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The brilliant mind behind many of Proj-
ect Utopia’s environmental initiatives,
Dr. Spenser Balmer, more widely
known as Antaeus, is one of the most
intelligent novas in the world. He’s
named for the giant in Greek myth
who drew his strength from the Earth,
and Dr. Balmer certainly does the
same. He can animate plant-life of all
kinds, accelerate its growth, and alter
environmental conditions to promote
or retard the growth of plants in an
area. Antaeus’s own form is decided-
ly “green” as well; his skin is emerald
with chlorophyll, his hair and beard
are of a moss-like texture, and his eyes
are black with vivid green pupils.
Spenser Balmer was born in Manches-
ter, England, and earned a doctorate
in environmental science from Oxford
University. A life-long advocate of en-
vironmental causes, he was involved
in several conservation groups, including some accused of illegal activities during
their protests. Already well acquainted with the UN bureaucracy before he erupt-
ed, Antaeus was quick to volunteer his services to Project Utopia and was placed in
charge of the organization’s environmental initiatives. Antaeus is also famous for his
interest in the philosophy of Teras “as a means of exploring nova potential,” although
he claims no other affiliation with the Teragen.

• Applied Technology: Like its name sug- SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT

gests, this department oversees using the
The scholarly activists of the Social Development
knowledge derived from nova research
Division work around the clock to solve the problems
to create new or innovative technologies
plaguing human societies around the globe, which is
like OpNet. It’s two main sub-departments
often an even more thankless job than the Diplomacy
are Materials Engineering and Space &
Corps’, but they find their reward in the smiles of peo-
Aeronautics, which have brought great rev-
ple they help. Social Development oversees projects
enue as well as achievements like the Kepler
that grow or diminish as the global situation changes,
Orbital Telescope and the work on new ma-
and Director Robin Woodlawn has proven adept at
terials by the nova Jinshu Shan.
reading local conditions with a keen sense of oppor-
• Research Oversight: The only part of tunity in order to shift resources to existing programs
Project Utopia that is actually hated de- or create new ones. These programs address issues of
spite the best efforts of Public Relations, poverty, economic and social inequality, crime preven-
this department is in charge of executing tion, hunger and food distribution, population control,
the United Nation’s mandate to evaluate and education, voting and civil rights, refugees, and so on.
restrict new technologies that are too dan- Their advice and programs are not always wel-
gerous to proliferate, and have to work often come, and there are times when they don’t have
with Peacekeeping, both for their subjects’ the resources or the time to help, but they never
safety and their own. stop trying.


Forty years before N-Day, Samuel
Iosefa Williams lost control of his car
and flipped it into the ditch on the side
of the road. Glowing silver with quan-
tum fire, Sam watched everyone he
loved die on the side of the road as
none of his newfound powers could
save them. Broken and without family
or purpose, Sam hid himself from the
world. It wasn’t until N-Day, when he
saw live footage of the Fireman saving
the day, that he knew he wasn’t alone
and had a chance to reinvent himself.
Utopia quickly invited Sam — now
Cestus Pax — to be the core of its new
Team Tomorrow project after seeing
his power levels rate off the charts.
The world calls Pax the most powerful
nova alive, and he may well be. He’s
incredibly strong, fast, and durable,
and can manipulate kinetic energy for
offense and defense. Pax loves being
part of a team, but he’s uncomfortable with leadership and making decisions where
people could get hurt. Nonetheless, he was brought up to believe that power brings
responsibility — something he carries decades of guilt for ignoring and failing his par-
ents’ expectations. Other novas respect Pax’s raw power, and he now has the Team
Tomorrow family to watch over. Pax believes in Utopia’s ideals and wants to make a
better world for everyone.

Team Tomorrow Led by Cestus Pax from the T2M Central head-
quarters, Team Tomorrow is currently split into 4
When Project Utopia
arenas of operation. Team Tomorrow responds to
proposed harnessing
natural disasters, terrorist threats, rogue novas, and
the powers of novas to
rampaging Elites only they are equipped to handle,
make the world a bet-
but they also work tirelessly to prevent more crime,
ter place, few expected
build infrastructure, and help people with their lives.
them to announce Team Tomorrow. There on stage
Thanks to their association with the United
in front of the entire world, stood bona fide superhe-
Nations, Team Tomorrow has virtual global juris-
roes, guardians of peace and justice.
diction, and thanks to Project Utopia’s guidance,
Team Tomorrow started with lofty goals, but
they use it wisely.
soon came head to head with reality as they suf-
fered their first setback during the Equatorial SUPPORT STRUCTURE
Wars, where defeat spelled the death of one of
Each branch of Team Tomorrow follows the
their members. Adapting and quite literally “get-
same general structure, with around 10 novas and
ting serious,” Team Tomorrow refined its meth-
100 support personnel at each headquarters. As a
ods, upgraded their training, and cooperated
point of contact, each branch has a baseline direc-
more closely with Project Utopia to be the effec-
tor that works in tandem with the nova field lead-
tive force for stability they had promised to be.
er to coordinate missions and assignments. Each

Project Utopia 121

Knorr came to the superhero business
through an unusual path. He was a
mercenary in the Equatorial Wars
who specialized in working alongside
Elites. The missions were always tough,
but Knorr’s final mission was suicidal.
Battle-hardened Elites with a thirst for
blood overpowered Knorr’s nova al-
lies who fled, leaving the baselines to
their fate. Knorr’s unit died in moments.
As a sadistic Elite approached Knorr,
the injured, dying, and desperate man
reached into the earth and caused
enormous vines to rip from the soil. They
ensnared the nova, tore at his flesh and
ground him to pieces on their tough,
sharp thorns. Exhausted, Knorr man-
aged to call for evacuation, swearing
off his blood-soaked lifestyle.
Knorr worked in Utopia’s Operation
Eden for years before growing bored.
He craved the thrill of action but not
the death. Despite some misgivings over Knorr’s past, Utopia valued his tactical and
unit dynamics experience and accepted his application to Team Tomorrow. His per-
sonality and leadership skills let him rise to take leadership of T2M-Europe.
Thorn is strong and resilient and controls plant life — especially the thorny vines that
erupt around him — but his great tactical mind and commanding presence let him
bring the team together and increase its effectiveness. Despite the good Thorn has
done, Knorr’s past continues to haunt him. He regularly attends therapy for what he
experienced and doesn’t know if he can ever do enough to make up for it.

branch also has its own Administration, Public T2M-CENTRAL

Relations, Transportation, Intelligence Services
The Central team is considered the core group of
(which are the link with the World Crime Task
the team, based in the new headquarters in Addis
Force), Munitions, Housing, and Health and
Ababa, Ethiopia. While their main area of influ-
Recreation departments who also work in close
ence is Africa due to the lingering effects of the
contact with their counterparts in Project Utopia.
Equatorial Wars, the presence of Slider means the
Adding novas to each Team is a staple of both team can appear out of nowhere at any moment, to
fiction and reality media, but the same exhaustive respond to any emergency should any of the other
process applies to baselines as well, only without teams needs assistance. Cestus Pax is both the direc-
the quantum testing. tor and field leader of T2M Central, with Anthony
Team Tomorrow recruits must prove not only “Lightning” Chang, Allison “Psyche” Pflazgraff,
their expertise and diligence, but also their ideal- Jennifer “Slider” Landers, Force, and Pualani “Pele”
ism, ethics, moral caliber, and creativity through Kapunani as the main nova operatives.
a series of screening and vetting processes, fol-
lowed by comprehensive training, orientation, T2M-AMERICAS
and incorporation activities. The relocation of the Americas team to Mexico
City caused some diplomatic grumblings and bad


Officially a support member of Team
Tomorrow, Violet’s name is well-known,
but she prefers to keep her accomplish-
ments as unknown as possible. Though
Utopia would love to advertise Violet’s
importance, they’ve so far respected
her wishes. Few baselines realize how
many owe their lives to her.
The different Teams Tomorrow always try
to take “Tank” along when conducting
high-risk, high-power missions in populat-
ed areas. She hates the codename, but it’s
well-suited as Violet is practically invulner-
able and projects a probability-affecting
zone within which people are much less
likely to come to harm. Falling debris will
narrowly miss rather than crushing a vic-
tim, and gunfire and shrapnel inflict graz-
ing or otherwise survivable flesh wounds
rather than mortal injuries. Violet is also
fast, strong, and attuned to the flow of
chaotic conflict around her.
Violet is a devout pacifist who abhors violence. She has never raised a weapon in an-
ger, though she’s passed all mandatory T2M training. She even avoids using non-le-
thal self-defense moves, if possible. Violet is more likely to stand between an attacker
and his target and take every shot or punch he has until he loses the will to fight than
she is to fight back.

blood, especially after the sacrifice of Randel “The different governments. Director Marta Csepregi
Fireman” Portman, but none of this has impaired has repeatedly asked Cestus Pax to transfer no-
the team’s performance. With the United States, vas who are more socially or politically savvy, or
Brazil, Central America, and Chile as part of their at least strengthen the intelligence detail, as she
jurisdiction, T2M-Americas often must walk on worries that field leader Peter “Thorn” Knorr
eggshells, and receive additional assistance from might be relying too much on Figment’s pow-
Project Utopia in dealing with the very different ers for infiltration as their best and only source
governments. William F. Reed is the director but of covert action. The rest of the field team in-
trusts Ricardo Montoya-Bernal as nova field lead- cludes Griffin Armstrong, Uta “Tremor” Stentz,
er due to his local expertise. Melissanda Estévez Gvuthbjorg “Ragnarockette” Danielsdottir, and
is the team’s teleporter, which is extremely handy Bryan “Saxon” Graham.
to cover the Americas from the North to South
Pole. The main nova field team is rounded up by T2M-ASIA/PACIFIC
Ana Graça Texeira, Firefox, Makara, and Andrew Field leader Pratima “Splash” Basham was one
“Skew” Parker. of the original members of Team Tomorrow and
was more than happy to get her own team near
T2M-EUROPE her home, with the headquarters located on
From its headquarters in Venice, the European Talaud Island, Indonesia. She works closely with
team mostly deals with political violence and director Gerald London to deal with the most dif-
enjoys a healthy level of cooperation from the ficult arena thanks to the tensions between India

Project Utopia 123

International bad-boy of the Project
Utopia set, André Corbin was a young
professional football (or “soccer” in
some parts of the world) player in his
native Scotland when he erupted sud-
denly — and quite publicly — on the
pitch during a World Cup match, with
a kick that sent the ball flying into the
opposing net, then through it and the
wall behind it. It sparked a riot where
spectators were injured. Later tests re-
vealed Corbin’s nova ability to height-
en emotions, leading to his code-
name “Bender,” although it quickly
took on a dual meaning thanks to his
infamous presence on the party circuit.
Bender’s membership in Team Tomor-
row was short-lived, given his well-
known problems with authority and
his near-constant presence in the gos-
sip columns. Suspended from T2M,
his public role with Utopia is that of
spokesperson and popular media figure. In truth, Bender was chosen as field leader
for the secret Team Tonight covert operations group. At least some of his public bad boy
persona is maintained as cover, and Corbin is far more serious than most people know.
Bender has low-level Mega-Attributes, making him stronger, faster, and tougher than
a baseline, along with nova perceptive and social abilities. His eponymous power is
influence over the emotional atmosphere of an area.

and Pakistan, China’s bull-headed non-coopera- missions, and others just want to lend a hand. The
tion, Russia’s ambitions, and Japan’s stand-offish- best-known auxiliaries are Dr. Spenser “Antaeus”
ness. Splash trusts the disarming power of Ichiko Balmer, Delaney “Firefly” Croft-Martin, and a
“Ishin-denshin” Iko to smooth out any diplomat- nova simply known as “It.”
ic entanglement and is equally deft in assigning
other team members to adapt T2M’s approach TEAM TOMORROW ACADEMY
to each case. Although she might not like it, she Founded in 2027, this experimental program is
knows she can depend on Cestus Pax and T2M meant to train and educate novas under the age
Central to assist if she needs more firepower. In of 20, aiming for them to join any of the Team
the field, Splash commands Gina Benet, Violet Tomorrow arenas when they become adults,
“Tank” Chao, and Jiro “Smoke” Kioshi. as well as to promote the Utopian ideals among
young people around the world.
T2M AUXILIARIES One year later, the first generation of the nick-
Team Tomorrow keeps around a dozen novas named “Teen Tomorrow” have seen action deal-
as retainers in an auxiliary role. Some of them ing with petty crime and other young novas who
work for Utopia and T2M borrows them for follow a more destructive path. So far, the enthu-
specific missions, others left the team full-time siastic young novas have dominated all streamcast
but still desire to help, some have very specific channels and are small social media sensations,
abilities that makes them unsuitable for general


Rousseau loves being a woman of
mystery. She delights in playing the
mysterious benefactor and femme fa-
tale, always with a light laugh and a
tantalizing smile. Though her name is
known around the world, no camera
has ever clearly caught her image.
Something always obscures the shot.
When Rousseau appears in public,
it’s without warning but plenty of fan-
fare, and no one ever remembers
her departure. She moves with equal
ease through the social circles of the
Teragen, Elites, and Utopia. Sophia
Rousseau is an independent force
with many more stories about her than
could possibly have occurred.
This public image is as much misdirec-
tion as everything else she portrays. In
truth, Rousseau is the mastermind be-
hind Team Tonight. She is a psiad with
strong precognitive powers who has
seen (and fears) the worldwide chaos and destruction that unchecked quantum pow-
ers will bring. She knows that avoiding the bloodshed is almost impossible, but she’s
determined to try. Rousseau’s carefree persona covers a calculated ruthlessness that
will do exactly what needs to be done, though she’s not without mercy and has no de-
sire to drag innocents into her work. Rousseau usually supervises T2N ground teams,
but when she needs to lead a mission directly, the body count will be exactly what it
needs to be with no collateral damage.

with no tragedy or minor setback, but Cestus Pax unaware of the project’s existence, and the scope
is worried that this idyllic venture may not last, of their mission is wider.
and the Academy alums might soon bite off more Team Tonight is under the tight oversight and
than they can chew. coordination of the mysterious Sophia Rousseau,
who has access to Nova Affairs’ recruitment files
TEAM TONIGHT and has an uncanny sense to identify who would
Officially, there is no “T2N.” Only the Æon be good recruits, mostly picking candidates from
Council, and the people with top clearance in Team Tomorrow rejections on grounds of ethics,
Utopia and the UN are aware of this team of but never if morals are faulty. With the excep-
“misfits and malcontents with a working moral tion of Rousseau and Asa “The Mole” Karadakas,
compass.” who works in the Administration Division where
Team Tonight handles the missions that Team nobody knows he’s a nova, all other members
Tomorrow cannot handle due to political and of Team Tonight are not employed publicly by
operational complications, free from the public Project Utopia; their field leader, André “Bender”
eye to do what needs to be done, ensuring that Corbin, was even suspended from T2M on dis-
Utopia can continue to work towards a better so- ciplinary grounds, and Carmelita “Detonator”
ciety. While this may put them in the same track Aguilar made the headlines for her rather ex-
as Project Proteus, members of Team Tonight are plosive failure to qualify for membership in

Project Utopia 125

Because Team Tonight has no qualms in engag- enemies, going about the routine of breaking up
ing in destructive and downright illegal activities, minor gangs until their targets aim hyper ad-
Laragione activates them only when all other av- vanced weapons at them that can actually hurt
enues to resolve a problem have failed. Missions novas, and then it becomes a mission to stop the
have included demolishing the last redoubt of proliferation of this kind of armament.
the Gulf Cartel in Mexico before the Directive As a Storyguide, you can use Project Utopia and
could destroy evidence of ties with an American Team Tomorrow to help your players should they
informant, kidnapping a would-be autocrat from become stuck; an official could just give one of
Honduras without alerting his nova hired muscle them a call and provide clues or even orders that
and dropping him anonymously at The Hague, jostle the characters back into the story.
and blowing up a Japanese satellite that used re- Even if the characters decide to go against or-
stricted tech before it could reach orbit. ders to do something that is good, they still have
the option open to join Team Tonight. You don’t
Running a Project Utopia need to use the established members, instead
Campaign having Sophia Rousseau approach the characters
Whatever form it takes, a Project Utopia cam- so they can become the actual Team Tonight.
paign is about saving the world. For baselines, Whether they are baselines or novas and
whether they are scientists, diplomats, soldiers, whether they work for Project Utopia or Team
scholars, athletes, or anything else, Utopia offers Tomorrow, the characters are in the unenvi-
many ways to contribute to its efforts. Because able position to change the world through their
it can organize multidisciplinary teams from its actions or inaction. Don’t be afraid to play the
many divisions, characters can still cooperate as a consequences of characters exerting their influ-
single task force regardless of what they do. ence or making right or wrong decisions, because
A charity ball where the Megasyndicate will that is what Trinity Continuum: Aberrant is all
purchase the plans for restricted technology about.
gives the chance for members of the Diplomacy
Corps and Public Relations to get into some Project Utopia Path
fine espionage action with the help of an agent (Society)
of Research Oversight and a technician from You are part of a force of change, employed by
Applied Technology, plus a Security agent for the largest and most complex entity in the world.
support. As part of Project Utopia, you are expected to do
Rumors of a new nova lead an Intervention and be your best, doing your part at maximum ef-
Team from Nova Affairs to a cult’s private enclave, fort to drive humanity to a bright future. You can
requiring the fine touch of the Diplomacy Corps be a scientist, a diplomat, member of a support
and help from Legal to deal with authorities. team, a field medic for superpowered individuals,
If the characters are novas, they have a chance or you can be one of these Inspired, lending your
to be part of Team Tomorrow. A classic campaign power to Utopia’s vision either as an employee
begins with their application to Team Tomorrow or a member of the admired and respected Team
(or into Teen Tomorrow if all the characters are Tomorrow; that is, if you have what it takes.
younger), follow their training, their first mis- Example Connections: Æon Society, Project
sions, and then become whatever the Storyguide Utopia, Team Tomorrow, squad of Peacekeepers,
and players want the campaign to be. doctor from Nova Affairs, DeVries recruiter
The characters can be tracking a dangerous Skills: Choose four appropriate for your di-
Aberrant and must bring him down, but in their vision of Project Utopia. For Team Tomorrow:
pursuit, they come across more reasonable Terats Athletics, Close Combat, Command, Integrity
who can be talked to and who make good points. Edges: Library, Small Unit Tactics, Big Hearted,
The characters could also be part of the World Fame, Patron, Wealth
Crime Task Force and face mostly baseline


Project Utopia 127
Marvels, portents, monsters… the novas of the the Teragen. Whereas Divis Mal shunned the
Teragen are all these things and more. While spotlight following the Null Manifesto, refusing
many like to paint them as nova supremacists all requests for interviews, the novas closest to
and outright terrorists (some of them are), the him did not. Many were happy to either step into
Teragen as a group is made up of a wide range of the light, or to make it known to their fellow no-
individuals drawn together by a common belief: vas they had insights to share.
Novas transcend baseline humanity, and there-
fore have a responsibility to themselves to ex- Factions
plore the full extent of their potential, without It would be misleading to say the Teragen even
being bound by human limits. has a “structure,” given how anti-hierarchical
The history of the Teragen in the Nova Age Terats tend to be, but there are certain factions
begins with the Null Manifesto. Divis Mal issued and cliques within the Teragen community, based
his statement to the world on October 31st, 2023, around shared interests and goals. Most of these
describing the philosophy he called “Teras,” and factions consolidate around charismatic and vi-
it was clear his message resonated with many no- sionary — or at least driven — leaders, although
vas. Not long thereafter, images of Mal were ev- leadership among the Teragen tends to be more
erywhere, along with his rising phoenix emblem by example or sheer power (physical, social, or
and the “black null” logo. Many novas adopted his otherwise) than any formalized process of ap-
philosophy, calling themselves “Teragen” while pointment or election. Even among the various
others discussed and debated the truth and value factions, there’s a great deal of crossover, with
of its ideas. Still, everyone was talking about what Terats involving themselves in whatever draws
Divis Mal had to say and what it meant for the their interest. “Membership” in a faction tends to
future of novas and the world. be more about regular association than anything
The media and the OpNet obsessively followed else, and some Terats associate with multiple fac-
Divis Mal after that, capturing his every appear- tions or none at all.
ance in public, along with whoever he associated
with and what they were doing. Stories circulated THE PANTHEON
about exclusive “salons” hosted by wealthy and The so-called Pantheon is the ultimate clique
influential novas like Pedro Santiago and Raoul within the Teragen, the sign you have truly ar-
Orzaiz, where Divis Mal and a handful of oth- rived, and the pinnacle of a group that claims
ers gathered, a “Pantheon” of novas discussing to have no hierarchy. It is the inner circle invit-
and debating. Some attendees of these gather- ed to attend Divis Mal on those occasions when
ings, like Santiago and Orzaiz, or Caroline Fong, he chooses to hold court, and whomever they
were already well known. Others, like Jeremiah choose to admit to their ranks for the in-between
Scripture, Narcosis, and Geryon, became known occasions when Mal isn’t feeling sociable and the
from their associations with the inner circle of Pantheon gathers in his absence. Such invitations


are few and far between, as the members of the Pantheon
tend to jealously guard their status. The Pantheon’s current
ranks, other than Divis Mal himself, include:
Altaz “The Apothecary” Zia: A former Triton Foundation re-
searcher in Europe, Dr. Zia’s fascination with novas led to his own eruption.
His bio-manipulative and healing powers have allowed him to continue his obsession with
studying the nature and development of the One Race.
Angela “Narcosis” de la Cruz: A rare instance of someone seeking eruption and finding
it, Narcosis is almost impossibly alluring and influential. She makes no secret of having started the
Pandaimonion faction to enjoy herself, and her abilities, to the fullest.
Bene “Bounty” Manata: One of the most recent additions to the Pantheon, Bene Manata erupted
in Ethiopia, where she studied with Terat and T2M member Antaeus. She later left Project Utopia and
traveled to the central Congo region, accepting an invitation to meet with the Pantheon and join them.
Caroline “Xing” Fong: Caroline belongs to the prestigious and wealthy Fong family of Hong Kong,
although she attended primary school and university in England. She has formidable radiant energy
projection powers.

The Teragen 129

The Terat most often seen by viewers
around the world is Count Raoul Or-
zaiz, the media’s favorite “spokes-
person” for the Teragen. He has ap-
peared in numerous interviews since
he publicly declared his adherence to
Teras shortly after the Null Manifesto
broadcast. Handsome, stylish, and
incredibly charming and well-spoken,
Count Orzaiz is a media darling who
doesn’t seem to seek the spotlight, but
nevertheless it always manages to find
him. He is in many ways an ideal face
for the Teragen, since he exhibits no
outward manifestations of the nova
nature he so proudly proclaims.
Orzaiz’s family is from the Basque
region of Spain, aristocratic old mon-
ey, lending the Count a natural ease
with his air of superiority and noblesse
oblige. He adds to this with a shaved
head, neatly trimmed goatee, and
fondness for expensive European menswear, lending him an alluring, slightly “sinis-
ter” look. He entertains regularly at his Spanish estate, including various members of
the Teragen among his guests. Orzaiz is somewhat coy concerning the full range of
his nova abilities. Still, his reputation as an outdoorsman makes it clear he is stronger,
faster, and tougher than any baseline, even if not to the level of the strongest and
fastest novas. Many speculate that his extraordinary charm and even good fortune
are also nova abilities.

Count Raoul Orzaiz: The smooth and urbane over air and light, shown in the continuous light
Count Orzaiz is a favorite “spokesperson” for the haloing his head and shining from his eyes.
Teragen among baseline media, owing to his tre- Marcel “The Apostle” Delorimier: The Apostle
mendous charisma and generally calm demeanor. may be one of the most beautiful and charismatic
He’s the epitome of the Network faction, looking beings on Earth, his very touch narcotic and ad-
to create and sustain relationships. dictive. A protege of Caroline Fong’s, the Apostle
Geryon: A monster in both appearance and is true to his name in his devotion to Divis Mal and
manner, Geryon is a hulking brute who morphs the Cultus Nova.
through various inhuman adaptations to suit Meena “Dalit” Harjapatan: Meena was born
his circumstances and whims. He created the into the “untouchable” Dalit caste in Mumbai.
Aberrant faction when he decided to eliminate She erupted during an attempt to gang-rape her,
a baseline “enemy of the One Race” and to do and fled following the grizzly deaths of her attack-
the same to others who would challenge nova ers, adopting the name and status of her former
sovereignty. caste as a badge of honor. Dalit has bio-sculpting
Jeremiah Scripture: The so-called “Voice of powers.
Mal,” Scripture is his consort, companion, and Pedro “The Mathematician” Santiago: The
spiritual counsel. He’s the most influential Terat Chilean majority shareholder of the CORE
within the Cultus Nova faction, which he named. International corporation, Pedro Santiago is an
Scripture is a universal translator with powers


Bene Manata joined many of her fel-
low Ethiopians in flocking to Addis
Ababa to witness and partake in the
miraculous new growth and prosperity
brought about by Project Utopia. Her
own sense of wonder was so profound
that Bene erupted herself, creating
a lush area of greenery and growth
around her, like a living manifestation
of the promise of Operation Eden. Her
heart and mind overflowing with new
possibilities, Bene became a student of
Dr. Spenser Balmer, studying ecology
and her newfound abilities.
They also discussed the nature of life
and philosophy, including Antaeus’s
interest in Teras. Bene — Bounty — be-
came a stronger believer in the truth of
the One Race than even her mentor.
She increasingly questioned Project
Utopia’s intervention in places around
the world, including her homeland,
and the rightness of novas acting as servants to baseline agendas. This led to a grow-
ing rift between Bounty and her Utopian colleagues, including Antaeus, until one day
she simply left Addis Ababa and disappeared.
A slim African woman with close-cropped hair, Bounty is usually clothed only in leafy
vines, flowers, and mosses. Her powers allow her to accelerate and direct the growth
of other life forms, particularly plant life.

organizational and financial genius, able to under- they are monsters. Whatever the case, they are all
stand and calculate probabilities instantly. pissed, and someone is going to pay. The Aberrants
Natalia “Swarm Queen” Dornova: A former formed as a reaction to baseline mistrust and mis-
Elite, the Russian-born Dornova left that life be- treatment of novas, particularly factions of baseline
hind to accept an invitation to join the Pantheon. society either proclaiming novas were inhuman
Swarm Queen has various insect themed powers, monsters or living weapons needing to be controlled
including transforming into a flying mass of wasp- (and possibly used). While many in the Teragen, Mal
like insects. included, were inclined to simply ignore baseline
Tarik ibn’Mahmoud: A Jordanian industrialist, threats to nova rights, dignity, and sovereignty as ir-
Tarik came to the attention of the Pantheon when relevant, others were not willing to do so.
he assisted in rooting out a plot to pin a series of The spark that lit the fire of the Aberrants was
killings in the Middle East on the Teragen. A grow- the efforts of Tampa Mayor Frederick Rupert to
ing influence within the Cultus Nova, Tarik can ban “aberrants” from the city limits, a question-
change his appearance and infect subjects with a able civil rights issue, legally speaking. The mat-
wide range of pathogens. ter is still working its way through the US court
system, but it is a moot point for Mr. Rupert, as
THE ABERRANTS Geryon took it upon himself to assassinate the
The Aberrants are angry. Some of them are angry at politician on live video to make it clear any threat
being treated like monsters. Others are angry because against the One Race would be answered with

The Teragen 131

Like many prominent members of the
Teragen, Jeremiah Scripture’s life
pre-eruption remains a mystery. He
has been referred to as a beloved
disciple and long-time companion
of Divis Mal, who he says, “opened
my inner eyes to the mysteries of the
universe and the glory of my true self
through his love.” Scripture has a reli-
gious devotion to Mal and the philos-
ophy of Teras, making him the unoffi-
cial guru of the Cult of Mal, since he
is more likely to offer them guidance
than the object of the Cult’s devotion.
Scripture’s name may originate with
his religious inclinations or his nova
ability to understand and speak virtu-
ally any language. He also appears
to have power over air, light, and “the
web of fire girding the Earth,” which
may refer to the OpNet or some New
Age notion of ley lines. Scripture ap-
pears vaguely middle-aged, completely bald and clean-shaven, with a continual
halo or crown of ghostly light playing around his head. His eyes are no longer visible
except as glowing lights, as if lit from within. While apparently physically blind, Scrip-
ture claims to see with “clear inner sight.” He most often wears flowing robes of white
with gold and red accents.

force, claiming the label of “aberrant” as a badge Within the Pantheon, Swarm Queen, the
of honor. This strike became a rallying point and, Apothecary and, to a lesser extent, the Apostle sup-
from then on, Terats and sympathizers who were port the cause of the Aberrants. Count Orzaiz, the
tired of baseline bullshit found an excuse and a Mathematician, and their Network allies have made
justification to strike back. it clear they disapprove of the Aberrants’s methods,
Geryon remains the most vocal member of the if not their goals, feeling that answering baseline
Aberrants and does his best to give the movement slurs and threats with force simply exacerbates
some direction and guidance. He feels the Aberrants the conflict and lends credence to their fears. The
as a group should adhere to two key guidelines: Cultus Nova is split on the Aberrants, with Scripture
First and foremost, they are protectors of the One tending to agree with the voices of moderation and
Race, even those who do not recognize their protec- the Apostle and Mahmoud supporting the notion of
tion. Geryon himself won’t kill another nova unless teaching baselines to respect their betters.
he has absolutely no choice; any such death is a ter- The Apothecary has sought to marry the
rible loss, whereas baselines are countless and dis- Aberrants’ violent “activism” with his own mys-
posable. Second, the Aberrants respond to threats tical insights into Teras, suggesting there is pow-
to their people quickly and forcefully. Baseline af- er to be had in embracing the archetype of the
fairs do not concern them except as they affect the Monster, casting aside baseline notions of mo-
One Race, and it is important for humans to learn rality, beauty, and “goodness.” This message has
that interference in nova affairs — especially threats found some fertile ground among the Aberrants,
to nova welfare — will not be tolerated. some of whom are already quite monstrous by


human standards. The Swarm Queen is intrigued More recently, the Cultus Nova has seen some
by Zia’s notions, linked to the hedonism and other sects form. Tarik ibn’Mahmoud serves as
self-aggrandizement of the Pandaimonion. the imam, of sorts, to the Companions, his own
mixture of Teras, the Cult of Mal, and Islam.
THE CULTUS NOVA Mahmoud suggests novas are especially favored by
There is a fine line between philosophy and Allah and a part of His divine plan for the future of
religion, and the Terats associated with what the world. The young nova Clarion, who erupted
Scripture calls “The Cultus Nova” (literally “the as part of a Cult of Mal ritual, has “apprenticed”
new culture”) tend to erase that line altogether. himself to the Apostle, forming a sect he calls the
Of course, philosophy and religion are a some- Kabal, made up mostly of younger followers eager
what different matter when you are a god. The to either attain greater power as novas or to follow
theology of the Cultus Nova is ultimately apothe- Clarion’s example and “unleash their inner poten-
osis, the notion that each nova has the potential tial” using meditation, ritual, and often harsh and
to grow into a god-like being, and the right and violent ordeals to trigger an eruption.
responsibility to explore this potential.
The Cultus Nova got its start with Scripture,
Divis Mal’s long-time companion, who holds a far No one is an island, not even a member of the
more mystical view of the link between the fun- One Race. While Terats recognize each of them
damental forces of the universe and novas. Once, is sovereign and answers to no higher authority,
he and Mal were lovers, before their relationship those involved with what they call the Network
moved “beyond all that.” Now the pleasures of also recognize the importance of relationships. It’s
the flesh pale in comparison to the splendor of foolish to simply cut one’s self off from the rest of
the cosmos. For the most part, Mal seems content the world, especially when “soft power” — social
to allow his “beloved Jeremiah” to oversee the power — can be a nova’s greatest asset and weapon.
Cultus, and to serve as an example for it. Scripture For some involved with the Network, like the
emphasizes that his goal is for younger novas to Mathematician, the faction’s approach is purely
emulate and learn from their elders, following practical; novas must live in the world, and most
them on the path of Teras, and worshipping nei- of them are not completely independent. Others,
ther them nor the path. This message does not like Count Orzaiz, supplement the practical with
always come through clearly. Younger novas like the fact that the world has so very much to offer.
the Apostle burn with the fanaticism of the newly Why isolate yourself, when the power and pres-
converted, and swing between worshipful adora- tige that comes with being a nova can open so
tion and following the advice of their elders for many doors to you? Other Terats refer to Orzaiz
deep introspection and development. and those who emulate him as “the Casablancas”
The role of baselines within the Cultus Nova re- for their desire to simultaneously socialize with
mains a topic of considerable discussion. Officially, everyone while also claiming complete neutral-
they can have no part in a path meant for the One ity. Finally, Terats like Synapse see the Network
Race and them alone, but it is clearly also human in a literal form: The connections created by the
nature to both worship and fear power — and they OpNet and global telecommunications. Better the
do. This has led to the so-called “Cult of Mal,” which Teragen be involved — and, ideally, in control —
Scripture allows to continue, and even occasionally there than trying to be separate and above it all.
encourages. Novas still arise from the baseline pop-
ulation, so it is useful for the Cultus — and therefore THE PANDAIMONION
Teras — to have a presence within the cultural zeit- What’s the point in being a living god if you
geist. It certainly has helped to recruit new novas to don’t have worshippers? That’s the question
the Teragen, although not always in the most desir- Terats associated with the Pandaimonion ask
able ways. The notion of taking a more direct hand themselves before going out and finding some.
in gathering or guiding baseline worshippers led to The faction started out as sect of the Cultus Nova
the formation of the Pandaimonion. but quickly spun off into a significant faction and

The Teragen 133

influence in its own right. The Pandaimonion’s affected by them. The more prominent and pow-
name comes from the ancient Greek daimon or erful they become, the more they will be expected
daemon, one’s inner genius or guiding spirit, a to align themselves with one faction or another.
concept Divis Mal talked about early on. Preceded Eventually, they may become prominent enough
by the pan- or “all,” the Pandaimonion heralds the to draw the attention of the Pantheon, perhaps
age or culture of living gods, who each embrace even receiving an invitation to join their ranks,
their own unique power and divinity. which is where the serious political maneuvering
Although the Pandaimonion sounds deeply happens.
philosophical, practically speaking, the faction The uppermost ranks of the Teragen are seeth-
is an opportunity for Terats to indulge in self-ag- ing with the potential for conflict. Despite their
grandizement, cults of personality, and sheer proclamations about the unity of the One Race,
hedonism as “divine paths to enlightenment.” it’s clear many members of the Pantheon hate
Angela “Narcosis” de la Cruz started and sets the each other, or at least would have few qualms
tone for the movement and is the kind of goddess about stabbing each other in the back, if the op-
most Terats of the Pandaimonion aspire to be: A portunity arose. What’s more, adoration and loy-
nova-hot media star who is an object of desire for alty can quickly turn to betrayal and hatred and
millions and who can have anything (and anyone) things can get ugly. Sooner or later, there is going
she wants, whenever and however she wants to be serious conflict. If nothing else, Divis Mal,
them. Narcosis presides over a cult of seemingly as aloof patriarch of the most powerful, dysfunc-
endless Dionysian excess, where the adoration of tional family in the world, grows increasingly
her worshippers is a better high than any drug, frustrated with the Teragen’s inability to follow
without ruling out enjoying plenty of those, too. the clear (to him) example he has laid, and may
Natalia “Swarm Queen” Dornova’s Club Zmei decide it is time to clean house to ensure the suc-
in Russia is similar: a combination temple and cess of his vision for the One Race.
brothel that lures followers like bees to nectar.
Dalit’s private clinic in India, on the other hand, Teragen Path (Society)
has far fewer religious overtones, but still caters A character on this path is more connected-
to the ideal of the Pandaimonion: to be eternally with the Teragen than simply declaring affili-
young, beautiful, healthy, and powerful, no mat- ation, as some do. They are both a follower of
ter what it takes. the philosophy of Teras and connected with the
larger community, since the highly independent
Running a Teragen Terats are often driven by factions and associ-
Campaign ations. Virtually any nova might belong to the
A Teragen campaign for Trinity Continuum: Teragen, since the path claims to embrace all
Aberrant is wide-open territory, given the range members of the One Race and seeks to realize
of interests held by different Terats. A campaign their full potential.
presumes all the player characters are adherents Path Concepts
of Teras, or at least hangers-on or otherwise in-
Celebrity Rebel, Former Utopian, Mystic
terested in the philosophy and the dynamics of
Seeker, Nova Rights Activist, Salon Philosopher,
the group.
Would-be Cult Leader
A Teragen campaign has two main threads:
Example Connections: Celebrity, Media
First are the various goals and ambitions of the
Personality, Religious Figure, Socialite, Teragen
player characters, whatever they may be, partic-
(any faction)
ularly as they intersect with the goals of other
Terats. The second thread is the internal politics Skills: Command, Culture, Integrity,
of the Teragen. Whether or not the player char- Persuasion
acters want to involve themselves in the move- Edges: Chrysalis, Covert, Eufiber, Fame,
ment’s internal struggles, they cannot help but be Followers, Iron Will, Patron, Skilled Liar, Striking,


It would be easy to characterize the Teragen’s members, and particularly the Aber-
rants, as supervillains. Indeed, many media outlets have no problem using that la-
bel, along with “terrorist” and “extremist.” But just because the latest OpNet editorial
decries members of the Teragen as villains doesn’t make it universally true — even if
Project Utopia quietly encourages that spin.
In truth, the Teragen’s members are so divided, the only thing you can say about the
group as a whole is that they’re angry, many of them with good reason. Yes, some
novas are revered and worshiped, but most of the time they’re attractive, and that’s by
human standards. Even well-respected novas like Antaeus can’t escape baseline ridi-
cule because they don’t measure up to the aesthetics of beauty that were established
long before N-day. That’s all before you consider that some politicians and policy
makers aren’t sure if novas count as humans from a civil rights perspective. Some Ab-
errants want to use their quantum powers to tear it all down.
If you’re a fan of other Trinity Continuum games like Æon, you know the Aberrants
are responsible for some awful things, but they don’t represent all Teragen, and just
because something’s set in one possible future of Aberrant doesn’t mean it needs
to be true in your game. In the end, members of the Teragen believe they are just
as much in the right as Project Utopia, and they may push the Aberrants out for the
greater good.
How villainous the Aberrants end up being is up to the Storyguide. If you want to use
the Aberrants as classic, Silver-Age-style villains, that’s easy to do. You can even have
them break off from the rest of the Terats if you want some distance from this faction.
Alternatively, all the arguments of terrorism and extremism can be put at the feet of a
couple of radical novas who are taking the Teragen’s name in vain.
If any player wants to play a member of the Teragen but doesn’t want to get wrapped
up in the potentially extremist views of the Aberrant cause, don’t force them. The Sto-
ryguide can simply rule that their type of Aberrant differs in this version of the Trinity
Continuum. In the end, having a good time is more important than whatever is writ-
ten here.

The Teragen 135

The Nova Age has vastly increased the importance States, Germany, the United Kingdom, China, and
and influence of the United Nations, and the UN in Japan. The Equatorial Wars served as the final
turn has given unprecedented responsibility to the catalyst for Russia’s case to the Security Council:
Æon Society and Project Utopia, but not without Both nation-states and private corporations were
taking some precautions. The use of Directive 9 of fielding novas in a para-military capacity, and
Chapter V, Article 24, of the UN Charter is one such Team Tomorrow’s initial effort to contain this con-
precaution. With it, the UN established an interna- flict was a catastrophe. Clearly, the international
tional agency charged with overseeing the activities community needed to exert further oversight.
of novas in the world, recognizing their potential Directive 9 was invoked and an international com-
global impact. The International Commission on mission was formed. To seal the deal, Ilyanovich
Nova Activities (ICNA) is more commonly known was willing to step aside from the role of leading
to the world simply as “The Directive.” the new organization in favor of a compromise
candidate, Canada’s Mara Bakshi.
History Since its creation, the Directive has followed
The potential for the Directive began during its mandate to oversee the activities of novas on
the UN Security Council meetings and emer- behalf of the international community, protect
gency sessions following N-Day, although it was human rights and national sovereignty against
more than three years before the invocation nova-related threats, and engage in information
of Directive 9 and the formal establishment of gathering and field operations that deal with
the organization. Russian security advisor Petr those threats as they arise, in cooperation with
Ilyanovich made a case to the Security Council national law-enforcement and military institu-
early on for the establishment of a UN commis- tions. To some, the Directive is a shield to protect
sion to address the potential implications of “the baseline humanity and ordinary citizens of na-
aberrant powers issue” when what to even call tions around the world from the hazards of living
the people displaying such unusual abilities was in the Nova Age. To others, the organization is a
still being debated. collection of international busybodies rattling sa-
Ultimately, the Æon Society’s ability to quickly bers and trying to slow progress towards a better
address concerns won out, but Ilyanovich nev- world, while shoring up outdated nation-state
er entirely abandoned his proposal. Instead, he structures. As Director Bakshi is fond of saying,
continued working his connections in the inter- “The Directive’s successes and failures are secret,
national intelligence and security community. He and must remain so.”
focused primarily on G20 nations with a strong
independent streak that expressed concerns over Recruitment
national sovereignty following the Æon Society’s You don’t contact the Directive; the Directive
handling of nova-related issues, such as the United contacts you. The organization does not accept


applications. Instead, it is made up of hand-picked agents, recruited
from UN member nations, and approved by the Director and the
Council. The Directive tends to prefer agents with a great deal
of field experience in intelligence, law enforcement, or mili-
tary operations, but its methods are its own, and sometimes
it chooses recruits from very different backgrounds because
of some special expertise or other quality known only
to the recruiters themselves. The Directive is known to
recruit based on recommendations from its agents, and
several newer agents have proven themselves to the se-
nior operatives in the field.
The agency takes care of its own. Since Directive
agents are essentially expected to dedicate their
lives to their work, they’re well paid and all their
essential needs are looked after. For many of
them, the organization arranges a suitable
cover story for their employment, typically a
desk-job for a tech or consulting firm, or simi-
lar corporate position that involves a lot of travel,
something not unusual for someone decamping from
military or government service into the private sector.
New Directive recruits undergo a period of train-
ing and evaluation before they are assigned to their
duties, including firearms, basic “tradecraft” (es-
pionage), and technical skills. Sometimes circum-
stances require putting a recruit into the field imme-
diately. In those cases, training and evaluation come
later, assuming the recruit makes it that far. Like its
recruitment standards, the Directive’s training and
evaluation methods are its own, and some would-be
recruits are judged unsuitable to serve. The dismissal
of a Directive agent is a rarity, but it does happen, and
the Director has the right to fire anyone who doesn’t
meet her standards.
Active Directive agents are given a Greek let-
ter and numerical code, such as “Alpha-2” or
“Epsilon-10” that they use as call-signs and
code-names. Letters may be repeated, but
numbers are not, and a particular code com-
bination is “retired” with the agent who held
it. Agents often adopt pseudonyms using the
equivalent letters and alphabetical counts of
their codes for initials, so “Epsilon-10” might
also be known as “Ephram Jones,” for exam-
ple. Some are also fond of using Roman nu-
meric plays on their number codes, such as
“Ephram X. Jones.”

The Directive 137

Structure R&D Departments, which tend to have dif-
ferent specialties. The primary departments
For an international agency, the Directive has a
are Administration, Recruitment & Training,
surprisingly loose structure, built on a hierarchy
Research & Development, Intelligence, and
of the Council, the Director, senior agents and
Operations, each with its own department head
department heads, and then individual operation
who reports to Director Bakshi.
cells — semi-autonomous teams of agents work-
The Admin department handles the logistics
ing in the field.
and structure necessary to keep the Directive
THE COUNCIL running, including management of all its phys-
ical assets and finances. It is the least glamor-
The Directive is governed by a council of 10
ous but the most necessary of the departments.
members appointed by the United Nations, in-
Recruitment & Training oversees both the pro-
cluding at least one representative from each
cess of recruiting and vetting new personnel as
of the five permanent Security Council mem-
well as training field agents, both new hires and
ber nations. Current Directive Council mem-
keeping existing agents up to date in their skills.
bers include General Wei Qiu (China), Erich
A little-known element of the R&T
Galt (Germany), Mitsu Nakamura (Japan), Petr
Department’s work is regular psychological eval-
Ilyanovich (Russia), Sir Calvin Lathrop (UK),
uations of personnel, particularly field operatives.
and Elliot Stinson (USA). The Council reports di-
The cover story is that these evaluations are for
rectly to the UN General Assembly and Secretary
the maintenance of the agents’ mental health and
General. Their responsibility is oversight of the
fitness for duty, which is partially true. They are
organization and its operations, and most busi-
also an effort to detect any nova-related psycho-
ness is decided by a simple majority vote. In in-
logical influence operatives may be under and to
stances of tie votes among the Council, the agen-
undo it (if possible) or isolate the affected agent
cy Director can serve as a tie-breaking vote.
before Directive security is compromised.
THE DIRECTOR Research & Development studies a great deal
of the information brought in by the Intelligence
Dr. Mara Bakshi is the first, and thus far only,
department to learn more about novas. R&D also
Director of the Directive. A former Minister of
develops and refines new technologies to en-
the Canadian Parliament, Bakshi holds a doctor-
sure the Directive and its agents have the most
ate in Political Science from the Université du
cutting-edge equipment — a challenge in an age
Québec à Montréal. Prior to her political career,
where the cutting edge is both quantum level and
she was a police officer in her native Montreal.
moving fast. It’s also R&D’s job to study any tech-
Bakshi speaks fluent English, French, and Hindi,
nology brought-in by Operations, often to find
and prides herself on following the same training
out how it works and what, if any, dangers it may
regime as Directive operations agents, saying she
pose, along with how the agency can potentially
doesn’t ask anything of them she isn’t able to do
put it to work.
herself. Bakshi understands she was considered
a “compromise candidate” to lead the organiza- CELL TEAMS
tion but nonetheless prides herself on keeping
the Directive focused on its mission and steering The Directive’s field operatives — members
clear of the rocky shoals of political entanglement of the Intelligence and Operations Departments
as much as humanly possible. — are organized into cell teams. A cell team is
expected to work closely together but to have
DEPARTMENTS limited direct contact with the main body of
the organization. A part of this is intended to
The Directive is organized into various de-
insulate the Directive from undue influence,
partments overseeing different areas of inter-
since one thing the organization has noticed in
est and responsibility within the agency. Some
its study of novas is that many of them are very
of the departments have sub-departments of
influential. Based on information from Project
their own, particularly the Intelligence and


Utopia and additional analysis from its own R&D are expected not to report to their handler oth-
Department, the Directive thinks the prevalence er than to report success or that the mission has
of nova cults is far more than just an issue of gone completely south — assuming the cell sur-
celebrity. vives it.
Intelligence cells are information gathering
and analysis groups, focused on tracking various Operations
kinds of information about or relating to novas. The Directive’s mandate is to monitor the ac-
They vary in size from six to as many as four doz- tivities of novas in general, and Project Utopia
en or so members, depending on what areas they and the Æon Society in particular. They gather
cover. Some intelligence cells are isolated, oper- intelligence and, when necessary, act to protect
ating from innocuous-seeming office parks and people and national interests from “unconven-
similar places. Other cells do more field observa- tional threats.” They also have a responsibility to
tion, often posing as journalists, fans, or tourists, assist other legal authorities, as well as Project
and making use of drones and covert surveillance Utopia and Æon Society, in the pursuit of their
techniques and equipment. goals. When there is evidence of terrorist activity,
Data from Intelligence cells is regularly backed- that is reported to the appropriate national secu-
up and transferred to the Directive, including in- rity or law enforcement agency.
cident reports and recommendations for any fol- This puts the Directive in the uncomfort-
low-up investigation or action. Intelligence cells able space of serving as the “internal affairs
are particularly on-alert for signs of nova-related cops” of sorts for novas, particularly Utopia.
trouble, new or potential eruptions, and activities Unsurprisingly, many resent the agency for this,
by nova cults and related groups. They classify and treat them with passive-aggressive disdain,
priorities and potential threat levels as: alpha (no if not outright defiance. Certainly, the Directive’s
threat), beta (potential threat), gamma (increas- legal authority to conduct what amounts to sur-
ing threat), delta (active baseline threat), and veillance on private citizens of different nations
omega (active nova threat). is murky, to say the least. For now, it’s justified
Operations cells are smaller and more mobile, by the need to regulate potentially dangerous
with rarely more than a half-dozen members. abilities and resources, much like the licens-
They are the Directive field agents who are most ing of weapons and other regulated equipment.
likely to see action directly assessing and dealing Likewise, allowing oversight by the Directive is
with nova-related threats. The agency general- the price the Æon Society pays for the extraordi-
ly prefers a “combined arms team” approach to nary latitude granted to it (and its Project Utopia)
operations cells, grouping together agents with by the United Nations.
diverse skills so the cell is prepared for different If the Directive is alerted to a potential threat,
contingencies. An Operations cell often has one either from its own intelligence gathering or
or more technical experts assigned to it, either on through the resources of other law enforcement
a regular basis or temporarily from R&D. or intelligence networks, it acts to deal with that
Operations cells are also assigned a handler, an threat. The kind of action depends on the situ-
administrative interface with the main agency. In ation and the decisions of the Director and the
the Directive, handlers all use codenames, and an Council. If evidence points to a terrorist conspir-
Operations cell is supposed to know as little as acy, that is referred to the appropriate national
possible about the personal life of their handler. and international authorities. When the evidence
Similarly, handlers are meant to not get person- suggests the terrorists belong to a nova cult (or
ally involved with the operatives. Their job is to worse yet are members of the Aberrants), that’s
deliver mission parameters and information, and when the Directive steps in.
to take reports, recommendations, and requests In fact, nova cults of various sorts are often the
back to Directive administration, nothing more. focus of Directive operations. Such cults are too
Because of this, Operations cells have a wide lat- closely connected with novas and their abilities
itude in terms of carrying out their missions and for conventional authorities to investigate them

The Directive 139

safely. They often extend across national bound- Technology Oversight division the authority to
aries, and they involve large numbers of base- monitor potentially dangerous technologies. The
lines. What’s more, nova cult activities tend to be agency feels that oversight is their responsibility
too widespread and dispersed for nova operatives and putting Utopia in charge is a case of assigning
like Team Tomorrow to deal with them, except a fox to guard the henhouse. The Council often
possibly at the endgame. Even then, while the takes opportunities to interpret the Directive’s
novas take on the nova head of a cult, someone intelligence gathering and threat neutraliza-
must deal with its members. The Directive has tion mandates quite broadly when it comes to
undercover operatives within most of the larger nova and quantum technology. While Utopia’s
nova cults and related organizations for intelli- Oversight gets to decide whether a technological
gence-gathering purposes. innovation or device is dangerous, the Directive
The Directive likes to handle problems that asserts a right to monitor such things and act in
come to its attention on its own when possible situations where a “clear and immediate threat”
but does sometimes pass them along to Team is perceived. This has led to a few instances of
Tomorrow and similar nova teams like Nippontai, Oversight personnel showing up, only to find
as well as local municipal defenders. Even then, Directive agents have already “dealt with the
the Directive may insist on including one or more threat” and the technology in question has been
of its agents in the operation for oversight pur- “taken as evidence for analysis.”
poses. Directive agents pride themselves on using
a combination of skill, tactics, and technology to Running a Directive
take on rogue novas and win, but they’re aware Campaign
of the dangers of doing so, and understand it is The super-spy agency extraordinaire, the
sometimes wiser to fight fire with fire. Similarly, Directive is a great means to run an Aberrant
Project Utopia tends to be reluctant to involve campaign focused on Talents from the Trinity
the Directive in its operations unless it is deemed Continuum Core Rulebook, with novas primari-
necessary, even though the agency is required ly as antagonists or background characters. Nova
to render assistance to Utopia and other legiti- or psiad characters in the cell would be at the
mate organizations in dealing with nova-based Storyguide’s discretion (see “The Nova Question”
concerns. sidebar), but the default is that the Directive goes
Two areas of friction between the Directive for the best of the best among baselines, meaning
and Utopia are nova eruptions and technological they also net a lot of Talents.
oversight. Because the Directive monitors and The Operations cell is the basic building block
gathers information about novas, they often dis- of the Directive’s field agents, and all the play-
patch an Operations cell to investigate a known er characters can be members of the same cell.
eruption event. Project Utopia experts also try to They might have additional Storyguide character
contact a new nova as early as possible. The same members or specialists at the Storyguide’s dis-
is true of other factions, particularly the Teragen, cretion, and they work with a handler within the
which has been more aggressive in recruiting Directive who assigns them their missions and
newly erupted novas — or “giving them an alter- receives their reports, a useful “mouthpiece” for
native to Utopian brain-washing,” as the Apostle the Storyguide. At least initially, the cell is insu-
once put it. All of this tends to place even more lated from much of the rest of the organization
stress on what an already delicate situation, and but, as the agents progress, they’re likely to draw
Utopia’s Rashoud Center experts often remind the attention of Directive higher-ups and learn
the Directive that their job is to observe in such more about the organization’s activities.
situations. The Directive, naturally, counters that
While you can run a Directive campaign as pri-
is true until there is a clear threat, whereupon
marily straight-up techno-thriller espionage, it
they can (and do) act.
is also an excellent opportunity to delve into the
Similarly, the Directive resents the UN de- conspiracy potential of the Nova Age. If anyone
cision to grant Project Utopia’s Science & is likely to uncover the information others would


A key question to answer in a Directive campaign is: Does the Directive recruit no-
vas? The official answer is up to the Storyguide and the group, but the Directive is
pragmatic enough to recognize they need every advantage they can get, while at
the same time cautious enough to want to avoid drawing a lot of attention. This makes
the organization ideal for “dark star” novas — those having some abilities but able to
pass in baseline society and be mistaken for merely highly skilled agents. Generally,
such novas blend more easily with Talents in a Directive campaign as well. The guide-
lines for novas apply equally to psiads in a Directive campaign, since the distinction
between the two is largely lost on the organization thus far. Storyguides running a
Directive campaign may want to limit the powers of nova player characters, perhaps
providing them with only 75 XP to spend on additional traits (see Creating More or
Less Advanced Novas, p. 88).

prefer to keep hidden, it’s the Directive, and then Path Concepts
it may be up to the Operations cell to decide what Government Intelligence Agent, Law
to do with what they have learned. Enforcement Officer, Military Special Ops,
Scientific or Technical Expert
Directive Path (Society) Example Connections: Defense Contractor,
The character is an operative of the Directive, Diplomatic Attaché, Government Official,
often someone with an intelligence, military, Intelligence Operative, Law Enforcement
or law-enforcement background, reflecting the
Skills: Aim, Larceny, Integrity, Technology
Directive’s training and areas of operation. A
Edges: Covert (one dot required), Always
character must be chosen as a recruit by the
Prepared, Hair Trigger Reflexes, Iron Will, Small
Directive to take this path, and generally must
Unit Tactics, Sniper, Well-Equipped
remain in good standing with the organization to
continue to advance in it.

The Directive 141

Not every nova wants to work for a nonprofit Executive Actions business into one that fielded
to save the world or follow some guru’s philos- agents like Crystalhawk and the Pursuer, rather
ophy towards supposed enlightenment. Some than baseline soldiers. DeVries’ success in Africa
novas just want to use the extraordinary abilities quickly made the concept popular, and the new
they’ve acquired to do one thing: make money. company could barely keep up with the demand
These nova for-hire have come to be known as for “private nova security consultants” in Africa
Elites, and many of them take the name serious- and abroad. By 2021, several nations in equato-
ly. They are among the most business- and me- rial Africa fielded nova Elites in border conflicts
dia-savvy of their kind, and Elites have found any against each other. Team Tomorrow attempted to
number of ways to cash-in on their nova powers. intervene; it was a disaster for the Project Utopia
The most common is security and military work novas, resulting in the deaths of All-Star and Slag,
— so much so that the stereotype of an Elite is a two members of T2M.
mercenary — but there are Elites in almost every Rather than flinch away from the deadly reality
field. of nova Elites, the world suddenly saw their full
potential. DeVries parlayed the Equatorial Wars
History into the kind of publicity money can’t buy, while
It didn’t take long after N-Day for some novas Project Utopia largely left the battlefield to the
to realize what a gold-mine their abilities could Elites, at least for a while. By the time the United
be and for others to begin paying them for the Nations took action to negotiate agreements re-
use of those abilities. The first Elite agency got garding the military use and deployment of no-
its start in 2018 and various others soon followed. vas, the nimble Elites had already secured their
Corporations and national governments also real- positions and moved on. DeVries and other Elite
ized the potential inherent in novas and actively agencies and corporations have supported UN ef-
began looking to recruit and hire them. The legal forts to limit the use of novas in national militar-
mechanisms of various nations scrambled to ad- ies and municipal police forces, precisely because
dress the notion of private individuals, business- of loopholes allowing for the hiring of mercenar-
es, and even governments hiring superhuman ies as “private security.”
beings, but even 10 years later, they are only be- Since those early years, Elites have diversified
ginning to address that open barn door, long after virtually everywhere. No longer just mercenar-
the horses have all trotted off to war. ies, they are nova talent for hire in almost any
And war was the first use the world found for field imaginable. Businesses find uses for Elites
Elites. At least part of the reason was likely that in mining, exploration, construction, demolition,
the first nova contract business, the DeVries and a variety of heavy industries, along with de-
Agency, grew out of a failed mercenary company. livering payloads into space, a lucrative sideline
Owner Anna DeVries turned her father’s former for novas with extra-atmospheric capabilities.


Elite agencies represent novas who are negotiators, models,
spokespeople, or consultants on a wide range of fields, partic-
ularly business, economics, law, and technology. Name a job,
and chances are there is an agency devoted to finding a nova
able to do it for you far better than any baseline.

Masks and Branding

The first mercenary Elites emulated the knights of old,
and modern militaries, in adopting “heraldry” in the
form of colorful uniforms. They used masks and code-
names to conceal their identities, both to protect their
private lives and to maintain the mystique that came
with an Elite persona. While no one had reason to
fear engineer Klaus Kleisner, the golden skull mask
of Totentanz still strikes fear into people around the
world. Since then, branding — in the form of cos-
tuming, masks, codenames, and emblems — has
become de rigueur for Elites, so much so that
agencies have whole divisions devoted to it,
such as DeVries’ Superimpose. Choosing the
right image is vital and making sure that im-
age isn’t already trademarked even more
While Team Tomorrow and Nippontai
go in for a certain amount of team uni-
ty in their uniform designs, Elites are
incredibly individual. That freedom of
expression is a selling point to new novas
considering what to do with their abilities, and
Elite recruiters put it to work. Who wouldn’t want
the glamor of being the next Crystalhawk or Lotus
Infinite, or the next ultimate badass like the Pursuer or
Totentanz? While Elites who work primarily as consul-
tants don’t go in for masks and costumes quite as much,
they still find the notion of a strong brand effective. After
all, who sounds more capable: Lucas Strand or Matrix,
Master of Machines?
The Elite fascination with brand identity has led to cer-
tain customs and traditions in the subculture, most of them
derived from the early days of Elites operating in the field as
mercenaries. One is a kind of “debutante” ceremony or cel-
ebration, where the nova appears in public in their Elite per-
sona for the first time, complete with costume and mask, de-
claring their new identity to the world. While this often takes
the form of a corporate press conference and party, the Elites
take it quite seriously, and Elite watchers obsess over new
premiers, as they’re most commonly known.
A related tradition is for a victorious Elite to unmask
their defeated opponent, representing stripping away

elites 143
The nova killer didn’t set out on this
path. Klaus Kleisner was a happy and
peaceful engineer, in love with the
woman who made his life complete.
Klaus was smart, focused, and better
with computers than with emotions.
Erica was the light to his darkness.
She delighted in everything, wore her
heart on her sleeve, and adored Klaus
and all his focused, structured ways.
Klaus’ world shattered when a con-
frontation between Team Tomorrow
and the Megasyndicate burst onto
Klaus and Erica’s street. The quan-
tum-powered battle rained bricks and
debris from the buildings onto the cou-
ple. Klaus’ final human memory was
blood red as masonry fell on Erica
and crushed her. Totentanz emerged
from the rubble, force field protecting
him but not her. Cold fury wrapped it-
self around his heart.
Totentanz is no random serial killer. He despises novas who lack control and reserves
special contempt for Utopians. He’ll fight wherever DeVries sends him but insists on
assignments where he might clash with Team Tomorrow. He is the ultimate nova pred-
ator. Strong, tough and fast, he fades from view and strikes without warning, sapping
his victims’ quantum flux and powers. He can heal others and will rescue baselines in
need, but rarely helps novas.

their mystique, their power, and claiming it for Elite Agencies

themselves. In some cases, Elites will even do this
Elites are, by their nature, often free agents of
rather than kill an opponent, especially since for-
some sort, working for whomever is paying the bills
tunes and loyalties shift and Elites can sometimes
that day. Many choose to set up their own freelance
find themselves on opposite sides of a conflict. An
businesses selling their services. Others find it eas-
unmasked Elite is recognized as having lost, and it is
ier to sign-on with a nova “talent agency” that han-
considered extremely bad form for the Elite to take
dles all the logistics, hands out jobs, and cuts checks
up the same mask and identity without either buy-
— after their percentage, of course. While there are
ing or winning it back from the victor. Sometimes
numerous nova contracting and consulting firms,
this is merely a token “payment,” even acknowl-
three remain at the top of the game as the most suc-
edgement of their opponent’s victory, and a mag-
cessful and influential Elite agencies in the world.
nanimous winner may return their defeated foe’s
mask as a gesture of conciliation. THE ARGUS AGENCY
The association of masks with Elites is strong
Scottish nova John Argyle erupted following an
enough that Project Utopia discourages their use
auto accident in 2020. He lost the use of his legs
among their own novas, and mask-wearing novas
but gained remarkable powers of intellect and in-
are often assumed to be mercenaries or Elites of
sight, including an almost precognitive sense of
some kind, regardless of their affiliation.
what would happen in the future. Initially, Argyle


wanted to use his abilities to help warn peo- contracting agency in the world. Anna DeVries is
ple of how to steer clear of potential problems. not just the owner; as the old saw goes, she was
Unfortunately, he couldn’t explain his intuitive also a client. DeVries herself erupted in 2018 and
process to anyone else, and many of his warnings took to the field during her company’s first op-
were ignored before it was too late. Unwilling to eration, protecting a corporate diamond mine in
play the role of Cassandra, Argyle instead took the Namibia from rioters and shoring up the shaky
opportunity to try and minimize some catastro- Namibian government. She transformed the
phes by pointing nova clients towards otherwise failed Executive Actions business she inherited
unforeseen opportunities, gaining a reputation from her father from a disgraced mercenary com-
for providing services no one even knew they pany into a contract employer of “special assets”
needed yet. That allowed him to build his Argus — novas.
Agency into a nova Elite business, matching no- It wasn’t long thereafter that DeVries was
vas with potential clients, and undercutting some competing with Project Utopia to recruit newly
of the business of his competitors. “There before erupted novas. Whereas Utopia offered scientif-
you need us” is the company’s motto. ic and medical treatment and the opportunity to
The Argus Agency is headquartered in Argyle’s improve the world, DeVries offered cold, hard
native Edinburgh, with operations around the cash in substantial amounts, along with a gen-
world. The company is best known for “crisis erous benefits package. Although some accused
management” services directed by Mr. Argyle, the company of predatory hiring practices, every
where Argus agents are on-hand to deal with a contract DeVries signed with one of its nova cli-
problem right after — or even before — it aris- ents was upheld as above-board and legal. The
es, such as when they returned stolen plans to company was also not above advertising itself as
a Japanese corporation less than an hour after a business “by novas, for novas,” with the impli-
company officials realized the theft occurred, or cation that Project Utopia was run by baselines
when Argus Elites were on-hand to stop a bor- looking to put novas to work for them.
der invasion as it happened. This is further rein- Initially, DeVries’ Elite operatives found work
forced by the work of Evelyn “Evac” Piedmont, a as “private security” for a variety of national and
nova teleporter who serves as primary transport corporate clients, essentially paid mercenaries.
for Argus teams. “Elite” became common for referring to these
John Argyle encourages a certain amount of hired novas, and DeVries and its employees glad-
pro bono work on the part of his Elites, some- ly embraced the term. After the initial success
times sending them on personal missions paid of mercenary operations during the Equatorial
for by the company. The occasions when they get Wars, DeVries diversified, expanding into cor-
to prevent a crisis while also showing up Team porate and consulting work of all kinds and re-
Tomorrow and the competition are some of the cruiting a wide range of nova talent beyond just
best publicity and advertising around, so Argyle paramilitary types. DeVries spun off the compa-
considers it money well spent. Don’t be fooled: ny’s mercenary operations into DeVries Tactical
John Argyle still makes a lot of money, which he Solutions, while the DeVries Agency proper fo-
is using to fund further eufiber spinal cord re- cused on a wider portfolio of job opportunities
placement research after the Triton Foundation’s for novas.
successful surgery in 2025.
DEVRIES Based in Hong Kong and founded by the bril-
If there’s one name in the Nova Age virtual- liant nova Amanda Wu, Novelty Consulting is
ly synonymous with Elites, it’s “DeVries.” Both the premier Elite agency in business and tech-
Anna DeVries and her company, the DeVries nical consulting. It began as Ms. Wu’s own con-
Agency, put the concept of novas for hire on the sulting business, putting her considerable intel-
map, and DeVries still bills itself as “The Elite lect to work on behalf of a variety of clients. As
Standard,” the largest and most profitable nova time went on, Novelty recruited other novas and

elites 145
No one doubted Holger DeVries’s
daughter Anna was destined for
greatness. Her father saw to it that she
had the best tutors and training money
could buy, and simultaneously dot-
ed on her and drove her to achieve.
Thus, when Anna DeVries, CEO of the
DeVries Agency, walks into a room she
immediately owns it. DeVries always
presents a flawless image: Tall, toned,
and tanned, she wears her blond hair
in a loose braid and favors tailored
linen suits but is just as stylish in desert
fatigues or a designer evening gown.
DeVries’s own status as a nova is well
known. She erupted in 2018 while
completing her MBA in London. She
was just down the street when Hazel
Dryden was attacked by a mugger.
Dryden erupted, emitting a sonic blast
that shattered glass for several blocks.
In turn, DeVries suddenly manifested
the ability to make the terrible sound
stop. She saw the immense potential of novas and transformed the company she in-
herited from her father into a nova “employment agency.” Dryden became one of the
first novas to sign with the DeVries Agency later that year, as Crystalhawk. No doubt
part of DeVries’s confidence in dealing with fellow novas is knowing she can neutral-
ize their powers at will, and rumor has it she can do far worse, if necessary.

sub-contracted some of the work, as well as di- of the name “Elite.” That said, Ms. Wu and her
versifying their range of expertise and clients. peers also like to enjoy themselves, and Novelty
Novelty is known as an international nova think- Consulting’s soirees in Hong Kong, London, Paris,
tank with connections to some of the most intelligent and elsewhere are legendary. Rumors that they
minds on Earth. They step in to provide expert advice also provide Novelty with an extensive collection
on technical issues of all kinds, ranging from engineer- of blackmail material have never been proven.
ing and science to programming, communications,
economics, public relations, and more. While Novelty Elite Operations
does offer security services, they are generally more in Get the job done and get paid. That’s the Elite
the vein of security systems consulting, although one credo. It’s all just business, whether it is arrang-
can hire nova bodyguards as well. Novelty tends to ing (or fighting) a hostile corporate takeover or
leave the paramilitary operations to other Elite agen- toppling (or propping up) a tin-pot dictator. Elite
cies, although they say no job is truly outside their field. operations and business tend to break down into
It’s widely known that Amanda Wu’s thinktank four main categories: military, security, public re-
is also something of a shark tank: Wu herself is lations, and various kinds of consulting work.
fiercely competitive and encourages the same in
her associates and employees. Nova Elites work- MILITARY
ing for Novelty are expected to work and are held Thanks to things like the Equatorial Wars
to high standards of excellence meant to be worthy and the spectacular battlefield images of nova


mercenaries in action, military operations are hiring novas to work essentially as full-time su-
still what come to mind when many think of perheroes, combating crime, aiding first respond-
Elites. Novas can be frighteningly effective forc- ers, doing public service, and serving as a kind
es on a battlefield, some with the capabilities of of spokesperson and ambassador for the area.
tanks or warplanes but even greater speed and Generally, city defender has been recognized as
mobility than a lone commando or drone. Nova a pretty sweet gig, provided the nova is agree-
Elites find roles in nearly all elements of military able with all the strings that come with the deal.
operations, from using their powers to gather in- Public opinion ranges from fanatical devotion to
telligence and perform reconnaissance to direct such novas (like that of local sports franchises) to
combat operations and even to the clean-up, tri- complaints that it is a huge waste of public funds
age, and repairs that come after a battle. on what amounts to a publicity stunt.
While Elite military operations are often quite
bloody, sometimes Elites on the field help to lim- PUBLIC RELATIONS
it the conflict. First, just facing a force of Elite Novas have an additional power, the power
novas has been known to make some sides back of celebrity, at their command. Sometimes a cli-
down without a single shot or quantum blast ent simply wants to hire an Elite nova for their
fired. Elites cultivate a fearsome reputation pre- image or their presence. Elites are like star ath-
cisely because it makes others reluctant to fight letes when it comes to endorsement deals and li-
them. Additionally, some Elite-versus-Elite con- censing. The prestige of being seen with an Elite
flicts get settled when one side defeats the other bodyguard can be almost as important as the pro-
without killing them and the defeated Elites quit tection that nova brings, especially at a high-pro-
the field. Faced with victorious nova foes without file public event. Likewise, some Elite “consult-
any of their own, a lot of combatants surrender. ing” work is more about the nova’s presence as
This makes some Elite military conflicts almost an expert lending confidence to a situation rather
like professional fighting bouts, something not than any actual expertise the Elite can provide
lost on the Elites, the media, or the huge viewing (although many nova consultants hate this sort of
audience. work it tends to be easy money).
Novas with social abilities also find various
SECURITY opportunities in public relations. An Elite nego-
Having a nova bodyguard, much less an entire tiator or mediator can often seal a deal in record
security detail, is a sure sign of status in the world, time, favorably for their client. Why employ a
and nova security protects heads of state, corpo- cadre of nova mercenaries when an Elite envoy
rate executives, religious leaders, and other very can talk with an opposition leader and convince
important people with the means to pay for them. them to sign an agreement, or even to peaceably
Since covert assassination is one of the paramili- resign? This use of nova abilities has come under
tary operations other Elites are hired to carry out, scrutiny of late, and many are questioning the de-
such bodyguards may have to deal with more than gree of mental and social influence certain novas
just baseline threats. In fact, “security operations” can exert. Until the legal experts have sorted it
are often just thinly veiled military ops for Elites, out, however, the opportunities for nova negoti-
especially when it comes to corporate clients who ators are many.
need a level of deniability. Right from the begin-
ning, multinational corporations have been hiring CONSULTING
Elites to safeguard assets and personnel, knowing Novas perform a wide range of consulting, put-
full well that they will provoke a conflict where- ting their powers and abilities to work for differ-
in the novas will be “forced” to take out terrorists, ent clients. This is the catch-all category for hir-
rebel factions, or even troublesome governments, ing an Elite to do a job that isn’t military, security,
with the corporation claiming self-defense. or PR work of some sort.
The more recent trend in municipal defenders Technical consulting of all kinds is common for no-
has been a new wrinkle on security work: Cities vas known to have particular expertise. This ranges

elites 147
Many people think of the Elites as little more than soulless mercenary thugs who will
threaten, assault, and kill anyone for a few bucks, but they are a lot more than that.
Putting aside that many mercenary novas use their brains as much as their brawn, it’s
entirely possible to be a good person without running a non-profit.
Some Elites require an ethics clause before they start work. If they are ever forced to
take an illegal or unethical action (as defined in the legal language of their contracts),
the contract is null and void and they get a “kill fee” of 10-25% of the agreed-upon
payment. Usually the action is protected by a nondisclosure agreement, so the Elite
can’t turn around and sell the story to the media, but only a particularly naïve nova
allows for an NDA that doesn’t expire after a few years. If a client seems reluctant
to agree to an ethics clause, it’s probably best that the nova walks away at the start
before both parties are in too deep.
Others are more…well, mercenary in terms of what work they will or won’t take on.
Just as they may have flexible morals, they may choose to have flexible pay rates.
Sometimes that’s as simple as a “friends and family” reduced rate for personal clients,
but it might also be a case of offering a lower rate for people who are particularly
hard-up and need help. Some Elites will even work pro bono, although often they’ll
write it off as an “exchange of services” or some other equally vague term. Being a
nice person is one thing, but it’s bad business to seem like you can be taken advan-
tage of.
It’s certainly possible to play an Elite campaign full of moral compromises and ethical
shortcuts, but it’s not the only way. It’s equally possible to portray freelancers who
only work for clients in whom they believe, rather than the first paycheck that walks
through the door. At the end of the day, if the players and Storyguide want to run an
Elite game where the characters charge fair rates for good work without dealing with
sketchy clients, that’s totally up to you.

from high-tech companies bringing in genius nova nova can do deep-sea research more easily than
engineers and scientists to review certain projects or any drone and assist in exploration as well as min-
help move them along, to Elite business consultants ing and plans to construct oceanic cities. Several
with uncanny economic and managerial insights, or manufacturing processes rely on novas able to
nova political consultants able to analyze polling and transmute materials to provide rare elements or
population data and extract information better than engineer compounds that would be too expensive
the best baseline experts or software. or difficult to produce otherwise. Likewise, no-
Transportation is a common form of consulting vas with the ability to eliminate various kinds of
for novas with powers like supersonic flight or waste materials can largely write their own ticket
teleportation. In addition to getting things places to deal with as much of it as they can, from ren-
far faster than conventional means, a nova cou- dering nuclear waste harmless to transforming
rier is often more capable of self-defense when mountains of garbage into useful resources.
it comes to potential interference. A flying nova,
or a teleporter or warper, can also smuggle things Running an Elite Campaign
(and people) easily across borders. Nova trans- An Elite campaign allows a great deal of flex-
portation is also in high demand when it comes to ibility for an Aberrant game, much like Elite
boosting payloads into Earth orbit, or transport- employment. The player characters can work
ing them to the Moon or Mars. a variety of jobs for different clients around the
Nova Elites also do various sorts of specialized world. One week, they’re in a warzone fighting
labor involving their powers. An aquatic-adapted other nova Elites and conventional forces, the


next, they’re exploring the bottom of the ocean Elite Path (Society)
or attending a corporate gala as security or
The character is a classic Elite — a mercenary
spokespeople. Then they could be bodyguards,
nova fighting on whatever battlefield their cur-
investigators, and working rescue operations the
rent client wants. The Elite might work with a
next month. The characters could be contracted
known agency or primarily freelance, and might
agents of an employer like DeVries, or free agents
focus on a particular kind of military or security
able to work for whomever they wish but having
operations, but in all cases is known for combat
to compete with Elites who have a lot more sup-
capabilities and a willingness to get the job done,
port from their employers.
no matter what it might be.
An Elite campaign allows for a lot of options in
terms of player characters as well. While a group Path Concepts
of Elites might regularly work (and hire out) as a Elite Celebrity, Former Soldier, Nova Ronin,
team, more often teams are put together on a per- Paramilitary Commander, Security Consultant
job basis. This allows players to swap around dif-
Example Connections: Elite Agency, Fellow
ferent characters from one story arc to the next,
Mercenary, Former Client, Government Official,
and can be used to account for why a particular
Old Combat Buddy, War Correspondent
player’s character isn’t around for a story, if the
Skills: Aim, Athletics, Close Combat, Integrity
player is unavailable: They’re probably on anoth-
er job elsewhere, or weren’t needed for this one. Edges: Always Prepared, Danger Sense, Fame,
Hardy, Small Unit Tactics, Wealth

elites 149
Born from sheer enthusiasm and love, the profit, the League rose organically, a coincidence
Daedalus League is fulfilling one of humanity’s and a whim that caught on and lit the imagination
most powerful drives: to go beyond, to explore of thousands.
the blank spaces in the maps just to see what’s out It all began when twins Janos and Janice
there, and to be the first people to reach places Karagian took their world-famous trip to the
once thought unreachable. Moon as part of NASA’s Artemis mission, having
The exploration of space is the main reason for reached it under their own power, and stood on
the Daedalus League to exist, refusing member- the lunar surface without the aid of any life sup-
ship with any private or state sponsor, limiting port equipment. This event gave the world plen-
such contacts to joint efforts and partnerships that
ty to talk about, especially an op-ed column by
leverage their sheer excitement and curiosity. Meredith Yates in The New York Times that called
It’s only in recent months that the founding the Karagians’ feat a mere publicity stunt and an
members of the League began to take themselves ego trip for the novas, calling into question the ac-
more seriously, stepping up their efforts in space tual usefulness of novas in real space exploration.
exploration with a more professional approach, While the Karagians didn’t respond to the jour-
since up until now they operated more as a group nalist, another nova, Cyrus Katrak, was inspired
of friends with a common interest than a true in- into action; a couple of days later, he gifted her with
fluential agency. a collection of soil samples from Jupiter’s moons.
This consolidation is bringing a new issue to Katrak, an American anthropologist, had al-
the fore: What kind of organization do they want ways loved everything about space; he ran a
to become? Their near monopoly on space-capa- Reddit community of other space exploration en-
ble novas puts them in a position to guide human- thusiasts that, after his eruption, migrated seam-
ity side by side into the stars, impose their viewslessly to N!Sight. The Karagians’ Moon landing
on what space exploration should be, or simply was received with unbridled enthusiasm, and
stand aside and do what they love while waiting Katrak had to urge the members of his commu-
for their baseline peers to catch up. nity not to harass or move against The New York
So far, the League appears to be following the Times for their ensuing editorial. The day after
first option, with closer cooperation — but never Katrak’s own feat, Yates wrote a public apology
subordination — with groups like Project Utopia, for her earlier editorial and since then has been
NASA and ESA, building the foundations for a one of the League’s staunchest supporters in the
much wider future. media.
That was just the beginning. The public’s re-
History sponse to his little stunt showed Katrak that,
Unlike many organizations in the Nova Age despite the enthusiasm for what Project Utopia
that were created out of necessity or a desire for was achieving on Earth, there were still people


looking beyond, and he started making calls. He met with the Karagian twins, and he contacted the
novas in his OpNet community via private message, as well as others who could be useful or showed
a shared enthusiasm for space.
About two weeks later, Katrak’s community changed its
name to the Daedalus League and went public with both its
mission statement and its membership, which included
the Karagian twins, Milo “Lumen” Rosenberg,
who could turn himself into light and travel
at near light speed, and Sharon “Gaussian”
Monashi, who can turn into a living mag-
netic field.
With help from the Times’ Meredith
Yates, Katrak got in touch with officers
from NASA and Project Utopia. The
latter tried to recruit the League,
offering them their own division
within the international orga-
nization, but Katrak and the
Karagians replied with the
first of many such refusals.
The only support the
League accepted came from
a strings-free grant from the
Æon Society, whose Project
Odysseus was created to fund
exactly the kind of endeav-
ors that the League intended to
For a year, the main activities for League mem-
bers were mostly showing off. Janice Karagian
used part of the League’s funds to order child-
sized vacuum suits so she could take children
from the Make A Wish Foundation into low
orbit. Meanwhile, Milo Rosenberg worked
closely with several observatories, helping
them calibrate readings by flying to different
parts of the solar system to basically create
reference noise.
The League grew as both novas and base-
lines joined the online community and ap-
plied for real membership; even those who
were rejected, mainly for their own safety,
stayed in the forums to contribute to discus-
sion. During this time, Katrak did not keep
secret that the League was now working
on something big, sending ripples of spec-
ulation in the Daedalus League’s Op site,
with many pointing at the joint NASA/

The Daedalus League 151

ESA mission for a Mars landing pulling down The “inner circle” of the League began discuss-
their schedule. ing the direction they wanted to go and then held
In 2021, the rumors were proven true as Katrak the first full meeting of the Daedalus League to
posted photos from the surface of Mars, together discuss their ideas with the rest of their commu-
with the rover and NASA/ESA astronauts. Upon nity. From this meeting, the League once again
return, the Daedalus League clarified that Katrak reinvented itself and emerged as a better-defined
had been transporting the components of the sur- organization, with their own programs, projects,
face mission throughout the past year, massively and divisions, as well as people designated to
lightening the spaceship’s load so that it was bet- oversee them.
ter outfitted to keep its occupants alive. With a clearer view of their objectives, the
This victory made the League’s popularity Daedalus League announced their interest in
soar, and its members entered into collaboration helping the Utopia-led consortium of state and
agreements with several parties. In a public state- private organizations that was building the Earth
ment, Janos Karagian revealed they had refused Orbital Habitat. The novas who could help and
a mission from an unnamed government to se- still held jobs elsewhere quit them to devote all
cretly put a weapons satellite in orbit. He made it their time to this task, which reduced the proj-
clear that the League was diametrically opposed ect’s timetable by a significant amount.
to weaponizing space or make it exclusive to a Currently, while the League is still decentral-
wealthy few and would not lend themselves to ized and the different “heads” run their areas
any such request. The recently formed Directive from their own homes, they now have a central
interpreted this as a warning and increased the office in the finished part of the Earth Orbital
Daedalus League’s threat rating. Habitat, a concession they added to their com-
Despite the growth in popularity and scope, pensation for their involvement.
the League continues to operate more like a hob-
byist’s club, organizing more outings to the Moon Organizational Structure
for members who cannot travel on their own, The Daedalus League is barely organized given
while individuals push their own limits, like the their small numbers and the competing interests
famous walk on the surface of the Sun by Katrak of managing League business and going into space
and Rosenberg, or the Karagians’ lone expedi- that many members endure. Rather than having
tions to Venus. They also plan to build a lunar strict divisions and departments, the League has
base, nicknamed “Olympus” as a nod to the Apollo several programs or plans with one member act-
and Artemis missions. Critics once more pointed ing as a project manager. Membership of each
out that the Daedalians were more interested in program is fluid and based mostly on volunteer-
self-satisfaction than in actual space exploration, ing, with trust and commitment playing a large
but many defenders refuted this by highlighting part in channeling the enthusiasm of program
how many space programs had jump-started participants.
their progress thanks to receiving help from the Also, a single member can oversee more than
League’s members. one program, and temporarily assign responsi-
In 2024, the League proved its worth once bility to somebody else. The organization is still
more by helping Utopia launch and put the Webb small enough that its informal methods work,
Space Telescope in operation. This would be the helping keep intact the members’ passion for
first project where the League asked for payment space exploration.
in favors rather than in funding or equipment. In
exchange for their assistance, the members of the MEMBERSHIP TIERS
Daedalus League asked for first access to the tele- The Daedalus League intends to stay as hor-
scope’s readings as well as privileges to conduct izontal and democratic as its size demands, but
readings of their own; by this time the League as in any human groups, a hierarchy of authority
included a handful of baseline astronomers and developed since the first time it adopted its name.
astrophysicists. There is no official charter that describes the


Joining the Daedalus League is as easy as signing up for their forums or becoming a
crowdfunding patron. Climbing into official membership takes a lot more effort, as the
applicant must prove they have something to contribute to League efforts. While this
sounds elitist, the Daedalus League doesn’t have the budget or the patience to carry
people who won’t be a full part of their activities, but they are picky also because they
are worried that unprepared or unfit new members pose a risk to themselves and to
Space-capable novas take top recruitment priority, whether they can withstand the
conditions of space or other planets, provide means of fast travel and ability to leave
Earth’s atmosphere, or, in the rarest of cases, both. The League will help procure train-
ing, equipment, or cooperation to compensate for a nova’s vulnerability to space
conditions or the lack of travel powers.
Once accepted, new official members join a meritocracy where their own efforts and
degree of participation dictate their amount of authority or consideration. The more
they do to help their fellows, the higher they will climb. The core Daedalians take time
to listen to all their members, but they place higher value on the opinions of a few.
A Daedalian will know they have entered the Central Command when Katrak asks
them to take charge of some plan or idea.

authority or obligations, but the hierarchy exists precisely because they embody the core ideals
unwritten, based on merit and a sprinkle of social of the organization: traveling to space. Dafileh
positioning. Kirouri, a daredevil athlete whose eruption made
Central Command: Also called the Inner her immune to radiation and extreme tempera-
Circle, the core, and the “gold shirts,” these are tures, is one of the best known “aways.”
the founding members of the League as well as Engine Room: Also known as cadets, rank and
those who’ve done the most for the organiza- file, and the “blue shirts,” these Daedalians have
tion for long enough to earn this consideration. not been to space yet, but they have skills that help
Members of Central Command can trust that the League in various ways or are under training
their voice will always be heard and most of their in anticipation of their first sojourn. Members of
proposals followed, only challenged by their any STEM profession have the best chances to
peers. Cyrus Katrak, the Karagian twins, Milo join the League in various capacities. While they
Rosenberg, and Sharon Monashi are the most are less likely to be picked for a space expedition,
visible “commanders,” joined by other space-ca- they can enter their name in a monthly raffle to
pable novas. This amount of respect also goes, hitch a short ride into orbit or, as started in 2027,
ironically, to Meredith Yates, who has helped the to visit the Earth Orbital Habitat. The latter visits
League with their media relations and network- are becoming more commonplace, with views of
ing, and to Aariyan Ikalvaanan, a young baseline establishing a personnel roster to work in shifts
astrophysicist who has helped everyone in the in the League’s new orbital office.
League get a much firmer grasp on space travel Viewers: Also known as “the fandom” or, more
and everything it entails. diplomatically, “community members,” these are
Away Team: Also called spacenoids, belters, not members of the Daedalus League per se but
and the “red shirts,” these members are a mix of belong to their OpNet site’s community and are
novas and baselines who have been to lower orbit patrons of the group’s crowdfunding sites. Katrak
and beyond by any method, including hitching a insists that everyone who is an official member of
ride with Katrak or one of the Karagians. While the League treat the viewers as fellow Daedalians.
technically they are regular members of the It’s an open secret that the gold shirts plan to in-
League, the Away Team has the respect of others duct the community members into their activities

The Daedalus League 153

once they reach a part of their overall plan to ex- They busy themselves in taking materials between
pand the League into something grander. A new Earth and the Orbital Habitat, testing and placing the
nickname is catching on in the League’s forums beacons from Project Lighthouse, or assisting space
for this membership tier: “colonists.” agencies with their probes and rovers. The one re-
sponsibility they never shirk is taking members for
PLANS AND PROGRAMS their first spacewalk. The shared joy reminds them
When they reformed into their current orga- of why they are doing what they are doing.
nization, the Daedalus League classified its ef- The next step in the program’s evolution is get-
forts and activities and assigned project leaders ting the Daedalus League their own space shut-
to coordinate them. Most of them are just things tle. They have already refused offers by different
the League members were already doing but now militaries who want to crew a loaned shuttle with
with a name and better-defined responsibilities. their own personnel.
Program leaders have final authority on what The Toybox: Supplies Program
goes on within their program, but it is common
Under the responsibility of Cyrus Katrak, the
practice for them to change their mind when of-
people in The Toybox are managing the League’s
fered a better alternative from any source, even
material resources, which have been growing as
from the “viewer” members.
of late. Katrak set up an inventory database but
Code Voyager: Scouting Program he no longer runs it, leaving that responsibility
Milo “Lumen” Rosenberg oversees this pro- to Masahiko Shirogane, a baseline engineer who
gram, tasked with going ahead to new destina- many suspect has contacts with Kuro-Tek, be-
tions to check out conditions. All the Central cause he makes miracles when the League needs
Command participate in these activities but bow a particularly hard-to-find part.
to Rosenberg’s authority and responsibility. The efforts of the entire Central Command
While not an astrophysicist himself, his work have secured several spacesuits, some of them
with scientists from observatories around the prototypes, as well as experimental spacewalking
world and invaluable help in calibrating the gear for members whose powers (or lack thereof )
Webb Space Telescope marked him as the best prevent them from moving in space unaided.
suited in the Central Command to coordinate the Shirogane coordinates a small army of DIY afi-
League’s own astrophysics resources. Baseline cionados, mostly members of the League’s online
astronomers and engineers volunteer to work community, but also from outside (who prompt-
with Rosenberg poring through the information ly join the forums or are directly made official
they get from the Webb Telescope and other ob- members).
servatories to choose new destinations.
Project Lighthouse: Mapping Program
Members of the Scouting Program have con-
A joint effort by the Toybox and the Voyager
tacts among the world’s scientific community (or
scouts, under the coordination of Janice Karagian,
are members themselves), and recently they’ve
Pathfinder also collaborates with Project Utopia’s
been asking for outside help in calculating pro-
Science & Technology Division in developing a
jected planetary orbits as well as showing a deep
series of beacons that emit an information-car-
interest in the Kuiper Belt, the asteroid field or-
rying quantum signal, as well as receivers that
biting the edge of the Solar System.
can read it without the aid of nova powers. The
Code Pathfinder: Space Travel Program purpose of these beacons is to establish a system
While the Pathfinders are under the respon- of “lighthouses” in the orbit of all planets, akin to
sibility of Janos Karagian, he and Cyrus Katrak Earth’s GPS network. These beacons will have
share the burden of the most important aspect many useful applications: telemetry for space
of the Daedalus League. What started as a hobby probes and landers, reference for radio tele-
for them is now a job and the fulfillment of their scopes and, of most importance for the League,
dreams. helping spacefaring novas orient themselves in
As the top novas who can take other people into the middle of space.
space, Karagian and Katrak have their hands full.


Code Fleshbag: Human Resources and a modest module in the Earth Orbital Habitat
Relations Program just for themselves. The members of Central
Under an apparently derogatory nickname, Command are using it extensively as a stop in
Meredith Yates and Janice Karagian oversee ev- their trips across the Solar System, and they want
erything human-related. Janice unwittingly vol- to bring up more people to help with mainte-
unteered herself when online traffic showed she nance and to train them to get their “space legs”
was taking the most membership applications of in the relative safety of a shielded area the size of
other leaguers, and the reorganization meeting a small house.
made this responsibility official. Katrak and Meredith Yates are still negotiating
She called upon Yates to take a bigger role in with the Habitat’s administrative board to get
the League than supporting them from her posi- certifications and clearance for baseline League
tion in The New York Times, and Yates accepted, members.
downsizing her job as editor to have more time
to help the Daedalians with their public relations, THE FUTURE AND BEYOND
leveraging her contacts among Project Utopia There are many rumors surrounding the
and the different space agencies. Yates was in- Daedalus League and their plans. Most of their
strumental in getting Katrak in touch with Utopia followers and admirers can’t wait to see what
to offer their assistance with both the Webb they do next, while their detractors speculate
Telescope and the Orbital Habitat. about the possible dangers of allowing such a
Janice also relies heavily on volunteers to help rogue group do what they want in humanity’s
her manage people, which goes from spacewalk final frontier. Not that anyone has the power to
applications to figuring out if certain members stop them.
can help with the other programs. So far, the group stands united in their purpose
Code Spartacus: Peacekeeping Program to advance humanity’s exploration of space, but
controversial topics are cropping up with great-
This is Sharon Monashi’s pet project, and only
er frequency in the League’s private forums.
its handful of members and Central Command
Questions of ethics and mandate are becoming
know about it. Ever since the Daedalus League
more common and the debates more heated, ad-
received its first proposal to put weapons in orbit,
dressing the role of the League in international
the League has been wary of world governments
affairs and what they should do — if they should
trying to stake out space as their own and keep
do anything at all — in the face of private entities
everyone grounded, so Monashi took it upon her-
staking out their own space programs.
self to take steps to prevent this.
Katrak and the League’s leadership maintain
She and the other six members of Spartacus
a position of respecting individual freedom, re-
have a mostly complete map of every military sat-
minding everyone that the ideals of the League
ellite in orbit and are in the process of finding ev-
are to help all people enjoy the freedom of reach-
ery military launchpad. They have taken no overt
ing space, bypassing the restrictions of political or
action other than listening in on satellite chatter
financial privilege, and that includes the freedom
with Monashi’s powers. Katrak warned her that
of quitting the League if someone doesn’t agree.
while she’s free to continue monitoring the sat-
ellites in case their owners become involved in Personal politics are coloring the relationship
illegal or overly oppressive activities, the League between Daedalians as well; the Karagian twins
has no real jurisdiction and any urgent finding have opposing views regarding Project Utopia,
she makes should be communicated to Project with Janos believing that helping the Utopians
Utopia or the UN; the League will disavow her if will further the League’s own goals while Janice is
she does anything that harms others. not comfortable following someone else’s agenda
in her own humanitarian activities. It’s no secret
Project Catapult: Orbital Habitat Program
among the gold shirts that Monashi agrees with
Cyrus Katrak just opened this project and most of the Null Manifesto but has been polite
is still taking on applicants from all member- enough to never bring it up in planning meetings.
ship tiers. The League now has a base in orbit:

The Daedalus League 155

Humanity will contact alien species during the age of Trinity Continuum: Æon,
some of which have had contacts with novas before and not always amicably. The
player characters could be those novas, during their adventures with the Daedalus
League. A race called the Qin will become humanity’s ally, while other species known
as the Chromatics and the Coalition will be extremely dangerous foes.
You can use the aliens in Æon, or you can come up with your own. The galaxy is un-
fathomably big, and novas can have the ability to reach its furthest corners. With this
possibility, stories involving alien species can be anything you want.

Despite these conflicting positions, Katrak’s strong However, the most exciting possibilities of sto-
leadership and powerful vision is holding the ries featuring the Daedalus League are about the
League together, but he knows they are at a cross- mysteries and dangers of space missions.
roads, and the decisions the group takes today will The new crew of Project Catapult finds the
define their very identity for decades to come. dead body of a scientist from a participating
Katrak maintains a cohesive spirit for the League agency and must find the cause before the admin-
because he, and the rest of Central Command, istrative board decides to evacuate the entire sta-
is not the least bit coy about their ambitions and tion and ruin the League’s plans.
their grand, ultimate plan. The Daedalians’ objec- Gaussian can approach the characters asking
tives are so wild that few outsiders take them seri- for their help, as her people identified a space
ously: They plan to leave the confines of the Solar worthy launchpad in territory known to be con-
System once humanity’s efforts to explore and trolled by the Megasyndicate and fears that it
travel to the local planets are secured. They want might be an attempt to criminalize space.
to achieve this within the next two decades. The Karagian twins offer the League’s help in
They are training their nova and baseline mem- a test flight and stage it as a race to the Moon and
bers to withstand the hardships of working in back, with the characters piloting the experimen-
space, they are making sure that Earth develops tal ship, or flying against it.
the technology they will need out there, and they The characters begin their story as test pilots
are stoking the fires of imagination in the general of a ship that hits a strange quantum field that
populace. Once their checklist is complete, they triggers their eruption, and they must figure out
will be ready to boldly go. what caused that field and what it might mean for
the future of space exploration.
Running a Daedalus Cyrus Katrak (or a warp-capable player char-
League Campaign acter) hits an undetected space anomaly in their
The Daedalus League is the place to be for latest jump, which strands the characters on an
novas, Talents and baselines who want to strap unknown planet outside the Solar system, and
on to their seats and blast off into space. In the they find that they are not alone.
present Nova Age, space efforts are just begin- A Daedalian campaign has the potential not
ning, but plans to build permanent settlements only to escape the confines of Earth and the Solar
in orbit, on the Moon, and even on Mars are System but also the scope of a regular Aberrant
well underway. campaign. With complete freedom from the
Novas who can move and survive in space will events and conflicts on Earth and whatever impact
have a fast track into Central Command and will the player characters can have on them, the cam-
be the vanguard in the League’s current projects, paign can go full throttle with the science fiction
with plenty of opportunities to compete with elements and feature a conflict between two alien
other novas who want to stake their own claim species that only the characters have the power to
into the halls of fame of space exploration. resolve, have them become space pirates that seek


to undermine a tyrannical galactic empire before where even crunching numbers is exciting. You
can be a Mega-Intelligent gadgeteer figuring out
it finds Earth, or discover that space hides terrible
cosmic phenomena that can drive people mad. ways to take everyone to space, a savvy manager
who knows how to get things done in one of the
The Daedalus League is aiming for the ultimate
freedom of space travel, and a campaign center- most complex human endeavors, or you can be a
ing on them should reflect that. daredevil ready and capable of visiting orbits and
pushing past the gravity well.
Daedalus League Path Example Connections: Project Utopia, NASA,
(Society) ESA, state or private space agencies, spacesuit
You have the right stuff to become a space ex- designer, astronomy hobbyist, astrophysics pro-
plorer, one of the proud and the few. You proved fessor, test pilot.
your passion for space and gained the notice of Skills: Athletics, Pilot, Science, Technology
Cyrus Katrak or any other member of Central Edges: Breath Control, Direction Sense, Fame,
Command, and now you participate in projects Hardy, Keen Sense, Microgravity Training, Ms. Fix It

The Daedalus League 157

The above Paths represent major powers within the world of Aberrant, but there are many other possi-
ble allegiances players may wish to join. Apart from creating custom Paths for such occasions, the Trinity
Continuum Core Rulebook has many Paths representing Allegiances that are still very good fits for

Archangel before they spark wider destabilization and con-

flict. This is a worm’s-eye view of the Nova Age,
Novas have brought the dream of the superhe-
baselines working to protect their own in the face
ro to life — but also the dream of the supervillain.
of the posthuman.
As such, many novas are caught up in dealing with
other novas, and the little people are the ones most National Office of
likely to wind up running for cover or caught up
in schemes that fly below nova radar. Just because
Emergency Research
the world is going in a positive direction, after all, The US government is not entirely staffed by
doesn’t mean that the world is a utopia — there’s fools, and the career officials at the NOER who have
plenty of powerful people casually ruining the lives been dealing with the unusual and the mysterious
of people with no power to defend themselves or to for their entire working lives are treating the “nova
strike back, and thus there will always be room for situation” as just another (albeit massive) problem
Archangel’s work. to solve. The primary working group for national
That said, standing up to the big guy is a much nova research, they’ve become the Los Alamos of
taller task in Aberrant, where the big guy might the Nova Age, researching ways to weaponize (and
actually be several stories tall or able to kill with a counter) nova abilities — in effect, they’re a US-only
thought. Though Raoul Orzaiz, an outspoken mem- alternative to the Directive, whom they frequently
ber of the Teragen, has been careful to downplay butt heads with over jurisdiction. Their archives are
his familial connection to Archangel, operatives are full of notes on specific novas — ways to influence
going to be under even more potential scrutiny from them, ways to subdue them, ways to conduct alpha
the powers that be, adding an additional challenge strikes should the need arise; details that Proteus
to an already dangerous job. moles happily pass on for inclusion in the Medusa
Protocols. The NOER is considering taking the next
Alert Status 1 step: putting together a secret nova team specifical-
Alert Status 1 was born in the crucible of the Cold ly geared to swiftly neutralize existential threats to
War, where global thermonuclear war threatened the increasingly marginalized United States.
to annihilate humanity. Throughout it all, Alert Players in a NOER Aberrant campaign might be
Status 1, an unofficial international working group that team, which could serve as the backdrop for
of intelligence and military professionals, worked straightforward heroism or for slowly discovering
to keep the situation from boiling over. N-Day was corruption lurking inside the system. The threat
a moment of blinding terror for them — imagine of such a team could also serve as antagonists in
a human being who is essentially an autonomous a non-NOER campaign — there’s plenty of people
warhead! Reaching out through levers of power in with good reason to be concerned about the govern-
member states, Alert Status 1 influences the UN ment building a superpowered paramilitary.
and, through it, Team Tomorrow, but sometimes
direct action is the only way to save the world. No
Les Fantômes
one wants another São Paulo — an event that Alert Crime isn’t what it used to be. Les Fantômes used
Status 1 is still investigating. to be the darlings of Europe, with fingers in every
The São Paulo Blast is an excellent cold-open to pie and heist after magnificently planned heist exe-
an Alert Status 1 campaign, since the mystery be- cuted without flaw. Then, Project Utopia destroyed
hind it is still unresolved. Playing an Alert Status 1 the criminal underworld that Les Fantômes de-
campaign in Aberrant is a lot like playing a normal pended upon, while leaving their greatest enemies,
Alert Status 1 game — working behind the scenes the Camparelli and Zukhov families, to join forces.
and leveraging soft power to avert crisis points Now, former thieves who lived in luxury when they


weren’t cracking safes are forced to live like spies, others who forsook their humanity to prey on oth-
constantly looking over their shoulders and worry- ers. In a world where Talents represent the best
ing who’s been compromised by an implacable foe and brightest, this was a hard-enough task — now,
that wants nothing more than to kill them. they must worry about novas who cross that line as
A Les Fantômes campaign in Aberrant will likely well. On the other hand, now the ultimate trophy
still focus on heists — it’s at the heart of the skillsetfor someone who hunts humans is a nova — which
for members — but rather than robbing the rich for means Theseus might well find itself protecting no-
the hell of it and recovering stolen art, these heists vas from organized killers loaded for bear.
are targeting the Camparelli-Zukhov Syndicate and An Aberrant campaign based on the Theseus
everyone under their sway. Ironically, their greatest Club is one where the word “underdogs” doesn’t
allies in this war for survival are likely to be Interpoleven begin to cut it. A nova who enters the Theseus
and Project Utopia, the very people who put them Club’s crosshairs is one who has no compunctions
in such danger to begin with — but crime makes for about using their powers against baselines in the
strange bedfellows. cruelest ways imaginable but is skilled enough to
avoid official action from Team Tomorrow. While
The Theseus Club Project Utopia might want to bring such a monster
The Theseus Club was founded to hunt wolves to justice, they’re not going to be amenable to the
in sheep’s clothing; humans who hunted others for Theseus Club’s methods or goals, especially if the
sport at first, then later fascists, serial killers, and evidence is such that it wouldn’t hold up in a court
of law.

Alternate Allegiances 159

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