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Case: 22-3009 Document: 1-1 Filed: 01/06/2022 Page: 1 (1 of 41)


Deborah S. Hunt POTTER STEWART U.S. COURTHOUSE Tel. (513) 564-7000
Clerk CINCINNATI, OHIO 45202-3988

Filed: January 06, 2022

Mr. Emanuel McCray

2700 Caples Avenue
P.O. Box 3134
Vancouver, WA 98668

Re: Case No. 22-3009, Emanuel McCray, et al v. OSHA

Originating Case No. : OSHA-1 : 2021-0007

Dear Mr. McCray,

This case has been docketed as case number 22-3009 with the caption that is enclosed on a
separate page. Please review the caption for accuracy and notify the Clerk's office if any
corrections should be made. The appellate case number and caption must appear on all filings
submitted to the Court.

As the petitioner, when you submit motions, briefs or any other documents to the Clerk's
office, send only 1 original, which you have signed. Copies are no longer necessary. Do not
staple, paper clip, tab or bind pro se motions or briefs sent to the Clerk's office -- these
documents are scanned and staples etc. create paper jams. You must mail opposing counsel
a copy of every document you send to the Clerk's office for filing.

Respondent's counsel will docket pleadings as an ECF filer. Check the ECF page on the
court's web site for additional information about ECF filing if you are not familiar with it. The
following forms are due by January 20, 2022.

Respondent: Appearance of Counsel

As the petitioner, you have until January 20, 2022 to pay the full $500.00 appeal filing fee to
the Clerk, Court of Appeals, or to file a motion in this court asking that the fee be waived, and
including the financial affidavit that is enclosed. Failure to do one or the other will result in
the dismissal of this case without further notice.

The Clerk's office cannot give you legal advice but if you have questions about appellate
procedures, please contact the office for assistance.

Sincerely yours,
Case: 22-3009 Document: 1-1 Filed: 01/06/2022 Page: 2 (2 of 41)

s/Leon T. Korotko
Case Manager
Direct Dial No. 513-564-7069

cc: Mr. Adam C. Jed

Mr. Martin Totaro

Case: 22-3009 Document: 1-1 Filed: 01/06/2022 Page: 3 (3 of 41)


EMANUEL MCCRAY, As an Individual Employee and as an Independent Contractor to

Amazon Logistics, Inc.; GOD LOVES YOU, INC.





Case: 22-3009 Document: 1-2 Filed: 01/06/2022 Page: 1 (4 of 41)

In the United States Court of

Appeals for the Sixth Circuit
No. _______________

EMANUEL MCCRAY, As an Individual Employee and

as an Independent Contractor to Amazon Logistics, Inc.,


GOD LOVES YOU, INC., ex rel. Emanuel McCray,

EMANUEL MCCRAY, On Behalf of Himself and All Others Similarly Situated,





2700 Caples Avenue
P.O. Box 3134
Vancouver, WA 98668
(360) 433-7391
[email protected]
Pro Se
Case: 22-3009 Document: 1-2 Filed: 01/06/2022 Page: 2 (5 of 41)


TABLE OF AUTHORITIES ............................................................................................ii

CORPORATE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT ...........................................................v
INTRODUCTION ..............................................................................................................1

I. NO JUDICIAL CONSTRUCTION CAN SAVE THE ETS ..........................4

A. The ETS Is Beyond Any Power Given to the Federal and
State Governments….................................................................................................4

B. The ETS Is An Attempt To Consolidate the Overthrow of the Government

of the United States… ............................................................................................. 15

CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................. 30
CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE .......................................................................... 31
CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE ..................................................................................... 32

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Bond v. U.S.
564 U.S. 211 (2011) ......................................................................................................1
Bond v. United States
572 U.S. 844 (2014) ............................................................................................... 1, 13
Califano v. Yamasaki
442 U.S. 682, 700 (1979) .............................................................................................1
Industrial Union Department v. American Petroleum Institute
448 U.S. 607, 612 (1980) .......................................................................................... 29
Muskrat v. United States
219 U.S. 346, 361-62 (1911) ........................................................................................5
United States v. Chapple
251 Fed.Appx. 553, 559 (10th Cir.2007) (unpublished) ....................................... 14
United States v. Hale
762 F.3d 1214, 1224-1226 (10th Cir. 2014) ........................................................... 13
United States v. Keyser
704 F.3d 631, 635 (9th Cir.2012) ............................................................................ 14

U.S. Constitution
Tenth Amendment ......................................................................................................1

18 U.S. Code
§2 ................................................................................................................................. 13
§3 ................................................................................................................................. 13
§4 ................................................................................................................................. 13
§35 ............................................................................................................................... 13
§111 ............................................................................................................................. 13
§112 ............................................................................................................................. 13
§113 ............................................................................................................................. 13
§114 ............................................................................................................................. 13
§118 ............................................................................................................................. 13
§119 ............................................................................................................................. 13
§175 ......................................................................................................................... 4, 13
§175b .......................................................................................................................... 13
§175c ........................................................................................................................... 13
§371 ......................................................................................................................... 2, 13
§1038 ................................................................................................................... 2, 4, 13
§1038(a)(1) ....................................................................................................................4
§1111 ........................................................................................................................... 13

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§1112 ........................................................................................................................... 13
§1113 ......................................................................................................................... 413
§1114 ........................................................................................................................... 13
§1116 ........................................................................................................................... 13
§1117 ........................................................................................................................... 13
§1991 ........................................................................................................................... 13
§1992 ........................................................................................................................... 13
§2280 ........................................................................................................................... 13
§2280a ......................................................................................................................... 13
§2281a ......................................................................................................................... 13
§2283 ........................................................................................................................... 13
§2332 ........................................................................................................................... 13
§2332a ......................................................................................................................... 13
§2339 ........................................................................................................................... 13
§2339A........................................................................................................................ 13
§2339B ........................................................................................................................ 13
§2339C ........................................................................................................................ 13

29 U.S. Code
§ 651............................................................................................................................ 15
§ 652............................................................................................................................ 15
§ 652(4) .........................................................................................................................1
§ 652(8) ...................................................................................................................... 29
§ 653............................................................................................................................ 15
§ 655(c)(1) .................................................................................................................. 29
§ 655(f)...........................................................................................................................1
§ 669a .......................................................................................................................... 15
§ 670............................................................................................................................ 15
§ 671............................................................................................................................ 15
§ 671a .......................................................................................................................... 15

42 U.S. Code
§ 203............................................................................................................................ 15
§ 247d ......................................................................................................................... 15
§ 247d-6 ...................................................................................................................... 15
§ 247d-6a .................................................................................................................... 15
§ 247d-6b.................................................................................................................... 15
§ 247d-6d ................................................................................................................ 4, 15
§ 247d-6e .................................................................................................................... 20
§ 262...................................................................................................................... 15, 20
§ 262a .......................................................................................................................... 20

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§263a ........................................................................................................................... 20
§264 ............................................................................................................................. 20
§280e-11 ..................................................................................................................... 20
§§5121 through 5207 ................................................................................................ 20

50 U.S. Code
§841 ................................................................................................................................1
§§ 4501 through 4568 ............................................................................................... 20

Ohio Revised Statute

Title 29 §2903, et seq. ................................................................................................. 10
Title 29 §2903.09 ....................................................................................................... 10

Okla. Stat. Ann. tit. 21, § 21-1266.1 ...........................................................................2

Title 18 Pa.C.S.A. §2702 ........................................................................................... 10

Washington (Revised Code of Washington)

Chapter 9A.32............................................................................................................ 10
Chapter 9A.36............................................................................................................ 10
§38.52.010(2)(a) ......................................................................................................... 28
§43.20.050(2)(f).......................................................................................................... 28

Washington Administrative Code (WAC)

§ 246-101-010(11) ..................................................................................................... 28
§ 246-101-010(21) ..................................................................................................... 28

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Petitioner Emanuel McCray is the sole Director of God Loves You, Inc., which

is a nonprofit corporation organized under the laws of the State of Washington.

Petitioners certify that, as required by Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 26.1 and

Sixth Circuit Rule, 6 Cir. R. 26.1, no publicly traded company or corporation has an

interest in the outcome of this case or appeal.

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We, the Petitioners, pursuant to our individual power reserved in the Tenth

Amendment, and our power as a group acting as a class pursuant to 29 U.S. Code §

655(f), 29 U.S. Code § 652(4),1 Bond v. U.S., 564 U.S. 211, 131 S. Ct. 2355 (2011), Bond

v. United States, 572 U.S. 844, 134 S. Ct. 2077 (2014),2 Califano v. Yamasaki, 442 U.S.

682, 700, 99 S. Ct. 2545 (1979),3 and the fact that the Emergency Temporary Standard

(“ETS”) operates nationwide, hereby challenge the constitutional authority of the

Respondents to wage, with impunity, a deadly “Information Operation”

(“IO”)/“Information War” (“IW”) against us on behalf of foreign Powers.

Included among these foreign Powers are the Communist Party of China

(“CPC”), also known as the Chinese Communist Party (“CCP”), and the Communist

Party of the United States of America (“CPUSA”).

Petitioners further believe, and are possessed with 100% confidence, the virus

identified and named “SARS-CoV-2”, was propagated, and continues to be

propagated, in furtherance of the International Communist Conspiracy (“ICC”),

which has been codified as a criminal enterprise by Congress,4 and the State of

“The term “person” means one or more individuals, partnerships, associations, corporations, business trusts, legal
representatives, or any organized group of persons.”
Holding that: “‘An individual may ‘assert injury from governmental action taken in excess of the authority that
federalism defines.’”
Holding that “class relief is appropriate in civil actions brought in federal court, including those seeking to overturn
determinations of the departments of the Executive Branch of the Government in cases where judicial review of
such determinations is authorized…. Indeed, a wide variety of federal jurisdictional provisions speak in terms of
individual plaintiffs, but class relief has never been thought to be unavailable under them.”
Aug. 24, 1954, ch. 886, §2, 68 Stat. 775 (50 U.S.C. §841) (2019). Available from

Case: 22-3009 Document: 1-2 Filed: 01/06/2022 Page: 8 (11 of 41)

Oklahoma.5 Congress and Oklahoma stated the goal of the ICCC is the “overthrow

of the government of the United States.”

Petitioners believe, and are possessed with 100% confidence, the virus

identified and named “SARS-CoV-2”, is an actionable criminal and civil biological

hoax and conspiracy proscribed under 18 U.S. Code §§1038, and 371.

Petitioners further believe, and are possessed with 100% confidence, the virus

identified and named “SARS-CoV-2”, only exists in the form of “data”; the expert

and skillful manipulation of “data”; and the exceptionally clever, talented,

premeditated, intentional, asymmetrical, and unlawful use of intelligence,

counterintelligence, espionage, terrorism, propaganda, psychological warfare, and the

“fog of war”.

The vaccines the ETS seeks to mandate are based on “data” provided by the

ICCC. On or about December 11, 2020, Yasemin Saplakoglu (“Saplakoglu”), a writer

for Live Science,6 reported that the “COVID-19 vaccines developed by Pfizer and

Moderna” are based on “data” from Communist-controlled China:

“On Jan. 10, Chinese researchers first published the genetic sequence
(“data”) of the novel coronavirus on a preprint online; within a week,
Weissman and his team at the University of Pennsylvania were already
developing synthetic mRNA against the virus and both Moderna and
Pfizer licensed this team’s formulation from The University of
Pennsylvania, according to a perspective posted on Sep. 3 in the journal
JAMA. Within 66 days of the sequence (“data”) being published,

Laws 1955, p. 189, § 1. 2021 Okla. Stat. Ann. tit. 21, §§ 21-1266.1. Available from
Yasemin Saplakoglu. COVID-19 vaccines: The new technology that made them possible. Live Science. December
11, 2020. Available from

Case: 22-3009 Document: 1-2 Filed: 01/06/2022 Page: 9 (12 of 41)

Moderna, in collaboration with National Institute of Allergy and

Infectious Diseases, developed a vaccine and kickstarted the first U.S.
clinical trial to test it against COVID-19.”

On or about March 25, 2021, Jon Gertner of the New York Times reported:

“It’s typically the case, for instance, that a pharmaceutical company

needs samples of a virus to create a vaccine. But once the sequence
(“data”) was in the public realm, Moderna, an obscure biotech company
in Cambridge, Mass., immediately began working with the National
Institutes of Health on a plan. ‘They never had the virus on site at all;
they really just used the sequence, and they viewed it as a software
problem,’ Francis deSouza, the chief executive of Illumina, which makes
the sequencer that Zhang used, told me with some amazement last
summer, six months before the Moderna vaccine received an
emergency-use authorization by the Food and Drug Administration. The
virus’s code (“data”) also set the testing industry into motion. Only by
analyzing characteristic aspects of the virus’s genetic sequence could
scientists create kits for the devices known as P.C.R. machines, which
for decades have used genetic information to formulate fast diagnostic

Both articles make clear they are talking about “(“data”)”, and not specimens of

the virus. These facts doom the ETS.

The fact that “SARS-CoV-2” only exists in the form of “data” was oddly

confirmed by Kayvon Modjarrad, Director of the Emerging Infectious Diseases

Branch, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR), Silver Spring, MD 20910,

in a pre-print science article released on or about March 25, 2021: 8

Jon Gertner. Unlocking the Covid Code. The New York Times. March 25, 2021. Available from
Joyce MG, King HAD, Naouar IE, et al. Efficacy of a Broadly Neutralizing SARS-CoV-2 Ferritin Nanoparticle
Vaccine in Nonhuman Primates. Preprint. bioRxiv. 2021;2021.03.24.436523. Published 2021 Mar 25.
doi:10.1101/2021.03.24.436523. Available from;;

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“The Spike Ferritin Nanoparticle (SpFN) vaccine was designed as a

ferritin-fusion recombinant protein for expression as a nanoparticle.
Briefly, the Spike (S) protein sequence was derived from the Wuhan-Hu-
1 genome sequence (GenBank accession number: MN908947.3).”

To state differently, OSHA, through the ETS, is mandating/encouraging the

use of a product the enemies of the United States have mandated the world use as a

national security countermeasure under penalty of large fines.



A. The ETS Is Beyond Any Power Given to the Federal and State

The Petitioners searched the Federal Constitution and were unable to find an

exception for a pandemic created by the Communist-controlled People’s Republic of

China (“PRC”), in furtherance of the International Communist Criminal Conspiracy


The lack of a constitutional exception converts the ETS into an overt act in

furtherance of the ICCC in violation of 18 U.S. Code §§1038(a)(1) and 175.

The ETS is based entirely on “data”, and a “narrative”, both approved by the

ICCC, that the virus named “SARS-CoV-2”, originated in the PRC, a country

founded in furtherance of the ICCC on October 1, 1949, following the formal

Proclamation of Mao Tse-tung, Chairman of the Communist Party of China (CPC).

Petitioners found no credible evidence from any Nation, including the United

States, that the virus named “SARS-CoV-2”, as a fact, originated in the PRC.
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Petitioners found numerous “switchpoints”, or deviations from the history of

the United States and their Federal Constitution, that exposes the ETS’ conflicts with

the “fundamental law”, and thus requires a judicial declaration of the validity of the

ETS as a delegation of power given to Congress by the People of the United States.

See, Muskrat v. United States, 219 U.S. 346, 361-62 (1911) (“[Such] a proceeding [is]

against the Government in its sovereign capacity, and concerning which the only

judgment required is to settle the doubtful character of the legislation in question.”).

Chief among the switchpoints found by Petitioners is the fact that the entire

world, in intentional unison, waited for the ICCC to release the code/genome

sequence of the virus named “SARS-CoV-2”. This created a switchpoint which led to

Petitioners finding that no one in the entire world has taken responsibility for the

birth of “SARS-CoV-2”, nor has any person in the entire world claimed to have

handled or isolated the virus named “SARS-CoV-2”.

Another major switchpoint found by Petitioners is the fact that the ETS seeks

to displace Federal and State criminal laws by clothing the ICCC and the makers of

COVID-19 vaccines with immunity to commit the premeditated mass murder of

nationals of the United States. This created a “material switchpoint” which led to the

Petitioners discovering the fact that the Secretary of Health and Human Services

(“HHS”) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) had

instructed public health authorities and other users of the National Vital Statistics

System (“NVSS”) to falsify COVID-19 Death Certificates by: (1) eliminating SARS-
Case: 22-3009 Document: 1-2 Filed: 01/06/2022 Page: 12 (15 of 41)

CoV-2 infection as the “UNDERLYING CAUSE OF DEATH”, among other


Petitioners further found that in or about April 2021, Pfizer, Inc., in a

“CONFIDENTIAL” document titled “Cumulative Analysis of Post-authorization

Adverse Event Reports” (“CAPAERs”), informed the Food and Drug administration

(“FDA”) and Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (“CBER”), that Pfizer

had received a total of 42,086 cases containing 158,893 adverse events of special

interest (“AESIs”), most of which were received from the United States. 9

The WHO, relying heavily on guidance from the FDA, defined AESI in its

Safety Surveillance Manual for COVID-19 Vaccines as one of “scientific and medical


Pfizer further informed the FDA and CBER that the AESIs after

administration of its COVID-19 vaccine was “highest among females (29,914),

compared to males (9,182), and that there were 1,223 deaths.11 Public Health Ontario

(“PHO”), Canada found a similar disparity between females and males during its

5.3.6 Cumulative Analysis of Post-Authorization Adverse Event Reports of PF-07302048 (BNT162B2) Received
Through 28-Feb-2021. Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency. November 17, 2021. Available
experience.pdf, paragraph 3.1.1 at page 6.
COVID-19 Vaccines: Safety Surveillance Manual. World Health Organization. (Undated). Available from See also, Characterising the background
incidence rates of adverse events of special interest for covid-19 vaccines in eight countries: multinational network
cohort study. BMJ 2021;373:n1435 doi: (Published 14 June 2021). Available
Id., Table 1 at page 7.

Case: 22-3009 Document: 1-2 Filed: 01/06/2022 Page: 13 (16 of 41)

surveillance of adverse events following immunization (“AEFIs”) conducted from

December 13, 2020 to December 19, 2021: (female (12,118); male (4,147)).12

Complicating Pfizer’s April 2021 “CAPAERs” is the fact that the Member

States of the WHO, including the United States, have intentionally excluded “sudden

death” following immunization from the uniform “AESI list”, which alone, or

collectively with other AESIs and AEFIs, creates the potential for widespread vaccine

hesitancy among communities and groups of individuals.13

In Appendix 4.1 to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)

Standard Operating Procedures for COVID-19 (“VAERS SOP”), OHSA had details

available to the agency as to how AESIs and AEFIs are reported to and received by

the Federal Government on a daily basis.14

To state differently, OHSA intentionally refused to fully inform the public

regarding the extremely dangerous nature of the vaccines being forced upon them

through the mechanism of the ETS, and instead elected to promote falsely the

number of COVID-19 infections and deaths in furtherance of the ICCC.

Weekly Surveillance Summary. Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFIs) for COVID-19 in Ontario:
December 13, 2020 to December 19, 2021. Public Health Ontario, Canada. Available from
COVID-19 Vaccines: Safety Surveillance Manual. World Health Organization. (Undated). Available from See also, Gold MS, Balakrishnan MR,
Amarasinghe A, MacDonald NE. An approach to death as an adverse event following immunization. Vaccine. 2016
Jan 4;34(2):212-217. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2015.11.018. Epub 2015 Nov 19. PMID: 26608326. Available from;
VAERS Team. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for
COVID-19 (as of 29 January 2021). Immunization Safety Office, Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion
National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Available from

Case: 22-3009 Document: 1-2 Filed: 01/06/2022 Page: 14 (17 of 41)

Of legal significance is the fact that AESIs and AEFIs are known medical and

scientific “risks” and burdens that are based on lessons learned from previous

vaccination programs, and “were originally selected based on a theoretical rationale

for a possible association with COVID-19 vaccines.”15

The pregnancy related AESIs among COVID-19 vaccinated mothers included

abortion spontaneous, uterine contraction during pregnancy, premature rupture of

membranes, abortion, abortion missed, foetal death, and infant/child exposed to

vaccine via breastfeeding.

Petitioners found the United States has recorded in the VAERS only one

percent, of all COVID-19 vaccine-associated AESIs. A search of the VAERS through

“CDC Wonder” for “death” after being administered Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine

returned “4,420 total events” as of December 24, 2021. Samplings of these deaths are

shown here:16

TECHNICAL BRIEF: Adverse Events of Special Interest (AESIs) for COVID-19 Vaccines Surveillance. Second
revision: 07/22/2021. Available from
/media/documents/ncov/vaccines/2020/12/covid-19-guidance-aesis.pdf?la=en. See also, Ramya. Adverse event of
special interest (AESI). Pharmacovigilance. November 13, 2020. Available from
United States Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Public Health Service (PHS), Centers for
Disease Control (CDC) / Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System
(VAERS) 1990 - 12/24/2021, CDC WONDER On-line Database. Accessed at on
Jan 4, 2022 4:07:41 AM.

Case: 22-3009 Document: 1-2 Filed: 01/06/2022 Page: 15 (18 of 41)

A search of the VAERS through “CDC Wonder” for “death” within “one day”

after being administered Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine returned “412 total events” as of

December 24, 2021. Samplings of these deaths are shown here:17

To state differently, when President Biden ordered Respondent OHSA to issue

the ETS, President Biden was aware, or reckless or extremely negligent in not making

Id. Accessed at on Jan 4, 2022 4:09:08 AM.

Case: 22-3009 Document: 1-2 Filed: 01/06/2022 Page: 16 (19 of 41)

himself aware, that some Americans were dropping dead within hours after Pfizer’s

COVID-19 vaccine was administered.

Homicide and assaults are crimes in the United States, Ohio, Pennsylvania and

Washington. See e.g., Title 29, Ohio Revised Statute §2903, et seq., and particularly,

§2903.09 (Unlawful termination of another’s pregnancy); Pennsylvania Statutes Title

18 Pa.C.S.A. Crimes and Offenses §2702 (Aggravated assault); and Revised Code of

Washington Chapters 9A.32 (Homicide) and 9A.36 (Assault—physical harm).

In Appendix 1 to the CAPAERs, Pfizer provided nine pages of COVID-19

AESIs to the FDA and CBER, ranging from “1p36 deletion syndrome”, to “Zika

virus associated Guillain Barre syndrome.”

According to National Center for Biotechnology Information (“NCBI”), U.S.

National Library of Medicine (“NLM”) “1p36 deletion syndrome” presents with over

105 Clinical features, including “aggressive behavior”; “blepharophimosis”; “primary

dilated cardiomyopathy”; “constipation”; and “cleft upper lip”.18

On or about September 16, 2021, Public Health and Medical Professionals for

Transparency (“PHMPT”) commenced an action against the FDA seeking the release

of documents regarding Pfizer’s Biologics License Application (“BLA”).19 On or

about December 6, 2021, the FDA asked the Court in the PHMPT case to grant leave

to produce the requested documents over a period of 75 years.

Chromosome 1p36 deletion syndrome. U.S. National Library of Medicine. Available from
Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency v. Food and Drug Administration, U.S. District Court
Northern District of Texas (Fort Worth), CASE No.: 4:21-cv-01058-P. Filed: 09/16/2021.

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The PHMPT’s members include Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH, FACP,

FACC, FCCP, FAHA, FNKF, FNLA, FCRSA (“McCullough”). On information and

belief, in October 2021, one or more members of the ICCC caused Elsevier B.V., a

business of RELX PLC, formerly known as “REED INTERNATIONAL P.L.C. and

“REED ELSEVIER PLC, to fraudulently and maliciously censor and withdraw a

peer-reviewed study conducted by Jessica Rose (“Dr. Rose”), PhD, MSc, BSc,

Institute of Pure and Applied Knowledge, Public Health Policy Initiative (PHPI) and

Dr. McCullough, Truth for Health Foundation, Tucson, AZ, involving myocarditis

adverse events (“AEs”) in the U.S. VAERS in association with COVID-19 injectable

biological products.20

Drs. Rose and McCullough reported in their study the fact that 83% of the

11,449 myocarditis/pericarditis AESIs they found in VAERS were reported by the

vaccine manufacturers and government health authorities.

In their abstract, Drs. Rose and McCullough reported a “conclusion that the

COVID-19 biological products are deterministic for the myocarditis cases observed

after injection” and involved youths between the ages of 13 to 23, with ∼80%

occurring in males. Six individuals in this group died (1.1%) and of these, 2 were

under 20 years of age, and one was 13.

Rose J, McCullough PA. WITHDRAWN: A Report on Myocarditis Adverse Events in the U.S. Vaccine Adverse
Events Reporting System (VAERS) in Association with COVID-19 Injectable Biological Products [published online
ahead of print, 2021 Sep 30]. Curr Probl Cardiol. 2021;101011. doi:10.1016/j.cpcardiol.2021.101011. Available
from; and

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To state differently, the VAERS worked precisely as it was designed by

providing the Government early warning and notice of AESIs associated with

COVID-19 vaccinations. Drs. Rose and McCullough also performed their duties

pursuant to their authorities and provided the Respondents with a peer-reviewed

study involving VAERS and the AESIs they studied. The ICCC did not want this

study in public circulation. Thus, censorship of this study unconstitutionally deprived

the People of the United States their right to know what their government is up to.

From, in or about November 2007, the CDC has listed SARS coronaviruses

among the “Category C”/“Class Three” agents under the classification of

“bioterrorism type” agents.21

The CDC defines “Category C”/“Class Three” agents as “[e]merging infectious

diseases such as Nipah virus and hantavirus, and has listed this category of agents as

the “[t]hird highest priority agents [among] emerging pathogens that could be

engineered for mass dissemination in the future because of availability; ease of

production and dissemination; and potential for high morbidity and mortality rates

and major health impact.”22

Should any of the Respondents prove, through evidence satisfactory to this

Court, that “SARS-CoV-2” is truly a virus that originated in China, such proof will

surely convert “SARS-CoV-2” into a bioterrorist weapon under the CDC’s

Bioterrorism Agents/Diseases. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. November 9, 2007. Available from
Bioterrorism Agents/Diseases. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. December 25, 2021. Available from

Case: 22-3009 Document: 1-2 Filed: 01/06/2022 Page: 19 (22 of 41)

bioterrorism regulations and 18 U.S.C. §175; reduce this virus to “treason”, an “act of

war”, or an “armed conflict”; and extinguish any power or authority to issue the ETS.

On the other hand, should any of the Respondents prove, through evidence

satisfactory to this Court, that “SARS-CoV-2” is not a virus that originated in China,

such proof will surely convert “SARS-CoV-2” into a biological hoax actionable under

18 U.S.C. §1038; reduce this virus to “treason”, an “act of war”, or an “armed

conflict”; and extinguish any power or authority to issue the ETS.

To state differently, the Respondents face a wall of premediated criminality

involving violations, and or potential violations of 18 U.S.C. §§3, 4, 35, 111, 112, 113,

114, 115, 118, 119, 175, 175a, 175b, 175c, 371, 1001, 1111, 1112, 1113, 1114, 1116,

1117, 1991, 1992, 2280, 2280a, 2281a, 2283, 2332, 2332a, 2339, 2339A, 2339B, 2339C,

and 2.

The existence of these numerous mutual crimes leaves no other legally

acceptable rationale, as explained by the Tenth Circuit in United States v. Hale, 762 F.3d

1214, 1224-1226 (10th Cir. 2014) (“Hale”).

In Hale, the Tenth Circuit reversed Hale’s conviction for making a materially

false statement under oath in a bankruptcy case and sustained Hale’s conviction for

perpetrating a hoax regarding the transmission of a biological agent under 18 U.S.C.

§§175 and 1038(a).

The Tenth Circuit further noted the differences in facts to Bond v. United States,

572 U.S. 844, 134 S. Ct. 2077, 2090, 2092 (2014), and the similar facts of “sending”
Case: 22-3009 Document: 1-2 Filed: 01/06/2022 Page: 20 (23 of 41)

fake biological agents in United States v. Keyser, 704 F.3d 631, 635 (9th Cir.2012) and

United States v. Chapple, 251 Fed.Appx. 553, 559 (10th Cir.2007) (unpublished).

To state differently, the Members of the United Nations (“UN”), which

includes Communist-controlled China and the United States, and the Members of the

World Health Organization (“WHO”), which includes Communist-controlled China

and the United States, have sent a Class Three “bioterrorism type” agent around the

world, and the United States has sent the same Class Three “bioterrorism type” agent

around the United States and its territories, which has caused deaths and economic

harm to churches, military ships, cruise ships, private businesses, military bases,

residential households and local communities.

In the alternative, the Members of the United Nations (“UN”), which includes

Communist-controlled China and the United States, and the Members of the World

Health Organization (“WHO”), which includes Communist-controlled China and the

United States, have falsely claimed to have sent a Class Three “bioterrorism type”

agent around the world, and the United States has falsely claimed to have sent the

same Class Three “bioterrorism type” agent around the United States and its

territories, which has caused deaths and economic harm to churches, military ships,

cruise ships, private businesses, military bases, residential households and local


Any proof that the virus exists will surely place the Respondents in dire straits

given the fact that President Trump was, and the judges and employees of the Sixth
Case: 22-3009 Document: 1-2 Filed: 01/06/2022 Page: 21 (24 of 41)

Circuit Court of Appeals, and the Justices and employees of the U.S. Supreme Court

are, “officers and employees of the United States” for purposes of 18 U.S.C. §1114,

and each employed active security countermeasures to avoid becoming a victim of

homicide or biological assault by Communist China and the ICCC’s “SARS-CoV-2”.

Whether a virus exists or does not exist, creates similar outcomes for the

manufacturers of vaccines as countermeasures to the virus and or the disease caused

by the virus and its variants.

On or about March 27, 2021, an Application Instituting Proceedings in the

International Court of Justice (“Application”), captioned as United States of America vs.

Peoples Republic of China, which was mailed to the Registrar of the International Court

of Justice (“ICJ”) and the United States Embassy, both located in the Netherlands. In

furtherance of the ICCC, the Application has not been acted upon by these entities.

The President of the ICJ is Joan E. Donoghue, a national of the United States,

who had previously represented the United States in the ICJ during the “Iran-Contra

Affair” in Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua (Nicaragua v.

United States of America). Merits, Judgment. I.C.J. Reports 1986, p. 14.

B. The ETS Is An Attempt to Consolidate the Overthrow the Government of the

United States.

The ETS mandates premeditated assault and murder of citizens of the United

States. The public and private sector employers who have mandated vaccination

against COVID-19, have mandated assault and murder.

Case: 22-3009 Document: 1-2 Filed: 01/06/2022 Page: 22 (25 of 41)

To state differently, the ETS sides with murderers from Communist China and

members of the ICCC, rather than the innocent People of the United States. On the

day Jesus was crucified, the crowd sided with Barabbas, a known murderer and

insurrectionist. This was after Pontius Pilate had informed the crowd he had found

“no fault in this Man concerning those things of which you accuse Him; no, neither

did Herod, for I sent you back to him; and indeed nothing deserving of death has

been done by Him.”23

The ETS creates a unique material switchpoint which the Petitioners resolved

after following a trail that led to the United Kingdom as the primary origin of the

“data” representing the virus named “SARS-CoV-2”—which was found to be nothing

more than a modified version of the common cold and influenza viruses.

The Petitioners further found British virologists Sir Christopher Howard

Andrewes (“Andrewes”), David Arthur John Tyrrell (“Tyrrell”), and others associated

with these individuals, are internationally known for their investigation of viruses.

In 1933, Andrewes discovered the human influenza A virus. In 1957, Tyrrell

worked at the Rockefeller Institute in New York. From 1958 to 1990, Tyrrell led the

UK efforts at the Common Cold Research Unit, later known as the “Common Cold


In 1960, Tyrrell and his colleagues discovered the trick of successfully

cultivating what are now called rhinoviruses, which further led to discoveries of the

Mark 15:6-15; Luke 23:13-25; John 18:38-19:16; and Matthew 27:15-26 (New King James Version).

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multiplicity of serotypes of rhinoviruses, elucidation of their properties, their

epidemiological behavior, and the discovery of another family of common cold

viruses, the coronaviruses.

In 1965, Tyrrell and his colleague Malcolm L. Bynoe, discovered the first

human coronavirus, when they found they could passage a virus named “B814”. The

following year, Hamre and Procknow demonstrated the ability to grow a virus, “229E”,

with unusual properties in tissue culture.24 Both B814 and 229E were ether-sensitive

and therefore presumably required a “lipid-containing coat for infectivity”.

June Dalziel Almeida, a Scottish virologist, was a pioneer in virus imaging,

identification, and diagnosis. Her skills in immuno-electron microscopy earned her an

international reputation when she used this technology to identify the “coronavirus,
Kahn, Jeffrey S. MD, PhD; McIntosh, Kenneth MD. History and Recent Advances in Coronavirus Discovery, The
Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal: November 2005 - Volume 24 - Issue 11 - p S223-S227
doi: 10.1097/01.inf.0000188166.17324.60, citing, Tyrrell DA, Bynoe ML. Cultivation of viruses from a high
proportion of patients with colds. Lancet. 1966 Jan 8;1(7428):76-7. doi: 10.1016/s0140-6736(66)92364-6. PMID:
4158999 and Hamre D, Procknow JJ. A new virus isolated from the human respiratory tract. Proc Soc Exp Biol
Med. 1966 Jan;121(1):190-3. doi: 10.3181/00379727-121-30734. PMID: 4285768. See also:
(1) Cueno ME, Ueno M, Iguchi R, et al. Insights on the Structural Variations of the Furin-Like Cleavage Site Found
Among the December 2019-July 2020 SARS-CoV-2 Spike Glycoprotein: A Computational Study Linking Viral
Evolution and Infection. Front Med (Lausanne). 2021;8:613412. Published 2021 Mar 10.
doi:10.3389/fmed.2021.613412. Available from;
(2) Frutos R, Serra-Cobo J, Pinault L, Lopez Roig M, Devaux CA. Emergence of Bat-Related Betacoronaviruses:
Hazard and Risks. Front Microbiol. 2021;12:591535. Published 2021 Mar 15. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2021.591535.
Available from;
(3) Sbaoui Y, Bennis F, Chegdani F. SARS-CoV-2 as Enteric Virus in Wastewater: Which Risk on the Environment
and Human Behavior?. Microbiol Insights. 2021;14:1178636121999673. Published 2021 Mar 15.
doi:10.1177/1178636121999673. Available from;
(4) Eguia RT, Crawford KHD, Stevens-Ayers T, et al. A human coronavirus evolves antigenically to escape
antibody immunity. PLoS Pathog. 2021;17(4):e1009453. Published 2021 Apr 8. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1009453.
Available from;
(5) Pluskota-Karwatka D, Hoffmann M, Barciszewski J. Reducing SARS-CoV-2 Pathological Protein Activity with
Small Molecules [published online ahead of print, 2021 Apr 5]. J Pharm Anal. 2021;10.1016/j.jpha.2021.03.012.
doi:10.1016/j.jpha.2021.03.012. Available from; and
(6) McIntosh K, Perlman S. Coronaviruses, Including Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Middle East
Respiratory Syndrome (MERS). Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett’s Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases.
2015;1928-1936.e2. doi:10.1016/B978-1-4557-4801-3.00157-0. Available from

Case: 22-3009 Document: 1-2 Filed: 01/06/2022 Page: 24 (27 of 41)

hepatitis B, HIV, and rubella.” “Today, most virology review articles and textbooks

contain her electron micrographs of viruses.” 25

Almeida’s “simple technique” of immune electron microscopy, which provided

visualizations of virus preparations that were mixed with antibodies raised in animals

or from human sources, made it possible for viruses to be seen clumped by antibody.

Almeida collaborated with Tyrrell. Not only were common cold viruses

identified, which could not be cultivated conventionally, but also new viruses were

recognized, including the coronaviruses, “which were a new cause of respiratory

infections. The more recently recognised SARS virus also belongs to this group.”26

Almeida also taught the NIH’s Dr. Albert Zaven Kapikian (“Kapikian”) the

technique of immune electron microscopy. On his return to the U.S. from the U.K.,

Kapikian used this technique to identify small round viruses causing outbreaks of

gastroenteritis, such as the “Norwalk agent,” now known as the Norovirus, which

causes nationwide outbreaks called winter vomiting disease. Almeida’s technique also

enabled workers at the NIH to visualise, for the first time, the hepatitis A virus.”27

To state differently, the United States obtained from Almeida the capability to

simultaneously identify hundreds of viruses, including any new viruses, without having

to wait for Communist China to release the “data” for the “SARS-CoV-2” hoax.

Almeida J. June Almeida (née Hart). BMJ. 2008;336(7659):1511. doi:10.1136/bmj.a434. Available from, and

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The Petitioners found this capability expressed in the National Center for

Biotechnology Information (“NCBI”) Virus database,28 which contains more than

24.5 million virus sequences associated with their human host, such as the Eggplant

latent viroid (“ELVd”)29 found in eggplants.

On July 1, 1902, Congress enacted ch. 1378, §§1, 32 Stat. 728, an act to regulate

the sale and interstate traffic of viruses, serums, toxins, and analogous products, 42

U.S.C. §§141 to 148, now codified under 42 U.S.C. §262 (2019 edition).

Petitioners are 100% certain, that in creating the “Public Health Service”

(“PHS”) in 1944, codified in Chapter 6A, Public Health Service, 42 U.S.C. §§201 to

300mm-61, Congress did not vest in any person, including the President, nor any

Branch of the Federal Government, nor any State, nor any private sector employer,

any power whatsoever to participate in, or aid and abet, the ICCC’s overthrow of the

United States under the Communist Chinese feint of a worldwide biological


To the contrary, Congress enacted a statutory scheme designed to limit harms

to Petitioners caused by wars, natural disasters, and malicious and accidental acts of


(A) 29 U.S.C. §§ 651, 652, 653, 669a, 670, 671, and 671a;

(B) 42 U.S.C. §§ 203, 247d, 247d-6, 247d-6a, 247d-6b, 247d-6d,

NCBI Virus. National Library of Medicine. Available from
Fadda Z, Daròs JA, Fagoaga C, Flores R, Duran-Vila N. Eggplant latent viroid, the candidate type species for a
new genus within the family Avsunviroidae (hammerhead viroids). J Virol. 2003;77(11):6528-6532.
doi:10.1128/jvi.77.11.6528-6532.2003. Available from

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247d-6e, 262, 262a, 263a, 264, 280e-11, 5121 through 5207; and

(C) 50 U.S.C. §§ 4501 through 4568.

On or about May 26, 2021, President Biden exposed the United States’

probable involvement in the SARS-CoV-2 bioterrorist attack and criminal hoax when

he admitted “task[ing] the Intelligence Community to prepare a report on their most

up-to-date analysis of the origins of COVID-19, including whether it emerged from

human contact with an infected animal or from a laboratory accident….” 30

Among the entities not mentioned by President Biden is the National

Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center (“NBACC”).31 “Its work supports

intelligence assessments, preparedness planning, response, emerging threat

characterization and bioforensic analyses.” 32 Further, the NBACC’s laboratory space

includes two centers: the National Bioforensic Analysis Center (NBFAC), which

conducts technical analyses in support of federal law enforcement investigations, and

the National Biological Threat Characterization Center (“NBTCC”), which conducts

experiments and studies to better understand biological vulnerabilities and hazards,

and to support the investigation, prosecution and prevention of biocrimes and


Statement by President Joe Biden on the Investigation into the Origins of COVID-19. May 26, 2021. Available
Available from

Case: 22-3009 Document: 1-2 Filed: 01/06/2022 Page: 27 (30 of 41)

On information and belief, the ETS does not rely upon any investigation

conducted by the NBACC, NBFAC, and NBTCC on any workplace. Moreover, there

is but uniform silence—from President Biden, all the way down to the lowest paid

Government employee. This dooms the ETS and the vaccines currently being forced

on Petitioners against their will in a manner similar to a criminal rapist forcing himself

on a child or an adult.

What equally dooms the ETS and the vaccines is the fact that the information

the public needs to inform their consent to vaccination is being intentionally withheld

by the HHS, the CDC and the FDA.34

On or about December 6, 2021, Hannah Rose (“Rose”), a UK lawyer,35 filed a

criminal complaint with the Prosecutor for the International Criminal Court on behalf

of herself and others. The Applicants alleged five criminal violations of international

law,36 and named “Anthony Fauci” among the perpetrators of international crimes.

Within nine days of its filing, the criminal complaint was attacked by Logically

AI, Inc. as being “FALSE”, and as not having a snowball’s chance in fire “that the

ICC will open an investigation as a result of this document as there is no evidence that

See Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency v. Food and Drug Administration, 4:21-cv-01056-
P (N.D. Tex.), ECF Nos. 1, 20, 22, 26, 29 and 31; and Informed Consent Action Network v. Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention and Health and Human Services, 1:21-cv-01179 (W.D. Tex), ECF No. 1, filed December
28, 2021.
Available also from
Peoples of the United Kingdom v. Boris Johnson, et al., Office of the Prosecutor Reference No. OTP-CR-473/21,
filed December 6, 2021.

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the U.K. has violated the Nuremberg code.37 The factchecker identified herself as

Rachel Muller Heyndyk (“Heyndyk”).38

On or about July 14, 2021, Logically AI announced its partnership with

Facebook.39 The Petitioners believe this partnership is responsible for factchecking

Rose’s criminal complaint. Moreover, Logically AI references a BBC News article that

was published on December 16, 2021, while the factcheck was published on

December 15, 2021, one day earlier.

Lyric Jain, founder and CEO of Logically AI, is followed on Twitter40 by

“Olivia Troye”,41 who served as White House Homeland Security, counterterrorism

and COVID Advisor to Vice President Pence. Olivia Troye also follows “Nick

Backovic”, a creative writer for Logically AI, Inc.42

Emerald Robinson (“Robinson”) is an actress, and was most recently, the

White House Correspondent for Newsmax T.V. before being sidelined by Newsmax

in or about November 2021 for “posting a baseless conspiracy theory over [COVID-

19] vaccines”.43 Twitter also permanently suspended Robinson’s Twitter account. 44

Rachel Muller Heyndyk. False. The U.K. government has violated the Nuremberg Code. December 15, 2021.
Available from
Rachel Muller Heyndyk. Available from
Logically announces UK fact-checking partnership with Facebook. Available from
Available from
Available from
Available from; and
Ted Johnson. Newsmax Takes White House Reporter Emerald Robinson Off Air After Vaccine Conspiracy Tweet.
Newsmax Deadline. November 4, 2021. Available from
Nikki Schwab. Newsmax White House correspondent fails to get her contract renewed after she was permanently
suspended from Twitter for repeatedly posting COVID vaccines misinformation. Daily Mail. December 7, 2021.

Case: 22-3009 Document: 1-2 Filed: 01/06/2022 Page: 29 (32 of 41)

Petitioner McCray and Robinson followed each other on Twitter. During the

Summer of 2020, Robinson questioned Troye’s qualifications to serve as COVID-19

advisor to Vice President Pence “without any medical training”, among other things:

On or about November 8, 2020, The Washington Post reported that “Olivia

Troye” was a member of a “four-year movement to defeat Trump in 2020”.45

According to the Washington Post reporting, Troye admitted watching the “virus

Available from

Philip Rucker, Dan Balz, Robert Costa, Amy B Wang and Cleve R. Wootson Jr. Voices from the fight: An oral
history of the four-year movement to defeat Donald Trump. The Washington Post. November 8, 2020. Available

Case: 22-3009 Document: 1-2 Filed: 01/06/2022 Page: 30 (33 of 41)

closely as it continued to spread in Wuhan”. Petitioners found no evidence Troye

informed Vice President Pence or President Trump of what she was watching.

News that Troye was a member of a “four-year” conspiracy against a sitting

President, and the fact that Troye served as Vice President Pence’s “COVID

Advisor” without having any “COVID” science, medical or virological experience,

created material switchpoints that were resolved by circling back to the viruses

discovered by Andrewes, Tyrrell, Almeida, and others, and immuno-electron


In or about 1989, Roger P. Ekins FRS, a British biophysicist and professor at

the Department of Molecular Endocrinology, University College and Middlesex

School of Medicine, London, UK, reported on a trend in the development of “’multi-

analyte’ immunoassay systems”, which enables the “simultaneous measurement of

tens or even hundreds of substances simultaneously in the same small sample”.46

In 2020, the FDA began the emergency use approval of several diagnostic tests

for SARS-CoV-2, including “multi-analyte immunoassay systems” similar to those

described by Ekins.47

An emergency approval for a multi-analyte immunoassay was issued to the

CDC on or about July 2, 2020, which was “intended for the simultaneous qualitative

Ekins RP. Multi-analyte immunoassay. J Pharm Biomed Anal. 1989;7(2):155-68. doi: 10.1016/0731-
7085(89)80079-2. PMID: 2488616. Available from; and
In Vitro Diagnostics EUAs - Molecular Diagnostic Tests for SARS-CoV-2. Available from

Case: 22-3009 Document: 1-2 Filed: 01/06/2022 Page: 31 (34 of 41)

detection and differentiation of SARS-CoV-2, influenza A virus, and/or influenza B

virus nucleic acid in upper or lower respiratory specimens”.48

On or about October 2, 2020, the FDA issued an EUA for a multi-analyte

immunoassay to BioFire Diagnostics, LLC. The BioFire Respiratory Panel 2.1 (RP2.1)

is more robust than the CDC’s multi-analyte immunoassay and is comprised of a

“multiplexed nucleic acid test intended for the simultaneous qualitative detection and

differentiation of nucleic acids from multiple viral and bacterial respiratory organisms,

including nucleic acid from Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2

(SARS-CoV-2)”.49 The BioFire RP2.1 test report is automatically displayed upon

completion of a run, as shown here:

The Petitioners 100% certainty that the ETS is an overt act in furtherance of

the ICCC is clear when the EUA for a multi-analyte immunoassay issued to BioFire

CDC Influenza SARS-CoV-2 (Flu SC2) Multiplex Assay. Available from
BioFire Respiratory Panel 2.1-EZ (RP2.1-EZ). Available from

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Diagnostics, LLC. is juxtaposed the disease surveillance systems of the United States.

Shown here is Washington State’s recent four-year surveillance reporting:50

Washington State Department of Health. Available at

Case: 22-3009 Document: 1-2 Filed: 01/06/2022 Page: 33 (36 of 41)

On or about April 5, 2020, Tracy Beanz (“Beanz”), investigative journalist and

Editor-in-Chief @UncoverDC and, reported similar statistics from

across the Nation gleaned from the CDC’s databases. Beanz further found the

possibility that “SARS-CoV-2” infections began as early as November 2019 with the

start of the annual flu season.51

Tracy Beanz. Could CDC Data Prove COVID-19 Infections in November 2019? April 5, 2020. Available from

Case: 22-3009 Document: 1-2 Filed: 01/06/2022 Page: 34 (37 of 41)

When Communist China and the ICCC confirmed the full genome sequence of

“SARS-CoV-2” on January 11, 2020, seven of the top ten genomic sequencing

companies in the world, by revenue, were either based in the United States, or had an

active presence in the United States, including Communist China’s BGI Group,

formerly known as the Beijing Genomics Institute (“BGI”).52

The Petitioners found the disease surveillance facts; the existence of a massive

array of sequencing firepower; and the fact that President Biden and the “Intelligence

Community” “created a paradox where a paradox was unable to exist”, naturally

converted the rapid appearance of “SARS-CoV-2” into a “catastrophic incident”, and

its disease, COVID-19, into a “[d]isease of suspected bioterrorism origin”. The

sudden destruction of the World Trade Center towers on September 11, 2001, also

pointed to a terrorist attack. This in turn, caused the current pandemic to be

converted into a “covert release of a biological agent” investigation under the primary

jurisdiction of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. 53 The bioterrorist investigation in

Washington State is governed by RCW §§38.52.010(2)(a) and 43.20.050(2)(f), and

WAC §§ 246-101-010(11) and (21).

The State and national virus surveillance data absolutely dooms the ETS given

the fact that viruses and bacteria in the United States have never posed a threat to any

Mark Terry. Top 10 Gene Sequencing Companies by Revenue. BioSpace. November 29, 2019. Available from
Testimony of J. T. Caruso, Deputy Assistant Director of FBI’s Counterterrorism Division, Before the Senate
Judiciary Subcommittee on Technology, Terrorism, and Government Information on the issue of the Federal
Government’s response to “bioterrorism”. November 06, 2001. Available from

Case: 22-3009 Document: 1-2 Filed: 01/06/2022 Page: 35 (38 of 41)

workplace, other than those that handle and manipulate deadly viruses and pathogens,

such as the Wuhan Institute of Virology located in Communist China. This outcome

is consistent with Circuit Judge Larsen’s dissent where she found “doubt” in the

Secretary being capable of meeting the “test” in 29 U.S.C. §§ 652(8), 655(c)(1), and

Industrial Union Department v. American Petroleum Institute, 448 U.S. 607, 612 (1980).54

On December 29, 2021, Justine Stimmel, an acquaintance of Petitioner

McCray, informed McCray the ICCC’s target on her back for exercising her

constitutional rights at her child’s school sporting event55 had been converted to a

criminal trespass prosecution. This probably departs from the ““principle of absolute

prosecutorial immunity”, particularly should evidence prove “SARS-CoV-2” is a

terrorist attack or a hoax. Kalina v. Fletcher, 522 U.S. 118, 135 (1997). A hearing is set

for January 6, 2022:

Mass. Bldg. Trades Council v. United States Dep’t of Labor, Occupational Safety & Health Admin. (In re MCP
No. 165, Occupational Safety & Health Admin.), 21-4093, 43-44 (6th Cir. Dec. 17, 2021).
Justine Stimmel, Telegram.;;; and

Case: 22-3009 Document: 1-2 Filed: 01/06/2022 Page: 36 (39 of 41)


For the foregoing reasons, Petitioners respectfully request the Court to declare

the ETS unconstitutional.

2700 Caples Avenue
P.O. Box 3134
Vancouver, WA 98668
(360) 433-7391
[email protected]
Pro Se

Case: 22-3009 Document: 1-2 Filed: 01/06/2022 Page: 37 (40 of 41)


This document complies with the type-volume limits of Fed. R. App. P. 27

because, excluding the parts of the document exempted by Fed. R. App. P. 32(f), this

document contains 6,465 words.

This document complies with the typeface and type-style requirements of Fed.

R. App. P 27, Fed. R. App. P. 32(a)(5), and Fed. R. App. P. 32(a)(6) because this

document has been prepared in a proportionally spaced typeface using Microsoft

Word in 14-point Garamond font.

Emanuel McCray

Case: 22-3009 Document: 1-2 Filed: 01/06/2022 Page: 38 (41 of 41)


I hereby certify that on January 5, 2022, I electronically filed the foregoing

Petition with the Clerk of Court by using the Court’s Pro se litigants e-mail system in

PDF format to the following email box:

[email protected]

CM/ECF system. Petitioner has not been granted access to CM/ECF for this

Circuit and expects access will be granted by the Clerk in the normal course.

I further certify that on January 5, 2022, a true copy of this Petition for Review

was sent by regular mail and email as identified and addressed below:

Edmund C. Baird
Associate Solicitor of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health
Office of the Solicitor
United States Department of Labor
200 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20210
[email protected]
[email protected]

Emanuel McCray


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