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7 Six Sigma in Non-Manufacturing

Some good examples presented in Varese were the root causes of the decision to select
Non-Manufacturing as third focus point for the Second European Six Sigma
Conference. The question behind this of course being: What must be changed in the Six
Sigma approach to be as successful as in Manufacturing.

Peter Rudberg started his introduction lecture with the following outline:

Outline For This Session

Some Objectives:
•To stimulate thinking and
•To discuss some ideas
•To share experience
Six Sigma as
•To lay out ways of working in
a cornerstone
the future

Some well
proven tools

What can we
learn from this?

Fig. 7.1 Outline of introduction lecture for Non-Manufacturing

From his long experience in process improvement Peter gave us an overview of the
approaches that passed by since 19801. One of the learning points that goes beyond the
boundaries of a specific drive is the solution of the problem “how to share effectively
and efficiently resources and solutions on a global basis”. The solution to this well-
recognised problem is a common way of working. Peter even called it a pre-requisite.

Fig. 7.2 Common Way of Working as pre-requisite

In picturing all the important characteristics of the Six Sigma drive in one sheet (Fig.
7.3), Peter showed that Six Sigma fulfils this pre-requisite. And, apart from one minor

Sheets 3 and 5 in the original presentation (see Appendix 5)
detail (Peter prefers to call the extra man-capacity to really do the improvement
Commandos in stead of Black Belts), the picture was taken.

Six Sigma: Cornerstone for Process Improvement

Value adding expenses Measure

Non-value-adding expenses
due to inefficiency

Non-value-adding expenses
due to quality deficiencies


Well Trained Commandos


10 Sigma Factorials SPC
5 Cp Cpk Regression
0 Stdev SPC
Hypothesis- Six Sigma-
- testing - Engineering

Fig. 7.3
Six Sigma pictured as cornerstone for process improvement
Within Six Sigma projects Peter wants to be pragmatic and uses in practice tools proven
to be effective in improving business processes, such as2:
• TBM, Time Based Management
• PO by VC, Process Optimisation by Value Chain
• ABC, Activity Based Costing
• Rummber Brache (Nine Performance Variables)

As special Non-Manufacturing fields the following transactional processes were listed:

• Product development
• Administration
• Sales
• Supply & Purchasing
• CRM, Customer Relation Management
• Engineering Design
• Quality Assurance

As introduction to the workshop part of Non-Manufacturing, Peter showed (Fig. 7.4) the
diminishing availability of tools against the growing level of difficulty along the time
line of the five main steps in a change process:
• Development of scenarios
• Design of solutions
• Activity Plan
• Implementation
• Stabilisation of the new process

See original presentation in Appendix 5 for describing sheets.
Main steps in a Change Process

Stabilisation of the new process

Tools available
Development of scenarios

Design of solutions

Activity Plan
Level of difficulty

Fig. 7.4 Main steps in a change process

Peter Rudberg ended his introduction with the following statement:

Six Sigma experience in the manufacturing area is able
to be transferred to the no manufacturing area 3

The purpose of the workshop to follow was phrased as:
To establish some basic ideas for development of a
"European Six Sigma Club Toolbox for
Non-Manufacturing Process Improvement"

The proposed way of working was formulated as:

• List other tools you consider useful for Process Improvement
• Evaluate the known methods at each step of the change process
• Design a package of tools and methodology you consider useful to implement
changes in a Non-Manufacturing process

Table 7.1 Result of workshop Non-Manufacturing; list of tools considered to be useful in non-
6 – Process Mapping - Benchmarking - Fish bone
4 – P-FMEA - process mapping - Objectives Model
3 – QFD - COPQ - Model of critical Success Factory
1 – DFA - brainstorming - Pareto-Analysis
6 – Risk Analysis - tree analysis - Brain storming
3 – 7 QT/MT - Balanced Scorecards
5 – BBSC - Process Mapping
3.5 – FTA - Project Manager
2 – 9 Performance Indicators - OFD
1 – TBM - 7 Management tools
4 - PDCA - Voice of Customers
6 – SPC - Capability analysis - SIPOC
6 – MSA GR&R - data collection - Data Collection Plan
1 – TBM/TCT - confidence interval - Measurement System Analysis
5 – PDCA - time chart - Key performance indicators

The same belief inside Philips has led to the development of Process Survey Tools for all Business Processes
6 – ABC - scorecards - Customers Complain
- gauge R’nR - Sigma level
- How to identify Opportunities
- Risk Management (FMEA)
- NCC Analysis
5 – PDCA - Confidence interval - Run cuonts-cysum
5 – Process Mapping - Regression - Histograms
3 – Value Change Analysis - Correlation analysis - Cycle time Analysis
5 – DOE - Multivariate analysis - Correlation
4 – P-FMEA - Hypothesis analysis - Portfolio-Korno Model
5 – SPC - Cause and effect matrix - QFD
Analyse 6 – ABC - FMEA - Capability Analysis
6 – Risk Analysis - Value Add Analysis - Regression Analysis / Anova
4 – 7 QT/MT - Fish bone - Summarised Analysis
5 – FTA - Pareto - Hypothesis Analysis
6 – Analysis Tools (-Anova, + T-test) - 7 QC + 7 MT - Confidence Analysis
6 – Root C - DOE & Plots
- Discriminment Analysis
- Fish borne
6 – Risk Analysis - Process mapping - DOE
5 – PDCA - Design of experiments - Solution Generation Method (6,3,5)
3 – Force Field Analysis - Force field analysis - Process Mapping
6 – Communication Plan - team leading - Benchmarking
Improve 6 – Stekeholder analysis - hypothesis test - Selection of solutions
- confidence interval - Regression
- QFD - Simulation
- Implementation plan
6 – SPC - SPC - Control charts
6 – BBSC - Scorecard - Balanced Scorecards
3 - PDCA - Confidence interval - Run carts
Control - Capability analysis - Assessment (EFQM)
- COPQ - Monitoring - Dashboard
- Pareto
The result of the workshop (table with useful tools per step of the well-known structure
DMAIC as regarded by each of the three groups4) was not very surprising. But by doing
this in fact we tried to come up with arguments against the statement that Six Sigma can
be applied as well in Non-Manufacturing as in Manufacturing. No argument was found.

In the discussion also some room was given to the "problem" of lack of tools in the
implementation phase of a change process (see Fig. 7.4). The conclusion was phrased
as: Not so much of a tool is needed:

just simply do it !

In one of the Black Belt presentations, Bernhard Kleemann presented a non-
manufacturing case (see Appendix 8). In this case he illustrated quite well that “even” in
the sales field the structured DMAIC approach can be used successfully. Starting from
the problem statement (“no transparent system for sales performance” and “no
predictability of volume”) and defining the steps to be taken:
• prospecting
• discovery/strategy process
• close deal
• ongoing account management.

In the measuring step, the most important move was made by convincing the involved
sales men that the complete action should not be seen as a threat but as an aid:
“we don’t want to teach you how to sell, but there are some tools to make your life

During the analysis step, the difference in success per country for large and small deals
was discovered and could be traced back to the sources. Because of these findings in the
implementation phase, a Sales Discovery Project was started. This project yielded 71%
improvement, the cycle-time was reduced from 29 days to 10 days. The control step
was filled in by establishing a Sales Training (see for more details Appendix 8).

This BB example illustrates very well Peter Rudberg’s statement that Six Sigma can be
applied in the non-manufacturing area as well.

This table is added as last sheet to Appendix 5

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