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Module 1: The Investigator SCI 1 with Legal


Module The Investigator

In the field of special

Introduction: crime investigation, an
This module is The Investigator. As you read this material, you investigator is the
will be able to know the job of the investigator. Likewise, you will know person who is tasked
more about the Responsibilities of a Homicide Investigator. Major
with the duty of
principles will also be part of this module so that your ideas on Crime Scene
Investigation. After the content discussion, you are given exercises to work carrying. Out the
on. Towards the end of this module, you are tasked to give your own objectives of
reflections. All these activities will deepen and strengthen your investigation. This is a
understanding about the lesson presented. Do the task honestly coupled with multi-various hob which
high interest so that you can benefit the most of it. involves identifying the
criminals, locating the criminal offender, providing evidence to prove the
guilt and acting as a witness in favor of the prosecution.

The job of the investigator

Learning  Explain the Significance of
Outcomes fundamentals of criminal investigation To carry out the many responsibilities assigned to an investigator, deductive
in the conduct of specialized crime logic is utilized. In this aspect the logical progression points to the sequence
investigation of events from generic to specific. The job of the investigator involves the
task of identifying the criminal offender, protecting the crime scene,
collection of evidence from the crime scene, interviewing witnesses,
reconstructing the crime scene, tracing and locating the suspect, vigorous
questioning of the suspect in custody and in observance of due process,
serves as a witness in favor of the aggrieved or offended party. In homicide
cases, if the investigator should happen to be the first responder officer, his
primary task is the verification of death of the victim.
1. Determine the approach in the conduct of Learning
investigation particularly in specific crimes.
Objective Responsibilities of a Homicide Investigator:
2. Explain cases and the method utilized in
their investigation.
3. Demonstrate the methods of criminalistics The various responsibilities of the Homicide Detail consist of investigating
employed in the investigation of a specific death relate.' crimes, officer involved shootings, jail crimes, missing persons
reports and Internal criminal investigations.

Module 1: The Investigator SCI 1 with Legal
The detail, with the support of an Investigative Assistant, Information these endeavor is prescribed in the PNP operational procedures covered by
Processing Technician and an Office 1echnician, effectively responds to the following provisions:
and process an abundant amount of cases. In addition, the supervising
officer is available at all times, by telephone or pager in order to coordinate 13. Crime Scene Investigation
and expedite crime scene response.

The homicide unit consists of (8) investigators who are on call 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week, and have unlimited access to the office support staff.
These investigators interact constantly with the Office of the Prosecutor,
Crime Laboratory, the Medico Legal Office. the identification Section as
well as other local and Foreign agencies concerned with the Criminal
Justice System such as the National Bureau of Investigation,
Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency, Bureau of Drug Corrections, Bureau
of Jail Management and Penology, Interpol, FBI and the like.

The primary function of the homicide unit is the investigation of

Sec.1. It is the conduct of processes, more particularly the recognition,
death related cases. These cases are complex, sensitive and often labor
search, collection, handling, preservation and documentation of physical
intensive. The investigator assigned to this type of case must demonstrate
evidence to include the identification and interview of witnesses and-the
tremendous skill and experience in their must field of work in order to
arrest of suspect/s at the crime scene.
efficiently process high profile assignments. Investigators assigned to a
murder case work on from the crime scene to conviction. They to
Sec.2. Upon receipt of a report/complaint of a crime incident, the desk
conviction. They process the application of search warrants, collect
officer shall:
evidence, conduct extensive warrants, collect interrogations, attend
autopsies, perform death interviews and notifications and accomplish all
reports for case filling and prosecution. Perform death a. Record the time the report/complaint was made, the identity of
the person who made the report, place of the incident and a synopsis of
Homicide investigators are also assigned death investigations in the/incident.
which the patrol officers or coroner investigator believes suspicious
circumstances exists. b. Inform his superior officer or the duty officer regarding the
These cases may ultimately prove natural death, suicides,
accidental death, fire incidents wherein some victims die. It is the duty of Sec.3. First Responder any police officers who first arrive at the crime
the homicide investigator to either include or exclude criminal wrongdoing. scene and shall endeavor to arrive protect and secure the same as follows:
A basic guideline to law enforcement officers, the members of the SOCO
team and the police investigator on case as well as the first responder in
Module 1: The Investigator SCI 1 with Legal
a. Cordon off the crime scene with whatever available materials like ropes, recorded and photographed. Sketches supplement the photographs. The best
straws, human barricade, police line, if available, etc.; tool in documenting the crime scene is the use of video camera.

b. Evacuate injured persons to the nearest hospital; 5. Crime Scene Sketches. A rough sketch is prepared indicating the actual
measurement of things with scale and proportion observed and oriented to
c. Prepare to take the "dying declaration of severely injured person, if any; the North Pole. All necessary information is placed in the sketch.
within the
6. Detailed Search. The search for physical evidence is done using the
d. Prevent entry/exit of persons within the cordoned area; and accepted methods of search depending upon the actual location to be
e. Prepare to brief the investigators of the situation upon their arrival.
7. Collection of Physical Evidence. The team leader is always informed of
Sec.4. Crime Scene Investigation Proper - significant evidence
1. Receipt of Briefing and Designation of Command Post. The team leader located. The evidence collector shall put his initial, location and date of
upon arrival at the crime scene receives the briefing from the first responder collection on the item and turn it over to the evidence custodian for
and shall immediately designate a command post which is ideally located documentation and safekeeping. In cases where the evidence encountered
adjacent to the scene where the evidence custodian stays and receives the needs special processing due to significant or sensational cases, the Scene
pieces of evidence turned over to him for safe-keeping by the other of the Crime Operation (SOCO) specialists of the Crime Laboratory shall be
evidence collectors. requested.

2. Initiation of Preliminary Survey. The team leader makes a general

assessment of the scene, takes a cautious walk-through of the crime scene, 8. Conduct of Final Survey. The team leader makes a final review of the
takes down extensive notes to document important factors, and establishes crime scene to determine whether or not the processing has been completed.
the evidence most likely to be encountered. He then defines the extent of
the search area, and determines personnel and equipment needed, and 9. Release of the Crime Scene. The release of the crime scene shall be done
makes specific assignments. From his assessments, he develops a general if the investigator been is satisfied that all pieces of evidence have been
theory of the crime scene. recovered. Thus, the investigator must evaluate the items recovered from
the results of interrogation of the suspect/s and the interview of the
3. Preparation of Narrative Report. The team leader uses the systematic witnesses. He must bear in mind that upon the formal release of the crime
approach in making narrative report. No item is too insignificant to record if scene to the proper authority, a warrant is already required for his re-entry
it catches one's attention. to the crime scene.

4 Documentation of the Crime Scene. The photographer begins taking Sec.5. Conduct of Interview While the crime scene is being processed, the
photographs as soon as possible. The evidence collectors do not touch or team leader shall designate other members to look for witnesses and
move any evidence once it is located until it has been identified, measured,
Module 1: The Investigator SCI 1 with Legal
immediately conduct interview. The assigned investigators shall jot down
important facts for the future reference.

Sec.6. Arrest of Suspect/s upon arrival at the crime scene, the team leader
shall endeavor to arrest the suspect/s if he is still at the crime scene or the
first responder did not arrest the suspect/s. the suspect/s shall be secured and
shall be separated from the other witnesses.
Module 1: The Investigator SCI 1 with Legal

1. Explain cases and the method utilized in their investigation.

3. What is the Responsibilities of Homicide Investigator and How important

role that they must be done.

2. Demonstrate the methods of criminalistics employed in the investigation

of a specific crime.
Module 1: The Investigator SCI 1 with Legal

1. Explain the Significance of fundamentals of criminal
investigation in the conduct of specialized crime investigation.
Module 1: The Investigator SCI 1 with Legal

Reflective Analysis
Module 1: The Investigator SCI 1 with Legal

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