ClientServer Computing Systems

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Qualification Unit Number & Title

BTEC HND IN COMPUTING L/615/1680 - Unit 36: Client/Server Computing Systems
Student Name Assessor Name
Sunil Shrestha
Assignment Launch Date Due Date Completion Date
07/29/2021 09/28/2021
Session/Year Assignment Number 1/1
Assignment Title Design and Implementation of Client Server computing system

Assignment submission format

Each student has to submit their assignment as guided in the assignment brief. The students
are guided what sort of information is to produce to meet the criteria targeted. You are
required to make use of headings, paragraphs and subsections as appropriate, and all work
must be supported with research and referenced using the APA referencing system.

Learning outcomes covered

 LO1. Explore the concepts of servers, clients, and processes and the differences
between PPID and PID.

 LO2. Analyze the communication processes between clients and servers in different
application protocols with records captured from the internet.
 LO3. Create a client/server model in a Linux system with User Datagram Protocol
(UDP), Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and Application Layer protocols.
Purpose of this assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to enable learners to understand concepts of servers, clients
and processes, and client-server computing concepts, how they work, how they operate, and the
protocols, standards, and models associated with client-server technology.


Nepal IT solution, established under the Company Act 2053 as a public limited company on
2063/02/22). Nepal IT solution is the foremost IT service provider company established by
private investors. The promoters of the company are a group of well-known IT experts,
businessmen, and business houses of Nepal. Within the 12 years of operation, the Company has
set up an excellent business record and has a strong financial position.
To meet the growing customer needs and market demands, the company expanded its system and
network infrastructure to provide services like email service, Internet service, Domain
registration, Web hosting, and Network Management and Monitoring service, Company wants to
upgrade the system by improving IT skills of their staffs by training.
Nepal IT solution has hired you as a junior System Administrator to design and implement most
suitable system architecture solution for their business. Your major responsibilities are to plan,
manage, design, implement and optimize the system and network that fulfill the company's
current needs. Major tasks are as below:
 Explore the concepts of servers, clients, and processes and the differences between PPID
and PID.
 Analyse the communication processes between clients and servers in different application
protocols with records captured from the internet.
 Examining the different application layer protocols used in client-server computing
captured with Wireshark.
 Create the client and server model in a Linux system with UDP/TCP and any application
layer protocol.
 Attach the presentation slides that you have prepared.
 Submit the report.

The company has asked you to produce a final report of your design and implementation that
demonstrates your understanding of the principle of Client-Server computing.

Assignment Task
With reference to the scenario, prepare a report which:


Produce Technical report which illustrate the communication processes between

servers and clients and compare parent process and child process PID and PPID.

Further to the above task you are required to recognize parent process and child process
in a communication record (such as the records obtained by Wire Shark) between servers
and clients and design a model composed of parent process and child process to realize a
simple function. It is recommended that you design a realistic model to realize a
function in real life using an Application Layer protocol.

Yu are required to examine the concepts and functions of several Application Layer
Protocols and operate wire shark software and recognize the different windows in the
wire shark interface.

Illustrate the communication processes of Application Layer protocols based on the

client/server system.

Analyze communication records captured from the internet based on Application

Layer protocols.


Create a client/server model in a Linux system with User Datagram Protocol (UDP),
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and Application Layer protocols.

Build a system with DNS and illustrate it by a flowchart and do implement the created
DNS system in Linux.

You may implement the system with some advanced functions such as breakpoint
Pass Merit Distinction
LO1 Explore the concepts of servers, clients, and processes and
the differences between PPID and PID
P1 Illustrate the M1 Recognize parent process LO1 and LO2
communication processes and child process in a
between servers and clients. communication record (such as D1 Design a realistic
the records obtained by Wire model to realize a function
P2 Compare parent process shark) between servers and in real life using an
and child process, PID and clients. Application Layer
PPID. protocol.
M2 Design a model composed
of parent process and child
process to realize a simple
LO2 Analyze the communication processes between clients and
servers in different application protocols with records captured
from the internet
P3 Examine the concepts and M2 Illustrate the communication
functions of several processes of Application Layer
Application Layer protocols. protocols based on the
client/server system.
P4 Operate Wireshark
software, and recognize the M4 Analyze communication
different windows in the records captured from the
Wireshark interface. internet based on Application
Layer protocols.

LO3 Create a client/server model in a Linux system with User

Datagram Protocol (UDP), Transmission Control Protocol LO3
(TCP) and Application Layer protocols D2 Implement the system
P5 Create a UDP system in M5 Build a system with DNS with some advanced
Linux. and illustrate it by a flowchart. functions such as
breakpoint resume.
P6 Create a TCP system in M6 Implement the created DNS
Linux system in Linux.

Grades Achieved
Note: Refer the unit details provided in your handbook when responding all the tasks above.
Make sure that you have understood and developed your response that matches the highlighted
key words in each task.

Plagiarism Notice

You are reminded that there exist Academic Misconduct Policy and Regulation concerning
Cheating and Plagiarism.

Extracts from the Policy:

Section 3.4.1: Allowing others to do assignments / copying others assignment is an offence

Section 3.4.2: Plagiarism, using the views, opinion or insights / paraphrasing of another person’s
original phraseology without acknowledgement

 It should be the student’s own work – Plagiarism is unacceptable.

 Clarity of expression and structure are important features.
 Your work should be submitted as a well presented, word-processed document with
headers and footers, and headings and subheadings, both in hard and soft copies.
 You are expected to undertake research on this subject using books from the Library, and
resources available on the Internet.
 Any sources of information should be listed as references at the end of your document
and these sources should be referenced within the text of your document using APA
Referencing style
 Your report should be illustrated with screen-prints, images, tables, charts and/or
 All assignments must be typed in Times New Roman, font size 12, 11/2 spacing.

The center policy is that you must submit your work within due date to achieve “Merit”
and “Distinction”. Late submission automatically eliminates your chance of achieving
“Merit and Distinction”. Also, 80% attendance is required to validate this assignment.

I declare that all the work submitted for this assignment is my own work and I understand that if
any part of the work submitted for this assignment is found to be plagiarised, none of the work
submitted will be allowed to count towards the assessment of the assignment.

Assignment Prepared By Signature Date

Binod Shah June 29, 2021

Brief Checked By Signature Date

Dhruba Babu Joshi July 08, 2021

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