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Student Registration System

1. ROOBSAN FEYISA………………………………………….RU0806/10
2. BEKELECH DAMENA………………………………………RU0642/10
3. ABEL ZEGEYE…………………………………………………RU0603/10
4. DANIEL YETWALE………………………………………….RU0664/10
5. BETELHM FEKADU…………………………………………RU0648/10
7. EMNET DEREJE……………………………………………….RT4863/07
8. ALEMI DAMTO………………………………………………RU0959/09
9. BIRHANE ABABO……………………………………………RU1024/09

Student Registration System

First we would like to express our greeting to the JU and com-
puting School to give Project program chance to increase the
habit of working on different projects and the department to give
achance of 24 hours lab support.

Second, we would like to express our gratitude to our teacher for

her help, guidance, constructive advises , willingness and com-
mitment in giving their precious time to help us to accomplish
this project documentation and the group members to give their
own expert knowladege on different topics. We really give great
respect and credit to everyone who involved in our documenta-
tion tasks.

Student Registration System

In our project we analyze and design the system that solves the
problem of Jimma Teacher’s Training College in facilitating the
registration process by developing Online Registration system.
This system helps the student to register wherever they are. In
doing this it also help the college in making secure database and
giving fast service for the students.
This project also minimizes the work load of organization. It
also helps the students either to register orto see their grade eas-
It also facilitates flows of communication between the collage
community and the students.

Student Registration System

Project Area
Jimma Teacher’s Training College (JTTC) was established in
September 1961E.C. during emperor Hielesillasse by Jimma
University as a department.
The registration system of Jimma teacher’s training college es-
tablished align with the establishment of the college. The regis-
tration system started its work manually and still now it serves
partial manually system.
In order to get the service of the college, it must take the stu-
dents who have result based on the rule and regulation of grade
10 national exam. The college gave different field of study to
students like faculty of language, natural science and social sci-
ence with respect to listing services with in the system back-
ground,for the purpose of achieving student goal within in their
field of study.
1.2 Statement of the Problem4
Jimma teacher training college serve the student by manual sys-
tem. This means first the student come in to the office of admin-

Student Registration System

istrator and then the administrator check whether the student

take national exam then after register them manually and store
information manually.

The work flow of Jimma teacher training college has many

problems, so our project will solve the following problems:-

 Difficult to transmit announcement all students at

 Difficult to access and retrieve information with respect
time and space limitations.
 Since the registration time of the college overlap with the
break time of the staff members. It makes difficult to
present physically for registration.
 Its manual process hinder from achieving it,by means of
stoling information of the college by other’s.

1.3 Objective of the Project

1.3.1 General objective
The general objective of this project is to develop dynamical
web based online registration system for Jimma teacher training
college to register student for learning.
Student Registration System

1.3.2 Specific objectives based online

 Online registration of student those who arefullfill the rules
of that college ,means finishing the prerequisite perform-
 Online notification any announcement can be conducted.
 To register students without the need of being physically
 To manage students file
 To register students through online system
 To manage students file effectively
 Mainly its objective is vested on to organize and
register students and monitor their essential
Data collection methods,
 The following techniques will be used to collect data.
 Interview: Interview is particularly useful for getting the
history behind the participant’s experiences. We used inter-
view to get information about the existing system for devel-
oping our project. The interview was conducted on the re-
gistrar office. The interview we will be used to gather in-
formation about the major task and services of the Jimma
teacher’s training college.

Student Registration System

 Document analysis: Application forms, different forms to

fit by student for registration file about personal informa-
tion and fixed fee form.
 Observations:The team will conduct observation around
the offices area to know there over all actives and working
Requirement modelling methodology
Tools used

Software tools

 Microsoftword
 We use it for the purpose of writing our docu-
 UML and edaraw max
 In modelling different types of UML diagram in
analysis and designing phase.


 Different hardware used to develop our project

Student Registration System

 Computer:-computer is a machine capable of doing

many things. We use it to type on it and install all
software. Almost all tasks are done on compute

 Flash Disk and CD Hardware: - used for the

movement of data from one machine to another. We
use both of them when we move our data from one
machine to another.

Alternative solutions
These are some alternative solutions for the problem of current
registration system of Jimma teacher training college. These are:
1. Making the system computerized

2. Build online registration system.

1.5Feasibility Study

We have tried to study the feasibility of all alternative solutions.

And we select the best feasible alternative that is online regis-
tration system.

The feasibility of Building online registration system


Student Registration System

 The system is implemented using available techno-

logy like personal computer.
 We can implement our system using web browsers to
distribute the needed information.

 The system is built also in getting considering peoples who

are not specialized in computer technology so that it is easy to


 The system application is using personal computer and

database for students. That means to implement this
system it is not necessary to implement on other ex-
pensive devices. It can implement using personal com-
puter so that our system does not need too much ex-
pense in implementation.


 Since its primary purpose is to serve countries student

these individual have some what the ability to use this
system so, this system is more advantages for the

Student Registration System

 We select this alternative according to the college

manager intention in making the college competent
with college in other east Africa countries.

 As we gathered information from college dean they

get difficulty in handling errors in paying fee with
manual system so that need secured system that elim-
inate this problem.

Generally, when we see our system from these perspectives

we can say it is feasible .and Online Registration System can
also handle both under it..

1.6 Scope of the project and limitation

The scope of this project is to develop and implement a new
System which will avoid the problems associated with the
manual processing for registering the students.
The project is only for Jimma teacher training college student re-
gistration system only. The system has several tasks like college
information system, file management system, fixed asset in-
formation system, functional reporting system and record regis-
tration system.

Student Registration System

This project’s focus only on registering students for college and

students information
After the new project is developed it will have an advantage
over the following:
 Reduces the need of many employees
 Reduce expenses
 Fulfil students need on time
 Create conducive work environment

1.7 Significance of the project

After the new registration system is completed Jimma teacher’s
training college will be the most profitable one because this new
system can avoid unnecessary time expensive when there is
transformation in:-
 Registration process
 Recording students grade report
 The arrangement of students file

 Provides quality service to the student by providing in-

formation online everywhere and every time.

Student Registration System

 Reduce cost of registration process since the system

eliminates process.
 To handle students effectively and support smooth
functionality of the business.
 The system increase document preservation without
need of large area. Reduce work over load on college
administrator. For example any announcement can be
done online easily.
 Allow the customers to access remotely.
 Reduces the need of many employees
 Reduces expenses
 Fulfil students need on time
 Create conducive work environment

Time schedule

2.1 System analyses
System analysis is the way of studying a system with an eye on
solving its problem in computerized way. It is the most essential

Student Registration System

part for developing a system . System analysis consists of sys-

tem element, process and technology. It is the detailed study of
the various operations performed by a system and their relation-
ships within and outside of the system. A key question is: What
must be done to solve the problem? One aspect of analysis is
defining the boundaries of the system and determining whether
or not candidate system should consider other related systems.

2.2Existing system
Over view of the existing system
Currently, students are registering for the collegeby going to the
college and check the deadline of registering by reading
different announcements posts on notice board. This way of
registering is time and energy consuming .

But, these system uses web browsers to register for college. On

top of that the user needs to have an internet access whenever
he/she access the site, and does not store any data locally which
makes it difficult to use for people who don’t have internet
access all the time

Student Registration System


As we show current system description there are many problems

in the registration system such as
 Lack of security of data: - The document of the stu-
dent saved in manually in file cabinets, so it is difficult
to access data quickly
 More man power is needed: - requires many numbers
of workers to register students who are eligble
 Time consuming: - The registration process again
wants to physically present and it is difficult to serve
so many student at a time.
 Consumes large volume of pare work: - as they were
use manual working conditions the use large number
of paper to do all requires tasks.

Business Rule

Jimma Institute of Technology college registration system has

the following business rules.
BR#124: the college serves first the regular student

Student Registration System

BR#126: the maximum number of the student in a faculty can

be specific.

BR#128: the student must be physically presented to take the

college examination.

BR#129 the student must score above pass mark to enrol in col-

2.3 Proposed system

The system we develop for Online registration system for Jimma

Institute of Technology college uses aweb based systemthough
client containing GUI and server containing database system of
the student. The students have tobe registered for school by
using internet access at remote place.

Generally, this system will improve and ease the way of register
by minimizing the cost and effort of students

2.4 Requirement analysis:

Student Registration System

The purpose of system requirement analysis is to obtain through

and detailed understanding on the current system.
Requirement Gathering and Description (delete this topic)
The current system of JTTC registrar system starts from having
verification that the students list is present from the file that spe-
cifies whether they can take national examination or not. After
getting verification from JTTC registrar, JTTC registrar applies
enrolling students.
The registrar head present to the board of head and the
board of head evaluates the application and checks the availabil-
ity of departments and selects eligible students and arranges
them in available departments. The registrar announce eligible
students list for each department. The students who are selected
for each department sit for examination. Then the registrar head
check the result of the students.
The students who passed the exam make the registration
process for the next semester. Students who failed the exam are
assigned to take re-exam. The head check their result again. If
they pass they make the registering. If not they assigned to come
back the next year or to be dismissed. To conduct all these pro-
cesses the student should present physically.

2.4.1 New system

Student Registration System

Non -Functional requirements

Non-functional (supplementary) requirements relevant to other

information needed to produce the correct system and are
detailed separately.

User friendly interface: The system should have easily

understandable interface (users can interact with the system
through the user interface easily

Accuracy: The system should give only valid result, if no data

is found with the specified criteria the system should not give
invalid response.

Maintainability: The system will develop using object oriented

software development technique that makes the software highly
maintainable. If there are any additional requirements the system
is flexible to change.

Security: Security becomes crucial issue in the proposed

system. A user must login to the system with username and
password. The system should allow login to only authorized
users. I.e. users that have previously created account through
user name (E-Mail) and password.

Student Registration System

2.4.2 Functional Requirements

Functional Requirements are those that refer to the functionality

of the system, i.e. what services it will provide to the user.
Statements of services the system should provide how the
system should react to particular inputs and how the system
should behave in particular situations.


 enable the students register

 enable the students,departments and the registrar to login

and log out

 enable the student and the department to upload data

 enable the registrar to approve data etc .

Student Registration System

Student Registration System


2.5.1 use case Diagram

Use case diagram describes a function provided by the system as

a set of events that yield a visible result for the actors. It is a list
of steps, typically defining interactions between an actors and a
system, to achieve a goal. There are three actors in our proposed


1. Student
Student Registration System

Use Case
UC01: register
UC02: login
Uc03:create Account
UC04: view data
UC05: approve

Student Registration System




2.5.2 System Use Case Documentation

Student Registration System

Use case documentation helps to show basic and alternative

flow of action between the system and actor control.
Lets document our use case one by one.
Use Case Name Register
Actors Student

Purpose Enable the student to register

Description The students registers

his/her personal information

Pre-condition Open application

The system displays Home page(stu-
dents must login to the system)

Post-condition The system registers the student.

Main Course of Action

Actor Action System Action
1.The student wants to re- 4.The system displays “Regis-
gister trationForm”
2.The student opens the ap-
Student Registration System

3.The student clicks “Re- 7.the system checks input data

gisterStudent” button
8. The system displays “Re-
5.The student fills the form gistered Successfully” mes-
6.The student clicks on “Sub- sage
mit” button
9.usecase ends
Alternative Course of Ac -
8a. The system displays “Please fill in all fields” message
8b. The system displays “please fill in correct input format”
8c. The system displays “Already Exist” message

Use Case Name Login

Actors Student,department,registrar

Purpose To Authenticate

description The actors enter the required informa-

tion and the system will authenticate

Pre –condition Open the application

Student Registration System

The actors must have an existing ac-


Post-condition The system display home page

Main Course of Action

Actor Action System Action
1. Enter Username and
Password 3. Check validity of User-
2. Click Login Button name and Password
4. Display home page

5. Use Case End

Alternative Course of Action
4a. The system displays “Please Enter User account and Pass-
word” message
4b. The system displays “Invalid Username or Password”

Use Case Name View profile

Actors Student, department
Purpose To view his/her assigned de-
Student Registration System

Description The actor fills the required
Pre –condition Open the application
The actors must have an exist-
ing account

Post-condition The system display home page

Main course of action

Actor action System action
1.Enter Username
and Password 3.Check validity of Username and
2.Click Login Password
Button 4.Display home page
5.see their profile
6. display profile successfully re-
7. Use Case
Alternative course of action
6a.the system “display registered message”
6b. The system “display not registered message”

Student Registration System

Use Case Name Approve student

Actor Registrar
Purpose To approve and reject the student
Overview The registrar view registered students
grade and approve or reject them
Pre-condition students must be on Pending State
Post-condition registrarannounces approved or rejected
Main Course of Action
Actor Action System Action
1. Click on Approve Button
2. Retrieve and display list
of students which are on
pending state
4.Click on Save Button
3.Displaystudent detail
6.Use Case End
Alternative Course of

Student Registration System

5a.Click on Reject Button
5a. The system displays “Reject” message

Use Case Name Create account

Actor Registrar
Purpose Registrar create unique account for each
Overview Registrar uses their account for detail
Pre-condition registrar clicks account creation
form(web page)
Post-condition The system displays create account form
Main Course of Action
Actor Action System Action
1. The registrar Fills ac-
2 System check enterd ac-
count form
3.system display successfully
4.uscase ends
created message

Student Registration System

Alternative Course of
1. The system displays “please enter valid data item”
2. 5a. The system displays “Reject” message
2.6 Sequence Diagram Modelling
The sequence diagram displays an interaction as two dimension
chart. The vertical dimension is the time axis; time proceeds
down the page. The horizontal dimension shows the class fire
roles that represent individual objects in the collaboration. We
modelled sequence diagram for each use case identified in use
case modelling part

2.6.1 Sequence diagram for register

Student Registration System


Student Registration System

Student Registration System

2.7 Activity Diagram

Activity diagram is a simple and institutive illustration of what
happens in a workflow, what activities can be done in parallel
and whether there are alternative path through the work flow.

2.7.1 Activity diagram for register

Student Registration System

2.7.2 Activity diagram for login

Student Registration System

2.8 State chart Diagram

State chart diagram is used to model dynamic nature of a

system .They defines different states of an object during its
lifetime. And these states are changed by events. They
describe the flow of control from one state to another state.
States are defined as a condition in which an object exists
and it changes when any event is triggered. So, its
importance is to model life time of an object from creation
to termination

One thing which differentiate it from activity diagram is it

doesn’t return when error occurs.

Student Registration System

Student Registration System

2.8.1 Statechart diagram for register and login

Student Registration System

2.9 Class Diagram

Class diagram describes the relationship between objects and

class. It shows the attributes and operations of each class

Student Registration System



3.1 Purpose and goals of design

The goal of this phase is transforming the analysis model to

design (solution) model which takes into account the non
functional requirements that are described in the requirement
analysis phase.

User friendly interface: The system should have easily

understandable interface (users can interact with the system
through the user interface easily).

Accuracy: The system should give only valid result, if no data

is found with the specified criteria the system should not give
invalid response.

Student Registration System

Maintainability: The system will develop using object oriented

software development technique that makes the software highly
maintainable. If there are any additional requirements the system
is flexible to change.

Security: Security becomes crucial issue in the proposed

system. The system should allow login to only authorized users.
i.e. users that have previously created account through user
name(E-Mail) and password.

Performance: our system is going to use efficient algorithms

for each task that will make it fast and require less storage.

Error Handling: - The system will check user inputs to the

system to handle error. our system handles error by showing the
message” invalid input” when the user enters invalid input.

3.2 Component Diagram

Usedto describe and show the relationships and dependencies

between various software components. The component diagrams
of our proposed system is shown as follow(only one component
diagram for on system)

Student Registration System

Student Registration System

Student Registration System

Student Registration System

3.3 Deployment Diagram

This diagram depicts the static view of runtime configuration

and hardware nodes and the software components that run on
those nodes. And it shows the hardware for our system, the
software that is installed on that hardware. The deployment
diagram of our proposed system is shown as follows

Student Registration System


This project works for Jimma teacher training college to

provide electronic registration system . Since this college regis-
tration system works manually there are different problems that
we identified. From problems mentioned above, our project ob-
jective is concerned on developing online registration system.
The development of this system has significances for student
and college in facilitating registration process. However, there
are many sectors in Jimma teacher training college our project
focus on only the registration system.

Throughout developing this project we use different meth-

odologies in gathering requirements, analysing and design the

Student Registration System


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