Modelling Bridging Using Tekla Structures: Table of Contents

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Modelling Bridging using Tekla Structures

Date 15 May 2007

Table of Contents….
1.0 – Changes made to the Bridging Component (80) for TS11.3 ............. 2
2.0 – Changes made to the Bridging Component (80) for TS13.0 ............. 4
3.0 – Using the Bridging (80) component................................................... 6
4.0 – Data Files Used by the Bridging (80) Component............................. 8
5.0 – Reports ........................................................................................... 11
6.0 – Future Development plans for Bridging Component (80)................ 12
7.0 – Manual Modeling of Bridging........................................................... 13
8.0 – DHS Bridging .................................................................................. 14

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1.0 - Changes made to the Bridging Component
(80) for TS11.3
In response to the numerous requests to improve the functionality of the Bridging
Component (S80) Tekla made some improvements for version 11.3. Not all the
improvements were successful but I will list below the changes that have been made
and what the current issued are. These are the changes that were made:

1) Firstly all of the options that were at the bottom of the “Parameters” tab have been
removed. Most users reported that they were confusing or didn’t use them anyway.

2) Now the first and last connection in the run of bridging is bolted and the
intermediates connections are all a clamp/locator arrangement.

3) Skewed end wall enhancement - Since TS11.3, the Bridging S80 Component will
now also work for skewed end wall cases where the Purlins get shorter or longer as
they progress down the building. The macro was re-written so that the bridging
spacings are now calculated based on the insertion points of the longest Purlin.
Previously the bridging spacings were calculated using the distance between the two

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4) All ordering codes are now shown in the main member properties dialog and no
longer in the user defined attributes.

5) The User Defined Attributes dialog is no longer used at all for bridging members
not even for the length. The length in the report is now as per the length of the Bridge
in the model.

6) “Speedy Spacers“, which are gaining in popularity in NSW are now an option when
used in conjunction with Stramit Purlins only.

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2.0 - Changes made to the Bridging Component
(80) for TS13.0
1) The brnam.dat file has been revised to now call up LYS* profiles for all Bridging
members and not BHP* profiles such as BHP-HOOK-LOKII and BHP-

2) Updated Profile Catalog for TS13.0

We have updated the profile catalog for TS13.0 to separate out the old Bridging
profiles from LYS, BHP and Stramit that we should no longer be using. They are now
grouped together at the top of the profile catalog branch as shown here. Do not use
these profiles as the Bridging list report will not list them.

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3) Bridging spacings can now be based on longest Purlin or Rafter centres

In TS11.3 we made a change to the Bridging macro to allow it to work correctly on

skewed end bays where the last Rafter is skewed relative to the rest of the rafters
therefore causing the Purlins to get shorter along the run. The macro therefore was
changed to calculate the Bridging Spacings on the longest Purlin but unfortunately
that decision caused us problem. We found that there were then problems when
users did not model their Purlins from centerline of Rafter to centerline or Rafter and
in cases where they had double span Purlins.

So for TS13.0, Tekla have changed the macro so that you now have a choice as to
how the Bridging Spacings are calculated. See below:

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3.0 - Using the Bridging (80) component
Unfortunately the Tekla Help files for this component are not up to date so we
have put together some information here to allow you to understand better
how the Bridging Component works.

This macro creates Bridging elements for the following types of Australasian
Cold-rolled profiles:

• Lysaght
• Stramit
• Dimond

To use….

1. Open the Bridging (80) Component dialog by double-clicking the Bridging

icon or choosing the component from the Component Catalog.

2. Set the properties as required in each. See the ‘Defining properties’ section
below for more details.

3. Click the Apply button, then click the OK button to close the dialog box.

4. Pick the first rafter.

5. Pick the second rafter.

6. Pick the first Purlin.

7. Pick the remaining Purlins in one direction only..

8. Click the middle mouse button to end picking.

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Defining Properties…

Field Description Options

Bridging type Use the Automatic option to • Automatic (default)

have Tekla Structures calculate • LYS Hook Lok
the bridging type using the • LYS Conventional
brnam.dat file and based on the • Dimond FastBRACE
Purlin profile. eg. If you use • Dimond Hi Span
Lysaght Purlins, a Lysaght • Stramit
Bridging system will be used. • Stramit Conventional
The component searches for the
• Stramit Rod
first line in the brnam.dat that
• Speedy Spacer
contains the matching profile
name compared to the Purlin.
State of use In Victoria and Tasmania • V/T
different Bridging Codes are • All other states
used. Choose the applicable
state that the Bridging will be
ordered from
Number of rows Defines the number of Bridging • 1 Row Bridging
Rows • 2 Row Bridging
• 3 Row Bridging
• Custom
Custom Spacing If ‘Custom’ is chosen in the
option above, enter percentage
values in the Custom spacing
field to indicate the length
between the rafters
Purlin Type If you did not select the • Simply supported
‘Custom’ option in the Number • Continuous
of rows field, select an option • Lapped
from the dropdown list to define
the Purlin type
Purlin Location If you did not select the Custom • Internal Span
option in the Number of rows • End Span
field, select an option from the
dropdown list to define Purlin

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4.0 - Data Files Used by the Bridging (80)
The same 3 data files are used by the Cold Rolled Overlap (1) Component and the
Bridging (80) as before.

• overlap.dat
• brloc.dat
• brnam.dat

overlap.dat file
The overlap.dat file located in the
C:\TeklaStructures\*version*\environments\australasia\profil\cr folder contains the
data that the Bridging S80 component uses for the hole diameter and locations of it’s
Bridging Holes. This same data file is used by the Cold Rolled Overlap 1 component
as Bridging holes are always the same size and on the same gauge as regular Purlin
connection holes.

brloc.dat file

The brnam.dat file located in the

C:\TeklaStructures\*version*\environments\australasia\profil\cr folder contains
information about the location of bridging profiles. It is unusual that you will ever need
to edit this file as we have already set it up to the Purlin manufacturers recommended
spacings but more information can be obtained via the ‘Help’ button in the Bridging
S80 macro dialog.

brnam.dat file

The brnam.dat file located in the

C:\TeklaStructures\*version*\environments\australasia\profil\cr folder contains the
data that the Bridging S80 component uses to choose the applicable Bridging Profile
and Bridging Code from.
The file is a simple ASCII text file and can be edited with any text editor such as
NotePad or WordPad and can also be edited using Microsoft Excel.

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This file contains the Purlin Manufacturers codes for the bridging elements. Each row
defines a specific bridging type, the columns define the following properties:

Column Description
1 Bridging Type.
2 Profile of the Purlins selected to add Bridging to.
3 Profile to be used for the Bridging.
4 Not used
5 Not used
6 Not used
7 Not used
8 Bridging Code for the first Bridging member in a run
9 Not used
10 Bridging Code for all intermediate Bridging members
11 Not used
12 Not used
13 Bridging Code for the last Bridging member in a run
14 Not used
15 Bolt hole properties for the start clip XY to X:0. Enter a two digit
number. It is a 2 digit number to set bolt hole settings for start clip. XY
X:0: No bolt or hole at top 1: Hole at top 2: Bolt at top & Y: 0: No
bolt or hole at bottom 1: Hole at bottom 2: Bolt at bottom
16 Bolt hole properties for interior clips. XY X:0: No bolt or hole at top 1:
Hole at top 2: Bolt at top & Y: 0: No bolt or hole at bottom 1: Hole at
bottom 2: Bolt at bottom
17 Bolt hole properties for the end clip.XY X:0: No bolt or hole at top 1:
Hole at top 2: Bolt at top & Y: 0:

You may need to adjust the values in the brnam.dat to suit your local
suppliers/builders preferences with regards to the bridging ordering codes. I have
marked in blue above, the 3 columns you may need to edit.

More information regarding those files can be found in the help files for the bridging
(80) and Overlap (1) components.

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5.0 - Reports
Now that we no longer use (since TS11.3) any User Defined Attributes (UDA’s) for
the bridging code and length, we revised and renamed the Bridging list report.
The old “Bridging_List (use with Bridging Macro only).rpt” and “Bridging_List (use
with manual Bridging only).rpt” have now been removed and the new report is simply
called “Bridging_List.rpt”.
This report automatically lists only bridging members so you do not need to use a
view or select filter.
Simply run a “Create from all” Bridging_List report and it will select the bridge
members based on their PROFILE.

The list of profiles the report searches for are as follows:


NOTE: If you manually create ANY bridging you must make sure you use one of the
profiles shown above or modify the report template, if you do not then it will not
appear on the report.

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6.0 – Future Development plans for Bridging
Component (80)

Ref: TSR-1163 – Choosing Bolt Size/Bolt Standard Manually

In the Bridging (S80) Component, if a user needs to set the 'Bolt Size' or 'Bolt
Standard', they need to change the 'Read From' option to 'Dialog'.

We have requested that the Component be changed so that the user can manually
choose 'Bolt Size', 'Bolt Standard', 'Tolerance', 'Thread in material' and all the 'Hole /
Slotting values' while still leaving the 'Read From' option set to 'Data File' or 'Default'.
Enhancement expected in TS13.1

Ref: TSR-1166 – Last Bridging member goes from face of Purlin and not

Using Bridging (S80) component, the last bridging member created is always
modeled to the face of the web of the Purlin it connects to which is incorrect. All
bridging members should be modeled from CL to CL of the supporting Purlins.

Ref: TSR-1200 – Option to define Bridging Codes manually

New options to be added to Bridging Component (80) to manually input

Bridging Codes directly instead of reading from brnam.dat file

Ref: TSR-1234 – Bridging Macro does not work correctly on User Defined
Cross Section profiles such as NZ based DHS Purlins

The Bridging S80 component does not work correctly for DHS* Purlin profiles.
These profiles have been inputted into the profile catalog as User Defined
Cross Section shapes which is why the problem occurs. We have submitted a
development request to have the macro improved so that it will work correctly
with these shapes also.

Ref: TSR-1235 – Extra codes to be added for two row Bridging

We have requested an option for the Bridging component to detect if the

number of Purlin rows is 2 (ie. One Bridging member only), and then use
Bridging codes from Column 9 in the brnam.dat. When there are only 2 Purlin
rows, the bridging is typically Bolted-Bolted which therefore requires a unique
code. Currently the component will use a bolted-clamp etc.. option
Enhancement expected in TS13.1

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7.0 - Manual Modeling of Bridging
1) If you decide to model any Bridging Components manually please ensure you use
only the following Profiles.


If you require more profiles please

contact us at Pacific Computing for

2) You then nominate the Bridging code

in the Part Name field of the Beam
Properties dialog as per the example on
the right.

3) Model the bridging members from

centre of Purlin to centre of Purlin.
There is a note on the Bridging report
stating that this is how they have been modeled.

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8.0 – DHS Bridging
We have recently done some work with a NZ user who helped check the codes for
us. On their feedback we have modified the codes for the DHS FastBrace Bridging.
They should now be correct.

Because the DHS Purlins are modeled with a ribbed flanged, these Purlins were
entered into the profile catalog as User Defined Cross section shapes. This causes
the Bridging S80 component not to work correctly with these shapes. We have
submitted a development request (TSR-1234) to Tekla to have this fixed. In the
meantime we have added a range of DHS Purlins that are entered into the catalog as
standard lipped Cees. They are named DHS-150_ etc. To work around the problem
of the Bridging macro not working correctly, you can model your job using these new
DHS shapes, add the Bridging S80 component, then explode it and change the
Purlins to the Ribbed Web DHS Purlins.

We have also added PB1635 bolts to the Australasian Bolt Catalog especially for use
with DHS Purlins

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