Evolve - L1 - Midterm - Units 1-6 - A

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A Listen to the conversation between two students. Then write the name of the
person (Kay or Ethan) for each statement.
1 Today is the first day of Spanish class for this person.
2 This person speaks a little bit of Italian.
3 This person has a small family.
4 This person doesn’t live with his/her parents.
5 This person lives near a mall.
/ 10 ( 2 points each)

B Listen to the conversation between a real estate agent and Jon and Isabel. Then choose
the correct answers.
1 Mrs. Sanchez knows / doesn’t know that Jon and Isabel are coming to visit.
2 Jon and Isabel are going on vacation with his / her parents.
3 The apartment is / isn’t in the country.
4 The first / second week is better for the real estate agent.
5 Another family wants to stay before / after Jon and Isabel.
/ 10 ( 2 points each)

C Cross out the word that does not belong in each group.
1 supermarket museum kitchen mall
2 chef server teacher aunt
3 send emails chat post photos midnight
4 chef aunt parents daughter
5 kitchen living room mall bedroom
6 noon midnight server evening
/ 6 ( 1 point each)

D Circle the correct answer.

1 The person who cooks food in a restaurant is a chef / kitchen.
2 I use social media to chat / call with my friends.
3 I go to the park / store to take a walk.
4 The day after Wednesday is Tuesday / Thursday.
/ 4 ( 1 point each)

Evolve Assessment Material 1 © Cambridge University Press 2019 Photocopiable Units 1–6 Mid-Term A 1
E Choose the correct option.
1 I leave . 4 We go to the to buy food.
A  voice messages A bookstore
B  social media B supermarket
C  comments on a blog C park
2 I don’t want to watch this movie. It’s . 5 There are a lot of trees in the .
A boring A desert
B shy B island
C friendly C forest
3 There are a lot of flowers in the . / 5 ( 1 point each)
A park
B plants
C beach

F Cross out the word that does not belong in each group.
1 funny interesting smart French
2 fifteen ninety eighteen nineteen
3 Monday Wednesday Saturday weekend
4 flower lake plants grass
5 bookstore river mall hospital
/ 5 ( 1 point each)

G Read the definitions and write the words.

1 This is the opposite of cheap. e
2 This is a piece of furniture for two or three people to sit on. c
3 This is a computer you can carry. l
4 This is the opposite of big. s
5 This is water near the beach. You can swim in it. o
/ 5 ( 1 point each)

H Complete the paragraph with words from the box.

afternoon hospital noon old smart son

My name’s Laura and I live with my grandmother, and with my 1 Leo.

He’s 19.
My grandmother is 2 , she’s 90! Leo is a college students
and he’s very 3 . He goes to college in the morning until
. Then we have lunch, and in the
he works in a 6 .
/ 6 ( 1 point each)

Evolve Assessment Material 1 © Cambridge University Press 2019 Photocopiable Units 1–6 Mid-Term A 2
I Write the sentences with the words in parentheses ( ).
EXAMPLE: I I’m not a doctor  (not / be)
1 My cousins in the U.S.  (not / live)
2 on the weekend?  (you / work)
3 José a sister.  (not / have)
4 What for breakfast every morning?  (Ingrid / eat)
/ 4 (1 point each)

J Choose the correct option.

1 We live San Paolo. 5 There are plants in the forest.
A on A a
B in B  a lot of
C at C an
2 We have a dog and dog’s name is 6 Mario play soccer, he plays
Bruno. basketball.
A our A do
B their B does
C your C doesn’t
3 This is your server, and name is 7 My sister TV a lot.
Raquel. A watch
A our B watches
B her C  does watch
C your
/ 7 ( 1 point each)
4 I like parks, but there are parks near
my house.
A no
B any
C a

K Complete each question.

1 A  do you go to school in the morning?
B  At 8 o’clock.
2 A  your grandparents live in the U.S.?
B  No, they don’t.
3 A  do you do on the weekend?
B  I meet my friends.
4 A  do your cousins live?
B  In California.
5 A  your brother play soccer?
B  Yes, he does.
6 A  do you usually go on vacation?
B  Usually in August.
/ 6 ( 1 point each)
Evolve Assessment Material 1 © Cambridge University Press 2019 Photocopiable Units 1–6 Mid-Term A 3
L Circle the correct word in each sentence.
1 We don’t live in a house. We live in a / an apartment.
2 There is a / an mountain in the picture.
3 In this photo, my sister is next to I / me.
4 There is a / an good restaurant near my house.
/ 4 ( 1 point each)

M Complete the sentences with words from the box.

a lot of doesn’t don’t hardly ever has lives no some

This is a photo of my family at my grandma’s birthday party. There are 1 people because I have a
big family. There is 2 coffee and tea on the table but there are 3 cookies.
My grandma 4 in California, so we 5 see her. My grandma 6 use the
internet, so I 7 chat with her on social media. But she 8 a cell phone, so I send her
text messages.
/ 8 ( 1 point each)

N Read the advertisements. Circle True or False for each statement.

This nice family home is a big four-bedroom apartment, in Condesa, Mexico City. It has two bathrooms with
great showers, and it has a very nice kitchen with refrigerator and stove. There is a living room with a big
rug, a TV on the wall and a very comfortable couch. There are some good restaurants in the neighborhood,
a mall with a lot of stores and a good school five minutes away. It’s great for a big family, but not for college
students. Email Elina Martín, [email protected].

Welcome to the new Hotel Mume, in the center of town, next to the movie theater. We want smart, friendly people
to start work in July and August in our great hotel restaurant. The restaurant has Chinese, Japanese and Korean
food. If you are a chef or a server and you want an interesting job in a very cool hotel, call us at 555-456-9021.

Do you want a job this summer? At Sunny Heights summer camp there are a lot of activities for young people to
do. The camp is near the ocean and has a beautiful beach. The activities start at 9 a.m. and finish at 8 p.m. If you
like sports and nature, and you want to work with young people, then call us at 555-446-2210 and ask for Mike.

1 Elina Martin doesn’t want to rent the apartment to students. True / False
2 Hotel Mume wants Chinese, Japanese or Korean servers. True / False
3 Hotel Mume offers more than one type of job. True / False
4 People who work at Sunny Heights work can go to the beach after lunch. True / False
5 Sunny Heights is good for young people because it is near a mall. True / False
/ 10 ( 2 points each)

Evolve Assessment Material 1 © Cambridge University Press 2019 Photocopiable Units 1–6 Mid-Term A 4
O Read the journal and decide which day the statement refers to. Write the correct day.
My sister Eulalia’s birthday today! 35 today!
Monday 9th Post a message for Eulalia on Instagram and Snapchat. Send her a video and photos.
Guitar class at 7:30 pm with Angelo.
Call hotel clerk at Alabama Spring to book two rooms for Friday 13th, Saturday 14th and
Tuesday 10th Sunday 15th. Ask for breakfast for four people every day.
Give hotel clerk my contact details.
Look for an apartment for cousin Miguel.
Read ads in the newspaper and online for apartments and home shares.
Wednesday 11th
Write email to Carla Fernandez about home share in Santiago. Questions to ask Carla:
How many people live there? How many bedrooms are there? Is there any furniture?
Laptop is very old, I need a new one!
Read reviews online and choose a favorite laptop. Buy a new laptop with a good camera.
Thursday 12th Not too expensive. Cheap and cool design please!!
Make a playlist of songs for travel to hotel tomorrow.
Go with family to Alabama Springs hotel for a weekend close to nature.
Friday 13th
Check in to hotel before 2 p.m.
Get up late and have a very big breakfast! Swim in the ocean and walk in the forest.
Saturday 14th Then rest and relax!!

1 Have a lot to eat in the morning.

2 Use social media.
3 Help someone in the family.
4 Go shopping.
5 Make a telephone call.
/ 10 (2 points each)

Evolve Assessment Material 1 © Cambridge University Press 2019 Photocopiable Units 1–6 Mid-Term A 5

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