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Appendix- A

Questionnaire on Credit Management case study of Wegagen Bank share company

Tigray region
(Performing loan clients)


Please encircle or/and fill in the blank spaces your possible answer to the corresponding

question and comment on open questions.

I. Personal Details:

1. Gender:

a) Male b) Female

2. Age:

a) 18__ 25 b) 26-35 c) 36-45 d) Above 45

3. Marital Status:

a) Single b) Married

4. Educational level:

a) Illiterate b) Primary education

c) Secondary education d) Above Grade 12 th

II. Loan application and processing:

5. Who initiates you to approach the bank for your first loan request?

a) Self b) loan clients of the bank c) Staff

6. Have you met the loan provision service as your expectation?


a) Yes b) No

7. If your answer to Q no, 6 is “No”, Please explain the problems observed _________.

8. Does the bank staff visit your business site during your loan request or before loan


a) Yes b) No
9. Do the application requirements and procedures convenient and simple?

a) Yes b) No

10. If your answer to Q 9, is “No”, please specify that you assumed unnecessary


11. Is the loan processing time short and convenient for you?

a) Yes b) No

12. If your answer to Q no.11 is “No”, where do think the problem

a) At branch level b) At head office level

13. When you approach the branch do you get relevant information to your


a) Yes b) No

14. If your answer to Q no.13 is no, please specify the problems you faced


III. Loan provision and Loan collection

15. For how long are you loan client of the bank?

a)1- 2 years b) 3 years c) 4 years d) 5 years e) >5 years

16. How do you evaluate your so far relationship with the bank as a loan client?

a) Excellent b) very good c) good d) fair e) bad


17. If your answer Q no, 16, is fair or bad please specify the reason


18. In which part do you think the bank needs improvement? (Hint. tick that


a) In accepting loan applicants c) In follow up & collection of loans

b) In collateral estimation. d) In processing & approving loans e) both b & d

19. Would you please indicate the reason for any answer of Q no., 18?


20. Do you think to extend your relation further with the bank?
a) Yes b) No c) It depends

21. If your answer for Q. no, 20 is “No” or It depends with whom do you think the


a) Branch level b) head office level c) at personal level

22. What solutions or amendments do you think required to the bank in future

for long lasting client relationship_____________________________

23. Do you think the existence of the bank add value to your business growth?

a) Yes b) No

24. If your answer to Qno.23 is “No”, please explain the reason


25. Does the bank visit your business sites after loan granting?

a. Yes b) No

26. Do you think visiting to your business has significance?

a) Yes b) No


27. Explain your answer to Q no, 26 for any one of your answer


28. Do you think the amount of loan approved was enough for the intended Purpose per

your request?

a) Yes b) No

29. If your answer to question no. 28 is “No”, specify the problem you think


30. Do you think the loan repayment duration convenient to your business?

a) Yes b) No

31. If your answer to question no. 30 is “No”, can you suggest the most

suitable repayment schedule which you think is appropriate? Why?


32. Which of the following is/are the most important one/s motivating you to

repay your loan on time?

a) not to lose collateral

b) to keep social status

c) expectation of getting another loan

d) knowing that paying bank loan per the agreement is ethical and an obligation

e) Others, (specify); _______________________

33. If you have any idea, or comment towards improvement of overall credit

management of the bank, please write them on the space provided below.


Questionnaire on Credit Management case study of Wegagen Bank share company

Tigray region

(Questioner for non-performing loan clients)


Please encircle or/and fill in the blank spaces your possible answer to the corresponding

question and comment on open questions.

I. Personal Details:

1. Gender:

a) Male b) Female

2. Age:

a) 18__ 25 b) 26-35 c) 36-45 d) Above 45

3. Marital Status:

a) Single b) Married

4. Educational level:

a) Illiterate b) Primary education

c) Secondary education d) Above Grade 12th

II. Loan provision and Loan collection

5. Did you have any experience of loan with other banks before?

a) Yes b) No

6. How many times did you take loan from the bank?

a) once b) Twice c) three times d) four times e) more than five times

7. If you settled the previous loans regularly what do you think the problem with the

current one? __________________________________


8. Was the amount you took enough for the intended purpose and per your


b) Yes b) No
9. If your answer to Q no. 8 is “No”, explain if it has any impact on your business



10. Would you please mention any problem/s/that affects your performance you

encountered during loan delivery of the bank?


11. Do you think the loan repayment duration was convenient to your business?

a) Yes b) No

12. If your answer to Q no, 11, is “No”, can you suggest the most suitable repayment

schedule which you think was appropriate? Why?


13. You became unable to pay your periodic loan repayment, what is/are the major

reason/s/ for failure?

a) Market problem

b) Environmental problem

c) Contingencies problem such as death, sickness, etc

d) Usage of the loan for other purposes like consumption

e) Policy problem like credit policy of the bank

f) Lack of appropriate management

g) Other, (specify), ____________________________


14, who do you blame for the failure

a) Yourself b) the bank c) others, specify _________________

15. If your answer to Q no, 14 is the bank, specify the reason


16. What mechanism have you designed to pay the unpaid loan balance?

a) Change of the business type

b) Sell of property

c) Borrowing from other financial institutions

d) Borrowing from relatives, friends, and family

e) Others, (specify) _____________________________

17. What measures are taken by the bank for delay?

a) Legal undertaking

b) Refusal of additional loan

c) foreclosing

d) Others, (specify), ______________________________

18. Are the measures used to be taken fair and legal?

a) Yes b) No

19. If your answer to Q no, 18 is “No”, please suggest the possible solution should be


20. If you have any idea, or comment towards improvement of credit management of the bank,

please write them on the space provided below.


Questionnaire on Credit Management case study of Wegagen Bank Share Company

Tigray Region.

(Response from the Bank Employees)


Please encircle or/and fill in the blank spaces your possible answer to the

corresponding question and comment on open questions.

I. Personal Details:

1. Gender:

a) Male b) Female

2. Age:

a) 18__ 25 b) 26-35 c) 36-45 d) Above 45

3. Marital Status:

a) Single b) Married

4. Your educational qualification

a) 12th complete c) Degree holder b) Diploma holder d) Master and above

5. In which department/ section/unit/ of the bank are you working?


6. The responsibility that you are involved in is: ____________

7. Years of experience?

a) In the bank _______years. b) In the current position_______ years.

II. Details on manuals:

8. Do you have a credit manual or policy?

a) Yes b) No

9. If your answer to Q no, 8, is “Yes”, when was the manual or policy revised?

10. Do you think it is up to date & convenient for loan creation?

a) Yes b) No

11. If your answer to Q no, 10, is “No”, specify the impediments encountered


12. How can you see your institution’s credit policy and procedure?

a) Rigid b) Flexible c) Average

13. Do the policies and procedures exactly comply with regulations of national bank

a) Yes b) No

14. If your answer to Q no, 13, is “No”, please specify the gaps


III. Credit creation and procedure

15. Do you think your branch’s loan growth is as required?

a) Yes b) No

16. If your answer to Q no, 15 is, “No”, please specify the most reasons


17. Most of your current loan is created

a) By approaching promoted clients b) by clients approached with request

18. How do you rate the credit analysis and procedure followed by the bank in

Extending credit?

a) Excellent b) Very good c) Good d) Fair e) Poor

19. Does the bank provide loan service that fit to the preference of the borrowers?

a) Yes b) No

20. If your answer to Q no,19, is “No”, please specify the reasons

21. How do you evaluate your bank’s credit providing procedure?

a) Based on creativity b) conservative c) moderate

22. Do you think the branch lending limit and overriding limit has any impediment in you

branches loan providing capacity and growth

a) Yes b) No

23. If your answer to Q no,22, is yes please suggest other most convenient procedure


24. What are the main reasons to loan client’s dissatisfaction in loan processing


25. Your banks loan approving/recommending procedure of the credit proposal of clients

is based on

a) Loan committee at all level b) Branch Manager and president c) Loan department d)


26. Would you please indicate the pro and cons facing due to your answer to Q no, 24

pro___________________ Cons_______________________

IV. Follow-up collection

26. Which of the following credit collection technique/s/ are adopted by your


a) Cash/check payment c) Using Collection Agencies

b) Debiting client account per pre undertaking d) Personal visit e) Telephone f)

a and b g) a and d h) All

i) Other, (specify) _________________________________________

27. Do you think the credit collection technique used by your bank is effective?

a) Yes b) No

28. If your answer to Q24 is “No”, please specify the appropriate technique/s/

that you think is best? _________________________________________

29. How often does your institution visit clients’ business?

a) Monthly b) quarterly c) Semi-annually d) in time of default

30. What do you think is/are the major reason/s/ for default in your

Branch? (Hint: Check all answers that apply)

a) Lack of follow-up
b) Lack of training

c) Inadequate information about customer creditworthiness

d) Loan diversion

e) Absence of book-keeping

f) Lack of market for clients’ product

g) Unfavorable Environmental conditions

h) Others, (specify) _________________________

31. What preventive measures do you think effective to be used before failing loans to

default? ______________________________________

32. What measure/s is/are taken on the side of the bank to improve the

repayment situation? (Hint: Check all answers that apply)

a) Loan rescheduling

b) Additional loan

c) Frequently insisting the client

d) Others, (specify) __________________________

33. Do the measures bring an improvement in repayment?

a. Yes b) No

34. If your answer to Q 33 is “No”, what measure are taken by the bank to enforce repayment

(Hint: Check all answer that apply)

a. Foreclosure

b. Court proceedings

c. Others, (Specify) ______________________________

35. How do you evaluate the loan enforcement mechanism?

a) Effective b) Ineffective

36. If your answer to Q 32 is “Ineffective”, what is/are the reason/s/ behind this?

(Hint: Check all answers that apply)

a. Buyers don’t want to buy some one’s property because of bank loan

b. Limited purchasing power of the society

c. High initial bid amounts

d. Others, (specify) ____________________________

37. Which one of the forcing measurements do you think most effective and convenience?

a) Foreclosure b) court preceding c) both

38. Would you please specify any problem/s/ of credit management that your institution

faces so far apart from the above raised issues. _____________

39. Would you please specify the major credit problems you assume_________________

40. For the problem/s/ that you mentioned above, please list out all the possible and better

solution/s/ that can improve the credit management system of your bank.

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