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Question No. 1 is compulsory.
Attempt any four questions out of the remaining five questions.
In case, any candidate answers extra question(s)/ sub-question(s) over and above the
required number, then only the requisite number of questions first answered in the answer
book shall be valued and subsequent extra question(s) answered shall be ignored.
Working notes should form part of the answer
Question 1
(a) From the following information, complete the Balance Sheet given below:
(i) Equity Share Capital : ` 2,00,000
(ii) Total debt to owner's equity : 0.75
(iii) Total Assets turnover : 2 times
(iv) Inventory turnover : 8 times
(v) Fixed Assets to owner's equity : 0.60
(vi) Current debt to total debt : 0.40
Balance Sheet of XYZ Co. as on March 31, 2020
Liabilities Amount Assets Amount
( `) ( `)
Equity Shares Capital 2,00,000 Fixed Assets ?
Long term Debt ? Current Assets:
Current Debt ? Inventory ?
Cash ?
(5 Marks)
(b) The following information is taken from ABC Ltd.
Net Profit for the year ` 30,00,000
12% Preference share capital ` 1,00,00,000
Equity share capital (Share of ` 10 each) ` 60,00,000
Internal rate of return on investment 22%
Cost of Equity Capital 18%
Retention Ratio 75%

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Calculate the market price of the share using:

(1) Gordon's Model
(2) Walter's Model (5 Marks)
(c) A project requires an initial outlay of ` 3,00,000.
The company uses certainty equivalent method approach to evaluate the project. The risk
free rate is 7%.
Following information is available:
(Cash Flow After Tax) ` (Certainty Equivalent Coefficient)
1. 1,00,000 0.90
2. 1,50,000 0.80
3. 1,15,000 0.60
4. 1,00,000 0.55
5. 50,000 0.50
PV Factor at 7%
Year 1 2 3 4 5
PV Factor 0.935 0.873 0.816 0.763 0.713
Evaluate the above. Is investment in the project beneficial? (5 Marks)
(d) The following information is provided by MNP Ltd. for the year ending 31 st March, 2020:
Raw Material Storage period 45 days
Work-in-Progress conversion period 20 days
Finished Goods storage period 25 days
Debt Collection period 30 days
Creditors payment period 60 days
Annual Operating Cost ` 25,00,000
(Including Depreciation of ` 2,50,000)
Assume 360 days in a year.
You are required to calculate:
(i) Operating Cycle period
(ii) Number of Operating Cycle in a year.
(iii) Amount of working capital required for the company on a cost basis.

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(iv) The company is a market leader in its product and it has no competitor in the market.
Based on a market survey it is planning to discontinue sales on credit and deliver
products based on pre-payments in order to reduce its working capital requirement
substantially. You are required to compute the reduction in working capital
requirement in such a scenario. (5 Marks)
(a) Balance Sheet of XYZ Co. as on March 31, 2020
Liabilities Amount (`) Assets Amount (`)
Equity Share Capital 2,00,000 Fixed Assets 1,20,000
Long-term Debt 90,000 Current Assets:
Current Debt 60,000 Inventory 87,500
Cash (balancing figure) 1,42,500
3,50,000 3,50,000
Working Notes
1. Total Debt = 0.75 x Equity Share Capital = 0.75 x ` 2,00,000 = ` 1,50,000
Further, Current Debt to Total Debt = 0.40.
So, Current Debt = 0.40 x ` 1,50,000 = ` 60,000
Long term Debt = ` 1,50,000 - ` 60,000 = ` 90,000
2. Fixed Assets = 0.60 x Equity Share Capital = 0.60 x ` 2,00,000 = ` 1,20,000
3. Total Assets to Turnover = 2 times; Inventory Turnover = 8 times
Hence, Inventory /Total Assets = 2/8 =1/4
Further, Total Assets = ` 2,00,000 + ` 1,50,000 = ` 3,50,000
Therefore, Inventory = ` 3,50,000/4 = ` 87,500
Cash in Hand = Total Assets – Fixed Assets – Inventory
= ` 3,50,000 - ` 1,20,000 - ` 87,500 = ` 1,42,500
(b) Market price per share by-
(1) Gordon’s Model:
Do (1+g)
Present market price per share (P o)* =
K e -g

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Present market price per share (P o) =
K e -g
Po = Present market price per share.
g = Growth rate (br) = 0.75 X 0.22 = 0.165
b = Retention ratio (i.e., % of earnings retained)
r = Internal rate of return (IRR)
D0 = E x (1 – b) = 3 X (1 – 0.75) = 0.75
E = Earnings per share
0.75 (1  0.165) 0.874
Po = = = ` 58.27 approx.
0.18  0.165 0.015
E(1 - b)
*Alternatively, Po can be calculated as = ` 50.
k - br
(2) Walter’s Model:
D+ (E-D)

0.75  (3  0.75)
= 0.18 = ` 19.44
1. Calculation of Earnings per share
Particulars Amount (`)
Net Profit for the year 30,00,000
Less: Preference dividend (12% of ` 1,00,00,000) (12,00,000)
Earnings for equity shareholders 18,00,000
No. of equity shares (` 60,00,000/`10) 6,00,000
Therefore, Earnings per share ` 18,00,000/6,00,000
Earning for equity shareholders = ` 3.00
( )
No. of equity shares

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2. Calculation of Dividend per share

Earnings per share `3
Retention Ratio (b) 75%
Dividend pay-out ratio (1-b) 25%
Dividend per share ` 3 x 0.25 = ` 0.75
(Earnings per share x Dividend pay-out ratio)
(c) Statement Showing the Net Present Value of Project
Year end CFAT (`) C.E. Adjusted Cash Present value Total Present
flow (`) factor @ 7% value (`)
(a) (b) (c) = (a)  (b) (d) (e) = (c)  (d)
1 1,00,000 0.90 90,000 0.935 84,150
2 1,50,000 0.80 1,20,000 0.873 1,04,760
3 1,15,000 0.60 69,000 0.816 56,304
4 1,00,000 0.55 55,000 0.763 41,965
5 50,000 0.50 25,000 0.713 17,825
PV of Cash Inflow 3,05,004
Less: Initial Investment (3,00,000)
Net Present Value 5,004
Since the NPV of the project is positive, it is beneficial to invest in the project.
(d) (i) Calculation of Operating Cycle Period:
Operating Cycle Period = R + W + F + D – C
= 45 + 20 + 25 + 30 – 60 = 60 days
(ii) Number of Operating Cycle in a Year
360 360
= = =6
Operating cycle period 60
(iii) Amount of Working Capital Required
Annual operating cost ` 25,00,000 - ` 2,50,000
= =
Number of operating cycle 6
` 22,50,000
= = ` 3,75,000

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(iv) Reduction in Working Capital

Operating Cycle Period = R + W + F – C
= 45 + 20 + 25 – 60 = 30 days
` 22,50,000
Amount of Working Capital Required = x 30 = ` 1,87,500
Reduction in Working Capital = ` 3,75,000 – ` 1,87,500 = ` 1,87,500
Note: If we use Total Cost basis, then amount of Working Capital required will be
` 4,16,666.67 (approx.) and Reduction in Working Capital will be ` 2,08,333.33 (approx.)
Question 2
The information related to XYZ Company Ltd. for the year ended 31 st March, 2020 are as follows:
Equity Share Capital of ` 100 each ` 50 Lakhs
12% Bonds of ` 1000 each ` 30 Lakhs
Sales ` 84 Lakhs
Fixed Cost (Excluding Interest) ` 7.5 Lakhs
Financial Leverage 1.39
Profit-Volume Ratio 25%
Market Price per Equity Share ` 200
Income Tax Rate Applicable 30%
You are required to compute the following:
(i) Operating Leverage
(ii) Combined Leverage
(iii) Earning per share
(iv) Earning Yield (10 Marks)
1. Profit Volume Ratio = x 100
So, 25 = x 100
` 84,00,000
` 84,00,000 x 25
Contribution = = ` 21,00,000

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2. Financial leverage =
` 13,50,000 (as calculated above)
Or, 1.39 =
EBT = ` 9,71,223
3. Income Statement
Particulars (`)
Sales 84,00,000
Less: Variable Cost (Sales - Contribution) (63,00,000)
Contribution 21,00,000
Less: Fixed Cost (7,50,000)
EBIT 13,50,000
Less: Interest (EBIT - EBT) (3,78,777)
EBT 9,71,223
Less: Tax @ 30% (2,91,367)
Profit after Tax (PAT) 6,79,856
(i) Operating Leverage =
Earnings before interest and tax (EBIT)
` 21,00,000
= = 1.556 (approx.)
` 13,50,000
(ii) Combined Leverage = Operating Leverage x Financial Leverage
= 1.556 x 1.39 = 2.163 (approx.)
Contribution ` 21,00,000
Or, = = 2.162 (approx.)
EBT ` 9,71,223
(iii) Earnings per Share (EPS)
PAT ` 6,79,856
EPS = = = ` 13.597
No. of shares 50,000
(iv) Earning Yield
EPS ` 13.597
= x 100 = x 100 = 6.80% (approx.)
Market Price ` 200

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Note: The question has been solved considering Financial Leverage given in the question
as the base for calculating total interest expense including the interest of 12% Bonds of
` 30 Lakhs. The question can also be solved in other alternative ways.
Question 3
A Limited and B Limited are identical except for capital structures. A Ltd. has 60 per cent debt
and 40 per cent equity, whereas B Ltd. has 20 per cent debt and 80 per cent equity. (All
percentages are in market-value terms.) The borrowing rate for both companies is 8 per cent in
a no-tax world, and capital markets are assumed to be perfect.
(a) (i) If X, owns 3 per cent of the equity shares of A Ltd., determine his return i f the
Company has net operating income of ` 4,50,000 and the overall capitalization rate
of the company, (Ko) is 18 per cent.
(ii) Calculate the implied required rate of return on equity of A Ltd.
(b) B Ltd. has the same net operating income as A Ltd.
(i) Calculate the implied required equity return of B Ltd.
(ii) Analyse why does it differ from that of A Ltd. (10 Marks)
NOI ` 4,50,000
(a) Value of A Ltd. = = = ` 25,00,000
Ko 18%
(i) Return on Shares of X on A Ltd.
Particulars Amount (`)
Value of the company 25,00,000
Market value of debt (60% x ` 25,00,000) 15,00,000
Market value of shares (40% x ` 25,00,000) 10,00,000
Particulars Amount (`)
Net operating income 4,50,000
Interest on debt (8% × ` 15,00,000) 1,20,000
Earnings available to shareholders 3,30,000
Return on 3% shares (3% × ` 3,30,000) 9,900
` 3,30,000
(ii) Implied required rate of return on equity of A Ltd. = = 33%
` 10,00,000
(b) (i) Calculation of Implied rate of return of B Ltd.
Particulars Amount (`)
Total value of company 25,00,000

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Market value of debt (20% × ` 25,00,000) 5,00,000

Market value of equity (80% × ` 25,00,000) 20,00,000
Particulars Amount (`)
Net operating income 4,50,000
Interest on debt (8% × ` 5,00,000) 40,000
Earnings available to shareholders 4,10,000
` 4,10,000
Implied required rate of return on equity = = 20.5%
` 20,00,000
(ii) Implied required rate of return on equity of B Ltd. is lower than that of A Ltd. because
B Ltd. uses less debt in its capital structure. As the equity capitalisation is a linear
function of the debt-to-equity ratio when we use the net operating income approach,
the decline in required equity return offsets exactly the disadvantage of not employing
so much in the way of “cheaper” debt funds.
Question 4
The Capital structure of PQR Ltd. is as follows:
10% Debenture 3,00,000
12% Preference Shares 2,50,000
Equity Share (face value ` 10 per share) 5,00,000
Additional Information:
(i) ` 100 per debenture redeemable at par has 2% floatation cost & 10 years of maturity. The
market price per debenture is ` 110.
(ii) ` 100 per preference share redeemable at par has 3% floatation cost & 10 years of
maturity. The market price per preference share is ` 108.
(iii) Equity share has ` 4 floatation cost and market price per share of ` 25. The next year
expected dividend is ` 2 per share with annual growth of 5%. The firm has a practice of
paying all earnings in the form of dividends.
(iv) Corporate Income Tax rate is 30%.
Calculate Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) using market value weights. (10 Marks)

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D1 `2
1. Cost of Equity (K e) = +g = +0.05 = 0.145 (approx.)
P0 -F ` 25 - ` 4

I 1- t +
RV -NP
2. Cost of Debt (K d) = n

10 1-0.3  +
100- 98 
10 7  0.2
= = = 0.073 (approx.)
100+ 98  99

PD 
RV  NP 
3. Cost of Preference Shares (K p) = n
RV  NP 

12 
100  97
10 12  0.3
= = = 0.125 (approx.)
100  97  98.5
Calculation of WACC using market value weights
Source of capital Market Weights After tax cost WACC (Ko )
Value of capital
(`) (a) (b) (c) = (a) × (b)
10% Debentures (` 110 × 3,000) 3,30,000 0.178 0.073 0.013
12% Preference shares (` 108 × 2,70,000 0.146 0.125 0.018
Equity shares (` 25 × 50,000) 12,50,000 0.676 0.145 0.098
18,50,000 1.00 0.129
WACC (Ko) = 0.129 or 12.9% (approx.)

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Question 5
A company wants to buy a machine, and two different models namely A and B are available.
Following further particulars are available:
Particulars Machine-A Machine-B
Original Cost (`) 8,00,000 6,00,000
Estimated Life in years 4 4
Salvage Value ( `) 0 0
The company provides depreciation under Straight Line Method. Income tax rate applicable is
The present value of ` 1 at 12% discounting factor and net profit before depreciation and tax
are as under:
Year Net Profit Before Depreciation and tax PV Factor
Machine-A Machine-B
` `
1. 2,30,000 1,75,000 0.893
2. 2,40,000 2,60,000 0.797
3. 2,20,000 3,20,000 0.712
4. 5,60,000 1,50,000 0.636
1. NPV (Net Present Value)
2. Discounted pay-back period
3. PI (Profitability Index)
Suggest: Purchase of which machine is more beneficial under Discounted pay-back period
method, NPV method and PI method. (10 Marks)
(i) Calculation of Annual Depreciation
` 8,00,000
Depreciation on Machine – A = = ` 2,00,000
` 6,00,000
Depreciation on Machine – B = = ` 1,50,000

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(ii) Calculation of Annual Cash Inflows

Particulars Machine-A (`)
1 2 3 4
Net Profit before Depreciation and Tax 2,30,000 2,40,000 2,20,000 5,60,000
Less: Depreciation 2,00,000 2,00,000 2,00,000 2,00,000
Profit before Tax 30,000 40,000 20,000 3,60,000
Less: Tax @ 30% 9,000 12,000 6,000 1,08,000
Profit after Tax 21,000 28,000 14,000 2,52,000
Add: Depreciation 2,00,000 2,00,000 2,00,000 2,00,000
Annual Cash Inflows 2,21,000 2,28,000 2,14,000 4,52,000

Particulars Machine-B (`)

1 2 3 4
Net Profit before Depreciation and Tax 1,75,000 2,60,000 3,20,000 1,50,000
Less: Depreciation 1,50,000 1,50,000 1,50,000 1,50,000
Profit before Tax 25,000 1,10,000 1,70,000 0
Less: Tax @ 30% 7,500 33,000 51,000 0
Profit after Tax 17,500 77,000 1,19,000 0
Add: Depreciation 1,50,000 1,50,000 1,50,000 1,50,000
Annual Cash Inflows 1,67,500 2,27,000 2,69,000 1,50,000
(iii) Calculation of PV of Cash Flows
Machine – A Machine - B
Year PV of Re 1 Cash PV Cumulative Cash flow PV Cumulative
@ 12% flow (`) (`) PV (`) (`) (`) PV (`)
1 0.893 2,21,000 1,97,353 1,97,353 1,67,500 1,49,578 1,49,578
2 0.797 2,28,000 1,81,716 3,79,069 2,27,000 1,80,919 3,30,497
3 0.712 2,14,000 1,52,368 5,31,437 2,69,000 1,91,528 5,22,025
4 0.636 4,52,000 2,87,472 8,18,909 1,50,000 95,400 6,17,425
1. NPV (Net Present Value)
Machine – A
NPV = ` 8,18,909 - ` 8,00,000 = ` 18,909

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Machine – B
NPV = ` 6,17,425 – ` 6,00,000 = ` 17,425
2. Discounted Payback Period
Machine – A
` 8,00,000  ` 5,31,437
Discounted Payback Period =3+
` 2,87,472
= 3 + 0.934
= 3.934 years or 3 years 11.21 months
Machine – B
` 6,00,000  ` 5,22,025
Discounted Payback Period =3+
` 95,400
= 3 + 0.817
= 3.817 years or 3 years 9.80 months
3. PI (Profitability Index)
Machine – A
` 8,18,909
Profitability Index = = 1.024
` 8,00,000
Machine – B
` 6,17,425
Profitability Index = = 1.029
` 6,00,000
Method Machine - A Machine - B Suggested Machine
Net Present Value ` 18,909 ` 17,425 Machine A
Discounted Payback Period 3.934 years 3.817 years Machine B
Profitability Index 1.024 1.029 Machine B
Question 6
(a) State four tasks involved to demonstrate the importance of good Financial Management.
(4 Marks)
(b) Explain Electronic Cash Management System. (4 Marks)
(c) Define Internal Rate of Return (IRR) (2 Marks)

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Explain in brief the following bonds:
(i) Callable Bonds
(ii) Puttable Bonds
(a) The best way to demonstrate the importance of good financial management is to
describe some of the tasks that it involves:
 Taking care not to over-invest in fixed assets
 Balancing cash-outflow with cash-inflows
 Ensuring that there is a sufficient level of short-term working capital
 Setting sales revenue targets that will deliver growth
 Increasing gross profit by setting the correct pricing for products or services
 Controlling the level of general and administrative expenses by finding more cost-
efficient ways of running the day-to-day business operations, and
 Tax planning that will minimize the taxes a business has to pay.
(b) Electronic Cash Management System: Most of the cash management systems now-a-
days are electronically based, since ‘speed’ is the essence of any cash management
system. Electronically, transfer of data as well as funds play a key role in any cash
management system. Various elements in the process of cash management are linked
through a satellite. Various places that are interlinked may be the place where the
instrument is collected, the place where cash is to be transferred in company’s account,
the place where the payment is to be transferred etc.
(c) Internal rate of return: Internal rate of return for an investment proposal is the discount rate
that equates the present value of the expected cash inflows with the initial cash outflow.
(i) Callable bonds: A callable bond has a call option which gives the issuer the right to
redeem the bond before maturity at a predetermined price known as the call price
(Generally at a premium).
(ii) Puttable bonds: Puttable bonds give the investor a put option (i.e. the right to sell
the bond) back to the company before maturity.

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Question No. 7 is compulsory.
Answer any three from the rest.
Question 7
(a) Given the following equations:
C = 200 + 0.8Y
I = 1200
Calculate equilibrium level of National Income and the Consumption Expenditure at
equilibrium level of National Income. (3 Marks)
(b) Distinguish between 'direct quote' and ‘indirect quote’ with reference to express nominal
exchange rate between two currencies. (2 Marks)
(c) Compute M2 supply of money from the following RBI data: (3 Marks)
( ` in Crores)
Currency with public 435656.6
'Other' deposits with RBI 1234.2
Saving deposits with post office saving banks 647.7
Net time deposits with the banking system 514834.3
Demand deposits with banks. 274254.9

(d) Explain the Transactions Motive for holding cash. (2 Marks)

(a) Y = C + I
Y = 200 + 0.8 Y + 1200
Y-0.8Y = 1400
0.2Y = 1400
Y = 1400/0.2 = 7000
C = 200+ 0.8 x 7000 = 5800
(b) Exchange rate is the rate at which the currency of one country is exchanged for the
currency of another country. There are two ways to express nominal exchange rate
between two currencies namely direct quote and Indirect quote. A direct quote is the
number of units of a local currency exchangeable for one unit of a foreign currency. The
price of 1 dollar may be quoted in terms of how much rupees it takes to b uy one dollar.

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An indirect quote is the number of units of a foreign currency exchangeable for one unit
of local currency. A quotation in direct form can easily be converted into a quotation in
indirect form and vice versa. This is done by taking the reciprocal of the given rate.
(c) M1 = Currency Notes and Coins with the people + demand deposits with the banking
system (currency and saving deposit accounts) + Other deposits with the RBI
= 435656.6 cr + 274254.9 cr + 1234.2 cr
= 711145.7 cr
M2 = M1 + Saving deposit with Post Office Saving Bank
= 711145.7cr + 647.7cr
= 711793.4 cr
(d) The transactions motive for holding cash relates to ‘the need for cash for current
transactions for personal and business exchange.’ The need for holding money arises
between as there is lack of synchronization between receipts and expenditures. The
transaction motive is further classified into income motive and business motive, both of
which stressed on the requirement of individuals and businesses respectively to bridge
the time gap between receipt of income and planned expenditure. The transaction
demand for money is a direct proportional and positive function of the level of Income.
Lr = KY
Where Lr is the transaction demand for money
K is the ratio of earnings which is kept for transaction purposes
Y is the earning.
Question 8
(a) Calculate GNP at market price from the following data using Value Added Method.
( ` in Crores)
Government Transfer Payments 1800
Value of output in Primary Sector 1500
Value of output in Secondary Sector 2700
Value of output in Tertiary Sector 2100
Net factor income from Abroad (-) 60
Intermediate Consumption in Primary Sector 750
Intermediate Consumption in Secondary Sector 1200
Intermediate Consumption in Tertiary Sector 900
(5 Marks)

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(b) (i) Distinguish between Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) and Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR).
(3 Marks)
(ii) What do you mean by "Crowding Out" in relation to fiscal policy? (2 Marks)
(a) Gross Value Added at Market Price = Value of Output – Intermediate Consumption
= 1500+ 2700 + 2100- 750-1200-900
= 3450 cr
GNP at market Price = Gross Value Added at Market Price + Net factor Income from
= 3450 + (-) 60
= 3390 cr
(b) (i) Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) refers to the average daily balance that a bank is
required to maintain with the Reserve bank of India as a share of its total net
demand and time liabilities (NDTL). This Percentage will be notified from time to
time by Reserve bank of India. The RBI may set the ratio in keeping with the broad
objective of maintaining monetary stability in the economy. This requirement applies
uniformly to all the scheduled banks in the country irrespective of its size or
financial position.
Higher the CRR with the RBI, lower will be the liquidity in the system and vice versa.
During Slowdown in the economy, the RBI reduces the CRR in order to enable the
banks to expand credit and increase the supply of money available in the economy.
In order to contain credit expansion during the period of high inflation, the RBI
increases the CRR.
As per the Banking Regulations Act 1949, all Schedule commercial banks in India
are required to maintain a stipulated percentage of their total Demand and Time
liabilities (DTL)/ Net DTL (NDTL) in one of the following forms
(i) Cash
(ii) Gold
(iii) Investment in un-encumbered instruments that include
(a) Treasury bills of the Government of India
(b) Dated securities including those issued by the Government of India from
time to time under the market borrowings programme and the Market
Stabilization Scheme (MSS).
(c) State Development loans (SDLs) issued by State Government under their
market borrowings programme.

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(d) Other instruments as notified by the RBI. These include mainly the
securities issued by PSEs
While CRR has to be maintained by banks as cash with the RBI, the SLR requires
holding of assets in one of the above three categories by the bank itself. The Banks
which fail to meet its SLR obligations are liable to be imposed penalty in the form of
penal interest payable to RBI. The SLR is also a powerful tool for controlling liquidity
in the domestic market by means of manipulating bank credit.
(ii) Government Spending would sometimes substitute private spending and when this
happens the impact of government spending on aggregate demand would be
smaller than what it should be and therefore fiscal Policy may become ineffective.
The crowding out view is that a rapid growth of government spending leads to a
transfer of scarce productive resources from the private sector to the public sector
where productivity might be lower. An increase in the size of government spending
during recessions will crowd out private spending in an economy and lead to
reduction in an economy’s ability from the recession and possibly also reduce the
economy’s prospects of long run economic growth.
Crowding out effect is the negative effect fiscal policy may generate when money
from the private sector is crowded out to the public sector. In other words when
spending by government in an economy replaces private spending, the latter is said
to be crowded out.
Question 9
(a) (i) Compute GDP at market price and Mixed Income of Self-Employed from the data
given below :
( ` in Crores)
Compensation of Employees 810
Depreciation 26
Rent, Interest and Profit 453
NDP at factor cost 1450
Subsidies 18
Net factor Income from Abroad (-) 17
Indirect taxes. 57

(ii) Due to Recession in an economy, Government expenditure increases by ` 6 billion.

If Marginal Propensity to Consume (MPC) in the economy is 0.8, compute the
increase in GDP. (2 Marks)
(b) (i) Describe the advantages of Floating Exchange Rate. (3 Marks)

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(ii) Discuss the role of 'Market Stabilization Scheme' in our economy. (2 Marks)
(a) (i) GDP at Factor Cost: NDP at Factor Cost + Depreciation = 1450cr + 26cr = 1476 Cr
GDP at Market Price = GDP at Factor Cost + Net Indirect Taxes
= 1476cr + Indirect Taxes – Subsidies
= 1476cr + 39 cr
= 1515 Cr
NNP at Factor Cost = NDP at Factor cost + Net Factor Income from Abroad
NNP at Factor Cost = Compensation of employees + Operating Surplus + Mixed
Income of Self Employed + Net Factor Income from Abroad
Mixed Income of Self Employed = 1450cr – 1263 cr = 187 cr
(ii) Change in Income ÷ Change in Expenditure = 1- MPC = 1– 0.8 = 0.2
Change in Income × 0.2 = Change in Expenditure = 6 bn
Change in Income = 6 ÷0.2 = 30 bn
Hence the GDP will increase by 30 bn.
(b) (i) Under floating exchange rate regime, the equilibrium value of the exchange rate of
a country’s currency is market determined i.e., the demand for and supply of
currency relative to other currencies determine the exchange rate. A floating
exchange rate has many advantages:
(a) A floating exchange rate has the greatest advantage of allowing a Central bank
and /or government to persue its own monetary policy.
(b) Floating exchange rate regime allows exchange rate to be used as a policy
tool: for example, policy makers can adjust the nominal exchange rate to
influence the competitiveness of the tradable goods sector.
(c) As there is no obligation or necessary to intervene in the currency markets, the
Central bank is not required to maintain a huge foreign exchange reserves.
On the contrary a floating rate has greater policy flexibility but less stability.
(ii) Market Stabilization Scheme was introduced in 2004 as an Instrument for monetary
management with the primary aim of aiding the sterilization operations of the RBI.
(Sterilization is the process by which the monetary authority sterilizes the effects of
significant foreign capital inflows on domestic liquidity by off- loading parts of the
stock of government securities held by it). Surplus liquidity of a more enduring
nature arising from large capital inflows is absorbed through sale of short, dated

© The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India


government securities and treasury bills. Under this Scheme, the government of
India borrows from the RBI (Such borrowing being additional to its normal borrowing
requirements and issues treasury-bills/dated securities for absorbing excess
liquidity from the market arising from large capital inflows.
(a) (i) Describe the allocation instruments available to the Government to influence
resource allocation in an economy. 3
(ii) Explain the concept of 'Money Multiplier'. (2 Marks)
(b) (i) Calculate the Fiscal Deficit and Primary Deficit from the data given below:
( ` in Crores)
Total Expenditure on Revenue Account and Capital Account 547.62
Revenue Receipts 226.82
Non-debt Capital Receipts 103.00
Interest Payments 84.00
(3 Marks)
(ii) Describe the purposes of Trade Barriers in international trade. (2 Marks)
(a) (i) The Resource allocation role of the government’s fiscal policy focuses on the
potential of the government to improve economic performance through its
expenditure and tax policies. The allocative function in budgeting determines who
and what will be taxed as well as how and on what the government revenue will be
spent. The allocative function also involves the reallocation of society’s resources
from private to public use.
A variety of allocation instruments are available by which governments can
influence resource allocation in the economy. For example:
 Government may directly produce an economic good.
 Government may influence private allocation through incentives and
 Government may influence allocation through its competitive policies, merger
policies etc. which affect the structure of industry and commerce.
 Government’s regulatory activities such as licensing control minimum wages
and directives on location of industry influence resource allocation.
 Government sets legal and administrative framework and
 Any mixture of intermediate methods may be adopted by the government.

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(ii) Money multiplier m is defined as a ratio that relates the changes in the money
supply to a given change in the monetary base. It is the ratio of the stock of money
to the stock of high-powered money. It denotes by how much the money supply will
change for a given change in high powered money. It denotes by how much the
money supply will change for a given change in high powered money. The money-
multiplier process explains how an increase in the monetary base causes, the
money supply to increase by a multiplied amount. For example, if there is an
injection of ` 100cr through an open market operation by the Central Bank of the
country and if it leads to an increment of ` 500 cr of final money supply, then the
money multiplier is said to be 5. Hence the multiplier indicates the change in
monetary base which is transformed into money supply.
Money Multiplier (m) = Money Supply ÷ Monetary Base
(b) (i) Fiscal Deficit = Total Expenditure on Revenue Account and Capital Account –
Revenue receipts- Non-debt Capital Receipts
= 547.2 – 226.82- 103.00
= 217.8 Cr
Primary Deficit = Fiscal Deficit – Interest Payments
= 217.8cr – 84.00cr
= 133.8 Cr.
(ii) Over the past decades significant transformation are happening in terms of growth
as well as trends of flows and pattern of global trade. The increasing importance of
developing countries has been a salient feature of the shifting global trade patterns.
Fundamental changes are taking place in the way countries associate themselves
for International trade and investments. Trading through regional arrangements
which foster closer trade and economic relations is shaping the global trade
landscape in an unprecedented way. Trade barriers create obstacles to trade,
reduce the prospect of market access, make imported goods more expensive,
increase consumption of domestic goods, protect domestic industries, and increase
government revenue.
Question 11
(a) (i) You are given the following information:
Good M India Japan China
(Mobile Phones) (in $) (in $) (in $)
Average Cost 70.5 69.4 70.9
Price per unit for domestic sales 71.2 71.10 70.9
Price charged in Dubai 71.9 70.6 70.6

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(A) Which of the three exporters are engaged in anticompetitive act in the
international market while pricing its export of mobile phones to Dubai?
(B) What would be the effect of such pricing on domestic producers of mobile
phones? (3 Marks)
(ii) Explain the significance of public debt as an instrument of fiscal policy. (2 Marks)
(b) (i) Describe the benefits and costs of FDI to the host country. (3 Marks)
(ii) Explain the concept of 'private cost'. (2 Marks)
What do you mean by 'Reserve Money'?
(a) (i) China and Japan are engaged in anti-competitive act in the international market
while pricing its export of mobile phones to Dubai. Both China and Japan are selling
at a price which is less than price per unit for domestic sales.
The effect of such pricing will be having adverse effect on domestic industry as they
will lose competitiveness in their domestic market due to unfair practice of dumping.
Dubai may prove damage to domestic industries and change anti-dumping duties on
goods imported from Japan and China so as to raise the price and making it at par
with similar goods produced by domestic firms.
(ii) If a government has borrowed money over the years to finance its deficits and has
not paid it back through accumulated surpluses then it is said to be in debt. Public
debt may be internal or external, when the government borrows from its own people
in the country, it is called internal debt. On the other hand, when the government
borrows from outside sources, the debt is called external debt. Public debt takes
two forms namely, market loans and small savings. A national Policy of Public
borrowing and debt repayment is a potent weapon to fight inflation and deflation.
Borrowing from the public through the sale of bonds and securities curtails the
aggregate demand in the economy. Repayment of debt by government increases
the availability of money in the economy and increase aggregate demand.
(b) (i) Benefit of Foreign Direct Investment:
 Entry of foreign enterprises fosters competition and generates a competitive
environment in the host country.
 International capital allows countries to finance more investment than can be
supported by domestic savings.
 FDI can accelerate growth by providing much needed capital, technological
know-how and management skill.

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 Competition for FDI among national government promotes political and

structural reforms.
 FDI also help in creating direct employment opportunities.
 It also promotes relatively higher wages for skilled jobs.
 FDI generally entails people to people relations and is usually considered as a
promoter of bilateral and international relations.
 Foreign investment projects also would act as a source of new tax revenue
which can be used for development projects.
Cost of Foreign Direct Investment:
 FDI are likely to concentrate on capital intensive methods of production and
services so they need to hire few workers.
 FDI flows has tendency to move towards regions which is well endowed in
natural resources and infrastructure so accentuate regional disparity.
 If foreign corporations are able to secure incentives in the form of tax holidays
or similar provisions, the host country loses tax revenue.
 FDI is also held responsible by many for ruthless exploitation of natural
resources and the possible environmental damage.
 With substantial FDI in developing countries there is strong possibility of
emergence of a dual economy with a developed foreign sector and an
underdeveloped domestic sector.
 Foreign entities are usually accused of being anti-ethical as they frequently
resort to methods like aggregate advertising and anticompetitive practices
which would induce market distortions.
(ii) Private cost is the cost faced by the producer or consumer directly involved in a
transaction. If we take the case of a producer his private cost includes direct cost of
labour, materials, energy, and other indirect overheads.
Social Cost = Private cost + External Cost
The Reserve Money, also known as central bank money, base money or high
powered money determines the level of liquidity and the price level in the economy.
Reserve Money = Currency in Circulation + Banker’s deposits with the RBI + other
deposits with the RBI.
= Net RBI credit to the government + RBI credit to the commercial
sector + RBI’s claim on banks + RBI’s net foreign exchange
assets + Government Currency liabilities to the Public- RBI’s net
non-monetary liabilities

© The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

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