Media and Information Literacy: Quarter 2: Week 2 Learning Activity Sheets

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Department of Education-Region III

Juan Luna St., Sto. Cristo, Tarlac City 2300
Email address: [email protected]/ Tel. No. (045) 470 - 8180

Quarter 2: Week 2
Learning Activity Sheets
Media and Information Literacy

Name of Learner:____________________________________ Date:____________

Section:___________________________________________ Q2W2


I. Background Information for Learners

The Basics on MOOC (classcentral,com, 2020)

What are MOOCs?

MOOCs are courses delivered online and accessible to all for free.
MOOC stands for massive open online course:
• Massive because enrollments are unlimited and can run into hundreds of thousands.
• Open because anyone can enroll — that is, there is no admission process.
• Online because they are delivered via the internet.
• Course because their goal is to teach a specific subject.
MOOCs typically comprise video lessons, readings, assessments, and discussion forums.

Who makes MOOCs?

Most MOOCs are made by universities. Some of the first and most active MOOC makers are Stanford, MIT,
and Harvard. Some MOOCs are made by companies, such as Microsoft or Google, or by various
organizations, such as IEEE or the Linux Foundation.

In the Philippines, the Massive Open Distance e-Learning (MODeL) is the official MOOC platform of the
University of the Philippines – Open University.

Where can I take MOOCs?

Although MOOCs are created by universities, universities rarely distribute MOOCs themselves. Instead,
they rely on course providers such as:
• Coursera
• edX
• FutureLearn
• Udacity
So it’s on those platforms and others that students actually take MOOCs.

When do MOOCs start?

Some MOOCs can be started at any time. Others start at regular intervals — every few weeks or months.
Some are seldom offered — sometimes reappearing after a year of absence. Finally, some stop being
offered entirely.

Do MOOCs have deadlines?

Some MOOCs are self-paced — you progress through them as quickly or slowly as you want — while
others run on a schedule:
• All the course material may not be available from day one. Instead, it’s released in fragments week
after week, forcing students to pace themselves.
• Assessments may have deadlines, preventing students from lagging behind.
But even when they involve a schedule, MOOCs remain flexible: you study when it suits you best, day or

How long to complete a MOOC?

MOOCs range in length from 1 to 16 weeks. Most provide an estimate of the weekly time commitment,
although this may vary significantly from one student to another.

How are students tested in MOOCs?

MOOCs can include:
• Auto-graded quizzes — that is, quizzes that are automatically graded upon submission, such as
multiple choice questions.
• Peer-feedback assignments — that is, assignments that are graded by other students according
to a specific rubric.

Your performance on these assignments then determines your overall course grade.

Can I earn a credential for finishing a MOOC?

If you finish a MOOC with a passing grade, you may earn a certificate of completion. Sometimes, the
certificate is free. But more often, you have to pay for it.
Paid certificates often require ID verification, which involves sending a picture of yourself and a
government-issued ID.
To give you an example, here’s how edX verified certificates look.
Note that some courses offer free trials.

Are there paid components to MOOCs?

Beside certificates, other MOOC components may be hidden behind a paywall — for instance, graded
MOOCs often offer two enrollment options:
• Free Auditing — which gives you access to videos, readings, and forums for free.
• Paid Enrollment — which gives you access to all the content, including paywalled elements such
as the certificate of completion.
A small number of courses are pay-only.
Note that online courses that involve paywalls are still often referred to as ‘MOOCs’ despite not being truly
‘open’ anymore.

Is financial aid available to take MOOCs?

Some MOOC platforms allow you to apply for financial aid or scholarships:
• How to request financial aid on Coursera
• How to request financial aid on edX
• How to apply for a scholarship on Udacity
If accepted, you may be able to earn a certificate for free or at a discounted rate.

Are there other restrictions on MOOC access?

Some course providers restrict enrollment to people over the age of 13 years. Parents may complete
courses with their children. Some MOOCs may be unavailable in particular countries because of trade
restrictions or government policies.

Can I contact the MOOC instructor?

Interaction between instructors and students is minimal or non-existent in MOOCs. Many courses have
mentors monitoring the course forums. Occasionally, instructors may contribute to the discussion.
Students are encouraged to help each other by answering questions. You are not allowed to post quiz
answers, but you may recommend helpful resources, so struggling students can work out the answer for

What to consider before taking a MOOC?

Before starting any MOOCs, it helps to understand just why you want to enroll.
Do you want to take a MOOC to:
• Switch careers?
• Gain a promotion?
• Become better at your job?
• Improve your job prospects?
• Or, simply for the pleasure of learning?

Other important considerations are:

• Do you want to take the full MOOC or just part of it?
• How much time can you dedicate to the course weekly?
• Are you looking for an introductory, intermediate, or advanced course?

Advantages of MOOC (, 2019)

• Anyone can overcome geographical limitations with MOOCs because learners don’t have to
be there to study. This gives access to learning, without the degrees and diplomas.
• It’s also relatively cheap to get the certificate, and some sites like edX don’t even require you
to pay for the certificate first before giving all the content.
• The MOOC content remains there, so on the part of the teacher, all users’ need is audio-
video recordings of teaching, and learners are good to go.
• You don’t need to edit your materials much nor repeat it to different classes.

Disadvantages of MOOC (, 2019)

• The assessment in MOOC is scant and shallow, given the number of students who take it
and it even lacks feedback.
• Formal education in the Philippines is outcomes-based for the tertiary level, and it has traces
of it in the basic education level, where performance tasks are a major requirement. MOOCs
cannot assess performance tasks. It is usually objective-type tests, like multiple choices.

Massive Open Openline Course

- enrollments - anyone can - delivered via - goal is to teach
are unlimited enroll the internet a specific subject

II. Learning Competency with Code
Describe the impact of massive open online

III. Directions/Instructions
Read and follow carefully the given directions or instructions in answering the set of activities.

Activity 1. Match It.

Match Column A with the correct answer on Column B. Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank
provided before each number.

Column A Column B
_____ 1. A MOOC Course provider a. MODel
_____ 2. The official MOOC platform of the University
of the Philippines b. Course

_____ 3. Massive Open Openline __________ c. edX

_____ 4. Makers of MOOCs d. 1-16 weeks

_____ 5. Time frame/range of a MOOC e. 6-12 months

f. Universities

Activity 2. True or False.

Put a check mark on the box if you think the statement is correct. Put an X if the statement is incorrect.

1. All MOOC platforms allow you to apply for financial aid or scholarships.
2. The performance on auto-graded quizzes and peer feedback assignments determines overall
course grade.
3. MOOCs are termed as Massive because enrollments are unlimited and can run into hundreds of
4. Some course providers restrict enrollment to people over the age of 13 years.
5. Geographical limitations with MOOCs is not controlled because learners have to be there to
6. The assessment in MOOC is scant and shallow, given the number of students who take it and it
even lacks feedback.
7. MOOCs cannot assess performance tasks. It is usually objective-type tests, like multiple
8. Simply for the pleasure of learning is one of the reasons why people take MOOCs.
9. If you finish a MOOC with a passing grade, you may earn a certificate of completion.
10. MOOC Stands for Massive On-going Online Curriculum

Activity 3. Be an Inventor.
Create a product (currently not available in the market) that you think would be very useful for your day-to-
day life as a student taking up online classes. Depict your product in the form of a drawing (draw it inside
the box) with a product name and a brief description of how it can help you in your online studies.
Product Name:

Product Description:

Activity 4. Enroll Now.

Pretend that you will enroll in a MOOC by searching for available MOOCs through any of the following

Situation: Your school supports MOOCs. Your principal encourages you to enroll in one of the following
courses. This course will be credited to your Senior High School Curriculum which can be helpful in your
college or university education.

Task: Fill out this Registration Form.

(If internet access is not available, you can make up your own details to complete the table.)














Rubrics for Scoring:

For Activity 3 – Be an Inventor

Criteria Excellent Good Fair Unsatisfactory

(5 pts.) (4pts.) (3 pts.) (2 pts.)
Product Really shows Shows an Somewhat Does not show
Originality an original original product shows an an original
product original product
Product Product is really Product is Product is Product is not
Usefulness useful useful somewhat useful
Product Product name Product name Product name Product name
Name is really is appropriate is somewhat is not
appropriate for for the product appropriate for appropriate for
the product the product the product
Product Product Product Product Product
Description description is description is description is description is
absolutely clear clear a little clear not clear
Product Drawing Drawing Drawing Drawing does
Drawing absolutely depicts the somewhat not depict the
depicts the product depicts the product
product product

For Activity 4. Enroll Now.

Criteria Exemplary (5 pts.) Competent (3 pts.) Unsatisfactory (1 pt.)

Addressing the Demonstrates a Demonstrates an Fails to address the
Questions complete adequate question or
understanding of the understanding of the demonstrates an
questions questions inadequate grasp of
the questions
Clarity of Answer displays Answer displays Answer lacks clarity,
Thought clarity of thought, basic knowledge of emits significant facts,
depth of reflection, the issue or is otherwise
and insight incomplete
IV. Reflection

In this lesson, I have learned that:


I can use this knowledge to:


V. References for Learners

Bowden, Pat. 2020. Beginners Guide to Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs).

Gajete, Stanley B. 2019. MOOC goes beyond usual learning, globally and in PH.

Pimentel, Christopher. Teaching Guide for Senior High School Media and Information Literacy.

Answer Key

Activity 1
1. c
2. a
3. b
4. f
5. d

Activity 2
1. X
2. /
3. /
4. /
5. X
6. /
7. /
8. /
9. /
10. X

Activity 3
Learners’ answers may vary

Activity 4
Learners’ answers may vary

Prepared by:

Teacher I
Senior High School Department
Tibag High School

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