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W hy is there a need to study religion? Religion has been in existence since the
earliest time of humankind. Wherever humankind inhabits, religion too exists. Presently,
we are all witness as to how religion continues to play crucial roles in world politics in
the twenty-first century as can be seen from the various political conflicts that have their
roots in religious differences. This chapter will introduce you to various concepts related
to religion, expound on the origin of religion, and evaluate the many roles played by
religion in people’s everyday lives.
In all parts of the world, religious ideas have helped inflame animosity and discord that
shape conflicts and give rise to oppression and tyranny. Conversely, religious traditions
have also created a strong backbone that helped shape the importance of peace,
justice, equality, toleration, and brotherhood.

Lesson 1 Understanding the Nature of Religion
Learning objectives:
1. Give an example of a belief system or a worldview
2. Differentiate religion from: spirituality, theology and philosophy of religion
3. Analyze the culture of the region that gave rise to specific religions
4. Explain how geography influences religion and religion affects culture
5. Identify the positive and negative effects of religions
6. Justify that religion can have positive or negative effects on society
7. Gather print or web-based articles, photos, editorials, etc. showing the positive
or negative effects of religion

Motivating Activity (Write your answers on the answer sheet provided)

In the context of religion, list down 5 things that you believe in by completing the
following statements. What have you observed in your own belief system?

1. I believe in/that ______________________________

2. I believe in/that ______________________________

3. I believe in/that ______________________________

4. I believe in/that ______________________________

5. I believe in/that ______________________________

Processing Activity:
1. Was it difficult for you to think of five things that you believe in? Why or why
2. Were you able to distinguish which of your answers reflect spiritual belief and
which are religious beliefs?
3. Did you find this activity thought-provoking? Why or why not?

Every individual sees and interprets the world quite differently from one another. This
overall perspective is also termed worldview which is a collection of beliefs about life
and the universe being held by people (The Free Dictionary 2014). For a certain
individual, social environment and upbringing are critical in the development of a
religious life. All these factors influence how people organize their beliefs and ideas
while eventually creating a comprehensive narrative through which they look at the
world and interrelate with it.
Belief in god or gods is found in almost all religions. There is a good reason to
presuppose that religion had existed during prehistoric times and this has continued to
the modern day. Human life may have produced hundreds of religions and belief
systems. There could be more unknown than known religions in the world since
recorded history covers only several thousand years of human existence.
Understanding the Nature of Religion 5 Likewise, many may have lived and died within
just a short period of time.
Kinds Description
Monism there is no real distinction between god and
the universe
Polytheism the belief and worship of many gods
Monotheism the doctrine or belief in one supreme god
Atheism disbelief in or denial of the existence of a
personal god
Agnosticism god cannot be known
Table 1.1 enumerates the different kinds of belief systems or worldviews.

Theism, often used as a synonym to monotheism, is defined as “a belief in the

existence of one god viewed as the creative source of the human race and the world
who transcends yet is immanent in the world” (Merriam-Webster Dictionary 2014).
Monotheistic religions claim that there is only one God who could have designed and
created the universe or may have directed all events that led to the creation of
everything. There is one supreme God who is both personal and moral, and who seeks
a total and unqualified response from humans (Hick 1990). Modern-day examples of
monotheistic religions include Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. On the other hand,
polytheistic religions that are common among early people recognize many principal
gods among whom no one is supreme. These include the ancient religions of Egypt,
Greece, and Rome wherein people worship a multitude of personal gods.
Meanwhile, monism asserts that there is no genuine distinction between God and the
universe. Two implications arise from this belief. Firstly, it contends that God is dwelling
in the universe as part of it. Secondly, the universe does not exist at all as a reality but
only as a manifestation of God. Furthermore, while atheists deny the existence of God,
agnostics deny the possibility for man to acquire knowledge of the existence of God.

Religion may be defined as “an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, and rules
used to worship a god or a group of gods” (Merriam-Webster Dictionary 2014). The
Latin word religio refers to “something done with overanxious or scrupulous attention to
detail” (Bowker 1997). This term may have probably been derived from the Latin verb
religare which means “to tie together, to bind fast.”
In its original sense, the word refers to expression of proper piety, that is, binding to god
(Grassie 2010). Quite later, religion was used to designate formal belief systems and
tenets. The term was eventually applied to what we now call as religion because of the
way people performed rituals during those days. While religion may be universal in all
stages of human history, it does not follow that all individuals are religious or even
religious to some degree (Parrinder 1971).

Common Characteristics Among Religions

Figure 1 illustrates the different characteristics that are common to most major religions.
Can you give some concrete examples?

Since the nineteenth century, people began to show great interest in explaining the
origins of religion. In fact, numerous theories have been postulated to explain the origin
of religion while looking at primitive societies for ideas concerning the development of
belief systems (Hendry 1999).
Archaeologists believe that they have discovered elements of religious belief practiced
by Homo sapiens almost 60,000 years ago. Apart from burying the dead, various items
such as foods, tools, and other objects were placed inside the site. All these rituals
imply reverence to their loved ones and perhaps the thought that the dead will utilize
these materials in the afterlife. While they believe in the presence of supernatural
entities, they also try to communicate with them (Ember & Ember 1996).
Various explanations have surfaced that somehow tend to simplify or even denigrate
primitive religions. Others maintain that since early humans are weak and ignorant of
the different forces of nature, they had to invent religion to explain the seemingly
unexplainable mystery and fury of nature. In the process, they had to create a scheme
of deities and spirits. Still others contend that religion was conceived by the few to stifle
and repress the ideals of the masses (Hopfe 1983).
The nineteenth century witnessed the development of the fields of the social sciences
that enabled scholars to apply a more scientific way of explaining phenomena rather
than speculate on matters concerning the origin of religion. Through field research,
observations, and analysis of historical documents, scholars formulated several theories
that have endured well into the present time.
Name of Theory Proponent Explanation
Animistic Theories Edward Burnett Tylor Primitive people believed in souls or
(1832-1917), English anima found in people (seen in
anthropologist dreams) and in all of nature. Since
spirits could be helpful or harmful to
human beings, early people had to
pray to these spirits, offer sacrifices,
and appease or avoid them.
Robert Henry Codrington (1830-1922), In his investigation, he found out that
Anglican priest and anthropologist the Melanesian people believed in
mana, a mysterious force that
inhabited all of nature. All early people
began their religion in cognizance of
such force; the destructiveness of the
mana can be avoided by establishing
Nature-Worship Theory Human beings first developed their
religions from their observations of the
forces of nature. Early people became
aware of the regularity of the seasons,
the tides and the phases of the moon,
and began personalizing them by
giving them names, describing their
activities with tales that transformed
into mythology. Primitive people
identified the forces in nature,
personified them, created myths, and
developed religions around them.
Theory of Original Wilhelm Schmidt In Australia and Africa, basic cultures
Monotheism (1868-1954), Austrian held a common belief in a distant high
anthropologist and god, that originally there had been one
ethnologist great god above all others, and that he
may have been the creator of the world
or the father of the many lesser deities.
This high god went away and had little
contact with the world that resulted in
majority of attention and worship to
local deities. Primitive societies were
originally monotheistic, but because it
was difficult to worship just one god,
religion was corrupted to polytheism.

Magic Theory James George Frazer People had gone three phases of
(1854-1941), Scottish development concerning the spirit
social anthropologist world: (1) primitive magic (wherein
people attempted to control nature in
the hope that nature will cooperate if
rituals are done properly); (2) religion
(wherein people implored nature to
cooperate since they have realized that
nature cannot be coerced); and (3)
science (wherein a rational
understanding of nature is operative).
Wish Fulfilment Ludwig Andreas von There were no gods and that belief in
Theory Feuerbach (1804- gods was simply wish fulfilment.
1872), German Troubled people who could not cope
philosopher and with the difficulties in life projected their
anthropologist wishes and developed gods and
Karl Heinrich Marx Religions were developed by the few to
(1818-1883), German control the masses and suppress
philosopher and revolution because of the continuing
sociologist struggle between classes. Rulers and
allied priests wished to control all
wealth, so they had to create a scheme
of gods, heavens, and hell. Masses
were persuaded to accept poverty and
be obedient to inherit bliss in another
Sigmund Freud Religion originated from the guilt that
(1856-1939), Austrian individuals supposedly feel in hating
neurologist and their fathers. All males possess a
founder father of similar tendency to desire our mothers

psychoanalysis and hate our fathers. As a result of this
subconscious hatred and ensuing guilt,
a great father image was projected in
the sky called God. A healthy mature
person can face problems without the
need for gods or religions.

Table 1.3 summarizes the different theories on the origin of religion and the major
proponents of these theories.
A comparative analysis of major religions reveals that an important characteristic of their
belief system focuses on the longing for value in life (Parrinder 1971). For thousands of
years, people have been searching and yearning to understand the mystery of life and
the universe. There may come a point in time when an individual realizes that life is not
entirely accidental and meaningless (Parrinder 1971). This is where the concept of
spirituality comes in with the term “spiritual” being defined as “relating or affecting the
human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things” (Oxford Dictionaries
2014). One author points out that it is quite common for people to say that they are
“spiritual, not religious” (Grassie 2010).
Spirituality is derived from the Latin word spiritus, its verb root is spirare which means
“to breathe” literally. There is an impression that people are surrounded by a “divine
reality as pervasive, intimate, necessary, and invisible as the air we breathe” which is
like Hindu prana and Chinese chi. (Grassie 2010).
While religions are frequently viewed as set of ideals practiced and followed by
organized groups, “spirituality is something an individual can have without being
implicated in the ambivalent complexity of human societies and institutions” (Grassie
2010). Although traditional spirituality is frequently associated with religiosity, many
people assert that personal spirituality can grow separately from religion. One may find
inner peace, satisfaction, and contentment in life that are truly independent of religious
dogmas and tenets.
In the study of religion, there are basic concepts that need to be understood such as
theology, philosophy of religion, and spirituality. While religion refers to any set of
attitudes, beliefs, and practices concerning a supernatural power—theology involves the
systematic study of the existence and nature of the divine. It deals with the study of the
nature and purpose of god that may be undertaken using a perspective. Theology is a
study, not a formulation of religious beliefs.
On the other hand, philosophy of religion deals primarily with issues concerning religion,
which includes analysis on the existence of a divine being or on sacred texts. It may
involve studying the “concepts and belief systems of the religions as well as the prior
phenomena of religious experience and the activities of worship and meditation on
which these belief systems rest and out of which they have arisen” (Hick 1990). It seeks
to analyze various concepts such as god, spirit, karma, creation, immortality, heaven,
hell, and purgatory, among others. Philosophy of religion is not a branch of theology but

a branch of philosophy. It is said that this study need not be undertaken from a religious
perspective at all because atheists, agnostics, and the person of faith can and do
philosophize about religion (Hick 1990).
Meanwhile, spirituality is something an individual can have without being implicated in
the ambivalent complexity of human societies and institutions (Grassie 2010). Thus,
spirituality can be described as one's integrative view of life and involves a quest for the
meaning and ultimate value of life as opposed to an instrumentalist or materialistic
attitude to life. Hence, one can be spiritual without being religious


Belief systems originate in certain localities within the context of culture
and even geography. From their rudimentary forms, religions continually
evolved into complicated systems replete with rites and practices that
made recruitment of members necessary. Quite unfortunately, other
religions also decline as in the case of Zoroastrianism that once
flourished in South Asia but is now only confined to Iran, India, and
Central Asia. They may also give impetus to establish new movements
within religious groups, such as in the case of Buddhism that may be viewed as a
reaction to the overly ritualistic beliefs and the exclusivity of Hinduism. They may also
contribute to the foundation of other religions, such as those themes Christianity
borrowed from Judaism, and themes Islam borrowed from both Christianity and
Judaism (Brasswell 1994). This lesson will deal with the origin of religions along with the
geographical context and cultural milieu that have impacted the establishment of world
religions and belief systems.


Date (circa) Significance

c. 2000B.C.E. time of Abraham, the patriarch of Israel
c. 1200B.C.E. time of Moses, the Hebrew leader of the Exodus
c. 1100– 500 B.C.E. Hindus compiled their holy texts, the Vedas
c. 563–83 B.C.E. time of the Buddha, founder of Buddhism
c.551–479 B.C.E. time of Confucius, founder of Confucianism
c.200B.C.E. the Hindu book, Bhagavad Gita, was written
c. 2 to 4 B.C.E – 32 C.E. time of Jesus Christ, the Messiah and founder of Christianity
c. 32 C.E. the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ
c. 40 – 90 C.E. the New Testament was written by the followers of Jesus Christ
c. 00C.E. Beginnings of Shintoism (no known founder)
c. 500-580 B.C.E. Time of Lao Tze, founder of Daoism
c. 70-632 C.E. time of Muhammad, who recorded the Q’uran as the basis of Islam

TABLE 2.1 Important Dates on the Origin of World Religions

Scholars hold the view that religion is universal and can be found in all known
contemporary societies (Ember & Ember 1997). Even the most fundamental of belief
systems can be seen to a greater or lesser degree in all religions (Hopfe 1983). Various
theories have been formulated to explain the origin of religion. Even prehistoric humans,
such as the Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons, have practiced a set of belief systems in
one way or another, including burying their dead, painting on the walls of caves, and
carving images from stones. The existence of humankind for so long a time has resulted
in the formation of religion and belief system. It is certain that many religions may have
been unrecorded in the past. Others may have gradually died down.

The Patriarch Abraham

The prophet and patriarch Abraham played a major role in the establishment of the
three monotheistic religions: namely, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, which account for
more than half of the world’s total population at present. As such, these organized
religions are collectively known as Abrahamic religions. The Jewish people regard
Abraham as the ancestor of the Israelites, through his descendants Isaac and Jacob.
The Muslims consider Abraham’s son Ishmael as the ancestor of the Arabs. The
Christians view Abraham as ‘father in faith’ as narrated in the Bible and the ancestor of
Jesus Christ. Notable religious personalities trace their origin in Abraham’s sons from
different wives through their descendants. The importance of Abraham in these three
religions lies in the fact that the patriarch appears as an elemental figure for a
monotheistic belief system and a paragon of extreme devotion.

The Indian Mosaic

With its history dating back to at least 6500 B.C.E., India is one of the world’s oldest
surviving civilizations. The many conquerors that came to India were gradually
absorbed into the native Indian religions. With great movements of various people in the
past came their customs, arts, languages, literature, beliefs, and many more facets of
their culture. The Harappan civilization, the Aryan influence, the local dynasties, and the
Muslim conquest all had their fair share in building the intricate Indian mosaic. As a
result, variety and complexity characterize Indian culture.

Religion is an essential part of the Indian tradition. Four great religions originated in
India – Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism – and a myriad of minor cults and
local sects. Even Muslims and Christians have found their way into the Indian heartland
along with the Jews and Zoroastrians. Hinduism perfectly reflects Indian heterogeneity
with its eclectic, diversified, and assorted ways of religious expressions that are quite
confusing to outsiders. It has no specific founder, no one sacred book, and with
innumerable gods and goddesses that any Hindu can venerate.

The Way of the Dao
Chinese civilization is one of the world’s oldest, dating back almost 4,000 years ago.
Even during the olden days, the Chinese had already endeavoured to establish and
attain good governance (Perry 1988). China adopted Kung Fu-Tzu's (Confucius) ideals
and ethics as the nation developed meritocracy as a basis for government officials.
Confucius is regarded as China’s greatest philosopher and teacher who lived at the
same time as Siddhartha Gautama in India (Perry 1988).

Meanwhile, mysteries abound the birth and personal life of Laozi (Lao-tzu) who may
have written Dao De Jing (Tao Te Ching or The Book of the Way and its Power) around
the 6th century B.C.E. Other sources indicate that he lived during the period of the
Warring States around the 5th or 4th century B.C.E. Believed to be a contemporary of
Confucius, he once worked as government archivist or record keeper at the time of the
Zhou Dynasty but soon left the service due to his frustration with corruption. Around 142
C.E., Daoism began as an organized religion with the establishment of the Way of the
Celestial Masters sect by Zhang Daoling during the Han Dynasty. This group along with
other later Daoist sects devised intricate rituals, venerated heavenly beings, and wrote
numerous religious texts. The writings of Daoism centers on the concept of Dao as a
way or path signifying appropriateness of one’s behavior to lead other people.


Laws and social norms vary by region and localities. The study about geography of
religion may reveal some fascinating truths why a certain country is predominated by
one religion or why a specific region became homeland of great religions.

The Western Frontier

West Asia is home of three great religions, namely, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
Comprising the area bordered on the west by the fertile coasts of the Mediterranean
Sea and on the east by the arid deserts of Arabia, the history of these religions is
closely linked with this region.

Countries closest to the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea north of the Arabian Sea
and south of Turkey, sometimes called the Levant, have experienced numerous
religious cataclysms in their existence as nation-states.

The Indian Subcontinent

The subcontinent of South Asia covers an area of more than one and a half million
square miles stretching from the Hindu Kush and Baluchi Hills on the west and the
Great Himalayan mountain range on the north, to the Burmese mountain on the east
and the Indian Ocean on the south (Wolpert 1993). More than 4000 years ago, a
civilization emerged along the Indus River that developed a unique and exceptional
culture long before the dawn of the Christian era. Invasions from people originating in
Macedonia and Central Asia have added diversity to India’s population and complexity
to its culture (Wolpert 1993).

Because sweltering heat is one major feature of India’s ecological setting, it is no

wonder that Hindus revere the sun (Surya) and fire (Agni). Likewise, water also plays a
major role in the Indian psyche as evidenced by Hindus venerating a god of water and
celestial oceans (Varuna). The South Asian countries of India, Pakistan, and
Bangladesh depend mightily on the rivers Indus, Ganga-Yamuna, and Brahmaputra.
Traversing the great plains of north India, the Ganga (Ganges) is the holiest river for the
Hindus. From its point of origin to its confluence with the ocean, many ancient
pilgrimage sites and cities line up along the Ganga that include Rishikesh, Haridwar,
Prayag, and Varanasi.

The Eastern End

At the eastern end of the great Asian continent one finds the cultural and political
dominance of China. Stretching more than 5,000 kilometers across the Asian landmass,
it is bordered by various bodies of water in the east and land borders in all other
directions. China’s population is concentrated primarily in the eastern and southern
parts where agricultural activities flourish. Deserts (such as the Gobi and Taklamakan)
and plateaus dominate the northern and western territory of China that served as
natural barriers

Positive and Negative Effects of Religion
Religion has become a very important aspect in the development of civilizations and
cultures. In fact, most ancient societies based their worldviews on religion, and it has
been proven to be beneficial to the attainment and maintenance of social stability and
cohesiveness. However, as time went by, religion has also become the basis of conflicts
between societies, even within societies. While religion has promoted solidarity among
societies, it has also been the reason behind the outbreak of wars in history. In this
lesson, we will discuss the positive and negative effects of religion, as well as examples
of historical events caused primarily by religion.


There is no doubt that religion has an important role in society. In fact, it has become so
closely intertwined with other institutions such as political and economic systems that
religious beliefs sometimes became the basis of political legitimacy. This is the very
reason why the principle of separation of state and religion was established in many

However, religion has served purposes beneficial to society in general. In one way or
another, it inspires values that cultivate peace, compassion, and kindness. Religion
upholds traditions of shaping human's spirituality and embracing the goodness in

Religion Promotes Social Harmony

Religion believes in supernatural beings and powers. It practices a set of rituals and
ceremonious rites of passage and rites of intensification. It also regards religious
leaders such as priests, priestesses, and shamans in high esteem. These
characteristics help advance social harmony by assimilating and stabilizing cultures and
nations. Religion provides divine authority to ethical and moral principles which also
help promote unity among people. Common participation in rituals together with basic
uniformity of beliefs help promote social cohesiveness.

Belief in supernatural beings and the supposed divine powers they can wield to reward
and punish people have been a major concept in religion since ancient times. It helps
lessen the feeling of helplessness among people who believe that they are not alone in
this world, that they need not rely on their capabilities alone, and that everybody else is
on the same boat, so to speak. Whenever people are afflicted with crisis, they tend to
think that a greater force or high being is there to help them, a belief people tend to
share with others.

Equally important is the belief in religious leaders whose function was to mediate
between the deities and the people. In ancient Philippine society for example, spiritual
leaders were called babaylanes or catalones, whose functions were to intercede
between the deities and people; to continue the rituals; to play as healers; and to act as
cultural leaders of the community. Most of the spiritual leaders were women; and if men

wanted to become one, they had to give up their sexuality to perform the prestigious
role of being a babaylan. People from ancient societies (to date) have a common belief
in the need for intermediaries to communicate with the deities and the supernatural.
Thus, this reinforced the call for spiritual leaders in every society, and the authority and
respect people bestowed upon them. These intercessors can be considered as one
source of social solidarity. They provide crucial guidance to people in their religious
efforts, thereby maintaining group unity.

Another important characteristic of religion is the performance of common rituals and

practices on a regular basis. Such religious activities can be considered as one
component which helps bind people together and reinforce their identification with a
particular group. Ritual participation often creates an atmosphere stimulated with
emotions. The elated feelings people may experience in such situations serve as a
positive reinforcement because they feel good as a result. Take the case of the Sufi
Dervishes’ practice of
whirling or spinning, wherein the aim is to reach the source of all perfection by
abandoning one’s ego or personal desires through listening to music, focusing on God,
and spinning one’s body in repetitive circles. This kind of ritual provides people of a
particular religion with a positive feeling by doing something together for a common
purpose—that is, the glorification of god. Furthermore, even attendance in Masses
provides people with a common ground, despite differences in social statuses and
political ideologies.

Xiao, or filial piety, on the other hand, is a significant aspect of Confucianism which
promotes social harmony. Filial piety refers to the attitude of obedience, devotion, and
care of one’s parents and elder family members. It serves as the basis of moral conduct
which, in effect, leads to social harmony. Since political and social harmony were the
primary concerns of Confucianism, filial piety helps achieve this goal by maintaining
order in society. Children are expected not only to obey but defer to parents’ judgments,
as well as to perform the proper rituals for them. In this way, social harmony is achieved
since conflicts are avoided.

Jainism also has a key concept which helps promotes social solidarity, which is called
ahimsa, or the concept of non-violence. For the followers of Jainism, ahimsa is not only
a worldview but a way of life. The killing and consumption of animals is strictly
prohibited, for it is central to the idea of ahimsa that they must minimize their violent
impact on the environment. Treating other people with respect is also a way of
practicing ahimsa. Followers of Jainism have a particular stand on issues, such as
international conflict, economic equality, abortion, and even civil rights. They make sure
that they live their lives without doing any form of violence to other life forms, especially
to humans.

 Religion may refer to any set of attitudes, beliefs, and practices aimed at
communicating or propitiating with supernatural beings. Humans may recognize a

superhuman being control-ling power (such as a god or spirit) that seeks worship
and obedience from them.
 Various theories have been formulated that try to explain the origin of religions.
Religion may have originated in response to human’s need to explain their dreams
and experiences as well as the need to understand the different forces of nature,
especially so that humans may have faced pain and ignorance in their daily struggle
for existence in early times.
 While religions are frequently viewed as sets of ideals practiced and followed by
organized groups, spirituality involves one’s integrative view of life that is more
personal while affecting the human soul.
 Religion is considered universal, and it can be found in all known contemporary
 The prophet and patriarch Abraham played a major role in the establishment of three
monotheistic religions, namely, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
 Religion is an essential part of Indian tradition as four main religions originated here,
namely, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism.
 Both Confucius and Laozi were followers of the Dao. The Confucian Dao principally
concerns human affairs while the Daoist Dao means the way the universe works.
 West Asia is home of three great religions, namely, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
 Heat and water are major features of India’s ecological setting. As a result, deities of
sun, fire, and water are venerated in India.
 Chinese culture practically influenced all other nations at its outskirts, including
Japan and Korea.
 Monotheism or the belief in one God is an ancient idea that predated the
establishment of Abrahamic religions.
 The concept of dharma is integral in religions that emerged in India, most especially
Hinduism and Buddhism.
 Chinese belief system arrived in Japan and influenced the local culture and the
indigenous polytheistic religion Shinto.
 Religion can be described as a double-edged sword: it can have both positive and
negative effects on society. It has played a very important role in the development of
societies by integrating and stabilizing them; however, it has also created conflicts
 Some of its positive effects are it promotes social solidarity; it is a source of moral
values; it nurtures positive goals in life; it gives people a sense of belonging; and it
fosters social change.
 Some of religion’s negative effects include it affirms social hierarchy; it triggers
conflicts and fights; it promotes discrimination; it impedes scientific success and
development; and it hinders the use of reason.

 Some of the world’s atrocities and conflicts were caused by religion such as the self-
Please returnofthe
a Buddhist monk in Vietnam; the practice of sati or widow burning in
India; the Inquisition of the Catholic Church; and the Godhra train incident in India
answer sheets
_____________________________________ Section: _________________
Date return: _______________
Received by: _______________

Motivating Activity
In the context of religion, list down 5 things that you believe in by completing the
following statements. What have you observed in your own belief system?

1. I believe in/that ______________________________

2. I believe in/that ______________________________

3. I believe in/that ______________________________

4. I believe in/that ______________________________

5. I believe in/that ______________________________

Processing Activity:
1. Was it difficult for you to think of five things that you believe in? Why or why
2. Were you able to distinguish which of your answers reflect spiritual belief and which
are religious beliefs?

3. Did you find this activity thought-provoking? Why or why not?


Lesson 1 Task
Due date: August
27, 2021 Note:
Failure to submit
it on due date is
minus 5 per day 15
Name: _____________________________________ Section: _________________

Activity 1
Column A Column B
__________ 1. a belief in the existence of one God viewed a. theology
as the creative source of humans and the
__________ 2. relating or affecting the human spirit or soul b. agnosticism
that is one’s personal integrative view on.
__________ 3. the belief that there is only one God who c. polytheism
could have designed and created the universe.
__________ 4. the belief in many principal gods among d. theism
whom no one is supreme.
__________ 5. the belief that there is no genuine distinction e. worldview
between God and the universe.
__________ 6. denial of the existence of God. f. monism
__________ 7. the belief that God's existence is unknown g. monotheism
and unknowable.
__________ 8. an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, h. atheism
and rules used to worship a god or a group of
__________ 9. a collection of beliefs about life and the i. religion
universe held by people.
__________ 10. the systematic study of the existence and j. spirituality
nature of the divine.

A. Match Column A with Column B. Write the letter of the correct answer on the blanks

Name:_____________________________________ Section: _________________

Activity 2 Create a collage.

Gather print, photos, editorials, etc. showing the positive and negative effects of
religion. At the back of this paper discuss about your collage.



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