Do International Migration and Remittances Reduce Poverty in Developing Countries?

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World Development Vol. 33, No. 10, pp.

1645–1669, 2005
Ó 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved
Printed in Great Britain 0305-750X/$ - see front matter

Do International Migration and Remittances Reduce

Poverty in Developing Countries?
World Bank, Washington, DC, USA
Summary. — Few studies have examined the impact of international migration and remittances on
poverty in the developing world. This paper fills this lacuna by constructing and analyzing a new
data set on international migration, remittances, inequality, and poverty from 71 developing coun-
tries. The results show that both international migration and remittances significantly reduce the
level, depth, and severity of poverty in the developing world. After instrumenting for the possible
endogeneity of international migration, and controlling for various factors, results suggest that, on
average, a 10% increase in the share of international migrants in a country’s population will lead to
a 2.1% decline in the share of people living on less than $1.00 per person per day. After instrumen-
ting for the possible endogeneity of international remittances, a similar 10% increase in per capita
official international remittances will lead to a 3.5% decline in the share of people living in poverty.
Ó 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Key words — international migration, remittances, poverty

1. INTRODUCTION examined the impact of international remit-

tances on poverty in specific village or country
International migration is one of the most settings, 3 we are not aware of any studies
important factors affecting economic relations which examine the impact of international rem-
between developed and developing countries sittances on poverty in a broad range of devel-
in the 21st century. At the start of the century, oping countries.
it was estimated that about 175 million peo- Two factors seem to be responsible: The first
ple—roughly 3% of the world population— is a lack of poverty data; it is quite difficult to
lived and worked outside the country of their estimate accurate and meaningful poverty
birth (United Nations, 2002). The international headcounts in a broad and diverse range of
remittances sent back home by these migrant developing countries. The second factor relates
workers have a profound impact on the devel- to the nature of data on international migration
oping countries of Asia, Africa, Latin America, and remittances. Not only do few developing
and the Middle East. According to Global countries publish records on migration flows,
Development Finance (World Bank, 2004), offi- but also many developed countries which do
cial international remittances sent home by keep records on migration tend to undercount
migrant workers represent the second most the large number of illegal migrants living with-
important source of external funding in devel- in their borders. At the same time, the available
oping countries. 1 Official international remit- data on international remittances do not
tances now total $93 billion per year (Ratha,
2004) and are about twice as large as the level
of official aid-related inflows to developing * Work on this paper was funded by a World Bank
countries. 2 Small Research Grant (2003–04). For helpful comments
Despite the ever-increasing size of official on earlier drafts, we would like to thank Francois
international remittances, very little attention Bourguignon, Maurice Schiff, and four anonymous re-
has been paid to analyzing the poverty impact viewers. We would also like to thank Kalpana Mehra for
of these financial transfers on developing coun- fine research assistance. Final revision accepted: May 6,
tries. While a small handful of studies have 2005.

include the large (and unknown) sum of remit- marizes the findings and presents policy impli-
tance monies which are transmitted through cations.
informal, unofficial channels. As a result of
these data problems, many key questions re-
main unanswered. Exactly what is the effect of 2. RECENT STUDIES ON
international migration on poverty in the devel- INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION,
oping world? How do the official remittances REMITTANCES, AND POVERTY
sent home by international migrants affect the
level, depth, and severity of poverty in the There is little agreement and scant informa-
developing world? tion in the literature concerning the impact of
This paper proposes to answer these, and sim- international migration and remittances on
ilar, questions using a new data set composed of poverty. Stahl, for example, writes that ‘‘migra-
71 developing countries. This data set includes tion, particularly international migration, can
all those low- and middle-income developing be an expensive venture. Clearly, it is going to
countries for which reasonable information on be the better-off households which will be more
poverty, inequality, international migration, capable of (producing international migrants)
and remittances could be assembled. It includes (1982, p. 883).’’ Similarly, Lipton, in a study
countries drawn from each major region of the of 40 villages in India that focuses more on
developing world: Latin America and the Carib- internal than international migration, found
bean, Middle East and North Africa, Europe that ‘‘migration increases intra-rural inequali-
and Central Asia, East Asia, South Asia, and ties . . . because better-off migrants are Ôpulled’
Sub-Saharan Africa. toward fairly firm prospects of a job (in a city
The balance of this paper is organized as fol- or abroad), whereas the poor are Ôpushed’ by
lows. Section 2 sets the stage by reviewing the rural poverty and labor-replacing methods
findings of recent village- or country-level stud- (1980, p. 227).’’
ies on the relationship between international Other analysts, however, suggest that the
migration, remittances, inequality, and poverty. poor can and do benefit from international
Section 3 presents the new data set and de- migration and remittances. For example, Stark
scribes how these data are used to calculate and Taylor find that in rural Mexico ‘‘relatively
the relevant migration, remittances, and pov- deprived’’ households are more likely to engage
erty variables. Section 4 uses the new data to in international migration than are ‘‘better-off’’
econometrically estimate the impact of two households (1989, pp. 12–14). In a similar vein,
variables—international migration and remit- Adams finds that in rural Egypt, the number of
tances—on poverty in the developing world. poor households declines by 9.8% when house-
This part finds that both international migra- hold income includes international remittances,
tion and remittances reduce the level, depth, and that remittances account for 14.7% of total
and severity of poverty in the developing world. income of poor households (1991, pp. 73–74).
However, it is possible that these variables may While the findings of these past studies are
be endogenous to poverty: that is, international instructive, their conclusions are of limited use-
migration and remittances may reduce poverty fulness due to a small sample size. For instance,
in the developing world, but poverty in the the findings of Stark and Taylor are based on
developing world may also affect the number 61 households from two Mexican villages while
of international migrants being produced and those of Adams are based on 1,000 households
the level of remittances being received. For this from three Egyptian villages. Clearly, there is a
reason, Section 5 employs an instrumental vari- need to extend the scope of these studies to see
ables strategy to isolate the overall effect of if their findings hold for a larger and broader
these two variables on poverty. The main collection of developing countries.
instruments employed in this section are dis-
tance between remittance-sending and -receiv-
ing countries, level of education, and 3. NEW DATA ON INTERNATIONAL
government stability. Using these three vari- MIGRATION, REMITTANCES,
ables as instruments, the paper finds that INEQUALITY, AND POVERTY
instrumented international migration and
remittances still reduce the level, depth, and Our evaluation of the impact of international
severity of poverty in developing countries. migration and remittances on poverty in devel-
The final section of the paper, Section 6, sum- oping countries is based on a new data set that

includes information on international migra- Table 9 gives the countries, regions, poverty,
tion, remittances, inequality, and poverty for inequality, migration, and remittances indica-
71 ‘‘low-income and middle-income’’ develop- tors included in the new data set. The data set
ing countries. 4 These countries were selected includes a total of 184 observations; an obser-
because it was possible to find relevant migra- vation is any point in time for which data on in-
tion, remittances, inequality, and poverty data come, poverty and inequality exist. The data set
for all of these countries since the year 1980. 5 is notable in that it includes 36 observations
Since it was not easy to assemble this data (from 18 countries) in Sub-Saharan Africa, a
set, and data problems still plague this (and region for which migration, remittances and
all other) studies on international migration poverty data are relatively rare. It also includes
and remittances, it is useful to spell out how observations from countries in all other regions
this information was assembled. of the developing world.
In the case of migration, few, if any, of the Table 9 reports three different poverty mea-
major labor-exporting countries publish accu- sures: The first, the poverty headcount index,
rate records on the number of international mi- set at $1 per person per day, measures the per-
grants that they produce. It is therefore cent of the population living beneath that pov-
necessary to estimate migration stocks and erty line at the time of the survey. 10 However,
flows by using data collected by the main labor- the headcount index ignores the ‘‘depth of pov-
receiving countries. For the purposes of this erty,’’ that is, the amount by which the average
paper, the main labor-receiving countries (re- expenditures (income) of the poor fall short of
gions) include two: United States and the the poverty line. 11 We therefore also report
Organization for Economic Cooperation and the poverty gap index, which measures in per-
Development (OECD) (Europe), excluding centage terms how far the average expenditures
North America and Asia. 6 Unfortunately, no (income) of the poor fall short of the poverty
data are available on the amount of migration line. For instance, a poverty gap of 10% means
to the third and fourth most important labor- that the average poor person’s expenditures (in-
receiving regions in the world, the Arab Gulf come) are 90% of the poverty line. The third
and South Africa. poverty measure—the squared poverty gap
Because of their importance to labor-export- index—indicates the severity of poverty. The
ing countries, remittance flows tend to be the squared poverty gap index possesses useful ana-
best measured aspect of the migration experi- lytical properties, because it is sensitive to
ence. For instance, the International Monetary changes in distribution among the poor. 12
Fund (IMF) keeps annual records of the To measure inequality, Table 9 uses the Gini
amount of worker remittances received by each coefficient. In the table, this measure is normal-
labor-exporting country. 7 However, as noted ized by household size and the distributions are
above, the IMF only reports data on official weighted by household size so that a given
worker remittance flows, that is, remittance quintile (such as the lowest quintile) has the
monies which are transmitted through official same share of population as other quintiles
banking channels. Since a large (and unknown) across the sample.
proportion of remittance monies is transmitted The remaining variables in Table 9—interna-
through private, unrecorded channels, the level tional migration as share of country population
of remittances recorded by the IMF underesti- and per capita official international remit-
mates the actual flow of remittance monies tances—are of key importance to this study.
returning to labor-exporting countries. Since these two variables must be estimated
Finally, with respect to poverty, many devel- using some rather heroic assumptions, it is cru-
oping countries—especially the smaller popula- cial to discuss each variable in turn.
tion countries—have not conducted the type of In the absence of detailed records on interna-
nationally representative household budget sur- tional migration in the labor-exporting coun-
veys that are needed to estimate poverty. For tries, the migration variable in this study is
example, of the 157 developing countries classi- estimated by combining data from the two
fied as low- or middle-income by the World main labor-receiving regions of the world: the
Bank, 8 only 81 countries (52%) have published United States and OECD (Europe). Specifi-
the results of any household budget survey. Of cally, the migration variable is constructed
these 81 developing countries, missing data on using three steps. The first step uses data from
income inequality reduced the size of the data the 1990 and 2000 US Population Censuses
set used in this paper to 71 countries. 9 on the ‘‘place of birth for the foreign-born

population.’’ While these data are disaggre- The final step in calculating the migration
gated by country of birth for about 50 different variable is to take the sum of the ‘‘foreign
labor-exporting countries, it is not at all clear born’’ from each labor-exporting country that
whether all of these ‘‘foreign-born’’ people are living in either the United States or the
are, in fact international migrants. For exam- OECD (Europe), and divide this sum by the
ple, a person born in Mexico and brought to population of each developing country. These
the United States as an infant would probably ‘‘migration as share of country population’’ fig-
not consider himself as a migrant. Moreover, ures are the ones which appear in Table 9. In all
it is also not clear how many of those who enter likelihood, these figures seriously underestimate
the United States illegally are, in fact, included the actual number of international migrants
in the ‘‘foreign-born’’ population figures. As produced by any given labor-exporting coun-
some observers have suggested, the US Census try, because they do not include the large num-
data may be grossly undercounting the actual ber of illegal migrants working in the United
migrant population that is living—legally or States and OECD (Europe). These figures also
illegally—in the United States. 13 do not count the unknown number of interna-
The second step in calculating the migration tional migrants working in other labor-receiv-
variable is to estimate the number of ‘‘for- ing regions (like the Arab Gulf).
eign-born’’ living in the OECD (Europe), The process of defining the remittances vari-
excluding North America and Asia. 14 Unfor- able in Table 9 is more straightforward, but it
tunately, the OECD (Europe) data are not as also involves one heroic assumption. All remit-
detailed as the US Census data, and differ from tance data come from the IMF, Balance of Pay-
the US data in several key ways. Most basi- ments Statistics Yearbook. As noted above, the
cally, the OECD (Europe) data use a different main problem with these data is that they count
way of classifying immigrants. Since US-born only remittance monies which enter through
children of immigrants have US citizenship, official, banking channels; they do not include
the United States defines an immigrant as a the large (and unknown) amount of remittance
person who was born abroad to non-US citi- monies which are sent home through private,
zens. Most OECD (Europe) countries, how- unofficial channels. For example, in one major
ever, follow an ethnicity-based definition of labor-exporting country—Egypt—it has been
immigration status. This method classifies a estimated that unofficial remittances amount
person on the basis of the ethnicity of the par- to between one-third and one-half of total
ent, rather than on place of birth. Thus, a child remittances. 15 For this reason, it is likely that
of Turkish parents born in Germany is typically the ‘‘official remittance’’ figures reported in
classified as an immigrant. This different way of Table 9 are gross underestimates of the actual
classifying immigrants has the net effect of level of total remittances (official and unofficial)
increasing the stock of immigrants in any par- entering each labor-exporting country.
ticular OECD (Europe) country, and perhaps
biasing our estimates by including a number
of ‘‘migrants’’ who were actually born, raised, 4. INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION,
and educated in that OECD (Europe) country. REMITTANCES, AND POVERTY:
Another key difference between the OECD OLS RESULTS
(Europe) data and the US data has to do with
the number of labor-exporting countries re- In this section, we use the crosscountry data
corded. While the US Census data can be used to analyze how international migration and
to count the number of ‘‘foreign-born’’ (or mi- remittances affect poverty in the developing
grants) from about 50 different countries, the world. Using the basic growth–poverty model
OECD (Europe) data only record the number suggested by Ravallion (1997) and Ravallion
of ‘‘foreign-born’’ (or migrants) in each Euro- and Chen (1997), the relationship that we want
pean country coming from 10 or 15 countries. to estimate can be written as
While this is not a significant problem for
log P it ¼ ai þ b1 log lit þ b2 logðgit Þ
large-labor-exporting countries (like Turkey),
which send many migrants to Europe, it is a þ b3 logðxit Þ þ it
problem for smaller labor-exporting countries, ði ¼ 1; . . . ; N ; t ¼ 1; . . . ; T i Þ; ð1Þ
such as Brazil or Sri Lanka, where the actual
number of migrants to any particular European where P is the measure of poverty in country i
country might not be recorded at all. at time t, ai is a fixed effect reflecting time differ-

ences between countries, b1 is the ‘‘growth elas- It should be noted that neither measure of in-
ticity of poverty’’ with respect to mean per ca- come includes international remittance income.
pita income given by l, b2 is the elasticity of The GDP data from national accounts should
poverty with respect to income inequality given not include remittance income from abroad,
by the Gini coefficient, g, b3 is the elasticity of and our experience with household budget sur-
poverty with respect to variable x (such as veys suggests that most of these surveys do not
international migration or remittances) and  adequately capture international remittance in-
is an error term that includes errors in the pov- come because they do not include questions on
erty measure. remittances. 19
Eqn. (1) represents the basic model of poverty Other researchers have often estimated Eqn.
determination used by a host of researchers. 16 (1) in first differences, in order to deal with pos-
The model assumes that economic growth—as sible correlation problems between the vari-
measured by increases in mean per capita in- ables, since the dependent and independent
come—will reduce poverty. The relationship be- variables are drawn from the same single source
tween poverty and the income variable is of data (household budget surveys). 20 In this
therefore expected to be negative and signifi- study, however, we will estimate Eqn. (1) as a
cant. The model also assumes that the level of level equation since the dependent and indepen-
income inequality affects poverty reduction. dent variables come from different sources of
Since past work has shown that a given rate of data: the dependent variable being drawn from
economic growth reduces poverty more in household budget surveys and the independent
low-inequality countries, as opposed to high- variables (for GDP, international migration,
inequality countries, 17 the income inequality and international remittances) from various
variable is expected to be positive and signifi- other sources. 21
cant. The innovation in this study is to intro- We will also estimate Eqn. (1) using the
duce into Eqn. (1) a variable measuring the two measures of international migration and
level of international migration or remittances. remittances developed in the last section: inter-
Controlling for income and its distribution, national migration as a share of country popu-
we test the hypothesis that countries producing lation and per capita official international
more international migrants or receiving more remittances received by a developing country.
international remittances will have less poverty. Given all of the problems involved in construct-
The income variable in Eqn. (1) can be mea- ing these two variables, as well as the fact that a
sured in two different ways: (1) per capita GDP, number of the countries still have missing/
in purchasing power parity (PPP) units, as mea- incomplete migration or remittance data, it is
sured from national accounts data; and (2) per not surprising that these two measures are not
capita survey mean income (expenditure), as highly correlated in the data set (simple correla-
calculated from household budget surveys done tion of 0.579). Moreover, it is likely that a size-
in the various developing countries. As Deaton able share of international migrants may
(2001) and others have shown, 18 these two migrate, but not remit. For all of these reasons,
measures of income typically do not agree. In- it seems useful to use each of these measures to
come (expenditure) as measured by household test the robustness of our findings regarding the
surveys is calculated from the responses of indi- impact of international migration and remit-
vidual households. However, income as mea- tances on poverty in the developing world.
sured by GDP data comes from the national Using the international migration data, the
accounts, which measure household income as OLS estimates of Eqn. (1) are presented in
a residual item, so that errors and omission Tables 1 (using per capita GDP) and 2 (using
elsewhere in the accounts automatically affect survey mean income). To control for fixed effects
the calculation of household income (expendi- by geographic region of the world, five regional
ture). Since the national accounts data also in- dummy variables are added to the model. 22 In
clude many items (such as the expenditures of each table, results are shown first without, and
nonprofit organizations and the imputed rent then with, regional dummies. Since all of the
of owner-occupied dwellings) which are not in- variables are estimated in log terms, the results
cluded in the household surveys, it is little won- can be interpreted as elasticities of poverty with
der that the two measures of income do not respect to the relevant variable.
correspond. In Tables 1 and 2, the coefficients for both of
For the purposes of this study, we will esti- the income variables—per capita GDP and sur-
mate Eqn. (1) using both measures of income. vey mean income—are of the expected
Table 1. OLS estimates of the effects of international migration on poverty, estimated using per capita GDP
Variable Dependent variable = poverty Dependent variable = poverty gap Dependent variable = squared
headcount ($1.08/person/day) poverty gap
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
** ** ** ** **
Per capita GDP (constant 1995 dollars) 1.177 (8.84) 1.003 (6.48) 1.343 (8.82) 1.295 (6.43) 1.417 (7.51) 1.399 (5.72)**
3.396 (6.88)** 2.502 (4.90)** 4.170 (7.39)** 3.195 (4.81)** 4.600 (6.93)** 2.926 (3.61)**

Gini coefficient
International migration (share of 0.155 (2.49)** 0.085 (1.52) 0.120 (1.68) 0.101 (1.38) 0.023 (0.27) 0.015 (0.17)
in country population)
East Asia 0.402 (0.98) 0.109 (0.20) 0.496 (0.76)
Europe, Central Asia 0.959 (1.87) 0.459 (0.69) 0.356 (0.44)
Latin America 0.257 (0.59) 0.581 (1.02) 0.677 (0.97)
Middle East, North Africa 1.691 (3.65)** 1.291 (2.14)* 1.638 (2.18)*
South Asia 0.468 (1.33) 0.347 (0.76) 0.180 (0.29)
Constant 13.550 (10.94)** 11.556 (10.18)** 14.089 (9.96)** 12.733 (8.63)** 14.022 (8.03)** 12.416 (6.81)**
N 109 108 109 108 100 100
Adj R2 0.493 0.694 0.481 0.594 0.399 0.504
F-statistic 36.11 31.39 34.41 20.59 22.91 13.59
Notes: All variables expressed in logs. T-ratios shown in parentheses. Number of observations reduced in the table because of missing values. See Table 9 for countries
and survey dates.
Significant at the 0.10 level.
Significant at the 0.05 level.
Table 2. OLS estimates of the effect of international migration on poverty, estimated using survey mean income


Variable Dependent variable = poverty Dependent variable = poverty gap Dependent variable = squared poverty
headcount gap
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Per capita survey mean income 2.336 (16.85)** 1.942 (12.00)** 2.623 (15.24)** 2.437 (11.89)** 2.659 (11.49)** 2.699 (10.19)**
Gini coefficient 4.025 (12.08)** 3.060 (7.68)** 4.798 (11.60)** 3.678 (7.30)** 5.002 (9.29)** 3.675 (5.64)**
International migration (share of 0.188 (4.48)** 0.136 (3.12)** 0.153 (2.93)** 0.143 (2.59)* 0.048 (0.69) 0.086 (1.19)
migrants in country population)
East Asia 0.423 (1.50) 0.962 (2.69)** 1.609 (3.53)**
Europe, Central Asia 1.046 (2.98) 0.674 (1.52) 0.445 (0.78)
Latin America 0.147 (0.50) 0.037 (0.10) 0.157 (0.33)
Middle East, North Africa 1.322 (3.77)** 1.268 (2.86)** 1.191 (2.08)*
South Asia 0.054 (0.20) 0.344 (0.99) 0.775 (1.61)
Constant 22.530 (19.09)** 19.214 (15.30)** 23.915 (16.32)** 21.943 (13.81)** 23.436 (11.98)** 22.960 (11.17)**
N 106 106 106 106 100 100
Adj R2 0.766 0.817 0.722 0.773 0.598 0.685
F-statistic 116.09 59.71 92.00 45.89 50.11 27.93
Notes: All variables expressed in logs. T-ratios shown in parentheses. Number of observations reduced in table because of missing values. See Table 9 for countries and
survey dates.
Significant at the 0.10 level.
Significant at the 0.05 level.


(negative) sign and statistically significant in all genous to poverty. Reverse causality may be
cases. In both tables, the poverty elasticities taking place: international migration and
with respect to income inequality (Gini coeffi- remittances may be reducing poverty, but pov-
cient) are also of the expected (positive) sign, erty may also be affecting the share of migrants
and their magnitude is consistent with other re- being produced and the level of international
cent analyses of poverty reduction (Adams, remittances being received. Without accounting
2004; Ravallion, 1997). However, the results for this reverse causality, all of the estimated
for the model as a whole are better and more coefficients in Tables 1–4 may be biased.
precise in Table 2 using survey mean income: One way of accounting for possible endoge-
the R2 measures increase from the 0.4–0.7 range nous regressors is to pursue an instrumental
to 0.6–0.8. For this reason, we will focus on variables approach. This is the strategy adopted
Table 2. in this section.
When the dependent variable in Table 2 is In our data set, there are three possible
poverty headcount or poverty gap, the results instruments for the international migration
for the international migration variable are and remittances variables. The first instrument
negative and statistically significant. However, is distance (miles) between the remittance-send-
when the dependent variable is squared poverty ing area (United States, OECD (Europe), or the
gap, the international migration variable is not Persian Gulf) and the remittance-receiving
significant. For the poverty headcount mea- country. 23 This variable seems like a good
sure, the estimates suggest that, on average, a instrument because various studies of the deter-
10% increase in the share of international mi- minants of international migration have found
grants in a country’s population will lead to a that distance between labor-receiving and—
1.4% decline in the share of people living on less exporting countries is usually negatively and
than $1.00 per person per day. significantly related to the level of international
Tables 3 (using per capita GDP) and 4 (using migration. For example, in a study of migration
survey mean income) show the results when rates to the United States from 81 developing
Eqn. (1) is estimated using international remit- countries, Hatton and Williamson (2003, p.
tances data. Since the results for the model are 11) find that distance from the United States
better and more precise in Table 4 using survey is negatively and significantly related to the
mean income, we will focus on these results. level of international migration from that
The remittance variable in Table 4—per capita country. 24 A second instrument for the
official international remittances—has a nega- international migration and remittances vari-
tive and statistically significant impact on each ables is education, specifically, the percent of
of the three poverty measures: headcount, pov- the population over age 25 that have completed
erty gap, and squared poverty gap. Estimates secondary education in a developing country.
for the poverty headcount measure suggest This variable seems useful because human cap-
that, on average, a 10% increase in per capita ital theory generally suggests that education is
official international remittances will lead to a positively related with international migration
1.8% decline in the share of people living in (and presumably international remittances) be-
poverty. Table 4 shows that remittances will cause educated people typically enjoy greater
have a slightly larger impact on poverty reduc- employment and income-earning opportunities
tion when poverty is measured by the more sen- in labor-receiving countries. 25 While new emerg-
sitive poverty measures: poverty gap and ing research suggests that international mi-
squared poverty gap. grants may not always be positively selected with
respect to education, 26 education still seems to
play an important role in the decision to mi-
5. OFFICIAL INTERNATIONAL grate. The final instrument that can be used is
REMITTANCES AND POVERTY: government stability, 27 which is a measure of
IV RESULTS the level of political stability in each country.
The expected outcome of this variable is not
As noted at the outset, one possible problem straightforward. Holding other factors con-
with Eqn. (1) is that it assumes that all of the stant, we would expect that countries with more
right-hand side variables in the model—includ- unstable governments would produce larger
ing international migration and remittances— numbers of international migrants. However,
are exogenous to poverty. However, it is whether or not these increased numbers of
possible that these two variables may be endo- migrants will produce larger levels of remit-
Table 3. OLS estimates of the effects of official international remittances on poverty, estimated using per capita GDP


Variable Dependent variable = poverty Dependent variable = poverty gap Dependent variable = squared
headcount ($1.08/person/day) poverty gap
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Per capita GDP (constant 1995 dollars) 1.129 (7.78)** 0.852 (6.19)** 1.273 (7.80)** 0.961 (5.27)** 1.228 (6.43)** 0.929 (4.22)**
Gini coefficient 2.959 (5.48)** 1.882 (3.91)** 4.266 (7.02)** 3.184 (5.00)** 4.786 (7.33)** 3.271 (4.44)**
Per capita official international 0.119 (1.98)* 0.077 (1.70)* 0.208 (3.09)** 0.209 (3.45)** 0.215 (2.82)** 0.164 (2.02)**
East Asia 0.065 (0.19) 0.306 (0.68) 0.991 (1.95)*
Europe, Central Asia 1.928 (5.29)** 2.198 (4.55)** 1.826 (3.30)**
Latin America 0.147 (0.47) 0.128 (0.31) 0.314 (0.65)
Middle East, North Africa 2.099 (6.23)** 1.748 (3.92)** 2.101 (3.69)**
South Asia 0.077 (0.26) 0.165 (0.42) 0.384 (0.78)
Constant 13.059 (10.08)** 10.575 (10.55)** 14.095 (9.67)** 11.437 (8.61)** 13.365 (8.01)** 10.567 (6.51)**
N 100 99 100 99 89 89
Adj R2 0.427 0.744 0.480 0.679 0.484 0.606
F-statistic 25.66 36.70 31.49 26.89 28.58 17.92
Notes: All variables expressed in logs. T-ratios shown in parentheses. Number of observations reduced in the table because of missing values. See Table 9 for countries
and survey dates.
Significant at the 0.10 level.
Significant at the 0.05 level.

Table 4. OLS estimates of the effect of official international remittances on poverty, estimated using survey mean income
Variable Dependent variable = poverty Dependent variable = poverty gap Dependent variable = squared poverty
headcount ($1.08/person/day) gap
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
** ** ** ** **
Per capita survey mean income 2.242 (15.48) 1.605 (10.47) 2.593 (14.29) 2.005 (9.16) 2.394 (11.74) 2.059 (8.44)**
3.646 (10.42)** 2.752 (7.34)** 5.029 (11.47)** 4.095 (7.66)** 5.361 (11.23)** 4.398 (7.29)**

Gini coefficient
Per capita official international 0.163 (3.88)** 0.176 (4.48)** 0.181 (3.44)** 0.208 (3.70)** 0.212 (3.75)** 0.214 (3.40)**
East Asia 0.126 (0.52) 0.549 (1.59) 1.152 (3.03)**
Europe, Central Asia 1.337 (4.69)** 1.365 (3.36)** 0.893 (1.96)*
Latin America 0.044 (0.20) 0.052 (0.16) 0.094 (0.26)
Middle East, North Africa 1.180 (3.83)** 1.091 (2.49)** 1.102 (2.25)*
South Asia 0.348 (1.54) 0.269 (0.84) 0.079 (0.20)
Constant 16.355 (19.05)** 12.863 (15.86)** 17.896 (16.64)** 14.672 (12.69)** 16.461 (13.77)** 14.446 (11.10)**
N 95 95 95 95 88 88
Adj R2 0.762 0.857 0.739 0.797 0.711 0.758
F-statistic 101.25 71.64 89.69 47.25 72.24 35.07
Notes: All variables expressed in logs. T-ratios shown in parentheses. Number of observations reduced in the table because of missing values. See Table 9 for countries
and survey dates.
Significant at the 0.10 level.
Significant at the 0.05 level.

tances would depend on the extent to which lar and available from the authors upon re-
political instability affects the incentives of mi- quest.
grants to remit. Since migrants remit for both Comparing the OLS and IV estimates for
altruistic and economic reasons, the net impact international migration (Tables 2 and 7), we find
of political instability—probably positive for that the coefficients for the instrumented inter-
altruistic motives, as migrants seek to cushion national migration variable in Table 7 are more
their relatives from instability, and probably negative and of greater significance. Comparing
negative for economic motives to the extent the OLS and IV estimates for official interna-
that political instability undermines the invest- tional remittances (Tables 4 and 8) yields similar
ment climate—is ambiguous. results. For example, while the IV estimates for
Tables 5 and 6 present the first-stage instru- the poverty headcount measure suggest that, on
mental variables regression results when vari- average, a 10% increase in per capita official
ous combinations of these variables are used remittances will lead to a 3.5% decline in the
to instrument international migration and share of people living in poverty (Table 8), the
remittances, respectively. In each table, Eqns. OLS estimates suggest that a similar increase
(1)–(4) present the results when the exogenous in official remittances will lead to only a 1.8% de-
variables include per capita GDP, and Eqns. cline in the share of poor people (Table 4).
(5)–(8) present the results when the exogenous Considered as a whole, the IV results suggest
variables include survey mean income. that after instrumenting for the possible endo-
In both tables, the IV equations containing geneity of international migration and remit-
only the distance variable are arguably the most tances, these two variables still have a negative
exogenous and have the single highest predictive and statistically significant impact upon pov-
power (R2 from 0.44 to 0.48). As expected, the erty. Instrumented international migration has
distance variable is always negative and highly a negative and significant impact on two of
significant, suggesting that as the distance the three poverty measures (Table 7), while
between remittance-sending and -receiving instrumented official international remittances
countries increases, the level of international has a negative and significant impact on all
migration and remittances received falls. When three of the poverty measures (Table 8).
instrumenting for international migration In Table 8, the relative magnitudes of the elas-
(Table 5), the education variable is positive ticity estimates on survey mean income and
and highly significant. As hypothesized, this instrumented official international remittances
implies that countries with a higher share of imply that an increase in international remit-
educated people also produce more international tances has about twice the poverty-reducing im-
migrants. The other variable—government pact as an increase in other sources of
stability—is statistically insignificant in both household income. Evaluated at the sample
tables, and therefore subject to weak instrument mean, an increase in $1 in instrumented per ca-
concerns. However, when all three variables are pita official international remittances (from
combined together—Eqns. (4) and (8) in Tables $17.15 to $18.15) will lead to a 2.04% reduction
5 and 6—the p-values for the F-statistic of the in the poverty headcount. By comparison, at the
excluded instruments are all less than 0.01 for sample mean, a $1 increase in per capita survey
the prediction of international migration and mean income (from $1,628.60 to $1,629.60) will
remittances, while the F-statistics themselves yield a 0.98% reduction in the poverty head-
are over 8. When using all three variables as count. 28 In other words, dollar for dollar the
instruments, international migration is pre- income remitted by migrants from abroad re-
dicted somewhat better than official interna- duces poverty much more than income gener-
tional remittances, but the F-statistics still ated by domestic economic activity.
show instrument relevance.
Tables 7 and 8 present the second-stage IV
results when the international migration and 6. CONCLUSIONS AND POLICY
remittance variables are instrumented by all IMPLICATIONS
three variables: distance, education, and gov-
ernment stability. Table 7 shows the IV results This paper has used a new data set on interna-
for international migration and Table 8 shows tional migration, remittances, inequality, and
results for international remittances. Both of poverty from 71 developing countries to exam-
these tables are based on survey mean income; ine the impact of international migration, and
results based upon per capita GDP are simi- remittances on poverty in the developing world.
Table 5. First-stage IV estimates for international migration
International migration, estimated using per capita GDP International migration, estimated using survey mean income
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Distance from remittance- 1.162 (6.21)** 1.328 (7.53)** 1.157 (6.05)** 1.331 (7.40)**
sending area
(United States,
OECD-Europe, Persian
Gulf) to remittance-
receiving country
Percent of population over 0.631 (2.38)* 0.913 (4.22)** 0.789 (3.03)** 0.980 (4.59)**
25 years that has secondary

Government stability 0.270 (0.70) 0.137 (0.44) 0.178 (0.47) 0.001 (0.01)
Included exogenous variables
Per capita GDP 0.237 (1.09) 0.428 (1.66) 0.329 (1.27) 0.499 (2.33)*
1995 dollars)
Per capita survey mean 0.541 (1.86) 1.089 (3.21)** 0.745 (2.21)* 0.843 (3.00)**
Gini coefficient 0.509 (0.72) 0.300 (0.37) 0.545 (0.68) 1.041 (1.56) 0.728 (1.06) 0.109 (0.15) 0.331 (0.42) 1.099 (1.69)
East Asia 2.022 (3.29)** 0.753 (1.05) 1.081 (1.53) 1.436 (2.45)* 1.728 (3.13)** 0.325 (0.51) 0.780 (1.22) 0.983 (1.82)
Europe, Central Asia 0.358 (0.46) 1.617 (1.90) 2.251 (2.72)** 0.876 (1.14) 0.357 (0.50) 1.744 (2.34)* 2.362 (3.19)** 1.067 (1.48)
Latin America 1.906 (3.09)** 2.691 (3.84) **
2.951 (4.25)** 1.393 (2.35)* 1.720 (3.13)** 2.592 (4.44)** 2.797 (4.61)** 1.090 (2.09)*
Middle East, 0.375 (0.50) 2.410 (3.12) 2.929 (4.05)** 0.837 (1.12) 0.315 (0.40) 2.656 (3.68)** 3.151 (4.36)** 1.001 (1.30)
North Africa
South Asia 0.232 (0.44) 0.152 (0.24) 0.590 (0.92) 0.381 (0.71) 0.009 (0.02) 0.260 (0.42) 0.309 (0.48) 0.696 (1.30)
Constant 8.993 (4.03)** 0.588 (0.32) 0.965 (0.51) 11.118 (5.05)** 11.527 (4.40)** 4.212 (1.69) 2.551 (0.95) 14.072 (5.51)**
N 117 114 114 111 117 115 113 111
Adj R2 0.442 0.259 0.240 0.514 0.451 0.313 0.256 0.538
F-statistics excluded 42.65 8.46 4.15 12.65 42.65 8.46 4.15 12.65
P-value 0.000 0.004 0.148 0.000 0.000 0.004 0.148 0.000
Notes: All variables expressed in logs. T-ratios shown in parentheses. Number of observations reduced in the table because of missing values. See Table 9 for countries and survey
Significant at the 0.10 level.
Significant at the 0.05 level.
Table 6. First-stage IV estimates for official international remittances
Per capita international remittances, estimated Per capita international remittances, estimated
using per capita GDP using survey mean income
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)


Distance from remittance-sending 1.565 (6.24)** 1.929 (6.25)** 1.191 (4.71)** 1.271 (4.01)**
area (United States,
OECD-Europe, Persian Gulf) to
remittance-receiving country
Percent of population over 25 years 0.232 (0.58) 0.694 (1.95)* 0.071 (0.20) 0.276 (0.76)
that has secondary education
Government stability 0.611 (1.12) 0.328 (0.69) 0.414 (0.87) 0.504 (1.10)
Included exogenous variables
Per capita GDP 0.505 (1.93) 0.773 (1.74) 0.141 (0.38) 1.358 (3.26)**
(constant 1995 dollars)
Per capita survey mean income 0.440 (1.19) 0.145 (0.31) 0.122 (0.28) 0.611 (1.33)
Gini coefficient 1.272 (1.34) 0.593 (0.46) 0.552 (0.43) 0.264 (0.23) 1.124 (1.22) 0.694 (0.61) 0.994 (0.88) 1.221 (1.13)
East Asia 2.143 (2.97)** 0.660 (0.65) 0.587 (0.66) 3.084 (3.21)** 2.165 (3.29)** 0.763 (0.85) 0.930 (1.31) 2.789 (2.86)**
Europe, Central Asia 2.000 (2.76)** 0.392 (0.33) 0.205 (0.17) 3.164 (2.61)* 1.354 (1.86) 0.210 (0.21) 0.631 (0.66) 1.107 (1.03)
Latin America 0.084 (0.13) 1.528 (1.80) 1.687 (2.05)* 0.303 (0.36) 0.867 (1.54) 1.872 (2.70) 1.923 (3.03)** 1.053 (1.46)
Middle East, North Africa 0.864 (1.05) 2.504 (2.51)* 2.813 (3.35)** 1.742 (1.54) 0.651 (0.72) 3.745 (4.25)** 3.733 (4.64)** 0.873 (0.77)
South Asia 1.378 (2.46)* 1.957 (2.30)* 1.852 (2.31)* 2.054 (2.60)* 1.566 (2.95)** 1.740 (2.35)* 2.150 (3.09)** 2.173 (2.79)**
Constant 10.914 (3.91) 4.645 (1.42) 0.791 (0.28) 7.598 (2.17)* 7.871 (2.37)* 0.040 (0.01) 0.228 (0.07) 6.713 (1.64)
N 101 91 91 84 97 90 87 83
Adj R2 0.463 0.193 0.177 0.436 0.478 0.305 0.303 0.397
F-statistics excluded instruments 39.42 4.92 4.23 8.90 39.42 4.92 4.23 8.90
P-value 0.000 0.069 0.047 0.000 0.000 0.069 0.047 0.000
Notes: All variables expressed in logs. T-ratios shown in parentheses. Number of observations reduced in the table because of missing values. See Table 9 for countries and survey dates.
Significant at the 0.10 level.
Significant at the 0.05 level.

Table 7. IV estimates of the effect of international migration on poverty, estimated using survey mean income
Variable Dependent variable = poverty Dependent variable = poverty gap Dependent variable = squared
headcount ($1.08/person/day) poverty gap
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Instrumented endogenous variable
International migration (share of 0.337 (4.78)** 0.211 (3.06)** 0.230 (2.78)** 0.197 (2.30)* 0.059 (0.56) 0.136 (1.27)
migrants in country population)

Exogenous regressors
Per capita survey mean income 2.193 (14.56)** 1.956 (11.66)** 2.498 (14.07)** 2.422 (11.58)** 2.575 (10.93)** 2.681 (9.91)**
Gini coefficient 3.989 (11.30)** 3.001 (7.45)** 4.723 (11.36)** 3.595 (7.16)** 4.916 (9.09)** 3.583 (5.53)**
East Asia 0.402 (1.36) 1.008 (2.73)** 1.693 (3.60)**
Europe, Central Asia 0.926 (2.43)* 0.668 (1.40) 0.485 (0.80)
Latin America 0.012 (0.04) 0.097 (0.23) 0.180 (0.34)
Middle East, North Africa 1.022 (2.57)** 1.115 (2.24)* 1.167 (1.83)
South Asia 0.059 (0.20) 0.415 (1.14) 0.853 (1.70)
Constant 21.448 (16.91)** 19.142 (15.01)** 22.95 (15.36)** 21.739 (13.67)** 22.773 (11.51)** 22.788 (11.06)**
N 101 101 101 101 96 96
Adj R2 0.726 0.802 0.708 0.764 0.589 0.680
F-statistic 96.33 52.33 83.12 41.53 46.38 23.33
Notes: All variables expressed in logs. T-ratios shown in parentheses. Number of observations reduced in the table because of missing values. See Table 9 for countries
and survey dates.
Significant at the 0.10 level.
Significant at the 0.05 level.
Table 8. IV estimates of the effects of official international remittances on poverty, estimated using survey mean income


Variable Dependent variable = poverty Dependent variable = poverty gap Dependent variable = squared
headcount ($1.08/person/day) poverty gap
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Instrumented endogenous variable
Per capita official international remittances 0.464 (4.70)** 0.351 (3.55)** 0.421 (3.68)** 0.396 (2.91)** 0.247 (2.31)* 0.283 (2.24)*
Exogenous regressors
Per capita survey mean income 2.00 (9.87)** 1.590 (9.12)** 2.415 (10.31)** 1.986 (8.26)** 2.322 (9.42)** 2.072 (8.32)**
Gini coefficient 3.610 (8.14)** 2.950 (6.60)** 5.094 (9.93)** 4.407 (7.15)** 5.351 (10.26)** 4.700 (7.25)**
East Asia 0.230 (0.76) 0.688 (1.65) 1.373 (3.25)**
Europe, Central Asia 1.608 (4.01)** 1.790 (3.23)** 0.929 (1.51)
Latin America 0.021 (0.07) 0.038 (0.09) 0.303 (0.68)
Middle East, North Africa 0.614 (1.24) 0.533 (0.78) 1.026 (1.54)
South Asia 0.443 (1.28) 0.363 (0.76) 0.145 (0.28)
Constant 20.965 (12.79)** 17.271 (12.39)** 23.770 (12.53)** 20.214 (10.51)** 22.041 (11.05)** 20.264 (10.07)**
N 81 81 81 81 75 75
Adj R2 0.642 0.811 0.674 0.756 0.688 0.744
F-statistic 60.26 46.06 60.67 33.11 51.43 27.06
Notes: All variables expressed in logs. T-ratios shown in parentheses. Number of observations reduced in the table because of missing values. See Table 9 for countries
and survey dates.
Significant at the 0.10 level.
Significant at the 0.05 level.


Three findings and two policy implications The third finding is more of a plea than a con-
emerge. clusion. From the standpoint of future work on
First, both international migration and remit- this topic, more attention needs to be paid to
tances have a strong, statistically significant im- collecting and publishing better data on interna-
pact on reducing poverty in the developing tional migration and remittances. With respect
world. After instrumenting for the possible endo- to international migration, it would be useful
geneity of international migration, and con- if developing countries would start publishing
trolling for level of income, income inequality records on the number and destination of their
and geographic region, results for the poverty international migrants. In many developing
headcount measure suggest that, on average, a countries, these data are already being collected,
10% increase in the share of international mi- but they are not being published. With respect
grants in a country’s population will lead to a to international remittances, the IMF should
2.1% decline in the share of people living on less make greater efforts to count the amount of
than $1.00 per person per day. After instrumen- remittance monies that are transmitted through
ting for the possible endogeneity of interna- informal, unofficial channels. It is possible that
tional remittances, a similar 10% increase in poor people, especially poor people from coun-
per capita official international remittances will tries located near major labor-receiving regions,
lead, on average, to a 3.5% decline in the share are more likely to remit through informal, unof-
of people living in poverty. The fact that both ficial channels. For this reason, a full and com-
international migration and international remit- plete accounting of the impact of international
tances reduce poverty in the developing world is remittances (official and unofficial) on poverty
important because data on each of these vari- in the developing world needs more accurate
ables are incomplete and subject to under- data on the large level of unofficial remittances
reporting in many developing countries. By returning to developing countries.
analyzing samples which include information Our findings point to two policy recommen-
on each of these variables, we have been able dations. With respect to migration, the positive
to test the migration–remittances–poverty rela- impact of international migration on poverty
tionship for the largest number of labor-export- makes the policy question of ‘‘managing migra-
ing countries possible. The results provide tion’’ assume greater importance in the interna-
strong, robust evidence of the poverty-reducing tional development community. While the
impact of both international migration and international community has paid considerable
remittances in the developing world. attention in the past to international move-
The second finding relates to endogeneity. ments of goods, services, and finance, much less
Comparing the instrumented and noninstru- attention has been paid to the international
mented (OLS) estimates for international movements of people. The results of this paper
migration and remittances in this paper shows suggest that there would be substantial poten-
that the coefficients for the instrumented vari- tial benefits to the world’s poor if more interna-
ables are larger and more precisely estimated tional attention were focused on integrating
than those for the noninstrumented variables. ‘‘migration policy’’ within the larger global dia-
This suggests that international migration and logue on economic development and poverty
remittances may be endogenous to poverty: reduction. With respect to remittances, the
that is, we cannot exclude the hypothesis that international community needs to take efforts
variations in poverty in developing countries to reduce the current high transaction costs of
cause changes in both the share of migrants remitting money to labor-exporting countries.
going to work abroad and in the level of official At present, high transaction costs resulting
international remittances sent home. However, from lack of competition, regulation, and/or
our results show that the extent of this endoge- low levels of financial sector performance in
neity bias on poverty is not large in absolute labor-exporting countries act as a type of regres-
terms: the instrumented results suggest that, sive tax on international migrants, who often
on average, a 10% increase in per capita official tend to be poor and to remit small amounts
remittances will lead to a 3.5% decline in the of money with each remittance transaction.
share of people living in poverty, while the non- Lowering the transactions costs of remittances
instrumented (OLS) estimates suggest that a will help to increase the poverty-reducing im-
similar increase in official remittances will lead pact of international remittances and will also
to a 1.8% decline in the share of poor people. encourage a larger share of remittances to flow
More work needs to be done on this topic. through formal financial channels.


1. Foreign direct investment (FDI) is the most impor- and comparing the local cost of that bundle with the US
tant source of external funding for developing countries. dollar cost of the same bundle. In calculating PPP
values, the comparison of local costs with US costs is
2. In addition to the $93 billion per year in interna- done using conversion estimates produced by the World
tional remittances which return through official banking Bank.
channels, a large and unrecorded amount of
international remittance monies is transmitted through 11. In this paper the terms ‘‘expenditure’’ and ‘‘in-
unofficial and informal channels. One recent IMF study come’’ are used interchangeably.
(El-Qorchi, Maimbo, & Wilson, 2003) estimated that
unofficial transfers of remittances to the developing 12. While a transfer of expenditures from a poor
world currently amount to $10 billion per year. person to a poorer person will not change the headcount
index or the poverty gap index, it will decrease the
3. See, for example, Adams (1991, 1993), Taylor squared poverty gap index.
(1992), Gustafson and Makonnen (1993), Taylor, Zabin,
and Eckhoff (1999), and Stark (1991). 13. In 2002, the stock of illegal immigrants in the
United States was estimated at 9.3 million, or about 26%
4. Low-income and middle-income countries are those of the total stock of the ‘‘foreign-born’’ population. See
which are classified as such by the World Bank (2000, Passel, Capps, and Fix (2004).
pp. 334–335). Low-income countries are those with 1999
GNP per capita $756 or less; middle-income countries 14. All of the data on the ‘‘foreign-born’’ population
are those with 1999 GNP per capita of $756–$9,265. living in the OECD (Europe) comes from OECD, Trends
in International Migration (Paris, various issues).
5. In line with other crossnational studies of poverty,
1980 was selected as a cutoff point because the poverty 15. Adams (1991, p. 13).
data prior to that year are far less comprehensive. See,
for example, Ravallion and Chen (1997) and Adams 16. In addition to Ravallion (1997) and Ravallion and
(2004). Chen (1997), see Squire (1993), Collier and Dollar
(2001), and Bhalla (2002).
6. For the purposes of this study, OECD (Europe)
includes 21 countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, 17. On this point, see Birdsall and Londono (1997) and
Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ravallion (1997).
Ireland, Italy, Luxemburg, Netherlands, Norway, Po-
land, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Spain, Sweden, Swit-
zerland, and United Kingdom. 18. See Deaton (2001, pp. 125–147) and Adams
7. IMF records annual flow in international remit-
tances in its publication, Balance of Payments Statistics 19. However, in those household surveys where survey
Yearbook (Washington, DC). mean income is proxied by survey mean expenditure, the
income variable may, to some extent, capture the impact
8. For a full list of these 157 developing countries, see of remittances income on household expenditure.
World Bank (2000, pp. 334–335).
20. See, for example, Ravallion and Chen (1997).
9. For example, China was eliminated from the data set
because of missing income inequality data for the 21. When Eqn. (1) is estimated using survey mean
country as a whole. income, the dependent and independent variables in the
equation are both based on data from household budget
10. To ensure compatibility across countries, all of the surveys.
poverty lines in Table 9 are international poverty lines,
set at estimates of $1.08 per person per day in 1993 22. The five regional dummy variables are those for
purchasing power parity (PPP) exchange rates. The PPP East Asia, Europe and Central Asia, Latin America and
exchange rates are used so that $1.08 is worth roughly the Caribbean, Middle East and North Africa, and
the same in all countries. PPP values are calculated by South Asia. Sub-Saharan Africa is the omitted regional
pricing a representative bundle of goods in each country dummy.

23. In this study, distance between remittance-sending (1993) finds similar results for rural Egypt. On this point
region (United States, OECD (Europe), or Persian Gulf) more generally, Borjas (1999) argues that international
and remittance-receiving country is measured for each migrants will be negatively selected with respect to
individual developing country as the miles between the education in countries with high income inequality.
borders of that country and the main region from which
it receives remittances. For example, for Latin American
countries, it is the distance to the United States, for 27. Government stability is measured by ratings pub-
North African countries, it is the distance to OECD lished on a monthly basis by the PRS Group in the
(Europe), and for South Asian countries, it is the International Country Risk Guide. These ratings for
distance to the Persian Gulf. ‘‘government stability’’ have a scale of zero to 12, with
zero representing countries with ‘‘very unstable govern-
ment’’ to 11 representing those countries with ‘‘very
24. For other empirical studies of the relationship
stable government.’’ For instance, in June 2002, the
between distance and international migration, see Kare-
United States had a ‘‘government stability’’ rating of 11,
mera, Oguledo, and Davis (2000) and Vogler and Rotte
while Poland had a rating of 6.

25. See, for example, Harris and Todaro (1970). 28. The relevant calculations from Table 8 are as
follows. For instrumented per capita international
26. For example, Mora and Taylor (2005) find that remittances, (18.15/17.15  1) * (0.351) = (2.046).
education has no significant effect on the level of For survey mean income, (1,629.60/1,628.60  1) *
international migration from rural Mexico and Adams (1.590) = (0.976).


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economywide perspective. North American Journal of
Economics and Finance, 10, 91–114. Table 9 summarizes the variables used in the
United Nations, Department of Economic and Social new data set.
Affairs, Population Division (2002). International Mig-
ration Report 2002. New York: United Nations. (See Overleaf)
United States, Census Bureau (1990, 2000). Population
census. Washington, DC.
Table 9. Summary of data set on poverty, inequality, international migration and remittances

Country Survey Region Poverty headcount Poverty Squared Gini Migration Official Per capita
year ($1/person/day) gap (%) poverty coefficient as share of remittances official remittances
gap (%) country (million dollars) (constant 1995
population dollars)
Algeria 1988 Middle East, North Africa 1.75 0.64 0.48 0.414 2.77 379 15.94
Algeria 1995 Middle East, North Africa 1.16 0.23 0.094 0.353 2.01 1,101 39.22
Bangladesh 1984 South Asia 26.16 5.98 1.96 0.258 0.04 527 5.58
Bangladesh 1986 South Asia 21.96 3.92 1.07 0.269 0.04 497 4.98
Bangladesh 1989 South Asia 33.75 7.72 2.44 0.288 0.05 771 7.17
Bangladesh 1992 South Asia 35.86 8.77 2.98 0.282 0.06 848 7.43
Bangladesh 1996 South Asia 29.07 5.88 1.6 0.336 0.09 1,217 10.78
Belarus 1988 Europe, Central Asia 0 0 0 0.227 0 0 0
Belarus 1993 Europe, Central Asia 1.06 0.13 0.03 0.216 0 0 0

Belarus 1995 Europe, Central Asia 2.27 0.71 0.46 0.287 0 29 2.84
Bolivia 1990 Latin America 11.28 2.22 0.6 0.42 0.47 2 0.30
Botswana 1985 Sub-Saharan Africa 33.3 12.53 6.09 0.542 0 0 0
Brazil 1985 Latin America 15.8 4.69 1.82 0.595 0.05 25 0.18
Brazil 1988 Latin America 18.62 6.78 3.22 0.624 0.05 19 0.13
Brazil 1993 Latin America 18.79 8.38 5.01 0.615 0.08 1,123 7.24
Brazil 1995 Latin America 13.94 3.94 1.46 0.6 0.09 2,891 18.12
Brazil 1997 Latin America 5.1 1.32 0.5 0.517 0.11 1,324 8.08
Bulgaria 1989 Europe, Central Asia 0 0 0 0.233 0.2 0 0
Bulgaria 1992 Europe, Central Asia 0 0 0 0.308 0.2 0 0
Bulgaria 1995 Europe, Central Asia 0 0 0 0.285 0.2 0 0
Burkina Faso 1994 Sub-Saharan Africa 61.18 25.51 13.03 0.482 0 80 8.19
Central African 1993 Sub-Saharan Africa 66.58 40.04 28.56 0.613 0 0 0
Chile 1987 Latin America 10.2 2.25 0.66 0.564 0.4 0 0
Chile 1990 Latin America 8.26 2.03 0.73 0.56 0.42 0 0
Chile 1992 Latin America 3.91 0.74 0.23 0.557 0.44 0 0
Chile 1994 Latin America 4.18 0.65 0.15 0.548 0.46 0 0
Colombia 1988 Latin America 4.47 1.31 0.57 0.531 0.8 448 13.32
Colombia 1991 Latin America 2.82 0.75 0.32 0.513 0.86 866 24.29
Colombia 1995 Latin America 8.87 2.05 0.63 0.574 1.02 739 19.16
Colombia 1996 Latin America 10.99 3.16 1.21 0.571 1.06 635 16.16
Costa Rica 1986 Latin America 12.52 5.44 3.27 0.344 1.43 0 0
Costa Rica 1990 Latin America 11.08 4.19 2.37 0.456 1.41 0 0
Costa Rica 1993 Latin America 10.3 3.53 1.79 0.462 1.58 0 0
Costa Rica 1996 Latin America 9.57 3.18 1.55 0.47 1.71 122 34.83
Côte d’Ivoire 1985 Sub-Saharan Africa 4.71 0.59 0.1 0.412 0 0 0
Côte d’Ivoire 1987 Sub-Saharan Africa 3.28 0.41 0.08 0.4 0 0 0
Côte d’Ivoire 1993 Sub-Saharan Africa 9.88 1.86 0.54 0.369 0 0 0
Côte d’Ivoire 1995 Sub-Saharan Africa 12.29 2.4 0.71 0.367 0 0 0
Czech Republic 1988 Europe, Central Asia 0 0 0 0.194 1.73 0 0
Czech Republic 1993 Europe, Central Asia 0 0 0 0.266 1.53 0 0
Dominican Republic 1989 Latin America 7.73 1.51 0.42 0.504 4.89 301 43.33
Dominican Republic 1996 Latin America 3.19 0.71 0.26 0.487 7.08 914 116.70


Ecuador 1988 Latin America 24.85 10.21 5.82 0.439 1.38 0 0
Ecuador 1995 Latin America 20.21 5.77 2.27 0.437 1.92 382 33.32
Egypt 1991 Middle East, North Africa 3.97 0.53 0.13 0.35 0.15 2,569 47.92
Egypt 1995 Middle East, North Africa 5.55 0.66 0.13 0.283 0.18 3,279 56.35
El Salvador 1989 Latin America 25.49 13.72 10.06 0.489 9.06 228 45.38
El Salvador 1996 Latin America 25.26 10.35 5.79 0.522 11.67 1,084 187.32
Estonia 1988 Europe, Central Asia 0 0 0 0.229 0 0 0
Estonia 1993 Europe, Central Asia 3.15 0.91 0.51 0.395 0 0 0
Estonia 1995 Europe, Central Asia 4.85 1.18 0.39 0.353 0 0 0
Ethiopia 1981 Sub-Saharan Africa 32.73 7.69 2.71 0.324 0.07 0 0
Ethiopia 1995 Sub-Saharan Africa 31.25 7.95 2.99 0.399 0.09 0 0
Gambia 1992 Sub-Saharan Africa 53.69 23.27 13.28 0.478 0 0 0
Ghana 1987 Sub-Saharan Africa 47.68 16.6 7.81 0.353 0.11 1 0.07
Ghana 1989 Sub-Saharan Africa 50.44 17.71 8.36 0.359 0.12 6 0.41
Ghana 1992 Sub-Saharan Africa 45.31 13.73 5.61 0.339 0.18 7 0.43
Ghana 1999 Sub-Saharan Africa 44.81 17.28 8.71 0.327 0.32 26 1.44
Guatemala 1987 Latin America 47.04 22.47 13.63 0.582 2.09 0 0
Guatemala 1989 Latin America 39.81 19.79 12.59 0.596 2.34 69 8.07
Honduras 1989 Latin America 44.67 20.65 12.08 0.595 2.11 35 7.40
Honduras 1992 Latin America 38.98 17.74 10.4 0.545 2.74 60 11.62
Honduras 1994 Latin America 37.93 16.6 9.38 0.552 3.23 85 15.54
Honduras 1996 Latin America 40.49 17.47 9.72 0.537 3.66 128 22.15
Hungary 1989 Europe, Central Asia 0 0 0 0.233 2.02 0 0
Hungary 1993 Europe, Central Asia 0 0 0 0.279 1.75 0 0
India 1983 South Asia 52.55 16.27 NA 0.32 0.04 2,311 3.14
India 1986 South Asia 47.46 13.92 NA 0.337 0.06 2,105 2.69
India 1988 South Asia 47.99 13.51 NA 0.329 0.07 2,402 2.95
India 1990 South Asia 45.95 12.63 NA 0.312 0.09 1,875 2.21

(continued next page)
Table 9—continued

Country Survey Region Poverty headcount Poverty Squared Gini Migration Official Per capita
year ($1/person/day) gap (%) poverty coefficient as share of remittances official remittances
gap (%) country (million dollars) (constant 1995
population dollars)
India 1995 South Asia 46.75 12.72 NA 0.363 0.11 7,685 8.27
India 1997 South Asia 44.03 11.96 NA 0.378 0.12 10,688 11.10
Indonesia 1987 East Asia 28.08 6.08 1.78 0.331 0.01 86 0.51
Indonesia 1993 East Asia 14.82 2.98 0.39 0.317 0.05 346 1.84
Indonesia 1996 East Asia 7.81 0.95 0.18 0.364 0.08 796 4.35
Indonesia 1998 East Asia 26.33 5.43 1.69 0.315 0.1 959 4.71
Iran 1990 Middle East, North Africa 0.9 0.8 NA 0.434 0.63 1 0.02
Jamaica 1988 Latin America 5.02 1.38 0.67 0.431 17.03 76 32.24
Jamaica 1990 Latin America 0.62 0.03 0.01 0.418 19.07 136 56.57

Jamaica 1993 Latin America 4.52 0.86 0.29 0.379 21.8 187 75.65
Jamaica 1996 Latin America 3.15 0.73 0.32 0.364 24.4 636 250.52
Jordan 1987 Middle East, North Africa 0 0 0 0.36 0.87 939 329.99
Jordan 1992 Middle East, North Africa 0.55 0.12 0.05 0.433 0.93 843 225.89
Jordan 1997 Middle East, North Africa 0.36 0.1 0.06 0.364 0.94 1,655 371.26
Kazakhstan 1988 Europe, Central Asia 0.05 0.02 0.01 0.257 0 0 0
Kazakhstan 1993 Europe, Central Asia 1.06 0.04 0.01 0.326 0 0 0
Kazakhstan 1996 Europe, Central Asia 1.49 0.27 0.1 0.354 0 10 0.64
Kenya 1992 Sub-Saharan Africa 33.54 12.82 6.62 0.574 0 0 0
Kenya 1994 Sub-Saharan Africa 26.54 9.03 4.5 0.445 0 0 0
Kyrgyz Republic 1988 Europe, Central Asia 0 0 0 0.26 0 0 0
Kyrgyz Republic 1993 Europe, Central Asia 22.99 10.87 6.82 0.537 0 2 0.44
Kyrgyz Republic 1997 Europe, Central Asia 1.57 0.28 0.1 0.405 0 3 0.64
Latvia 1988 Europe, Central Asia 0 0 0 0.225 0 0 0
Latvia 1993 Europe, Central Asia 0 0 0 0.269 0 0 0
Latvia 1995 Europe, Central Asia 0 0 0 0.284 0 0 0
Latvia 1998 Europe, Central Asia 0.19 0.01 0 0.323 0 3 1.22
Lesotho 1987 Sub-Saharan Africa 30.34 12.66 6.85 0.56 0 0 0
Lesotho 1993 Sub-Saharan Africa 43.14 20.26 11.84 0.579 0 0 0
Lithuania 1988 Europe, Central Asia 0 0 0 0.224 0 0 0
Lithuania 1993 Europe, Central Asia 16.47 3.37 0.95 0.336 0 0 0
Lithuania 1996 Europe, Central Asia 0 0 0 0.323 0 2 0.55
Madagascar 1980 Sub-Saharan Africa 49.18 19.74 10.21 0.468 0 0 0
Madagascar 1994 Sub-Saharan Africa 60.17 24.46 12.83 0.434 0 11 0.85
Mauritania 1988 Sub-Saharan Africa 40.64 19.07 12.75 0.425 0 9 4.74
Mauritania 1993 Sub-Saharan Africa 49.37 17.83 8.58 0.5 0 2 0.93
Mauritania 1995 Sub-Saharan Africa 30.98 9.99 4.59 0.389 0 5 2.16
Mexico 1984 Latin America 12.05 2.65 0.78 0.54 1.86 1,127 15.24
Mexico 1989 Latin America 16.2 5.63 2.75 0.551 4.66 2,213 27.09
Mexico 1992 Latin America 13.31 3.23 1.04 0.543 6.1 3,070 35.54
Mexico 1995 Latin America 17.9 6.15 2.92 0.537 7.39 3,673 40.30
Moldova 1988 Europe, Central Asia 0 0 0 0.241 0 0 0
Moldova 1992 Europe, Central Asia 7.31 1.32 0.32 0.344 0 0 0
Morocco 1985 Middle East, North Africa 2.04 0.7 0.5 0.392 4.38 967 44.67


Morocco 1990 Middle East, North Africa 0.14 0.02 0.01 0.392 4.02 1,336 55.54
Mozambique 1996 Sub-Saharan Africa 37.85 12.02 5.42 0.396 0 0 0
Namibia 1993 Sub-Saharan Africa 34.93 13.97 6.93 0.743 0 8 5.26
Nepal 1985 South Asia 42.13 10.79 3.75 0.334 0 39 2.40
Nepal 1995 South Asia 37.68 9.74 3.71 0.387 0 101 4.95
Nicaragua 1993 Latin America 47.94 20.4 11.19 0.503 4.38 25 5.98
Nigeria 1997 Sub-Saharan Africa 70.24 34.91 NA 0.505 0.09 1,920 16.32
Pakistan 1988 South Asia 49.63 14.85 6.03 0.333 0.11 2,013 19.63
Pakistan 1991 South Asia 47.76 14.57 6.04 0.332 0.16 1,848 16.67
Pakistan 1993 South Asia 33.9 8.44 3.01 0.342 0.18 1,562 13.41
Pakistan 1997 South Asia 30.96 6.16 1.86 0.312 0.22 1,409 10.97
Panama 1989 Latin America 16.57 7.84 4.9 0.565 3.53 14 5.95
Panama 1991 Latin America 18.9 8.87 5.48 0.568 3.55 14 5.72
Panama 1995 Latin America 14.73 6.15 3.39 0.57 3.61 16 6.08
Panama 1997 Latin America 10.31 3.15 3.67 0.485 3.67 16 5.88
Paraguay 1990 Latin America 11.05 2.47 0.8 0.397 0 43 10.19
Paraguay 1995 Latin America 19.36 8.27 4.65 0.591 0 200 41.41
Peru 1985 Latin America 1.14 0.29 0.14 0.457 0.33 0 0
Peru 1994 Latin America 9.13 2.37 0.92 0.446 0.89 472 20.39
Peru 1997 Latin America 15.49 5.38 2.81 0.462 1.03 636 26.09
Philippines 1985 East Asia 22.78 5.32 1.66 0.41 1.26 111 2.04
Philippines 1988 East Asia 18.28 3.59 0.94 0.407 1.49 388 6.66
Philippines 1991 East Asia 15.7 2.79 0.66 0.438 1.69 329 5.27
Philippines 1994 East Asia 18.36 3.85 1.07 0.429 1.86 443 6.63
Philippines 1997 East Asia 14.4 2.85 0.75 0.461 2 1,057 14.82
Poland 1987 Europe, Central Asia 0 0 0 0.255 1.89 0 0
Poland 1990 Europe, Central Asia 0.08 0.027 0.02 0.283 1.84 0 0
Poland 1992 Europe, Central Asia 0.08 0.031 0.02 0.271 1.81 0 0

(continued next page)
Table 9—continued
Country Survey Region Poverty headcount Poverty Squared Gini Migration Official Per capita
year ($1/person/day) gap (%) poverty coefficient as share of remittances official remittances
gap (%) country (million dollars) (constant 1995

population dollars)
Romania 1989 Europe, Central Asia 0 0 0 0.233 0.62 0 0
Romania 1992 Europe, Central Asia 0.8 0.34 0.31 0.254 0.77 0 0
Romania 1994 Europe, Central Asia 2.81 0.76 0.43 0.282 0.88 4 0.17
Russian Federation 1994 Europe, Central Asia 6.23 1.6 0.55 0.436 0.34 0 0
Russian Federation 1996 Europe, Central Asia 7.24 1.6 0.47 0.48 0.35 0 0
Russian Federation 1998 Europe, Central Asia 7.05 1.45 0.39 0.487 0.36 0 0
Senegal 1991 Sub-Saharan Africa 45.38 19.95 11.18 0.541 0 105 14.05
Senegal 1994 Sub-Saharan Africa 26.26 7.04 2.73 0.412 0 73 9.04
Sierra Leone 1989 Sub-Saharan Africa 56.81 40.45 33.8 0.628 0.18 0 0
South Africa 1993 Sub-Saharan Africa 11.47 1.83 0.38 0.593 0.14 0 0
Sri Lanka 1985 South Asia 9.39 1.69 0.5 0.324 0.06 292 18.43
Sri Lanka 1990 South Asia 3.82 0.67 0.23 0.301 0.12 401 23.57
Sri Lanka 1995 South Asia 6.56 1 0.26 0.343 0.3 790 43.53
Thailand 1988 East Asia 25.91 7.36 2.73 0.438 0.17 0 0
Thailand 1992 East Asia 6.02 0.48 0.05 0.462 0.21 0 0
Thailand 1996 East Asia 2.2 0.14 0.01 0.434 0.24 0 0
Thailand 1998 East Asia 0 0 0 0.413 0.25 0 0
Trinidad, Tobago 1992 Latin America 12.36 3.48 NA 0.402 10.5 6 4.85
Tunisia 1985 Middle East, North Africa 1.67 0.34 0.13 0.434 3.12 271 37.33
Tunisia 1990 Middle East, North Africa 1.26 0.33 0.16 0.402 3.01 551 67.56
Turkey 1987 Europe, Central Asia 1.49 0.36 0.17 0.435 4.18 2,021 38.45
Turkey 1994 Europe, Central Asia 2.35 0.55 0.24 0.415 4.13 2,627 44.00
Turkmenistan 1988 Europe, Central Asia 0 0 0 0.264 0 0 0
Turkmenistan 1993 Europe, Central Asia 20.92 5.69 2.1 0.357 0 0 0
Uganda 1989 Sub-Saharan Africa 39.17 14.99 7.57 0.443 0 0 0
Uganda 1993 Sub-Saharan Africa 36.7 11.44 5 0.391 0 0 0
Ukraine 1989 Europe, Central Asia 0 0 0 0.233 0 0 0
Ukraine 1992 Europe, Central Asia 0.04 0.01 0.01 0.257 0 0 0
Ukraine 1996 Europe, Central Asia 0 0 0 0.325 0 0 0
Uruguay 1989 Latin America 1.1 0.47 0.4 0.423 0 0 0
Uzbekistan 1988 Europe, Central Asia 0 0 0 0.249 0 0 0
Uzbekistan 1993 Europe, Central Asia 3.29 0.46 0.11 0.332 0 0 0


Venezuela 1981 Latin America 6.3 1.08 0.25 0.556 0.08 0 0
Venezuela 1987 Latin America 6.6 1.04 0.22 0.534 0.14 0 0
Venezuela 1989 Latin America 8.49 1.77 0.49 0.557 0.19 0 0
Venezuela 1993 Latin America 2.66 0.57 0.22 0.416 0.29 0 0
Venezuela 1996 Latin America 14.69 5.62 3.17 0.487 0.36 0 0
Yemen 1992 Middle East, North Africa 5.07 0.93 NA 0.394 0 1,018 73.51
Yemen 1998 Middle East, North Africa 10.7 2.42 0.85 0.344 0 1,202 72.49
Zambia 1991 Sub-Saharan Africa 58.59 31.04 20.18 0.483 0 0 0
Zambia 1993 Sub-Saharan Africa 69.16 38.49 25.7 0.462 0 0 0
Zambia 1996 Sub-Saharan Africa 72.63 37.75 23.88 0.497 0 0 0
Zimbabwe 1991 Sub-Saharan Africa 35.95 11.39 4.56 0.568 0 0 0
Notes: All poverty and inequality data from World Bank, Global Poverty Monitoring database. Migration data from US Population Census and OECD, Trends in
International Migration. Remittance data from IMF, Balance of Payments Statistics Yearbook.


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