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Western Australian

Auditor General’s Report

Information Systems
Audit Report 2020 –
Local Government

Report 27: 2019-20

25 June 2020
Office of the Auditor General
Western Australia

Audit team:
Jordan Langford-Smith
Kamran Aslam
Walber Almeida
Karla Cordoba
Fareed Bakhsh
Nomin Chimid-Osor

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© 2020 Office of the Auditor General Western Australia.

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ISSN: 2200-1913 (Print)

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The Office of the Auditor General acknowledges the traditional custodians throughout
Western Australia and their continuing connection to the land, waters and community. We
pay our respects to all members of the Aboriginal communities and their cultures, and to
Elders both past and present.

Information Systems Audit Report 2020 –

Local Government Entities

Report 27: 2019-20

June 2020


This report has been prepared for Parliament under the provisions of section 24 and 25 of
the Auditor General Act 2006.
Information systems audits focus on the computer environments of entities to determine if
these effectively support the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information they hold.
I wish to acknowledge the assistance provided by the staff at the entities included in our

25 June 2020
Auditor General’s overview ......................................................................................... 2

Information systems – security gap analysis .............................................................. 3

Introduction .................................................................................................................. 4
Conclusion ................................................................................................................... 4
Background .................................................................................................................. 4
What we found ............................................................................................................. 5
Recommendations ......................................................................................................10
General computer controls and capability assessment results for local government
entities ...................................................................................................................... 11

Introduction .................................................................................................................12
Conclusion ..................................................................................................................12
Audit focus and scope .................................................................................................13
What we found ............................................................................................................14
Recommendations ......................................................................................................23
Appendix 1 – Better practice guidance to manage technical vulnerabilities ............. 24
Auditor General’s overview
I am pleased to present our first local government Information Systems
Audit report since the proclamation of the Local Government Amendment
(Auditing) Act 2017. The report summarises the results of the 2019 cycle
of information systems audits at 10 local government entities.
Our general computer control audits are a fundamental part of our
financial audits. They help to provide assurance that the financial
information generated by information systems is accurate, reliable and
completely recorded. While local governments will differ in the size and scale, it is critical that
they have effective controls to manage information systems.
The report has 2 parts:
• Information systems – security gap analysis
• General computer controls and capability assessment of local government entities.
The security gap analysis benchmarks the results of local government entities’ security
practices against a globally recognised standard. This standard provides a set of controls
which entities can easily implement to protect critical information from internal and external
threats. The standard provides useful guidance on how entities can address weaknesses
and risks to their information security. My Office performed a similar exercise for State
government entities in our 2013 Information Systems Audit Report.
We found that all 10 local government entities had significant shortcomings in their
information security practices. Entities need to seriously consider these standards and the
recommendations in this report to improve information security practices and protect the
confidentiality, integrity and availability of information and systems.
The second part of this report outlines the results of our general computer controls audits
and capability assessments. Overall, the level of maturity in the reviewed local government
entities was low, with no entity meeting our minimum benchmark across all control
Local government entities’ information systems are integral for delivering key public services.
However, most of the entities do not have a holistic view of activities that pose risks to their
information systems. Entities should have visibility over their systems and take a strategic
approach to address these risks.
International standards provide a good framework and starting point for entities to develop
and implement sound practices in their operational and strategic security processes. My
Office will continue to monitor and report on general computer controls and capability
assessments of local government entities. We expect to see better results similar to the
improvements made in the State sector in recent years as reported through our regular
information system audit program.

2 | Western Australian Auditor General


Information systems – security gap analysis

Information Systems Audit Report 2020 – Local Government Entities | 3

The objective of this security gap analysis was to determine whether local government
entities are adopting adequate controls in managing their information security. We assessed
the information security controls at 1 regional and 9 metropolitan local government entities of
varying size to determine whether they met the requirements of International Security
Standard 27002 (AS ISO/IEC 27002:2015). This standard provides a framework and set of
controls to ensure IT environments are managed to preserve the confidentiality, integrity and
availability of information. Most of these controls are globally recognised as good practice
and require minimal effort to implement.

All audited entities had significant gaps in their management of information security when
compared against the standard. We found that entities did not have good practices to
manage information and cyber security. Entities did not have appropriate policies and
processes to identify and guide information security practices and they often lacked ongoing
monitoring processes to detect and respond to threats. These gaps in security controls
seriously undermine the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information held by these

Local government entities hold information, including confidential information about people
and the community, which is fundamental to their operations and should be protected from
external and internal threats. As IT systems and computing environments become more
interconnected, the amount of information grows, along with the number and diversity of
threats. Effective information security involves managing people, processes and technology
to preserve the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information.
Entities can use the information security standard as a starting point to develop sound
practices, or to assess their current controls. The standard has 14 areas with each area
containing various controls that can be tailored to needs, size and complexity of entities.
In order to determine an overall rating for each area, we:
• determined which controls were applicable
• assessed and gave individual controls a score
• consolidated these scores to calculate an overall result which considered the number of
effective controls in the area
• rated scores above 80 percent to be effective, scores from 61 to 80 percent as partially
effective, and below 61 percent as ineffective.

4 | Western Australian Auditor General

Source: OAG
Figure 1: Scale to score entity controls

We evaluated if entities were effectively meeting information security best practices by

comparing their controls against the 14 areas of the ISO 27002 standard. In performing this
work, we also assessed if:
• entities had identified and defined the security requirements based on risks to their
information systems
• appropriate controls were in place to mitigate information security risks
• mitigating controls were in place where practices did not align with international

What we found
All of the audited entities had significant gaps in meeting the good practice standard across
several control areas (Figure 2). Only 4 entities demonstrated that they were effective, or
partially effective in at least 7 of the 14 areas. In order to protect the security of the
information and systems of the audited entities, we have not named them in this report. We
provided each audited entity with a copy of their gap analysis results.

Information Systems Audit Report 2020 – Local Government Entities | 5

Source: OAG
Figure 2: Results of security gap analysis for 10 local government entities

Each entity has unique security requirements based on their business needs. However, the
majority of the entities had not assessed and identified their security requirements.
Generally, security requirements can be identified through:
• assessing risks, taking into account the overall business strategy and objectives
including vulnerabilities and threats to assets
• understanding legal, statutory and contractual requirements that apply to the entity and
its contractors and service providers

6 | Western Australian Auditor General

• understanding the set of principles, objectives and business requirements for
information handling to support operations.

Security policies did not provide direction and support for information security
Half of the entities did not have adequate policies outlining their approach for managing
information security objectives. We found that policies did not contain guidance for key
areas, including:
• roles and responsibilities for information security management
• access management
• protection from malware or malicious code
• use of IT assets and technical vulnerability management.
It is critical that entities take a strategic approach to information security by understanding
the risks and implementing appropriate policies for the governance of security.
Additionally, none of the entities had a policy or a management approach on the use of
cryptography controls, with all 10 entities rated as ineffective. A lack of guidance or direction
for cryptography controls increases the risk that the confidentiality and integrity of information
held by these local government entities could be compromised.
We also found 90% of the entities did not have good processes to check compliance with
security requirements. For example, performing periodic internal reviews is a good way to
ensure controls are working as expected. Without processes to detect policy breaches and
non-compliance, entities cannot determine if their controls are operating effectively.

Poor controls risked network and operations security

Nine of the 10 entities did not have good practices to manage operational security. Without
good practices, entities are at greater risk that internal and external threats will compromise
their systems.
Operational security deals with day-to-day activities related to information processing and
communication facilities. The weaknesses we found in controls over network and operations
security included:
• a lack of change management processes. Changes may inadvertently introduce risks if
they are not appropriately managed and tested prior to implementation
• network security appliances are not securely managed as they use insecure protocols.
Insecure protocols that exchange information in plain-text can be used to compromise
• firewall events are only retained for limited periods and staff use shared generic
accounts to administer firewalls. This makes it difficult to investigate and hold malicious
users accountable as actions cannot be linked to them
• there were no processes to adequately assess and remediate security weaknesses.
These weakness could be exploited to gain unauthorised access to entity systems and
• a lack of controls to observe and review network activities. This could result in
unauthorised or malicious activity going undetected
• data backup plans did not reflect current IT infrastructure. Also, entities were not testing
the integrity of data on backups. Without appropriate backups and testing, entities risk

Information Systems Audit Report 2020 – Local Government Entities | 7

permanent data loss and may not be able to deliver their core services if systems or
information are compromised
• inadequate segregation of networks. Weaknesses in a part of the network may enable
malicious actors to access the entire network
• anti-malware controls were not installed on key servers. This could result in malware
infections and compromise of systems and critical information.

Most entities had business continuity strategies but few had tested these
Three entities in the sample had good practices to manage business continuity and
information security aspects during disaster situations. Four entities had not verified their
capability to recover and ensure security of information during a serious interruption, and
only partially met the standard. It is crucial to have well developed and verified business
continuity and recovery strategies that address the security of information in crisis situations.
The remaining 3 entities had not adequately defined the information security requirements
and plans in a disaster situation and consequently had inadequate business continuity and
recovery strategies. This meant that a disaster or pandemic could disrupt their key services
for prolonged periods and potentially compromise information security.

Poor access management controls resulted in inappropriate access

Half of the entities did not have good processes to manage access to systems and networks.
The remaining half had partially effective controls to manage access. Some of the
weaknesses we found include:
• a number of former staff still had access to systems. We found instances where
systems were accessed inappropriately by former employees without an adequate
• no formal process was in place to request and authorise access to systems
• weak password and authentication controls
• a lack of processes to review user access and privileges.
These control weaknesses significantly exposed entities to unauthorised access to systems
and information.

Entities risked not effectively responding to security incidents

Only 2 entities had an appropriate plan to manage information security incidents. The
remaining 8 entities did not have response plans, awareness programs and procedures for
detecting security incidents and handling of forensic evidence to effectively manage security
incidents. These controls are important to detect and appropriately respond to security
incidents. Without robust and effective processes for responding to and managing security
incidents, entities could face extended service outages and reputational damage in the event
of an incident.

Information was at risk due to inadequate supplier management controls

The majority of the audited entities did not document or demonstrate their understanding of
information security risks associated with the use of suppliers or contractors. Entities
regularly employ contractors or procure systems to deliver key services. As part of this
process, they may allow contractors to access information or store data on contractor
managed systems. Even if entities use contractors, they are responsible for protecting their

8 | Western Australian Auditor General

information and managing how it is used. Understanding vendors, their security posture,
services and systems is vital in maintaining effective information security controls.
Only 1 entity had partially effective controls to manage supplier risks. Without these controls
there is an increased risk that entity information is exposed to unauthorised access and
disclosure. In addition, by not embedding information security controls and practices into
arrangements with suppliers and contractors, entities may have limited recourse in the event
of an information security incident.

Physical and environmental security could be improved

Two entities met good practice standards in this area and 4 entities had partially effective
controls. The remaining 4 entities were not managing the physical and environmental
controls well. These entities have not formally defined the roles and responsibilities for
managing the server room and their physical access controls were not operating effectively.
For example, fire suppression systems were not installed, an excessive number of staff had
access to server rooms, and access was not monitored. These weaknesses could result in
unauthorised access to assets and accidental or deliberate damage to systems and

Information security controls were not considered over the lifecycle of

information systems
Seven entities did not have good practices for managing their information and IT assets over
the lifecycle of information systems. In particular, these entities did not have adequate plans
and procedures to manage the acquisition, maintenance, disposal and re-use of IT and
information assets. It is important to identify all assets that process information to ensure
these are appropriately protected and the information on the assets cannot be
inappropriately accessed, even after disposal.
We found that the majority of the entities had not defined how to classify information based
on its value, legal requirements, criticality and sensitivity. As a result, appropriate security
controls were not applied to information and assets based on these factors, increasing the
risk to sensitive information.

Inadequate human resource security controls could threaten information

Six entities did not have effective controls to ensure that information security risks were
appropriately managed when staff were hired or terminated. The remaining 4 entities only
had partially effective controls. Some of the weaknesses we identified include:
• no defined requirements for background checks before employing staff and contractors
• confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements not required for new staff
• inadequate induction and ongoing programs to inform staff and contractors of their
information security responsibilities.
People play a fundamental role in maintaining information security. It is crucial that suitable
people are hired, staff understand their responsibilities for information security and that the
security of information is managed properly when staff leave the organisation. Poor practices
for managing staff increase the risk of information or systems being compromised.

Information Systems Audit Report 2020 – Local Government Entities | 9

Local government entities should:
1. understand and assess the risks unique to their business activities and environment to
inform their strategy for information security management
2. assess their controls against good practice standards to identify gaps and develop plans
to improve information security. Entities can seek further guidance from other good
practice standards. For instance, the Australian Cyber Security Centre maintains the
Australian Government Information Security Manual 1 to assist entities in protecting their
information and systems. The National Institute of Standards and Technology publishes
NIST Cybersecurity Framework 2 to help organisations improve the management of
cybersecurity risks
3. implement processes to continuously monitor and improve information security controls
to ensure they meet entity needs.
Under section 7.12A of the Local Government Act 1995, the 10 audited entities are required
to prepare an action plan addressing significant matters relevant to their entity for submission
to the Minister for Local Government within 3 months of this report being tabled in Parliament
and for publication on the entity’s website. This action plan should address the points above,
to the extent that they are relevant to their entity.


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General computer controls and capability

assessment results for local government entities

Information Systems Audit Report 2020 – Local Government Entities | 11

In 2018-19, we audited the general computer controls (GCCs) at a sample of 1 regional and
9 metropolitan local government entities. Our GCC audits are integral to our annual financial
audits of local government entities as they help to determine whether computer controls
effectively support the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information systems needed
for annual financial reporting.
Information systems underpin most aspects of local government operations and services. It
is important that entities implement appropriate controls to maintain reliable, secure and
resilient information systems. These controls are equally important in smaller local
government entities who may not have a dedicated IT department or staff, but may rely on
contractors to provide the necessary support.
We use the results of our GCC work to inform our capability assessments of entities. We
asked entities to self-assess their capability maturity across the 6 control categories using
our assessment criteria. We then met with each of the entities to compare their assessment
with ours, which was based on the results of our GCC audits.
Capability maturity models (CMMs) are a way to assess how well-developed and capable
entities’ established IT controls are. The model provides a benchmark for entity performance
and a means for comparing results from year to year, and across entities.
The model we have developed uses accepted industry good practice as the basis for
assessment. Our assessment of GCC maturity is influenced by various factors including the:
• business objectives of the entity
• level of dependence on IT
• technological sophistication of computer systems
• value of information managed by the entity.
We focused on the following 6 categories to determine the maturity of entity control

Source: OAG
Figure 3: GCC categories

All 10 local government entities need to improve their general computer controls. We
reported 150 control weaknesses across the 10 entities, with 13 of these weaknesses rated

12 | Western Australian Auditor General

as significant. As these weaknesses could significantly compromise the confidentiality,
integrity and availability of information systems, the local government entities need to act
promptly to resolve them.
Our capability assessment results show that none of the entities met our expectations across
all control categories. We found weaknesses in controls for information security, business
continuity, change management, physical security and IT operations, with many entities
falling below our benchmark. Whilst some entities had good IT risk policies, others need to
improve how they identify and treat information risks.

Audit focus and scope

We conducted GCC audits and capability assessments at 10 local government entities. We
used a 6 point rating scale 3 from 0 to 5, detailed in Figure 4, to evaluate each entity’s
capability maturity level in each of the GCC categories. The model provides a reference for
comparing entity results from year to year. We expect entities to achieve a level 3 (Defined)
rating or better across all the categories.

Source: OAG
Figure 4: Rating scale and criteria

The information within this maturity model assessment is derived from the criteria defined within COBIT 4.1, released in 2007

Information Systems Audit Report 2020 – Local Government Entities | 13

What we found
Capability maturity model assessment results
None of the local government entities we reviewed met our expectations across all control
Entities did not have adequate controls to effectively manage information security, change
management, IT operations, physical security and continuity of business. Poor controls in
these areas left systems and information vulnerable to misuse and could impact critical
services provided to the public. We have included specific case studies that provide more
detail where we identified weaknesses in controls that could potentially compromise entities’
Figure 5 shows the results of our capability assessments across all 6 control categories for
the 10 entities we assessed.

Source: OAG
Figure 5: Capability maturity model assessment results

Information system controls

We reported information system control weaknesses identified during our GCC audits to local
government entities in management letters. We identified 150 GCC control weaknesses
across 10 entities, with 9% of the weaknesses rated as significant requiring prompt action,
75% as moderate which should be addressed as soon as possible, and the remaining 16%
as minor. Nearly half of all issues were about information security which was also the
category that had most of the significant findings.
Management letters issued to entities contained all the findings. However, we removed
sensitive technical details which, if made public, could increase the risk of cyber-attacks for

14 | Western Australian Auditor General

those entities. We reported these details separately through confidential letters to each local
government entity to assist them in addressing the weaknesses. Entities generally agreed to
implement the recommendations included in our management letters.
Figure 6 summarises the distribution of the significance of our findings across the 6 control
While the majority of our findings are rated as moderate, a combination of these issues can
leave entities with more serious exposure to risk.

Source: OAG
Figure 6: Distribution of ratings for GCC findings in each control category we reviewed

Information security
Good information security practices are critical to protect the information held in key financial
and operational systems from accidental or deliberate threats and vulnerabilities.
We found that all 10 local government entities need to improve their practices for managing
information security, with no entity meeting our benchmark. We reported 72 issues, nearly
half related to the security of information and systems. It is concerning that 11 were rated as
significant requiring prompt attention, as they seriously exposed the entity’s systems and
information to misuse.
Several entities had not clearly defined roles and responsibilities for information security.
This, coupled with a lack of appropriate policies and practices, meant their approach towards
security was inconsistent and ad-hoc.
A common weakness we found at most entities was a lack of processes to identify and patch
security vulnerabilities in systems and ICT infrastructure. Our vulnerability scans of key entity
systems identified a range of critical and high severity vulnerabilities which had not been

Information Systems Audit Report 2020 – Local Government Entities | 15

patched. These left the systems open to compromise. Our better practice guidance at
Appendix 1 provides practical information to help entities manage their vulnerabilities.
The following case studies were selected to highlight the risks to entity information from
systems not regularly being patched and inadequate access controls, including remote

Information and systems are at risk due to inadequate vulnerability management

One of the audited entities did not have appropriate processes to identify and patch
security vulnerabilities leaving systems vulnerable to exploitation through unauthorised and
inappropriate access. Weaknesses included:
• The entity did not perform regular vulnerability assessments to identify and address
weaknesses in a timely manner.
• It also did not have a process to identify vulnerable devices or computers on the
network. It is extremely important to have visibility over devices connected to the
network, and their vulnerabilities. Our scans identified an unmanaged computer on
the network which was still susceptible to well-known critical software vulnerabilities
including EternalBlue, Petya and Bluekeep. Patches to address EternalBlue and
Petya vulnerabilities were released by mid 2017.
• Over 340 critical and 1500 high severity vulnerabilities on a sample of 50 servers and
• The entity’s security update processes did not include core network devices such as
firewalls, routers and switches, leaving them outdated and exposed.
Without an effective process to identify, assess and address relevant vulnerabilities in a
timely manner, there is an increased risk that systems will not be adequately protected
against potential threats. These vulnerabilities could be exploited and result in
unauthorised access to IT systems and information.

Source: OAG
Figure 7: Poor vulnerability management leaves an entity exposed to cyber attacks

16 | Western Australian Auditor General

Excessive privileges and poor controls to manage infringements and rates could result in
One entity we audited did not have adequate controls in place to manage its rates and
infringement receipting system. We identified the following issues:
• A large number of users had excessive privileges to access system functions. For
example, we found a number of users who had high level access to a range of
functions including receipting, rates accounting and infringements.
• Generic accounts were used to process infringements and rate payments. These
generic accounts did not require network authentication and bypassed security
controls to access information and resources. In the event of error or wrongdoing, the
entity would not be able to attribute responsibility to a particular user.
• Former staff still had infringement books assigned, used to issue fines to the public.
• There was no process to reconcile infringements that had been cancelled, or
numbers in the fine sequence that had been skipped. The entity could not provide
any information or reasons for cancelled infringements or the missing numbers. This
basic control is fundamental to ensuring revenue is fully collected and there is no
inappropriate issuance or cancellation of fines by current or former staff.
• There was no visibility to determine if users directly accessed or modified the
infringement and rates system database. Infringements or rates notices could
therefore be altered without an auditable trace or log.
• The servers for the infringement and rates system were not patched and were
exposed to serious software vulnerabilities including EternalBlue and WannaCry.
When combined, these weaknesses could result in a person inappropriately modifying
rates or infringement information, or receiving payments without processing them through
the system. Due to the use of generic accounts not linked to any person and the lack of
monitoring controls, it would be difficult for this entity to identify inappropriate or fraudulent
transactions and activities, or investigate who is responsible. In addition, vulnerabilities in
the system could be exploited to compromise the confidentiality, integrity and availability of

Source: OAG
Figure 8: Lack of controls to manage the rates and infringement system

Information Systems Audit Report 2020 – Local Government Entities | 17

Poorly controlled remote access exposes entity’s systems and information
One local government entity we audited provided remote access to its staff and contractors
but did not have appropriate controls to manage associated risks.
We found:
• Staff and contractors used their personal devices to remotely connect to the entity
network and systems. However, the entity had not defined the minimum security
controls that these devices needed.
• We identified 6 external contractors with domain administrator privileges to the
entity’s network. Three of these contractors were not working on any active projects
and 2 had not used their access in 4 years.
• Remote access system settings were not secured and publically exposed sensitive
information such as the underlying operating system version and internal network
information. This could be used by people with malicious intent to compromise the
entity network and systems.
• The entity did not require multifactor authentication for remote access. This provides
an additional layer of security to the remote system from unauthorised access
• The remote access infrastructure contained security misconfigurations, unsupported
systems and missing patches. These weaknesses could be exploited to gain
unauthorised access to the entity systems.

Source: OAG
Figure 9: Internet accessible systems lack controls

Business continuity
Good continuity planning helps ensure that key business functions and processes are
restored promptly after a disruption. Business continuity and disaster recovery plans should
be regularly tested. This minimises the risk of extended outages which could disrupt the
delivery of important services.
We found that 7 of the 10 audited entities did not have up-to-date business continuity and
disaster recovery arrangements in place. Some plans had not been updated since 2013 and
may not reflect current business practices and IT infrastructure. As a result, in the event of a
disruption or disaster, entities may not be able to restore and continue business processes
and functions.
Weaknesses in business continuity and disaster recovery planning could have a serious
impact on the critical services local government entities deliver to the public. To ensure
business continuity, entities should have an up-to-date business continuity plan, disaster
recovery plan and incident response plan. The business continuity plan defines and
prioritises business critical operations and therefore determines the resourcing and focus
areas of the disaster recovery plan. The incident response plan needs to consider potential
incidents and detail the immediate steps to ensure timely, appropriate and effective

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Management of IT risks
Six of the 10 local government entities we reviewed had good policies and procedures for
managing IT risks. This was the control category where entities performed best. However,
some common weakness at the other 4 included:
• a lack of risk management policies
• inadequate processes to review and report risks to senior management
• no risk registers for ongoing monitoring.
All entities should have risk management policies and practices that identify, assess and
treat risks affecting key business objectives. Entities should be aware of the nature of risks
associated with IT and have appropriate risk management policies and practices such as risk
assessments, registers and treatment plans.
Without appropriate IT risk policies and practices, threats may not be identified and treated
within reasonable timeframes. When risks are not identified and treated properly, entities
may not meet their business objectives.

IT operations
Only 2 of the 10 entities had adequately defined their requirements for IT service levels and
allocated sufficient resources to meet these requirements. IT operations include day-to-day
tasks designed to keep services running, while maintaining data integrity and the resiliency of
IT infrastructure. In this area, we tested whether entities had formalised procedures and
monitoring controls to ensure processes were working as intended.
Common weakness we found included:
• a lack of asset registers to track and monitor IT equipment which may lead to assets
being lost or stolen and unintentional disclosure of information
• inadequate processes to ensure compliance with software licensing agreements. This
could result in penalties for breaching licencing arrangements
• a lack of service level agreements with IT vendors and poor contract management
practices leading to inadequate oversight of vendors or paying for services not provided
• inadequate retention and management of event logs. This means entities cannot track
or identify malicious activities, nor they can investigate them
• a lack of access reviews which could result in inappropriate access.
Without appropriate IT strategies and supporting procedures, IT operations may not be able
to respond to business needs and recover from errors or failures.
The following case studies highlight the risk to entities when devices and their events are not
regularly monitored, and assets are not effectively managed.

Information Systems Audit Report 2020 – Local Government Entities | 19

No monitoring of inappropriate or malicious network activities
One entity had configured their network to log activities and events that occurred on their
ICT infrastructure. However, there was no routine process to review those events.
The entity performed an informal review of logs and identified that a staff member had not
complied with their acceptable use policies. Over a number of months, the staff member
made several attempts (unsuccessfully) to access inappropriate websites featuring
pornography. These websites are often carriers of malicious content and could put the
entity’s reputation at risk.
While it was good that there were controls in place to prevent access to inappropriate
websites, and the entity took disciplinary action against the staff member, this case study
highlights the importance of having formal processes for reviewing and monitoring logs to
gain insights into inappropriate network activities. If proactive monitoring of important
events is not is place, entities cannot detect any unauthorised or malicious activity or take
timely corrective action. If it had not been for the informal review, the entity may not have
identified inappropriate access attempts.
Entities can use centralised log management systems, such as Security Information and
Event Management system, to analyse security events efficiently and effectively.

Source: OAG
Figure 10: Importance of regularly reviewing log events

Inadequate processes to manage IT assets

Another entity did not have appropriate processes to manage the lifecycle of IT assets.
Issues we identified include:
• no policies relating to the disposal and re-use of assets
• computers donated to an external organisation without securely erasing data
• records of asset disposals were not maintained.
There is a high risk of unauthorised and unintentional disclosure of entity information if it is
not securely removed from computers prior to disposal.

Source: OAG
Figure 11: Unauthorised disclosure of entity information

20 | Western Australian Auditor General

Insecure management of network devices
One local government entity did not manage its firewalls effectively. Issues we identified
• inappropriate firewall configuration which could allow external attackers to
compromise the internal network
• individuals used shared generic accounts to administer the firewall which made it
impossible to attribute actions to an individual
• backups of the firewall settings were not performed, leaving these vulnerable in the
event of failure
• firewall security events were only retained for a short period (3 weeks) and alerts
were not setup for critical events. This may make it difficult for the entity to detect or
investigate security breaches, if required
• the firewall license for content filtering had expired, which allowed unrestricted
access to all websites including those with inappropriate content.
The network and information systems are at a risk of compromise if network appliances
are not managed appropriately.

Source: OAG
Figure 12: Increased risk of network compromise

Change control
We found that only 2 of 10 entities had appropriate processes to implement changes in their
IT systems and infrastructure. We reviewed whether changes to systems were authorised,
tested, implemented and recorded in line with management’s intentions. Weaknesses we
found included:
• a lack of formal system change management procedures. This increases the risk that
changes, including those that may be harmful to systems and information, could be
implemented without assessment
• no records of changes made to critical systems. This would make it difficult to
investigate incidents that may have been caused by changes.
If changes are not controlled, they can compromise the security and availability of systems.
As a result, systems will not process information as intended and entities’ operations and
services may be disrupted. There is also a greater chance that information will be lost and
access given to unauthorised people.
We expected entities to have formal policies and procedures to ensure changes were risk
assessed, tested, sufficiently documented and authorised prior to being implemented. This
helps to ensure that changes to systems are consistent and reliable.

Physical security
Over half of the entities (6 of 10) did not have appropriate controls to protect their IT systems
and infrastructure against environmental hazards and unauthorised access to server rooms.
This means entities are at increased risk of unauthorised access and failure of information
The following case study shows issues commonly faced by entities.

Information Systems Audit Report 2020 – Local Government Entities | 21

Server rooms are not well managed
At 1 entity, the primary server room was shared with the records area. All entity staff had
access to this room and server racks were not locked. There was no fire suppression
system or extinguishers installed in this area. Additionally, there were no controls to
monitor the temperature or humidity of the server room.
Server rooms in shared areas present a risk of unauthorised access and outages due to
deliberate or accidental damage to equipment. A lack of environmental controls in the
server room, including fire management, could also result in system damage, malfunction
due to heat or humidity and service outages.

Source: OAG
Figure 13: Information systems at risk of disruption

22 | Western Australian Auditor General

1. Information security
To ensure security strategies align with, and support, business objectives senior
executives should implement appropriate frameworks and management structures.
Management should ensure good security practices and controls are implemented and
continuously monitored.
2. Business continuity
Local government entities should have an appropriate business continuity plan, disaster
recovery plan and incident response plan to protect critical services and systems from
disruptive events. These plans should be tested on a periodic basis to ensure
unexpected events do not affect business operations.
3. Management of IT risks
Local government entities need to identify threats and risks to their operations arising
from information technology. These should be assessed and treated within appropriate
timeframes. These practices should become a core part of business activities and have
executive oversight.
4. IT operations
Local government entities should use good practice standards and frameworks as a
reference to implement good controls for IT operations. Entities should have appropriate
policies and procedures in place to manage incidents, IT risks, information security and
business continuity.
Additionally, entities should ensure IT strategic plans and objectives support their overall
business strategies and objectives.
5. Change control
Change control processes should be well developed and consistently followed when
applying patches, updating or changing computer systems. All changes should be subject
to thorough planning and impact assessment to minimise the occurrence of problems.
Change control documentation should be current, and approved changes formally
6. Physical security
Local government entities should develop and implement physical and environmental
control mechanisms to prevent unauthorised access or accidental or environmental
damage to computing infrastructure and systems.

Information Systems Audit Report 2020 – Local Government Entities | 23

Appendix 1 – Better practice guidance to manage
technical vulnerabilities
Vulnerabilities are flaws in operating systems, devices and applications that attackers could
exploit to gain unauthorised access to systems and information. Local government entities
should have continuous monitoring processes to understand security weaknesses and gaps
in their systems, devices and applications. Vendors generally provide patches to address
flaws in applications and systems. Entities should implement appropriate processes and
assign responsibilities to identify and treat these flaws.
The following table outlines some guiding principles entities should consider to address
vulnerabilities. This is not intended to be an exhaustive list. Further guidance can be
obtained from the Australian Cyber Security Centre. 4

Principle Our expectation

Stocktake of assets Entities should have visibility of all their ICT assets on the
network including servers, workstations, printers, software
applications, IoT and other network devices (switches, routers,
Identify vulnerabilities Regular vulnerability scans must be performed to identify
security weaknesses. Where it is not possible to scan all assets
at once, entities should prioritise and group assets to scan
them in stages.
Scans should be regular (e.g. continuous or monthly) as
extended time gaps between scans leave the systems exposed
for longer periods.
Understand the exposure Each vulnerability poses a threat but some are more severe
than others. Vulnerabilities generally have a severity rating
based on impact and how easily they can be exploited.
Entities should perform risk assessments to understand the
exposure and take appropriate action.

Test and patch Entities should test patches before deploying them to live
vulnerabilities production systems. Ideally vulnerabilities should be patched as
soon as possible, in line with their severity and impact levels.
Entities should define appropriate timeframes to patch
vulnerabilities based on their severity.

Apply mitigating controls if In some instances, vulnerabilities cannot be addressed as they

patching is not possible could affect the operations of a system (usually legacy
systems), or a patch may not yet be available. Based on a risk
assessment, mitigating controls should be applied with
considerations to:
• virtual patches

• segregating or isolating unpatched systems

• upgrading systems that no longer receive security



24 | Western Australian Auditor General

Principle Our expectation

Don’t forget the network Network devices such as firewalls, routers and switches - and
devices – and printers printers - are equally important. Vulnerability management
processes must include them as well. Entities should regularly
update the firmware and software for these devices.
Verify the patches Entities should establish a process to verify that patches have
successfully fixed the vulnerabilities. Some patches may fail to
install or could require further configuration to fully address the
weakness. Running another scan after applying patches can
identify and report such instances.

Source: OAG
Figure 14: Better practice guidance to manage technical vulnerabilities

Information Systems Audit Report 2020 – Local Government Entities | 25

Auditor General’s reports

2019-20 reports Date tabled
Western Australian Public Sector Audit Committees –
26 25 June 2020
Better Practice Guide

25 WA’s Transition to the NDIS 18 June 2020

24 Opinion on Ministerial Notification 16 June 2020

23 Opinion on Ministerial Notification 29 May 2020

22 Regulation of Asbestos Removal 21 May 2020

21 Audit Results Report – Annual 2019 Financial Audits 12 May 2020

Local Government Contract Extensions and Variations

20 4 May 2020
and Ministerial Notice Not Required

19 Control of Monies Held for Specific Purposes 30 April 2020

Information Systems Audit Report 2020 – State

18 6 April 2020
Government Entities

17 Controls Over Purchasing Cards 27 March 2020

Audit Results Report – Annual 2018-19 Financial Audit of

16 11 March 2020
Local Government Entities

15 Opinion on Ministerial Notification 28 February 2020

14 Opinion on Ministerial Notification 31 January 2020

Fee-setting by the Department of Primary Industries and

13 Regional Development and Western Australia Police 4 December 2019

Audit Results Report – Annual 2018-19 Financial Audits

12 14 November 2019
of State Government Entities

11 Opinion on Ministerial Notification 30 October 2019

10 Working with Children Checks – Follow-up 23 October 2019

An Analysis of the Department of Health’s Data Relating

9 to State-Managed Adult Mental Health Services from 9 October 2019
2013 to 2017

8 Opinions on Ministerial Notifications 8 October 2019

7 Opinion on Ministerial Notification 26 September 2019

6 Opinions on Ministerial Notifications 18 September 2019

5 Fraud Prevention in Local Government 15 August 2019

4 Access to State-Managed Adult Mental Health Services 14 August 2019

2019-20 reports Date tabled
Delivering Western Australia’s Ambulance Services –
3 31 July 2019
Follow-up Audit

2 Opinion on Ministerial Notification 26 July 2019

1 Opinions on Ministerial Notifications 19 July 2019

Office of the Auditor General
Western Australia

7th Floor Albert Facey House

469 Wellington Street, Perth

Perth BC, PO Box 8489


T: 08 6557 7500
F: 08 6557 7600
E: [email protected]


Office of the Auditor General for

Western Australia

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