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English IX Language and Literature Sample Paper 3 Solved


CLASS IX (2019-20)

Time Allowed : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 80

General Instructions :
(i) This paper is divided into three sections: A, B and C. All questions are compulsory.
(ii) Separate instructions are given with each section and question, wherever necessary. Read these instructions very
carefully and follow them.
(iii) Do not exceed the prescribed word limit while answering the questions

crustaceans and invertebrates. Fish feed on plankton,

SECTION - A READING 20 MARKS or tiny organisms. The bottom-water habitat varies
1. Read the following passage and answer the questions depending upon the pond’s depth. Shallow ponds
that follow. [8] with sandy bottoms provide a nesting environment for
A pond ecosystem, a basic unit in ecology formed from earthworms, snails, and insects. Deep-ended ponds have
the cohabitation of plants, animals, microorganisms, muddy bottoms, which allow various microorganisms,
and a surrounding environment, refers to a community such as flatworms, rat-tailed maggots, and dragonfly
of freshwater organisms largely dependent on each of nymphs to reproduce and survive.
the surviving species to maintain a life cycle. Ponds On the basis of your reading and understanding of the
shallow water bodies barely reach 12 to 15 feet in- above passage, answer the following :
depth and allow the sun to penetrate to its bottom, (i) Which type of organisms is found in the pond ?
allowing freshwater plants to grow. A pond ecosystem (ii) What does a fish need to survive ?
consists of algae, fungi, microorganisms, plants, (iii) Zooplankton are insect larvae, rotifers, small
and various fish, which may fall into three distinct crustaceans invertebrates. (True/False)
classifications: producer, consumer, and decomposer. (iv) Where are flatworms found ?
The pond’s natural cycle begins with the producers (v) Which two organisms cannot thrive together ?
and then to the consumers before ending with the (a) anaerobic bacteria and algae
decomposers. (b) fish and anaerobic bacteria
A pond’s ecosystem consists of abiotic (c) protozoa and fish
environmental factors and biotic communities of (d) earthworms and flatworms
organisms. Abiotic environmental factors of a pond’s (vi) The shore of a pond with grasses and snails can
ecosystem include temperature, flow, and salinity. be
The percentage of dissolved oxygen levels in a water (a) sandy (b) muddy
body determines what kind of organisms will grow
(c) both (a) and (b) (d) either (a) or (b)
there. After all, fish need dissolved oxygen in order to
survive; however, anaerobic bacteria will not thrive in (vii) Which among the following doesn’t determine
an ecosystem pumped with dissolved oxygen. A water the type of species in a water body ?
body’s salinity may also determine the different species (a) penetration of sunlight to the bottom
present. For instance, marine organisms tolerate (b) percentage of oxygen present
salinity, while freshwater organisms will not thrive (c) salinity
when exposed to salt. In fact, freshwater ecosystems (d) none of the above
often have plant species present which will absorb
(viii) Choose the option which doesn’t have the correct
salts that are dangerous for freshwater organisms.
pair of organism and habitat.
A pond ecosystem consists of four habitats,
(a) marsh traders - bottom of the pond
including the shore, surface film, open water, and
bottom water. The shore, depending on its rocky, sandy, (b) snail - shore of the pond
or muddy composition, lures in various organisms. For (c) water striders - surface of the pond
instance, rocky shores may not allow plants to grow, (d) rotifers - open water of the pond
while muddy or sandy shores attract grasses, algae, Ans :
earthworms, snails, protozoa, insects, small fish, and
microorganisms. The pond’s surface breeds excellent (i) Freshwater organisms
ground for water striders, marsh traders, free-floating (ii) Dissolved oxygen
organisms, and organisms that can walk on the surface (iii) True
of water. An open-water habitat permits sizable fish, (iv) In deep-ended ponds with muddy bottoms.
plankton, phytoplankton, and zooplankton to grow. (v) (b) fish and anaerobic bacteria
Phytoplankton includes a large variety of algae, while (vi) (d) either (a) or (b)
zooplankton refers to insect larvae, rotifers, small (vii) (d) none of the above
(viii) (a) marsh traders – bottom of the pond
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English IX Language and Literature Sample Paper 3 Solved

2. Read the following passage and answer the questions Ans : The most important therapeutic quality of
that follow. [2 × 4 + 1 × 4 = 12 marks] writing is that it helps the writer observe his or her
Some of us think that writing is only for writers. But thoughts and feelings.
writing is for all of us. As Julia Cameron notes in her book (iii) Whose consciousness does a writer touch through
The Right to Write: An Invitation and Initiation into the his or her writing ?
Writing Life, “I believe we all come into life as writers.” Ans : A writer touches his or her own consciousness or
Writing can be beneficial for all of us, because another part of his or her self and the consciousness
it can be therapeutic. One of the most powerful of the readers.
parts of therapy is cultivating the ability to observe
(iv) How does Elizabeth Sullivan describe our
our thoughts and feelings, said Elizabeth Sullivan,
thinking? Why does she say so ?
a licensed marriage and family therapist in San
Francisco. And that’s what writing helps us do. Ans : Elizabeth Sullivan describes our thinking as
“Most of us do not think in complete sentences self-interrupted, looping, impressionistic cacophony
but in self-interrupted, looping, impressionistic because we don’t think in complete sentences. We
cacophony,” she said. Writing helps us track our jump from one thought to another.
spinning thoughts and feelings, which can lead to key 2.2 Answer the following questions : [1×4=4]
insights (e.g., I don’t want to go to that party; I think (v) Which word in the passage means ‘a coarse
I’m falling for this person; I’m no longer passionate unpleasant noise’ ?
about my job; I realize how I can solve that problem; Ans : cacophony
I’m really scared about that situation.)
Writing is “speaking to another consciousness – ‘the (vi) How can a person clear his or her misunderstanding
reader’ or another part of the self. We come to know who with someone ?
we really are in the present moment,” she said. Ans : A person can clear his or her misunderstanding
Writing also creates a mind-body-spirit connection, with someone by writing an unsent letter to that person.
she said. “When you use your hands to pen or type (vii) The word ‘tincture’ can be replaced with the
something directly from your brain, you are creating word
a powerful connection between your inner experience (a) trace (b) potion
and your body’s movement out in the world.” (c) touch (d) flavour
We hold worries, fears and memories in our bodies,
Sullivan said. When we use the body in positive ways Ans : (b) potion
– such as dancing or writing — we stay in the present (viii) Which of the following, according to the passage,
moment, we inhabit our bodies, and we can heal is not true about writing ?
ourselves, she said. (a) Writing is a static activity of the brain.
“Writing is a small movement but it is incredibly (b) Writing is a process of self-discovery.
powerful when you are writing down what is in your
(c) Writing is a positive way of using our body.
Here are three types of writing you can try : (d) Writing helps us streamline our thoughts.
Free write. Free writing or journaling is simply writing Ans : (a) Writing is a static activity of the brain.
what’s on your mind. It’s letting it all hang out
without censoring yourself. According to Sullivan, this
could be: “Today I woke up and found the car window
smashed and I wondered if the glass replacement guys (30 MARKS)
go out at night and do it.”
Pen Poetry. “Poetry is a natural medicine; it is like 3. The children’s club of the society you live in, organised
a homeopathic tincture derived from the stuff of life a cultural program to raise fund to help the flood
itself–your experience,” writes John Fox in Poetic victims. Describe the event in 100-150 words. [8]
Medicine: The Healing Art of Poem-Making.
Compose a letter. Sullivan suggested writing a short
letter to a loved one. Imagine this person has written
to you and asked you: “How are you doing, really?”
Another exercise is to “write to someone with whom
you have ‘unfinished business’ without sending it.” The
goal is for you to gain a clearer understanding of your
own thoughts and feelings about the person, she said.
2.1 On the basis of your reading and understanding of
the above passage, answer the following: [2×4=8]
(i) Why does Julia Cameron believe that we all
come into life as writers ?
Ans :
Ans : Julia Cameron believes that we all come into
life as writers because she thinks that writing is for all
Cultural Programme For a Noble Cause
of us. Everyone has the right to write.
By Shiv
(ii) What is the most important therapeutic quality
The children’s club of the society I live in, organised
of writing ?
a cultural program to raise fund to help the flood

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English IX Language and Literature Sample Paper 3 Solved
victims last Sunday. The program was a grand success the Jeep. As the Jeep crashed to a grinding stop,
both in terms of the fund the club collected and the Vikas couldn’t believe his eyes. What he saw ...
joy of performing for a noble cause. Ans :
The entry was by ticket. The program started
Vikas’s Heavenly Escapade
at 5 pm with an opening song accompanied by an
Orissi dance. The chief guest of the evening was the Vikas was curious but nervous too. The driver, Mohit,
famous Bharatnatyam dancer, Prema Pujari, who is sped down the road with tall grasses beating against
also a resident of our society. It was indeed a pleasure the Jeep. As the Jeep crashed to a grinding stop, Vikas
to listen to her. She appreciated the fact that it was couldn’t believe his eyes. What he saw was a lifetime
rather rare to see such volunteerism and attitude to toast to his eyes and soul. A vast dense garden of
serve among the children. innumerable variety of fruits, flowers and spices stood
Dramatisation of George Orwell’s famous short with open arms to greet Vikas. A gargling river of
story, ‘The Happy Prince’, was the most appreciated muddy water flowed between this heaven on earth and
presentation of the evening. Hiru’s vocal rendition on a row of mighty brown mountains. Vikas felt as if
Raag Khamaj left the lovers of Indian classical music someone had breathed life into a painting.
extolling him. There were a couple of dances by small A series of quacks snapped Vikas’s reverie.
children. I was happy to be one of the anchors of the He turned around to see a brace of ducks joyfully
show. This evening will remain special to me forever. spreading their wings and fluttering over the pond. It
or was a sight to behold. Perhaps they were dancing to
Your grandparents and you decided to give a the music of rain. On the other side, there were some
surprise celebration to your parents on their wedding goats under a big banana leaf.
anniversary. Make a diary entry of the celebration Before coming to this garden, Vikas was a bit wary
with the help of hints given below and your own ideas. as there were alternate spate of drizzle and heavy rain.
You are Rekha/Ravi. But he soon realised that the rain was a blessing. He
Hints : It was 11.30 pm - grandparents and I pretend felt as if the plants, flowers, birds and animals were in
an argument - parents asked grandparents - grandparents a state of bliss.
showed something on the dining table - they scared parents or
— I pretended nervousness - parents removed the cloth to You are Savita or Sumit. While eating in a restaurant,
see what was there - parents astonished - grandparents your uncle came across a boy of 15 or 16 who was
and I wished them - celebrated with songs etc. serving him. He was smart, spoke in good English but
couldn’t continue his studies due to economic problem.
Ans :
This motivated your Uncle to open an organisation.
Tuesday, 3rd January, 2020 Taking help from the hints given below, write your
3 pm Uncle’s story to inspire others and give a suitable title
Dear Diary and moral to it.
Hint : A boy serves Uncle at a restaurant - smartness
Wedding anniversary of my parents and eloquence in English impresses Uncle - Uncle asks
Their eyes had that rare glint of happiness and surprise. if he was interested in that job - the boy expresses his
So, did my grandparents’. I am talking about the mind - Uncle motivated to open organisation - aid for
surprise celebration party that my grandparents and I such promising young boys and girls to study further
gifted my parents on their 21st wedding anniversary. - Uncle has now become a role model for many
It was 11.30 pm. My parents had already retireded
Ans :
for the day. We started murmuring in a way that
it seemed to be an argument. After some good 15 Bridging the Gap to Education
min, we saw light in my parents’ room. We smiled My Uncle, Mr. Kailash Rao, works at a textile
mischievously. manufacturing company. Recently, he had been to a
As we saw them climbing down the staircase, restaurant, located on the outskirts of the town, with
we pretended to be quarrelling. My grandparents his family to keep the promise he made to his daughter
indicated at something fully covered on the table and last month. Like always, the family behaved as if each
told them to see what I had done. We pinched each one was another’s worst enemy while deciding on the
other as my parents were braving to uncover. menu. It was rather intriguing that a family could
As soon as they removed the cloth, a big mouth- have such varied taste buds. Vivek,the boy who was
watering strawberry cake and a large bouquet of serving them stood at the table patiently trying to
white tulips and rose left them speechless. We all figure out what each one said.
broke into a hearty laughter. Bruno was already on After a good five minutes, he said, “May I help
the table waiting to slurp away some cake before even you with the menu?” His smartness, etiquette and
my parents were ready with the knife. It was 2.30 communication in English moved my Uncle. Soon, he
am when we strolled to our rooms after singing and found out that economic and other family problems
dancing to several old classic film songs. stopped him from pursuing his education. My Uncle
Rekha/Ravi realised that such young minds needed a little help to
fulfil their dreams.
4. Write a short story based on the given outline or cue/s
in about 150-200 words. [10] With a lot of encouragement and support of my
Vikas was curious but nervous too. The driver, Mohit, Aunt and some help from his friends, my Uncle opened
sped down the road with tall grasses beating against an organisation named, ‘Bridge’ to bridge the gap
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between a person’s dream and its realisation. People Word before Missing word Word after
like Vivek registered themselves in Bridge. My Uncle
had to cut down on his expenditure to contribute to (ii) mad with anger
the fund. He also started making sponsor appeals. The (iii) one of three
journey was not easy at all but losing is not an option
for people like my Uncle. Today, Bridge sponsors 15-20 (iv) that were brought
young adults every year to complete their education. 7. Rearrange the following groups of jumbled words/
Today, Vivek also has become a successful person and phrases into meaningful sentences. 1×4=4
as an act of gratitude, he donates a lakh per year to (i) a great/Hussain’s/was astounded/in such/I/my
let another Vivek live his or her dream. painting/art exhibition/to find/beside.
Moral: Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile. (ii) bird bath/is a home/the/to/her garden/myriad
5. Read the sentence given below and fill in the blanks birds/in.
by choosing the most appropriate options from the (iii) much/little/can avert/humanity/bloodshed/a.
ones that follow. 1×4=4 (iv) to give up/didn’t have/he/other option/but/any.
Kamal was scared. Kally no more remembered (i) Ans :
.......... he (ii) .......... his admit card. (iii) .......... the
(i) I was astounded to find my painting beside
passage of each hour, he was going closer to the time of
Hussain’s in such a great art exhibition.
his examination. He (iv) .......... find his admit card as
(ii) The bird bath in her garden is a home to myriad
life may not give him another chance to prove himself.
(i) (a) what (b) when
(iii) A little humanity can avert much bloodshed.
(c) where (d) how (iv) He didn’t have any other option but to give up.
(ii) (a) kept (b) had kept
(c) was keeping (d) has kept SECTION C - LITERATURE
(iii) (a) With (b) By
(c) Over (d) On (30 MARKS)
(iv) (a) should (b) Can
(c) may (d) must 8. Read the extract given below and answer the questions
that follow. 1×4=4
Ans : He said to her mother, “It’s not the little girl’s fault,
(i) (c) where Mrs Jones. I think the geography sector was geared a
(ii) (b) had kept little too quick. Those things happen sometimes. I’ve
(iii) (a) With slowed it up to an average ten-year level.”
(iv) (d) must (i) Who is speaking to whom in the above lines ?
6. In the following paragraph, one word has been omitted (ii) Who is the ‘little girl’ ? What was her fault ?
in each line. Write the missing word along with the (iii) What was the difference between the ‘little girl’s
word that comes before and the word that comes after and her mother’s teacher ?
it against the correct blank number. The first one has (iv) Why did the ‘little girl’ dislike her mechanical
been done for you. 1×4=4 teacher ?
Ans :
Word Missing Word (i) The inspector is speaking to Margie’s mother,
before word after Mrs Jones, in the above lines.
The forest ranger know how to (ii) The little girl is Margie. Her fault was that she
didn’t know/to eg. had been scoring low in geography in a few tests.
(iii) The ‘little girl’s teacher was a mechanical teacher
(i) tame wild elephant
or a robot whereas her mother’s teacher was a
which had gone ____ ____ ____
human teacher.
(ii) mad anger. The (iv) The ‘little girl’ disliked her mechanical teacher
tusk poachers had ____ ____ ____ because she had to write her homework and
killed tests in punch code and the mechanical teacher
(iii) calf. It was one calculated her test marks in no time.
the three white ____ ____ ____ or
Along the sand
(iv) that brought from he lay until observed
Thailand with ____ ____ ____
utmost care. and chased away, and now
he vanishes in the ripples
Ans :
among the green slim reeds.
Word before Missing word Word after (i) About whom does the poet write in the given
lines ?
(i) tame the wild (ii) Where is ‘he’ generally found ?
(iii) Why does the snake vanish in the ripples ?

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English IX Language and Literature Sample Paper 3 Solved
(iv) What message does the poet give through the 10. Answer any one of the questions in 100-150 words.
poem from which above lines are taken ? Santosh was not only an outstanding mountaineer but
Ans : also an exemplary human being. Do you agree with
this statement? Justify. [8]
(i) The poet has written about a small snake in the
above lines. Ans :
(ii) ‘He’ is generally found in the sand. Santosh Yadav became the youngest woman across
(iii) The snake vanishes in the ripples to hide from a the world to scale the Mt. Everest at the age of 22.
pursuing stick. She could have rejoiced her achievement but she was
(iv) The poet gives a message that even a snake has concerned about the fellow climbers. She wanted to
life. Even a snake is beautiful. The poet questions work together with them which shows that she was
why should a small snake which is harmless to not selfish and did not like a solo journey of success.
children and didn’t cause any harm to anyone be She wanted others to succeed. This won her a special
beaten. place in the heart of the fellow climbers.
9. Answer any five of the following questions in 30-40 During the 1992 Everest mission, Santosh Yadav
words. 2×5=10 provided special care to a climber who lay dying at
(i) Why does the poet ask his readers not to fear the South Col. She was unfortunately unsuccessful in
anything ? saving him. However, she managed to save another
(ii) What did Kalam’s family do during the Shri Sita climber, Mohan Singh, who would have met with the
Rama Kalyanam Ceremony ? same fate had she not shared her oxygen with him.
(iii) Describe the author’s experience at Baudhnath Her concern and gratitude for the environment came
stupa ? to the fore when she brought down 500 kg of garbage
(iv) Why did the superintendent consent to give Baba from the Himalayas. Santosh was indeed an exemplary
back to the author’s wife ? human being.
(v) Who had a third hand? Why was it considered a or
hand ? How does author’s experience of packing for the trip
(vi) Did Mahendra really see the ghost ? become memorable ?
(vii) What is duddu? What delighted the guru and his
Ans :
disciple ?
Ans : When a common activity like packing is laced with
humour, eccentricity and laughter, it does become
(i) The poet asks his readers not to fear anything memorable. The same is true for the author’s
because everyone has to go back to the dust one experience of packing for the trip. Whether it was the
day. Whether it is a ‘golden boy or girl’ or a author or his friends, Harris and George or their dog,
chimney sweeper, death treats everyone equally. Montmorency, each one was eccentric in his or its own
The laws of nature and life treat everyone equally. way. The author’s forgetfulness left him rummaging
(ii) Kalam’s family used to arrange boats with a through the bag to get his toothpaste only to find
special platform for carrying idols of the Lord it in his boots. When he had slammed the bag, he
from the temple to the marriage site, situated remembered to have left his spectacles in the strapped
in the middle of the pond called Rama Tirtha bag. Harris and George had a heartful of laughter
which was near their house. at the author’s state while lolling on the sofa. When
(iii) The author experienced peace and stillness at Harris and George were packing, the author had
Baudhnath stupa. There was no crowd at the his share of laughter and solace. They started with
stupa. It was a heaven of quietness amidst the breaking a cup, squashing a tomato by placing the
busy streets around. strawberry jam on it and the butter getting stuck at
(iv) The superintendent consented to give Baba the back of Harris left the author split into laughter.
back to the author’s wife because he was a kind- Finally, Montmorency, being a ‘perfect nuisance’ made
hearted man. He was touched by her love for them mad with his eccentricities. All these made the
Baba. The fact that both Baba and the author’s experience of packing much more than just ordinary
wife fretted for each other moved him to consent. packing and a memory to cherish.
(v) Toto had a third hand. Grandfather considered
Toto’s tail as his third hand because he could use 11. Answer any one of the questions in 100-150 words.
it to hang from a branch; and it was capable of If you were the child lost in the spring festival, what
scooping up any delicacy that might be out of would you have done ? [8]
reach of his hands. Ans :
(vi) Mahendra didn’t see the ghost because there If I were the child lost in the spring festival, I would
wasn’t any but Iswaran’s narration had made a have reacted in the same way as the child did. For a
deep impact on him. Iswaran had described the child, losing the sight of his or her parents for even a
guest vividly. He just hallucinated the ghost. minute is bothersome. Though the child was irritated
(vii) Duddu is a rupee. It can buy anything from a and sad at his parents saying no for whatever he
measure of rice to a bunch of bananas in the wanted to buy, this was just momentary. His wishes
kingdom of fools. The guru and his disciple could were not bigger than his parents.
buy all food with just one duddu. This delighted Toys, sweets or roundabout would have meant
both of them. nothing to me if I were also seperated from my parents
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in an incredibly crowded place. I would have also

gone frantically searching for my parents not caring
about stampede or anything else. It was just natural
for the child to continue his search even after getting
knocked by the to and fro of the brutal movement of
the surging crowd. He would have been trampled if he
had not shrieked at the highest pitch of his voice. But
nothing stopped him from looking for his parents. I
would have been as panic-stricken and befuddled as
the child was. After all, parents are everything for a
Why was Toto not the kind of pets which could be
kept at home for long?
Ans :
Toto was a pretty and entertaining pet but not the
kind of pets which could be kept at home for long.
By nature, he was mischievous and more importantly,
destructive. The first time when he was kept in a little
closet opening into the author’s bedroom wall and
tied securely, he not only peeled off the ornamental
paper from the wall but also reduced the author’s
blazer into shreds.
He was always tearing things to pieces. It caused
great embarrassment to the author’s family whenever
one of his aunts came near him and he made every
effort to get hold of her dress and tear a hole in it.
Toto threw a plate when grandmother screamed at
him for savouring the pullao. Perching on the jackfruit
tree he enjoyed every grain lavishly and threw the
dish to spite grandmother. The frequent loss of dishes,
clothes, curtains and wallpaper was too much to afford
for the author’s not well-to-do family.

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