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Department of Education

Digos City Division

Week 1 Validation Results

Presentation Outline
• Purpose of validation
• Data Collection Mechanism
• List of schools validated
• Validation results
❑Results by district
❑Results by validation team
❑SSAT scores before and after validation
• Remarks from validators
• Ways forward

Purpose of Validation
Verify the school’s level of readiness for the
expanded implementation of the limited face-to-
face classes as reported in the SSAT

Provision of technical assistance to schools

based on the gaps validated from the SSAT

Recommend the schools to the Regional Office

that are for RO and CO validation

Data Collection Mechanism

Data Collection Regional Dataset Division Dataset

Form • Regional level • Subset of the
• Regional level Regional level |PRME
School Safety Assessment Tool (SSAT)
4 Main Areas
13 Sub-
2 Response

48 Indicators



Priority Schools for Week 1 Validation
SY 2020-2021
22 schools
2 Digos Occidental
1 Soong ES 129780 Purely ES
2 Igpit ES 129768 Purely ES 2 Digos Oriental
Remedios N. Saplala ES (Matti ES)
Aplaya ES
129756 Purely ES
129762 Purely ES
4 Digos South
Binaton ES
Digos Central Adventist Academy, Inc.
129774 Purely ES
405573 All Offering
2 Mt. Apo
7 Domingo Abawag ES (Tiguman) 129751 Purely ES 12 Private Schools
8 Dulangan ES 129752 Purely ES
9 Arcaflor Maniapao E/S 129746 Purely ES
10 Ruparan ES 129759 Purely ES
11 Prime Innovation Learning Center of Digos City, Inc. 466524 JHS with SHS
12 Dok Alternatibo Research and Development Foundation, Inc. 405788 All Offering
13 Divine Mercy School of the South, Inc. 409959 JHS with SHS
14 Pedro S. Garcia ES 129767 Purely ES
15 Nieve Christian Academy 466527 JHS with SHS
16 Mary Mediatrix of all Graces Academy, Inc. 405791 Purely SHS
17 Digos Seventh-Day Adventist Elementary School, Inc. 405575 Purely ES
18 Saver's Technological College of Davao, Inc. 406623 Purely SHS
19 University of Mindanao - Digos College 403839 Purely JHS
20 Ananda Marga Special Academic Institution (AMSAI) 466503 Purely ES
21 Maranatha Christian Academy of Digos City, Inc. 408856 JHS with SHS
22 Polytechnic College of Davao del Sur, Inc. 466506 JHS with SHS
Recommended Schools
SY 2020-2021

Igpit ES
Remedios N. Saplala ES (Matti ES)
129768 Purely ES
129756 Purely ES
10 schools
5 Binaton ES 129774 Purely ES 3 Digos South
6 Digos Central Adventist Academy, Inc. 405573 All Offering
1 Mt. Apo
7 Domingo Abawag ES (Tiguman) 129751 Purely ES
16 Mary Mediatrix of all Graces Academy, Inc. 405791 Purely SHS
6 Private Schools
19 University of Mindanao - Digos College 403839 Purely JHS
20 Ananda Marga Special Academic Institution (AMSAI) 466503 Purely ES
21 Maranatha Christian Academy of Digos City, Inc. 408856 JHS with SHS
22 Polytechnic College of Davao del Sur, Inc. 466506 JHS with SHS

Recommended Schools
SY 2020-2021

Igpit ES
Remedios N. Saplala ES (Matti ES)
129768 Purely ES
129756 Purely ES
10 schools
5 Binaton ES 129774 Purely ES 3 Team 1
6 Digos Central Adventist Academy, Inc. 405573 All Offering
2 Team 2
7 Domingo Abawag ES (Tiguman) 129751 Purely ES
16 Mary Mediatrix of all Graces Academy, Inc. 405791 Purely SHS
2 Team 3
19 University of Mindanao - Digos College 403839 Purely JHS 3 Team 4
20 Ananda Marga Special Academic Institution (AMSAI) 466503 Purely ES
21 Maranatha Christian Academy of Digos City, Inc. 408856 JHS with SHS
22 Polytechnic College of Davao del Sur, Inc. 466506 JHS with SHS

SSAT Score Before & After Validation
Difference in Measures of Central
SSAT Scores Tendency
Measure Value
2 Minimum 1
2 Maximum 38
3 Range 37
Mean 13.93
12 SD 11.66
13 Median 12.5
16 Mode 2
Priority Indicators for TA
Pre-Assessment Question
1. For the past twenty-eight (28) days, has the barangay where your
school is located recorded any confirmed COVID-19 cases? Kindly
refer to your respective barangay for the data.

I. Shared Responsibility
2. The school has secured written consent from parents/guardians who
will participate in the limited face-to-face classes.
4. The school has conducted simulation activities among school
personnel regarding protocols and routines to replicate and discuss
possible scenarios during the actual conduct of face-to-face classes.

V. Protective Measures, Hygiene Practices, and Safety

6. The school has ensured a proper disposal system of infectious
wastes, such as used tissues and masks, in non-contact receptacles.

Priority Indicators for TA
VI. Communication Strategy
2. The school has prepared an orientation session for learners, parents,
guardians, teaching and non-teaching personnel, external stakeholders, and
LGU of the eligibility criteria for participatory existing protocols, mechanisms,
and procedures needed in the conduct of the limited face-to-face classes.
4. The school has prepared a re-orientation session for school stakeholders
on measures needed for the reopening of the school in the event of
resurgences and school lockdown.

VII. Contingency Plan

1. The school has followed a decision model and contingency plan for
reclosing and reopening the school in case of COVID-l9 resurgence in the
2. The school has developed strategies for the continuity of learning while the
school is closed until the local authorities have determined the safe
resumption of face-to-face classes.

Priority Indicators for TA
II. Limited Face-To-Face Classes
1. The school has designed class program/s that cater both learners of
the limited face-to-face classes arrangement and distance education
while observing the maximum hour classroom teaching hours of
2. The school has comprehensively profiled learners who will
participate in the implementation of the face-to-face classes.
3. The school has ensured an attendance monitoring of learners to
determine which participating learners are exhibiting difficulties in
coming to school and which learners who cannot participate in face to-
face classes will revert to full distance learning.

Priority Indicators for TA
I. Personal Protective Equipment
5. The school has ensured PPE requirements, specifications, and
standards for different types of COVID-19 management activities in
accordance with DOH DM 2020-0776A.

II. COVID-19 Case Management

3. The school has developed strategies to isolate and treat COVID19.
5. The school has established a clear procedure of referral system for
COVID-l9 confirmed and suspected personnel and learners.
6. The school has established a clear contact tracing and quarantine
system for close contacts of COVID-19 confirmed positive cases.

Remarks from Validators
SSAT needs to be accomplished as accurately as

Schools need to arrange their classes based on their

available resources

Schools need conduct comprehensive profiling of the

learners who will be participating in the limited F2F

Ways Forward
PSDS are to conduct validation of the SSAT results

School that are ready for validation shall be prioritized

School Heads are requested to immediately upload

the validation results to the Regional Form

Schools are requested start working on the

recommendations provided by the validators

Week 2 Validation
Digos Occidental Elementary Balabag ES
Digos Occidental Elementary Federico Alferez ES (Goma) 15 schools
Digos Occidental Elementary Mahayahay ES
Digos Occidental Elementary Damñas ES
5 Digos Occidental
Digos Occidental Elementary Ranao ES 1 Digos Oriental
Digos Oriental Elementary Dawis ES 3 Digos South
Digos South Elementary Casildo B. Nonol, Sr. ES (San Roque ES) 6 Secondary Schools
Digos South Elementary Lungag ES
Digos South Elementary Bagumbuhay ES
Secondary Schools Secondary Igpit National High School
Secondary Schools Secondary Balabag National High School
Secondary Schools Secondary Ruparan NHS
Secondary Schools Secondary Soong National High School
Secondary Schools Secondary Dawis National High School
Secondary Schools Secondary Goma National High School

Week 3 Validation
Digos Occidental Elementary Jolencio R. Alberca ES (San Nicolas PS Annex)
Digos Oriental Elementary Ramon Magsaysay CES 19 schools
Digos Oriental Elementary Kibanban ES
Digos Oriental Elementary Cogon ES 1 Digos Occidental
Digos South Elementary Colorado ES 3 Digos Oriental
Mt. Apo Elementary Matti ES 1 Digos South
Mt. Apo Elementary Apolandia ES
Mt. Apo Elementary Marawer ES
3 Mt. Apo
Private Schools Private School Preschool Adventures, Inc. 7 Private Schools
Private Schools Private School 3 Inc.
Philippine International Technological School, Secondary Schools
Private Schools Private School Davao Del Sur Institute of Languages and Technological College, Inc.
Private Schools Private School Mindanao Montessori School, Inc.
Private Schools Private School Cor Jesu College Basic Education Dept.
Private Schools Private School Southwill Learning Center, Inc.
Private Schools Private School Southern Mindanao Computer College, Inc.
Secondary Schools Secondary SHS in Digos City
Secondary Schools Secondary Matti NHS
Secondary Schools Secondary Digos City NHS - Aplaya Extension

Week 4 Validation
Digos Occidental Elementary Digos City CES
Digos Occidental Elementary Pedro Basalan ES 18 schools
Digos Oriental Elementary Badiang ES
Digos Oriental Elementary Don Mariano Marcos ES 2 Digos Occidental
Digos Oriental Elementary Isaac Abalayan ES 3 Digos Oriental
Digos South Elementary San Miguel ES
1 Digos South
Mt. Apo Elementary Rizal CES
Mt. Apo Elementary Gaudioso Reusora CES 3 Mt. Apo
Mt. Apo Elementary Necencio A. Isidro ES 7 Private Schools
Private Schools Private School Asian Institute of Technology-Digos, Inc.
2 Secondary Schools
Private Schools Private School Holy Cross Academy, Inc.
Private Schools Private School Accel Pre-School, Inc.
Private Schools Private School Little Ambassador Child Development Center of Digos Inc.
Private Schools Private School Rhema King's Kid Academy, Inc.
Private Schools Private School Adventist Elem School of Digos City, Inc.
Private Schools Private School UCCP Kindergarten Mission School
Secondary Schools Secondary Kapatagan NHS
Secondary Schools Secondary Digos City NHS (Davao Del Sur NHS)

Planning, Research, and M&E

[email protected]

Thank you!
End of Presentation

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