ESP and parapsychology.
1918: Mata Hari (“Agent H-21”) executed.
1929: The Soviet NKVD suffers the first of three
One of Avery Schillingsfield’s pet projects
purges at the hand of Josef Stalin, who
produces an unexpected side effect — a
orders the deaths of countless leaders and
Spanish Flu outbreak that kills 20 million
operatives, trying to remove rightists from
the organization.
1919: Treaty of Versailles. Contrary to the requests
U.S. War Department’s Signals Intelligence
of both Room 39 and the Guardians, Conrad
Service (SIS) formed.
Archer presents himself to the world
(excluding Germany, where Evelyn The 1930s
Schillingsfield is suspected to be operating
from) — “to balance the scales,” he says. 1930s: As the Demagogue rises to power, his
fanatical search for items and knowledge of
Following the Treaty of Versailles, many
mystical potence is spearheaded by Eva
nations develop their own physical adepts.
Kraus, whose own power grows by the year.
League of Nations founded.
Kempei Tai used by Japan’s right-wing
German Thule Society founded; Adolf Hitler military movement to intimidate opposing
(the Demagogue) recruited. politicians and arrest “terrorists” who cam-
paign against the political order of the time.
The 1920s 1933: The Demagogue is appointed chancellor of
1921: Evelyn Schillingsfield — surfacing as Eva Nazi Germany. Eva congratulates him with
Kraus — meets the Demagogue during a the third formula. He awakens as the
Thule gathering. Five months later, she is his century’s first telepath (see page 196), and
mistress. quickly develops powers of mind control.
1922: Mussolini comes to power in Italy. Germany leaves the League of Nations.
Raymond Archer manifests as a physical 1934: Russia establishes the NKVD.
adept and is studied by Room 39.
J.B. Rhine publishes his early findings but is
1923: The National Socialist (Nazi) Party is founded widely criticized, largely due to the clandes-
in Germany. tine slander campaign initiated by spies of
the nations developing physical adepts.
International Police (INTERPOL) founded in
Vienna. 1935: U.S. Bureau of Investigation is renamed the
FBI and given a training academy.
Raymond Archer is captured by Avery
Schillingsfield, who hopes to harvest the Ignoring his tarnished reputation, Rhine
physical adept formula from him. He fails, forms Duke University’s Parapsychology lab.
and Raymond is recovered by Room 39.
1936: Germany occupies the Rhineland, which
Conrad Archer vows to see Schillingsfield
according to the Treaty of Versailles was to
dead for his actions.
remain a demilitarized zone.
1925: Sidney Reilly — one of Room 39’s early phys-
1937–1938: Two more Stalinist purges of the Red Army
ical adepts — is lured across the Soviet-
occur, this time targeting the GRU as well.
Finnish border by communiqués from a
Many GRU agents run or defect rather than
Soviet disinformation organization known as
face the savagery in their homeland.
the Trust, who reportedly capture and exe-
cute him. 1937: Three hunters sent by Eva Kraus to capture
her former husband are incinerated when
1927: Joseph and Louisa Rhine conduct psychic
he arranges the explosion of their transport,
(psion) research at Duke University. The
the Hindenburg zeppelin.
Rhines, as inspired by Sir Arthur Conan

Shadow History
1938: The Nazis occupy Austria, seizing the head- 1941: Pearl Harbor is bombed by the Japanese.
quarters of INTERPOL.
SMERSH (“death to spies”) is created by Josef
1939–1945: Germany invades Poland and sparks World Stalin to track down moles, traitors, and
War II, the first major conflict in which psion deserters. They are his killer elite, strictly
soldiers play a major role. Room 39 and other enforcing his “No Retreat, No Surrender”
intelligence agencies wage a desperate and policy.
bloody secret war against Eva Kraus and the
British codebreakers decipher the German
Demagogue’s mind-controlled mystic war-
ENIGMA code.
After German tanks roll into Athens, the
1939: The League of Nations is suspended.
Allies retreat to the island of Crete. German
The GRU is rebuilt after the value of a paratroopers — including Eva Kraus and her
General Staff is illustrated during the Soviet mystic relic hunters — stage a spectacular
campaign against Finland. invasion of the island, seizing and holding
it for the duration of the war. During
The FBI is granted authority over matters of
the occupation, Kraus searches the Minoan
espionage and sabotage.
ruins for information that may lead her to a
Rhine discovers that the crystalline com- companion mystic entity. Her search is
pound amobarbital inhibits psychic ability. fruitless.
Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), a new Sir Arthur Evans dies.
synthetic insecticide, is used with incredible
1942: The U.S. Office of Strategic Services (OSS) —
results, but some worry about long-
America’s wartime covert action and intelli-
term effects on the ecosystem. Avery
gence agency — is formed, with General
Schillingsfield — part of the scientific team
“Wild Bill” Donovan at the helm.
behind the toxin — has already moved onto
a new project (see next). The SIS deciphers Japan’s version of ENIGMA
(the “Purple Machine”), prompting U.S.
Albert Einstein composes a letter from U.S.
troops to invade Midway and destroy the
physicists to President Roosevelt, explaining
Japanese carrier fleet.
the possibility of developing a weapon of
massive nuclear power. The option is green- Operation UNDERWORLD. The FBI and Mafia
lit and work begins with the British under work together to protect the U.S. eastern
the codename “the Manhattan Project.” seaboard. This relationship continues with
A chief British contributor to the project, the Company after the Archer Pact of 1950.
Julius Preston, is actually Sir Avery
1943: (May) BRUSA Agreement. U.S. and Britain’s
Schillingsfield in disguise.
spy agencies establish formal cooperation.
The 1940s Operation MINCEMEAT. British spies dupe
German High Command into thinking that
1940: British Special Operations Executive (SOE) is
the Allies intend to invade the Balkans
formed after MI6 stations in Europe are
instead of Sicily (their real objective) by
overrun by the Nazis. The SOE is the first
creating a faux Naval officer (“Major
intelligence agency to combine intelligence-
Martin”), planting leading documents on a
gathering with clandestine warfare (includ-
corpse, and dumping him from the deck of
ing support for resistance groups such as the
the submarine Seraph off the coast of Spain,
French Maquis). Throughout the war, the SOE
where he eventually falls into German hands.
performs aggressive sabotage operations all
across Europe and incites the wrath of Nazi 1944: British spies — including Conrad Archer and
spy-hunters. Room 39 — mount a clandestine attack on
German-occupied Crete, trying to wrest it
The FBI Academy is moved to Quantico, VA.
from Eva’s grasp. They fail, but manage to
Rhine and colleagues publish Extra-Sensory capture German General Kreipe and smuggle
Perception After Sixty Years (“ESP-60”). him back to Egypt by submarine.

Shadowforce Archer
Operation QUICKSILVER. The Allies create a 1947: The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA),
phantom army called the First U.S. Army National Security Council (NSC), and
Group (FUSAG) to convince the Germans Department of Defense (DoD) are formed by
that a massive Allied invasion across the the National Security Act, which also places
English Channel is imminent. QUICKSILVER is U.S. intelligence agencies under the direct
directly commanded by Lt. Gen. George S. supervision of the CIA’s Director (a condition
Patton. which greatly supports early Archer
activities). The CIA absorbs the CIG.
1945: Victory in Europe. The Red Army seizes Berlin
and Germany surrenders. UKUSA Agreement. Australian and Canadian
intelligence agencies join forces with those
The Demagogue commits suicide in Berlin,
of the U.S. and Britain.
two days before it is seized by the
Soviets, and the NKVD takes charge The Rosenberg atomic spy ring hands U.S.
of the city. Eva freezes his body Bomb secrets over to the Russians
and smuggles it out of Germany (as orchestrated by Raymond Archer,
using the facilities of ODESSA in preparation for his vision of global
and Die Spinne (“The Spider”). guidance).
She is not seen again for
1948: The Central Institute
many years.
for Intelligence and
Twenty-two years (and Security is formed
many battles) after vowing to in Israel.
destroy Avery Schillingsfield,
1949: North Atlantic
Conrad Archer finally corners
Treaty Organization
him in Italy. But it is too late
(NATO) is established.
to save tens of thousands as the
deviant’s supreme project — Reinhard Gehlen,
the atomic bomb — is dropped on a captured Soviet spy,
Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Conrad is promoted to head
Archer disappears. of the German Federal
Intelligence Service in
Japan surrenders, effectively breaking
Berlin, where he
the Axis and ending World War II.
spearheads Western
Project PAPERCLIP. U.S. agencies smuggle operations against
defecting Germans out of the country after his former handlers.
the war.
The Central Intelligence Act
The United Nations is formed. (and Archer’s allies) exempts
the CIA from disclosure laws (they
The OSS is disbanded.
don’t have to reveal how much money
1946–1949: Project VENONA. Messages sent from Soviet they spend, or what it is spent on).
spy handlers in the U.S. to Moscow are inter-
Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty are
cepted by the SIS and slowly decoded.
organized by the CIA, ostensibly to aid their
After witnessing the power (and threat) of foreign operations. In truth, these are the
the atomic bomb — and suspecting more first of many communication networks the
devastating advances to come — Raymond founders of the Archer Pact set up across the
Archer begins laying the groundwork for a globe.
global intelligence protectorate (realized in
The Australian Security and Intelligence
1950). He must do so without the guidance
Organization (ASIO) and Australian Security
of his father, however.
Intelligence Service (ASIS) are founded.
1946: President Truman creates the National
The Soviets detonate an A-bomb, spurring
Intelligence Authority (NIA) and Central
the CIA to send covert agents into Russia.
Intelligence Group (CIG) to coordinate U.S.
peacetime intelligence.

Shadow History
The 1950s The Pacific Eniwetok Atoll is wiped off the
face of the earth by the first H-bomb blast.
1950s: Operation GENETRIX. The U.S. Air Force uses
1953: The CIA taps East German telephone lines by
reconnaissance balloons to photograph
tunneling under their Army HQ.
targets in the Soviet Union. Nearly three
hundred balloons are sent up, but only 44 Project MKULTRA replaces Project
are recovered. The remainder are secretly ARTICHOKE. The Company, now fully in
retrieved by Confederacy agents, to protect charge of this operation, introduces serum
sites incidentally spotted by the balloons samples as part of the drug regimen, which
that violate the Archer Pact. is unknowingly or unwillingly taken by
CIA and Company operatives, prisoners,
1950–1953: Korean War.
and college students across the nation.
1950: The Archer Pact (see page 39). At this time,
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, American
the Pact includes the Archer Foundation,
“atomic spies” (responsible for the theft of
Room 39, the Guardians of the Whisper-
U.S. postwar atomic secrets) are executed.
ing Knife, the Company, the Russian
Confederacy, the Pan-Asian Collective, and English architect Michael Ventris finds that
the guarded Gemeinschafft Consortium. Linear Script B is actually archaic Greek.
(January) Klaus Fuchs — a scientist at U.S. biologist James Watson and English
Oppenheimer’s Los Alamos laboratory — biochemist Frances Crick decipher the
confesses to being a Soviet mole, and structure of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA),
transmitting information about U.S. atomic describing it as a “double helix.”
research to his Soviet handlers.
1954: The KGB is established.
Project BLUEBIRD. The CIA uses hypnosis and
The “honorable correspondents” of France’s
hallucinogens during interrogations and
External Documentation and Counterespionage
performs mind control experiments, some on
(SDECE) agency are found to be thugs,
North Korean POWs.
gangsters, and killers, hired to commit
John Campbell, editor of Astounding Science heinous crimes.
Fiction, first uses the term “psionics.”
With the Soviets developing jet bombers
1951: Guy Burgess and Donald Maclean vanish capable of attacking the United States,
from their posts at the British Embassy the CIA authorizes design and construction
in Washington, D.C., prompting an of the advanced spy plane later known as
investigation which brings the Cambridge the U-2.
Spy Ring to light.
CIA use of an “exile invasion force”
The Company sets up Radio Free in Guatemala. The mission is a spectacular
Asia, expanding Archer’s communications success and the “exile” model is used again
network. many times (including during the Bay of Pigs
1952: Allen W. Dulles — an ardent supporter of
Raymond Archer for many years — is The U.S. Navy launches the world’s first
appointed to DCI of the CIA, and starts nuclear submarine, the Nautilus.
restructuring U.S. interests as a tool for
1955: “Gordon Lonsdale” (actually Konon
global protection.
Trifimovich Molody) arrives in Britain and
The National Security Agency (NSA) is estab- sets up a network of spies for the Soviet
lished by a clandestine Presidential memo Union.
(most of which remains classified to this
The U.S. Air Force holds a classified
commercial competition for spy satellite
Project ARTICHOKE replaces Project BLUE- designs, codenamed PIED PIPER. This endeavor
BIRD. The CIA expands its efforts to include generates incredible results for U.S. space
many more questionable techniques, and intelligence.
shifts much of its operations to Europe.

Shadowforce Archer
1956: J. Edgar Hoover launches COINTELPRO KGB agent Anatoli Golitsin defects to the
(counterintelligence programs) to neutralize Company, with information about a Soviet
what he considers destructive political and spy ring — codenamed SAPPHIRE — operating
social movements. These operations directly deep in de Gaulle’s government. Archer turns
challenge the freedoms Archer is trying to its attention to Europe, seeking to stabilize
protect, and consume much of Archer’s the region.
effort until they are terminated in 1971.
Congo Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba
1957: The Soviets launch Sputnik I, the world’s first discovered dead; racial strife in Africa.
satellite. Sputnik II is launched a month later.
1962: The Cuban Missile Crisis.
France, West Germany, Italy, Belgium,
With the treaty banning occupation or
Holland, and Luxembourg agree to set up a
exploitation of the South Pole approved,
common trading area: the European
Eva Kraus and her mystic army (now known
Economic Community (EEC) — or Common
as the “Hand of Glory”) set up a permanent
Market. Some European countries refuse to
base deep in the ice, where they can work
join, and attempt to create a rival free-trade
area. This latter effort is secretly managed by
the Gemeinschafft Consortium, who seek to 1963: Project MKULTRA is replaced by MKSEARCH.
empower their Chamber (known from this Secretly, the Company maintains hidden
time on as the European Commonwealth). resources and personnel, and continues
MKULTRA research, focusing on coupling
Raymond Archer recruits the services of a
psions to produce more powerful offspring.
shrouded cult icon known as “Fade,” and
assigns him as a secondary Control in Europe. The Elysee Treaty resolves some of the issues
between France and West Germany, further
The 1960s solidifying the European Commonwealth.
1960: (May) An American U-2 spy plane is shot 1964: Gulf of Tonkin Resolution offers U.S.
down over Sverdlovsk when its engine President L.B. Johnson sweeping power to
flames out due to lack of oxygen. The pilot, deal with Vietnam conflict.
Francis Gary Powers, is captured and admits
1965: Moroccan nationalist Mehdi Ben Barka is
to being a CIA operative. The Russians put
kidnapped and presumably murdered by the
the wreckage on public display to embarrass
SDECE, further discrediting the organization.
the Americans.
During the unexpected blackout sweeping
1961–1975: Air America, the CIA’s covert smuggling ring
through the upper east U.S. coast, Nathan
operating out of Southeast Asia, operates at
“Dante” Grier escapes from MKULTRA captiv-
its peak as the largest air force in the world,
ity. Over the following three weeks, he is
contracting many ex-military flyers with
hunted by Company agents and brainwashed
high wages.
psions (including his parents). He escapes to
1961: The Bay of Pigs invasion, a disaster for Asia using stolen Archer communication
Archer’s U.S. Chamber (see page 39). protocols, sparking an inter-Chamber
incident as the Company’s continued misuse
The Berlin Wall goes up in Germany.
of its charter is revealed. Grier vanishes
A Naval Air Station in Opalocka, Florida — shortly thereafter.
codenamed JMWAVE — is established to
1967: “Six-day” war in Middle East raises appre-
organize paramilitary operations against
hensions of coming violence in Guardian
The Company founds Radio Libertad to
1968: Communist North Vietnamese forces mount
coordinate Archer’s efforts in Cuba.
the Tet Offensive, seizing large swaths of
Satellites are used for photographic recon- South Vietnamese land. The Vietnam War
naissance. Film is jettisoned and recovered involves every Chamber of the Conspiracy.
after re-entry (a maneuver called a ”bucket

Shadow History
The 1970s Fruits from Operation POISON APPLE include
pure samples of the two formulae the
1970s: Archer uses vaccines to control the psion Chambers are missing, which paves the way
explosion caused by their own research. for Archer’s own mentalists (the “Shop”) and
telepaths. The age of superspies is born.
1970: Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain
is published, revealing Soviet experiments Following Operation POISON APPLE, Elias
with psychic intelligence techniques. Graham solicits Archer to allow him to form
a new Chamber — the African Alliance.
1971: The Russians launch the first Salyut orbital
laboratory, a predecessor to the Mir station. 1976: The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
is permanently established to oversee U.S.
1972: The Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty is
intelligence organizations.
signed in Moscow, limiting the nuclear arms
race between the U.S. and U.S.S.R. The U.S. KH-11 satellite instantly beams its
images to transmitters on Earth.
1973: The U.K., Denmark, and the Republic of
Ireland join the EEC. British feelings about 1977: The House of Representatives’ Select
being involved are mixed. Committee on Intelligence is established
to work with its Senatorial counterpart.
The Family Jewels report is issued by DCI
Together, these organizations forever change
James Schesinger, collating all known illegal
the way Archer’s U.S. Chamber must
and improper CIA activities. The 700-page
report is still classified.
Steve Biko, South African political activist,
The U.S. launches the first Rhyolite satellite,
falls victim to police brutality.
which can intercept enemy transmissions.
The price of oil skyrockets, upsetting The 1980s
international trade and employment, as well
1982: The French General Directorate for External
as the combined Conspiracy effort to recover
Security (DGSE) is founded.
from the Vietnam War. Rumors persist that
the price hike is the result of Gemeinschafft 1983: The Strategic Defense Initiative (“Star Wars”)
manipulation. program is considered by Archer too danger-
ous a weapon for any nation, and derailed.
1975: The fall of South Vietnam’s capital city,
Saigon, prompts the U.S. army to airlift 1984: Project OVERWATCH. Archer launches a
refugees out to warships waiting in the long-term space station (named Orwell) and
South China Sea. global satellite system (named Big Brother).
Operation POISON APPLE. Avery Schillingsfield 1985: “The Year of the Spy.” More than 25 Soviets
resurfaces after thirty years under the pseu- “walk-in” to offer national secrets to the
donym “Helix.” Perhaps the world’s first U.S., and over 55 Soviet moles are expelled.
criminal mastermind, he plots to simultane-
The Walker family, a productive Soviet spy
ously awaken latent psions and eradicate
ring, is captured by the FBI.
mundanes across the globe with a rapidly
mutating pathogen derived from samples of 1986: Meltdown at Chernobyl power plant.
all three Minoan formulae. The result is a
Space shuttle Challenger explodes.
mutagenic plague which awakens latent
psions using surrounding mundanes as fuel. Soviet space platform Mir (“Peace”).
One of Helix’s lieutenants, Elias “Tendaji”
Spain and Portugal join the EEC.
Graham, warns the Archer Foundation, who
assault his island stronghold (“Eden”) with The German-based Chaos Computer Club
operatives from several Chambers, including starts its electronic reign of terror, hacking
Raymond Archer himself and the mysterious into U.S. military and intelligence systems
“Fade.” Helix is taken prisoner and his and selling information to the KGB.
scheme prevented. One of his chief test
subjects — “Two” — is recruited by Archer.

Shadowforce Archer
1988: The U.S. and the U.S.S.R. agree upon the 1997: Archer establishes Aquatica, its first oceanic
Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) operations base, in the Baltic Sea.
disarmament treaty, reducing the world’s
1998: Assembly of the International Space Station
nuclear threat.
(ISS), the largest cooperative scientific
1989: The Space station Mir is briefly unmanned venture in history, begins in orbit in June.
after its three-man crew returns to Earth.
Raymond Archer retires at 88 years of age,
Soviet officials cite “technical problems”
leaving the Foundation to his protegé, “Two.”
as the cause.
Aurora, the Guardians’ Control, is captured
The 1990s by the Chamber’s age-old enemies, the
Assassins. She is liberated, but thereafter…
1990s: U.S.-Asian industrial espionage.
changes (see page 110).
1991: The Gulf War. The CIA is lambasted when
1999: Archer’s Australian (home) Chamber falls
nearly all its wartime operations fail.
victim to a clandestine spy ring among their
Fortunately for Archer, the Company is
own shadow community (now known to be
a Shop cell). The cell hacks into Archer’s
(December) The Soviet Union falls. The KGB systems and counters its domestic
is abolished and replaced by the SVR, operations, prompting the Chamber to
the Foreign Intelligence Service, and several arrange for the ASIO to use tracking and
agencies for presidential and communications monitoring devices, and actively compromise
security. The SVR warns that a new type of computer systems, without a warrant.
spy war has begun. This decision upsets many Australian citizens
and businesses, though it remains in place
1992: The Open Skies Treaty permits spy planes to
conduct overflights (aerial recon) of member
territories. By 1996, forty-two nations sign The “Euro” currency is established, though it
the agreement. won’t be circulated until 2002. Britain,
Denmark, Sweden, and Greece remain
In response to the growing need for
outside the “euro zone.”
specialized anti-terrorist and computer
espionage teams, Room 39 reorganizes, Now
founding the Ultracorps and Broken Seal
divisions seen today. 2001: Robert Hanssen is arrested as a Soviet spy.
It is possible he worked with Aldrich Ames.
1993: The Maastricht Treaty renames the European
Community the European Union (EU). There With the International Space Station under
is strong opposition among the members; way, Soviet space station Mir is directed out
Britain is the last to ratify the Treaty. of orbit, splashing down in the Pacific Ocean.
1994: South Africa achieves full democracy Russia enters into agreement with NATO
and sets about rebuilding its intelligence to combat terrorism around the globe.
agencies. This momentous step is called “a unique
opportunity to build a better, more stable
Aldrich Ames is arrested for selling secrets to
the Soviets. Many suspect an accomplice.
The Shop secedes from Archer.
1996: Swedish hackers change the CIA homepage
greeting to “Welcome to the Central 2002: (April) The Shadowforce Archer storyline
Stupidity Agency.” begins.

“Who are they? The shadows?
They’re you or me, given half an ounce
of ego and the chance to play God!”
– Lord Reginald Savage,
The Eyes of Argus

Shadowforce Archer
Many Archer field agents are psions of great power,
hand-selected, trained, and sometimes even surgically
or chemically augmented to awaken levels of power
otherwise unseen in the natural order. Foundation
psions are unrestricted in their training; mentalists,
“The chess-board is the world; the pieces are the physical adepts, and telepaths all appear within its
phenomena of the universe; the rules of the game are ranks.
what we call the laws of Nature. The player on the other
side is hidden from us. We know that his play is always Common Archer Operations
fair, just, and patient. But we also know, to our cost, Foundation agents work almost exclusively on
that he never overlooks a mistake, or makes the smallest missions determined by other Chambers. Only local
allowance for ignorance.” threats (such as the current espionage crisis between
—T.H. Huxley Australia and Southeast Asia) necessitate
teams formed solely of Archer agents, and
The Australian-based Archer even then outside aid is
Institute for the Sciences has common.
changed much of the last fifty The Archer Foundation
years, growing and learning with acts primarily as a
the times, and seeking many management arm for the Conspiracy,
new avenues for research and fielding operatives to remain informed,
advancement. It has transformed to keep the other Chambers operating
from a war-era think tank into a within established protocols, and to maintain
world-renowned crossroads for their many connections.
scientists of every field. But behind
the recognition and the awards, beyond Agent Expectations
the public service, there is another layer that Players who enjoy careful, plotting
few ever see — the operations center for a agents will find the Archer Foundation
dream of world security, the Archer appealing. The average Foundation
Foundation. agent analyzes situations thoroughly
before acting, and knows when and
The Foundation’s how to put spin on problems to turn
Mission them into assets. Archer agents are
In theory, the mission of the cunning, observant, and highly
Foundation mirrors that of all its intelligent. And they are usually
supporting Chambers. In practice, well-connected, having allies in
it defines them. Ultimately the many levels of government,
Foundation has one true purpose — popular society, and the
defending the world from any underworld, not to mention
person, group, organization, the intelligence community.
or government which challenges Archer Foundation agents are
its freedom and safety. This simple not arbitrarily the leaders of any
statement is not as simple, however, in a world as mission team to which they belong. Often, Archer
complex as ours. Enormous resources and careful operatives participate simply because they have special
planning are required to make the dream a reality. knowledge or training that might be useful on the
mission. They might also know a given locale, or have
Function strong connections there (Archer keeps hundreds of
Archer Foundation agents tend to come in two agents posted throughout the world, who make sure that
varieties — those who remain at the Institute full-term, data never stops pouring through the arteries of its
producing PsiTech or keeping one of the Chamber’s information network). Finally, many Archer agents are
many internal projects going, and those who venture psion powerhouses whose mental abilities are more than
out into the field as advisors, field executives, and sufficient to justify their assignment.
specialists on loan to existing teams. The latter are more
likely to become actively involved in missions outside

Shadow Communities
Tactical Data agents most often come from). Usually drawn from the
ASIS, Australian Special Air Service, or graduated from
The greatest tools at the Archer Foundation’s disposal
the Bishop department, these honored agents are closely
are the other Chambers, whom it can dispatch to
protected by the Foundation.
counter problems anywhere on the globe with a simple
encrypted message. But they do not stop there; Archer The “Bishops”
operatives are the high priests of the information age,
The vast majority of Archer’s research into psion
cultivating knowledge in all its many forms — including
development and application is conducted by the techno-
the raw power of unleashed psion ability. If they don’t
wizards known as Bishops. Masters of technological
know something now, they can probably dig it up given
espionage, Bishops are the mentalists and genius-level
time, and figure out a way to use it to their advantage.
latents who built the first gadget-cars, and — most
Archer PsiTech recently — the underwater stronghold known as
Within the many cloistered research bunkers of their
The Bishops are currently under close investigation
massive subterranean complex, Archer’s Bishops
by the Lords, who suspect that several Shop traitors may
(see the next column) plumb the secrets of the human
still be hiding among them. Until the Foundation is sure
mind — and the wondrous inventions it can envision.
that the crisis is over, all Bishops remain suspect.
Though severely hindered by the Shop’s recent betrayal,
the Foundation’s PsiTech laboratories continue to The “Lords”
produce the world’s foremost technology in every form
The final department within the Archer organization
imaginable, from vehicles to surveillance equipment to
are the Lords, the original analysts, strategists, and
advanced technologies like the spy-satellite system
consultants who formed the Institute. These men and
called Overwatch (see page 56).
women are the heart and mind of the Foundation,
Chamber Organization studying the material collected by the Pawns and
coordinating Archer mission teams around the world.
The Archer Foundation is divided into five
The Lords are “big thinkers,” consumed with their
departments, each with its own focus. The Foundation’s
awesome task, and often miss details and overlook
mindset forms from this bureaucratic mold, a blend
of modern corporate philosophy, critical information
The Lords are also in charge of the Foundation’s
analysis, and Cold War pragmatism known as
“private projects” — those endeavors too sensitive or
“the Game.”
dangerous to relegate to others. Each private project
The “Pawns” is codenamed to conceal its true purpose, with one
Lord (who shares the codename) placed in charge of the
The first, and least secure, department in the
operation. For instance, “Rebus” is a Foundation operative
Foundation are known as the “Pawns.” The Pawns study
otherwise known as the “Lord of Invention.” Her project
world affairs, collect data for analysis (which other
(also named “Rebus”) uses Archer’s information network
agents handle), and manage the mundane aspects of the
to literally erase known threats from society. Overnight,
Conspiracy (such as transportation and financing).
targets find themselves isolated from their former
Pawns operate in the open — which is potentially a great
friends, family, lovers… as if they never existed. Another
strength — using the Canberra home office of the Archer
project — Nostrum — is ministered by a former Bishop
Institute as their base of operations.
known as the “Lord of Discipline,” who meets annually
The “Rooks” with Archer’s field teams for extended “training
missions” into the Australian Outback. During these
Rooks handle counterintelligence activities both at
meetings, the operatives are evaluated and any potential
home and abroad. They are in charge of physical
weaknesses addressed.
defenses for all Archer facilities, as well as training and
commanding operatives with counterinsurgency “It’s all a Game”
techniques. Rook bodyguards are frequently assigned to
If the Archer Foundation’s structure appears
critical members of the Foundation’s information
complex and confusing to outsiders, its internal
communications system is positively mind-boggling.
The “Knights” Based loosely on the moves made in chess, every order
issued — no matter how long — can be boiled down to
The Knights are Archer’s contribution to mission
a simple command phrase. An as example, “Bishop to
teams (and the Foundation department where player
Queen Four” might indicate a transfer of PsiTech to a

Shadowforce Archer
field team. “Rook to King Bishop Six,” on the other The ASIO focuses its efforts on counterintelligence
hand, could point to an endangered informant seeking within Australia, which until recently has been rather
assistance. limited. Until the mysterious incursions from Asia, the
To make matters worse, the “Game” changes nation’s principal enemies were the Soviets, whose
periodically (without warning), creating a constantly interest in the country was negligible at best. The most
recycling cipher shielding Archer’s inner workings. important episode of the Cold War was the defection of
Many Foundation operatives wonder if there is more to Vladimir M. Petrov — an intelligence officer at Canberra’s
this than mere security — if perhaps their superiors are Soviet embassy — and his wife, in 1954. This is only
playing a different kind of game altogether. noteworthy because it revealed to the Americans that
Project VENONA (the U.S. code-breaking operation leak-
The Game in Australia ing information from Russia) was compromised, and that
The Australian spy world has never really been the Soviets were interested in Australian uranium mines.
about monitoring Australia, which is usually left to the The ASIO enjoyed a great deal of freedom in its
Australian Federal Police and their many specialized operations, but in 1983 it discovered another Soviet
task forces. In truth, the bulk of Australian intelligence operation. This one targeted powerful individuals in the
resources is directed at enemy agents operating in Australian government, including Labor Party official
Australian territory, or toward those regions which send David Combe. The ASIO brought the penetration to
unsuccessful (and therefore detected) spies to Australia. light, but suffered for its efforts; worried about further
One might argue that Australia’s relatively isolated Soviet infiltration of the Australian government (and
intelligence community has little need for extensive the ASIO itself), the agency was ordered to notify the
covert protection, but the Archer Foundation (which, by Prime Minister and Attorney General before mounting
and large, runs the Australian espionage arena) has any major espionage operations.
noted an alarming trend in the last two years. Most This decision effectively castrated the ASIO, which
enemy spies in Australia arrive from Southeast Asia. for sixteen years was very closely monitored. Then the
Some of these can be attributed to the secretive Asian problem arose and Archer exerted some political
activities of the Pan-Asian Collective, but the rest seem sway to renew the ASIO’s authority, and give it some
a legitimate threat — apparently unaligned operatives not included in its original charter.
conducting clandestine research into Australian Now the ASIO has the right not only to conduct
political, economic, and intelligence strength. espionage investigations without interference from
The Foundation suspects a greater motive, the government, but also intercept mail and infiltrate
a Mastermind organization operating out of Asia that computers without a warrant. This shift has of course
knows of the protectorate and wants to ferret it out, raised a few eyebrows in Australian parliament,
if not disable it. Should this group succeed, Archer may but Archer considers it a calculated risk given the
find itself fighting a losing war on its home turf — possibility of a full-scale invasion of enemy spies.
an unsettling prospect, to say the least. Australian Security Intelligence Service (ASIS):
To counter the danger, the Foundation has placed all The ASIS is Australia’s world intelligence arm,
its local agencies on alert and dispatched a trusted deep- the outlet for most globe-trotting spies fielded directly
cover operative into the Collective (see “Dareka” on by the Foundation. It currently focuses most of its
page 121 for more about this operation). Unfortunately, attention on the Pacific Rim and the unknown
it has since lost contact with its operative and now fears Mastermind looming there, but the agency also
that she may be dead, or worse, turned. coordinates frequently with the United States and U.K.
By the terms of the UKUSA Agreement of 1946,
Australian Australian intelligence services (including the ASIS)
Intelligence Agencies share code words, terminology, intercept-handling
The Archer Foundation has infiltrated the following techniques, and security procedures with those countries.
agencies, or at least remains involved in their current Like the ASIO, the ASIS is well-staffed and
plotlines. Additional detail is forthcoming in the Archer well-funded, thanks to the Archer Foundation’s support
Foundation sourcebook. in 1999.
Australian Security and Intelligence Organization International Reporting and Information Service
(ASIO): Partly to counter the Pan-Asian problem, the (IRIS): Located in New York City, USA, this non-
Archer Foundation has encouraged the continued governmental office compiles and sells information
growth of both of Australia’s core intelligence agencies, gained from a wide variety of sources (most of which
one of which — the Australian Security and Intelligence are purely legal). The Archer Foundation was introduced
Organization (ASIO) — forms the home front of their effort. to the institution by the Gemeinschafft Consortium,

Shadow Communities
which calls on it frequently for data it can’t otherwise of the Conspiracy – including the Foundation. These
get hold of. Archer relies on Gemeinschafft to supple- Lords – now referred to as the Judas Syndicate — were
ment its own Archives. discovered shortly after the fall of the Soviet Union, and
INTERPOL: The International Criminal Police (it is believed) incarcerated in the Foundation’s private
Commission is based in Paris, France, and houses the penitentiary in the Australian outback, prisoners of a
most comprehensive database of law-breakers in the shadow war they created.
world. It gives and receives information from over 120 Leverage: The Lords routinely collect incriminating
member nations, including Australia (and therefore the data on high-ranking officials in the other Chambers,
Archer Foundation). and on each other. As a sharp contrast, Two is
completely intolerant of such activities, and shuts them
Playing the Great Game down whenever possible. This is one of the chief reasons
“I trust that people won’t surprise me, though that Raymond Archer instituted him as the Foundation’s
sometimes I wish they would." Control — Two is pure, untainted by the corruption
– Two eating away at the Conspiracy from within.
Assets: Two directs several private psion-related
Mission Management: The Foundation’s focus is
projects that he feels cannot yet be revealed to the other
analysis and "big picture" planning, and it tends to shy
Chambers. Project TABULA RASA has developed a
away from “first contact” missions, depending on the
devastating psionic "Final Trump" – a weapon of mass
African Alliance to handle the bulk of them. Originally
destruction unlike anything the world has ever seen.
intended to cement the Alliance’s place in the
(For more about TABULA RASA, see the forthcoming
Conspiracy and give it the chance for some quick glory,
Archer Foundation sourcebook.) Further, Two has
this policy has become a crutch that Foundation
initiated a personal inquiry into the nature of his own
directors rely upon when they should be take an active
psionic mastery. This project may unlock the potential
role in exploratory missions. When the Foundation
for other agents to acquire all three families of psionic
undertakes field missions, Two often calls upon Room
ability (currently only Two possesses such versatility).
39’s twin expertise (see page 124).
At present, this research is still in its infancy, and no
Damage Control: The Shops’ defection severely
hard results have been garnered.
impacted the Conspiracy’s manpower, stripping away
several hundred years of combined experience. Current Plotlines
Two, ever able to make the most of such crises, seized
Any or all of the following plotlines might make an
the opportunity to install his own hand-picked
excellent hook for a Mission or Serial.
replacements throughout the Conspiracy. Department
Ten Little Indians (Code: Red): Two months ago,
heads for this new revitalized Shop — nicknamed the
Señor Umberto Galt, a Foundation spin doctor, was
"Ego Trust" by those unsure of Two’s motives — answer
murdered in his small Rome apartment. An Archer
directly to the Foundation’s Lords, and operate
investigation ruled his death the result of random
independently of the Chambers they serve.
violence, but within two weeks, another Pawn was
Dirty Little Secrets: Two keeps secrets like normal
killed, this time in broad daylight. More deaths
people keep clothes – they pile up like skeletons in his
followed, and the situation was raised from Code:
closet until he needs room for more, then he purges
Yellow to Code: Red (see page 203 of the Spycraft
them all at once. The Shop’s break precipitated one such
Espionage Handbook for more about threat codes).
purge, as Two and his subordinates scrambled to
Seven members of the Foundation’s information
distance themselves from questionable projects and
network have been murdered to date, as yet without a
personnel. On most fronts, the Foundation has succeeded
suspect. No formal operation has been authorized.
in keeping their dirtiest laundry out of sight, but a
The Psion Explosion (Code: Red): In the late 1970s,
couple stray items have crept into view. The most damning
shortly after Archer’s final confrontation with Helix,
of these is the Foundation’s involvement in the creation
its medical researchers noted a drastic increase in the
of what is now called P.E.R.I.L. In the early 1950s,
manifestation of latent psions. Not long thereafter, with
several Foundation Lords became aware of a growing
the identification of viruses around the world related to
cancer in the Soviet Union, headed by a Stalinist traitor
Helix’s original research, it became terrifyingly clear that
named Lavrenty Baria. Rather than reveal him to the
the villain’s plan had not been entirely thwarted. Since
Conspiracy, however, the Lords supported his activities,
then, the Foundation has devoted significant resources to
helping him develop the shadow government within
countering both problems, with only marginal success.
Russia that would eventually seize control of the entire
nation. They also helped to hide the truth from the rest

Shadowforce Archer
The psion explosion poses an immediate danger. TV Shows: The Agency, The Avengers,
With Archer unable to contact all the psions cropping The Champions, The Gemini Man, La Femme Nikita,
up throughout the world, many find themselves without The Man From UNCLE, Nowhere Man, The Pretender,
guidance, unable to control their blooming powers, Prey, Reilly: Ace of Spies, Smiley’s People, SpyTek,
or worse, recruited by enemy organizations. Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, The Tomorrow People,
Aquatica (Code: Yellow): The Foundation’s latest, The X-Files.
greatest achievement is a fully self-contained under- Music: Golden Palominos, Orbital, Recoil, anything
water complex on the floor of the Baltic Sea. All has by Mark Snow (Disturbing Behavior, X-Files scores).
been quiet since it went operational in 1997, until now. Computer and Console Games: Spider and Web
Over the last eleven months, Aquatica technicians have (an obscure text adventure, a la Zork), Syndicate.
observed a gradual rise in local water temperature.
At first negligible, it is now reaching alarming levels,
leading the Foundation to believe that the inhabitants of
Aquatica are not alone in the Baltic.
The Foundation Genre With eight core Chambers and hundreds of support
The Archer Foundation is the heart of the
cells at its disposal, the Archer Conspiracy may seem
protectorate guiding the course of human history for the
like a complex beast that should collapse under its own
last fifty years. Byzantine in nature and global in scope,
weight. But in practice, its protocols are painfully
the Foundation is an untrustworthy, unpredictable,
and somewhat unkind place far less overt than most
other Chambers. Here, explosions are replaced with terse Big Brother
conversations over a leveled pistol and chases become
At the forefront of Archer’s operations is its obser-
dangerous games of cat-and-mouse.
vation network, responsible for keeping an eye on the
The most accessible description for the Archer genre
world and sending up a metaphorical warning flare
is “Cold War spy intrigue.” For good examples, refer to
when a situation arises that deserves the Foundation’s
any of the classic spy films and novels of the 1950s,
attention. This network has three primary components.
60s, and early 70s.
As described on page 41, the Archer Foundation has
its own dedicated satellite hub, Overwatch. Through this
Archetypes: Bester (from Babylon 5), The “Big Three”
hub, Archer’s Canberra operations center monitors
(Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin), Elijah Snow (from
much of the world’s electronic traffic (radio and
Planetary), Men in Black, Nathan Muir from Spy Game,
television frequencies, World Wide Web use, and email).
Professor X, Section (from La Femme Nikita), Smiley
An automated system flags potentially suspicious items
(from several LeCarré novels), The Watchers (from Buffy
for human review. Anything that merits direct action by
the Vampire Slayer), Alec Leamas from The Spy Who
Foundation agents is immediately sent to the Chamber
Came in From the Cold, the villains from Enemy of the
nearest the event site and copied to the Lords,
State and other conspiracy stories.
with a threat recommendation (see page 203 of the
Inspirations Spycraft Espionage Handbook). The Lords contact the
Chamber directly, usually within 24 hours, with orders
Here’s an incomplete list of suggested viewing,
and team assignments, redirected through the regional
reading, listening, and playing for Archer players and
Control to any agents already in the field.
the Game Control.
Overwatch’s earthbound counterparts are the estab-
lished intelligence agencies Archer has infiltrated.
Books: Cryptonomicon by Neal Stephenson, ESPERS
Though not capable of surveying the same volume of
(comic book), The Illuminatus! Trilogy by Robert Shea
information, compromised analysts in these agencies
and Robert Anton Wilson, Invisibles (comic book),
watch for potential threats, drawing upon hundreds
Planetary (comic book), Watchmen (comic book),
of years of cumulative experience. When operatives
anything by John LeCarré (especially his Cold War
within the event area target a situation, word travels
novels, like The Spy Who Came In From the Cold).
back to the Foundation as described above.
Movies: Conspiracy Theory, Enemy of the State,
Finally, Archer’s many informants keep their ears to
La Femme Nikita, The Man Who Knew Too Much,
the ground, passing word of potential situations along
Men in Black, Presidio, Spy Game, The Third Man,
to their handlers (who are either agents of a Foundation
Thirteen Days, Three Days of the Condor, Vertigo,
Chamber, or work for them). Problems filter through the
system as described under Intelligence Analysis.

Shadow Communities
Which Agents Are Sent? Where Does the
When situations arise that demand Archer’s atten-
Money Come From?
tion, one or more agents from the nearest Chamber are When faced with a global network as complex and
automatically dispatched to investigate. This is called a invasive as the Archer Conspiracy, it’s logical to ask
first contact mission, and occurs without the where the money for its often-elaborate operations
Foundation’s sanction. First contact agents evaluate the comes from. Are there shady deals in the mix? Are
situation and report back to their Control, who deter- there private investors? Do tax dollars pay for all
mines a course of action. More often than not, the Lords this?
have contacted the Control by this time with their In all three cases, the answer is “No. Well, not
orders, which guide his decision. entirely.” Archer Chambers do receive a portion
If the Lords or the local Control deems the situation of their operating capital from their patron
worthy of direct intervention, they form a team. Typical governments, but only a small part. Early in the
protocol dictates that field units accept agents sent by twentieth century, many of the organizations that the
the Lords and flesh the team out with local operatives. Foundation has since infiltrated tapped into the
Agents are assigned for their talents rather than their industrial market. Telecommunications and other
proximity to the action, and are called in from foreign technical fields are closely linked with the espionage
territories if needed. Lords often take team dynamics world (though those industries are rarely aware of it).
and former assignments into consideration, and group Since 1975, certain Shop gadgets which skirted the
those who work well together into semi-permanent technological limits of the common market have
teams. occasionally been sold to profit the Archer Conspiracy
Game Note: This protocol allows for easy, logical as well.
field assignment of your player agent teams, even if Many agencies employ a cadre of highly trained
they are from different Chambers. and ruthless staff members whose sole job is to
manipulate the stock market. These individuals
Who’s in Control? engage in practices that make insider trading seem
Teams are formed with no inherent leader. When positively benign, but generate a substantial amount
situations come up that require a critical and final of money to fund the Foundation and its operations.
decision to be made, they defer to the local Chamber
Control for leadership. Occasionally, Lords or Archer
representatives are assigned to specific missions, whose
authority supersedes that of the regional Chamber
Control with regards to that mission only.
Mission Parameters The Archer Foundation could not maintain its
Mission assignments include many parameters, the
global operations without the aid of many people
most common of which is the acceptable level of “noise”
outside the Conspiracy, including many political,
(attention-drawing activity). Most missions are classi-
military, and civilian leaders. The following is a brief
fied “silent,” meaning the agents must strive to keep
overview of each region’s average understanding of the
their actions from public view at all times. Operations
Foundation, and some means they use to contact
away from population centers are sometimes “quiet,”
the organization in times of need. These notes may be
requiring less discretion. “Hush” is a warning codeword
useful to GCs wishing to derive their own information
demanding that noise drop immediately.
and communication networks on the fly.
Where Do Masterminds Go? Africa
The Archer Foundation does not actively endorse
The vast majority of Archer’s African connections
murder — even of its worst enemies. When masterminds
are maintained through the Janus Committee (see page
and their henchmen are captured, they are usually
64), Elias Graham’s peace-keeping venture. By and
incarcerated at one of the Conspiracy’s private peniten-
large, the Foundation stays out of African internal
tiaries around the world. The foremost installation in
politics, though it has recently brought several Janus
this system is the Panopticon, a subterranean prison
peace officers into the fold. The most important leading
beneath the African Alliance’s Lodge (see page 65–66).
figures in Africa are Graham himself (who has regular
contact with the Australian home office, as well as most
of the other Chamber Controls) and his immediate staff.

Shadowforce Archer
Asia The United States
Like Russia, Asia has been largely left to its own Many U.S. figures know of the Foundation,
devices (a condition that Archer now regrets in both but the information is contained through media spin
cases). The most prominent figures aware of the and disinformation campaigns. Most in the know fiercely
Conspiracy work within the Ministry of State Security protect their knowledge, seeing the Company as a
and Central External Liaison Department (see pages private reserve or a bargaining chip. All communication
118–119), with only a few exceptions, who remain in from the U.S. goes through Company Control or private
infrequent contact with Archer by email. channels.

The most stable of all Archer’s constituent nations,
Australia is the most heavily indoctrinated into the
Conspiracy. Several dozen high-ranking officials in its
Aliases: The Lord of Discipline, Treat Jacobs
intelligence community regularly communicate with the Archer Identity Number: 09-692748-893
Foundation, often simply by picking up the phone. Nationality: Australian
Security protocols are always observed for sensitive Gender: Male Handedness: Right
situations, however, and personal meetings are often Height: 6 ft. 4 in. Weight: 220 lbs.
arranged to discuss them. Eyes: Black Hair: None
Psion Class: Physical Adept (Grade B)
Europe Place of Birth: Melbourne, Australia
Once, Archer kept several delegates from Europe’s Date of Birth: 1960.09.14
intelligence agencies and political bodies in the loop, Distinguishing Characteristics: Spider-web tattoo
but with the many scandals rocking France and around left eye.
other areas, they have scaled their involvement back
significantly. Today, most insiders are employed by Background
Gemeinschafft, which stays in contact with Archer Throughout the 1980s and 90s, Treat Jacobs — the
through unobtrusive faxes and email. Lord of Discipline — has become something of a myth-
ic figure among Archer agents, and a frequent source of
The Middle East anxiety. According to Archer legend, individual agents
The Guardians act as an effective barrier between and occasional mission teams — particularly those
the Foundation and the Middle East, and take sole whose records are less than stellar — are summoned
responsiblity for maintaining relations with the local to his isolated compound in the Australian Outback,
community. The very few outsiders they let into their where they undergo a grueling battery of physical and
circle are all honorary members of their culture. psychological tests in a mock-field setting.
Communication is usually maintained through ordinary Operatives subjected to these tests find themselves
means, but occasionally mystical ones as well (see page faced with an unexpected, unprecedented, and often
103). seemingly impossible situation, without warning, and
are evaluated according to their performance, individual
Russia actions, teamwork, and a variety of other factors
Russian Control has always been responsible for determined by the Foundation. The challenges adapt to
keeping Archer’s secrets in the region. Unfortunately, it the team throughout the testing period, which can last
appears that these details have fallen into the hands of from a few hours to a month or more.
a powerful enemy (see page 136). Agents opposing this Each test is unique, tailored exclusively for the
enemy stay in contact with Archer through various agents at hand, and many extend outside the
long-range communication gadgets, such as the Icon compound, and even the nation. For instance,
ProStar 7 (see page 207). one reported mission-test led the team to a jungle
inland of the coastal city of Madras, India, where the
The United Kingdom operatives (who were primarily an urban task force)
Due largely to the adversarial efforts of MI5 faced a colony of terrorist bush predators. Mostrum also
(see page 129), knowledge of the Archer Foundation is reportedly conducts similar tests in the field, under the
kept to Room 39 personnel only, who communicate with guise of standard Archer operations.
the home office through the Omnium Corporation
(page 128).

Shadow Communities
Low-Level nostrum Psion Skills: Control Metabolism +6, Energy Burst +7,
Invigorate +8, Pain Transmission +6, Speed Control +6
Chamber: The Archer Foundation
Department: Training Ops (11) Attacks
Class: Physical Adept
12 gauge pump-action shotgun +5 ranged (4d4)
Level: 1
Gear: Per mission-test
Strength: 14 Dexterity: 12
Constitution: 18 Intelligence: 14 Common Gadgets: Sub-cochlear implant
Wisdom: 12 Charisma: 5
Vitality: 14 Wounds: 18
High-Level nostrum
Chamber: The Archer Foundation
Defense: 12 (+1 class, +1 Dex) Department: Training Ops (11)
Initiative Bonus: +2 (+1 class, +1 Dex) Class: Physical Adept
Speed: 30 Level: 15
Fort: +6 Ref: +1 Will: +3 Strength: 16 Dexterity: 13
Constitution: 18 Intelligence: 15
Skills: Climb +3, Concentration +5, Driver +3,
Wisdom: 12 Charisma: 6
Intimidate +2, Jump +3, Sense Motive +2
Vitality: 147 Wounds: 18
Feats: Adrenal Basics, Metabolic Basics, Vitality
Battery Defense: 20 (+9 class, +1 Dex)
Initiative Bonus: +10 (+9 class, +1 Dex)
Psion Skills: Control Metabolism +5, Energy Burst +5,
Speed: 30
Invigorate +5, Pain Transmission +3, Speed Control +5
Fort: +13 Ref: +6 Will: +11
Skills: Climb +8, Concentration +15, Driver +8,
12 gauge pump-action shotgun +1 ranged (4d4)
Intimidate +16, Jump +8, Knowledge (Archer Secrets) +16,
Gear: Per mission-test Occult +5, Profession (Spy Trainer) +15, Sense Motive +10,
Surveillance +5
Common Gadgets: Sub-cochlear implant
Feats: Adrenal Basics, Adrenal Mastery, Equilibrium
Mid-Level nostrum Junction, Expertise, Intense Psi-Training, Metabolic
Chamber: The Archer Foundation Basics, Metabolic Mastery, Point Blank Shot, Rapid
Department: Training Ops (11) Shot, Sidestep, Vitality Battery
Class: Physical Adept
Psion Skills: Control Metabolism +11, Energy
Level: 8
Burst +13, Invigorate +10, Pain Transmission +8,
Strength: 15 Dexterity: 13 Speed Control +11
Constitution: 18 Intelligence: 14
Wisdom: 12 Charisma: 6 Attacks
12 gauge pump-action shotgun +8 ranged (4d4)
Vitality: 81 Wounds: 18
Gear: Per mission-test
Defense: 16 (+5 class, +1 Dex)
Initiative Bonus: +6 (+5 class, +1 Dex) Common Gadgets: Sub-cochlear implant
Speed: 30
Fort: +10 Ref: +3 Will: +7 NPCs: Why three Versions?
Skills: Climb +4, Concentration +10, Driver +5, Each NPC in this book is presented in three versions,
Intimidate +9, Jump +4, Knowledge (Archer Secrets) +10, one for low-level games (levels 1-7), one for mid-level
Occult +3, Profession (Spy Trainer) +10, Sense Motive +6, games (levels 8-15), and a third for high-level games
Surveillance +5 (levels 16 and above). This tradition will continue
with all Shadowforce Archer products, so that you can
Feats: Adrenal Basics, Intense Psi-Training,
insert the NPCs into your game with only minimal
Metabolic Basics, Point Blank Shot, Sidestep, Vitality

Shadowforce Archer
Defense: 15 (+2 class, +3 Dex)
Initiative Bonus: +6 (+3 class, +3 Dex)
Codename: ATLAS
Speed: 30
Fort: +7 Ref: +7 Will: +12
Archer Identity Number: 33-914875-765
Skills: Balance +2, Bluff +5, Bureaucracy +5,
Nationality: Undetermined
Concentration +11, Cryptography +10, Gather
Gender: Male Handedness: Right
Information +5, Hobby (Chess) +6, Innuendo +5,
Height: 5 ft. 11 in. Weight: 180 lbs.
Intimidate +10, Knowledge (Cold War) +6, Occult +5,
Eyes: Blue-gray Hair: Graying black
Sense Motive +10
Psion Class: All (Grade uncharted)
Place of Birth: Undetermined Feats: Sidestep + all psion feats
Date of Birth: 1946.02.18
Psionic Skills: All at +5 or above
Distinguishing Characteristics: Icy pale-blue eyes
(side effect of gene tampering), rook-topped steel cane Attacks
with “0010” engraved into side.
Sword-cane +4 melee (1d6+3)
Background 9mm service pistol +4 ranged (1d10)
In 1998 Raymond Archer retired, leaving the Gear: Any
Foundation in the hands of his protegé — an unknown
Common Gadgets: Any
who, as far as anyone knows, spent the last 23 years
under the Bishops’ microscopes. Mid-Level "TWO"
“Two” was found during the raid on Eden in 1975.
Chamber: The Archer Foundation
Dragged out of a conditioning tank where prisoners
Department: None
endured force-awakening experiments, Two claimed to
Class: Mentalist/Physical Adept/Telepath
have no memory of how he got there. According to the
Level: 4/4/3
few records Archer recovered, Two was the only latent
to survive the project’s second phase, the parameters of Strength: 16 Dexterity: 16
which were lost in the assault. Constitution: 20 Intelligence: 25*
Archer searched their Archive for records of a man Wisdom: 22* Charisma: 10
meeting Two’s description, but found none. Two named *recoreded — may be higher
himself after the number on his tank and has lived with
Vitality: 115 Wounds: 20
the Bishops ever since, honing his psion ability.
The true extent of Two’s powers is unknown. He has Defense: 18 (+5 class, +3 Dex)
mentalist, telepath, and physical adept abilities at Initiative Bonus: +10 (+7 class, +3 Dex)
striking levels (beyond anything the Bishops have Speed: 30
charted before or since), and his power is still growing.
Fort: +11 Ref: +9 Will: +16
Raymond Archer took a personal interest in Two
following the 1975 incident. For reasons he never Skills: Balance +2, Bluff +8, Bureaucracy +8,
explained, Archer nurtured Two, spending countless Concentration +16, Cryptography +12, Gather
hours playing chess with him to hone his mind and help Information +8, Hobby (Chess) +16, Innuendo +10,
him come to grips with his missing past — as well as the Intimidate +15, Knowledge (Archer Secrets) +11,
startling psion abilities he is still discovering. Knowledge (Cold War) +11, Occult +10, Sense
Motive +16
Low-Level "Two" Feats: Sidestep + all psion feats
Chamber: The Archer Foundation
Department: None Psionic Skills: All at +8 or above
Class: Mentalist/Physical Adept/Telepath
Level: 2/1/1 Attacks
Sword-cane +8 melee (1d6+3)
Strength: 16 Dexterity: 16
9mm service pistol +8 ranged (1d10)
Constitution: 20 Intelligence: 25*
Wisdom: 22* Charisma: 9 Gear: Any
*recorded — may be higher
Common Gadgets: Any
Vitality: 44 Wounds: 20

Shadow Communities
High-Level "Two" The Alliance Mission
Chamber: The Archer Foundation The African Alliance operates like a microcosm of
Department: None the Archer Foundation itself. With the Lodge’s advanced
Class: Mentalist/Physical Adept/Telepath technologies (many of which exceed those of the
Level: 6/6/6 * Foundation, and some of which have yet to be deci-
phered), it monitors world news, military, and private
Strength: 16 Dexterity: 16
traffic for signs of trouble, and dispatches teams when
Constitution: 20 Intelligence: 25*
necessary. Unlike the other Chambers, the Alliance is
Wisdom: 22* Charisma: 12
self-sufficient, and can operate with or without Archer’s
*recoreded — may be higher
support. This is a sore point with some agents of
Vitality: 187 Wounds: 20 the other Chambers, which have been in business
for a quarter century longer than the Alliance.
Defense: 23 (+10 class, +3 Dex)
But ultimately, it is the African Chamber’s raw idealism
Initiative Bonus: +16 (+13 class, +3 Dex)
and ability to think outside the box that gained them
Speed: 30
the autonomy they currently enjoy. When the Archer
Fort: +14 Ref: +13 Will: +19 Foundation faces an unfamiliar or global threat,
it usually calls in at least one African Alliance agent.
Skills: Balance +7, Bluff +10, Bureaucracy +10,
Concentration +21, Cryptography +15, Gather Function
Information +10, Hobby (Chess) +21, Innuendo +15,
As the “first-contact” field operations arm for the
Intimidate +20, Knowledge (Archer Secrets) +21,
Archer Foundation, the African Alliance is geared
Knowledge (Cold War) +21, Occult +20, Sense
toward dealing with the unforeseen. Agents, freelancers,
Motive +21
and Control personnel all regularly run through simula-
Feats: Sidestep + all psion feats tions to enhance their problem-solving skills, and other
facets of Alliance training (like social manipulation or
Psionic Skills: All at +10 or above
gunplay) are presented within the same context. Lodge
Attacks cadets — especially those of other Chambers, who are
not used to the Alliance’s frantic methods and pacing —
Sword-cane +12 melee (1d6+3)
call this method “panic training,” and the Foundation
9mm service pistol +12 ranged (1d10)
values it like no other.
Gear: Any The African Alliance relies heavily upon the other
Chambers for support in its missions; an all-African
Common Gadgets: Any
mission is quite rare. Alliance agents’ broad training
is perfect for field operations — until the problem is
identified. Then it is often useful to call in agents of
more specialized branches of the Conspiracy to help
close the deal. The Company, for instance, might be
called in to contend with a military threat, while Room
“Both sides are becoming identical, a perfect blue- 39 is often consulted about terrorist and urban action,
print for world order. When the sides facing each other as well as ciphers and other items that require close
suddenly realize that they are looking into a mirror, analysis. The Guardians are called in when mystic or
they will see that this is the pattern for the future.” occult problems are encountered, as well as during
—Number 2, “The Chimes of Big Ben” wetworks and infiltration missions. Prisoners are often
sent to the Pan-Asian Collective for interrogation,
The criminal mastermind Helix was the greatest and so on.
threat that Archer faced throughout the 20th Century. Alliance operatives usually remain on a case through
The effects of his myriad plots still crop up, but nowhere its completion regardless of the involvement of other
is his impact felt more sharply than in the bowels of his Chambers. Each agent personally invests himself or
monstrous island complex, “Eden” (renamed “the Lodge” herself in the task at hand, and does not consider the job
by its current occupants, the African Alliance). done until the situation is completely resolved and any
Originally built as the launching pad for his vision of threat eliminated. The Archer Foundation encourages
psion domination, the fortress is equal parts scientific this attitude (again, often against the arguments of
laboratory, military bunker, and global operations center, others under their banner).
making it the perfect staging ground for Archer’s mission.

Shadowforce Archer
Common Alliance Missions either to gain additional intelligence or sabotage the
Agents of the African Alliance regularly perform mastermind’s efforts. Consequently, the African Alliance
important missions for the Foundation, often with little has adopted this as standard practice.
or no clear direction. The majority are included here, Liquidation: Though it is actively avoided (and many
along with an idea of how they apply in the African Alliance agents, including Control, find it
Shadowforce Archer setting. distasteful), assassination is sometimes an agent’s best
Investigation (“First Contact”): The most common option. The Alliance trains a small number of their
mission undertaken by operatives of the African personnel in the finer points of killing; they call these
Alliance is to follow up on information and report back agents “Lethals.” These men and women are sent on
with the truth of the matter. For instance, they might be missions with the highest estimated casualty rate (the
sent in to determine the source and nature of threats Chamber’s way of “balancing the scales”), and are
against world leaders or Archer affiliates, or search for known for leaving long trails of bodies behind them.
a missing nuclear submarine, or try to determine the In response, the Foundation privately assigns at least
whereabouts of an anarchist during his thirty-year one Cleaner to each Lethal unit (see page 64), to make
exile. First contact missions often explode into much sure their messes don’t draw too much attention.
larger plots, and are the most common way that Observation: The most basic function of any spy is
Alliance agents become involved in other mission types. to remain aware of his surroundings, and more
Diplomacy: Many Alliance operatives are placed importantly, of the little details he can use to assist his
around the world as “diplomatic spies”: that is, spies allies or cut down his foes. For the African Alliance, this
who remain plugged into global affairs and, if neces- mission type has become the focus of an entire
sary, skew perceptions and reactions in a direction department, which includes their collection of moles
favorable to Archer. Diplomatic spies must sometimes and “Sentries” (see page 66).
perform damage control in times of crisis, but do so only Research and Development: Much of Helix’s grossly
if directly ordered by Archer or the Alliance. To act on advanced technology has remained at the Lodge (most
their own would risk compromising their cover, which of it is still part of the facility); a division of technicians
has been carefully cultivated and is difficult or impossi- work diligently deciphering it. Originally part of the
ble to replace. Shop, these mentalists have formally assumed the name
Archer carefully guards its diplomatic spies, who “the Daedalus Division” (see page 65) since those
remain anonymous even to premier agents. Shielded by villains broke away from Archer. Surprisingly, no agents
elaborate communication protocols, code words, and of the Daedalus Division defected with the Shop;
double-blind mail drops, these are the hardest agents to whether this indicates that the Alliance R&D department
contact or work into typical Shadowforce Archer somehow survived the break unscathed or that all Shop
missions. infiltrators are keeping their covers intact is as yet
“Doubling”: The Alliance keeps many operatives in unknown.
key positions within intelligence agencies outside their Sabotage: Interfering with enemy operations is a
shadow community, as well as inside foreign govern- prime concern of the African Alliance (and, for that
ments and known terrorist and villain organizations. matter, all Archer Chambers); all agents have standing
When needed, these agents can provide valuable infor- orders to conduct sabotage at will, so long as they do
mation about their parent groups. It is important to note not directly risk the security of the Chamber in the
that — for their own purposes as much as those of process. According to Alliance doctrine, sabotage is
Archer — the African Alliance maintains several double- most effective when conducted closest to the heart of a
agents in each of the other Chambers as well. villain’s organization (which is usually, but not always,
Infiltration: Infiltration is usually only part of closest to the villain himself), though harrying missions
a larger mission, but is occasionally required on its own can also yield impressive results.
— usually to “seed” agents in a location hours or days Terminal Action: The African Alliance refers to the
before a major operation is conducted there. Infiltration final stages of any mission as “terminal action.” Several
also frequently involves theft. Agents of the African of their agents have become synonymous with this
Alliance are perfectly suited to both duties. phase of an operation (some of whom are rarely
One common training scenario which has proven assigned at any other time). These agents are called
useful in the field involves the agents discovering the “Closers,” and have the authority to take any steps
remote headquarters of a criminal mastermind, often required in the course of terminal action. Many agents
while on a tight timetable. In such circumstances it is serve as Closers, and indeed it is the most liberating,
almost always best to call home base or a relay station, no-holds-barred position the Alliance has. Some Closers
report the location, and infiltrate the headquarters, specialize in following a single mission through

Shadow Communities
investigation, bridging operations, and finally bringing Tactical Data
the whole thing home; these agents in particular make
Alliance operations tend to be broad and global in
almost perfect field operatives. But Closers walk the
scope; more often than not, either the problem at hand
razor’s edge between glory and the shame of personally
is too undefined for more specialized units or other
handling a botched operation.
teams have already tried and failed. As a result, Alliance
Training: Finally, the Alliance has the privilege of
agents learn to react quickly and decisively, but more
being one of two primary training centers for Archer’s
importantly, they know not to tip their hands too early.
agents (the other being the Company — see page 72).
Typically, they infiltrate and watch until they either
They use the National Intelligence Agency’s academy as
gain all the information they need, or the threat
a proving ground for raw recruits (none of whom are
escalates to a level where terminal action is required.
aware of the Conspiracy until they are inducted) as well
Weapons carried by Alliance Agents tend to be
as a training bed for basic espionage knowledge,
relatively light and rarely gadget-enhanced.
but it is the Lodge itself where a spy’s
Easily concealed weapons are the norm, as are
“trial by fire” truly begins. Not only is
Glocks and other items which can be shuffled
the base large enough to house several
through airport security.
times the number of agents who regularly
Privately, the Alliance endorses
live there, but many of the lower levels
non-lethal methods of combat, and
specifically serve to engage minions in
prefers its agents to subdue or
mock-field exercises. (See “The Lodge”
take prisoners rather than kill.
on page 65 for more details about the
Lethals, on the other hand, are
island base.)
usually quite ruthless, more
Agent than making up for the rest of
Expectations the Chamber.
Players who enjoy problem-solving, Alliance
unexpected twists, and over-the-top PsiTech
action will enjoy playing Alliance
The Alliance is renowned
agents. In general, operatives of this
for producing and fielding some
Chamber must be prepared for anything
of the most impressive
at any time, and go into every situation
PsiTech in the world,
with an open mind. Alliance operations,
largely because its
though glamorous and romantic, also tend to
R&D team has sixty
be poorly defined. Investigation and trouble-
years of Helix’s research to draw
shooting are the name of the game here.
from. Unfortunately, little of the
Alliance agents must be inventive, confident,
technology left behind is fully
adaptable, and broadly trained. These factors
understood, and Helix left no notes
generally manifest as a level of sophistication
to guide the effort. As a result,
unseen in agents of other Chambers; Alliance
Alliance PsiTech development,
operatives understand everything from
while capable of spectacular
street-level American and European
results, is slow going.
trends to the finest art and wine of the
The Daedalus Division
season. They know the proper clothes,
carefully tests its devices
attitude, mannerisms, and banter for every
before handing them out to
agents (usually as part of the simula-
Finally, Alliance agents must be prepared to face
tions held at the lower levels of the Lodge), ensuring a
criminal masterminds and deranged madmen on their
high level of reliability in the field.
home turf, without warning. Being part of the first
contact with a potential enemy ensures the high level of Chamber Organization
adrenaline-charged excitement many Alliance agents
When describing the internal structure of the African
crave, but it also places them in near-constant danger —
Alliance, one need look no further than the name of its
danger they must be ready to meet head-on.
headquarters, “the Lodge.” Outsiders joke that Graham
chose this name for the size and feel of his organization
as much as the surroundings; they may be right.

Shadowforce Archer
Control Standard Agents
Elias Graham treats his Chamber much like a spy Most Alliance operatives spend only half their time
club, encouraging a convivial tone, close brotherhood in the field, and that period includes more than just
between his agents, and a sense of mutual cooperation missions. The Alliance grants generous leeway after the
among everyone on the premises. This is especially successful completion of a mission, during which the
prevalent in the offices of the Janus Committee (the agents may enjoy a little downtime wherever their
Chamber’s front organization and Graham’s pet project operation ended, or somewhere they can get to without
for world unification — see below), where the feeling is too much fuss. More often than not, Alliance agents
not only an attitude, but a credo. (who are notoriously self-indulgent) gravitate toward
Graham treats all Alliance operatives well; he prefers stylish locales where posh hotel rooms, lavish casinos,
to keep things informal. Mission briefings take place and beautiful people await. Such personal forays
over morning coffee, and supportive fellow agents often generally last up to a week, unless more pressing
attend their comrades’ training sessions. First names or business prematurely calls them back to base.
codenames are used more often than not, and members On occasion, the Foundation has questioned this
of the Chamber typically know their coworkers practice, unsure of the wisdom of allowing seasoned
personally. Many have become friends, spending their agents to indulge in potentially reckless public behavior.
R&R together away from the Lodge. But Graham has so far successfully defended his policy,
Of course, these close personal bonds come under citing the Alliance’s high success rate and low mortality
fire during field operations, when tempers flare and and defection rates as proof that it works. Archer has so
lives hang in the balance. Too often for Graham’s tastes, far refrained from pointing out the many times Alliance
friends are lost during difficult missions, bringing a agents have nearly pierced the Cloak during their terminal
dark cloud over the Lodge and reminding everyone of action missions, or the high cost of covering them up.
the stakes they play for every time they venture out on Between downtime and new mission briefings,
a mission. Betrayal bites even deeper than death; Alliance agents spend most of their time at the Lodge,
Graham invests tremendous effort in every one of his training and performing routine functions.
subordinates, and intrinsically trusts everyone he works
with. Moles and double agents are not only an injury to Lethals
the Chamber, but a personal insult to Graham himself. Due to their unnerving effect on Chamber morale,
as well as the extreme nature of their training and
The Janus Committee mission parameters, Lethals are typically segregated
The Alliance’s public presence takes the form of the from their fellow agents. A separate block of living
Janus Committee, founded by Elias Graham in 1980. quarters and training areas has been set aside for them
Initially dedicated to bridging the gap between the several levels beneath the general operations and
colors in Africa, the Committee has since spread its domestic areas of the Lodge; Lethals even have their
message of unilateral acceptance across the seas into own avenues for entering and leaving the complex.
Europe, the United States, Asia, and (since the fall of the Lethals only go into the field with regular mission
Iron Curtain in 1991) Russia. But the Janus Committee teams when it is absolutely necessary. Generally,
is far more than a public relations office; it has dozens they accompany Cleaner units (or are trailed by them),
of offices all around the world which conduct outreach following up the investigations of other teams.
programs, sponsor multi-ethnic activities, and lobby for But sometimes — particularly when dealing with villains
legislative change. of known destructive capability (such as Helix,
Beneath the message, however, the Janus Committee the Shop, or the Hand of Glory), Lethals work as part of
is the eyes, ears, and sometimes hands of the African a team.
Alliance. Archer superspy Dumisani Tepe and his team One peculiar byproduct of the escalation of violence
all have public personae working for the Committee, during missions is the perceived need to disguise Lethals
cover identities under which they can enter and recon- for as long as possible, keeping their status a secret from
noiter foreign territories without arousing suspicion. their teammates until their talents are needed. Today,
The Committee’s private shipping contracts with all the Lethals are often identified during initial recruitment,
major world couriers ensure quiet delivery of equipment segregated during their wetworks training, and then
and information in the field. And during times of slipped in with the non-Lethals as new recruits. This
relative peace, those Janus employees who are aware of effectively keeps their true talents under wraps until
the Conspiracy keep an eye out for events that might be activated in the field.
important to the Chamber, coding their observations
into regular Committee letters and email.

Shadow Communities
Agents-in-Training Externally, there is no indication of the Alliance’s
Until authorized for field missions (after their presence; the island (which has never been officially
graduation from the Lodge’s training program), Aliiance named) appears as nothing more than a pleasant rest
agents are appointed to positions of secondary impor- stop for passersby. But when a helicopter sends a short
tance. Generally, agents can tell how much the Chamber coded burst over a designated frequency, the island’s
values them at this stage of their career; the higher their southern end opens up to permit a landing. Moments
security clearance (i.e. the closer their physical place of later, the helicopter lowers into the Lodge’s interior and
employment is to the Lodge), the more prestigious their the landscape returns to normal.
relationship with control. Lodge guards and operations Less obvious methods of entering the secret base are
personnel are at the top of this pecking order, while also available. Agents arriving by non-motored boat
those working in busy or high-profile Sentry Houses from the mainland can enter through any of five hidden
(see page 66) around the world fall just short. Remote entrances, all monitored around the clock. (In the rare
Sentries linger at the bottom, generally forgotten or event that the uninformed stumble onto one of these
ignored. entrances, they are taken into custody, questioned,
and warned that the island is the site of an SANDF
The Daedalus Division biological testing facility; this usually sends the stunned
Even deeper in the bowels of the Lodge than the victims packing without inquiry.)
Lethals’ quarters lies the Daedalus Division, which The island can be entered by submarine through a
conducts research into the many technologies Helix left gorge deep beneath the surface of the water. The sub
behind and creates gadgets for field teams. Daedalus merely follows a careful course under the island and
personnel are culled from the greatest scientific minds rises inside the complex.
in the world, many of whom requested transfer here According to sonic bombardments of the island
after seeing samples of Helix’s developments. walls near the ocean floor, the Lodge extends at least
Physically, the Daedalus Division consists of several three hundred feet below the island’s surface, but the
“clean rooms” (sterile environments to test and study Alliance’s penetration is relatively shallow; agents only
electronic devices and biological samples), munitions occupy the highest fourteen levels. Occupied levels use
dumps (where volatile weapons-grade components are progressively higher security measures, and break down
kept), and dedicated living quarters for the staff. into the following divisions:
Vehicles and other devices which require additional
room to test usually go through their final paces on Surface –1: “Biological testing facility” cover
the island surface during off-hours, when no one is Surface –2 to –4: Agent living quarters
expected to be around. Surface –5: Operations
Surface –6 to –7: Agent training facilities,
Alliance Resources demolitions and firing ranges
Though the Alliance can theoretically call upon the Surface –8 to –9: Lethals camp
resources of the Janus Committee to help bring their Surface –10 to –12: The Daedalus Division and
missions to a close, Graham has recently taken steps to submarine docking gorge
widen the division between the two, reinforcing the idea Surface –13 to –17: The Panopticon
that he is considering a return to public life. Outside of Surface –18 and beyond: The “Labyrinth”
keeping a number of agents-in-training on staff at
Committee offices and utilizing their shipping contacts, The Panopticon
the relationship is quite limited. As a result, the Alliance Modeled after Jeremy Bentham’s 1791 vision of
relies primarily on the resources available at the Lodge. a humane prison, the Panopticon is a ring of isolated
holding cells, all facing in toward a central tower
The Lodge (the only part of the complex connected to the rest of
At roughly 12˚ east latitude, 44˚ south longitude — the Lodge). The tower’s outer walls consist of one-way
north of Madagascar — rest the Comoro Islands, which mirrors, preventing anyone outside from seeing its
are only accessible by ship or air ferry. This small island interior. The front wall (entrance) of each holding cell is
chain identifies itself as an independent union, but one transparent, allowing the tower’s occupants to see into
among them — an otherwise ignored seven-mile strip of any part of any cell at any time without the prisoners’
light forests, steaming beaches, mangroves, coconut knowledge. The holding cells’ back walls are illuminated,
palms, and fruit trees — is privately owned by Elias floor to ceiling, by pale white light, further reducing
Graham, and has secretly become the heart of the their privacy. All are soundproofed, isolating each
Archer Foundation’s African Chamber. prisoner in sensory-deprived solitude.

Shadowforce Archer
Helix used this place to shake up, interrogate, or Sentries
emotionally cripple captured psions during the 1970s Sentry Houses are agent cells set up in the field
(see page 40-41). The stark difference helped to throw which constantly observe or protect a specific area.
the psions off balance, to keep them docile, and make They range from lone operatives huddled in secret
them pliable, more willing to accept his direction. The basement listening posts, equipped only with a short-
Alliance has found it extremely useful in the detention wave radio and a pocket knife, to full blocks of agents
and interrogation of criminal masterminds and their equipped with state-of-the-art surveillance gear, mobile
henchmen. triangulation units, and impressive armories. Most
Sentries have long-term cover identities to conceal their
activities, but some are known to the intelligence com-
The Panopticon munity in their area as a contact point for the Alliance.
Alliance Sentries are usually Agents-in-Training (see
page 65), assigned a Janus Committee office as a
Cells contact point for resupply.

The Game in South Africa

Late in 1994, two all-important agreements changed
the face of South Africa’s intelligence community,
starting the continent along the long road to recovery.
Storage Security Offices One-way Mirror The National Strategic Intelligence Act (Act 94-39,
02 December 1994) defined the function and structures
Cells of African intelligence agencies, and assigned a head
of intelligence in the area (the Co-ordinator for
Intelligence, who runs the National Intelligence
Coordinating Committee; see opposite). Meanwhile, the
Intelligence Services Act (Act 94-38, 02 December 1994)
established South Africa’s National Intelligence Agency
Space and South African Secret Service, both of which are
critical to the Archer Foundation’s efforts on
Elevator the continent. The Intelligence Services Act also
incorporated and redistributed many agents of dissolved
organizations and set up strict policies for internal
Walkway Guard Posts
security, discipline, and operations.
African intelligence services have always spearheaded
The Labyrinth political change in the region, so this sweeping
At the base of the Panopticon tower a large reorganization has had a profound effect on the area.
reinforced trapdoor leads into an area Helix called the It has also paved the way for a stronger, more unified
Labyrinth. The true function of this multi-level intelligence front.
sub-complex is unknown even today, though the
Daedalus Division (reasoning from what little it knows South African
of Helix’s origins) presumes that the area protects some- Intelligence Agencies
thing of great value to the mentalist once known as Here is a list of agencies that have been infiltrated or
Avery Schillingsfield. affected by the African Alliance. Additional detail is
Attempts to delve into the Labyrinth have met with forthcoming in the African Alliance sourcebook.
formidable automated defenses — blast doors, weapons, National Intelligence Agency (NIA): As prescribed by
and complicated death traps responsible for the deaths the National Intelligence Act, the NIA are responsible
of 79 agents and technicians (and counting). The effort for “gathering, correlating, evaluating, and analyzing
has been further hampered by the search teams’ domestic intelligence, in order to identify any threat or
inability to compile an accurate map, even of the highest potential threat to the security of the Republic or its
level; it appears that the automated defenses include people.” This broad statement, in practice, boils down to
a constantly reconfigured floor plan. Whatever Helix performing the basic practices of counterespionage
hid at the center of his private maze remains a mystery. in South Africa — data collection, research, maintaining
domestic security, safeguarding corporate resources and
technology, and training operatives.

Shadow Communities
To perform this function, the NIA has adopted SANDF) and answers to the NICOC. This distinction,
management techniques used in Europe and the United however, makes it the perfect outlet for Alliance
States, and a well-defined chain of command. The NIA activities through the area.
answers directly to its own Director-General, the
National Intelligence Coordination Committee (NICOC; Playing the Great Game
see opposite), and, through them, the President of South “I trust we can make the world a better place, but
Africa. that shouldn’t blind us to those who would rather not."
The NIA has no official police powers (they cannot
– Elias Graham
arrest, and must obtain permission to enter private
property), so they work closely with the South African Mission Management: Elias’s promotion of the
Police Service (SAPS). They are, however, a powerful African Alliance as a “spy club," coupled with tangible
organization; equipped with much sensitive information rewards from “on high" for regularly taking on extreme
gained during the reorganization — including knowledge risks, hinders his ability to field agents in low-key roles.
of the technological capabilities, professional training, Deep infiltration and long term subversion projects are
moles, and information networks of African nations, as often handed off to agents of the European
well as disquieting secrets about the African National Commonwealth instead — particularly to Fade’s shadow
Congress (ANC) — NIA stand ready to take on a new and organization. Such assignments would normally be
more dangerous period of African spy history. funneled to the Pan-Asian Collective, but the Alliance —
The National Intelligence Coordinating Committee and particularly Graham – are skeptical of the PAC’s
(NICOC): The NICOC consists of the Coordinator for motives, and work with them as little as possible. When
Intelligence and the heads of all the other services delegating over-the-top missions, Elias often teams his
listed here, as well as a few ad hoc appointees. It serves own people with operatives from the Company, whose
as the central command point for all African seasoned planners offset Alliance exuberance, and
intelligence, preparing reports for the President and whose heavy munitions can bring such wild confronta-
Cabinet, directing South Africa’s spy agencies, and tions to a successful close.
controlling the flow of data between them. NICOC is Damage Control: The Alliance suffered the greatest
only broadly involved with the nation’s intelligence physical damage during the Shop’s departure.
agencies, focusing more on the priority of cases than the The Lodge, former headquarters of the greatest mentalist
nuts-and-bolts. ever known, was the target of massive destruction
The South African National Defense Force (SANDF): during the Shop’s break. Upper floor gadget arsenals
The SANDF is a military body limited to gathering and entire lab complexes were bombed. Most troubling
military intelligence; its charter strictly forbids it to are the hints that such destruction served as a cover for
covertly acquire non-military data unless directed by even more insidious activities — that agents of the Shop
the NICOC. In addition to external protection and launched an unauthorized probe into the island’s lowest
upholding South Africa’s treaty obligations, the SANDF levels. What they sought down there, and whether they
also coordinates counterintelligence measures (often found it, remains a mystery.
with the help of the NIA) throughout the Republic, Dirty Little Secrets: The Alliance’s darkest secret is
effectively doing twice the work of military forces in a gravely personal one. Late during his time as a
many other nations. lieutenant of the infamous mastermind Helix, Elias
South African Police Service (SAPS): The SAPS Graham aided in the capture of Katrina Danilova
underwent perhaps the most radical change during the Savage, an operative of the Russian Confederacy.
reorganization of 1994. Eleven separate police services Seemingly a benign event, Katrina’s capture led to her
merged to form the modern SAPS, and the autocratic infection with Helix’s deadly psion plague, which in
overlording of the apartheid era has been replaced with turn led to her death at the hands of the Cleaners (see
an agency more involved with and supportive of page 49). Ultimately, this tragedy resulted in Lord
the African public. Its methods have also improved, Reginald Savage — perhaps the Conspiracy’s greatest
and now include a state-of-the-art forensics lab and Cold War superspy, and Katrina’s husband — resigning
participation in INTERPOL. his post with Room 39 and going to ground. Elias
South African Secret Service (SASS): Outside the fact blames himself for Katrina’s death and her husband’s
that they operate almost entirely outside the nation, the departure, as well as the threat Lord Savage has since
role of the SASS in national affairs is roughly become. He bears this burden alone.
equivalent to that of the NIA. It collects and analyzes Leverage: The Alliance’s comparative youth has
data pertaining to South African security (excluding offered its agents few opportunities to obtain leverage,
military intelligence, which is the purview of the which suits Elias well (after all, leverage isn’t his style).

Shadowforce Archer
Recently, however, the Alliance Control has found gathered as much information as possible before
himself intrigued by an unexpected offer. During a post- sending it home. They scoured Robert Mason’s last
capture “interview" with Mislav Zane, a Croatian arms known location — an environmental preserve — but
smuggler known to supply several of Europe’s most gleaned no new information. Speaking to the other
prominent criminal masterminds, Elias noticed his guest volunteers on site revealed that he had suffered from
blanch and acquire a knowing look in his eye. When he unexplained migraines for weeks before — ever since a
asked Zane what was wrong, the smuggler promised to vacation to eastern Europe.
give Elias “the power to change the world" in exchange Linking Robert Mason to the alley where he was
for his freedom. Blindsided by this wild statement, Elias found has yielded no success. The other volunteers at
ignored the proposal, but something about the exchange the preserve thought he was headed home the week he
lingered in his mind. Perhaps it was the smuggler’s died, and none traveled with him to the airport in
surprising sincerity, or the excited gleam in his eye Kinshasa. Five hours passed between his last known
(as if he’d just uncovered a remarkable secret), but Elias conversation and his death, during which the Alliance
has more than once considered humoring the prisoner. can only assume he met with foul play.
Maybe someday soon, he will. Mission teams in both Africa and Europe are
Assets: Elias’ greatest asset has always been the skill actively assigned to this mission, and the Foundation is
and reliability of his agents – an asset that he is now watching all world medical disease control services in
fostering away from the prying eyes of his fellow case new evidence of the pure sample crop up again.
Controls. With his extensive training facilities and The Freshmen (No Applicable Code): Within the halls
isolated location, Elias has secretly taken a number of of the Archer Institute, strategists speak of the African
each year’s most promising recruits “off the books" for Alliance with pride. It is the greatest, shining example
a special project of his own creation. This small, of Raymond Archer’s vision come to life — a fully
multi-purpose task force, with each of whom knows functional, (as yet) uncorrupted, global observation and
Graham on a first name basis, is hidden away on protection unit. More and more, the Foundation is
Sub-Level 11 of the Lodge, where they can come and go coming to rely upon the African Chamber, sending its
through the island’s partially submerged caverns at will. agents in first to deal with sticky situations,
Thus far, Elias has allowed them to cut their teeth in and nurturing its once-meager resources into a world-
clandestine investigations of Shop activity, but in truth spanning intelligence conglomerate. Already Archer has
he fears the team may also be needed if other major assisted the Alliance and its front the Janus Committee
elements of the Conspiracy should follow in the traitors’ in founding over one hundred offices around the world.
footsteps. Critics complain that this increased support only
taints the model. Others worry that segments of the
Current Plotlines convoluted Archer organization have private plans for
The African Alliance is just as deeply enmeshed the Alliance.
in its own plotlines as it is in external matters. The Operation COLD FRONT (Code: Red): Africa has
following are three examples, two of which hit the always contended with violent weather, but a recent
Chamber close to home. Any or all of these plotlines string of meteorological disasters suggest a common
would make an excellent hook for a mission or serial. source. Several severe cyclones and highly erratic off-
Many will be developed as part of the official shore wind patterns have drenched much of South
Shadowforce Archer storyline. Africa, causing floods, ruining crops, and leaving
The Body (Code: Red): Two months ago a 22-year- countless people homeless. At first considered nothing
old Peace Corps volunteer, Robert Mason, was found more than a bad turn, the weather patterns are now
stabbed to death in an alley in Kinshasa. Originally considered a little too erratic — as if they are being
assumed to be a victim of random street violence, the directed.
autopsy revealed traces of an unknown chemical in his Assuming that the African economy or populace
bloodstream. The examiner, a specialist and sometime is not the focus, the Alliance has looked for other
ally of the Foundation, contacted the Alliance and potential targets. So far, the entity most affected by the
offered them a sample. What they found was startling. disasters has been Aurora, Ltd., a diamond export
The chemical in the body’s bloodstream was a pure company out of Mozambique. Owned by billionaire
sample of the missing third psion serum — originally playboy Rick Tempest, Aurora’s transport facilities have
derived from the blood of Conrad Archer. been grounded by the storms, and an undisclosed
Unable to secure the body (the powerful Mason number of shipments were “misplaced” in the chaos.
family, with many political ties, clamored for it to
be brought home to them in Vermont), the Alliance

Shadow Communities
The Alliance suspect an even larger scope, however. TV Shows: Alias, The Avengers, CI5: The New
Aurora, Ltd. is a chief competitor of several companies Professionals, C.S.I.: Crime Scene Investigation, Danger
owned by the Gemeinschafft Consortium in Europe, Man/Secret Agent, The Invisible Man (2000), MacGyver,
whose interest in the African diamond market is well The Prisoner, The Professionals, Return of the Saint,
known. Secret Agent Man, Stingray, Spy Game.
The Mystery of the Lodge (Code: Yellow): Throughout Music: The James Bond scores and theme songs,
the last 25 years, strange, unexplained events have Replacement Killers score, Speed score.
plagued the Lodge. In 1982, a sentry on the island Computer and Console Games: Goldeneye, the Gran
surface, claiming to hear band music, strayed from his Turismo driving series, No One Lives Forever, Spy
post, and was never seen again. In 1990, an agent was Hunter, Spy Hunter 2.
startled awake by a man sitting in his room, mumbling
nonsense. After a few cryptic exchanges, the visitor left,
never to return (though he was later encountered by
others). Many agents and visitors report a sense of being
watched during their stay. Whether the Lodge is haunt-
ed or these events are residual echoes of Helix’s plans
Codename: ARES
for the base is a question as yet unanswered.
Aliases: None
The Alliance Genre Archer Identity Number: 44-613097-882
Nationality: African (Black)
The genre of the African Alliance is closest to the
Gender: Male Handedness: Left
core Shadowforce Archer setting, filled with the bold,
Height: 6 ft. 1 in. Weight: 185 lbs.
ingenious superspies of modern espionage action
Eyes: Dark Brown Hair: None
serials. Alliance agents are classy, stylish, suave, and
Psion Class: Non-latent
debonair, capable of slipping into any setting (including
Place of Birth: Mozambique, Africa
nearly all of the other Chamber genres) with minimal
Date of Birth: 1969.08.19
effort. Alliance action is fast and cinematic, a blend of
Distinguishing Characteristics: Armani-quality suits,
movie mayhem and hyperkinetic energy, with spikes
signature items (vehicle, handgun)
into extreme, over-the-top danger. The Alliance world is
glamorous and fashionable, filled with beautiful people Background
darting across lavish backdrops to the amped-up beat of
Dumisani Tepe is the first man Control Elias Graham
an adventure movie score.
turns to in times of need. Having trained with both the
Pan-Asian Collective and Room 39, Tepe is an incredible
Archetypes: James Bond, Deuce and Abbey Chase
athlete, accomplished driver, and experienced sniper,
from Danger Girl, Flint from Our Man Flint and In Like
with the strength and training to tackle almost any
Flint, Han Solo, Jack Colton from Jewel of the Nile and
physical challenge. His sharp wit and Cambridge-
Romancing the Stone, any strong and independent lead
educated mind are primed to make the most of any
situation — and the wealth of tradecraft knowledge he has
Inspirations acquired over his many years playing the Great Game.
But beyond this perfect exterior, Tepe is an enigma
Alliance players and GCs running missions in
— particularly to his fellow Alliance agents. His lifestyle
Alliance territory may find this incomplete list of
is habitual (some call it “robotic”); he is completely
suggested viewing, reading, and listening, and playing
monogamous in the pistol he carries (a Mateba auto-
revolver), the rifle he uses (a Steyr SBS Tactical Elite),
Books: Area 52 (comic book), Danger Girl and and the car he drives (a Peugeot Oxia), and spends near-
Kamikaze (comic books), James Bond novels, Day of the ly all his time leaping from one completed mission
Jackal by Frederick Forsyth, The Human Target (comic objective to the next, never looking back and never
book), anything by Jon Land (The Alpha Deception, pausing to consider his isolation. His only downtime is
The Gamma Option), anything by Robert Ludlum the dalliances his playboy facade permits — an endless
(especially The Bourne Identity and its sequels). parade of fast cars, beautiful women, and life-or-death
Movies: Any of the James Bond movies, Black Box moments.
Affair, Cube, Day of the Jackal (both versions), Hudson Deeper still, Tepe served as the primary catalyst in
Hawk, In Like Flint, MI: 2, The One, Our Man Flint, the birth of the Alliance. Captured by Helix for reasons
Replacement Killers, Ronin, The Specialist. he still doesn’t understand, he is the reason that Elias

Shadowforce Archer
Graham (the Alliance’s founder and current Control) Skills: Balance +15, Boating +15, Bluff +10,
turned on the Mastermind. (See page 71 for background Cultures +10, Demolitions +13, Disguise +15, Driver +19,
concerning this event.) Escape Artist +12, Handle Animal +10, Intimidate +10,
Languages +10, Open Lock +12, Pilot +15, Spot +14,
Low-Level Dumisani Tepe Surveillance +12, Survival +12, Swim +7
Chamber: The African Alliance
Feats: A Gun in the Other, Drive By, Far Shot, Lane
Department: Home Office (0)
Dancer, One Hand on the Wheel, Point Blank Shot,
Class: Wheelman
Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Ride Shotgun, Speed Demon,
Level: 7
Speed Trigger, Test Lap
Strength: 14 Dexterity: 18
Constitution: 15 Intelligence: 16 Attacks
Wisdom: 14 Charisma: 16 Mateba AR (.357 Magnum) +18 ranged (2d4+1)
Steyr TacElite (5.56×45mm) +18 ranged (2d8+2)
Vitality: 65 Wounds: 15
Gear: Per assignment
Defense: 18 (+4 class, +4 Dex)
Initiative Bonus: +8 (+4 class, +4 Dex) Common Gadgets: Sub-cochlear implant, palmprint
Speed: 30 identifier for both weapons
Fort: +4 Ref: +9 Will: +4 High-Level Dumisani Tepe
Skills: Balance +9, Boating +10, Bluff +5, Cultures +6, Chamber: The African Alliance
Demolitions +8, Disguise +9, Driver +14, Escape Artist +8, Department: Home Office (0)
Handle Animal +4, Intimidate +4, Languages +6, Class: Wheelman
Open Lock +8, Pilot +10, Spot +10, Surveillance +8, Level: 20
Survival +8, Swim +7
Strength: 14 Dexterity: 20
Feats: Drive By, One Hand on the Wheel, Point Constitution: 15 Intelligence: 16
Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Ride Shotgun, Speed Demon, Wisdom: 14 Charisma: 18
Speed Trigger
Vitality: 182 Wounds: 15
Attacks Defense: 27 (+12 class, +5 Dex)
Mateba AR (.357 Magnum) +11 ranged (2d4+1) Initiative Bonus: +17 (+12 class, +5 Dex)
Steyr TacElite (5.56×45mm) +11 ranged (2d8+2) Speed: 30
Gear: Per assignment Fort: +8 Ref: +17 Will: +8
Common Gadgets: Sub-cochlear implant, palmprint Skills: Balance +18, Boating +18, Bluff +16,
identifier for both weapons Cultures +12, Demolitions +15, Disguise +16, Driver +26,
Escape Artist +16, Handle Animal +14, Intimidate +16,
Mid-Level Dumisani Tepe Languages +12, Open Lock +16, Pilot +18, Spot +18,
Chamber: The African Alliance Surveillance +15, Survival +15, Swim +10
Department: Home Office (0)
Feats: A Gun in the Other, Defensive Driving, Drive
Class: Wheelman
By, Extreme Range, Far Shot, Increased Precision, Lane
Level: 14
Dancer, Offensive Driving, One Hand on the Wheel,
Strength: 14 Dexterity: 18 Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Ride
Constitution: 15 Intelligence: 16 Shotgun, Signature Gear (Mateba AR pistol), Speed
Wisdom: 14 Charisma: 18 Demon, Speed Trigger, Test Lap
Vitality: 125 Wounds: 15 Attacks
Defense: 22 (+8 class, +4 Dex) Mateba AR (.357 Magnum) +25 ranged (2d4+1)
Initiative Bonus: +12 (+8 class, +4 Dex) Steyr TacElite (5.56×45mm) +25 ranged (2d8+2)
Speed: 30
Gear: Per assignment
Fort: +6 Ref: +13 Will: +6
Common Gadgets: Sub-cochlear implant, palmprint
identifier for both weapons

Shadow Communities
Strength: 10 Dexterity: 10
Constitution: 10 Intelligence: 14
“TENDAJI” Wisdom:
Codename: None Defense: 11 (+1 class, +0 Dex)
Archer Identity Number: 70-804992-611 Initiative Bonus: +6 (+2 class, +0 Dex, +4 Improved
Nationality: African (White) Initiative)
Gender: Male Handedness: Right Speed: 30
Height: 5 ft. 11 in. Weight: 165 lbs.
Fort: +4 Ref: +0 Will: +6
Eyes: Blue Hair: White
Psion Class: Non-latent Skills: Bluff +6, Craft (Model Buildings) +3,
Place of Birth: Pretoria, Africa Cultures +9, Diplomacy +7, Disguise +4, Driver +2,
Date of Birth: 1949.01.28 Gather Information +6, Innuendo +6, Knowledge
Distinguishing Characteristics: Monocle worn over (African History) +5, Knowledge (Politics) +5,
right eye. Languages +9, Perform (Public Speaking) +4,
Read Lips +6, Sense Motive +6
Background Feats: Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative
Elias Graham is the most fatherly of Archer’s
Controls. A strong and nurturing role model, his Attacks
personal approach has developed incredible bonds with
.40 backup pistol +1 ranged (1d12)
each of his agents, most of whom would die for him if
the situation arose. Gear: Encrypted laptop
Graham’s parents were killed during a riot in his
Common Gadgets: Sub-cochlear implant, danger unit
home city of Pretoria, but rather than blame their deaths
(ear implant), safety field cufflinks
on the “lesser” blacks, he looked to the rift between the
classes, vowing to eradicate it. This goal has become his Mid-Level Elias Graham
life-long passion, and even threatens to overshadow his
Chamber: The African Alliance
work with the Archer Foundation.
Department: Home Office (0)
It was this passion which led to the darkest period of
Class: Faceman
Graham’s life. Deluded by Helix that joining forces
Level: 9
could lead to a resolution of Africa’s social ills, Graham
remained ignorant (perhaps consciously) of the Strength: 10 Dexterity: 10
madman’s cruelties for many months, until one case — Constitution: 10 Intelligence: 14
that of Dumisani Tepe (see page 70) — hit a little too Wisdom: 18 Charisma: 16
close to home.
Vitality: 54 Wounds: 10
Tepe was a prisoner on Eden, much like a hundred
others, but he was not a psion; Helix had captured him Defense: 15 (+5 class, +0 Dex)
for some other purpose. The madman wanted to break Initiative Bonus: +11 (+7 class, +0 Dex, +4 Improved
Tepe, and used many psychological trials to do so. Initiative)
When Helix brought Tepe’s parents to the island as Speed: 30
leverage, Graham finally let go of his blind ignorance,
Fort: +6 Ref: +3 Will: +8
and called in the Archer Foundation to shut Helix down.
Today, Graham and Tepe have remained professional, Skills: Bluff +12, Craft (Model Buildings) +6,
though their bond transcends their work for the Cultures +16, Diplomacy +14, Disguise +12, Driver +8,
Foundation. Gather Information +12, Innuendo +12, Knowledge
(African History) +10, Knowledge (Politics) +10,
Low-Level Elias Graham Languages +16, Perform (Public Speaking) +10,
Chamber: The African Alliance Read Lips +10, Sense Motive +10
Department: Home Office (0)
Feats: Field Operative, Great Fortitude, Improved
Class: Faceman
Initiative, Quick Use (Diplomacy), Weapon Focus
Level: 2
(.40 pistol)

Shadowforce Archer
.40 backup pistol +7 ranged (1d12)
Gear: Encrypted laptop
Si vis pacem para bellum.
Common Gadgets: Sub-cochlear implant, danger unit
“If you want peace, prepare for war.”
(ear implant), safety field cufflinks
—Vegetius, Roman military author
High-Level Elias Graham During the Cold War, the United States relied upon
Chamber: The African Alliance
the CIA’s covert operations arm to project force when
Department: Home Office (0)
the direct use of the U.S. military would have led to war.
Class: Faceman
But the fact that the CIA is primarily an intelligence-
Level: 16
gathering tool makes it a poor substitute for a true army.
Strength: 11 Dexterity: 11 The Company, the American Chamber of Archer’s
Constitution: 10 Intelligence: 14 protectorate, merges the information resources of the
Wisdom: 18 Charisma: 16 United States’ intelligence agencies with the military
might of the nation’s armed forces. A hybrid of last-
Vitality: 93 Wounds: 10
strike brute force and classic Cold War espionage
Defense: 20 (+10 class, +0 Dex) techniques, the Company would be poised as the world’s
Initiative Bonus: +17 (+13 class, +0 Dex, +4 foremost spy powerhouse, but the scandals that have
Improved Initiative) rocked this partially-corrupt agency haunt it to this day.
Speed: 30
Fort: +9 Ref: +5 Will: +11
The Company’s Mission
The Archer Foundation calls upon the Company
Skills: Bluff +16, Craft (Model Buildings) +9, when it needs fast (and often dirty) results, typically of
Cultures +22, Diplomacy +20, Disguise +18, Driver +10, a military or paramilitary nature. The Company is
Gather Information +16, Innuendo +15, Knowledge Archer’s enforcement arm, operating worldwide when-
(African History) +14, Knowledge (Politics) +12, ever the Foundation needs military force. It differs
Languages +23, Perform (Public Speaking) +14, from Room 39’s Ultracorps in its tactics and intent; the
Read Lips +12, Sense Motive +13 latter usually operate early during operations, before
the need for outright violence becomes necessary and
Feats: Combat Instincts, Confident Charge, Field
precision results are crucial. Company operations,
Operative, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Quick
on the other hand, are more
Use (Diplomacy), Weapon Focus (.40 pistol)
often than not quite
Attacks loud, with a lot of
collateral fallout.
.40 backup pistol +13 ranged (1d12)
The Company is rarely
Gear: Encrypted laptop used in well-populated areas,
nor is it called in when
Common Gadgets: Sub-cochlear
prisoners, technology, or
implant, danger unit (ear implant), safety
locations must be captured.
field cufflinks
Subtle missions of this
nature are the purview of other
Chambers. Company opera-
tives often to assist with such
missions, however.
Company intelligence
operations are generally
restricted to deep insertion
campaigns, well within
enemy territory.

Shadow Communities
Function Internally, the Company works a little differently.
Not all Company men are soldiers. Every army It endorses unorthodox problem-solving tactics and
requires a skilled and well-informed support staff trains its operatives to understand the political and
of spies, strategists, technicians, correspondents, and social ramifications of their actions (both in the long
suppliers. For this reason, the American Chamber has and short term). Company agents follow the simple
developed as an operational cell of its own (though one understanding of the Special Forces — regardless of
with a far sharper focus than Archer’s cells in other what outsiders think of them, they understand and
regions). accept the responsibility of their positions, keep a level
As a unit, the Company specializes in much the same head, and get the job done.
activities as the United States, though they apply such With all this in mind, the Company performs many
tactics far more ruthlessly. Company agents are masters common operations for the Foundation. The bulk are
of economic espionage, using hard (paper) and included here, along with how they apply in the
soft (electronic) currency to fund their operations, Shadowforce Archer setting.
manipulate world events, and sway or topple enemy Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR): When agents,
front organizations and personnel. They utilize political allies, specialists, or contacts are trapped in a hostile
warfare to influence opinion in target regions, or under- area, Company teams might covertly enter the area,
mine their enemy’s reputations. seek out the targets, and extract them. The level of
Regardless of their standing with the Foundation, acceptable casualties (on both sides) changes from one
the Company is still perhaps the strongest of the mission to the next, but the intent is always the same —
Chambers, having burrowed into modern America’s bring the targets home alive. In the Shadowforce Archer
intelligence community at its roots. As a result, setting, this type of mission takes place after another
the Company has access to invaluable resources and mission has failed and the operatives have been taken
connections, as well as the political reputation of the prisoner, or during one of the many minor conflicts that
world’s last remaining superpower. erupt in Africa, the Middle East, or Europe.
All of this adds up to a powerful collection of Counter-Proliferation: Company operatives are
information, military strength, and influence that frequently called when there is imminent danger from
Archer calls upon when it needs “the big guns.” But this a weapon of mass destruction (nuclear, chemical,
overt strength comes with a dangerous price — the biological, or bacteriological). Such situations are
greatest potential to pierce the Cloak and reveal the always critical and time-sensitive.
Foundation and its mission. Because of this, The “Fix”: The “Fix” is a term used by certain soldiers
the Company is always kept at arm’s length from the and underworld figures, meaning “compromise, black-
heart of the Conspiracy, and two or more layers of mail, and misdirection.” When operatives are called
personnel, political misdirection, and outright lies are upon to fix someone, they are being ordered to ruin
maintained between the two. them — financially, socially, politically, or even
emotionally. This type of work requires a detached
Common Company Operations mindset which many agents lack.
The Company almost always receives clear and The Archer Foundation often uses this tactic against
concise mission parameters, with triply redundant enemies who are in a position of power (particularly if
backup plans, both to maximize its military regimen they are also well known), and when direct action is not
and due to the fallacious perception that the Chamber’s an option. A classic example of the Fix is the case of
“jarhead simpletons” are unable to think for themselves. Madame Izichi, of Izichi Industries, whose stranglehold
When the Company receives few instructions, the of the Pacific Rim arms trade was almost as dangerous
mission usually involves simple goals, such as as the small third world nation she planned to buy with
sterilizing an enemy base or occupied region. the profits — until Company representatives revealed
Company operatives often work as the muscle of her plans to the Yakuza and the Triads. Within days,
field teams including agents from other Chambers. the situation dissolved into an easily manipulated
Specialists with field gear — particularly cutting-edge (and contained) street war between the rival gun-lords.
military hardware available only to U.S. armed forces — Foreign Relations: Like the CIA, the Company often
enter the fray when only their talents can solve the contacts, organizes, and trains outside militias, foreign
problem at hand. And many times, Company agents are militaries, and guerrilla groups. It is uniquely prepared
merely collected with hardware redistributed to Archer for this mission, since the Company maintains many
operatives in the field. agent cells in hot spots around the world that can be
called upon at a moment’s notice.

Shadowforce Archer
“The Front Door”: When diplomacy and subversion being in the eye of the storm. Career military men,
fail, it’s time for action. The Company excels at quick soldiers of fortune, and gritty mercenaries all work well
raids and direct frontal assaults, cleaving enemy forces as part of this Chamber.
in half and cutting them off from their chain of But there is also another side to the Company — the
command, communication lines, and supply depots. planners and analysts, intelligence agents and vehicle
This type of mission also includes less honorable specialists, all of whom have a role out in the field
endeavors (kidnapping and assassination) when the need which is just as crucial as that of the “junkyard dogs.”
for them arises. The Company employs a tremendous number of
Archer rarely uses this option unless facing a civilians (mainly academics), whose function it is to
militarily-superior foe which cannot be defeated support the rest of the team during missions.
through any other means. Front Door operations are Regardless of team position, however, all Company
generally conducted by non-Archer ops. agents share certain characteristics. All are physically
Intelligence Operations (a.k.a. “Hostile Recon”): Most fit, capable of surviving in the wilderness and hostile
of the time, true intelligence gathering missions go territory. All are free of debilitating conditions, such as
to other Chambers (according to their individual reduced vision, nerve disorders, and the like (or they
specialties), but sometimes the required data is heavily hide their problem well). All have one or more fields of
guarded or the odds in an area are stacked against expertise (demolitions, close assault, or SCUBA, for
stealth teams. In this case, the Company goes in to example). All have nerves of steel and the will to endure
retrieve the intel by force. This type of mission also even the most uncomfortable conditions.
includes operations intended to disrupt or destroy The Company is highly task-oriented, funneling
enemy intelligence-gathering facilities, and also the fine resources and personnel through specific channels into
art of diversions. specific projects toward a specific goal. Like the CIA,
“Lifers”: Company operatives are kept on a short it is strictly compartmentalized, with each section of
leash, rarely allowed to operate outside strictly-observed the Chamber dedicated to a closely defined job. Once a
protocols. But some agents have proven themselves mission begins, nothing and no one may stand in the
worthy of reduced supervision — the right to travel way of the objective, and there is rarely room for
where and when they feel they can make a difference negotiation or reconsideration.
(until they are activated, of course). These agents are Company agents are well-trained, well-equipped,
called “lifers.” and have access to many resources that other Chambers
The Company’s premier field operative John Hunter don’t, including superior intel and technology (including
(see page 81) and his team are lifers, as are many of the PsiTech).
Chamber’s most trusted long-term agents. Lifers must One last thing. Company agents don’t volunteer; the
frequently contact the Hub or a Chamber satellite (see Chamber hand-picks them for their talents. Agents of
pages 75), and are forbidden to conduct Front Door the Company should be designed accordingly.
operations without approval. When activated (usually
without warning, through a designated code word or Company Tactical Data
signal), they must immediately make contact with their The Company relies heavily upon the tactical, tech-
handler to receive their mission objectives. nological, and informational superiority of the United
Most lifers carry a good deal of “personal” equipment States as its weapons in the struggle against global
with them in the field, including sidearms, communica- threats. In particular, it relies upon the U.S.
tion gear, and the ocassional PsiTech gadget. When sent militaries, which already have everything they need —
on a mission, their contact or a local specialist hands doctors and hospitals, lawyers and courts, teachers and
out additional items. schools, mechanics, secret agents, police, infantry, and
Peace Operations: Company operatives often assist pilots, just to scratch the surface. They have chains of
with operations promoting peace. This type of mission command and career ladders — a built-in structure for
is most likely to draw non-combatant Company opera- the Chamber to adopt. Finally, if needed, the Company
tives into the field. Traditional agents are also brought is fully self-sufficient, which is an incredible help when
along — as security, or as a “backup plan” if peace talks organizing and executing covert missions.
Company PsiTech
Agent Expectations As one would expect, the Company devotes most of
Players who enjoy aggressive agents will likely find its technological development to creating tools of war.
the Company appealing. The average agent of this Yet war requires a great many tools to succeed, not all
Chamber is physically rugged and scrappy, used to of which are designed exclusively to harm. Company

Shadow Communities
operatives frequently rely upon PsiTech stealth Today, Hub operatives are gathered in most
technology to approach and evade enemy forces departments of the U.S. government, grouped together
without detection. They also utilize gadgets to help in small cells of 3 to 12 agents, dedicated to tightly
them traverse difficult terrain. defined jobs or goals. When a cell is compromised, they
are immediately “burned” (cut off from all other cells),
Chamber Organization and a backup cell trained to perform the same function
Despite its constant operations and dozens of is activated.
one-shot missions, the Company’s structure remains For example, Cell B10 is in charge of selecting new
perfectly simple. Most core personnel and resources are field agents. It scours the thousands of government,
pooled within three U.S. organizations — the Central military, industrial, and civilian applications that the
Intelligence Agency (CIA), Defense Intelligence Agency CIA review each year, and passes along the few dozen
(DIA), and National Security Agency (NSA), with the they think might have something to offer. This is B10’s
Department of Defense (DoD) and National Security only function; it does absolutely nothing else for the
Council acting as an umbrella over the whole affair. Company. Should it ever be discovered or infiltrated,
Cell B11 — whose efforts mirror those of B10, even
The “Hub” though they never see each other — is ready to pick up
The Hub is the center of the Company web, where all where B10 left off.
its important decisions are made. Not a physical office The CIA has many valuable traits to offer the
so much as an informal, undocumented band of Company. Within the halls of its Langley, Virginia
administrators, military leaders, paper-pushers, and headquarters and beyond, practically everything is
bureaucrats, this rogue agency within the U.S. “need to know” only, allowing the Company to work
government and military takes its cues from the largely without interference. Also, the “Agency” (as the
Foundation home office in Australia. The Hub is CIA is often called) breaks down into geographic
responsible for identifying potential threats within the divisions which rely heavily upon intel from foreign
Company’s shadow communities, and assigning and agencies (in what are called “liaison relationships”), pro-
directing mission teams to take care of them. It secretly viding a ready avenue for communication with Archer’s
siphons resources from the U.S. government, using other Chambers.
bogus project names, forged expense reports, and a
variety of other means, funneling them to Company Chamber “Satellites”
agents as needed. The bulk of non-CIA Company operatives work in
Most Hub personnel and resources belong to the one of two satellite agencies — the Defense Intelligence
CIA’s four Directorates, and are “borrowed” without the Agency (DIA) or the National Security Agency (NSA),
U.S. government’s knowledge when necessary. They each of which offers a number of important benefits.
forge personnel rosters to look like U.S. agents loyal to Being the collection center for all military intelligence,
the Conspiracy are on vacation while in the field, and the DIA provides the Company with much of its tactical
place numerous resources “on loan” for Company data, as well as connections with the armies of other
agents’ use. nations. NSA — beyond further solidifying the
Most personnel and resources are stolen from the Company’s internal security — provides technical
Directorate for Administration, the heart of the Archer and technological support, as well as secure
Conspiracy’s American Chamber. Over eighty percent of communications (see below).
the Company’s missions are filtered through the Company agents in each of these satellites are
Directorate of Administration, and agents cultivated in organized just as those in the CIA (broken into cells with
the Directorate are responsible for funding, organizing, redundant backups, all with specific parameters).
and commanding agents of the entire Chamber. For the purposes of communication, there is no
Historically, the Hub drew heavily upon the power of difference between agents of the Hub and its satellites;
the CIA’s Director of Central Intelligence (DCI), who — the division exists merely because operatives cannot
by virtue of the National Security Act of 1947 — had easily transfer between agencies of the U.S. government.
control of not only his own agency, but most other U.S. Once the National Security Council (NSC) was
intelligence agencies as well. But when the scandals of considered a Hub satellite, but since the death of
the 1960s and ’70s brought so much attention to the Secretary of Defense Joseph Broch in 1998, there has
DCI’s high-profile position, the Company withdrew deep been no Company representative among them.
into the CIA’s operational Directorate and laid low until The Foundation hopes to rectify this following the
the time was right to climb back to the top. elections of 2004, when their plans for Col. Alan
That time has not yet come. Deitrich reach fruition (see page 84).

Shadowforce Archer

Field Operations Some messages, however, are too pressing for usual
Company field operatives receive orders from the channels. These go through the National Intelligence
Hub or one of its foreign liaisons, which are usually Tasking Center as coded sections of National
quite detailed and almost always coded with a private Intelligence Topics (NITs), which are distributed quickly
NSA cipher known to the receiving cell. The CIA main- and directly to the Company’s Control and all relevant
tains operations headquarters (called stations) in each operatives.
major nation, usually located at the U.S. Embassy in the
nation’s capital city, but the Company rarely filters Company Resources
information through them. Most stations are relatively The Company has a great many facilities at its
small and it is very hard to get anything through disposal, some of which involve official U.S. endeavors
without drawing attention to it. they have reshaped to the cause, and others which are
Field operatives usually work missions in small teams purely their own.
of 3–5 agents, supported when necessary by specialists
with specific talents (see page 266 of the Spycraft Training Facilities
Espionage Handbook for more about specialists). They Company operatives are trained in a wide variety of
perform their missions as quickly and efficiently as espionage and warfare techniques at several specialized
possible, then pull out of the area and contact the Hub locations around the U.S. and the world. But all
through a pre-arranged channel or contrivance to receive Company operatives begin their training elsewhere —
their next op. Agents are only authorized to contact a usually in the U.S. armed forces or intelligence
local station if there is an immediate and significant threat community. They are recruited only when Company
(for instance, a weapon of mass destruction primed to handlers know that they can handle the Chamber’s
attack a major populated city). rigorous mission.
Standard operating procedure for training Chamber
Communications operatives is to use existing training facilities and “hide
The final aspect of Company organization holds in plain sight.” In fact, there is only one Company-only
everything else together — its communications network. base in the world — the Kennel (see page 77) — where
This takes the form of a tremendous volume of data, trainees learn advanced military techniques.
covertly transferred back and forth within existing U.S. The following is a short list of Company training
channels. The vast majority of these are coded messages facilities in the United States.
buried within otherwise innocuous reports which — after
agents decipher them — are funneled to the “Pit,” the The Farm (codenamed ISOLATION): The CIA term for
CIA’s enormous shredding and document destruction its secret training facility spread across several thousand
center at Langley. acres of woodland territory outside Williamsburg,

Shadow Communities
Virginia. Otherwise known as Camp Peary, the Farm suddenly encroaching on U.S. territory with incredible
is the CIA’s foremost hotspot for tutoring saboteurs, zeal. This situation now borders on an all-out street war
infiltrators, and master spies. in every major city of the United States — one which the
The Joint Military Intelligence College: This DIA Company is ill-prepared to deal with.
facility at Bolling Air Force Base in Washington, D.C.
is an open university which offers Bachelors’ and The Defense Intelligence
Masters’ degrees in espionage. Many new recruits come Network (DIN)
here to learn basic tradecraft (the tools and techniques The incredible wealth of information available to the
of spying). U.S. intelligence community is rivaled only by the speed
The Kennel: One of the Archer company’s two super- with which it is transmitted. One resource the Company
spy schools, this Butte, Montana military compound frequently relies upon — the Defense Intelligence
runs candidates through the company’s personalized Network — embodies this creed. An encrypted, closed-
version of Boot Camp: twelve grueling weeks of special circuit telecast to invite-only viewers around the world
forces, weapons, survival, and counterespionage training. (including many Company operatives), the DIN broad-
All physical adepts take special courses here to learn the casts aerial and satellite images, audio reports, sit-reps,
applications and limits of their talents. critical news, and other items of national interest.
The National Cryptologic School: NSA operates this The Company often taps into this CNN-like service for
branch of operations in a seven-story tower of the updates, or to share coded messages between agents in
FANX (Friendship Annex) complex immediately outside the field.
the Baltimore-Washington (Friendship) International
Airport, where students attend basic, advanced, OVERWATCH
and Ph.D.-level signals intelligence, cryptographic, At one time, world intelligence agencies relied upon
and analytic courses. inaccurate satellite photos which had to be recovered
from jettisoned capsules after re-entry. Later orbital
Other facilities exist for specialized training, many technology advanced to the level where images could be
of them temporary or mobile. For example, agents learn beamed directly back to Earth as soon as they were
cryptography, languages, and cultural skills at the taken, allowing fast response to important world events.
Presidio (San Francisco, California). Jungle survival is Now, the Archer Foundation has taken the next step.
taught in places like Panama, and skiing, climbing, and
winter survival training takes place at locations like the
illustrious 10th Mountain at Fort Drum, New York.

In 1942, the FBI coordinated with the U.S. Mafia to
protect the eastern seaboard from potential Nazi incur-
sions. When the Allies landed in Italy later in the war,
this relationship extended into Europe. The operation
publicly disbanded following the Axis defeat, but the
Company secretly maintained it, recruiting from
American-based crime families and organizations
(including, during the scandalous 1960s, the Black
Panthers) to manage many of its domestic operations.
Operation UNDERWORLD has been radically
successful, resulting in perhaps the strongest homefront
of any Chamber in the world. Street gangs provide a
perfect context for counterespionage, being both
accepted and well-connected coast-to-coast. In fact,
Fade’s criminal empire in Europe is rumored to use the
same principles in its infrastructure.
Recently, however, UNDERWORLD has found itself
in direct competition with the International Mafia,
Yakuza, and a new Russian mob founded by renegade
Confederacy operatives (see page 80 for more about the
Inner Circle and its “Crazy Ivans”), all of whom are

Shadowforce Archer
Project OVERWATCH is a global surveillance system The Sons of Valhalla
coordinating existing satellites (some abandoned by One of the most unusual resources the Company has
their parent nations) through a core orbital platform at its disposal (and one they don’t tell the Archer
launched by an independent contractor (the Omnium Foundation about) are the Sons of Valhalla. This biker
Corporation) in 1984. The system is among the most gang — part of the infamous “Hell’s Angels” — actually
advanced early warning and reconnaissance tools in the serves as a seasoned mission team mainly composed of
world, utilizing state-of-the-art technologies to remotely soldiers and wheelmen. The Sons of Valhalla grew up
immerse commanders in situations happening hundreds together, voluntarily toured together in Vietnam (when
or thousands of miles away. they were recruited into the Conspiracy through resident
The Company operates OVERWATCH mainly because CIA contacts), and now ride together as a mobile agent
its parent organizations are already trained and cell working throughout the continental U.S.
equipped to use the technology, but the information
gleaned using the system is transmitted worldwide to The Game in the U.S.A.
Controls and agents for use during Foundation ops. U.S. espionage has always been associated primarily
with the Central Intelligence Agency (see below), but the
Covert Action Teams American syndicate of spies is in truth much larger and
Finally, there are the combatants of the Company, far more complicated.
the men (and recently women) who wage the secret war
on the front lines… U.S. Intelligence Agencies
The following agencies have been infiltrated by the
Airborne Rangers (U.S. Army): Generally, Rangers are Archer Foundation or are involved in the Company’s
expected to support U.S. infantry, working in huge current plotlines. Additional agencies are forthcoming
formations, but the Company recruits them for their in the Company sourcebook.
secondary purpose as small long-range recon teams. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA): The United States’
Ranger training focuses on leadership, physical and peacetime intelligence and covert action arm was
stress training, recon, mountaineering, and navigation formed by the 1947 National Security Act, which also
in harsh terrain. founded the Department of Defense and the National
Delta Force (U.S. Army): First Special Forces Security Council. Today, the CIA’s mandate includes
Operational Detachment — Delta (1st SFOD-Delta) is a countering the proliferation of weapons of mass
mission-tailored combat unit, trained to be combat- destruction, drug trafficking, international organized
ready in under four hours. Delta Force training focuses crime, and industrial (economic) espionage. The Director
on firearms use, first aid, vehicle maintenance, and of Central Intelligence (DCI) is head of the CIA, and
close combat techniques. Since the early 1990s, Delta reports to the National Security Council, which oversees
Force has included women in its ranks, conducted covert high-risk covert operations.
intelligence raids, and worked indirectly with the DIA. The CIA consists of several Directorates, each with a
Force Recon (U.S. Marines): Force Recon scouts broad function. The Directorate for Operations collects
landing sites for the U.S. Marines and performs periodic foreign intelligence and conducts counter-inteligence
long-range recon missions. Their regimen is similar to outside the U.S. The Directorate for Intelligence
that of the Airborne Rangers, though more focused on analyzes gathered data and produces reports.
amphibious and harsh-environment training. The Directorate for Administration handles
Special Forces (U.S. Army): The parent branch for personnel and physical security. The Directorate for
Delta Force, Special Forces is called in for long-term Science and Technology includes many offices:
operations. Unlike the other groups listed here, Special the Office of Technical Services develops espionage
Forces bring their own support equipment, and techniques and trains operatives in how to use them;
transport heavy ordnance with them on their missions. the Office of SIGINT assists the National Security
Special Forces training includes psychological Agency (NSA) with signals intelligence; the National
conditioning, stress-combat techniques, and specialized Photographic Interpretation Center studies aerial and
technical skills. All Special Forces recruits learn satellite recon; and the Foreign Broadcast Information
a foreign language. Service (FBIS) monitors world television and radio,
SEALs (U.S. Navy): SEAL troops usually operate from producing transcripts.
a Navy task force, which provides their logistic support, The CIA operates without disclosing its official titles,
and perform quick recon, underwater operations, and salaries, budget, or contracts, and it can award
assassination. SEAL training focuses on SCUBA, permanent residency to aliens and their families (such
demolitions, and physical conditioning. as defectors and foreign agents).

Shadow Communities
Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA): Part of the its Special Collection Service (SCS) operate under a
Department of Defense (DoD), the DIA acts as a shroud of secrecy, eavesdropping on intelligence targets
centralized hub for collecting and disseminating all U.S. in hostile territories.
military intelligence. It also oversees subordinate Finally, NSA frequently plans operations conducted
organizations and provides intelligence to UN peace- by other agencies. It was behind the U-2 spy plane
keeping forces, terrorist task teams, and law enforcement missions of the 1960s. If desired, it could even
agencies working against drug traffickers. orchestrate its own.
The DIA often dispatches U.S. ambassadors and NSA has gained a reputation as a snoop’s paradise,
attachés on foreign diplomatic missions (during which alternately referred to as the “Puzzle Palace,” “No Such
they covertly gather military intelligence about the Agency,” and “Never Say Anything.” Its enormous
governments they visit). These representatives enjoy budget (estimated at over 4 billion dollars a year) and
diplomatic immunity, enforced by the U.S. government. the intense demands of working with it (operatives must
While the DIA is an established U.S. agency, the U.S. seek permission to marry foreigners and visit only
government frequently overlooks it, coming under fire as agency-approved doctors and dentists) contribute to
a duplication of other intelligence organizations and this view.
relying upon information from other agencies to operate.
The DIA answers to the Secretary of Defense, Playing the Great Game
the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the CIA’s Director of Central “A wise man I trust once said, ‘So long as his eyes
Intelligence, United and Specified Commands, and other remain clear, the patriot will always serve the greater
authorized agencies. good.’"
DIA headquarters is located at the Pentagon. More — Col. Alan Deitrich
than sixty percent of its personnel are civilians.
Mission Management: Somewhat paradoxically,
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI): The Federal
the Conspiracy’s most violent arm is rather squeamish
Bureau of Investigation is the U.S. government’s chief
when it comes to information extraction. The typical
domestic investigative and policing cell. Agents of the
Company field agent prefers a “clean kill” to any
FBI counter foreign incursions on U.S. soil, including
operation requiring treachery or deceit. Given growing
covert intelligence gathering, terrorism, organized
economic and social ties between East and West, the
crime, sabotage, public corruption, civil rights
Company now redirects most operations that might
violations, and abduction of U.S. citizens.
“taint” the Chamber’s reputation to the PAC.
The FBI has the authority to arrest suspects of
Damage Control: The betrayal of Dennis Gray was a
international and domestic crime on U.S. soil, and has
devastating blow to the Company’s already stained
been responsible for the capture of many foreign spies
reputation. Worse, and known only to the Company’s
and saboteurs including Aldrich Ames and the Walker
new Control and a handful of key Hub directors, Dennis
Spy Ring.
Gray requested a complete catalogue of Company assets
These days, the FBI’s primary focus is on terrorism
before he went to ground, asking that only one physical
and the profiling and capture of serial killers (through
copy be made. That file is now missing.
their Psychological Crimes Division).
Dirty Little Secrets: The Company have never been
National Security Agency (NSA): NSA (convention
very good at keeping secrets, as their beleaguered
demands that the agency be referred to as “NSA,”
history shows. The benefit, of course, is that there is
not “the NSA”) provides comprehensive information
nothing for anyone to dig up about them. Company
security to the United States. Within this broad mission,
agents often take this to an extreme, wearing their
NSA is authorized to intercept and catalog any foreign
indiscretions on their sleeves, defying the other Chambers
communication, with only a few restrictions (one spec-
to embarrass them. No one has ever managed to.
ifying they replace American citizens’ names with the
Leverage: Four years ago, Company agent John
term “U.S. citizen” on all transcripts).
Hunter headed up a team of operatives who raided a
NSA regularly taps telephone lines, intercepts radio,
South American base presumably belonging to the Hand
radar, and missile guidance signals as well as foreign
of Glory. They met little resistance, securing the area
space traffic, and provides dedicated communications
with ease. The complex proved to be a storing ground
gear and protocols for U.S. operatives working overseas.
of sorts, a stockpile of captured war treasures collec-
It also operates and maintains most U.S. government
tively worth several hundred thousand dollars but
computer systems.
independently unimpressive. Knowing that they couldn’t
NSA also creates secure codes and ciphers for the
return the relics to their rightful owners all at once
U.S., while cracking those of other nations. The elite
without arousing suspicion, the Company shipped the
technicians of NSA’s Central Security Service (CSS) and
lot back to the United States and stored it in an unused

Shadowforce Archer
Virginia bunker. They planned to trickle the items Operation BONFIRE (Code: Black): The Shop used
back into the public slowly, one or two at a time, many of the Foundation’s resources to prepare for their
with appropriated personnel. Hunter unexpectedly betrayal. This has left a foul taste in the mouths of the
volunteered to take control of the operation. As a some- Company “Old Boys,” who want nothing short of brutal
what more worldly operative of the Conspiracy, justice against Archer’s former R&D department.
well-schooled in the shadow history, knew the truth — The Archer Foundation has since launched Operation
that the Company had stumbled onto a collection of HAYSTACK, to look for the renegade mentalists
minor mystic relics. Rather than funnel them into the and those who were left behind to hinder Chamber
hands of their previous owners (many of whom had operations. Its careful approach grates on the Old Boys,
been dead for years), Hunter set up an elegant however, who have secretly launched their own search
underground courier service, sending the relics to the for the Shop (codenamed BONFIRE), utilizing force and
Guardians of the Whispering Knife. The relics were intimidation.
carried one or two at a time, by low-status agents who In particular, the Old Boys are looking for ex-NSA
could move under the Conspiracy’s radar, and delivered agent Dennis Gray, the Company’s former Control,
into the hands of Guardian liaisons in foreign Chamber who spearheaded the Shop’s American activities —
offices or elsewhere in the world. The Guardian’s liaison and vanished with them when they broke away. Prior to
to the Company was never informed, for fear that his his departure, Gray was one of the most respected
proximity to Deitrich might jeopardize the operation, Controls in Company history, making his betrayal all
but the Guardians responded. Several months ago, after the more bitter.
more than twenty of the relics were slipped safely into Operation FALLOUT (Code: Black): The Foundation
the Middle East, a detachment of Guardian agents has always suspected that, if the Cloak were ever
arrived at the Company’s doorstep, as a “show of actually pierced, the Company would be responsible.
support" for the Company as it rebuilds following the Their worries may finally have come home to roost.
Shop break. This arrangement has shocked many in the In 2000, a CIA “ferret search” (surprise internal inspec-
Conspiracy, who view the Guardians as too trustworthy tion) yielded discrepancies in old National Intelligence
to consort with the disreputable U.S. Chamber. Aside Estimates (NIEs), long since swept under the carpet by
from ensuring that Hunter’s clandestine salvage the American Chamber. Dorien Spencer, the inspector
operation continues, these Guardians have greatly who found the inconsistencies, is currently lobbying
boosted the Company’s foundering standing with the to resurrect the 1970s campaign to disclose CIA
other Chambers, offering it unexpected leverage during malpractice, and access the legendary “Family Jewels”
yet another shaky period of its history. document which compiled all of the CIA’s Cold War
Assets: With his claws dug deeply into the largest missteps. The Company, which has so far remained
military-industrial complex in the world, Col. Deitrich undetected, is scrambling to keep the file closed.
found it relatively easy to set aside a little something The “Crazy Ivans” (Code: Red): Recent reports from
special for all those “worst case scenarios” his analysts UNDERWORLD agents indicate a striking increase in
rant about — a medium-yield fission warhead. gang violence across the nation, linked primarily to the
Sequestered in a presumably abandoned missile silo and incursions of a Russian mob cell known as the “Crazy
lost in the recent political shuffle under the codename Ivans.” The Company has long known of the Russians —
ACE OF SPADES, this insurance policy makes the even protecting them from Confederacy hitmen sent
Company – and more specifically, Col. Deitrich himself to eliminate them when they would not return home —
— the world’s only covert nuclear power. Dietrich knows but now that it appears they are peddling a distilled
that using the device is tantamount to professional (and version of the Russian physical adept serum as a street-
quite possibly personal) suicide, but if the fate of the drug called “Rocket,” the time for a final confrontation
Earth falls into the hands of a madman, he’ll be ready fast approaches.
to press the button.
The Company Genre
Current Plotlines The American Chamber is a place of maverick,
The Company is currently embroiled in several major uncontrolled action, where gutsy acts of bravado
plotlines of the Shadowforce Archer setting, three of outweigh the subtleties of classic espionage. Military
which are listed below. Any would make an excellent spy tactics are the name of the game here. The loud
hook for a Mission or Serial. Many will be developed as nature of the average Company unit may make them
part of the official Shadowforce Archer storyline. difficult to include in some Serials. Players should
consult the Game Control before generating a Company

Shadow Communities

Archtypes: Action Man, G.I. Joe, Hitman (the comic TV Shows: The A-Team, Action Man, The Agency,
book character), Kraven the Hunter, Jesse Custer and the Airwolf, Black Sheep Squadron, Combat, G.I. Joe, Max
Saint of Killers from Preacher, Max Steele, Nick Fury Steele, Soldier of Fortune, Inc., Tour of Duty, The West
and S.H.I.E.L.D., Punisher, Rambo, the Unknown Soldier Wing.
(the comic book character), Wolverine, and any big- Music: Aliens score, the Apocalypse Now sound-
budget action movie star (Bronson, Schwarzenegger, track, Conan the Barbarian score, Gladiator score,
Stallone, Willis, etc.). The Professional score, The Siege score, Starship
Troopers score, Terminator 2 score, heavy classical
Inspirations music (especially Wagner).
The following is an incomplete list of suggested Computer and Console Games: Medal of Honor:
viewing, reading, and listening for players of this Allied Assault, Soldier: Metal Gear Solid and its sequel,
agency, and the Game Control. the Twisted Metal driving series.

Books: The Dogs of War by Frederick Forsyth,

Firestarter by Stephen King, Merc (comic book), G.I. Joe
(comics — original version and recent revival, not the
90s variant), The ’Nam (comic book), Preacher (comic
Codename: ORION
book), The Unknown Soldier (comic book), anything by Archer Identity Number: 09-991607-539
Jack Higgins (The Eagle Has Landed, Night of the Fox, Nationality: United States of America
On Dangerous Ground), anything by W.E.B. Griffin (The Gender: Male Handedness: Right
Corps series, Brotherhood of War series). Height: 6 ft. 1 in. Weight: 205 lbs.
Movies: All the President’s Men, Black Hawk Down, Eyes: Hazel Hair: Long, Dirty Blonde
the Die Hard movies, Firestarter, Ice Station Zebra, Psion Class: Non-latent
The Professional (a.k.a. Leon), Missing in Action, Navy Place of Birth: Bethesda, Maryland, USA
Seals, Peacemaker, both Predator movies, Proof of Life, Date of Birth: 1968.01.23
the Rambo movies (especially the second one), Red Distinguishing Characteristics: Three dogtags (one his
Dawn, Saving Private Ryan, U-571, anything by Don father’s)
Simpson and Jerry Bruckheimer (Armageddon, The Rock,
Con Air), anything by James Cameron (True Lies).

Shadowforce Archer
Background 7.62×51mm assault rifle +8 ranged (2d10)
The Company’s premier field team is headed up by a
H&K MP5 SMG (9mm) +8 ranged (1d10)
second-generation Navy SEAL culled from the Farm,
Survival knife +8 melee (1d6+3)
where his father trained new cadets until his suicide in
1996. John Hunter was personally recruited into the Gear: Hollow-point ammunition
Company by Col. Alan Deitrich (see page 84), though
Common Gadgets: Sub-cochlear implant, “snake
recent events have placed tremendous strain on their
suit” (all options), endorphin patches (3)
Hunter believes in the Archer Foundation’s mission, Mid-Level John Hunter
but sees the Company crumbling under the weight of
Chamber: The Company
four generations of old school hardliners who want to
Department: Military Ops (2)
use it as a private army, stamping out evil without
Class: Pointman/Soldier
regard for innocents caught in the crossfire. He still
Level: 6/7
remembers his father’s only explanation for leaving the
Chamber: “I can’t tell where the enemy stops and we Strength: 16 Dexterity: 16
start any more,” and, though he could not understand Constitution: 16 Intelligence: 12
then, he is beginning to now. Wisdom: 12 Charisma: 13
John Hunter is one of many Archer agents classified
Vitality: 136 Wounds: 16
as “fragile” (that is, wavering in their dedication to the
cause), but he is not yet broken, and still has much to Defense: 18 (+5 class, +3 Dex)
offer. Rugged, industrious, and adventuresome, John is Initiative Bonus: +11 (+8 class, +3 Dex)
perfect for difficult missions in unusual terrain (though Speed: 30
some argue that his affinity for peril stems from a desire
Fort: +14 Ref: +10 Will: +8
to meet his maker). Hunter also has the uncanny ability
to fit in anywhere. Once, after dispatching four enemy Skills: Balance +11, Climb +11, Demolitions +10,
divers off the coast of Russia, he dragged himself onto Driver +14, First Aid +8, Intimidate +8, Jump +12,
shore, stripped off his wetsuit, splashed vodka on his Profession (Military) +9, Spot +10, Survival +8,
face, and stepped into an elegant party with no one the Swim +10, Tumble +12
Feats: Far Shot, Lay Down Fire, Martial Arts,
Low-Level John Hunter Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Punching Basics,
Sharp-Shooting, Snap Shot, Surge of Speed, Weapon
Chamber: The Company
Focus (7.62 rifle)
Department: Military Ops (2)
Class: Pointman/Soldier Attacks
Level: 3/3
7.62×51mm assault rifle +14 ranged (2d10)
Strength: 16 Dexterity: 16 H&K MP5 SMG (9mm) +14 ranged (1d10)
Constitution: 16 Intelligence: 12 Survival knife +14 melee (1d6+3)
Wisdom: 12 Charisma: 11
Gear: Hollow-point ammunition
Vitality: 67 Wounds: 16
Common Gadgets: Sub-cochlear implant, “snake
Defense: 15 (+2 class, +3 Dex) suit” (all options), endorphin patches (3)
Initiative Bonus: +7 (+4 class, +3 Dex)
Speed: 30 High-Level John Hunter
Chamber: The Company
Fort: +11 Ref: +7 Will: +5
Department: Military Ops (2)
Skills: Balance +8, Climb +7, Demolitions +7, Class: Pointman/Soldier
Driver +9, First Aid +5, Intimidate +5, Jump +7, Level: 10/9
Profession (Military) +6, Spot +7, Survival +5,
Strength: 16 Dexterity: 16
Swim +7, Tumble +9
Constitution: 16 Intelligence: 12
Feats: Martial Arts, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Wisdom: 12 Charisma: 14
Punching Basics, Snap Shot, Surge of Speed
Vitality: 195 Wounds: 16

Shadow Communities
Defense: 21 (+8 class, +3 Dex) Molly spent the next three years poring over every
Initiative Bonus: +14 (+11 class, +3 Dex) historical text she could get her hands on and traveling
Speed: 30 to dig sites all across the world. Her parents offered to
fund a college education in the subject, but she refused,
Fort: +17 Ref: +12 Will: +11
claiming that formal learning took too long (“It’s more
Skills: Balance +12, Bluff +6, Bureaucracy +6, posturing than pondering,” she would say). When it
Climb +12, Demolitions +12, Driver +18, First Aid +12, became apparent that Molly would not abandon her
Intimidate +10, Jump +12, Profession (Military) +11, new hobby, her parents offered to fund an organization
Sense Motive + 6, Spot +12, Survival +10, Swim +12, dedicated to the enterprise, which is now widely
Tumble +14 considered one of the foremost efforts into uncovering
the past.
Feats: Controlled Burst, Coordinate Fire, Far Shot,
Molly was recruited by the Company as part of
Lay Down Fire, Martial Arts, Point Blank Shot, Precise
Hunter’s team when they were sent into South America
Shot, Punching Basics, Punching Mastery, Rapid Shot,
to stop a deranged mastermind from resurrecting an
Sharp-Shooting, Snap Shot, Surge of Speed, Weapon
army of fallen Aztec warriors. Her many languages,
Focus (7.62 rifle), Weapon Specialization (7.62 rifle)
cultural knowledge, and unexpected combat prowess all
Attacks came together to unexpectedly assist the mission,
and she has been working with Hunter ever since.
7.62×51mm assault rifle +19 ranged (2d10)
H&K MP5 SMG (9mm) +19 ranged (1d10) Low-Level Molly Hendricks
Survival knife +19 melee (1d6+3)
Chamber: The Company
Gear: Hollow-point ammunition Department: Military Ops (2)
Class: Fixer
Common Gadgets: Sub-cochlear implant, “snake suit”
Level: 1
(all options), endorphin patches (3)
Strength: 12 Dexterity: 13
Constitution: 12 Intelligence: 16
Defense: 12 (+1 class, +1 Dex)
Codename: CLIO
Initiative Bonus: +1 (+0 class, +1 Dex)
Aliases: None
Speed: 30
Archer Identity Number: 21-773910-513
Nationality: United States of America Fort: +2 Ref: +3 Will: +1
Gender: Male Handedness: Left
Skills: Appraise +5, Balance +4, Climb +3, Cultures +5,
Height: 5 ft. 9 in. Weight: 145 lbs.
Demolitions +3, Gather Information +3, Jump +2,
Eyes: Black Hair: Cropped, red
Knowledge (Archaeology) +9, Languages +6, Listen +3,
Psion Class: Non-latent
Move Silently +3, Profession (Digger) +6, Search +8,
Place of Birth: New York, New York, USA
Spot +3, Tumble +5
Date of Birth: 1979.03.12
Distinguishing Characteristics: None Feats: Filthy Rich, Sidestep

Background Attacks
The youngest member of John Hunter’s field team .357 Magnum pistol +1 ranged (2d4+1)
is Molly Hendricks, a stunning, vivacious civilian Survival knife +1 melee (1d6+1
operative who calls herself a “progressive explorer.” Satchel charge (thrown) +1 ranged (5d6/lb.)
Brought into the Company for her sharp mind and
Gear: Flash goggles, climbing kit
prodigal skill with close combat weapons (particularly
archaic ones), Molly is the only child of billionaire Common Gadgets: Sub-cochlear implant
jet-setters who indulged her every whim. She spent
many years bouncing from one idle passion to another
before she struck her true calling: archaeology.

Shadowforce Archer
Mid-Level Molly Hendricks Feats: Expertise, Filthy Rich, Improved Initiative,
Improved Weapon Focus (Survival Knife), Sidestep,
Chamber: The Company
Weapon Focus (Survival Knife), Weapon Master
Department: Military Ops (2)
(Survival Knife)
Class: Fixer
Level: 8 Attacks
Strength: 12 Dexterity: 13 .357 Magnum pistol +13 ranged (2d4+1)
Constitution: 12 Intelligence: 17 Survival knife +14 melee (1d6+1)
Wisdom: 13 Charisma: 11 Satchel charge (thrown) +12 ranged (6d6/lb.)
Vitality: 48 Wounds: 12 Gear: Flash goggles, climbing kit
Defense: 17 (+6 class, +1 Dex) Common Gadgets: Sub-cochlear implant, Wild Card
Initiative Bonus: +4 (+3 class, +1 Dex) Gadget
Speed: 30
Fort: +5 Ref: +7 Will: +3
Skills: Appraise +10, Balance +9, Climb +8,
Cultures +10, Demolitions +8, Gather Information +8,
Jump +6, Knowledge (Archaeology) +14,
Codename: NAPALM
Languages +11, Listen +8, Move Silently +8, Profession
Aliases: None known
(Digger) +11, Search +14, Spot +8, Tumble +10
Archer Identity Number: 05-112954-331
Feats: Filthy Rich, Improved Weapon Focus Nationality: United States of America
(Survival Knife), Sidestep, Weapon Focus (Survival Knife) Gender: Male Handedness: Right
Height: 6 ft. 0 in. Weight: 190 lbs.
Attacks Eyes: Black Hair: Salt and pepper
.357 Magnum pistol +7 ranged (2d4+1) Psion Class: Non-latent
Survival knife +1 melee (1d6+1) Place of Birth: Miami, Florida, USA
Satchel charge (thrown) +7 ranged (6d6/lb.) Date of Birth: 1951.12.08
Distinguishing Characteristics: Severe chemical burns
Gear: Flash goggles, climbing kit
on left arm, torso, and neck
Common Gadgets: Sub-cochlear implant
High-Level Molly Hendricks The current Company Control walks a fine line
Chamber: The Company between the young idealists of his unit and their jaded
Department: Military Ops (2) elders. While he remains civil and restrained with those
Class: Fixer who toe the Company line, he has been known to erupt
Level: 15 violently at those who fail to work with the team.
Most Chamber agents see Deitrich as a mixed blessing;
Strength: 12 Dexterity: 14
he’s an obviously competent soldier, having risen
Constitution: 12 Intelligence: 17
through the ranks of the Marine Corps during Vietnam,
Wisdom: 13 Charisma: 11
but he’s also a career spook who joined the CIA under
Vitality: 87 Wounds: 12 shrouded circumstances during his last tour overseas.
Deitrich was discharged from the military after
Defense: 24 (+12 class, +2 Dex)
suffering extensive injuries during a carpet bombing
Initiative Bonus: +12 (+6 class, +2 Dex, +4 Improved
operation (ironically involving weapons contracted from
his own family’s business, Southern Chemical Trust), but
Speed: 30
retained his position with the CIA following the war,
Fort: +8 Ref: +11 Will: +6 tutoring operatives in the nuts and bolts of spying at
the Farm, the Joint Military Intelligence College,
Skills: Appraise +17, Balance +12, Climb +12,
and elsewhere. During this time, he took many leaves of
Cultures +12, Demolitions +12, Gather Information +12,
absence, presumably to treat a condition stemming from
Jump +12, Knowledge (Archaeology) +21, Languages +16,
his injuries, but rumor holds that he was actually
Listen +12, Move Silently +11, Profession (Digger) +18,
running clandestine operations for the CIA (and later,
Ride +6, Search +20, Spot +13, Tumble +15
the Company) throughout Asia and the Middle East.

Shadow Communities
Today, Deitrich remains well-liked within the U.S. Feats: Ambidexterity, Combat Instincts, Confident
political arena, and has aspirations to become Secretary Charge, Mobility, Persuasion, Police Training, Two
of Defense in 2004. Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (.45 pistol)

Low-Level Version Attacks

Chamber: The Company .45 service pistols (2) +9 1d10+2
Department: Military Ops (2)
Gear: Military dress uniform, medals
Class: Soldier
Level: 2 High-Level Version
Strength: 16 Dexterity: 12 Chamber: The Company
Constitution: 14 Intelligence: 10 Department: Military Ops (2)
Wisdom: 12 Charisma: 13 Class: Soldier/Snoop
Level: 8/8
Vitality: 23 Wounds: 14
Strength: 16 Dexterity: 13
Defense: 12 (+1 class, +1 Dex)
Constitution: 14 Intelligence: 10
Initiative Bonus: +3 (+2 class, +1 Dex)
Wisdom: 13 Charisma: 15
Speed: 30
Vitality: 126 Wounds: 14
Fort: +5 Ref: +3 Will: +1
Defense: 20 (+9 class, +1 Dex)
Skills: Climb +4, Demolitions +2, Profession
Initiative Bonus: +12 (+11 class, +1 Dex)
(Military) +2, Survival +2, Tumble +3
Speed: 30
Feats: Ambidexterity, Two Weapon Fighting,
Fort: +10 Ref: +9 Will: +7
Weapon Focus (.45 pistol)
Skills: Bluff +12, Bureaucracy +11, Climb +7,
Attacks Cryptography +9, Cultures +7, Demolitions +7,
.45 service pistols (2) +4 1d10+2 Diplomacy +10, Gather Information +7, Innuendo +6,
Intimidate +8, Knowledge (Company Secrets) +7,
Gear: Military dress uniform, medals
Knowledge (Archer Secrets) +4, Languages +5, Move
Mid-Level Version Silently +6, Profession (Military) +8, Profession
(Politics) +5, Surveillance +11, Survival +7, Tumble +5
Chamber: The Company
Department: Military Ops (2) Feats: Advanced Skill Mastery (Persuasive),
Class: Soldier/Snoop Ambidexterity, Combat Instincts, Confident Charge,
Level: 5/4 Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Mobility, Persuasive,
Police Training, Sidestep, Two Weapon Fighting,
Strength: 16 Dexterity: 13
Weapon Focus (.45 pistol)
Constitution: 14 Intelligence: 10
Wisdom: 12 Charisma: 14 Attacks
Vitality: 88 Wounds: 14 .45 service pistols (2) +14 1d10+2
Defense: 16 (+5 class, +1 Dex) Gear: Military dress uniform, medals
Initiative Bonus: +7 (+6 class, +1 Dex)
Speed: 30
Fort: +7 Ref: +6 Will: +4
Skills: Bluff +8, Bureaucracy +5, Climb +5,
Cryptography +5, Cultures +4, Demolitions +5,
Diplomacy +5, Gather Information +5, Innuendo +4,
Intimidate +6, Knowledge (Company Secrets) +5,
Knowledge (Archer Secrets) +4, Languages +5,
Move Silently +6, Profession (Military) +6, Profession
(Politics) +4, Surveillance +7, Survival +5, Tumble +5

Shadowforce Archer
far and still maintain a high degree of skill in all their
efforts. On the one hand, agents working for or with the
Gemeinschafft Consortium are well-versed in the ways
and means of the world political arena, and how to bend
or break them if necessary. They are consummate
Fiat justitia ruat coelum. masters of the spoken word, the legal writ, and the
“Let justice be done, though the heavens fall.” distribution and use of power. Gemeinschafft — the high
priests of globalization — have long since elevated
— Latin proverb
conspiracy to a high art form.
Europe exists on two distinctly different levels. On the other hand, the criminal minions of Archer’s
Skyscrapers of gleaming steel and mirrored glass rocket very own mastermind, “Fade,” are a motley
toward the heavens at the center of cities hundreds or collection of grifters, burglars, sting
thousands of years old, blending old world romance artists, corrupt government officials,
with the technological marvels of today. Famous exotic smugglers, and organized crime families.
spy capitals like Prague, Marseilles, Berlin, and Fade’s extralegal subordinates operate
Bruxelles — though updated through the years — under a loose set of rules designed to
retain the same sentiment as during the chaos of hone them into a razor-sharp
the early 20th Century, the revolutions of the scalpel for the Conspiracy,
17th, and before. ready to carve out threats
Against this backdrop the action of the at a moment’s notice.
European Commonwealth unfolds. A political In exchange, Fade and
powerhouse with connections and influence his legions are allowed to
in every nation on the continent, the rule the European under-
Commonwealth stands ready to bring world, forming an invisible
Europe into the 21st Century, kicking nation that is rapidly
and screaming if necessary. growing into a world
The An unusual aspect
Commonwealth of the Commonwealth’s
Mission activities is that they
Europe maintains a precarious generally take place in
balance between the ethics of the open, without the
justice and peace. These ethics many layers of deceit that
are not mutually exclusive, other Chambers demand.
but they are far from mutually More than half the
supportive. Archer has charged Commonwealth’s regular
the Commonwealth with safe- operatives are also public
guarding Europe — with acting figures. Many of the
as a dual observation and European Consortium’s
enforcement arm, dedicated to the most important func-
ideals of continental and global tions for the Archer Foundation, such as countering
peace (usually, but not always, in that order). the dangers of global surveillance programs like the
Yet ultimately Europe’s power brokers are in practice multi-national ECHELON network and U.S. Carnivore
more concerned with meting out justice — eliminating system, are handled either in a court of law or through
threats rather than countering them. well-publicized criminal actions. Secret actions do take
This ruthless mentality pervades the Conspiracy in place, but they are not the norm in Europe.
Europe, though it manifests quite differently according
to those involved. Both of Europe’s Controls — Stefan Commonwealth Missions
Bartolomei and Fade (see pages 96 and 98, respectively) The Commonwealth performs a great many tasks for
— have their own agendas as well. the Foundation, many of which the other Chambers are
unable (or unwilling) to perform themselves. For this
Function reason, Commonwealth missions frequently take their
Archer’s decision to assign two Controls to Europe agents into foreign territories.
has allowed the Chamber to spread its specialties quite

Shadow Communities
Conspiracy: European political figures have always closing arguments, they may end up working with (or
had a very real fear of conspiracy. This fear often for) the Praetoriat (see page 93), which secretly acts
extends into the realm of espionage, where agents spy as judge, jury, and executioner across the beleaguered
on one another out of routine as much as for specific continent.
purposes. The Commonwealth not only condones this Mediation: The European Commonwealth has kept
behavior, but feeds it, utilizing the skepticism and dozens of nations at relative peace for over fifty years.
trepidation of the public to control it. This is largely due to the efforts of its carefully selected
Conspiracy is not merely a tool in Europe; cadre of mediators, which it assigns to political
it is a lifestyle. Commonwealth agents learn to suspect negotiations, treaty summits, and other international
contrivance at all times, and to use the same tactics gatherings. Occasionally these mediators (who are
against their enemies. Nearly every Commonwealth usually trained field operatives or civilian specialists)
mission either alludes to conspiracy or actively creates it. receive additional clandestine parameters, but most
Blackmail, Disinformation, Propaganda, and Slander: often they are simply included in the proceedings as
The Commonwealth sometimes employs less savory neutral advisors or observers. Commonwealth Agents
methods in its duties, including the manipulation of often find themselves on this type of mission, protecting
information to alter the public’s opinion or force someone on this type of mission, or performing some
someone’s hand. New ideas are constantly introduced other function to support the endeavor.
and old ones quashed or spun in different directions Political Machinations: Just as Gemeinschafft
according to a script only the Chamber’s innermost employs a legal department to help control the creation
circle knows. The Gemeinschafft Consortium dedicates and interpretation of laws by European nations,
two hundred personnel to detecting when media it also keeps a division of political analysts — society
tampering, rumor control, and outright lies are needed, samplers who secretly infiltrate enemy parties and
and countless more (many of whom are placed solely for offices — to provide inside data about them,
this purpose) to spread the word of the day. Most as well as speech writers, campaign organizers, and
Commonwealth missions include a spin the Chamber media specialists to focus the continent’s political eyes
wishes to place on fallout from the operation. where they want them. But this is only the beginning;
Counterintelligence: The Commonwealth recognizes unlike the world of law, which is run almost solely by
that its loose, public organization and questionable attorneys, the world of politics is greatly influenced by
methods leave it open to attack, and dedicates a great public opinion and key influential figures, including
many resources to countering that eventuality. Security, pop-culture icons. A good number of these icons are
while no more effective than in other shadow commu- Commonwealth plants, agents working to shift public
nities around the world, is much greater here. Internet, opinion and change votes. Political machination
phone, and physical mail communications are regularly operations can also be much more sinister, including
monitored. Commonwealth Agents must frequently blackmail, kidnapping, and terrorism (all of which the
track down and plug “leaks in the system,” or intercept Commonwealth has conducted without Archer sanction).
and terminate enemy spies. Recruitment: Perhaps more than any other Chamber,
Infiltration: The Commonwealth’s two halves both the European Commonwealth is responsible for recruiting
excel at infiltration missions. Agents of Fade’s organi- potential agents into the Conspiracy. With many of its
zation handle the physical entry while Gemeinschafft operatives regularly traveling around the world as part of
focuses on keeping prying eyes (both electronic and EU delegations, business partnerships, concert tours, and
physical) away from the field team during the operation. public appearance circuits, the Commonwealth embodies
This cooperation has proved highly successful during the global spy community Archer is constantly building.
several high-profile missions — including a spectacular Sabotage and Theft: The Gemeinschafft Consortium
raid on the Omnium offices just last year — and the regularly engages in illegal activities to support its
Archer Foundation now calls upon the Commonwealth projects, but it rarely involves itself personally in such
first when it needs a covert insertion team. matters. More often than not, such dangerous work is
Legal Manipulation: Conglomerates don’t become as left to Fade’s people (see page 89). Many sabotage and
large and powerful as Gemeinschafft without a theft operations are thinly-veiled industrial espionage,
crack legal team at the ramparts, fending off hostile but the Foundation integrates Fade’s agents into
takeovers, government intervention, and private- mission teams when their services are required.
sector complaints. The Consortium employs hundreds Seduction: Psychological manipulation is part of
of attorneys and wields incredible courtroom power. most espionage operations, but many agents of the
While most field agents do not find themselves reciting Commonwealth specialize in it, seducing or otherwise
coercing the uninitiated into helping them. Agents of

Shadowforce Archer
Gemeinschafft’s Ninth Division (Operation SERAPH) are The Game is ever-evolving in Europe. The players
recruited exclusively based on their physical and constantly ignore, break, and rewrite the rules, fostering
personal charms, and trained in the fine arts of seduc- the region’s atmosphere of lawlessness.
tion, entrapment, and manipulation. These men and
women (referred to as “Angels” in the field) spend long Commonwealth PsiTech
periods of time deep in enemy territory or sent with A number of gadgets included in Archer’s standard
mission teams when villains or their henchmen have a field package have come out of Europe. Specifically,
confirmed weakness for the opposite sex. they’ve come out of the Gemeinschafft Consortium’s
Surveillance: With so much of Europe’s espionage private research and development office, which has
activity conducted out in the open, surveillance often assumed the somewhat arrogant nickname “The
involves little more than leasing an office with a strate- Foundry.” Operating behind its front company, Icon
gically placed window. Most European spy circles Entertainment — an upscale gadget house catering to
cluster in a few insular communities, where everyone wealthy yuppies — the Foundry’s global mail-order
knows everyone else, gossip is the language of choice, business distributes PsiTech, loosely disguised as objects
and interpreting events becomes far more important of a similar theme.
than noticing them. For instance, certain popular high-end pocket
computers include email and global positioning/
Agent Expectations roadside assistance. A special model (not listed on the
The European Commonwealth offers players a wide Icon website or in its catalog) includes an electronic
variety of options, perhaps more so than any other ciphering and satellite upload system for Archer agents,
Chamber. From classic Cold War spy masters to edgy which is commonly used to safely communicate from
modern provocateurs to glamorous cinematic the field.
operatives, all the standards are employed here. But the The Foundry is also responsible for the Foundation’s
Commonwealth also offers several options unavailable signature sub-cochlear implant (see page 206) and
or improbable elsewhere, such as the celebrity spy palm-print gun security device (see page 212).
(using the world of movie- and music-making as a
cover for Foundation business), the media and Chamber Organization
information mogul (operating with intelligence gleaned The Commonwealth’s diversity requires a diverse
from a thousand split-second updates), and the political structure. Beyond having two disparate Controls,
machinator (wielding policy rather than a pistol). Europe’s Archer Foundation agents are also divided into
Commonwealth operatives are the undisputed several camps, each with its own goals and ideals.
masters of subversion and spin doctoring, responsible
for the Foundation’s most complex machinations. The European Union
They are also the Foundation’s leaders in the criminal The European Union is comprised of fifteen countries
underworld. — Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, The
Tactical Data Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and the United
The rules of the Game are different in Europe. Trust Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland — which
and honor are long-forgotten concepts, replaced by have banded together to create mutually beneficial laws,
guile and unchecked ambition. Battles are won more markets, and social systems, and to provide security for
often with words than with bullets; lies, threats, their citizens. Originally founded in 1951 with only six
promises of scandal and ruin… all of these are common countries, the European Union has become a formidable
tactics used by Commonwealth agents and their world power, and is now poised to have a tremendous
enemies. Nowhere is the Game elevated to a higher impact on all levels of government and society.
level; nowhere is strategy more crucial to success. The European Union basically consists of five
Specialists see much more use in Europe than in institutions — the European Parliament (representing
most other areas. Middle men, money launderers, couri- the public), the European Council (representing
ers, informants, and the like are essential links in the government), the European Commission (upholding the
system here, regularly called upon during operations interests of the Union), the Court of Justice, and the
and pitted against Archer’s finest throughout the streets Court of Auditors — which are in turn supported by
and alleys of Paris and Rome. All the major players in other departments.
the espionage drama have organized networks of The Union’s primary thrusts at the moment are
supporting specialists, and rely on them heavily to play its expansion into southern and eastern Europe, and the
the Game effectively. establishment of unified trade goals and practices.

Shadow Communities
The Archer Foundation has ardently (if quietly) Like its peers, the Consortium includes many smaller
supported the Union since its inception, using its organizations, most of which have still more subsidiaries.
European Commonwealth arm to defend the Union Gemeinschafft is involved with companies from many
when necessary. In exchange, the Union frequently different industries, but focuses on military defense,
offers its growing political clout to endorse less transportation, shipping, and electronic development.
questionable policies posed by Archer and the Some of the most prominent Gemeinschafft’s
Commonwealth, and periodically helps to cover some subsidiaries are GlobalTech, responsible for information
of Archer’s operations when they grow beyond the technologies contracted by governments and businesses;
local intelligence agencies’ ability to contain. Equinox Motors, whose vehicle designs have been
The Foundation’s presence within departments of the widely purchased by world militaries and movie
Union is light; no part of the Union has more than a few companies, and include the wildly popular Sagittarius
operatives. design seen in Katt Wilde’s string of adventure films
(see page 212); and Utopia Designs, the parent company
Headquarters of Icon Entertainment and E•Topics, a computer
Unlike other Chambers, the European Commonwealth software engineering firm.
has no stable headquarters. Instead, agents in Europe The Consortium also supports several high-profile
rely entirely on dead-drops, encrypted email, listservs, charities, including a medical research foundation
chat boards, pre-arranged signals, and anonymous (“Galen’s Ward,” at the forefront of Archer’s human
meetings. A common practice involves waiting at a genome research) and a variety of Third World support
designated place with a license plate combination (often agencies.
not in the order seen on the plate); when the vehicle Gemeinschafft operates as a legitimate business, and
shows up, the agent gets in and is taken to a secure the Conspiracy has no influence on most of its
location where mission parameters or updates can be endeavors. In general, the Consortium only involves the
conveyed. Foundation in one of its interests if no less invasive
The Commonwealth announces emergencies by one option is available, and then only for a limited time.
of several TV or radio stations. Agents must tune in to Most often, the Consortium’s contribution to Archer’s
certain stations for at least five minutes once every effort takes the form of legal assistance, business and
hour, three hours, six hours, or twelve hours, per their political leverage, and equipment.
assignment. The method in which emergency warnings The Gemeinschafft Consortium employs a custodial
are conveyed depends on the format. Talk shows might “security service” to guard its sites and protect
use code words; music programming might include its personnel. Most of these men and women were
coded messages in the tempos or words of songs; recruited from French Special Forces units, such as the
TV news programs might include images with hidden DGSE’s Action Service and Ile Choc, following their
meaning or use code phrases that prompt a given dismissal.
response from field agents; and agents often use the
Archer cipher system built into cell-phones to interpret “Fade”
information. Methods change frequently to avoid It is unknown how long the criminal genius known
detection or compromise. as Fade has operated in Europe, or where he originates
One unique method of transmitting information in from. He surfaced for the first time in the early 1950s,
Europe is the use of commercial blimps with huge digi- convincing many disorganized youth camps and street
tal display screens mounted on their sides. Code words, gangs to rally under his banner. Fade’s methods are
images, and even minute-to-minute updates and orders unconventional, but unquestionably effective. Acting
run across the screen for agents below, usually scripted as a modern-day Fagin, he directs thousands of
by command personnel posing as the blimp’s crew. unrecognized youth hostels across Europe, providing
This mobile operations headquarters is especially useful food, shelter, and family to tens of thousands of the
during operations in densely populated areas, and disenfranchised, forgotten, and neglected.
during important events (such as political rallies, sports Since Raymond Archer brought him into the fold in
events, and the like). 1957, Fade has used his wards as a private army, one
which can operate without arousing suspicion and
The Gemeinschafft which has access to many unique skills and back-
Consortium grounds. Fade’s hostels communicate with one another
The Gemeinschafft Consortium has adapted well to through graffiti (another effective, if infuriating,
the rapid advancements of the last century, growing practice), and are most often called upon by the
into one of the business giants of the new millennium. Foundation for infiltration, sabotage, and theft missions.

Shadowforce Archer
Commonwealth Resources Intelligence Agencies
The European Commonwealth’s source agencies in
The European Commonwealth is most deeply
German and French intelligence provide the Chamber
entrenched in France’s General Directorate for External
with many valuable resources. The DGSE, for instance,
Security (DGSE) and Germany’s Federal Intelligence
has an annual budget in excess of 200 million francs,
Service (BND), though in practice these organizations
and the DCRG’s open relationship with the Foundation
provide little more than personnel and funding.
provides access to their files (unparalleled in France,
Planning and many supporting efforts are handled by
and perhaps in Europe) in exchange for paramilitary
the invisible minions of the Gemeinschafft Consortium
and espionage support.
and Fade’s criminal underworld.
Legal Counsel France: General Directorate for External Security
(DGSE): Though plagued by a reputation for ruthless-
As mentioned, one of Gemeinschafft's chief
ness through its early years, the Direction Générale de la
contributions to the Conspiracy is their legion of lawyers.
Sécurité Extérieure has settled into a comfortable niche.
These attorneys keep agents out of jail, and if that
It now specializes in the fields of industrial and
mission fails, defend them in court. They also prosecute
electronic espionage, especially with regards to
cases against Archer’s enemies, jailing them or hobbling
commercial enterprise. This focus blends well with the
their efforts.
mentality of the European Commonwealth.
The majority of the Consortium’s lawyers are
The DGSE is officially in charge of counter-
presently wrapped up with their Union interests, and in
espionage efforts outside France, and the collection of
the well-publicized court case against Salvador Vega
supporting data. Unofficially, it maintains close ties
(see “The Praetoriat,” page 93).
with French businesses and has been known to conduct
Operation SERAPH domestic surveillance in violation of its charter.
It is strong both at home and abroad, with economic,
Gemeinschafft’s Ninth Division began as a military
political, and technological contacts all over the world,
spy ring under the direction of East German Cold War
and maintains civilian operatives (called “honorable
strategist Madeline Raine. Conceived as a covert
correspondents”) in high-profile diplomatic and
infiltration program, SERAPH assigned women to
business positions.
military, government, and intelligence officials, whom
One of the DGSE’s most illustrious resources was the
they would seduce for state secrets. SERAPH operatives
covert operations arm known as the Action Service
operated extensively in West Germany (particularly in
(presumably disbanded after the 1985 destruction of the
Berlin), and often lived with their marks for months or
Greenpeace ship Rainbow Warrior). Many Action
years at a time.
Service personnel released following the embarrassing
After the Soviet Union collapsed, SERAPH was
failures of the 1980s and 1990s were recruited by the
absorbed by the Consortium (who had known of
Commonwealth, as part of the Gemeinschafft
the operation for many years) and its Angels became
Consortium’s security service (see page 89).
available to the Commonwealth. Today both male and
France: Directorate for Surveillance of the Territory
female agents are trained by SERAPH, and long-term
(DST): The Direction de la Surveillance du Territoire was
operations are far less common.
founded in 1944, and expanded during the 1982 French
The Game in Europe intelligence reorganization to better accommodate
its mission of counterintelligence inside French borders.
Of all Europe’s intelligence organizations, those of
The DST is better-funded and much more widely
France and Germany are most closely connected to the
respected than the DGSE, though it suffered some of the
Archer Conspiracy. Through their European Controls
fallout from their counterparts over the years. This,
and contacts, the Foundation regularly pits these groups
coupled with their similar objectives, has frequently
against one another to prevent cooperative discovery of
sparked confrontation between the two agencies.
their efforts, and to circumvent the established checks
France: Central Directorate of General Information
and balances systems when planning and executing
(DCRG): Founded in 1941, the Direction Centrale
missions. Unfortunately, this fosters a greater sense of
Renseignements Généraux works to monitor groups and
paranoia than in any of the other shadow communities,
individuals whose activities may affect France, and
making Europe the most volatile intelligence community
inform the French government about them. The DCRG
in the world.
is perfectly structured to help the European
Commonwealth, consisting of small teams of specialists
within focused fields of study, and having access to

Shadow Communities
dedicated research and analysis support divisions. he’d seen several times during his private lessons —
But the Commonwealth rarely relies upon the DCRG, a wavy figure in the shape of a curved dagger.
primarily because its files and personnel are available to Leverage: Fade offers two distinct advantages to
other agencies, leaving the Chamber open to attack. those under his wing — though one remains a promise
Germany: Federal Intelligence Service (BND): The until and unless “disaster strikes." First, Fade is
Archer Foundation’s German interests include the seemingly able to access INTERPOL’s criminal records at
Bundesnachrichtendienst, which recently expanded its will, adjusting or erasing records as needed. He has on
operations from a Soviet focus to a worldwide several occasions saved his pupils from lengthy prison
view. The BND constantly monitors worldwide sentences with this technique. The source of his access
communications (telephone, radio, fax, and telex), is as yet unknown. Second, Fade promises that if the
and it has operatives in every corner of the globe, worst should ever come to pass — “you’ll know what
posing as embassy staffers, who regularly report back to I mean when it happens" — arrangements have been
the German government (and, through discreet made for all his minions to go to someplace called
channels, controllers of the European Commonwealth). Sanctuary. Fade claims that only those gifted with
In turn, the Commonwealth intercepts pertinent physical adept abilities will be able to enter the safe
information before it becomes public, acting on it or haven, and that all others must follow them, but he
erasing it if necessary. The BND has no law enforcement assures all that they will be taken care of — “even as the
powers, relying on German police services — or, in some rest of the world collapses."
instances, the Commonwealth — to physically counter Assets: Fade has a secret, one that dates back to the
potential threats. beginning of the 20th century. Through his black
market connections he has come into possession of a
Playing the Great Game: large supply of serum for activating the physical adept
Fade gene. While the raw serum has the same drawbacks that
“I trust that world will protect itself from cowards, caused the Foundation to ban its use in the 1950s, Fade
from madmen, and even from me." has been able to combine it with newer techniques to
identify latent adepts, and selectively activate only
— Fade
those who can withstand the genetic transformation.
Mission Management: Fade’s organization is hindered This has allowed to Fade to secretly build up a cadre of
by the integrity of Europe’s shadow community. enhanced agents, whom he has carefully filtered back
With questionable backgrounds and motives, these into the ranks of his criminal organization.
“old world" spies are poorly suited for public tasks or
diplomacy. Fade shuffles such assignments off to Playing the Great Game:
Gemeinschafft whenever possible, or to the African Gemeinschafft Consortium
Alliance when necessary. Fade’s agents willingly work “Among conspirators, trust is the economy, and
with agents of all the Chambers, though they are most favors are the coin."
ardent when working with operatives of the Foundation
— Stefan Bartolomei
— partly because of Two’s open support of Fade since
Raymond Archer’s retirement, but mostly because so Mission Management: Possibly because of its long
many Foundation operatives are telepaths, capable of history of traditional espionage, the Gemeinschafft
exposing their checkered pasts. Consortium is especially reluctant to recruit and develop
Damage Control: Fade has been one of the most psionic spies. Stefan has made it clear that the Archer
rabid proponents of anti-Shop initiatives, acting with Foundation is and should remain the Conspiracy’s
unbridled fury. There is talk that he takes the Shop’s premier psionic wing, and that he wants nothing to do
betrayal personally, and some worry that he might take with such research. When focused on their own area of
the war to bring the renegades to justice too far. expertise (manipulations of all sorts) Commonwealth
Dirty Little Secrets: It’s no secret among Fade’s teams often look to the African Alliance — their energy
private army that he is trained in the mystic arts, though (and often naivete) make them excellent partners for
to what extent remains a mystery. Fade refuses to speak complex and daring schemes.
of his training, or reveal any of it to his pupils (a point Damage Control: The Consortium’s meager PsiTech
of contention with many of them). Indeed, he refuses research was conducted under the strictest of security.
to deal with mystics at all, shunning them completely Consequently, the Shop’s departure had the least
and excommunicating any of his people who take an effect in Europe, where very few personnel turned and
interest in the mystic world. The latest exile claims that practically no physical damage was suffered. Having
Fade flew into a rage after he asked about a symbol that survived the break largely unscathed, Stefan Bartolomei

Shadowforce Archer
found it easy to down play the Shop’s actions, even Stefan could easily drop the hammer on anyone at any
championing them once or twice in private meetings time, calling upon his vast fortune to ruin anyone,
(a position he has since recanted in the face of Shop- up to and including any leader of the free world —
sponsored terrorism). or Two himself.
Dirty Little Secrets: Unbeknownst to anyone outside
the Consortium’s halls of inner power, Gemeinschafft Current Plotlines
has long upheld a right of passage agreement with Europe currently finds itself in a precarious position,
P.E.R.I.L., allowing the enemy Russian spies to move as enemies loom on all sides. The Archer Foundation
freely throughout Europe in exchange for the same asks whether the sudden surge of threats in the area
courtesy in Russia. Over the last twenty years, is due to the increasing strain each Control’s private
this arrangement has greatly profited both parties, each agenda has on the Chamber; leaders of the
of whose operations are firmly Commonwealth claim it is just a sign of the times.
rooted in the other’s territories. Gemini (Code: Black):
Recently, however, Fade’s In 1999, a dangerous
organization has noticed new threat emerged in
P.E.R.I.L. operatives moving Luxembourg: a villain known as
through Europe, and has set Gemini. Cursed with the power to shift
up an impromptu embargo. forms and steal new ones (along with
The fighting has already memories and skills) by virtue of a powerful
begun, and it’s anyone’s mystic artifact called Quetzalcoatl's Thorn (see
guess how long it can go on page 234), Gemini has vowed to topple the
without someone discovering Gemeinschafft Consortium and its allies as retribution
the Consortium’s double- for the death of his brother.
dealings. This is not the first time that the Commonwealth has
Leverage: As might be encountered Gemini. They once knew him as Thomas
expected, the Gemeinschafft Fellows, an Archer Pawn (see page 53 for more about
Consortium’s leverage is Pawns) who, with his twin brother James, volunteered
global in scope. The sur- for a top secret Foundation study. Both were latent
prise might lie in the fact psions, but only Thomas was surgically triggered.
that it was provided to them The process granted him uncharted sensitivity to mystic
by the Conspiracy itself. items of all kinds, but like Helix’s tragic experiments
In 1950, when the Pact was in the early 1970s, fueled his power by sapping others —
established, each Chamber was in this case, his brother, James. Thomas was unable to
charged with maintaining a part of control the reaction, and as he grew in power,
the Conspiracy’s support structure. he watched James slowly wither away.
The Consortium acted as the After James’ death, the tests continued, largely to see
Conspiracy’s court, maintaining whether Thomas constituted a threat to anyone else,
the by-laws originally set up for but also to determine the extent of his psion
all the Chambers, and ratifying ability (which was unique at the time).
new ones. The only Chamber One study placed him in a 100-
immune to their judgments was room mansion with a
the Guardians, who govern single hidden artifact:
and adjudicate themselves. The Consortium is by and Quetzalcoatl's Thorn. When told to recover the item, he
large fair with this power, but they do periodically use did so in record time (43 seconds, including the climb
it to absolve a cherished agent who has strayed from the up two flights of stairs), but he failed to emerge.
Conspiracy line, or support a by-law that will benefit The researchers went in after him, accompanied by two
them over the other Chambers. guards. All were brutally slaughtered, and Thomas
Assets: Stefan Bartolomei is the sole heir of a long vanished, not to be seen again until 1999.
tradition of espionage and domination, and those loyal Gemini is unhinged, homicidal, and totally
to him — by choice or not — number in the thousands. dedicated to destroying the Commonwealth and the
He is also heir to the fortunes of countless generations Foundation. The reasons for his disappearance and
of crime, corruption, and greed, making him the single his current intentions are unknown. Gemini is currently
richest man on Earth. Though he would never admit it, the focus of a worldwide Foundation manhunt.

Shadow Communities
The Praetoriat (Code: Red): For several years, Europe Music: Alien 3 score, Dark City soundtrack,
has been plagued by a vigilante justice group which La Femme Nikita score, Shadowrun score (by Orion
calls itself the Praetoriat. Countless murders, kidnap- Design Studio), The Usual Suspects score; trance is
pings, and terrorist acts have been attributed to the typically evocative of the European Commonwealth.
group, who use a finely crafted inch-high silver carving Computer and Console Games: The Driver series,
of a Roman praetor (their namesake) as a calling card. Hitman, Syndicate and Syndicate Wars, Thief.
The number and identities of Praetoriat leaders has
always been a mystery, but the recent arrest of Salvador
Vega, a hitman believed to be in their employ, may
change this. Currently in negotiations to name his
Praetoriat contacts in exchange for a reduced sentence,
Vega may be the key to bringing down this criminal
Codename: CIRCE
The Commonwealth Genre Aliases: Wildcat
The genre of the European Commonwealth is, like Archer Identity Number: 02-981-439882
the Chamber that fashions it, double-edged. Half the Nationality: Unknown (presumed European)
organization focuses on identifying potential threats Gender: Female Handedness: Right
and eliminating them using political and legal means, Height: 5 ft. 7 in. Weight: 130 lbs.
contributing to an atmosphere of taut thriller action Eyes: Green Hair: Red
guided by unseen masters. The other half is the face for Psion Class: Non-latent
Europe, an eclectic crew of diplomats, celebrities, Place of Birth: Unknown
thieves, and street-level criminals who promote the Date of Birth: Unknown (mid- to late-20s)
glamorous life of professional spies and whose retribu- Distinguishing Characteristics: Belly-button ring,
tion is well-known. This latter half brings to Europe a “Euro-flash” style
sense of paranoia and fear: the knowledge that no street
corner is safe, no home secure. Background
Easily the most public Archer agent, Katherine Wilde
Archetypes: Burke from Aliens, Black Widow, Tyrell is sleek, sexy, and dangerous — more than any man can
from Blade Runner, Sydney Savage from Danger Girl, handle, but everything all of them want. She uses these
Daredevil, Elektra, Gambit, Lynch from Gen 13, traits to her advantage, flaunting her charms as a world-
Kingpin, Punisher, Jason Wynn from Spawn, Dillinger famous celebrity and seducing thousands with her
from Tron, any of the characters from Star Chamber or in-your-face style. This is what makes her so formidable
Pitch Black. — Katt is a spectacle of seduction; every move, word,
and glance is engineered to make you fall in love…
Inspirations Katt is a celebrity icon, blurring the line between
The following is a short list of inspirations for both entertainment mediums. Her latest album, “Hearts
sides of the Commonwealth. Game Controls and players on Fire,” recently went triple-platinum, the fourth
looking for ideas and general Chamber atmosphere installment of her action-adventure movie series,
should start here. Catwalk, is due out in the summer of 2003; and rumors
persist that a biography of her life is in production for
Books: Daredevil, Punisher, Vigilante (all comic a prominent cable network. Sharp, witty, and personable,
books). Katt handles her own promotion, and carefully controls
Movies: The Assignment, Codename: Dancer, her public image.
Entrapment, The Firm, Following, The Game, House of Privately, Katt spies for the Foundation, using her
Games, M, Memento, Mission: Impossible 1, The position to travel the world and her skills as a cat
Pelican Brief, The Real McCoy, The Score, The Spanish burglar, acrobat, and escape artist to silently infiltrate
Prisoner, The Star Chamber, Thief, The Thomas Crown enemy installations.
Affair, To Catch a Thief, The Usual Suspects, Wall But there are some things even “Wildcat” can’t
Street. control. Her origins, for instance, are a complete
TV Shows: The Equalizer, Highlander: The Raven, mystery. Taken in by Fade after she tried to pick his
It Takes a Thief, Mission: Impossible, Noble House pocket on the streets of Milan, she has spent the last
(mini-series), Remington Steele, The Saint (both series), twenty years searching for her parents.

Shadowforce Archer
Low-Level Katherine Wilde Feats: Acrobatic, Combat Instincts, Kicking Basics,
The Look, Martial Arts, Master Fence
Chamber: The European Commonwealth
Department: Power Brokerage (1) Attacks
Class: Faceman
Stiletto knife +9 melee (1d6+1)
Level: 5
.40 backup pistol +11 ranged (1d12)
Strength: 12 Dexterity: 16
Gear: Per assignment
Constitution: 13 Intelligence: 15
Wisdom: 11 Charisma: 19 Common Gadgets: Sub-cochlear implant, Icon
ProStar 7 (all options), cell phone slip-away unit
Vitality: 37 Wounds: 13
Defense: 16 (+3 class, +3 Dex) High-Level Katherine Wilde
Initiative Bonus: +7 (+4 class, +3 Dex) Chamber: The European Commonwealth
Speed: 30 Department: Power Brokerage (1)
Class: Faceman/Cat Burglar
Fort: +4 Ref: +4 Will: +3
Level: 10/8
Skills: Balance +6, Bluff +6, Climb +6, Craft
Strength: 12 Dexterity: 17
(Songwriting) +6, Diplomacy +6, Disguise +6,
Constitution: 13 Intelligence: 15
Driver +4, Innuendo +4, Intimidate +6, Jump +4,
Wisdom: 11 Charisma: 20
Move Silently +4, Open Lock +6, Perform +11,
Profession (Celebrity) +6, Read Lips +5, Search +5, Vitality: 114 Wounds: 13
Sleight of Hand +5, Spot +5, Tumble +6
Defense: 25 (+12 class, +3 Dex)
Feats: Acrobatic, The Look, Martial Arts Initiative Bonus: +16 (+13 class, +3 Dex)
Speed: 30
Fort: +8 Ref: +12 Will: +7
Stiletto knife +4 melee (1d6+1)
.40 backup pistol +6 ranged (1d12) Skills: Balance +16, Bluff +16, Climb +14, Craft
(Songwriting) +10, Diplomacy +14, Disguise +11,
Gear: Per assignment
Driver +8, Innuendo +6, Intimidate +10, Jump +12,
Common Gadgets: Sub-cochlear implant, Icon Move Silently +10, Open Lock +14, Perform +18,
ProStar 7 (all options), cell phone slip-away unit Profession (Celebrity) +15, Read Lips +8, Search +10,
Sleight of Hand +10, Spot +10, Tumble +15
Mid-Level Katherine Wilde Feats: Acrobatic, Breakfall, Combat Instincts, Fast
Chamber: The European Commonwealth
Pick, Fast Swipe, Kicking Basics, Kicking Mastery,
Department: Power Brokerage (1)
The Look, Martial Arts, Master Fence, Traceless
Class: Faceman/Cat Burglar
Level: 10/2 Attacks
Strength: 12 Dexterity: 17 Stiletto knife +12 melee (1d6+1)
Constitution: 13 Intelligence: 15 .40 backup pistol +14 ranged (1d12)
Wisdom: 11 Charisma: 19
Gear: Per assignment
Vitality: 81 Wounds: 13
Common Gadgets: Sub-cochlear implant, Icon
Defense: 21 (+8 class, +3 Dex) ProStar 7 (all options), cell phone slip-away unit
Initiative Bonus: +12 (+9 class, +3 Dex)
Speed: 30
Fort: +6 Ref: +9 Will: +5
Skills: Balance +12, Bluff +11, Climb +10, Craft
(Songwriting) +7, Diplomacy +15, Disguise +10,
Driver +5, Innuendo +5, Intimidate +9, Jump +5,
Move Silently +7, Open Lock +10, Perform +15,
Profession (Celebrity) +10, Read Lips +7, Search +7,
Sleight of Hand +7, Spot +5, Tumble +10

Shadow Communities
Defense: 14 (+1 class, +3 Dex)
Initiative Bonus: +6 (+3 class, +3 Dex)
Speed: 30
Fort: +2 Ref: +5 Will: +3
Aliases: “Brooke,” “Dot,” “H21,” “Sage”
Skills: Bluff +7, Cultures +6, Diplomacy +8,
Archer Identity Number: 71-089231-008
Disguise +8, Gather Information +5, Innuendo +5,
Nationality: Greek
Intimidate +8, Languages +4, Perform +7,
Gender: Female Handedness: Right
Profession (Celebrity) +4, Read Lips +4, Search +5,
Height: 5 ft. 7 in. Weight: 125 lbs.
Sense Motive +5, Sleight of Hand +4, Spot +4
Eyes: Black Hair: Raven black
Psion Class: Physical Adept (Grade B) Feats: ESP Basics, Intuitive Basics, The Look, Mimic
Place of Birth: Athens, Greece
Psion Skills: Empathy +10, Telempathy +6
Date of Birth: 1973.07.09
Distinguishing Characteristics: None Attacks
Background Stiletto knife +2 melee (1d6+1)
Ashley Kincaid has many names, but she is most Gear: Per assignment
often called “Oubliette.” As an agent of Operation
Common Gadgets: Sub-cochlear implant, memory
SERAPH, Oubliette’s assignments usually involve seduc-
flesh (at least two or three at a time)
tion, a mission for which she is uniquely suited.
Gorgeous and enticing, she can wrap any man around Mid-Level Ashley Kincaid
her finger, insinuate herself into his life, and seize his
Chamber: The European Commonwealth
innermost secrets. Only after the target is left high and
Department: Power Brokerage (1)
dry, his heart broken and his mind reeling, does he
Class: Faceman/Telepath
realize what’s happened.
Level: 6/4
Oubliette perhaps relishes her position too much.
Others call her “H21,” the German codename for Mata Strength: 13 Dexterity: 16
Hari, due to her effectiveness and zeal. Some even say Constitution: 10 Intelligence: 12
that Oubliette is addicted to romance, and worry that Wisdom: 10 Charisma: 20
her entanglements may one day be her undoing.
Vitality: 60 Wounds: 10
Her record with the Conspiracy is thus far spotless,
however, which keeps such concerns to a minimum… Defense: 19 (+6 class, +3 Dex)
for now. Initiative Bonus: +11 (+8 class, +3 Dex)
When not on assignment, Oubliette “lives the scene,” Speed: 30
working the European club circuit like a seasoned pro.
Fort: +4 Ref: +9 Will: +5
Countless shattered lovers trail behind her, a single
white rose left behind on their pillows after her Skills: Bluff +11, Cultures +8, Diplomacy +10,
unexpected departure. On occasion, she fills in as one of Disguise +12, Gather Information +7, Innuendo +8,
Katt Wilde’s backup dancers — usually when they are Languages +5, Perform +11, Profession (Celebrity) +6,
sent on a mission together. Read Lips +5, Search +5, Sense Motive +6, Sleight of
Oubliette loves to use Memory Flesh (see page 211) Hand +5, Spot +5.
when in the field, taking on traits her targets’ profiles
Feats: Feats: Advanced Skill Mastery (Mimic), ESP
claim they are vulnerable to.
Basics, Imprint Basics, Intuitive Basics, The Look,
Low-Level Ashley Kincaid Mimic
Chamber: The European Commonwealth Psion Skills: Empathy +18, Dominion +12,
Department: Power Brokerage (1) Telempathy +13
Class: Faceman/Telepath
Level: 2/1 Attacks
Stiletto knife +7 melee (1d6+1)
Strength: 13 Dexterity: 16
Constitution: 10 Intelligence: 12 Gear: Per assignment
Wisdom: 10 Charisma: 18
Common Gadgets: Sub-cochlear implant, memory
Vitality: 21 Wounds: 10 flesh (at least two or three at a time)

Shadowforce Archer
High-Level Ashley Kincaid Background
Chamber: The European Commonwealth Most of the rumors about the Gemeinschafft
Department: Power Brokerage (1) Consortium are true. The group has been around for
Class: Faceman/Telepath over a hundred years, and has roots in the noble
Level: 10/7 families of ancient Europe. Gemeinschafft’s CEO is
called Regent, and is considered to be sitting in for the
Strength: 13 Dexterity: 16
Consortium’s founder, Bruno Vangeli, who is exalted by
Constitution: 10 Intelligence: 12
all, even so many years after his death. Each Regent is
Wisdom: 10 Charisma: 22
named by his predecessor, and takes a vow to uphold a
Vitality: 93 Wounds: 10 long list of complicated rules and by-laws governing
the operation of the business partnership.
Defense: 22 (+9 class, +3 Dex)
Stefan Bartolomei is the latest Regent, named
Initiative Bonus: +17 (+14 class, +3 Dex)
unexpectedly by his predecessor, the last of the
Speed: 30
Gemeinschafft line. Prior to taking over the Consortium,
Fort: +7 Ref: +11 Will: +9 Bartolomei worked with the DGSE’s paramilitary Action
Service unit, and earned a reputation as the man to see
Skills: Bluff +16, Cultures +10, Diplomacy +14,
about the European intelligence scene. His appointment
Disguise +14, Gather Information +10, Innuendo +10,
as Regent of the Consortium caused much turmoil, and
Languages +6, Perform +14, Profession (Celebrity) +8,
resulted in many resignations from those who assumed
Read Lips +5, Search +8, Sense Motive +8, Sleight of
he had bribed or blackmailed his way into the position.
Hand +5, Spot +6
Many more remained, plotting to remove him at the first
Feats: Advanced Skill Mastery (Mimic), Advanced opportunity — by force, if necessary.
Skill Mastery (Persuasive), Combat Instincts, ESP Regardless of his reputation, Bartolomei has been a
Basics, Imprint Basics, Intuitive Basics, Intuitive positive influence on the Consortium. His long history
Mastery, The Look, Mimic in Europe and no-nonsense demeanor have kept the
organization on the top of Europe’s espionage Game for
Psion Skills: Empathy +26, Dominion +19,
over a decade.
Telempathy +20

Attacks Low-Level
Stiletto knife +11 melee (1d6+1)
Stefan Bartolomei
Chamber: The European Commonwealth
Gear: Per assignment Department: Power Brokerage (1)
Class: Snoop
Common Gadgets: Sub-cochlear implant, memory
Level: 5
flesh (at least two or three at a time)
Strength: 12 Dexterity: 12
Constitution: 13 Intelligence: 14
Defense: 15 (+4 class, +1 Dex)
Codename: MENTOR
Initiative Bonus: +4 (+3 class, +1 Dex)
Aliases: “Regent”
Speed: 30
Archer Identity Number: 19-716553-091
Nationality: French Fort: +2 Ref: +4 Will: +4
Gender: Male Handedness: Left
Skills: Bureaucracy +5, Computers +5,
Height: 5 ft. 11 in. Weight: 165 lbs.
Concentration +4, Cryptography +6, Cultures +4,
Eyes: Dark blue Hair: Black, cropped
Demolitions +4, Diplomacy +4, Driver +4, Gather
Psion Class: Telepath (Grade A)
Information +8, Innuendo +4, Knowledge
Place of Birth: Orléans, France
(Gemeinschafft Secrets) +8, Languages +2, Listen +4,
Date of Birth: 1959.09.11
Mechanics +4, Move Silently +4, Profession
Distinguishing Characteristics: Rubs fingers together
(Military) +4, Read Lips +8, Search +5, Sense
(like a “rolling fist”) when thinking
Motive +8, Spot +4, Surveillance +8
Feats: Field Operative, Filthy Rich, Point Blank Shot

Shadow Communities

Attacks Fort: +5 Ref: +7 Will: +7

7.62×39mm semi-automatic rifle +3 ranged (2d8)
Skills: Bureaucracy +12, Computers +7,
Gear: Per assignment Concentration +6, Cryptography +12, Cultures +6,
Demolitions +9, Diplomacy +5, Driver +6, Gather
Common Gadgets: None
Information +12, Innuendo +8, Knowledge
Mid-Level (Gemeinschafft Secrets) +15, Languages +6, Listen +6,
Stefan Bartolomei Mechanics +8, Move Silently +6, Profession
(Military) +6, Read Lips +14, Search +7, Sense
Chamber: The European Commonwealth
Motive +10, Spot +6, Surveillance +10
Department: Power Brokerage (1)
Class: Snoop Feats: Extreme Range, Far Shot, Field Operative,
Level: 12 Filthy Rich, Five Star Service, Point Blank Shot
Strength: 14 Dexterity: 12 Attacks
Constitution: 13 Intelligence: 14
7.62×39mm semi-automatic rifle +7 ranged (2d8)
Wisdom: 12 Charisma: 10
Gear: Per assignment
Vitality: 70 Wounds: 13
Common Gadgets: None
Defense: 21 (+10 class, +1 Dex)
Initiative Bonus: +8 (+7 class, +1 Dex)
Speed: 30

Shadowforce Archer
High-Level Background
Stefan Bartolomei Only a handful of people have ever seen Fade
Chamber: The European Commonwealth face-to-face. Raymond Archer may have been the first
Department: Power Brokerage (1) when he brought the enigmatic cult leader into the
Class: Snoop Foundation’s Pact in 1957, though he never repeated
Level: 18 what he saw. Fade communicates with everyone except
his closest operatives (whom he treats like a small
Strength: 14 Dexterity: 12
family) from the shadows, away from prying eyes.
Constitution: 14 Intelligence: 14
Those who have seen up him close claim that his face is
Wisdom: 12 Charisma: 10
impossible to make out, as if it’s constantly shifting,
Vitality: 121 Wounds: 13 warping as a reaction to the light.
Fade apparently has the best interests of the
Defense: 25 (+14 class, +1 Dex)
Foundation (and the world) at heart, not only building
Initiative Bonus: +12 (+11 class, +1 Dex)
a formidable group uniquely equipped to handle many
Speed: 30
of the the dangers of the modern world, but also
Fort: +8 Ref: +9 Will: +9 intervening personally during times of crisis. In 1975 he
joined the strike team sent to the “Eden” island base;
Skills: Bureaucracy +16, Computers +10,
with a small cadre of his followers, he infiltrated the
Concentration +6, Cryptography +16, Cultures +8,
stronghold’s lowest levels — even penetrating the
Demolitions +10, Diplomacy +8, Driver +6, Gather
highest level of the death maze known as the Labyrinth
Information +16, Innuendo +10, Knowledge
— and was the first to face Helix directly.
(Gemeinschafft Secrets) +21, Languages +8, Listen +8,
Fade is a physical adept of uncharted strength and
Mechanics +10, Move Silently +10, Profession
remarkable discipline. Capable of startling feats of
(Military) +6, Read Lips +18, Search +10, Sense
dexterity and speed and master of several martial arts,
Motive +16, Spot +10, Surveillance +14
Fade has never been known to lose a fight, let alone
Feats: Extreme Range, Far Shot, Field Operative, be caught. During his early days operating without
Filthy Rich, Five Star Service, Increased Precision, Archer’s sanction, he was hunted by many organiza-
Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot tions on both sides of the law. His ability to vanish into
his surroundings without a trace earned him his name.
7.62×39mm semi-automatic rifle +10 ranged (2d8) Low-Level "Fade"
Chamber: The European Commonwealth
Gear: Per assignment
Department: Unknown
Common Gadgets: None Class: Physical Adept
Level: 7
Strength: 20 * Dexterity: 20 *
Codename: None
Constitution: 18 *
Wisdom: 16 *
Intelligence: 18 *
Charisma: 12 *
* estimated, based on occasional sightings; may be
Aliases: None
exaggerated (or grossly under-gauged)
Archer Identity Number: 08-973692-081
Nationality: Unknown Vitality: 71 Wounds: 18
Gender: Male Handedness: Right
Defense: 19 (+4 class, +5 Dex)
Height: 6 ft. 1 in. Weight: 185 lbs.
Initiative Bonus: +9 (+4 class, +5 Dex)
Eyes: Unknown Hair: Unknown
Speed: 30
Psion Class: Physical Adept (Grade unknown)
Place of Birth: Unknown Fort: +9 Ref: +7 Will: +8
Date of Birth: Unknown
Skills: Balance +11, Bluff +10, Climb +11,
Distinguishing Characteristics: None
Computers +10, Concentration +10, Cryptography +8,
Demolitions +9, Diplomacy +10, Disguise +15,
Driver +10, Electronics +9, Escape Artist +12,
Gather Information +10, Hide +13, Innuendo +12,

Shadow Communities
Intimidate +12, Jump +13, Knowledge Attacks
(Archer Secrets) +14, Knowledge (European Secrets) +14, Scimitar +13 melee (1d12+7)
Languages +10, Listen +10, Move Silently +15,
Gear and Gadgets: Unknown
Occult +8, Open Lock +10, Pilot +10, Profession
(Crusader) +14, Ride +10, Search +10, High-Level "Fade"
Sense Motive +10, Spot +10, Surveillance +10,
Chamber: The European Commonwealth
Tumble +15
Department: Unknown
Feats: Adrenal Basics, Adrenal Mastery, Blind Fight, Class: Physical Adept
Combat Instincts, Weapon Focus (Scimitar), Sidestep Level: 20
Psion Skills: Deadly Hands +14, Energy Burst +14, Strength: 20 * Dexterity: 20 *
Flesh Armor +13, Speed Control +14 Constitution: 18 * Intelligence: 18 *
Wisdom: 17 * Charisma: 15 *
Attacks * estimated, based on occasional sightings; may be
Scimitar +9 melee (1d12+5) exaggerated (or grossly under-gauged)
Gear and Gadgets: Unknown Vitality: 195 Wounds: 18

Mid-Level "Fade" Defense: 27 (+12 class, +5 Dex)

Initiative Bonus: +17 (+12 class, +5 Dex)
Chamber: The European Commonwealth
Speed: 30
Department: Unknown
Class: Physical Adept Fort: +16 Ref: +11 Will: +15
Level: 14
Skills: Balance +15, Bluff +12, Climb +15,
Strength: 20 * Dexterity: 20 * Computers +14, Concentration +13, Cryptography +8,
Constitution: 18 * Intelligence: 18 * Demolitions +9, Diplomacy +12, Disguise +17,
Wisdom: 16 * Charisma: 14 * Driver +12, Electronics +9, Escape Artist +15, Gather
* estimated, based on occasional sightings; may be Information +17, Hide +15, Innuendo +18,
exaggerated (or grossly under-gauged) Intimidate +12, Jump +20, Knowledge
(Archer Secrets) +19, Knowledge
Vitality: 125 Wounds: 18
(European Secrets) +24, Languages +13, Listen +10,
Defense: 23 (+8 class, +5 Dex) Move Silently +25, Occult +8, Open Lock +15,
Initiative Bonus: +13 (+8 class, +5 Dex) Pilot +10, Profession (Crusader) +23, Ride +10,
Speed: 30 Search +12, Sense Motive +13, Spot +13,
Surveillance +13, Tumble +20
Fort: +13 Ref: +9 Will: +12
Feats: Adrenal Basics, Adrenal Mastery,
Skills: Balance +13, Bluff +10, Climb +13,
Ambidextrous, Blind Fight, Blindsight 5’ Radius,
Computers +12, Concentration +11, Cryptography +8,
Combat Instincts, Mobility, Weapon Focus (Scimitar),
Demolitions +9, Diplomacy +12, Disguise +15,
Improved Weapon Focus (Scimitar), Sidestep, Swift
Driver +10, Electronics +9, Escape Artist +12, Gather
Strike, Surge of Speed, Weapon Master (Scimitar)
Information +14, Hide +13, Innuendo +15,
Intimidate +12, Jump +18, Knowledge Psion Skills: Deadly Hands +20, Energy Burst +20,
(Archer Secrets) +20, Knowledge Flesh Armor +19, Speed Control +20
(European Secrets) +20, Languages +11, Listen +10,
Move Silently +22, Occult +8, Open Lock +12, Attacks
Pilot +10, Profession (Crusader) +20, Ride +10, Scimitar +17 melee (1d12+8)
Search +10, Sense Motive +11, Spot +11,
Gear and Gadgets: Unknown
Surveillance +11, Tumble +17
Feats: Adrenal Basics, Adrenal Mastery,
Ambidextrous, Blind Fight, Combat Instincts, Mobility,
Weapon Focus (Scimitar), Improved Weapon Focus
(Scimitar), Sidestep, Swift Strike
Psion Skills: Deadly Hands +18, Energy Burst +18,
Flesh Armor +17, Speed Control +18

Shadowforce Archer
interest in politics and war as well, and hint at
involvement in many world struggles, both within and
GUARDIANS outside the Middle East.
The Archer Foundation’s charter offered the
Guardians a perfect opportunity to expand the scope of
KNIFE their operations. No longer would they be restricted to
unstable partnerships with single world leaders. Now
they could focus their attention on the entire world,
“For though we live in the world, we do not wage using the extensive resources of what they expected to
war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are be a powerful and wide-reaching organization.
not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have The Guardians trusted Raymond Archer to make
divine power…” good on his promise to establish a global administration,
—2 Corinthians 10:3-4 and ensured that his dream was largely unfettered by
the sudden and unexpected rise in supernatural and
The Guardians of the Whispering Knife are the eldest
cult-like activity since 1950. In return, they have
of the Foundation’s Chambers, rooted in a secret mystic
received a ground-floor invitation to the greatest
history revealed to no one outside their order — not
espionage conspiracy of all time.
even Raymond Archer, the man who brought them into
the Conspiracy. They trace their origins to antiquity, Function
having served pharaohs and kings as mystics, soldiers,
The Guardians possess insight unavailable to anyone
advisors, and assassins. They wield powers only an
else in the Conspiracy, and are regularly called into
intimate connection with the occult world can provide,
mission briefings when anything unusual (read: not
and they have knowledge of modern supernatural
readily explainable) occurs. Guardians frequently
enemies before the Foundation encounters them. No one
accompany agents into the field for such missions as
is sure where the Guardians acquire their knowledge, or
well (see Common Guardian Missions, next page).
what the source of their mystic power is, but everyone
Most Guardians are mystics, and nearly all focus
in the Foundation recognizes the need for their
their weapons training on the use of blades (both
guidance in an age where myth and legend bubble to
thrown and hand-held). Both of these skills play
the surface with deadly results.
a significant role in the Guardians’ religion. They keep
The Guardians’ Mission details about their faith well-shielded (none speak of it
to outsiders), but the results of their focused regimen
When Raymond Archer gathered members of the
speak for themselves. Guardians are some of the finest
world’s intelligence community in 1950, he made sure
knife- and sword-fighters in the world, and their
the Guardians were represented. When he first met their
powerful mystics are capable of healing others,
enigmatic emissary, Umbra, a world of incredible
glimpsing the future, and sensing evil.
mystic power opened up to him — an ancient earth
The Guardians’ mystic abilities work effectively on
whose cultures were responsible for the psion powers
traditional missions as well, and their peculiar ability to
he’d gained, the mystic forces the Guardians still
sense the realm of the dead — called shadespeaking —
wielded, and many horrors yet to be unleashed.
also plays a regular role in today’s operations,
Archer knew that the Guardians were the only ones
especially murder investigations. See page 216 for more
prepared to face many of the less conventional
information about this ability, as well as the shade-
challenges facing the delicate new world balance.
speaker prestige class.
He also knew from Umbra’s guarded responses to his
In addition to their mystic and occult expertise, the
pressing questions that the order would not simply hand
Guardians share many skills with other Chambers of the
over their secrets to a fledgling and unproven protectorate.
Conspiracy that come in handy while in the field. They
So he struck a deal. He brought the Guardians into
are remarkable infiltrators, able to bypass and ignore
the fold as advisors, and established a Guardian liaison
modern security systems. Guardians are also well-versed
in each of the other Chambers who could watch for
in survival skills, having operated in the worst terrain
mystical threats — threats which only they could defeat.
on earth before and after joining the Foundation.
The Guardians were only too happy to comply. Their
The Guardian’s ancient enemies — occult sorcerors,
ancient mission, as related to the Conspiracy’s founders,
power-mad cults, and irresponsible archaeologists —
was one of intelligence gathering and collection —
tend to congregate in uncivilized areas, and sites of
primarily concerning strange and mystic events around
mystic power only appear in cities when the cities are
the world. Over the centuries, they have taken an
built over them.

Shadow Communities
Finally, the Guardians specialize in a talent they Agent Expectations
rarely indulge in — assassination. Dating back to their
The Guardians of the Whispering Knife are perfect
early history, they have tempered their murderous
for players who relish mysterious men of action. They
techniques with a strict social code. The Guardians
are Archer’s one link to the realm of the supernatural,
never kill by request (they rarely kill for any reason
with unique mystic abilities and ritual magic at
other than necessity), and often refuse to assassinate
their disposal. They are enigmatic and strange yet
certain targets because they are “not deserving of
also extremely adaptable — full of roleplaying
death.” How the Guardians discern whose life should
and should not end is a mystery, but the Foundation has
The Guardians allow players to portray agents who
learned to accept their decisions. In practice, those
are different from those found in most traditional
whom the Guardians spare always turn out to be useful
action-adventure and espionage stories — agents
allies, or possessing qualities that enrich and aid the
frequently reserved for momentary forays into an
unseen world. With the Guardians in the mix from the
Like most of their history, the Guardians refuse to
beginning, the world of the supernatural becomes
talk about their martial talents and uncanny sense
of character, saying only that they are remnants of
The Guardians act as a living force from the ancient
“another age, when we were young and acted rashly.”
past taking an active role in the events of the present.
Common Guardian Missions They are steeped in arcane tradition, belief, and power
that was old when the great pyramids of Egypt first
As discussed above, Guardians accompany
towered toward the heavens. They have seen and aided
Foundation agents on any mission involving the occult,
the rise of civilizations and the fall of Empires, a calm
or the supernatural, or any other aspect of the mystic
center in the sandstorm of history. Though timeless,
world. The liaisons from each office only occasionally
they are by no means complacent.
venture out into the field, usually working as control-
The average Guardian is a deeply spiritual person,
ling advisors who request aid from the Guardians’ secret
guided by the beliefs of his ancestors. He knows the true
headquarters in the Middle East when it’s needed.
nature of life and death and embraces both with equal
When a Guardian is required, the Foundation — who
passion. This means that, though he might find
prefer to associate with known quantitites — usually
satisfaction in dispatching an evil soul, he also finds joy
requests one whom it has worked with before. This has
in the laughter of a child or the embrace of a friend.
resulted in only a small number of Guardians working
Every Guardians remembers that they serve the entire
with Foundation teams, all of whom are known
world, and that their actions are vital in keeping it safe.
throughout the Conspiracy, as well as in certain pockets
They may be mysterious, but the Guardians are still very
of the world’s shadow communities, though rarely for
what they really are.
Because the Guardians are acutely aware of their
Guardians can and frequently travel anywhere at
role in the grand scheme of things, they act extremely
anytime, to work with any Foundation team. This
well as team players. They are remarkably efficient and
versatility is an incredible asset to the Foundation,
strive to inspire the same level of excellence in those
whose work rarely follows predictable patterns. Some
around them. Almost any team can benefit from the
Guardians prefer to work with certain Chambers or
inclusion of a Guardian, whether acting as infiltrator,
agent teams, and the Order usually honors their wishes.
interpreter, advisor, or assassin. The only limit to a
After all, there are plenty of Guardians willing to
Guardian’s potential is the imagination of the player
venture out into the world and take part in the
behind him.
Foundation’s grand and exciting mission; if a few settle
down into a regular team, no one will mind. Tactical Data
Special Note: This arrangement makes it
The Guardians of the Whispering Knife meet their
extraordinarily easy for Game Controls to accomodate
objectives today in the same fashion as they always
Guardian agents in regular field teams.
have; swiftly, precisely, and with mortal accuracy.
Guardians are always a part of any operation in
They perfected their tactics over generations, honed to a
North Africa or the Middle East. The arrangement was a
razor-fine edge that can cleave an enemy to shreds —
promise from Raymond Archer himself, and so far no
or cut him off from all support, vulnerable to the
one has dared break it.
Foundation or another Chamber.
The defining element of Guardian methods is
patience. They are eternally vigilant, watchful for the
optimum moment their action will be most effective.

Shadowforce Archer
Until that instant, they study and plot, weighing dozens possible, but each wearer has an acute awareness of the
of options and possible scenarios, and prepare. Little others’ presence. The Guardians use the rings most often
surprises a Guardian of the Whispering Knife. to coordinate and synchronize deadly assaults upon
A Guardian in action is as focused as his weapons. their enemies. At one time the Guardians had over one
His body becomes another tool at his disposal, hundred of these artifacts. Through the ages, most have
unfettered by fear, anger, or pain. Ultimately, been lost or destroyed. Only two dozen remain in use.
the Guardian’s physical self — his shell — is viewed as For ‘irif statistics, see the gadget section on page 210.
just another channel for inner strength. Emotions and
worldly concerns all fall away when it is time to act. Chamber Organization
While most Guardians are adept with modern The Guardians’ society remains a secret — even from
weapons, most prefer “ageless weapons,” claiming that the Archer Foundation. They have their own culture,
knives, swords, and bows are spiritually pure. Of course, talents, and allies, which they often use to warn the
a Guardian Soldier won’t refuse to use a sniper rifle if it Foundation of potential crises and supernatural threats.
is best suited for the situation, but when killing at range, Little is known of the ancestral home of the Guardians,
most prefer their unique nas ruh ("soul blade") throwing save that it lies somewhere within the Middle East, and
knives (see below). Many Guardians also apply new that it dates back centuries, if not millennia. Nearly all
technology to traditional weapons (knives with contact with the Guardians takes place through the
micro-polymer blades, ceramic compound bows, and so liaisons assigned to each Chamber and the agents who
on). are called in to assist with specific missions.
When Guardian liaisons leave their posts — through
Nas Ruh Blades choice, old age, or death — the Order takes every effort
to ensure that their replacement blends into their
The “soul blades” carried by most Guardians
new post. Oddly, agents of the Foundation have
are weighted and balanced throwing knives with
observed that replacement liaisons somehow know
remarkable precision and few chances for error.
everything their predecessor did — sometimes including
information they have no earthly business possessing.
Damage Error Threat Range Wgt
The Foundation never made an effort to learn how this
1d4+1 1 19-20 20 ft. 1 lb.
is possible — they understand that the Guardians would
simply refuse to answer.
Nas ruh blades cost 1 budget point each, and have
no actual cost (as they cannot be bought on the open Social Data
market). A Guardian agent may only requisition up to
In an effort to better blend in with other cultures,
his agent level in nas ruh blades for any mission.
Guardian field operatives practice the mannerisms
and cultural eccentricities of the world’s largest
Guardian Artifacts communities. Guardians also wear clothing appropriate
for their destination from the moment they leave their
The Guardians are not without their own brand of
special weapons — mystic relics they have protected for
During operations that demand anonymity —
millennia. Chief among these ancient artifacts are their
particularly missions involving assassination or
nas ruh throwing knives and the shadespeakers’ washaif
infiltration — Guardians don a ritual outfit (the jâmid).
blades, both presumably created in the spiritual world
Bunched to conceal one’s gender as well as identity,
the Guardians protect.
the jâmid has been cherished among the Guardians’
An item more commonly used in the field is the ’irif
society for millennia.
ring, a band of onyx engraved with archaic symbols
Devout gnostics, the Guardians’ religious beliefs and
that glow with a pale white light when the ring is worn.
practices permeate every level of their lives. Prayers and
The image of a golden dagger — the Whispering Knife —
rites commonly include intense meditation and physical
lies inside the stone of each ’irif ring. Light reflected
dedication, involving elaborate exercises with knives
through the stone offers the illusion of a thin line of
against a backdrop of burning incense, chants, and
blood trailing down the edge of its blade, pooling into a
evocative music.
drop at the tip.
Extremely private with spiritual matters, Guardians
Guardian legend holds that each ’irif ring holds the
practice alone at designated times and under controlled
essence of a djinn, which offers a sense of the ancient.
circumstances. On occasion, however, they perform
When a Guardian wears one, he joins with the wearers
complex communal rituals which produce results best
of all other ’irif rings. Direct communication is not
described as magical. The most common reason

Shadow Communities
for these rituals is to counteract harmful spiritual Shadespeakers are religious in appearance, but most
tampering (usually by groups like the Hand of Glory — certainly mystic in nature. Their lives are ritualistic
see page 246). In times of crisis, however, the Guardians observances of those with whom they have
perform these ceremonies for their own benefit, giving communicated, each a close friend or respected enemy.
themselves an extra edge on the eve of battle. Many shadespeakers serve as assassins.
The Guardians also practice many social rituals, The Guardians feel that none lead the irredeemable to
some of which have been witnessed when liaisons their final spiritual dwelling better than they.
practice them. One such ritual is referred to as weapon Shadespeakers also prove incredibly helpful during
painting, and bonds a Guardian with his chosen missions and investigations involving bodies, as they
armament. During this ritual, the Guardian makes a can often gain information from the deceased’s spirit
careful slice along his chest and allows his blood to drop that is unavailable from its body.
along the weapon’s blade. Tradition holds that this must For more information about shadespeakers (and a
be done so that the weapon may not harm its owner, mystic prestige class dedicated to them), see page 216.
having already tasted his essence. Weapon painting
occurs around a large fire during a new moon, The Voice
and participants are expected to display their new The speed with which liaisons communicate
weapons and mastery of them before and after the with their homeland (and the woman known as Aurora,
ceremony. who passes as their cultural Control) is staggering.
Another ritual has no formal name but plays In times of crisis, liaisons have been known to receive
a critically important role in the Guardians’ culture. answers from Aurora or her subordinates in minutes,
Immediately after a Guardian dies, any other Guardians seemingly without any phone call or email exchange.
remain on hand to help his soul make the transition to The Foundation only recently discovered the reasons for
the next world. They hold constant vigil to fend off this, during a mission in which Aurora was captured
dangerous spirits and elements. Guardians do not and held hostage by the Assassins (see page 110). Word
mourn a departed spirit, since they have personal of her abduction reached the Guardian liaison at the
knowledge of the afterlife. What has been seen of their Foundation before one of the last surviving members of
funerals is festive, with much music and dancing. the mission team called into the home office. Guardians
The Guardians cremate the bodies of their brethren arrived on the scene and eliminated the Assassin cell
on a giant pyre. After the pyre burns out, they collect before a strike team a mere half hour away reached the
the ashes in an urn and entrust it to family or a site.
devoted friend. Guardians have been known to go to The Foundation assumed that the Guardians
great lengths to return a fallen friend’s body — Guardian who saved Aurora were in fact shadowing the envoy
or not — to their people. when she was taken, but a second Archer agent trapped
in the cell with her reported that she spoke into the air,
Guardian Resources apparently with both the liaison and the strike team that
The Guardians’ relationship with the Archer freed them.
Conspiracy affords them many resources and luxuries It is unknown whether this ability is limited to
they would otherwise not have access to, from new Aurora, or if all Guardian leaders had it throughout
sources of information about the espionage world their history.
(which often includes information about the spiritiual
world) to remarkable advancements in modern science Training
and technology. But the Guardians were not the only Unlike other shadow communities, the Guardians
ones to benefit from this alliance — the Foundation now don’t have specialized institutes with drill instructors
has access to thousands of years of mystic experience, and textbook routines to memorize. Every day is a trial
an army of melee weapons experts, and a couple of for them, and the greatest reward is survival.
special resources they never expected. Individual Guardians sometimes pair off, passing
along their skills. For example, a Guardian who spent
Shadespeakers time within the Shin Bet General Security Service might
Guardian society is strictly ordered, broken into share his knowledge of Israeli counter-intelligence
many castes and sects. The Archer Foundation is only techniques, while a Guardian who has never left his
aware of some of these groups — primarily those from people might tutor the finer points of weaponsmithing.
which they draw liaisons are. One caste that caught the The bonds formed between these teachers and students
Foundation off guard are the shadespeakers, Guardians are close, and considered sacrosanct by the Guardians’
who can sense and sometimes speak with the dead. community.

Shadowforce Archer
Guardians spend a portion of every day meditating, When he recovers from his trance (which rarely lasts
visualizing their weaknesses and the methods by which longer than 48 hours), he feels refreshed and ready to
they might eliminate them. In essence, they perceive experience the world anew.
themselves as spiritual knives, whose blades can always
be sharpened and polished. True completion comes only The Game in the Middle East
as the Guardian’s spirit finally leaves his physical body, Agencies in Northern Africa and the Middle East
returning to the forge of the universe. play the Game by their own rules. Subtlety rarely works
Sparring: Combat training is an integral part of here; many people consider acts of violence and
Guardian life. One of their favorite pastimes is terrorism not only viable political tactics but — more
sparring, during which two or more Guardians often than not — Divine will.
gather in a large circle, pitting their weapons This is a land in constant conflict, one which has
and minds against one another in a flurry of been divided by religious beliefs for hundreds of
blades, blows, and bravado. Though minor years. Enemies appear within and without, and most
injuries are common, no Guardian ever spars governments devote incredible resources to
with the intention of harming his opponent. In monitoring their own citizens. The outside
fact, sparring partners are often the best of world, as a rule, comes as an after-
friends, and there is even a distinct style of thought.
sparring that couples enjoy during
courtship, known as the sharpness Intelligence
of the heart. The hint of danger often Agencies
provides a romantic rush. The following are just a few of
The Crucible of God: When a the prominent agencies in the region.
Guardian is ready to test his skills Additional agencies and the plots that
against the devices of his ancestors, surround them will be detailed in the
he makes a pilgrimage into the desolate Guardians of the Whispering Knife
wilderness and wanders the acrid wastes sourcebook.
alone, without food or water. Following signs Saudi Arabia: General
only he can see, he is drawn to a remote area Directorate of Investigation (GDI):
and undergoes what a mystic challenge the The GDI is the Ministry of the
Guardians refer to as The Crucible of God. Interior’s security service and, like
The Crucible reportedly pits the Guardian the rest of the Saudi government,
against an infinite number of physical and works in accordance with the
mental obstacle courses, each designed to usher Shari’a (Islamic law). The GDI
the Guardian to a new level of proficiency. focuses its intelligence-gathering
Those who survive say they could not services primarily upon its own
consciously choose their tests. The tests chose citizens, sharing information with
them. Mutawwa', the Saudi religious
Most Guardians make this journey only a police. The GDI also monitors
few times in their lives. Those who offer potentially corrupting foreign
their skills to the Archer Foundation, influences, especially of the
however, have been known to test relgious variety. Saudi Arabia
themselves annually, perpetually is a strictly Islamic nation and
striving to refine their abilities for does not tolerate other religions.
the good of the world. Anyone arrested by the GDI
The Crucible can happen anywhere and at anytime, remains isolated during the initial phase of
though it has never been known to interrupt a mission the investigation, which can last for months. Even after-
or other important Fondation business. ward, prisoners are only allowed limited interaction
Transformation: When a Guardian is ready to make with lawyers and family. Punishments meted out by the
a crucial transition in his life (i.e. a player decides he GDI are frequently severe, to serve as an example to
wants to multi-class), he enters a deep trance. others.
His breathing and heart rate all but cease and, Jordan: General Intelligence Department (GID): The
without careful examination, he appears dead. But like GID was established in 1964 to protect the internal and
a caterpillar in a cocoon, he mentally redistributes external security of the Kingdom of Jordan. The GID
his energy, preparing himself for the new challenge. Director is appointed by royal decree, based on a

Shadow Communities
decision made by the Counsel of Ministers. Officers are Others are less overt; the Collections Department
also appointed by a royal decree that comes from a performs espionage operations abroad under diplomatic
recommendation by the Director General. or unofficial cover, and the Political Action and Liaison
The GID’s mandate is to counteract terrorism and Department distribute information between allied
physical sabotage at home. It also works against foreign intelligence services.
“intellectual sabotage and attempts to infiltrate the The identity of Mossad’s Director has traditionally
Jordanian society.” Finally, a new directorate was been a state secret. But in 1996, the Government
founded in 1996 that gives the GID authority to counter announced the appointment of Major General Danny
the traffic of contraband. The Jordanian Prime Minister Yatom to the post, flying in the face of tradition.
can also assign the GID duties as long as he specifies Israel: Shin Bet General Security Service (GSS):
them in writing. Israel’s internal security and counter-intelligence
Egypt: General Intelligence Agency (GIA): Considered organization is commonly believed to have three
ineffectual by the outside world, Egypt’s intelligence operational departments.
agency is still a force to be reckoned with on its own The Protective Security Department guards
turf. Since its reorganization by the German master spy government buildings and embassies, scientific
General Reinhard Gehlen, the GIA has built a reputation installations, important parts of industry, and the
for relentlessness within Egypt’s own borders. national airline, El Al.
At times throughout its history, the GIA has operated The Arab Affairs Department fields anti-terrorist
without government authority. Today, it still functions agents and develops terrorist profiles. This division
separately from the Egyptian military, but its actions are combats the military arm of Hamas, the Islamic
closely monitored. Resistance Movement.
The GIA’s specialty is audio surveillance. Finally, the Non-Arab Affairs Department uncovers
Iran: Ministry of Intelligence and Security (VEVAK): foreign intelligence operatives, especially those of
The government of Iran believes that Muslims the world former Soviet bloc nations.
over comprise a single community known as the All foreigners who travel to Israel face potential
Ummah, which must be directed by one holy regime. scrutiny from the GSS, whose continued use of
With their successful revolution in 1979, Iranian leaders “special measures” during interrogations has prompted
declared themselves the head of that regime, sentinels investigations to make sure they do not violate the
for all members of the Islamic faith. They are absolutely Geneva Convention.
dedicated to liberating the Ummah from corrupting
influence, and willing to use any means — up to and A Note on Language
including terrorism — to achieve that goal. VEVAK
The Guardians speak a dialect of Arabic that
provides intelligence for such brutal operations.
contains several archaic terms. Other Arabic speakers
VEVAK has carried out terrorist actions on its own,
easily understand them, but notice that the accent is a
often focusing on dissidents within its own territory.
bit peculiar (a close analogy is the difference between
It has also trained extremist Islamic military forces
English spoken by the British and English spoken by
around the globe, including segments of the Bosnian
the Irish). With practice, however, Guardians can adjust
their accent to mimic those of other regions.
To secure themselves in foreign lands, VEVAK agents
On occasion, agents of the Foundation have also
commonly operate out of Iranian consulate offices and
heard the Guardians speak to each other in another
embassies, often disguised as diplomats (which provides
tongue — one unlike any language in the world — and
them diplomatic immunity).
they utilize a sign language as well. The Guardians
Israel: Mossad–Institute for Intelligence and Special
closely protect both of these tongues. They refuse to
Tasks: In 1951, the Central Institute for Coordination
use them in the presence of others unless they
and Central Institute for Intelligence and Security
absolutely must speak privately, and then keep their
merged into Mossad, the first line of defense against
sentences short enough to prevent the witnesses from
Israel’s enemies. Since then, Mossad has been Israel’s
reconstructing their words.
foremost covert action, counter-terrorism, and intelli-
Mechanics: Any Guardian agent can mask his
gence gathering group. Headquartered in Tel Aviv,
original accent with a Languages (DC 10) skill check.
Mossad is divided into eight departments, though details
Further, Guardian agents may take skill ranks in
about its internal organization are sketchy.
their native tongue (hakika), which allows them to
Some Mossad departments are infamous, such as the
communicate both verbally and non-verbally.
Special Operations Division (Metsada), responsible for
psychological warfare, sabotage, and assassination.

Shadowforce Archer
Playing the Great Game Damage Control: As discussed on page 207,
the latest generation of Guardians includes precious few
“Trust in the wisdom of the Ancients, though their
latent shadespeakers, yet more than a few latent psions
nightmares now walk among us."
have been identified. Ten years ago, the Guardians took
— Aurora
the unprecedented step of allowing several geneticists to
Mission Management: The Guardians have always come live with them, to help nurture their fledgling
considered their secrecy to be their greatest shield. psions and determine how they came to be. With the
To maintain it they have been known to flatly decline Shop’s defection, these men and women vanished —
Foundation directives involving large scale or along with the subjects of their research. Enraged, the
highly public actions, even within their own shadow Guardian elders have sent out dozens of operatives to
community. These operations tend to fall to the African scour the world for the traitors and bring their
Alliance more often than not. The Guardians largely try kidnapped children home. Today, the Guardians are
to handle their own affairs internally, but their closer to the Conspiracy than ever before, and their
longstanding relationship with Room 39 (dating back to agents — much needed in this time of crisis — are
before World War II — see page 38) make the British far more commonly seen. But the price for this mixed
Chamber their leading choice when they must turn to blessing is high, and may yet be paid in blood.
outside help. Dirty Little Secrets: The Guardians’ most closely
guarded secret is their vision of what could have been.
The Legend of the Charged with protecting the world from the very
Whispering Knife threats it now faces (the eruption of psion latency,
the emergence of mystic power, and the social and
The name of the Guardians’ Chamber derives from
political events they caused), the Guardians have to
their secret society’s Arabic title — Harasa b’al-Skeen
wonder how much better it might have been like if they
al-Hamsa. This is the name Conrad Archer came to
had succeeded.
know them by, and it has remained ever since. But its
Leverage: Agents of all Chambers arrive when
significance was not understood until 1944, during
summoned, but Guardians are known for arriving when
Operation: GODSMASHER (see page 38).
they are needed – often when word of trouble has yet to
During the mission to prevent the Nazi mystic
spread beyond the contact Chamber. This uncanny
exploration of the island of Crete, the Guardian
knack for being in the right place at the right time has
attaché Umbra wielded a weapon of unprecedented
earned them a solid reputation as the “friends" of the
power — an ancient dagger with a golden blade,
Conspiracy, eager to support all others however they are
reportedly responsible for leading the Room 39
able. Many Guardian relationships — and the liaisons
mission team to Eva’s inner sanctum.
they maintain with every Chamber — have earned them
The dagger, called Hiss in the Guardians’ native
several remarkable pieces of leverage that they could
tongue, was unable to save Umbra from Eva’s clutches.
use against their peers, if they chose to. But as history
When Conrad and Raymond Archer arrived for the
has proven time and again, the Guardians are an
final battle against her, they found Umbra’s body
honorable people, and unwilling to take advantage of
upon a large stone altar, murdered with a single blow
such situations — unless they absolutely have to.
to the chest. Hiss was nowhere to be found.
Assets: The rest of the Conspiracy (and parts of the
Since that day, the Guardians have refused to
world’s shadow communities) are well aware of the
speak of the weapon, saying only that it is a relic of
Guardians shadespeakers — rare operatives who can
their ancient beginnings, and a religious heirloom
seemingly speak with the dead. What they are as yet
of fantastic significance. When Archer expressed
unaware of, however, is that certain of these operatives
concern that the blade might have been lost at Crete,
continue to serve the Guardians even after death. These
or worse, stolen by Eva Kraus, the Guardians laid it to
ghosts prowl the middle realms, a place mystics call
rest, saying that “Hiss cannot be taken from us. It is
"The Fringe" (see the upcomming Archer Foundation
our history, and our future.”
Chamber book for more). Their unmatched stealth and
Agents debriefed about Operation: GODSMASHER
immortal strength makes them the perfect spies, and the
marveled at Hiss, citing it as the reason for Room 39’s
ultimate saboteurs.
success on the island. They also spoke of the dagger
with a certain degree of unease, remembering not Current Plotlines
only its incredible ferocity, but the voices whispering
The Guardians of the Whispering Knife have an
on the wind whenever it shed blood — whispered
active role in several major plots of the Shadowforce
voices twisted in agony…
Archer setting. Three such plotlines appear here, to give

Shadow Communities
the Game Control hooks for his own serial. Many of leading it to the most powerful position in the
these and several more will be developed and expanded Mediterranean world. Philip did both of these things
upon as part of the official Shadowforce Archer storyline. and in turn, fathered one of the most famous conquerors
A Cult Following (Code: Black): Many religions in history, Alexander the Great. The power of Euridice's
predicted the end of the world at the dawn of the new magic carried from one generation to the next.
millennium, gathering dedicated followers and indoctri- Acevska scoured the world for the right child to
nating them into their sects. When the calendar changed re-create the ritual for, and has finally found him:
without incident, most of these assemblages disbanded. Ljubcho Taneva, the son of the militant nationalist Filip
One group, the Flowers of Anubis, did not. The Flowers Taneva, who has amassed a small but devoted
still believe that the world is about to end, and are doing following. The elder Taneva is infamous for his hateful
everything in their power to guarantee it. Their members tirades against the country's minority populations
have robbed museums and historical sites, stealing (especially ethnic Albanians) and its southern neighbor,
artifacts and arcane knowledge to fund and fuel their Greece. Acevska plans to approach Taneva with his
enterprise. Now they are producing a specialized knowledge of the occult, hoping the father will allow his
chemical agent to spark off a fiery storm throughout son to be part of the ritual. If the man refuses, Acevska
Earth’s atmosphere, wiping the world clean once and for plans to kidnap the boy and perform the ritual anyway.
all. The Guardians are racing against time to stop them. Acevska is convinced the child will return Macedonia
Evolve or Die (Code: Yellow): Helix’s scientific to its historical glory, leading an army to crush its old
tampering with psion powers apparently created a foes. He further hopes that Ljubcho will have a son one
startling effect among the Guardians. Since the early day who will go on to conquer the world, continuing
1980s, far fewer latent shadespeakers have been born. what Alexander the Great failed to finish.
Concurrently, a number of children have been identified Making A Killing (Code: Red): Several times in the
as latent physical adepts, mentalists, and telepaths, last century, lone assassins have changed the course of
traits their people have exhibited only rarely before. history. Lee Harvey Oswald, Sirhan Sirhan, James Earl
Members of this new generation have had a Ray, and Yigal Amir all presumably worked alone, and
noticeably difficult time deciphering the ancient methods yet most appeared vacuous when apprehended. Another,
and morals of their people, and the traditionally spiritual little known, fact about them is that each bore a
Guardians must now consider science as a solution to distinctive tattoo over their left breast — a dark wavy
the problem. Some theorize this was another facet of dagger that seemed to play tricks on the eyes, almost
Helix’s devious plan all along. hovering over their skin. Even more remarkable, these
Macedonia Rising (No Code Yet Assigned): On August tattoos vanished within hours of the assassins’ capture,
31, 2001, precious artifacts from the tomb of ancient shortly before the attackers seemingly lost all memory
Macedonian Queen Euridice were stolen under mysteri- of their vicious actions. (Only rarely have these
ous circumstances. Authorities found no sign of forced incidents have ever made it into public record, and then
entry at the site (near the northern Greek village of they were hushed up rather quickly, either by nervous
Vergina) which is fenced and guarded around the clock. superiors or the Guardians.)
The area is not accessible to tourists. As with many unexplained coincidences in the
The artifacts, including three marble female figurines Shadowforce Archer setting, the reasons for these events
and three statues of sphinxes approximately seven is linked to the invisible world inhabited by the Archer
inches tall, were hacked off Euridice's ornate throne. Foundation, and the Guardians of the Whispering Knife.
Because the figures were photographed, well documented, In 1078, a mystic named Hassan-I Sabbah departed from
and internationally known, the Culture Minister the Ismailis faction of Islam, forming a cult that would
immediately excluded the possibility they might turn up become known as Assassins. In his mountain fortress of
on the art smuggling market. Alamut, Sabbah drugged his followers and programmed
He was right. them as mindless killers, deploying them to take out
The figures were stolen by Vasil Acevska, a security social leaders in public spectacles. Each of these
guard who worked at the tomb for fifteen years. programmed killers bore the same strange tattoo as their
Acevska discovered a crumbling scroll in a bombed-out modern counterparts.
cave that depicted not only the figurines, but also their The Assassins began as the antithesis of everything
true purpose. Queen Euridice once used them in a the Guardians believe in, and over the last several
powerful ritual shortly after the birth of her son, Philip. hundred years have become one of their most hated
The ritual channeled the powers of the gods of war and enemies. The Guardians only know them by their sign —
wisdom into the infant, instilling him with a great the sabah beden (literally in the Guardian tongue, “ghost
destiny — building a united Macedonian kingdom and body”) — which appears in their presence, elusive yet

Shadowforce Archer
never hidden, always giving them away. The sign The Guardians have learned to watch for this sign,
manifests on the physical bodies of their dominated and use it as a warning that enemies are near.
killers but never on the bodies of Assassins themselves. Unfortunately, the sign doesn’t particularly reveal the
Instead it appears near the true Assassins as “part of the identity of the Assassin(s) — only that they are present.
scenery” (a crack in a wall, a shadow in a mirror, a wisp It is for this reason that many Assassins dwell only in
of smoke). Some say it trails the Assassins like a curse. well populated areas, and travel as part of larger groups,
Others say that’s precisely what it is… where they can hunt the Guardians on equal footing.
Today, most Assassins live peacefully in Iran, Syria,
Disciplines of the Blade and India, content to spend their time away from death.
But there remain secret cabals of their number
The Guardians of the Whispering Knife take great
dedicated to spreading seeds of chaos and destruction
pride in their moral rectitude. They see their weapons
across the world, coordinating assassinations that
as metaphors for the virtues they embrace, the
threaten to shatter the security we currently enjoy.
challenges they face, and the world they live in.
To make matters worse, their techniques have been
Collectively, these adages are known as the
adopted by some of the most powerful governments and
Disciplines of the Blade. Below are the ten most
organizations in the world — including many of
common, and their meanings.
Archer’s foes.
• To be of use, a blade must keep its edge. A Guardian
must constantly refine and test his skills. The Guardians Genre
Exotic. Mystic. Arcane. Mysterious. Deadly. These
• A blade is not a bow. A Guardian must suffer
are defining terms for the Guardians of the Whispering
no delusions, being honest with himself with others.
Knife. Undisputed masters of melee combat and wield-
He should expect the same in return.
ers of ancient mystic power, the Guardians are lethal
• A blade is to be held securely in its sheath. warriors transplanted from another time. They give a
A Guardian must be in command over his passions, magical twist to classic espionage.
never losing self-control.
Archetypes: Ardeth Bay and the Magi (from the
• After a blade strikes, it cannot undo its injury.
recent Mummy movies), Snake Eyes (from G.I. Joe),
A Guardian must clearly see what is right and wrong
Elektra (from the Daredevil comics), Qui-Gon Jinn and
in all situations, and take responsibility for the course
Mace Windu (from The Phantom Menace), Captain
he chooses to follow.
Benjamin L. Willard (from Apocalypse Now), Ghost Dog
• Every blade has to be forged. A Guardian must (from Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai)
be patient in his life, for everything that is to be
eventually will be. Inspirations
The following is an incomplete list of suggested
• The most dangerous blade is the one that is hidden.
viewing, reading, and listening for Guardians players
A Guardian must be vigilant in every situation.
and the Game Control, when they require inspiration for
• A blade that is not respected will cut the hand that the group.
wields it. A Guardian must give proper regard to
Books: Assassin!: The Bloody History of Political
those around him, and demand the same from those
Murder by Paul Elliot, Batman (comic book), The Bible,
close to him.
Elektra: Assassin by Frank Miller, Encyclopedia of
• To avoid tarnish, a blade has to be polished. Death and the Afterlife by James R. Lewis, Hellboy
A Guardian must love his family, friends, and people (comic book), The Kabbalah, The List of 7 and The 6
to remain strong. Messiahs by Mark Frost, Living Races of the Sahara
Desert by Briggs, The Mummy or Ramses the Damned
• Even the strongest blade can be shattered.
by Anne Rice, Papyrus of Ani (The Egyptian Book of the
A Guardian must be humble in his affairs, never
Dead), The Quar’an, Seven Pillars of Wisdom:
falling victim to overconfidence.
A Triumph by T.E. Lawrence, The Talmud, The Torah,
• A blade is a reflection of its creator. A Guardian The Templars and the Assassins: The Militia of Heaven
must honor the purity of his immortal soul and by James Wasserman; anything by Dean Koontz (Dark
remember the divine power that crafted it. Rivers of the Heart, Phantoms, Servants of Twilight),
anything by Brian Lumley (especially Necroscope and

Shadow Communities
the Dream cycle), anything by Thomas E. Monteleone They soon determined that “Midnight” was merely a
(Blood of the Lamb, The Reckoning, the Borderlands role the prisoner had been conditioned to play. He was
anthologies). no more responsible for his actions than a mastermind’s
Movies: Arabesque, Fallen, Indiana Jones and the minion. The Guardians tried to break his programming,
Last Crusade, King Solomon’s Mines, Lawrence of with little success (mainly limited to flashes of his
Arabia, Lost Souls, The Mummy, The Mummy Returns, former life). They also tried to determine who had twisted
Raiders of the Lost Ark, Sixth Sense, Stir of Echoes, him so completely, again in vain.
Tomb Raider. With few other recourses (save killing him and being
TV Shows: Angel, Brimstone, Buffy the Vampire done with it) the Guardians accepted Midnight into their
Slayer, Friday the 13th: The Series, In Search Of…, ranks, and spent the last eight years training him to kill
Kolchak: the Night Stalker, Neverwhere, Night Visions, for the right reasons. Someday, they hope to break down
The Others, Outer Limits (both versions), Psi-Factor, the wall in his head, and return him home.
Relic Hunter, Twilight Zone (both versions), Ultraviolet,
X-Files. Low-Level Midnight
Music: Africa North: A Rough Guide to North Chamber: The Guardians
African Music, Desert Poems by Stephan Micus, Flying Department: Urban Assault (4)
Carpet by Claude Challe, Gedida by Natacha Atlas, The Class: Soldier
Hunter, the Hunted by Alex Cremers, Lawrence of Level: 7
Arabia soundtrack, The Mummy score, The Mummy
Strength: 16 Dexterity: 16
Returns score, Sif Saffa: New Music From The Middle
Constitution: 12 Intelligence: 10
East, The 13th Warrior score, anything by Ofra Haza.
Wisdom: 12 Charisma: 8
Computer and Console Games: Alone in the Dark
series, Gabriel Knight series, Nocturne. Vitality: 58 Wounds: 12
Defense: 16 (+3 class, +3 Dex)
Initiative Bonus: +9 (+6 class, +3 Dex)
Codename: NEMESIS
Speed: 30
Fort: +6 Ref: +7 Will: +3
Archer Identity Number: 67-403886-773
Skills: Balance +7, Climb +7, Intimidate +3,
Nationality: North African (Egyptian)
Jump +7, Profession (Assassin) +7, Spot +7,
Gender: Male Handedness: Both
Survival +7, Tumble +7, Use Rope +4
Height: 6 ft. 0 in. Weight: 175 lbs.
Eyes: Black Hair: Raven Black Feats: Blind Fight, Lightning Draw, Marksman,
Psion Class: Physical Adept (Grade A) Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Quick Draw, Rapid
Place of Birth: Alexandria, Egypt Shot, Snap Shot
Date of Birth: Unknown
Distinguishing Characteristics: Always wears his Attacks
jâmid and uses a voice filter Throwing knife +10 ranged (1d4+3)
Composite Bow +10 ranged (1d6+3)
Background 7.62×45mm assault rifle +10 ranged (2d8+2)
A strict professional, Midnight is a ruthless,
Gear: jâmid (see page 102)
remorseless killing machine who believes compassion
and sentiment have no place in the cutthroat world of Common Gadgets: Voice disguiser (external)
secret agents. He is lethal in hand-to-hand and ranged
combat, specializing in “naked kill” techniques and the Mid-Level midnight
use of throwing knives and archery. Chamber: The Guardians
The Foundation targeted Midnight for liquidation in Department: Urban Assault (4)
1993 following a series of brutal political slayings Class: Soldier/Physical Adept
across northern Africa. However, the Guardian sent to Level: 7/7
eliminate him — an empath named Mina — felt only
Strength: 16 Dexterity: 16
turmoil and pain beneath his intensity. She captured
Constitution: 13 Intelligence: 10
him instead, a task only possible with her ability
Wisdom: 12 Charisma: 10
to amplify his distracting emotions, and returned him to
the Center, where he was studied by Chamber psions. Vitality: 105 Wounds: 13

Shadowforce Archer
Defense: 20 (+7 class, +3 Dex) Attacks
Initiative Bonus: +13 (+10 class, +3 Dex) Throwing knife +18 ranged (1d4+3)
Speed: 30 Composite bow +18 ranged (1d6+3)
7.62×45mm assault rifle +18 ranged (2d8+2)
Fort: +11 Ref: +9 Will: +10
Gear: jâmid (see page 102)
Skills: Balance +9, Climb +9, Intimidate +7,
Jump +9, Occult +9, Profession (Assassin) +11, Common Gadgets: Voice disguiser (external)
Spot +9, Survival +9, Tumble +9, Use Rope +4
Feats: Blind Fight, Lightning Draw, Marksman,
Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Quick Draw, Rapid
Shot, Sensory Basics, Sensory Mastery, Snap Shot,
Codename: SPECTRUM
Untraceable Power (Combat Sense), Untraceable Power
Aliases: None
(Extra Spectral Sight)
Archer Identity Number: 01-006011-004
Psion Skills: Combat Sense +10, Extra Spectral Nationality: Saudi Arabian
Sight +9 Gender: Female Handedness: Right
Height: 5 ft. 2 in. Weight: 120 lbs.
Attacks Eyes: Pale Brown Hair: White
Throwing knife +13 ranged (1d4+3) Psion Class: Latent Physical Adept
Composite bow +13 ranged (1d6+3) Place of Birth: Syrian Desert, Saudi Arabia
7.62×45mm assault rifle +13 ranged (2d8+2) Date of Birth: 1940.05.23
Distinguishing Characteristics: Waist-length hair
Gear: jâmid (see page 102)
worn in loose braids
Common Gadgets: Voice disguiser (external)
High-Level midnight Aurora is the daughter of Umbra, who was the first
Chamber: The Guardians Guardian to contact Room 39 and Conrad Archer (see
Department: Urban Assault (4) page 38), and she is the last surviving member of their
Class: Soldier/Physical Adept sect. She has been the Guardians’ cultural and spiritual
Level: 10/10 Center for more than forty years, and is cherished by all.
Wise beyond her years, Aurora has seen more things
Strength: 16 Dexterity: 16
in her lifetime than most people would dare dream,
Constitution: 14 Intelligence: 10
embracing triumphs and tragedies with the same
Wisdom: 12 Charisma: 11
tranquil grace. She understands the dual enigmas of life
Vitality: 166 Wounds: 14 and death, but realizes that words cannot truly express
a solution. She has dedicated her life to embodying
Defense: 23 (+10 class, +3 Dex)
the truths she discovered, her every word and action a
Initiative Bonus: +17 (+14 class, +3 Dex)
lesson for her “children,” the Guardians.
Speed: 30
Aurora is still amazingly spry and quite active in the
Fort: +16 Ref: +11 Will: +11 Chamber’s home territory. She retains much of her
youthful energy and martial prowess, which —
Skills: Balance +10, Climb +10, Intimidate +10,
combined with her considerable psion power — is more
Jump +10, Occult +10, Profession (Assassin) +15,
than a match for any foolish challenger.
Spot +10, Survival +10, Tumble +10, Use Rope +8
Since her abduction by and escape from the
Feats: Blind Fight, Controlled Burst, Controlled Assassins four years ago, Aurora has become far more
Strafe, Hail of Bullets, Lightning Draw, Marksman, interested in matters outside the Guardians’ homeland.
Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Quick Draw, Rapid Rumor contends that she is searching for something —
Shot, Sensory Basics, Sensory Mastery, Snap Shot, or someone.
Stamina Battery, Untraceable Power (Combat Sense),
Untraceable Power (Extra Spectral Sight)
Psion Skills: Combat Sense +16, Extra Spectral
Sight +15

Shadow Communities
Low-Level Aurora Feats: Blind-Fight, Cleave, Power Attack, Quick
Healer, Scholarly
Chamber: The Guardians
Department: Basement Attacks
Class: Pointman
Scimitar +8 melee (1d12+2)
Level: 2
Throwing knife +7 melee (1d4+2)
Strength: 14 Dexterity: 12
Gear: None
Constitution: 14 Intelligence: 12
Wisdom: 18 Charisma: 12 Common Gadgets: jâmid (see page 102) with built-in
disguise enhancer modification, ’irif ring (see page 210),
Vitality: 20 Wounds: 14
anti-psi safety field (disguised as right earring), bug
Defense: 12 (+1 class, +1 Dex) detector (external unit)
Initiative Bonus: +2 (+1 class, +1 Dex)
Speed: 30 High-Level Aurora
Chamber: The Guardians
Fort: +4 Ref: +3 Will: +8
Department: Basement
Skills: Bluff +4, Bureaucracy +6, Cryptography +4, Class: Pointman
Diplomacy +6, Disguise +4, Driver +2, First Aid +6, Level: 16
Handle Animal +5, Knowledge (Guardians) +6,
Strength: 14 Dexterity: 13
Knowledge (Occult World) +6, Languages +4,
Constitution: 14 Intelligence: 12
Listen +5, Sense Motive +6
Wisdom: 20 Charisma: 13
Feats: Quick Healer, Scholarly
Vitality: 125 Wounds: 14
Attacks Defense: 17 (+6 class, +1 Dex)
Scimitar +3 melee (1d12+2) Initiative Bonus: +7 (+6 class, +1 Dex)
Throwing knife +2 melee (1d4+2) Speed: 30
Gear: None Fort: +9 Ref: +8 Will: +20
Common Gadgets: jâmid (see page 102 with built-in Skills: Bluff +8, Bureaucracy +16, Cryptography +8,
disguise enhancer modification, ’irif ring (see page 210), Diplomacy +19, Disguise +9, Driver +5, First Aid +11,
anti-psi safety field (disguised as right earring), bug Handle Animal +11, Knowledge (Guardians) +20,
detector (external unit) Knowledge (Occult World) +20, Languages +9,
Listen +9, Sense Motive +17
Mid-Level Aurora Feats: Blind-Fight, Cleave, Combat Instincts, Great
Chamber: The Guardians
Cleave, Power Attack, Quick Healer, Scholarly
Department: Basement
Class: Pointman Attacks
Level: 9
Scimitar +14 melee (1d12+2)
Strength: 14 Dexterity: 12 Throwing knife +13 melee (1d4+2)
Constitution: 14 Intelligence: 12
Gear: None
Wisdom: 20 Charisma: 12
Common Gadgets: jâmid (see page 102) with built-in
Vitality: 72 Wounds: 14 disguise enhancer modification, ’irif ring (see page 210),
anti-psi safety field (disguised as right earring), bug
Defense: 15 (+4 class, +1 Dex)
detector (external unit)
Initiative Bonus: +5 (+4 class, +1 Dex)
Speed: 30
Fort: +6 Ref: +5 Will: +14
Skills: Bluff +6, Bureaucracy +10, Cryptography +6,
Diplomacy +10, Disguise +7, Driver +5, First Aid +8,
Handle Animal +9, Knowledge (Guardians) +13,
Knowledge (Occult World) +13, Languages +7,
Listen +7, Sense Motive +12

Shadowforce Archer
The Collective Mission
While initially tasked with policing its own people
and ensuring that the conflicts of the region didn’t boil
over into large-scale war, the PAC has evolved into
something a little different. It began its operations by
“One who knows, does not speak.”
infiltrating and spying on its own governments.
—Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching PAC agents became so good at this that the Chamber’s
mission expanded to include general information-
From 1936 to 1945, the Kempei Tai, a covert
gathering and deep cover infiltration.
Japanese secret police organized under the military, was
Today, the Pan-Asian Collective is the foremost
the most feared organization in the Far East. With
intelligence-gathering Chamber in the conspiracy. It has
nearly limitless authority and a sadistic commander, the
hundreds of agents planted in organizations and
Kempei Tai conducted counterespionage missions and
governments worldwide, and its steady supply of
rooted out traitors within Japan and its occupied
information is unmatched.
territories. It performed this task with brutal efficiency,
arresting, imprisoning, and executing thousands Function
of alleged enemies of the state. Though overzealous,
The fractious nature of the Far East causes many
xenophobic, and racist, the Kempei Tai was one of the
problems for the PAC. None of the nations in the area
most successful counterespionage agencies during the
trusts any other, and old rivalries and memories of
Second World War.
crimes both real and imagined linger. Thus, the Chamber
When the Archer Pact formed in 1950, it grouped the
finds it difficult to get its member nations to cooperate.
whole of Southeast Asia into a single Chamber charged
It must therefore work outside the individual countries
with policing its own people. The early agents of the
and their respective intelligence agencies to achieve its
Pan-Asian Collective turned to the Kempei Tai as their
model for such an intelligence organization. Though not
As mentioned, the PAC’s primary mission is
nearly as brutal or xenophobic as its ancestor, the PAC’s
information collection. It uses deep cover agents, black
roots lie firmly in Kempei Tai tactics — laced with a
marketeers, government officials, and even criminals to
healthy dose of the training Conrad Archer received
glean the data that it feeds back to Archer. Early on,
from Wong Fei-Hung, of course (see page 26).
though, Collective controllers discovered that
information wasn’t enough. If they wanted not only to
know about conflicts but prevent them, another talent
was required: political and psychological manipulation.
Hence, the PAC have become masters at breaking
psyches, brainwashing, misdirection, subterfuge,
and outright lies.

Common Collective
Many PAC operatives are deep cover agents
operating by themselves in hostile territory.
Most receive a mission objective and a loose set of
parameters within which to conduct it. After that,
they are on their own. How they accomplish their
objectives is not half as important as
getting the job done.
This loose structure raises
some concerns about rogue agents
and unacceptable operating tech-
niques, but so far the Collective has
been embroiled in very few embarrassing
incidents. Control relies on the Chamber’s
rigorous training and the near-fanatical
dedication of his agents to ensure no

Shadow Communities
lingering fallout during their missions. Still, critics operations. With the Collective’s vast international
claim that it is only a matter of time before something network of spies, it is occasionally in a position to offer
goes disastrously wrong. an inside man for the job. The Collective rarely does this,
Collective agents perform numerous functions in since it compromises the mole’s cover, but it does
the field. Owing to its large-scale infiltration and happen.
intelligence-gathering operations, the Chamber fields a Sabotage: While the Pan-Asian Collective rarely
disproportionate number of facemen, with snoops, engages in Cold Missions (see Room 39, page 124),
fixers, and pointmen coming in a close second. it does conduct other forms of sabotage. Chamber
Infiltration (Deep Cover Assignments): This job is the agents have destroyed key information or research,
bread and butter of the PAC, which specializes in willfully provided false information to foil an operation,
putting moles inside organizations — friendly and hostile and destroyed enemy facilities outright by detonation,
— with orders to ferret out and report information. arson, or informing the local authorities. Typically, one
Many of these assignments are long-term. The agent or more deep cover agents gather information prior to a
insinuates himself into the target and spends years sabotage mission, but on occasion agents are sent in to
informing Archer of its activities. During such opera- learn what the enemy is up to and then destroy their
tions, PAC telepaths might literally rip secrets from the scheme.
minds of their targets. Assassination: Though this type of mission most
Agents of the Collective most often receive short often falls to the Guardians of the Whispering Knife, the
infiltration assignments, such as getting inside an PAC can stomach the worst operations when it deems
enemy base or group as an advance scouting or them necessary. While some involve either a deep cover
sabotage team. This is not always a glamorous job, but agent or an insertion team murdering a target, the
can often be quite dangerous. Compromised moles often Chamber prefers quiet missions when possible. It either
find themselves cut off from help, with only their wits arranges to have the target disappear or makes his death
to aid in escape. look like an accident. In such cases, the assassin is
Political Manipulation (Psych Jobs): This type of usually a mole within the enemy organization.
mission is also dangerous, and often dirty. The objective The Collective usually has backup plans in place if
is to manipulate a group or government to take a certain something goes wrong, but all PAC assassins know that
course of action, frequently with the ultimate goal of the consequence of failure may be death.
toppling it. PAC agents seduce, encourage, or otherwise Smuggling: With its basis in criminal organizations
coerce key officials into doing what the mission and other secret societies (see page 26), the PAC
planners want. Common examples include encouraging engages in some smuggling. Many operations simply
someone to push for a crackdown on a certain terrorist serve as fronts for more important smuggling jobs, and
group, open diplomatic relations with a foreign power, many more involve counter-smuggling missions.
or betray their employer. These missions have been Usually, the Collective plants an agent in a smuggling
dubbed “psych jobs” by some Archer agents, owing to the ring to gather information and track shipments. If it
frequent use of psychological manipulation on the target. determines that the target is too dangerous, it either
Telepaths excel on such missions. sabotages the operation or calls in a strike team against
Theft: Agents of the Pan-Asian Collective make it. Otherwise, it embezzles some of the profits to feed its
excellent thieves due to their uncanny ability to move own operations. This type of mission is another point of
unseen and infiltrate enemy organizations. While most contention with other members of the Archer
missions focus on stealing information or secrets, the Conspiracy, but the information gained on the black
Collective also steals technology, and it has been known market has been instrumental in many important coups
to run defection and rescue operations as well. for the Foundation, including the smooth handover of
Equipment theft generally necessitates additional Hong Kong from Britain to China in 1997.
support staff, as such operations typically involve a “Peace” Operations: Generally speaking, the Pan-
much greater risk. Asian Collective is suspicious of Westerners in its midst,
The PAC also handles defections (more often than but it does provide specialized martial arts training for
not into its own ranks). Such operations involve at least other Archer agents when needed.
one agent in contact with the defector. Whether this
agent is responsible for physically escorting the Agent Expectations
defector back to the home office or merely for planning Asianphiles and players who enjoy classic Cold War
his escape depends on the mission. infiltration missions, psychological intrigue, and over-
Finally, PAC agents often coordinate with those the-top martial arts action should find the Pan-Asian
in other Chambers to perform recon during rescue Collective to their liking. The average agent of this

Shadowforce Archer
Chamber combines mental acuity and manipulative Tactical Data
skills with martial prowess. PAC agents are in almost
The Pan-Asian Collective approaches all missions
constant danger and must walk a knife’s edge,
using a three-tiered philosophy based on the Asian
balancing cautious restraint with deadly blizzards of
concept of balance. Body, Mind, and Spirit are all key to
unarmed combat.
the successful completion of an operation. These are
Agents of the Pan-Asian Collective must be of sound
known as the Three Treasures and used to effectively
body, mind, and spirit at all times. The Asian
execute a mission.
philosophy of balance in all things dictates that when
First, the mind, or shen, evaluates the situation.
an agent neglects one of the pillars of being, the whole
The agent or planner gathers intelligence, assesses the
person suffers. Since its agents live in continual peril,
enemy’s strengths and weaknesses, and plans for his
they must be in top shape at every moment. The mind
moves in accordance with that knowledge, usually
must be alert and focused so that the agent’s mission
tailoring his own strengths and weaknesses to counter
can be carried out with the greatest degree of success.
those of his opponent.
His or her spirit must be strong so that dedication never
Next, the agent employs chi, or the spirit. The agent
falters and fear or desperation cannot cause harm.
focuses his own chi while looking to upset the chi of his
And the body must be fit so if the agent must defend
opponent. Internal discord leads to failure, and the PAC
himself or herself, triumph is assured.
agent looks to exploit this. He or she stirs the pot and
In keeping with this ethic, the Collective spends a
attempts to create minor chaos in the enemy camp,
great deal of time training its agents, perhaps more than
making it ripe for toppling.
any other Chamber. With its mission of infiltration, the
Finally, the agent acts, employing jing, or physical
PAC places a premium on moving undetected. Stealth
wellness. With his shen, the agent observed, looking for
training occurs, but the Chamber is more interested in
weakness. With his chi, he sowed the seeds of discord,
its agents moving around in plain sight without being
creating an opening. Now, the agent strikes at that
seen. All PAC agents learn the art of disguise and
opening — that weakness — with jing, the raw power of
operating in public. Facemen in particular must learn to
his physical being.
assume other identities flawlessly. They spend years
All PAC operatives learn this approach, and it applies
developing disguises and never go into the field until
to all missions. It doesn’t matter if the goal is theft,
they can fool their closest friends and relatives.
assassination, manipulation, or simply observation.
Additionally, because agents often must operate
The agent examines the situation to find a weakness,
alone in perilous situations, the Collective demands that
softens that Achilles heel by upsetting the balance of the
they be able to defend themselves. Help is not always
enemy, and then strikes to exploit the hole he has
forthcoming, so all PAC operatives learn to fight and
win on their own. They go through a rigorous martial
arts regimen, turning their bodies into finely tuned The Teachings of
killing machines. With the Agency’s extensive research Wong Fei-Hung
into the application of psion powers, many agents have
Born in 1847, the martial arts prodigy Wong
also developed the superhuman kung fu abilities of
Fei-Hung has become a legend the world over.
movies and anime.
His exploits as a Cantonese physician who fought
While many agents from the Collective are facemen,
against the invading Manchu emperors of the Chi’ing
every mission needs technical support from fixers and
Dynasty have been documented in film, books, and by
snoops. A good wheelman often means the difference
word of mouth for almost a century. He was trained in
between escape and capture, and the versatile skills of a
many martial arts, but specialized in the Hung Gar style,
pointman are required to plan and execute a complex
and several personal disciplines he created, including
Psych Job. Players should not feel restricted to any one
the tiger-crane form of Hung Gar and a combination
class, regardless of the initial mission type.
known as the “nine special fists.”
Despite that, the ability to work alone remains a key
Fei-Hung reportedly died in 1924, though the
trait in many Collective agents. While they cooperate
Foundation knows that he was alive and abroad as
within the faction and as part of multi-Chamber teams,
late as 1941, when he encountered a severely wounded
PAC agents are often lone operatives deep behind
Conrad Archer in the South Pacific. He saved the psion
enemy lines. The Chamber has an extensive network
from a brush with death (too late to avert disaster
designed to aid such agents, but those who spend a few
unfortunately, as the Japanese attack plans Archer was
years in the field learn to rely only on themselves.
carrying never reached Pearl Harbor in time), and soon
became fast friends with the aging healer.

Shadow Communities
Wong Fei-Hung traveled with Conrad Archer for a Chamber Organization
time, and some stories say he was there during the final
Despite its foundation in the Kempei Tai, the PAC has
conflict against Avery Schillingsfield in 1944.
a distinctively Chinese flavor. Several Kempei Tai
Regardless, his influence on the Archer family (and the
spymasters were brought over to China in the early
Conspiracy they created) is obvious — most Pan-Asian
1950s, but their role remained largely advisory.
Collective martial arts begin with Fei-Hung’s teachings.
They helped found the Chamber’s basic organization,
Indeed, the world’s foremost experts in the old master’s
but they did not simply pick up where they left off at
many styles rank among PAC’s warrior elite.
the end of World War II.
A final rumor spirits through the PAC occasionally —
The Chamber tried vainly to gain the cooperation of
one that only the most wild-eyed believe. Some say that
the governments which they were tasked with policing,
Conrad Archer repaid Fei-Hung with the greatest gift he
but Korea was already at war with the U.S. and Ho Chi
had to offer — a sample of the physical adept serum.
Minh was causing the French no end of trouble in
Collective PsiTech Vietnam. Japan was officially demilitarized, and the
Chinese were engaged in rebuilding after the Japanese
Most PsiTech employed by the Collective is geared
occupation. While the PAC was able to infiltrate the
towards infiltration.
fledgling Chinese security agencies, getting inside other
One of the Collective’s most useful tools is a Disguise
nations proved more difficult.
Enhancer, which they usually incorporate into a piece of
At this point, the founders decided to rely on another
clothing such as a jacket or shirt. This device projects
means of controlling their constituency: organized
images into a subject’s brain to fool his senses. It must
crime. Old Kempei Tai contacts provided inroads into
be preprogrammed for a particular appearance, but
the Yakuza in Japan, and many Chinese officials turned
unlike Memory Flesh and Chameleon Suits (see page
to the Triads, who began to emerge as major criminal
205), there is virtually no limit to the alteration; a petite
powers in the Far East. It took a decade, but by 1960 the
Japanese woman can appear to be a huge Russian man
Collective had agents throughout all the major crime
if necessary. The device also assists in the perception of
families and moles within CELD and the New China
sound, making the agent’s voice suit his appearance. No
News Agency, and it used these unconventional sources
actual physical change occurs; the operative looks just
to gain information.
as he usually does. But those who see him believe they
As a result, the modern PAC is more accurately a
are seeing someone else. The agent must be careful
sophisticated Triad family than an intelligence agency.
around security cameras, since these devices have no
Regional commanders, referred to as Dai Lo (literally
brains in which to implant false information.
“big brother”), report directly to the the Collective in
With the Shop’s break and sabotage of Archer
Beijing. Dai Los are each in charge of many agents,
PsiTech, some of this equipment has begun to randomly
whom they protect from the dangers the Archer
fail without warning, often at inopportune moments.
Foundation faces. While every agent recognizes that he
Fortunately, most deep cover agents using Disguise
could be cut loose if things go badly, operatives have
Enhancers are immune to this sabotage, as they haven’t
the right to expect their Dai Lo to make every effort to
been back to HQ in years.
prevent this from happening. In return, their loyalty is
Another common device is known as a “Void.” These
unwavering, their service perfect.
handy gadgets are typically placed inside jackets or
The arrangement is unusual in that it creates a
other clothing and allow the user to store weapons,
hierarchy similar to that of other Chambers, but it breeds
tools, and other objects that would normally be too
more personal loyalty than organizational devotion.
large to conceal. They wrap around the object in
question, meshing them into the person’s appearance as The Philosophy of
flawlessly as possible (eliminating the bulge caused by the Five Animals
a hidden sword, for example). Obviously, the Void only
Another aspect of Chinese culture incorporated into
works on objects which can logically be carried by an
the Chamber is the Philosophy of the Five Animals.
agent in the first place; the Void cannot help with
The Shaolin Monks revered many animals, but five
furniture, for instance, or vehicles. Shop sabotage of
represented the highest ideals of their doctrine and were
these items has been insidious; hidden objects are often
incorporated into their kung fu. These animals are the
destroyed by a contact acid (which may also seriously
Dragon, the Snake, the Tiger, the Leopard, and
injure the agent once activated).
the Crane. Each represents a key idea from Shaolin
philosophy that has been adapted into the structure of
the Pan-Asian Collective.

Shadowforce Archer
The Dragon is a majestic creature in Chinese To carry out espionage missions effectively requires
folklore, and its swerving movements promote the reliable information and speedy delivery of equipment
positive flow of shen, keeping a person mentally fresh to the field. The Leopard handles most intelligence-
and alert. Kung fu artists using Dragon techniques do gathering and PsiTech research; it moves swiftly to
not block or run away from their opponents, but swerve support all other divisions in their operations.
around these attacks to counterstrike. Finally, Crane division is responsible for the
The Snake is similar to the Dragon, but smaller and quiescence of the Collective. An espionage agency that
less majestic. Sometimes referred to as an “earthly operates overtly, especially one that is part of a secret
dragon,” its primary essence lies in its softness. Snake society like the Archer Conspiracy, is ineffective.
specialists absorb their opponents’ blows and redirect It becomes exposed and confounded at every turn.
them, focusing them into new attacks. The movements Hence, the operatives of the Crane ensure that the Pan-
of the Snake promote the development and flow of chi, Asian Collective remains hidden from the world at large.
benefiting spiritual health. Crane agents often work closely with those of the the
The Tiger’s essence is its raw power, power located in Dragon to ensure discretion.
the bones. It is primal strength, matter in its finest state. Agents rarely work for a single division. These
This internal force develops a person’s jing, keeping him divisions are a superstructure for the Chamber, and
or her physically fit. Tiger practitioners strike their agents commonly receive mission directives from more
opponents with raw power and ferocity. than one. For instance, the agents’ Dai Lo may say
Just as the Snake is similar to the Dragon, the “these orders come from Tiger division,” or some such.
Leopard is related to the Tiger, but the Leopard’s power
lies in its muscles. Its primary essence is speed; where Field Operations
the Tiger uses raw power to overcome its opponents, the Most operatives in the field are assigned a handler
Leopard relies on quick movements to drive that force who coordinates their activities. This person is usually
home. their Dai Lo, who reports to the division commander in
Finally, the Crane is elegant and quiescent. It is a charge of the mission. The division commanders then
patient, graceful bird that can support all of its weight coordinate efforts between operations and the Dragon.
on a single leg for hours. When it takes flight, it The most important person in this chain of
becomes the very definition of grace. Crane kung fu command is the Dai Lo since he serves as the hub of all
masters use elegant and graceful strikes upon their information, handing it down to agents and collecting it
opponents, and the animal teaches focus for inner peace for Control. The Dai Lo is also responsible for the safety
and quietude. of all the agents under him. When something goes
In this way, the Five Animals offer the kung fu artist wrong on a mission, he must swiftly inform his superiors
a philosophy both for fighting and for excellence in life. and mobilize his resources to assist the agent. While it
The first three animals — Dragon, Snake, and Tiger — may be impossible to rescue a trapped agent, the Dai Lo
represent the Three Treasures discussed on page 114 usually exhausts every possible option trying to save
while the Leopard teaches speed and the Crane grace. the stranded operative. Only when all reasonable
With this in mind, the Collective has divided itself into attempts have failed will he declare the agent lost.
five divisions representing the Five Animals. Agents in the field can sometimes employ the
The Dragon division organizes and plans. The PAC’s resources of the CELD (see page 118), the New China
Control is part of the Dragon, as is his senior staff. News Agency, or another intelligence group to complete
This division oversees all that the Chamber does and their missions. With the reams of bureaucratic red tape
coordinates the activities of each Dai Lo. involved and the general lack of funds, however, this is
The Snake is charged with counterintelligence and rare. Despite its effective infiltration of most Eastern
repairing damage to the organization. This division governments, tight resources limit what the PAC can
seeks out and eliminates those who would harm the bring to bear in support of its agents.
Chamber. It also makes recommendations to fill empty The PAC’s Triad allies, on the other hand,
positions, handles promotions, and is responsible for the have access to vast territories and moles within key
overall health of the organization. government agencies, and can easily smuggle information,
Tiger division is responsible for the Collective’s equipment, weapons, and personnel into hostile territory.
use of force. When a mission involves strike teams, Triad smugglers handle the transportation and off-loading
assassination, or violence of any kind, the agents of of supplies, while Collective agents avert the police or
Tiger division carry it out. military.

Shadow Communities
Communications Applying the Three Treasures
Communications in the field are handled in a to a Mission
similar fashion. With the great number of deep cover
Here’s an example of how the Collective
agents infiltrating important government agencies,
approaches a mission from the perspective of
phone contact is difficult at best, and unsecure in the
the Three Treasures (see Tactical Data), illustrating a
extreme. The PAC instead relies heavily upon dead
simple information-gathering mission where the
drops, coded messages, and face-to-face meetings
agent has been directed to bug a diplomat’s office.
during field operations.
Fortunately, because most moles make use of
Shen: the Mind
Disguise Enhancers, this is not as risky as it sounds.
Posing as a janitor, the agent learns the routines
Operatives can assume the identity of one person when
and protocols of the diplomat’s office. She observes
undercover and meet with their handlers as someone
the personalities of the diplomat, his staff, and the
else, thereby reducing suspicion. Often, PAC agents use
security personnel, searching for weaknesses she can
multiple Disguise Enhancers to maintain different iden-
exploit. During her observations, she notices that the
tities, allowing them to pose as several different people
diplomat has an eye for beautiful women. She also
at once. One disguise is the mole, another meets the
notices that the staff is a little lazy and likes to leave
handlers, and still another receives instructions.
the office early on Friday. Security is tight and
Handlers with Disguise Enhancers can contribute
professional, though, with changes occurring frequently.
further to the subterfuge.
When things go wrong, every agent has an
Chi: the Spirit
emergency code that he can phone into their handler,
Through one of her contacts, the agent arranges
alerting them that the mission has been compromised.
to have exotic escorts visit the diplomat.
Such calls are quickly forwarded up the chain of
She arranges these visits regularly on late Friday
command for instructions.
afternoons, and ensures that these trysts take the
Collective Resources diplomat away from the office. She also establishes a
camaraderie with key staff members, always extolling
Despite the lack of standard intelligence agencies
the virtues of leaving a little early on Friday — after all,
it can bring to bear, PAC has access to numerous and
they work hard enough during the rest of the week,
varied resources.
don’t they? Finally, she sabotages the elevator to the
Training Facilities diplomat’s office so that it gets stuck periodically,
causing security to expect the problem occasionally.
One of the benefits that the Collective has received
through its infiltration of the CELD is training facilities.
Jing: the Body
The Chinese intelligence agency has two that the
One Friday when the weather is particularly nice,
chamber uses regularly.
the agent strikes. She makes certain the diplomat
The first is its basic training school at CELD head-
leaves the office for his regular rendezvous
quarters in Beijing. Sequestered within the Forbidden
(a rendezvous she arranged, with a specialist she
City, this school trains agents in the fine arts of
hand-picked). Once again, she encourages the staff
infiltrating foreign governments, seeking out potential
to leave early — this time with offers of a social
traitors, and manipulating the media. All PAC agents,
gathering off-site. Finally, she arranges for the
except for those recruited directly from the CELD, go
elevator to stick while the current guard’s replacement
through this training program. The Dragon considers
is on the way up. She then disguises herself as a guard
this training a key component of its operational
and relieves the current soldier, encouraging him to
strategies, and keeps numerous moles in the program to
take the stairs. “Who knows how long it will take to
ensure access to it.
get it fixed?” she asks.
CELD also maintains a training facility in Lhasa,
Once free and clear, she plants the bug in
Tibet. This school focuses on training Chinese agents
the office undetected. Then the elevator problem is
working on the Western and Southern frontiers of the
solved, and the actual duty officer arrives.
People’s Republic, but the PAC has made it into
He relieves her, and she slips out of the building
something more. Top Secret classes that require special
without anyone realizing what has happened.
clearance (i.e. you have worked for the Collective)
This is a simplified example, but it demonstrates
prepare agents to work with the Triads and the Yakuza,
how the Pan-Asian Collective likes to operate when it
focusing on the nuts and bolts of smuggling operations,
can: evaluate, weaken, and strike.
and offer expanded kung fu and weapons training.

Shadowforce Archer
In addition to co-opting these formal facilities, but he remains the Collective’s most powerful ally
the PAC maintains several bases throughout the region in Japan. Unlike the Lungs, he doesn’t run weapons.
where agents can hone their craft. An elite karate dojo He occasionally brokers information, but works mainly
in Okinawa (the White Crane School of Karate) actually to grease the wheels in his home territory. The influential
serves as a Collective front designed to train operatives Tokajiro can set appointments and meetings with a
in martial arts. Chan-Ngo, a technology firm in Saigon, whisper and a handful of cash to the right people.
specializes in PsiTech development and training. Agents who require access to diplomats, key
A secret base hidden within the bowels of the temple on officials, or secure buildings can usually get them by
Elephanta Island in Bombay focuses on advanced appealing to Tokajiro. The agent must request an
infiltration and political manipulation techniques. audience, outlining the mission objectives and,
in general terms, what assistance is needed. Tokajiro
The Lung Triad runs these audiences like a samurai lord listening to his
The Lung Triad, headquartered in Hong Kong, is one vassals, and he must feel as though he has been given
of the largest, most powerful crime families in the Far the proper amount of face before he will agree to help.
East. It has holdings in Kuala Lumpur, Taipei, and In general, Tokajiro’s a pain to deal with, and most
Manila, and its influence extends throughout the Pacific agents of the Collective hate to involve him in an
Rim. It is also one of the Collective’s principal allied operation. But for access to secrets in Japan and
smuggling operations. Okinawa — particularly when dealing with the local
The Lungs specialize in gunrunning, which makes criminal underworld — there is no better resource.
them extremely effective in transferring equipment to
PAC spies across Southeast Asia. Since 1956, the Lungs The Game in Asia
have served as the principal source of equipment for Intelligence services along the Pacific Rim have long
PAC agents during deep cover assignments, and they been known as much for spying on their own people as for
often provide support when a military strike is required. external security. Their primary intelligence targets are,
Few Lung soldiers are aware of the Collective, but in order, Russia, India, Vietnam, and the United States.
the majority of their leaders regularly communicate
with PAC Dai Lo, and can provide periodic assistance to Far East Intelligence
Chamber agents in areas where they have active cells — Agencies
assuming the agents can reach them, of course. Because there are so many intelligence agencies
In addition to general help, the Lungs help fill the operating in the region (some of them working from
Collective’s coffers. Getting materials and information very small countries), it is impossible to give even a
in and out of hotspots often requires payoffs. short overview of the Asian spy world. We have there-
In exchange for protection from the local governments fore elected to cover only the agencies of which the
(membership in a Triad is punishable by death in China) Collective makes the greatest use, or is most involved.
and support for important deals, the PAC gets 20% of China: Central External Liaison Department (CELD):
the gross profit of all Lung activities. This arrangement The Central External Liaison Department is one of the
has led to the Collective kicking a few doors open for primary foreign intelligence agencies for the People’s
their Triad cohorts, providing them new business (and Republic of China. It works principally to collect, index,
giving the rest of the Archer alliance another behavior and evaluate public intelligence sources around the
to frown upon). world. It maintains an up-to-date catalogue of
The Lungs remain independent of the Collective, but all government officials worldwide, and monitors
the relationship has become so incestuous over the past the movements of known foreign operatives. It also
30 years that it is now difficult to distinguish the two. performs most of China’s espionage and counter-
Officially, the Pan-Asian Collective disdains the sale of espionage.
illicit drugs, and shuts down outfits that it feels are CELD works closely with the Chinese Communist
destabilizing an area. But unofficially it is content Party, and has officers stationed at every Chinese
to profit from these activities to help keep its own Communist Embassy and consulate. It has an internal
operations alive. department called the Central Control of Intelligence
(CCI) that directs its activities. Unfortunately, CELD is
Tokajiro Musashi hamstrung by rigid control from the Communist Party,
Tokajiro-sama runs one of the most influential which likes to keep a close eye on its citizens, particu-
Yakuza families in Tokyo. His operations are not nearly larly those who deal in espionage. All operations must
as expansive or as profitable as those of the Lung Triad, go up through the Central Control of Intelligence and
then to the party.

Shadow Communities
This condition is particularly debilitating for the Damage Control: The Shop’s explosive departure was
Archer Conspiracy, as CCI is just as apt to stumble onto a terrible blow to Collective’s self-confidence. Once the
their operations as those of legitimate moles or traitors. self-appointed watchdogs of the Conspiracy, the PAC
The Asian habit of spying on friendly organizations to must now deal with not one but two massive insurrec-
ensure loyalty makes things even more difficult. tions within their own sphere of influence. While
Regardless, CELD is an effective espionage agency. Control and his closest associates strive to rebuild the
It has compromised numerous U.S. officials in the past Collective’s relationship with the home office, many
ten years and, with China’s vast land area and thinly- agents are rebuilding the Chamber’s “face,” hoping they
veiled imperial designs on countries such as Taiwan and can put some of the bad blood behind them, and start
Tibet, its agents extend their influence over a wide fresh. So far, success has been elusive.
stretch of Southeast Asia. Dirty Little Secrets: In the early 1960s, an industrious
China: Ministry of State Security (MSS): The PAC Control, Chien-po Ming, struck upon the poorly-
Ministry of State Security, a complex agency focused on conceived plan to “test" his Chamber by pitching
foreign data collection and analysis, dominates the outside mercenaries at it. He privately set up a secret
Chinese intelligence arena. Headquartered in Beijing, operations arm of the Pan-Asian Collective — the Toad
the MSS spies not only on China and its neighbors but Division — and laundered money to them through
also the rest of the world, paying close attention to the a Dai Lo loyal only to him (and the profit to be made
U.S. (in particular California’s Silicon Valley). from the mercenary attacks). The mercenaries, hired
The MSS is modeled roughly after the KGB, with from the ranks of Company expatriates following the
eleven Bureaus and a Foreign Affairs division. It offers Korean and early Vietnam conflicts, eagerly leapt at the
foreign nationals diplomatic support and travel expens- chance to ply their trade in familiar territory, and an
es to turn on their countries, and for coordinating enemy was born. Over the last forty years, this band of
Chinese operatives who work abroad, especially on their mercenaries — whom the PAC believes to be a terrorist
return from foreign operations. cell called Chrysanthemum Dawn — have periodically
China: New China News Agency: Many Chinese drawn the PAC into sight and intentionally clashed with
journalists are, in fact, spies. With their broad base of them. Each time they strike a PAC target or PAC-
international contacts and access to information, these protected target, then vanish. Today, over 20 years since
individuals can provide the government with valuable the mastermind of this scheme died of a heart attack,
intelligence. Many of them also engage in active the attacks continue, and the mercenaries continue to be
espionage operations in addition to gathering paid out of the PAC coffers, all without the knowledge
information. Journalists in the United States often seek of a single PAC operative.
out government officials that can be turned (or at least Leverage: The Pan-Asian Collective has much
bribed). leverage on many organizations, but their greatest
source of information recently has been a volunteer
Playing the Great Game Dragon operative named “Tam." A personable man by
“Trust is a thing both earned and granted. Lacking nature, Tam is programmed with a subliminal instruc-
one or the other, the principle collapses. I fear that trust tion to relay the most critical information he sees and
has long since gone missing between the Chambers, hears each month back to the Dragon. Once they knew
not earned or granted, but merely forgotten." he was ready, the Dragon sent Tam on a global test tour
of the Chambers, asking nothing of the other Chambers
— Tien-kai Tsong
and waiting to see which one would catch Tam first.
Mission Management: The Pan-Asian Collective once As it happens, none of the other Chambers noticed him
relied heavily on the tough and versatile agents of the as he glided through their security, ignorantly reporting
Russian Confederacy, forming one of the tightest bonds back to the Dragon with new information each month.
of the Conspiracy. But this relationship has cast a The Dragon’s test of the other Chambers’ security had
terrible shadow over the East now that the bulk of the been a complete success (or failure, depending on how
Russian Chamber has become a rogue power, and the you look at it). Then, three months ago, Tam vanished
PAC finds itself increasingly estranged from the rest of while visiting Gemeinschafft’s home office in Europe.
the Conspiracy. Most often, PAC agents must face their The Dragon assumed that their mole was finally
missions alone, without assistance unless they can discovered, and gave high marks to the Consortium,
count on a personal relationship to outweigh the bias moving on to other projects — until they received
against their superiors. PAC agents continue to rebuild another message from Tam. This time, he reported from
what was once a very strong reputation among the a remote base in Norway. From his scattered notes,
shadow communities of the world. the Dragon deciphered that Tam had somehow been

Shadowforce Archer
captured by the Hand of Glory (see page 246), Operation: BODY DOUBLE suffered a serious setback
who assumed he was a VIP of the Conspiracy. Tam’s from the Shop’s actions. Weeks before the Research and
personality was gone, replaced by a new, more violent Development department went rogue, controllers within
lieutenant serving the Hand, but the subliminal BODY DOUBLE started receiving strange communiqués
programming continued to work. For the last three from its team in the Shop, but they were unable to
weeks, the Dragon have been collecting data about the interpret the messages. When the secession occurred,
Hand of Glory, Tam’s location, and his work with the this wing of BODY DOUBLE went dark. Control now
criminal organization. believes that these messages were warnings, but that the
Assets: With his agents buried in each of the other agents sending them were already compromised and
chambers, Tien-kai Tsong sometimes sees the Conspiracy unable to relate the situation clearly without revealing
in a clearer light than its masters in the Foundation, and BODY DOUBLE to the traitors.
what he sees is a structure creeping towards collapse. Everybody associated with BODY DOUBLE has
He has also had the privilege of examining the original vanished or gone to ground since the Shop broke away
training scrolls penned by Wong Fei-Hung and from Archer. No attempts to reestablish contact with the
has made a startling discovery: not only did Fei-Hung cell have succeeded, and Control must now admit that
survive and continue to write a decade or longer after all agents involved were lost. Some fear, though, that at
history records his death, but he writes of Conrad least one of these operatives sided with the Shop’s twisted
Archer… after the assault on Helix’s stronghold! Tsong goals and betrayed the rest of the team. The truth is not
now seeks to unearth the truth behind Archer’s final likely to appear until the missing operatives do.
years in the hopes that such knowledge may help reunify Operation: BODY DOUBLE has since attempted to
the organization that is his legacy. track down the renegade Shop agents, but thus far,
all such attempts have met with failure.
Current Plotlines Dr. Fu and the Lung Triad (Code: Red): Recently,
The Pan-Asian Collective has several operations a secret faction within the Lung Triad has begun
going at the moment, all of which make excellent hooks supplying arms and other supplies to Dr. Fu, an old
for a campaign. Here are two key examples: nemesis of the Pan-Asian Collective (see page 240).
Operation: BODY DOUBLE (Code: Yellow): At the This faction — headed by Tommy Lung, an ambitious
signing of the Archer Pact, it was obvious that the nephew of the Triad’s current Dai Lo, Lung Chiu Lee —
European and American spymasters of the West did not is well aware that the Collective views Dr. Fu as
understand the politics or the culture of the Asian a serious threat to stability in the region, but it also sees
nations. Nor did they appear to trust their Eastern allies. a business opportunity. Fu pays well for their
Wars in Korea and then Vietnam during the connections, and is reportedly establishing a campaign
Conspiracy’s early years did little to help this cultural to ignite new revolution in China.
impasse. If this double-cross became common knowledge
After organizing and perfecting its infiltration among the world’s intelligence communities, it could
techniques, the Collective set out to make certain it rock the Chamber to its very foundation, costing it face
would have nothing to fear from its Western allies. with the rest of the Conspiracy and crippling its ability
Instituting Operation: BODY DOUBLE, the PAC slowly to communicate with its undercover agents. Worse,
placed moles within the other Archer Chambers, starting if the plot is not uncovered, Dr. Fu may succeed with his
small, but steadily gaining ground. Today, the Collective latest plot, sparking open conflict and destabilizing all
has a deep cover agent near the operations centers of of Southeast Asia.
nearly every other Chamber in the Conspiracy — all but Several teams of Collective operatives, supported by
the mysterious Guardians of the Whispering Knife. loyal Lung specialists, have recently been dispatched to
These agents secretly spy on the other Chambers and deal with the problem.
report back to the Collective as often as they can (as
infrequently as once a year, or less). The Collective Genre
The Snake division conceived of this operation was The genre of the PAC involves over-the-top anime-
as a means of protecting the Collective; it is now a joint style martial arts action married with political and
venture between the Snake and the Crane. All informa- psychological intrigue. It evokes the best Cantonese
tion goes to the Dragon for coordination with other melodramas and wire fu flicks. Things are quiet, staid,
units. Since the Shop’s betrayal, this mission has and moody… until the action starts. Then things get out
become a high priority, so that the PAC can act of control in a hurry. If you’ve seen Jackie Chan, Jet Li,
pre-emptively if something similar happens with another Bruce Lee, Michelle Yeoh, or your favorite anime
Chamber. character do it, the PAC can do it, too.

Shadow Communities
Archetypes: Battle Angel Alia, Bruce Lee, Ethan Hunt Conceived by Archer’s Bishops (see page 53),
from Mission: Impossible 2, Jackie Chan, Jet Li, POLTERGEIST trains and equips advanced infiltration
Michelle Yeoh, and everyone from Aeon Flux, Akira, operatives, agents who can go anywhere, anytime,
Golgo 13: the Professional, The Matrix, and Spyboy (the without detection. Dareka has been the project’s
comic book). greatest achievement. Trained in the historic Kempei Tai
methods of impersonation, she can spend months or
Inspirations even years with an assumed name, and assumed friends.
Here’s a list of sources that GCs and players looking Dareka’s skills are augmented by strong physical
for inspiration may want to explore. adept abilities and a prototype bodysuit which, among
its many wondrous uses, can completely shield her
Books: Crying Freeman (comic), Dark Minds (comic),
from sight. She also carries several weapons designed
No Honor (comic), Spyboy (comic), William Gibson’s
exclusively for her, including her trademark
“Cyberpunk” book series (Neuromancer, Count Zero,
polycarbonate sai.
Mona Lisa Overdrive, Burning Chrome).
Over the years, Dareka has worked miracles in her
Movies: Agent Akia (anime), Akira (anime),
field, revealing enemy organizations with devastating
Appleseed (anime), Battle Angel (anime), Black Rain (the
efficiency. But her most recent mission — to track a new
Ridley Scott film), Bubblegum Crisis (anime), Charlie’s
threat encroaching on Archer’s territory from Asia —
Angels (the film), Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (for
has somehow gone horribly wrong. On the eve of
the intrigue and the wire fu), Crying Freeman (anime
identifying the new threat, Dareka stopped reporting in
and live action film), Deep Cover, Dirty Pair (anime),
to the Collective. Her superiors fear that she may have
Face/Off, Fist of Legend, Ghost in the Shell (anime),
finally slipped into a role for good — or worse, that she
Golgo 13: the Professional (anime), Jackie Chan’s First
has somehow been turned against them.
Strike, Jackie Chan’s Who am I?, The Long Kiss
Goodnight, Manchurian Candidate, The Matrix, Low-Level Dareka
Mission: Impossible 2, My Father is a Hero (a.k.a. Jet
Chamber: The Pan-Asian Collective
Li’s The Enforcer), Organized Crime and Triad Bureau,
Department: Wetworks (6)
The 6th Day, Supercop, Total Recall, and all things John
Class: Fixer
Woo, Jackie Chan, Jet Li, and Michelle Yeoh.
Level: 6
TV Shows: Aeon Flux, Jackie Chan Adventures.
Music: Akira score, Blade Runner soundtrack (any Strength: 14 Dexterity: 17
version), Robotech soundtrack (especially the Perfect Constitution: 12 Intelligence: 12
Collection), Rush. Wisdom: 10 Charisma: 10
Vitality: 37 Wounds: 12

Codename: ECHO
Defense: 8 (+5 class, +3 Dex)
Initiative Bonus: +7 (+2 dept., +2 class, +3 Dex)
Speed: 30
Aliases: Chi Ling, Madame Xin
Fort: +4 Ref: +10 Will: +2
Archer Identity Number: 08-671093-663
Nationality: Half American, half Vietnamese Skills: Balance +8, Bluff +5, Climb +7, Demolitions +5,
Gender: Female Handedness: Right Driver +8, Electronics +6, Escape Artist +7, Hide +7,
Height: 5 ft. 7 in. Weight: 130 lbs. Jump +8, Intimidate +8, Listen +7, Move Silently +5,
Eyes: Black Hair: Black Open Lock +8, Profession (Assassin) +8, Search +8
Psion Class: Physical Adept (Grade A)
Feats: Dodging Basics, Flawless Identity, Martial
Place of Birth: Hong Kong, China
Arts, Throwing Basics
Date of Birth: 1972.08.01
Distinguishing Characteristics: All white eyes (no Attacks
pupil) when psion abilities are active
Polycarbonate sai +6 melee (1d6+2)
Background Common Gadgets: Advanced Chameleon Suit.
Dareka has been a ward of the Foundation her entire This suit renders its wearer invisible (see page 171 of the
life, the only survivor of a plane crash that claimed her Spycraft Espionage Handbook) which gives her total
entire family. The Conspiracy is the only life she has concealment. Its internal power supply lasts for up to
ever known, making her a perfect candidate for three hours without requiring a recharge (which takes
Operation POLTERGEIST. 30 minutes).

Shadowforce Archer
Mid-Level Dareka Listen +12, Move Silently +20, Open Lock +18,
Profession (Assassin) +18, Search +10
Chamber: The Pan-Asian Collective
Department: Wetworks (6) Feats: Dodging Basics, Dodging Mastery, Five Style
Class: Fixer/Physical Adept Adept, Flawless Identity, Holding Basics, Holding
Level: 6/8 Mastery, Kicking Basics, Martial Arts, Punching Basics,
Punching Mastery, Throwing Basics, Throwing Mastery
Strength: 14 Dexterity: 18
Constitution: 12 Intelligence: 13 Attacks
Wisdom: 10 Charisma: 11
Polycarbonate sai +14 melee (1d6+2)
Vitality: 98 Wounds: 12
Common Gadgets: Advanced Chameleon Suit.
Defense: 24 (+10 class, +4 Dex) This suit renders its wearer invisible (see page 171 of the
Initiative Bonus: +15 (+4 dept., +7 class, +4 Dex) Spycraft Espionage Handbook) which gives her total
Speed: 30 concealment. Its internal power supply lasts for up to
three hours without requiring a recharge (which takes
Fort: +10 Ref: +11 Will: +8
30 minutes).
Skills: Balance +16, Bluff +5, Climb +14,
Demolitions +8, Driver +9, Electronics +6, Escape
Artist +11, Hide +14, Jump +17, Intimidate +10,
Listen +7, Move Silently +16, Open Lock +14,
Profession (Assassin) +12, Search +8
Codename: HAN
Aliases: The Black Dragon
Feats: Dodging Basics, Dodging Mastery, Five Style
Archer Identity Number: 03-546598-772
Adept, Flawless Identity, Holding Basics, Kicking
Nationality: Chinese
Basics, Martial Arts, Punching Basics, Throwing Basics
Gender: Male Handedness: Right
Attacks Height: 5 ft. 9 in. Weight: 175 lbs.
Eyes: Brown Hair: Graying black
Polycarbonate sai +10 melee (1d6+2)
Psion Class: Non-latent
Common Gadgets: Advanced Chameleon Suit. Place of Birth: Nanking, China
This suit renders its wearer invisible (see page 171 of the Date of Birth: 1948.03.17
Spycraft Espionage Handbook) which gives her total Distinguishing Characteristics: Never smiles, deep
concealment. Its internal power supply lasts for up to age lines
three hours without requiring a recharge (which takes
30 minutes). Background
Tien-Kai Tsong was a top planner (and PAC mole) in
High-Level Dareka the MSS before he became active Control of the
Chamber: The Pan-Asian Collective Chamber seven years ago. Often called the Black Dragon
Department: Wetworks (6) due to the many black ops missions he oversaw for the
Class: Fixer/Physical Adept MSS, Tien-Kai’s ruthlessness and fortitude are
Level: 10/10 legendary; he will track an enemy to the farthest ends
of the Earth. His commanding presence and edgy, grim
Strength: 15 Dexterity: 20
demeanor lead some to believe that the stress of his
Constitution: 12 Intelligence: 13
position with the Conspiracy may be consuming him.
Wisdom: 10 Charisma: 11
In truth, however, all of this is something of a front.
Vitality: 135 Wounds: 12 Tsong, whose schoolboy days at Hunan Normal
University were tarnished by bullies and merely average
Defense: 29 (+14 class, +5 Dex)
grades, forged his way into a post at the MSS with a
Initiative Bonus: +19 (+4 dept., +10 class, +5 Dex)
manufactured reputation and not a little guile. These
Speed: 30
traits also brought him to the attention of the PAC.
Fort: +13 Ref: +15 Will: +11 It recruited him while he was still with the MSS,
to become first an informant, then a mole,
Skills: Balance +20, Bluff +10, Climb +18,
and ultimately an agent and full-fledged Control.
Demolitions +10, Driver +10, Electronics +10, Escape
Artist +15, Hide +20, Jump +20, Intimidate +12,

Shadow Communities
The Black Dragon is a cautious man who approaches Fort: +5 Ref: +6 Will: +9
every situation with care and consideration. He does not
Skills: Bureaucracy +10, Computers +10,
shrink from violence, but firmly believes in Archer’s
Concentration +13, Cryptography +12, Diplomacy +10,
mission of peace, and dedicated to building bridges
Disguise +11, Driver +6, Electronics +7, Gather
whenever possible. Archer recognizes this practical
Information +13, Hide +5, Knowledge
idealism as the PAC’s best hope for integrating with the
(Archer Secrets) +11, Knowledge (Collective Secrets)
other Chambers.
+13, Listen +10, Move Silently +6, Read Lips +9,
Low-Level Tien-Kai Tsong Search +10, Sense Motive +10, Spot +10,
Surveillance +10
Chamber: The Pan-Asian Collective
Department: Wetworks (6) Feats: Advanced Skill Mastery (Alertness),
Class: Snoop Alertness, Martial Arts, Track, Zen Focus
Level: 4
Strength: 14 Dexterity: 12
Tiger claws +7 melee (1d3+4)
Constitution: 14 Intelligence: 14
Wisdom: 11 Charisma: 16 Gear: Laptop with secure satellite uplink to Overwatch
(see page 125 of the Spycraft Espionage Handbook).
Vitality: 43 Wounds: 14
Common Gadgets: None
Defense: 14 (+3 class, +1 Dex)
Initiative Bonus: +6 (+3 dept., +2 class, +1 Dex) High-Level Tien-Kai Tsong
Speed: 30
Chamber: The Pan-Asian Collective
Fort: +3 Ref: +3 Will: +2 Department: Wetworks (6)
Class: Snoop
Skills: Bureaucracy +8, Computers +8,
Level: 18
Concentration +7, Cryptography +6, Diplomacy +5,
Disguise +6, Driver +6, Electronics +7, Gather Strength: 14 Dexterity: 13
Information +7, Hide +6, Knowledge (Archer Secrets) +6, Constitution: 15 Intelligence: 14
Knowledge (Collective Secrets) +7, Listen +5, Move Wisdom: 13 Charisma: 16
Silently +6, Read Lips +5, Search +6, Sense Motive +5,
Vitality: 121 Wounds: 15
Spot +5, Surveillance +5
Defense: 25 (+14 class, +1 Dex)
Feats: Alertness, Martial Arts, Track
Initiative Bonus: +16 (+4 dept., +11 class, +1 Dex)
Attacks Speed: 30
Tiger claws +4 melee (1d3+4) Fort: +8 Ref: +9 Will: +9
Gear: Laptop with secure satellite uplink to Overwatch Skills: Bureaucracy +15, Computers +14,
(see page 125 of the Spycraft Espionage Handbook). Concentration +20, Cryptography +12, Diplomacy +16,
Disguise +18, Driver +6, Electronics +9, Gather
Common Gadgets: None
Information +20, Hide +5, Knowledge (Archer Secrets)
Mid-Level Tien-Kai Tsong +11, Knowledge (Collective Secrets) +20, Listen +16,
Move Silently +6, Read Lips +9, Search +12, Sense
Chamber: The Pan-Asian Collective
Motive +16, Spot +14, Surveillance +17
Department: Wetworks (6)
Class: Snoop Feats: Advanced Skill Mastery (Alertness),
Level: 11 Alertness, Blind-Fight, Blindsight 5’ Radius, Martial
Arts, Track, Zen Focus, Zen Mastery
Strength: 14 Dexterity: 13
Constitution: 15 Intelligence: 14 Attacks
Wisdom: 11 Charisma: 16
Tiger claws +11 melee (1d3+4)
Vitality: 75 Wounds: 15
Gear: Laptop with secure satellite uplink to Overwatch
Defense: 20 (+9 class, +1 Dex) (see page 125 of the Spycraft Espionage Handbook).
Initiative Bonus: +12 (+4 dept., +7 class, +1 Dex)
Common Gadgets: None
Speed: 30

Shadowforce Archer
As a unit, Room 39 specializes in intelligence
analysis and special operations missions. As indicated
“A fool sees not the same tree that a wise man sees.”
above, the chamber employs hundreds of analysts who
examine all the intelligence the agency gathers. While it
collects information on its own, Room 39 relies heavily
— William Blake, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell on the other chambers to provide it with much of the
intelligence it examines. This allows the agency to focus
During World War I, a crack team of British code-
on analysis instead of collection. In turn, Room 39
breakers operating out of Room 40 in the Old Admiralty
disseminates its findings to the other Chambers,
Building in Whitehall deciphered German messages and
tailoring them to best suit the needs of each.
fed them to Allied units throughout Europe. Their greatest
Information most immediately useful to Room 39 (or
triumph came when they intercepted and deciphered
which pertains to a mission they are assigned) goes to
a German communiqué to Mexico (the infamous
its own special ops team, Ultracorps (see page 126).
Zimmerman Telegram), offering the country a bounty if
These operatives, largely recruited from MI6 and SAS,
it went to war with the U.S. Many consider this revela-
spearhead many of the Agency’s field operations. They
tion the factor that brought the U.S. into the war,
are called in for hostage rescue missions, when a high-
tipping the balance in favor of the Allies.
profile terrorist organization must be countered, and to
Had anyone known what was happening next door
quietly take out political organizations that Archer
in Room 39, though, history might have been different.
deems an immediate threat, though this last function
Here Conrad Archer researched the power of physical
more frequently falls to the Company. Basically, when
adepts. Room 39 was one of the founding chambers of
Archer wants dirty work done, it calls the Company.
the Archer Conspiracy in 1950, and it continues to this
When it has a special ops mission that requires finesse
day as a key faction in the secret war.
and precision (such as rescuing a diplomat from terror-
Room 39’s Mission ists), it relies on Room 39.
With its prevalence in the development of physical Common Room 39 Missions
adepts and PsiTech weaponry, Room 39 is called upon
Room 39 agents always have clear and concise
to solve urban problems quietly. Its philosophy is
mission goals. Their objectives frequently come with
precise and perfect execution of such delicate field
detailed flowcharts of if-then statements designed to
missions as hostage rescues, anti-terrorist actions, and
account for as many variables as the mission planners
counterinsurgency. Room 39 focuses on careful analysis
can think of. The purpose of this design is less to keep
of all available information, thoughtful planning and
agents from screwing things up than to accommodate
preparation, and proper execution to make sure nothing
“the Book,” Room 39’s endless list of mission protocols.
goes awry during its ops.
Room 39 field agents are expected to commit all
For this reason, Room 39 most often works in
contingency plans to memory. This can be a drawback,
densely populated areas and for high-profile missions.
particularly when dealing with one or more moles, who
When things go wrong and people start asking
have access to the same information. Most often,
questions, Room 39’s agents move in, handle the
however, this meticulous design becomes one of the
situation, and get out before anyone realizes what has
Chamber’s greatest strengths, clearly defining where
happened. In the Information Age, when global news
they can be of the most use.
agencies can report on events before intelligence
Despite this wealth of planning, Room 39 operatives
communities learn of them, this Chamber’s quick and
are encouraged to think for themselves. They are
precise tactics are vital for controlling media exposure.
frequently sent on training missions, some of which
Function purposely go horribly wrong so the agents have the
opportunity to think on their toes. The big difference
Room 39 likes to think of itself as a well-oiled
between most Chamber operatives and those of Room
machine, and information keeps the machine running.
39 is the fact that the latter have set routines for every
A mission without proper intel often goes disastrously
suspected risk, challenge, or upset, which are called
wrong without warning. Thus, Archer’s British Chamber
upon before branching out into unusual responses.
employs a large group of cryptographers, spies, hackers,
While agents from other Chambers sometimes see Room
and intelligence analysts who acquire and study data.
39 agents as stuffy slaves to the rules, they are a
These planners seek out every scrap of information and
welcome addition when planning and precision are
use it to plot contingencies for every possible variable
their mission teams might encounter.

Shadow Communities
Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR): Room 39 specializes
in extracting hostages, information, and technology
from hostile forces. With Archer’s number of acceptable
losses always low, Room 39 often works to minimize
friendly losses. When hostages must be rescued without
innocent casualties and information recovered without
the enemy realizing it’s gone, the highly-trained
operatives of Ultracorps are Archer’s first choice.
Frequently, CSAR missions are initiated after another
mission team scouts an area or gathers information on
the targets. Room 39 then goes in to finish the job.
Alternately, CSAR ops may begin when negotiations
have failed.
Counter-Terrorism: Counter-terrorism usually has
simple goals: kill the terrorists. Again, the Foundation
draws the line between Room 39 and the Company
according to where the terrorist activity is taking place.
Room 39 works when terrorist activity occurs in dense-
ly populated or high profile areas (inside the city of
Tokyo, for example), while the Company handles ene-
mies rooted in less public areas (like the African jungle
or one of the poles).
Counterinsurgency: These missions are similar to
counter-terrorism, with one exception: they serve as
pre-emptive strikes. A counter-terrorist mission reacts
delete themselves from the system, wiping any trace of
to a terrorist attack; counterinsurgency missions take
the crime. Larger scale viruses are sometimes engineered
out rogue cells before they can act. Room 39 handles
to destroy working prototypes of devices criminal
these missions in densely populated or high-profile
organizations use to threaten the world.
“Peace” Operations: Room 39 also trains other intel-
Intelligence Gathering: For the most part, Room 39
ligence and special ops teams in hostage rescue,
spends its time analyzing information, not gathering it.
counterinsurgency, and anti-terrorist action through its
Sometimes, however, the Foundation feels the British
agents in SAS.
Chamber is best suited for obtaining the information
directly. Such field operations usually involve agents of Agent Expectations
the Broken Seal (see page 126) hacking into systems
Players who enjoy obsessively precise agents, expert
that cannot be accessed remotely.
crisis-management personnel, and gadget-wielding
For these missions Room 39 generally provides a
strike team members may find Room 39 ideal for
fixer and possibly a pointman as support for a faceman
their needs. Average agents of this chamber are
from another Chamber. Such teams slip into the location
knowledgeable, strict, and regimented. They face danger
and directly copy the files in question off the computer,
with an unflappable exterior; though they may be afraid
attach a device designed to acquire them, or send them
on the inside, their training provides them with the
to an external receptacle such as a secure web site.
confidence to face nearly any plight with aplomb.
Sabotage (Cold Missions): Knowledge is power in the
Room 39 agents have extraordinary access to
Information Age, and stealing or corrupting information
information. The Chamber analyzes most of the
can be as useful as counterinsurgency or direct assault.
Conspiracy’s intelligence, and, while it does feed this
To thwart dangerous organizations, Archer sometimes
analysis in part to individual Chambers, most of its
orders Room 39 to destroy their information, effectively
handlers have the intel at their fingertips.
rendering them impotent.
With this in mind, Room 39 archetypes are not
Nicknamed Cold Missions for the euphemism “giving
confined solely to cool, collected soldiers. There is
the enemy computer a cold,” sabotage missions also
plenty of room for more cerebral counterparts: the men
involve agents breaking into enemy databases, but in
and women who access information, carefully weigh it,
this case, the object is to plant a virus that corrupts or
and use it as a weapon. Hackers, gadgeteers, and
destroys one or more files. Most of these viruses erase
mechanics all make excellent character types for agents
only the target files without corrupting others, then

Shadowforce Archer
of Room 39. Many of these Agents carry laptops or Chamber Organization
gadget-building tools instead of pistols, but they are
Room 39 keeps its base of operations at the Omnium
just as welcome during missions requiring technological
Corporation’s World Headquarters in London. Omnium
is an “Applied Technologies” corporation specializing in
Room 39 takes a holistic view of every mission.
business systems, routers, telecommunications software,
Their ultimate goal is always foremost in its agents’
and military applications. It bids on government
minds, but unlike other chambers, they place an equal
contracts in the U.K., has satellite divisions in the U.S.
amount of importance on how they conduct the opera-
and France, and owns a large percentage of the phone
tion. Room 39 never approaches a mission in a cavalier
lines and routers in the U.K and Europe. It is also the
manner; it acts with precision and certainty. It knows
principal front for Room 39.
that failure to follow procedure jeopardizes not only the
Omnium was set up after the war, when Room 39
success of the operation, but also the lives of agents,
moved out of the old Admiralty Building. While
and those they are charged with protecting.
Omnium does have legitimate divisions that perform the
Players should keep this in mind when considering
public company’s work, most of its internal operations
this Chamber. Order is as important as success — at least,
are actually given over to Room 39’s mission. Room
until “the Book” fails to cover a situation. Then it’s up
39’s Control, Sarah Singleton (see page 135), also acts
to the ingenuity of the agents at hand.
as Omnium CEO, and must keep both the Chamber
Tactical Data and the Omnium facade running smoothly. Under her
direction, Omnium has grown into one of the most
Room 39 relies upon three basic tools to wage the
successful front companies in the Conspiracy, pulling in
war against global threats. First is its vast wealth of
a tidy profit from its leased router lines and many
information, updated daily. Second is the weaponry
multi-national contracts.
available from the U.K. government. Room 39 has
Within Omnium, Room 39 is divided into two
agents in every branch of the military, and access to
distinct sub-units. Each plays a key role in carrying out
weapons, supplies, and even vehicles when necessary.
the Chamber’s mission.
All of these acquisitions are neatly disguised as various
military and intelligence operations. Ultracorps
Finally, Room 39 uses the World Wide Web.
This division represents the core of what Room 39 is
The Internet is a tremendous font of information,
and what its principal focus used to be, employing the
and the chamber has dozens of watchers dedicated
Chamber’s deadly field operatives. Ultracorps recruits its
solely to surfing in search of information that can be of
field agents principally from SAS, but it also oversees
use to Archer. The hackers of the Broken Seal also
spies in Five, MI6, and Special Branch. Most of the core
stretch their tendrils out into the ’net, penetrating
planning and management of Room 39 takes place in
databases, downloading information from secure sites,
the Ultracorps division, which handles agent training,
and sending viruses to enemy computers.
coordinates with other Chambers, and is largely
Room 39 PsiTech responsible for maintaining the Cloak.
When Room 39 must perform special ops, Ultracorps
Most of the PsiTech this Chamber uses is geared for
is most often assigned the task of planning and carrying
field operations, and much of that has been tainted by
them out. Hostage rescues, anti-terrorist actions,
the Shop. Enhanced weapons, safecrackers, anti-security
and counterinsurgency strikes are all the province of
devices, and special assault vehicles were standard tools
Ultracorps, as is Room 39’s slavish devotion to
of Room 39’s trade, but with the Shop’s sabotage, their
regulations and protocol; the unparalleled success of the
agents now employ PsiTech with a certain degree of
missions it plans is a source of pride for its controllers.
reticence. The chamber has begun adding “What to Do
Until recently, Ultracorps was Room 39, and it remains
If Your PsiTech Fails in the Field” courses to its
synonymous with the chamber’s reputation and style to
training regimen, and has attempted to adopt PsiTech
this day.
malfunctions into the variables for its operational
planning. However, the insidious nature of some residual The Broken Seal
sabotage continues to defy much of their careful planning.
In 1992, Room 39 saw itself being pulled in several
Room 39 has begun experimenting with new kinds
different directions at once. It recognized the need for
of PsiTech in the last few years. With the seemingly
special forces worldwide and wanted to focus on
limitless potential of the Internet, it is particularly
training and using its traditional operatives for special
interested in harnessing psionic applications.
operations. But it also saw a need to develop

Shadow Communities
contingencies for the proliferation of computer and Field Operations
Internet users, and the threat they posed to world Room 39’s agents in the field are supported by
security. It therefore decided to reorganize, forming the chamber’s moles in other branches of British
Ultracorps to focus on special operations. The majority Intelligence. MI6 maintains Station Houses throughout
of its funding and focus went in this direction. Then it the world designed to give assistance to agents abroad.
created a second division tasked with its other Only a small percentage of these Station Houses are
traditional mission of intelligence analysis, along with loyal to Archer, and they must be contacted in code to
studying the burgeoning threat of computer hackers. ensure security, but the Station Managers (many of
This division was named the Broken Seal. whom are not even aware they are assisting someone
For the first five years of its existence, the Broken other than MI6) can be life-saving in a crunch.
Seal labored in relative obscurity. By 1997, though, the MI6 divides the world into sections, each designated
division employed an army of computer experts to deal with a letter:
with dangers caused by the Internet explosion. Slowly,
the Broken Seal took on more and more resources, Section A Africa
staging a sort of internal power struggle within the Section B South & Central America
Agency. In 2000, Sarah Singleton, a Gen X hacker and Section C China
a graduate of the Broken Seal program, became Section D India
Omnium CEO and Room 39 Control. Since taking over, Section F France
she has given her former division even more focus and Section G Eastern Europe & Germany
responsibility. Section I Spain and Portugal
The Broken Seal handles electronic warfare. Section J Japan and Korea
It develops computer technology designed to defeat the Section M The Middle East
toughest security measures and penetrate the most Section N North America
guarded databases, and devises viruses used to cripple Section O Scandinavian Countries
Archer’s enemies. The Broken Seal has also created its Section R Italy and Switzerland
own brand of operatives: hackers who provide cutting- Section S Russia and the former Soviet Union
edge technological support for other agents in the field. Section V Southeast Asia
In addition, the Broken Seal now develops PsiTech Section Y The Balkans
designed to enable its psions to directly interface with
computer technology. In time, Room 39 hopes to create a Station Houses appear in major cities within each
new generation of wired spies capable of infiltrating any- sector, designated with the same letter prefaced by the
thing connected to a phone line, cable, or satellite uplink. word, “Station.” For example, the Moscow Station
Aside from the funding and organizational House is designated Station S. In many cases, there may
revolution, the division has also unintentionally be more than one Station House per Section; auxiliary
engineered a cultural shift in Room 39. Many Broken Stations are designated by the country in which the
Seal operatives are twenty- and thirtysomething rebels Station House is located (a Station House in Saigon
plugged into pop culture, counterculture ideals, would be Station V, Vietnam), or a -2 for the second
and the Digital Age. They paint a stark contrast to the Station in a country (a Station House in St. Petersburg
stodgy, traditional, regimental operatives of the past, would be Station S-2).
and while they receive the same training as their older Support within the U.K. is a little trickier. While
counterparts, their methods are very different. Room 39 does have agents within MI5 and Scotland
As computer specialists, Broken Seal agents tend to Yard, Five’s investigation into Archer’s existence causes
think in terms of flowcharts, which is compatible with problems for the agency when it needs to operate on its
Room 39’s traditional approach, but their attitude is own turf. Until further notice, all assistance from moles
both puzzling and disturbing to their elder counterparts. within domestic intelligence forces has been suspended,
One thing is certain, though. Room 39’s mission and operations that require the use of traditional spies
depends a great deal on the work they do and, while the on British soil are temporarily being farmed out to other
traditionalists may find them distasteful, they can’t fault Chambers.
their usefulness. Special ops are a different story. Ultracorps recruits
heavily from within SAS, and Room 39 has many
agents there. Most domestic support for such missions
therefore comes from SAS.

Shadowforce Archer
With its electronic communications expertise, Room
Room 39 Resources
Entrenched as it is within the British intelligence
39 keeps its agents informed with up-to-the-minute
community, Room 39 has a wide variety of resources at
data, and closely monitors their movements. Agents
its disposal.
frequently receive last-second mission updates.
However, the network is not as foolproof as it once Training Facilities
was. Room 39 once developed a special cipher (code-
Room 39 trains most of its agents through the
named FUNNEL) with which it encoded messages
intelligence agencies it has infiltrated. Operatives from
between Control and agents. Not only were the
MI6, MI5, Scotland Yard, and SAS all receive the
messages electronically encrypted, but the text itself
bulk of their training within their individual service
had to be deciphered to make sense. Recently this
branches prior to recruitment. Ultracorps provides
system suffered two significant setbacks.
additional training at the famous Bradbury Lines SAS
First, the Shop’s break with Archer left the Broken
base in Hereford.
Seal unsure of the code’s integrity. Control requested a
With the growing number of hackers and other
new cipher (both a textual filter and an encryption pro-
non-traditional agents cropping up in the Broken Seal,
gram), but work has not yet been completed. Until the
Room 39 has instituted additional courses on electronic
new code is functional, agents must reduce communi-
warfare, hacking, programming, and related skills at
cations with the home office, and have the authority to
its Omnium headquarters. Prospective field agents,
act on their own when necessary.
particularly those from Ultracorps, take a series of basic
Second, MI5 has intercepted several e-mail
classes and then choose electives. Broken Seal agents
communiqués from field agents (for more about this,
are offered advanced instruction on cryptography,
see opposite). Though the domestics have not yet
intelligence analysis, and computer applications.
cracked FUNNEL, preliminary analysis has led them to
believe that there may be a foreign spy ring operating The Omnium Corporation
on British soil. This near-breach of the Cloak has made
For the high-tech spy, Omnium makes the ultimate
Room 39 doubly cautious about communicating in the
front company. It is independently profitable; the leases
of its routers and phone lines bring in hundreds of
So far as Room 39 knows, none of its Station
millions of pounds annually, and its defense contracts
Manager moles within MI6 have been compromised,
with foreign governments net billions more. It also
and operations continue in the field as usual. They
develops commercial software for a wide variety of
remain extremely wary, however, and are monitoring
applications. All of these resources not only earn revenue,
the situation closely.
but are available to agents in the field when needed.

Shadow Communities
Moreover, Omnium’s defense contracts grant it Top Secret under the Official Secrets Act. As far as the
access to much Top Secret military information. The public is concerned, MI6 is a national secret.
intelligence in question is rarely extraordinary, but the Prior to the 1980’s, most MI6 operatives came from
access it grants the Chamber makes it much easier for its upper-crust British colleges and wealthy or titled
agents to hack into secure government databases. families, leading critics to defame the organization as
Finally, the Omnium Corporation provides an an old boys’ club (the same argument leveled against
excellent cover. Chamber operatives often pose as the CIA in the 1960s and 1970s). But in the last twenty
Omnium salespeople, executives, and technicians when years, MI6 has yielded to pressure to recruit from
they travel undercover or enter restricted areas (though a wider base of candidates.
Room 39 has reduced its use of the Omnium cover since MI5 (Military Intelligence Department 5): Aside from
the Shop’s betrayal). its central headquarters in London, the Secret
Intelligence Service has no authority to operate within
Operation: DOPPELGANGER Great Britain. That directive falls to MI5, Britain’s
After the secrets of PsiTech were captured in 1975 counter-espionage department. MI5 (sometimes called
and the Shop was founded, most development in that simply “Five” for short) is similar in some respects to the
field was theirs alone. Some of Room 39’s planners American FBI. Five acts to prevent foreign spying on
correctly determined that a redundant program would British soil, and it analyzes information, watches
increase project security, and instituted Operation suspected spies, and uncovers spy rings. Essentially, it
DOPPELGANGER, the British Chamber’s own PsiTech must prevent other nations from doing to Great Britain
development office. Since the Shop’s departure, what MI6 does to them. Five also handles counter-
DOPPELGANGER has proven incredibly helpful, insurgency investigations, and to that end its agents
providing a number of clean devices and arranging to track suspected Irish nationalists in an attempt to prevent
test what the Shop left behind. terrorism, weapon smuggling, and other illegal activities.
Unfortunately, an ugly rivalry exists between Five
The Game in the U.K. and MI6. While the two agencies cooperate, both feel
Included here are notes about British intelligence that the other is stepping on their toes. MI6 would
and the agencies that collect it. happily take over Five’s duties, feeling that their two
missions are intertwined. Five, on the other hand,
U.K. Intelligence Agencies believes that MI6 frequently encroaches on its territory
Great Britain’s intelligence community is divided and wishes that its sister agency would stick to its own
into several major organizations. While most people business.
associate MI6 with British Intelligence, it is only one Special Branch, Scotland Yard: Unlike the American
facet of the U.K.’s spy network. FBI, Five has no authority to make arrests. For this,
The Secret Intelligence Service (MI6): The Secret it turns to the first of Britain’s satellite agencies,
Intelligence Service, also known as MI6 (Military the Special Branch of Scotland Yard. Scotland Yard is a
Intelligence Department 6) is roughly equivalent to the police force, not an intelligence agency, but its Special
American CIA; it operates worldwide and conducts Branch works closely with Five to arrest proven spies.
British spy operations on foreign soil. It heads under- Basically, Five locates and exposes enemy agents working
cover investigations, spies on foreign powers, steals within Great Britain, and then turns this information
secrets, facilitates defections, and (rarely) engages in over to Special Branch to make arrests. Both agencies
assassination. Much of the agency’s work during the have been extremely effective at rooting out and
Cold War centered on Berlin and the Soviet Union, but destroying foreign spy operations within the U.K.
MI6 has operatives, stations, and safe houses all over Special Air Services (SAS): The Special Air Services
the world. (SAS) branch of the Royal Air Force (RAF) is a second
The head of MI6 is known simply as “C,” after satellite unit that deals with terrorist threats both
Mansfield Cumming, the organizer and first head of MI6 within Great Britain and on foreign soil. This unit
in 1911 who went by that initial (for more about engages in military and hostage rescue missions, the
Mansfield Cumming and early Room 39 operations, see most spectacular of which was the rescue of hostages at
Chapter 1). Ian Fleming’s “M” is a veiled reference to the Iranian Embassy in London in 1982 (after one of the
the moniker. hostages was killed by terrorists, SAS forces attacked
MI6 operates largely without the interference of the embassy, killing five of six terrorists, rescuing all of
watchdog committees that plague the CIA. It answers the remaining hostages, and losing no SAS men).
only to the Prime Minister’s cabinet, and all documents SAS is an elite group of special ops soldiers, and
and information pertaining to its operations are classified considered one of the best forces of its type in the world.

Shadowforce Archer
Playing the Great Game electrokinesis has begun to yield fruit — Broken Seal
researchers have combined the principles of information
“I trust numbers. They never lie to you."
theory with their psionic training, producing several
— Sarah Singleton new prodigies, who seem to think in machine code and
whose outrageous code-breaking skills are unparalleled.
Mission Management: Though tied together by
history, language, and trade, Sarah Singleton has gone Current Plotlines
out of her way in recent months to pass operations
Room 39 is engaged in several plots at the moment,
on to Col. Dietrich’s outfit in the United States.
any of which would make an excellent hook for an
Anything that isn’t tightly within the purview of the
ongoing campaign.
Broken Seal or Ultracorps has been offered to the
Operation: SMOKESCREEN (Code: Red): Room 39’s
Company. She claims that it is an effort to give the
biggest problem at the moment is not the fact that the
American Chamber additional chances to rebuild their
Shop has broken away or that power-mad occultists
credibility. Other controls speculate the Sarah is simply
seek to bring about a new Reich. The trouble comes
trying to free up her resources (and minimize her
from its own backyard. MI5 is on to them.
exposure) to deal with her own problems (see Damage
In 1996, the Security Service Act brought several of
Control, below). Room 39’s most trusted allies within the
Room 39’s civilian activities to light, and drew Five’s
Conspiracy are certainly the Guardians, whom many of
scrutiny. The Joint Intelligence Committee was brought
their operatives view as “good luck charms.”
into the matter, doubly threatening the covers the
Damage Control: Consisting of the Conspiracy’s
Chamber put in place. Room 39 scrambled to deflect
undisputed masters of the computer age, Room 39’s
MI5’s investigations, even attempting to turn the blame
Broken Seal seems to have attracted more than its fair
back on the domestics. Unfortunately, the MI5 agents
share of abuse from the Shop. While the hallmark
received public interest immunity to protect Military
destruction of labs and gadgetry is much the same as
Intelligence from outside scrutiny, and the situation was
experienced by other high-tech chambers, the Shop
left unresolved.
seems to have devoted extra effort to exposing the Seal
Then, almost concurrently with the Shop’s break,
to the world. This cardinal sin of espionage has raised
Five intercepted several e-mails from Room 39 field
questions as to why this Chamber — and only this
agents. After only two weeks, they broke the FUNNEL
Chamber — was subject to such attacks…
encryption program and began work on the text cipher.
Dirty Little Secrets: Since well before the founding
(Today, Room 39 believes that the Shop coordinated this
of the Archer Conspiracy, Room 39 has kept files —
discovery, though they have little evidence to back up
thousands of files — dedicated to its enemies, its allies,
that assumption.)
and everyone else. Room 39 systematically calculates
MI5’s renewed interest in the British Chamber is
every permutation of every best- and worst-case
cause for much concern. The fact that the emails were
scenario involving any of them, and everything
headed for an Omnium sub-station is even worse; now
in-between. When they’re done, they store the files
the domestics are directing their efforts to determining
away, locked safely out of sight where they can cause
the nature and interests of the corporation. Three of
no damage. These inquiries continue to this day, and
its employees — two of whom were actually Room 39
these collected files contain all the dirty little secrets
operatives — have been arrested, questioned,
Room 39 ever slid under the proverbial rug — all in one
and released. (Both operatives have been placed on
inactive duty until the situation stabilizes.)
Leverage: When the 1950 Archer Pact was signed,
Room 39’s effort to dodge MI5 is codenamed
Room 39 became the couriers of the Conspiracy, a duty
SMOKESCREEN, and entails complex distraction plans
they had gained much experience with during WWII.
and the implantation of several moles into the enemy
At first by foot and telegraph and later by phone,
organization. So far, only one of the Room 39 moles has
electronics, and satellites, Room 39 has always delivered
made it onto MI5’s operations team (nicknamed
messages between Chambers. This privileged position
“The Spycatchers,” after Richard Hollis’ book of the
offers them unique leverage over every other part of the
same name). The agent (codenamed Witful) currently
Conspiracy, though it is leverage they never use, taking
strives to slow MI5’s textual decryption or destroy the
their role in Archer’s plan very seriously.
samples, so far with little success.
Assets: With the Archer Foundation’s increasing
Room 39 is painfully aware of MI5’s skill at
secrecy concerning psion development, Sarah has
uncovering spy rings, and Five refuses to give up the
decided to keep her own psion research close to home.
investigation. Every time they appear to hit a dead end,
Room 39’s focus on the fledgling discipline of
someone (probably the Shop) feeds them another clue.

Shadow Communities
The noose draws tighter by the week, and the Chamber Movies: Aliens, Clear and Present Danger, Hackers,
may need to take radical action to bring the crisis to The Lawnmower Man (the original, preferably with the
a halt. 44 minutes of excised footage restored), Patriot Games,
Operation: GREENBACK (Code: Yellow): Despite Sneakers.
Omnium’s earning power for Room 39, it runs a very TV Shows: 24, UC Undercover.
high-tech operation that requires a lot of funding. Music: British industrial and techno-rave, any score
Moreover, telecommunications is an extremely compet- incorporating military cadence (Aliens, Starship
itive industry requiring millions of pounds in research Troopers, etc.).
alone. Hence, in addition to the spying and intelligence Computer and Console Games: Deus Ex, Rainbow Six
analysis, Room 39 is engaged in corporate espionage. (the definitive counterterrorism squad game series).
A secret division of Broken Seal hackers regularly
steals secrets and, on occasion, illegally transfers funds
from foreign corporations. With the changing landscape
of the European Economy and the dominance of the
European Commonwealth Chamber on the continent,
Codename: ATHENA
Omnium is feeling the pressure to remain competitive. Aliases: None
It has thus far used these secrets to secure better Archer Identity Number: 99-012018-716
government contracts, fund its own activities, and Nationality: English (Naturalized)
sabotage the research and development work of Gender: Female Handedness: Right
competing firms. In fact, Operation: GREENBACK was Height: 5 ft. 5 in. Weight: 125 lbs.
instrumental in sinking the proposed merger between Eyes: Green Hair: Ash-blonde
Sprint and MCI/Worldcom. Psion Class: Non-latent
The Archer Foundation knows nothing about this Place of Birth: Vancouver, British Columbia
operation, and if it did there would be hell to pay at the Date of Birth: 1980.05.15
top levels of Room 39. It operates contrary to the Distinguishing Characteristics: Red streak through
cooperative goals of the Archer Pact. At present, Sarah hair, signature goggles
Singleton is unaware of Operation: GREENBACK, but
some within the program believe that she would Background
approve if she discovered it. The daughter of Lord Reginald Savage (now known
to be the nefarious “Argus” — see page 153), one of
The Room 39 Genre Archer’s most accomplished Cold War agents, Emily
The best description for the Room 39 genre is showed all the signs of following in her father’s foot-
“techno-thriller.” All the classic elements of suspense steps. But her mother, an ex-KGB sleeper stationed in
and espionage are there, but there is an emphasis on Canada, cloistered Emily, telling her that her father died
technology and applied military science. Broken Seal years before.
operatives are plugged-in technophiles who use the During her formative years, Emily blossomed as an
latest gadgets to aid their Ultracorps brethren in the incredible athlete and a rabid information junkie. She
field. Field agents are generally split between perfectly- remained informed about world events even while on
trained soldiers and cyberpunk-style hackers who use Olympic tour, when she took the silver in gymnastics.
computers and electronic equipment as their weapons of Then the bomb came, or rather the bullet. Emily’s
choice. mother was found dead in their Vancouver beach house,
the victim of an apparent suicide. No note was left, nor
Archetypes: Jack Bauer (Kiefer Sutherland from 24),
any explanation — only the revelation shortly thereafter
Impossible Mission Force, Net Force, Rainbow Six,
that her father was still alive, and that he belonged to a
Sherlock Holmes, Sid Vicious with a laptop.
globe-spanning organization dedicated to safeguarding
Inspirations the precarious peace of the 20th Century. Emily joined
her father in London, and soon after became an agent
Players and Game Controls interested in Room 39
of Room 39. Today she is considered one of the foremost
are invited to look up these inspirations for the
investigators in the world, her keen senses bringing
more than one mission to a successful close.
Books: Anything by Tom Clancy (Red Storm Rising, Emily displays a prodigal gift with gadgets,
Rainbow Six, Without Remorse), Snow Crash by Neal constructing several even though she is classified
Stephenson, the Sherlock Holmes novels. “non-latent” as a psion. Her signature goggles are her
own design.

Shadowforce Archer
Low-Level Version Mid-Level Version
Chamber: Room 39 (Broken Seal) Chamber: Room 39 (Broken Seal)
Department: Computer Espionage (3) Department: Computer Espionage (3)
Class: Snoop Class: Snoop
Level: 1 Level: 8
Strength: 12 Dexterity: 17
Strength: 12 Dexterity: 17
Constitution: 11 Intelligence: 17
Constitution: 11 Intelligence: 17
Wisdom: 18 Charisma: 14
Wisdom: 19 Charisma: 15
Vitality: 8 Wounds: 11
Vitality: 43 Wounds: 11
Defense: 14 (+1 class, +3 Dex)
Defense: 19 (+6 class, +3 Dex)
Initiative Bonus: +4 (+1 class, +3 Dex)
Initiative Bonus: +8 (+5 class, +3 Dex)
Speed: 30
Speed: 30
Fort: +0 Ref: +4 Will: +5
Fort: +2 Ref: +7 Will: +8
Skills: Balance +5, Bureaucracy +5, Climb +5,
Skills: Balance +13, Bureaucracy +7, Climb +12,
Computers +9, Cryptography +9, Cultures +7,
Computers +15, Cryptography +10, Cultures +10,
Electronics +7, First Aid +4, Gather Information +9,
Electronics +14, First Aid +6, Gather Information +11,
Hide +6, Hobby (Web Surfing) +8, Jump +5,
Hide +8, Hobby (Web Surfing) +10, Jump +10,
Knowledge (Internet) +7, Languages +5, Listen +5,
Knowledge (Internet) +9, Languages +8, Listen +9,
Move Silently +5, Search +5, Spot +6, Tumble +7
Move Silently +7, Search +11, Spot +12, Tumble +14
Feats: Mathematical Genius, Signature Gadget
Feats: Acrobatic, Alertness, Mathematical Genius,
(“Savage” Forearm Console) (See below.)
Signature Gadget (“Savage” Forearm Console)
Attacks Attacks
Walther PPK (9mm backup pistol) +3 1d10
Walther PPK (9mm backup pistol) +7 1d10
Gear: Laptop computer (+5 rating), electronics kit,
Gear: Laptop computer (+5 rating), electronics kit,
disguise kit, Swiss army knife
disguise kit, swiss army knife
Common Gadgets: Cell phone, plus the following:
Common Gadgets: Cell phone, plus the following:
Gadget Goggles: These goggles have night and
Gadget Goggles: As low-level version above, except
infrared sight and contain numerous gadgets, including
they have been upgraded to a +4 bonus to attack.
a camera, an interface for most electronic devices, and
“Savage” Forearm Console: As low-level version,
a H.U.D. display linked to a special gun sight.
except they have been upgraded to a +8 power rating.
Mechanics: Emily ignores concealment bonuses
from darkness when attacking, and receives a +2 bonus High-Level Version
to attack rolls with any firearm which has the special
Chamber: Room 39 (Broken Seal)
linked gun sight attached.
Department: Computer Espionage (3)
“Savage” Forearm Console: This pair of armbands
Class: Snoop
has all the abilities of an Icon ProStar 7. The console
Level: 15
also boasts a chemical analysis center as well as a
powerful computer. Strength: 12 Dexterity: 18
Mechanics: As the Icon ProStar 7. In addition, the Constitution: 11 Intelligence: 17
console can determine the chemical composition of any Wisdom: 19 Charisma: 15
known substance collected with its attached sampling
wand. Finally, the console’s computer has a power Vitality: 71 Wounds: 11
rating of +5.
Defense: 25 (+12 class, +3 Dex)
Initiative Bonus: +12 (+9 class, +3 Dex)
Speed: 30
Fort: +5 Ref: +11 Will: +11

Shadow Communities

Skills: Balance +13, Bureaucracy +7, Climb +15,

Computers +22, Cryptography +17, Cultures +10,
Electronics +21, First Aid +6, Gather Information +18,
Hide +8, Hobby (Web Surfing) +15, Jump +15,
Knowledge (Internet) +14, Languages +8, Listen +18,
Move Silently +10, Search +20, Spot +21, Tumble +21 Codename: CRACKERJACK
Aliases: Alvin Corsair; Marc McKinley
Feats: Acrobatic, Advanced Skill Mastery (Alertness),
Archer Identity Number: 57-492653-290
Alertness, Extra R&D Support, Grand Skill Mastery
Nationality: Scottish
(Alertness), Mathematical Genius, Signature Gadget
Gender: Male Handedness: Right
(“Savage” Forearm Console)
Height: 6 in. 1 in. Weight: 225 lbs.
Attacks Eyes: Brown Hair: Blonde
Psion Class: Physical Adept (Grade B)
Walther PPK (9mm backup pistol) +11 1d10
Place of Birth: Edinburgh, Scotland
Gear: Laptop computer (+5 rating), electronics kit, Date of Birth: 1960.06.21
disguise kit, swiss army knife Distinguishing Characteristics: Scar along left jawline
Common Gadgets: Cell phone, plus the following: Background
Gadget Goggles: As low-level version above, except
Crackerjack is one of the top operatives in
they have been upgraded to a +6 bonus to attack.
Ultracorps. A consummate field agent, he embodies
“Savage” Forearm Console: As low-level version
everything for which Room 39 stands: dedication, disci-
above, except they have been upgraded to a +10 power
pline, and precision. Combes joined the Royal Army at
the age of 18 and moved into SAS only two years later.
His idealism was simple and pure. He did everything for

Shadowforce Archer
Queen and Country. When his psionic abilities mani- Mid-Level Version
fested three years later, a Room 39 mole recruited him.
Chamber: Room 39 (Ultracorps)
Within months, Alistair was operating in Berlin,
Department: Urban Assault (4)
Istanbul, and other Cold War hotspots, working with
Class: Soldier/Physical Adept
covert strike teams to preserve the balance of power.
Level: 9/5
He earned his codename through dogged perseverance
and a flawless record. No team he has ever been Strength: 15 Dexterity: 15
assigned to has failed their mission. Constitution: 16 Intelligence: 13
Alistair is getting older now. He’s entered his forties, Wisdom: 14 Charisma: 11
and he’s beginning to think that the Game may have
Vitality: 122 Wounds: 16
passed him by. The world is changing, and he sometimes
feels that he has become a bit of a relic. Still, as a Cold Defense: 19 (+7 class, +2 Dex)
War kid trained to see threats everywhere, he recognizes Initiative Bonus: +12 (+10 class, +2 Dex)
the need for vigilance. Speed: 30
Though he still carries out missions in the field,
Fort: +13 Ref: +7 Will: +10
Alistair now spends much of his time training the next
generation of Room 39 superspies. He is typically only Skills: Balance +6, Climb +7, Demolitions +11,
called in when the situation requires his refined skill — Driver +6, First Aid +7, Hide +5, Intimidate +4,
and his flawless reputation. Jump +6, Knowledge (Urban Tactics) +12, Profession
(Spy Trainer) +7, Sense Motive +4, Spot +11,
Low-Level Version Tumble +6, Use Rope +6
Chamber: Room 39 (Ultracorps)
Feats: Adrenal Basics, Adrenal Mastery, Marksman,
Department: Urban Assault (4)
Metabolic Basics, Metabolic Mastery, Overcharge
Class: Soldier/Physical Adept
Power, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot,
Level: 4/3
Sharp-Shooting, Sensory Basics, Sensory Mastery,
Strength: 14 Dexterity: 15 Stamina Battery
Constitution: 16 Intelligence: 13
Psion Skills: Combat Sense +6, Control
Wisdom: 14 Charisma: 10
Metabolism +7, Energy Burst +7, Invigorate +7,
Vitality: 69 Wounds: 16 Psionic Purge +8, Psionic Sensing +7
Defense: 16 (+4 class, +2 Dex) Attacks
Initiative Bonus: +7 (+5 class, +2 Dex)
5.56×45mm assault rifle +13 2d8+2
Speed: 30
Gear: Riot vest and shield, hard helmet
Fort: +10 Ref: +5 Will: +6
Skills: Balance +6, Climb +6, Demolitions +8, High-Level Version
Driver +6, First Aid +6, Hide +5, Intimidate +4, Chamber: Room 39 (Ultracorps)
Jump +6, Knowledge (Urban Tactics) +6, Profession Department: Urban Assault (4)
(Spy Trainer) +5, Spot +7, Tumble +6, Use Rope +6 Class: Soldier/Physical Adept/Counter-Terrorist
Level: 9/5/6
Feats: Adrenal Basics, Metabolic Basics, Point Blank
Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Sensory Basics, Strength: 16 Dexterity: 16
Stamina Battery Constitution: 16 Intelligence: 13
Wisdom: 14 Charisma: 11
Psion Skills: Combat Sense +4, Control
Metabolism +5, Energy Burst +5, Invigorate +5, Vitality: 185 Wounds: 16
Psionic Purge +5, Psionic Sensing +4
Defense: 21 (+9 class, +2 Dex)
Attacks Initiative Bonus: +17 (+15 class, +2 Dex)
Speed: 30
5.56×45mm assault rifle +7 2d8+2
Fort: +16 Ref: +11 Will: +12
Gear: Riot vest and shield, hard helmet

Shadow Communities
Skills: Balance +10, Climb +10, Demolitions +11, In 2000, Sarah was promoted to the head of Room
Driver +10, First Aid +11, Hide +8, Intimidate +6, 39, the youngest Control in Archer’s history. She has
Jump +8, Knowledge (Urban Tactics) +16, Profession utilized her influence to secure even more funding for
(Spy Trainer) +11, Sense Motive +4, Spot +15, the Broken Seal, which she sees as the Foundation’s
Tumble +12, Use Rope +6 source of digital spies in the 21st Century.
Sarah is quiet and efficient. She runs her Chamber
Feats: Adrenal Basics, Adrenal Mastery, Controlled
like a cabinet, with teams of advisors to oversee all the
Burst, Coordinate Fire, Hail of Bullets, Lay Down Fire,
operations and report back to her. She is attentive and
Marksman, Metabolic Basics, Metabolic Mastery,
decisive, but only after she has all the facts. When she
Overcharge Power, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot,
offers it, her word is final.
Rapid Shot, Sensory Basics, Sensory Mastery, Sharp-
Shooting, Stamina Battery Low-Level Version
Psion Skills: Combat Sense +6, Control Chamber: Room 39 (Broken Seal)
Metabolism +7, Energy Burst +7, Invigorate +7, Department: Home Office (0)
Psionic Purge +8, Psionic Sensing +7 Class: Pointman
Level: 7
Strength: 12 Dexterity: 14
5.56×45mm assault rifle +20 2d8+2
Constitution: 10 Intelligence: 17
Gear: Riot vest and shield, hard helmet Wisdom: 17 Charisma: 14
Vitality: 43 Wounds: 11

Defense: 5 (+3 class, +2 Dex)
Initiative Bonus: +9 (+3 class, +2 Dex, +4 Improved
Speed: 30
Codename: STILETTO
Aliases: Ginger Starr, The Silver Queen Fort: +4 Ref: +6 Will: +8
Archer Identity Number: 57-990423-316
Skills: Bureaucracy +13, Computers +15,
Nationality: English
Concentration +10, Cryptography +12, Diplomacy +10,
Gender: Female Handedness: Right
Driver +8, Electronics +12, Gather Information +10,
Height: 5 ft. 6 in. Weight: 135 lbs.
Innuendo +8, Intimidate +6, Knowledge (History) +8,
Eyes: Green Hair: Strawberry Blonde
Knowledge (Room 39 Secrets) +13, Knowledge (Archer
Psion Class: Non-latent
Secrets) +6, Read Lips +6, Sense Motive +8
Place of Birth: Kent, England
Date of Birth: 1964.08.07 Feats: Expertise, Field Operative, Improved
Distinguishing Characteristics: Kinky, strawberry Initiative, Mathematical Genius
blonde hair, usually worn up in a bun; light freckles
Background .45 target pistol +7 1d10+2
Room 39’s Control attended Westfield College at the Taser +7 1d8
University of London where she earned her degree in
Gear: Laptop computer (+4 rating)
European History. She was recruited into MI6 as an
intelligence analyst in 1986, and in 1989 oversaw the Common Gadgets: Void suit (to conceal gun when
upgrade of many of the agency’s antiquated records she is on the street)
into computer files. During the process, she grew into an
incredible programmer — and a leading resource on Mid-Level Version
British intelligence. Chamber: Room 39 (Broken Seal)
Sarah helped to found the Broken Seal in 1992, Department: Home Office (0)
where she learned advanced programming techniques Class: Pointman
from some of the finest hackers in the world. Though by Level: 14
no means their peer, Sarah’s vision nonetheless guided
Strength: 12 Dexterity: 14
the blooming division to the forefront of Archer’s
Constitution: 11 Intelligence: 17
global information network.
Wisdom: 17 Charisma: 15

Shadowforce Archer
Vitality: 82 Wounds: 11 Attacks
.45 target pistol +15 1d10+2
Defense: 18 (+6 class, +2 Dex)
Taser +15 1d8
Initiative Bonus: +12 (+6 class, +2 Dex, +4 Improved
Initative) Gear: Laptop computer (+4 rating)
Speed: 30
Common Gadgets: Void suit (to conceal gun when
Fort: +6 Ref: +10 Will: +12 she is on the street)
Skills: Bureaucracy +19, Computers +21,
Concentration +16, Cryptography +17, Diplomacy +16,
Driver +8, Electronics +17, Gather Information +14,
Innuendo +12, Intimidate +8, Knowledge (History) +12,
Knowledge (Room 39 Secrets) +20, Knowledge
(Archer Secrets) +8, Read Lips +8, Sense Motive +12 “I cannot forecast to you the action of Russia. It is a
riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.”
Feats: Expertise, Field Operative, Improved Disarm,
Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Mathematical —Winston Churchill
The Cold War effectively ended in December, 1991,
Attacks with the fall of the USSR. The Soviets’ collapse also
brought to a close the long twilight campaign of
.45 target pistol +12 1d10+2
the illustrious KGB, whose efforts had plagued the
Taser +12 1d8
intelligence agencies of Europe, Britain, and the U.S. for
Gear: Laptop computer (+4 rating) five decades. The KGB did not go quietly into the night,
nor did it perish with dignity. Rioting crowds attacked
Common Gadgets: Void suit (to conceal gun when
its offices at 2 Dzerzhinsky Square, and even high-ranking
she is on the street)
KGB officers sold their stories to the press and to foreign
High-Level Version governments. Following the Soviet Union’s collapse, the
KGB was just a hollow memory, tainted by bitter reve-
Chamber: Room 39 (Broken Seal)
lations and sensitive secrets laid bare to the world.
Department: Home Office (0)
In November, 1991, the Archer Foundation made
Class: Pointman/Hacker
tentative contact with the Russian Confederacy, which
Level: 14/6
had largely weathered the storm without support from
Strength: 12 Dexterity: 14 the home office. Archer expected to find an effort
Constitution: 12 Intelligence: 17 already in place to guide the beleaguered nation
Wisdom: 17 Charisma: 15 through the dark autumn into a glorious new spring.
They could not have been more wrong.
Vitality: 129 Wounds: 12

Defense: 22 (+10 class, +2 Dex)

The Confederacy Mission
In 1950, the Archer caucus determined that the
Initiative Bonus: +16 (+10 class, +2 Dex, +4
Soviet Union was too dangerous a threat to be left
Improved Initative)
alone. Unlike other shadow communities, the spies of
Speed: 30
Russia were secretly divided into two camps — those
Fort: +10 Ref: +14 Will: +18 Archer trusted, and everyone else. Archer’s finest safe-
guarded the world by fighting the Cold War inside
Skills: Bureaucracy +25, Computers +28,
Russia, countering the many elements of the nation per-
Concentration +20, Cryptography +24, Diplomacy +20,
ceived as a menace to the rest of the world.
Driver +10, Electronics +23, Gather Information +16,
Unfortunately, the fact that most of the battles of the
Innuendo +13, Intimidate +10, Knowledge (History) +15,
Cold War were fought away from Russia led Archer to
Knowledge (Room 39 Secrets) +26, Knowledge
believe that things in that region were “in hand.”
(Archer Secrets) +12, Read Lips +10, Sense Motive +12
In truth, however, Russia has been festering from
Feats: Expertise, Career Operative, Field Operative, within for a very long time. The real threat is a corrupt
Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, group of ranking intelligence officers, military
Lightning Reflexes, Mathematical Genius commandants, and organized crime families called
P.E.R.I.L. (the Project for Expansion, Retribution,
Iniquity, and Lies) who initially used the lingering

Shadow Communities
turmoil in Russia as a cover for their operations,
sacrificing lesser threats to remain unnoticed by the
Foundation. This tactic had the twofold effect of
keeping Archer at bay and making them believe that
progress was being made in Russia, and that there was
nothing to worry about in the region. All the while,
P.E.R.I.L. slowly eliminated or turned Archer’s moles,
gradually seizing the entire shadow community for
The Foundation discovered P.E.R.I.L. after the fall of
the Soviet Union, when many of the organization’s
operations came to light (see page 42). Chamber Control
Davros Oleksandre openly joined their ranks shortly
thereafter (though most believe that he worked for them
for some time prior), taking most of the Chamber with
him and declaring Russia free of the Foundation’s influ-
ence and the by-laws of the Archer Pact, a safe haven
for any seeking asylum from the world protectorate.
Over the last ten years, P.E.R.I.L. has increased its
influence even further, expanding into the United
States, Europe, and Asia and subverting more and more
of Russia’s splintered government against the
Now faced with a private Cold War, this time against
an insidious, patient criminal organization with interests
all over the world, the Archer Foundation’s
mission in Russia relies on infiltration, sabotage, and
grass-roots subversion. The agents of Archer’s Russian
Chamber — the Confederacy — are charged with
liberating the region from dominant criminal control,
cleaning house as it were, and toppling the demented
regime of their former leader Oleksandre. Confederacy
spies face this challenge with a glad heart, refusing to
let the glory of their proud nation die, and certain
that the strength of their convictions will lead them to

At home, the efforts of the Russian Confederacy
most closely resemble guerrilla warfare. Operatives
generally work alone or in small teams, and all answer
directly to superior Archer field agents rather than a
Chamber Control. Individual Confederacy operatives
develop skills and equipment pools according to their
needs, and establish private spy networks to suit their
personal endeavors. In essence, each Confederacy agent
team becomes an agency unto itself, supported only
indirectly by the Archer Foundation.
Day to day, Confederacy agents live and operate
inside the system created by P.E.R.I.L. and the many
other criminal elements in the area, and they have
adopted similar tactics. With both sides alternately
attacking, terrorizing, and double-crossing each other,
the conflict in the Russian arena is akin to a gang war,

Shadowforce Archer
with all the associated trappings. Invisible borders well with one of their most frequent operations — luring
divide territories only sensed by the public, marking the enemy agents into complex traps. These mind games
boundaries for epic battles featuring brazen politicos, place the enemy off guard before an important opera-
renegade generals and their private armies, and tion, or trick them into helping the cause.
chemically enhanced psion soldiers. “Wetworks”: Russians coined the term “wetworks” to
mean assassination, after the act of wetting the ground
Common Confederacy with blood. The KGB referred to execution as “demoting
Missions maximally.” The Russian people have long been
In their campaign to liberate Russia from P.E.R.I.L., familiar with the act of murder, and their intelligence
agents of the Confederacy engage in many activities, community is that much closer to it. Archer and its
all of them geared for revolution. agents prefer not to cross that line, but Russia is a
Counter-Espionage: Usually, counter-espionage dangerous, volatile place. Confederacy operatives rely
takes the form of spies defending their homeland from on killing as a last resort, but have a variety of options
external threats, but in Russia the tables have turned. when the time comes.
Operatives of the local Archer Chamber perform
counter-espionage against an occupying force in their Agent Expectations
own territory. On the one hand, their job is easier — the Players who enjoy the Great Game at its purest,
enemy is clear and easy to find; Foundation agents do stripped down to the basics, find the Russian
not need to spend months searching for leads. But by Confederacy appealing. Cut off from their chain of
the same token, they are the minority now, parasites command and the support of their organization, Archer
feeding off of the same intelligence community they operatives in Russia rely only on their own wits and raw
wish to overthrow. They do not have the resources of a talent to overcome incredible odds. Danger lurks in
government at their disposal, only their own wits and every shadow, and there are no safe moments for agents
reflexes. to let their guard down.
Covert Operations (“Night Strikes”): Most However, the Chamber also appeals to players who
Confederacy operations involve clandestine raids want to bust the spy stereotype wide open, spinning it
against P.E.R.I.L. installations, kidnappings, wire- off in wild, unexpected, and frequently over-the-top
tapping, or similar acts of rebellion. Whether under directions. By virtue of biological, chemical, and psion
cover of darkness or between patches of broad daylight, research, the Russian Confederacy falls prey to (and
Confederacy agents specialize in physically frustrating periodically calls upon) all manner of incredible
the enemy. Night strikes are usually quiet — they enter, combatants, from telekinetics capable of flipping
get the job done, and leave with the enemy none the vehicles through the air to monstrous creatures only
wiser — but they also occasionally end with explosive scarcely resembling their human origins.
action. Once again, agents of the Confederacy are This broad range of agent and enemy options leaves
prepared for either. Russia open for many different serials, but also means
Rescue: P.E.R.I.L. is not above capturing, ransoming, that Confederacy agents should be prepared for
or killing allies of the Confederacy to keep them at bay. anything. Russian operatives tend to be versatile,
They consider the Russian people little more than tools capable of shifting from one problem to the next
with which to manipulate their enemies. In both cases, quickly and fluidly. They are also highly intelligent and
Archer operatives are called in to rescue hostages. well versed in the ways of classic and modern
Smuggling: Keeping the revolution equipped and espionage. They are careful, and while often plodding,
funded are vital concerns to the Confederacy. Not only starkly efficient. Russian agents enjoy the Game,
must they smuggle materials in and out of Russia for playing as much for the thrill of the hunt as the
their own benefit, they must also support the many satisfaction of victory.
civilian and specialist cells they rely upon for aid. Even
after ten years, the Confederacy’s transport avenues are Tactical Data
still not completely secure from the heavily-guarded The war in Russia is fought between small Archer
and highly territorial smuggling rings P.E.R.I.L. and teams and the looming spy conglomerate P.E.R.I.L.
their criminal syndicates have fashioned. Battles between these forces tend to be fast and furious,
“Sting” Operations: Taking a lesson from their KGB pitched life-and-death struggles for meager goals.
predecessors, agents of the Russian Confederacy are cal- Archer’s heroes utilize hit-and-run tactics to chip away
culating and observant, prepared to spring on their at P.E.R.I.L.’s defenses, carefully orchestrating the
opponents while reserving action until the precise downfall of its outermost offices, but they are fighting
moment for maximum effect. These practices match an uphill battle. P.E.R.I.L.’s spy networks have been

Shadow Communities
in place for decades, with informants everywhere, Khodynke Airfield holds deep-rooted secrets, much
and they have the strength of nearly the entire Russian like the Pentagon or Camp Peary in the United States.
government on their side. Members of all Russia’s intelligence agencies work or
visit there regularly, and everyone is watching everyone
Confederacy PsiTech else for something they can use to their advantage.
Regardless of its size and complexity, the Russian During the fall of the Soviet Union, this place became a
combine has relatively little technology at its disposal. flurry of activity, and remains so to this day, though in
Weapons, vehicles, computers, and scientific equipment a subdued fashion. There is no place more inherently
are all outdated by fifteen years or more. This is one of dangerous than the Aquarium.
the few things the Confederacy has in its favor right
now — Archer provides them with vastly superior Residencies
equipment than the average agent of P.E.R.I.L. or the In World War II, the Soviets placed their handlers
corrupt Russian government, and plenty of money (who were called “residents”) in nations adjacent to the
to buy their way through the system. area compromised by the spies they controlled (their
They do face one significant technological threat, “residencies”). This practice protected the handlers and
however — the chemical monsters and biological the agents simultaneously, and kept the enemy off
aberrations created by Project PROMETHEUS (see page balance. In most cases, the Russians relied on foreign
141). nationals capable of remotely coordinating complex
networks to fill the role. This was the case with Leopold
Chamber Organization Trepper, who controlled the Red Orchestra spy network
Agent teams working for the Foundation make their in Germany from his home in Bruxelles. It was also the
own organization in Russia, forging homes and lives for case with Sandor Rado, whose residency (the “Lucy Spy
themselves as needed. Each team’s story is different, Ring”) spied on Germany but was controlled from
subject to the needs of their mission and the dangers of Switzerland.
the area they live in. Instead of focusing on them in this The practice of keeping residencies continues today,
section, however, we will focus on the organization of though roughly half of them (all operating within the
their enemies, the operatives of P.E.R.I.L. territories of the former Soviet Union) are controlled by
Russian patriots. Misdirection still plays a large part in
“The Aquarium” (Khodynke the program, as all residencies irregularly shuffle
Airfield, Moscow) between handlers, many of whom are not in the same
P.E.R.I.L.’s headquarters (and the residence of the region as the networks. This process has been
traitorous Chamber Control Davros Oleksandre) lies particularly frustrating for agents of the Confederacy
along the Khoroshevskiy Highway in the Khodynke operating in Russia, who face a constantly revolving
suburb of Moscow in a nine-story building nicknamed chain of command that is nearly impossible to track.
the “Aquarium.” The Russians also call this place
steklyashka (“piece of glass”) because most of its exterior Training (Spy Schools)
surface is composed of windows. Some agents of Russia has always placed great emphasis on
the Russian Confederacy call it “the looking glass,” education, and its spies are no exception. The nation
the portal between the mundane world of espionage and holds dozens of remote training camps, universities,
Archer’s secret world behind the scenes. To go “through military academies, and field simulations geared to
the looking glass” is to enter that world. bring a young Russian spy into the world of modern
Officially, the Aquarium is the headquarters for the espionage. Many of these schools were once open to
GRU, the first and most effective agency compromised agents (and sometimes even civilians) of other nations,
by the Archer Foundation. But with the near-complete and attracted the finest pupils in the world.
corruption of the original Confederacy task forces, the P.E.R.I.L. expects perfection from its agents, and
Aquarium has become the center of P.E.R.I.L. operations generally won’t approach new candidates until they
in Russia. Davros Oleksandre is a ranking member of show promise with more or more specialities. Of course,
the GRU, and conducts the symphony which P.E.R.I.L. this is a dangerous tactic, as many elder students have
performs from his office on the seventh floor, already been hardened in their ways, and find the
overlooking the complex’s incinerator and the airfield criminal organization’s methods unappealing.
proper. Messages filter to him through diplomatic
parcels or intelligence reports, and orders return to
the field via trusted lieutenants and code buried in
mundane transmissions.

Shadowforce Archer
Confederacy Resources Prior to 1950, most nations developed psions by
The Confederacy developed a number of special
distilling samples of the original Minoan formula down
projects and espionage resources during the Cold War.
to serums which they injected into their agents. While
Unfortunately, all have fallen into the hands of P.E.R.I.L.
of varying potencies, these serums all had one thing
at this point, and are now used against agents of
in common — all of the injected agents (dubbed “serum
Archer’s Chamber.
soldiers”) died a year or two after they acquired their
The Red Market powers.
In 1950, the Archer Pact provided all Chambers with
Everything is bought and sold in Russia — weapons,
the means to develop relatively low-risk psions, using
secrets, technology, even people. The long-standing
methodical gene therapy and a lifelong regimen of
underworld market throughout the former Soviet Union
focus exercises. The Pact forbade further use
(called the “Red Market” by natives, who remember the
of psion serums, a stipula-
massacre in 1992 during a confrontation between
tion which the Russian
agents of the Russian Confederacy and P.E.R.I.L.) is
Confederacy ignored,
one of the many reasons that the Archer
privately refining its
Foundation was reluctant to
physical adept serums
accept the area into its charter
with Operation SUPER-
in 1950. The criminal organi-
LUMINAL. When the mentalist and
zations in Russia go back
telepath formulæ were recovered from Eden
hundreds of years; the
in 1975 and made available through the
Foundation was justifiably
Chamber network, the Russians created
concerned that advanced
serums from them as well.
technologies and knowledge
Russia’s illicit psion research — first conducted
would eventually fall into the
by the Confederacy and later by P.E.R.I.L. — has
wrong hands.
always focused on increasing the strength of
They were right. Based on the
psions, never on reducing the risk involved in
ideas and information originally
the process. Today, Operation SUPER-
gained from the Archer Pact,
LUMINAL has “perfected” two additional
P.E.R.I.L. has built the foundation
versions of the original psion serum,
of a world-spanning empire the
creating a whole new power scale:
likes of which has not been
seen since the European • Goliath: The original psion
de Medici and Hapsburg serum is used by rank-and-file subjects
families. Today, the Red in anticipation of large-scale or
Market offers everything important P.E.R.I.L. operations.
for sale. It can acquire Agents enhanced with it die of
military secrets the day system shock (a brain aneurysm,
after they are transmitted heart attack, etc.) in 11–16
from foreign territories; it months.
can have a small fleet of
• Cronus: The first SUPER-
Russian destroyers, or even
LUMINAL discovery, “Cronus” is far
a nuclear submarine, ready
stronger than Goliath, but reduces the
at any port in Eurasia for
agent’s life-span to under one year.
the right price; it can smuggle
P.E.R.I.L. uses Cronus for critical short-term
anything, anywhere, anytime; and perhaps most
impressive of all, it can provide private armies culled
from the underfunded and undermanned prison system • Hyperion: The foremost SUPERLUMINAL development,
or military penitentiaries throughout Russia. Hyperion taps the innermost latent potential, turning
Agents of the Russian Confederacy rely on the Red psion soldiers into one-man armies, but only for a short
Market just as often as their enemies do, bartering for time. Hyperion-boosted agents often die in as little as
equipment and supplies needed during operations three months.
(usually for inflated prices).
Rules for SUPERLUMINAL’s discoveries can be found
on page 209.

Shadow Communities
Project PROMETHEUS persists today. Effective and well-timed use of
PROMETHEUS began as a bio-warfare weapons seduction, blackmail, and psychological manipulation
project to create a short-term “burst” virus that could be are hallmarks of the Russian spy syndicate.
secretly injected into an enemy who would return to
his base and infect others. The virus — originally Russian Intelligence
codenamed AGAMEMNON — was supposed to incubate Agencies
within the first victim for a period ranging from twelve Until the fall of the Iron Curtain, the Russian
to eighteen hours, after which it would become violently intelligence system was evenly divided between the
contagious. At the climax of its lifespan, the virus legendary KGB and the ruthless GRU, who maintained
would kill its first victim, followed shortly by all other a fierce rivalry until the bitter end. These two
infected parties. organizations clashed operationally and ideologically,
It was a lofty goal, and not a little morbid, but by the making for a difficult and often violent espionage land-
time that AGAMEMNON was initiated in 1983, P.E.R.I.L. scape. This all changed in 1991, when sweeping changes
had already spread its tendrils quite deep. Not above transformed the Russian spy community, including the
using engineered bio-toxins to meet their twisted ends, dismantling of the KGB.
P.E.R.I.L. prepared to field test the virus on a persistent Still, despite attempts to level the playing field and
thorn in its side — a unit of soldiers called the Phantom smooth relations between Russian spies, conflicts and
Brigade, led by the legendary commander Nikolai turmoil are still common. The following sections detail
Petrovich (see page 144). What happened next was some of the most influential agencies in Russia at the
anything but expected. moment, with an eye toward their use in the
Two days after quietly inoculating a Brigade Shadowforce Archer setting.
Pointman on a busy Leningrad street, PE.R.I.L. inexplic- Chief Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff
ably lost contact with the city’s residency. When agents (GRU): The largest surviving remnant of Russia’s Cold
converged on the area, they encountered a band of War spy operations is the GRU (Glavnoye
hulking creatures, capable of tearing through walls and Razvedyvatelnoye Upravalenie), who created the Chasti
withstanding point-blank rifle fire. Worse, these engines Spetsial’nogo Naznacheniya (“Spetsnaz”) troops of the
of destruction wore remnants of Phantom Brigade Red Army, stole atomic secrets from both the Germans
uniforms and worked together, using traditional Russian and the U.S, and operated the famous Lucy Spy Ring
military tactics. Nikolai’s troops had survived and the European “Red Orchestra.” The GRU was
AGAMEMNON, and they had evolved from it. Russia’s first external intelligence agency, and formed
P.E.R.I.L. never took Leningrad (now called many military intelligence agencies which are still in
St. Petersburg) back from the Phantom Brigade, which operation.
set up the city as a base for Foundation penetrations The GRU focuses on the collection and analysis
into the rest of Russia. P.E.R.I.L. never pefected of military intelligence, but its specialty is the
AGAMEMNON in its intended form, and instead turned dissemination of scientific data, including technological,
it into Project PROMETHEUS, a research division which biological, and military capabilities of enemy nations.
builds chemical monsters for its criminal cause. With no internal policing force, the GRU lacks the
Since 1983, the war in Russia has changed. Both ability to use blunt force the way it once did.
sides in the semi-covert battle for Russia are constantly Today, the GRU serves as Russia’s principal spy organ,
testing more and more radical options and variations of its foreign operations the country’s eyes and ears. Having
SUPERLUMINAL and PROMETHEUS, trying to out-muscle largely remained outside the fallout of the changes the
one another and leaving a wide trail of destruction nation has endured, without allegiance or obligation to
in their wake. Villages vanish overnight, replaced by any of the myriad political factions rising out of the ashes
smoldering ruins and trails of witnesses babbling of the Cold War, the GRU remains the most efficient,
incoherent nonsense. If there is a new age for the war to professional intelligence entity in Russia.
save the world, Russia has already moved into it. Federal Agency for Government Communications and
Information (FAPSI): FAPSI is Russia’s equivalent of the
The Game in Russia NSA (see page 79), though with fewer restrictions
Contrary to the “thug in a poorly-fitting suit” motif placed on their operatives and a much more prevalent
of American cinema, Russian spies are clever and public presence. Founded in 1994, FAPSI is responsible
industrious, recognized in the world’s intelligence for most communications security in Russia, and moni-
community for long-term planning, stealth, and guile. tors most mail and computer, phone, and radio traffic
During the Cold War, they specialized in the slow, that passes through the nation. It also handles crypto-
meticulous cultivation of foreign spies, a reputation that graphic security, completing the parallel with NSA.

Shadowforce Archer
FAPSI’s mission is loosely defined, allowing it to directly impacts the enemy’s assets or there’s a clear and
justify almost any activity, including the interception present danger to the entire world. This leaves the
and invasion of financial and security transactions, and Russians’ long-time allies in the PAC to pick up the
monitoring Internet use by private citizens. Some pieces throughout the region. On the home front, the
rumors hold that FAPSI has made progress compromising Confederacy is turning more and more to their counter-
the banks and businesses of other nations in its effort to parts in Company for assistance against what is proving
protect Russia’s interests. a superior military foe. The Confederacy’s surviving
FAPSI has many resources at its disposal, including elements have found American funding and willingness
a private high-frequency satellite network, SIGINT to partake in semi-covert strikes an enormous help in
(signals intelligence) facilities all around the world, and the war to retake the Motherland. Once again, history
several commercial enterprises (including radio bands it makes for strange bedfellows.
leases to corporations and a host of email networks, Damage Control: The Russian chamber was already
banks, and government installations). in such a shambles when the Shop broke with Archer
Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR): Like FAPSI, the that one might think there was little more harm that
SVR has taken over some of the KGB’s responsibilities could be done. Not true. The Confederacy’s independent
following the fall of the Iron Curtain; specifically, cells rely heavily upon the technological edge and extra
it collects political, economic, scientific, technical, personnel provided by the Conspiracy. Without them,
and ecological intelligence (formerly the purview of the Archer’s finest on the Russian front line find themselves
KGB’s First Directorate). In practice, this means that the stretched incredibly thin, with the promise that
SVR steals business and technical intelligence to aid conditions will only get worse as the months drag on.
Russian businesses, controls a great number of foreign Dirty Little Secrets: The Russian Confederacy has
moles, and conducts covert operations as necessary to long since let go of secrets from the outside world.
fulfill its charter. Their only secrets are kept from P.E.R.I.L. now.
Federal Security Service (FSB): The lion’s share of Leverage: Before P.E.R.I.L. became a concern,
Russia’s intelligence budget goes to the FSB, which the Confederacy infiltrated most major world govern-
handles counter-intelligence within the nation and ments (not making contact in nations where Archer
policing its military forces. The FSB also tracks Russia’s already had influence), as well as civilian and industrial
nuclear stockpile and counters the rampant illicit sectors. Many of these foreign cells remain loyal
trafficking of weapons through the Federation. Toward to the Confederacy today, and while some have returned
these ends, the FSB has devoted an entire department — to the Motherland to fight their new oppressors, others
Directorate “T” — to the training and field assignment of remain overseas to develop support for the Conspiracy,
counterterrorism teams. and their war at home. Still more remain on call to
Unlike FAPSI, the FSB has limited powers on Russian assist the Archer Foundation in times of need.
soil. It cannot tap phone lines, break and enter, Assets: Nearly all of the Confederacy’s assets now
or tamper with mail without court permission. belong to P.E.R.I.L. — all but the dogged determination
Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD): The tide of of the Chamber’s seasoned operatives.
corruption presently seeping across Russia is countered
by the Ministry for Internal Affairs (MVD), the Current Plotlines
Federation’s national police. The MVD maintains Most plotlines in Russia revolve around the conflict
departments for all aspects of crime-fighting — investi- between P.E.R.I.L. and the Confederacy; this section
gation, apprehension, and imprisonment. They manage begins there.
penitentiaries and labor camps and supervise paroled P.E.R.I.L. (Code: Black): The Project for Expansion,
prisoners, and their uniformed men and women bring Retribution, Iniquity, and Lies began in the Stalinist
miscreants to justice and fight riots, drug traffic, and the purges of the GRU and NKVD during the 1930s.
Organyzatia (Russian mob). P.E.R.I.L. was the brainchild of Lavrenty Pavlovich
Beria, a twisted and ambitious lieutenant of Josef Stalin
Playing the Great Game from 1938 until his death in 1953. Beria headed the
“I trust that this dawn will be as cold as the last… NKVD during the final purges, and eventually came to
yet my coat is thick and I have a heavy flask." control the Soviet Union’s intelligence and security
organs, making him one of the most powerful men in
— Nikolai Petrovich
Russia when the nation entered the Second World War.
Mission Management: In light of its pitched conflict
with P.E.R.I.L., the Russian Chamber is highly reluctant
to engage in any operation outside of Russia unless it

Shadow Communities
Lavrenty Beria was a despicable man whose public Operation BLUE ZEPHYR (Code: Red): Between glas-
deviance and ruthlessness were a pale glimmer of his nost in the late 1980s and the collapse of the Soviet
grand plan for the Motherland. Drawing upon the few Union, the western world has seen a rapid influx of
military and intelligence commanders he trusted (i.e. Russian immigrants. Some of these immigrants were in
those whom he had blackmailed or intimidated), Beria truth P.E.R.I.L. operatives, sent to establish a foothold in
laid the groundwork for a shadow government in Russia, the U.S. and European underworlds. By 1995, the
a silent echo of the Politburo ready to step in as the Company knew of the Russian Mafia presence in their
current cabinet slowly died off, resigned, or “vanished.” territory (the “Crazy Ivans”), as well as a pipeline
Josef Stalin worried that Beria had grown too strong, between the Motherland and the west coast of the U.S.,
and arranged to discredit him in January of 1953. But but Archer Control considered the problem beneath the
Beria had prepared for retaliation from all quarters, attention of the American Chamber.
even from Stalin, and left the Russian Premier mysteri- In 1997, the Ivans again made their presence known,
ously dead on the floor of his study, apparently the when agents of the Russian Confederacy arrived in Los
victim of a stroke. The true cause of Stalin’s death is still Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, and Miami to bring
unknown. their comrades home, dead or alive. The Company inter-
Beria’s luck ran out in December 1953, when he was cepted three of these attempts, but failed to safeguard
cornered and shot in the basement of the Moscow the Russians operating out of Miami, who were gunned
Military District Headquarters building, his body down near their homes. A formal Archer inquiry
torched with gasoline. But his horrid legacy survived. discovered that the hitmen were actually agents of
His shadow government reemerged, and gained new P.E.R.I.L., sent to eliminate competition in the U.S.
allies throughout the 1950s. With the Foundation’s But even this was a ruse. P.E.R.I.L. had sent the
involvement in the area, it became necessary to expand hitmen to undermine Company suspicion of their
its influence among the people of the nation. The dark earlier plants. With the Crazy Ivans now considered an
conspiracy contacted leaders of the Organyzatia crime isolated community unconnected to P.E.R.I.L., the real
syndicate, and the current form of P.E.R.I.L. began to work could begin. For the last four years, the Ivans have
take shape. been slowly making inroads all across the nation,
P.E.R.I.L. has been very careful in its seizure of solidifying their control and preparing for a prolonged
Russia, and is now firmly entrenched on every level of siege once the Company discovers them.
society and government. Many claim that they Last year, P.E.R.I.L. smuggled a special cargo into the
engineered the fall of the Soviet Union in preparation United States — Dr. Aleksei Jenkho, a mentalist of
for going public themselves, or instituting a puppet no small talent, specializing in chemistry. P.E.R.I.L
regime they could control without the trappings of considered Jenkho a key factor in their plot to seize
the old ways. Regardless, they have now achieved control of the American underworld. He brought with
everything that Beria set out to do; with only a few him a distilled version of the Hyperion physical adept
exceptions (most notably the Phantom Brigade in serum (NR2k/m), which soon filtered onto the streets
St. Petersburg and pockets of Confederacy resistance under the name “Rocket.”
throughout the nation), they are Russia. Rocket has since taken the U.S. drug scene by storm,
SMERSH (Code: Red): Smersh, Josef Stalin’s infa- replacing X as the rave favorite, and leaving tens of
mous “killer elite,” was publicly one of the greatest thousands hopelessly addicted. Rocket is also used by
threats to Lavrenty Beria. Privately, however, it was one Ivan-controlled gangs who are waging street wars with
of his greatest assets. Beria helped to found the group, the Italian mafia, the Yakuza, and other foreign
whose official name was Smert’ shpionam (or “death to underworld competitors. This conflict is reaching a fever
spies”). At first part of the NKVD, Smersh was firmly in pitch, throwing the ill-prepared Company off-guard
Beria’s camp, and he prepared it for Stalin. By the time while raking in millions for P.E.R.I.L.
the Premier assumed personal control of the organiza- The Novelist (Code: Yellow): The Millennium brought
tion in 1943, it was completely in Beria’s palm, and with it many incredible developments, including the
remained there until his death, when the group’s alle- Foundation’s revelation that there is a leak in their sys-
giance transferred to his shadow government. tem. A privately published semi-fictional novel entitled
Smersh officially disbanded in 1946, though its My Life as a Secret Agent (released in January 2000)
services were retained by the shadow government and depicts in excruciating detail many Archer protocols,
it was reinstated after the formation of P.E.R.I.L. challenges, and agents. Though authored anonymously,
Today, Smersh acts as P.E.R.I.L’s shock troops, conducting it is clear to the Foundation that someone in their orga-
paramilitary raids against Confederacy burrows and nization is releasing vital secrets to the outside world.
enforcing the criminal organization’s whims.

Shadowforce Archer
Many of the most sensitive details originate in Russia,
where the Foundation has directed its attention so far.
Whether the leak comes from the Confederacy, P.E.R.I.L.,
or both, remains to be seen.

The Confederacy Genre Codename: THESEUS

The Russian Confederacy’s genre features stark Aliases: None
contrasts in a shadowy world of bleak nihilism. There Archer Identity Number: 89-349012-659
are heroes in the Confederacy’s story, but they must Nationality: Russian
often take the role of “antihero,” forced to make hard Gender: Male Handedness: Right
choices and suffer incredible sacrifices to get the job Height: 6 ft. 3 in. Weight: 200 lbs.
done. Stories are bittersweet here, and the legacy of Eyes: Black Hair: Black, thinning
corruption and gloom linger as a dark cloud over the Psion Class: Non-latent
entire region. But these facets of the Russian Place of Birth: Irkutsk, Russia
Confederacy also make for one of the strongest Date of Birth: 1951.09.07
roleplaying experiences in Shadowforce Archer; with Distinguishing Characteristics: Signature symbol on
the odds stacked so high against agents and so much epaulettes (Phantom Brigade emblem), signature
history to overcome, their victories are likely to be all weapon (Tula-Tokarev 1930 with hammer and sickle on
that much more fulfilling. palm grip)

Archetypes: Angel from the TV series Angel, Decker Background

from Blade Runner, Cable, Carl Stargher (the powerful A career military man and Communist hardliner,
villain) from The Cell, Major Maxim and Natalia Kassle Nikolai Petrovich has always been there for Mother
from Danger Girl, Ramius from The Hunt for Red Russia, even when she wasn’t there for him. His fierce
October, Remo Williams from the movie Remo Williams: devotion to the state earned him several important posts
the Adventure Begins, the villains from Dick Tracy and over the years, including a several-year stint with the
The Rocketeer. KGB during the height of the Cold War. But none of his
assignments have brought him more pride than
Inspirations command of the Phantom Brigade, the Red Army’s
When seeking inspiration for the Russian foremost stealth unit.
Confederacy, look to the classic espionage epics set in Nikolai was only recently recruited into the Archer
World War II (or, for that matter, any classic Cold War Conspiracy, as part of the effort to reclaim Russia from
intrigue piece), and juxtapose it with elements of the the clutches of P.E.R.I.L. His service record speaks for
following mainstream resources. itself, but his ardent distaste for change and resolute
political views kept him off the short list for many
Books: 100 Bullets, Concrete, Gangland, Red Tide, years. Today, however, these traits are welcomed in the
Sam and Twitch, Sin City, Spawn, Strike Force: Russian Confederacy as signs of loyalty to the past, and
Morituri, Suicide Squad (first 30 issues of original dedication to return Russia to its former glory.
volume), and The Tenth (all comic books), anything by Nikolai’s long-standing personal hatred of P.E.R.I.L.
James Bryon Huggins (Cain, Hunter, Leviathan). and virtual control of the rebel city of St. Petersburg
Movies: Alphaville, Carrie 2: The Rage, Crimson make the him the perfect candidate to spearhead
Tide, Dark City, Dick Tracy, DOA (both versions), Archer’s operations in Russia. The help of his Phantom
the Godfather movies, The Hunt for Red October, Brigade, who have been chemically transformed into
Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade (OAV), The Lady From some of the most fearsome warriors on the face of the
Shanghai, The Maltese Falcon, North by Northwest, Earth, is no small boon for the Foundation, either.
Notorious, Reds, Rocketeer, Rocky IV, Scarface, Spawn,
The Third Man, The Untouchables, Vertigo.
TV Shows: Amerika (mini-series), Batman: The
Animated Series and Batman Beyond, The Burning
Zone, The Untouchables.
Music: Crimson Tide score, Dead Can Dance,
The Hunt for Red October score, gothic and industrial.

Shadow Communities
Low-Level Version Common Gadgets: Palmprint identifier on 9mm
(Mark II “Backfire” Edition with tracking modification)
Chamber: The Russian Confederacy
Department: Black Ops (5) High-Level Version
Class: Soldier
Chamber: The Russian Confederacy
Level: 1
Department: Black Ops (5)
Strength: 16 Dexterity: 12 Class: Soldier
Constitution: 18 Intelligence: 14 Level: 15
Wisdom: 10 Charisma: 9
Strength: 17 Dexterity: 12
Vitality: 16 Wounds: 22 Constitution: 20 Intelligence: 14
Wisdom: 10 Charisma: 10
Defense: 11 (+0 class, +1 Dex)
Initiative Bonus: +2 (+1 class, +1 Dex) Vitality: 173 Wounds: 24
Speed: 30
Defense: 17 (+6 class, +1 Dex)
Fort: +8 Ref: +2 Will: +2 Initiative Bonus: +13 (+12 class, +1 Dex)
Speed: 30
Skills: Climb +3, Demolitions +2, Driver +2,
Intimidate +3, Jump +3, Spot +2, Tumble +2 Fort: +16 Ref: +8 Will: +7
Feats: Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Toughness Skills: Balance +8, Bureaucracy +9, Climb +7,
Demolitions +14, Driver +8, First Aid +5,
Attacks Intimidate +18, Jump +7, Profession (Military) +12,
Tula Tokarev (9mm service pistol) +2 1d10 Spot +6, Survival +9, Tumble +9

Mid-Level Version Feats: Cleave, Cleaving Charge, Endurance, Great

Cleave, Great Fortitude, Improved Weapon Focus
Chamber: The Russian Confederacy
(sword), Iron Will, Lay Down Fire, Point Blank Shot,
Department: Black Ops (5)
Power Attack, Precise Shot, Toughness (2x), Weapon
Class: Soldier
Focus (sword), Weapon Master (sword)
Level: 8
Strength: 16 Dexterity: 12 Attacks
Constitution: 20 Intelligence: 14 Tula Tokarev (9mm service pistol) +16 1d10
Wisdom: 10 Charisma: 9 Dress sword * +20 1d8+6
* Error with a roll of 1-3, instead of 1-2
Vitality: 99 Wounds: 22
Gear: NBC suit (at Leningrad base), Russian military
Defense: 14 (+3 class, +1 Dex) jeep (stolen after he left service)
Initiative Bonus: +7 (+6 class, +1 Dex)
Common Gadgets: Palmprint identifier on 9mm
Speed: 30
(Mark II “Backfire” Edition with tracking modification)
Fort: +13 Ref: +5 Will: +4
Skills: Balance +6, Bureaucracy +5, Climb +5,
Demolitions +7, Driver +5, First Aid +5, Intimidate +10,
Jump +5, Profession (Military) +7, Spot +2,
Codename: CHARON
Survival +5, Tumble +5
Aliases: The “Bogeyman”
Feats: Cleave, Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Point Archer Identity Number: 43-817437-099
Blank Shot, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Toughness, Nationality: Russian
Weapon Focus (Dress sword) Gender: Male Handedness: Left
Height: 5 ft. 10 in. Weight: 140 lbs.
Attacks Eyes: Steel-gray Hair: Black
Tula Tokarev (9mm service pistol) +9 1d10 Chemical Enhancement: Grade A
Dress sword * +12 1d8+6 Place of Birth: Vilnius, Lithuania
* Error with a roll of 1-3, instead of 1-2 Date of Birth: 1964.03.12
Distinguishing Characteristics: None (until he
Gear: NBC suit (at Leningrad base), Russian military
transforms — see below)
jeep (stolen after he left service)

Shadowforce Archer
Low-Level Version
Chamber: The Russian Confederacy
Department: Urban Assault (4)
Class: Soldier
Level: 6
Strength: 11 Dexterity: 14
Constitution: 10 Intelligence: 16
Wisdom: 9 Charisma: 9
Vitality: 45 Wounds: 10
Defense: 14 (+2 class, +2 Dex)
Initiative Bonus: +7 (+5 class, +2 Dex)
Size: Medium/Large
Speed: 30
Fort: +5 Ref: +5 Will: +1
Skills: Balance +10, Bluff +2, Climb +2, Demolitions
+8, Driver +4, Intimidate +10, Jump +2, Spot +2,
Survival +4, Tumble +5
Feats: Cleave, Darting Weapon, Expertise, Flashing
Weapon, Point Blank Shot, Power Attack, Precise Shot

9mm service pistol +8 1d10
Survival knife +7 1d6+2
Background Mid-Level Version
Uri Stazlaus plays a very dangerous game. Publicly
Chamber: The Russian Confederacy
Nikolai Petrovich’s right-hand man (and frequently a
Department: Urban Assault (4)
lieutenant of the Phantom Brigade when Nikolai is
Class: Soldier
abroad), he is actually a double agent working for
Level: 13
P.E.R.I.L. A loyal Communist like Nikolai, Uri believes
that his boss’s mission of state liberation is misguided, Strength: 11/19 Dexterity: 14
and that Mother Russia should rule the world. Constitution: 10 Intelligence: 16
This sentiment made him quite vulnerable to the Wisdom: 9 Charisma: 9
advances of Davros Oleksandre, who offered the soldier
Vitality: 92 Wounds: 14
a place in the new order once Russia is dragged out of
the ashes. Defense: 17 (+5 class, +2 Dex)
Uri is familiar with wearing two faces. When he was Initiative Bonus: +12 (+10 class, +2 Dex)
exposed to the AGAMEMNON virus, he did not Size: Medium/Large
automatically transform like his comrades, but instead Speed: 30
gained the ability to shift between his human shape
Fort: +8 Ref: +8 Will: +3
(which many claim is monstrous without the effects of
the bio-agent) and that of a 8’ tall albino predator called Skills: Balance +15, Bluff +7, Climb +7/+11,
the “Bogeyman.” Armed with lightning-fast reflexes Demolitions +13, Driver +9, Intimidate +14, Jump
and deadly natural weapons, the Bogeyman hunts spies +6/+10, Spot +7, Survival +9, Tumble +10
in the outer ruins of Leningrad and the icy wastes of the
Feats: Assassin, Cleave, Cleaving Charge, Darting
Motherland, maintaining appearances until P.E.R.I.L.
Weapon, Expertise, Flashing Weapon, Great Cleave,
moves to take the city. When that time comes, Uri will
Master Assassin, Point Blank Shot, Power Attack,
be ready to turn on his old friends and assume his role
Precise Shot, Trail of Blood, Weapon Focus (Claw)
in a new and more powerful Russia.
As yet, Nikolai is unaware of his lieutenant’s betrayal,
relying on his old friend like a brother.

Shadow Communities
Charon Chem: This Chem looks and works just like a
hybrid of Muscle and Endure, and requires a half action
to activate. In monstrous form, Uri gains +8 STR and all
the benefits of Endure. He can maintain the form for up
to 10 hours, after which he must rest for a length of time
equal to the time for which he was in monstrous form. MASTERMIND
The Charon Chem requires injections of a special vari- Codename: TROPHONIUS
ant Chem known only to Uri and his P.E.R.I.L. allies, Aliases: Dimitri Denosov, Grigor Alshenko
which must be taken once every two weeks or he suffers Archer Identity Number: 88-091289-774
all the drawbacks of both Muscle and Endure. Uri is the Nationality: Russian
only known case of the Charon Chem. Gender: Male Handedness: Right
Height: 5’7” Weight: 160 lbs.
Attacks Eyes: Black, icy Hair: Black, clean-cut
9mm service pistol +15 1d10 Psion Class: Non-latent
(Claw) * +18 1d4+6 Place of Birth: Leningrad, Russia
* In monstrous form Date of Birth: 1955.08.06
Distinguishing Characteristics: Thick, distinctive
High-Level Version Russian accent
Chamber: The Russian Confederacy
Department: Urban Assault (4) Background
Class: Soldier In late 1982, Russian Chamber Control Andrea
Level: 19 Komanich failed to report in. Inquiries revealed that she
had suffered a fatal stroke, and that steps were being
Strength: 12/20 Dexterity: 14
taken to replace her. Per established protocol,
Constitution: 10 Intelligence: 16
the Foundation demanded to review the new Control,
Wisdom: 9 Charisma: 9
a young military officer named Davros Oleksandre.
Vitality: 129 Wounds: 14 Oleksandre visited Australia for a month in the
summer of 1982, and underwent extensive evaluation
Defense: 10 (+8 class, +2 Dex)
by the Lords. He was accompanied by Lelandra Marks,
Initiative Bonus: +17 (+15 class, +2 Dex)
a P.E.R.I.L. operative and telepath of incredible power,
Size: Medium/Large
boosted exponentially by Project SUPERLUMINAL
Speed: 30
(see page 140). She protected him from Archer’s
Fort: +11 Ref: +10 Will: +5 interviewers and telepaths, guarding his many faithful
years of service to the criminal organization.
Skills: Balance +20, Bluff +7, Climb +16/+20,
After Oleksandre returned to Russia, he assumed
Demolitions +13, Driver +14, Intimidate +21, Jump
control of the Chamber, as well as P.E.R.I.L., and
+16/+20, Spot +12, Survival +14, Tumble +15
prepared for what he believed was a period of great
Feats: Assassin, Cleave, Cleaving Charge, Darting change. Contrary to most of the organization, he
Weapon, Expertise, Flashing Weapon, Great Cleave, believed that the time would soon come when P.E.R.I.L.
Improved Weapon Focus (Claw), Master Assassin, must reveal itself to Archer, and throw down the gauntlet
Master Duelist, Point Blank Shot, Power Attack, Precise in a new phase of the secret war. Privately, he has set
Shot, Rapid Shot, Trail of Blood, Ultimate Duelist, things in place to wage that war, strengthening
Weapon Focus (Claw), Weapon Master P.E.R.I.L.’s defenses and placing operatives to counter
the Foundation’s inevitable attack.
Charon Chem: As mid-level version, above.

9mm service pistol +22 1d10
(Claw) * +27 1d4+17
* In monstrous form

Shadowforce Archer
Low-Level Version Feats: Baby It, Demolition Derby, Firm Hand, Hold
Together Baby, Oversteer, Offensive Driving, Relentless
Chamber: The Russian Confederacy
Pursuit, Speed Demon, Test Lap
Threat: P.E.R.I.L.
Department: Home Office (0) Attacks
Class: Wheelman
.45 service pistol +12 1d10+2
Level: 2
Gear: None
Strength: 14 Dexterity: 16
Constitution: 12 Intelligence: 14 Common Gadgets: Radio tooth
Wisdom: 11 Charisma: 8
Vitality: 21 Wounds: 12
High-Level Version
Chamber: The Russian Confederacy
Defense: 14 (+1 class, +3 Dex) Threat: P.E.R.I.L.
Initiative Bonus: +4 (+1 class, +3 Dex) Department: Home Office (0)
Speed: 30 Class: Wheelman
Level: 16
Fort: +1 Ref: +6 Will: +0
Strength: 14 Dexterity: 16
Skills: Balance +4, Boating +5, Bureaucracy +4,
Constitution: 12 Intelligence: 15
Demolitions +4, Disguise +2, Driver +11, Escape
Wisdom: 13 Charisma: 9
Artist +4, Intimidate +4, Mechanics +2, Open Lock +4,
Perform (Public Speaking) +4, Pilot +5, Profession Vitality: 119 Wounds: 12
(Military) +4, Spot +4, Surveillance +4, Survival +4
Defense: 23 (+10 class, +3 Dex)
Feats: Offensive Driving, Speed Demon Initiative Bonus: +13 (+10 class, +3 Dex)
Speed: 30
Fort: +6 Ref: +13 Will: +6
.45 service pistol +5 1d10+2
Skills: Balance +6, Boating +16, Bureaucracy +11,
Gear: None
Demolitions +10, Disguise +7, Driver +26, Escape
Common Gadgets: Radio tooth Artist +6, Intimidate +18, Mechanics +2, Open
Lock +6, Perform (Public Speaking) +12, Pilot +16,
Mid-Level Version Profession (Military) +15, Spot +8, Surveillance +10,
Chamber: The Russian Confederacy Survival +10
Threat: P.E.R.I.L.
Feats: Advanced Skill Mastery (Speed Demon),
Department: Home Office (0)
Baby It, Defensive Driving, Demolition Derby, Firm
Class: Wheelman
Hand, Grand Skill Mastery (Speed Demon), Hold
Level: 9
Together Baby, Instant Hotwire, Lane Dancer,
Strength: 14 Dexterity: 16 Oversteer, Offensive Driving, Relentless Pursuit, Speed
Constitution: 12 Intelligence: 14 Demon, Test Lap
Wisdom: 13 Charisma: 8
Vitality: 73 Wounds: 12
.45 service pistol +19 1d10+2
Defense: 18 (+5 class, +3 Dex)
Gear: None
Initiative Bonus: +8 (+5 class, +3 Dex)
Speed: 30 Common Gadgets: Radio tooth
Fort: +4 Ref: +9 Will: +4
Skills: Balance +6, Boating +9, Bureaucracy +6,
Demolitions +8, Disguise +5, Driver +18, Escape Artist
+6, Intimidate +11, Mechanics +2, Open Lock +6,
Perform (Public Speaking) +7, Pilot +9, Profession
(Military) +10, Spot +6, Surveillance +8, Survival +8

“They’re stronger than we give them credit
for, you know. The rest of the world.
That’s what makes them so very dangerous.”
– Tien-Kai Tsong,
Pan-Asian Collective

The Outside
Shadowforce Archer
While terrorism and the Israel-Palestinian struggle
REGIONS are Middle Eastern buzzwords and dangerous darlings
of the media, they are not the only concerns for groups
like the Guardians. The following are “active case files”
This section deals with two areas which only irregu- or issues that require constant protection/surveillance.
larly fall within any one Chamber’s shadow community, Dual Jurisdictions: There are currently two nations
and which are therefore hotbeds of espionage activity. who fall into dual jurisdiction status: Egypt and Libya.
While both clearly belong to Africa, and thus overlap
The Middle East with African Alliance territory, these two nations’
The Middle East the world recognizes today is involvement in Middle Eastern affairs places them
a messy aftermath of 20th century colonialism. under the Guardians’ political mandate. This collision
Its Mediterranean shores have fallen under the rule of a of jurisdictions has resulted in interpersonal clashes
host of conquerors, both foreign and domestic, who between both factions whenever Libya or Egypt
built empires rather than countries. The Guardians of volunteers to host the Pan-Arab Summits.
the Whispering Knife remember these centuries well. Oil: Oil is an economic nuclear bomb, and until
Tracing their lineage as far back as the Zealot dagger recently, OPEC (the Organization of Petroleum
men who fought Roman occupation, the Guardians owe Exporting Countries) has had its finger on the switch.
no fealty to any specific country or religion currently Saudi Arabia’s expansive oil fields provide many
defining the face of the Middle East. nations with their sole source of petroleum. With Russia
Unfortunately, the Middle East remains a fractured opening up the Caspian Sea oil fields and undercutting
wall and not as wholly united as the media would have the Organization with its price for crude, however,
people believe. Thus the Guardians and all regional the OPEC juggernaut is slowly floundering. This has
operatives must familiarize themselves with its 16 pitted the Guardians against the Russian Confederacy as
unique nations if they wish to operate with an informed of late.
mind. Terrorism: Many Arab nations fear terrorism as
greatly as the Western Hemisphere does, and not all
Traveling terrorism is Arabic or Islamic. Middle-Eastern
Movement between Middle Eastern countries is a terrorism is often a herald of political dissatisfaction
tricky endeavor. Many local nations require visas in and a move against the ruling body. When the
advance, and routinely turn travelers away. Exceptions Ayatollah Khomeini overthrew the Shah in 1979,
include Bahrain, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey, 300 radicals stormed the Grand Mosque in Mecca and
all of which allow tourists to apply for visas upon land- took worshippers hostage. Over 250 people died in the
ing. The same holds for British travelers visiting the 10 days it took to retake the mosque. Ever since, Saudi
United Arab Emirates (UAE). Both Kuwait and Qatar Arabia has feared a popular revolt from conservative
require someone to sponsor anyone seeking a visa, factions. Turkey and Iraq regularly commit atrocities
though most reputable hotels can provide this service. against the Kurds and Armenians, resulting in higher
Iraq’s borders are currently closed to visitors. terrorist activity; meanwhile the Mujahedin Khalq
Ways around this problem include bribes and Organization, a group operating in Iraq with 35%
entering by ground from another Arab country. female membership, wishes to liberate Iran… not to
The latter solution is safest because many Middle mention the Palestinian liberation cells operating from
Eastern countries allow for “transit” visas across their Southern Lebanon or training camps in Syria, or the
territory for travelers trying to reach another nation by Israeli extremists who assassinated Prime Minister
car. Notable exceptions include Iraq and Iran, who mine Rabin for seeking concessions with the Palestinians.
each other’s borders almost daily (average of 25 mines
per square mile), and Israel. Most Middle Eastern The Black Market
nations refuse someone entry if their passport has an The Middle East’s black market is growing steadily
Israeli stamp inside. Egypt and Jordan are far more thanks to its proximity to former Soviet-run Azerbaijan,
forgiving of this (on condition of a small “gift”), and Armenia, and Turkmenistan. A steady supply of
smart agents carry passports with false pages that they Russian-made weapons, helicopters, and tanks find their
can rip out in an emergency. way into the Middle East through Iran and Iraq.
Meanwhile Syria’s military ruling body, the Ba’ath,
relies on its old contacts within Soviet Russia, hiring

The Outside World
specialists and mercenaries from the former Cold War Travel
power. There are also allegations that P.E.R.I.L. cells While South American roads are something of a
operate in the highest echelons of Syria’s government local joke, river travel and air power make a sizable
thanks to the Russian advisors. portion of the continent readily accessible. The physical
obstacles and sheer size of the region are often more
South America daunting than the legal hurdles. While traditional
When the signatory members of the Archer Pact first requirements for passports and visas remain in place,
put pen to paper, South America was little more than most areas are so rife with corruption that a few
an impoverished backwater, a place of such minute hundred dollars paves the way for all but a column
political and economic importance that the region never of armored tanks. Paradoxically, high-class accommo-
receive a position within the proposed chambers. Both dations dot the larger cities as much of the region relies
the Archer Foundation and the Company kept an eye on on the lucrative tourist trade. Outside of the major
the area, but they believed that no true menace to world urban areas, hotels become almost non-existent, and
stability could arise in the region. This belief was wrong. agents may find themselves boarding with a local or
The first radical shift in the region followed the close more likely roughing it.
of World War II. Rumors surfaced that the Demagogue's
elite inner circle, the Hand of Glory, escaped to secret Hotspots
Argentinean bases and that the Demagogue himself While the entire region is “out of control” by Archer
might have accompanied them. While no reputable standards, a number of different factors regularly top
agency of the day could confirm these rumors, their regional director's action item lists.
effect was electric. Hundreds, possibly thousands, Dual Jurisdictions: The Foundation has a tendency to
of Nazis trickled into the region. Whether the Hand of trip over its own feet in South America like nowhere
Glory ever truly relocated there or not, it became a else. The Company has long considered the region
recruiting ground and hiding place for hundreds of "North America's backyard,” and take a downright
sympathizers. This immediately brought the region proprietary attitude toward Foundation business in the
to the Conspiracy’s attention, but it was too late to region. Many speculate that past embarrassments have
establish the widespread penetration it enjoys made them unusually touchy. The Archer Foundation
elsewhere. and the PAC also have ties in the region. With massive
The situation deteriorated further as cocaine became immigration and investment by the Japanese,
a major export. Cartels rapidly arose to manage growth, Pan-Asian operatives are common in the area. Finally,
processing and distribution of the drug. These financial patriotic elements of Room 39 flooded the region during
juggernauts quickly acquired private armies and the Falkland Islands conflict and many of them put down
networks of informants spanning the globe. The influ- roots after seeing the local level of disorder first-hand.
ence of the cartels over local governments eroded Cartels: With P.E.R.I.L.’s blessing, the local overlords
the Foundation’s efforts to gain control in the area, as have begun to strike against the Foundation directly in
powerful overlords bought and sold entire governments this region. This is the start of the Foundation’s first true
and assassination and terror became commonplace. The hot war, a fight they may not be prepared for.
Company spearheaded an effort to destroy the cartels, The Company continues to amp up the firepower,
but met with only limited success. Recently, the rogue but the Foundation’s sanctions make this slow-building
elements of P.E.R.I.L. began funneling information and fight an uphill battle.
resources to the cartels. Emeralds: South America has always been a major
The modern South American landscape is a collage world supplier of emeralds, but with the Shop’s
of extremes: endless expanses of the Amazon Basin defection, this production has taken on a sinister new
nestled against the unforgiving starkness of the Andes light. Many of the Shop's newest gadgets contain
Mountains. Vast arid stretches lie only hours from the minute flecks of emeralds in their circuitry. While the
greatest rainforest in the world. The human landscape Foundation's best remaining mentalists struggle to
is just as diverse, with lavish mansions of the cartel untangle the principles behind these new devices,
overlords not far from some of the worst slums on simple chemical analysis has conclusively proven that
Earth. High-tech industry has taken root in the same all the gems come from Ecuadorian mines, possibly as
countries where old-fashioned cowboys still herd live- few as three. These enormous pits of black earth and
stock from horseback. More than anywhere else, agents heavy machinery rank amongst the most dangerous
here risk injury and even death from the local wildlife work environments imaginable (dozens of native workers
— not to mention P.E.R.I.L. operatives in Brazil. die each year), and it would be a serious understatement
to describe security as “tight.”

Shadowforce Archer
about them, which they promptly pass along to their
audience through discreet channels.
The original Eyes of Argus are:

Jonathan Black: Foreign

After high school, Johnny grabbed a backpack and
took a season off in Europe, always keeping meticulous
notes. Six months later, a small overseas publisher
offered to print excerpts from his journal and fund
another six months of travel. Since then, he has written
about several foreign countries, using the pen-name
"Johnny B. Goode.” His guides are useful, but hard to
Jonathan’s travels placed him in a position to
physically spy on many of the Eyes’ targets.
Unfortunately, he may have come too close to one of
them — Sabine Albrecht (an alias for Eva Kraus; see
page 156). Johnny vanished shortly before Argus was
revealed, and is still missing.

Augustus Gentry: Photo and

Historical Analyst
A Professor of Germanic Religion and a practicing
pagan Germanic priest, or Godhi, Augustus spends most
of his time teaching classes in Norse Mythology or
working on the many papers he publishes under his real
YES OF name every year.

Gregory Kean: Webmaster

Gregory Kean ("Greg" to his friends) graduated from
the University of Miami in 1996 with a BS in Computer
Founded in 2000, the Eyes of Argus have two
Science after spending many hours in the Indy Lab.
primary missions. Their charter is to ferret out events
Until the Argus website went down, he lived
linked to the Archer Conspiracy, and bring them to the
in California and worked as a computer technician,
public’s attention. Privately, the Eyes are also interested
devoting his spare time to the group’s online concerns.
in conspiracies and cover-ups in general, and they
Since then he has lost touch with them, returning to a
posted their theories on the Argus website prior to its
(mostly) normal life.
unexpected shutdown.
Once, the Eyes relied on their audience to keep them Carl McGee: Reporter
safe; so long as it was more dangerous for Archer to
Carl is a 20-year veteran reporter who might have
eliminate them than to leave them be, the Eyes
had a future in real journalism if it weren't for his big
remained safe from direct retribution. Unfortunately,
mouth — and integrity. Until last year, Carl jumped from
since their founder went into hiding (see opposite),
job to job, always hoping for a real gig with a real news-
the site has apparently gone down, replaced with a page
paper, but spent most of his time writing for various
for a Foundation front company. Most of the Eyes have
tabloids. Carl’s work with the Eyes was perhaps broader
followed Argus; a few suffered worse fates.
than others’, focusing not only on the Archer
Membership Conspiracy but many others as well. Carl continues to
write, undaunted by the loss of the Argus website.
With the Argus website down, the Foundation has
turned its attention to the real problem — Argus himself “Peregrine”: Informant
— leaving the individual Eyes to their own devices. Most
Argus’ “insider” with the U.S. Intelligence community,
of them continue the effort privately, using the
Peregrine provided the Eyes with information that
Foundation’s search for Argus to gain new information
otherwise would have been unavailable. Peregrine has

The Outside World
followed Argus into hiding, hoping that the buffer he Russian Confederacy. For her death, which he could not
placed between himself and the other Eyes will be forgive, he will force the Foundation into the open to
enough to keep him safe. answer for their many “crimes against society,” or die
David Russell: Financier
A prominent financier during the 1980s, David Low-Level Version
managed the Eyes’ finances until the upset. He has since Threat: Eyes of Argus (formerly Room 39)
returned to his position with the high-profile online Department: Home Office (D-0), retired
trading company NetGains. His loyalties, if he has Class: Pointman
decided them, remain his personal domain. Level: 3
Strength: 16 Dexterity: 12
Constitution: 14 Intelligence: 18
MASTERMIND Defense: 2 (+1 class, +1 Dex)
Aliases: Argus, The “Ghost” Initiative Bonus: +2 (+1 class, +1 Dex)
Nationality: British Speed: 30
Gender: Male Handedness: Right
Fort: +4 Ref: +3 Will: +7
Height: 5 ft. 10 in. Weight: 160 lbs.
Eyes: Black Hair: Black, thinning Skills: Bluff +5, Computers +12, Concentration +7,
Psion Class: Non-latent Cultures +5, Driver +2, First Aid +10, Forgery +5,
Place of Birth: Sussex, England Knowledge (Archer Secrets) +12, Knowledge (Room 39
Date of Birth: 1939.01.06 Secrets) +12, Occult +4, Open Lock +3, Search +6,
Distinguishing Characteristics: Always wears black Sense Motive +8
gloves, carries sword-cane
Feats: Mathematical Genius, Power Attack,
Background Scholarly
Argus has been a thorn in the Archer Foundation’s Attacks
side for many years. First appearing as the “Ghost,”
Sword cane +5 1d6+3
a lone computer terrorist wreaking havoc in the
electronic records of Room 39’s Broken Seal, Argus Gear: Laptop computer (+4 rating)
spent years searching for something in the Foundation’s
Common Gadgets: None
files. Last year, presumably after finding it, he founded
the Eyes of Argus (see opposite), a group of (mostly) Mid-Level Version
uninvolved civilians, and charged them with bringing
Threat: Eyes of Argus (formerly Room 39)
Archer’s operations to light.
Department: Home Office (D-0), retired
Then, through an anonymous tip, the Foundation
Class: Pointman
discovered Argus’ true identity: Lord Reginald Savage,
Level: 10
formerly of Room 39 and a retired legend of the Cold
War. This news came as a powerful blow to the Strength: 16 Dexterity: 12
Foundation, which had always placed Savage on a high Constitution: 14 Intelligence: 18
pedestal. His attention to detail, blunt common sense, Wisdom: 20 Charisma: 10
and industrious nature foiled the plots of countless
Vitality: 80 Wounds: 14
criminal masterminds, and his eccentricities had never
failed to amuse. Defense: 15 (+4 class, +1 Dex)
But to the Foundation, Savage was now the same as Initiative Bonus: +5 (+4 class, +1 Dex)
the villains he had helped to bring down. The infor- Speed: 30
mation he’d sought for so long proved that the
Fort: +7 Ref: +6 Will: +12
Foundation had used Cleaners to liquidate everyone
affected by Helix’s psion plague in 1975 — including his
late wife, Katrina Danilova, a former agent of the

Shadowforce Archer
Skills: Bluff +12, Computers +12, Concentration +14,
Cultures +10, Driver +10, First Aid +14, Forgery +12,
Knowledge (Archer Secrets) +15, Knowledge (Room 39
Secrets) +17, Occult +8, Open Lock +9, Search +10,
Sense Motive +16
Feats: Cleave, Cleaving Charge, Mathematical
This calculating, ruthless organization rose from the
Genius, Power Attack, Scholarly
ashes of the dismantled Third Reich. Though this group
Attacks existed in many forms since then, it is known today as
The Hand of Glory.
Sword cane +10 1d6+3
Gear: Laptop computer (+4 rating) Goal
The Hand of Glory’s ultimate goal is simple: global
Common Gadgets: None
domination. To obtain its objective, the Hand causes
High-Level Version chaos, destruction, and terror, usually in specific,
strategic locations.
Threat: Eyes of Argus (formerly Room 39)
Department: Home Office (D-0), retired Bases
Class: Pointman
The Hand of Glory has bases and safe houses
Level: 17
scattered all over the world. Its primary headquarters,
Strength: 16 Dexterity: 12 however, lies in one of the most unforgiving environ-
Constitution: 14 Intelligence: 18 ments on the planet: Antarctica. Located on the Ronne
Wisdom: 20 Charisma: 10 Ice Shelf, the site resembles an insignificant exploration
outpost, exactly what its designers had in mind.
Vitality: 132 Wounds: 14
In truth, however, it is a futuristic fortress, fitted with
Defense: 18 (+7 class, +1 Dex) high-tech defenses, living and training quarters for
Initiative Bonus: +8 (+7 class, +1 Dex) hundreds of fanatical minions, a retractable airfield, and
Speed: 30 a submarine base beneath the ice.
Many Hand of Glory operations have focused on
Fort: +10 Ref: +9 Will: +15
protecting the location of their headquarters, including
Skills: Bluff +18, Computers +14, Concentration +23, the coercion of several world leaders, who later went on
Cultures +15, Driver +13, First Aid +18, Forgery +14, to ensure that the icy continent remain a world “free
Knowledge (Archer Secrets) +22, Knowledge (Room 39 zone.” This has largely allowed the organization to
Secrets) +24, Occult +15, Open Lock +16, Search +14, avoid public scrutiny.
Sense Motive +23 Other notable locations used by the Hand of Glory
include Lÿceanu Castle in the Carpathian Mountains
Feats: Cleave, Cleaving Charge, Great Cleave,
(where Hand soldiers are typically trained), Zumwald
Mathematical Genius, Power Attack, Scholarly, Trail of
Keep in Bavaria (where Hand recruits are often subjected
to mind-control conditioning derived from the
Attacks Demagogue’s frozen body — see page 46) and De Oro
Valley in Chile (where Hand scientists have set up
Sword cane +15 1d6+3
several research facilities).
Gear: Laptop computer (+4 rating)
Common Gadgets: None
Eva Kraus (see page 156) lords over the Hand
of Glory, and wields her authority with an iron fist.
Eva created the Hand, and considers every base, every
artifact, and every minion hers. She is not above
punishing those who disobey her orders, nor using
unsavory methods to do so.
The rest of the organization follows a loose
structure. Directly under Kraus stand her loyal
lieutenants. Politics among these twenty men and
women are incredibly cut-throat, both figuratively and

The Outside World
literally, each trying to one-up the others to gain influ- Zeta Omega Delta
ence and power. The four most successful (i.e. ruthless) A growing collegiate fraternity that has taken root in
use the dubious codenames Flashfire, Jackboot, Dozer, several prominent campuses in North America and
and Nova. Europe, Zeta Omega Delta holds its members to the
The lieutenants each command thousands of loyal higher standards. Only the best and brightest young
minions, recruited from almost every nation and social men are admitted after a careful screening process; they
class, who have come to see The Hand of Glory as an favor impressionable minds from rich families. The loy-
instrument to usher in a new age for humanity. The vast alties and contacts forged among its members serve to
majority of these men and women have been ritually shape and mold the future leaders of the Hand. Once a
brainwashed, their memories and personalities wiped pledge joins, he stays a Zeta Man for life.
away and replaced with a template created by Eva’s
brutal telepaths. After the process, Hand of Glory Funding
minions are literally incapable of betraying the organi- The Hand of Glory has been quite proficient in
zation, let alone disobeying a command. If ordered to, acquiring capital for its operations. It uses many illicit
they would readily die in battle (a purpose for which methods (arms and drug smuggling are two favorites),
Eva or her lieutenants will happily direct them should but also a surprising number of perfectly legal ventures.
they require a distraction). Minions work in squads Just because these enterprises are legitimate, however,
of ten to twenty, depending on the needs of each does not make them virtuous.
operation. Banks, savings and loans, and credit card companies
Lastly come those individuals and organizations that make great fronts for the Hand, allowing it to launder
serve the Hand of Glory without realizing it. Kraus has illegal money with ease. Investment and real-estate bro-
key agents pulling the strings of some of the world's kerages are also successful money makers, as are
most notorious militant groups, including the Neo-Nazis, Johnson, Macbane, and Sato (a multi-national firm spe-
Ku Klux Klan, Hamas, and many separatist militias. cializing in international law) and Grandeur Records (an
aggressive music label known for both its diverse artists
Recruiting Methods and popular boy bands).
For a secret organization, the Hand of Glory is
surprisingly well-staffed. Mercenaries, criminals, and
thugs make up a significant part of the rank and file,
kept in line through Kraus' personal charisma, the lure
of power, and any number of other base motives.
But the Hand needs average citizens as well and lures
them in using many methods.
One of the most effective recruiting techniques is
also one of the most subtle. Kraus witnessed firsthand
the effectiveness of propaganda wielded by
the Demagogue during the Second World War, and
now uses similar tactics for her own purposes.
Three of her lieutenants and dozens of her regular
sycophants hold key positions in popular media,
slipping subliminal messages into advertising and
entertainment with equal ease.
Two of the most successful forays include:

Mind Over Matter

Called a pseudo-religion by many, Dr. J.
Van Houston’s series of self-help books and
tapes have become a phenomenon over the past
thirty-five years, helping people "unlock their
ultimate potential and become fully actualized
human beings." Those who follow Houston's
advice and exercises unwittingly become more
susceptible to various subliminal messages the
Hand employs.

Shadowforce Archer
A significant number of freight, shipping and The Green Lucifer
trucking services around the world are at least partially Dedicated to the ideals of chaos and terror, the Hand
owned by agents of the Hand, and carry steady traffic of Glory has a new tool at its disposal — a little device
in materials, goods, and even troops. Attempts to Hand scientists dubbed “The Green Lucifer." About the
infiltrate passenger services such as airlines, rail size of a pack of cigarettes, the Green Lucifer emits an
companies, and even cruise ships have met with only ultrasonic frequency specifically designed to trigger
moderate success — partially due to the public nature of human adrenal responses, effectively enhancing any
these services, but primarily because the Archer emotion. With a radius of approximately thirty feet,
Foundation has already made significant progress with the device has proven especially adept at triggering
them. anger and hostilities. The Hand is preparing to use
The Hand has also made active use of various dozens of Green Lucifers at crowded events around the
segments of industry, sometimes to its advantage and world, from sporting venues to concerts to political
sometimes to its detriment (see Green Lucifer and Mr. rallies, as part of a larger operation.
Gaunt, below). The most profitable and serviceable
company is the international Iron Seed Corporation, Mr. Gaunt
which originated as a supplier of agricultural products Not every Hand research project yields results like
but quickly branched out into other lucrative areas — the Green Lucifer, much to the horror of scientists in
including service contracts for the United States, De Oro valley. At a discreet Iron Seed facility, doctors
Canada, Great Britain, Australia, Germany, and Israel. experimented with enhancing and controlling the
Funded by tax revenues, Iron Seed researches and abilities of some of the world's most brutal criminals.
produces everything from chemical agents for crops A subject known only as "Mr. Gaunt" became too
to environmentally friendly plastics. It really makes a powerful for his masters to manipulate and escaped,
profit, however, in secretly developing weapons for its leaving a trail of carnage behind him. Reports indicate
government patrons. Of course, Iron Seed covertly keeps that he has manifested stunning physical adept and
the technology for itself as well. telepath traits. Due to countless experimental
procedures, his body operates at an astonishing
Artifacts and Rituals metabolic rate and he appears impervious to pain.
Thanks to the secret source of Kraus' power (see
opposite), the Hand of Glory has a deep interest in
mystic artifacts and knowledge of occult importance.
Hand patrons routinely fund archaeological digs and
anthropological expeditions, and Hand agents often
infiltrate such expeditions, yielding the organization Aliases: Evelyn Schillingsfield, Eva Hitler
not only powerful relics but the educated minds that Nationality: British
understand them. The Hand originally focused its efforts Gender: Female Handedness: Right
on items of Germanic and Norse myth, but now hunts Height: 5 ft. 11 in. Weight: 150 lbs.
for items and secrets of all cultures. The Guardians Eyes: Blue Hair: White
of the Whispering Knife have had several bloody Mystic Class: Grade A (and beyond)
confrontations with the Hand of Glory. Both sides of Place of Birth: Bristol, England
this quiet war have vowed to destroy the other. Date of Birth: 1857.11.25
Ritual magic plays an important role in Kraus' Distinguishing Characteristics: Mystic symbol
schemes. She takes great care in cultivating Hand appears on palm when Eva draws on the mystic powers
members who have the belief and understanding of the entity within her
necessary to fuel these arcane rites, who can release
and control mystic energies unseen for centuries. Background
The Guardians of the Whispering Knife are keenly aware The Archer Foundation’s search for Eva Kraus, wife
of this influx of magical power and are doing their best of the man who became Helix and the founder of the
to counter it. Hand of Glory, is codenamed Hecate. This is a top
priority for all Chambers, with at least twenty agents
Current Plotlines assigned to it at any given time.
The Hand of Glory is behind many of the troubles in Eva was once known as Evelyn Schillingsfield, but
the Shadowforce Archer setting. Here are two of the she has not been human for decades. She was subsumed
current plots it has a hand in. by a vicious entity considered ancient even by the elder
Guardians of the Whispering Knife. This being uses her

The Outside World
as a tool to return the world to the state it remembers Mid-Level Version
from its birth: the Ice Age. Through this entity, Eva has
Threat: The Hand of Glory
received the wisdom of ages, incredible mystic power,
Department: None
and apparent immortality.
Class: Pointman
Yet she is still incomplete. Once, the entity within
Level: 14
her had a companion which ruled by its side, a being of
equal power but opposite temperament, a being of fiery Strength: 12 Dexterity: 10
wrath. Eva has spent the last hundred years searching Constitution: 16 Intelligence: 16
for this twin, buried by their enemies thousands of years Wisdom: 20 Charisma: 16
Vitality: 124 Wounds: 16
The Third Reich rose to power partly with her help,
as she recovered the third Minoan psion formula and Defense: 16 (+6 class)
granted its power to the Demagogue, Adolf Hitler. But Initiative Bonus: +6 (+6 class)
this was merely one step — at the end of World War II, Speed: 30
Eva trapped the Demagogue in a block of ice, lingering
Fort: +9 Ref: +6 Will: +14
between life and death, and used his powers of mind-
control to dominate her minions, the mystically- Skills: Bluff +11, Concentration +15, Cryptography
enhanced shock-troops of the Hand of Glory. +10, Cultures +20, Disguise +13, Escape Artist +12,
(Eva is a criminal mastermind — see page 246 for Gather Information +15, Hide +10, Innuendo +12,
details about her organization) Intimidate +14, Knowledge (The Ancients) +15,
Knowledge (Occult and Mystic Artifacts) +15,
Low-Level Version Languages +18, Listen +16, Move Silently +15,
Threat: The Hand of Glory Occult +18
Department: None
Feats: Blind Fight, Dodging Arts, Dodging Mastery,
Class: Pointman
Endurance, Kicking Arts, Martial Arts
Level: 7
Strength: 12 Dexterity: 10 Attacks
Constitution: 16 Intelligence: 16 Lightning Bolt Special 1d6/10 minions used
Wisdom: 18 Charisma: 16
Gear: 500 bonded minions
Vitality: 64 Wounds: 16
Defense: 13 (+3 class)
High-Level Version
Threat: The Hand of Glory
Initiative Bonus: +3 (+3 class)
Department: None
Speed: 30
Class: Pointman
Fort: +7 Ref: +4 Will: +9 Level: 20
Skills: Bluff +10, Concentration +10, Cryptography +8, Strength: 12 Dexterity: 10
Cultures +12, Disguise +10, Escape Artist +10, Constitution: 16 Intelligence: 16
Gather Information +10, Hide +10, Innuendo +10, Wisdom: 22 Charisma: 16
Intimidate +10, Knowledge (The Ancients) +10,
Vitality: 168 Wounds: 16
Knowledge (Occult and Mystic Artifacts) +10,
Languages +11, Listen +10, Move Silently +10, Defense: 18 (+8 class)
Occult +11 Initiative Bonus: +8 (+8 class)
Speed: 30
Feats: Dodging Arts, Endurance, Kicking Arts,
Martial Arts Fort: +12 Ref: +9 Will: +18

Attacks Skills: Bluff +13, Concentration +21,

Cryptography +13, Cultures +28, Disguise +18, Escape
Lightning Bolt Special 1d6/10 minions used
Artist +12, Gather Information +18, Hide +10,
Gear: 100 bonded minions Innuendo +24, Intimidate +25, Knowledge (The
Ancients) +15, Knowledge (Occult and Mystic
Artifacts) +21, Languages +24, Listen +16, Move
Silently +15, Occult +25

Shadowforce Archer
Feats: Blind Fight, Blindsight 5’ Radius, Dodging Bases
Arts, Dodging Mastery, Endurance, Kicking Arts,
The Shop spent many years preparing to leave the
Kicking Mastery, Martial Arts
Conspiracy, and by the time their plan went into action
Attacks earlier this year, they already had several isolated head-
quarters prepared. Each is a fully operational scientific
Lightning Bolt Special 1d6/10 minions used
research station protected by rogue operatives (and new
Gear: 2,000 bonded minions recruits) using weapons and vehicles stolen from Archer
or improved since the break.
The most frustrating feature of Shop outposts,
however, is that they are completely unconnected to the
rest of the organization. Of the four bases that Archer
operatives have discovered — outside Bangor, Maine
Nam et ipsa scientia potestas est. (U.S.A.); in Mors, Denmark; near Khaskovo, Bulgaria;
“Knowledge itself is power.” and along the coast northeast of Odessa in the former
Soviet Union—none was even equipped to contact
—Francis Bacon
another base, let alone the organization’s central
The newest threat to the Archer Foundation headquarters.
originates from within. The Shop — techno-wizards Each Shop outpost has a specific purpose which
capable of breaking the boundaries of ordinary science it fulfills without direction or support. For instance,
by virtue of the mentalist psion formula, captured from the directive of the Bangor installation was limited to
Helix in 1975 — has seceded from Archer, breaking free developing a single piece of technology — the anti-psi
and forming its own organization. In doing so, it has grenade (see page 204). The Mors base produced noth-
robbed the Foundation of one of its greatest strengths, ing but information, running an endless number of
the PsiTech with which it outwits its opponents. computerized spy-vs-spy simulations in a fractal-based
But the Shop’s break cuts much more deeply than virtual environment, many of which mirror recent Shop
the loss of PsiTech. Archer can no longer be sure of its operations. The Bulgarian outpost’s directive involved
own agents. The Shop belonged to the Conspiracy for using gene-splicing to produce an aggressive aberrant
over 25 years. It understands the system — and how to cell, although Archer was unable to determine what,
use it against the Foundation. Anyone might be an if any, use this cell had. Finally, the Odessa base —
Archer plant. The threat is not merely limited to former all nine acres of it — was devoted to building a piece of
(or current) Shop operatives. PsiTech three inches across, fully self-contained, with
no apparent link to any other device and no evident
Goal function.
The Shop’s reasons for breaking away are still Based on these limited examples, the Foundation has
unknown, though the Foundation is reasonably certain come to the conclusion that there are at least two types
that the mentalists have a grand scheme of some kind, of Shop bases at present. The first produces weapons
and that their betrayal was just the first step toward and devices of obvious purpose, such as the anti-psi
something much worse. Evidence of their plans dates grenade (though how the organization distributes such
back several years (at least — see “One Step Ahead,” items remains unknown), and the second focuses on
opposite), and Shop activity since the break has been parts of a larger program, most likely connected to the
much more frequent and well-executed than the reason the Shop broke away.
Foundation would expect from a reactive enemy.
Most Shop operations focus on medical and Organization
biomechanical research. Specifically, they have There must be a central office for the Shop, if with
performed several raids on leading unaligned research no other function than to send out the agent teams that
facilities, capturing samples of dangerous toxins, Archer is contending with of late. Unfortunately,
experimental vaccines, and (perhaps most worrisome) it appears that the most direct method of discovering
nanotechnology. In every case, they have sterilized the this base’s location — interviewing captured Shop
site, leaving no evidence trail. operatives — is not an effective option (see “One Step
Ahead,” opposite). Currently, the Foundation lacks even
the most rudimentary information to deduce its internal
organization, though there are two leading theories.

The Outside World
Some believe that everything the Foundation has Current Plotlines
seen about the Shop to date is a lie, a smokescreen
The Foundation works constantly to decipher the
built to keep Archer away from the true organization
logic behind the Shop’s actions. Two activities under
long enough for the Shop to achieve a certain level
review at this time are:
of strength or accomplish some sinister goal. In Archer’s
experience, this option is most plausible, though Stockholm, Sweden
The Shop has begun tracking Foundation
A minority theory holds that the Shop has only
movements in northern Europe, feeding currency
one important base, from which all active operations
marked with a low-grade radioactive isotope into the
originate; everything else supports this one group.
hands of local Archer agents. Commonwealth spies
Given the years of planning that went into the Shop’s
recently discovered this operation when they found the
rise as a criminal empire, most Archer strategists
isotope during a visit to a Confederacy Hot Suite
roundly reject this idea.
(biocontainment facility). Archer has not yet tipped off
Regardless of its organization, the Shop employs
the Shop, hoping to use the discovery to track the crim-
several important lieutenants to plan and lead
inal organization.
operations in the field. Archer has identified two
prominent Shop agents: Goose Bay, Newfoundland
• Kryptos: A Shop Pointman who delights in confusing After revealing Shop saboteurs at the Goose Bay
Archer’s operatives with complex personalized “games” military air base, a Company helicopter crew engaged
designed to conceal his real intentions (or just annoy them in a prolonged river chase. None of the Shop
the opposition). agents were captured, but the chase revealed a dangerous
new invention at their disposal — a synthetic armor the
• Strik-9: One of the most deadly individuals in the
Foundation calls Ballistic Flesh (see page 210).
world, Strik-9 is an inhumanly fast and agile genetic
mutation whose blood has been converted into a lethal
poison. Strik-9 employs a wide variety of blades which
he coats with samples of his own blood, though he
favors a pair which attach over his hands and extend six
inches out from each finger, allowing him to swipe
Aliases: Dennis March, Jason Östberg
directly at enemies. The attachments prick each finger,
Nationality: United States of America
draining just enough blood to automatically (and
Gender: Male Handedness: Right
continually) coat each blade.
Height: 5 ft. 10 in. Weight: 150 lbs.
One Step Ahead… Eyes: Brown Hair: Gray
Psion Class: Mentalist
Prior to its betrayal, the Shop employed most of the
Place of Birth: San Francisco, U.S.A.
world’s precogs (psions capable of limited future-sight).
Date of Birth: 1960.07.02
These men and women were remarkably handy, often
Distinguishing Characteristics: Bushy eyebrows,
receiving hunches about the proper devices to issue to
square jaw
agents who were about to go out into the field. Nearly
all of these men and women went with the Shop, and Background
now help the organization to stay one step ahead of the
Dennis Gray was practically born on the fast track to
stardom in the U.S. intelligence community. Almost a
The Shop has also developed a foolproof method for
year before graduating from UC Berkeley with a
protecting its agents’ secrets. Should telepaths attempt
Master’s in Computer Science, Gray was recruited into
to make contact with a Shop agent’s mind, a surgically
NSA, where he quickly made a name for himself and
implanted device emits lethal feedback, usually killing
attracted the attention of the Archer Foundation. Two
both parties. The few who have survived this experience
years later, after Archer decided that he was “Company
currently languish in a vegetative state, permanent
material,” Gray joined the Conspiracy as a specialist.
patients of the Foundation’s medical division. Archer’s
Gray became a Foundation agent during Operation
finest surgeons have attempted to physically remove the
GAINSBOROUGH in 1992, when he helped the Company
implants, though the attempt has always resulted in the
flush out a Shop mole in NSA. Unknown to his fellow
death of the Shop operative.
Archer agents, however, he was contacted by a second

Shadowforce Archer
Shop mole who offered him inside knowledge about his Defense: 18 (+5 class, +3 Dex)
new employers and a lucrative and powerful position in Initiative Bonus: +8 (+5 class, +3 Dex)
their criminal organization if he betrayed Archer. Speed: 30
So began nine years of scheming. His rise to
Fort: +5 Ref: +9 Will: +4
Chamber Control was a synthesis of charisma, careful
planning, and treachery, which left a powerful Shop ally Skills: Balance +5, Bluff +4, Boating +6,
in a position very close to the Foundation’s heart. Gray Bureaucracy +3, Computers +3, Cryptography +3,
used this position to secretly administer the Shop’s U.S. Demolitions +6, Disguise +5, Driver +8, Electronics +5,
interests and prepare for their betrayal; by 2002, much Intimidate +6, Mechanics +8, Open Lock +6, Pilot +8,
of the Company was connected to the Shop, whose Spot +6, Surveillance +6
departure nearly destroyed the Chamber. Gray spared
Feats: Defensive Driving, Grease Monkey, In My
them, however, perhaps in search of a worthy opponent.
Sights, Mobility, Offensive Driving, One Hand on the
(Dennis is a criminal mastermind — see page 244 for
Wheel, Shot on the Run, Sidestep, Speed Demon, Surge
details about his organization)
of Speed
Low-Level Version Attacks
Threat: The Shop (formerly The Company)
7.62×39 SAW machinegun +12 4d4
Department: None
.45 service pistol +12 1d10+2
Class: Wheelman
Level: 2 Common Gadgets: Sagittarius (his personal favorite),
ballistic flesh, anti-psi grenades (5)
Strength: 14 Dexterity: 16
Constitution: 13 Intelligence: 12 High-Level Version
Wisdom: 13 Charisma: 12
Threat: The Shop (formerly The Company)
Vitality: 18 Wounds: 13 Department: None
Class: Wheelman
Defense: 14 (+1 class, +3 Dex)
Level: 16
Initiative Bonus: +4 (+1 class, +3 Dex)
Speed: 30 Strength: 14 Dexterity: 17
Constitution: 14 Intelligence: 13
Fort: +1 Ref: +6 Will: +1
Wisdom: 13 Charisma: 13
Skills: Balance +4, Boating +6, Bureaucracy +2,
Vitality: 125 Wounds: 14
Computers +2, Cryptography +2, Driver +6,
Electronics +2, Intimidate +2, Mechanics +4, Pilot +6, Defense: 23 (+10 class, +3 Dex)
Spot +2, Surveillance +2 Initiative Bonus: +13 (+10 class, +3 Dex)
Speed: 30
Feats: Speed Demon, Surge of Speed
Fort: +7 Ref: +13 Will: +6
Skills: Balance +10, Bluff +8, Boating +10,
7.62×39 SAW machinegun +5 4d4
Bureaucracy +4, Computers +5, Cryptography +5,
.45 service pistol +5 1d10+2
Demolitions +11, Disguise +16, Driver +15,
Common Gadgets: Sagittarius (his personal favorite), Electronics +6, Intimidate +8, Mechanics +9, Open
ballistic flesh, anti-psi grenades (5) Lock +6, Pilot +10, Spot +6, Surveillance +7

Mid-Level Version Feats: Baby It, Defensive Driving, Diving Shot,

Grease Monkey, Hold Together Baby, In My Sights,
Threat: The Shop (formerly The Company)
Lock it Down, Mobility, Offensive Driving, One Hand
Department: None
on the Wheel, Shot on the Run, Sidestep, Speed
Class: Wheelman
Demon, Surge of Speed
Level: 9
Strength: 14 Dexterity: 17 Attacks
Constitution: 14 Intelligence: 12 7.62×39 SAW machinegun +19 4d4
Wisdom: 13 Charisma: 12 .45 service pistol +19 1d10+2
Vitality: 72 Wounds: 14 Common Gadgets: Sagittarius (his personal favorite),
ballistic flesh, anti-psi grenades (5)

“Now listen up, you international playboy maggots!
In the real world, all your mind games, chemical strength,
and parlor tricks won’t save your worthless hides!
Come Doomsday, all you have are your instincts,
and two weeks with me.”
– Nostrum,
The Archer Foundation

New Agent
Shadowforce Archer
3. Choose Class
Your agent may be from any class presented in
Spycraft. In addition, this book includes three new base
The standard process for creating an agent is
• Mentalist
• Physical Adept
• Telepath
described in Chapters 1-4 of the Spycraft Espionage
Handbook. This section is supplementary to that material, Each of these base classes is described in Chapter 5.
and presents the differences between designing an This book also presents five prestige classes —
agent for the Shadowforce Archer world setting, classes you must multiclass to enter, with certain
and designing one for a more generic setting. prerequisites you must fulfill before you can take them.

Unchanged Steps • Cat Burglar

• Counter-terrorist
Steps 0 (checking with your GC and the other
• Hacker
players), 1 (ability scores), 4 (assigning and adjusting
• Sniper
your ability scores), 5 (recording department and class
features), 6 (selecting skills), 8 (selecting backgrounds), Each of these prestige classes is described later in
9 (recording derived values), 10 (requisitioning starting this chapter.
gear), and 11 (fleshing out your agent) are all The final prestige class — the shadespeaker — is only
unchanged. available to Guardians of the Whispering Knife. It is
described in Chapter 6: The Mystic World.
1.5 Choose Chamber
Choose your agent’s original Chamber (where he was 7. Select Feats
recruited and trained) from the following list. In addition to the feats listed in the Spycraft
Espionage Handbook, most agents may also choose
• African Alliance
from mystic feats (see page 218), and if you are a psion
• Archer Foundation
psion, physical, mentalist, or telepath feats (see Chapter
• Company
5), as appropriate.
• European Commonwealth
• Guardians of the Whispering Knife Additional Agent Options
• Pan-Asian Collective
Shadowforce Archer presents a few more options,
• Room 39
some of which are only available to agents of certain
• Russian Confederacy
Chambers and backgrounds.
This added step has no mechanical effect on your Chemical monsters: Russian Confederacy agents
agent (outside of opening up a few feat and gear may, with GC approval, choose chems (see page 172)
choices). The Chambers are all equivalent in the basic to augment their agent. Chems are dangerous and
Shadowforce Archer setting. usually have a lasting effect on the agent and the game.
We do not advise GCs to include them in early
2. Choose Department Shadowforce Archer games.
Each of the Foundation’s Chambers has divisions New gadgets: A host of new gadgets (called
equivalent to the departments presented in Spycraft. “PsiTech” in Shadowforce Archer) can be found
Thus, your agent may come from any department, on page 203.
regardless of his Chamber (see next). Of course, some
combinations (especially some of the established depart-
ments, such as the Power Brokerage, being chosen by a
Guardian) may seem strange, but remember that the
Foundation actively exchanges agents between
Chambers to cross-pollinate skills and experience. Once
Prestige classes represent specific strengths of the
again, consult your GC if you have any questions, and
Archer Foundation, those agents who have specialized
eliminate any combinations you’re not comfortable
skills and abilities. Some prestige classes are story-
specific, while others are advanced professions,
specialties, or archtypes. Some prestige classes are

New Agent Options
obvious extensions of base classes (the hacker, Prestige classes are also highly effective for defining
for example, is an obvious extension of the snoop); the setting, personalizing it through its characters.
others are entirely new concepts.
Within this book, we’ve included five prestige classes, Prestige Class Core
with more to follow in each Shadowforce Archer Abilities
supplement. In most ways, prestige classes operate the same as
base classes — with one exception. You may gain the
Game Control Alert core ability of one prestige class in addition to the core
Prestige classes are always optional. Some may not ability of your base class. However, you only gain the
meet the tone or power level the GC has set for his core abilities of the first base class and the first prestige
game, and so he may always choose not to include a class you enter, no matter how many times you multi-
prestige class in his game. Classes banned for agents class thereafter.
should also be banned for NPCs.

Choosing a Prestige Class CAT BURGLAR

A newly created (1st-level) agent may not choose a
prestige class, as agents must meet certain requirements While fixers are usually well-suited for the
before multiclassing into them — often including a trespassing needs of a field team, they are not always
specified agent level and certain “in-game” conditions, adequately prepared to break into impossibly high
such as actions that must have been performed or security facilities, and evade the authorities after
membership in exclusive organizations. Once an agent completing the mission. Cat burglars excel at such
meets these requirements, however, he is free to multi- assignments. Masters of stealth, breaking and entering,
class into and out of these classes as if they were one of and second-story work, the cat burglars’ connections to
the six classes presented in the Spycraft Espionage the criminal underworld — specifically in the area of
Handbook. fencing or tracing stolen goods — can be extremely
All rules for multiclassing apply when choosing a useful, as can their formidable social skills.
prestige class. (See page 34 of the Spycraft Espionage Abilities: Cat burglars rely on a variety of Dexterity-
Handbook for more information about multiclassing.) based skills, so that is their most important ability.
Each of these prestige classes is described later in Intelligence plays a large role as well, to grant them the
this chapter. skill points for the wide array of skills at their disposal.
Vitality: 1d8 plus Constitution modifier per level
Losing Prerequisites
Should an agent gain levels in a prestige class, Requirements
then somehow no longer meet the prerequisites (for To become a cat burglar, an agent must meet all of
example, when a Sniper enters old age, his Dexterity the following requirements.
might fall below the prerequisite score), he loses all Agent Level: 5+
special abilities granted by that class. The agent still Climb: 8 ranks
retains the base attack bonus, saves, initiative bonus, Open Lock: 8 ranks
defense bonus, gadget points, and budget points granted Feats: Acrobatic, Master Fence
by the class, as well as any skills and feats he may have
acquired while a member of the class. Class Skills
The cat burglar’s class skills and key abilities are
Prestige Classes and NPCs listed below:
These classes are not available solely to agents;
Class Skill Key Ability
anything the agents can do unto others, can also be
Appraise Int
done unto them. The GC should feel free to create
Balance Dex
henchmen, foils, masterminds, and other NPCs — friend
Bluff Cha
or foe — with levels in a prestige class. Keep in mind,
Boating Dex
though, that prestige classes are a relative rarity. If the
Climb Str
agents run into snipers every mission, the novelty will
Concentration Wis
quickly wear thin. But when used sparingly, prestige
Craft Int
classes can easily contribute to creating a memorable
Driver Dex
villain or NPC.
Electronics Int

Shadowforce Archer
Escape Artist Dex
At 5th level, the agent may spend 1 BP or $100 in
Hide Dex
field expenses to acquire plans and equipment to ‘foil’
Hobby Wis
building security, reducing the effective security rating
Jump Str
of a facility he has already successfully cased by 1.
Knowledge Int
He may do this a number of times per serial equal to his
Listen Wis
cat burglar class level.
Move Silently Dex
At 9th level, the agent’s expertise with circum-
Open Lock Dex
venting security devices and patrols extends to the rest
Pilot Dex
of his team during a covert penetration. As long as the
Profession Wis
cat burglar remains in verbal or visual contact with the
Search Int
rest of the team, the reduced security rating (from use of
Sleight of Hand Dex
the foil ability) applies to his entire team. If any team
Spot Wis
members are not in contact with the cat burglar, they
Surveillance Wis
do not receive this benefit (though any other team
Tumble Dex
members in contact with the cat burglar do).
Use Rope Dex
Honor Among Thieves: The criminal underworld is a
society unto itself, one that respects accomplishment as
Skill Points at Each Level: 8 + Int modifier.
much as it shuns outsiders and newcomers. There is
Class Features a fierce sense of fraternity amongst recognized
“operators,” all of whom thumb their noses at “The
All of the following are class features of the cat
Man.” Beginning at 2nd level, the disposition of other
criminals improves by one grade when he introduces
Class Feats: The cat burglar gains the following feats
himself and offers his criminal “handle.” This bonus is
at 1st level.
applied after the normal roll to improve an NPC’s
Armor Proficiency (Light) disposition.
Weapon Group Proficiency (Melee) At 7th level, the agent’s reputation becomes so
Weapon Group Proficiency (Hurled) impressive that criminal’s disposition increases by two
grades. Keep in mind that allies and helpful NPCs expect
Nimble: The agent gains a +1 Department bonus to
to be treated with respect in return, and hope to get a
all Dexterity skill checks. This is the cat burglar’s core
piece of the action (usually a monetary reward) by
making themselves of service to a criminal as skilled as
Case: The trick to defeating modern security is
the agent is reputed to be.
knowing exactly what you are facing, and what it can’t
Bonus Feat: At 3rd level, the cat burglar receives
see. Facilities have a security rating of 0 to 10 (as
a bonus covert or skill feat. He must still meet all
explained in the Mastermind system on page 246 of the
prerequisites for this feat. He receives another bonus
Spycraft Espionage Handbook). The agent may spend
feat from these trees at 5th, 7th, and 9th level.
one hour moving around within line of sight of one
Go to Ground: By necessity as much as training,
or more buildings to “scout” the site, making a
the cat burglar is an expert at evading pursuers —
Surveillance check with a DC of 20 + the facility’s
particularly the authorities. He knows all the secret
security rating to learn the security rating of that facility.

Table 4.1: The Cat Burglar

Base Fort Ref Will Def Init Budg Gadg
Lvl Att Bon Save Save Save Bon Bon Pts Pts Special
1 +0 +0 +2 +0 +1 +1 3 0 Case (scout), nimble
2 +1 +0 +3 +0 +2 +1 6 1 Honor among thieves
3 +1 +1 +3 +1 +3 +2 9 2 Bonus feat
4 +2 +1 +4 +1 +3 +2 12 3 Go to ground (hiding),
improvise tools
5 +2 +1 +4 +1 +4 +3 15 3 Bonus feat, case (foil)
6 +3 +2 +5 +2 +5 +4 18 4 “Do I want to know?”
7 +3 +2 +5 +2 +6 +4 21 5 Bonus feat, Honor among thieves
8 +4 +2 +6 +2 +6 +5 24 6 Go to ground (chases), sucker punch
9 +4 +3 +6 +3 +7 +5 27 6 Bonus feat, case (penetrate)
10 +5 +3 +7 +3 +8 +6 30 7 Impossible dodge

New Agent Options
paths, underground clubs, and people who can help him Abilities: As with any soldier, the physical abilities —
escape — or how to find them. At 4th level, the agent Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution — are important.
may never completely fail a Hide or Move Silently check However, as counter-terrorists often operate in urban
to evade a pursuer so long as he is able to break away environments, often with civilians confusing the
from their line of sight at least once and does not roll situation, high Wisdom and Charisma scores are also
an error. Further, when the agent rolls an error using important, sometimes even outweighing the more
Hide or Move Silently, the GC must spend an extra martial abilities.
action die to activate a critical failure. Vitality: 1d10 plus Constitution modifier per level
At 8th level, while in a chase as the prey, the agent
may select finishing maneuvers as if his lead were 5 Requirements
lengths higher than it really is. To become a counter-terrorist, an agent must meet
Improvise Tools: Starting at 4th level, the cat burglar all of the following requirements.
suffers no penalties to his Climb and Open Lock skill Base Attack Bonus: +5
checks due to the lack of an appropriate kit (climbing, Spot: 8 ranks
lockpicking, etc.). Sense Motive: 4 ranks
“Do I Want to Know?”: Cat burglars sometimes seem Feats: Precise Shot
to come up with handy items… without a receipt. The
agent may spend an hour to “acquire” any item costing Class Skills
less than $200. He may only do so a number of times The counter-terrorist class skills and key abilities are
per serial equal to his cat burglar class level. Multiple listed below:
uses of this ability cannot be combined to acquire more Class Skill Key Ability
expensive items. All such items are removed from play Balance Dex
at the end of the serial (mission) — they probably find Bluff Cha
their way back onto that truck they fell off of. Maybe. Climb Str
Sucker Punch: While the cat burglar shies away from Craft Int
combat, chance encounters with guards are unavoid- Demolitions Int
able. In these cases, the burglar prefers to keep the Diplomacy Cha
fighting short and the legal consequences to a Driver Dex
minimum. Starting at 8th level, when making an attack First Aid Wis
that causes subdual damage, the burglar does not have Hobby Wis
to spend an action die to convert a threat to a critical.
Impossible Dodge: There is one last thing a master
thief absolutely detests — pain. At 10th level, when the
cat burglar is struck by a critical hit, he may make a
Reflex save with a DC equal to the damage of the attack.
If the save succeeds, the critical is canceled and the
damage is applied to his vitality instead.

One of the most dire threats to peace in the modern
world are the terrorist organizations that target civilian
property and lives. Fighting such a threat requires a
different kind of soldier, trained for a different kind of
While many nations maintain their own counter-
terrorist task forces, the Archer Foundation would be
remiss in its mission if it ignored such threats. Counter-
terrorists often work with teams of agents to provide
advice and expertise in situations where civilian lives
are at risk.

Shadowforce Archer
Intimidate Str or Cha
At 5th level, the agent may make attacks which
Jump Str
cause normal damage, converting the damage into
Knowledge Int
subdual damage, without suffering the –4 penalty to his
Move Silently Dex
attack roll.
Profession Wis
Finally, at 9th level, the agent never completely fails
Search Int
a Listen, Search or Spot check while searching a person
Sense Motive Wis
for hidden weapons, unless he rolls an error. Even when
Spot Wis
an error is rolled, the GC must spend an extra action die
Surveillance Wis
to activate a critical failure.
Swim Str
Precision Takedown: The counter-terrorist frequently
Use Rope Dex
works in cramped spaces (like airliners, crowded
subways, and even inside homes) and may have to deal
Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int modifier.
with enemies who use human shields. In response he
Class Features learns to make shots under the worst of circumstances
and with minimal visibility. All enemies with cover are
All of the following are class features of the counter-
considered to have 25% less cover against the agent’s
Class Feats: The counter-terrorist gains the following
At 7th level, the agent makes attacks as if his targets
feats at 1st level.
had 50% less cover.
Armor Proficiency (Light) Bonus Feat: At 3rd level, the counter-terrorist
Armor Proficiency (Medium) receives a bonus basic combat or covert feat. He must
Armor Proficiency (Heavy) still meet all prerequisites for this feat. He receives
Weapon Group Proficiency (Melee) another bonus feat from these trees at 5th level, 7th
Weapon Group Proficiency (Handgun) level, and 9th level.
Weapon Group Proficiency (Rifle) Crowd Control: At 4th level, the counter-terrorist
Weapon Group Proficiency (Tactical) may keep civilians calm and safe in almost any
situation. Once per session as a full action, he may
Quick-Thinking: The agent rolls two dice whenever
improve the disposition of an entire crowd by 1 grade.
he spends an action die to add to an initiative roll.
This represents the counter-terrorist “controlling the
Further, the agent may perform a regroup action while
crowd,” preparing them to follow his orders. This action
fighting defensively, gaining a +4 to his Defense that
is usually followed closely by instructions for the
round. This is the counter-terrorist’s core ability.
civilians to go prone, or hide behind any available cover
Special Tactics: The counter-terrorist is a highly
(requests which gain the benefit of the improved
trained operative dedicated to finding and neutralizing
disposition modifiers).
threats hiding in highly populated areas. This calls for
At 8th level, the agent may improve a crowd’s
careful observation and precise weapons control. At 1st
disposition by 2 grades.
level, the agent ignores penalties to his Listen, Search,
and Spot rolls caused by the presence of crowds.

Table 4.2: The Counter-Terrorist

Base Fort Ref Will Def Init Budg Gadg
Lvl Att Bon Save Save Save Bon Bon Pts Pts Special
1 +1 +1 +1 +0 +0 +1 3 0 Quick-thinking, special tactics (locate)
2 +2 +2 +2 +0 +1 +2 6 1 Precision takedown (–25% cover)
3 +3 +2 +2 +1 +1 +3 9 1 Bonus feat
4 +4 +2 +2 +1 +2 +3 12 2 Crowd control (1 level), safe attack
5 +5 +3 +3 +1 +2 +4 15 2 Bonus feat, special tactics (subdue)
6 +6 +3 +3 +2 +2 +5 18 3 Negotiator
7 +7 +4 +4 +2 +3 +6 21 3 Bonus Feat,
precision takedown (–50% cover)
8 +8 +4 +4 +2 +3 +6 24 4 Crowd control (2 levels),
tactical commander
9 +9 +4 +4 +3 +4 +7 27 4 Bonus Feat, special tactics
(improved locate)
10 +10 +5 +5 +3 +4 +8 30 5 Moment of truth

New Agent Options
This ability extends to non-stress
situations as well, though the counter-
terrorist may not use it to affect
individuals or groups of less then 5
All disposition effects are
lost at the end of the scene.
Safe Attack: At 4th level, the
counter-terrorist has become an
expert at keeping innocent
bystanders safe from harm.
When the counter-terrorist rolls
an error making an attack, the
GC must spend an extra
action die to cause him to
hit an innocent bystander
or fellow agent.
Negotiator: The counter-
terrorist is a master of
one-on-one negotiation.
At 6th level, any time the
counter-terrorist attempts
to defuse a tense situation
by negotiating, his calm
words cause any oppo-
nent to treat him as if his disposition towards the agent
was 1 grade better. This is in addition to a normal roll
to influence the character’s disposition, and is applied
before the influence roll (making the opponent more
In the computer age, hackers are essential to the
receptive to traditional methods). This doesn’t change Archer Foundation’s smooth operation. They are
the opponent’s actual stance toward the agent, but does electronic wizards, versed in both breaching secure
make the opponent more open to any deals the agent systems, and securing the Conspiracy’s own systems
may offer. against similar electronic attack.
Tactical Commander: At 8th level, once per session Hackers are often deployed with teams whose
as a half action, the agent may coordinate combat missions revolve around government agencies and
activities with his entire team. All members of the team corporations — anyone with an extensive and secure
gain the benefits of the counter-terrorist’s 4th level computer network.
ability, Safe Attack, for the remainder of the combat. Abilities: Far and away the most important ability
Moment of Truth: There comes a time when for a hacker is Intelligence, the key ability to many of a
negotiations have failed and only decisive action can hacker’s skills, including Computers and Cryptography.
prevent further tragedy. At 10th level, once per session, Since the hacker has an extensive skill list, a high
the agent may make one extra half action that absolute- Intelligence will provide the required skill points.
ly comes before all other characters may act that round Wisdom holds secondary importance; several of the
(if two counter-terrorists use this ability in the same hacker’s skills depend upon it.
round, the one with the higher initiative total goes first; Vitality: 1d8 plus Constitution bonus per level
if their initiative totals are also tied, the one with the
highest initiative bonus goes first; if their initiative Requirements
bonuses are tied, randomly determine who acts first). To become a hacker, an agent must meet all of the
The agent gains a +5 surprise bonus to any roll required following requirements.
by the action. Further, the results of this action do not Agent Level: 5+
cause any other character to cease being flat-footed, Computers: 8 ranks
even if attacked by the agent — the action is simply too Cryptography: 8 ranks
fast and unexpected for them to react to at all. Feats: Mathematical Genius

Shadowforce Archer
Class Skills At 5th level, the hacker can go for a full (24-hour)
day without food or sleep with no penalty to his
The hacker’s class skills and key abilities are listed
Intelligence-based skills.
At 9th level, the agent may ignore any one penalty
Class Skill Key Ability that would affect one of his Intelligence-based skills for
Appraise Int one full (24 hour) day, including all ability damage to
Bluff Cha Intelligence from one source (such as poison, illness, or
Bureaucracy Cha psionic attack). This stacks with previous bonuses from
Computers Int the hard-wired ability.
Concentration Wis Synchronize: At 2nd level, the hacker can act as
Craft Int an electronic pointman, coordinating insertions into
Cryptography Int installations with computer-controlled security, so long
Cultures Wis as the building has a computerized security system that
Diplomacy Cha he has access to. The hacker may give one other agent
Driver Dex a +2 bonus to all skill checks made to penetrate the
Electronics Int computer-controlled security system. This bonus applies
Forgery Int to all rolls made to hide from security cameras, open
Gather Information Cha electronic locks, etc. In order to use this ability, the
Hobby Wis hacker must be logged into the installation's computer
Innuendo Wis system, either over the Internet (if the installation's
Knowledge Int system is linked to the Internet), or on-site (by
Languages Wis working on a dedicated terminal inside the building).
Listen Wis This ability requires the hacker to access the secured
Mechanics Int system (see the Computers skill). Working from a
Profession Wis dedicated terminal inside the site doubles the bonus the
Search Int hacker offers to his teammates (+4). Root account access
Sense Motive Wis triples the bonus (+6). This ability (and its bonuses)
Sleight of Hand Dex lasts as long as the hacker remains logged into the
Spot Wis installation's system.
Surveillance Wis At 7th level, the hacker may use this ability twice per
session, and may grant the bonus to his entire team.
Skill Points at Each Level: 8 + Int modifier.
Math Wiz: The hacker cranks code and crushes
Class Features numbers like nobody else. It is more than just a job;
it’s an obsession. At 3rd level, the agent receives the
All of the following are class features of the hacker.
Advanced Skill Mastery Feat for his Mathematical
Class Feats: The hacker gains the following feats at
Genius Feat. At 5th level, he gains the Quick Use feat for
1st level.
the Computers skill. At 7th level, he receives the Grand
Armor Proficiency (Light) Skill Mastery Feat for his Mathematical Genius Feat.
Weapon Group Proficiency (Handgun) Finally, at 9th level, he receives the Perfect Skill Mastery
Feat for Mathematical Genius. The normal agent level
Custom-Built System: No true hacker would ever
requirements for these specific Advanced Skill Feats are
consent to using an off-the-shelf computer for any
waived for this agent (allowing the hacker to acquire
length of time. The hacker’s personal, custom-built
them levels before any non-hacker could do so).
machine is considered to have a +2 computer rating
Lockout: Starting at 4th level, the hacker may
when he uses it, above and beyond the computer’s
attempt to cut one or more users off from a computer
normal rating. If the hacker’s custom-built computer is
system. This ability is invasive and obvious (at least to
destroyed, it requires one week and either 2 BP or $1000
the users booted from the system, who may physically
to modify the next computer he purchases or is issued
alert other users to the hacker's activities). The hacker
to his own specifications. This is the hacker’s core ability.
makes an opposed Computers check versus the target
Hard-wired: Hackers must stay sharp to perform
user. Success locks that user out of the system for a
their electronic artistry, but some tasks call for endless
number of rounds equal to the difference between the
repetition or patience in the face of glacial progress.
rolls. A critical success locks the targeted user out for as
The hacker faces these challenges with the same
long as the hacker is logged into the system.
machine-like calm as his computer. He receives a +4 to
all Concentration checks.

New Agent Options
At 8th level, the hacker's lockout roll may selectively Hacker Culture: While most hackers prefer to be seen
deny access to any or all users other than himself. as the “aloof technophile” or “one-man-hacking-army,”
The hacker makes a Computers skill check against the many difficult hacks and traces require effective
target user with the highest Computers skill. Again, face-to-face networking with people. Tracing passwords
any targeted users are locked out for a number of or culprits off-line is often the only way to proceed.
rounds equal to the difference between the rolls, with a Fortunately, just mentioning their on-line “handle”
critical success locking the targeted users out as long as to serious computer users often opens doors for the
the hacker is logged into the system. hacker. At 8th level, after the hacker makes the normal
Either form of this ability may be used a number of roll to influence the disposition of an NPC with a
times per session equal to the hacker’s class level. Computers skill of 8 or higher, the NPC’s disposition
This ability requires root access to the computer system toward the hacker improves by 1 grade.
in question (see the Computers skill, page 44 of the Ghost in the Machine: At 10th level, the hacker may
Spycraft Espionage Handbook). invade a computer system and perform actions inside
Sift: While a tremendously valuable tool for without detection. The computer system's operation is
information-gathering, the Internet’s sheer size makes never compromised so there is no way for other users
each search a daunting task. At 4th level, the hacker and security programs to notice him (unless, of course,
learns how to best go about searching for specific he blows his roll or locks one or more users out of the
information on the Internet. When the hacker makes a system). At any time, the hacker may make a Computers
Gather Information check while using the Internet, check (DC normal for breaking into the system — see the
he may never completely fail, even if he rolls an error. Computers skill). Success renders all his uses of the
Further, the GC must spend an extra action die to computer system invisible to other users for a number
activate a critical failure for such rolls. of rounds equal to the difference between his roll and
Fingerprints: Every hacker has his own idiosyn- the DC. A critical success renders all his uses of the
crasies, electronic ‘fingerprints’ others can use to system invisible to other users until he logs out.
identify him. At 6th level, while examining another This ability does not conceal uses of the computer
hacker’s handiwork, a hacker can determine who system which have physical effects outside the system
cracked the system by making an Education check with (such as shutting down computer-controlled security or
a DC equal to 10 plus the target hacker’s agent level. powering the system down), or which directly affect
Success indicates the agent has identified the crack as other users (such as locking them out or adjusting their
the work of a hacker he either knows, or has heard of, terminal settings).
and provides any relevant information the hacker
knows about the culprit (such as the city he operates out
of, the programs he uses, etc.) The Game Control is the
ultimate arbiter of what the hacker knows about the
target hacker.

Table 4.3: The Hacker

Base Fort Ref Will Def Init Budg Gadg
Lvl Att Bon Save Save Save Bon Bon Pts Pts Special
1 +0 +0 +1 +1 +1 +1 3 1 Custom-built system,
hard-wired (concentrate)
2 +1 +0 +2 +2 +1 +1 6 2 Synchronize (solo)
3 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +2 9 3 Math wiz (advanced)
4 +2 +1 +2 +2 +2 +2 12 4 Lockout (single), sift
5 +2 +1 +3 +3 +3 +3 15 5 Hard-wired (all-nighter),
math wiz (quick)
6 +3 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 18 6 Fingerprints
7 +3 +2 +4 +4 +4 +4 21 7 Math wiz (grand), synchronize (team)
8 +4 +2 +4 +4 +5 +5 24 8 Hacker culture, lockout (all)
9 +4 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 27 9 Hard-wired (persevere),
math wiz (perfect)
10 +5 +3 +5 +5 +6 +6 30 10 Ghost in the machine

Shadowforce Archer
Class Skills
The sniper’s class skills and key abilities are listed
Class Skill Key Ability
Balance Dex
Bluff Cha
Climb Str
Concentration Wis
Craft Int
Disguise Cha
Driver Dex
Hide Dex
Hobby Wis
Intimidate Str or Cha
Jump Str
Move Silently Dex
Open Lock Dex
Profession Wis
Search Int
Sleight of Hand Dex
Spot Wis
Surveillance Wis
Tumble Dex
Use Rope Dex

Skill Points at Each Level: 6 + Int modifier.

In case of emergencies, the Foundation’s Chambers
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the sniper.
Class Feats: The sniper gains the following feats at
each maintain a stable of operatives dedicated to black
1st level.
operations — a “dirty tricks squad,” so to speak. While
these agents sometimes operate alone, they are just as Armor Proficiency (Light)
frequently used to supplement the abilities of a team. Weapon Group Proficiency (Rifle)
The most common of these operatives (and the most
Precise: At 1st level, whenever the sniper uses
feared) are snipers. Trained extensively in a variety
an action die to add to a firearms damage roll, he rolls
of firearms, the sniper specializes in eliminating an
two action dice instead of one. This is the sniper’s core
opponent from great distances.
Abilities: Considering the sniper’s reliance on stealth,
Reposition: It is essential for the sniper to move
Dexterity is without a doubt his most prized ability.
quickly from location to location between shots, to
This is particularly true since the sniper specializes in
avoid the massive counterattacks his actions usually
the use of long-range weaponry. Wisdom, with its
provoke. At 1st level, the sniper gains the Run feat.
emphasis on accurate perception and patience, is also
At 5th level, he gains the Mobility feat. At 9th level,
key for the successful sniper.
he gains the Increased Speed feat.
Vitality: 1d10 plus Constitution bonus per level
Magic Touch: The sniper’s accuracy with firearms is
Requirements superior even to that of dedicated soldiers. At 2nd level,
the sniper gains a +1 to his base attack bonus when
To become a sniper, an agent must meet all of the
using firearms. This bonus is included when determin-
following requirements:
ing if the sniper meets the prerequisites for any ranged
Agent Level: 5+
combat feats. At 7th level, this bonus increase to +2.
Dexterity: 13+
Bonus Feat: At 3rd level, the sniper gains a bonus
Hide: 6 ranks
covert or ranged combat feat. He must still meet all
Surveillance: 6 ranks
prerequisites for this feat. He receives another bonus
Feats: Far Shot, Marksman
feat from these trees at 5th level, 7th, and 9th level.

New Agent Options
Deadly Aim: At 4th level, if the target of one of the
sniper’s firearms attacks is within 1 range increment,
the sniper adds an additional +1d6 damage to his
damage roll. At 8th level, this bonus improves to +2d6
to targets within two range increments. Should the
sniper have the Increased Precision feat, this ability’s The semi-covert war in Russia has taken a bizarre
range is increased by one range increment. turn in the last twenty years, introducing new-genera-
One Shot: Starting at 4th level, the sniper’s error tion warriors born from the twisted discoveries of the
range with all firearms attacks is reduced by one. If this chemical age. Scarcely-human constructs which can
reduces the error range to less than one, the error range only be described as “monsters” and “abominations”
remains at one, but the GC must spend an extra action stalk the shadows, defying the laws of nature as they
die to activate a critical miss. change the rules of the Great Game.
Surprise Shot: Starting at 6th level, the sniper’s “Chemical monsters” are a reality in Shadowforce
threat range with firearms attacks increases by 2 when Archer — humans augmented beyond the limits of the
he targets an opponent he has surprised, or who is flesh, gaining impossible strength, endurance, and
currently denied his Dexterity bonus to Defense (such as physical abilities that overshadow all previous instances
when the target is caught flat-footed or immobilized). of genetic engineering. Some think chemical monsters
Disappear: At 8th level, the sniper is an expert at are the next step in human evolution, others (commonly
concealing his firing position. Any character attempting psions) see them as a forced aberration of the path.
to spot the sniper after he makes a ranged attack with
a rifle must roll a Spot check opposed by the sniper’s Origin of the Species
Hide check. The sniper’s Hide check is modified by +1 The original AGAMEMNON virus (see page 141) was
per 100 feet of distance from which he fired. If the mutagenic in nature. It attached to a target’s DNA
sniper’s weapon is silenced or subsonic, the modifier is and slowly merged with it until it triggered a violent
raised to +2. metamorphosis. This was supposed to cause the DNA to
Million Dollar Skill: The sniper’s Proficiency with effectively unravel, destroying the cohesion between
firearms seems almost mythical. At 10th level, as a full the target’s cells and reducing him to a fleshy mass of
action, the sniper may take 10 while making a single indistinct proteins.
firearms attack. This is considered a “natural 10” and is But the virus unexpectedly triggered a completely
a threat if the sniper’s threat range is 10-20 or better. different kind of change. Instead of degrading,
This requires complete concentration, and the sniper the target’s DNA reorganized, effectively recreating the
loses all Dexterity and dodge bonuses to his Defense for target as an entirely new being: a monstrous mutation
the entire round. The sniper may still benefit from of the original.
normal aiming and bracing actions taken the previous Project PROMETHEUS has picked up where this
round. accidental discovery left off. Using recombinant DNA
techniques, PROMETHEUS engineers soldiers of
devastating power, humans capable of taking Archer’s
war to the next level…

Table 4.4: The Sniper

Base Fort Ref Will Def Init Budg Gadg
Lvl Att Bon Save Save Save Bon Bon Pts Pts Special
1 +1 +0 +2 +0 +1 +1 1 0 Precise, reposition (Run)
2 +2 +0 +3 +0 +1 +2 2 1 Magic touch (+1)
3 +3 +1 +3 +1 +2 +3 3 2 Bonus feat
4 +4 +1 +4 +1 +2 +3 4 3 Deadly aim (1d6), one shot
5 +5 +1 +5 +1 +3 +4 5 3 Bonus feat, reposition (Mobility)
6 +6 +2 +5 +2 +4 +5 6 4 Surprise shot
7 +7 +2 +6 +2 +4 +6 7 5 Bonus feat, magic touch (+2)
8 +8 +2 +6 +2 +5 +6 8 6 Deadly aim (2d6), disappear
9 +9 +3 +7 +3 +5 +7 9 6 Bonus feat, reposition
(Increased Speed)
10 +10 +3 +7 +3 +6 +8 10 7 Million dollar skill

Shadowforce Archer
Current Endeavors
at the moment.
PROMETHEUS research is focused in three directions
Physical Augmentation
“Chems” are powerful treatments designed to alter
The majority of PROMETHEUS is devoted to refining
an agent’s body in a fundamental — and permanent —
the effects of the original AGAMEMNON virus. New and
way. Agents interested in signing up for a chem
more powerful chemical monsters appear every day.
treatment should be aware that it’s a one-way trip.
Technological Enhancement Most chem treatments, once begun, must continue for
the rest of the agent’s life.
P.E.R.I.L.’s research and development division has
not limited itself to enhancements of the flesh; it has Receiving a Chem
also delved into the potential of merging technology Treatment
with its chemical monsters, devising armor, weapons,
In order to survive a chem treatment, the agent must
and even biological agents to wield on the field of battle.
meet all listed requirements. In addition, he cannot have
Through gyro-stabilization, unconventionally large
any psion levels — psions invariably suffer a fatal
weapons can be mounted on augmented soldiers, whose
reaction to chem treatments. Once the treatment has
physical frames can withstand the added recoil. Armor
been administered, the agent can never gain any psion
is grafted directly onto their bodies, or woven into their
levels. Finally, he must either belong to the Russian
skin to form a super-hard dermal layer that can with-
Confederacy or receive the Game Control’s permission
stand intense environmental shifts and limited heavy
(usually with the caveat that he build the reason for the
weapons fire. P.E.R.I.L. scientists are even devising
treatment into his background).
“skins” allowing chemical monsters to endure the
Agents may also receive chem treatments during
pressures of the ocean floor or the vacuum of deep space.
play, as part of a storyline or other event (though the
Hybrids Game Control is warned not to force chems on his
players without their permission — doing so constitutes
Certain labs are conducting research into splicing
a violation of trust).
human DNA with that of various animals. Though the
results have been only marginal thus far, the potential Boosters
remains for creating natural (non-chemically enhanced)
An agent who has received a chem treatment must
warriors of even greater power than their predecessors.
receive regular chem “booster shots” or suffer the listed
The Engineered adverse effects. Kickstart is unique in that it causes no
lingering addiction. There is currently no known
Only two groups have ready access to the
treatment to cure an agent of a chem addiction.
AGAMEMNON virus at present, though rumors persist
of a man calling himself “Othello” who brazenly offers Overdosing
samples on the Red Market (see page 140) for the price
Because chems are so powerful and unstable, it is an
of ten million U.S. dollars.
extremely bad idea to use more than one treatment.
P.E.R.I.L. (pages 136, 242) Should this happen, roll d%. If the roll is higher than the
agent’s Constitution, he immediately dies, dropping to
P.E.R.I.L. are responsible for most of the dirty
–10 wound points.
research conducted in this field — and countless
atrocities perpetuated along the way. Chem Treatments
The Phantom Brigade (page This section describes the most common chem
141) treatments, and the format for treatment listings.
The Phantom Brigade have allied with the Archer Chemical Name
Foundation to research the virus (under conditions
The chem treatment’s name is followed by a general
significantly more humane than those maintained by
description of its appearance and purpose, and then the
P.E.R.I.L.). Thus, their discoveries become available to
following information.
other Archer agents. The Archer Foundation condones
Boosters: How often the agent must receive booster
this research as a necessary evil of the war in Russia —
treatments to avoid withdrawal symptoms.
a horrible war that requires horrible measures to win.

New Agent Options
Requirements: The requirements an agent must meet Kickstart
to take the chem treatment. Kickstart is a thick black emulsion injected directly
Benefits: The beneficial effects of the chem treatment. into the heart of an agent who shows no signs of life.
Drawbacks: The detrimental effects of the chem Kickstart contains a number of nanites suspended in
treatment, including withdrawal symptoms. carrier liquid. Once injected, the nanites repair and
restart the heart, then travel through the rest of the
Endure body making additional repairs as they go, before
Endure is a dark red fluid pumped into the agent’s finally deactivating, after which they are flushed from
body in large quantities, completely replacing his blood. the agent’s body through normal waste release. In this
Although it superficially resembles blood, Endure is manner, the nanites can restore life to a dead agent.
much more, allowing the agent to withstand greater Of course, the agent’s body has to be relatively intact for
damage — and even heal wounds before they become this chem to work, and the nanites do an imperfect job
life-threatening. However, the Endure must be flushed of repairing the body, so a revived agent is never quite
out of the agent’s body and replaced with a fresh dose as healthy as he was before his unfortunate death.
every week (a process requiring 4 hours and the proper Boosters: Never
transfusion facilities to perform), or it causes permanent Requirements: –10 to –30 wound points
damage to his health. Benefits: If injected into an agent who has been dead
Boosters: Weekly no more than one hour, and who hasn’t been reduced to
Requirements: Con 15+ less than –30 wound points, Kickstart repairs his
Benefits: The agent receives damage reduction 2/–, internal injuries within 10 minutes, restoring the agent
regains 2 vitality points at the end of every round, and to 1 wound point and 1 vitality point. Kickstart does not
is immune to critical hits. In addition, wound points cause an overdose if administered to an agent using
heal at the rate of 1 per hour, instead of 1 per day. another chem treatment.
Finally, the agent does not have to make a saving throw Drawbacks: Kickstart cannot completely reverse the
in order to survive massive damage (see page 178 of the trauma of death. As a result, the agent suffers 2 points
Spycraft Espionage Handbook). of permanent Constitution damage. This lowers the
Drawbacks: Every treatment the agent misses agent’s total wound and vitality points. Kickstart cannot
causes 2 points of permanent Constitution damage and save an agent who dies from a chem overdose.
the agent permanently loses the ability to spend action
dice for any purpose. The agent can still earn the XP Muscle
that comes with an awarded action die, but the dice Muscle is a light blue liquid injected into the spine
themselves are useless to him. at the base of the neck. This chem greatly stimulates
rapid muscle and bone growth, increasing the user’s size
Gill and strength over time. However, Muscle also retards
Gill is a syrupy green solution that is administered in mental development, making it difficult for the user to
two doses, one behind each ear. This treatment is learn new skills. Worse, if the user stops taking the
actually a retrovirus carrying carefully engineered DNA. chem, he can suffer brain damage, or death.
The user grows an unobtrusive set of gills behind his Boosters: Monthly
ears, acquiring the ability to breathe water as well as air. Requirements: Str 13+
Boosters: Quarterly Benefits: Upon receiving his first treatment, the
Requirements: Con 11+ agent immediatly gains a permanent +2 bonus to his
Benefits: The agent gains the ability to breathe water Strength and grows 6 inches taller. For every 3 agent
as well as air, and does not suffer from the drowning levels he advances after his first treatment, he gains
rules when immersed in water. another +1 bonus to Strength and grows another 3
Drawbacks: An agent is incapable of speech while inches taller. These bonuses are gained whether he takes
using his gills and for 1 minute afterward as the water subsequent chem treatments or not. If the agent ever
is flushed from his system. In addition, an agent who reaches 8 feet in height, his size category changes to
fails to receive his booster shot on time loses the Large, allowing him to wield a Large weapon in each
ability to breathe air as the injected DNA takes over his hand, increasing his lifting and carrying limits to twice
respiratory system. This means that he suffers from the those of Medium-size agents, and increasing his fist
drowning rules unless immersed in water. Fortunately, attack damage to 1d4 plus his Strength modifier.
this side effect reverses itself once the proper booster Drawbacks: Once an agent has taken this chem, the
has been injected. number of skill points he receives at the start of each
new level is reduced by 1. Worse, if the agent misses a

Shadowforce Archer
chem treatment, he suffers 1 point of permanent a brainfire attack that lasts for 1d6 rounds. During the
Intelligence damage. If this reduces his Intelligence to 0, attack, the agent receives a –4 penalty to all rolls he
he dies as his brain dissolves. Finally, his growth may makes. For every treatment the agent misses, the Game
eventually cause him problems — should he ever reach Control may cause an extra brainfire attack, every game
8 feet in height, his size category changes to Large, session until the agent receives his treatment (after
which applies a –1 size penalty to his attack rolls and which the number of times the GC may trigger a brain-
Defense, and a –4 size penalty to his Hide checks. fire returns to normal). Thus, if an agent has missed 3
treatments, the Game Control can cause him to suffer 4
Rush brainfire attacks every session until he gets a Sharpen
Rush is a viscous brown fluid injected through the treatment, after which the attacks return to once per
temple. This chem makes the agent’s synapses fire faster, session.
greatly improving his reaction speed and ability to think
on his feet. However, sometimes the acceleration process Talon
goes wrong, triggering an epileptic seizure. Talon is an orange liquid injected into the bone
Boosters: Every two weeks marrow in several points along the agent’s arms and
Requirements: Dex 13+ hands. Talon causes the growth of retractable bone
Benefits: Once per scene, the agent may choose to claws along the back of the agent’s hands and arms that
activate his Rush treatment as a free action. He then rolls can cause significant damage in hand-to-hand combat.
a d6. If he rolls a 6, he suffers an epileptic seizure (see However, when the claws are extended, his hands are
Drawbacks, below). Otherwise his treatment activates forced to clench into fists, and he cannot hold anything
and lasts for a number of rounds equal to the number in them.
rolled on the d6 (e.g. the treatment lasts for 4 rounds if Boosters: Every two months
the agent rolls a 4). While the treatment is active, the Requirements: Con 11+
agent receives an extra half action at the end of each Benefits: When the agent’s claws are extended, any
round, after everyone else has performed their actions. unarmed attacks he makes using his arms or hands
Drawbacks: When activating his Rush treatment, receive a +2 bonus to their damage rolls. This bonus
there’s a chance that the agent suffers an epileptic increases by +1 for every 4 agent levels the Talon user
seizure. If this occurs, the agent falls to the ground and gains after receiving his first treatment.
cannot act for 1d6 rounds. In addition, if not restrained Drawbacks: When the agent’s claws are extended,
from hurting himself, the agent suffers 1d3 wound he cannot hold anything in either of his hands, and he
points of damage. Worse, every time he misses a treat- receives a –6 penalty for anything that the Game
ment, his odds of suffering a seizure increase by 1 in 6 Control determines to require fine manipulation, or to
until he receives his treatment. Thus, an agent who has any Disguise check. If the agent misses a treatment,
missed 3 Rush treatments suffers a seizure when his bone claws lock in the extended position until he
activating his ability if he rolls a 3 or higher. Once he receives another Talon treatment.
has had his treatment, his odds of suffering a seizure These talons are an integral part of the character's
return to normal. forearm musculature and cannot be removed. Even sur-
gically removing the talons does not unlock the agent's
Sharpen fists, nor does it remove the associated –6 penality.
Sharpen is a watery golden chemical injected into
the medulla oblongata at the base of the brain. Chems and the
This chemical contains a retrovirus designed to implant Mastermind System
certain animal genes into the user, enhancing each of
If a GC would like his villains to have access to
his senses without externally altering his appearance.
chems, he may purchase the option at a base cost of
Unfortunately, the process is imperfect, leading to
5 MP, then spend 1 MP per chemically augmented
irregular burning headaches that Sharpen users refer to
mastermind or henchman, or plus 2 MP per chemically
as brainfire.
augmented minion or foil. Chems purchased in this
Boosters: Monthly
way are available at the start of the season, and may
Requirements: Wis 13+
be used as desired by the villain in question. The base
Benefits: The agent receives a +5 bonus to Spot,
cost of 5 MP is part of the mastermind’s organization
Listen, and Search checks, as well as to any Survival
cost, and is only paid once per season, while the cost
checks made to find or follow tracks.
of 1 MP per chemically augmented NPC is paid for
Drawbacks: The Game Control may, once per game
each character affected.
session, spend an action die to cause the agent to suffer

“Watch the eyes.
When the pupils bleed out, run.”
– Advice given to Conspiracy operatives,
for how to deal with Shop mentalists

Shadowforce Archer
The New Order
The science of psionics is not completely understood,
but the information available follows a rigid pattern.
All powers fall into one of three families, each a genetic
strain passed down through the centuries, each the
The development of the human mind has made
focus of one brand of modern psion training.
radical strides in the last hundred years, raising psionic
All psionic powers are the result of genetic psionic
powers from an idealistic concept to an amazing reality.
potential expanded through medical tampering or
Today, brilliance walks among us — “psions” capable of
mental discipline, and all psionic powers manifest as
mental leaps beyond (and often altogether outside) the
chemical triggers are “flipped” in those with latent
realm of rational scientific explanation, controlling and
potential. The original triggers for psionic ability were
manipulating their bodies on a molecular level, and
the three prime strains discovered at ancient burial sites
invading the thoughts and emotions of others.
around the world. The recipients of these strains —
But these shining beacons of progress are not
Conrad Archer, Avery Schillingsfield (a.k.a. Helix), and
unprecedented. They are genetic throw-backs, linked to
the Demagogue — became human “factories” for serums
civilizations that existed tens of thousands of years ago.
used to awaken psion powers in others, and the
Their origins, even the true identity of their
remains of the last two (held by the
progenitors, are unknown to us, but
Archer Foundation and the Hand of
their presence reverberates in evach
Glory, respectively) are perhaps
incredible act they perform for
the most cherished scientific
the common good — or the
samples anywhere in the
greatest evil.
world. Conrad Archer’s
Psionics and body, never found after his
the World disappearance in 1945,
has become one of the
Like mysticism and
most sought-after relics
the chemical “aberrations”
of the 20th century, and
devised by P.E.R.I.L.’s
untold theories about
scientists (many of whom
its whereabouts abound,
are mentalists), the exis-
sparking wild theories and
tence of psionics remains a
“urban legends” within the
secret. The vast majority of
intelligence community.
those outside the hidden
Ultimately, however, the
struggle to protect the world
serums proved too dangerous
have no idea that such remarkable
to develop long-term psions,
abilities are real, let alone that they
destroying the minds and bodies of
are so prevalent. Even most initiates into
test subjects within a matter of years,
this fantastic world never realize how
sometimes months or even weeks. With the mapping
far-reaching and powerful psionics have become in the
of the human genome, new avenues of psion research
21st century.
appeared, and sceintists developed more humane methods
There are, however, those whose position, power,
of producing psions. Today, psions are almost universally
or influence ensures a certain understanding of the
the result of careful screening, cultivated study, genetic
truth. High-ranking politicians — especially those from
therapy, and mental focus.
governments allied with the Archer Foundation, most
It has been proven that not everyone has the latent
global spy organizations, and unaligned psions whose
potential to develop psionic powers, and those who do
powers have manifested without formal training — all
seem predisposed to develop certain abilities in lieu of
see the world through different eyes than the general
others. As yet, the reasons for this remain a mystery.
public. They also accept the fact that some secrets are
Further, some psions have developed powers from
best left out of the hands of the unprepared.
two of the three families, though to date only one
How long this precarious balance can be maintained,
person — the Archer Foundation’s Control, “Two” (see
and the secret kept from prying eyes, remains to be
page 60) — has manifested all three. Outside the fact
that he was seemingly engineered as a psion experiment,
the causes of this limitation remain unknown.

But that is where the facts end and speculation and least one level as a telepath to select a telepathic psion
field experience begin. With new information about the feat; likewise for physical adepts and mentalists).
human genome available every day, and new psion Psionic feats do one of three things for you.
abilities cropping up without warning, the Foundation
• Some psionic feats, such as Adrenal Basics, ESP Basics,
and its allies can only wonder about the future direction
and Telekinetic Basics give you access to a group of
of human evolution.
psion skills.
• Other psionic feats, such as Electrokinesis, Expanded
Horizons, and Sympathetic Healer offer you a single
powerful ability.
• Finally, several basic psionic feats (seen on the next
Playing an agent with psionic powers requires sev- page), such as Quicken Power, modify one of your other
eral additional steps, which may be undertaken at any psionic abilities, in this case reducing the time and
time in your career; there are no first-level requirements concentration it takes you to use one of your psion
for psion agents. skills.

1. Raise your psion level 3. Buy ranks in your psion

Your psion level represents how much raw psionic skills
strength you possess. Agents normally begin with a
Just because you have access to one or more psion
psion level of 0.
skills doesn’t mean you automatically gain ranks in
You can raise your psion level in two ways.
them. You must still buy ranks in your psion skills using
• Take a level in a psionic class, such as the mentalist, skill points, just as if they were ordinary class skills.
physical adept, or telepath. This raises your psion level For instance, if you take the Adrenal Basics feat, you are
by 1. Thus, a 1st-level physical adept has a psion level allowed to purchase ranks in the Body Sculpting skill,
of 1. but if you don’t invest any skill points in it, then you
can’t use that skill nor any of the powers listed in its
• Take a feat that raises your psion level, such as Psion
Prodigy (see page 179). The feat you take explains how
Ranks in psion skills factor into the skill bonus for
your psion level is affected.
powers associated with that skill, just as normal skill
All multiclassing rules apply to psion classes ranks factor into the skill bonus for using the psion
normally, with one exception — agents who already skills in question. For instance, three ranks in Poltergeist
possess levels in two psion classes may not gain levels adds +3 to the skill bonus for using powers described
in a third. under the Poltergeist skill.
Normal skills may only be used to augment checks
2. Take one or more psionic if the pertinent description indicates a synergy bonus.
feats Psion skills are an entirely new branch of agent
You may only take psion feats from a family you training, which rarely overlaps with the other
have a class level of 1 or more in (i.e. you must have at knowledge agents acquire.
Table 5.1: Psion Bonuses
——————————————————————————————Psion Level ————————————————————————————————————
Skill Check Result 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21* 22* 23* 24* 25*
up to 10 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +4 +5
11-15 +1 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +4 +5 +5 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 +6 +7
16-20 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +4 +4 +4 +5 +5 +5 +6 +6 +6 +7 +7 +7 +8 +8 +8 +9
21-25 +1 +1 +2 +2 +3 +3 +4 +4 +5 +5 +6 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9 +10 +10 +11 +11 +12 +12 +13
26-35 +1 +2 +2 +3 +4 +4 +5 +6 +6 +7 +8 +8 +9 +9 +10 +11 +11 +12 +13 +14 +14 +15 +16 +16 +17
36+ +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 +11 +12 +13 +14 +15 +16 +17 +18 +19 +20 +21 +22 +23 +24 +25

* Agents cannot achieve more than 20 levels in a psion class, but core abilities or feats may increase the agent's psion level to above 20.
No combination of modifiers may raise a character's psion level (temporarily or permanently) above 25.

How to use this table: Find your psion level listed across the top and your psion skill check total along the side, then cross-reference to find the actual
bonus your psion skill check grants you. Apply this bonus to the psionic power or ability that directed you here.

Shadowforce Archer
Using Your Psionic Powers Combat Psion
Psionic powers are granted either by a feat or a skill. You have been trained to focus your psionic powers
Each power granted by a feat is different — the feat itself even in the chaos of combat, which gives you an edge
explains everything you need to know about the power. when things get dicey.
Powers granted by psion skills, on the other hand, Prerequisites: Psion level 1+.
must obey certain uniform rules. You must pay a certain Benefit: You receive a +4 psionic bonus to
number of vitality points in order to activate one of Concentration checks made while activating any of your
these powers (as described under the power), plus 1 for psionic abilities.
every non-psion level you have gained since your last
psion level. This vitality cost acts just like damage Deadly Power
suffered during combat, with one exception. If activat- You can use the powers listed under one of your
ing the power would take you to 0 or fewer remaining psion skills to much deadlier effect than most psions.
vitality points, then you are too exhausted to use that Prerequisites: Combat Psion, psion level 2+.
power and cannot activate it. Once you’ve paid the cost Benefit: Choose one of your psion skills. Powers or
to activate a power, you make a skill check, and usually psionic attacks listed under that skill that inflict damage
look the result up on a table to determine the power’s to others now receive a +2 psionic bonus to their
strength and duration. damage. In addition, the threat range of attacks made
Some psionic powers may logically continue for with those powers is increased by 1 (e.g. if the power
longer than their listed duration, without interruption. had no threat range before, its threat range is now 20).
In such cases, you must pay the listed vitality cost and Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each
roll against the listed DC at the start of each use of the time you take the feat, it applies to a new psion skill.
power. Failure to pay the vitality point cost, or failure
with the skill check, interrupts the use of the power. Efficient Power
Finally, if you are successfully attacked during the You can activate powers listed under one of your
same round you intend to use a psionic power, before psion skills with much less effort than most psions.
you make the skill check to activate the power, Prerequisites: Psion Level 4+.
you must also make a Concentration check with a DC Benefit: Choose one of your psion skills. Powers
equal to the total damage you suffer from all attacks listed under that skill now cost 2 less vitality to activate
this round. If you fail this Concentration check, you (minimum 1). If used in conjunction with Extended
may not activate the power this round (though you still Power (see below), apply the effects of Extended Power
pay the power’s vitality point cost). first, then apply this feat.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each
time you take the feat, it applies to a new psion skill.
FEATS Extended Power
You can activate powers listed under one of your
psion skills for longer than most psions.
Unless otherwise noted, these feats may be taken by
Prerequisites: Psion Level 2+.
any agent who has an open generic (i.e. non-specified)
Benefit: Choose one of your psion skills. When you
feat slot.
activate powers listed under that skill, you may choose
Anti-Psi Training to pay 150% of the normal vitality point cost (e.g. a cost
of 2 becomes 3) in order to double the power’s duration.
You have received training that allows you to
If used in conjunction with Efficient Power (see above),
mentally interfere with psionic powers targeting you.
apply the effects of this feat first, then Efficient Power.
Prerequisites: European Commonwealth agents only;
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each
psion level 0 only.
time you take the feat, it applies to a new psion skill.
Benefit: The DC to affect you with any psionic
ability is increased by 2, and you receive a +2 bonus to Mastered Power
any saves to resist psionic abilities. Also, you have damage
You have mastered one of your psion skills and can
reduction 2/– against damage caused by psionic abilities.
control its powers more easily than most psions.
Special: You may never raise your psion level above
Prerequisites: Psion Level 2+.
0 once you have taken this feat.
Benefit: Choose one of your existing psion skills.
When you activate powers listed under that skill, you
receive a +4 psionic bonus to any skill check required.

B a s i c P s i o n Fe at s

Anti-Psi Training Extended Power

European Commonwealth agents only,
Psion level 0 only Psion level 2+

Combat Psion Mastered Power

Psion level 1+ Psion level 2+

Deadly Power Psion Prodigy

Psion level 2+

Efficient Power Untraceable Power

Psion level 4+ Psion level 1+

Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each

time you take the feat, it applies to a new psion skill.

Psion Prodigy
Where physical adepts focus on the body and
You have powerful, if untrained, psionic potential.
telepaths reach into the minds of others, mentalists
Benefit: Your psion level is increased by 1.
enhance the powers of their own minds.
This allows you access to the various psionic feats,
Abilities: A mentalist should have high Wisdom and
or increases your psionic power if you already have
Intelligence scores. Not only are a mentalist’s class
access to these feats.
abilities primarily intellectual in nature, but these two
Special: You can gain this feat two times, increasing
abilities are key to every single class skill the mentalist
your psion level by 1 each time.
receives. Constitution is also important for powering the
Untraceable Power mentalist’s various (and often draining) powers.
Vitality: 1d8 plus Constitution modifier per level
You may activate powers listed under one of your
psion skills without leaving a trace of your activities. Class Skills
Prerequisites: Psion Level 1+.
The mentalist’s class skills, and the key ability for
Benefit: Choose one of your psion skills. When you
each, are listed below:
activate powers listed under that skill, you do not give
off any of the psychic residue that enables other psions Class Skill Key Ability
to detect your power use, either during or after the fact. Computers Int
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each Concentration Wis
time you take the feat, it applies to a new psion skill. Craft Int
Normal: You emit psychic residue when using your Cryptography Int
powers. This can be sensed by certain psychic powers Electronics Int
and PsiTech gadgets during — or even days after — the Hobby Wis
psionic power use. Knowledge Int

Shadowforce Archer
Mechanics Int
Mental Psion Feats: At 1st level, the mentalist may
Profession Wis
begin choosing feats from the mental psion feats
Sense Motive Wis
category. The mentalist must still have the slots free for
any feats he selects, and must still meet all prerequisites
Skill Points at 1st level: (8 + Int modifier) × 4.
for any feat chosen.
Skill Points at each additional level: 8 + Int modifier.
Bonus Feat: At 1st level, the mentalist receives a
Class Features bonus gear or mental psion feat. The mentalist must still
meet all prerequisites for a feat, including ability score
All of the following are class features of the mentalist.
and base attack bonus minimums. At 4th level,
Psionic Class: The mentalist is a psionic class. Levels
and every 4 levels thereafter, the mentalist receives an
gained in this class increase your psion level.
additional bonus gear or mental psion feat.
Class Feats: The mentalist begins play with the
Mental Leap: Starting at 2nd level, once per game
following feats.
session as a free action, the mentalist may add half his
Armor Proficiency (Light) psion level (rounded down) to his Intelligence or Wisdom
Weapon Group Proficiency (Melee) for ten rounds. This does not increase the number of skill
Weapon Group Proficiency (Handgun) points or languages the mentalist possesses. This power
is so exhausting that when it wears off, the mentalist
Insightful: Whenever the mentalist spends an action
must rest for a full round, taking no actions and using
die to add to a mental psion skill check, the results of
no psion skills. This ability’s duration may be cut short
that die are also added to his psion level (to a maximum
at the player’s discretion, but the agent suffers the full
of 25) to determine the effectiveness of the power for
round exhaustion penalty, regardless. At 11th and 19th
that skill check only (e.g. a 1st-level mentalist who
level, the mentalist may use this ability one additional
spends an action die and rolls a 3 adds +3 to his skill
time per game session.
check result and increases his psion level by 3 for the
Psi Mastery: Starting at 3rd level, the mentalist
purposes of that skill check). This is the mentalist's core
chooses a mental psion skill that he has at least 1 rank
in. He receives a +2 psionic bonus to all skill checks

Table 5.2: The Mentalist

Base Fort Ref Will Def Init Budg Gadg
Lvl Att Bon Save Save Save Bon Bon Pts Pts Special
1 +0 +0 +1 +2 +1 +1 2 1 Mental psion feats, bonus feat,
2 +1 +0 +2 +3 +1 +1 4 2 Mental leap 1/session
3 +1 +1 +2 +3 +2 +2 6 3 Psi mastery
4 +2 +1 +2 +4 +2 +2 8 4 Bonus feat
5 +2 +1 +3 +4 +3 +3 10 5 Psi mastery
6 +3 +2 +3 +5 +4 +4 12 6 Skill bonus
7 +3 +2 +3 +5 +4 +4 14 7 Psi mastery
8 +4 +2 +4 +6 +5 +5 16 8 Bonus feat
9 +4 +3 +4 +6 +5 +5 18 9 Psi mastery, skill bonus
10 +5 +3 +5 +7 +6 +6 20 10 More toys (+3)
11 +5 +3 +5 +7 +6 +6 22 11 Mental leap 2/session,
psi mastery
12 +6 +4 +6 +8 +7 +7 24 12 Bonus feat, skill bonus
13 +6 +4 +6 +8 +8 +8 26 13 Psi mastery
14 +7 +4 +6 +9 +8 +8 28 14 Masterpiece
15 +7 +5 +7 +9 +9 +9 30 15 Psi mastery, skill bonus
16 +8 +5 +7 +10 +10 +10 32 16 Bonus feat
17 +8 +5 +8 +10 +10 +10 34 17 Psi mastery
18 +9 +6 +8 +11 +11 +11 36 18 Skill bonus
19 +9 +6 +8 +11 +11 +11 38 19 Mental leap 3/session,
psi mastery
20 +10 +6 +9 +12 +12 +12 40 20 Bonus feat, more toys (+6)

with that skill. For every 2 levels after 3rd, the mentalist Prerequisites: Psychoinventive Mastery, Psychokinetic
selects an additional mental psion skill to receive this Mastery, psion level 10+.
bonus, choosing a different skill each time. Benefit: You receive a +1 bonus to all of your
Skill Bonus: At 6th level, the mentalist receives an psychokinetic and psychoinventive skills when you
extra 4 skill points. For every 3 levels after 6th, the gain this feat, not to exceed your normal skill limits.
mentalist receives an additional 4 extra skill points. In addition, you receive a +1 bonus to each die of
More Toys: Starting at 10th level, the mentalist gains damage you do when making a psionic attack (e.g. 3d6
an additional +3 gadget points during the Gearing Up becomes 3d6+3).
phase of each mission. Also, gadgets which may be
customized may include one more option per housing Evolved Mind
than normal (see the PsiTech Gadgets and Usual Through your advancing mastery of mental psionic
Refinements sections in this book and the Spycraft powers, new vistas have been opened to your mind,
Espionage Handbook for more). At 20th level, the allowing you to see and understand connections
mentalist gains three more gadget points (for a total of between events in the world that others can only sense.
+6), and all of his gadgets may exceed the choice per Prerequisites: Int 13+, Psychokinetic Mastery,
housing limit by 2. This ability may be used for standard Telekinetic Mastery, Psychoinventive Mastery, psion
gadgets and vehicular gadgets, as the mentalist desires. level 14+.
Masterpiece: At 14th level, the mentalist may Benefit: You receive 12 skill points. In addition, all
declare one gadget of his creation to be his "master- skills that aren’t barred to you are now considered class
piece.” All of this device's statistics (ammunition, range, skills.
speed, etc.), damage, and bonuses are doubled. If the
gadget increases a DC, the bonus to the DC is doubled, Electrokinesis
not the total DC (e.g. if the gadget offers a DC modifier You can read and manipulate certain electronic
of +3, the modifier becomes +6). Defense bonuses are pulses, allowing you to mentally interface with
considered DC modifiers (so if a gadget offers its user a computers and generate small electromagnetic pulses
+2 bonus to Defense, this ability increases the bonus to with your touch.
+4). Prerequisites: Room 39 agents only, psion level 1+.
Benefit: You may use this ability in one of two ways.
The first allows you to mentally interface with a
computer as a free action simply by touching it with
your bare hand. The computer must be turned on in
order for you to interface with it. You receive a +2
psionic bonus to any Computers skill checks you make
You must have a mentalist level of 1 or more to take
while touching the computer for every 5 psion levels
any feats from this category.
you have gained (rounded up). Alternately, as a half
Control Junction action, you may touch an unshielded electronic device
with your bare hand and release a small electromagnetic
You have learned to link your psychokinetic and
pulse into it. If the device is turned on, its circuits
telekinetic powers together to create a union of strength
instantly fry, utterly ruining the device and destroying
and grace. This provides you with unusual control over
all data it contains. You may use these two abilities a
your psionic attacks.
total of once per game session for every 5 psion levels
Prerequisites: Telekinetic Mastery, Psychokinetic
you have gained (rounded up).
Mastery, psion level 10+.
Benefit: You receive a +1 bonus to all of your Instinct Junction
telekinetic and psychokinetic skills when you gain this
You have learned to link your psychoinventive and
feat, not to exceed your normal skill limits. In addition,
telekinetic powers together to speed your mental
you receive a +2 bonus to all of your attack rolls when
processes a hundredfold. This provides you with the
making psionic attacks.
ability to make decisions incredibly quickly under
Energy Junction stress.
Prerequisites: Telekinetic Mastery, Psychoinventive
You have learned to link your psychoinventive
Mastery, psion level 10+.
and psychokinetic powers together to enhance the
Benefit: You receive a +1 bonus to all of your
energy you create with your mind. This strengthens
telekinetic and psychoinventive skills when you
your psionic attacks.
gain this feat, not to exceed your normal skill limits.

Shadowforce Archer
M e n ta l P s i o n Fe at s

Electrokenesis Telekinetic Basics

Room 39 agents only, Psion level 1+ Psion level 1+

Intense Psi-Training Psychokinetic Basics Telekinetic Mastery

Archer Foundation agents only, Psion level 1+ Psion level 1+ Psion level 6+

Psychoinventive Basics Psychokinetic Mastery Control Junction

Psion level 1+ Psion level 6+ Psychokinetic Mastery, Psion level 10+

Psychoinventive mastery Energy Junction Evolved Mind

Int 13+, Psychokinteic Mastery,
Psion level 6+ Psychoinventive Mastery, Psion level 10+ Psychoinventive Mastery, Psion level 14+

Instinct Junction Ultimate Mentalist

Telekinetic Mastery, Psion level 10+ Int 16+, Psion level 18+

In addition, when making an initiative check, your die psion skills, even if stress and distraction would
roll is considered to be at least a 10 unless you roll a normally prevent you from doing so. In addition,
natural 1. you may make up to three inspiration checks per game
session without spending an action die.
Intense Psi-Training
You have undergone the Archer Foundation’s Psychokinetic Basics
intensive course to unlock your psionic potential. You can manifest the power of your mind as various
Prerequisites: Archer Foundation agents only, psion forms of energy. You are able to direct this energy and
level 1+. shape it into devastating attacks to use against your
Benefit: You receive a +1 psionic bonus to all of enemies.
your psion skill checks. Prerequisites: Psion level 1+.
Benefit: You may learn psychokinetic psion skills as
Psychoinventive Basics though they were class skills.
Your mind is capable of incredible leaps of intuition, Normal: Without this feat, you may not learn
logic, and imagination, and generates more creative psychokinetic psion skills.
energy than a normal human mind.
Prerequisites: Psion level 1+. Psychokinetic Mastery
Benefit: You may learn psychoinventive psion skills You have spent a great deal of time and effort
as though they were class skills. perfecting your psychokinetic psion skills.
Normal: Without this feat, you may not learn Prerequisites: Psychokinetic Basics, psion level 6+.
psychoinventive psion skills. Benefit: You may take 10 when using psychokinetic
psion skills, even if stress and distraction would
Psychoinventive Mastery normally prevent you from doing so. In addition, you
You have spent a great deal of time and effort gain a +4 psionic bonus to all saves against energy-
perfecting your psychoinventive psion skills. based attacks and temperature-related effects when you
Prerequisites: Psychoinventive Basics, psion level 6+. take this feat.
Benefit: You may take 10 when using psychoinventive

Telekinetic Basics would allow you to activate your flame jet power (for
instance) as a free action, allowing you to use the fire
You can move and redirect objects using the power
attack ability it gives you without first spending a half
of your mind.
action to turn the power on in the first place.
Prerequisites: Psion level 1+.
You may only have one power which provides a
Benefit: You may learn telekinetic psion skills as
psionic attack active at one time. You must wait for that
though they were class skills.
power to expire or deliberately cancel it before you may
Normal: Without this feat, you may not learn
prepare and use another. You may not make more than
telekinetic psion skills.
one psion attack per round.
Telekinetic Mastery Making Psionic Attacks
You have spent a great deal of time and effort per-
Psionic attacks take a half action and add your
fecting your telekinetic psion skills.
Intelligence modifier to the attack roll rather than
Prerequisites: Telekinetic Basics, psion level 6+.
Strength or Dexterity. When a psionic attack hits, you
Benefit: You may take 10 when using telekinetic
add the modifier for the skill’s keyed ability to the
psion skills, even if stress and distraction would
damage roll.
normally prevent you from doing so. In addition,
your speed is increased by 5 and your weight is reduced Example: The Static Charge skill offers an agent the
by 50% for purposes of setting off traps when you take Lightning Blast attack. When a lightning blast is used,
this feat. the agent applies his Intelligence modifier to the attack
roll and the modifier for Static Charge’s keyed ability
Ultimate Mentalist (Dexterity) to his damage roll.
You have forged a perfect union between your
The range increment for a psionic attack depends on
psychokinetic, telekinetic, and psychoinventive abilities,
the type of energy employed, and is defined in each
and awakened the innermost powers of the human
attack description. Psionic attacks have a maximum
mind. This is the pinnacle of psion achievement for a
range of five increments.
mentalist, and one of the most powerful feats ever
discovered. Psionic Backlash
Prerequisites: Int 16+, Evolved Mind, psion level
When an agent scores a critical failure using a
psionic attack, he suffers psionic backlash as the intense
Benefit: You receive 24 skill points. In addition,
mental energy he is trying to focus turns on him. The
when you make a skill check of any sort, your die
amount of damage taken is listed under each psionic
roll is considered to be at least a 10 unless you roll a
attack. Psionic backlash is normal damage and may not
natural 1.
be reduced by damage reduction.

Physical Psionic Attacks

SKILLS Some psionic attacks have a physical effect (such as
fire, electricity, and the like), rather than consisting of
purely mental force. Psionics cannot create something
These psion skills allow you to push your mind from nothing — these powers augment minute traces of
beyond normal human limitations to create physical existing elements to manifest dramatic physical attacks.
changes in the world around you. Psychoinventive, Lightning attacks, for instance, manifest from the
psychokinetic, and telekinetic skills are all considered natural static charge of the human body. Cold attacks
mental psion skills. freeze the moisture in surrounding air, and fire attacks
add thermal energy to the surrounding air until the
Psionic Attacks ambient nitrogen oxidizes (ignites). This limitation is the
Some mental psion skills, such as Cryokinesis or reason why psions are normally unable to create large
Pyrokinesis, give you the ability to attack others with ice structures, wield fireballs, or cause electrical storms.
the power of your mind. Psionic attacks are an ability Very powerful psions can manipulate large volumes
gained through the use of psionic powers — they are not of existing elements to create these astounding effects
psionic powers in and of themselves. You don’t pay (and much more). Rules for such advanced powers will
vitality points to make a psionic attack, and you can’t be presented in the upcoming Archer Foundation
use the Quicken Power feat (for instance) to make sourcebook.
psionic attacks as a free action. Instead, Quicken Power

Shadowforce Archer
26–30 1 hour × (gadget point cost)
Psychoinventive 31+ 30 minutes × (gadget point cost)
Psion Skills
You must have the Psychoinventive Basics feat in Devices created by agents in the field are submitted
order to take ranks in any psychoinventive psion skill. to R&D for testing as part of the mission debriefing —
they do not become part of any agent's personal gear.
Focus the Mind Modify Gadget: Starting with an existing gadget and
(Int; Trained Only) given the proper materials and a set of tools, you may
Requires the Psychoinventive Basics feat. add any modification (not including vehicles or vehicular
You may enter a meditative trance that focuses your gadgets) your GC allows in the game. You must spend
mind completely on a single problem, giving you a action dice equal to the modified device's total gadget
much better chance of coming up with a solution. point cost, and your psion level must equal or exceed
Check: A Focus the Mind check requires a full action this cost in order for you to modify the gadget.
and adds a psionic bonus to certain die rolls for a Your Gadgeteer check determines how long it takes you
number of minutes equal to 5 times your psion level. to build the device.
The result of the Focus the Mind check (see Table 5.1) Result Time Spent Building Gadget
determines the bonus, and the power you choose from up to 15 4 hours × (gadget point cost)
the list below determines which die rolls receive the 16–20 2 hours × (gadget point cost)
bonus. You can have more than one of these powers 21–25 1 hour × (gadget point cost)
active at the same time, but you must pay the vitality 26–30 30 minutes × (gadget point cost)
point cost for each. 31+ 15 minutes × (gadget point cost)
Inspire: By throwing open the gates of your imagi-
nation, you can gain the listed bonus to your inspiration This ability may not be used to modify standard
checks. gear, or to modify any use of the Mechanics or
Recall: By psionically scanning your own memories, Electronics skills.
you can gain the listed bonus to your education checks. Analyze Gadget: As a full action, you can analyze a
Prepare: By entering a special trance state, you can gadget you’ve never seen before in order to identify a
gain the listed bonus as a one-time modifier to the next number of its functions determined by your Gadgeteer
Intelligence– or Wisdom–based skill check you make. check. Your psion level must be equal or higher than the
This power ends when used or when its duration runs device’s gadget point cost in order to analyze it.
out, whichever comes first. You may only use this ability once with any given
Vitality Point Cost: 2 gadget, but it costs you nothing to do so.
Result Number of Functions Determined
Gadgeteer (Int; Trained Only)
up to 15 1
Requires the Psychoinventive Basics feat. 16–20 2
You are capable of building, modifying, and 21–25 3
analyzing PsiTech gadgets. 26–30 4
Check: A Gadgeteer check allows you to activate one 31+ 5
of the following powers. You can have more than one of
these powers active at the same time. This ability may not be used to analyze standard
Build Gadget: Given the proper materials and a set of gear, or to modify any use of the Mechanics or
tools, you can build any gadget your GC allows in the Electronics skills.
game (not including vehicles or vehicular gadgets). Vitality Point Cost: 1⁄2 GP cost of gadget (rounded up);
This ability may not be used to build standard gear, or Minimum 1.
to modify any use of the Mechanics or Electronics skills.
You must spend action dice equal to the device’s gadget Static Charge
point cost, and your psion level must equal or exceed (Dex; Trained Only)
this cost in order for you to build the gadget. Requires the Psychoinventive Basics feat.
Your Gadgeteer check determines how long it takes you This offensive skill allows you to focus your body’s
to build the device. natural static charge into electrical attacks and offers you
Result Time Spent Building Gadget the ability to electromagnetically disable high-tech items.
up to 15 5 hours × (gadget point cost) Check: A Static Charge check allows you to activate
16–20 4 hours × (gadget point cost) one of the following powers. You can have more than
21–25 2 hours × (gadget point cost) one of these powers active at the same time.

Result Duration
Lightning Blast: While this power is active, you gain
up to 15 1 round
the lightning attack ability, described below. The
16–20 2 rounds
duration of this power depends on the result of your
21–25 3 rounds
Static Charge check.
26–30 4 rounds
Result Duration 31+ 5 rounds
up to 15 1 round
16–20 2 rounds Vitality Point Cost: 4 for lightning blast or scramble
21–25 3 rounds mind, 2 for inhibit device.
26–30 4 rounds
31+ 5 rounds Psychokinetic Psion Skills
You must have the Psychokinetic Basics feat in order
Lightning Attack: Once per round as a half action,
to take ranks in any psychokinetic psion skill.
you may hurl a bolt of lightning at an opponent as a
psionic ranged touch attack. The range increment of the Cryokinesis (Cha; Trained
attack is 25, its error range is 1, and its threat range is Only)
20. You add your Intelligence modifier to your attack
Requires the Psychokinetic Basics feat.
roll, and if you hit, you roll 2d4 damage, plus an
You may lower the temperature of the air nearby,
additional 1d4 for every three psion levels you have,
allowing you to stay cool on a hot day, hurl shards of
adding your Dexterity modifier to the final result
ice at your enemies, or freeze an object solid.
(e.g. a mentalist with psion level of 6 and a +2 Dexterity
Check: A Cryokinesis check requires a half action
modifier deals 4d4+2 damage). This damage is treated as
(except when activating Chill Air, which is a free
electrical and psionic, and the target may make a Reflex
action), and allows you to activate one of the following
save (DC 10 + your psion level) to suffer only half
powers. You may have more than one of these powers
damage rounded down.
active at the same time.
If you suffer a critical miss when using this ability,
Chill Air: You may activate this power as a free
you suffer 2d4 points of psionic backlash damage and
action. Once activated, all heat or fire damage you
your lightning blast power immediately ends.
receive for a number of minutes equal to 5 times your
Scramble Mind: While this power is active,
psion level is reduced according to the result of your
you gain the scramble attack ability, described below.
Cryokinesis check.
The duration of this power depends on the result of your
Static Charge check. Result Damage Reduction
up to 15 5/–
Result Duration
16–20 10/–
up to 15 1 round
21–25 15/–
16–20 2 rounds
26–30 20/–
21–25 3 rounds
31+ 25/–
26–30 4 rounds
31+ 5 rounds Ice Shards: While this power is active, you gain the
ice attack ability, described below. The duration of this
Scramble Attack: Once per round as a half action,
power depends on the result of your Cryokinesis check.
you may fire a blast of mental energy at an opponent as
a psionic ranged touch attack. The range increment of Result Duration
the attack is 5, and it has no error or threat range, up to 15 1 round
nor can it ever gain one. You add your Intelligence 16–20 2 rounds
modifier to your attack roll, and if you hit, your target 21–25 3 rounds
must make a Will save (DC 10 + your psion level) or be 26–30 4 rounds
unable to act for 1d3 rounds. 31+ 5 rounds
Inhibit Device: When you activate this power, you
Ice Attack: Once per round as a half action, you may
target a small (hand-held) electronic device or gadget
hurl shards of ice at an opponent as a psionic ranged
with a gadget point cost no higher than your psion
attack. The range increment of the attack is 15, its error
level. While this power persists, that gadget cannot be
range is 1, and its threat range is 19-20. You add your
used. The duration of this power is decided by the result
Intelligence modifier to your attack roll, and if you hit,
of your Static Charge check.
you roll 2d4 damage, plus an additional 1d4 for every
two psion levels you have, adfing your Charisma
modifier to the final result (e.g. a mentalist with psion

Shadowforce Archer
level of 4 and a +2 Charisma modifier deals 4d4+2 dam- 21–25 3 rounds
age). This damage is treated as cold and psionic, and the 26–30 4 rounds
target may make a Reflex save (DC 10 + your psion 31+ 5 rounds
level) to suffer only half the damage, rounded down.
Flash Attack: Once per round as a half action, you
A target who fails this save suffers frostbite as described
may create a bright flash of light around your body.
under Cold on page 229 of the Spycraft Espionage
Anyone looking in your direction must make a Fortitude
save (DC 10 + your psion level) to look away in time.
If you suffer a critical miss when using this ability,
Targets who fail this save are blinded (see page 177 of
you suffer 2d4 points of psionic backlash damage.
the Spycraft Espionage Handbook) for 1d4 rounds.
In addition, your ice shards power immediately ends.
If you suffer a critical miss when using this ability,
Freeze Object: By touching a non-living object, you
you are blinded by your own power for 1d4 rounds and
can cause its temperature to plunge to below freezing.
your flash power immediately ends.
This power lasts for a number of rounds equal to five
This attack may not be performed in total darkness;
times your psion level. Your skill check determines how
any amount of light allows it to work normally.
large an area you can affect per round.
Image: You may cause an object to brightly
Result Size Affected phosphoresce wherever you touch it, allowing you to
up to 15 5 foot × 5 foot area draw a pattern or message on the object, or even to turn
16–20 10 foot × 10 foot area it into a makeshift light by illuminating the entire object
21–25 15 foot × 15 foot area (resulting in a glow as bright as a flashlight).
26–30 20 foot × 20 foot area To determine how long the object glows, make a
31+ 25 foot × 25 foot area Photokinesis check and consult the table below.
The freezing effect spreads outward from your touch Result Duration
in a circular pattern. Once frozen, an area becomes up to 15 5 minutes × (your psion level)
slippery with a thin sheen of ice (see Ice on page 230 in 16–20 10 minutes × (your psion level)
the Spycraft Espionage Handbook for the effects of this), 21–25 15 minutes × (your psion level)
and any flames in the area are extinguished. In addition, 26–30 30 minutes × (your psion level)
metallic surfaces that are frozen become brittle, halving 31+ 1 hour × (your psion level)
their hardness. You cannot use this power on an object
Lase: While this power is active, you gain the laser
held or worn by a person.
attack ability, described below. The duration of this
Vitality Point Cost: 2 for chill air or freeze object,
power depends on the result of your Photokinesis check.
4 for ice shards.
Result Duration
Photokinesis up to 15 1 round
(Wis; Trained Only) 16–20 2 rounds
Requires the Psychokinetic Basics feat. 21–25 3 rounds
You can control the light around you, enabling you 26–30 4 rounds
to create blinding flashes of light, dim a room to better 31+ 5 rounds
conceal yourself in the shadows, or create a simple
Laser Attack: Once per round as a half action, you
glowing image on a surface.
may focus ambient light into a fine beam, directed at an
Check: A Photokinesis check requires a half action,
opponent as a psionic ranged attack. The range incre-
and allows you to activate one of the following powers.
ment of the attack is 30, its error range is 1, and its
You may have more than one of these powers active at
threat range is 20. You add your Intelligence modifier to
the same time.
your attack roll, and if you hit, you roll 2d4 damage,
Dim: By dimming the light in an area and lengthening
plus an additional 1d4 for every three psion levels you
the shadows, you may add a psionic bonus to your Hide
have attained, adding your Wisdom modifier to the final
skill, as determined by the result of a Photokinesis check
result (e.g. a mentalist with psion level of 3 and a +2
(see Table 5.1).
Wisdom modifier deals 3d4+2 damage). This attack
Flash: While this power is active, you gain the flash
ignores the first three points of damage reduction or
attack ability, described below. The duration of this
hardness possessed by the target. This damage is treat-
power depends on the result of your Photokinesis check.
ed as laser and psionic, and the target may make a
Result Duration Reflex save (DC 10 + your psion level) in order to suffer
up to 15 1 round only half the damage, rounded down.
16–20 2 rounds

If you suffer a critical miss when using this ability, If you suffer a critical miss when using this ability,
you suffer 2d4 points of psionic backlash damage (see you suffer 2d6 points of psionic backlash damage.
page 183). In addition, your lase power immediately In addition, your flame jet power immediately ends.
ends. The vitality cost for this action is 5, not 2 as listed Heat Object: By touching a non-living object, you
for all other uses of this power. can rapidly excite the molecules around it, igniting the
Vitality Point Cost: 2 air immediately above the object's surface. you may
contain this flame as a single curl of fire hovering above
Pyrokinesis the object (never touching or harming the object, if that
(Cha; Trained Only) is your wish), or will it to expand out across the surface
Requires the Psychokinetic Basics feat. at a rate of (1 foot × your psion level) per round. you
You may raise the temperature of the air nearby, determine whether the flame burns the objects and
hurl jets of flame, and cause objects to burst into flame. surfaces it spreads across or not. Finally, there must
Check: A Pyrokinesis check requires a half action be enough oxygen in the area for the fire to burn
(except when activating warm air, which is a free naturally or this power cannot be activated.
action), and allows you to activate one of the following This power lasts for a number of rounds equal to five
powers. You may have more than one of these powers times your psion level. Your skill check determines the
active at the same time. size of the area you may affect per round.
Warm Air: You may activate this power as a free Result Size Affected
action. Once activated, all cold or ice damage you up to 15 5 ft. × 5 ft. area
receive for a number of minutes equal to 5 times your 16–20 10 ft. × 10 ft. area
psion level is reduced according to the result of your 21–25 15 ft. × 15 ft. area
Pyrokinesis check. 26–30 20 ft. × 20 ft. area
Result Damage Reduction 31+ 25 ft. × 25 ft. area
up to 15 5/–
16–20 10/– The heating effect spreads outward from your touch
21–25 15/– in a circular pattern. Once heated, an area becomes hot
26–30 20/– to the touch (inflicting 1d4 damage to anyone who
31+ 25/– touches it with bare skin), and any combustibles in the
area are automatically ignited. You cannot use this
Flame Jet: You may activate this power as a half power on an object held or worn by a person.
action. While this power is active, you gain the fire Vitality Point Cost: 2 for warm air and heat object,
attack ability, described below. The duration of this 6 for flame jet.
power depends on the result of your Pyrokinesis check.
Result Duration
Telekinetic Psion Skills
up to 15 1 round You must have the Telekinetic Basics feat in order to
16–20 2 rounds take ranks in any telekinetic psion skill.
21–25 3 rounds
Kinetic Shield
26–30 4 rounds
(Con; Trained Only)
31+ 5 rounds
Requires the Telekinetic Basics feat.
Fire Attack: Once per round as a half action, you may You can temporarily raise a telekinetic shield around
shoot a jet of flame at an opponent as a psionic ranged yourself that deflects attacks.
attack. The range increment of the attack is 10, its error Check: A Kinetic Shield check requires a half action
range is 1–2, and its threat range is 19–20. You add your and increases your damage reduction for a number of
Intelligence modifier to your attack roll, and if you hit, rounds equal to 2 times your psion level. The result of
you roll 2d6 damage, plus an additional 1d6 for every the Kinetic Shield check determines how much your
two psion levels you have, adding your Charisma modi- damage reduction is increased.
fier to the final result (e.g. a mentalist with psion level of Result Bonus
4 and a +2 Charisma modifier deals 4d6+2 damage). up to 15 +2/–
This damage is treated as fire and psionic, and the target 16–20 +3/–
may make a Reflex save (DC 10 + your psion level) to 21–25 +4/–
suffer only half damage, rounded down. A target who 26–30 +5/–
fails this save catches fire as described under Fire on 31+ +6/–
page 230 in the Spycraft Espionage Handbook.

Shadowforce Archer
Result Effective Strength
Special: If you possess the Telekinetic Mastery feat,
up to 15 5
you may target another character to receive this benefit.
16–20 10
Doing so halves the duration (to 1 times your psion level
21–25 15
in rounds). Your target must be within 10 feet when you
26–30 20
activate the power, and if he ever moves more than 10
31+ 25
feet from you the power is immediately terminated.
Vitality Point Cost: 6
Hurl: When this power is activated, you receive a
Levitation psionic bonus to your attack and damage rolls when
(Wis; trained Only) using a hurled or projectile weapon for a number of
rounds equal to your psion level. The bonuses you
Requires the Telekinetic Basics feat.
receive are determined by the result of your Poltergeist
You can float straight up and down using your this
power. You cannot actually maneuver when levitating,
but you can push off of walls or along ceilings. Result Attack Bonus Damage Bonus
Check: Using Levitation is a half action. When up to 15 +0 +1
activated, you can levitate up or down as if moving 16–20 +1 +3
normally for a number of rounds equal to 5 times your 21–25 +2 +5
psion level. The speed at which you can move is 26–30 +3 +7
determined by the result of your Levitation check. 31+ +4 +9

Result Speed Catch: If this power is active when you would

up to 15 15 normally be hit with a ranged weapon (type determined
16–20 20 by your Poltergeist check, see below), you may make a
21–25 30 Reflex save (DC 17 + attacker’s base attack bonus —
26–30 40 your psion level) as a free action. If you succeed, you
31+ 60 telekinetically repel the attack. This power lasts for one
round, but may be maintained indefinitely by paying
Special: If you have the Telekinetic Mastery feat, you
the vitality point cost at the start of every round. When
may take your 5-ft. step each round while levitating,
you continue using this power from round to round, you
even if there are no available surfaces to push off from.
do not need to make another Poltergeist check — you
Vitality Point Cost: 2
keep the total you rolled when you activated the power.
Poltergeist This power is useless against psionic or other non-
(Dex; Trained Only) physical ranged attacks.
Requires the Telekinetic Basics feat. Result Avoidable Ranged Weapon Attacks
You can move objects with the power of your mind. up to 15 Small hurled weapons
Check: A Poltergeist check requires a half action, and 16–20 Hurled weapons, small projectile weapons
allows you to activate one of the following powers. 21–25 Hurled/projectile weapons, small firearms
You can have more than one of these powers active at 26–30 Hurled/projectile weapons, firearms
the same time. 31+ Any
Grab: By activating this power, you can psionically
Fling: While this power is active, you gain the debris
“grab” an object within your line of sight and quickly
attack ability, described below. The duration of this
pull it to your hand. The object may be up to five feet
power depends on the result of your Poltergeist check.
away from you for every psion level you have gained.
If the object is held in place by another object or Result Duration
person, you must win an opposed Strength check to up to 15 1 round
seize the object. Your effective Strength for this check is 16–20 2 rounds
determined by the result of your Poltergeist check — 21–25 3 rounds
you must be able to lift an object using this Strength 26–30 4 rounds
value in order to affect it with this power. 31+ 5 rounds
Once you’ve grabbed an object, it flies straight
Debris Attack: This ability requires the presence of sev-
to your hand, making only slight detours to avoid
eral loose objects (a modest pile of gravel, a stack of crates,
obstacles. Once successfully grabbed, an object moves
etc.) within your line of sight. Once per round as a half
too quickly to be intercepted by anyone else. This power
action, you may fling these objects at an opponent as a
ends as soon as the object reaches your hand.

Class Skills
The physical adept’s class skills, and the key ability
for each, are listed below:
Class Skill Key Ability
Balance Dex
Climb Str
Concentration Wis
Craft Int
Driver Dex
Handle Animal Cha
Hobby Wis
Intimidate Str or Cha
Jump Str
Knowledge Int
psionic ranged Move Silently Dex
attack. Objects Profession Wis
may be reused Sense Motive Wis
from round to Sport Str or Dex
round, or new Swim Str
ones launched, at the agent's discretion.
The range increment of the attack is 20, its Skill Points at 1st level: (6 + Int modifier) × 4.
error range is 1, and its threat range is 20. You Skill Points at each additional level: 6 + Int modifier.
add your Intelligence modifier to your attack
roll, and if you hit, you roll 2d6 damage, plus an Class Features
additional 1d6 for every three psion levels you have All of the following are class features of the
attained, adding your Dexterity modifier to the final physical adept.
result (e.g. a mentalist with psion level of 3 and a +2 Psionic Class: The physical adept is a psionic class.
Dexterity modifier deals 3d6+2 damage). This damage is Levels gained in this class increase your psion level.
psionic and treated as if it were inflicted by a hurled Class Feats: The physical adept begins play with the
weapon. The target may make a Reflex save (DC 10 + your following feats.
psion level) to suffer only half the damage, rounded down.
Armor Proficiency (Light)
If you suffer a critical miss when using this ability,
Armor Proficiency (Medium)
you suffer 2d6 points of psionic backlash damage.
Weapon Group Proficiency (Handgun)
In addition, your fling power immediately ends.
Weapon Group Proficiency (Hurled)
The vitality cost for this action is 6, not 4 as
Weapon Group Proficiency (Rifle)
described for every other use of this power.
Weapon Group Proficiency (Archaic)
Vitality Point Cost: 4
Zen: Whenever the physical adept spends an action
die to add to a physical psion skill check, the results of
HYSICAL that die are also added to his psion level (to a maximum
of 25) to determine the effectiveness of the power for
that skill check only (e.g. a 1st-level physical adept who
spends an action die and rolls a 3 adds +3 to his skill
Psions who specialize in body-affecting powers are
check result and increases his psion level by 3 for the
called physical adepts. They are capable of a variety of
purposes of that skill check). This is the physical adept’s
superhuman feats that make them extremely valuable to
core ability.
any team.
Physical Psion Feats: At 1st level, the physical adept
Abilities: Most of the physical adept’s powers
may begin choosing feats from the physical psion feats
augment his normal physical prowess, and so he must
category. The physical adept must still have the slots
be in excellent physical condition to make the best use
free for any feats he selects, and must still meet all
of his abilities. This is especially true of Constitution
prerequisites for any feat chosen.
and Intelligence, which supply the necessary vitality
and skill points to fuel his powers.
Vitality: 1d10 plus Constitution modifier per level.

Shadowforce Archer
Bonus Feat: At 1st level, the physical adept receives Complete Focus: Starting at 10th level, once per
a bonus basic combat or physical psion feat. game session, the physical adept may use one psion skill
The physical adept must still meet all prerequisites for a of his choice, ignoring all vitality point costs normally
feat, including ability score and base attack bonus associated with the skill. At 20th level, the physical
minimums. At 4th level, and every 4 levels thereafter, adept may use this ability twice per game session.
the physical adept receives an additional bonus basic Reduced Vitality Cost: Starting at 14th level, the
combat or physical psion feat. vitality point cost of all the physical adept’s physical
Superhuman: Starting at 2nd level, once per game psion skills is reduced by 2 (minimum 1).
session as a free action, the physical adept may add half
his psion level (rounded down) to his Strength,
Constitution, or Dexterity for ten rounds. This power is
so exhausting that when it wears off, the adept must
rest for a full round, taking no actions and using no
psion skills. This ability’s duration may be cut short at
You must have a physical adept level of 1 or more to
the player’s discretion, but the agent suffers the full
take any feats from this category.
round exhaustion penalty, regardless. At 11th and 19th
level, the physical adept can may this ability one Adrenal Basics
additional time per game session.
You can externally alter your body to perform many
Psi Mastery: Starting at 3rd level, the physical adept
incredible feats, like temporarily increasing your
chooses a physical psion skill that he has at least 1 rank
strength or reshaping your face.
in. He receives a +2 bonus to all skill checks with that
Prerequisites: Psion level 1+.
skill. For every 2 levels after 3rd, the physical adept selects
Benefit: You may learn adrenal psion skills as
an additional physical psion skill to receive this bonus.
though they were class skills.
Ability Bonus: At 6th level, the physical adept raises
Normal: Without this feat, you may not learn
an ability score of his choice by 1. For every 3 levels after
adrenal psion skills.
6th, the physical adept raises another ability score by 1.
The same ability score may be raised more than once.

Table 5.3: The Physical Adept

Base Fort Ref Will Def Init Budg Gadg
Lvl Att Bon Save Save Save Bon Bon Pts Pts Special
1 +0 +2 +0 +2 +1 +0 2 0 Physical psion feats,
bonus feat, zen
2 +1 +3 +0 +3 +1 +1 4 1 Superhuman 1/session
3 +2 +3 +1 +3 +2 +1 6 2 Psi mastery
4 +3 +4 +1 +4 +2 +2 8 3 Bonus feat
5 +3 +4 +1 +4 +3 +2 10 3 Psi mastery
6 +4 +5 +2 +5 +4 +2 12 4 Ability bonus
7 +5 +5 +2 +5 +4 +3 14 5 Psi mastery
8 +6 +6 +2 +6 +5 +3 16 6 Bonus feat
9 +6 +6 +3 +6 +5 +4 18 6 Ability bonus, psi mastery
10 +7 +7 +3 +7 +6 +4 20 7 Complete focus 1/session
11 +8 +7 +3 +7 +7 +4 22 8 Psi mastery,
superhuman 2/session
12 +9 +8 +4 +8 +7 +5 24 9 Ability bonus, bonus feat
13 +9 +8 +4 +8 +8 +5 26 9 Psi mastery
14 +10 +9 +4 +9 +8 +6 28 10 Reduced vitality cost (–2)
15 +11 +9 +5 +9 +9 +6 30 11 Ability bonus, psi mastery
16 +12 +10 +5 +10 +10 +6 32 12 Bonus feat
17 +12 +10 +5 +10 +10 +7 34 12 Psi mastery
18 +13 +11 +6 +11 +11 +7 36 13 Ability bonus
19 +14 +11 +6 +11 +11 +8 38 14 Psi mastery, superhuman 3/session
20 +15 +12 +6 +12 +12 +8 40 15 Bonus feat,
complete focus 2/session

Adrenal Mastery Normal: Without this feat, you may not learn
metabolic psion skills.
You have spent a great deal of time and effort
perfecting your adrenal psion skills. Metabolic Mastery
Prerequisites: Adrenal Basics, psion level 6+.
You have spent a great deal of time and effort
Benefit: You may take 10 when using adrenal psion
perfecting your metabolic psion skills.
skills, even if stress and distraction would normally
Prerequisites: Metabolic Basics, psion level 6+.
prevent you from doing so. In addition, you receive a +2
Benefit: You may take 10 when using metabolic
psionic bonus to your Defense when you take this feat.
psion skills, even if stress and distraction would
Coordination Junction normally prevent you from doing so. In addition,
once per game session as a half action, you may heal
You have learned to link your adrenal and sensory
yourself or someone you are touching of a number of
powers together to create a union of your senses and
wound points equal to half your psion level (rounded up).
reflexes. This provides you with uncanny speed and
awareness. Overcharge Power
Prerequisites: Adrenal Mastery, Sensory Mastery,
You may use your psionic powers as if your psion
psion level 10+.
level were higher than it really is.
Benefit: You receive a +1 bonus to all of your adrenal
Prerequisites: Psion level 1+.
and sensory skills when you gain this feat, not to exceed
Benefit: When activating one of your psionic
your normal skill limits. In addition, you receive an
powers with a vitality point cost, you may choose to pay
extra half action every other round, starting in the
double its normal cost. Doing so lets you activate that
second round of any combat you engage in.
power as though your psion level were 1 higher than it
Equilibrium Junction truly is, and gives you a +2 psionic bonus to the psion
skill check.
You have learned to link your adrenal and metabolic
powers together to create a powerful equilibrium of the Perfect Harmony
You have learned to link your adrenal, metabolic,
Prerequisites: Adrenal Mastery, Metabolic Mastery,
and sensory powers together to create a near-perfect
psion level 10+.
harmony of the mind and body.
Benefit: You receive a +1 bonus to all of your
Prerequisites: Wis 13+, Adrenal Mastery, Metabolic
adrenal and metabolic skills when you gain this feat,
Mastery, Sensory Mastery, psion level 14+.
not to exceed your normal skill limits. In addition,
Benefit: You receive 10 extra vitality points.
you receive an extra 2 action dice at the start of every
In addition, you receive a +1 bonus to Strength,
game session.
Dexterity, Constitution, Wisdom, Intelligence, and
Heightened Inner Strength Charisma when you gain this feat.
Your psionic power constantly enhances your abilities. Quicken Power
Prerequisites: African Alliance agents only, psion
You can activate powers listed under one of your
level 1+.
psion skills much faster than most psions.
Benefit: You receive a +1 bonus to one of your
Prerequisites: Psion level 3+.
abilities. You receive another +1 bonus to one of your
Benefit: Choose one of your psion skills. Powers
abilities (chosen each time) for every 5 additional psion
listed under that skill that normally require a full action
levels you gain after acquiring this feat. You cannot
to activate now require only a half action to activate,
choose to increase any attribute more than twice using
and powers that took a half action to activate are now
this feat.
free actions for you.
Metabolic Basics Special: You can take this feat multiple times.
Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new psion skill.
You can make internal changes to your body and
the bodies of those you touch to perform such feats as Recuperation Junction
holding your breath for extended periods or healing
You have learned to link your metabolic and
wounds that an ally has suffered.
sensory powers together, giving you a heightened sense
Prerequisites: Psion level 1+.
of your own well-being and a remarkable healing factor.
Benefit: You may learn metabolic psion skills as
Prerequisites: Metabolic Mastery, Sensory Mastery,
though they were class skills.
psion level 10+.

Shadowforce Archer
P h y s i ca l P s i o n Fe at s

Adrenal Basics Metabolic Basics Sensory Basics

Psion level 1+ Psion level 1+ Psion level 1+

Adrenal Mastery Metabolic Mastery Sensory Mastery

Psion level 6+ Psion level 6+ Psion level 6+

Equilibrium Junction Recuperation Junction Coordination Junction

Metabolic Mastery, Psion level 10+ Sensory Mastery, Psion level 10+ Adrenal Mastery, Psion level 10+

Heightened Inner Strength Overcharge Power Perfect Harmony

African Alliance agents only, Psion level 1+ Adrenal Mastery, Metabolic Mastery,
Psion level 1+ Wis 13+, Psion level 14+

Stamina Battery Quicken Power Ultimate Adept

Psion level 1+ Psion level 3+ Wis 16+, Psion level 18+

Sympathetic Healer Will to Live

Pan-Asian Collective agents only,
Psion level 1+ Con 13+, Psion level 1+

Benefit: You receive a +1 bonus to all of your metabolic Stamina Battery

and sensory skills when you gain this feat, not to exceed
You have a hidden reserve of psionic power that you
your normal skill limits. In addition, you gain the
can call upon in times of need.
ability to regenerate 1 wound point every 6 hours.
Prerequisites: Psion level 1+.
Sensory Basics Benefit: Each game session, you receive a number of
vitality points equal to your psion level. These vitality
You can enhance or modify your senses to perform
points may only be spent activating psionic powers —
such feats as seeing in the dark or surviving in the
you can’t use them to absorb damage like normal
extreme pressure found at the bottom of the ocean.
vitality points.
Prerequisites: Psion level 1+.
Benefit: You may learn sensory psion skills as Sympathetic Healer
though they were class skills.
You can heal others by absorbing their wounds into
Normal: Without this feat, you may not learn
your own body.
sensory psion skills.
Prerequisites: Pan-Asian Collective agents only,
Sensory Mastery psion level 1+.
Benefit: You may, as a half action, transfer a
You have spent a great deal of time and effort
number of your wound or vitality points to an ally by
perfecting your psionic sensory skills, allowing you to
touching them. You may give a number of your vitality
narrowly escape many dangerous situations.
or wound points equal to 5 times your psion level in a
Prerequisites: Sensory Basics, psion level 6+.
single half action. This restores an equal number of the
Benefit: You may take 10 when using sensory psion
same type of points (vitality or wound) to the ally.
skills, even if stress and distraction would normally
You may not increase your ally’s vitality or wound
prevent you from doing so. In addition, once per game
points past their normal maximum, nor may you reduce
session, you automatically succeed at any one Reflex,
your own vitality or wound points below 0.
Fortitude, or Will save of your choice. Announce that
you are using this power instead of rolling the dice.

Ultimate Adept The result of your Body Sculpting check determines the
bonus (see Table 5.1), and the power you choose from
You have forged a perfect union between your
the list below determines which skill receives the bonus.
adrenal, metabolic, and sensory abilities, and awakened
You can activate more than one of these powers at once,
the innermost powers of the human body. This is the
but you must pay the vitality point cost for each.
pinnacle of psion achievement for a physical adept, and
Triple Jointed: By stretching yourself out unnaturally,
one of the most powerful feats ever discovered.
you may gain the listed bonus to your Escape Artist skill.
Prerequisites: Wis 16+, Perfect Harmony, psion level
Chameleon: By rapidly changing the color of your
skin and clothing, you may gain the listed bonus to
Benefit: You receive 10 extra wound points.
your Hide skill.
In addition, you receive a +2 bonus to Strength,
Clay Face: By changing the appearance of your face
Dexterity, Constitution, Wisdom, Intelligence, and
and your build, you may gain the listed bonus to your
Charisma when you gain this feat.
Disguise skill.
Will to Live Vitality Point Cost: 2
You are particularly hard to kill. When severely Energy Burst
wounded, you are likely to keep going. (Str; Trained Only)
Prerequisites: Company agents only, psion level 1+,
Requires the Adrenal Basics feat.
Con 13+.
You can send a surge of energy through your body,
Benefit: Before your first roll to stabilize when
using hidden reserves to jump farther, swim harder,
reduced to negative Wound Points, you may make a
or smash obstacles in your way.
Fortitude save with a DC of 5 + the number of wounds
Check: An Energy Burst check requires a half action
you are below 0 (6 for –1, 10 for –5, etc.). If the roll
and adds a psionic bonus to certain die rolls for a
succeeds you automatically stabilize. Only one Fortitude
number of minutes equal to 5 times your psion level.
save may be made using this feat each time you fall
The result of your Energy Burst check determines the
below 0 Wound Points.
bonus (see Table 5.1), while the power you choose from
the list below determines which die rolls receive the
bonus. You may activate more than one of these powers
SKILLS at once, but you must pay the vitality point cost for
Bounding Leap: By sending a surge of energy
These psion skills allow you to push your body through your legs, you may gain a bonus to your Jump
beyond normal human limitations. Adrenal, metabolic, checks and temporarily ignore the normal maximums
and sensory skills are all considered physical psion for jumping distance.
skills. Due to early research by Room 39 and (after Crushing Blow: By focusing a surge of energy
World War II) the Archer Foundation, many more through your fist, you may gain a bonus to Strength
options are currently open to physical adepts than checks (for breaking down doors and the like).
mentalists and telepaths. These options, and each Strong Swimmer: By focusing a surge of energy
Chambers' attempts to correct this discrepancy, will be through your arms and legs, you may gain a bonus to
featured in upcoming sourcebooks for each Chamber. Swim checks.
Vitality Point Cost: 2
Adrenal Psion Skills
You must have the Adrenal Basics feat in order to Speed Control
take ranks in any adrenal psion skill. (Dex; Trained Only)
Requires the Adrenal Basics feat.
Body Sculpting You can temporarily boost your speed and reflexes,
(Dex; Trained Only) allowing you to run faster, fall farther, or act more often
Requires the Adrenal Basics feat. during a round of combat.
You can contort your body in unnatural ways, Check: A Speed Control check requires a free action,
allowing you to escape from tight spots, blend into the and it allows you to activate one of the following powers.
background, or disguise yourself. Improve Speed: When you activate this power,
Check: A Body Sculpting check requires a half action your speed is increased for a number of rounds equal to
and adds a psionic bonus to one of your skills for a 5 times your psion level. Your speed is increased
number of minutes equal to 5 times your psion level. according to the result of your Speed Control check.

Shadowforce Archer
Result Bonus
long the power remains active. You may activate more
up to 15 +5
than one of these powers at once, but you must pay the
16–20 +10
vitality point cost for each.
21–25 +15
26–30 +20 Result Hold Breath Temp. Dur. Feign Death Dur.
31+ +25 up to 15 5 minutes 1 minute 10 days
16–20 15 minutes 2 minutes 20 days
Graceful Fall: When you activate this power, 21–25 30 minutes 4 minutes 40 days
all falling damage you receive for a number of minutes 26–30 60 minutes 8 minutes 80 days
equal to 5 times your psion level is reduced according 31+ 2 hours 16 minutes 160 days
to the result of your Speed Control check.
Result Damage Reduction Hold Breath: By reducing your body’s need for
up to 15 5/– oxygen, you may increase the length of time you can
16–20 10/– hold your breath by the duration of this power. You may
21–25 15/– only use this power once each time you have an
26–30 20/– opportunity to replenish your breath.
31+ 25/– Resist Temperature: By speeding up or slowing down
your metabolism, you may create or bleed off excess
Burst of Speed: When you activate this power, heat. This gives you Damage Reduction equal to 3 times
you receive an extra half action at the end of each your psion level against heat- and cold-based attacks
round while it lasts, after everyone else has performed while this power is active.
their actions. If more than one psion uses this power in Feign Death: By slowing your heartbeat and other
the same round, then each psion receives his extra bodily functions almost to a standstill, you may enter a
action in initiative order. If more than one psion with state of suspended animation in which you appear to be
the same initiative total uses this power in the same dead. You need no food or drink, are unaware of your
round, then each psion receives his extra action in surroundings, and may take no actions while feigning
Dexterity order. If there is still a tie, randomly determine death. When you use this power, you may choose how
the order in which the psions receive their extra action. long you wish to wait before awakening, or you may set
This power is so exhausting that you may only use it a specific condition under which you will awaken.
once per combat. The duration of this power depends on Additionally, another person can use First Aid to tell
the result of your Speed Control check. that you’re still alive (DC 10 + your psion level) or to
Result Duration wake you up prematurely once they’ve realized that
up to 15 1 round you’re alive (DC 25).
16–20 2 rounds Vitality Point Cost: 4
21–25 3 rounds
Control Pheromones
26–30 4 rounds
(Cha; Trained Only)
31+ 5 rounds
Requires the Metabolic Basics feat.
Vitality Point Cost: 2 for improve speed or graceful You can control the pheromones your body emits,
fall, 8 for burst of speed. allowing you to subtly manipulate the emotions of
those around you.
Metabolic Psion Skills Check: A Control Pheromones check requires a half
You must have the Metabolic Basics feat in order to action and adds a psionic bonus to one of your skills for
take ranks in any metabolic psion skill. a number of minutes equal to 5 times your psion level.
The result of the Control Pheromones check determines
Control Metabolism the bonus (see Table 5.1), while the power you choose
(Wis; Trained Only) from the list below determines which skill receives the
Requires the Metabolic Basics feat. bonus. You may activate more than one of these powers
You can slow your body’s metabolism to a crawl, at once, but you must pay the vitality point cost for
allowing you to hold your breath for long periods of each.
time, resist extreme temperatures, or pretend to be dead. Entice: By giving off attractive pheromones, you
Check: A Control Metabolism check requires a half may gain a bonus to your Bluff skill when attempting
action and allows you to activate one of the following to seduce someone.
powers. Your Control Metabolism check determines how Enrage: By giving off pheromones that agitate
others, you may gain a bonus to your Taunt attempts.


Frighten: By giving off pheromones that inspire fear Sensory Psion Skills
in others, you may gain a bonus to your Intimidate skill.
You must have the Sensory Basics feat in order to
Vitality Point Cost: 2
take ranks in any sensory psion skill.
Pain Transmission Combat Sense
(Int; Trained Only) (Int; Trained Only)
Requires the Metabolic Basics feat.
Requires the Sensory Basics feat.
Simply by touching an opponent, you can send a
Your awareness of your surroundings is sharp
blast of blinding pain through his body, causing nerve
enough that you can sense surprise attacks.
damage or possibly death.
Check: A Combat Sense check requires a half action
Check: In order to make a Pain Transmission check,
and activates one or more of the following powers for a
you must first perform a successful touch attack against
number of minutes equal to 5 times your psion level.
an opponent. You may then activate this power as a free
The result of the Combat Sense check determines which
action to deal damage to the touched opponent.
powers are activated.
The result of the Pain Transmission check determines
how much damage you deal to your target. Damage Result Powers Activated
reduction is not subtracted from damage caused by this up to 15 Sense ambush
power. You may only activate this power once per 16–25 Sense ambush, sense flanker
successful touch attack, and you cannot score critical 26+ Sense ambush, sense flanker,
hits using this power. sense trap

Result Damage Sense Ambush: By enhancing your sensitivity to

up to 15 1d6 + psion level light levels and air currents, you may retain your
16–20 1d8 + psion level Dexterity bonus to Defense even when flat-footed or
21–25 2d6 + psion level struck by an unseen opponent for the duration of this
26–30 2d8 + psion level power.
31+ 3d6 + psion level Sense Flanker: By enhancing your sensitivity to
vibrations and air currents, you may become immune to
Vitality Point Cost: 4
flanking attacks for the duration of this power.

Shadowforce Archer
Sense Trap: By enhancing your sensitivity to sudden you ignore concealment penalties caused by up to
movement and air currents, you may automatically moderate darkness, and near total darkness provides
succeed at all Reflex saves against traps for the duration only one-half concealment to your targets.
of this power. Night Sight: You can see normally even in total
Vitality Point Cost: 6 darkness, and concealment provides no benefit to your
Enhance Senses Infrared Spectrum: You can see heat, giving you a +5
(Wis; Trained Only) psionic bonus to Spot checks when you are trying to
Requires the Sensory Basics feat. find a warm-blooded creature, and a +5 psionic bonus
You can sharpen your senses, allowing you to see to Search checks when looking for an item that is a
and hear more acutely. In addition, you can enhance different temperature than its surroundings (these
your sense of smell, allowing you to track like a blood- modifiers are cumulative with one another). In addition,
hound. you gain a +5 psionic bonus to Survival checks when
Check: An Enhance Senses check requires a half tracking a warm-blooded creature, as long as the trail
action and adds a psionic bonus to one of your skills for isn’t more than 10 minutes old.
a number of minutes equal to 5 times your psion level. Sense Invisible: You can see any objects or beings
The result of the Enhance Senses check determines the that are invisible as if they were visible.
bonus (see Table 5.1), and the power you choose from Vitality Point Cost: 2
the list below determines which skill receives the bonus.
Deft Hands: By enhancing your hand-eye coordina-
tion, you gain a psionic bonus to your Open Locks and
Sleight of Hand checks for a number of minutes equal
to 5 times your psion level. The result of the Sensitive
No other psion is as feared or as misunderstood as
Touch check determines the bonus (see Table 5.1). the telepath. The earliest telepath serums were derived
Keen Eyes: By enhancing your eyesight, you may from the blood of the Demagogue, and that terrible era
gain a bonus to your Spot checks. has permanently scarred the reputation of this field of
Keen Hearing: By enhancing your hearing, you may psionic research and training. Further, the idea of
gain a bonus to your Listen checks. mental intruders, who can steal deeply held secrets or
Bloodhound: By enhancing your sense of smell, you command obedience without an agent’s knowledge, is
may gain a bonus to Survival checks made to find or terrifying to secret agents, who live and die by the
follow tracks. information they keep locked away in their minds.
Vitality Point Cost: 2 Regardless, telepaths have proven one of the
Foundation’s greatest tools in the secret war to save
Extended Visual Spectrum humanity from dire threats they cannot see, Whether as
(Wis; Trained Only) tools of interrogation, investigation, or brainwashing,
Requires the Sensory Basics feat. telepath's are the cutting edge of psion development in
You can see into visual spectra that most people are the information age.
unable to detect. This allows you to see in the dark, or Abilities: A telepath should have high Charisma and
extend your sight into the infrared or ultraviolet spectra. Wisdom scores. Force of personality is key to the
Check: An Extrnded Visual Spectrum check requires telepaths active abilities while Wisdom supports their
a half action and activates one or more of the following perceptive skills. Like all psionic agents, a high
powers for a number of minutes equal to 5 times your Constitution provides additional vitality to power their
psion level. The result of the Extrnded Visual Spectrum abilities.
check determines which powers are activated. Vitality: 1d10 plus Constitution modifier per level
Result Powers Activated
up to 15 Low-light sight
Class Skills
16–20 Night sight The telepath’s class skills, and the key ability for
21–25 Night sight, infrared spectrum each, are listed below:
26+ Night sight, infrared spectrum, Class Skill Key Ability
sense invisible Bluff Cha
Concentration Wis
Low-light Sight: You can see twice as far as a Craft Int
normal person in poor lighting, and can distinguish Diplomacy Cha
details and colors under such conditions. In addition, Driver Dex

Electronics Int
Psi Mastery: Starting at 3rd level, the telepath
Gather Information Cha
chooses a telepathic psion skill that he has at least 1
Handle Animal Cha
rank in. He receives a +2 psionic bonus to all skill
Hobby Wis
checks with that skill. For every 2 levels after 3rd, the
Intimidate Str or Cha
telepath selects an additional telepathic psion skill to
Knowledge Int
receive this bonus, choosing a different skill each time.
Languages Wis
Psychic Escape: The telepath has an uncanny ability
Profession Wis
to escape harm. At 6th level, the telepath receives a +1
Sense Motive Wis
psionic bonus to all Fortitude, Reflex and Will saving
Sport Str or Dex
throws. For every 3 levels after 6th, the telepath's
psionic bonus to all saves increases by +1.
Skill Points at 1st level: (6 + Int modifier) × 4.
Blind Spot: Starting at 10th level, once per game
Skill Points at each additional level: 6 + Int modifier.
session, the telepath may use his powers to create a
Class Features “blind spot.” One object or individual of up to the Large-
size or smaller becomes effectively invisible to all minds
All of the following are class features of the telepath.
within the telepath's Imprint skill range (see page 201).
Psionic Class: The telepath is a psionic class. Levels
This increases the DC of all Spot checks to notice the
gained in this class increase your psion level.
target a number equal to the telepath's psion level.
Class Feats: The telepath begins play with the
Mechanical devices are unaffected but living minds
following feats.
relying on such devices (such as a guard watching a TV
Armor Proficiency (Light)
Armor Proficiency (Medium) Telepaths: The Bogeymen
Weapon Group Proficiency (Melee) of the Spy Business
Weapon Group Proficiency (Handgun)
In the world of Shadowforce Archer, telepaths are a
Sensitive: Whenever the telepath spends an action die conundrum. During World War II, the rise of the
to add to a telepathic psion skill check, the results of that Demagogue demonstrated with tragic clarity the
die are also added to his psion level (to a maximum of influence that telepaths could have on the minds of
25) to determine the effectiveness of the power for that millions — and the very course of history. All subsequent
skill check only (e.g. a 1st-level telepath who spends an telepaths were created with formulae distilled from the
action die and rolls a 3 adds +3 to his skill check result Demagogue's blood, and the memory of those terrible
and increases his psion level by 3 for the purposes of that events still taints the world’s view of all mental psions.
skill check). This is the telepath’s core ability. Since the earliest days of the Archer Foundation,
Telepathic Psion Feats: At 1st level, the telepath may it has been been something of an open international
begin choosing feats from the telepathic psion feats secret that psionic powers exist. But since the number of
category. The telepath must still have the slots free for agents with the skill and training to consistently resist
any feats he selects, and must still meet all prerequisites the powers of a skilled telepath are few and far between,
for any feat chosen. the Foundation has kept most sensitive information
Bonus Feat: At 1st level, the telepath gets a bonus about them from outside agencies. So while everyone in
basic or telepathic psion feat. A telepath must still meet the intelligence business knows telepaths exist, only a
all prerequisites for a feat, including ability score and select few truly know their capabilities.
base attack bonus minimums. At 4th level, and every 4 All this has earned telepaths a reputation as the
levels thereafter, the telepath receives an additional bogeymen of the shadow community. Many telepaths
bonus basic or telepathic psion feat. play upon this fear, hinting that they can rip thoughts
Force of Will: Starting at 2nd level, once per game from people’s minds and take over people’s bodies like
session as a free action, the telepath may add half his their counterparts of classic science fiction.
psion level (rounded down) to his Charisma or Wisdom Certainly within the shadowed halls of the
for ten rounds. This power is so exhausting that when Foundation itself, high-ranking telepaths observe
it wears off, the telepath must rest for a full round, security briefings and conduct “loyalty inspections,”
taking no actions and using no psion skills. though in reality this reputation is at best half true.
This ability’s duration may be cut short at the player’s Telepaths can override bodily impulse. Incredibly poweful
discretion, but the agent suffers the full round and skilled telepaths can even pick up surface thoughts…
exhaustion penalty, regardless. At 11th and 19th level, sometimes. But only the greatest minds begin to
the telepath may use this ability one additional time per approach the capabilities evidenced by the Demagogue.
game session.

Shadowforce Archer
monitor) ignore the evidence of their senses if they are per additional target, but the same events or knowledge
within the telepath's Imprint skill range (suffering the DC must be erased from all of the targets' memories as one
penalty described above). If an individual does spot the action.
hidden object or person, he is no longer affected by this Mind Wipe takes a full round per target, requires line
use of the blind spot ability, but any attempt to aid of sight, and has a maximum range of 50 feet.
others in spotting the target automatically fails. This
ability may last for up to one hour, and costs the telepath
one vitality point per minute it is in effect. At 20th level,
the telepath may use this ability twice per game session.
Mind Wipe: Perhaps the most dreaded of all telepath
abilities, mind wipe allows the telepath to selectively
You must have a telepath level of 1 or more to take
erase recent memories from the minds of one or more
any feats from this category.
individuals. Starting at 14th level, once per session, the
telepath may spend an action die to force an agent to Connection Junction
make a Will save with a DC of 15 plus the telepath's
Your abilities to sense and project thoughts have
psion level. If the save succeeds, the target is unaffected
become so intertwined that you can now communicate
and the power is not considered to have been used this
by classic telepathy.
session. Regardless of the save’s result, the action die
Prerequisites: ESP Mastery, Imprint Mastery, psion
is spent, and the telepath may not target the same
level 10+.
individual again this session.
Benefit: You receive a +1 bonus to all of your ESP
If the target fails, the telepath may selectively erase
and imprint skills when you gain this feat, not to exceed
any memories the target has gained during the last hour.
your normal skill limits. In addition, characters you
This does not allow the telepath to plant new memories
have contacted via imprint skills are now considered
so care must be taken if the telepath does not wish the
to have the equivalent skills and abilities to converse
target to notice the gaping holes in his recall. Additional
with you, allowing true two-way communication with
individuals may be affected by spending one action die

Table 5.4: The Telepath

Base Fort Ref Will Def Init Budg Gadg
Lvl Att Bon Save Save Save Bon Bon Pts Pts Special
1 +0 +0 +2 +1 +0 +1 3 0 Telepathic psion feats, bonus feat,
2 +1 +0 +3 +2 +1 +2 6 1 Force of will 1/session
3 +1 +1 +3 +2 +1 +3 9 2 Psi mastery
4 +2 +1 +4 +2 +2 +3 12 3 Bonus feat
5 +2 +1 +4 +3 +2 +4 15 3 Psi mastery
6 +3 +2 +5 +3 +2 +5 18 4 Psychic escape (+1)
7 +3 +2 +5 +4 +3 +6 21 5 Psi mastery
8 +4 +2 +6 +4 +3 +6 24 6 Bonus feat
9 +4 +3 +6 +4 +4 +7 27 6 Psi mastery, psychic escape (+2)
10 +5 +3 +7 +5 +4 +8 30 7 Blind spot 1/session
11 +5 +3 +7 +5 +4 +9 33 8 Force of will 2/session,
psi mastery
12 +6 +4 +8 +6 +5 +10 36 9 Bonus feat, psychic escape (+3)
13 +6 +4 +8 +6 +5 +10 39 9 Psi mastery
14 +7 +4 +9 +6 +6 +11 42 10 Mind wipe
15 +7 +5 +9 +7 +6 +12 45 11 Psi mastery, psychic escape (+4)
16 +8 +5 +10 +8 +7 +14 48 12 Bonus feat
17 +8 +5 +10 +8 +7 +14 51 12 Psi mastery
18 +9 +6 +11 +8 +7 +14 54 13 Psychic escape (+5)
19 +9 +6 +11 +8 +8 +15 57 14 Force of will 3/session,
psi mastery
20 +10 +6 +12 +9 +8 +16 60 15 Blind spot 2/session, bonus feat

ESP Basics Insinuation Junction
You pick up impressions and other subtle clues about You have learned to use your intuition to guide your
your environment. telepathy, allowing you to breach the mental defenses of
Prerequisites: Psion level 1+. others far more easily.
Benefit: You may learn ESP psion skills as though Prerequisites: Intuitive Mastery, Imprint Mastery,
they were class skills. psion level 10+.
Normal: Without this feat, you may not learn ESP Benefit: You receive a +1 bonus to all of your
psion skills. imprint and intuitive psion skills when you gain this
feat, not to exceed your normal skill limits. Further, the
ESP Mastery DC of all saving throws against your psion skills and
Your sensitivity to psychic impressions has steadily class abilities is increased by +4.
improved, allowing you to sense things even without
entirely meaning to. Intuitive Basics
Prerequisites: ESP Basics, psion level 6+. You are subject to flashes of insight, hints about the
Benefit: You may take 10 when using ESP psion future or a nagging sense of what is to come.
skills, even if stress and distraction would normally Prerequisites: Psion level 1+.
prevent you from doing so. Further, you may now use Benefit: You may learn intuitive psion skills as
your ESP skills on objects and people within line of though they were class skills.
sight rather than having to touch them. Normal: Without this feat, you may not learn
intuitive psion skills.
Expanded Horizons
Your awareness of events present and future has Intuitive Mastery
become so precise that you seem almost inhumanly You have spent a great deal of time and effort
calm and ready at all times. Life holds few surprises for perfecting your intuitive psion skills.
you anymore. Prerequisites: Intuitive Basics, psion level 6+.
Prerequisites: Cha 13+, ESP Mastery, Imprint Benefit: You may take 10 when using intuitive psion
Mastery, Intuitive Mastery, psion level 14+. skills, even if stress and distraction would normally
Benefit: Whenever you have the opportunity to prevent you from doing so. Further, you gain the fixer’s
make a save in order to suffer half damage or a reduced evasion ability: whenever you have the opportunity to
negative effect, you instead suffer no damage or effect make a Reflex save in order to suffer half damage from
with a successful save. In addition, all of your telepathic an effect (such as a grenade), you instead suffer no
psion skills have a range equal to your psion level times damage with a successful save.
your Charisma modifier in miles.
Premonition Junction
Imprint Basics Your psychic senses begin to merge with your
By force of will you are able to force your thoughts intuitive side, giving you critical moments to act before
or feelings into the minds of others. disaster strikes.
Prerequisites: Psion level 1+. Prerequisites: ESP Mastery, Intuitive Mastery, psion
Benefit: You may learn imprint psion skills as level 10+.
though they were class skills. Benefit: You receive a +1 bonus to all of your ESP
Normal: Without this feat, you may not learn imprint and intuitive skills when you gain this feat, not to
psion skills. exceed your normal skill limits. Further, you never
suffer the penalties of being caught flat-footed.
Imprint Mastery
Practice has sharpened your skills, greatly improving Sustained Link
the effectiveness of your imprint psion skills. You are able to keep a power active for extended
Prerequisites: Imprint Basics, psion level 6+. periods of time.
Benefit: You may take 10 when using imprint psion Prerequisites: Psion level 6+.
skills, even if stress and distraction would normally Benefit: While using any psion skill with a variable
prevent you from doing so. Further, you may now use duration, at the end of that duration you may spend
your imprint psion skills on objects and people within vitality to activate the power again for the same
line of sight rather than having to touch them. duration without rolling the skill check a second time.

Shadowforce Archer
Te l e pat h i c P s i o n Fe at s

ESP Basics Intuitive Basics

Psion level 1+ Psion level 1+

ESP Mastery Intuitive Mastery

Psion level 6+ Psion level 6+

Connection Junction Premonition Junction

Imprint Mastery, Psion level 10+ ESP Mastery, Psion level 10+

Imprint Basics Expanded Horizons

ESP Mastery, Imprint Mastery,
Psion level 1+ Cha 13+, Psion level 14+

Imprint Mastery Ultimate Telepath

Psion level 6+ Psion level 18+

Insinuation Junction Sustained Link

Intuitive Mastery, Psion level 10+ Psion level 6+

Ultimate Telepath slowly expanding as the agent gains feats which

The strength of your will can reach around the world increase his range.
to touch the minds of anyone, anywhere. You must have the ESP Basics feat in order to take
Prerequisites: Expanded Horizons, psion level 18+. ranks in any ESP psion skill.
Benefit: Whenever you have the opportunity to
make a save in order to suffer half damage or a reduced Clairsentience
negative effect, you suffer half damage or reduce effect (Wis; Trained Only)
even if you fail your save. Further, your ESP and Requires the ESP Basics feat.
imprint psion skills may reach out to 1000 miles, and by You are able to “throw” your senses outward,
spending an action die you may reach anywhere on the experiencing other areas from a remote location.
globe or in near orbit. Initially you may only project your point of view up to
one 5-foot square away, though this is often enough
to peek past closed doors or through walls, floors,
and ceilings. When you gain the ESP Mastery feat,
this range increases to 50 feet. The Expanded Horizons
and Ultimate Telepath feats extend the range of this skill
as described in those feats.
These psion skills allow you to touch the world in
Check: Using this feat requires you to spend one full
many subtle ways and expand your ordinary senses.
round concentrating before its effects begin. The duration
ESP, Imprint, and Intuitive skills are all considered
of the remote viewing is equal to 1 round plus a number
telepathic psion skills.
of rounds equal to the bonus generated on Table 5.1.
ESP Psion Skills You cannot move your point of view while using this skill
— you must stop and focus for another round before
Many telepaths can pick up clues from other
projecting to a new point. While using this skill, you are
minds as well as their environment. This ESP makes the
considered flat-footed. Being injured while using this skill
telepath a remarkable investigator and interrogator.
ends the effect unless you succeed with a Concentration
The range of these skills is severely restricted for
check (DC equal to 10 + the damage taken).
less powerful telepaths, beginning at touch and

Observe: This is a full sensory experience: you see in about the last person who possessed it for one month or
full color, hear normally, and can smell and even feel by more. An object with no previous owner reveals no
touch (though you cannot move objects in any way). information.
You do not benefit from any artificial viewing aids. For Result Knowledge
example, if you are wearing night vision goggles and up to 15 Last owner’s gender
use this skill to perceive a darkened room, the goggles 16–20 Last owner's age (within 5 years)
offer you no benefit. 21–25 Last owner's highest class level
Remote Focus: With additional effort you may use 26–30 Last owner’s emotional state right now
clairsentience as a guide for other psion skills that 31+ Current direction of last owner now
require line of sight.
Vitality Point Cost: 1 per round to Observe, 3 per Rolls higher than 15 gain not only the knowledge
round when using it to Remote Focus. mentioned, but all entries prior (for instance, if use of
this ability reveals the last owner’s class or classes,
Empathy (Cha; Trained Only) it also reveals the last owner’s age and gender).
Requires the ESP Basics feat. Object Memory: By handling an object for one full
You are skilled at reading the emotional states round, you may gain a brief visual “flash” of recent
of others. This does not allow you to read their events surrounding it. Declare a one-hour time period
thoughts, but is very useful in determining their true you wish to witness and make your Psychometry check,
feelings and forming “gut” reactions during interviews consulting the table below for the DC. Success grants
and interrogations. you a six-second visual replay of the most important
Soothsayer: You are extraordinarily adept at sensing event that occurred within the item’s “line of sight”
falsehood. The DC for someone to deceive you (e.g. with during the specified time period. This flash consumes
Bluff) is increased by the result of your Soothsayer the psion’s next half action, as he focuses on the image
check (see Table 5.1). Also, you receive the same bonus replaying in his mind. The GC determines the most
to all checks to see through disguises. If the target is important event during the specified time period, and
aware of your telepathic abilities, he may attempt to any future Psychometry checks to see the same time
resist by making a Will save against a DC of 10 plus period yield the same information.
your psion level. If he is successful, you lose your bonus Time period is… DC of Skill Check
against the target for the remainder of the session. Within last hour 10
Sympathy: By carefully monitoring a target's Within last day 15
responses, you can tailor your words and actions to gain Within last week 20
greatest effect. This allows you to add a psionic bonus Within last month 25
to the result of all your Bluff, Diplomacy, and Gather Within last year 30
Information skills, according to the result of your Each additional year +1
Empathy check (see Table 5.1). If the target is aware
that you are a telepath, he may attempt to suppress his Vitality Point Cost: 3
reactions by making a Will save against a DC of 10 plus
your psion level. If he succeeds, you lose your bonus Imprint Psion Skills
against him for the remainder of the session. Use of an Imprint skill requires a touch attack
Vitality Point Cost: 3 per minute. against unwilling recipients (applying the agent’s
Intelligence modifier rather than his Dexterity modifier).
Psychometry The range of these skills begins at touch. Telepaths with
(Wis; Trained Only) the Imprint Mastery feat may use their Imprint skills
Requires the ESP Basics feat. along line of sight, making a ranged touch attack to
By touching an object, you can gain a sense of target unwilling recipients (again, applying their
strong emotions that have been felt and events that Intelligence modifier). If they have feats that extend
happened around it. their range beyond this limit they no longer need to
Object History: By handling an object for three full make attack rolls to target any character within their
rounds and making a Psychometry check, you may range, but they must still know the target's location to
learn the following information about the item’s last within 25 feet to target them with Imprint skills.
owner. Ownership is defined as possession for one You must have the Imprint Basics feat in order to
month or more — an object possessed by someone for take ranks in any imprint psion skill.
less than a month may only be tapped for information

Shadowforce Archer
Dominion (Cha; Trained Only) 21–25 3 rounds
Requires the Imprint Basics feat. 26–30 4 rounds
You can enter the mind of someone else and implant 31+ 5 rounds
a powerful compulsion to perform a single action.
Speech: You may speak to the individual normally
Check: Using Dominion requires you to concentrate
without vocalization.
solely on the power for one full round. You cannot
Scream: By unleashing a blast of concentrated
move and are considered flat-footed while concentrating.
thought you may stun a target’s mind. Once each round
Using Dominion does not require you to speak to the
as a half action, you may inflict 1d4 subdual damage on
target, but many telepaths do so out of habit. The DC
any target within your range. The target must also make
of your target's Will save to resist the compulsion is 5
a Will save with a DC of 10 + your psion level or suffer
plus a bonus determined by the result of your Dominion
1d4 temporary Intelligence damage. This damage is
check (see Table 5.1). With a successful save, the target
recovered at the rate of 1 point per round after this
resists the Dominion attempt and is immediately aware
power's duration expires.
that someone is tampering with his mind. With a failed
Vitality Point Cost: 3
save, you may activate one of the following effects.
Command: Through brute mental force you control Telempathy
the target's actions and may dictate his physical actions (Wis; Trained Only)
for one full round. The target will not take any action to
Requires the Imprint Basics feat.
injure or kill himself or those he considers allies
You may carefully focus your emotions and impress
(according to his disposition). You may compel the
them upon another, compelling them to feel as you do.
target to speak, but only words you choose; this ability
Check: A telempathy check allows you to activate
may not be used to force a target to divulge information
one of the following powers. You may only have one of
unknown to you.
these powers active at any time. The duration of the
Plant: You may create simple memories of up to
emotional influence is equal to 1 round plus a number
1 minute in length in the target's mind. Because the
of rounds equal to the bonus generated on Table 5.1.
target’s mind fills in the details and helps “set” the
Each target beyond the first applies a –4 penalty to your
memory within the context of his own experience,
telempathy check.
you only need to describe the new memory in general
Calm: The target gains a +4 psionic bonus to all
terms for it to be effective.
Concentration checks for the duration of this power.
Suggestion: By placing subtle mental urges, you
Friendship: You encourage the target to act in a more
may coerce the target's weaker mind into doing your
agreeable manner. The target must make a Will save
bidding. You may suggest a course of action (limited
with a DC of 10 + your psion level or his disposition
to a sentence or two) which does not place the target
toward you is improved by one category for the
at obvious risk or incapacitate him (e.g. you cannot
duration of this power.
put someone to sleep using this power). The target
Revulsion: You disrupt the target's equilibrium.
pursues the course of action until completed or a
The target must make a Fortitude save with a DC of 10
number of minutes equal to your psion level has
+ your psion level or suffer a –4 penalty to all attacks,
elapsed. The target instantly puts aside the suggested
damage, and skill rolls for the duration of this power.
task to defend himself if attacked. A target may be the
Vertigo: You confuse and overwhelm the target with
subject of only one suggestion at a time.
sensory input. The target must make a Fortitude save
Vitality Point Cost: 7
with a DC of 10 + your psion level or suffer 1d4 Wisdom
Project Thought damage. This damage is recovered immediately after
(Int; Trained Only) this power’s duration expires.
Vitality Point Cost: 4
Requires the Imprint Basics feat.
You can send silent messages that are heard only in Intuitive Psion Skills
the minds of those you contact.
Telepaths frequently display abilities that continue
Check: Using Project Thought allows you to send
to baffle even the most advanced researchers at the
thoughts to another individual within your range. Each
Archer Foundation. While mentalists can unlock the
additional person you contact beyond the first applies a
powers of the conscious, thinking mind, telepaths seem
–4 penalty to the result of your check.
to be able to draw on the dark pool of the subconscious.
Result Duration You must have the Intuitive Basics feat in order to
up to 15 1 round take ranks in any intuitive psion skill.
16–20 2 rounds

Catalyst (Con; Trained Only) “detrimental,” “both,” or “neither.” If the check fails,
Requires the Imprint Basics feat. the GC informs you the action is "neither.” Either way, the
More than any other type of psion, the telepath GC doesn’t tell you whether the check succeeded.
seems to be hooked into the underlying nature of all Combat Precog: Your future-sense guides you away
psionic abilities. Those with the catalyst skill are able to from dangerous consequences. As a free action, you
influence the very nature of psionic abilities. may make a Precognition check and add the results
Aid: You may provide some of the energy for from the following table as a psionic bonus to your
another agent's psion powers. Makes a Catalyst check to Defense. This bonus lasts for a number of rounds equal
determine how many points you may contribute. to half your psion level (rounded up).
Result Bonus Result Bonus
6 or less failure (0 vitality) 6 or less failure (no Defense bonus)
7-15 1 vitality 7-15 +1 Defense
16–20 2 vitality 16–20 +2 Defense
21–25 3 vitality 21–25 +3 Defense
26–30 4 vitality 26–30 +4 Defense
31+ 5 vitality 31+ +5 Defense

Counter-psi: As a half action, you may make a Vitality Point Cost: 4

Catalyst skill check with a DC of another psion’s skill
roll to cancel their skill use. This may be done to skills Synthesis (Int; Trained Only)
with a duration at any point during that duration. Requires the Intuitive Basics feat.
Dampen: You are able to generate a field that You are capable of making subconscious connec-
‘grounds’ the use of psionic energy. The vitality costs tions between events and information, allowing you to
of any psionic abilities that require the expenditure piece together puzzles that confound others.
of vitality points are doubled when activated or Sleep On It: You may allow your subconscious to
maintained inside the field. This field has a radius equal attack a problem for you. By getting 8 hours of sleep
to 5 feet times your psion level, and lasts for a number after determining the nature of a problem, you may
of minutes determined by your Catalyst check. make a Synthesis check to gain a psionic bonus to a
Result Duration single inspiration or education roll you make to resolve
up to 15 1 minute that problem (see Table 5.1).
16–20 2 minutes “Something's Missing…”: After a failed Gather
21–25 3 minutes Information or Search check, you may make a Synthesis
26–30 4 minutes check against the same DC to try and discern the
31+ 5 minutes information indirectly.
Vitality Point Cost: 3
Vitality Point Cost: The cost for Aid is equal to
the number of points given +3. Counter Psi costs the
number of points spent on the canceled skill +3.
Dampen costs 5 vitality points.
(Wis; Trained Only) In the Shadowforce Archer setting, gadgets are
created by mentalists, psions with the gift of thinking
Requires the Intuitive Basics feat.
outside the box of conventional science. This does not
You are able to sense the flow of future events. While
mean that mentalists can betray the laws of physics, or
this does not render concrete results, it can provide
that they’re capable of bending time, converting matter,
guidance and considerable short term advantage.
or creating life. They are not magicians (though they are
Augury: You may attempt to get a feel for an
often referred to as such). They are merely capable of
immediate (one round) course of action you might take,
envisioning and building technologies that mundane
to tell if it will have positive or negative effects. Indicate
culture would not get around to for years.
the action you are considering and spend one half
Most mentalists work with or for the Shop, and most
action concentrating. The GC makes a secret
gadgets constructed in the Shadowforce Archer setting
Precognition check for you (DC 10, 15 if another member
originally came from the Shop. Unfortunately for the
of your team will be taking the action). If the check
Foundation, the Shop left some “surprises” behind when
succeeds, the GC informs you the action is "beneficial,”

Shadowforce Archer
they left, not all of which have been found yet. When Gadget Point Cost: 1 each.
an agent scores a critical failure using a Shop device, Weight: 1⁄2 lb.
the GC may rule that it has been booby-trapped… and Spot DC: 20 (experts only, super-science).
let the agent suffer the consequences. Mechanics: Anyone caught in the grenade’s radius
of effect finds his psionic feats and skills disabled for 1
Concept hour. In addition, everyone in the blast radius (even
Mentalists look at the world in a different way than those without psion abilities) must make a Will save (DC
other people. Where we look at a pen, for example, and 10) or forget everything that happened during the last
see a writing instrument, they see thousands of other 10 minutes.
possibilities. We might imagine those possibilities, but Safety Field: Commonly concealed within simple
only mentalists actually see them on a mechanical level. jewelry or clothing, this gadget emits a low-power anti-
This is what makes them special. psi field around the agent, extending out 5 feet.
Gadget Point Cost: 1 each.
Design Weight: —
Mentalists speak in their own language, using a Spot DC: 30 (no housing, super-science).
sophisticated techno-jargon only faintly related to Mechanics: The wearer of this gadget gets a +2 to all
scientific terms. Their blueprints are mazes of assump- saves against psionic abilities, and the DC to affect him
tions that they couldn’t explain to their non-mentalist with any psionic ability is increased by 2.
peers if they tried. The rest of the world is simply not Sappers: When sprinkled onto a target’s skin, these
prepared for the information they take for granted. tiny flakes slowly absorb psion ability. They are too
small to cause permanent harm.
Construction Gadget Point Cost: 1 per use.
Mentalists are restricted in one important respect: Weight: —
they must work with the same basic building materials Spot DC: 30 (no housing, super-science).
as everyone else. They can fabricate parts, of course, but Mechanics: Until washed off, the vitality cost of all
ultimately they are limited to metals, chemicals, and of the target’s psion skills is increased by 2.
particles already known to science. This works to the
Foundation’s advantage, however, since most items Cell Phone Models
designed by their mentalists at least look like something Cell phones contain many options and have proven
familiar to the world at large… a godsend to agents in the field. You may take the
standard cell phone option on its own, or take the
Requisitioning Gadgets standard option and then take more options from those
Agents requisitioning gadgets from the Archer below at the additional costs listed (e.g. taking a
Foundation use the gadget points system from the standard cell phone equipped with a remote control
Spycraft Espionage Handbook. That section contains all unit costs a total of 2 gadget points). You may have a
rules concerning gadgets, including building multiple maximum of three options (including the standard
gadget options into a single housing, and definitions of option) in any single cell phone.
special gadget-only traits like “experts only” and Standard: The standard agency cell phone is protected
“super-science.” through a variety of complex message filters. Agents of
the Foundation frequently use dedicated encrypted cell
Anti-Psi Technology phones during short-term, isolated operations.
Only used in the most dire of circumstances, anti-psi This gadget (or another standard cell phone gadget)
technology emits an electro-magnetic pulse that must be purchased as a housing first before you can add
disrupts the use of psion powers. Anti-psi technology any of the options listed below.
has significant drawbacks, however; it can permanently Gadget Point Cost: 1 each.
injure both psions and non-psions, scrambling their Weight: 1⁄2 lb.
thoughts or punching “holes” in their minds (effectively Spot DC: 25 (experts only).
eliminating knowledge or memories). Mechanics: Add +15 to the DC of any checks made
Anti-Psi Grenade: This is a one-shot “burst” weapon to intercept calls from this phone.
that wipes out psion use within a 20-foot radius. These
are the most “dirty” of all anti-psi weapons. Anti-psi
grenades are normally disguised as standard flash

Remote Control: With enough time and parts (plus Finally, if the wearer suffers more than 10 points
the know-how), practically anything can be linked to a of damage from a single hit, the suit’s camouflage
cell-phone remote control. Vehicles and weapons are ability shorts out for the rest of the day until its
long-time agent favorites. self-repair circuits can fix the damage.
Gadget Point Cost: +1. Disguise Enhancer: Usually employed by Pan-Asian
Weight: — Collective deep cover agents, the disguise enhancer pro-
Spot DC: –5. jects false sensory impressions into the minds of others.
Mechanics: The agent must determine what the cell These false impressions fool all five of the victim’s sens-
phone is linked to when requisitioning the gadget. As a es. With this gadget, the practical restrictions of disguise
half action, the agent can activate and — in the case of (such as a 6 ft., 4 in. man disguising himself as a small
a vehicle — steer the linked device. All skill rolls using child) do not apply. This gadget is usually incorporated
the remotely operated device suffer a –4 interface into a piece of clothing, such as a shirt or jacket, though
penalty due to the awkward nature of the disguised other items, such as personal radios, are sometimes
controls. used.
Slip-Away Unit: When triggered, a sensitive ultrason- Gadget Point Cost: +5.
ic emitter located in the earpiece of this cell phone caus- Weight: Per housing.
es immense pain in anyone within 30 feet without ear Spot DC: 20 (modified by housing — per GC,
plugs or similar protection. super-science).
Gadget Point Cost: +2. Mechanics: When an agent is using the disguise
Weight: — enhancer, NPCs may not make a Spot check to see
Spot DC: +0. through his disguise. Instead, they must make a Will
Mechanics: Those within the area of effect must save with a DC equal to 15 plus the agent’s rank in the
make Will saves (DC 15) or be stunned for 1d3 rounds. Disguise skill.
This unit comes with enough earplug filters for the “Void” Pocket: Generally incorporated into a real
agent’s whole team. The unit uses a great deal of power pocket, this device allows an agent to hide items he
and must be recharged at headquarters after each use. would not normally be able to conceal on his person.
When the void pocket wraps around such an item, any
New Clothing Options unsightly bulge is concealed.
Chameleon Bodysuit: The chameleon bodysuit is Gadget Point Cost: +2.
designed to both visually conceal the diver and protect Weight: —
him from the rigors of the ocean depths. The suit is eas- Spot DC: 20 (super-science).
ily damaged, however, after which it loses these abilities Mechanics: A void pocket can conceal one item from
(see below). A surface variant is currently in develop- sight completely. When an NPC makes a Spot or Search
ment. check to find the item, they only succeed with a critical
Gadget Point Cost: +8. success. The void pocket has no effect on electronic
Weight: — means of detection, such as a metal detector or using a
Spot DC: 25 (when not in use, experts only). thermal imager to find an item that is warmer than its
Mechanics: As a free action, the wearer of this suit surroundings.
may turn invisible (giving him total concealment — see
the Spycraft Espionage Handbook, page 171). He may Diving Equipment
take any actions he desires, including attacking, without Diving equipment may include many options. You
revealing himself. Environmental conditions, such as may take the standard diving suit option on its own, or
heavy rain or sand, may reveal his position, however take the standard option and then more options from
(reducing his concealment to three-quarters or one-half, those below at the additional costs listed (e.g. taking a
at the GC’s option). Characters who can see in the standard diving suit equipped with the chameleon
infrared or ultraviolet spectrums (by virtue of gear, option costs a total of 2 gadget points). You may have a
abilities, or other effects) can see agents wearing a maximum of three options (including the standard
chameleon suit normally, and their attack rolls suffer no option) in any single diving suit. When more than one
concealment modifier from the suit’s invisibility effect. option offers the same benefit (such as maximum diving
The suit’s ability may be used for a total of 10 depth), only the highest benefit is applied.
minutes (60 rounds) a day, after which it must recharge Standard: The standard “snake-suit” protects its
until the next day. The suit may be turned on and off at wearer from the rigors of greater ocean depths than its
the agent’s leisure, so long as the total time it remains mundane counterpart. Aquatica personnel (see page 56)
in use does not exceed 10 minutes. are all provided personal snake-suits.

Shadowforce Archer
This gadget (or another standard diving suit gadget) Dedicated Unit: The dedicated model can only be
must be purchased as a housing first before you can add programmed to identify one smell at a time.
any of the options listed below. Gadget Point Cost: 1 each.
Gadget Point Cost: 1 each. Weight: 2 lb.
Weight: 20 lb. Spot DC: 25 (often no housing).
Spot DC: 25 (experts only). Mechanics: As the external unit (below), except that
Mechanics: The snake-suit allows its wearer to it takes 10 minutes to program the unit to detect a new
breathe underwater for up to six hours at depths up to smell.
500 ft. without suffering pressure damage, the bends, External Unit: This sniffer model has the most utility,
or euphoria. with a built-in micro-computer containing the particulars
Fluid Breath Tanks: This option allows the diver’s of thousands of smells and precision cross-reference soft-
lungs to sustain the added pressure of great depths. ware.
Gadget Point Cost: +1. Gadget Point Cost: 3 each.
Weight: +15 lb. Weight: 2 lb.
Spot DC: 15 (experts only). Spot DC: 25 (often no housing).
Mechanics: This option increases the standard diving Mechanics: This gadget is capable of identifying
suit gadget’s depth tolerance to an incredible 1500 feet. trace elements in the air nearby, and can be used like a
Oxygenated Chewing Gum: This device appears and bloodhound, adding +6 to skill checks made to identify
tastes like a normal pack of chewing gun. In reality, gases and Survival checks made for tracking.
chewing it provides the agent with a 10 minute supply Nasal Implant: This sniffer surgically replaces the
of oxygen. agent’s natural sense of smell, making it ideal for agents
Gadget Point Cost: +1. who wish to remain discreet.
Weight: +15 lb. Gadget Point Cost: 6 each.
Spot DC: 30 (obvious, super-science). Weight: —
Mechanics: The agent is unaffected by drowning or Spot DC: 30 (experts only, super-science).
gases for 10 minutes. This option includes 6 sticks of Mechanics: As the external unit. A failed save
gum. against a gas-based attack burns the implant out for 1
Propellers: Many diving suit gadgets are equipped day, leaving the agent without a sense of smell for the
with micro-propellers (mounted along the diver’s flanks duration.
or on his shoulder blades), allowing him to get around This gadget is kept by the agent after being requisi-
quickly. Movement is possible in any direction except tioned, but it must be replaced once a year (at the full
directly backward. cost) as its power cells wear out. This implant cannot be
Gadget Point Cost: +1. detected through normal medical examinations —
Weight: +5 lb. a medical professional must look for it.
Spot DC: Automatic.
Mechanics: When swimming as a half action, the Ear Implants
agent may move at half his normal speed. When swim- Though far from “cybernetic,” some gadgets are
ming as a full action, the wearer may move at his full improved versions of existing medical implants, includ-
normal speed. ing these inner-ear devices.
Ear implants may contain many options. You may
New Evidence Analysis take the standard implant option on its own, or take the
Items standard option and then more options from those
These gadgets (sometimes called “sniffers”) work like below at the additional costs listed (e.g. taking a stan-
rudimentary chemical analysis kits. When one picks up dard ear implant equipped with a blindman unit costs a
trace gases, it breaks them apart and identifies their total of 9 gadget points). You may have a maximum of
components. This has two significant uses. First, stains two options (including the standard option) in any sin-
and other evidence can often be analyzed without the gle ear implant.
need for complex chemical comparisons, greatly aiding Standard: The standard ear implant among most
field investigations. Second, various smells (including Archer teams is the sub-cochlear implant, a two-way
human perspiration) can be used to track and identify transceiver which amplifies and transmits low whispers.
suspects, even people disguised with advanced materials This gadget (or another standard ear implant) must
such as memory flesh (see page 211). be purchased as a housing first before you can add any
of the options listed below.

Gadget Point Cost: 4 each. Mechanics: The ProStar 7 establishes a satellite
Weight: — connection with the home office within 1 minute (3d20
Spot DC: 30 (experts only, super-science). seconds). Missions are often coordinated through this
Mechanics: This device transmits whispered device, as are backup requests and emergency warnings
messages to and from all similar devices on the same to the Foundation.
frequency in a 1 mile radius. The frequency is adjusted In addition, agents can access the Overwatch
with an infrared programming device — typically, all satellite system to download local maps and recent
members of a team have their implants set to the same satellite photos of the area, and track linked agent teams
frequency before a mission. anywhere in the world.
This gadget (and all extra options installed into it) is
kept by the agent after being requisitioned, but it must OmnID Cards
be replaced once a year (at the full cost of the standard OmnID cards appear to be ID cards from the region
option, plus all extra options installed into it) as its of the agent’s choice, and may contain many options.
power cells wear out. This implant cannot be detected You may take the standard OmnID card option on its
through normal medical examinations — a medical own, or take the standard option and then more options
professional must look for it. from those below at the additional costs listed (e.g.
Blindman Unit: This enhancement improves the taking a standard OmnID card equipped with a backup
agent’s spatial awareness, allowing him to sense his ID costs a total of 2 gadget points). You may have a
surroundings in dimly lit or unlighted areas. maximum of two options (including the standard
Gadget Point Cost: +5. option) in any single OmnID card.
Weight: — Standard: The standard OmnID
Spot DC: +0. card can record audio and video
Mechanics: The agent ignores concealment bonuses messages for later playback.
granted by darkness. This gadget (or another
Danger Unit: With this enhancement, the agent can standard OmnID card) must
sense subtle movements around him, allowing him to be purchased as a housing
notice when danger looms. first before you can add any
Gadget Point Cost: +4. of the options listed below.
Weight: — Gadget Point Cost: 1 each.
Spot DC: +0. Weight: —
Mechanics: The agent receives a +2 bonus to all Spot DC: 25.
checks to avoid surprise. Mechanics: This device stores up to 2 hours of video
Polygraph/Voice Stress Analyzer: An excellent aid for or 6 hours of audio.
diplomats and deep cover agents, this ear implant Backup ID: By rapidly tapping an OmnID card’s
enhancement helps to detect minute variances in voice corner, the name, photo, and details shift to a preset
patterns, revealing stress or lies. backup.
Gadget Point Cost: +4. Gadget Point Cost: +1 each.
Weight: — Weight: —
Spot DC: +0. Spot DC: +0.
Mechanics: The agent receives a +2 bonus to all Mechanics: Uses the Forgery skill at +20.
Sense Motive checks. Duplication: Any ID card can be duplicated by
pressing it against the OmnID card.
Icon ProStar 7 Gadget Point Cost: +2.
This device, distributed to Archer agents through the Weight: —
Gemeinschafft Consortium’s Icon Entertainment front Spot DC: +0.
company, provides a hand-held operations center to Mechanics: Uses the Forgery skill at +15.
agents in the field. Unless activated through voice and Electronic Lockpick: OmnID cards act as master keys
palm-print authentication, it appears to be a mundane for all electronic key card locks Archer has encountered.
portable PDA. Gadget Point Cost: +1.
Gadget Point Cost: 4 each. Weight: —
Weight: 1⁄2 lb. Spot DC: +0.
Spot DC: 20. Mechanics: Uses the Electronics skill at +10, but only
to open electronic locks.

Shadowforce Archer
Warning Signal: If slid through any credit card reader Mechanics: The firearm does not fire unless the hand
in the world, the OmnID card immediately alerts the gripping it matches the palmprint it has been pro-
home office with the name and location of the agent, grammed with. The palmprint may be faked with a
and elevates his current mission to Code: Black (see the Forgery check and a proper delivery method (such as
Spycraft Espionage Handbook, page 203). smart-skin — see page 211), but the palmprint identifier
Gadget Point Cost: +1. has a +10 bonus against attempts to fool it.
Weight: — “Backfire” Edition: When activated by an unrecog-
Spot DC: +0. nized palmprint, this lethal option discharges the
Mechanics: There is a time delay of 1d6×10 minutes weapon backward, into the person holding it.
before headquarters can respond (not including travel Gadget Point Cost: +2.
and prep time). Weight: —
Spot DC: 25 (super-science).
Mechanics: As the standard option, but in addition
to locking up for regular use, the firearm attacks the
person holding it with a +15 attack bonus.
“Blowback” Edition: This lethal option detonates the
weapon when it doesn’t recognize the palm holding it.
Gadget Point Cost: +1.
Weight: —
Spot DC: 25 (super-science).
Mechanics: As the standard option, except that the
firearm is destroyed, and explodes as a fragmentation
Tracking Modification: When the weapon is picked
up by someone other than the programmed owner, a
warning signal is sent to the Foundation, who can track
Gadget Point Cost: +1.
Weight: —
Palmprint Identifiers Spot DC: 25 (super-science).
Agents are quite protective of their sidearms. These Mechanics: Telemetry from the stolen weapon can
pistol enhancements offer significant reassurance by be forwarded in real-time to a team of agents in the
verifying their identity when they grip the weapon. field if they have a way to communicate with head-
You may take the standard palmprint identifier quarters.
option on its own (see Mark I Model, below), or take the
standard option by paying the base cost and Patches
then include more options from those below at the addi- Patches are stored in the lining of clothing and in
tional costs listed (e.g. taking a standard palmprint other areas where they can be reached quickly during
identifier equipped with a “Backfire” option costs a total combat. When needed, the agent simply rips the seal
of 3 gadget points). You may have a maximum of two from the chemical pad and presses it firmly onto an area
options (including the standard option) in any single of exposed skin.
palmprint identifier. Mechanics for all patches: All patches have a Spot
All of these gadgets may be installed on any weapon DC of 10 (no housing). Unless otherwise stated,
unless otherwise noted. a successful melee touch attack is required to use a
Mark I Model (Standard): This non-lethal model patch on an unwilling target.
simply locks the weapon up when held by someone Adrenaline Patch: This patch offers a short-term
other than the programmed owner. This gadget is built burst of energy and temporarily increase one’s reflexes.
into a firearm (which must be requisitioned separately Gadget Point Cost: 1 each.
additional budget or gadget points), and must be Weight: —
purchased as a housing first before you can add any of Mechanics: Use of this patch allows the agent to take
the options listed below. an additional half action each round for the next 1d4
Gadget Point Cost: 1 each. rounds. However, he suffers 1d10 points of damage
Weight: — when it wears off. An agent may only use one of these
Spot DC: 25 (super-science). patches per day. Further patches have no effect.

Brainscanner Patch: This patch is a mundane electro- forehead without waking them up. Use of this patch
encephalograph (EEG), used to monitor the electrical detects the presence of psionic ability and determines
impulses in the brain, which can help to diagnose disease. the user’s psion level. The patch has a simple digital dis-
Gadget Point Cost: 1 per 3. play which can be read easily with no ambient light.
Weight: — Panic Emitter Patch: Placing this patch on an enemy
Mechanics: The agent gains a +2 bonus to First Aid alters his brain chemistry, causing panic and fear.
checks when treating a person wearing this patch. Gadget Point Cost: 1 per 2.
Caffeine Boost Patch: This patch helps fatigued Weight: —
agents stay awake. Mechanics: The wearer of this patch suffers a –4
Gadget Point Cost: 1 per 2. penalty when resisting Intimidation checks or making
Weight: — Will saves against fear or terror-induced effects.
Mechanics: Use of this patch allows the agent to Telestatic Emitter Patch: Similar to anti-psi technol-
ignore the effects of fatigue (see the Spycraft Espionage ogy (though chemical in nature), this patch prohibits
Handbook, page 178) for 2d8 rounds. This does not low-level psion ability.
counteract the effects of drugs or poisons designed to Gadget Point Cost: 1 per 2.
knock the agent unconscious. Weight: —
Calm Emitter Patch: This patch combats panic and Mechanics: This patch reduces the psion level of the
restores lucidity. Applying it to non-frenzied targets wearer by 2 as long as it is worn. If this eliminates pre-
produces profound euphoria. requisites for any skills or powers, they cannot be used
Gadget Point Cost: 1 per 2. until the patch is removed.
Weight: — SUPERLUMINAL Patches: Russian Confederacy
Mechanics: Use of this patch grants the agent a +4 mentalists have adapted Foundation patches to admin-
bonus when resisting Intimidation checks or making ister their SUPERLUMINAL serums (see page 140).
Will saves against fear or terror-induced effects. These patches drastically change the subject’s brain
Coagulant Patch: This patch speeds up blood clotting. chemistry, effectively rewiring his mental functions;
Gadget Point Cost: 1 per 2. applying more than one patch cuts his reduced life span
Weight: — in half, with no additional benefit.
Mechanics: Use of this patch stanches the flow of Note: Only Russian Confederacy agents may requisi-
blood from any wound breaking the agent’s skin. tion these patches without Game Control approval.
Additionally, the agent recovers 1d4 wound points. Gadget Point Cost: Per GC approval (usually 5 or
Deepsleep Patch: When placed on a subject’s fore- more each)
head, this patch releases chemicals that lull him to sleep. Goliath Mechanics: Use of this patch immediately
Gadget Point Cost: 2 each. grants the agent 1 psion level, a free psionic feat, and 4
Weight: — skill points to spend on psion skills. However, the agent
Mechanics: Use of this patch for 1 full minute caus- dies in 1d6+10 months. There is no known cure for this
es the target to fall into a coma-like state. He cannot treatment once administered.
wake up under any circumstance until the patch is Cronus Mechanics: Use of this patch immediately
removed, or until 24 hours have passed, whichever grants the agent 2 psion levels, a free psionic feat, and
comes first. 8 skill points to spend on psion skills. However, the
Endorphin Patch: This patch promotes endorphin agent dies in 1d6+5 months. There is no known cure for
release, helping the subject to ignore pain. this treatment once administered.
Gadget Point Cost: 1 per 2. Hyperion Mechanics: Use of this patch immediately
Weight: — grants the agent 3 psion levels, a free psionic feat, and
Mechanics: Use of this patch immediately heals 2d6 16 skill points to spend on psion skills. However, the
vitality points. An agent may only use three of these agent dies in 1d6+10 weeks. There is no known cure for
patches per day. Further patches have no effect. this treatment once administered.
Psitector Patch: This patch monitors a subject’s brain
waves, detecting the presence and strength of psion Prosthetics
ability, including latency. Losing a limb is usually a one-way ticket out of the
Gadget Point Cost: 1 each. espionage game, but Shop developments countered the
Weight: — loss, and in some cases turned it into an opportunity for
Mechanics: A successful Sleight of Hand check, improvement. With the addition of memory flesh,
opposed by a Spot check made by the target, allows the prosthetics can look nearly identical to the original limb.
agent to slip this patch onto a sleeping person’s

Shadowforce Archer
You may take the standard prosthetic option on its Rings
own, or take the standard option and then more options
A wide variety of gadgets are disguised as rings,
from those below at the additional costs listed (e.g.
some of which are peculiar to certain Chambers of the
taking a standard prosthetic equipped with a strongman
limb option costs a total of 8 gadget points). You may
Foundation Rings: Beyond identifying agents of
have a maximum of three options (including the stan-
Archer’s central faction, these devices also effectively
dard option) in any single prosthetic. When more than
conceal psionic ability without hampering it.
one option offers the same benefit (such as increased
Foundation rings recognize their owners on a chemical
hardness), only the highest benefit is applied.
level, and cannot be used by others.
Standard: This replacement limb (or another stan-
Note: Archer Foundation agents only.
dard prosthetic option) must be purchased as a housing
Gadget Point Cost: 5 each (requires GC approval)
first before you can add any of the options listed below.
Weight: —
This gadget (and all extra options installed into it) is
Spot DC: 25.
kept by the agent after being requisitioned, but it must
Mechanics: No known device or psionic ability can
be replaced once a year (at the full cost of the standard
sense the psionic abilities of a person wearing one of
option, plus all extra options installed into it) as its
these rings. In addition, the wearer’s psionic use leaves
power cells wear out. This implant is automatically
no traceable psionic residue. After being keyed to a
detected by medical professionals.
specific individual, these rings cannot be used by others.
Gadget Point Cost: 4 each.
’irif Rings: As described on page 102, these rings
Weight: —
make their owners aware of anyone else wearing an ’irif
Spot DC: 10 (normally) or 20 (with memory flesh)
band within 50 feet.
Mechanics: Replaces a lost limb.
Note: Guardians of the Whispering Knife only.
Strongman Limb: One of the most common prosthetics
Gadget Point Cost: 2 each (requires GC approval)
is a simple equivalent of the original, only stronger.
Weight: —
Gadget Point Cost: +4.
Spot DC: 25.
Weight: +10 lb.
Mechanics: Anyone wearing this ring becomes
Spot DC: +0.
instantly aware of every other person wearing such a
Mechanics: The agent adds +4 to his Strength when
band, including distance and direction.
using the limb to perform a task.
Hologram Projector: When the jewel setting on this
Weapons Limbs: Most small melee weapons and
ring is twisted one-quarter turn clockwise, a lifelike
firearms can be fitted inside prosthetics, though doing
hologram is projected out to a 5-foot radius. The holo-
so reduces the limb’s standard utility.
gram is not transparent, and appears real, though it can-
Gadget Point Cost: +5.
not move, and close inspection or touch reveals the
Weight: Per weapon.
ruse. An interesting use of this ring is to program it with
Spot DC: –5.
the image of an eye to fool retina scanners.
Mechanics: A Small melee or ranged weapon is
Gadget Point Cost: 1 each.
mounted inside the limb. It can be wielded or fired as
Weight: —
normal (no modifiers), and holds up to 15 rounds of
Spot DC: 25.
ammo (if it uses ammo). The wearer can reload the limb
Mechanics: A Spot check is required (DC 20) to spot
as a full action.
the hologram for what it is.

New Surveillance Gadgets

“Bugs” are just what they sound like — these mobile
devices are ingeniously disguised as common insects.
Bugs can be programmed with very simple instructions
(up to 25 if-then clauses) or manually piloted (which
requires the Piloting skill).
Houseflies (Standard): The standard Bug model,
houseflies are fast and agile, with no weapons or
To purchase one of the Bugs listed below, you must
buy the standard version first, and then upgrade it to
another type.

Gadget Point Cost: 1 each. Mechanics: Ballistic flesh works like a built-in steel-
Weight: — weave vest that cannot be removed (see the Spycraft
Spot DC: 30. Espionage Handbook, page 124). Agents wearing ballis-
Mechanics: A housefly Bug is a tiny flying device tic flesh gain both their class Defense bonus and the
with 1 wound point, a hardness of 0, a range increment gadget’s armor Defense bonus (+1). Metal detectors do
of 10 feet, and a Defense of 20. It transmits sight and not register the ballistic flesh, but anything more than a
sound up to 1 mile away. cursory medical exam automatically discovers it. This
Mosquitoes: Mosquitoes are capable of either inject- gadget is kept by the agent after being requisitioned.
ing user-defined toxins into a target or releasing a 10- Grafters: These patches of synthetic skin bond with
foot radius toxic gas cloud. a wound, instantly sealing most small injuries.
Gadget Point Cost: 2 (upgrade). Gadget Point Cost: 1 each.
Weight: — Weight: —
Spot DC: 30 (super-science). Spot DC: 10 (no housing).
Mechanics: As a housefly, except that it can land on Mechanics: Grafters restore 1d3 wound points to an
a target (Spot check at DC 15 to notice) and inject a pre- injured agent. They may also be used as flesh “pockets”
loaded poison (the target is allowed a second Spot check to hide an object of 1 cubic inch or smaller. The DCs of
at DC 10 to notice the sting). This attack deals no dam- Search checks made to find such objects are increased
age except for the poison. Alternately, the mosquito by 20.
may release a 10-foot cloud of poison gas (see the Memory Flesh: This industrious design can be
Spycraft Espionage Handbook, page 128). Either way, “molded” into a near-perfect likeness of any individual
the mosquito only has enough poison for one use. by pressing it against his face; once set, it can be worn
Roaches: Roaches are nearly impervious to physical by an agent impersonating him. Also, CAD programs
harm, making them excellent in hostile areas. can be used to generate new identities from scratch,
Gadget Point Cost: 1 (upgrade). which are imprinted on memory flesh by laser.
Weight: — Gadget Point Cost: 2 each.
Spot DC: 30. Weight: —
Mechanics: As a housefly, except that the roach has Spot DC: See below.
a hardness of 5 and 5 wound points. The agent must pay Mechanics: When used to impersonate a specific
the cost of any poison gas loaded into the bug. individual, a memory flesh mask adds +5 to Disguise
Smart-Skin: This thin, translucent membrane may be
smoothed over your face, a glass, your palm (or the back
of your hand), or on any other largely flat surface.
When someone else touches it, the smart-skin “records”
their fingerprints. The smart-skin may then be trans-
ferred to your own fingers, replacing your prints with
those of the person who touched the smart-skin first.
Gadget Point Cost: 2 each.
Weight: —
Spot DC: 20 (no housing).
Mechanics: Agents using smart-skin to bypass palm
or fingerprint scanners or other print-based security
receive a +10 bonus to their Electronic checks
Synthetic Skin (assuming the smart-skin has recorded the right person’s
Synthetic skin is incredibly popular with the super- prints).
spies of today, who utilize it in many ingenious ways.
Ballistic Flesh: This subdermal skin layer contains a New Vehicles
thin mesh of special alloys designed to absorb the Archer’s Spring 2002 offerings include…
impact of concussive attacks and even — to a small The Battle Bus: The battle bus is a semi (see the
degree — protect from high-speed projectiles (like Spycraft Espionage Handbook, page 148) converted to
arrows and bullets). handle any number of tasks according to the
Gadget Point Cost: 15. Foundation’s needs. The basic unit is well armored and
Weight: 5 lb. equipped with one or more modular bays, shown below.
Spot DC: 20 (sometimes automatic, super-science)

Shadowforce Archer
The battle bus has the following statistics. Battle Suites
Gadget Point Cost: 10.
The following suite options are available for the
Size: Gargantuan. Handling: –7.
Battle Bus (see previous column). The cost of each is paid
Speed: 400 ft. MPH: 40/80.
in addition to the cost for the Battle Bus itself.
Defense: 5. Wound Points: 200.
Battle Bay (Standard): This jack-of-all-trades
Hardness: 11.
refinement converts a semi’s cargo container into an
Once you have requisitioned the battle bus, you may
all-purpose bay holding four bunk beds, a mini-hospital
requisition battle suites from the list provided (see next
for emergency field surgery, a computer system with
column). Each of these battle suites has an additional
surveillance capability, and a basic mechanics bay.
cost, which must be paid in addition to the cost fot the
Gadget Point Cost: +4.
battle bus itself (e.g. taking a standard battle bay
Mechanics: All Computers, First Aid, Mechanics, and
equipped with a garage suite option costs a total of 17
Surveillance checks made using these facilities enjoy
gadget points). You may have a maximum of two battle
a +5 bonus.
suites (including the standard option) in any single bat-
Garage Suite: In addition to providing space for two
tle bus. When more than one suite offers the same ben-
Medium-sized vehicles or one large vehicle, this refine-
efit (such as a Mechanics skill bonus), only the highest
ment allows mechanics to fix vehicles on the fly with the
benefit is applied.
speed and efficiency of a Daytona 500 pit crew.
Battle buses have a Spot DC of 25 unless someone
Gadget Point Cost: +3.
looks inside (in which case their Spot check succeeds
Mechanics: All Mechanics checks made using these
facilities enjoy a +10 bonus. The garage suite must be
situated at the rear of the container to accept cars over
the ramp. Optionally (and at the cost of 1 extra gadget
point), the garage suite may include a hydraulic lift with
roof access for helicopters and other VTOL vehicles.
Medical Suite: This bay contains a mini-operating
room, isolation tanks to contain biohazardous patients, a
well-stocked pharmacy, and the latest medical
diagnostic software.
Gadget Point Cost: +3.
Mechanics: All First Aid checks made using these
facilities enjoy a +10 bonus.
The Sagittarius: The best-selling high-end sports car Props Suite: This bay includes a firearms rack, prop
for the last three years has been Equinox Motors' and costuming section, and weapon-cleaning room.
flagship design, the Sagittarius. While well outside the There is also a station to analyze and help replicate
budget of the average consumer, the Sagittarius has forged documents.
nonetheless captured the interest of the popular market, Gadget Point Cost: +3.
where it has been featured in magazine ad campaigns, Mechanics: All Disguise and Forgery checks made
album covers, and the blockbuster “Wildcat” action- using these facilities enjoy a +10 bonus, as do skill
adventure series (see page 93). Secretly, the Sagittarius checks to clean or repair weapons.
is also issued to many agents of the Archer Foundation, Surveillance Suite: This bay includes state-of-the-art
usually with many of “the usual refinements.” surveillance equipment and a dedicated satellite link,
The Sagittarius has the following statistics. wire-tap capabilities, full spectrum video analysis
Gadget Point Cost: 7. including x-ray imaging, and a chemical analysis sta-
Size: Large. Handling: +6. tion.
Speed: 1,000 ft. MPH: 100/200. Gadget Point Cost: +3.
Defense: 16. Wound Points: 100. Mechanics: All Surveillance checks made using these
Hardness: 5. facilities enjoy a +10 bonus. Further, any standard-issue
The Usual Refinements: The Sagittarius automatically or gadget-based surveillance gear may be linked to this
comes with 2 gadget points worth of vehicular refine- suite with a successful Electronics check (DC 15) and one
ments of the agent’s choice, at no cost. Additional hour of work. The range of linked devices is doubled and
refinements may be installed by paying their standard agents using them gain a cooperation bonus when any
gadget point costs. Up to 15 vehicular refinements may agent with the Surveillance skill at 1 or more is manning
be installed in a Sagittarius. this suite.

"Lesser men have forgotten us, and in their murder of history
have nearly destroyed the mystic world. But we shall see it
rise again, and stride over the shattered remains
of this new age."
– Eva Kraus

The Mystic
Shadowforce Archer
enough followers dedicated to the cause. Others are
bound to protect the Ancients’ secret caches of power.
Still others wander lost or insane, now incorporeal
shades, searching for a way to regain their forms or
complete tasks they left behind with their mortal shells.
Shadowforce Archer is not merely a world of cloak We know these spirits and entities as ghosts, goblins,
and dagger. It is a world of mystery laced with faith in and the shadows we can never pin down at the edge of
the divine, with powers that guide us through the ages. our vision. Occasionally they are more.
Our history is a road map leading us to uncharted
realms of understanding, where anything is possible. The Enlightened
But it is also a shield, protecting us from the ravages of At present, two primary groups know of the mystic
corruption, the pitfalls of villainy and vice. world: one dedicated to guarding its secrets and the
If we’re not careful, we may stumble… other to exploiting them. Many more people in the
world have peripheral knowledge of the forces around
Manifestations them, though most write them off as “luck,” “fate,” and
The mystic world is difficult to fathom. It is not “happenstance.” Only the most naturally gifted learn to
“magic” or “alchemy,” which can be predicted and channel the insights they glean through their window
prompted (though its physical forms are often mistaken into the world of the Ancients.
as such). Rather, it is a lens which magnifies the power
of the human spirit and gives it shape and form. The Guardians of the
It reflects the power within everyone, honed until it can Whispering Knife (page 100)
be directed like a weapon. This appears three different The fabled Guardians of the Whispering Knife rank
ways, each another shard of a world now lost. among the last remaining holy warriors to protect their
discoveries — and the last to understand them. On occa-
Rituals and Rites sion, they seek out and train the gifted, particularly
The Ancients understood how to focus the human when such candidates show promise with disciplines the
spirit through great communal rituals drawing on Guardians seek to control, such as the ability to sense
the faith of hundreds or thousands. These rituals were when the spirits of the dead are near, or speak with
capable of incredible feats, from shifting weather to them.
raising the dead. But they came with a great price —
the risk of addiction to the powers they offered. Mysticism and Religion
The Ancients understood this, and hid their knowledge
While Shadowforce Archer makes no attempt to
away from the prying eyes of their enemies… and from
represent the religions of the real world, certain
the uninformed who might blunder into obsession and
parallels can be drawn between mystic abilities and
the miracles of ancient times. It is entirely possible
Artifacts and Relics within the Shadowforce Archer setting for certain
clergymen to be “blessed” with the ability to perform
The Ancients also imbued items with the forces they
rites or even rituals as implied by the articles of their
wielded, or fashioned them directly from the raw
faith (in the form of having the appropriate mystic
strength of their own spirits, sacrificing themselves as
feats). This is, however, extraordinarily rare.
an eternal nexus of faith. These items — commonly
Such mystic accomplishments involve focusing the
artifacts and relics of enormous cultural significance,
spirits of the faithful rather than drawing upon
such as the Ark of the Covenant and the Spear of
mystically-bonded followers, and as such are much
Destiny — are mystic powers in their own right, but they
more spontaneous and infrequent than the system
are without soul. They cannot choose between right or
proposed in this chapter.
wrong. In the hands of the virtuous, they can be
For Game Controls wishing to introduce such a
weapons or great good, but the greedy, vindictive, and
rare occurrence into their game, we suggest allowing
ambitious can also use them for great evil.
the individual leading a rite to utilize their Knowledge
Spirits and Entities (Theology) skill in place of Knowledge (Occult), and
that the GC specifically choose such events in keeping
We are not alone in the world. Human spirits have
with the faith in question. As always, care, discretion,
survived the death of centuries, waiting to be unleashed
and respect should be extended to the sensibilities of
on the modern age. Some are trapped by rituals of the
your playing group.
Ancients, which can be undone with the right key and

The Mystic World
The Hand of Glory
(page 154) Learning Rites & Rituals
Before an agent can perform an invocation, he must
The Hand of Glory’s fanatic hunt for rituals and
research it in ancient texts or learn it from another mys-
relics to use in their quest for global domination is
tic. Typically, texts that contain mystic rituals date back
fueled by the obsession of a living god trapped inside
to ancient civilizations such as the Toltecs, Babylonians,
Eva Kraus. The gifted are little more than tools for the
or Assyrians. Once such a text (or a teacher) has been
Hand, to be collected, exploited, and discarded with lit-
acquired, the mystic may make one Knowledge (Occult)
tle consideration. Unfocused mystics are dominated and
skill check per month of study in an attempt to learn the
bonded by force until the time comes for them to be
invocation. The invocation studied determines the DC of
consumed as components in powerful and malignant
this check, and the agent may add one-half his teacher’s
rituals. Those with potential as mystic warriors are
Knowledge (Occult) skill as a bonus to his skill check if
trained as brutal sorcerers.
learning from a teacher rather than a book. A mystic
may study only one invocation at a time.

Performing Rites & Rituals
To perform an invocation, a mystic must fulfill three
The basis of all serious mystic study is the Mystic
• He must have learned the invocation with a successful
feat. This serves as an entry point into the unseen world.
Knowledge (Occult) check, as described above.
It in turn opens up other possibilities and leads to the
next great discovery, the Initiate feat. At that degree of • He must meet the invocation’s minimum Knowledge
discipline, it becomes possible for an agent to perform (Occult) skill requirement (see page 222).
mystic rites, embodying the simplest of spiritual powers.
• He must harvest spiritual energy from a number of his
Further dedication to the mystic arts may allow an
bonded followers (see the Bond Follower rite, page
agent to achieve the stature of Magus (when he selects
222). The number of followers required to produce the
the feat of the same name). Such agents can enact mas-
desired effect is listed in the rite or ritual description.
sive mystic rituals, and gather truly awe-inspiring
power. But the dangers are greater for high-level mys- If the mystic meets all three of these requirements,
tics as well, as rituals contain the seeds of temptation the invocation is automatically completed unless
within their power. Agents who perform rituals must somehow disrupted during the invocation (e.g. the mystic
measure themselves against the perils of the “Thirst,” a is killed or his followers are driven off).
flaw in human nature that leads many advanced mys-
tics to their doom. Finally, if the agent continues to seek
out mystic knowledge, he must make a decision between
Mysticism: Good vs. Evil
even greater levels of ritual might, or the prospect of Throughout the design of the mystic world, we’ve
immortality through a sort of mystic transmogrification, tried to draw clear lines between good and evil, but
forever foreswearing the greatest heights of raw power the morality of mystic powers ultimately depend on
in exchange for eternal life. how they are used. The majority of the material pre-
Mysticism is not inherently a class-based pursuit. At sented in this book is geared for use by NPCs — par-
present, no base classes offer additional mystic feats, so ticularly villains — but ingenious players will
those who wish to become a mystic do so using their undoubtedly find ways to apply even the darkest
level-based feat choices. While mystically oriented pres- invocations to positive ends. We recommend experi-
tige classes (and threats) will appear in forthcoming menting, and having fun. Find what works for your
supplements, particularly the Guardians of the team, and run with it.
Whispering Knife and Hand of Glory sourcebooks, it is Future supplements will delve further into the
possible for a dedicated student to achieve great power background of the mystic world, and present new
solely by using his level-based feats for choices from the mystic prestige classes, feats, invocations, and relics.
mystic feat tree. Watch for them in the Archer Foundation, Hand of
Special Note: Throughout this chapter, we refer to Glory and Guardians of the Whispering Knife source-
rites and rituals, jointly, as “invocations.” Whenever books, and elsewhere throughout the Shadowforce
something refers to an invocation, it refers to both rites Archer release schedule.
and rituals.

Shadowforce Archer
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the shade-
Class Feats: The shadespeaker gains the following
feats at 1st level.
For the Guardians of the Whispering Knife, belief is
not faith, but fact. Of all the Chambers of the Archer Armor Proficiency (Light)
Conspiracy, the Guardians, steeped in occult history and Weapon Group Proficiency (Melee)
legend, undoubtedly have the closest ties to the mystic Weapon Group Proficiency (Hurled)
world. The shadespeaker is perhaps the most profound
Dedication: Shadespeakers are known for their
example of this, a living link to the world of the dead.
extremely fierce dedication to the ideals of their order.
The title shadespeaker is a label given by the Archer
Such focus allows them to exceed the limits of the
Foundation in an attempt to classify this ancient tradi-
ordinary. The agent receives an additional action die at
tion. The Guardians themselves have another name for
the start of each session. This is the shadespeaker’s core
this respected position: khatib bidal maiyit — literally,
“speaker for the dead.”
The Call: At 1st level, the shadespeaker can not only
Abilities: A shadespeaker deals in matters of faith
see and speak with the dead, but attract them to his
and the occult, which require a high Wisdom vital. As
the Guardians’ culture relies so heavily upon melee
When people die, their spirits tend to remain in
combat — specifically the use of knives, as both a mode
locations important to them in life. However, many are
of combat and a focus for many social rituals — high
bound to more than one such location, and spend
Strength is also common.
different periods of time in different locations (such as
Vitality: 1d12 plus Constitution bonus per level
a spirit’s home and workplace).
Requirements This ability calls forth all spirits who have even
a partial connection to the shadespeaker’s current
To become a shadespeaker, an agent must meet all of
location, allowing him to question the spirits for specific
the following requirements.
information regarding the location. Using this ability,
Agent Level: 5+
the shadespeaker may ask the GC one question about his
Chamber: Guardians of the Whispering Knife
current location, such as “What is the access code to the
Wisdom: 13+
locked door?” or “Where are the sensitive documents
Feats: Sixth Sense
kept.” Since the spirits only know what they knew in
Class Skills life, the GC may refuse to answer by spending one
action die per question ignored. Questions cannot be
The shadespeaker’s class skills and key abilities are
repeated or rephrased at the same location in a single
listed below:
session. This ability may be used a number of times per
Class Skill Key Ability session equal to the agent’s shadespeaker class level.
Balance Dex At 5th level, the shadespeaker’s will is sufficient to
Concentration Wis focus the thoughts of the dead and grant an illusion of
Craft Int normal interaction. The agent may converse in a
First Aid Wis (mostly) normal fashion with a dead person’s spirit.
Gather Information Cha The spirit rarely understands its condition, and is prone
Handle Animal Cha to irrational anger and raving, thus making its
Hobby Wis disposition one grade worse than what it would
Jump Str normally be in life. The shadespeaker must be in the
Knowledge Int presence of the spirit’s corpse to achieve this level of
Languages Wis rapport, and the target may not have died more than 3
Listen Wis days prior. This ability is brutally tiring for the shade-
Sense Motive Wis speaker, and drains him of 10 vitality at the beginning
Spot Wis of each minute of use.
Survival Wis At 9th level, the shadespeaker may suffer 1 wound
Tumble Dex (by cutting himself with his washaif blade — see below)
to render a spirit he has called visible to others. The
Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.
spirit appears solid in all respects (including any injuries
it was aware of at the time of its death), but cannot

The Mystic World
physically influence the world of the living. The Sleep: At 4th level, the shadespeaker under-
It can move strongly mystic objects. This ability is stands the ties that bind us to life. As a full action,
usually invoked so that the spirit may convince some- he may enter a state of hibernation akin to death.
one of the veracity of the shadespeaker’s insight, and Any examination reveals no vital signs — the shade-
does not increase or change the information that can be speaker is, for all intents and purposes, dead, and does
gained from use of the Call ability. This effect lasts no not require necessities such as food, water, or oxygen.
more than one minute, and cannot be used on the same All physical functions are suspended, except for the
spirit more than once per session. aging process.
Deathwatch: The shadespeaker’s connection to the Unfortunately, as the shadespeaker remains extremely
realm of the dead increases, and he may now sense vulnerable in this state, any physical damage done to
things about the bodies of the spirits he communicates him applies directly to his wound points, rather than his
with. At 2nd level, as a half action, he may locate with vitality. Further, in order to rouse himself, the shade-
precision any corpse within 10 feet per agent level, and speaker must make a Will save (DC 20). If another helps
immediately knows the body’s age at death, the amount him to wake up, the shadespeaker receives an additional
of time that has passed since its death, and its basic +5 bonus to his roll. In any event, such a recovery
physical cause of death. This ability also conveys a gen- requires one full round, during which the shadespeaker
eral sense of the deceased’s emotional state at the time is considered to be flat-footed.
of death. Oddly, this ability is strictly limited to human As a full action, once the shadespeaker has entered
remains, and the remains of some humans badly warped the sleep, he may elect to sever all ties to his life.
by medical experiments or chems may slip through The shadespeaker is killed, and may not be resurrected
unnoticed (per the GC’s discretion). by any means. This is rarely done, except at the end of
At 7th level, the shadespeaker can sense a nearby a shadespeaker’s natural life, when he ritually enters the
death. The GC must notify the shadespeaker whenever sleep rather than become a burden upon his family.
someone in the vicinity dies, out to a distance equal Washaif Blade: At 4th level, the shadespeaker may
to the agent’s shadespeaker class level in miles. receive a washaif blade. These blades are forged in the
A momentary chill wracks the shadespeaker with each unseen world beyond death. Delivered into this world
death, as well as a strong sense of the deceased’s by spirits made visible with the power of the shades-
emotional state, allowing the agent to identify peakers. Each washaif blade is forged expressly for its
untimely deaths. owner. The spirits delivering the blade are those closest
The shadespeaker may disable this ability when it to the shadespeaker who have already passed onto the
might become distracting, such as in a hospital. realm of the dead — the shadespeaker may not receive
Alternately, he can focus the ability by voluntarily his blade until he has experienced personal loss, forev-
limiting its range to as tight an area as he wishes. er bonding him with the spirit realm.
Bonus Feat: At 3rd level, the shadespeaker gains a The shadespeaker and the delivering spirits perform
bonus mystic or melee combat feat. He must still meet a complex ritual in solitude, during which the shade-
prerequisites for this feat as normal. The agent gains an speaker accepts the blade’s first cut into his own flesh.
additional feat from the mystic tree at 5th, 7th, and 9th This ritual bonds the shadespeaker to his weapon, after
levels. which it always returns to him when he needs it,

Table 6.1: The Shadespeaker

Base Fort Ref Will Def Init Budg Gadg
Lvl Att Bon Save Save Save Bon Bon Pts Pts Special
1 +1 +1 +0 +2 +1 +1 1 0 The call (questions), dedication
2 +2 +2 +0 +3 +1 +2 2 1 Deathwatch (corpse sense)
3 +3 +2 +1 +3 +2 +3 3 1 Bonus feat
4 +4 +2 +1 +4 +2 +3 4 2 Washaif blade (marking)
5 +5 +3 +1 +4 +3 +4 5 2 Bonus feat, the call (converse)
6 +6 +3 +2 +5 +4 +5 6 3 Resolute aura
7 +7 +4 +2 +5 +4 +6 7 3 Bonus feat, deathwatch
(death sense)
8 +8 +4 +2 +6 +5 +6 8 4 Cloaked in the Fringe,
washaif blade (blooding)
9 +9 +4 +3 +6 +5 +7 9 4 Bonus feat, the call (appear)
10 +10 +5 +3 +7 +6 +8 10 5 Channel

Shadowforce Archer
by traveling through the unseen world. The shadespeaker
is always considered to be carrying the knife, even if
it is found and removed during a search. He simply
reaches into the folds of his cloak (or into a pocket
As mentioned under Playing a Mystic Agent (page
or behind his back, if wearing contemporary clothes),
215), the three critical “nexus” feats for mystic
and draws out the blade.
advancement are Mystic, Initiate, and Magus. Most
Damage Error Threat Weight other feats in this section have one or more of these
2d4 1 18-20 1 lb. feats as prerequisites.
At 8th level, the shadespeaker may undergo the Blade Master
blooding, a ritual in which he further attunes himself to
As an agent of the Guardians, you have received
his blade. At this level, the threat range of the agent’s
intense training with melee weapons, particularly
weapon is increased by two, and the damage increased
by 1d4.
Prerequisites: Guardian agents only, Str 13+,
Resolute Aura: At 6th level, the shadespeaker learns to
Dex 13+.
draw great personal willpower from the Guardians’
Benefit: +2 bonus to all damage rolls when using
centuries of tradition, becoming an unstoppable,
any melee weapon with a blade.
implacable combatant. He may add his shadespeaker
class level to all Intimidate skill checks and saves vs. fear. Blood of the Phoenix
Cloaked in the Fringe: Powerful shadespeakers are
Any lingering imbalances from your days as a
rumored to stand partially within the spirit world them-
mortal have been flushed from your system. You are
selves, slightly beyond the reach of enemies grounded
now truly eternal.
in the mortal world. This is likely just a myth spread by
Prerequisites: Agent level 20+, Philosopher, Talented
the Guardians to frighten the superstitious, but at 8th
(Knowledge (Occult)), Knowledge (Occult) skill 24+.
level, after the shadespeaker is successfully attacked
Benefit: While your outward appearance does not
(but before damage is rolled), he may give up an action
change, you ignore any and all penalties for age. You
(or a ready action) to cause the attacker to roll a d20.
may still die from violence or accident. Your maximum
On a roll of 1-10, the attack misses, regardless of the
wound points are doubled. You cannot be affected by
original attack roll. Attacks thus prevented seemingly
critical hits.
pass through the shadespeaker without effect. Most who
have seen this effect discount it as a trick of the light, Ceremony
or a clever use of the shadespeaker’s voluminous robes
Your understanding of ceremony offers you special
to distract from an extremely adept dodge. This ability
insight into the mechanics of mystic events.
may be used a number of times per session equal to the
Prerequisites: Magus, Knowledge (Occult) Skill 15+.
agent’s shadespeaker class level.
Benefit: By choosing a time rich with symbolism,
Channel: At 10th level, as a full action, the shade-
meticulously preparing the setting, and indoctrinating
speaker may spend an action die to channel a spirit’s
your followers with special care, you can augment the
knowledge and physical memory through his body.
energies available for an invocation. You must spend
In so doing, the shadespeaker gains a skill of his choice
$10 for every follower (possibly producing a money trail
(including specialized skills such as Craft and Hobby, for
others may notice) at least one month and not more
which he must select a specific focus, per the skill
than one year before the invocation is to take place.
description). The shadespeaker may channel any
Your GC may have other requirements as well, based on
skill not restricted by the Game Control — he merely
the invocation in question, the location, the time of
identifies the skill he desires and it is assumed he is able
year, and other factors.
to channel a spirit possessing it. The skill’s rank is equal
By fulfilling the requirements above, each of your
to the shadespeaker’s agent level.
regular followers (excluding those with mystic feats that
Alternately, the shadespeaker may gain a feat (again,
increase their value) is counted twice towards the
any feat is allowed, pending the Game Control’s
number of followers available to perform the invocation.
approval). The shadespeaker need not have any feats
You may only prepare a follower for a single invocation
listed as prerequisites for the feat he desires, though he
at any time; his energies are not doubled for any other
must still meet all the feat’s other prerequisites (such as
invocation you perform.
a minimum base attack bonus or ability score).
The skill or feat may be used normally for a number
of minutes equal to his Wisdom modifier.

The Mystic World
M y s t i c Fe at s

Mystic Magus
Agent level 10+, Initiate, Knowledge (Occult) skill 10+,
Initiate feat, and any 2 other Mystic feats

Blade Master Glimpse Ceremony

Guardian agents only, Str 13+, Dex 13+ Knowledge (Occult) skill 1+ Knowledge (Occult) skill 15+

Discipline of the Body Guardian Presence Enlightened

Agent level 18+, Knowledge (Occult) skill 20+, any 6
Str 13+, Con 13+ Cha 13+ Magus feat, and any other 3 Mystic feats

Discipline of the Mind Initiate Masked Energies

Agent level 5+, Knowledge (Occult) skill 1+,
Dex 13+, Int 13+, Initiate Mystic feat, and at least 1 other Mystic feat Knowledge (Occult) skill 12+

Discipline of the Spirit Faith Healer Mystic Surge

Cha 13+, Wis 13+, Magus Knowledge (Occult) skill 15+

Sixth Sense The Quickening Philosopher

Agent level 16+,
Wis 13+ Initiate feat Knowledge (Occult) skill 15+

Second Sight Blood of the Phoenix

Agent level 20+, Talented (Knowledge: Occult),
Knowledge (Occult) skill 24+

Discipline of the Body Ignore Pain: You gain 5 points of damage reduction
against subdual damage for 5 minutes. This damage
You have extraordinary control over your body.
reduction stacks with DR from all other sources.
Prerequisites: Str 13+, Con 13+.
Quick Reflexes: When you spend an action die to add
Benefit: You may add your Strength modifier to your
to a Reflex save, two dice are added instead of one (e.g.
initiative rolls. Further, you may spend an action die to
if you would normally roll 1d4, you roll 2d4 instead).
use one of the following abilities.
The action die spent to use this power counts as the
Endure: You gain 5 points of damage reduction
action die spent to add to the Reflex save.
against heat and cold damage for 1 minute.
Hold Breath: You may go without breathing for a Discipline of the Spirit
number of minutes equal to your Constitution modifier
You have come to understand much about the nature
while performing actions, or for a number of hours equal
of the spirit, and how to channel its power.
to your Constitution modifier while remaining still.
Prerequisites: Cha 13+, Wis 13+, Discipline of the
Withstand: When you spend an action die to add to
Mind, Magus.
a Fortitude save, two dice are added instead of one (e.g.
Benefit: You may add your Charisma modifier to
if you would normally roll 1d4, you roll 2d4 instead).
your initiative rolls. Further, when you spend an action
The action die spent to use this power counts as the
die, you also gain the following benefits:
action die spent to add to the Fortitude save.
Complete the Circle: You may spend the action die
Discipline of the Mind mentioned above to activate someone else’s critical
Your studies into the basic nature of thought have
Prevent Strife: When you spend the action die
unlocked many unusual abilities.
mentioned above to add to your Defense, two dice are
Prerequisites: Dex 13+, Int 13+, Discipline of the
added instead of one (e.g. if you would normally roll
Body, Initiate.
1d4, you roll 2d4 instead).
Benefit: You may add your Intelligence modifier to
Resist Temptation: When you spend the action die
your initiative rolls. Further, you may spend an action
mentioned above to add to a Will save, two dice are
die to use one of the following abilities.
added instead of one (e.g. if you would normally roll
Focus: You automatically succeed with one
1d4, you roll 2d4 instead).
Concentration skill check.

Shadowforce Archer
You see the unseen world clearly now, and its vast
powers are yours to command!
Prerequisites: Agent level 18+, Magus, Knowledge
(Occult) skill 20+. You must have at least six other mys-
tic feats before you may take Enlightened.
Benefit: There is no limit to the number of followers
you may harness for your invocations (see page 222).
You count as 20 bonded followers when participating in
any mystic event (including one you are performing).
Special: You may not take the Philosopher feat after
gaining the Enlightened feat.

Faith Healing
You are able to soothe the injuries of others.
Prerequisites: Initiate.
Benefit: By placing your hands upon a willing target
for one full round, you may heal a number of wound
points equal to 1d6 + the number of mystic feats you
have. Alternately, you may heal a number of vitality
points equal to 2d6 + the number of mystic feats you
have. You may use this ability on yourself. No charac-
ter (including you) may benefit from this ability more
than once per day (i.e. 24-hour period).

You have flashes and occasional visions about the
Prerequisites: Mystic, Knowledge (Occult) skill 1+.
Benefit: Once per session, during a session in which
you or your team will face a life-threatening challenge,
the Game Control must secretly make a Knowledge
(Occult) check for you with a DC of 20. If the roll suc-
ceeds, he must describe the challenge as a simple 1-3
second flash of what is to come. The GC may be as
vague and misleading as he wishes, but cannot lie about
the challenge. The GC may spend one of his action dice
to forego this roll for this session.

Guardian Presence
Sometimes it seems as if… something… is watching
out for you.
Prerequisites: Cha 13+, Mystic.
Benefit: At the start of each session, you may give
one action die to the Game Control to hold for you. At
any time during the session, he may decide that your
agent is in great peril and secretly add the maximum
value of the held action die to one of your rolls. The
maximum value of the action die must have an impact
on the result of your roll or the GC may not use it for
you. If the die is not used by the end of the session you
gain two additional action dice at the beginning of the
next session.

The Mystic World
Initiate Mystic Surge
Through diligent study and force of will you can tap You are able to accelerate the process of performing
into the primal mystic forces of the universe. an invocation by devoting excess energy to it.
Prerequisites: Agent level 5+, Knowledge (Occult) Prerequisites: Magus, Knowledge (Occult) skill 15+.
skill 1+. You must have the Mystic feat and at least one Benefit: Each time you make a Knowledge (Occult)
other feat from the mystic tree before you may take skill check to perform an invocation, you may use the
Initiate. energy of 50 bonded followers to add +10 to the result
Benefit: You may attempt any mystic rites that you of your roll. This energy is no longer available to
have learned. You may combine the energies of up to 40 determine the effects of the invocation (as described
followers to enact your rites. You may begin to learn under Effect).
mystic rituals. You count as 5 bonded followers when
participating in a mystic event (including one you are Philosopher
performing). Through exploration of the unseen world, you have
Normal: Agents with the Knowledge (Occult) skill reached equilibrium. You have achieved an enduring
may learn mystic rites but cannot perform them without balance with yourself and with the world.
the Initiate feat. Agents cannot comprehend mystic rit- Prerequisites: Agent level 16+, Magus, Knowledge
uals until they gain this feat. (Occult) skill 15+.
Benefit: You cease to age, and ignore all age
Magus penalties. You may still die from violence or accident.
Your knowledge of the unseen world allows you to Special: You may not take the Enlightened feat after
gather tremendous spiritual power and shape it into gaining the Philosopher feat.
grand displays of mystic force. Your mastery may even
match that of the mythical Ancients! The Quickening
Prerequisites: Agent level 10+, Initiate, Knowledge You are able to sense gathering mystic energies.
(Occult) skill 10+. You must have at least four other Prerequisites: Initiate.
mystic feats before you may take Magus. Benefit: You automatically become aware of the
Benefit: You may perform mystic rituals that you performance of any mystic invocation within one mile
have learned. You may combine the energies of up to for every 25 followers (or fraction thereof) involved in the
1,000 followers when you enact invocations. You count event. If you are within half that distance from the event,
as 10 bonded followers when participating in a mystic you may sense the general direction of such activities.
event (including one you are performing). Finally, if you come within one quarter that distance,
you can determine the exact location of the event.
Masked Energies
You are able to dampen any “overflow” of energies Second Sight
as you perform invocations. You are sensitive to the presence of mystic relics.
Prerequisites: Magus, Knowledge (Occult) skill 12+. Prerequisites: Mystic.
Benefit: All attempts to detect your invocations Benefit: When you are within 20 feet of one or more
suffer a +4 DC modifier and the effective range at which mystic relics, the GC secretly rolls a d6. With a result of
you may be detected (using the Quickening feat or a 1, you become aware of the relic’s presence. You may
similar ability) is reduced to one quarter of normal automatically determine if an object is a mystic relic
(rounded down). simply by handling it, and once you have identified a
relic, you may sense its direction up to 5 miles away.
The forces of the unseen world have peculiar Sixth Sense
resonance for you. Sometimes you have glimpses into the unseen world,
Benefit: Your action dice are considered one die type visions of past lives and unquiet spirits. Guardians of
larger than you normally receive for your agent level the Whispering Knife take a particular interest in those
(e.g. d4s become d6s, d8s become d10s). Further, you with the Sixth Sense ability, and often track them down
count as 2 bonded followers when participating in any and “collect” them for special training. This is one of the
mystic event (including one you are performing). rare instances where outsiders are welcomed into the
Guardians without question — those who can sense the
dead are simply too important to let go, regardless of
their background and disposition.

Shadowforce Archer
Prerequisites: Wisdom 13+. Bonded Followers: The mystic must harvest the
Benefit: You see dead people. Whenever you are near energy of this many bonded followers (see the Bond
the site of a person’s death, there is a chance that you Follower ritual, opposite) to perform the invocation.
experience an “echo” of their soul. Such an echo cannot Complex Check: The DC for casting the invocation,
speak to you or interact in any way, but may replay the and how often it may be attempted — see Complex Skill
events of its demise or pantomime events it has left Use on the opposite page.
unfinished. Effect: The effects of successfully completing the
To witness a death-echo, you must deliberately open invocation.
yourself to the spirit world, taking a full round and
making a Will save against a DC based on the following Mystic Rites
conditions about the spirit. Many individuals draw strength from the
Conditions DC* observation of simple rites, from weddings to holiday
Died today 8 celebrations to funerals. Ceremony gives form and
Died in the last three days 10 substance to our social lives. Many of these practices
Died more than three days ago 12 echo the traditions of ancient mystic rites —
Died more than a year ago 16 ceremonies that gather the spiritual force of the faithful
Died more than a century ago 20 and channel it as a palpable force for the good of their
Died more than a millennium ago 24 group or the aims of their leader.
Died peacefully +0 Agents with the Initiate feat may attempt to perform
Died violently –2 any rites they know as a complex check using their
Has “unfinished business” –5 Knowledge (Occult) skill. Rites generally require 5 or
Knows it was murdered –5 more linked followers on the scene to lend their spiritual
strength to the undertaking, though the mystic’s feats
*If the DC is reduced to 0 or less, you automatically usually cover lower numbers. The initiate may utilize
succeed. his own energies in his ritual, but like any follower,
With a successful save, you gain a vision as may only do so once per day.
described above. Otherwise, you are shaken and
disturbed by the forces you allowed into yourself and Bolt
suffer a –1 to all skill checks and attack rolls for a Bolt allows the mystic to channel his followers’
number of hours equal to the Will save DC. energy into a missile of destructive force. This rite is
often used to fight off intruders or as a show of power
to remind followers where their loyalties lie. Powerful
After an explanation of the format for rites and
mystics often perform Steal Soul (see page 225) enough
times to be able to power this rite on their own, without
any followers nearby to harvest from.
rituals are the rite and ritual descriptions, respectively. Learning DC: 20
This section ends with rules for “the Thirst.” Minimum Knowledge (Occult) Skill: 5
Bonded Followers: 10 per 1d6 damage, up to 20d6
Rite/Ritual Descriptions Complex Check: 25 — 1 half action
The format for all rites and rituals follows. Effect: This rite launches a bolt from the mystic’s
hands targeted at one person within the mystic’s line of
Rite or Ritual Name sight. The bolt deals 1d6 damage for every 10 followers
Each invocation’s name is followed by a general nearby for the mystic to harvest, up to a maximum of
description it s function, following by these entries. 20d6 damage. There is no attack roll required for this
Learning DC: The DC of the Knowledge (Occult) skill rite. Instead, the target may attempt a Reflex save to
check required to learn this invocation. A mystic may suffer half damage from the bolt.
only make one such check per month, and he cannot
study more than one invocation at once. Bond Follower
Thirst DC: The DC against which the mystic must Bond Follower is used to harness the spiritual
make a Will save to avoid the corrupting power of the energy of the mystic’s loyal followers for use in other
mystic world. Applies only to rituals. invocations. During this process, the follower swears
Minimum Knowledge (Occult) Skill: The mystic allegiance to the mystic in a ceremony designed to
leading the invocation must have at least this many cement the mystic’s authority. This varies from mystic
ranks in his Knowledge (Occult) skill.

The Mystic World
to mystic, but often involves a show of loyalty and the Complex Skill Use
creation of a visual reminder of the follower’s
Certain tasks are reliable in nature but require a
subservience, such as a tattoo or even a brand.
long and variable period to complete. These occasions
Learning DC: 12
call for a complex skill check. The check comes in two
Minimum Knowledge (Occult) Skill: 5
parts — a DC and an interval. The DC works much like
Bonded Followers: 5
a normal skill check: it represents the number an
Complex Check: 25 — 1 minute
agent must reach with his skill roll. The interval indi-
Effect: The mystic may only harvest the spiritual
cates how often the agent may make a skill roll (each
energy of followers he has bonded with this rite.
roll coming at the end of one interval).
In addition, these followers must be physically present
What makes complex checks different is that the
at an invocation he performs to donate their energy to
results of each skill roll are cumulative. If the first roll
it. A single follower may only donate his energy to one
does not reach the DC (and it usually won’t due to the
invocation per day, requiring a full night’s rest to
very high DCs associated with most complex skill
replenish his power before he may be tapped again.
checks), the agent may continue to work towards that
Followers must at least marginally understand the
goal, making another check after another interval has
process of performing invocations and have developed
elapsed and adding it to his previous total. The agent
their mystic potential to be of any use to a mystic.
may continue to work towards the DC until the task
As such, a follower must have at least 5 ranks in
is accomplished, he gives up, or he is interrupted for
Knowledge (Occult) to be bonded; any less and the Bond
a period equal to half of one interval (after which he
Follower rite fails.
must begin again, with a cumulative total of 0).
The mystic may bond followers with mystic feats as
A threat adds the total of the roll to the complex
well, though they only count as one bonded follower
skill check (as normal), while a critical success adds
when they participate in rituals the mystic performs,
the total of the roll to the skill check and reduces the
even if they have feats and abilities which increase the
time before the next roll only by one half (rounding
energy they convey to invocations of their own (such as
up). An error subtracts the total of the roll from the
Mystic, Initiate, and Magus).
complex skill check (to a minimum of 0), while a crit-
If the mystic bonds a follower who has followers of
ical failure cancels the entire attempt and uses up any
his own, each of those followers adds their energy to
materials or resources devoted to the complex skill
invocations he performs — assuming they’re present
check (such as the energy of bonded followers).
when the invocation is enacted, of course.
Complex skill checks require total concentration.
Followers who are already bonded to one mystic
When making one, you are considered flat-footed.
may not be bonded to another, and bonded followers
Being injured while making a complex skill check
may not be stolen by another mystic. Bonded followers
interrupts the effect, though the agent may normally
may be transferred to a new mystic, however, if both
return to it as his next action if the interval is more
mystics agree.
than 1 round. If the interval lasts 1 round or less, any
Followers may not be bound against their will.
interruption ends the check and requires that the
Bonded followers are immune to the Steal Soul
agent start the skill check over with a cumulative
ritual except when performed by the mystic to whom
total of 0 unless he succeeds with a Concentration
they are bound.
check (DC equal to 10 + the damage taken).
Should a follower ever leave the mystic he is
You may not take 10 or 20 when making a
bonded to (voluntarily or not), neither party suffers
complex skill check.
adverse effect (other than the fact that the follower can’t
Example: Eva Kraus wishes to put a squad of
contribute to the mystic’s invocations). However,
enemies to sleep. The complex check for the Mass
the bond between mystic and follower remains —
Slumber ritual is “25 — 1 minute,” so she makes her
the mystic gains a +4 bonus to his Listen, Search, Spot,
first Knowledge (Occult) skill check after performing
and Surveillance checks when the follower is within a
the ritual for 1 minute with a DC of 25. After 1
number of feet equal to ten times the mystic’s Wisdom
minute, she makes her first skill check, scoring a total
modifier. The mystic may also make an inspiration
of 21, not enough for the ritual to work — yet.
check (DC equal to 5 + the follower’s level) to glean the
Eva continues to concentrate for another minute
current direction to the follower at any time, at any
(a total of 2 minutes have elapsed), after which she
makes another skill check. This time, the total is 24.
If the mystic dies (or his soul is stolen), the bond
Added to her previous total of 21, her cumulative total
with his followers dissolves and the followers may be
is 45, more than enough for the ritual to succeed.
bonded to another mystic, using the standard rules.

Shadowforce Archer
Invocations and the fire and refuse to pass through it, and 2) Controlled ani-
Mastermind System mals cannot be forced to attack anyone they share a
close emotional bond with, such as a beloved owner.
If a GC would like his villains to know invocations,
Attempting either of these things breaks the mystic’s
he may purchase them at a base cost of 5 MP, then spend
control over the animal, after which it is likely to be
1 MP per rite and 3 MP per ritual, per villain who knows
very angry with him.
the invocation. Invocations purchased in this way are
known at the start of the season, and may be used as Curb Violence
desired by the villain in question. Paying the base cost
This rite renders a single weapon absolutely harm-
for invocations also allows the GC to purchase relics
less to living beings. Modern weapons refuse to func-
(see page 231). The base cost of 5 MP is part of the mas-
tion, while melee weapons slide harmlessly off of flesh.
termind’s organization cost, and is only paid once per
This is a popular rite with ‘white’ initiates, as it can
season, while the cost of specific invocations is paid for
quickly bring all hostilities to a close, allowing a
each invocation known.
moment for reason to settle in.
Learning DC: 15
Borrow Power Minimum Knowledge (Occult) Skill: 5
Borrow Power transfers spiritual energy from the Bonded Followers: 20
mystic’s followers to a single person. This can make Complex Check: 35 — 1 round
the person extremely strong, agile, or tough for a Effect: The mystic renders harmless one weapon of
short period of time. Once this surge wears off, his or her choice within line of sight. This effect lasts for
however, the benefactor becomes quite weary, requiring one hour or until the weapon leaves the mystic’s pres-
immediate rest. ence. This rite confers no immunity to unarmed attacks
Learning DC: 28 of any kind, and weapons may still be used to damage
Minimum Knowledge (Occult) Skill: 13 inanimate objects.
Bonded Followers: 40 per +2 (see below)
Complex Check: 45 — 1 round Curse
Effect: The mystic selects one person (including This rite takes the form of a blight of bad luck
himself, if he so desires) to receive its benefit. For every inflicted upon one of the mystic’s enemies. Things begin
40 bonded followers harvested for energy, the target to go spectacularly wrong for the afflicted person —
receives a +2 bonus to his choice of his Strength, guns jam, gadgets malfunction, small items go missing,
Constitution, or Dexterity. These bonuses may be spread etc. Close friends and family almost immediately notice
out among the three abilities (e.g. the power of 90 fol- the difference and wonder what’s wrong. Fortunately, a
lowers could provide a +4 to each ability, or +12 to just curse wears off over time, gradually growing weaker
one of them). This power lasts for a number of rounds until it fades away altogether. Alternately, this rite can
equal to the mystic’s Knowledge (Occult) skill. After it be used to remove a curse before it has run its course.
wears off, the person affected by the ritual falls into a Learning DC: 27
deep sleep for 8 hours. Minimum Knowledge (Occult) Skill: 11
Bonded Followers: 25 per –1 (see below)
Control Animals Complex Check: 40 — 1 round
The mystic can exert supernatural control over ani- Effect: The mystic targets one person within his line
mals. While this ritual is in effect, the mystic can see of sight to be the victim of the curse. That person
through the animals’ eyes and control their every move. receives a Will save (DC equal to the mystic’s
The mystic would be wise, however, not to instruct an Knowledge (Occult) skill). Success negates the rite
animal to attack one of its close companions. entirely. Failure, however, indicates that the victim
Learning DC: 20 suffers a –1 penalty to all die rolls for every 25 bonded
Minimum Knowledge (Occult) Skill: 8 followers harvested during the rite, up to a maximum of
Bonded Followers: 20 –5. This penalty decreases by 1 every Saturday until it
Complex Check: 35 — 1 round has faded away entirely. A friendly mystic may remove
Effect: The mystic seizes control of a number of ani- the curse earlier by performing this rite and making an
mals within a 1 mile radius. He may only control a Knowledge (Occult) skill check (DC equal to the
number of animals whose total vitality dice total does Knowledge (Occult) skill of the mystic who laid the
not exceed his Knowledge (Occult) skill. The mystic may curse).
control non-sentient species. There are only two limits
to this control: 1) Controlled animals are still afraid of

The Mystic World
Healing Steal Soul
This rite heals an injured person’s wounds — torn Steal Soul is the dark side of Bond Follower. Only
muscles mend, broken bones knit, and bleeding stops. the most evil mystics use the rite, since it requires a
Learning DC: 23 human sacrifice, but the power it offers tempts all those
Minimum Knowledge (Occult) Skill: 11 who know of it. Unlike Bond Follower, the sacrifice need
Bonded Followers: 20 +5 per level of injured person not be a willing subject. Best of all (from the mystic’s
Complex Check: 50 — 1 round point of view), the mystic permanently absorbs the spir-
Effect: One person whom the mystic is touching itual energy of the sacrifice and may thereafter call
is healed of all vitality and wound point damage. upon it as though it were an extra follower.
This rite has no effect on the dead (those at –10 wound Learning DC: 35
points or less). Minimum Knowledge (Occult) Skill: 15
Bonded Followers: 80
Invisibility Complex Check: 150 — 4 hours
Invisibility causes one person to fade from sight, Effect: When the mystic performs the sacrifice,
rendering him completely transparent to the visible, he automatically slays the victim with a single blow.
infrared, and ultraviolet spectra, allowing him to move The mystic is then considered to have two or more extra
about unmolested and bypass certain types of security. followers present at all times (see below), whom he may
Learning DC: 24 harvest once per day. This rite may be performed
Minimum Knowledge (Occult) Skill: 9 multiple times, granting the mystic one or more extra
Bonded Followers: 40 followers each time.
Complex Check: 40 — 5 minutes The mystic may only steal the souls of those who
Effect: One person — either the mystic or someone have the Mystic feat, and each stolen soul contributes to
he designates — is rendered invisible. This offers the the mystic’s invocations as if he were performing them
target total concealment (see page 171 of the Spycraft (e.g. a stolen mystic’s soul contributes 2 followers’
Espionage Handbook) and makes it easy for him to worth of energy, while a stolen initiate’s soul
surprise others, as long as they aren’t alerted by noise or contributes 5 followers’ worth of energy, and a stolen
smell. The Extended Visual Spectrum psion skill magus’ soul contributes 10 followers’ worth of energy.)
counteracts this invocation, allowing the psion to see Finally, stolen souls fade after one year (their
the mystic clearly. Security devices based on light, such energies do not add to the mystic’s follower total
as cameras and electronic eyes, cannot sense the target. beyond that time).
Security devices based on more exotic principles, such
as air currents, still detect him, as do animals that rely Mystic Rituals
on scent such as guard dogs. The target remains Beyond the power of rites are truly mighty examples
invisible for 5 minutes per rank the mystic has in the of mystic power — rituals. A mystic must be at least an
Knowledge (Occult) skill. initiate to learn a ritual. Like rites, rituals are consis-
tently successful as long as the mystic gathers sufficient
Shield followers and is allowed to perform the ritual without
Shield creates a bubble of power around the mystic undue interruption. Each ritual lists the minimal
that protects him from all forms of ranged attacks, number of bonded followers required and the DC and
including bullets. This ritual is typically used in self- interval for the complex Knowledge (Occult) skill check
defense, forcing attackers to close to hand-to-hand required to perform them. Unlike rites, rituals involve a
combat with the mystic, where the Killing Touch ritual certain degree of risk in the form of the Thirst. This
can be used to deadly effect. dreadful peril is detailed on page 229.
Learning DC: 16
Minimum Knowledge (Occult) Skill: 5 Control Weather
Bonded Followers: 5 per round of duration This ritual makes it possible to control the currents
Complex Check: 25 — 1 half action of weather. The mystic may call up rainstorms, or cause
Effect: The mystic becomes immune to all ranged droughts. Hail, sleet, and snow are all possible as well.
attacks for one round per 5 followers he harvests. Given enough followers, a mystic can even cause hurri-
In addition, any object (such as a grenade) propelled canes, tornadoes, or an ice age.
into the mystic’s square automatically rebounds towards Learning DC: 38 Thirst DC: 35
the person who threw it, traveling 1d6 squares in his Minimum Knowledge (Occult) Skill: 20
direction. This rite confers no immunity to melee attacks Bonded Followers: Varies (see below)
of any kind. Complex Check: 200 — 4 hours

Shadowforce Archer
Effect: Although the ritual’s DC remains the same no Learning DC: 40 Thirst DC: 35
matter how severe the desired weather effect, the num- Minimum Knowledge (Occult) Skill: 21
ber of followers required greatly increases as the impact Bonded Followers: 500 per mile radius (see below)
of the effect spreads to cover a wider area (see below). Complex Check: 350 — 4 hours
In addition, the GC may rule that summoning an effect Effect: An anti-technology “field” is created, centered
out of season requires even more followers. on the mystic’s current location. This field is one mile in
Once the ritual is completed, the mystic concentrates radius for every 200 followers the mystic harvests for the
on the desired effect and chooses a spot in his line of ritual, and it lasts for one month. The error range of all
sight where the weather effect originates. The game weapons, vehicles, and devices within this field are
effects of each type of weather are described on page doubled, so long as their original error range is at least 1.
232 of the Spycraft Espionage Handbook. Thus, an error range of 1–2 would become 1–4.
Weather Effect Followers Duration
Killing Touch
Call light wind 15 6 hours
Call severe wind 25 6 hours The Killing Touch is one of the most potent weapons
Call a rainstorm 30 1 hour a mystic has at his disposal. It does just what its name
Call sleet or hail 50 1 hour implies — it instantly and painfully kills the first person
Call a snowstorm 50 1 hour the mystic touches after performing the ritual. A red
Call blizzard 150 6 hours palm print is left where the touch was delivered.
Cause drought 250 1 week Learning DC: 31 Thirst DC: 40
Call a tornado 500 1 hour Minimum Knowledge (Occult) Skill: 15
Call a hurricane 1,000 1d6 days Bonded Followers: 50
Change local climate 10,000 1 year Complex Check: 40 — 1 round
Cause an ice age 100,000 10 years Effect: The mystic’s hands begin to glow red.
This glow lasts a number of rounds equal to the mystic’s
Create Anchor Node agent level. While his hands are glowing, a successful
touch attack against a target forces the target to
This ritual turns an ordinary circle of stones into an
immediately make a Fortitude save (DC equal to the
anchor node which can be used with the Teleport ritual.
mystic’s Knowledge (Occult) skill) or be instantly
This ritual was frequently used in pagan Britain,
reduced to –10 wound points. The effects of this ritual
resulting in the numerous stone circles found there.
wear off immediately after a life is claimed.
Learning DC: 35 Thirst DC: 35
Minimum Knowledge (Occult) Skill: 18 Mass Slumber
Bonded Followers: 1000
Mass Slumber can cause a large number of people to
Complex Check: 300 — 4 hours
fall into a deep sleep for up to 8 hours. This ritual works
Effect: This ritual may only be performed on a
best on ordinary people; those who have been trained to
solstice, and requires a circle of stones, each of which
guard their thoughts, such as agents, present much more
must weigh at least 500 pounds. Once the ceremony is
difficult targets.
complete, the circle becomes an anchor node to which
Learning DC: 22 Thirst DC: 25
mystics can transport matter with the Teleport ritual.
Minimum Knowledge (Occult) Skill: 12
The anchor node may be eliminated if more than half of
Bonded Followers: 30
the stones are removed or destroyed. The mystic who
Complex Check: 25 — 1 minute
creates an anchor node is automatically familiar with it,
Effect: Everyone targeted by the mystic (up to 5x his
and does not need to spend 3 hours there in order to use
Knowledge (Occult) skill within line of sight) may fall
it (per Teleport).
into a deep slumber for 8 hours. Minions and unimpor-
Destroy Technology tant NPCs receive no saving throw — they simply fall
asleep. Everyone else (i.e. agents, henchmen, villains,
This ritual creates a field of mystic energy that inter-
and important supporting characters) must make a Will
feres with any technology more complicated than a
save (DC equal to the mystic’s Knowledge (Occult) skill)
bow. Guns are more likely to jam or misfire, cars and
or fall asleep as well. Any rough handling (such as
planes stall at a critical moment, and computers begin
attacking or shaking) wakes a sleeping person, but loud
to act erratically. During WWII, this strange effect was
noises do not.
observed by American pilots and jokingly referred to as
“gremlins.” Little did they realize that this was a real
phenomenon, and not an imagined one.

The Mystic World
Mass Suggestion Learning DC: 33 Thirst DC: 45
Mass Suggestion can hypnotize a large number of Minimum Knowledge (Occult) Skill: 18
people to believe or do a certain thing — even to forget Bonded Followers: 800
something they’ve seen or done. Like Mass Slumber, this Complex Check: 350 — 4 hours
ritual also works most effectively on untrained minds. Effect: To perform this ritual, the mystic needs a
Learning DC: 29 Thirst DC: 30 minimum of 10 people who are not his bonded followers.
Minimum Knowledge (Occult) Skill: 15 These people must be restrained during the ceremony,
Bonded Followers: 80 because the ritual is very painful for them.
Complex Check: 75 — 5 minutes Once the ritual is completed, these people become
Effect: The mystic gives a command consisting infected with a deadly disease never before seen by
of a number of words equal to or less than his man. Usually incoherent and hallucinating by this
Knowledge (Occult) skill. All minions and unimportant point, they are then released to spread the new plague
NPCs within line of sight receive no saving throw — in the nearest city. The GC determines the specifics of
they simply obey. Everyone else within line of the plague, but it is ultimately fatal, and easily spread.
sight (i.e. agents, henchmen, villains, and important Vaccination sometimes works against the plague.
supporting characters) must make a Will save (DC equal Each time a doctor attempts to save a plague victim
to the mystic’s Knowledge (Occult) skill) or obey as well. using practical medicine, he must make a First Aid
Victims may not be given a suggestion that results in check against the mystic's Knowledge (Occult)
their death — even the meekest person naturally resists skill total.
such a command.

Move Earth
This extremely powerful ritual alters the earth itself.
Mountains can be raised or islands dropped into the
ocean if enough followers are harvested. Perhaps most
frightening of all, buildings in the area of such massive
upheavals are sure to collapse, killing or trapping every-
one inside.
Learning DC: 37 Thirst DC: 35
Minimum Knowledge (Occult) Skill: 19
Bonded Followers: 400 per square mile (see below)
Complex Check: 100 — 4 hours
Effect: The mystic targets an area within his line of
sight to raise or lower. He may affect 1 square mile for
every 150 followers he has harvested, raising or lower-
ing the land to a maximum of 100 feet for every square
mile affected. Thus, if a mystic harvests the power of
1500 followers, he can affect 10 square miles, raising or
lowering the land a maximum of 1000 feet. Any build-
ings in the affected area automatically collapse. The
mystic may crudely shape the area he is affecting, but
in general, only natural shapes are possible.

Plague creates a virulent disease that spreads far and
wide, sparing only the mystic and his bonded followers
from its nightmarish grip. The great epidemics of the
past, such as smallpox, polio, and the bubonic plague,
may have originated from the use of this ritual. Only the
most insane mystics would dare to call up a Plague, for
like the efreet of legend, once released it cannot be put
back in its bottle.

Shadowforce Archer
Resurrection Scry
The greatest power many mystics ever know, this Scry allows the mystic to observe and listen to a
ritual has the power to bring the dead back to life, distant person or place. To do so, he stares into a
no matter how long they’ve been deceased. It only reflective surface while his followers repeat a chant.
works on sentient beings, however, and it requires the Then a vision of the thing he wishes to see appears in
dead person’s skull, and exacts a terrible price — another the reflective surface. This vision cannot show the past
life, or the mystic’s gift. or future, only the present. Some extremely powerful
Learning DC: 45 Thirst DC: 45 mystics can use the vision to extend the reach of other
Minimum Knowledge (Occult) Skill: 23 invocations, but only at great personal cost.
Bonded Followers: 5000 Learning DC: 26 Thirst DC: 30
Complex Check: 1000 — 4 hours Minimum Knowledge (Occult) Skill: 12
Effect: The mystic must remain awake while Bonded Followers: 15
performing this ritual (requiring a Fortitude save each Complex Check: 50 — 5 minutes
day, against a DC of 20 plus the number of days he has Effect: The mystic is granted a vision of a distant
remained awake past the first). Once the vigil is place or person for a number of minutes equal to his
completed, the mystic places the deceased’s skull in the ranks in the Knowledge (Occult) skill. The ritual requires
center of a circle of his followers and performs the final a reflective surface, such as a pool of water, a crystal
chant. Lastly, the ritual comes with a price — either the ball, or a mirror, to perform. In order to scry a person,
mystic must perform a human sacrifice (“a life for a the mystic must have a personal object. In order to scry
life”) or he loses all bonded followers, as well as the a place, the mystic must have visited it before.
ability to bond new followers (“the mystic’s gift”). Once Each character scryed upon is allowed a secret
lost, his powers are gone and may never be reclaimed. Knowledge (Occult) skill check (DC 10 + scrying mystic’s
Knowledge (Occult) skill), rolled by the GC. With
success, he is aware that someone is watching him.

Table 6.2: Invocations

Min. Knowledge Bonded Complex
Invocation Name Learning DC Thirst DC (Occult) Skill Followers Skill Check
Bolt 20 — 5 10 per 1d6 damage 25—1 half action
Bond Follower 12 — 5 5 25—1 minute
Borrow Power 28 — 13 40 per +2 45—1 round
Control Animals 20 — 8 20 35—1 round
Curb Violence 15 — 5 20 35—1 round
Curse 27 — 11 25 per –1 40—1 round
Healing 23 — 11 20 + 5 per level 50—1 round
Invisibility 24 — 9 40 40—5 minutes
Shield 16 — 5 5 per round 25—1 half action
Steal Soul 35 — 15 80 150—4 hours
Control Weather 38 35 20 Varies 200—4 hours
Create Anchor Node 35 35 18 1000 300—4 hours
Destroy Technology 40 35 21 500 per mile radius 350—4 hours
Killing Touch 31 40 15 50 40—1 round
Mass Slumber 22 25 12 30 25—1 minute
Mass Suggestion 29 30 15 80 75—5 minutes
Move Earth 37 35 19 400 per square mile 100—4 hours
Plague 33 45 18 800 350—4 hours
Resurrection 45 45 23 5000 1000—4 hours
Scry 26 30 12 15 50—5 minutes
Teleport 29 30 14 50 Varies

The Mystic World
A magus (but not a mystic or initiate) may perform
other invocations using Scry to extend his line of sight
(effectively sending the invocation through the vision to
affect those depicted by it), but this severely weakens
“Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts
him. The magus collapses after completing the invoca-
tion, and must have one full day of rest for every bond-
ed follower the “sent” invocation requires. The magus “Knowledge is Power.”
cannot do anything but rest during this time.
Throughout the millennia, mystic traditions have
Teleport drawn upon different facets of an unseen world as
dangerous as it is illuminating. Every mystic knows in
This ritual instantly transports objects or people to
his heart that the knowledge they amass is not without
an Anchor Node (see page 226), no matter the
price. The oldest texts and earliest whispered traditions
distance. Anchor nodes are large open areas ringed with
call this price “the Thirst”.
mystic focal devices (such as Stonehenge). A rapid form
Man is not a native of the mystic world, and humans
of this ritual can be used in an emergency, but it inflicts
who tap into it tread on alien ground. Once a mystic can
permanent harm on the mystic.
enact rituals, he must forever after guard himself
Learning DC: 29 Thirst DC: 30
against the seductive lure of even greater power —
Minimum Knowledge (Occult) Skill: 14
absolute power — and those who seize it from him.
Bonded Followers: 50
Complex Check: 35 — 15 minutes or half action (see Thirst Mechanics
Each time a mystic begins a ritual, he must make
Effect: Using this ritual, the mystic instantly trans-
a Will save against the ritual’s Thirst DC, +1 for every
ports 50 lbs. of living or non-living matter (including
ritual he already knows. If the save is successful, he has
himself, if he so desires) for every rank he has in the
conquered the seductive sway of the forces he wields.
Knowledge (Occult) skill. This matter is sent to an
Otherwise, he suffers from the Thirst, gaining one Thirst
anchor node, which is a special area prepared with the
Create Anchor Node ritual. Many of the stone circles
Thirst levels have the following effects.
that exist around the world actually serve as anchor
nodes, and a mystic may use any of these as a receiving Level 1: Ritual power fills the mystic with a surge of
point as long as he has first visited the circle and spent confidence and personal will. The mystic gains a +1
at least 3 hours inside it attuning himself to its mystic bonus when using any Charisma-based skill within a
energies. number of hours after successfully performing any
In an emergency, a mystic may perform this ritual as invocation equal to the difference between his roll and
a half action, but may only transport 25 lbs. of matter the invocation’s DC.
for every rank he has in the Knowledge (Occult) skill, Level 2: The mystic’s focused mind awakens to new
and permanently reduces his Constitution by 1 point. vistas of ritual power. Whenever the mystic spends an
Unwilling passengers may be transported using this action die to add to a complex skill check, two dice are
ritual if the mystic is touching them. They must make a added instead of one (e.g. a 1st-level mystic’s bonus of
Will save opposed by the mystic. Failure indicates that 1d4 becomes 2d4). However, the mystic becomes
they are teleported with the mystic. Success indicates uncomfortable and ill at ease when not studying or
that they remain behind when the teleportation occurs. using mystic forces. The DCs of all his Will saving
The mystic may remain behind after failing this roll, throws are increased by 2 (including future Thirst
but the ritual is considered spent regardless, checks), except when he is learning a new invocation.
and whatever (and whomever) else the mystic was Level 3: The mystic is able to fathom nuances about
teleporting continues to the destination whether he goes the mystic world that are lost to others. He performs and
with them or not. learns rituals as if his Knowledge (Occult) Skill were 2
Each character who teleports (including the mystic) higher.
must make a Fortitude save (DC 25 minus the mystic’s Level 4: The mystic’s physical needs wane in favor of
agent level). Any who fail are stunned for a number of his ritual efforts — his Fortitude DCs for not consuming
rounds equal to the difference between their roll and the food or fluids begin at 5 instead of 10 (see page 230 of
DC. the Spycraft Espionage Handbook), and he gains +1
vitality point per agent level for 24 hours after starting
any ritual (not to exceed one such vitality boost per 24-
hour period). The mystic’s focus comes at the cost of

Shadowforce Archer

broader pursuits, however — he is distracted and listless Mystics see the Thirst as a living force of nature,
when not seeking the means to greater power, and craving human slaves the same way that they crave
suffers a –2 penalty to all skill checks except those mystic power. It is their greatest enemy, preying on
using the Knowledge (Occult) skill. spirits drunk with the very forces of creation at their
Level 5: The mystic performs and learns rituals as if fingertips. As shown above, the Thirst lures unwary
his Knowledge (Occult) Skill were 4 higher. mystics with seemingly greater power, but eventually
Level 6: The mystic’s mind reels with the incredible leads them to madness, spiritual ruin, and physical self
knowledge he’s acquired, and his control over “lesser destruction. And when a powerful mystic destroys
men” increases by the day. The mystic gains 1 point himself, he rarely goes out alone.
each of Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma.
The mystic’s body pays the price, however — he is Slaking the Thirst
physically ravaged by the Thirst, appearing noticeably The call of the mystic world does abate over time. On
ill and losing 2 points each of Strength, Dexterity, and the days of the solstices and equinoxes (four times a
Constitution when not using a mystic feat. year, see below), when the physical and mystic worlds
Level 7: The mystic’s mental and empathic powers are in greatest balance, all mystics may make a single
turn from personal charm to domination — the mystic Will save with a DC of 20 + their Thirst level to reduce
gains an additional 1 point each of Intelligence, their Thirst level by 1. Making this save requires two full
Wisdom, and Charisma (for a total increase of +2 to hours of quiet contemplation, and may be attempted at
each ability). any time during that designated day or following night.
Level 8: The mystic is driven mad by the Thirst as his
Day Date
mind awakens to the vast outer reaches of the mytic
Equinox, autumnal September 23 or 24
world. The madness may not be apparent to casual
Equinox, vernal March 20 or 21
observers, but the mystic no longer thinks or reacts in a
Solstice, summer June 21 or 22*
truly human manner. Rumors persist that this level of
Solstice, winter December 21 or 22*
comprehension opens up entirely new vistas
of untapped power, but proof of this “apotheosis” is * In the Northern Hemisphere; in the Southern
limited to mythic accounts of god-kings who lorded Hemisphere, these dates are reversed.
over the world thousands of years ago. Only mystics
This process likely explains why the mystic tradi-
who achieve this state of being know for sure, and they
tions place so much emphasis on the days of the solstice
rarely survive for long after their ascension. If an agent
and equinox, as cautious mystics strive to balance their
reaches this state, the GC takes contol, turning him into
occult knowledge with the precarious temptation of the
an NPC (and perhaps a new mastermind).
All Thirst effects are cumulative.

The Mystic World
frames a pattern resembling a spider web, which is
formed by the sinew. They are not meant to last.
Mystic relics are the stuff of legend, stemming from
Eventually the willow dries out and the tension of the
sinew collapses the item. This reflects the intended
purpose of the dream catcher — to guard young children
historical anecdotes, mythology, folklore, and old wives'
against nightmares. The shape of the dream catcher is
tales. Professional scholars consider most of these items
dictated by the legend surrounding it.
fantasy, but mystics understand the truth — that legends
In ancient stories, Asibikaashi, or Spider Woman,
are the part of the world’s living history, and that the
was one of the spirits responsible for returning the sun
remnants of that history contain our purest link to the
back to her people. It was said that if you were awake
world of the Ancients.
at dawn, you could find Asibikaashi's lodge, or web.
Relics may not be requisitioned with budget or
In that lodge, you would see how she captured the
gadget points. Rather, they should only be encountered
sunrise as the light sparkled on the dew gathered there.
only during missions — under bizarre circumstances.
In honor of Asibikaashi, dream catchers are
Game Control has final approval on all mystic relics.
constructed to resemble spider webs, and in honor of the
Beowulf's Hilt sun she returned to her people, they are woven onto a
round frame. A small hole at the center of the web
Long ago, the Dane king Hrothgar had a problem:
allows the good dreams through the dream catcher,
the Grendel. Night after night, the Grendel feasted upon
while nightmares are trapped in the web. The night-
his livestock and men. No one could put an end to its
mares are destroyed as the first rays of the sun shine
assaults against Hrothgar’s people. Hearing of the
through the dream catcher.
Dane’s troubles, the Great Beowulf traveled to
In many tribes, it was traditional to place a feather
Hrothgar’s side, and swore to destroy the Grendel.
at the center of a dream catcher, representing breath, or
When the Grendel returned, Beowulf tore off its arm,
air. A baby watching the feather dance in the air was
crippling it. The creature retreated quickly, but Beowulf
both protected by the dream catcher while sleeping, and
wasn’t finished. He tracked the Grendel to its lair in a
given a lesson about the importance of "good air" while
nearby marsh, accompanied by the Dane Unferth. When
awake. The specific feather used was often determined
they arrived, Beowulf saw he would have to dive under-
by the qualities parents wished to instill in their children
water in order to reach the Grendel’s cave. Unferth
(e.g. an owl's feather for wisdom, or an eagle's feather
offered Beowulf his blood-hardened sword to fight the
for courage).
beast, but did not accompany him.
While dream catchers can be easily found across the
When Beowulf arrived in the Grendel’s lair, he found
United States in craft shops and the like, only a few are
not only the Grendel, but the Grendel’s mother.
truly powerful. Some argue that modern dream catchers
His attack was fierce, but the Grendel’s mother turned
are worthless because they substitute items such as
aside Unferth’s sword. Undaunted, Beowulf seized a
gems for the traditional feather, while others claim a
sword from the grip of a nearby skeleton and smote the
true dream catcher can only be made for each of
Grendel’s mother, killing her with one blow. He then
Asibikaashi's people born. The truth is — and may
made short work of the crippled Grendel.
remain — a mystery.
As Beowulf swam back to the surface, however, his
new sword melted, leaving only the hilt. He returned
Relics and the
Unferth’s sword without admitting how it failed him.
Mastermind System
Later, he presented the hilt of the sword that slew the
Grendel and its mother to King Hrothgar as a gift. If a GC would like his villains to have access to
The Hilt currently resides in the Horsens Museum, located relics, he may purchase them at a base cost of 5 MP,
in Horsens, Denmark. plus 3 MP per relic. If the GC wants more than one
Mechanics: Beowulf’s Hilt promotes strength and copy of a non-unique relic, he must pay the cost for
ferocity in combat. If an agent is carrying the hilt, each copy his threat possesses. Relics purchased in
his Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution are each this way are available at the start of the season, and
increased by 2. may be used as desired by the villain in question.
Paying the base cost for relics also allows the GC to
Dream Catchers purchase invocations (see page 224). The base cost of
Dream catchers appear in the oral history of a 5 MP is part of the mastermind’s organization cost,
number of Native American tribes. Traditionally, dream and is only paid once per season, while the cost of
catchers are made of willow and sinew; the willow specific relics is paid for each relic possessed.

Shadowforce Archer
Mechanics: While carrying a mystic dream catcher, The Gordian Knot
an agent is not only protected from bad dreams, but
When the king of Phrygia died, leaving no heir,
from psionics as well. Whenever the agent becomes the
the Oracle at Delphi prophesied their next king would
target of a psion skill or feat that allows a save, he gains
arrive drawn by oxen. The emissaries who bore witness
a +5 bonus to his roll.
to the Oracle’s words described what they had heard to
In addition, if the dream catcher is adorned with the
the citizens of Phrygia upon their return. Soon after,
feather of an owl, falcon, or eagle, the agent receives a
a man named Gordius and his wife rode into town on
bonus to all saves of a specific type, based on which
their oxen-drawn wagon. In keeping with the Oracle's
feather is used. An eagle's feather grants +2 to Fortitude
declaration, the elders made Gordius king.
saves, a falcon's feather grants +2 to Reflex saves, and
Upon his coronation, Gordius dedicated his
an owl's feather grants +2 to Will saves. These bonuses
wagon to the Oracle. To remind himself of
do not stack with the save bonus granted against psion
his humble beginnings, he tied the
skills and feats.
wagon to a post in front of his
The Feather of Ma’at palace with an enormous knot.
Gordius ruled well, as did
The Egyptian god Anubis has been
his son, Midas. However,
ascribed a variety of positions, ranging
when Midas stepped from the
from the God of the Dead (a title later
throne, he left no heir. The Oracle
usurped by Osiris) to the son of Osiris, who
at Delphi prophesied once more, this
stood at Osiris’ left hand in judgment of the
time proclaiming that he who untied
dead. In both of these capacities, Anubis
the Gordian Knot would rule not only
was responsible for weighing a dead
Phrygia, but all of Asia.
soul’s heart against the Feather of
Many years passed, and many men tried to
untie the famous Gordian Knot. None succeeded
The heart and the feather were
until Alexander the Great. At first, like other men,
placed opposite each other on
he attempted to untie the knot by hand, but when it
the “Scales of Truth.” If the
became apparent that his efforts would be in vain,
soul’s heart was light, and
he drew his sword and sliced it in two.
the Feather of Ma’at out-
Thereafter, Alexander did indeed conquer Asia (as it
weighed it, the soul was
was known to the classical world) and went on to
presented to Osiris. If the
become one of the most prominent rulers in all of
heart was heavy, the soul
known history. The Gordian Knot has ever been a
was fed to Ammit (the
Quetzalcoatl’s Thorn symbol of his wisdom, but to the Sons of Alexander, a
“Eater of the Dead”) and
secret society bent on world domination, it has become
a symbol of his power. The Sons already hold one half
Outside of this capacity, the feather first appeared in
of the Gordian Knot, and are currently scouring the
the study of the Greek scholar Peraius, noted for his
world for the other.
analyses of contemporary Greek political figures. For
Mechanics: Despite the beliefs of the Sons of
Peraius, who wrote with a quill and ink, the Feather was
Alexander, the Gordian Knot’s powers promote wisdom
his favorite implement. Through the ages, the Feather
rather than world domination. Whenever an agent pos-
has been used in this capacity several times, most
sesses one half of the knot, he may make an inspiration
recently by the noted Italian biographer Alberto Mellini.
roll without spending an action die, once per session. If
Mellini died in December of 2001, without a will. In the
he controls both halves of the knot, the roll is automat-
absence of such guidance, his three children have been
ically successful.
unable to determine who should inherit his various
possessions, including the quill. The case is currently in Guan Gong's Halberd
Relatively unknown outside of Asia, Guan Gong of
It is unknown if Mellini’s children are aware of the
the I-Kuan Tao pantheon personifies the virtues of the
quill’s true history.
warrior: honor, loyalty, integrity, justice, courage, and
Mechanics: The Feather of Ma’at grants its owner
strength. Historically, Guan Gong lived in China roughly
tremendous insight concerning other people. An agent
1700 years ago, during the period of the Three
carrying the feather may, as a half action, spend an
Kingdoms, an era overrun with strife and civil war.
action die to determine the level and class of one NPC.

The Mystic World
Guan Gong’s distinctive appearance is often (DC 25) or be compelled to intervene. This could easily
misleading. His fiery red complexion and long beard endanger the agent — and under the wrong circum-
stand out immediately, as does his unique weapon — stances, the Cloak.
a great blade mounted on a long handle, which never
leaves his side. This image, particularly his red face, Marduk’s Signet
often leaves the mistaken impression that Guan Gong is When the Babylonian gods learned the primeval
a demon. being Tiamat was preparing to do battle with the young
On the contrary, Guan Gong's red face represents his pantheon, they petitioned Marduk to be their champion.
righteous anger. Legend claims that his complexion Marduk agreed to their request,
changed after he slew a bullying magistrate for accost- but he set forth a condition.
ing a girl. The change allowed him to slip past the When he arrived before the
guards unrecognized, thus escaping the city and assembled gods, he said “If
embarking on his illustrious adventures. indeed, I, your avenger,
Guan Gong's halberd is his ultimate legacy. am to bind Tiamat and
For centuries, it has appeared in stories and give life to you, then
legends, surrounded by tales of the righteous put in session an assem-
toppling evil men and corrupt empires, regard- bly, proclaim my destiny
less of the odds against them. Curiously, pre-eminent. Sit joyfully
the weapon has been described not only as a together in the hall of
halberd, but also as a Chinese broadsword, assembly, let me determine
a spear, and even a staff, depending on the con- destinies by the utterance of
text of the story. my mouth instead of yours; so
Currently, the location of Guan Gong's that whatever I myself create shall
Halberd is unknown, despite the Pan-Asian be unalterable; so that the word of my
Collective’s ongoing attempts to track it lips shall neither turn about nor be changed."
down. Unfortunately, the Chamber's After private deliberation, the gods agreed to
efforts are hindered by the Chinese Marduk’s terms, but they set a condition of their own.
Communist government, who Before he became king of the gods, Marduk would
believe the relic to be a threat demonstrate his power, that he might prove himself
to their control of China. worthy to sit among them. They asked that he choose a
Rod of the
Mechanics: Guan star in the sky, make it disappear, then reappear once
Gong's Halberd always more. This Marduk did.
manifests as a melee weapon The gods bestowed upon Marduk kingship of the
of some sort, though the specifics universe, and with his position came symbols of his
of its appearance are dictated by the individual who rank, including a scepter and a signet ring. In his ensu-
finds it. The Halberd reshapes itself as a weapon useful ing battle with Tiamat, his hand was severed from his
to its owner. When the Halberd is located, if anyone wrist, yet he still vanquished the creature. Later, his
present has the Weapon Master feat, the Halberd grievous wound healed — subsequent renderings and
appears as the appropriate weapon. Otherwise it retains legends depict him with two hands — but the ring upon
its original form. If more than one agent (or NPC) near his hand was lost.
the Halberd has the Weapon Master feat, each must Marduk’s Signet reappeared in 1990 during an
make an opposed Strength check. The Halberd takes a archaeological expedition to the Babylonian city of
form matching the Weapon Master feat of whichever Mashkan-shapir (now Tell Abu Duwari, Iraq), though
agent or NPC makes the highest check. the team had no inkling of its true discovery. When the
Regardless of its appearance, the Halberd is a Gulf War cut the dig short, several of the artifacts —
formidable weapon: including the ring — were transferred to the State
Damage Error Threat Weight University of New York at Stony Brook for further study,
3d8 — 18-20 10 lb.* where they remain.
Mechanics: The wearer of Marduk’s Signet is imbued
* As halberd, otherwise, matches appropriate
with a commanding presence, and seemingly impervi-
ous self-confidence. Each time the agent makes an
But there's a catch — if the wielder ever witnesses an Intimidate or Diplomacy skill check, he receives a free
innocent in danger when wearing the weapon (whether action die to spend on the roll (which may not be spent
he is currently using it or not), he must make a Will save on any other roll). This bonus action die is lost if it is

Shadowforce Archer
not spent on the roll for which it is granted. In addition, The original contents of the book are shrouded in
any use of the Intimidate skill directed at the agent mystery, thanks to the millennia long efforts of the
automatically fails, unless a threat is rolled. Guardians of the Whispering Knife. Whatever secrets
the book held, the Guardians decided long ago to make
Mjolnir them disappear.
Thor, son of Odin and the Norse god of The only problem is, they haven’t been able to
Thunder, commanded storms and lightning. He find it since. During the early sixties, the
rode in a chariot drawn by two goats called Guardians’ search for the book was intense
Toothgrinder and Toothgnasher, and possessed enough to draw the attention of Raymond
the magical axe-hammer Mjolnir, forged by the Archer. For reasons known only to the
dwarf Brok. Mjolnir would destroy anything it Guardians and Archer himself, they disclosed to
was thrown at, always returning subsequently Archer the contents of the book. He has never
to the hand of its wielder. Thor used repeated what they told him, carrying the volume’s
Mjolnir to smite giants, the ancient secrets into retirement. He has, however, issued a
enemies of the Norse gods, and permanent Code: Black open mission protocol
where Mjolnir struck home, lighting and for the return of the journal — so that it can
thunder leapt forth. be destroyed.
Though mighty, not even Thor was strong Mechanics: The contents of the
enough to wield Mjolnir without magical aid. Necronomicon are beyond the under-
He wore a belt that enhanced his strength, standing of virtually everyone alive
as well as magical gloves that would today, with the exception of a very
protect his hands from the tremendous few Guardians. And they aren’t
heat shed by the enchanted hammer. telling.
One day, when Thor cast Mjolnir, it did
not return, but instead fell to the earth below. Quetzalcoatl’s
The reasons for this event remain a mystery. Thorn
Now it lies at the bottom of the North Sea, An Aztec priest named Mahuizoh
causing some of the worst storms to ever plague crafted this sacrificial dagger as a gift
the region. No one knows the mystic hammer’s for the great feathered serpent
exact location — except Eva Kraus. The Hand of Quetzalcoatl. Its careful design was meant
Glory has mounted several expeditions to to store the thoughts and knowledge of
retrieve the fabled axe-hammer. Thus far, those it had slain, and to pass them on
none have returned. to its wielder, though history has
Mechanics: An agent must have a Strength proven that it also steals its victims’
of at least 25 to lift this relic, and wielding it forms.
as a weapon is impossible. Nonetheless, In the late 1500s the dagger was
The Tears of Gethsemane
Mjolnir is a powerful relic. It generates “liberated” and carried across the
enough electrical power to perpetually light New York Atlantic Ocean by Bernal Diaz, a soldier formerly under
City and several small towns besides. Eva Kraus, the command of Hernando Cortes. In Spain, Diaz sold
however, covets the axe-hammer for its mystic might. the relic to an enthusiastic nobleman.
When used to power the Control Weather ritual, Mjolnir For many months thereafter, Diaz suffered horrifying
counts as 50,000 bonded minions. When Mjolnir’s dreams of the dagger's true purpose, and he vowed to
power is harvested in this way, it requires a month to recover and destroy it. Diaz spent the rest of his days
recharge before it may be used again. searching for the item, at last catching up with it
outside a seedy tavern on the coast of Barbados.
The Necronomicon Its owner stabbed him sixty-three times.
The Necronomicon's origins are shrouded in mystery The dagger has not made a public appearance since,
and controversy; some claim the book was written by though some speculated that Jack the Ripper wielded it
Abdul Alhazred, the mad poet of Sanaa, in 700 A.D. during that bloody autumn in 1888. If the Ripper could
Others claim the book was an invention of famed use it, then certainly other serial killers may have
horror author H.P. Lovecraft, and does not exist at all. possessed it as well; it currently rests in the hands of a
Still others claim the book is actually much, much older vicious murderer known as Gemini (see page 92).
than Alhazred, and much, much truer than anyone

The Mystic World
Mechanics: When the wielder of the Thorn uses it to guage was a mystery. But since the Rosetta Stone’s text
deliver the killing blow to an enemy, the knife absorbs was identical in two other languages known at the time,
the victim’s form, allowing its wielder to perfectly it proved an invaluable tool in deciphering Egyptian
impersonate the victim for up to 10 minutes per day hieroglyphics. In 1821, Jean-Francois Champollion used
(treat this as an undetectable disguise). In addition, the the stone to translate the Egyptian text, finally enabling
knife absorbs one rank of the victim’s highest skill archaeologists and historians to read the hieroglyphs
(wielder’s choice if there is a tie). The Thorn’s wielder found at various Egyptian digs.
may use all of the skill ranks that it has absorbed over However, while the remaining text allowed
the years, up to his own rank maximums. The GC deter- Champollion to interpret the dead Egyptian language, a
mines which skills the Thorn contains when found. portion of the Rosetta Stone was missing. Many have
speculated the whereabouts of the missing section — all
Rod of the Scarab except the Guardians. Since they discovered the power
In Ancient Egypt, the Pharoah’s children played with of the Stone, they have held stewardship over the
small gadget scarabs which, when wound up, scuttled missing fragment, and kept a close eye on the main
about and fluttered their wings. However, during the piece as well. The Stone has a strong connection with
reign of Khufu (also known as Cheops), a high priest the mystic world — a connection not even the Guardians
devised a ritual method of controlling them en masse, completely understand — and the missing fragment’s
using an artifact imbued with the mystic power of powers of translation are formidable. The Guardians
armies, the Rod of the Scarab. The priests created and consider their dialect of Arabic sacred, and they have no
“blessed” thousands of the scarabs, and later used them wish for anyone — including the Archer Foundation —
to help build Pharaoh Ramses’ greatest memorial, the to use the Stone to interpret their language.
Pyramids. Mechanics: Thanks to its weight and volume, carry-
But when a disgruntled general named Djethutmose ing the main section of the Rosetta Stone is impractical,
used the scarabs to destroy crops and lay waste to cities, at best. If an agent carries the “missing” fragment, how-
the Pharaohs forbade the creation of more scarabs. Most ever, he automatically understands all languages,
remaining scarabs were confiscated and destroyed, but whether spoken or written. The fragment does not grant
a few hundred may have survived. the agent the ability to speak these languages, nor does
Scarabs are especially adept at traversing difficult the agent retain his understanding if he parts with the
terrain and scaling walls. Their protective shell is almost it. He does not learn the language in question; the frag-
impermeable, and they are strong enough to carry up to ment merely allows him to understand it. The agent
500 times their own weight. should still make a Languages check each time he
The notorious cat burglar Rhett Maguire may be encounters a new language to see if he already knows it
using the Rod in his crimes following its theft from the (per the rules on page 58 of the Spycraft Espionage
British Museum of Natural History. Handbook).
Mechanics: Once per day, the rod summons a swarm
of 10d10 gadget scarabs with the following statistics. Sedna’s Knuckles
The sinister sea goddess of the Eskimos, Sedna was
Gadget Scarabs: SZ Diminutive; wp: 5; Init + 2 (+2
the daughter of giant parents, and had a voracious
Dex); Spd 30 ft., fly 40 ft.; Def 16 (+4 size, +2 Dex);
appetite. Once, she started eating the limbs of her
Atk: Bite +2 (1d2); Face 1 ft. by 1 ft.; Reach 0;
parents as they slept, but they roused from their
SA None; SQ Immune to critical hits; SV Fort +6,
slumber. Horrified, they took her in a boat and cast her
Ref +3, Will +0; Str 12, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 10,
into the sea. Even then, she would not let go, and held
Wis 10, Cha 10; Skills: Climb +12, Hide +8, Move
on to the side of the boat. Ultimately, her father had to
Silently +7, Spot +7, Swim +3.
cut off her fingers one by one until she lost her grip.
The wielder of the rod controls the scarabs for up to As the severed fingers touched the sea they became
10 minutes before they disperse. whales, seals, and shoals of fish, though her thumbs
maintained their grisly form. The flesh was quickly con-
The Rosetta Stone sumed by the fish, leaving only the knuckles and bones.
Discovered at Rosetta, near the town of Rashid, in Years later, an Eskimo boy discovered the knuckles,
1799, this relic dates back to 200 B.C. The stone is 3 feet and carved them into a pair of dice. When he died, he
tall, 27.5 inches wide, and 12 inches deep, and its was buried with the dice, in the hope that Sedna would
engravings celebrate the coronation of King Ptolemy V look kindly upon him for returning her lost thumbs.
in three different languages: Demotic, Egyptian, and The next day, the young man awakened in his igloo,
Greek. At the time of its discovery, the Egyptian lan- alive and unharmed, though missing the dice.

Shadowforce Archer
Mechanics: Sedna’s Knuckles have the miraculous At dawn, Jesus was betrayed and arrested, but his
(and rare) power to return the dead to life. If an agent is tears lingered in Gethsemane. Where his tears of fear
buried with one of her knuckles, he may make a Will and tears of joy mixed, they formed perfect diamonds.
save (DC 25) to return to life. If he is buried with both, Two thousand years later, these diamonds are owned
the DC is lowered to 20. by a private Israeli collector, Reuven Meir. He doesn't
In either case, if the save is successful, the agent know the truth of what he has, and if the wrong people
wakes the next morning in his own bed, without the discover the secret, he won't live to find out.
dice. If his grave is exhumed, it is found to be empty. Mechanics: The Tears of Gethsemane are only a half
carat each, but are perfect in every way. On any market,
The Tears of Gethsemane they are priceless.
On the eve of Jesus' crucifixion, he sat at a table When worn or carried by an agent, they lend a sense
with his Disciples and shared the Passover meal. Judas, of humility and purpose. Whenever the agent spends an
one of his Disciples, left the supper, and betrayed Jesus action die on anything except an attack roll or damage
to the Romans for thirty pieces of silver. Jesus knew of roll, the die type rolled is one greater (e.g. if he spends
Judas’ actions, but didn’t confront his betrayer. Instead, a d4 action die, he rolls a d6).
he left for a small garden just outside the city of
Jerusalem: Gethsemane. He brought three of his The Wheel of the Ancients
Disciples into the garden with him, and asked them to A little over two thousand years ago, a group of
watch over him as he prayed for God to let this cup pass Tibetan monks journeyed into what is now the Bamiyan
him by, to spare him the suffering he knew would come. province of Afghanistan. They were well received by the
When he finished his first prayer, he found his three Buddhist monks of the region and, in a gesture of peace
Disciples asleep. He awoke his Disciples, and asked them and friendship, helped craft this magical prayer wheel.
again to remain on guard. When he returned to prayer, Like any Buddhist prayer wheel, this one rotates
he cried. He was afraid, and seemingly very alone. clockwise, constantly cycling the engraved mantra Om
When he returned to his Disciples, he found them asleep Mani Padme Hum to invoke the blessings of Chenrezig,
once more. This time, he did not awaken them. They had the embodiment of compassion. But the outer designs
shown him God's will. He returned to prayer a third reveal something subtle. Fueled by centuries of spinning
time, thankful that God had given him a sign, and that spirituality, the wheel is actually a map that leads to
his choice was now clear. He cried once more, this time other mystic relics in the region, relics that have been
for joy that God had shown him the way. safely hidden through 50,000 years of religious history.
Somehow, an ambitious Afghani tribal leader has
become aware of the wheel's power and is using it
to find the treasures hidden in the region. Anything
pre-Islamic is destroyed outright, as will the wheel be
once it has served its purpose (unless someone saves
it first).
The destruction of so many mystic artifacts has not
gone unnoticed by the spiritually sensitive around the
world, and plans are already under way by many to
rectify the situation.
Mechanics: Once per month, the wheel can be spun.
It then projects an image of the location of another
mystic relic within 1,000 miles into the mind of the
person who spun the wheel. That person receives no
directions leading him to the location — he must follow
an image which appears in his mind, like a flash photo.

The Wheel of the Ancients

"Take pride in this moment, old friend, for this is a hollow victory.
My armies live on, and soon, they will march over
the remains of your precious protectorate.
Soon, the Conspiracy will be laid bare for the world to see."
– Helix, at his defeat in the bowels of the Lodge, 1975

Shadowforce Archer
The Circle of Hate Ref +6, Will +7; Str 16, Dex 16, Con 15, Int 15, Wis 9,
Cha 11; Skills: Demolitions +7, Disguise +4, Hide +7,
Intimidate +6, Knowledge (Occult) +8, Move
Silently +7, Search +2, Sense Motive +8, Survival +2,
Tumble +4. Feats: Overcharge Power, Power Attack,
Sensory Basics. Psionic Skills: Combat Sense +8,
Enhance Senses +5, Extra-Spectral Sight +5. Gear:
Weapons, 11 BP. Gadgets and Vehicles: Magnetic flask.
Mystic Artifact: Quetzalcoatl’s Thorn (see page 234).
The Many Faces of Hate: Those Gemini doesn’t kill
with Quetzalcoatl’s Thorn to extract their memories and
skills are “converted" to his cause, conditioned to
believe that Archer’s agents are the source of all evil,
and worthy of no mercy.
The Many Faces of Hate, 3rd-level minions (squads
of 5). CR 2. SZ M; v/wp: 3d8+3 (20)/13; Init +5 (+3
class, +2 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; Def 13 (+2 Dex, +1 armor);
Atk: .38 Special revolver +5 (1d6+2) / fragmentation
grenade +5 (2d10); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square;
SA None; SQ None; SV Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +3;
Str 12, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 13;
Skills: Demolitions +4, Driver +6, Hide +4,
Innuendo +5, Move Silently +5, Search +3, Tumble +6.
Feats: Confident Charge, Jump Up. Gear: Weapons,
kevlar with insert.

C IRCLE OF Serial Two: Hans Ironsfell
Hans is a former European smuggler duped by an
Archer team into hiring them as couriers, for which his
This short-season (3-serial) threat is appropriate for employer ordered his death. During the ensuing fight at
a team of 4th level agents. a Munich steel factory, Hans’ right hand was plunged
The Circle of Hate is the brainchild of Gemini, who into molten metal and the team left him for dead.
lost his brother to an Archer op (see page 92). He has Rescued by Gemini, Hans endured extensive surgery
spent the last several years gathering like-minded indi- which "sculpted" his right hand down to steel-plated
viduals to form a conspiracy dedicated to destroying the bones, fused in place as a vicious raking claw.
Archer Foundation and its Chambers. Once a symbol of his disgrace, it is now a reminder of
his burning passion: to destroy those responsible for his
MP Cost: 275
failure, the Foundation.
Resources: 1 (26 BPs for minions; 41 BPs for hench-
Driven by madness and pain, Ironsfell collects his
men and foils; 51 BP for mastermind)
enemies as trophies, dipping them in molten metal while
Gadgets: 2 (2 gadget points per serial)
they are still alive and adding them to his private
Loyalty: 4 (+4 to loyalty checks)
HQ Personnel: 5 HQ Security: 3
Hans Ironsfell, 7th-level soldier (henchman); CR 7.
Serial Three: Gemini SZ M; v/wp: 92/18; Init +9 (+6 class, +3 Dex); Spd 30
Gemini’s primary target is the Gemeinschafft ft.; Def 16 (+3 class, +3 Dex); Atk: Claw +13 (1d6+9) /
Consortium, the group he blames for his twin brother’s .50 Magnum service pistol +10 (2d8); Face 1 square;
death. Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ None; SV Fort +9,
Ref +7, Will +1; Str 18, Dex 17, Con 18, Int 8, Wis 8,
Gemini, 4th-level pointman/4th-level physical adept
Cha 7; Skills: Intimidate +6, Move Silently +9,
(mastermind); CR 8. SZ M; v/wp: 139/15; Init +7 (+4
class, +3 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; Def 17 (+4 class, +3 Dex);
Atk: Quetzalcoatl’s Thorn +8 (1d6+3); Face 1 square;
Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ None; SV Fort +8,

Knowledge (Occult) +4, Spot +2. Feats: Ambidexterity, Foil (any serial):
Improved Weapon Focus (Claw), Mobility, Sidestep, Cassandra
Swift Strike, Weapon Focus (Claw), Weapon Master
Cassandra gives Archer early warnings about the
(Claw). Gear: Weapons, 13 BP. Gadgets and Vehicles: 2
Circle of Hate. She contacts Archer via email to warn of
Gemini’s plans, and watches the resulting operation
HQ Personnel: 7 HQ Security: 5
while disguised. Alternately, if the GC rolls under her
Sculptors: These twisted minions guard and staff loyalty level, she might be leading the agent team into
Ironsfell’s personal collection, often joining him in the one of Gemini’s traps.
field to capture enemies to be dipped.
Cassandra, 5th-level snoop (foil); loyalty 4; SZ M;
Sculptors, 3rd-level minions (squads of 4). CR 2. v/wp: 32/13; Init +4 (+3 class, +1 Dex); Spd 30 ft.;
SZ M; v/wp: 3d8+3 (20)/12; Init +4 (+3 class, +1 Dex); Def 15 (+4 class, +1 Dex); Atk: .38 Special revolver +3
Spd 30 ft.; Def 12 (+1 class, +1 Dex); Atk: 7.62×39mm (1d6+2); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA None;
semi-automatic rifle +4 (2d8) / flash/bang grenade +4 SQ None; SV Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +4; Str 10, Dex 13,
(Special); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA None; Con 13, Int 15, Wis 13, Cha 14; Skills: Bluff +5,
SQ None; SV Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +2; Str 12, Dex 12, Computers +9, Concentration +5, Cryptography +7,
Con 12, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 11; Skills: Appraise +3, Cultures +4, Diplomacy +5, Disguise +6, Driver +4,
Balance +6, Jump +6, Spot +4, Tumble +6, Electronics +7, Gather Information +7, Innuendo +5,
Use Rope +7. Feats: Acrobatic, Endurance. Listen +5, Move Silently +6, Read Lips +6, Spot +5,
Gear: Weapons, 4 BP. Surveillance +4. Feats: Mobility, Sidestep.
Gear: Weapons, 30 BP. Gadgets and Vehicles: 2 GP
Serial One: Fae (stolen — Archer allows her to keep these gadgets if
During his period of silence, Gemini had several her loyalty swings toward the agents).
traveling companions, including this disenfranchised
smuggler who has since become his lover. Agents Plot Hook #1
responsible for her death early in this season become One of the agents begins to receive anonymous
direct targets of Gemini. e-mails. Each e-mail contains details about the group
Gemini is forming to take his revenge on the
Fae, 5th-level fixer (henchman); CR 5. SZ M;
Gemeinschafft Consortium and the Foundation.
v/wp: 29/10; Init +5 (+2 class, +3 Dex); Spd 30 ft.;
Def 17 (+4 class, +3 Dex); Atk: 9mm service pistol +6 Possibilities
(1d10); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA None;
SQ None; SV Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +3; Str 12, Dex 16, 1. The messages are coming from Cassandra. She has been
Con 10, Int 15, Wis 14, Cha 13; Skills: Appraise +8, watching Gemini and his minions, and suspects they are
Bluff +6, Boating +9, Cultures +6, Diplomacy +3, on to her. She hopes the Foundation agents can bring
Disguise +5, Driver +7, Electronics +7, Forgery +9, down the Circle, in so doing, save her from retribution.
Gather Information +4, Hide +8, Intimidate +4, Cassandra plans on parleying her assistance into a
Knowledge (Underworld) +8, Sleight of Hand +7. favorable relationship with the Foundation.
Feats: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot. Gear: Weapons,
2. As above, but Cassanda is working with Gemini.
23 BP. Gadgets and Vehicles: Hollow tooth.
She leads the agents to a steel refinery, where Hans
HQ Personnel: 3 HQ Security: 3
Ironfell and a team of sculptors await.
Night Runners: These men take on roles as fisher-
3. Cassandra has fallen in love with Gemini, but she knows
men, coast guards, or others who won’t draw attention
she can never have him while Fae lives. She leads the
to themselves when smuggling Fae’s goods overseas.
agents to Fae knowing Fae will kill herself rather than
Night Runners, 2nd-level minions (squads of 3). be captured. Once Fae is dead, Cassandra plans to kill
CR 1. SZ M; v/wp: 2d8 (12)/11; Init +3 (+2 class, the agents, with the help of Ironsfell (who is unaware
+1 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; Def 12 (+1 class, +1 Dex); of Cassandra's true motives). She hopes to curry favor
Atk: 5.56×45mm assault rifle +4 (2d8+2); Face 1 square; with Gemini by personally delivering Fae's killers to him.
Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ None; SV Fort +3,
Ref +3, Will +0; Str 10, Dex 12, Con 11, Int 11, Wis 11, Plot Hook #2
Cha 14; Skills: Balance +5, Bluff +4, Boating +3, A recently retired Lord of the Archer Foundation has
Disguise +4, Mechanics +2. Feats: Weapon Focus disappeared. The Foundation wants him located and
(5.56mm rifle). Gear: Weapons. retrieved.

Shadowforce Archer
Possibilities Dr. Fu, 9th-level pointman (mastermind); CR 10.
SZ M; v/wp: 66/13; Init +10 (+4 class, +2 Dex, +4
1. The Lord in question was loyal to the Archer
Improved Initiative); Spd 30 ft.; Def 16 (+4 class,
Foundation, until one day he realized just how many
+2 Dex); Atk: Katana +8 (1d12+2); Face 1 square;
pawns he had sacrificed in his years as a Lord. He retired
Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ None; SV Fort +5,
quickly, but not quickly enough to stave off his grow-
Ref +6, Will +9; Str 14, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 19,
ing bitterness at the constant loss of life. Shortly after
Wis 17, Cha 14; Skills: Appraise +9, Bluff +12,
his retirement, Gemini contacted him and drew him
Bureaucracy +7, Cryptography +9, Cultures +6, Gather
into a web of treachery. It didn't take the Lord long to
Information +6, Innuendo +6, Intimidate +7,
realize that he had become the enemy, and the cause of
Knowledge (Asian History) +12, Knowledge
the very thing that drove him away from the Archer
(Underworld) +14, Languages +10, Perform (Public
Foundation. Unfortunately, Gemini's retirement plan is
Speaking) +6, Sense Motive +11, Sleight of Hand +6,
not nearly as generous as Archer's….
Spot +6. Feats: Darting Weapon, Expertise, Improved
2. The Lord was directly responsible for the assignment Disarm, Improved Initiative. Gear: Weapons, 33 BP.
that lead to the death of Gemini's brother. Once Gadgets and Vehicles: Palmprint identifier (“Backfire”
the Lord retired, and was no longer under constant Edition — electric charge) for katana, 1 GP.
security, Gemini struck. The Lord is now a feature of
Ninja: Dr. Fu claims that every one of his personally
Ironsfell's macabre scuplture gallery.
trained ninja bodyguards/assassins is a blood relative.
3. The Lord went into hiding, after his contacts at the If this is true, he must have an enormous family.
Archer Foundation warned him he was Gemini's next
Ninja, 6th-level minions (squads of 3). CR 5. SZ M;
target (as above). The agents must locate the Lord
v/wp: 6d8+12 (40)/15; Init +9 (+5 class, +4 Dex);
before Gemini claims another victim.
Spd 30 ft.; Def 16 (+2 class, +4 Dex); Atk: Kama +8
(1d8+2) / 7.62x54mm sniper rifle +10 (5d4); Face 1
square; Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ None;
LUNG TRIAD SV Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +4; Str 15, Dex 18, Con 15,
Int 15, Wis 15, Cha 13; Skills: Balance +12, Climb +10,
Demolitions +6, Escape Artist +7, Jump +8, Move
This short-season (4-serial) threat is appropriate for Silently +7, Tumble +12. Feats: Martial Arts, Kicking
a team of 5th level agents. Arts, Throwing Arts. Gear: weapons.
Dr. Fu is a criminal mastermind with dreams of glory Serial Three: Tze Chin
for China (see page 120). He can trace his ancestry back
Archer has long suspected that Dr. Fu has
to the last Ming Emperor, and now he schemes to
accomplices in the Chinese government; this suspicion
acquire that title for himself. An annoying thorn in the
is correct. All of the mastermind’s plans employ rogue
side of the Archer Foundation, Dr. Fu has in the past
Chinese generals and intelligence operatives. Tze Chin is
attempted to foment a war between China and Russia by
one such military renegade.
destroying Vladivostok, organized attempted annexa-
tions of Taiwan and Vietnam, and set off a bomb in Tze Chin, 8th-level soldier (henchman); CR 8. SZ M;
Tokyo in retribution for Japanese atrocities during the v/wp: 70/14; Init +12 (+6 class, +2 Dex, +4 Improved
Second World War. Initiative); Spd 30 ft.; Def 15 (+3 class, +2 Dex);
Atk: .45 service pistol +10 (1d10+2); Face 1 square;
MP Cost: 385
Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ None; SV Fort +8,
Resources: 2 (28 BPs for minions; 43 BPs for hench-
Ref +6, Will +2; Str 14, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 14,
men and foils; 53 BPs for mastermind)
Wis 10, Cha 10; Skills: Balance +8, Climb +6,
Gadgets: 4 (4 gadget points per serial)
Cryptography +6, Gather Information +4, Intimidate +5,
Loyalty: 6 (+6 to loyalty checks)
Jump +7, Knowledge (Chinese Politics) +7, Pilot +5,
HQ Personnel: 6 (+extra HQ – 0/0)
Profession (Military) +4, Search +4, Surveillance +3.
HQ Security: 3
Feats: Dodging Arts, Dodging Mastery, Improved
Serial Four: Dr. Fu Initiative, Martial Arts, Punching Arts, Punching
Mastery, Sidestep. Gear: Weapons, 9 BP. Gadgets and
The PAC’s greatest threat believes that the region can
Vehicles: 2 GP.
only benefit from open war. Of course, he wishes to rise
HQ Personnel: 8 HQ Security: 2
from the ashes as Emperor.

Chinese Soldiers: Many of these Chinese Army veter- +7 (Special) / flash/bang grenade (×2) +8 (Special);
ans are aware that Tze Chin's loyalty is to a dissident Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ None;
body, but none know that he serves the infamous Dr. Fu. SV Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +4; Str 13, Dex 15, Con 12,
Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 16; Skills: Balance +10, Bluff +7,
Chinese Soldiers, 5th-level minions (squads of 3).
Computers +4, Cryptography +4, Driver +11,
CR 4. SZ M; v/wp: 5d8+5 (29)/13; Init +6 (+4 class,
Electronics +3, Jump +5, Mechanics +6, Sleight of
+2 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; Def 14 (+2 Dex, +2 armor);
Hand +4, Spot +7. Feats: Advanced Skill Mastery
Atk: 7.62x39mm assault rifle +7 (2d8) / bayonet +7
(Speed Demon), Dodging Arts, Martial Arts, Punching
(1d6+2); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA None;
Arts, Speed Demon. Gear: Weapons, 12 BP. Gadgets
SQ None; SV Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +2; Str 14, Dex 14,
and Vehicles: Motorcycle, standard belt, 1 GP.
Con 13, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 13; Skills: Craft
HQ Personnel: 0 HQ Security: 3
(Gunsmithing) +6, Driver +7, Intimidate +6, Spot +6.
Feats: Far Shot, Mobility, Point Blank Shot. Triad Street Warriors: The footsoldiers of Dr. Fu’s
Gear: Weapons, tuxedo liner. campaign are recruited from the Chinese Triad.

Serial Two: Tommy Lung Triad Street Warriors, 4th-level minions (squads of
2). CR 3. SZ M; v/wp: 4d8+4 (26)/12; Init +5 (+3 class,
See page 120 for more about Dr. Fu’s contact in the
+2 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; Def 14 (+2 class, +2 Dex);
Lung Triad.
Atk: .45 service pistol +5 (1d10+2); Face 1 square;
Tommy Lung, 7th-level fixer (henchman); CR 7. Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ None; SV Fort +5,
SZ M; v/wp: 42/12; Init +4 (+3 class, +1 Dex); Ref +3, Will +2; Str 11, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 12,
Spd 30 ft.; Def 17 (+6 class, +1 Dex); Atk: Nunchaku Wis 12, Cha 10; Skills: Balance +7, Climb +6,
+7 (1d6+3); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA None; Disguise +3, Gather Information +2, Intimidate +5,
SQ None; SV Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +5; Str 12, Dex 13, Jump +6, Tumble +7. Feats: Point Blank Shot, Precise
Con 12, Int 15, Wis 16, Cha 14; Skills: Appraise +11, Shot, Ride Shotgun. Gear: Weapons, 6 BP. Gadgets and
Balance +11, Bluff +12, Diplomacy +7, Forgery +11, Vehicles: Motorcycles.
Gather Information +7, Innuendo +11, Knowledge
(Underworld) +12, Move Silently +9, Open Lock +8, Plot Hook #1
Use Rope +6. Feats: Sidestep, Weapon Focus Despite the Pan-Asian Collective's efforts to deal
(Nunchaku), Improved Weapon Focus (Nunchaku). with the matter internally, Dr. Fu's arrangement with the
Gear: Weapons, 23 BP. Gadgets and Vehicles: 2 GP. Lung Triad has come to the attention of the rest of the
HQ Personnel: 1 HQ Security: 2 Archer Foundation. Several Chambers (especially Room
39, due to England's former presence in the area), have
Triad Elite: These minions are hand-picked to
made noise about putting their own teams into Hong
command the street warriors (opposite). They are the
Kong to deal with the problem, if the Collective can't.
hub of the Lung Triad.
Triad Elite, 4th-level minions (squads of 3). CR 3. Possibilities
SZ M; v/wp: 4d8+4 (26)/13; Init +5 (+3 class, +2 Dex);
1. King Ngai finds out that the agents are on his turf and
Spd 30 ft.; Def 14 (+2 class, +2 Dex); Atk: Throwing
decides to deal with them himself. His Triad street war-
knife +6 (1d4+1) / .45 service pistol +6 (1d10+2);
riors attack the agents almost as soon as they arrive in
Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ None;
Hong Kong. A rival triad, convinced the enemy of their
SV Fort +5, Ref +4, Will +2; Str 13, Dex 14, Con 13,
enemy is their friend, comes to the agents' aid. The
Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 11; Skills: Diplomacy +3,
agents must navigate Hong Kong's seedy underbelly in
Disguise +3, Driver +6, Gather Information +3,
order to foil Dr. Fu's alliance with the Lung Triad.
Intimidate +5, Knowledge (Underworld) +5, Search +4,
Tumble +7. Feats: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, 2. One of the Foundation's contacts in the Chinese gov-
Marksman. Gear: Weapons, 4 BP. ernment serves Tze Chin. He attempts to lead the
agents astray. If that doesn't work, he warns Chin of the
Serial One: King Ngai agents' arrival, who prepares an ambush for them.
Tommy Lung’s second-in-command is a wild child,
3. Concerned the interference of other Chambers will
who regularly indulges in the Hong Kong nightlife.
expose several Collective deep cover agents, the
King Ngai, 6th-level wheelman (henchman); CR 6. Collective does everything in its power (stopping well
SZ M; v/wp: 45/12; Init +6 (+4 class, +2 Dex); short of violence) to distract the team, while simulta-
Spd 30 ft.; Def 16 (+4 class, +2 Dex); Atk: Tiger claws neously running their own investigation.

Shadowforce Archer
Plot Hook #2 (1d4+6) / .50 sniper rifle +10 (2d12); Face 1 square;
Reach 2 squares; SA None; SQ None; SV Fort +12,
Tommy Lung has decided to make his play for the
Ref +6, Will +7; Str 22, Dex 12, Con 18, Int 14,
Triad leadership. With Dr. Fu’s backing, he thinks he can
Wis 11, Cha 7; Skills: Balance +6, Bureaucracy +0,
rise to the top spot in the Lung Triad organization.
Climb +13, Computers +8, Cryptography +8,
Possibilities Demolitions +9, Driver +8, Gather Information +3,
Intimidate +8, Knowledge (P.E.R.I.L.) +14, Knowledge
1. Dr. Fu has no interest in Tommy or his petty personal (Russian Politics) +10, Search +6, Spot +7.
ambitions. He betrays Tommy to the Triad in an attempt Feats: Ambidextrous, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting,
to win the favor of the current leadership. This way, Point Blank Shot, Two-Weapon Fighting.
he might better use them to accomplish his goals. Gear: Weapons, 7 BP. Gadgets and Vehicles: Grafters (2).
Chem Treatment: Muscle.
2. Dr. Fu believes that Tommy’s little power play will be
just the thing he needs to spark his private war. He uses PROMETHEUS Soldiers: The rank and file of Team
the Triad conflict as cover to send his ninja to strike at Madox have survived a rigorous training regiment that
key government officials, planning to fill the void in has killed 2 of every 3 volunteers.
leadership with politicians subservient to him.
PROMETHEUS Soldiers, 9th-level minions (squads of
3. As above, but Dr. Fu also orders Tze Chin to coordinate 2). CR 8. SZ M; v/wp: 9d8+31 (74)/17; Init +10 (+7
an attack with Tommy; the streets of Hong Kong class, +3 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; Def 17 (+4 class, +3 Dex);
become a war zone almost overnight. Fu is certain he Atk: 7.62x39mm assault rifle +12 (2d8) / .45 pistol
can take better advantage of the chaos than anyone +12 (1d10+2); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square;
else. SA None; SQ None; SV Fort +11, Ref +7, Will +7;
Str 17, Dex 17, Con 17, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 11;
Skills: Balance +6, Bureaucracy +2, Climb +7,
This short-season (3-serial) threat is appropriate for
Computers +6, Cryptography +6, Demolitions +6,
Disguise +4, Driver +9, Hide +7, Intimidate +5,
Search +6, Spot +5, Swim +6. Feats: Great Fortitude,
a team of 7th level agents. Iron Will, Toughness. Gear: Weapons, 2 BP. Chem
Treatment: Endure (5 damage reduction, including
As the current controllers of Russia, the Project for
Expansion, Retribution, Iniquity, and Lies (P.E.R.I.L.)
poses a different kind of threat. They may perform oper- Serial Two: Quicksilver
ations Archer must counter, but most serials in which
A former SMERSH assassin gone freelance after the
they appear should involve the Foundation prompting
fall of the Soviet Union, Quicksilver now works for the
hostilities with them, rather than the other way around.
highest bidder. He is a remarkable marksman, and
MP Cost: 320
always leaves a silver bullet glimmering on his victims’
Resources: 1 (27 BPs for minions; 42 BPs for hench-
men and foils; 52 BPs for mastermind)
Quicksilver, 10th-level soldier (henchman); CR 10.
Gadgets: 2 (2 gadget points per serial)
SZ M; v/wp: 75/12; Init +15 (+8 class, +3 Dex,
Loyalty: 2 (+2 to loyalty checks)
+4 Improved Initiative); Spd 30 ft.; Def 17 (+4 class,
HQ Personnel: 2 HQ Security: 2
+3 Dex); Atk: 7.62×54mm sniper rifle with telescopic
Special Note: This threat does not include P.E.R.I.L.’s
sight +13 (5d4); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square;
current leader, Davros Oleksandre (see page 147),
SA None; SQ None; SV Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +6;
though it can easily be extended to include him.
Str 13, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 13;
Serial Three: Madox Skills: Balance +13, Bluff +5, Climb +6, Disguise +6,
Gather Information +5, Jump +8, Move Silently +8,
Project PROMETHEUS has fielded several viable
Spot +10. Feats: Extreme Range, Far Shot, Improved
teams, but none have lasted longer (or achieved more
Initiative, Increased Precision, Marksman, Point Blank
success) than Team Madox, named after its command-
Shot, Precise Shot, Quick Draw, Sharp-Shooting.
ing officer.
Gear: Weapons, 7 BP. Gadgets and Vehicles: Memory
Madox, 11th-level pointman (mastermind); flesh (prepared identity).
Department D-2 (Military Ops). CR 11. SZ L (8 ft. tall); HQ Personnel: 1 HQ Security: 2
v/wp: 124/18; Init +5 (+4 class, +1 Dex); Spd 30 ft.;
Def 14 (+4 class, +1 Dex, –1 size); Atk: punch +14

SMERSH Wetworks Team: These Cold War veterans Feats: Adrenal Basics, Metabolic Basics.
specialize in the art of killing. They've found no lack of Psion Skills: Body Sculpting +12, Deadly Hands +12,
employers in P.E.R.I.L.'s Russia. Invigorate +12, Pain Transmission +14.
Gear: Weapons, steelweave vest, binoculars,
SMERSH Wetworks Team, 8th-level minions (squads
various kits (10 BPs' worth).
of 4). CR 7. SZ M; v/wp: 8d8+16 (56)/15; Init +11
(+6 class, +1 Dex, +4 feats); Spd 30 ft.; Def 15 Foil (any serial): Andrea
(+3 class, +2 Dex); Atk: 9x19mm SMG +9 (1d10); Styles
Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ None;
No one is sure where Andrea Styles is from or who
SV Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +4; Str 15, Dex 13, Con 15,
she works for. Given the state-of-the-art equipment she
Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 14; Skills: Disguise +7,
carries and her interest in both P.E.R.I.L. and those who
Electronics +6, Hide +5, Innuendo +5, Listen +6,
hunt them, it is likely an agency with interests in Russia.
Move Silently +5, Search +6, Spot +5, Tumble +5.
Feats: Improved Initiative, Point Blank Shot. Andrea Styles, 8th-level snoop (foil); loyalty 3;
Gear: Weapons, 9 BP. SZ M; v/wp: 64/12; Init +7 (+5 class, +2 Dex); Spd 30
ft.; Def 18 (+6 class, +2 Dex); Atk: Stiletto blade +5
Serial One: Professor (1d6+1) / .40 service pistol +6 (1d12); Face 1 square;
Dalia Creed Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ None; SV Fort +4,
Ref +6, Will +6; Str 13, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 15,
The head of SUPERLUMINAL research at the
Wis 15, Cha 15; Skills: Bluff +7, Boating +6,
moment is Professor Dalia Creed. Her breakthrough
Computers +10, Cryptography +10, Disguise +7,
discoveries have been fueled by her desire to cure her
Driver +7, Electronics +8, Gather Information +8,
inherited congenital psion defect, which is wasting her
Hide +8, Languages +8, Listen +8, Move Silently +9,
mind away.
Pilot +6, Search +10, Spot +10. Feats: Expertise,
Professor Dalia Creed, 9th-level snoop (henchman); Mobility, Sidestep. Gear: weapons, headset radio,
CR 9. SZ M; v/wp: 70/14; Init +7 (+5 class, +2 Dex); disguise kit, electronics kit, lockpicking kit, liquid skin
Spd 30 ft.; Def 19 (+7 class, +2 Dex); Atk: 9mm service patches (2), assorted bugs (video and audio) — 4 BPs'
pistol +6 (1d10); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; worth.
SA None; SQ None; SV Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +8;
Str 12, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 13; Plot Hook #1
Skills: Bluff +7, Bureaucracy +13, Computers +13, Several Foundation agents have gone missing after
Concentration +14, First Aid +12, Gather attending a highly respected spy school in Russia.
Information +9, Knowledge (Biochemistry) +13, The school denies any knowledge of the agent’s current
Knowledge (Psionics) +13, Listen +10, Sense whereabouts, claiming the students departed after
Motive +12. Feats: Great Fortitude, Iron Will, completing their training. The Foundation suspects foul
Lightning Reflexes, Surge of Speed. Gear: Weapons, play at the hands of P.E.R.I.L.
DNA analyzer, portable chem lab (disguised as a
doctor’s bag). Gadgets and Vehicles: SUPERLUMINAL Possibilities
patches of various types (2 GPs' worth).
1. P.E.R.I.L. believes the Foundation agents were sent to
HQ Personnel: 1 HQ Security: 2
spy on them and their training techniques. The agents
SUPERLUMINAL (Cronus) Agents: Dalia Creed’s were killed to discourage any further attempts at
personal army of enhanced superspies. infiltration. Any agent sent to investigate would be in
grave danger of suffering the same fate.
SUPERLUMINAL (Cronus) Agents, 8th-level minions
(squads of 2)—based on physical adept rather than 2. As above, but one of the agents defected to the side of
soldier. CR 7. SZ M; v/wp: 9d8+27 (67)/17; Init +6 (+5 P.E.R.I.L. When the agents locate him, he reports he was
class, +1 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; Def 16 (+5 class, +1 Dex); followed — doubtless until an opportunity to assassi-
Atk: punch +5 (1d3+1) / .38 Special revolver +5 nate him presented itself — but managed to escape. He
(1d6+2); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA None; assumes whoever was after him killed the other missing
SQ None; SV Fort +9, Ref +3, Will +6; Str 12, Dex 12, agent. In reality, he was forced to kill the other agent as
Con 16, Int 16, Wis 11, Cha 11; Skills: Balance +6, proof of his loyalty to P.E.R.I.L. If his lies are not uncov-
Climb +6, Concentration +5, Cryptography +8, ered then P.E.R.I.L. gains a valuable asset: a mole in the
Demolitions +8, Electronics +8, Gather Information +5, Archer Foundation.
Hide +6, Intimidate +8, Listen +5, Open Lock +6.

Shadowforce Archer
3. P.E.R.I.L. had no knowledge of the missing agents' merely as fuel for an already smoldering fire. Their
connection to the Archer Foundation, but used the ulterior motives remain a mystery; the Foundation is
students of the spy school as test cases for Dalia Creed's only aware of them through their global network of
experiments. One by one, these victims are being trans- informants, and blind chance.
formed into chemical monsters, grim side effects of
MP Cost: 395
Professor Creed's latest advances.
Resources: 3 (37 BPs for minions; 52 BPs for hench-
Plot Hook #2 men and foils; 62 BPs for mastermind)
Gadgets: 20 (20 gadget points per serial)
The Foundation has begun a new initiative:
Loyalty: 0 (+0 to loyalty checks)
Operation: EAGLE TALON. The Foundation needs hard
HQ Personnel: 1 HQ Security: 1
data on the current status of Project PROMETHEUS.
Special Note: This threat does not include the Shop’s
The agents are to immerse themselves in the Russian
current leader, Dennis Gray (see page 159), though it
Shadow community in any way they can, and assemble
can easily be extended to include him.
as much information as possible on P.E.R.I.L.'s agenda.

Possibilities Serial Three: Samantha

1. Within P.E.R.I.L., an intense rivalry exists between Miss Abbot, as she is most often addressed,
Project PROMETHEUS and Operation SUPERLUMINAL. is an extremely high-powered and dangerous Mentalist.
The success of Madox and his team infuriates the Even when the Shop served the Archer Foundation as its
obsessed Dalia Creed; Madox, for his part, wishes to research and development arm, Abbot's loyalty was to
secure continued support for his activities, at the Dennis Gray first, the Shop second, and the Foundation
Professor's expense. This heated (and sometimes not at all. In fact, she holds a great deal of resentment
violent) competition has drawn the attention of the toward the Archer Foundation — she feels the
Foundation, and led Archer to initiate Operation: EAGLE Foundation's secretive nature limited the scope of the
TALON. Shop's research. She is directly responsible for the
recent downing of an American E-3 spy plane over
2. As above, but Madox has hired Quicksilver to
China, after its crew sighted a secret Shop facility in the
assassinate Professor Creed. He plans to absorb SUPER-
LUMINAL into his already powerful PROMETHEUS
project. Samantha Abbot, 15th Level mentalist (master-
mind); Department D-2 (Military Ops). CR 15. SZ M;
3. Andrea Styles is investigating the events surrounding
v/wp: (99)/12; Init +11 (+9 class, +2 Dex); Spd 30 ft.;
the transformation of the Phantom Brigade. This has
Def 21 (+9 class, +2 Dex); Atk: Cryokinesis +13
garnered attention from several directions. Nikolai
(9d4+1); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA None;
Petrovich, concerned with Styles' progress, has asked
SQ None; SV Fort +6, Ref +9, Will +15; Str 9,
the Foundation for assistance in stymieing her investi-
Dex 15, Con 12, Int 19, Wis 18, Cha 13;
gation. On a more ominous note, Madox has noticed
Skills: Concentration +19, Intimidate +10, Knowledge
her poking around and sent Quicksilver to eliminate the
(psions) +20, Knowledge: Psionics +20, Profession
(researcher) +18, Sense Motive +18. Feats: Control
Junction, Deadly Power (Cryokinesis), Efficient Power
(Cryokinesis), Efficient Power (Kinetic Shield), Efficient
This short-season (3-serial) threat is appropriate for
Power (Poltergeist), Intense Psi-Training, Iron Will,
Psychokinetic Basics, Psychokinetic Mastery,
Telekinetic Basics, Telekinetic Mastery.
a team of 12th level agents.
Psion Skills: Cryokinesis +27, Kinetic Shield +23,
As discussed on page 158, the Shop’s ultimate goals Levitation +26, Photokinesis +24, Poltergeist +24,
are unknown at this time, but at least one part of the Pyrokinesis +23. Gear: 62 BP. Gadgets and Vehicles:
enemy organization is interested in sparking interna- Hologram projector ring, 13 GP.
tional conflicts and promoting war. In many cases
Shop Controllers: These mysterious figures control
(including their attempts to grind old axes in Europe,
much of the Shop’s field operations from remote,
particularly between reunified Germany and its neigh-
unconnected bases around the globe. They are unaware
bors), these conflicts have been dormant for some time.
of each other’s locations or goals, acting on orders left
Others, such as the renewed hostilities in the Middle
before the break with Archer.
East and tensions between China and America, serve

Shop Controllers, 12th-level minions (squads of 4). Str 12, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 12;
CR 11. SZ M; v/wp: 12d8 (58)/10; Init +11 (+10 class, Skills: Climb +9, Computers +10, Concentration +7,
+1 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; Def 16 (+5 class, +1 Dex); Cryptography +10, Demolitions +12, Disguise +9,
Atk: 9x19mm service pistol +13 (1d10); Face 1 square; Electronics +10, Knowledge (Gadgets) +10,
Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ None; SV Fort +8, Mechanics +10. Feats: None. Gear: Weapons, 37 BP.
Ref +7, Will +8; Str 11, Dex 13, Con 10, Int 17, Gadgets and Vehicles: Weapons (above), sub-cochlear
Wis 18, Cha 15; Skills: Bureaucracy +9, implant (with all options), B.U.G.S., 3 GPs.
Computers +10, Concentration +9, Cryptography +10,
Electronics +10, Gather Information +9, Innuendo +9, Serial One: Strik-9
Intimidate +13, Sense Motive +11. Feats: None. (see page 159)
Gear: Weapons, 24 BP. Gadgets and Vehicles: Strik-9 was one of Archer’s finest agents, but he was
Attaché case (booby-trapped PC unit, +6 ranks mortally injured on the cliffs of the Serengeti by an
with a built-in ENIGMA Plus machine), as-yet-unidentified criminal mastermind. Months later,
and anti-psi technology. he resurfaced as a killer for hire, reportedly rescued by
a tribal mystic process that transformed him into a
Serial Two: Kryptos living factory for one of the most lethal poisons on the
(see page 159) planet. Both the Shop and the Foundation wish to
A child prodigy with an obsessive-compulsive understand this process, for obviously different reasons.
weakness for puzzles, Kryptos feeds his compulsion with
Strik-9, 13th-level physical adept (henchman);
daring plans pitting Foundation agents against casts
Department D-5 (Black Ops). CR 13. SZ M; v/wp:
of enemy spies, informants for both sides, foils, and
132/16; Init +12 (+8 class, +4 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; Def 22
innocent bystanders, and lethal death-mazes in the least
(+8 class, +4 Dex); Atk: Claw gauntlets +10 (1d6 +
likely locations (such as the interior of a derelict oil
lethal poison II); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square;
tanker or a crowded shopping mall).
SA None; SQ None; SV Fort +11, Ref +8, Will +9;
Kryptos, 14th-level snoop (henchman); CR 14. Str 14, Dex 18, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 12;
SZ M; v/wp: 58/11; Init +9 (+8 class, +1 Dex); Skills: Balance +10, Climb +9, Escape Artist +10,
Spd 30 ft.; Def 22 (+11 class, +1 Dex); Jump +9, Move Silently +11. Feats: Adrenal Basics,
Atk: 9mm automatic pistol +8 (1d10); Face 1 square; Adrenal Mastery, Assassin, Cleave, Equilibrium
Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ None; SV Fort +4, Junction, Metabolic Basics, Metabolic Mastery, Power
Ref +7, Will +9; Str 9, Dex 12, Con 11, Int 21, Wis 17, Attack, Quicken Power (Invigorate), Weapon Finesse
Cha 13; Skills: Bluff +10, Computers +22, (gauntlet claws). Psion Skills: Control Metabolism +12,
Concentration +18, Craft (architecture) +25, Flesh Armor +10, Invigorate +10, Psionic Purge +14,
Cryptography +23, Electronics +20, Gather Speed Control +14. Gear: Weapons, 39 BPs. Gadgets
Information +18, Hobby (Puzzles) +25, Intimidate +9, and Vehicles: Danger sensor, spring-loaded weapon
Knowledge (physics) +20, Knowledge (occult) +13, holsters.
Open Lock +8, Profession (architect) +20, Sense HQ Personnel: 2 HQ Security: 2
Motive +20, Surveillance +20. Feats: Advanced Skill
Shop Strike Team: These are the men and women the
Mastery (ordinary past), Grand Skill Mastery (ordinary
Shop relies upon to counter Archer directly, with force.
past), Mathematical Genius, Ordinary Past, Scholarly.
Their mission briefings are always “need to know," with
Gear: Weapons, 39 BP. Gadgets and Vehicles: Laptop
many details left out until required in the field. Shop
(+5 ranks with a built-in ENIGMA Plus machine),
strike teams have thus become accustomed to dealing
memory flesh, sappers, various tracers (4 GPs' worth).
with the unforeseen, and are highly adaptable.
HQ Personnel: 4 HQ Security: 2
Shop Strike Team, 9th-level minions (squads of 4).
Field Technician Team: These are the builders of the
CR 8. SZ M; v/wp: 9d8+9 (49)/12; Init +9 (+7 class,
Shop, techno-wizards who once engineered the
+2 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; Def 17 (+4 class, +2 Dex, +1
Foundation’s gadgets.
armor); Atk: 7.62x39mm assault rifle +11 (2d8);
Field Technician Team, 10th-level minions (squads Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ None;
of 4). CR 9. SZ M; v/wp: 10d6+10 (47)/12; Init +9 SV Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +3; Str 12, Dex 14, Con 12,
(+8 class, +1 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; Def 15 (+4 class, +1 Dex); Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 11; Skills: Balance +6, Bluff +4,
Atk: Cigarette pistol +11 (1d6+1) / micro-burst gel +11 Climb +6, Computers +4, Driver +6, Electronics +4,
(1d10 per application); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; Mechanics +3, Tumble +7. Feats: None.
SA None; SQ None; SV Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +4; Gear: Weapons. Gadgets and Vehicles: Ballistic flesh.

Shadowforce Archer
Plot Hook #1 3. A CIA mole provided Miss Abbot with advance warning
of the spy plane's mission. She arranged for it to be
Archer Foundation agents are being killed, one by
downed over international waters, casting doubt on
one. At first the Foundation dismissed the deaths as
which Chamber has jurisdiction on the matter. She
unrelated incidents, but it has become increasingly
hopes the Foundation will put together a joint task
apparent that they are linked. The agents must investi-
force, consisting of operatives from several Chambers.
gate and determine who is eliminating the Foundation's
Once again calling on her agent in the CIA, she will
operatives — and why.
provide information leading the agents into a death-
Possibilities maze set up on a remote Pacific island by Kryptos.

1. A mole from the Shop has infiltrated the Foundation.

He is passing information about covert assignments to
his Control in the Shop, which is being used to set up
and eliminate Archer agents. The mole's advantages are
two-fold: first, he is a veteran agent of the Archer
This short-season (3-serial) threat is appropriate for
Foundation, considered beyond reproach. When the
a team of 16th level agents.
Shop defected, he remained as a deep cover agent.
Second, he's a telepath. The Hand of Glory (see page 154) began in part with
the wartime Abwehr, Cold War Stasi, and of course the
2. Strik-9 is pursuing a vendetta against the Foundation,
Nazi espionage machine. It is ruthless, meticulous, and
which he blames for his near demise on the cliffs of the
careful, biding its time for the perfect moment to strike.
Serengeti. The Shop has decided to support him in his
This patience is offset, however, by the power-hungry
bloody cause. He intends to extract payment from the
ambitions of the ancient entity within Eva Kraus, whose
Foundation for his suffering, one agent at a time.
desire to see its goals achieved is only outdone by its
3. Kryptos is testing his latest death-maze, built into the agitation as the world’s mystic roots come to light.
engineering and operations decks of a Pacific cruise
MP Cost: 455
ship. Due to its constantly changing location, the
Resources: 2 (33 BPs for minions; 48 BPs for hench-
Foundation has not yet realized this one ship was
men; 58 BPs for mastermind)
responsible for the deaths of so many agents.
Gadgets: 0 (0 gadget points per serial)
Plot Hook #2 Loyalty: 7 (+7 to loyalty checks)
HQ Personnel: 6 HQ Security: 3
Recently, a US Government spy plane was downed
Special Note: This threat does not include The Hand
in the Pacific. The agents must investigate, since an
of Glory’s current leader, Eva Kraus (see page 156),
operative of the Foundation was among the crew.
though it can easily be extended to include her.
Archer suspects that he is now in the hands of the Shop.

Possibilities Serial Three: Sybille

1. The CIA has tasked a small army of analysts and field An expert in behavioral psychology, Sybille special-
operatives to ferret out the Company's identity once izes in invoking and interpreting moods and emotions
and for all. Several highly placed US Government in her subjects. Her scientific approach garnered her a
officials believe that there is some sort of conspiracy great deal of positive attention within the Hand of
going on within the CIA. No one knows exactly where Glory. This attention has lead to several unique oppor-
they get their information, but the task is tunities. Less than a year ago she was injected with an
coming dangerously close to discovering the truth. experimental serum that awakened telepathic powers
within her. Since then, her advancement has been quite
2. The pilot is a CIA agent working as a double agent for
rapid. Recently she became one of the first to set up a
the Shop. He's discovered the Foundation's involvement
test of the Green Lucifer (see page 156) in the field.
in the spy plane's mission, which the Foundation hoped
would discover a Shop facility in the Pacific. Sybille Vallentin, 14th-level faceman/5th Level
He informed Samantha Abbot, which lead to the plane telepath (mastermind); CR19. SZ M; v/wp: 109/11;
being shot down and the crew captured. The informant Init +16 (+15 class, +1 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; Def 21
will do everything he can to hamper investigation of the (+10 class, +1 Dex); Atk: Telempathy: Friendship;
matter. Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ None;
SV Fort +7, Ref +9, Will +12; Str 10, Dex 13, Con 11,

Int 16, Wis 17, Cha 19; Skills: Bluff + 26, Relic Hunter Team: These individuals are sent on
Concentration +12, Diplomacy +26, Gather missions to obtain mystic artifacts and knowledge for
Information + 21, Innuendo +20, Intimidate +16, the Hand of Glory. They are primarily scientists and
Knowledge (Psychiatry) +23, Knowledge historians.
(Psychology) + 23, Perform +12, Profession
Relic Hunter Team, 14th-level minions (squads of
(Psychiatrist) +19, Profession (Psychologist) + 19,
4). CR 13. SZ M; v/wp: 14d6+14 (67)/13; Init +16
Search + 14, Sense Motive + 20, Spot +13.
(+11 class, +1 Dex, +4 feats); Spd 30 ft.; Def 17 (+6
Feats: Advanced Skill Mastery: Persuasive, Advanced
class, +1 Dex); Atk: .357 pistol +15 (2d4+1);
Skill Mastery: Scholarly, ESP Basics, Grand Skill
Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ None;
Mastery: Persuasive, Imprint Basics, Mastered Power:
SV Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +7; Str 12, Dex 12, Con 13,
Empathy, Mastered Power: Telempathy, Perfect Skill
Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 14; Skills: Appraise +8, Climb +6,
Mastery: Persuasive, Persuasive, Scholarly.
Cultures +10, Gather Information +7, Knowledge
Psion Skills: Empathy +14, Telempathy + 13.
(Occult) +10, Knowledge (History) +10, Languages +10,
Gear: 58 BP. Gadgets and Vehicles: Green Lucifer
Search +8, Surveillance +9, Survival +8, Swim +7,
Mystic Warriors: Eva Kraus (see page 156) selects Use Rope +6. Feats: Increased Initiative, Zen Focus,
certain "prime specimens" from among her lieutenants’ Zen Shot. Gear: Weapons, binoculars, camera (stan-
prisoners to undergo a mystic physical transformation dard), laptop, floodlight, geiger counter, climbing kit,
into members of her monstrous personal guard, a survival kit.
process which leaves them virtual zombies. Sybille has
access to a limited number of these warriors. Serial One: Jackboot
A crude and opinionated soldier of the SS Standarte
Mystic Warriors, 15th-level minions (squads of 6).
Germania, Otto von Stapp participated in the invasion
CR 14. SZ M; v/wp: 15d8+60 (123)/18; Init +16
and occupation of France during World War II. His
(+12 class, +4 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; Def 20 (+6 class,
brutality against his own men earned him several
+4 Dex); Atk: Sword +19 (1d8+4); Face 1 square;
months in a military prison and a reassignment to the
Reach 1 square; SA None; SQ None; SV Fort +13,
SS Sonderkommando Dirlewanger, a unit of poachers
Ref +11, Will +3; Str 18, Dex 19, Con 18, Int 7, Wis 7,
and convicts ordered to combat regional partisan units.
Cha 8; Skills: None. Feats: Combat Instincts, Iron Will,
When von Stapp was critically injured in the autumn
Power Attack. Gear: Weapons, chain shirt, 7 BP.
of 1944, former subordinates working at the hospital
Gadgets and Vehicles: None.
refused to treat him, leaving him to die. He nonetheless
Serial Two: Flashfire survived and returned to Berlin, where he slowly
recovered as the war ground to a halt. Then, as the
A former professional fighter and one-time champion
Russians approached the German capital, he voluntarily
of the underworld bloodsport called “Arena,” Flashfire is
headed for Hitler’s bunker, where he hoped to die
lean, fast, and deadly. An obsessive arsonist, Flashfire
defending the Demagogue and his wife.
often uses flamethrowers and incendiary grenades.
Eva Kraus, noting Otto’s tenacity as well as his
Flashfire, 18th-level soldier (henchman); CR 18. SZ innate bloodthirst, ordered him to follow as she pulled
M; v/wp: 199/18; Init +17 (+14 class, +3 Dex); Spd 30 out of Europe. He has since become one of her closest
ft.; Def 20 (+7 class, +3 Dex); Atk: Flamethrower +21 lieutenants, vowing to resurrect her Nazi empire, or die
(2d6+fire); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA None; trying.
SQ None; SV Fort +17, Ref +11, Will +8; Str 19, Otto von Stapp actively practices runic magic, and
Dex 16, Con 18, Int 11, Wis 14, Cha 8; has many potent mystic tattoos on his body. Unstable to
Skills: Climb +12, Concentration +4, Demolitions +11, begin with, his mental state has deteriorated further
Intimidate +14, Jump +14, Listen +6, Mechanics +5, over the years, partially due to these tattoos and the
Search +4, Survival +12. Feats: Blind-Fight, Blindsight mystic tampering Eva has conducted to lengthen his
5 ft. Radius, Controlled Burst, Controlled Strafe, life. At times, he even believes himself to be a Nordic
Endurance, Great Fortitude, Hail of Bullets, Lay Down hero come to rescue the world through bloodshed.
Fire, Marksman, Point Blank Shot, Power Attack,
Jackboot, 9th-level snoop/8th-level physical adept
Precise Shot, Quick Healer, Rapid Shot, Sharp-
(henchman); CR 17. SZ M; v/wp: 139/16; Init +12 (+10
Shooting, Snap Shot. Gear: Weapons, 28 BP. Gadgets
class, +2 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; Def 23 (+12 class, +2 Dex);
and Vehicles: None.
Atk: Survival knife +10 (1d6+2) / .45 service pistol +10
HQ Personnel: 4 HQ Security: 3
(1d10+2); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA None;

Shadowforce Archer
SQ None; SV Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +11; Str 15, 3. Flashfire cannot resist the chance to fight again and
Dex 14, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 10; prove himself as the supreme Arena combatant. His
Skills: Balance +7, Bureaucracy +6, Climb +6, motives are not entirely based on pride, however.
Concentration +6, Cryptography +9, Demolitions +5, “Arena’s” foremost investor is a rich antiquities dealer,
Diplomacy +5, Disguise +5, Escape Artist +7, whose collection includes a particular artifact Flashfire
Forgery +7, Gather Information +5, Hide +10, has been assigned to procure — by any means necessary.
Innuendo +4, Intimidate +8, Knowledge (Occult) +6,
Knowledge (History) +7, Languages +8, Listen +7, Plot Hook #2
Move Silently +14, Open Lock +6, Search +6, A marked increase in gang violence near the agents'
Survival +5. Feats: Darting Weapon, Expertise, headquarters draws the Foundation's attention. Initially,
Flashing Weapon, Mobility, Quick Draw, Sidestep, the Foundation dismissed the problem as something
Snake Strike, Swift Strike, Weapon Finesse (shoe- best dealt with by local authorities, until a recent eye-
blade). Gear: Weapons, 19 BP. witness report caught the attention of Archer analysts:
Gadgets and Vehicles: None. a description of one of the gang leaders included tat-
HQ Personnel: 4 HQ Security: 5 tooing which fit the description of Jackboot.
Mind Controlled Shock Troops: Eva’s mind-control Possibilities
techniques have little impact on her troops’ ability to
wreak havoc. 1. One of the gangs serves as a training ground for shock
troops, and a Hand of Glory agent provocateur is
Mind Controlled Shock Troops, 12th-level minions
stirring tensions in the area to provide an adequate
(squads of 6). CR 11. SZ M; v/wp: 12d8+36 (92)/17;
challenge. He gives out tattoos that emulate those of
Init +12 (+10 class, +2 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; Def 17
Jackboot as a reward to gang members who perform
(+5 class, +2 Dex); Atk: 7.62x39mm assault rifle +14
particularly well. Once a gang member attains the
(2d8); Face 1 square; Reach 1 square; SA None;
desired level of ferocity, he is transformed into one of
SQ None; SV Fort +11, Ref +8, Will +5; Str 17, Dex 15,
Eva Kraus’ mind-controlled shock troops.
Con 17, Int 8, Wis 8, Cha 8; Skills: None. Feats: Iron
Will, Lay Down Fire, Point Blank Shot. Gear: Weapons, 2. The gang leader described is actually a rival of
8 BPs. Gadgets and Vehicles: None. Jackboot's, who uses similar tattooing techniques to
amass power. He has a great deal of information for the
Plot Hook #1 agents regarding the tattoos, as well as Jackboot's
Shut down by the Archer Foundation in 1994, specific abilities, since the two have faced each other
"Arena" is making a comeback. All previous victors on several occasions. Of course, since this man is
have been invited to the new tournament, though new working to gain control of the streets of the city, he will
fighters must prove themselves in a series of "challenger certainly be on the lookout for a deal.
circuits". Several deaths have occurred at these “minor
3. A vigilante gang, patterning themselves after the
league”, events prompting an investigation.
Guardian Angels, is slowly gaining respect in the city.
Possibilities They speak out against hate crimes and act as vocal
opponents to Nazism and all it stands for. Jackboot has
1. During the investigation, the agents discover informa- taken personal offense at this, and decided to rectify
tion about one of the returning champions. He calls the problem. Sybille Vallentin has given him a Green
himself Flashfire, a name the agents will certainly Lucifer to use during the mission, along with his normal
recognize from the Foundation's files on the Hand of shock troops.
2. As above, but someone at the contest is posing as
Flashfire. One of the hopeful entrants was eliminated at
one of the “minor league” events, and disguised himself
as Flashfire in order to get a second chance at being
a champion. Of course, it is unlikely that the real
Flashfire will approve of the impostor, and the agents
may encounter him when he arrives to register his
displeasure in person.

Chamber: A division of the Conspiracy.
Chem treatment: A chemical compound used to
Some of the following terms are exclusive to the
create chemical monsters. Created in, and mostly limited
to, the Russian Confederacy.
Chemical monster: A person transformed or granted
Shadowforce Archer setting, and others are seen in the
special powers through chem treatments.
Spycraft roleplaying game as well. All deserve special
Cleaners: Agents who cover botched missions up for
explanation. Please see the index for reference locations
the Archer Foundation; unofficially part of the
throughout this book.
Foundation Chamber.
African Alliance: A Chamber of the Archer Cloak, the: The veil of secrecy surrounding the
Conspiracy, located in southern Africa, which fields Conspiracy and its operations; all Conspiracy agents are
agents for missions; one of eight Chambers players may pledged to support the Cloak, or they face the Dagger.
choose from when designing an agent in the Codes: Three tiers of importance (yellow, red, and
Shadowforce Archer setting. black, from least to most pressing) given to missions
AGAMEMNON virus: The contagion that sparked undertaken by Conspiracy agents.
Chemical Monsters. Codename: A cover identity (with no supporting
Agency, the: The default organization for the documentation) given to an agent of the Conspiracy,
Spycraft RPG; used if this book (or another world to protect his real name.
setting) is not. Collective, the: See the Pan-Asian Collective.
Agent: A secret agent; a player character. Committee, the: See Janus Committee.
Alliance, the: See African Alliance. Commonwealth, the: See the European Commonwealth.
Ancients, the: The mythical, possibly human entities Company, the: A Chamber of the Archer Conspiracy,
which resided in the world centuries or millennia ago, located in the U.S., which fields agents for missions; one
and created many of the mystic invocations and relics of eight Chambers players may choose from when
recently unearthed. designing an agent in the Shadowforce Archer setting.
AQUATICA: The Archer Conspiracy’s first underwater Confederacy, the: See Russian Confederacy.
base. Consortium, the: See the Gemeinschafft Consortium.
Archer Conspiracy: Blanket term used to describe the Conspiracy, the: See the Archer Conspiracy.
Archer Foundation and the other Chambers as a whole; Control: The man in charge of a Chamber of the
the Foundation’s mission. Conspiracy (also used to refer to the Chamber as a
Archer Foundation: The core Chamber of the Archer whole); the man in charge of a team of agents while
Conspiracy, located in Australia, which fields agents for they are on a mission.
missions; one of eight Chambers players may choose Daedalus Division: A research facility located inside
from when designing an agent in the Shadowforce the Lodge, which explores the secrets of the base and
Archer setting. builds gadgets for the African Alliance.
Archer Institute for the Sciences: A legitimate Dagger, the: The global protection network that the
Australian think tank devoted to science; the Archer Conspiracy uses to keep itself from public eyes; back-
Foundation’s public face. lash from piercing the Cloak.
Archer, Conrad: The founder of the Archer Demagogue, the: Adolf Hitler, secretly held in
Foundation; the world’s first physical adept; Raymond suspended animation by Eva Kraus, the leader of the
Archer’s father. Hand of Glory.
Archer, Raymond: Retired head of the Archer Department: A division of the Agency (see above); a
Foundation; Conrad Archer’s son. game term referring to the office that fields agents, and
Archive, the: The Archer Foundation’s collected which provides game benefits, in the Spycraft RPG.
information about world events. Entity: Any sentient being, including living humans,
Artifact: An item, usually of historic significance, lingering spirits, animals, etc.
imbued with mystic power. Also known as a relic. European Commonwealth: A Chamber of the Archer
Bond, bonded: Refer to the process of a mystic Conspiracy, located in Europe, which fields agents for
linking followers to himself so he can call upon their missions; one of eight Chambers players may choose
spiritual energy when performing invocations. from when designing an agent in the Shadowforce
Broken Seal, the: One half of Room 39, a Chamber of Archer setting.
the Archer Conspiracy.

Shadowforce Archer
Eyes of Argus: A watchdog group dedicated to root- Lodge, the: The headquarters of the African Alliance;
ing out and exposing the Archer Conspiracy. originally built as a prison for enemy psion agents by
Faceman: An agent class in Spycraft, specializing in Helix, a criminal mastermind.
disguise and guile. Mastermind: The top rung on the villain ladder
“Fade”: An organized crime syndicate controlled by (above a henchman), and the strongest foe agents face
a mysterious shrouded vigilante; one half of the during the game; generally the ultimate challenge faced
European Commonwealth, a Chamber of the in a season.
Conspiracy; also the leader of that sub-faction. Mentalist: One of three types of psion, focusing on
Fixer: An agent class in Spycraft, specializing in the power of mind over matter, allowing the creation of
subterfuge, theft, and acquisition. gadgets, telekinesis, and other abilities.
Followers: A mystic’s legions, who lend their spiritual Minion: The lowest rung on the villain ladder (below
energy to his invocations once they have been bonded. henchmen), and the weakest foe agents face during the
Foundation, the: See Archer Foundation. game.
Fringe, the: The realm between the physical world Mystic: An agent type; also a designation for all the
and the spirit realm, normally invisible, which appears feats, invocations, and prestige classes which that agent
in the physical world when the physical world type can learn.
and the spirit realm overlap; a shadow realm inhabited Mysticism: The power of religious faith, the occult,
by the spirits of the dead, to which have been attributed and fringe beliefs all rolled into one amalgam, which
many strange phenomena throughout Archer’s shadow grants power to the righteous and devout; the source of
history; a secondary arena for Shadowforce Archer rituals (spells) and artifacts (magic items), which convey
roleplay. power if controlled; “good" mysticism tends to be a per-
Game Control: The player who runs the game; other- sonal thing, controlled by only one individual, while
wise known as a Gamemaster; aka “the GC.” “evil" mysticism tends to be group- or cult-based, con-
Game, the: Espionage; aka “The Great Game.” trolled by crowds of like-minded, or like-dominated
Gemeinschafft Consortium: A powerful business individuals.
conglomerate; one half of the European Omnium Corporation: The public face of Room 39,
Commonwealth, a Chamber of the Conspiracy. located in London.
Ghost: A human soul; aka “spirit." OVERWATCH: The Archer Conspiracy’s first orbiting
Guardians of the Whispering Knife, the: A Chamber satellite network.
of the Archer Conspiracy, located in the Middle East and PAC, the: See Pan-Asian Collective
northern Africa, which fields agents for missions; one of Pan-Asian Collective: A Chamber (see above) of the
eight Chambers players may choose from when design- Archer Conspiracy, located in Asia, which fields agents
ing an agent in the Shadowforce Archer setting; aka for missions; one of eight Chambers players may choose
“The Guardians.” from when designing an agent in the Shadowforce
Hand of Glory, the: A criminal organization founded Archer setting.
in the Third Reich, which exists to dominate the world P.E.R.I.L.: The Project for Expansion, Retribution,
and fulfill the mad schemes of its leader, Eva Kraus. Iniquity, and Lies; a criminal organization which has
Helix: A criminal mastermind who attempted to wipe subverted the Russian Confederacy, turning it against
out mundane (non-psion) humanity and who built the the Conspiracy.
Lodge; originally Avery Schillingsfield, the discoverer of Physical adept: One of three types of psion, focusing
the civilization responsible for awakening psionic pow- on physical (body) performance, usually of the “wire fu”
ers. variation, and other abilities.
Henchman: The middle rung on the villain ladder Physical world: The real world, where living humans
(they serve a mastermind), and the average foe agents reside; the primary arena for Shadowforce Archer
face during the game; generally the ultimate challenge roleplay.
faced in a serial. Pointman: An agent class in Spycraft, broadly
Home Office, the: Another name for an agent’s trained, favoring versatility over specialization.
Chamber or Department (“Let me call the home office”). PROMETHEUS: The Russian Confederacy’s top-secret
Invocation: The joint name for rites and rituals, used chemical monster program.
when you wish to refer to both types of spells together. Psion: A psionic agent.
Janus Committee: A philanthropic organization PsiTech: Gadgets, created by mentalists.
founded by Elias Graham (Control of the African Relic: An item, usually of historic significance,
Alliance), dedicated to bridging racial and other gaps in imbued with mystic power. Also known as an artifact.

Author Afterword
Rite: A magical spell, or invocation, cast to create a Telepath: One of three types of psion, focusing on
desired effect, powered by faith and the essence of the the power of mind over mind, allowing mental commu-
divine (either good or evil). Distinguished from a ritual nication, and other abilities.
in that a rite is generally less powerful and easier to Thirst, the: The seductive lure of the mystic world,
perform. which corrupts even as it grants more and more power.
Ritual: A magical spell, or invocation, cast to create Threat: An enemy organization or group of enemies
a desired effect, powered by faith and the essence of the collected for a serial or string of serials.
divine (either good or evil). Distinguished from a rite in ULTRACORPS: One half of Room 39, a Chamber of
that a ritual is generally more powerful and much more the Archer Conspiracy.
difficult to perform. Wheelman: An agent class in Spycraft, specializing
Room 39: A Chamber of the Archer Conspiracy, in driving, with minor combat abilities.
located in Great Britain, which fields agents for mis-
sions; one of eight Chambers players may choose from
when designing an agent in the Shadowforce Archer
Russian Confederacy: A Chamber of the Archer
Conspiracy, located in the former Soviet Union, which
fields agents for missions; one of eight Chambers play- Patrick Kapera
ers may choose from when designing an agent in the
This project has been a labor of love from the day it
Shadowforce Archer setting.
was conceived in a small harborside restaurant in the
Scene: The smallest division of a serial, in which one
Bay Area. Kevin and I have given more than two years
or more encounters happen and the serial’s story moves
of our lives to this book and the basic Spycraft game,
dedicated to recapturing the excitement of gaming we
Season: A string of serials; a campaign.
knew in our youth, and bringing it to a new generation
Serial: An adventure; a mission.
of roleplayers. During this time, many new games have
Shadowforce Archer: The project name given by
been released, several of which have made good on this
Argus (see page 152) to his continued effort to reveal
promise, including the phenomenal D&D 3rd Edition,
the Archer Conspiracy to the world.
by Monte Cook, Jonathan Tweet, and Skip Williams. We
Serum: A powerful catalyst used to awaken psion
are proud to be part of this new generation, this bold
powers by bonding with and mutating DNA.
new step into the world of fantasy and science fiction.
Serum soldier: See Chemical monster.
Thanks to John Zinser and Maureen Yates for
Shadespeaker: An agent of the Guardians of the
supporting this project through thick and thin, and
Whispering Knife whose abilities focus on sensing and
helping to shape it into what it is today. Maureen,
communicating with lingering human spirits.
you’ve been one of my closest friends through the last
Shadow: An operative of the Archer Conspiracy, or
four years, and the most amazing boss I’ve ever known.
an operative of one of their secret enemies.
John, your vision kept this project on the cutting edge,
Shadow Community: A collection of spies; any of the
and your enthusiasm kept Kevin and me going, even
Chambers in the Shadowforce Archer setting and the
when we thought there wasn’t anything left to say.
territories they immediately protect.
Ryan Dancey has been one of the biggest influences
Shadow History: The secret history of the world,
in what we hope will be Spycraft’s success. His work
some created by the Archer Conspiracy and the rest cre-
with the OGL and invaluable advice made this a gamer’s
ated by their enemies or neutral factions; the “news
game. Ryan, you’re one of the original good ones. Don’t
behind the news.”
ever change.
Shop, the: The Archer Conspiracy’s research and
Les Simpson, my personal assistant in most endeav-
development department, which has splintered off this
ors and one of my dearest friends, has been with us
year as a criminal organization.
almost since the beginning. He helped to shape the
Soldier: An agent class in Spycraft, specializing in
feature characters and world concepts, and brought us
into the multimedia realm with the audio drama we’re
Snoop: An agent class in Spycraft, specializing in
co-producing, based on this property. (Shameless plug:
computer espionage and intelligence gathering.
you can listen to it on
Spirit: A human soul; aka “ghost."
Les, your vigilance, attention to detail, and boundless
SUPERLUMINAL: The Russian Confederacy’s
drive keep me sane, and never fail to illuminate when
top-secret serum soldier program.
the spark of creativity is dim.

Shadowforce Archer
Scott Gearin was one of the greatest assets to this Les Simpson wrote the Guardians and Cleaners
project. His dogged focus and keen sense of game sections (save Jack Frost, who was mine from the start),
balance made this book sing and the Spycraft Handbook the Hand of Glory, and many minor essays.
crunch. Scott's offerings include (but are by no means Heath Scheiman wrote the world sections of each
limited to) the telepath class, disposition system, Chamber (Government and Economy).
gambling rules, countless feats, and most of the mystic Lucien Soulban gave us the Middle East section of
mechanics. He also revamped nearly every rules set in Contested Regions, as well as much personal support
the game, most notably the Spycraft chase system, and and friendship throughout.
helped during many, many world development talks. Jim Wardrip injected a dose of reality into our gear
Thanks also to the fiction, design, and playtest and weapons sections.
teams, whose tireless efforts turned my mad ramblings Shawn Carman, Steve Crow, B.D. Flory, Iain
(and those of the infamous Drunken Monkey) into the McAllister, and John Phythyon, Jr. wrote nearly all of
shiny gold niblets of gaming goodness they are today. Chapter Four of the Spycraft Handbook and much
In case you were wondering who did what, the clear miscellaneous material throughout the books elsewise.
credit goes to: Brendon Goodyear, Steve Hough, and Mark Jelfo are
responsible for the fantastic layouts we wound up with.
B.D. Flory came up with the prestige classes and
Brendo especially deserves mention, as he created many
mystic relics seen in this volume, as well as numerous
early graphics for the website, countless spot images,
feats, and edited almost as much material as I have. B.D.
and helped to forge the mystic world and material to be
remains a guiding force for the mechanics and
seen in the upcoming Archer Foundation sourcebook.
Shadowforce Archer world — you’ll be seeing a lot of
Mary Valles kept this juggernaut from becoming a
him in the next couple years.
sluggish hippo, wading hip-deep in mud. Mary’s one of
Sean Michael Fish reworked the threat plot hooks
the unsung heroes of AEG, who — like Maureen Yates —
and NPC statistics at the 11th hour, and helped out with
makes sure all the stuff that no one ever sees gets done.
rules revisions almost until the CDs were burned for the
Jim Pinto and Cris Dornaus were two-thirds of the
equation in bringing our feature NPCs to life.
Joe Fulgham and Steve Wallace designed all three
Everyone else you can find on the credits page —
versions of the website.
their contributions are pretty clear. Thank you all!
John Phythyon, Jr. wrote the PAC and Room 39
sections, as well as chunks of the Spycraft basic rules. Finally, this work is dedicated to Raymond Joseph
Kapera, who I’d like to think could have been a hero,
P.E.R.I.L. and to Patsy June Lynch Kapera, who really was.

Kevin Wilson
I was eight years old when I bought the red boxed
edition of Basic Dungeons and Dragons from J.C.
Penney. Since then, I’ve played 1st Edition, 2nd Edition,
and even a 3-year-long campaign in college using
the Rules Cyclopedia and those wonderful Gazetteers.
All told, I’ve played Mr. Gygax’s and Mr. Arneson’s
groundbreaking game for just over 18 years. The cre-
ation of the OGL provided me with a welcome opportu-
nity to work with the 3rd edition of the system I’ve
grown up with and loved ever since I learned what
“3d6” meant. It’s an honor to be walking in those foot-
I would like to dedicate my part of this book to my
grandparents, Leonard and Bobbie Barnwell. I can’t
imagine two kinder and gentler people in the whole
I would also like to thank Patrick Kapera for inviting
me along on this project. It’s been a blast working with
This afterword will self-destruct in 5 seconds…

blade, soul (nas ruh) . . . . . . . . . . .102 Combat Precog power . . . . . . . . . .203 disciples of the blade . . . . . . . . . . .108 feat tree, telepathic psion . . . . . . .200
blade, washaif . . . . . . . .102, 216, 217 Combat Psion feat . . . . . . . . .178, 179 Discipline of the Body feat . . . . . .219 Feather of Ma’at . . . . . . . . . . . . . .232
blade whispering . . . . . . . . . .216, 217 combat search & rescue (CSAR) Discipline of the Mind feat . . . . . .219 feats, basic psion . . . . . . . . . . . . . .179

Abbott, Samantha . . . . . . . . . . . . .244
Blind Spot ability . . . . . . . . . . . . .197
blindman ear unit . . . . . . . . . . . . .207
Blood of the Phoenix feat . . .218, 219
Bloodhound power . . . . . . . . . . . .196
blooding (washaif blade) . . . . . . . .218
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73, 125
combat search and rescue, Company
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73
Combat Sense skill . . . . . . . . . . . .195
Combes, Alistair . . . . . . . . . . . . . .133
Discipline of the Spirit feat . . . . . .219
disguise enhancer . . . . . .115, 117, 205
Disguise skill . . . . . . . . . . . . .193, 211
disinformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22, 87
diving gadgets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .205
feats, cat burglar class . . . . . . . . .164
feats, counterterrorist class . . . . . .166
feats, hacker class . . . . . . . . . . . . .168
feats, mentalist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .162
feats, mystic . . . . . . . . . . . . .162, 218
ACE OF SPADES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80
Acevska, Vasil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .107 Bluff skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .194, 200 Command power . . . . . . . . . . . . . .202 diving suit, standard . . . . . . . . . . .205 feats, physical adept . . . . . . . . . . .162
Action Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90, 96 Body Sculpting skill . . . . . . .177, 193 Committee . . . . .See Janus Committee djinn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .102 feats, psionic . . . . . . . . .177, 178, 181
Adrenal Basics feat Bolt rite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .222, 228 Communism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 Do I Want to Know ability feats, sniper class . . . . . . . . . . . . .170
. . . . . . . . . . .177, 190, 191, 192, 193 bond . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .249 Comoro Islands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .164, 165 feats, telepath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .162
Adrenal Mastery feat . . . . . . .191, 192 Bond Follower rite . . . . .222, 225, 228 Company, the DoD (Department of Defense) Federal Agency for Government
adrenal psion skills . . . . . . . . . . . .193 bonded followers . . . . . . . . . . . . . .222 . . . .18, 20, 32, 39, 40, 47, 48, 50, 61, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20, 46, 75, 78, 79 Communication & Information
adrenalin patch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .208 booster shot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .172 63, 67, 72–85, 130, 151, 159, 193, 249 domination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .249 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .see FAPSI
Afghanistan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .236 Borrow Power rite . . . . . . . . .224, 228 Complete Focus ability . . . . . . . . .190 Dominion skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .202 Federal Border Service . . . . . .see FPS
Africa . . . . . . . . . . . .18, 101, 249, 250 Bounding Leap power . . . . . . . . . .193 Complete the Circle power . . . . . . .219 double agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62 Federal Bureau of Investigation
African Alliance brainfire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .174 complex skill check . . . . . . . . . . . .223 doubling, African Alliance . . . . . . .62 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .see FBI
. . . . . . . . . . . . .18, 32, 40, 41, 49, 55, brainscanner patch . . . . . . . . . . . .209 complex skill use . . . . . . . . . . . . .223 Dr. Fu and the Lung Triad . . .120, 240 Federal Intelligence Service . .see BND
57, 61–72, 91, 106, 150, 191, 249, 250 brainwashing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .112 Computer skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .211 Dragon Division . . . . . . . . . . .116, 119 Federal Security Service . . . . .see FSB
African National Congress . . .see ANC British Security Coordination Concentraton skill . . . . . . . . . . . . .202 dream catcher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .231 Feign Death power . . . . . . . . . . . .194
AGAMEMNON virus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .see BSC Connection Junction feat . . .198, 202 dream catcher mechanics . . . . . . .232 Fellows, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .92
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .141, 146, 171, 249 Broken Seal . . . . . . . . . . . .28, 41, 50, conspiracy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13, 87 Dream Suite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28, 35 fingerprints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .211
Agency, the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75, 249 125, 126, 128, 130, 131, 135, 153, 249 Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15, 249 DST (Directorate for Surveillance of Fingerprints ability . . . . . . . . . . . .169
agent options, new . . . . . . . .162–174 BSC (British Security Coordination) Control Animals rite . . . . . . .224, 228 the Territory) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90 First Aid skill . . . . . . . . .194, 209, 212
Aid power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .203 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38 Control Junction feat . . . . . . .181, 182 dual jurisdiction . . . . . . . . . .150, 151 first-contact mission . . . . . . . . .57, 62
Air Force, U.S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 Buddhist monks . . . . . . . . . . . . . .236 Control Metabolism skill . . . . . . . .194 Dulles, Allen W. . . . . . .38, 39, 40, 47 fixer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .250
Airborne Rangers (U.S. Army) . . . . .78 bugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .210 Control Pheromones skill . . . . . . .194 E-Topics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .89 Flame Jet power . . . . . . . . . .183, 187
Alexander the Great . . . . . . . . . . .232 Build Gadget power . . . . . . . . . . . .184 Control Weather ritual . .225, 228, 234 ear implants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .206 Flash power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .186
Ammit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .232 Burst of Speed power . . . . . . . . . .194 Control Weather table . . . . . . . . . .226 ECHELON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .86 Flashfire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .247
Analyze Gadget power . . . . . . . . .184 “C” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .129 Coordination Junction feat . .191, 192 Eden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60, 61, 98 Fling power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .188
ANC (African National Congress) . .67 caffeine boost patch . . . . . . . . . . .209 core abilities and prestige classes .163 EEC (European Economic Community) Flowers of Anubis . . . . . . . . . . . . .107
anchor node . . . . . . . . . . . . .226, 229 Call, The, ability . . . . . . . . . .216, 217 Cortes, Hernando . . . . . . . . . . . . . .234 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22, 48, 49 fluid breath tanks . . . . . . . . . . . . .206
Ancients . . . . . . . . . . . . .214, 231, 249 calm emitter patch . . . . . . . . . . . .209 counterespionage . . . . . . . . . . . . .138 Efficient Power feat . . . . . . . . . . . .178 Focus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
Antarctica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .154 Calm power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .202 counterinsurgency . . . . . . . . . . . . .125 Egypt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .105, 150 Focus power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .219
antipsi technology . . . . . . . . .204, 209 Case ability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .164 counterintelligence . . . . . . . . . .53, 87 electrokinesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .130 Focus the Mind skill . . . . . . . . . . .184
Antipsi Training feat . . . . . . .178, 179 Cassandra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .239 counterproliferation, Company . . . .73 Electrokinesis feat . . . . . . . . . . . . .181 followers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .250
Anubis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .232 Castro, Fidel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39 Counterpsi power . . . . . . . . . . . . .203 electronic lockpick . . . . . . . . . . . .207 followers, bonded . . . . . . . . . . . . .222
Aquarium . . . . . . . . . . . . .30, 32, 139 cat burglar class . . . . . .162, 163–164 counterterrorism . . . . . . . . . . . . . .125 Electronics skill . . . . . . . . . . .207, 211 Force of Will ability . . . . . . .197, 200
Aquatica . . . . . . . . . .50, 56. 205, 249
Archer Conspiracy
. . . . . . . . . . .15, 39, 40, 56, 249, 251
Archer Family Sanctuary . . . . . . . .32
Archer Foundation
. . . . . . . . . . . . .12, 14, 16, 32, 39, 41
42, 47, 49, 52–61, 68, 72, 80, 136, 151,
176, 179, 182, 209, 212, 216, 238, 249
CELD (Central External Liaison
Catalyst skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .203
Catch power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .188
Catherine “Katt” Wilde . . . .89, 93, 95
CCI (Central Control of Intelligence)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .118

. . . . . . . . . .26, 58, 115, 116, 117, 118

cell phone gadgets . . . . . . . . .204–205
counterterrorist class . . .162, 165–166
covert action teams, Company . . . .78
CRACKERJACK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .133
Crane Division . . . . . . . . . . . .116, 120
Crazy Ivans . . . . . . . . . . . .77, 80, 143
Create Anchor Node ritual
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .226, 228, 229
Creed, Dalia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .243
Cronus . . . . . . . . . . . . . .140, 209, 243
Empathy skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .201
endorphin patch . . . . . . . . . . . . . .209
Endure chem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .173
Endure power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .219
Energy Burst skill . . . . . . . . . . . . .193
Energy Junction feat . . . . . . . . . . .181
energy, spiritual . . . . . . . . . . .215, 222
Engineered . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .172
Enhance Senses skill . . . . . . . . . . .196
Force Recon (U.S. Marines) . . . . . . .78
Foreign Intelligence Service
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .see SVR
foreign relations, Company . . . . . . .73
Forgery skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . .207, 212
formulae . . . . . . . . .35, 36, 38, 41, 43
Foundation . . .see Archer Foundation
Foundation rings . . . . . . . . . . . . . .210
Foundry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .88
Archer Institute for the Sciences
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16, 32, 39, 52, 249 Center for Special Studies . . . . . . . .24 Crowd Control ability . . . . . . . . . .166 Enlightened feat . . . . . . .219, 220, 221 FPS (Federal Border Service) . . . . . .30
Archer Pact Ceremony feat . . . . . . . . . . . .218, 219 Crucible of God . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .104 Enrage power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .194 Freeze Object power . . . . . . . . . . .188
. . . . . .14, 46, 47, 120, 137, 140, 151 Chameleon power . . . . . . . . . . . . .193 Crushing Blow power . . . . . . . . . .193 Entice power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .194 Friendship power . . . . . . . . . . . . . .202
Archer, Conrad chameleon suit . . . . . . . . . . . .115, 205 Cryokinesis skill . . . . . . . . . .183, 185 Equilibrium Junction feat . . .191, 192 Frighten power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .195
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34, 35, 36, 38, 43, Chan-Ngo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .118 CSS (Central Security Service) . . . . .79 Equinox Motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .89 Fringe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .106, 250
44, 45, 46, 106, 114, 120, 124, 176, 249 channel ability . . . . . . . . . . . .217, 218 Curb Violence rite . . . . . . . . .224, 228 Escape Artist skill . . . . . . . . . . . . .193 FSB (Federal Security Service)
Archer, Raymond Chaos Computer Club . . . . . . . . . . .49 Curse rite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .224, 228 Eskimos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .235 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30, 142
. . .7, 8, 14, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41, 43, 44, character prerequisites, losing . . . .163 Custom-Built System ability .168, 169 ESP Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .199, 200 Fu, Dr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .120, 240
46, 49, 50, 55, 60, 100, 106, 234, 249 Cheka . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43, 44 Daedalus Division ESP Mastery . . . . . . . . . . . . .199, 200 FUNNEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .128, 130
Argus . . . . .See Savage, Lord Reginald chem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .162, 172 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62, 63, 65, 66, 249 ESP psion skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .200 gadget cell phones . . . . . . . . . . . .204
Argus, Eyes of . . . . . . . . .51, 152, 250 chem addiction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .172 Dagger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .249 Europe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22, 58, 90 gadget clothing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .205
Ark of the Covenant . . . . . . . . . . .214 chem treatment . . . . . . . . . . .172, 249 Dai Lo (big brother) . . . . . . . . . . . .115 European Commonwealth gadget ID cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .207
Armenia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .150 chem treatment, receiving . . . . . . .172 Dampen power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .203 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22, 32, 40, gadget patches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .208
Asia . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26, 58, 118, 250 chemical monster danger ear unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .207 41, 48, 67, 86–99, 131, 178, 249, 250 gadget points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .181
Asibikaashi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .231 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .162, 172, 249, 250 Dareka . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .121 European Economic Community gadget prosthetics . . . . . . . . . . . . .209
ASIO (Australian Security & Intellifence chemical weapon . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73 Deadly Aim ability . . . . . . . . . . . .171 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .see EEC gadget rings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .210
Organization) . . . . . . . .16, 46, 50, 54 chems and masterminds . . . . . . . .174 Deadly Power feat . . . . . . . . .178, 179 European Intelligence Agencies gadget scarabs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .235
ASIS (Australian Secret Intelligence Cheops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .235 death echo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .222 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90 gadget weapon accessories . . . . . .208
Service) Chief Intelligence Direcorate of the Deathwatch ability . . . . . . . . . . . .217 European Union . . . . . . . . .22, 50, 88 gadget-car . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16, 46, 53, 54 General Staff . . . . . . . . . . . . .see GRU Debris Attack power . . . . . . . . . . .188 Evasion ability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .199 Gadgeteer skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .104
Assassins . . . . . .24, 50, 103, 107, 110 Chill Air power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .185 Dedication ability . . . . . . . . . . . . .216 evidence analysis unit, dedicated .206 gadgets
Assyrians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .215 Chin, Tze . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .240 deepsleep patch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .209 evidence analysis unit, external . .206 . . . . . . . .181, 184, 203–212, 235, 250
attacks, psionic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .183 Chrysanthemum Dawn . . . . . . . . .119 Defense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .195 Evolved Mind feat . . . . . . . . .181, 182 gadgets, diving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .205
Augury power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .203 CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) Deft Hands power . . . . . . . . . . . . .196 Expanded Horizons feat . . . .177, 199 gadgets, new . . . . . . . . . . . . .162, 203
Aurora . . . . . . . . .24, 33, 50, 103, 110 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20, 39, 40, 41, 46, Deitrich, Col. Alan (ret.) Extended Power feat . . . . . . .178, 179 gadgets, PsiTech . . . . . . .184, 203–212
Australia . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16, 58, 249 47, 48, 49, 50, 72, 75, 76, 78, 80, 84 . . . . . . . . . . . . .20, 75, 79, 80, 82, 84 Extended Visual Spectrum skill . . .196 gadgets, requisitioning . . . . . . . . .204
Australian Special Air Service . . . .53 CIG (Central Intelligence Group) . . .46 Delphi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .232 Eyes of Argus . . . . . . . . .51, 152, 250 gadgets, surveillance . . . . . . . . . . .210
Azerbaijan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .150 Circle of Hate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .238 Delta Force (U.S. Army) . . . . . . . . .78 faceman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .249 Galen’s Ward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .89
Babylonians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .215 Clairsentience skill . . . . . . . . . . . .200 Demagogue Fade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22, 48, Game Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .250
Bahrain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .150 classes, new . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .162 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37, 38, 44, 45, 46, 49, 67, 77, 86, 87, 89, 91, 92, 98, 250 Game, the . . . . . . . . . .see Great Game
ballistic flesh . . . . . . . . . . . . .159, 211 Clay Face power . . . . . . . . . . . . . .193 151, 154, 157, 176, 196, 197, 247, 249 Fae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .239 garage suite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .212
Bartolomei, Stefan . . . . .22, 86, 91, 96 Cleaners . . . . . . . .20, 62, 64, 153, 249 Department of Defense . . . . . .see DoD Faith Healing feat . . . . . . . . .219, 220 Gather Information skill . . . . . . . .203
battle bus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .211 Cloak . . . . . . . . . .15, 64, 80, 126, 249 Destroy Technology ritual . . .226, 228 FAPSI (Federal Agency for GCHQ (Government Communications
Bavarian Illuminati . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Cloaked in the Fringe ability DGSE (Direction Générale de la Government Communication & Headquarters) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
Bay of Pigs . . . . . . . . . . . . .20, 39, 48 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .217, 218 Securité Extérieure . . . .22, 49, 89, 90 Information) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30, 141 GDI (General Directorate of
Beowulf’s hilt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .231 Closer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62 DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) Far East Intelligence Agencies . . . .118 Investigation)
Big Brother satellite system . . . .49, 56 clothing gadgets . . . . . . . . . . . . . .205 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20, 75, 77, 79 Farm, the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20, 76 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .104
Bilderbergers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 coagulant patch . . . . . . . . . . . . . .209 Dim power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .186 FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) Gearing Up phase . . . . . . . . . . . . .181
Bishops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53 cocaine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .151 DIN (Defense Intelligence Network) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44, 45, 79 Gehlen, General Reinhard . . . . . . .105
Bissel, Richard M., Jr. . . . . . . . . . . .40 codename . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .249 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77 FBIS (Foreign Broadcast Information Gemeinschafft Corporation
Black Dragon Society . . . . . . . . . . .42 codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .249 Diplomacy skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .201 Service) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78 . . . . . . .22, 47, 48, 49, 54, 58, 69, 86,
Black Ocean Society . . . . . . . . . . . .42 COINTELPRO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48 diplomatic spies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62 feat tree, basic psion . . . . . . . . . . .179 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 96, 207, 238, 250
Black, Jonathan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .152 Cold War Directorate for Administration .75, 78 feat tree, mental psion . . . . . . . . .182 Gemini . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .92, 234, 238
Blade Master feat . . . . . . . . . .218, 219 . . . . .14, 16, 39, 42, 53, 72, 136, 246 DIS (Defense Intelligence Service) . .28 feat tree, mystic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .219
blade, discples of the . . . . . . . . . .108 Collective . . .see Pan-Asian Collective Disappear ability . . . . . . . . . . . . . .171 feat tree, physical psion . . . . . . . .192

Shadowforce Archer
General Directorate of Investigation Hub . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75, 76 Kinetic Shield skill . . . . . . . . . . . .187 Middle East hotspots . . . . . . . . . . .150 Office for Strategic Studies . . .see OSS
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .see GDI Hunter, John . . . . . . . . . .8, 74, 79, 81 Knights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53 Middle East intelligence agencies OGPU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44
General Intelligence Agency Hurl power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .188 Knossos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .104 oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .150
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .see GIA “hush” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57 Knowledge (Occult) skill Middle East travel . . . . . . . . . . . . .150 Oleksandre, Davros
General Intelligence Department hybrids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .172 . . . . . . . .214, 215, 218, 220, 221, 222 Midnight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .109 . . . . . . . . . . . .30, 137, 146, 147, 242
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .see GID Hyperion . . . . . . . . . . . .140, 143, 209 Knowledge (Theology) skill . . . . . .214 Military Intelligence Department 5 OmnID cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .207
General Security Service . . . . .see GSS I-Kuan Tao pantheon . . . . . . . . . .232 Kraus, Eva . . . . . . . . . .37, 38, 44, 45, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .MI5 Omnium Corporation
Gentry, Augustus . . . . . . . . . . . . . .152 Ice Age . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .157 46, 48, 106, 152, 154, 156, 213, 215, Military Intelligence Department 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . .28, 32, 126, 128, 250
ghost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .250, 251 Ice Shards power . . . . . . . . . . . . . .185 234, 246, 247, 249, 250 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .MI6 One Shot ability . . . . . . . . . . . . . .171
ghost body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .107 Icon Entertainment . . . . . .88, 89, 207 Kreipe, General Mannheim . . . .38, 45 Million Dollar Skill ability . . . . . . .171 OPEC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .150
Ghost in the Machine ability . . . . .169 Icon ProStar 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . .58, 207 Kryptos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .159, 245 Mind Over Matter . . . . . . . . . . . . .155 Open Lock skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .196
GIA (General Ingelligence Agency) ID, backup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .207 Ku Klux Klan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .155 Mind Wipe ability . . . . . . . . .198, 200 Opration AVATAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .150 ID, duplication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .207 Kuwait . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .150 Ming, Chien-po . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .119 Operation BLUE ZEPHYR . . . . . . . .141
GID (General Intelligence Department) Ignore Pain power . . . . . . . . . . . . .219 Labyrinth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65, 66, 98 Ministry of Intelligence & Security Operation BODY DOUBLE . . . . . . .120
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .104 Illuminati . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 languages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .235 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .see VEVAR Operation BONFIRE . . . . . . . . . . . . .80
Gill chem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .173 Image power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .186 leaders, world . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57 Ministry of Internal Affairs Operation COLD FRONT . . . . . . . . .68
Glimpse feat . . . . . . . . . . . . .219, 220 Impossible Dodge ability Learning/Thirst DC . . . . . . . . . . . .222 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .see MVD Operation DOPPLEGANGER . . . . .129
GlobalTech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .89 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .164, 165 Labanon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .150 Ministry of State Security Operation DOUBLE-CROSS . . . . . . .38
gnostics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .102 Imprint Basics feat Lee, Lung Chiu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .120 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26, 58, 119 Operation FALLOUT . . . . . . . . . . . .80
Go to Ground ability . . . . . . . . . . .164 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .199, 200, 202, 203 legal counsel, Mjolnir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .234 Operation GAINSBOROUGH . . . . .159
Goliath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .140, 209 Imprint Mastery feat European Commonwealth . . . . . . . .50 Modify Gadget power . . . . . . . . . .184 Operation GENETRIX . . . . . . . . . . .47
good vs. evil mysticism . . . . . . . . .215 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .199, 200, 202, 202 legal manipulation . . . . . . . . . . . . .87 Moment of Truth ability . . . .166, 167 Operation GODSMASHER . . . .38, 106
Goose Bay, Newfoundland . . . . . .159 imprint psion skills . . . . . . . .199, 201 legend of the whispering knife . . .106 monks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .115, 236 Operation GREENBACK . . . . . . . . .131
Gordian knot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .232 Improve Speed power . . . . . . . . . .193 Leopard Division . . . . . . . . . . . . . .116 monks, Buddhist . . . . . . . . . . . . . .236 Operation HAYSTACK . . . . . . . . . . .80
Government Communications Improve Tools ability . . . . . .164, 165 Lethals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62, 64, 65 monks, Shaolin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .115 Operation MINCEMEAT . . . . . . . . . .45
Headquarters . . . . . . . . . . . .see GCHQ Increased Precision feat . . . . . . . . .171 Levitation skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .188 monks, Tibetan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .236 Operation MKULTRA . . .20, 40, 47, 48
GPU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44 infiltration . . . . . . . . . . . . .62, 87, 113 Libya . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .150 Mossad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .105 Operation POISON APPLE . . . . .41, 49
Graceful Fall power . . . . . . . . . . . .194 Infrared Spectrum power . . . . . . . .196 “liaison relationships” . . . . . . . . . . .75 Move Earth ritual . . . . . . . . .227, 228 Operation POLTERGEIST . . . . . . . .121
grafters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .211 Inhabit Device power . . . . . . . . . .185 “Lifers,” Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74 Mr. Gaunt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .156 Operation QUICKSILVER . . . . . . . . .46
Graham, Elias “Tendaji” Initiate feat . . .218, 219, 220, 221, 222 Lightning Blast power . . . . . . . . . .185 multiclassing . . . . . . . . .104, 163, 177 Operation SERAPH . . . . . . .88, 90, 95
. . .18, 41, 49, 58, 64, 65, 67, 71, 250 Inner Circle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77 Linear Script A . . . . . . . . . . . . .34, 42 Musashi, Tokajiro . . . . . . . . . . . . .118 Operation SMOKESCREEN . . . . . . .130
Grandeur Records . . . . . . . . . . . . .155 Insightful ability . . . . . . . . . . . . . .180 Linear Script B . . . . . . . . . .34, 42, 47 Muscle chem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .173 Operation UNDERWORLD . .45, 77, 80
Gray, Dennis . . . . . . .79, 80, 159, 245 Insinuation Junction feat . . .199, 202 liquidation, African Alliance . . . . . .62 mutawwa’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .104 Oracle at Delphi . . . . . . . . . . . . . .232
Great Game Institute for Intelligence & Listen skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .196 MVD (Ministry of Internal Affairs) organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
. . .53, 54, 66, 67, 78, 79, 90, 91, 104, Special Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .105 Lockout ability . . . . . . . . . . .168, 169 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30, 142 Orwell space station . . . . . . . . . . . .49
106, 118, 119, 129, 130, 141, 142, 250 intelligence agencies, European . . .90 lockpick, electronic . . . . . . . . . . . .207 mystic . . . . . . . . . . . .24, 91, 215, 250 Osiris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .232
Great Lie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 intelligence agencies, Far East . . . .118 Lodge, the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18, 32, mystic agent, playing a . . . . . . . . .215 OSS (Office for Strategic Studies)
Green Lucifer . . . . . . . . . . . . .156, 246 intelligence agencies, Middle East 41, 57, 61, 63, 64, 65, 67, 69, 249, 250 Mystic feat . . .215, 218, 219, 220, 221 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38, 45, 56
gremlins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .226 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .104 Lord of Discipline . . . . . . . . . . .53, 58 mystic feats . . . . . . . . . . . . . .162, 218 Othello . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .172
grenades, antipsi . . . . . . . . . .158, 204 intelligence agencies, Russian . . . .141 Lord of Invention . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53 mystic feats tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . .219 Overcharge Power feat . . . . . .191, 192
Grendel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .231 intelligence agencies, U.K. . . . . . . .129 Lords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53 mystic relics . . .80, 102, 214, 221, 231 overdosing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .172, 173
GRU (Chief Intelligence Directorate of intelligence agencies, U.S. . . . . . . . .78 Low-Light Sight power . . . . . . . . .196 Mystic Surge feat . . . . . . . . . .219, 221 Overwatch platform
the General Staff) intelligence gathering . . . . . . . . . .125 Lung Triad . . . . . . . . . . .118, 120, 240 mystic warriors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .214 . . . . . . . . . . . .11, 41, 56, 77, 207, 250
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .30, 44, 45, 141, 142 Intense Psi Training feat . . . . . . . .182 Lung, Tommy . . . . . . . . . . . .120, 241 mystic world . . . . . . . . .214–236, 251 P.A.C. . . . . . .see Pan-Asian Collective
GSS (Shin Bet General Security Service) International Space Station . . . . . . .50 Macchu Picchu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 mysticism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .176, 250 P.E.R.I.L. (Project for Expansion,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .105 Interpol (International Police) Macedonia Rising . . . . . . . . . . . . .107 mysticism and religion . . . . . . . . .214 Retribution, Iniquity, and Lies)
Guan Gong’s halberd . . . . . . . . . .232 . . . . . . . . . . . . .16, 44, 45, 55, 67, 91 Madox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .242 mythology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .231 . . . . . . . . . . .30, 42, 55, 92, 136, 138,
Guardian language . . . . . . . . . . . .105 interrogation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61 Mafia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45, 77, 143 nanites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .173 139, 140, 141, 142, 146, 147, 151, 172,
Guardian Presence feat . . . . .219, 220 Intimidation skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . .209 Magic Touch ability . . . . . . . .170, 171 nanotechnology . . . . . . . . . . . . . .158 176, 242, 250
Guardians . . . . . .see Guardians of the Intrepid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38 magic ritual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .156 nasal implant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .206 Pain Transmission skill . . . . . . . . .195
Whispering Knife Intuitive Basics feat magic, spiritual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 National Cryptologic School . . . . . .77 PALLADIUM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
Guardians of the Whispering Knife . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .199, 200, 202, 203 Maguire, Rhett . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .235 National Intelligence Agency palmprint gun security device . . . . .88
. . . . . . . . . . . . .18, 24, 32, 38, 39, 41, Intuitive Mastery feat Magus feat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .see NIA palmprint identifiers . . . . . . . . . . .208
42, 43, 44, 47, 50, 57, 58, 61, 80, 92, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .199, 200, 202 . . . . . . . . . . . .215, 218, 219, 220, 221 National Intelligence Authority Pan-Asian Collective
110–111, 113, 130, 150, 156, 162, 210, intuitive psion skills . . . . . . .199, 202 Making a Killing . . . . . . . . . . . . . .107 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .see NIA . . . . . . .26, 32, 39, 40, 41, 47, 54, 61,
214–216, 218, 221, 234, 235, 250, 251 Invisibility rite . . . . . . . . . . . .225, 228 Marduk’s signet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .233 National Intelligence Coodinating 67, 69, 79, 112–123, 151, 192, 205, 233
guerilla warfare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 invocations marking (washaif blade) . . . . . . . .217 Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .see NICC panic emitter patch . . . . . . . . . . . .209
gun security device, palmprint . . . .88 . . . . . . . . . . . .215, 222–229, 250, 251 Mark I model (standard) . . . . . . . .208 National Intelligence Tasking Center Panopticon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57, 65
hacker class . . . . . . . . . .162, 167–169 invocations and masterminds . . . .224 Masked Energies feat . . . . . . .219, 221 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76 patches (gadgets) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .208
hacking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28, 41 invocations table . . . . . . . . . . . . . .228 Mass Slumber ritual . . .226, 227, 228 National Intelligence Topics Pawns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53
hakika . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .105 Iran . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .150 Mass Suggestion ritual . . . . .227, 228 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .see NIT peace operations . . . . . . .74, 113, 125
Hamas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .155 Iraq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .150 Mastered Power feat . . . . . . .178, 179 National Photographic Interpretation Peregrine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .152
Hand of Glory ‘irif ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .102, 210 mastermind Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78 Perfect Harmony feat . . .191, 192, 193
. . . . . . .15, 48, 64, 79, 103, 119, 151, IRIS (International Reporting . . . . . .54, 57, 66, 174, 224, 231, 250 National Security Agency . . .see NSA Petrovich, Nicolai . . . . .141, 144, 146
154–156, 176, 215, 234, 246, 249, 250 & Information Service) . . . . . . .16, 54 masterminds and chems . . . . . . . .174 National Security Council . . .see NSC Phantom Brigade
Hard-wired ability . . . . . . . . .168, 169 Iron Seed Corporation . . . . . . . . . .156 masterminds and invocations . . . .224 Necronomicon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .234 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .141, 144, 146, 172
headquarters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Ironsfell, Hans . . . . . . . . . . .238 (stats) masterminds and relics . . . . . . . . .231 Negotiator ability . . . . . . . . .166, 167 Philosopher feat
headquarters, European ISOLATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76 Masterpiece ability . . . . . . . .180, 181 New China News Agency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .218, 219, 220, 221
Commonwealth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .88 Israel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .105, 150 Math Whiz ability . . . . . . . . .168, 169 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26, 115, 116, 119 Philosophy of the Five Animals
Healing rite . . . . . . . . . . . . . .225, 228 Izichi, Madame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73 McCone, John A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 New World Order . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .115
Heat Object power . . . . . . . . . . . . .187 Jack the Ripper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .234 McGee, Carl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .152 Ngai, King . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .241 phone gadgets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .204
Heightened Inner Strength feat Jackboot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .247 (stats) Mechanics skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .212 NIA (National Intelligence Agency) Photokinesis skill . . . . . . . . . . . . .186
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .191, 192 Jacobs, Treat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58 mediation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18, 63, 66 physical adept class
Helix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18, 41, 49, Janus Committee . . . . .58, 64, 68, 250 memory flesh . .95, 115, 206, 209, 211 NIA (National Intelligence Authority) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37, 43, 44, 52,
55, 61, 63, 64, 66, 69, 71, 98, 107, 120, Jenkho, Dr. Aleksei . . . . . . . . . . . .143 Mental Leap ability . . . . . . . . . . . .180 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 91, 107, 124, 143, 162, 189–190, 250
153, 156, 158, 176, 237, 250 Johnson, Macbane, & Sato . . . . . .155 mental psion feat tree . . . . . . . . . .182 NICC (National Intelligence physical adept feats . . . . . . . . . . . .162
Hell’s Angels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78 Joint Military Intelligence College mental psion feats . . . . .180, 181, 182 Coordinating Committee) . .18, 66, 67 physical adept serum . . . . . . . . . . .80
Helms, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77 mental psion skills . . . . . . . . . . . .183 Night Sight power . . . . . . . . . . . . .196 physical augmentation . . . . . . . . .172
henchman . . . . . . . . . . . . .57, 66, 250 Jordan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .104, 150 mentalist class . . . . . . .42, 43, 49, 52, night strikes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .138 physical psion feat tree . . . . . . . . .192
Hendricks, Molly . . . . . . . . . . . . .9, 83 jurisdiction, dual . . . . . . . . . .150, 151 53, 107, 158, 162, 179–181, 203, 250 Nimble ability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .164 physical psion feats . . . . . . . . . . . .190
Hide skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .186, 193 Kean, Gregory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .152 mentalist feats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .162 NIT (National Intelligence Topics) . .76 physical psion skills . . . . . . . . . . .193
Hiss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .106 Keen Eyes power . . . . . . . . . . . . . .196 Metabolic Basics feat NKVD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37, 44, 142 physical world . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .250
history, shadow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .251 Keen Hearing power . . . . . . . . . . .196 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .191, 192, 194, 195 Nostrum . . . . . . . . .53, 58 (stats), 161 Pit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76
history, world . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34–50 Kempei Tai Metabolic Mastery feat . . . . .191, 192 NPCs and prestige classes . . . . . . .163 Plague ritual . . . . . . . . . . . . .227, 228
Hitler, Adolf . . . . . . . .37, 44, 151, 247 . . . . . . . . . . . .26, 37, 42, 44, 112, 115 metabolic psion skills . . . . . . . . . .194 NSA (National Security Agency) Plant power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .202
Hold Breath power . . . . . . . .194, 219 Kennel, the . . . . . . . . . .20, 32, 76, 77 MI5 (Military Intelligence . . . . . .20, 47, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 159 pointman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .250
hologram projector ring . . . . . . . .210 KGB Department 5) . . . . . . . . . . . .28, 126, NSC (National Security Council) poison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .211
Home Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .250 . . . . . .47, 49, 50, 136, 141, 142, 144 128, 129, 130 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20, 46, 75, 78 poison gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .211
Honor Among Thieves ability . . . .164 Khondynke Airfield . . . . . . . . . . . .139 MI6 (Secret Intelligence Service) nuclear weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73 polio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .227
hotspots, South American . . . . . . .151 Khufu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .235 . . . .28, 124, 126, 127, 128, 129, 135 Object History ability . . . . . . . . . .201 political machinations . . . . . . . . . . .87
hotspots, Middle Eastern . . . . . . . .150 Kickstart chem . . . . . . . . . . . .172, 173 Midas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .232 Object Memory ability . . . . . . . . . .201 political manipulation . . . . . . . . . .113
housefly bug (standard) . . . . . . . . .210 Killing Touch ritual . . . .225, 226, 228 Middle East ODESSA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 Poltergeist skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .188
Kincaid, Ashley . . . . . . . . . . .95 (stats) . . . . . . . . . .24, 58, 101, 104, 150, 250 Odin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .234 polygraphic stress analyzer . . . . . .207

prayer wheel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .236 Psychokinetic Basics feat Scry ritual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .228 Spear of Destiny . . . . . . . . . . . . . .214 Three Treasures application example
Praetoriat . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87, 90, 93 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .182, 185, 186, 187 SCS (Special Collection Service) . . .79 Special Air Service Regiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .117
Precise ability . . . . . . . . . . . .170, 171 Psychokinetic Mastery feat . . . . . .182 SEALs (U.S. Navy) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .see SAS Thule Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44
Precision Takedown ability . . . . . .166 psychokinetic psion skills . . . . . . .185 Search skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . .196, 203 Special Collection Service . . . .see SCS Tiamat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .233
Precognition skill . . . . . . . . . . . . .203 Psychometry skill . . . . . . . . . . . . .201 Second Sight feat . . . . . . . . .219, 221 special operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Tibetan monks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .236
precogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .159 Ptolemy V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .235 Secret Intelligence Service . . .see MI6 Special Operations Executive Tiger Division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .116
Premonition Junction feat . . .199, 200 Pyramids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .235 Sedna’s knuckles . . . . . . . . . . . . . .235 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .see SOE Toad Division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .119
Prepare power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .184 Pyrokinesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . .183, 187 Sedna’s knuckles mechanics . . . . .236 Special Tactics ability . . . . . . . . . .166 Toltecs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .215
present time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42, 50 Qatar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .190 seduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87 Speech power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .202 toxins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .158
Presidio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77 Quetzalcoatl’s thorn Sense Ambush power . . . . . . . . . .195 Speed Control skill . . . . . . . . . . . .193 tracking modification . . . . . . . . . .208
prestige classes and core abilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .92, 234–235, 238 Sense Flanker power . . . . . . . . . . .195 Spider Woman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .231 transformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .104
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .163 Quick Reflexes power . . . . . . . . . .219 Sense Invisible power . . . . . . . . . .196 Spider, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 travel, Middle Eastern . . . . . . . . . .150
prestige classes and NPCs . . . . . . .163 Quick-Thinking ability . . . . . . . . .166 Sense Motive skill . . . . . . . . . . . . .207 spies, diplomatic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62 travel, South American . . . . . . . . .151
prestige classes, choosing . . . . . . .163 Quicken Power feat Sense Trap power . . . . . . . . . . . . .196 Spinne, die . . . . . . . . . .see Spider, The triads . . . . . . . . .77, 115, 116, 117, 118
prestige classes, new . . . . . . . . . . .162 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .177, 183, 191, 192 Sensitive ability . . . . . . . . . . .197, 200 spirit world . . . . . . . . . .217, 218, 250 Triple-Jointed power . . . . . . . . . . .193
Preston, Julius . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39, 45 Quickening feat . . . . . . . . . . .219, 221 Sensory Basics feat . . . .192, 195, 196 spirits . . .214, 216, 217, 218, 250, 251 Tsong, Tien-Kai
Prevent Strife power . . . . . . . . . . .219 Quicksilver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .242 Sensory Mastery feat . . . . . . . . . . .192 spiritual energy . . . . . . . . . . .215, 222 . . . . . . . . . . . .26, 119, 120, 122, 149
Project ARTICHOKE . . . . . . . . . . . .47 R&D, African Alliance . . . . . . . . . . .62 sensory psion skills . . . . . . . .195–196 spiritual magic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Turkey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .150
Project BLUEBIRD . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47 Rebus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53 Sentries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62, 66 Spot skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .196 Turkmenistan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .150
Project for Expansion, Retribution, Recall power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .184 Sentry House . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65, 66 SPR (Society for Psychical Research) Two . . . .16, 49, 50, 55, 60 (stats), 176
Iniquity, and Lies . . . . . . .see P.E.R.I.L. recruiting, Hand of Glory . . . . . . .155 serial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .251 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35, 42, 43 U.K. intelligence agencies . . . . . . .129
Project MESSENGER . . . . . . . . . . . .28 recruitment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87 serum . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20, 36, 40, 47, spy schools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .139 U.S. Air Force . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47
Project MKSEARCH . . . . . . . . . . . . .48 Recuperation Junction feat 91, 140, 143, 176, 196, 251 Stamina Battery feat . . . . . . . . . . .192 U.S. Army . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78
Project OVERWATCH . . . . . .41, 49, 77 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .191, 192 serum soldier Static Charge skill . . . . . . . . . . . . .184 U.S. Carnivore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .86
Project PAPERCLIP . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 Red Market . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .140 . . . . .140; see also chemical monster Station Houses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .127 U.S. intelligence agencies . . . . . . . .78
Project PROMETHEUS Reilly, Sydney . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37, 44 serum, physical adept . . . . . . . . . . .80 “stations” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76 U.S. Marines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78
. . . . . . . . . . .139, 140, 171, 242, 250 relics and masterminds . . . . . . . . .231 shadespeaker class . . . . . . . . .24, 100, Stazlaus, Uri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .145 U.S. Navy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78
Project SUPERLUMINAL relics, mystic . . . . . . . . . .80, 102, 214, 102, 103, 106, 107, 162, 216–218, 251 Steal Soul rite . . . . . . . .222, 225, 228 Uchida, Ryohei . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42
. . . . . .140, 141, 147, 209, 243, , 251 221, 231–236, 249, 250 shadespeaking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100 Stephenson, William . . . . . . . . . . . .38 Ultimate Adept feat . . . . . . . .192, 193
Project TABULA RASA . . . . . . . . . .55 religion and mysticism . . . . . . . . .214 shadow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .251 sting operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . .138 Ultimate Mentalist feat . . . . .182, 183
Project VENONA . . . . . . . . . . . .46, 54 Remote Focus ability . . . . . . . . . . .201 shadow communities Stockholm, Sweden . . . . . . . . . . . .159 Ultimate Telepath feat . . . . . . . . . .200
PROMETHEUS current endeavors Reposition ability . . . . . . . . . .170, 171 . . . . . . . . . . .15, 16, 32, 52–148, 251 Stonehenge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .229 Ultracorps . . . . . . .28, 41, 50, 72, 124
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .172 requisitioning gadgets . . . . . . . . . .204 shadow community map . . . . . . . . .32 Strik-9 . . . . . . . . . . . . .9, 12, 159, 245 Umbra . . . . . .24, 36, 38, 100, 106, 110
prosthetics (gadgets) . . . . . . . . . . .209 rescue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .138 shadow history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .251 Strong Swimmer power . . . . . . . . .193 Ummah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .105
Psi Mastery ability research and development . . .see R&D Shadowforce Archer . . . . . . . . . . .251 strongman limb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .210 United Arab Emirates . . . . . . . . . .150
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .180, 190, 197, 200 Resist Temperature power . . . . . . .194 Shaolin monks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .115 Styles, Andrea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .243 United Kingdom . . . . . . . .28, 58, 129
psion . . . . . . . .16, 18, 20, 26, 28, 30, Resolute Aura ability . . . . . . .217, 218 Sharpen chem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .174 subcochlear implant . . . . . . . .88, 206 United States
36, 41, 43, 49, 52, 53, 106, 130, 140, Resurrection ritual . . . . . . . . . . . . .228 Shield rite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .225, 228 Sucker Punch ability . . . . . . .164, 165 . . . . . . . . . . .20, 58, 73, 78, 158, 231
172, 176, 209, 250 retinal scanner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .210 Shin Bet General Security Service Suggestion power . . . . . . . . . . . . .202 Untraceable Power feat . . . . . . . . .179
psion agent, creating a . . . . . . . . .177 retrovirus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .173, 174 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .see GSS super-science . . . . . . . . . . . . .203–212 vaccination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .227
psion agent, playing a . . . . . . . . . .177 rings (gadgets) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .210 Shiva . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38 Superhuman ability . . . . . . . . . . . .190 vaccines, experimental . . . . . . . . .158
Psion Bonuses table . . . . . . . . . . .177 rite/ritual description . . . . . . . . . .222 Shop, the . . . . . . . . . . .10, 12, 14, 41, SUPERLUMINAL patches . . . . . . . .209 Vallentin, Sybille . . . . . . . . .246 (stats)
psion feat tree, mental . . . . . . . . .182 rites . . . .214, 215, 222–225, 250, 251 42, 49, 50, 55, 62, 64, 67, 80, 91, 106, Surprise Shot ability . . . . . . . . . . .171 Vangeli, Bruno . . . . . . . . . .22, 39, 96
psion feats, basic . . . . . . . . . .178–179 rites and rituals, learning . . . . . . .215 115, 119, 120, 126, 129, 130, 151, 158, surveillance gadgets . . . . . . . . . . .210 Vega, Salvador . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90
psion feats, basic, tree . . . . . . . . . .179 rites and rituals, performing . . . . .215 203, 244, 251 Surveillance skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . .211 vehicles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .211–212
psion feats, mental . . . . . . . .181–183 ritual magic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .156 Sift ability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .169 surveillance suite . . . . . . . . . . . . . .212 Vertigo power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .202
psion feats, mental, tree . . . . . . . .182 rituals SIGINT (Signals Intelligence Service) Survival skill . . . . . . . . . . . . .196, 206 VEVAR (Ministry of Intelligence
psion feats, physical . . . . . . .190–193 . . . .214, 215, 222, 225–229, 250, 251 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35, 78; see also SIS Sustained Link feat . . . . . . . .199, 200 and Security) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .105
psion feats, physical, tree . . . . . . .192 rituals, Hand of Glory . . . . . . . . . .156 Singleton, Sarah . . .28, 126, 130, 135 SVR (Foreign Intelligence Service) Vietnam War . . . . . . . . . . . .40, 41, 48
psion feats, telepathic . . . . . .198–200 Rockefeller Commision . . . . . . . . . .41 SIS (Signals Intelligence Service) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30, 50, 142 Voice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .103
psion feats, telepathic, tree . . . . . .200 Rocket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .143 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44, 45 Swim skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .193 Void pocket . . . . . . . . . . . . . .115, 205
psion level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .177 Rod of the Scarab . . . . . . . . .233, 235 Sixth Sense feat . . . . . . . . . . .219, 221 Sympathetic Healer feat . . . .177, 192 Von Stepp, Otto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .247
psion level, raising . . . . . . . . . . . .177 Rooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53 Sixth Sense table . . . . . . . . . . . . . .222 Sympathy ability . . . . . . . . . . . . . .201 Warm Air power . . . . . . . . . . . . . .187
Psion Prodigy feat . . . . . . . . .177, 179 Room 39 . . . . . . . . . .9, 28, 32, 35, 41, skill bonus . . .177, 180, 181, 190, 197 Synchronize ability . . . . . . . .168, 169 warning signal OmnID . . . . . . . . .208
psion serum . . . . . . . . . . . . .see serum 43, 44, 45, 47, 50, 55, 61, 67, 69, 72, skill use, complex . . . . . . . . . . . . .223 Synthesis skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .203 warriors, holy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .214
psion skills . . . . . . . . . . . . . .177, 178, 106, 124–136, 151, 153, 181, 250, 251 skills, psion . . . . . . . . . . . . .177, 178, synthetic skin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .211 warriors, mystic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .214
183–189, 193–196, 200–203 Rosetta Stone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .235 183–189, 193–196, 200–203 Syria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .150 weapon accessories (gadgets) . . . .208
psion skills, adrenal . . . . . . . . . . .193 Rush chem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .174 slaking the Thirst . . . . . . . . . . . . .230 Tactical Commander ability Weapon Master feat . . . . . . . . . . .233
psion skills, ESP . . . . . . . . . .198, 200 Russell, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .153 slander . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .166, 167 weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . .73, 102, 208
psion skills, imprint . . . .198, 199, 202 Russia . . . . . . . . .15, 30, 58, 141, 150 Sleep On It power . . . . . . . . . . . . .203 tactics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 weapons limb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .210
psion skills, intuitive . . . . . . .199, 202 Russian Confederacy . . . . . . . .18, 30, Sleep, The, ability . . . . . . . . . . . . .217 Talented (Knowledge (Occult)) weapons, ageless . . . . . . . . . . . . . .102
psion skills, mental . . . . . . . . . . . .183 32, 40, 41, 47, 77, 80, 119, 136–148, Sleight of Hand skill . . . . . . . . . . .196 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .218, 219 wetworks . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24, 61, 138
psion skills, metabolic . . . . . . . . . .194 150, 159, 162, 172, 209, 249, 250, 251 smartskin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .211 Talon chem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .174 Wheel of the Ancients . . . . . . . . . .236
psion skills, physical . . . . . . . . . . .193 Russian intelligence agencies . . . .141 SMERSH . . . . . . . . . .37, 45, 143, 243 Tam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .119 wheelman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .251
psion skills, psychoinventive . . . . .184 Russian mafia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .143 smuggling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .113, 138 Taneva, Ljubcho . . . . . . . . . . . . . .107 whispering blade . . . . . .216, 217, 218
psion skills, psychokinetic . . . . . . .185 sabotage . . . . . . . . . . .62, 87, 113, 125 Snake Division . . . . . . . . . . . .116, 120 Taunt skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .194 whispering knife legend . . . . . . . .106
psion skills, sensory . . . . . . . . . . .195 Safe Attack ability . . . . . . . .166, 167 snakesuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .205–206 Tears of Gethsemane . . . . . . .234, 236 White Crane School of Karate . . . .118
psion skills, telekinetic . . . . . . . . .187 safety field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .204 sniffer (gadget) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .206 technological enhancement . . . . . .172 Will to Live feat . . . . . . . . . .192, 193
psion soldier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37, 45 Sagittarius . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11, 212 sniper class . . . . . . . . . . .162, 170–171 technology, antipsi . . . . . . . .204, 209 Wisner, Frank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39
psionic attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .183 Sanctuary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .91 snoop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .251 Telekinetic Basics feat Withstand power . . . . . . . . . . . . . .219
psionic backlash . . . . . . . . . . . . . .183 SANDF (South African Snow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38 . . . . . . . . . . .177, 182, 183, 187, 188 world . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .150–160
psionic backlash, physical . . . . . . .183 National Defense Force) . . . . . .18, 67 Society for Psychical Research Telekinetic Mastery feat world history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34–50
psionic class . . . . .177, 179, 189, 196 SAPS (South African Police Service) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .see SPR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .181, 182, 183 world leaders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57
psionic feats . .177, 178, 181, 190, 198 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18, 67 SOE (Special Operations Executive) telekinetic psion skills . . . . . .187–189 Yakuza . . . . . . .77, 115, 117, 118, 143
psionic powers . . . .178, 183, 193, 200 SAS (Special Air Service) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37, 45 telepath class . . . . . . . .38, 44, 49, 52, Zane, Mislav . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68
psionic powers, using . . . . . . . . . .178 . . . . . . . . . . . .28, 124, 126, 128, 129 soldier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .251 57, 107, 113, 159, 162, 196–198, 251 Zen ability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .189, 190
psionics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .176–212 SASS (South African Secret Service) solstices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .230 telepath psion feat tree . . . . . . . . .200 Zeta Omega Delta . . . . . . . . . . . . .155
psionics and the world . . . . . . . . .176 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18, 66, 67 Something’s Missing power . . . . . .203 telepath psion feats . . . . . . . .198–200
psionics, science of . . . . . . . . . . . .176 Saudi Arabia . . . . . . . . . . . . .104, 150 Sons of Alexander Society . . . . . .232 telepaths as boogeymen . . . . . . . .197
PsiTech . . . . . . . . . .14, 16, 26, 52, 63, Savage, Emily . . . . . . . . . . . . .10, 131 Sons of Valhalla . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78 Teleport ritual . . . . . . . .226, 228, 229
74, 88, 115, 124, 126, 129, 139, 158, Savage, Kara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8, 11 Soothsayer ability . . . . . . . . . . . . .201 telestatic emitter patch . . . . . . . . .209
162, 179, 181, 184, 203–212, 250 Savage, Lord Reginald South African National Tendaji . . . . . . . . . .see Graham, Elias
PsiTech concept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .204 . . . . . . . . .8, 11, 51, 67, 131, 153, 251 Defense Force . . . . . . . . . .see SANDF Tepe, Dumisani . . . . . . . . . .64, 69, 71
PsiTech construction . . . . . . . . . . .204 Scales of Truth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .232 South African Police Service terrorism . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22, 24, 150
PsiTech design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .204 Schillingsfield, Evelyn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .see SAPS theft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87, 113, 250
PsiTech gadgets . . .179, 184, 203–212 . . . . . . . . . . . .34, 36, 37, 43, 44, 156 South African Secret Service Thirst effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .229
psitector patch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .209 Schillingsfield, Sir Avery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .see SASS Thirst mechanics . . . . . . . . . . . . . .229
psych jobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .113, 114 . . . . . . .34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, South America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .151 Thirst, slaking the . . . . . . . . . . . . .230
Psychic Escape ability . . . . . . . . . .197 44, 45, 46, 49, 66, 115, 176, 250 South American hotspots . . . . . . .151 Thirst, the . . . . . . . .215, 229–230, 251
Psychoinventive Basics feat Scotland Yard Special Branch South American travel . . . . . . . . .151 Thor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .234
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .182, 184 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .128, 129 Spanish Civil War . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 threats . . . . . . . . . . . . . .238–248, 251
Psychoinventive Mastery feat . . . .182 Scramble Mind power . . . . . . . . . .185 sparring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .104 Three Kingdoms . . . . . . . . . . . . . .232
psychoinventive psion skills . . . . .184 Scream power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .202 speaker for the dead . . . . . . . . . . .216 Three Treasures . . . . . . . .114, 116, 117

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No other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content distributed using names, threat names, characters, gadgets (including but not limited to the usual refinements
this License. and other gadgets), historic events, and organizations; any and all stories, storylines, loca-
tions, plots, thematic elements, documents within the game world, quotes from characters or
3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your acceptance of
documents, and dialogue; and all artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, illustrations, maps
the terms of this License.
and cartography, likenesses, poses, Archer Conspiracy, Chamber, or Threat logos, symbols, or
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the graphic designs, except such elements that already appear in the d20 System Reference
Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license with the Document and are already OGC by virtue of appearing there. The above Product Identity is
exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content.
not Open Game Content.
5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original material as DESIGNATION OF OPEN CONTENT: Subject to the Product Identity designation above,
Open Game Content, You represent that Your Contributions are Your original creation the following portions of the Shadowforce Archer Worldbook are designated as Open Game
and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License. Content. Chapter Two: NPC statistics. Chapter Three: NPC statistics. Chapter Four: all
mechanical agent options and the rules for chems. Chapter Five: the rules for gaining and
6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this
License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Content You using psionic powers, all three psion classes, all psionic feats and skills, and all gadget
are copying, modifying or distributing, and You must add the title, the copyright date, and mechanics. Chapter Six: the rules for gaining and using mystic powers, the shadespeaker
the copyright holder’s name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open Game Content prestige class, all mystic feats and skills, and all relic mechanics. Chapter Seven: all threat
you Distribute. statistics.
USE OF MATERIAL AS OPEN GAME CONTENT: It is the clear and expressed intent of
7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as an indi-
cation as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement Alderac Entertainment Group to add all classes, skills, feats, equipment, prestige classes, and
with the owner of each element of that Product Identity. You agree not to indicate threat and NPC statistics contained in this volume to the canon of Open Game Content for
compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark in conjunction with a work containing free use pursuant to the Open Game License by future Open Game publishers.
Open Game Content except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with Some of the portions of this book which are delineated OGC originate from the System
the owner of such Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content does Reference Document and are © 1999, 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. The remainder of these
not constitute a challenge to the ownership of that Product Identity. The owner of any
OGC portions of this book are hereby added to Open Game Content and if so used, should
Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights, title and interest in and
bear the COPYRIGHT NOTICE: “Shadowforce Archer Copyright 2002, Alderac Entertainment
to that Product Identity.
8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly indicate which por- The mention of or reference to any company or product in these pages is not a
tions of the work that you are distributing are Open Game Content. challenge to the trademark or copyright concerned.
9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated versions of ‘d20 System’ and the ‘d20 System’ logo are Trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast
this License. You may use any authorized version of this License to copy, modify and dis- and are used according to the terms of the d20 System License version 1.0. A copy of this
tribute any Open Game Content originally distributed under any version of this License. License can be found at
Dungeons & Dragons® and Wizards of the Coast® are registered trademarks of Wizards
10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every copy of the Open
of the Coast, and are used with permission.
Game Content You Distribute.
All contents of this book, regardless of designation, are copyrighted year 2002 by
11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game Content Alderac Entertainment Group. All rights reserved. Reproduction or use without the written
using the name of any Contributor unless You have written permission from the Contributor permission of the publisher is expressly forbidden, except for the purposes of review or use
to do so.
consistent with the limited license above.
12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this
License with respect to some or all of the Open Game Content due to statute, judicial order,
or governmental regulation then You may not Use any Open Game Material so affected.

13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all terms
herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All
sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License.

14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision
shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable.

15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Open Game License v1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Rules Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan
Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave
Arneson. Star Wars roleplaying game, Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast and Lucasfilm
Ltd.; Authors Andy Collins, Bill Slavicsek, JD Wiker. Spycraft Espionage Handbook, Copyright
2002, Alderac Entertainment Group.


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