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Philippine Copyright 2020


Department of Energy (DOE), Philippines

All rights in these Guidelines are reserved. No copyright is claimed

to the portions of the Guidelines containing copies of the laws,
ordinances, regulations, administrative orders or similar documents
issued by government or public authorities. All other portions of the
Guidelines are covered by copyright. Reproduction of the other
portions of the Guidelines covered by copyright shall require the
consent of the Department of Energy, Philippines.

First Printing, ___________ 2020

Republic of the Philippines
Energy Center, Merritt Rd., Fort Bonifacio, Taguig


DRAFT Preface
With the enactment of the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act of
2019, the policy of the State towards the efficient and judicious utilization
of energy has been further strengthened. The law mandates that all
building constructions, new and building retrofits, shall comply with
minimum requirements set in the Guidelines on Energy Conserving
Design of Buildings.

These Guidelines address the need to provide energy efficiency guidance

in the design and construction of buildings in the Philippines. They form
part of the efforts of the Department of Energy (DOE) with technical
assistance from the European Union-supported Access to Sustainable
Energy Programme (ASEP), to ensure the use of energy-efficient systems
in the building sector.

These Guidelines were developed through a consultative process

facilitated by the Department of Energy-Energy Utilization Management
Bureau (DOE-EUMB) and participated in by the Institute of Integrated
Electrical Engineers of the Philippines, Inc. (IIEE), Philippine Society of
Mechanical Engineers (PSME), and the Energy Efficiency Practitioners
Association of the Philippines (ENPAP 4.0) together with various experts,
professionals and stakeholders from the Department of Public Works and
Highways (DPWH), Department of Environment and Natural Resources
(DENR), DOE-Lighting and Appliance Testing Laboratory (DOE-LATL),
Manila Electric Company (MERALCO), Philippine Lighting Industry
Association (PLIA), Philippine Green Building Initiative (PGBI),
Philippine Green Building Council (PGBC), and United Architects of the
Philippines (UAP).

In these updated Guidelines, technical requirements were provided based

on two Building Codes that impact on energy performance of buildings,
i.e. the National Building Code and the Philippine Green Building Code.
Obligations of buildings consistent with the Energy Efficiency and
Conservation Act were cited in Appendix A. Renewable energy systems
and equipment were added in line with the Renewable Energy Act of 2008.
Certain sections were also updated based on international standards,
notably the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air
Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE).

Though conscientious efforts have been exerted to make the contents of

these guidelines as technically sound as possible, it is advised that it be
applied by duly qualified and competent professionals. Please address any
concern or issue on the applicability, accuracy, or completeness of this
document to DOE for further validation and interpretation.

Comments on the Guidelines including omissions and errors, as well as

conflicts with accepted international standards are most welcome and will
be highly appreciated. All suggestions will be studied and considered for
inclusion in the Guideline's next edition.

Table of Contents
Message …………………………………………………………………………………….2
Preface .............................................................................................................................. 3
Table of Contents ................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Section I. Purpose .......................................................................................................... 10
Section II. Definition of Terms ...................................................................................... 11
Section III. Application and Exemption ....................................................................... 19
3.1 Application ................................................................................................................... 19
3.2 Exemptions................................................................................................................... 19
Section IV. Overall Thermal Transfer Value of Building Envelope ............................ 20
4.1 Scope ............................................................................................................................ 20
4.2 OTTV Method ............................................................................................................. 22
4.3 Prescriptive Method .................................................................................................... 26
4.4 Shading Devices and Determination of the Shading Coefficient ................................ 28
4.5 Airtightness of the Building Envelope ......................................................................... 29
4.6 Reflectance of the Roof ................................................................................................ 29
Section V. Air Conditioning and Ventilating System ................................................... 30
5.1 Scope ............................................................................................................................. 30
5.2 Load Calculation .......................................................................................................... 30
5.3 System Design and Sizing ............................................................................................ 31
5.4 Fan System Design Criteria ......................................................................................... 33
5.5 Pumping System Design Criteria ................................................................................ 34
5.6 Air Distribution System Design Criteria ..................................................................... 35
5.7 Controls ........................................................................................................................ 36
5.8 Piping Insulation .......................................................................................................... 42
5.9 Air Handling System Insulation .................................................................................. 43
5.10 Air Conditioning Equipment ....................................................................................... 44
5.11 Heat Recovery ............................................................................................................. 45
5.12 Thermal Comfort in Non-Air-Conditioned Building ................................................. 46
Section VI. Steam and Hot Water System .................................................................... 76
6.1 Scope ............................................................................................................................ 76
6.2 System Design and Sizing ............................................................................................. 76
6.3 Minimum Equipment Efficiency ................................................................................. 75
6.4 Hot Water Temperature .............................................................................................. 77
6.5 Controls ........................................................................................................................ 78
6.6 Piping Insulation .......................................................................................................... 78
6.7 Waste Heat Recovery and Utilization ......................................................................... 79
Section VII. Lighting ..................................................................................................... 85
7.1 Scope ............................................................................................................................ 85
7.2 Exemptions................................................................................................................... 85
7.3 General Requirements of Energy-Efficient Lighting Design ...................................... 85
7.4 Lighting Power Density (LPD) .................................................................................... 87
7.5 Lighting Controls ......................................................................................................... 86
7.6 Control Location ......................................................................................................... 89
7.7 Required Design Documentation................................................................................. 87
Section VIII. Electric Motors ........................................................................................ 94
8.1 AC Motors………………………………………………………………………………..94
8.2 High Efficiency Motors …………………………………………………………………97
8.3 Starting and Control Methods for Electric Motors …………………………………...98
8.4 DC Motors………………………………………………………………………………100
8.5 Pumps………………………………………………………………………………… 101
8.6 Escalators and Walkways……………………………………………………………...102
8.7 Elevators/Lift………………………………………………………………………….. 103
8.8 Required Design Documentation…………………………………………………….. 103
Section IX. Electric Power and Distribution .............................................................. 105
9.1 Scope………………………………………………………………………………….....105
9.2 Transformer ……………………………………………………………………………105
9.3 Power Supply and Distribution ………………………………………………………106
9.4 Regular Inspection, Maintenance and Audit ……………………………………….. 110
9.5 Required Design Documentation ……………………………………………………. 110

Section X. Renewable Energy (RE) Systems and Equipment .................................... 112

10.1 RE Power Supply Systems……………………………………………………………112
10.2 Annual Energy Requirements ……………………………………………………… 112
10.3 Required Design Documentation……………………. ……………………………..113

Table 1: Equivalent Temperature Difference for Walls
Table 2: Solar Correction Factor Wall
Table 3: Maximum U-value for Roof
Table 4: Equivalent Temperature Difference for Roof
Table 5: Solar Correction Factor for Roof
Table 6: SHGC for different WWR
Table 7: SHG C correction factor f for external fixed shading
Table 8: (table number below for revision)
Table 9: (please check title – blind text)
Table 10: (please check title – blind text )
Table 11: (please check title – blind text )
Table 12: Energy Efficiency Classification (Window Type &
Split Type)
Table 13: Values of ‘a’
Table 14: Section 12 Ambient Air Quality Guideline Values
and Standards (Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999)
Table 15: (hard to read the title, please check)
Table 16: (hard to read the title, please check)
Table 17: (hard to read the title, please check)
Table 18: (hard to read the title, please check)
Table 19: Typical Model Code Exhaust Flow Rates for
Conventional Type 1 Hood
Table 20: Maximum Water Velocity to Minimize Erosion
Table 21: Minimum Insulation Thickness for Various Pipes
Table 22: Standard Rated conditions For Air Conditioning
Table 23: Minimum Performance Rating of Various Air
Conditioning System
Table 24: Size of Opening for Natural Lighting & Ventilation
Table 25: Fresh Air Supply for Mechanical Ventilation
Table 26: Maximum Net Exhaust Flow Rate, cfm per Linear
Foot of Hood Length (change table number below)
Table 27: Minimum Duct Insulation R Value (change table
number below)
Table 28: Minimum Piping Insulation Thickness Cooling
Systems (change table number below or crop)
Table 29: Air Conditioning Checklist
Table 30: Minimum Performance Ratings of Steam and Hot
Water Systems Equipment
Table 31: Baseline Thermal Efficiency Levels for
Commercial Water Heater Equipment
Table 32: Baseline Standby Loss Levels for Representative
Commercial Water Heater Equipment
Table 33: Minimum Pipe Insulation (Heating System)
Table 34: Minimum Piping Insulation Thickness and Hot
Water Systems
Table 35: Renewable Energy Ready Home Solar Water
Heating Checklist
Table 36: Steam and Hot Water System Checklist
Table 37: Recommended Design Illuminance Levels
Table 38: Minimum Energy Performance, Efficacy Ranges
and Color Rendering Indices of Various Lamps
Table 39: Recommended Room Surface Reflectances
Table 40: Maximum Lighting Power Density for Building
Table 41: Maximum Values for Lightning Power Densities
for Building Exteriors
Table 42: Control Types and Equivalent Number of Control
Table 43: Minimum Acceptable Full Load Efficiency
Table 44: IEC-NEMA MEP Rating Values for AC Motors
Table 45: Types and Characteristics of Uninterruptable Power
Supply (UPS) Systems

Figure 1: Schematic representation of a window and related
horizontal overhang or vertical fin.
Figure 2: Circulation of Outdoor and Indoor Air in an
enthalpy (energy) recovery ventilation
Figure 3: Enthalpy or Heat Recovery Wheel
Figure 4: Wall Mounted Canopy
Figure 5: Single Island Canopy
Figure 6: Double Island Canopy
Figure 7: Back Shelf Canopy
Figure 8: Eyebrow
Figure 9: Passover

A. Obligations of Buildings
B. Percentage of Solar Radiation Absorbed by
Selected Building Materials
C. Thermal Conductivities of Building Materials
D. K-Values of Basic Materials
E. Air Space Resistances for Walls and Roofs
F. Surface Film Resistances
G. Glass Thermal Transmittance Values
H. Glass performance Data
I. Glass performance Data
J. Glass performance Data
K. Glass performance Data
L. Glass performance Data

Guidelines on Energy Conserving Design of Buildings

Section I. Purpose

1.1 To encourage and promote the energy conserving design of buildings and their
services to reduce the use of energy with due regard to the cost effectiveness,
building function, and comfort, health, safety, and productivity of the occupants.

1.2 To prescribe guidelines and minimum requirements for the energy conserving
design of new buildings and major renovation of existing buildings that fall and are
covered under this guideline and provide methods for determining compliance with
the same to make the buildings always energy-efficient.

Guidelines on Energy Conserving Design of Buildings

Section II. Definition of Terms


Ambient Air - the air surrounding a building; the source of outdoor air brought into a

Exhaust air - air removed from a space and discharged to outside the building by
means of mechanical or natural ventilation.

Indoor air - the air in an enclosed occupiable space.

Outdoor air - ambient air and ambient air that enters a building through a ventilation
system, through intentional openings for natural ventilation, or by infiltration.

Return air - air removed from a space to be recirculated or exhaust.

Supply air - air delivered by mechanical or natural ventilation to a space and

composed of any combination of outdoor air, recirculated air, or transfer air.

Ventilation air - that portion of supply air that is outdoor air plus any recirculated air
that has been treated for the purpose of maintaining acceptable Indoor Air Quality.

Air Conditioning - the process of treating air so as to control simultaneously its

temperature, humidity, cleanliness, and distribution to meet the requirements of
conditioned space.

Air Handling Unit - a device used to regulate and circulate air through a duct as part of
an air conditioning system

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers

(ASHRAE) - global society founded in 1894, advancing human well-being through
sustainable technology for the built environment with focus on building systems, energy
efficiency, indoor air quality, refrigeration and sustainability within the industry.

Best Efficiency Point (BEP) - the point along a pump curve where efficiency is the the highest factor to assess proper operation of a pump.
Guidelines on Energy Conserving Design of Buildings

Boiler - a self-contained, low-pressure appliance for supplying steam or hot water

British thermal unit (Btu) - amount of heat energy needed to raise the temperature of
one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit.

Certified Energy Conservation Officer (CECO) – refers to a professional who

obtains a certification as a CECO after demonstrating high levels of experience,
competence, proficiency, and ethical fitness in the energy management profession, and
who shall be responsible for the supervision and maintenance of the facilities of Type 1
establishments for the proper management of energy consumption and such other
functions deemed necessary for the efficient and judicious utilization of energy.

Certified Energy Manager (CEM) – refers to a licensed engineer who obtains a

certification as a CEM after demonstrating high levels of experience, competence,
proficiency, and ethical fitness in the energy management profession, and who shall be
chosen by Type 2 designated establishments to plan, lead, manage, coordinate, monitor
and evaluate the implementation of sustainable energy management within their

Coefficient of Performance (COP) - ratio of heating or cooling provided to electrical

energy consumed, where higher COPs equate to lower operating costs.

Color Rendering – the general expression for the effect of the light source on the color
appearance of objects in conscious or subconscious comparison.

Color Rendering Index (CRI) – the measure of the degree of color shift, which objects
undergo when illuminated by the light source. Values for common light sources vary
from 20 to 99. The higher the number, the better the color rendering or color appearance
(i.e., less color shift or distortion occurs)

Cooling Seasonal Performance Factor (CPSF) – quotient of Cooling Seasonal Total

Load (CSTL) in (kWh) divided by the Cooling Seasonal Energy Consumption (CSEC)
in (kWh).

Correlated Color Temperature (CCT) – the absolute temperature (in degrees Kelvin)
of the light source. This indicates visual “warmth” or “coolness”. The chromacity of
general lighting lamps falls in the range of 2200 to 7500 K. For interior lighting, the
chromacity values of 4000 K and above are usually described as “cool”. Around 3500
K, light sources have a neutral appearance but, at 3000 K and below, the lighting effect
is usually judged as “warm”. Hence, the lower the number, the warmer the light (more
red content) and the higher the number, the cooler is the light (more blue content).
Guidelines on Energy Conserving Design of Buildings

Delta Conversion On-Line UPS – is a new technology introduced to eliminate the

drawbacks of the Double Conversion On-Line design and is available in the range of
5kVA to 1 MW. Similar to the Double Conversion On-Line design, the Delta
Conversion On-Line UPS always has the inverter supplying the load voltage. However,
the additional Delta Converter also contributes power to the inverter output. Under
conditions of AC failure or disturbances, this design exhibits behavior identical to the
Double Conversion On-Line. In the Delta Conversion On-Line design, the Delta
Converter acts with dual purposes. The first is to control the input power characteristics.
This active front end draws power in a sinusoidal manner, by minimizing harmonics
reflected onto the utility. This ensures optimal conditions for utility lines and generator
systems and reduces heating and system wear in the power distribution system. The
second function of the Delta Converter is to charge the battery of the UPS by drawing
power and converting it to the appropriate DC charging voltage.

Design Condition – specified environmental conditions, such as temperature and light

intensity, required to be produced and maintained by a system and under which the
system must operate.

Designated Establishment – refers to a private or public entity in the commercial,

industrial, transport, power, agriculture, public works and other sectors identified by the
Department of Energy (DOE) as energy intensive industries based on their annual
energy consumption in the previous year or an equivalent annual index; the amount of
consumption as indicated in R.A. No. 11285 and subject to adjustment by the DOE as it
seems necessary.

Department of Energy (DOE) – refers to the agency created through R.A. No. 7638,
otherwise known as the “Department of Energy Act of 1992”, and whose functions
were expanded by R.A. No. 9136, otherwise known as the “Electric Power Industry
Reform Act of 2001”.

Ductwork – a system of ducts for distribution and extraction of air.

Double Conversion On-Line UPS – the most common type of UPS above 10kVA. In
the Double Conversion On-Line design, failure of the input AC does not cause
activation of the transfer switch, because the input AC is NOT the primary source, but is
rather the backup source. Therefore, during an input AC power failure, on-line
operation results in no transfer time. The on-line mode of operation exhibits a transfer
time when the power from the primary battery charger battery/inverter power path fails.
While a Standby and Line Interactive UPS will exhibit a transfer time when a blackout
occurs, a double conversion on-line UPS will exhibit a transfer time when there is a
large load step or inrush current. This transfer time is the result of transferring the load
Guidelines on Energy Conserving Design of Buildings

from the UPS inverter to the bypass line. Generally, this bypass line is built with dual
Silicon Controlled Rectifiers (SCRs), which are very fast, so similar to the Standby and
Line Interactive UPS, the transfer time is very brief, usually 4-6 milliseconds. Both the
battery charger and the inverter convert the entire load power flow in this design, which
causes reduced efficiency and increased heat generation.

Electric Discharge Lamp – produces light by the passage of an electric current through
a vapor or gas, initiating the discharge to fluoresce or light up. There are two kinds of
electric discharge lamp; Low Intensity Discharge (e.g., Fluorescent) and High Intensity
Discharge (e.g., Mercury vapor, Metal Halide, High & Low Pressure Sodium).

End-User - refers to any person or entity requiring the supply and delivery of electricity
for its own use

Energy - the capacity for doing work. It takes a number of forms that may be
transformed from one into another such as thermal (Heat), mechanical (work), electrical
and chemical (Btu or kW). It refers to all types of energy available commercially,
including natural gas (liquid natural gas and liquid oil gas), all heating and cooling fuels
(including district heating and district cooling), coal, transport fuels, and renewable
energy sources.

Energy Audit - refers to the evaluation of energy consumption and review of current
energy cost to determine appropriate intervention measures and efficiency projects in
which energy can be judiciously and efficiently used to achieve savings. It may refer to
a walk-through audit, a preliminary audit, or a detailed audit.

Energy conservation - refers to the reduction of losses and wastage in various energy
stages from energy production to energy consumption through the adoption of
appropriate measures that are technologically feasible, economically sound,
environmentally-friendly, and socially affordable.

Energy Efficiency - refers to the quotient of capacity over power input or capacity over
power consumption.

Energy Efficiency Class (EEC) - refers to the level of product’s class which is based
on the CSPF display on energy label.

Energy Efficiency Classification - refers to the tiers of EEC according to the ranges of

Energy Efficiency Ratio - the ratio of net cooling capacity (Btu per hour) to total rate
of electric input (Watt) under designated operating conditions.
Guidelines on Energy Conserving Design of Buildings

Energy Recovery - includes any technique or method of minimizing the input of

energy to an overall system by the exchange of energy from one sub-system of the
overall system with another.

Energy Recovery Ventilation System – a device or combination of devices applied to

provide the outdoor air for ventilation in which energy is transferred between the intake
and exhaust air stream.

Enthalpy Recovery Wheel - an energy recovery device that transfers outgoing

temperature and humidity to the incoming outdoor air

Equivalent Temperature Difference (TDeq) - is the temperature difference which

results in the total heat flow through a structure as caused by the combined effects of
solar radiation and outdoor temperature.

Green Energy Option Program (GEOP) - is a mechanism which shall provide end-
users the option to choose RE Resources as their source of energy.

Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (HVAC) - system that helps maintain
good indoor air quality through adequate ventilation with filtration and provide thermal

Illuminance (E) – is a measure of the amount of light falling on a surface. It is the

average illumination of a surface and its unit of measure is Lux (lx) = lm/m2.

Incandescent Lamp - produces light by the passage of an electric current through a

filament, which heats it to incandescence (e.g., tungsten and tungsten-halogen)

Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) - condition inside the building that includes air
quality, access to daylight and views, pleasant acoustic conditions, and occupant control
over lighting and thermal comfort

Line Interactive UPS – the most common design, where the battery-to-AC power
converter (inverter) is always connected to the output of the UPS. Operating the inverter
in reverse during times when the input AC power is normal provides battery charging.
When the input power fails, the transfer switch opens and the power flows from the
battery to the UPS output. With the inverter always on and connected to the output, this
design provides additional filtering and yields reduced switching transients when
compared with the Standby UPS topology. In addition, the Line Interactive design
usually incorporates a tap-changing transformer. This adds voltage regulation by
adjusting transformer taps as the input voltage varies. However, the inverter can also be
Guidelines on Energy Conserving Design of Buildings

designed such that its failure will still permit power flow from the AC input to the
output, which eliminates the potential of single point failure and effectively provides for
two independent power paths. This topology is inherently very efficient which leads to
high reliability while at the same time providing superior power protection.

Luminaire Efficiency - the ratio between the luminous flux emitted by the luminaire
and the luminous flux of the lamp (or lamps) installed in the luminaire

Luminance (L) – is the brightness of an illuminated or luminous surface as perceived

by the human eye and its unit of measure is cd/m2

Luminous Efficacy (ƞ) – the efficiency with which the electrical power consumed is
converted into light and its unit of measure is lm/W

Luminous Flux (Φ) – is the light output of a light source and its unit of measure is
Lumen (lm)

Luminous Intensity (I) – is the measure of light output in a specified direction and the
unit of measure is Candela (cd)

Mechanical Ventilation – ventilation provided by mechanically powered equipment

such as motor driven fans and blowers but not by devices such as wind driven turbine
ventilators and mechanically operated windows.

Natural Ventilation – ventilation provided by thermal, wind, or diffusion effects

through doors, window, or other intentional openings in the building.

Overall Thermal Transfer Coefficient (OTTC) - thermal performance of the building

envelope (walls or roof) considering all types of thermal transfer.

Pump - is a rotating machine consisting of an impeller, a pump casing, bearings,

bearing frame, shaft and a mechanical seal. The operating principle is to convert
mechanical energy to pressure. The pump impeller accelerates a liquid and as the area
of the pump casing expands, the velocity of the fluid is converted to pressure. As a
result, pressurized fluid exits the pump discharge. Pump is basically an electro-
mechanical device.

Renewable Energy (RE) Resources - refer to energy resources that do not have an
upper limit on the total quantity to be used. Such resources are renewable on a regular
basis, and whose renewal rate is relatively rapid to consider availability over an
indefinite period of time. These include, among others, biomass, solar, wind,
geothermal, ocean energy, and hydropower conforming with internationally accepted
Guidelines on Energy Conserving Design of Buildings

norms and standards on dams, and other emerging renewable energy technologies.

Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) - energy efficiency rating for central air

SHGC correction factor of the shading device - is the ratio between the incoming
solar radiation behind a shading device and the incoming solar radiation in front of a
shading device.

Solar Factor – is the factor for vertical surfaces, which has been experimentally
determined for this geographical zone.

Solar Heat Gain Coefficient SHGC of Glazing - is the ratio between the incoming
solar radiation behind a glazing and the incoming solar radiation in front of a glazing.

Standby-Ferro UPS – was once the dominant form of UPS. This design depends on a
special saturating transformer that has three windings (power connections). The primary
power path is from AC input, through a transfer switch, through the transformer, and to
the output. In the case of a power failure, the transfer switch is opened, and the inverter
picks up the output load. In the Standby-Ferro design, the inverter is in the standby
mode, and is energized when the input power fails and the transfer switch is opened.
The transformer has a special “Ferro-resonant” capability, which provides limited
voltage regulation and output waveform “shaping”. Even though it is a standby UPS by
design, the Standby-Ferro UPS generates a great deal of heat because the Ferro-resonant
transformer is inherently inefficient. The principal reason why Standby-Ferro UPS
systems are no longer commonly used is that they can be fundamentally unstable when
operating a modern computer power supply load. All large servers and routers use
“Power Factor Corrected” power supplies which when coupled with the Ferro
transformer, can give rise to spontaneous and damaging oscillations.

Standby On-Line Hybrid - is the topology used for many of the UPS under 10kVA
which are labeled “online.” The standby DC to DC converter from the battery is
switched on when an AC power failure is detected, just like in a standby UPS. The
battery charger is also small, as in the standby UPS. Due to capacitors in the DC
combiner, the UPS will exhibit no transfer time during an AC power failure. This
design is sometimes fitted with an additional transfer switch for bypass during a
malfunction or overload.

Standby UPS - the most common type used for Personal Computers, the transfer switch
is set to choose the filtered AC input as the primary power source (solid line path), and
switches to the battery / inverter as the backup source should the primary source fail.
When that happens, the transfer switch must operate to switch the load over to the
Guidelines on Energy Conserving Design of Buildings

battery / inverter backup power source (dashed path). The inverter only starts when the
power fails, hence the name “Standby”.

Steam System - a steam piping system and controls that work together to supply steam
or hot water to heat input devices remote from the Boiler.

Supplier - refers to any person or entity authorized by the Energy Regulatory

Commission (ERC) to sell, broker, market or aggregate electricity to the end-users.

Temperature Difference between Exterior and Interior (ΔT) - is the average annual
temperature difference between outside and inside of an air-conditioned building.

Variable Air Volume System - HVAC System that controls the dry-bulb temperature
within a space by varying the volumetric flow of cooled supply air to the space.

Ventilation - the process of supplying or removing air by natural or mechanical means

to or from any space. Such air is not required to have been conditioned.

Visible Light Transmittance (VLT) - is used to determine the amount of light

transmitted through the glass.

Water Heater – vessel in which water is heated and is withdrawn for use external to
the system.

Guidelines on Energy Conserving Design of Buildings

Section III. Application and Exemption

3.1 Application

A. These guidelines are applicable to the design of:

1. New buildings and their systems with at least 112.5 kVA of

connected electrical loads or has at least 10,000 square meters (m2)
total gross floor area; and
2. Any expansion and/or modification of existing buildings or
systems designed with connected electrical loads of at least 112.5
kVA or with at least 10,000 square meters (m2) total gross floor
area shall be covered.

B. These guidelines shall not be used to circumvent any applicable safety, health
or environmental requirements.

3.2 Exemptions

A. Areas with industrial/manufacturing processes

Section IV. Overall Thermal Transfer Value of
Building Envelope

1.1 Scope

This section applies to air-conditioned buildings. The requirements

and guidelines of this section cover external walls, roofs, air
leakage and reflectance of the roof.

The thermal requirements shall apply only to air-conditioned

buildings they are at achieving the energy conserving design for
building envelopes so as to minimize external heat gain and
thereby reduce the cooling load of the air conditioning system.

The following two chapters describe two methodologies to fulfill

building envelope requirements in regard to solar heat load and
thermal transmittance: the flexible, but more complex OTTV
method and the easier to apply prescriptive method.

1.2 OTTV Method

A. Approach

The solar heat gain through the building envelope constitutes a substantial share
of heat load in a building, which will have to be eventually absorbed by the air-
conditioning system at the expense of energy input. To minimize solar heat gain
into a building it is, therefore, the first and foremost consideration in the design
of energy efficient building. The architectural techniques used to achieve such
purpose are too numerous to mention. Siting and orientation of a rectangular
building to avoid exposure of its long facades to face east and west, for instance,
is a simple means of reducing solar heat gain if the building sites permits.
Appropriate choice of building shape to minimize building envelope area and
selection of light colors for wall finish to reflect solar radiation are other
common-sense design alternatives to lower solar heat input.

The OTTV concept takes into consideration the three basic elements of heat
gain through the external walls of a building, as follows:

 heat conduction through opaque walls;

 heat conduction through glass windows;
 solar radiation through the glass windows.

These three basic elements of heat input are averaged out over the whole
envelope area of the building to give an overall thermal transfer value, or OTTV
in short. This concept, in essence, helps to preserve a certain degree of
flexibility in building design.

B. Façade

For the purpose of energy conservation, the maximum permissible OTTV has
been set at

To calculate the OTTV of an external wall, the following basic formula shall be

(Aw x Uw x TDeq) + (Af x Uf x ΔT) + (Af x SHGC x f x


OTTV: overall thermal transfer (W/m2)
Aw: opaque wall area (m2)
Uw: thermal transmittance of opaque wall (W/m2K)
TDeq: equivalent temperature difference (K), see sub
paragraph a)
Af: fenestration area (m2)
Uf: thermal transmittance of fenestration (W/m2)
ΔT: temperature difference (K) between exterior and
interior, see sub paragraph ii)
f: SHGC correction factor f of shading device, see sub
paragraph iii)
SHGC: solar heat gain coefficient of glazing, see sub paragraph
SF: solar factor (W/m2), see sub paragraph , see sub
paragraph v)
Ao: gross area of exterior wall (m2) = Avs + Af

1. Equivalent Temperature Difference (TDeq)

Equivalent Temperature Difference (TDeq) is the temperature difference

which results in the total heat flow through a structure as caused by the
combined effects of solar radiation and outdoor temperature. The TDeq
across a structure takes into account the types of construction (mass and
density), degree of exposure, time of day, location and orientation of the
construction and design condition.
For the purpose of simplicity in OTTV calculation, the TDeq of different
types of construction have been narrowed down to three values according to
the densities of the constructions, as given in Table 1.

Table 1: Equivalent Temperature Difference for Walls

2. Temperature Difference between Exterior and Interior ΔT

The temperature difference between exterior and interior ΔT is the average

annual temperature difference between outside and inside of an air-
conditioned building and is required for calculation of the heat conduction
through glazing. In contrary to the equivalent temperature difference TDeq,
ΔT does not consider solar radiation and is therefore with 5 K significantly

3. SHGC Correction Factor F of the Shading Device

The correction factor is the ratio between the incoming solar radiation
behind a shading device and the incoming solar radiation in front of a
shading device and is therefore between 0 (opaque) and 1 (no shading). The
correction factor can be derived from literature values, manufacturer data,
simulation or calculation as shown in Subsection 4 on shading devices).

4. Solar Heat Gain Coefficient SHGC of Glazing

The solar heat gain coefficient is the ratio between the incoming solar
radiation behind a glazing and the incoming solar radiation in front of a
glazing. The solar heat gain coefficient can be derived from manufacturer

5. Solar Factor

The Solar Factor for vertical surfaces has been experimentally determined
for this geographical zone. From data collected over a period of time for the
eight primary orientations, the average Solar Factor for vertical surfaces has
been worked out to be 130 W/m2. This figure has to be modified by a
correction factor when applied to a particular orientation and also if the
fenestration component is sloped at an angle skyward. For the purpose of
the building regulations, any construction having a slope angle of more than
70o with respect to the horizontal shall be treated as a wall. For a given
orientation and angle of slope, the Solar Factor is to be calculated from the
following formula:

SF: 130 x CF (W/m2)

Where CF is the correction factor with reference to the orientation of the
façade and the pitch angle of the fenestration component and is given in
Table 2.

Table 2: Solar Correction Factor Wall

As walls at different orientations receive different amounts of solar

radiation, it is necessary in general to compute first the OTTVs
individual walls, then the OTTV of the whole building envelope is
obtained by taking the weighted average of these values. To calculate
for the envelope of the whole building, the following formula shall be

A01 x OTTV 1 + A02 x OTTV2 +…+Aox x OTTVx

A01 + A02 + … + Aox

The gross area of an exterior wall shall include all opaque wall areas,
window areas and door areas, where such surfaces are exposed to
outdoor air and enclose an air-conditioned space. The fenestration area
shall include glazing, glazing bars, mullions, jambs, transoms, heads
and sills of window construction and shall be measured from the
extreme surfaces of the window construction
Where more than one type of material and/or fenestration is used, the
respective term or terms shall be expanded into sub-elements, such as

(Aw1 x Uw1 x TDeq1) + (Aw2 x Uw 2 x TDeq2), etc.

In the case of a mixed-use building where the residential portion and the
commercial portion are distinctly and physically separated from each
other, e.g., in the form of a residential tower block and a commercial
podium, the OTTVs of the two portions should be separately computed.

C. Roof

For an air-conditioned building, solar heat gain through the roof also constitutes
a substantial portion of the cooling load. From on-site solar radiation
measurements taken, the intensity of the radiation on a horizontal surface can be
as much as 3 times of that on a vertical surface.

The purpose of roof insulation is therefore two-folds: to conserve energy in air-

conditioned buildings and to promote thermal comfort in non air-conditioned
buildings. In both cases, the building regulations require that the roof shall not
have a thermal transmittance or U-value greater than the values tabulated in
Table 3.

Table 3: Maximum U-value for Roof

In the case of an air-conditioned building, the concept of overall thermal transfer

value, or OTTV, is also applicable to its roof if the latter is provided with skylight.
Otherwise refer to the chapter with the prescriptive method. The OTTV concept
for roof takes into consideration three basic elements of heat gain, as follows:

 Heat conduction through opaque roof;

 Heat conduction through skylight;
 Solar radiation through skylight.
The maximum permissible OTTV for roofs is set at

45 W/m2.

To calculate the OTTV of a roof, use the same basic OTTV formula for building
façade described earlier.

For the purpose of simplicity in OTTV calculation, the TDeq of different types of
roof constructions have been standardized in Table 4.

Table 4: Equivalent Temperature Difference for Roof

Since a roof is more exposed to the sun than a façade, the following solar factor
has to be applied for roofs:

SF: 320 x CF (W/m2)

Where CF is the correction factor with reference to the orientation of the roof
and the pitch angle of the skylight component and is given in Table 5.

Table 5: Solar Correction Factor for Roof

1.3 Prescriptive Method

A. Solar transmittance of windows

Compared to wall assemblies, glazing transfers more heat and hence, it is ideal to
reduce the amount of glazing with respect to the wall in order to reduce internal
heat gains.

The requirement of Window to Wall Ratio (WWR) needs to be balanced with the
amount of daylight coming through the glazed area.

Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) is used to determine the amount of solar heat
admitted through the glass divided by the total solar radiation incident on the
Visible light Transmittance (VLT) is used to determine the amount of light
transmitted through the glass.
WWR shall be balanced with SHGCadj to maintain flexibility in design. To further
describe, the higher the designed building WWR, the lower the required SHGC adj
in glass windows shall be and vise-versa. This does not however, remove the
option for building owners to apply windows with low SHGC adj for building with
low WWR. The size of the opening (with or without glass) shall be in accordance
with the NBC.
For each WWR value, the SHGCadj shall be in accordance with Table 6. The
SHGCadj requirement in Table 6 can be adjusted if sun breakers are provided in
the windows. Sun breaker plays a very important role in reducing solar heat gain
as it stops the solar radiation before it enters the building and doing so reduces the
cooling loads considerably. External shading has the additional positive effect of
improving the internal comfort cutting part of the direct radiation on occupants.
This must be applied only to windows that are shaded.

Table 6: SHGCadj for different WWR

WWR Maximum Minimum
10 0.80 0.80
20 0.70 0.70
30 0.60 0.70
40 0.45 0.60
50 0.44 0.55
60 0.37 0.50
70 0.31 0.45
80 0.27 0.40
90 0.24 0.35
Source: Prescribed Requirements, IFC Philippine Green Building Code Project, May 2013

SHGCadj limits can be adjusted by multiplying it with the correction factors

using the formula:
SHGCadj = SHGC x f

SHGC is the adjusted solar heat gain coefficient limit for windows with external
SHGC is the solar heat gain coefficient of the glazing
F is the SHGC correction factor f of the shading device. If there is no shading
device, f can be set to 1.

SHGC is the solar heat gain coefficient of the glazing and can be derived from
the manufacturer data. f is the SHGC correction factor f of the shading device
and can be derived by the manufacturer data, simulation or simplified
calculation as described in the next subsection on shading devices.

B. Minimum Insulation Values

Insulation helps to reduce heat gain in a building thus improving thermal

comfort, acoustic quality and reducing the load on the air conditioning system.
Buildings shall be provided with roof insulation so that the average U-value is
maximum 1.4 W/m2K.

1.4 Shading Devices and Determination of the Shading Coefficient

Shading devices – especially when installed externally – can help to improve

thermal comfort and significantly reduce energy consumption due to air-
conditioning in a building. The effectiveness of the shading device is defined by
the SHGC correction factor f, which is the ratio of solar radiation behind and in
front of a shading device. Hence f = 1 if there is a window without shading and
0 if the window is opaque.

Since there is a huge variety of shading devices and hence f factors, there are
the following possibilities to determine the f factor:

1. manufacturer data
2. simulation
3. calculation

One of the most energy and cost-efficient possibilities for external shading in
tropical countries is the fixed overhang and vertical fin. To simplify the
determination process, the f factor for these shading types can be calculated as

First the depth of the overhang or the vertical fin has to be calculated. Second
the height of the window (including the distance between the top part of the
frame and the overhang) or the width of the window (including the distance
between the frame and the fin) have to be calculated.

Figure 1. Schematic representation of a window

and related horizontal overhang or vertical fin.

Based on the ratio between depth of shading and height/width of window the
SHGC correction factor f can be selected from Table 7.

Table 7: SHGC correction factor f for external fixed shading

depth / height SHGC correction factor f

horizontal vertical
shading shading
0.10 0.90 0.95

0.30 0.74 0.82

0.50 0.55 0.70

0.75 0.44 0.62

1.00 0.35 0.55

1.5 Airtightness of the Building Envelope

The infiltration of warm air and exfiltration of cold air contribute substantially
to the heat gain of an air-conditioned building. As a basic requirement, buildings
must not have unenclosed doorways, entrances, etc., and where heavy traffic of
people is anticipated, self- closing doors must be provided. The concept of an
energy-efficient building is based on the assumption that the envelope of the
building is completely enclosed to minimize the infiltration of warm air and
exfiltration of cool air. Infiltration and exfiltration contribute substantially to the
building’s heat gain, as the warmer infiltrated air must be cooled in order to
maintain the desired comfort condition.
As a basic requirement, the building must not have unenclosed doorways,
entrances, etc. For commercial buildings where heavy traffic of people is
anticipated, self-closing doors should be provided.
To further minimize the exfiltration of cool air and infiltration of warm air
through leaky windows and doors, effective means of weather-stripping should
also be incorporated.
Preferably, doors and windows should be designed to meet the following criteria
when tested under a pressure differential of 75 Pa:
1. Windows: leakage to limit to 2.77 m3/h per meter of sash crack
2. Swinging revolving or sliding doors: leakage to limit to 61.2 m3/h per
meter of door crack
3. Air curtains may be used in very high volume entrances only when
revolving or self-closing sliding doors are not appropriate.

1.6 Reflectance of the Roof

A light-colored building envelope, especially the roof areas which are the most
vulnerable, can reduce heat transfer from the outside to the inside of the
building by having surfaces with high Solar Reflectance Index (SRI).
Roofs shall have one or a combination of the following measures:
1. Roof color with a minimum average SRI of 70
2. More than 70 % of the roof is back ventilated
3. More than 70 % of the roof is covered by solar thermal and/or PV
4. More than 70% is covered by a green roof
Section V. Air Conditioning and Ventilating System

5.1 Scope

The requirements in this Section represent minimum design criteria. Designers should
evaluate other energy conservation measures, which may be applicable to the proposed
building. The Philippine Green Building Code (PGBC) applies to all new construction
and/or alteration of buildings with a Total Gross Floor Area (TGFA) of 10,000 square
meters or more. In case of conflict between the provisions of the PGBC and these
Guidelines, the most stringent requirement shall apply.

Building owners with buildings TGFA of 5,000 square meters or more shall be
required to submit the building’s annual electricity usage (kWh/year), fuel
consumption (liters/year) of generators and LPG consumption (kg/year). This will be
submitted in the application for the renewal of mechanical systems. Document to be
submitted in the report shall be the monthly electrical bills, fuel and LPG delivery

5.2 Load Calculation

A. Calculation Procedures

Cooling system design loads for the purpose of sizing the system and equipment
should be determined in accordance with the procedures in the latest edition of the
ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals or other equivalent publications.

B. Indoor Design Conditions

The indoor conditions in an air-conditioned space shall conform to the following:

1. Design Dry Bulb Temperature 25°C
2. Design Relative Humidity 55%
3. Maximum Dry Bulb Temperature 27°C
4. Minimum Dry Bulb Temperature 23°C
5. Maximum Relative Humidity 60%
6. Minimum Relative Humidity 50%
Note: Indoor design conditions may differ from those presented above
because of special occupancy or process requirement, source control,
air contamination or local regulation.
C. Outdoor Design Conditions

The outdoor conditions shall be taken as follows for Climate Zone 0A:
1. Design Dry Bulb Temperature 35°C
2. Design Wet Bulb Temperature 28°C
Notes: See ASHRAE Standard 169-2013 Table A-6 on Philippine Cities Climate
Zone in the Appendix

D. Ventilation

The quality and quantity of air used to ventilate air-conditioned spaces shall always
be sufficient and acceptable to human occupation and comply with applicable
health and/or air quality requirements. Ventilation requirements shall conform to
the design criteria in Table 8.
Exception: Outdoor air qualities may exceed those shown in Table 9 (originally 6.2,
but cannot find in doc, so for checking) because of special occupancy or process
requirements, source control air contamination or local regulations.

E. Kitchen Ventilation

Figures 4 through 9 show the six basic hood styles for Type 1 applications. The style
names are not used universally in all standards and codes but are well accepted in
the industry. The Styles are as follows:
1. Wall-mounted canopy – Used for all types of cooking equipment
located against the wall (See Figure 4)
2. Single-island canopy – Used for all types of cooking equipment in a
single-line island configuration (See Figure 5)
3. Double-island canopy – Used for all types of cooking equipment
mounted back to back in an island configuration. (See Figure 6)
4. Back shelf – Used for counter-height equipment typically located
against the wall, but could be freestanding. (See Figure 7)
5. Eyebrow – Used for direct mounting to oven and some dishwashers.
(See Figure 8)
6. Pass-over – Used over counter-height equipment when pass-over
configuration (from the cooking side to the serving side) is required.
(See Figure 9)
5.3 System Design and Sizing

Air conditioning system and equipment shall be sized as close as possible to the
space and system loads calculated in accordance with the subsection on load
calculation. The design of the system and the associated equipment and controls
should take into account important factors such as nature of application, type of
building construction, indoor and outdoor conditions, internal load patterns, control
methods for efficient utilization and economic factors.

A. Engineered systems and equipment should be properly sized and selected to

meet maximum loads and should have good unloading characteristics to meet
the minimum load efficiency. These should be arranged in multiple units or
increments of capacity to meet partial and minimum load requirements without
short cycling.

Table 8:

Note: From ASHRAE 90.1-2019

Table 9:


EDGE (derived from
Philippine GB Code Min.
Building Use IFC-PGBI Survey 2013 Philippines ASHRAE 90.1-
Compliance (EDGE Calc)
Baseline 2016 Min.

Office 345 136 98 98

65 65 43 136
Hospital 338 367 263 375
174 342 234 230
School 131 75 47 132
Retail (Mall) 336 200 151 145

From: IFC/Green Building Code Survey

Table 10:

B. Considerations should be given at the design stage for providing centralized

monitoring and control to achieve optimum operation with minimum
consumption of energy.

5.4 Fan System Design Criteria

A. General

The following design criteria apply to all air conditioning fan systems used for
comfort ventilating and/or air conditioning. For the purpose of this Section, the
energy demand of a fan system is the sum of the demand of all fans, which are
required to operate at design conditions to supply air from the cooling source to
the conditioned space(s) or exhaust it to the outdoors.
Exception: System with a total fan motor power requirement of 5 kW or less.
B. Constant Volume Fan Systems
For fan systems that provide a constant air volume whenever the fans are
operating, the power required by the motor of the combined fan system at
design conditions shall not exceed 0.5 W/m3/h.

C. Variable Air Volume (VAV) Fan Systems

1. For fan systems that are able to vary system air volume automatically as a
function of load, the power required by the motor of the combined fan
system at design conditions shall not exceed 0.5 W/m3/h.
2. Individual VAV fans with motor rated at 5 kW and larger shall include
control and d3vices such as a variable speed drive necessary to make the
fan motor operate efficiently even at flow rates of as low as 40% of the
rated flow. Use of electronically commutated (EC) motor.

5.5 Pumping System Design Criteria

A. General

The following design criteria apply to all pumping systems used for comfort air
conditioning. For purpose of this section, the energy demand of a pumping
system is the sum of the demand of all pumps that are required to operate at
design conditions to supply fluid from the cooling source to the conditioned
space (s) and return it back to the source.
Exception: System with total pump motor requirement of 5 kW or less

B. Pressure Drop

Chilled water and cooling water circuits of air conditioning systems shall be
designed at a maximum velocity of 1.2 m/s (3.9 fps) for a 50 mm diameter pipe
and pressure drop limit of 39.2 kPa per 100 (4 ft/100 ft) equivalent meter for
piping over 50 mm diameter. To minimized erosion for the attainment of the
piping system, the water velocities found in Table 20 should not be exceeded.
Note: ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2019

C. Variable Flow

Pumping systems that are provided with control valves designed to modulate
or step open or close, depending on the load, shall be required for variable
fluid flow. The system shall be capable of reducing system flow to 50% of
design flow or less.
Flow may be varied using variable speed driven pumps, multiple stage
pumps or pumps riding their performance characteristic curves. Pumps
with steep performance curve shall not be used since they tend to limit
flow rates. Variable speed or staged pumping should be employed in large
pumping systems.
 System where a minimum flow greater than 50%of design flow rate is
required for the proper operation of the equipment served by the system.
 Systems that serve only one control valve.

5.6 Air Distribution System Design Criteria

A. General

The temperature and humidity of the air within the Conditioned space shall
be maintained at an air movement from 0.20 to 0.30 m/s (39 fpm to 59 fpm).
1. The air in such conditioned space(s) should at all times be in constant
motion sufficient to maintain a reasonable uniformity of temperature and
humidity but shall not cause objectionable draft in any occupied portion(s).
In cases wherein the only source of air contamination is the occupant, air
movement shall have a velocity of not more than 0.25 m/s (49.2 fpm) as
the air enters the space.

5.7 Controls

A. System Control
1. Each air-conditioned system shall be provided with at least on control
device for the regulation of temperature.
2. All mechanical ventilating system (supply and exhaust) equipment
either operating continuously or not shall be provided with readily
accessible manual and/or automatic controls or other means of volume
reduction, or shut-off when ventilation is not required.

B. Zone Control
1. Each air-conditioned zone shall be controlled by individual
thermostatic controls responding to temperature within the zone.
2. Systems that serve zones that can be expected to operate non-
simultaneously for more than 750 hours per year (i.e. approximately 3
hours per day on a 5 day week basis) shall include isolation devices
and controls to shut off the supply of conditioned air to each zone

Isolation is not required for:

a. For zones expected to operate continuously.
b. Systems which are restricted by process requirements.
c. Gravity and other non-electrical ventilating system may be
controlled by readily accessible manual damper.
C. Control Area

1. The supply of conditioned air to each zone/area should be controlled

by individual control device responding to the average temperature
within the zone. Each controlled zone shall not exceed 465 sq. m. in
2. For buildings where occupancy patterns are not known at the time of
the system design, such as speculative buildings, isolation areas may
be pre-designed.
3. Zones may be grouped into a single isolation area provided the total
conditioned floor area does not exceed 465 sq. m. per group or include
more than one floor.
D. Temperature Controls

Where used to control comfort cooling, temperature controllers should be

capable of being set locally or remotely by adjustment or selection of the
sensors, between 23°C and 27°C or in accordance with local regulation.

E. Thermostat

Location of the thermostats in controlled zones should measure a condition

representing the whole space and should not be affected by direct radiation,
drafts, or abnormal thermal conduction or stratification.

F. Building Automation System

Building with air-conditioning system with a capacity of 1053 kW (300 TR)

capacity of larger shall be provided with building automation system with
software that will optimize, monitor, and control complete with operation and
maintenance of mechanical and electrical equipment.
G. Germicidal Irradiation and Filtration System for AHU’s & FCU’s
combine is needed to have an efficient disinfection system. HEPA Filter or
MERV 13 and above filtration system would increase the static pressure of the
equipment blower, thus increase in the blower horsepower needed to operate
the Ahu & FCU. With UVGI and MERV 6 Filters your blower horsepower
would be like a normal unit without Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation. UVC
Lights are now cheap and energy efficient as it is now available in LED
Control by Filtration:

Indoor Microorganisms:
Control by Inactivation with UVC Radiation

UVC radiation disrupts RNA/DNA of Microorganism

System Type- Coil/Filter Bank Disinfection (Usually for AHU’s)

System Types – In-Duct (Usually for FCU’s)

Deactivate airborne microorganism “on the fly”. May do dual coil/filter cleaning duty. Sizing
methods vary greatly among manufacturers.
System Type – Upper Room

UV above occupied zone irradiates circulating air. Common Rule of Thumb for sizing (Riley, HSPH)
30 w per 200 sq.ft. (18.6 sq.m.)
System Type-Self Contained (Usually for Hospital Rooms)

System Types-Decontamination
Portable unit decontaminates surface of unoccupied spaces

5.8 Piping Insulation

A. All chilled water piping shall be thermally insulated in accordance with Table
21 to prevent heat gain and avoid sweating on the insulation surface. The
insulation shall be suitably protected from damage.
B. Chiller surface especially the evaporator shell and compressor Suction line(s)
should be insulated to prevent sweating and heat gain. Insulation covering
surfaces on which moisture can condense or those exposed to ambient
conditions must be vapor-sealed to prevent any moisture seepage through the
insulation or to prevent condensation in the insulation.

1. Piping that conveys fluids that have not been cooled through the use of
fossil fuels or electricity.
2. Piping at fluid temperatures between 20°C and 40°C.
3. When the heat gain of the piping without insulation does not increase
the energy requirements of the building.

C. For materials with thermal resistance greater than 0.032 sq. m.°C/W-mm, the
minimum insulation thickness shall be as follows:
0.032 x thickness in Table 6.4
actual R value Equation 6.1

Where :
t = minimum thickness in mm
R = actual thermal resistance, sq. m ºC/W-mm

D. For materials with thermal resistance lower than 0.028 sq. m. °C/W-mm, the
minimum insulation thickness shall be:

0.028 x thickness in Table 6.4

actual R value Equation 6.2

t = minimum thickness in mm
R = actual thermal resistance, sq. m ºC/W-mm

5.9 Air Handling System Insulation

A. All air handling ducts and plenums installed as part of the air distribution
system and which are outside of air conditioned spaces shall be thermally
insulated sufficiently to minimize temperature rise of the air stream within
them and to prevent surface condensation. Insulated ducts located outside of
buildings shall be jacketed for rain tightness and for protection against damage.
Air ducts or plenums with in air-conditioned spaces may not be insulated if the
temperature difference, TD, between the air outside and with in the ducts or
plenum would not cause surface condensation. Due consideration should be
made to the dew point temperature of the air surrounding the ducts or plenums.

The required insulation thickness shall be computed using insulation material

having resistivity ranging from 0.023 to 0.056 sq. m. °C/W-mm and the
following equation:
kRs (Dp –to)
(Db – Dp) Equation 6.3

Db = ambient still air-dry bulb temperature, ºC
Dp = dew point, ºC
To = operating temperature, ºC
Rs = surface thermal resistance = 0.115 sq. m ºC/W-mm
k = mean thermal conductivity, W-mm/sq. m ºC
L = thickness, mm

1. When the heat gain of the ducts, without insulations, will not increase
the energy requirements of the building.
2. Exhaust air ducts.

B. The thermal resistance of the insulation, excluding film resistance should be:

R= = sq. m ºC/W-mm
347 Equation 6.4

TD = temperature differential in ºC

5.10 Air Conditioning Equipment

A. Minimum Equipment Performance

Air conditioning equipment shall have a minimum performance corresponding

to the rated conditions shown in Table 22. Data furnished by equipment
supplier or manufacturer or certified under a nationally recognized certification
program or rating procedure shall be acceptable to satisfy these requirements.

1. Performance Rating
Energy Performance Room Air Conditioners with Cooling Capacity up to
50,000 kJ/hr (47,391 BTU/hr) or 14 KW (3.95 TR) shall be measured through
Cooling Seasonal Performance Factor (CSPF).

a) Fixed speed air conditioners shall have rated CSPF not lower than:
 CSPF, for rated capacity below3.33 kW (0.95 TR) and
 2.81 CSPF, for rated capacity 3.33 kW (0.95 TR) and above

For Variable Speed Air Conditioners, the minimum CSPF shall be the
lowest value in the 4-star range as classified in Table 12 (Energy
Efficiency Classification) and Categorized according to the rated
cooling capacity in clause

b) Energy Efficiency Classification of air Conditioners

 Non-Ducted Air Conditioner shall be classified based on rated CSPF
of the product.
 The classification shall be represented by stars with one star indicating
the lowest range of CSPF while five stars shall represent the highest
range of CSPF.
 There shall be two sets of energy efficiency classification regardless
of variable speed or fixed speed.
o Below 3.33 kW (0.95 TR) cooling capacity
o 3.33 kW (0.95 TR) cooling capacity and above
 The rated CSPF of air conditioner shall be classified according to
Table 12 Energy Efficiency Classification (window type & split type).

Table 12: Energy Efficiency Classification (Window Type & Split Type)

Note 1: by 2020, in line with the ASEAN Harmonization, the MEPS shall be the four (4) Star.
Note 2: New set of values on table B.1.1 will be based on the available data where the minimum CSPF will be
3.25 for units with capacity below 3.33 kW; and 3.13 for units with capacity above 3.33 kW
Note 3: Table from DOE Department Circular No.: DC 2016-04-0005
2. Performance Rating
The performance rating of the air conditioning equipment above 14 kW (3.95
TR) shall be measured by its EER or kWe/TR whichever is applicable.
The EER shall not be less than those quoted in Table 23 while kWe/TR shall
not be greater than the figures in the same table.
a) Field-Assembled Equipment and Components
When components from more than on supplier are used as parts of the air
conditioning system, component efficiencies shall be specified based on the
data provided by the suppliers/manufacturers, which shall provide a system
that comp\lies with the requirements of the subsection on Minimum
Equipment Performance.
b) Air Conditioning Equipment Controls
Air conditioning equipment should have a means of controlling its
capacity based on load requirement.

c) Air Conditioning Equipment with Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER)

The designer shall consider air conditioning unit wth the highest EER label
available (particularly window and split types) to ensure high cooling
capacity but low power consumption of the equipment. For details, please
refer to PNS 396-1, Household appliances Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER)
and labeling requirements – Part 1: Non-ducted air conditioners.

Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) = Cooling capacity, kJ/h

Power input, W

Equation 6.5

Note: 1TR = 12,000 BTU/h

1 BTU = 1.055 kJ

5.11 Heat Recovery

Whenever there is a big demand for hot water requirement and if economical, heat
recovery shall be adopted in the air conditioning system condenser heat. Another
would be using Enthalpy Recovery of Exhaust Air or Energy Recovery Ventilation
for exhaust air.
A. Enthalpy of exhaust air

All buildings with centralized air supply system shall use enthalpy recovery wheel
or energy recovery ventilation with efficiency of at least 60% of 90% exhaust air.
When buildings have outside air or fresh air supply and they extract system through
mechanical means, heat exchangers can use the air extracted from the building area
to pre-condition the incoming outdoor air. This process exploits the fact that the
extracted air is usually already conditioned and therefore colder and drier.
Enthalpy recovery is the process of recovering some energy from the building
exhaust air stream to pre-condition the fresh air intake.

Figure 2: Circulation of Outdoor and Indoor Air in an enthalpy (energy) recovery ventilation

Figure 3 Enthalpy or Heat Recovery Wheel

Outdoor air Supply air


Exhaust air Return air

5.12 Thermal Comfort in Non-Air-Conditioned Building

A. General Principles of Thermal Comfort

The main variables that affect human comfort are as follows:
1. dry bulb temperature
2. relative humidity or wet bulb temperature
3. air movement
4. ventilation and
5. thermal radiation from hot surface (ceiling, walls, and glass windows)
To a lesser extent, certain other factors also affects human comfort like indoor air
B. When cross ventilation in a room is assured, the relationship between ventilation
rate and design swind speed is governed by the following equation:

Q = 17 Ce V A Equation 6.7

Q : ventilation rate in m3/min
Ce : effectiveness of opening (Ce is assumed to be
0.5 to 0.6 for perpendicular winds and 0.25 to
0.35 for diagonal winds)
V : design
wind speed in km/h
A : area of
opening in m2

1. The design wind speed for a particular type of structure, locality and orientation
has to be duly corrected to allow for height and screening effects of other
buildings. The coefficient of discharge Ce is found to decrease fairly rapidly
with an increase in the distance between the two openings in series, i.e., with an
increase in room width. At 5.5 m, it will level off to about 0.47. In Equation
6.7, Ce above, it is used to modify the external wind speed.
To determine the wind velocity near a building, the wind available at the time
and height of the building, as well as the velocity gradient due to the ground
friction, must be considered.
A general equation, known as the ‘Power Law’ is given by Equation 6.8:

(Z) a
Vz = Vg -----------------
Zg Equation 6.8
Vz : velocity at height z, m/s
Vg : gradient velocity, m/s
Z : height, m
Zg : gradient height, m
a : a power index as given in the following table

Table 13: Values of ‘a’

Type of Country a
Open country 274 0.16
Moderately rough, wooded country, small town 396 0.28
Rough, center of large town 518 0.40
2. Natural Ventilation by Jack Roof and Roof Ventilator
a) The performance of roof ventilators is normally rated in terms of speed and
indoor and outdoor temperature differential to take into account the two
natural motive force of ventilation: thermal force and wind effect. The
performance for roof cowls can be rated in the simplified equations as
Q = 208 AV Equation 6.9

Q= ventilation rate (m3/h)
A= throat area of ventilator (cm2) V= wind speed (km/h)

b) For jack roof, the performance is poorer than that of roof cowl and there is
quantitative assessment of jack roof. However, assuming that jack roof
does are about 50% as efficient as cowl ventilator since the windward side
of a jack roof does not act as exhaust opening, it has been worked out that
the net area of jack roofs required per meter run of a building is about 1.2
m2 for a building width of 18 m.

C. Provision for Natural Ventilation and Lighting

1. In natural regulations, it is specified that every building shall be provided
a) natural lighting by mean of windows, skylights, fanlights, doors, and
other approved natural light transmitting media; and
b) natural ventilation by means of windows, skylights, fanlights, doors,
louvers or similar ventilation openings.
2. In general, openings facing the sky, street courtyard or air well will be
considered as acceptable source of natural lighting and ventilation.
3. In the case of a building other than factory or warehouse, any part of the
building within 9 m from an acceptable opening shall be deemed to be
adequately and ventilated by natural means.
4. In the case of a factory or warehouse, the maximum effective coverage of
any window and other opening on an external wall shall be deemed to be
12 m from the opening, whereas the coverage of any jack roof or other
opening on the roof shall be deemed to be 9 m measured horizontally from
the opening.
5. In addition, the building regulations also specify that every room in any
building be provided with natural lighting and ventilation by means of one
or more sources having an aggregate of not less than x percent of the floor
space of the room, of which at least y percent shall have opening to allow
free uninterrupted passage of air. The respective values of x and y are given
in Table 24 according to the types of occupancy or types of usage of the
6. In the case of public garages, two or more slides of the garage shall have
opening for cross ventilation and the area opening shall be at least 50% of
the area of the wall where is located.
7. Enclosed parking garage ventilation system shall automatically detect
contaminant levels with the use of Automation using SCADA of BMS
system is a must tot make the system energy efficient. The use of induction
(jet fan) ventilation with electronically commutated (EC) motor should be
use in basement parking garage due to the following:
a) Effective dilution of contaminants within the car park environment as
compared to the ducted system.
b) The car park is too large and too deep to ventilate naturally.
c) Slab penetrations can be reduced. No need for ventilation plant rooms.
d) Capital cost savings can be found through reduced car park height and
less site excavation, less concrete and steel.

Philippine Regulations for General Buildings:

The concentration of carbon monoxide in internal space of the off-street parking lot
should be less than average of 50 ppm for 8 hours before and after peak time when
the parking area is most frequently used by cars (The Concentration of carbon
monoxide in the internal parking lot should be maintained lower than 30 ppm in
accordance with the provision of Section 12 Ambient Air Quality Guidelines
Table 14: Section 12 Ambient Air Quality Guideline Values and Standards
(Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999)
Space Air Diffusion from ASHRAE 2013 Fundamentals Handbook
Ducted System against Ductless Induction (Jet Fan) System
Typical Induction Fan Installation
Typical Ducted System
Various Jet Fan/ Induction Ventilation Schemes
Typical Jet Fan/Induction Fan Installation
e. For terrace houses having a depth greater than 12 m, permanent ventilation from
front to rear shall be provided to facilitate cross ventilation by suitable vents in all
front, back and cross walls at each floor. Such vents shall have a net opening area
of not less than 0.4 m2 each.

D. Mechanical Ventilation
1. Where site conditions dictate that the normal requirements for natural lighting and
ventilation cannot be met, the building regulations may allow the use of mechanical
ventilation as substitute.
2. According to the regulations, the quantity of fresh air supply for mechanical ventilation
of any room or space in a building shall be in accordance with the specified rates in Table
Unless justified by exceptional circumstances, the ventilation rate shall not be exceeded
by more than 30%.
E. Thermal Insulation
1. Besides roof insulation, the building regulations also specify that in case of a non-air-
conditioned building, any external wall abutting a habitable room shall have a U-value
of not more than 3.5 W/m°K.

F. Sun Shading
1. To encourage the provision of sun-shading devices in residential building for the purpose
of improving thermal comfort, the building regulations make a special provision to relax
the requirement pertaining to boundary clearance. Where overhangs, canopies, awnings,
or other sun-shading devices are provided, these devices are permitted to project up to a
point not less than 1600 mm from the lot boundary instead of the normal requirement of
2300 mm for boundary clearance.
2. To take advantage of this relaxation, the designer should ensure that only non-
combustible materials are used for the construction of the shading devices.
3. It should be noted that the relaxation is only in respect of the projection of the shading
devices project shall comply with the normal boundary clearance requirement.
Figure 4 Wall Mounted Canopy
Figure 5 Single Island Canopy
Figure 6 Double Island Canopy
Figure 7 Back Shelf Canopy
Figure 8 Eyebrow


Figure 9 Pass-over
Table 15:

Note: ASHRAE 62.1-2019

Table 16:
Table 17:

Note: ASHRAE 62.1-2019

Table 18:

Note: ASHRAE 62.1-2019

Table 19: Typical Model Code Exhaust Flow Rates for Conventional Type 1 Hood

Wall-mounted canopy Q= 0.5A

Single-island canopy Q= 0.75A
Double-island canopy Q= 0.5A
Eyebrow Q= 0.5A
Back shelf/Pass-over Q= 0.45 x Length of hood
Q = exhaust flow rate, cu. m/sec
A = area of hood exhaust aperture, sq. m

Table 20: Maximum Water Velocity to Minimize Erosion

Normal Operation Water Velocity
(hours per year) (m/s)
1500 3.1
2000 2.9
3000 2.7
4000 2.4
6000 2.1
8000 1.8
Note: The noise criteria are not included anymore since noise in
piping system is usually caused by entrained air which could be
Table 21: Minimum Insulation Thickness for Various Pipes Sizes
Fluid Pipe Sizes (mm)
System Condensate 50 or 63 to 89 and
Types drains to 50 less 76 larger
4.5 to 13.0 25 38 38 50
Refrigerant 4.5 and
50 50 63 63
or Brine below
Note: Insulation thickness (mm) in Table 6.4 are based on insulation having thermal
resistivity in the range of 0.028 to 0.032 sq. m ºC/W-mm on a flat surface at a mean

hav -mm or maybe reduced for materials having K


Table 22: Standard Rated conditions For Air Conditioning Systems

Water Cooled Air Cooled Water Cooled
Stream Water Chiller Water Chiller Package A/C
Chilled Water
7.0 7.0 -
Chilled Water
12.0 12.0 -
Cooling Water
29.5 - 29.5
Cooling Water
35.0 - 35.0
Condenser Air
- 35.0 -
Evaporator 27.0 (*)
- -
Return Air 19.0 (**)
* Dry Bulb Temperature
** Wet Bulb Temperature
Table 23: Minimum Performance Rating of Various Air Conditioning System
Air Conditioning Equipment EER kWe/TR
Unitary A/C units
Up to 20 kWr capacity 10.3 -
21 to 60 kWr capacity 9.8 -
61 to 120 kWr capacity 9.7 -
Over 120 kWr capacity 9.5 -
Scroll chillers (up to 175 kWr)
Air cooled - 1.0
Water cooled - 0.8

Screw chillers (above 245 kWr)

Air cooled - 0.8
Water cooled - 0.65

Centrifugal chillers (up to 14 kWr)

Water cooled - 0.58
EER = kJ/kWh
See Equation 6.10.4
kWe/TR = kilowatt electricity per ton of refrigeration
1TR = 3.51685 kWr

Table 24: Size of Opening for Natural Lighting & Ventilation

x% of Floor
Type of Occupancy or y% of x
Usage of Room open a
of Room
Residential 15% 50%
Store, Utility, Garage (in
10% 50%
residential premises)
Water-closet, Toilet, Bathroom 10% or 0.2 m
Laundry (whichever is 100%
Business 15% 50%
School classroom 20% 50%
Hospital, Nursing home 15% 100%
Lobby, Corridor, Staircase 10% 50%
Warehouse 10% 50%
Table 25: Fresh Air Supply for Mechanical Ventilation
Minimum Fresh Air
Supply 3
Type of Building/Occupancy
Air Change m /h per
per hour person
Office 6 18
Restaurant, Canteen 6 18
Shop, Supermarket, Department Store 6 18
Workshop, Factory 6 18
Classroom, Theater, Cinema 8 -
Lobby, Concourse, Corridor, Staircase 4 -
Toilet, Bathroom 10 -
Kitchen (commercial, institutional &
20 -
Car Park 6 -
Note: Unless justified by exceptional circumstances, the ventilation rate shall not be
exceeded by more than 30% of the above values.

Table 26: Maximum Net Exhaust Flow Rate, cfm per Linear
Foot of Hood Length

Note: ASHRAE 62.1-2019

Table 27: Minimum Duct Insulation R-Value

Note: ASHRAE 90.1-2019

Table 28: Minimum Piping Insulation Thickness Cooling


Note: ASHRAE 90.1-2019

Table 29: Air Conditioning Checklist

Location: City: :
Standard Actual Remarks
1. Building Site Assessment
Location and building foot pint
1.1 _____sq.m.
Building Orientation (North, South or East
1.2 West) _______
2. Air Conditioning System COP, EER or CSPF Rating
Window Room Air Conditioning
2.1 Unit
2.2 Split Type Air Conditioning
VRF/VRV Air Conditioning
2.3 System
2.4 Centralized Water Cooled
2.5 Centralized Air Cooled
3. Ventilation in kW per CFM (kW per CMH)
3.1 Basement Carpark Ventilation
3.2 Attic/Intertitial Space Ventilation
Section VI. Steam and Hot Water System

6.1 Scope

This section applies to the energy conserving design of steam and hot water
services in buildings that include but not limited to hotels, restaurants,
hospitals, and laundry. The purpose of this section is to provide the criteria
and minimum standards for energy efficiency in the design and equipment
selection that will provide energy savings when applied to steam and hot
water systems.

6.2 System Design and Sizing

A. The system with the lowest overall energy usage (considering the
heat losses in the calorifier and the circulating loop of a centralized
system and the total heat losses from a system of individual storage
heater) should be chosen.
B. Where system is available, it is definitely more economical to use
steam to generate hot water as compared to the use of electricity.
1. Use heat exchanger to heat the water from steam.
2. Heat pump may also be used to produce hot water. A heat pump is a
refrigeration system with the condenser as a source of heat.

C. When steam is used, a centralized hot water generator should be placed as

near as possible to the steam source in order to reduce piping heat losses.
D. For generation of steam, use boiler with an efficiency rating of 85% and
E. In the absence of steam, use a direct-fired hot water generator with an
efficiency rating of 85% and above.
F. Solar Water Heater on the Roof Top with 3 kW electric heat back up to be
used during prolong rains.

1. Type of Solar Water Heat Absorber are as follows:

a. Copper Serpentine Type Solar Hot Water heat absorber with a
capacity of 300 liters and 150 liters storage capacity.
b. Vacuum Tube Absorber Type Solar Hot Water with a capacity of
300 liters and 150 liters storage capacity.
2. This can be installed with pipe header with solar water heat absorber in
multiple of 300 liter or 150 liter daily capacity or a combination there
of with a centralized insulated hot water tank with equivalent electric
heater back up for Residential Condominium, Hotel and Hospitals.

3. Solar Energy utilization in Water Heating is for home application, as

a renewable energy refer to Figure 7.1 Renewable Energy Ready
Home Solar Water Heating Checklist as a guide to its efficiency

G. All forms of losses must be minimized if not eliminated, such as the

1. Insufficient insulation
2. Pipe leakage

6.3 Minimum Equipment Efficiency

All boilers and hot water storage tank shall meet the criteria in Table
28, 29, 30.

Exception: Hot water storage tanks having more than 2 m3 of storage

capacity need meet the standby loss or heat loss requirements of Table
28 if the tank surface is thermally insulated with suitable insulating
material with R= 0.045 m2- °C/W-mm.

6.4 Hot Water Temperature

The maximum hot water supply temperatures shall be as follows:

For washing, etc. 45°C
For hot bath 45°C
For kitchen use 60°C

It is recommended that two separate systems be installed when two

different temperatures are requires to minimize piping heat losses.
This should always be done where the demand at the lower
temperature is greater than 25% of the demand at higher temperature.

6.5 Controls
A. Hot water systems shall be equipped with effective automatic
temperature controls, which are capable of holding the water
temperature to +/- 3°C of the temperatures set in set in the subsection
of hot water temperature above.
B. Systems designed to maintain usage temperatures in the circulating
loop shall be equipped with automatic time switches or other controls
that can be set to turn off the system when use of hot water is not
C. Manual controls shall also be provided to override the automatic
controls when necessary. Controls shall be accessible to operating
D. Controls for Hot Water Conservation
1. Showers in bathrooms shall have outlets, which restrict the flow to
not more than 0.2 L/s. Lavatories in public areas of the buildings
shall have taps with controlled flow at a rate not exceeding 0.05
L/s. This applies to both cold and hot water taps when separate
taps are used.
2. Single outlet mixing taps with a flow of 0.5 L/s should be used in
preference to separate cold and hot water taps.
3. Point of use water heaters shall only be considered if their use is
guaranteed to reduce energy cost.

6.6 Piping Insulation

A. Circulating Systems

The insulation of steam, condensate and hot water lines shall

conform to the requirements in Table 29 or an equivalent level as
calculated in accordance with Equation 7.1.

t2 = 50.8 do [((1+ 2 t1/do) exp (r2/r 1) –1] Equation7.1

t2 ,t1 = minimum insulation thickness of materials with r1
and r2 thermal resistivity, respectively, mm
r2, r1 = thermal resistivities, m2 - ºC/W-mm do =
outside pipe diameter, m
Subscript 1 refers to values quoted in Table 29; subscript 2 refers to
values corresponding to alternate insulating material.
Notes: The use of asbestos in any portion of the piping system is not allowed

B. Non-circulating System

The first 2.5 m of outlet piping from a storage system that is

maintained at a constant temperature and inlet pipe between the
storage tank and the heat trap shall be insulated as provided in Table
29 or to an equivalent level as calculated in accordance with Equation

6.7 Waste Heat Recovery and Utilization

A. Consideration should be given the use of condenser heat, waste heat or

solar energy to supplement hot water requirement:

Recover Waste Heat from the Chilled Water System for water heating
where the base requirement is 85˚F (29.4˚C). To maximize the
captured heat without decreasing the chiller plant efficiency, the
system must accomplish the following:

1. Capture sufficient heat for useful purposes

2. Minimize chiller lift and maximize chiller efficiency
3. Control the hot water temperature without sacrificing the
stable plant operation.

B. Storage should be used to optimize heat recovery when the flow of

heat to be recovered is out of phase with the demand of hot water
Table 30: Minimum Performance Ratings of Steam and Hot Water Systems Equipment
Equipment Minimum Criteria
Shell Boiler (light oil fired)
@ Rated capacity 85% thermal efficiency
@ Part load capacity 80% thermal efficiency

Shell Boiler (heavy oil fired)

@ Rated capacity 85% boiler efficiency
@ Part load capacity 80% boiler efficiency

Unfired Storage Tanks (all volumes)

Surface heat loss (maximum) 43 W/m2

Table 31: Baseline Thermal Efficiency Levels for Commercial Water Heater Equipment

Equipment Class Thermal

Electric storage water heaters -
Commercial gas-fired storage water heaters and gas-
fired storage-type instantaneous water heaters
Residential-duty gas-fired storage water heaters 80%
Gas-fired Tankless water heaters 80%
instantaneous water Hot water supply boilers
heaters and hot water 80%
supply boilers

Table 32: Baseline Standby Loss Levels for Representative Commercial Water
Heater Equipment

Representative Baseline
Equipment Class Storage Input Capacity Standby
Volume kBtu/h or kW Loss Level
gal* Btu/h
Electric storage water heaters 119 (rated, 114
18kW 353
Commercial gas-fired storage 100 199 kBtu/h 1349
water heaters and gas-fired
storage-type instantaneous water
Residential-duty gas-fired storage
75 76 kBtu/h 1048
water heaters
Gas-fired Tankless water
<10 250 kBtu/h 250
instantaneous heaters
water heaters and Hot water
hot water supply supply boilers A11 399 kBtu/h 399

* For all equipment classes where not specified, the representative volume is a rated storage
volume, not a measured storage volume.

Table 33: Minimum Pipe Insulation (Heating System)

Fluid Temp. Pipe Sizes (mm)

Range Runouts 25 or 31 to 63 to 89 and
(ºC) to 50 less 50 76 larger
Steam >180 (a) 38 63 63 76 89
and 120-180 (b) 38 50 63 63 89
Conden- 95-120 (c) 25 38 50 50 50
sates 60-95 (d) 12 38 38 38 38
40-60 (e) 12 25 25 25 38
Hot 40 &
12 25 25 38 38
Water above (e)
Note: Thermal resistivity (m2 _ ºC/W-mm) ranges are as follows:
(a) R = 0,020 - 0.022
(b) R = 0.022 - 0.024
(c) R = 0. 023 - 0.026
(d) R = 0.02i - 0. 028
(e) R = 0.025 - 0.029
Replacement for Table 31
Table 34: Minimum Piping Insulation Thickness and Hot Water Systems

Note ASHRAE 90.1-2019

Table 35: Renewable Energy Ready Home Solar Water Heating Checklist

Home Location: City: Province:

Table 36: Steam and Hot Water System Checklist
Location: City: Province:
Standard Actual Remarks
1. Steam Generation System, Liter Fuel per kilo or Kilo of fuel per kilo of Steam Produced
1.1 Fire Tube Boiler
1.2 Biomass Boiler
1.3 Water Tube Boiler
2. Hot Water Generation System, Liter Fuel per Liter or kW of Electricity per liter of Hot
Water Produced
2.1 Electric Water Heater
Caldera Type Hot Water
2.2 Generator
Section VII. Lighting
7.1 Scope

This section shall apply to the lighting of spaces and areas of

buildings, such as:

A. Interior spaces of buildings;

B. Exterior areas of buildings such as entrances, exits, loading docks,
parking areas, etc.;
C. Roads, grounds and other exterior areas including open-air covered
areas where lighting is required and is energized through the
building's electrical service.
7.2 Exemptions

Only special lighting for research laboratories is exempted but are

encouraged to use energy efficient lighting system, whenever

7.3 General Requirements of Energy-Efficient Lighting Design

This Guideline sets out the minimum requirements for achieving energy-
efficient lighting installations. The requirements of this Guideline are generally
expressed in terms of illumination level, luminous efficacy, and lighting power
density. In the course of selecting an appropriate indoor illumination level for a
space, energy efficiency should be taken into consideration in addition to other
lighting requirements. On the other hand, specific efficiency requirements for
each type of lamp, control gear/ballast and luminaire shall conform to the
Minimum Energy Performance for Products (MEPP) established by DOE.

A. Buildings shall be planned and designed to maximize the use of natural light so
as to reduce the use of artificial illumination. The lighting system shall be so
designed that day lighting can be coordinated with artificial lighting, taking into
consideration the problems of glare, brightness imbalance and heat buildup in
the building interior. All regularly occupied spaces inside the building shall have
a view of any combination of the following features that can allow daylight into
the room space:

1. Window
2. Light shelf
3. Clerestory
4. Skylight
5. Light monitor/light scoop
6. Other devices that can allow daylight inside

However, the design should ensure that whatever is saved from the lesser use of
artificial lighting will not be lost due to the increase in air conditioning load.
Hence, the Window-to-Wall Ratio (WWR) shall be balanced with the Solar Heat
Gain Coefficient (SHGC) of the glass to maintain flexibility in design.

B. The lighting design shall utilize energy efficient lighting equipment. The
lighting system shall be so chosen so as to provide a flexible, effective and
pleasing visual environment in accordance with the intended use, but with the
least possible energy requirements.

C. The use of task-oriented lighting shall be used whenever practicable.

D. In the design of general lighting in buildings with centralized air conditioning

equipment, consideration should be given to integrated lighting and air
conditioning systems which use luminaires with heat removal capabilities. (See
related requirement in Section Air Conditioning.)

E. The lighting system shall be designed for expected activity. The task shall be
analyzed in terms of difficulty, duration, criticalness and location in order to
determine the lighting needs throughout the space, always keeping in mind that
higher illumination levels than necessary are likely to waste energy while on the
other hand, levels lower than needed could impair visual effectiveness. Table 35
lists the recommended illuminance levels.

F. For Buildings with at least ten (10) storeys shall have at least one light per
corridor, emergency exit and stairwell per storey, and at least one per elevator,
which shall always be lit and designed to have a separate circuit from the usual
lighting circuit, which is not controllable by a switch, and is supplied by the UPS
System of the Building.

G. The most efficient lamps appropriate to the type of lighting, color rendition and
color appearance shall be selected. The use of such types of lamps reduces power
requirements. Refer to Table 36 Efficacy Ranges and Color Rendering Indices
of Various Lamps.

H. In general, the normal artificial light source should be the CFL or LED lamp. In
down light installation, CFL or LED lamps can be used. In large high bay areas,
high-pressure discharge lamps, induction lamps, or LED lamps should be used.
If color rendering is comparatively of minor importance, lamp types with Color
Rendering Index (CRI) of less than 50 can be used. However, when good color
rendering is required, lamp types with CRIs of 50 and above shall be used. Please
refer to Table 36 for the CRIs of the different lamp types.

I. The most efficient combination of luminaires, lamps and ballasts appropriate for
the lighting task and for the environment shall be selected so that lamp light
output is used effectively. The selected luminaire should meet the requirements
with respect to light distribution, uniformity and glare control. The use of highly
polished or mirror reflectors are recommended to reduce the number of lamps
installed without reducing the illumination level. Where ballasts are used, these
should be of the electronic type or low loss type with a power factor of at least

J. The highest practical room surface reflectance should be considered in the

lighting design. The use of light finishes will attain the best overall efficiency of
the entire lighting system. Dark surfaces should be avoided because these absorb
light. Table 37 lists the recommended room surface reflectance.

K. Selective switching possibilities should be provided so that individual or specific

group of fixtures can be turned off when not needed and lighting levels can be
adapted to changing needs.

L. In selecting lighting systems, the costs of operation and energy usage (i.e., the
Life Cycle Cost or Cost of Ownership) and not simply the initial cost shall be

7.4 Lighting Power Density (LPD)

Limiting LPD will encourage the use of efficient lighting systems and
reduce the lighting load in the buildings and its surrounding facilities.
Hence, all applicable building types shall comply with the LPD limits
described in the following provisions:

A. The total lighting power density for the interior spaces of buildings shall not
exceed the maximum values for building areas/activities as specified in Table
B. Lighting power requirements for building exteriors, including walk/drive ways
and grounds shall not exceed the values given in Table 39.

7.5 Lighting Controls

All lighting systems except those required for emergency or exit
lighting for security and/or safety purposes shall be provided with
manual, automatic or programmable controls.

A. Building interior perimeter zones exposed to daylight generally do not

require artificial lighting during the day. Where adequate day lighting is
available, local manual or automatic controls such as photoelectric
switches or automatic dimmers shall be provided in the day lighted
spaces. Controls shall be provided so as to operate rows of lights parallel
to facade/exterior wall. Lighting fixtures within the daylight zone shall
be controlled with photoelectric sensors with an auto on-off basis or
continual dimming. The photoelectric sensor shall be located
approximately at half (½) the depth of the daylight zone.

B. If occupancy sensors are installed in the daylight zone, the occupancy

sensor shall override the photoelectric sensor during non-occupancy
period. For residential condominiums, this applies only to common
indoor areas with access to daylight. Installed lighting fixtures within
the day-lit zones are exempt from using photoelectric sensor if this
hinders its intended functions, with justification for exemption to be
submitted with the building permit application.

C. Occupancy sensors linked to lighting shall be installed in areas with

variable occupancy, except for hospitals and malls and for emergency
and security lighting, such as the following areas:

1. Corridors
2. private offices
3. storage rooms
4. common toilets
5. meeting rooms
6. stairways
7. other similar areas

For covered car parks, minimum of sixty per cent (60%) of

the lighting must be controlled by the occupancy sensors.

D. Each space enclosed by walls or ceiling-height partitions shall be

provided with at least one lighting control, capable of turning off all the
lights within the space.

Exception: Continuous lighting required for

emergency/security purposes.

E. One lighting control point shall be provided for each task lighting.

F. The general lighting of any enclosed area 10 m2 or larger in which the

connected load exceeds 10 W/m2 for the whole area shall be controlled
so that the load for the lights may be reduced by at least 50% while
maintaining a reasonably uniform level of illuminance throughout the
area. This may be done with the use of dimmers, by dual switching of
alternate lamps, or by switching each luminaire or each lamp.

G. Rheostat-based Dimmers shall not be used. When dimmers are to be

utilized, only electronic dimmers are allowed.

H. The number of control points required shall be at least one for every 150
W of connected lighting load, provided it shall also comply with the
preceding guideline above. For the purpose of determining the total
number of control points, Table 40 shall be used.

I. Exterior lighting not intended for 24 hours continuous use shall be

automatically switched by a timer, photocell or a timer-photocell
combination but provided with manual override.

J. Hotel and motel guest rooms shall have one master switch at the main
entry door that turns off all permanently wired lighting fixtures and
switched receptacles, except for security lighting, if required. This
switch may be activated by the insertion and removal of the room key.

K. Feature display lighting in retail and wholesale stores shall be separately

switched on circuits not more than 20 amperes. If there are more than
four of these display circuits, the display lighting shall be automatically
controlled by a programmable timer with provisions for temporary
override by store personnel.

L. Valance lighting in retail and wholesale stores shall be switched

independent of general and display lighting.

7.6 Control Location

A. All lighting controls shall be readily accessible to space occupants.

B. Switches for task lighting areas may be mounted as part of the task
lighting fixtures. Switches controlling the same load from more than
one location should not be credited as increasing the number of controls
to meet the requirements of this subsection.


1. Lighting control requirements for spaces, which must be used as a

whole should be controlled in accordance with the work activities
and controls may be centralized in remote locations. These areas
include public lobbies of office buildings, hotels and hospitals; retail
and department stores and warehouses; storerooms and service
corridors under centralized supervision.
2. Manual and automatic control devices may reduce the number of
controls required by using an equivalent number of controls from
Table 40.
3. Automatic controls.
4. Programmable controls.
5. Controls requiring trained operators.
6. Controls for safety hazards and security

7.7 Required Design Documentation

The following documents shall be required for the building

permit application:

A. Architectural and electrical lighting layout plan showing the location

of lighting receptacles and manual/automatic switches/controls,
together with the lighting and lighting control technical specifications
B. Technical data/brochures of lamps, ballast (if applicable) and
C. Lighting power density computation and projected illumination per
D. Relevant drawings and plans

Table 37: Recommended Design Illuminance Levels

(Based from IESNA Lighting Handbook)
Min. & Max.
Task Applications
Stairways, corridors,
50 – 100
and Parking-Interior
50 – 200 Storage Room-General
Loading Docks, Locker
100 – 300 Rooms, Lounge/Break
Lighting for Rooms and
infrequently used Restrooms/Toilets
areas Bedroom-Dormitory,
200 – 300 Gymnasium-
Exercise/Workout, and
200 – 500 Mechanical/Electrical
Rooms and Retail Sales
Conference Rooms,
Exhibit Space,
Lighting for working Gymnasium-
300 – 500 Sports/Games, Library-
and activity interiors
Office-Open, and
300 – 750 Preparation and
Localized lighting for 500 – 750 Laboratory-Classrooms
exacting tasks 750 – 1200 Laboratory-
Table 38: Minimum Energy Performance, Efficacy
Ranges and Color Rendering Indices of Various

Rated Efficacy Minimum

Power Ranges Color
Lamp Type
Ranges (lumens per Rendering
(watts) watt) Index (CRI)
Incandescent Lamp 10 - 100 10 – 25 100
Compact Fluorescent
Lamp (CFL)
Bare Lamp 3 - 60 41 – 65 80
Encapsulated 3 - 60 35 - 55 80
Linear/Double Capped
Fluorescent Lamp
Halophosphor 10 – 65 55 - 70 70
Triphosphor 14 – 65 60 – 83 80
Triphosphor T5 14 - 35 80 – 95 80
Single Capped
(Circular) Fluorescent
Halophosphor 14 – 45 40 – 55 70
Triphosphor 14 - 45 50 - 65 80
LED Lamp
Self-ballasted (E27) 1 – 120 80 – 124 80
Linear/Double Capped
G5 14 - 20 90 – 126 80
G13 6 - 10 90 – 126 80
External Induction
(Electrodeless) 100 -200 65 -87 80 - 90
Mercury Vapor Lamp 50 - 2000 40 - 63 20
Metal Halide Lamp Up to 1000 75 - 95 65
Low Pressure Sodium
20 -200 100 - 180 0
High Pressure Sodium
50 - 250 80 - 130 21
Note: Most of the data in the above table provided by DOE-LATD
Table 39: Recommended Room Surface Reflectances

Surface % Reflectance
Ceilings 80-92
Walls 40-60
Furnitures 26-44
Floors 21-39
Table 40: Maximum Lighting Power Density for Building Interiors
(LPD levels below obtained from ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2019)

Building Area Type Power Density
Automotive Facility 8.1
Convention Center 6.9
Courthouse 8.5
Dining: Bar lounge/leisure 8.6
Dining: Cafeteria/Fast Food 8.2
Dining: Family 7.6
Dormitory 5.7
Exercise Center 7.7
Fire Station 6.0
Gymnasium 8.2
Health-Care Clinic 8.7
Hospital 10.3
Hotel/Motel 6.0
Library 8.9
Manufacturing Facility 8.8
Motion Picture Theater 4.7
Multifamily 4.8
Museum 5.9
Office 6.9
Parking Garage 1.9
Penitentiary 7.4
Performing Arts Theater 9.0
Police Station 7.1
Post Office 7.0
Religious Facility 7.2
Retail 9.0
School/University 7.7
Sports Arena 8.2
Town Hall 7.4
Transportation 5.4
Warehouse 4.8
Workshop 9.8
Table 41: Maximum Values for Lighting Power
Densities for Building Exteriors

Building Area/Space Lighting Power

Base Allowance 200 W
Façade Lighting and Special Feature 1.1 W/m2
Areas, Walkways and Plazas
Landscape 0.4 W/m2
Entry Doors 46 W/Lm
Stairs and Ramps 7.5 W/m2
Parking Lots and Drives 0.5 W/m2
All Other Areas not Listed Above 2.2 W/m2
Note: W/Lm = watts per linear meter
To calculate the exterior lighting values, multiply the space or area square meter by the
lighting power and, then, add the product to the base allowance.
Above values in the Table were lifted from ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2019

Table 42: Control Types and Equivalent Number of

Control Points

Equivalent Number of
Type of Control
Control Points
Manually operated on-off switch 1
Occupancy Sensor 2
Timer – programmable from the space being 2
3 Level step-control (including off) or pre-set 2
4 Level step-control (including off) or pre-set 3
Continuous (Automatic) dimming 3
Section VIII. Electric Motors
8.1 AC Motors

This section shall apply to the energy efficiency requirements of electric motors in

A. For general-purpose, T-frame, single speed, foot-mounted,

polyphase induction motor of design A and B configuration
that is rated for continuous operation and operating at 230 to
460 volts, 60 Hz, as defined in NEMA Standard MG 1 and
rated from 1 to 200 hp, drip-proof and totally enclosed fan-
cooled enclosures shall be covered by the efficiency
requirements under these guidelines.

B. A motor’s performance shall equal or exceed the nominal full

load efficiency levels given in Table 43. Motors operating
more than 750 hours a year shall be of the energy efficient
types as shown in Table 44 and shall at a minimum be type
IE2. Energy efficient motors are higher quality motors with
increased reliability, providing savings from reduced
downtime, replacement, operation and maintenance costs.

C. The nameplates of these motors shall include not only all the
information required by the Philippine Electrical Code Part 1,
but also the rated full load efficiency and full load power
factor as determined by the latest version of Philippine
National Standard PNS/IEC 61972 - Methods for
Determining Losses and Efficiency of Three Phase Caged
Induction Motors.

D. Motor Selection

1. The type and the size of the squirrel-cage induction motor

shall be selected only after an accurate determination of the
starting and running requirements of the load has been
made, taking into account the following factors:

a. maximum overload expected

b. ambient conditions
c. power supply conditions
d. future expansion
e. deterioration of the driven load
f. duty cycle
g. speed

2. The first five factors above should be considered carefully as they

suggest the selection of larger capacity motors as against the use of low
power factor and low efficiency motors.

3. In cases, where higher kW rating is necessary due to special

requirements of the application, the motor rating may be increased but
not to exceed 125% of the calculated maximum load to be served. If this
rating is not available, the next higher rating may be selected.

Table 43: Minimum Acceptable Full Load Efficiency

Open Drip-Proof Totally Enclosed Fan-

Motors Cooled Motors
Motor Size revolutions per minute revolutions per minute
1200 1800 3600 1200 1800 3600
0.8 kW (1 hp) 72.0 77.0 80.0 - 72.0 75.5
1.2 kW (1.5 hp) 82.5 82.5 82.5 82.5 81.5 78.5
1.6 kW (2 hp) 84.0 82.5 82.5 82.5 82.5 82.5
2.4 kW (3 hp) 85.5 86.5 82.5 84.0 84.0 82.5
4.0 kW (5 hp) 86.5 86.5 85.5 85.5 85.5 85.5
6.0 kW (7.5 hp) 88.5 88.5 85.5 87.5 87.5 85.5
8.0 kW (10 hp) 90.2 88.5 87.5 87.5 87.5 87.5
12.0 kW (15 hp) 89.5 90.2 89.5 89.5 88.5 87.5
16.0 kW (20 hp) 90.2 91.0 90.2 89.5 90.2 88.5
20.0 kW (25 hp) 91.0 91.7 91.0 90.2 91.0 89.5
24.0 kW (30 hp) 91.7 91.7 91.0 91.0 91.0 89.5
32.0 kW (40 hp) 91.7 92.4 91.7 91.7 91.7 90.2
40.0 kW (50 hp) 91.7 92.4 91.7 91.7 92.4 90.2
48 kW (60 hp) 92.4 93.0 93.0 91.7 93.0 91.7
60 kW (75 hp) 93.0 93.6 93.0 93.0 93.0 92.4
80 kW (100 hp) 93.0 93.6 93.0 93.0 93.6 93.0
100 kW (125 hp) 93.6 93.6 93.0 93.0 93.6 93.0
120 kW (150 hp) 93.6 94.1 93.6 94.1 94.1 93.6
160 kW (200 hp) 94.1 94.1 93.6 94.1 94.5 94.1

Table 44: IEC-NEMA MEP Rating Values for AC Motors

60 Hz
IE1 - Standard IE3 - Premium
IE2 - High Efficiency
Efficiency Efficiency
2- 4- 6-
HP kW pole pole pole 2-pole 4-pole 6-pole 2-pole 4-pole 6-pole
1 0.75 77 78 73 75.5 82.5 80 77 85.5 82.5
1.5 1.1 78.5 79 75 82.5 84 85.5 84 86.5 87.5
2 1.5 81 81.5 77 84 84 86.5 85.5 86.5 88.5
3 2.2 81.5 83 78.5 85.5 87.5 87.5 86.5 89.5 89.5
5 3.7 84.5 85 83.5 87.5 87.5 87.5 88.5 89.5 89.5
7.5 5.5 86 87 85 88.5 89.5 89.5 89.5 91.7 91
10 7.5 87.5 87.5 86 89.5 89.5 89.5 90.2 91.7 91
15 11 87.5 88.5 89 90.2 91 90.2 91 92.4 91.7
20 15 88.5 89.5 89.5 90.2 91 90.2 91 93 91.7
25 18.5 89.5 90.5 90.2 91 92.4 91.7 91.7 93.6 93
30 22 89.5 91 91 91 92.4 91.7 91.7 94.6 93
40 30 90.2 91.7 91.7 91.7 93 93 92.4 94.1 94.1
50 37 91.5 92.4 91.7 92.4 93 93 93 94.5 94.1
60 45 91.7 93 91.7 93 93.6 93.6 93.6 95 94.5
75 55 92.4 93 92.1 93 94.1 93.6 93.6 95.4 94.5
100 75 93 93.2 93 93.6 94.5 94.1 94.1 95.4 95
125 90 93 93.2 93 94.5 94.5 94.1 95 95.4 95
150 110 93 93.5 94.1 94.5 95 95 95 95.8 95.8
200 150 94.1 94.5 94.1 95 95 95 95.4 96.2 95.8
250 185 94.1 94.5 94.1 95.4 95.4 95 95.8 96.2 95.8
300 220 94.1 94.5 94.1 95.4 95.4 95 95.8 96.2 95.8
350 250 94.1 94.5 94.1 95.4 95.4 95 95.8 96.2 95.8
400 300 94.1 94.5 94.1 95.4 95.4 95 95.8 96.2 95.8
450 330 94.1 94.5 94.1 95.4 95.4 95 95.8 96.2 95.8
500 375 94.1 94.5 94.1 95.4 95.4 95 95.8 96.2 95.8

E. Switched Reluctance Motor

1. Switched reluctance motor (SRM) present several advantages

as high efficiency, maximum operating speed, good
performance in terms of torque/inertia ratio making it an
attractive solution to variable speed applications. The
performance strongly depends on the applied control.

2. Switched reluctance motors are usually designed to operate at

various speed with the highest efficiency. Mainly used in
domestic appliances like vacuum cleaners, washing machines
and general-purpose industrial drives. SRMs are now being
utilized to power electric vehicles.

F. Where an application requires varying output operation of

motor-driven equipment for any application, a variable speed
drive shall be utilized instead of electro-mechanical devices.
G. Other applicable requirements specified in the latest edition
of the Philippine Electrical Code Part 1 shall be complied

8.2 High Efficiency Motors

A. High efficiency motors are basically high flux density, low

core loss and low current density motors which should be
employed whenever applicable.

B. Minimum efficiency performance requirement (MEPR) for

electric motors used in residential, commercial, and
institutional applications in this guideline shall be at least IE2
type or whatever minimum energy performance requirement
mandated by the DOE. The goals of implementing MEPR are
to increase energy efficiency, promote energy savings, and
reduce operating cost for electric motors.

C. Other exceptions from MEPR include submersible motors,

those that are integrated into a system that prevents the
individual motor efficiency from being tested, and those
designed to operate at extremely high or low temperatures, in
explosive environments (ATEX), or at attitudes above 1000
meters above sea level.

D. The latest versions of IEC 60034-2-1 - Standard for electric

motors and IEC 60034-30-1 - Classification scheme
comprising four levels of motor efficiency ("IE-code") shall
be the reference standards used in this guideline. On the other
hand, the latest edition of NEMA MG 1, which defines the
manufacturing standards for alternating-current (AC) and
direct-current (DC) motors shall also be the reference
standard to be used in this guideline.

E. IEC 60034-30-1 is the standard for electric motors, wherein

IE1 (Standard Efficiency), IE2 (High Efficiency), IE3
(Premium Efficiency) and IE4 (Super Premium Efficiency)
are the energy efficiency types or classification. The
efficiency of IE4 motors are greater than IE3 motors, which
is greater than IE2 motors and so on.

F. For cooling system using motors, either Energy-Efficiency

Factor (EEF) or Cooling Seasonal Performance Factor
(CSPF) shall be the measure of energy performance that shall
apply. EEF shall apply to refrigeration systems, while CSPF
shall apply to air conditioning systems. The higher the EEF
or CSPF, the higher is its efficiency. Please refer to the
Mechanical Systems Section for the Minimum Energy
Performance (MEP) requirements for refrigerating and air
conditioning systems, as mandated by DOE.

8.3 Starting and Control Methods for Electric Motors

A. Starting Methods

1. Direct-on-line is the most basic and simplest starting

method. Although the starting time is short, the torque at
starting is smaller and the current is large, which is suitable
for starting small capacity motors only.
2. Star-Delta Method is a three-phase induction motor whose
stator winding is stipulated to link in delta connection. It
can be started in star to reduce the starting current and then
closes at delta coil connections. Star-Delta starting should
be avoided.
3. Auto-transformer starting refers to a reduction of grid
voltage to the motor stator windings until the speed
approaches to a steady value and then the motor is
connected to the power grid. Transformer tapping is
chosen to receive required starting voltage and starting
torque. This device should be avoided unless extremely
4. Soft Starting method includes soft starting light load
efficiently. One of the most important features is that the
electronic circuit is conducted into the silicon-controlled
rectifier of the motor under the tandem connection of
power supply. The torque of the motor gradually increases
with enhancing speed. Soft starter is a voltage regulator
that only changes the voltage without altering the
frequency at starting. This method is highly recommended
for most applications. Soft starters shall be used in all
simple constant speed operation.

B. Variable Speed/Frequency Drives

1. Variable Speed Drive (VSD) or Variable Frequency Drive

(VFD) describes the equipment used to control the speed
of machinery by changing the frequency of the motor that
is being operated. Where process conditions demand
adjustment of flow from a pump or fan, varying the speed
of the drive will save energy compared with other
techniques for flow control.
2. VSD/VFD provide lots of benefits to motor operation.
Smooth starting, smooth acceleration and deceleration
time, stopping methods, reversal of motor, increase power
factor, and definitely huge savings if properly applied. It is
highly recommended in most applications requiring
variable speed operation.
3. Variable frequency drives produce harmonics. It is very
important that the VFD is designed according to advanced
technology; having improved VFD switching devices,
harmonic filters, topologies, simulation control techniques,
and effective control of software and hardware devices.
The building is best to have an on-line power quality
monitoring device.
4. Throttling control of fans are easily done by the use of VFD
resulting to substantial energy reduction. All blower and
fans requiring control operation shall use variable
frequency drives.
5. For most efficient operation, modern buildings should be
equipped with servo motors or VFD driven motors instead
of conventional electro-mechanical devices.
6. All motors for mechanical equipment over five (5) kW
shall be provided with variable speed drives and high
efficiency motors in accordance with Table 43.
7. All motors of cooling towers shall be provided with
variable speed drive and high efficiency motors.
8. All motors for domestic pumps shall be high efficiency
motors. Please refer to Table 44.
9. Kitchen ventilation fans are exempt from this requirement.
Non-centralized air-conditioning systems in buildings are
not required to employ variable speed controllers.
However, said fans and air-conditioning systems shall
comply with the MEPP mandated by DOE.

8.4 DC Motors

A. Use DC motors for applications of higher starting torque,

quick starting and stopping, reversing, and variable speeds
with voltage free from harmonics.

B. DC motor principles are used in tools, toys, and appliances.

The universal motors are lightweight brushed motor used for
portable power tools and other applications.

C. Brushless DC (BLDC) motor produces comparatively low

operating noise as compared to other motors of the same
ratings. BLDC motors can have a feedback control to monitor
and control the speed and torque, resulting in accurate torque
and speed control providing higher efficiency, low power
consumption, and long battery life where batteries are needed.

D. Unless extremely necessary, except for small appliances, use

of large DC Motors should be avoided.

E. DC Motors with Inverter (DC Drives)

A. DC Inverter (Drives) further strengthen the advantage of

DC Motors over AC Motors. Losses from electro-
mechanical components are replaced with low loss static
B. Brushless DC motors and other inverter-driven DC motors
are preferred over other AC motors controlled by electro-
mechanical devices.
C. Efficiency is further enhanced in multiple DC operations
using common DC bus drive system. Cost savings are
possible because only one larger system is used for many
smaller reactors, braking units, contactors, etc.
D. In all of the above methods, compliance to PEC provisions
on proper sizing of control components and protective
devices shall be observed.

8.5 Pumps

A. Pump nameplate should cover all electrical parameters and

mechanical information. Ensure that the suction and
discharge dimensions are correctly applied for the
maximum performance. Non-compliance of actual
installation to pump capacity should be rejected.

B. A pump should be properly sized for its application to

attain a flow near peak efficiency. Maintaining a flow
between 80% to 100% of BEP.

C. Improperly sized pumps operate too far off the BEP and
forces an imbalance inside the pump, resulting to parts
failure due to excessive wear. Operating to the right
of the BEP, increases the exit velocity of the fluid leaving
the pump. When the discharge flow is restricted, fluid re-
circulate within the pump creating a low-pressure area
which can lead to increased radial loading and low flow
circulation. These conditions substantially degrade the
efficiency performance of the pumps and should be

D. The creation of imbalanced pressure increases the radial

loads on the impeller and would cause shaft deflection.
This increases vibration which damages the bearing and or
mechanical seals, all resulting to poor performance and
should be avoided.

E. If the Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH) is too low, the

fluid pressure on the trailing side of the fluid forms vapor
bubbles which can collapse violently. This can cause
sudden, dangerously uneven axial and radial loading on the
impeller. A monitoring program should be available to
avoid this condition. A Predictive Maintenance program
plays a major role in increasing the life of a pump. A wired
digital monitoring system with data accessed and analyzed
will be very effective.

F. Where an application requires varying output operation of

motor-driven equipment such as a centrifugal pump, a
variable speed drive shall be considered instead of
throttling the output of the pump.

G. All buildings with at least ten (10) storeys shall include in

the water distribution system the integration of overhead or
elevated water tanks that will facilitate the distribution of
potable and/or non-potable water into the building spaces,
without compromising the required water volume and
pressure, provided that there is a twenty percent (20%) fire
reserve over and above the average daily demand supply.
The system shall rely mostly on elevation and gravity to
distribute water within the building in order to reduce
dependence on pumps and motorized systems, thus reduce
energy consumption.

H. All motors for domestic pumps shall utilize high efficiency

motors with at least IE2 rating. Please refer to Table 44.

8.6 Escalators and Walkways

A. Ramps/Walkways shall be fitted with automated controls

to reduce to a slower speed when no activity has been
detected for a maximum period of one and a half (1- 1/2)
minutes and duration may be adjusted depending on the

B. The escalator/moving ramp/walkway shall automatically

be put on a standby mode when no activity has been
detected for a maximum period of five (5) minutes and
duration may be adjusted depending on the demand.

C. These escalators/moving ramps/walkways shall be

designed with energy efficient soft starters or VFDs.
Activation of reduced speed, power off and power on
modes shall be done through sensors installed in the top or
bottom landing areas.

8.7 Elevators/Lift

A. Elevators shall use of Alternating Current (AC) Variable

Speed/Frequency drives on non-hydraulic elevators.

B. Elevators shall use of energy efficient lighting. Display

lighting in the elevator car shall have an average lamp
efficacy, across all fittings in the car, of at least 80

C. All lighting, except the emergency light powered by the UPS

of the Building, shall switch off after the elevator has been
inactive for a maximum period of five (5) minutes.

D. The elevators shall operate in a stand-by mode when no

activity has been detected for a maximum period of five (5)
minutes and said duration may be adjusted depending on the

8.8 Required Design Documentation

The following documents shall be required for the building permit


1. Architectural floor plans showing the location of elevators,

escalators, moving ramps and walkways, and pumps.
2. Building sections showing height and vertical location of the
elevators, escalators, moving ramps and walkways.
3. Electrical plans showing single line diagrams of power supply,
manual and automatic control circuits, load schedule and
technical specifications of all motor-driven equipment, especially
the energy efficiency types/classification of the motors.
4. Mechanical equipment schedule showing the description of
operation of the elevators, escalators, moving ramps and
walkways, and pumps.
5. Technical data/brochures of elevators, escalators, moving ramps
and walkways, and pumps.
6. Relevant drawings and plans.
Section IX. Electric Power and Distribution

9.1 Scope

This section applies to the energy efficiency requirements of

transformers and energy conservation requirements of the distribution
systems of buildings except those required for emergency purposes.

9.2 Transformer

A. All transformers that are part of the building electrical system

shall have efficiencies of not lower than 98%. The transformer
should be tested in accordance with relevant Philippine National
Standards (PNS) at the test conditions of full load, free of
harmonics and at unity power factor.

B. The average power factor of the loads being served by the

transformers at any time shall not be less than 85%. In cases where
load power factors are below this value, capacitors or power factor
improving devices shall be provided so that automatic or manual
correction can be made.

C. Transformer load grouping schemes shall be so designed such that

the transformers is loaded to not less than 75% of its full load
ratings and that no-load circuits or partially loaded circuit
combinations should be minimized as much as possible.

D. Disconnect switches or breakers shall be provided at the primary

(supply) side of transformer to allow electrical disconnection
during no load period.

E. Transformers located inside a building should have sufficient

ventilation and should have a direct access from the road for ease
of maintenance at all times.

F. The high voltage side of the main transformer shall be connected

in delta, while the low voltage side shall be connected in wye with
its neutral available for grounding.

9.3 Power Supply and Distribution

A. In the calculation of the wire sizes to be used, the designer shall

follow the procedure specified in the Philippine Electrical Code,
Part I, considering the factors stated therein so as to arrive at the
minimum acceptable wire size.

B. The sum of the operating cost over the economic life of the
distribution system (Life Cycle Cost) should be considered rather
than the initial cost only. Operating cost shall include but not be
limited to the maintenance cost and energy losses.

C. Electric Vehicle (EV) Parking with Charging Stations

1. Private and public buildings and establishments as

covered by this Guidelines and pursuant to Republic Act
No. 6541, otherwise known as the National Building
Code of the Philippines, shall designate dedicated parking
slots for the exclusive use of Electric Vehicles (EVs). The
number of dedicated parking slots shall be
proportional to the total number of parking slots within
the building or establishment as mandated by said law.

2. All designated EV parking areas are to be provided with

charging stations or electric vehicle supply equipment
(EVSE) for use in charging the EVs. Construction of the
EVSE shall comply with all the relevant local standards
for electrical connection.

3. The installation of the EVSE is made cost effective when

the infrastructure is installed during the initial
construction phase as opposed to retrofitting existing
buildings to accommodate the new electrical equipment.
EVSEs that are installed close to the required power
source reduces the need for cutting, trenching and drilling
to add new conduits to reach the EVSE. Additionally, the
cost of installation can be reduced if the existing conduits
has adequate capacity for EVSEs.

4. The installation of a separate meter or sub-metering

allows electricity used by EVSE to be isolated from the
rest of a building or structure’s energy usage, though
distinguishing usage between multiple cords of an EVSE
can only be accomplished by the EVSE itself. For
locations with multiple EVSE, it is best practice to
provide a separate meter for each.

D. Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) System

1. All buildings with at least ten (10) storeys shall have an

UPS System with enough capacity to power the
emergency/security lighting load of all the corridors,
emergency exits, stairwells, and the elevators of a
building for at least one (1) hour (back-up time).

2. The UPS System to be installed in the Building shall be

the most efficient design/configuration for the capacity
required. Please refer to Table 45.

Table 45: Types and Characteristics of Uninterruptable Power

Supply (UPS) Systems

Practical Inverter
Classification Power Voltage Cost per VA Efficiency always
Range Conditioning operating
Standby 0 – 0.5 Low Low Very High No
Line 0.5 - 5 Design Medium Very High Design
Interactive Dependent Dependent
Standby On- 0.5 - 5 High High Low Partially
Line Hybrid
Standby Ferro 3 - 15 High High Low No
Conversion 5 - 5000 High Medium Low Yes
Conversion 5 - 5000 High Medium High Yes
Note : Descriptions of the UPS classifications can be seen in the Definition of Terms Section

E. Emergency/Standby Generator Sets

1. Buildings with elevators are required to have emergency

generator sets with enough capacities to power the
elevators for a limited duration (i.e., enough time to
evacuate persons trapped inside the elevators) during
commercial power outages.

2. The generator set shall be properly sized to its proper

power rating to maximize its use and efficiency. The rating
is defined as follows:

a) Standby Power Rating - Standby power rated generators

are the most commonly rated generator sets. Their primary
application is to supply emergency power for a limited
duration during a power outage. Standby power rating
should be applied to the unit where public utility power is
available. The typical rating for a standby engine should
be sized for a maximum of 80% average load factor and
roughly 200 hours per year. This includes less than 25
hours per year of running time at the standby rating.

b) Prime Power Rating - Prime power rated generators

should be used in applications where the user does not
purchase power from a public utility. The prime power
rating is the maximum power accessible at the variable
load for an unlimited number of hours per year in a
variable load setting. It is not advisable that the variable
load exceed 70% average of the prime power rating during
any operational period of 250 hours. If the engine is
running at 100% prime power, yearly hours should not
exceed 500. Prime power is accessible for a limited
number of hours in non-variable load situations. Limited
prime power is intended for circumstances where power
outages are expected, such as a planned utility power
reduction. Engines in generator sets may operate up to 750
hours per year at power levels less than the maximum
prime power rating. In these situations, it is important to
never exceed the prime power rating.

c) Continuous Power Rating - Continuous power rating is

used in applications where supplying power is at a constant
100% load for an unlimited number of hours each year.
Continuous power rated units are most widely used in
applications where the power grid is unreachable. Such
applications include mining, agriculture or military

3. For buildings with ten storeys or higher, an automatic

transfer switch (ATS) shall be installed to transfer the
power source from the usual local power utility to the
emergency/back-up power source, after a short time delay,
during commercial power interruptions.

4. The generator set’s fuel consumption at 100 % rated

capacity should not go over 0.28 liters per kWh.

F. Metering for Energy Auditing

A. Buildings, which are designed with connected electrical

loads of 112.5 kVA and above or has at least 10,000 square
meters (m2) total gross floor area, shall have metering
facilities capable of measuring voltage, current, power
factor, maximum demand and energy consumption. In
addition, it shall have provision for feeder metering
B. Where possible, a feeder circuit shall serve only a
particular group of loads sharing the same function for
better monitoring and control. These loads can be grouped
as follows:

1. Lighting Load
2. Chiller
3. Air Handling Units, Unitary Air Conditioning
4. Other Motor Loads (exhaust fan, pumps, etc.)

C. Meters to be utilized shall have an accuracy rating of at

least 0.5.

D. In multiple tenant buildings, each tenant unit shall have a

provision for measuring the tenant's energy consumption.
Power to common utilities such as water pump, elevator,
etc. shall also be metered.

E. In order to facilitate metering safely and quickly by

qualified personnel, an adequate working space in front of
the electrical panels and meters shall be provided.

9.4 Regular Inspection, Maintenance and Audit

A. Buildings shall conduct annual inspection and maintenance to

its electrical systems, such as thermal scanning of the
transformers, panel boards and conductors to check for hot
spots, which are a source of losses in the distribution system
and, at the same time, a possible cause of electrical fires.

B. Buildings shall monitor and record its monthly energy


C. Covered Buildings shall conduct regular energy audit of its


9.5 Required Design Documentation

The following documents shall be required for the building

permit application:

A. Electrical plan showing the power supply layout and single

line diagram of the Building’s connection to the local power
utility supply, the internal distribution system, protection,
metering, and back-up (e.g., emergency gensets) and
alternative power systems (e.g., RE power supply system),
showing the technical specifications of the main transformer,
protection, metering, emergency generator sets, and RE
power supply system (whichever is applicable),
B. Electrical plan showing the single line diagram of the UPS
supplied circuits.

C. Brochures and technical data of main transformer, protection,

metering, UPS, emergency generator sets, and RE power
supply system (whichever is applicable),

D. Building plans and specifications shall include, but not

limited to, the following:
1. The type and location of the EVSE.
2. The raceway(s) shall originate at a service panel or a
subpanel(s) serving the area, and shall terminate in close
proximity to the proposed location of the charging equipment
and into listed suitable cabinet(s), box(es), enclosure(s) or
equivalent. Plan design shall be based upon 40-ampere
minimum branch circuits. Electrical calculations shall
substantiate the design of the electrical system, to include the
rating of equipment and any on-site distribution transformers
and have sufficient capacity to simultaneously charge all
required EVs at its full rated amperage.

Section X. Renewable Energy (RE) Systems and

10.1 RE Power Supply Systems

A. Buildings are encouraged to install RE power supply systems within

their facility, either at their rooftops, façades, grounds and/or roofed
parking spaces to reduce dependence on commercial power, reduce
energy costs and, indirectly, reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
B. RE power supply system capacity can be sized to either supply
partially the energy requirements of the facility (Own Use), supply
entirely the energy requirements of the facility (Net Zero Energy
Building) or aside from supplying the entire energy needs of the
facility, also sell its excess energy to the local power utility (Net
Metering, which is up to 100 kW only).
C. RE power supply systems shall be designed and installed in accordance
with the relevant provisions of the latest edition of the Philippine
Electrical Code Part 1.
D. Buildings are encouraged to utilize systems or equipment that utilizes
RE, such as solar water heaters, solar air conditioners, solar powered
lighting systems, and the like to conserve energy.
E. In evaluating financial feasibility of RE systems and equipment, Life
Cycle Cost or Cost of Ownership shall be considered and not the initial
cost only.
F. Buildings being end-users of electricity are encouraged to avail of the
Green Energy Option Program (GEOP) and demand from their local
electric utility/cooperative or Retail Electricity Supplier (RES) that the
energy to be supplied to the building be sourced from RE resources.

10.2 Annual Energy Requirements from RE

A. Covered buildings shall source one percent (1 %) of their projected
annual energy requirements from RE sources through any or a
combination or all of the following:

1. RE Power Supply Systems

2. Solar Water Heaters
3. Solar Cooling Systems
4. Solar-Powered Lighting Systems
5. GEOP.

10.3 Required Design Documentation

The following documents shall be required for the building permit


A. Electrical plan showing the power supply layout and single line
diagram of the Building’s connection to the local power utility supply,
the internal distribution system, protection, metering, and back-up (e.g.,
emergency gensets) and alternative power systems (e.g., RE power
supply system), showing the technical specifications of the main
transformer, protection, metering, emergency generator sets, and RE
power supply system (whichever is applicable).

B. Brochures and technical data of the main components of the RE power

supply system (if applicable).

C. Electricity power supply contract.

Appendix A. Obligations of Buildings

A. Integrate an energy management system policy into the business operation

based on ISO 50001 or any similar framework;

B. Set up programs to develop and design measures that promote energy

efficiency, conservation, and efficiency that may include installation and/or
utilization of renewable energy technologies or sources;

C. Set up annual targets, plans, and methods of measurements and verification for
the implementation of energy efficiency and conservation projects;

D. Set up annual targets, plans, and methods of measurements and verification for
the implementation of energy efficiency and conservation projects;

E. Keep records on monthly energy consumption data and other energy related

F. Improve average specific energy consumption in accordance with the annual

reduction targets to be established by the DOE in the NEECP;

G. Submit an annual ECCR to the DOE by the 15thth of April every year;

H. Conduct an energy audit once every three (3) years, by engaging either a
certified energy auditor or an accredited ESCO and submit an energy audit
report to the DOE upon completion of the energy audit;

I. Employ a CECO for Type 1 establishments, and a CEM for Type 2 designated
establishments; Provided, that the CECO and the CEM may be chosen from
within the organization or hired through external recruitment; and

J. Duly notify the DOE on the appointment or separation from the service of their
respective CECOs or CEMs within ten (10) working days from the effectivity of
these personnel actions.

Notes: ASHRAE Standard 169-2013

Notes ASHRAE Standard 169-2013

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