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WSS Zarakhela District swat

Submitted to




In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of

Bachelor of technology in Civil



REG# SUIT-15-01-079-0678

ROLL NO: 15-FA-64869

Duration: 12 MONTHS (01/09/2018 to 31/08/2019)



Public Health Engineering Sub Division Swat




Before I state that what I learnt and which I supervised, first I am going
through brief description of different parts of the water supply scheme

A Schematic diagram of typical water supply scheme are follow;.

Here in this project we used different instruments like compass, abny

level, measuring tape, pegs and ranging rods. Also we used here buckets
for finding the discharge.
Location and Accessibility:

The proposed project is located in village Zarakhela which is in union council

Shamozai and at a distance of 40 Km, from District office Swat. The basic needs of
life were the first prioritized need of these peoples. It falls under the jurisdiction of
Tehsil Barikot and District Swat.

Topography, Geology and Vegetation:

It is the combination of both the plain and hilly areas and is good for
vegetation. Forests are also there near the lands. Mostly maize crops, apple trees
nuts and ices crops can be grown here.

Climatic Condition:

The climatic condition of the said area is mostly average. Good

environmental climatic conditions for vegetation. Mostly onion, rice along with
fruit trees like plum and peach are there.

Occupation and economic structure of the locality:

The main source of earning for the community of the said location is
agriculture. People are earning much from the cash crops, which is the main
advantage for them.



A gravity water supply scheme is one which collects water from springs and
steams. For this a storage tank is made and water is stored here before feeding to

the locality through distributaries. The storage tank which is the last source of
keeping water in great quantity is located nearby the community. Generally HDPE
pipes are used for water supply to the community. But in rocky sections galvanized
iron pipes are used. Water treatment is carried out for the water coming out
through streams as these containing silts and is the major source for the
contamination of water.

Understanding the concept of Gravity Water Supply System

A gravity water supply is one in which we supply water to the community

through the use of reservoir tanks or may be directly supplied whatever may be
technical possible we ensure. Accordingly these are classified as under:

A. Open system

B. Close system

A. Open System

This is the system in which water is supplied to the community without the
use of reservoir tank. The water is supplied for 24 hours. In this case there is
abundance of water and as such water taps are running throughout.

The peak daily demand is less than the open availability of water.

B. Close system

Here in this system the yield of the water availability is less than the
requirement. (less than the water demand tap flow) and hence do not fulfilling the

needs of the peak hour demand hence water reservoirs are built in order to store
much of the time during the time where water demand is much insufficient, such a
resulting system is known as close system.

Closed system is divided in to two types.

1. Continuous type

2. Intermittent type

1. Continuous type:

It is the system which provides availability of water throughout the day (24

2. Intermittent type:

It is the system which provides water at some interval i.e. morning, day
evening shift that is known as intermittent type system.

Project description:

The village Zarakhela is located in tehsil Barikot the distance of 40 kilometre of

district head quarter saidu sharif. The water supply of the village was solved many
year ago but now a days the condition of the water supply is good.

Keeping these problems the community requested several times to Government

and other NGOs to solve this problem and to easy their daily walk, but all were in
vein. If the proposed street is paved then the mention problem will automatically

Components of Gravity Water Supply System


In a gravity flow system which supplies water, an intake is the structure

which collects water from the water source and feeds to transmission pipe.

The type of intake is depended upon type of source from where water is
tapped. For example if the source is spring the intake so constructed as resulted (to
tap water) is called spring intake.

It will be built at the location of maximum availability of water as it is

mainly dependent on the water source.

Collection Chamber (C.C)

If it is impossible for the intake to be built on the safe location then it is

required that the collection chamber must be built at safe location with provision of
minimum of 5 meter static head.

The other purpose of the collection chamber is that it is also possible to

receive water from the other water reservoirs.

Interruption Chamber (I.C)

It allows the flow to open atmosphere and hence the net resulting discharge
in this case is equal to zero, and thus new static levels are described which we have
already been mentioned here.

Although if there is ‘U’ profile zones or any other in the water system,
interruption chamber couldn’t be used for the said issue. As the interruption
chamber is made of stone usually these have the capability to retain the residual

Key components of the project:

 Collecting Well cum Pumping Chamber

 Raising Main
 Surface Reservoir (20000 Gallons)
 Main supply line
 Pumping Machineries & Electrification
 Distribution System
 Stand Post
 Solarization

Collecting Well cum Pumping Chamber

Water from the large stream source general the springs containing silts and clay
and the turbulence flow make them in expanded form, the collecting chamber helps
them to settle in the bottom and water free of silt and clay flow through the pipes.
If the water containing silty clay directly flows in the pipes then these will result in
unhealthy taste. Thus if the water is allowed to stay in the collecting area then the
suspended particles will settle at the bottom. This process is known as
sedimentation and the resulting tank in which water is placed is called as
sedimentation tank..

Collecting well are constructed where there water aquifer or water level are
at low depth from ground surface with a abdicate discharge. They are constructed
near the spring or at near the sea shore. The water seeping through the soil strata
and store in collecting which and then it is supply through the pumping machinery.

The Pumping chamber is then constructed on the top of collecting well to

secure water from unhazardous situation and seasonal attacks which condemned
water and as well as for smooth operation of the scheme.

Raising Main:

A Raising main is that component of water supply scheme which supplies

water from the source (Spring, Tube well, Collecting / Sump Well) to the
reservoir (Surface Tank, Overhead Tank) .

The Rising main is the pipeline conveying the pump discharge of water to the
distribution chamber under Hydrostatic pressure in Lift Irrigation Scheme (LIS).
As far as possible, the Rising main should be laid on a continuously rising straight
line. Bends will have to be provided in the vertical plane at the change of gradients
where the ground profiles are uneven.

These are the pipes running from the source into the storage tanks. These are
general of high quality depending on the project cost and efficiency. These are
generally of HDPE quality. These are as per ISO standard. Their quality must be
assured before using at site.

Storage Reservoir:

These are the tanks constructed nearby the inhabitants of the community. These are
general constructed of large sizes depending on the discharge coming into the tank.
Their size is large than the size of the collecting well in order to store more and
more water. Their location depends on the geographical conditions of the area.
These can also be connected with more than one collecting well or more than one
source of water.

Distribution lines

These are the pipes carrying water from the storage tanks into the community.
Their size depends on the per capita demand of the population area. These are the
end carrying of water into the population area.

In our project we used a pipe of diameter 110mm, 75mm, 50mm 40mm & 30mm
in order to fulfil the needs of the community.

At the start of the storage tank a head regulator is used in order to control the flow
of water into the pipes at different times.

The distribution lines details are as under


 Pipe line is the source in unique form for carrying water into the community.

 Different types of water pipes are used in different projects, as these carry water
to schools, houses and bunch of houses combined in one pipe. HDPE pipes are
not suitable in rock and hilly terrain in which the water flow is under its own
static pressure.

 In such situations galvanized pipes are much better as the static head is
exceptionally high. The sizes normally used are as under.

 TABLE 01

S.No Size Size S.No Size Size

In mm In Inches In mm In Inches

01 6 ¼ 08 32 1+1/4

02 10 3/8 09 40 1+1/2

03 12 ½ 10 50 1.96

04 16 5/8 11 65 2+1/2

05 20 ¾ 12 75 3

06 22 7/8 13

07 25 1 14

Stand posts

These are recommended in rural areas and categorized as private or public stand
posts. These are described as under:

 The number of people to be served by a stand post is also determined by the tap
flow rate.

 A stand post should have a maximum 100 users (sometimes 120 also).

These are constructed for single distributary needed for more than one house.
Usually outside the house or any other public building in order to fulfill the needs
of the locals of the said place.


 These are the losses observed due to the roughness of the pipes from the inner

 S of losses occurs when the water flow through the pipes. These losses are
referred to as frictional losses. These are the primary losses which must be

 Head losses are generally governed by the friction factor.


S.No Description Design Period

01 For the said rural area of annual 10 years

growth rate less than 2%

02 For the mentioned rural area of annual 20 years

growth rate greater or equal to 2.5%


Description given Per capita


 Domestic covering part of animal demand

 Public connection 43 LPCD
 Private connection 63 LPCD

 Institutional demand

 For school daily students 13 LPCD

 For boarding hostel students 45 LPCD

 Hospital/health and the main center demand

 OPD patients 1000L/Day

 Night staying patients 3000L/Day



Ultimate water demand Peak flow rate Remark

Per tap (ltr/sec) at service life

3500 - 4700 0.17 Small house

4500 - 5700 0.23 Village

5900 – 7700 0.28 Bazar or village with

school/health post


It is the higher flow rate of the community and is the critical flow rate based
on average. It is the critical flow which must be multiplied by such a factor in order
to achieve some specific value.

Description Peak factor

Private connection 3

Public connection 2

Temple 2

School and health care unit 3


Several tube wells supplying drinking water to consumers in parts of Swat have
been converted to solar energy decreasing financial burden on public health
engineering department (PHED). This was stated by PHED engineers.

The scheme functional from 2013 which will be recently converted to solar energy.
The engineers said that work on solarization of 18 tube well are completed &
feasibility survey of more such tube wells was in progress. They said the
conversion of WSS Zarakhela to solar energy will be completed on Rs 2.57
million. They said it was far better than electricity in voltage and function. The
operator of the scheme Fazal Satar told that earlier it took eight hours to fill the
water tank situated at a distance of 1 kilometer from the tube well. “Now it takes
only 4 hours to fulfill the needs of consumers of three villages,” the operator said,
adding he had no issue of low voltage or power outage to run the machine installed
along with solar panels.

The PHED engineer said that the department had to face pressure of the Pesco as it
always threatened to cut power supply in case of default. “We have to pay Rs 1.1
million as electricity bill for our WSS Manyar scheme,” he said, adding the Pesco
had threatened to cut its power supply. He said a total of 18 water supply schemes
in Swat had been working on solar energy with improved service delivery and
lesser cost. He said that several more tube wells in the district were being
converted to solar energy that would definitely decrease load on the public health
engineering department. He said the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government had
planned to convert 400 tube wells of water supply to solar energy. He said that
billions of rupees were being spent on supply of clean drinking water to people in
the province.

Meanwhile the residents of Zarakhela expressed pleasure on the conversion of their

water supply scheme to solar energy. They told this scribe that one of their main
problems had been solved. The residents also thanked the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
minister for Mines & Minerals Dr, Amjad Ali Khan for completion of the project.
They said now they would get drinking water ant time without stoppage.


 I did work on the water supply scheme by gravity flow system

 I knew how to supply the water by different means per capita demand.
 I knew the concept of storage tanks at mile apart from the locality.
 We did work on different frictional losses.
 Clean and drinking water supply by gravity flow is the cheapest of all the
methods of providing and supplying water.


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