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SEC Registration Number

W A T E R F R O N T P H I L I P P I N E S , I N C .

(Company's Full Name)

N O . 1 W A T E R F R O N T D R I V E



(Business Address : No. Street City / Town / Province)

MS. IRISH CHARA LAWAS (02) 559-0130

Contact Person Company Telephone Number

1 2 3 1 SEC 17 - Q1 0 9 2 3

Month Day FORM TYPE Month Day

Annual Meeting

Secondary License Type, If Applicable

Dept. Requiring this Doc. Amended Articles Number/Section

Total Amount of Borrowings

Total No. of Stockholders Domestic Foreign

To be accomplished by SEC Personnel concerned

File Number LCU

Document I.D. Cashier


Remarks = pls. use black ink for scanning purposes


1. For the quarterly period ended

March 31, 2020

2. SEC Identification Number


3. BIR Tax Identification No.


4. Exact name of issuer as specified in its charter


5. Province, country or other jurisdiction of incorporation or organization


6. Industry Classification Code (SEC Use Only)

7. Address of principal office

CITY Postal Code 6000

8. Issuer's telephone number, including area code


9. Former name or former address, and former fiscal year, if changed since last


10. Securities registered pursuant to Sections 8 and 12 of the SRC or Sections 4

and 8 of the RSA

Number of Shares of Common Stock Outstanding and Amount of Debt

Title of Each Class



11. Are any or all of registrant's securities listed on a Stock Exchange?



If yes, state the name of such stock exchange and the classes of securities
listed therein:


12. Indicate by check mark whether the registrant:

(a) has filed all reports required to be filed by Section 17 of the SRC and SRC
Rule 17 thereunder or Sections 11 of the RSA and RSA Rule 11(a)-1 thereunder,
and Sections 26 and 141 of the Corporation Code of the Philippines, during the
preceding twelve (12) months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was
required to file such reports)


(b) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past ninety (90) days



The Exchange does not warrant and holds no responsibility for the veracity of the facts and
representations contained in all corporate disclosures, including financial reports. All data
contained herein are prepared and submitted by the disclosing party to the Exchange, and
are disseminated solely for purposes of information. Any questions on the data contained
herein should be addressed directly to the Corporate Information Officer of the disclosing

Waterfront Philippines, Incorporated

PSE Disclosure Form 17-2 - Quarterly Report References: SRC Rule 17
Sections 17.2 and 17.8 of the Revised Disclosure Rules

For the period

‘March 31, 2020

Currency (indicate
units, if applicable)

Balance Sheet

Period Ended Calendar Year Ended (Audited)

March 31, 2020 Dec 31, 2019

Current Assets
4,300,053,815 4,159,925,990

Total Assets
12,731,471,335 13,030,880,275

Current Liabilities 2,797,567,466 2,884,137,552

Total Liabilities
5,193,753,754 5,674,129,079

Retained 651,128,376
Earnings/(Deficit) 515,575,652

Stockholders' Equity 7,537,717,581 7,356,751,196

Stockholders' Equity - Parent

6,740,879,419 6,590,880,878

Book Value per Share

2.70 2.64

Income Statement

Current Year Previous Year Previous Year-To-

Current Year-To-Date
(3 Months) (3 Months) Date

Operating Revenue
380,707,022.99 462,573,872 380,707,022.99 462,573,872

Other Revenue
78,630,392 7,769,084 78,630,392 7,769,084

Gross Revenue 459,337,415 470,342,956 459,337,415 470,342,956

Operating Expense
232,241,889 255,351,366 232,241,889 255,351,366

Other Expense 163,905,110 99,108,013 163,905,110 99,108,013

Gross Expense
396,147,000 354,459,379 396,147,000 354,459,379

Net Income/(Loss) Before 63,190,415 115,883,577 63,190,415 115,883,577


Income Tax Expense

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Net Income/(Loss) After 63,190,415 115,883,577 63,190,415 115,883,577


Net Income Attributable to 75,245,124 130,971,969 75,245,124 130,971,969

Parent Equity Holder

Earnings/(Loss) Per Share 0.030 0.052 0.030 0.052


Earnings/(Loss) Per Share 0.030 0.052 0.030 0.052

Current Year (Trailing 12 months) Previous Year (Trailing 12 months)

Earnings/(Loss) Per Share (Basic) 0.052

Earnings/(Loss) Per Share
(Diluted) 0.153 0.052

Financial Ratios

Current Year Previous Year

March 31, 2020 March 31, 2019

Liquidity Analysis Ratios:

Current Ratio or Working Curent Assets / Current

Capital Ratio Liabilities 1.705 1.83
(Current Assets - Inventory -
Quick Ratio Prepayments)/ Current
Liabilities 1.569 1.48
Solvency Ratio Total Assets / Total Liabilities 2.451 2.02

Financial Leverage Ratios

Debt Ratio Total Debt / Total Assets 0.408 0.49
Total Debt / Total
Debt-to-Equity Ratio
Stockholders' Equity 0.770 0.98
Earnings Before Interest and
Interest Coverage Taxes (EBIT) / Interest
Charges 1.079 5.51
Total Assets / Total
Asset to Equity Ratio
Stockholders' Equity 1.889 1.98

Profitability Ratios
Sales - Cost of Goods Sold or
Gross Profit Margin
Cost of service/ Sales 0.494 0.46
Net Profit Margin Net Profit / Sales 0.138 0.25
Return on Assets Net Income / Total Assets 0.005 0.01
Net Income / Total
Return on Equity
Stockholders' Equity 0.008 0.02
Price Per Share / Earnings Per
Price / Earnings Ratio
Common Share 0.026 0.052

Item I. Financial Statements.

Please refer to Annex A.

Item 2, Management's Discussion and Anal>sis of Financial Condition and Results of


Please refer to Annex B.




Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Regulation Code, the issuer has
duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned thereunto duly

Registrant: Waterfront Philippines. Inc.

Issuer Atty.

Signature and Title ATTY. ARSENIC ALFILER JR.

Assistant Corporate Secretary

Date 06/29/2020

Signature and Title MR. RICHARiyRICARnO

Compliance Officer

Date 06/29/2020
As of March 31, 2020

Unaudited Unaudited Audited

March 31, 2020 March 31, 2019 December 31, 2019
Current Assets
Cash and cash equivalents 729,810,089 678,510,306 675,355,640
Receivables - net 659,991,900 1,139,622,946 588,509,192
Notes receivable 94,322,042 120,273,728 235,728,850
Insurance receivable - -
Inventories 28,212,728 27,032,353 30,442,158
Due from related parties - current portion 2,474,921,716 3,959,082,175 2,425,338,356
Prepaid expenses and other current assets 312,795,340 248,185,084 204,551,794
Total Current Assets 4,300,053,815 6,172,706,592 4,159,925,990
Noncurrent Assets
- -
Due from related parties - noncurrent portion 830,650,008 356,003,499 1,130,375,000
Right-of-use assets-net - - 125,959,870
Property and equipment - net 6,617,313,773 5,073,419,358 6,617,313,773
Equity Securities - at fair value through other comprehensive income 17,827,920 17,827,920
Deferred tax assets 124,547,808 41,258,062 239,295,050
Other noncurrent assets 841,078,011 359,580,906 740,182,672
Total Noncurrent Assets 8,431,417,520 5,830,261,825 8,870,954,285
12,731,471,335 12,002,968,417 13,030,880,275


Current Liabilities
Accounts payable and accrued expenses 2,081,566,485 2,841,426,393 2,135,561,140
Loans payable - current portion 651,000,000 376,000,000 650,000,000
Income tax payable 11,673,201 46,951 50,875,852
Contract payable - -
Provisions 30,284,990 12,627,453
Other current liabilities 23,042,790 141,814,117 47,700,560
Total Current Liabilities 2,797,567,466 3,371,914,914 2,884,137,552
Noncurrent Liabilities
Loans payable - noncurrent portion 844,148,936 1,168,085,107 890,425,532
Deferred tax liabilities 1,026,213,790 734,446,886 1,438,555,445
Retirement benefits liability - 16,123,667
Other noncurrent liabilities 525,823,562 643,334,184 461,010,550
Total Noncurrent Liabilities 2,396,186,288 2,561,989,844 2,789,991,527
Total Liabilities 5,193,753,754 5,933,904,758 5,674,129,079
Equity Attributable to Equity Holders of the Parent Company
Capital stock 2,498,991,753 2,498,991,753 2,498,991,753
Additional paid-in capital 706,364,357 706,364,357 706,364,357
Revaluation surplus in property and equipment 2,704,177,114 1,834,710,345 2,704,177,114
Foreign currency translation adjustment 54,703,530 47,004,278 54,703,530
Fair value reserve 2,932,577 5,105,963 2,932,577
Retirement benefits reserve 122,581,712 113,635,221 108,135,895
Appropriated - -
Unappropriated 651,128,376 144,757,621 515,575,652
Total Equity Attributable to Equity Holders of the Parent Company 6,740,879,419 5,350,569,538 6,590,880,878
Non-controlling Interest 796,838,162 718,494,121 765,870,318
12,731,471,335 12,002,968,417 13,030,880,275

See Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements.

As of March 31, 2020

Unaudited Unaudited Audited

March 31, 2020 March 31, 2019 December 31, 2019
Hotel 290,067,049.24 406,979,701 1,393,162,019
Nonhotel 90,639,974 55,594,171 510,653,504
Interest and other income 78,630,392 7,769,084 35,974,882
459,337,415 470,342,956 1,939,790,405
Cost of sales
Hotel 131,211,159 195,709,876 933,415,873
Nonhotel 101,030,730 59,641,490 443,006,419
232,241,889 255,351,366 1,376,422,292
227,095,526 214,991,590 563,368,113
Depreciation and amortization 37,678,210 49,757,960 233,848,916
Interest expense 30,400,778 17,808,750 200,945,037
Penalties and other charges - -
Impairment losses, bad debts written off and provisions - - 73,356,032
Casualty losses - -
Interest income - -
Foreign exchange losses (gains) - net - - 5,914,510
Others - net 95,826,123 31,541,303 (526,247,873)
163,905,110 99,108,013 (12,183,378)
INCOME(LOSS) BEFORE INCOME TAX 63,190,415 115,883,577 575,551,491
NET INCOME (LOSS) 63,190,415 115,883,578 434,404,479
Appraisal on increase on property and equipment - - 1,389,405,337
Foreign currency translation differences for foreign operations - - 7,699,252
Actuarial gains on defined benefit plan - - 12,913,568
Net change in fair value of AFS investment - - (3,901,950)
Deferred tax effect - (420,695,671)
- - 985,420,536
TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (LOSS) 63,190,415 115,883,578 1,419,825,015

2020 2019 2018

Net income/(loss) attributable to:
Equity holders of the Parent Company 75,245,124 130,971,969 402,990,162
Non-controlling interest (12,054,709) (15,088,391) 31,414,317
63,190,415 115,883,578 434,404,479
Total comprehensive income (loss) attributable to:
Equity holders of the Parent Company 75,245,124 130,971,969 1,383,009,670
Non-controlling interest (12,054,709) (15,088,391) 36,815,345
63,190,415 115,883,578 1,419,825,015
EARNINGS PER SHARE - Basic and Diluted 0.030 0.052 0.161

See Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements.

As of March 31, 2020

Unaudited Unaudited Audited

March 31, 2020 March 31, 2019 December 31, 2019
Capital stock - P1 par value per share 2,498,991,753 2,498,991,753 2,498,991,753
Additional Paid-in Capital 706,364,357 706,364,357 706,364,357
Revaluation Surplus in Property and Equipment
Balance at beginning of year 2,704,177,114 1,834,710,345 1,834,710,345
Other comprehensive income - net of income tax effect - 968,266,607
Derecognition of land held under finance lease due to acquisition of a subsidiary -
Transfer of revaluation surplus absorbed through depreciation for the year - net of income tax effect (98,799,838)
Balance at end of year 2,704,177,114 1,834,710,345 2,704,177,114
Unrealized Valuation Gain (Loss) on AFS Investments
Balance at beginning of year - - -
Valuation loss taken into equity during the year - - -
Change in equity ownership of non-controlling interest in a subsidiary - - -
Balance at end of year - - -
Foreign Currency Translation Adjustment
Balance at beginning of year 54,703,530 47,004,278 47,004,278
Other comprehensive income - net of income tax effect - - 7,699,252
Balance at end of year 54,703,530 47,004,278 54,703,530
Appropriation for renovation and business expansion - -
Balance at beginning of year 515,575,652 13,785,652 13,785,652
Transfer of revaluation surplus absorbed through depreciation for the year - net of income tax effect - - 98,799,838
Change in retirement benefits reserve - -
Net income for the year 135,552,724 130,971,969 402,990,162
Balance at end of year 651,128,376 144,757,621 515,575,652
Total deficit 651,128,376 144,757,621 515,575,652
6,615,365,130 5,231,828,354 6,479,812,406
Fair value reserve, beginning of the year 2,932,577 5,105,963 5,105,963
Other comprehensive income-net tax effect - (2,173,386)
Total fair value reserve 2,932,577 5,105,963 2,932,577
Retirement benefits reserve, beginning of the year 108,135,895 101,908,860 101,908,860
Other comprehensive income-net tax effect 14,445,817 11,726,361 6,227,035
Total retirement benefits reserve 122,581,712 113,635,221 108,135,895
6,740,879,419 5,350,569,538 6,590,880,878

Balance at beginning of year 765,870,318 729,054,973 729,054,973
Derecognition related to land due to recession of finance lease -
Change in equity ownership of non-controlling interest in a subsidiary -
Valuation loss on AFS investments taken into equity during the year 43,022,553 4,527,539 -
Reacquisition of APHC shares - - -
Other comprehensive income - net of income tax effect - - 5,401,028
Net income/(loss) for the year (12,054,709) (15,088,391) 31,414,317
Balance at end of year 796,838,162 718,494,121 765,870,318
7,537,717,581 6,069,063,659 7,356,751,196

See Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements.

As of March 31, 2020

Unaudited Unaudited Audited

March 31, 2020 March 31, 2019 December 31, 2019
Loss before income tax 63,190,416 115,883,579 575,551,491
Adjustments for:
Depreciation and amortization 37,678,210 49,757,960 233,848,916
Interest expense 30,400,778 17,808,750 200,945,037
Loss on sale on acesite shares - -
Retirement benefit costs 19,442,076 16,123,667 7,551,068
Provisions (30,284,990) (12,627,453)
Unrealized foreign exchange loss (gain) - - 13,609,982
Penalties and other charges - -
(Gain from insurance claims) casualty losses - net - - (234,090,174)
Impairment losses - - 73,356,032
Interest income (78,630,392) (7,769,084) (285,332,328)
Operating income before working capital changes 41,796,098 179,177,419 585,440,024
Decrease (increase) in:
Receivables 91,684,793 (444,440,402) (249,989,290)
Inventories 2,229,430 (2,525,942) (5,935,747)
Prepaid expenses and other current assets (108,243,546) (110,316,401) (66,683,111)
Increase (decrease) in:
Accounts payable and accrued expenses (53,994,653) (210,033,761) 440,591,352
Other current liabilities 24,657,770 431,622,505 (181,532,732)
Cash generated from operations (1,870,109) (156,516,582) 521,890,496
Interest received 78,630,392 7,769,084 12,507,699
Income taxes paid 39,202,651 (23,347,496) (236,877,213)
Retirement plan contributions paid - - (15,500,000)
Benefits paid - - (9,447,376)
Interest paid (30,400,778) (17,808,750) (119,783,910)
Net cash provided by operating activities 85,562,157 (189,903,744) 152,789,696
Acquisitions of property and equipment (37,678,210) (19,957,940) (356,003,995)
Investment in a subsidiary - -
Due from related parties (350,653,814) (796,794,859) 101,453,719
Proceeds from insurance claims on property damage - - 431,250,000
Proceeds from sale of property and equipment - -
Notes Receivable 141,406,808 133,700,597 28,092,436
Changes in other non-current assets 632,383,441 212,604,198 (550,737,952)
Net cash used in investing activities 385,458,226 (470,448,004) (345,945,792)

Unaudited Unaudited Audited

March 31, 2020 March 31, 2019 December 31, 2019
(Increase)Decrease in loans payable (47,276,596) (894,085,107) (277,659,575)
(Increase) Decrease in due from related parties - - 4,464,829
Increase (decrease) in other noncurrent liabilities (369,289,338) 1,520,305,134 443,004,822
Payment of obligation under finance lease (13,940,367)
Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities (416,565,934) 626,220,027 155,869,709

NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 54,454,449 (34,131,721) (37,286,387)

CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT BEGINNING OF YEAR 675,355,640 712,642,027 712,642,027

CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT END OF YEAR 729,810,089 678,510,306 675,355,640

See Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements.

17Q-1st quarter 2020



Organization and Status of the Business

Corporate Information
Waterfront Philippines, Incorporated (the Parent Company) was incorporated in the
Philippines and registered with the Philippine Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on
September 23, 1994. The Parent Company is 46%-owned by The Wellex Group, Inc. (TWGI), an entity
registered and domiciled in the Philippines, which is listed in the Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE).
The Parent Company holds equity interests in hotels and resorts, a fitness gym, entities engaged in
the international marketing and promotion of casinos, manufacturing of pastries, and hotel
management and operations.

The Parent Company and the following subsidiaries (collectively referred to as the Group) were
incorporated in the Philippines, except for Waterfront Promotion Ltd. (WPL) and Club Waterfront
International Limited (CWIL), which were registered in the Cayman Islands.

Percentage of Ownership
Direct Indirect
Hotels and Resorts
Waterfront Cebu City Casino Hotel, Incorporated
(WCCCHI) 100 -
Waterfront Mactan Casino Hotel, Incorporated (WMCHI) 100 -
Davao Insular Hotel Company, Inc. (DIHCI) 98 -
Acesite (Phils.) Hotel Corporation (APHC) 56 -
Grand Ilocandia Resort and Development, Inc. (GIRDI) 54 -
Real Estate
CIMA Realty Phil., Inc. (CIMAR) - 56*
Fitness Gym
Waterfront Wellness Group, Inc. (WWGI) 100 -
International Marketing and Promotion of Casinos
WPL 100 -
Mayo Bonanza, Inc. (MBI) 100 -
CWIL (through direct ownership in WPL) - 100
Waterfront Entertainment Corporation (WEC) 100 -
Pastries Manufacturing
Waterfront Food Concepts Inc. (WFC) 100 -
Hotel Management and Operation
Waterfront Hotel Management Corp. (WHMC) 100 -


 Waterfront Cebu City Casino Hotel, Inc.

WCCCHI was incorporated on September 23, 1994 to manage and undertake operations of
Waterfront Cebu City Hotel and Casino (WCCHC). WCCCHI achieved a milestone during the
year by opening the doors of WCCHC on January 5, 1998, with 158 guest-rooms which has
already grown to 561 by the last quarter of 1999, six-storey convention center known as the
Waterfront Convention Center , previously known as Cebu International Convention Center and
six-storey` Entertainment Block. Located in this Entertainment Block is a 1,000-square meter 5-

17Q-1st quarter 2020
star restaurant, which completes the Company‟s restaurants row. On February 5, 1998, PAGCOR
commenced operations at the new purposely-built casino at the Entertainment Block.

-Waterfront Convention Center-(WCC)

Waterfront Convention Center previously known as Cebu International Convention Center is a
six-storey building, especially-designed to adapt to any event size and purpose, with a total gross
area of 40,587 square meters, and has been in operation since January 5, 1998. Major amenities of
the center include ten (11) function rooms and two (2) Grand Ballrooms with a seating capacity of
4,000. WCC is the only convention and exhibition center of international standard in Cebu City.

- Entertainment Block
The Entertainment block is a six-storey building with a total gross area of 34,938 square meters. It
is comprised of eleven (9) Food and Beverage entertainment outlets, an 11,000 square meters of
public and international gaming area that includes the “Casino Filipino”, and 62 hotel rooms and

- Hotel Tower Block

The Hotel Tower block is a 22-storey building with a total gross area of 44,334 square meters. It
consists of a podium, containing the lobby, a food and beverage outlet, a reception, a shopping
arcade, three (3) press function rooms, and a high rise block of 498 hotel rooms and suites.

The Hotel, with its fairytale-inspired façade, is conveniently located in the center of Cebu City
and is within easy reach from key business, commercial and shopping districts and is just 30
minutes away from the Mactan International Airport.

Waterfront Cebu City Hotel & Casino has elegantly designed and well-appointed guest rooms
and suites. The 18th Floor is the Waterfront Ambassador Club with a two floor Club Lounge
exclusive for Ambassador Floor guests. Waterfront Ambassador Club guests enjoy butler service,
complimentary business services and a business boardroom fit for a group of up to 8 people,
equipped with a built-in LCD projector, a roll-up screen, PA and recording system, a local area
network (LAN) and a poly communication system. The 2nd floor lounge is outfitted with 3
computer stations, where guests can avail of complimentary WIFI access, flat-screen television
entertainment, an array of lifestyle and business magazines as well as newspapers and board
games. The hotel offers a 10,000-square meter convention center, which is the largest convention
center in the Visayas and Mindanao, and is designed to adapt to multiple types of events. The
convention center is equipped with 10 function rooms, 2 executive board rooms, and 2 Grand
Ballrooms, each seating 4,000 people. It has played host to a myriad of national as well as regional
events, conventions and conferences.

Waterfront Cebu City Hotel and Casino operates 9 F&B outlets, including a hotel coffees shop, a
Japanese restaurant, an Italian restaurant and a poolside snack bar. The hotel has a fully
functional business center paired with flat-screen computers, internet access and private

The intricately designed lobby was inspired based on two main objectives; first, to transform the
existing single dimension grand lobby into a multi-dimensional lifestyle-concept space that will
enhance the guests‟ experience when dining and lounging in the lobby; and second, to improve
traffic patterns, through the construction of larger check-in areas and through maximizing the
Lobby‟s three entrances. Waterfront Cebu City Hotel and Casino‟s massive, high-ceilinged lobby
has always been its principal attraction in fact it is touted as the largest hotel lobby in Visayas-
Mindanao area. Spanning 22 meters wide, 96 meters in long and 35 meters high and crisscrossed
by hundreds of people each day, the hotel‟s grand lobby sets the whizzing pulse for the hotel and
dictates its overall ambiance. Apart from improvements to the general structure of the lobby, the
Lobby Lounge itself will offer an all-new dining and lounging experience, with newly-installed
glass panels, semi-closing each side of the lounge. Fully-equipped bar areas have also been
installed in the middle of each of the lounge‟s two sections, ensuring diners of more efficient and

17Q-1st quarter 2020
prompt service. To enhance the overall guest experience, the hotel has put together additional
features such as nightly entertainment from the city‟s top performers, and soulful afternoon
music by soloists.

Among the hotel‟s newest pride comes in the form of delectable treats, introducing Lobby
Lounge‟s new service concepts.

Guests can now relive the splendor and grace of the old English days with the Lobby Lounge‟s
Afternoon Tea offering. It is a tea and dessert concept created to give guests a whole new tea
experience by giving emphasis on unique ways to enjoy a cup of tea. Guests can expect an array
of snack choices to complement their tea selection. The Afternoon Tea comes with a choice of
Traditional Afternoon Tea with a Local Twist or Chocolate Temptations. For each selection,
guests may opt for tea, coffee or hot chocolate. Each selection also comes with a variety of snack
options to go along with their choice of beverage.

Wine Dispenser
Guests can now take a sip of Lobby Lounge‟s extensive selection of wine. The wine dispenser is
an innovative addition to the wining and dining experience at the hotel. It serves the purpose of
allowing guests to select among an array of bottles, through tasting by the glass. This concept
intends to give guests an opportunity to sample different wines in small amounts before deciding
to order a full glass or bottle. Guests may test wines from the dispenser in three different
amounts. This way, guests can choose the perfect wine fit for their palate. To enjoy the wine
dispenser service, guests must avail of the Wine Card which comes in prepaid or postpaid.

To complement the Hotel‟s main lobby, a group check-in counter is constructed, dedicated solely
to corporate and travel groups; a larger Duty Free shopping is also provided; and an additional
Casino Filipino gaming space of 2,350 square meters is launched together with it. This will not
only enhance the current lobby, but will also increase operational efficiency and add more
exciting features for the hotel‟s customers.

 Waterfront Mactan Casino Hotel, Inc.

Waterfront Mactan was incorporated on September 23, 1994 to manage and undertake operations
of Waterfront Mactan Island Hotel and Casino (WMIHC). WMCHI has completed Phase I of
Waterfront Mactan Island Hotel and Casino (WMIHC). It is located right across Mactan-Cebu
International Airport, on a land area of approximately 3.2 hectares. The hotel features 164 rooms
and suites, 6 food-and-beverage and entertainment outlets, with a total built-up area of 38,000
square meters. Equipped with one of the largest casinos in the Philippines, WMIHC has made
Cebu the only city in Southeast Asia that offers casino facilities to transients while waiting for
their flights. For future development is Phase II consisting of 200-guest rooms, which will be built
depending on the demands of the market. It has recently improved its rooms by installing fax
machines and Internet connections to cater to the needs of its guests. Additionally, the company
has acquired the newest hospitality software in the industry, the OPERA Property Management
System, which is designed to help run the hotel operations at a greater level of productivity and
profitability. This was installed last January 14, 2003.

The hotel is conveniently located in front of the Mactan International and Domestic Airport, just a
three-minute drive to the Industrial Zone, a fifteen-minute drive to the beaches of Mactan Island
and just thirty minutes away from Cebu City‟s shopping and financial district.

Year 2016, the property extended the Annex parking to provide more slots for the guests.

17Q-1st quarter 2020
 Davao Insular Hotel Company, Inc. or Waterfront Insular Hotel Davao, Inc

Davao Insular Hotel Company Inc. was incorporated in the Philippines on July 3, 1959 to engage
in the operation of hotel and related hotel businesses. The hotel is a 98% owned subsidiary of
Waterfront Philippines, Incorporated and is operating under its trade name Waterfront Insular
Hotel Davao. Waterfront Insular Hotel, the prestigious business hotel in a sprawling garden
resort setting, is only five to ten minutes to the downtown area. Nestled along the picturesque
Davao Gulf, its open air corridors provide a refreshing view of the hotel‟s beautifully landscaped
tropical garden and the sea.

With a greater area than any other hotel facility in the city, it is unmatched in servicing large
business meetings, conventions, and exhibit groups. The hotel consists of four low-rise buildings
of 159 guestrooms and suites, 5 function rooms and 6 F&B outlets .Every room opens to a lanai
overlooking a lush garden the blue waters of the Davao Gulf or a scenic coconut grove. Features
included in the newly re-opened hotel are the 5 Gazebos located along the beach area. The hotel is
every guest‟s gateway to the diverse, colorful and rich cultural heritage of Davao City.

On 2015, the property re-opens its gym with 48 square meters to continuously serve its guests and
to ensure guests satisfaction.

Discover the rich cultural heritage of Davao which stems from the different groups and tribes that
populated the area throughout its history and be astonished of artworks in the hotel lobby where
it showcases pieces of artifacts featuring the various object d‟art from the different tribes and

 ACESITE (PHILS.) Hotel Corporation

The principal property of the Company is a 22-storey building known as the Manila Pavilion
Hotel located at the corner of United Nations Avenue and Maria Y. Orosa Street in Ermita,
Manila. The Hotel has 337 guestrooms and suites that have individually controlled central air
conditioning, private bathroom with bathtub and shower, multi-channel radio, color TV with
cable channels and telecommunications facilities. It has 3 function rooms and one of this is Alcuaz
which can accommodate 250-300 guests. The hotel has approximately 2,200 sq. meters of
meeting/banquet/conference facilities, and also houses several restaurants, such as Seasons Café
(coffee shop), the El Rey (bar & lounge) and the Patisserie (bakeshop and deli items). Other guest
services and facilities include a chapel, swimming pool, gym, business center and a valet-service
basement car park. Concessionaires and tenants include beauty salon, foot spa, photography
services, transportation services, travel agency, flower shop and boutiques. In addition, Casino
Filipino – Pavilion, owned and operated by PAGCOR, occupies part of the first, second, third,
fourth and fifth floors (a total of 12,696.17 sq. m.) of the building.

The Company acquired 100% interest of CIMAR, a former subsidiary of Acesite Limited (BVI) or
ALB, in October 2011. In July 2011, The Company and CIMAR executed a Memorandum of
Agreement (MOA), which effectively settle all pending cases and controversies between the two
parties. In fulfillment of all the terms and conditions of the MOA, CIMAR‟s stockholders
including all their nominees, agreed to sign, sell, transfer and convey all existing shares of stocks
of CIMAR to the Company.

Year 2015, Alcuaz function that can accommodate 250-300 guests was renovated and 111 rooms
under superior room category were opened.

On March 18, 2018, a fire broke out in APHC‟s hotel property that damaged the lower floors of the
main building as well as the podium building occupied by the casino area and restaurants that
resulted to the suspension of its hotel operations. Based on the Fire Certification issued by the
Bureau of Fire Protection – National Headquarters on April 23, 2018, the cause of the subject fire
has been declared and classified as “accidental in nature”. APHC incurred casualty losses due to
damages on its inventories and hotel property. APHC has filed for property damage and business
insurance claims. Further, in 2018, APHC has started the reconstruction and restoration of the
main hotel and podium buildings.
17Q-1st quarter 2020

 Waterfront Hotel Management Corporation (previously Waterfront Management Corp.)

The newly opened G-Hotel by Waterfront located in 2090 Roxas Boulevard, Malate Manila on
November of 2006 is being managed by Waterfront Management Corporation. It is a seven-story
building with 10 deluxe suites, 20 deluxe king and 20 deluxe twin rooms which offers a
personalized butler service. A boutique hotel boasting with its trendy Café Noir, pool bar Mirage
and an elegant ballroom, Promenade, added to the list of must-go places in the busy district of
Manila. The black and white concept of its lobby is distinctly G-Hotel.

On October 01, 2014, the BOD approved the cessation of the Company‟s business operations.
Consequently, the Company‟s activities were confined mainly to the collection of receivables,
settlement of liabilities, and other administrative matters, while maintaining its status as non-
operating entity seeking for other business opportunities.

 Mayo Bonanza, Inc.

Mayo Bonanza, Incorporated (MBI), a 100% owned subsidiary of WPI was incorporated on
November 24, 1995 in the Philippines with principal activities in the operation and management
of amusement, entertainment, and recreation businesses. MBI is to extend the gaming business of
the Company. Its primary purpose is to establish, operate, and manage the business of
amusement entertainment, and recreation facilities for the use of the paying public. The
Company entered into an agreement with the Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation
(PAGCOR) whereby the latter shall operate the former‟s slot machine outside of casinos in line
with PAGCOR‟s slot machine arcade project.

On May 30, 2016, BOD approved the cessation of the Company‟s business operations effective
July 01, 2016.

 Waterfront Entertainment Corporation

WPI has successfully established the country‟s first ever integrated hotel reservations and
booking system featuring a full-service, round-the-clock, 7 days a week Central Reservation
Office. This service ranges from systems and solutions specializing in the operations hotel
framework. It offers specialize hotel consultancy services to hotel owners, operators, brands,
developers, lenders and investors with the support of hand-picked networks of experts covering
all elements of the hotel or hospitality business within a global perspective.

 Waterfront Food Concepts, Inc.

Waterfront Food Concepts, Inc. is a pastry business, catering to pastry requirements of Waterfront
Cebu, Waterfront Mactan and other established coffee shops and food service channels outside
the hotels. The property is located in the lobby level of Waterfront Cebu City Casino Hotel. It has
started its operation on May of 2006. Its pastry products include cakes, cookies and sandwiches.
The subsidiary has already catered most of the renowned coffee shops in the city of Cebu.

 Waterfront Wellness Group, Inc.

This new subsidiary is located in the Ground Level of Waterfront Cebu City Casino Hotel
occupying 617.53 square meters. Formerly, W Citigyms and Wellness, Inc. is a fully equipped
gym with specialized trainers and state of the art equipments. The gym offers variety of services
from aerobic instructions to belly dancing, boxing, yoga classes and a lot more. It also has its own
nutritionist/dietician. Its highly trained therapists perform massage and spa services to guests
within the hotel. The management has plan of opening Citigyms in all its hotels.

 Grand Ilocandia Resort and Development, Inc.

As of March 31, 2000, the Company carried its investments in GIRDI at cost since it intended to
dispose such investment in the near future. In November 2000, GIRDI sold all of its property and
equipment, inclusive of the hotel facilities and related operating assets and the investment in
marketable securities.
17Q-1st quarter 2020

 Waterfront Promotions Limited/Club Waterfront International Limited

Waterfront Promotion Ltd. was incorporated on March 6, 1995, under and by virtue of the laws of
Cayman Islands to act as the marketing arm for the international marketing and promotion of
hotels and casinos under the trade name of Club Waterfront International Limited (CWIL). It is a
wholly owned subsidiary of Waterfront Philippines, Inc., a domestic company. Under the
agreement with PAGCOR, WPL has been granted the privilege to bring in foreign players under
the program in Waterfront Cebu City Hotel and Grand Ilocandia Resort Development Corp. On
the other hand, CWIL is allowed to bring in foreign players in Waterfront Mactan Hotel. In
connection to this, the company markets and organizes groups of foreign players as participants
to the Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation„s (PAGCOR) Foreign High Roller
Marketing Program. The company also entered into agreements with various junket operators to
market the casinos for foreign customers. Under these agreements, the company grants incentive
programs to junket operators such as free hotel expenses, free airfares and rolling commissions.

The operations for Waterfront Promotions Limited, and likewise for Club Waterfront
International Limited, had ceased for the year 2003 in March due to the bleak market.

Basis of Consolidation
The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of the Parent Company, as well as those of
its subsidiaries enumerated in Note 1 to the consolidated financial statements.

Subsidiaries are entities controlled by the Group. The Group controls an entity if and only if, the
Group is exposed to, or has rights to, variable returns from its involvement with the entity and has
the ability to affect those returns through its power over the entity. The Group reassesses whether or
not it controls an investee if facts and circumstances indicate that there are changes to one or more of
the three elements of control.

The financial statements of the subsidiaries are prepared for the same reporting period as the Parent
Company and are included in the consolidated financial statements from the date when control
commences until the date when control ceases.
The accounting policies of subsidiaries are being aligned with the policies adopted by the Group.
Losses applicable to the NCI in a subsidiary are allocated to the NCI even if doing so causes the NCI
to have a deficit balance.

Segment Reporting
An operating segment is a component of the Group that engages in business activities from which it
may earn revenues and incur expenses, including revenues and expenses that relate to transactions
with any of the Group‟s other components. All operating results are reviewed regularly by the
Group‟s BOD, the chief operating decision maker of the Group, to make decisions about resources to
be allocated to the segment and to assess its performance, and for which discrete financial
information is available.

Segment results that are reported to the Group‟s BOD include items directly attributable to a segment
as well as those that can be allocated on a reasonable basis. Unallocated items comprise mainly
corporate assets, head office expenses and income tax assets and liabilities.
Segment capital expenditure is the total cost incurred during the year to acquire property and

The Group‟s businesses are operated and organized according to the nature of business provided,
with each segment representing a strategic business unit, namely, the Hotel operations, Marketing
operations and Corporate and Other Operations segments.
The Group‟s only reportable geographical segment is the Philippines.

Revenue Recognition
Revenue is recognized to the extent that it is probable that the economic benefits will flow to the
Group and the revenue can be reliably measured. Income is measured at the fair value of the
consideration received, net of trade discounts, rebates, and other sales taxes or duties. The following
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specific criteria must also be met before revenue is recognized:

Room revenue is recognized based on actual occupancy.

Food and Beverage

Food and beverage revenue is recognized when orders are served and billed.

Rent and Related income

Rent and related income on leased areas of the Group‟s properties is accounted for on a straight-line
basis over the term of the lease, except for cancellable leases which are recognized at amount collected
or collectible based on the contract provision.

Other Revenues
Other revenues are recognized upon execution of service or when earned.

Interest Income
Interest income is recognized as it accrues using the effective interest method.

1. Cash and Cash Equivalents

Cash in banks earn interest at the respective bank deposit rates. Short-term placements average
maturities ranging from 30 to 35 days

2. Receivables

This account consists:

March 2020 March 2019

Trade 195,594,816 248,036,017
Others 476,518,833 932,889,119
672,113,649 1,180,925,135
Less allowance for doubtful accounts (12,121,749) (41,302,189)
Total 659,991,900 1,139,622,946

3. Inventories

This account consists of:

March 2020 March 2019

Food and Beverage 15,547,435 13,504,614
Operating Supplies 11,485,647 11,978,880
Others 1,179,646 1,548,859
Total 28,212,728 27,032,353

4. Related Party Transactions

In 2019, the Parent Company extended interest-bearing, collateral free advances to TWGI, PRC and
Crisanta Realty at a rate of two percent (2%) per annum. This also includes PHES which is due and

5. Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses

This account consists of:

March 2020 March 2019
Trade 329,263,833 286,211,220
Accrued Expenses 320,888,907 230,236,018
Others 1,431,413,744 324,979,155
Total 2,081,566,485 841,426,393
17Q-1st quarter 2020

6. Loans Payable

This account consists of:

SSS Loan
SSS vs WPI. Et al civil case no. Q-04-52629 at regional trial court, Quezon City. On October 28, 1999,
the Parent Company obtained a five-year term loan from SSS amounting to P375.00 million originally
due on October 29, 2004. The SSS loan bears interest at the prevailing market rate plus 3% or 14.5%
per annum, whichever is higher. Interest is repriced annually and is payable semi-annually. Initial
interest payments are due 180 days from the date of the release of the proceeds of the loan. The
repayment of the principal shall be based on eight (8) semi-annual payments, after a one-year grace

The SSS loan was availed to finance the completion of the facilities of WCCCHI. It was secured by a
first mortgage over parcels of land owned by WII and by the assignment of 200 million common
shares of the Parent Company owned by TWGI. The common shares assigned were placed in escrow
in the possession of an independent custodian mutually agreed upon by both parties.

On August 7, 2003, when the total loan obligation to SSS, including penalties and interest, amounted
to P605.00 million, the Parent Company was considered in default with the payments of the loan
obligations, thus, on the same date, SSS executed a foreclosure proceeding on the mortgaged parcels
of land. The SSS‟s winning bid on the foreclosure sale amounting to P198.00 million was applied to
penalties and interest amounting to P74.00 million and P124.00 million, respectively. In addition, the
Parent Company accrued penalties charged by SSS amounting to P30.50 million covering the month
of August until December 2003, and unpaid interest expense of P32.00 million.

The Parent Company, WII and TWGI were given the right to redeem the foreclosed property within
one (1) year from October 17, 2003, the date of registration of the certificate of sale. The Parent
Company recognized the proceeds of the foreclosure sale as its liability to WII and TWGI. The Parent
Company, however, agreed with TWGI to offset this directly against its receivable from the latter. In
August 2004, the redemption period for the Parent Company, WII and TWGI expired.

The remaining balance of the SSS loan is secured by the shares of stock of the Parent Company owned
by TWGI and shares of stock of WII numbering 235 million and 80 million shares, respectively.

The Parent Company, at various instances, initiated negotiations with the SSS for restructuring of the
loan but was not able to conclude a formal restructuring agreement.

On January 13, 2015, the RTC of Quezon City issued a decision declaring null and void the contract of
loan and the related mortgages entered into by the Parent Company with SSS on the ground that the
officers and the SSS are not authorized to enter the subject loan agreement. In the decision, the RTC of
Quezon City directed the Company to return to SSS the principal amount of loan amounting to
P375.00 million and directed the SSS to return to the Company and to its related parties titles and
documents held by SSS as collaterals.

On January 22, 2016, SSS appealed with the CA assailing the RTC of Quezon City decision in favor of
the Parent Company, et al. SSS filed its Appellant's Brief and the Parent Company filed a Motion for
Extension of Time to file Appellee‟s Brief until May 16, 2016.

On May 16, 2016, the Parent Company filed its Appellee‟s Brief with the CA, furnishing the RTC of
Quezon City and the Office of the Solicitor General with copies. SSS was given a period to reply but it
did not file any.

On September 6, 2016, a resolution for possible settlement was received by the Parent Company from
the CA. However, on February 7, 2017 a Notice to Appear dated December 7, 2016 was received by
the Parent Company from the Philippine Mediation Center Unit - Court of Appeals (PMCU-CA)
directing the Parent Company and SSS to appear in person and without counsel at the PMCU-CA on
January 23, 2017 to choose their mediator and the date of initial mediation conference and to consider
the possibility of settlement. Since the Notice to Appear was belatedly received, the parties were not

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able to appear before the PMCU-CA.

On February 27, 2017, a Second Notice to Appear issued by the PMCU-CA directing all parties to
appear on February 27, 2017 at a specified time was received by the Parent Company only on
February 27, 2017 after the specified time of the meeting. The Parent Company failed to appear.

On June 30, 2017, a resolution issued by the CA, resolved to submit the appeal for decision.

On August 30, 2019, the Court of Appeals rendered its Decision reversing and setting aside the
Decision dated January 13, 2015 and Order dated May 11, 2015 rendered by the RTC of Quezon City.

On November 4, 2019, the counsel for the Parent Company, WPI and TWGI filed a petition for review
with the SC. As at the date of the BOD‟s approval of the consolidated financial statements, the Parent
Company is still awaiting Notice/Resolution from the SC on the Petition for Review.

Outstanding principal balance of the loan amounted to Php375 million as at December 31, 2019 and
2018. Interest expense related to the SSS loan recognized in the consolidated statement of profit or loss
and other comprehensive income amounted to 59.92 million in 2019 and Php60 million in both 2018
and 2017.

7. The earnings (loss) per share is computed as follows:

March 2020 March 2019

Net Income (Loss) 75,245,124 130,971,969
Weighted Average Number of Shares
Outstanding 2,498,991,753 2,498,991,753
Earnings (Loss) per share 0.030 0.052

There are no dilutive potential shares as of March 31, 2020 and 2019.

8. Lease Agreement with Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation (“PAGCOR’)

The Parent Company, in behalf of WCCCHI and WMCHI, entered into lease agreements with
PAGCOR. The lease agreement of WCCCHI with PAGCOR covered the Main Area (8,123.60 sq.m.),
Slot Machine Expansion Area (883.38 sq.m.), Mezzanine (2,335 sq.m.) and 5th Floor Junket Area (2,336
sq.m.) for a total area of 13,677.98 sq.m. which commenced on March 3, 2011 and March 16, 2011, for
the Main Area and Slot Machine Expansion Area, respectively. The lease agreement of WMCHI with
PAGCOR covered the Main Area (4,076.24 sq.m.) and Chip Washing Area (1,076 sq.m.) for a total area
of 5,152.24 sq.m. which was last renewed on March 21, 2011. Both leases expired on August 2, 2016.
Thereafter, PAGCOR paid the WCCCHI and WMCHI rental on a month-to-month basis. The lease
was renewed on February 15, 2018, for a period of 1 year. On May 29, 2019, the lease was further
renewed until the year 2032.

APHC also has a lease agreement with PAGCOR covering the Main Area (7,093.05 sq.m.), Expansion
Area A (2,130.36 sq.m.), Expansion Area B (3,069.92 sq.m.) and Air Handling Unit Area (402.84 sq.m.)
for a total lease area of 12,696.17 sq.m. The lease agreement was last renewed on December 1, 2010
and expired on December 31, 2017. As at December 31, 2017, PAGCOR continued to operate a portion
of the lease area on a month-to-month basis while completing its pullout from APHC. The month-to-
month lease of PAGCOR effectively ended on March 18, 2018 due to the fire incident.

9. Other Lease Agreements

Group as Lessor
Lease Agreements with Concessionaires

WCCCHI, WMCHI, DIHCI and APHC have lease agreements with concessionaires for the
commercial spaces available in their respective hotels. These agreements typically run for a period of
less than one year, renewable upon the mutual agreement of the parties.
Rent revenue recognized as part of “Rent and related income” in profit or loss and amounted to
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P56.39 million, P85.29 million and P135.63 million in 2017, 2016 and 2015, respectively.

Group as Lessee
Land under Operating Lease
On September 15, 1994, Waterfront Hotel and Resort Sdn. Bhd. (WHR), a former related party,
executed a lease contract (the Agreement) with Mactan Cebu International Airport Authority
(MCIAA) for the lease of certain parcels of land where the hotels were constructed. On October 14,
1994, WHR assigned its rights and obligations under the MCIAA contracts to WCCCHI and WMCHI.

10. Commitments and Contingencies

The following are the significant commitments and contingencies involving the Group:

a. On November 10, 2008, the Parent Company received a preliminary assessment notice from the BIR
for deficiency taxes for the taxable year 2006. On February 9, 2009, the Parent Company sent a protest
letter to BIR contesting the said assessment. On February 18, 2009, the Regional Office of the BIR sent
a letter to the Parent Company informing the latter that the docket was returned to Revenue District
Office for reinvestigation and further verification.

On December 8, 2009, the Parent Company received BIR‟s Final Decision on Disputed Assessment for
deficiency taxes for the 2006 taxable year. The final decision of the BIR seeks to collect deficiency
assessments totaling to P3.30 million. However, on January 15, 2010, the Parent Company appealed
the final decision of the BIR with the Court of Tax Appeals (CTA) on the grounds of lack of legal and
factual bases in the issuance of the assessments.

In its decision promulgated on November 13, 2012, the CTA upheld the expanded withholding tax
(EWT) assessment and cancelled the VAT and compromise penalty assessments. The Parent
Company decided not to contest the EWT assessment. The BIR filed its motion for reconsideration
(MR) on December 4, 2012 and on April 24, 2013, the Court issued its amended decision reinstating
the VAT assessment. The Parent Company filed its MR on the amended decision that was denied by
the CTA in its resolution promulgated on September 13, 2013.

The Parent Company appealed the case to the CTA sitting En Banc on October 21, 2013. The CTA En
Banc decision promulgated on December 4, 2014 affirmed the VAT and EWT assessments. The EWT
assessment was paid on March 3, 2013.

The CTA En Banc decision was appealed to the SC on February 5, 2015 covering the VAT assessment
only. As at December 31, 2017, the Parent Company is still awaiting the SC‟s decision.
Management and its legal counsels believe that the position of the Parent Company is sustainable,
and accordingly, believe that the Parent Company does not have a present obligation (legal or
constructive) with respect to the assessment.

17Q-1st quarter 2020

Below are the results of operations of the Parent Company and its subsidiaries, for the period ending
March 31, 2020 and 2019 together with its financial conditions as of the same period.


March 2020 March 2019

Revenues 459,337,415 470,342,956

Less: Costs and Expenses 232,241,889 255,351,366
Net Income (Loss) Before Fixed Financial and Other
63,190,415 214,991,591
Less: Fixed Financial and Other Charges (Dep‟n and
163,905,110 99,108,013
Amort‟n, and Interest)
63,190,415 115,883,578
Income (Loss) before Income Tax
Income Tax Expense ( Benefit) 0.00 0.00
Income (Loss) before Share in Minority Interest 75,245,124 130,971,969

Share of Minority Interest (12,054,709) (15,088,391)

Net Income (Loss) 63,190,415 115,883,578

Earnings (loss) Per share 0.026 0.052


March 2020 March 2019

Current assets 4,300,053,815 6,172,706,592
Non-current Assets 8,431,417,520 5,830,261,825
Total Assets 12,731,471,335 12,002,968,417

Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity

Current Liabilities 2,797,567,466 3,371,914,914

Non-current Liabilities 2,396,186,288 2,561,989,844

Total Stockholders‟ Equity 6,740,879,419 5,933,904,758
Minority Interest 796,838,162 718,494,121
Total Liabilities and Stockholders’ Equity 12,731,471,335 12,002,968,417

17Q-1st quarter 2020

Period ended March 31, 2020 compared to Period Ended March 31, 2019

Income Statement

Hotels and other subsidiaries gross revenues for the 1st quarter of 2020 and 2019 are Php 459.34
million and Php 470.34 million respectively, decreased by 2% from last year. Consolidated costs and
expenses for all properties decreased by 9% as compared from last year.

Seasonality or Cyclicality of Interim Operations


The occupancy for the two (2) hotels, WCCCHI and WMCHI, are high during the months of January
and February because of the celebration of the Feast of Sto. Niño better, renowned as the “Sinulog” as
well as the celebration of the Chinese New Year. Many visitors come to Cebu during this time just to
witness and participate in the festivities. Sinulog is one of the city‟s main pull for tourists as well as
other locals. The celebration of the Chinese New Year also added to the Company‟s revenues. As we
all know, the country is full of Chinese nationalities and businessmen and celebrating their New Year
would really be an advantage to the hotels in terms of revenues.

On March 16, 2020, the status of Enhanced Community Quarantine in light of the COVID-19
Pandemic was declared all over the country causing various bookings for events and groups to be
cancelled or postponed.

Revenues and Earnings per Share

Revenues decreased by 2%, Php 459.34 million for the 1st quarter of 2020 and Php 470.34 million of
the same quarter last year and operating expenses decreased by 9%.

GOP at Php 227.10 million in 2020 and Php 214.99 million in 2019.

Earnings per share this quarter is at Php 0.030 while same quarter last year was at Php 0.052.

Fixed Financial and Other Charges

Total fixed financial and other charges, Php 163.91 million, reflecting an increase of 65% from the
previous year‟s PHP 99.11 million.

This account includes the depreciation and interest expense from SSS Loan.

Interest expense this quarter increased by 71% or Php 12.59 million.


Cash and Cash Equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents as of the 1st quarter of this year is at 729.81 million which is Php 51.30
million higher from last year or an increase of 8%.

Receivables for the period decreased by 42% from Php 1140 million 1st quarter last year to Php
659.992 million 1st quarter this year.

Notes Receivable
The Group extended loans to Acesite Leisure and Entertainment Corporation (ALEC) and bear
interest at 4% per annum. The loan is guaranteed by another entity in behalf of ALEC.

Insurance Receivable
On March 18, 2018, a fire broke out at the Hotel of Acesite (Phils.) Hotel Inc. damaging several floors,
casinos and restaurants. Operations have been suspended since then. The Hotel has insurance
coverage to answer for the damages sustained. It is expected that operations will continue after

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damages are repaired.

Inventory this year showed an increase of 4%.

Due from related parties-current portion

This account decreased by 37% from last year‟s 1st quarter. This represents interest bearing advances
from TWGI and PRC. PHES and ALEC which are due and demandable.

Due from related parties-noncurrent portion

Crisanta Realty at a rate of two percent (2%) per annum is classified as non-current due in 5 years.

Property, Plant and Equipment

The account reflects an increase of 30% or Php 1.543 million compared to last year.

Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses

This account decreased by 27% or Php 759.86 million from last year.

Loans Payable
The total decrease in this account represents the loan payments made for the year.

Key Variable and Other Qualitative and Quantitative Factors:

a. Any known Trends, Events or Uncertainties-(material impact on liquidity)-NONE

b. There are no events that will trigger direct or contingent financial obligation that is material to the
company, including any default or acceleration of an obligation.
c. There are no material off-balance sheet transactions, arrangements, obligations (including,
contingent obligations), and other relationships of the company with unconsolidated entities or other
persons created during the reporting period.
d. There are no material commitments for capital expenditures, general purpose of such
commitments, expected sources of funds for such expenditures.
e. From continuing operations, the Company is not exposed to any significant elements of income or
loss except for those already affecting profit or loss.
f. There are no significant elements of income or loss that did not arise from the issuer‟s continuing
operations other than those already affecting profit or loss.

Risk Management Structure

The BOD is mainly responsible for the overall risk management approach and for the approval of risk
strategies and principles of the Group. It also has the overall responsibility for the development of
risk strategies, principles, frameworks, policies and limits. It establishes a forum of discussion of the
Group‟s approach to risk issues in order to make relevant decisions.

Risk Management Committee

Risk management committee is responsible for the comprehensive monitoring, evaluation and
analysis of the Group‟s risks in line with the policies and limits set by the BOD.

Financial Risk Management Objectives and Policies

The Group‟s principal financial instruments comprise of cash and cash equivalents, receivables, due
from related parties, AFS investment, accounts payable and accrued expenses (except for local taxes
and output VAT, withholding taxes and deferred income), other current liabilities, loans payable, and
other noncurrent liabilities. These financial instruments arise directly from operations.

The main risks arising from the financial instruments of the Group are credit risk, liquidity risk and
market risk. There has been no change to the Group‟s exposure to risks or the manner in which it
manages and measures the risks in prior financial year. The Group‟s management reviews and
approves policies for managing each of these risks.

17Q-1st quarter 2020
Credit Risk
Credit risk is the risk of financial loss to the Group if a customer or counterparty to a financial
instrument fails to meet its contractual obligations, and arises principally from the Group‟s cash in
banks, receivables and advances to related parties. The Group has established a credit policy under
which each new customer is analyzed individually for creditworthiness before the Group's standard
payment and delivery terms and conditions are offered. The Group's review includes external ratings,
if they are available, financial statements, credit agency information, industry information, and in
some cases bank references.

The Group limits its exposure to credit risk by establishing credit limits and maximum payment
period for each customer, reviewing outstanding balances to minimize transactions with customers in
industries experiencing particular economic volatility.

With respect to credit risk from other financial assets of the Group, which mainly comprise of due
from related parties, the exposure of the Group to credit risk arises from the default of the
counterparty, with a maximum exposure equal to the carrying amount of these instruments.
There is no other significant concentration of credit risk in the Group.

Liquidity Risk
Liquidity risk is the risk that the Group will not be able to meet its financial obligations as they fall

The Group monitors and maintains a level of cash deemed adequate by the management to finance
the Group‟s operation and mitigate the effects of fluctuations in cash flows. Additional short-term
funding is obtained through related party advances and from bank loans, when necessary.

Ultimate responsibility for liquidity risk management rests with the BOD, which has established an
appropriate liquidity risk management framework for the management of the Group‟s short, medium
and long-term funding and liquidity management requirements. The Group manages liquidity risk
by maintaining adequate reserves, by continuously monitoring forecast and actual cash flows and
matching the maturity profiles of financial assets and liabilities. For the Group‟s short-term funding,
the Group‟s policy is to ensure that there are sufficient working capital inflows to match repayments
of short-term debt.

Market Risk
Market risk is the risk that the fair value or cash flows of a financial instrument of the Group will
fluctuate due to change in market prices. Market risk reflects interest rate risk, currency risk and other
price risks.

Since the Group‟s loan in U.S. dollar had been fully paid in March 2016, the Group is not anymore
significantly exposed to changes in foreign currency exchange rates.

Interest Rate Risk

Cash flow interest rate risk is the risk that the future cash flow of the financial instruments will
fluctuate because of the changes in market interest rates. Fair value interest rate risk is the risk that
the fair value of a financial instrument will fluctuate due to changes in market interest rates.
The Group‟s financial instrument that is exposed to interest risk is the interest-bearing funds made
available by the Parent Company to WCCCHI to finance the construction of the Cebu City Hotel
Project. Such funds were substantially sourced from a P375 million loan from SSS, as well as the stock
rights offering of the Parent Company. The Parent Company is charging WCCCHI on the related
interests and penalties on the contention that the latter benefited from the proceeds of the SSS loan

Equity Price Risk

Equity price risk is the risk that fair value of future cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate
because of changes in market prices (other than those arising from interest rate risk or currency risk),
whether those changes are caused by factors specific to the individual financial instrument or its
issuer, or factors affecting all similar financial instruments traded in the market.
The Group is exposed to equity price risk because of its investment in shares of stock of WII which are
listed in the PSE totaling to 86,710,000 shares as at December 31, 2017 and 2016.

17Q-1st quarter 2020
The Group monitors the changes in the price of the shares of stock of WII. In managing its price risk,
the Group disposes of existing or acquires additional shares based on the economic conditions.

Fair Value of Financial Assets and Liabilities

The carrying amount of cash and cash equivalents, receivables, current portion of due from related
parties, accounts payable and accrued expenses and other current liabilities approximate their fair
values due to the short-term maturity of these instruments.

The fair value of interest-bearing due from related parties and loans payable is based on the
discounted value of expected future cash flows using the applicable market rates for similar types of
instruments as of the reporting date, thus, the carrying amount approximates fair value.

The fair value of AFS investment was determined using the closing market price of the investment
listed on the PSE as of December 31, 2017 and 2016.

Capital Management
The primary objective of the Group‟s capital management is to ensure its ability to continue as a going
concern and that it maintains a strong credit rating and healthy capital ratios in order to support its
business and maximize shareholder value. Capital is defined as the invested money or invested
purchasing power, the net assets or equity of the entity. The Group‟s overall strategy remains
unchanged from 2017 and 2016.

The Group manages its capital structure and makes adjustments to it, in light of changes in economic
conditions. To maintain or adjust the capital structure, the Group may adjust the dividend payment to
shareholders, return capital to shareholders or issue new shares. No changes were made in the
objectives, policies or processes in 2017 and 2016. For purposes of the Group‟s capital management,
capital includes all equity items that are presented in the consolidated statement of changes in equity.

The Group is not subject to externally-imposed capital requirements.

As of March 31, 2020

Trade Receivables 0-30 days 31-60 days 61-90 days 91-120 days 121 days over Total

Waterfront Cebu City Casino Hotel Inc. 11,965,157.98 14,681,229.88 8,557,719.44 6,339,350.51 35,896,553.06 77,440,010.87
Waterfront Airport Hotel and Casino 3,265,453.01 393,559.07 3,910,538.32 2,664,309.03 20,618,805.44 30,852,664.87
Waterfront Insular Hotel Davao 2,539,485.14 2,072,839.40 172,513.52 896,822.21 3,959,484.89 9,641,145.16
Manila Pavilion Hotel 20,742,139.39 20,742,139.39

Total 17,770,096.13 17,147,628.35 12,640,771.28 9,900,481.75 81,216,982.78 138,675,960.29

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