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Lesson VI: The Law on Common Carrier and the Air Article 1174 of the Civil Code of the

e Civil Code of the Philippines

Passenger Bill of Rights “No person shall be responsible for a fortuitous
event which could not be foreseen, or which, though foreseen,
A Carrier is a person or corporation who undertakes to was inevitable.”
transport or convey goods or persons from one place to Common Carriers are not held liable to any of the
another. following causes:
1)Natural Disasters
Classifications of Carrier 2)Act of the Public Enemy
1. Private Carrier – do not engage in the business of 3)Act or Omission of the Shipper or the Owner of the
transportation but is capable of transporting goods and goods
passengers. 4)The character of the goods or defects in the
Contract of Private Carriage, this is the agreement packaging
5)Order or Act of a competent public authority
established if one has engaged in the service of a private
Fire is not a Fortuitous Event
- The diligence required is ordinary diligence or the
diligence of a good father of a family. - Should have precautionary measures
- It is not considered a natural disaster or calamity. If
2. Common Carrier/ Public Carrier
there is a fire, someone is negligent.
Article 1732 of the Civil Code of the Philippines
“Common Carriers are persons, corporations, firms, The Air Passenger Bill of Rights of the Philippines
or association engaged in the business of carrying or Was promulgated by the virtue of the joint DOTC-
transporting passengers or goods or both, by land, water, or DTI administrative order number one
air, for compensation, offering their service to the public” - First and only administrative order created by the
Contract of Carriage/ Contract of Public Transportation,
the established agreement between the parties (passenger and Three Main Rights of the Passenger
the common carrier) 1. The right to be provided with accurate information
- The contract is the meeting of the minds not the before purchase
paper. 2. The Right to receive full value of the service purchased
- It is required to perform utmost or extraordinary 3. The right to compensation
Responsibility of a Common Carrier
Article 1733, Common Carriers are bound to observe
extraordinary diligence.
Article 1755, Common Carriers is bound to carry passengers
safely as far as human care and foresight can provide, using
utmost diligence.
Article 1756, In case of death of or injuries to passenger,
common carriers are presumed to have been at fault for
negligence until they proved they carried/execute utmost

When should Common Carrier Commence to Observe

Extraordinary Diligence
For Goods, liability continues to be operative even during
the goods are stored in a warehouse of the carrier at the place
of destination, until the consignee has been advised of the
arrival of the goods and has had reasonable opportunity
thereafter to remove them or otherwise dispose of them.
For Passengers, by stepping or standing on the platform of
the bus, it is already considered a passenger and is entitled all
the rights and protection pertaining to such a contractual
When does the Contract Cease?
- It does not cease the moment the passenger get off
the bus but continues until the passenger has had a
reasonable time or reasonable opportunity to leave
the carrier’s premises.
Fortuitous Events may exempt the Common Carrier from
the liability

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