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Undertaking By the Student

I Aman Juyal, 07327401719 student of BBA-V Semester, Batch 2019- 22 of the KCCILHE, Gr Noida hereby
declare that the Summer Training Project Report titled as Data Analytics in Healthcare Services in planet
spark undertaken at UMBIAN INC. is Subject
an original
311and the same has not been submitted to any other
Institute for the award of SUMMER
any otherTRAINING
degree. PROJECT
A presentation
REPORT ONof the Summer Training Project Report was
made on Data Analytics in Healthcare services in a Healthcare Organization suggestions as approved by the
Data AnalysisIn Healthcare Services
faculty were duly incorporated.
Undertaken at


Date: Signature of the Student

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the award of the degree of


GuruGobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi
Certified that the Summer Training Project Report submitted in partial fulfilment of Bachelor of Business
Administration (BBA) to be awarded by G.G.S.I.P. University, Delhi by Aman Juyal, Enrollment no -
07327401719 has been completed under my guidance and is satisfactory.
Under the Guidance of Submitted by
Mr. Prithvi RajChauhan AmanJuyal
Faculty, KCCILHE BBA-V Sem
Enrollment No.
Batch 2018-21

Date: Signature of the Faculty Guide

KCC Institute of Legal and Higher Education, Greater Noida

Affiliated to GGSIP
U(Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University),
Dwarka, New Delhi - 110037

The Summer internship was very important learning experience for me. I would like to express my gratitude

towards all the people who played a part in making the experience possible. I would like to thank all those

who helped and guided me through these two months in making this internship successful. I would like to

express my special gratitude towards Ajay Malhotra HR Manager of Umbian Inc. for his constant support

and encouragement him for extending his valuable guidance, support and reviews on the report which I

could learn a lot.


Enrolment No. 07327401719


S No Topic Page No

Chapter Plan
1 Chapter I: Introduction 1-2

1.1 Objective of the study 3

1.2 Research Methodology 4

1.3 Overview of Data Analytics 5-25

2 Chapter II: Profile of the Organisation 26-28

3 Chapter III: Analysis and Interpretation of Data 29-41

4 Chapter IV: Conclusions & Recommendations 42-43

6 References 44


Working As Data Analyst for Umbian Inc.

My name is Aman Juyal and I have worked with Umbian Inc as a Data Analyst, for 2 months. Being part of

the workforce was a great opportunity for me to put all of my academic training to use. Umbian Inc. is a

company that provides a very healthy work and educational environment with an Open door policy that

encourages employees to produce their best work. Consequently, working as a Data Analyst at Umbian Inc.

was a great experience for me, because I had a chance to deal with a large amount of data collected from the

Sleep Apnea patient devices. Moreover, interacting with employees from different departments also

enhanced my social and educational experience. During my time with the company, I was in charge of

producing weekly reports for different departments. In addition, I had to accommodate different types of

analytical requests from other departments and customers. I also was in charge of developing, updating and

maintaining web dashboards. Finally, I identified and proposed a knowledge mapping solution for the

company’s databases documentations.

Who is Data Analyst:

The data analyst serves as a gatekeeper for an organization’s data so stakeholders can understand

data and use it to make strategic business decisions. It is a technical role that requires an
undergraduate degree or master’s degree in analytics, computer modelling, science, or math.

Most Valuable Skills for Data Analysts

Effective data analysts possess a combination of technical skills and leadership skills.

1. Technical skills: It include knowledge of database languages such as SQL, R, or Python; spreadsheet
tools such as Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets; and data visualization software such as Tableau or
Qlik. Mathematical and statistical skills are also valuable to help gather, measure, organize, and
analyse data.
2. Project Management Skills for Data Analysts: When managing a data analytics project, one key
aspect to focus on is ensuring that the team can effectively collaborate and communicate (internally
and with external stakeholders). This can be facilitated by using a framework that supports the
key characteristics of an analytical project, such as the need to do exploratory analysis.
3. Leadership skills: prepare a data analyst to complete decision-making and problem-solving tasks.
These abilities allow analysts to think strategically about the information that will help stakeholders
make data-driven business decisions and to communicate the value of this information effectively.
For example, project managers rely on data analysts to track the most important metrics for their
projects, to diagnose problems that may be occurring, and to predict how different courses of action
could address a problem.
4. Critical Thinking Skills: Using data to find answers to your questions means figuring out what to ask
in the first place, which can often be quite tricky. To succeed as an analyst, you have to think like an
analyst. It is the role of a data analyst to uncover and synthesize connections that are not always so
clear. While this ability is innate to a certain extent, there are a number of tips you can try to
help improve your critical thinking skills. For example, asking yourself basic questions about the
issue at hand can help you stay grounded when searching for a solution, rather than getting carried
away with an explanation that is more complex than it needs to be. Additionally, it is important that
you remember to think for yourself instead of relying on what already exists.

1. Our main team objective is responsible for checking on companies and making sure that they are utilizing
the u-sleep system by setting up patients correctly.

2. The team does follow-ups based on information from a web dashboard that I was assigned to manage.

3. Making sure that patients are being set up properly ensures that they are getting the appropriate system
generated feedback for better therapy outcomes.

4. Our main focus is on for being developing and maintaining the My Air website.

5.The team also receives an analytical weekly report that summarizes the patients’ statistics in the system,
which I was responsible for producing.

1.2 Research Methodology

The company I worked for, uses Primary Data which is directly collected from the Customer by the

The company uses Quantitative Data.

This company that has two main products for managing sleep Apnea Therapy. The first product is U-sleep
which uses ‘Manage by Exception’ to manage a large amount patient. The second product is My Air
website, which is a patient orient website that gives patients scores based on device use and therapy

Data Analytics

As the process of analysing raw data to find trends and answer questions, the definition of data analytics
captures its broad scope of the field. However, it includes many techniques with many different goals.

The data analytics process has some components that can help a variety of initiatives. By combining these
components, a successful data analytics initiative will provide a clear picture of where you are, where you
have been and where you should go.

 Generally, this process begins with descriptive analytics. This is the process of describing historical
trends in data. Descriptive analytics aims to answer the question “what happened?” This often
involves measuring traditional indicators such as return on investment (ROI). The indicators used
will be different for each industry. Descriptive analytics does not make predictions or directly inform
decisions. It focuses on summarizing data in a meaningful and descriptive way.
 The next essential part of data analytics is advanced analytics. This part of data science takes
advantage of advanced tools to extract data, make predictions and discover trends. These tools
include classical statistics as well as machine learning. Machine learning technologies such as neural
networks, natural language processing, sentiment analysis and more enable advanced analytics. This
information provides new insight from data. Advanced analytics addresses “what if?” questions.
 The availability of machine learning techniques, massive data sets, and cheap computing power has
enabled the use of these techniques in many industries. The collection of big data sets is instrumental
in enabling these techniques. Big data analytics enables businesses to draw meaningful conclusions
from complex and varied data sources, which has been made possible by advances in parallel
processing and cheap computational power.

Data analytics is a broad field. There are four primary types of data analytics: descriptive, diagnostic,
predictive and prescriptive analytics. Each type has a different goal and a different place in the data analysis
process. These are also the primary data analytics applications in business.

 Descriptive analytics helps answer questions about what happened. These techniques summarize
large datasets to describe outcomes to stakeholders. By developing key performance indicators
(KPIs,) these strategies can help track successes or failures. Metrics such as return on investment
(ROI) are used in many industries. Specialized metrics are developed to track performance in specific
industries. This process requires the collection of relevant data, processing of the data, data analysis
and data visualization. This process provides essential insight into past performance.

 Diagnostic analytics helps answer questions about why things happened. These techniques
supplement more basic descriptive analytics. They take the findings from descriptive analytics and
dig deeper to find the cause. The performance indicators are further investigated to discover why
they got better or worse. This generally occurs in three steps:

o Identify anomalies in the data. These may be unexpected changes in a metric or a particular
o Data that is related to these anomalies is collected.
o Statistical techniques are used to find relationships and trends that explain these anomalies.

 Predictive analytics: It helps answer questions about what will happen in the future. These techniques
use historical data to identify trends and determine if they are likely to recur. Predictive analytical
tools provide valuable insight into what may happen in the future and its techniques include a variety
of statistical and machine learning techniques, such as: neural networks, decision trees, and

 Prescriptive analytics helps answer questions about what should be done. By using insights from
predictive analytics, data-driven decisions can be made. This allows businesses to make informed
decisions in the face of uncertainty. Prescriptive analytics techniques rely on machine learning
strategies that can find patterns in large datasets. By analysing past decisions and events, the
likelihood of different outcomes can be estimated.
These types of data analytics provide the insight that businesses need to make effective and efficient
decisions. Used in combination they provide a well-rounded understanding of a company’s needs and


Data analysts exist at the intersection of information technology, statistics and business. They combine these
fields in order to help businesses and organizations succeed. The primary goal of a data analyst is to increase
efficiency and improve performance by discovering patterns in data.

The work of a data analyst involves working with data throughout the data analysis pipeline. This means
working with data in various ways. The primary steps in the data analytics process are data mining, data
management, statistical analysis, and data presentation. The importance and balance of these steps depend on
the data being used and the goal of the analysis.

Data mining is an essential process for many data analytics tasks. This involves extracting data from
unstructured data sources. These may include written text, large complex databases, or raw sensor data. The
key steps in this process are to extract, transform, and load data (often called ETL.) These steps convert raw
data into a useful and manageable format. This prepares data for storage and analysis. Data mining is
generally the most time-intensive step in the data analysis pipeline.

Data management or data warehousing is another key aspect of a data analyst’s job. Data warehousing
involves designing and implementing databases that allow easy access to the results of data mining. This
step generally involves creating and managing SQL databases. Non-relational and NoSQL databases are
becoming more common as well.

Statistical analysis allows analysts to create insights from data. Both statistics and machine learning
techniques are used to analyse data. Big data is used to create statistical models that reveal trends in data.
These models can then be applied to new data to make predictions and inform decision making. Statistical
programming languages such as R or Python (with pandas) are essential to this process. In addition,
opensource libraries and packages such as TensorFlow enable advanced analysis.

The final step in most data analytics processes is data presentation. This step allows insights to be shared
with stakeholders. Data visualization is often the most important tool in data presentation. Compelling
visualizations can help tell the story in the data which may help executives and managers understand the
importance of these insights.

The applications of data analytics are broad. Analysing big data can optimize efficiency in many different
industries. Improving performance enables businesses to succeed in an increasingly competitive world.

One of the earliest adopters is the financial sector. Data analytics has an important role in the banking and
finance industries, used to predict market trends and assess risk. Credit scores are an example of data
analytics that affects everyone. These scores use many data points to determine lending risk. Data analytics
is also used to detect and prevent fraud to improve efficiency and reduce risk for financial institutions.

The use of data analytics goes beyond maximizing profits and ROI, however. Data analytics can provide
critical information for healthcare (health informatics), crime prevention, and environmental protection.
These applications of data analytics use these techniques to improve our world.

Though statistics and data analysis have always been used in scientific research, advanced analytic
techniques and big data allow for many new insights. These techniques can find trends in complex systems.
Researchers are currently using machine learning to protect wildlife.

The use of data analytics in healthcare is already widespread. Predicting patient outcomes, efficiently
allocating funding and improving diagnostic techniques are just a few examples of how data analytics is
revolutionizing healthcare. The pharmaceutical industry is also being revolutionized by machine learning.
Drug discovery is a complex task with many variables. Machine learning can greatly improve drug
discovery. Pharmaceutical companies also use data analytics to understand the market for drugs and predict
their sales.

The internet of things (IoT) is a field that is used alongside machine learning. These devices provide a great
opportunity for data analytics. IoT devices often contain many sensors that collect meaningful data points for
their operation. Devices like the Nest thermostat track movement and temperature to regulate heating and
cooling. Smart devices like this can use data to learn from and predict your behaviour. This will provide
advance home automation that can adapt to the way you live.

The applications of data analytics are seemingly endless. More and more data is being collected every day
— this presents new opportunities to apply data analytics to more parts of business, science and everyday

Data analytics helps individuals and organizations make sense of data. Data analysts typically analyse raw
data for insights and trends. They use various tools and techniques to help organizations make decisions and

There are various types of data analysis including descriptive, diagnostic, prescriptive and predictive
analytics. Each type is used for specific purposes depending on the question a data analyst is trying to
answer. For example, a data analyst would use diagnostic analytics to figure out why something happened.

1. Analytical tools used in data analytics

There are various tools used in data analysis. Some data analysts use business intelligence software, such
as Tableau. Others may use programming languages such as SQL or Python, which have various statistical
and visualization libraries.  

2. Career growth in data analytics

According to O*NET, the projected growth for data analysts is 8% between 2019-2029. On average, data
analysts earned $94,280 in 2019. However, salary compensation for data analysts varies depending on where
they work and what industry they work in.


Umbian Inc. is a multinational software deployment company that develops health monitoring solutions. It is
owned by ResMed Inc. (, “one of the global market leaders in the development,
manufacturing, and marketing of medical products for the diagnosis, treatment and management of
respiratory disorders, with a focus on sleep-disordered breathing”. The company’s flagship is u-sleep CPAP
compliance monitoring and management solution. The way u-sleep works is by using the “Management by
Exception” strategy, which allows companies to define rule sets for therapy compliance. By doing so allows
the system to flag patients who follow or break the rules by trigging pre-set actions and notifications. The
system also sends feedback to the patients by using one of the three methods: voice, SMS, and email. These
notifications contain automated couching messages for the patient, which helps to improve the patient’s
therapy compliance. It also provides comprehensive reports to companies regarding the patients they
manage. MyAir is another product that has been developed by the company, which is a patient oriented web
application. This web application was designed to give the patient a score out of 100 based on his/her use of
the sleep apnea device. The website encourages patients to achieve higher scores that help them achieve
better therapy outcomes. This system also provides the patient with feedback and motivational messages
based on the device and mask types registered on the website. These notifications are divided into time-
based notifications and action-based notification. Time-based notifications rely on research that is done by
the company to identify the critical times most patients need couching messages. On the other hand, action-
based notifications are triggered by patients’ actions, such as praise notifications for complying and sticking
to the therapy plans or encouragement messages for patients who are not getting good scores within the

Umbian Inc. is a health solution software company that have two main products for managing sleep
apnea therapy. The first product is U-sleep which uses ‘Manage by Exception’ to manage a large amount
patients. The second product is MyAir website, which is a patient oriented website that gives patients
scores based on device use and therapy compliance. Working as a data analyst at the company has
allowed me to utilize my SQL, web developing and statistical skills to achieve the tasks assigned to me.
While working for Umbian Inc., I was responsible for producing weekly reports and accommodating
internal and external requests. I was also in charge of two web dashboards. In addition, I was able to
identify, analyse and propose solutions to a significant problem that I encountered while working at
Umbian Inc. This problem was the lack of detailed documentation for the databases the company uses.
The proposed solution was to create a web-based search engine for the collected documentation data by
using Lucene indexing and search engine, which would allow the employees to access and use the
documentation system easily and securely.

Organization description

Team interactions

During the time that I worked at Umbian Inc.

I primarily interacted with three teams:

 Customer success report

This team is responsible for checking on companies and making sure that they are utilizing the u-sleep
system by setting up patients’ correctly. The team does follow-ups based on information from a web
dashboard that I was assigned to manage. Making sure that patients are being set up properly ensures that
they are getting the appropriate system generated feedback for better therapy outcomes.

 U-sleep

Team U-sleep team is the team responsible for developing, maintaining and deploying the u-sleep system for
new customers

 My Air

My Air Team is the team responsible for developing and maintaining the MyAir website. The team also
receives an analytical weekly report that summarizes the patients’ statistics in the system, which I was
responsible for producing.
Main Tasks

1. Generated and organized weekly analytical reports that went to different departments in the company
using SQL and MS. Excel.

2. Accommodated different types of custom requests from customers, Home Medical Equipment (HMEs),
and other departments’ requests, which involved creating customized and complex SQL queries to ensure
the accuracy of the retrieved data.

3. Updated, modified and maintained two web dashboards that display the uploaded data using interactive
charts and tables that has been coded using different JavaScript packages such as d3 “Data-Driven
Documents”, crossfilter and query. Different departments use these dashboards to keep track of sales
progress, customers’ “HMEs” performance, and system utilization for follow up support when needed.

MS -SQL server
Daily internal &
Air Sense device

with o nboard
external requests
w ireless
ResMed Air View ™
U-Sleep ™

data server rules engine

Reporting Database




WEB -Dashboards

My Job
Tools being used for Data Analytics

The growing demand and importance of data analytics in the market have generated many openings
worldwide. It becomes slightly tough to shortlist the top data analytics tools as the Opensource tools are
more popular, user-friendly and performance oriented than the paid version. There are many Opensource
tools which doesn’t require much/any coding and manages to deliver better results than paid versions e.g. –
R programming in data mining and Tableau public, Python in data visualization. Below is the list of top 10
of data analytics tools, both open source and paid version, based on their popularity, learning and


R is the leading analytics tool in the industry and widely used for statistics and data modeling. It can easily
manipulate your data and present in different ways. It has exceeded SAS in many ways like capacity of data,
performance and outcome. R compiles and runs on a wide variety of platforms viz -UNIX, Windows and
MacOS. It has 11,556 packages and allows you to browse the packages by categories. R also provides tools
to automatically install all packages as per user requirement, which can also be well assembled with Big

Tableau Public is a free software that connects any data source be it corporate Data Warehouse, Microsoft
Excel or web-based data, and creates data visualizations, maps, dashboards etc. with real-time updates
presenting on web. They can also be shared through social media or with the client. It allows the access to
download the file in different formats. If you want to see the power of tableau, then we must have very good
data source. Tableau’s Big Data capabilities makes them important and one can analyze and visualize data
better than any other data visualization software in the market.

3. Python
Python is an object-oriented scripting language which is easy to read, write, maintain and is a free open
source tool. It was developed by Guido van Rossum in late 1980’s which supports both functional and
structured programming methods.
Phython is easy to learn as it is very similar to JavaScript, Ruby, and PHP. Also, Python has very good
machine learning libraries viz. Scikitlearn, Theano, Tensorflow and Keras. Another important feature of
Python is that it can be assembled on any platform like SQL server, a MongoDB database or JSON. Python
can also handle text data very well.

4. SAS:

SAS is a programming environment and language for data manipulation and a leader in analytics, developed
by the SAS Institute in 1966 and further developed in 1980’s and 1990’s. SAS is easily accessible,
manageable and can analyse data from any sources. SAS introduced a large set of products in 2011 for
customer intelligence and numerous SAS modules for web, social media and marketing analytics that is
widely used for profiling customers and prospects. It can also predict their behaviours, manage, and optimize

The University of California, Berkeley’s AMP Lab, developed Apache in 2009. Apache Spark is a fast large-
scale data processing engine and executes applications in Hadoop clusters 100 times faster in memory and
10 times faster on disk. Spark is built on data science and its concept makes data science effortless. Spark is
also popular for data pipelines and machine learning models development.
Spark also includes a library – MLlib, that provides a progressive set of machine algorithms for repetitive
data science techniques like Classification, Regression, Collaborative Filtering, Clustering, etc.


Excel is a basic, popular and widely used analytical tool almost in all industries. Whether you are an expert
in Sas, R or Tableau, you will still need to use Excel. Excel becomes important when there is a requirement
of analytics on the client’s internal data. It analyzes the complex task that summarizes the data with a
preview of pivot tables that helps in filtering the data as per client requirement. Excel has the advance
business analytics option which helps in modelling capabilities which have prebuilt options like automatic
relationship detection, a creation of DAX measures and time grouping.
7. RapidMiner:

RapidMiner is a powerful integrated data science platform developed by the same company that performs
predictive analysis and other advanced analytics like data mining, text analytics, machine learning and visual
analytics without any programming. RapidMiner can incorporate with any data source types, including
Access, Excel, Microsoft SQL, Tera data, Oracle, Sybase, IBM DB2, Ingres, MySQL, IBM SPSS, Dbase
etc. The tool is very powerful that can generate analytics based on real-life data transformation settings, i.e.
you can control the formats and data sets for predictive analysis.


KNIME Developed in January 2004 by a team of software engineers at University of Konstanz. KNIME is
leading open source, reporting, and integrated analytics tools that allow you to analyze and model the data
through visual programming, it integrates various components for data mining and machine learning via its
modular data-pipelining concept.
10. Splunk:

Splunk is a tool that analyzes and search the machine-generated data. Splunk pulls all text-based log data
and provides a simple way to search through it, a user can pull in all kind of data, and perform all sort of
interesting statistical analysis on it, and present it in different formats.



1. Weekly reports:
Sales report: The sales report is generated by running 3 different SQL queries. After that retrieved data gets
formatted in an Excel sheet. Sales reports are mainly used to keep track of the overall sales progress by
looking at the number of added or removed patients from the system.
2. My Air report:
My Air analytic report is the most important weekly report because it provides a summary data and visuals
about patients’ behaviour. Therefore, it is viewed by the top managers at the company. The report can be
divided into the following analytic sections: Compliance and sleep score: This section shows the overall
compliance numbers and rates the numbers for the past 90 days. It also provides an overall average sleep
score for patients since the first day of registration, which gives a good indication of how well patients are
using their devices for therapy purposes.

3. Communication methods:
This section contains a table with the number of patients who have registered and are using SMS, email, or
both as a method of communication. It also provides the numbers for the different statuses for each 5
method, such as Disabled or Confirmed. This helps to identify the patients’ preferred way of interacting with
the system.

4. Devices and masks:

This section contains some statistics about the devices and masks count used by patients. It helps to identify
the popularity of the masks and devices used by patients and it helps the system to send the appropriate
feedback and coaching messages to patients.

5. Demographics:
This section provides a summary of the count of patients’ genders registered in the system for statistical
purposes. Access method: This section provides a summary count of the devices (computer, mobile, or a mix
of both) that patients are using to access the system.

6. Alerts and notifications:

This section provides a count of the important notifications and alert messages generated by the system. For
example, leak alert, AHI alert, Usage Praise, and badges which help in identifying any red flags regarding
the patients’ experience with the masks and devices.

7. Marketing statistics:
This section provides simple statistics about the number of patients who gave permission to receive
marketing promotions vs. the patients who didn’t.

8. Patients’ website login activities

This section keeps track of the overall patients’ login activities since the day of their registration. This is
being done to see if patients who are active on the website are more compliant than patients who are not

9. Geographical growth and distribution

This section provides a summary of the total number of patients being added across the US, Canada,
Australia and New Zealand, which gives a clear indication of the patients’ growth in each country.

Custom requests:

During my time at Umbian Inc., I have been assigned 36 requests by my work supervisor, who was
responsible for revising the results before sending them back to the concerned parties. 6 The requests types
which the department handled, could be divided in two types:

1. Internal requests:
Internal requests can be used for investigating reported problems or exploring new possibilities.
These requests could be as simple as asking for patients’ count or complex, where different
conditions and criteria were involved. For example:
 Finding out the number of patients who change their mask type in the system more than once
before July 2021 and the number of patients who did the same thing after that date. This was done to
measure the effects of some changes made on the website to ensure that patients are registering the
right type of mask in the system.

 Exploring the reasons behind patients opting out from email notification by studying the most
recent notification the patient received before opting out.

 Finding out the number of patients who used their devices 90 days in a row since their registration.

Mask Model: Number and percentage breakdown of the various mask models that users selected
upon registration.

 Mask Model Change: The variation (if any) of users changing mask models after registration. Here,
the following factors are considered: o Number of users that have changed masks. o Number of times
users changed masks. Time (relative to activation) frame for users changing masks. External
(HMEs) requests:
When we receive a requests from HMEs, these requests are usually for the purpose of obtaining a
summary of all the patients that they have under them, which helps them manage and understand
patients’ behaviour based on the criteria that they have set. For example:
A company requested the following information regarding its patients: o Number of days that each
patient used the device for more than 4 hours for the past 2 weeks. Compliance rate for each patient
for the past 90 days. o Average amount of hours used per day for the past 90 days for each patient.
Total number of notifications sent to any patient under their care from the past 2 weeks. In the
following format: Web dashboard. The main reason of using web dashboards is their ability to
deliver up-to-date interactive content efficiently and securely. I was in charge of maintaining,
updating and adding new features to two dashboards. Sales account dashboard. The sales account
dashboard gives the reader summary information about customers, such as company’s name, account
manager, and the total number of patients. It also provides a graph that shows the number of patients
added since the company’s registration date in the system. My main task was to make sure that the
dashboard was updated weekly with the recent sales numbers. This was done by retrieving the data
from the SQL database and uploading it to the dashboard site. I was also responsible for creating
another dashboard that allowed the user to view the company’s sales at a specific location with the
ability to switch between the locations and company views. I also added a function that allowed the
user to export the data tables into an Excel ‘CSV’ sheet for easy use.
2. External (HMEs) requests:

When we receive a request from HMEs, these requests are usually for the purpose of obtaining a
summary of all the patients that they have under them, which helps them manage and understand
patients’ behaviour based on the criteria that they have set.

For example:

A company requested the following information regarding its patients:

o Number of days that each patient used the device for more than 4 hours for the past 2 weeks.

o Compliance rate for each patient for the past 90 days.

o Average amount of hours used per day for the past 90 days for each patient.

o Total number of notifications sent to any patient under their care from the past 2 weeks.
Data Visualization

Data visualization is the graphical representation of information and data. By using visual elements like
charts, graphs, and maps, data visualization tools provide an accessible way to see and understand trends,
outliers, and patterns in data.

In the world of Big Data, data visualization tools and technologies are essential to analyze massive amounts
of information and make data-driven decisions.

The advantages and benefits of good data visualization

Our eyes are drawn to colours and patterns. We can quickly identify red from blue, square from circle. Our
culture is visual, including everything from art and advertisements to TV and movies. Data visualization is
another form of visual art that grabs our interest and keeps our eyes on the message. When we see a chart,
we quickly see trends and outliers. If we can see something, we internalize it quickly. It’s storytelling with a
purpose. If you’ve ever stared at a massive spreadsheet of data and couldn’t see a trend, you know how
much more effective a visualization can be.

Big Data

As the “Age of Big Data” kicks into high-gear, visualization is an increasingly key tool to make sense of the
trillions of rows of data generated every day. Data visualization helps to tell stories by curating data into a
form easier to understand, highlighting the trends and outliers. A good visualization tells a story, removing
the noise from data and highlighting the useful information. However, it’s not simply as easy as just dressing
up a graph to make it look better or slapping on the “info” part of an infographic. Effective data visualization
is a delicate balancing act between form and function. The plainest graph could be too boring to catch any
notice or it make tell a powerful point; the most stunning visualization could utterly fail at conveying the
right message or it could speak volumes. The data and the visuals need to work together, and there’s an art to
combining great analysis with great storytelling.

Importance of Data Visualization

It’s hard to think of a professional industry that doesn’t benefit from making data more understandable.
Every STEM field benefits from understanding data—and so do fields in government, finance, marketing,
history, consumer goods, service industries, education, sports, and so on. While we’ll always wax poetically
about data visualization (you’re on the Tableau website, after all) there are practical, real-life applications
that are undeniable. And, since visualization is so prolific, it’s also one of the most useful professional skills
to develop. The better you can convey your points visually, whether in a dashboard or a slide deck, the better
you can leverage that information. The concept of the citizen data scientist is on the rise. Skill sets are
changing to accommodate a data-driven world. It is increasingly valuable for professionals to be able to use
data to make decisions and use visuals to tell stories of when data informs the who, what, when, where, and
how. While traditional education typically draws a distinct line between creative storytelling and technical
analysis, the modern professional world also values those who can cross between the two: data visualization
sits right in the middle of analysis and visual storytelling.

Examples of data visualization

One of the best ways to understand data visualization is to see it. With public data visualization galleries and
data everywhere online, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. We’ve collected 10 of the best
examples of data visualization of all time, with examples that map historical conquests, analyse film scripts,
reveal hidden causes of mortality, and more. Tableau’s own public gallery shows off loads of visualizations
made with the free Tableau Public tool, we feature some common starter business dashboards as usable
templates, and Viz of the Day collects some of the best community creations. Plus, there are tons of great
blogs and books about data visualization containing excellent examples, explanations, and information about
best practices.

When I think of data visualization, your first thought probably immediately goes to simple bar graphs or pie
charts. While these may be an integral part of visualizing data and a common baseline for many data
graphics, the right visualization must be paired with the right set of information. Simple graphs are only the
tip of the iceberg. There’s a whole selection of visualization methods to present data in effective and
interesting ways. Common general types of data visualization:

 Charts

 Tables

 Graphs

 Maps

 Infographics

 Dashboards

More specific examples of methods to visualize data:

 Area Chart

 Bar Chart

 Box-and-whisker Plots

 Bubble Cloud

 Bullet Graph

 Cartogram

 Circle View

 Dot Distribution Map

 Gantt Chart

 Heat Map

 Highlight Table

 Histogram

 Matrix

 Network

 Polar Area

 Radial Tree

 Scatter Plot (2D or 3D)

 Streamgraph

 Text Tables

 Timeline

 Tree map

 Wedge Stack Graph

 Word Cloud

A dashboard is a visual display of all of your data. While it can be used in all kinds of different ways, its
primary intention is to provide information at-a-glance, such as KPIs.

A dashboard usually sits on its own page and receives information from a linked database. In many cases it’s
configurable, allowing you the ability to choose which data you want to see and whether you want to include
charts or graphs to visualize the numbers.

Where the dashboard originally included an array of simple controls (e.g., the steering wheel) and
instrumentation to show speed, fuel level and oil pressure, the modern dashboard may accommodate a broad
array of gauges, and controls as well as information, climate control and entertainment systems.

Contemporary dashboards may include the speedometer, tachometer, odometer, engine coolant temperature

gauge, and fuel gauge, turn indicators, gearshift position indicator, seat belt warning light, parking-brake
warning light, and engine-malfunction lights. Other features may include a gauge for alternator voltage,
indicators for low fuel, low oil pressure, low tire pressure and faults in the airbag (SRS) systems, glove
compartment, ashtray and a cigarette lighter or power outlet – as well as heating and ventilation systems,
lighting controls, safety systems, entertainment equipment and information systems, e.g., navigation

A Dynamic Dashboard enables multiple users to access a dashboard that was previously accessed only by a
single static user. This means that the dynamic dashboard can be used by a specific user alongside a logged-
in user, and display data specific to both users accordingly


Dashboarding is simply a way of presenting the Dashboard the tips and tricks used to make efficient
dashboard. Sometimes there is complicated data and even dashboard are not enough to present in front of
stakeholders, but still dashboarding is only way for presentation so using techniques to make dashboard
simpler so that anybody can understand it.

These Dashboard that I made and used during my internship for analysing and interpretation of data

1. Web dashboard: The main reason of using web dashboards is their ability to deliver up-to-date
interactive content efficiently and securely. I was in charge of maintaining, updating and adding new
features to two dashboards.
2. Sales account dashboard: The sales account dashboard gives the reader summary information about
customers, such as company’s name, account manager, and the total number of patients. It also provides a
graph that shows the number of patients added since the company’s registration date in the system. My main
task was to make sure that the dashboard was updated weekly with the recent sales numbers. This was done
by retrieving the data from the SQL database and uploading it to the dashboard site. I was also responsible
for creating another dashboard that allowed the user to view the company’s sales at a specific location with
the ability to switch between the locations and company views. I also added a function that allowed the user
to export the data tables into an Excel ‘CSV’ sheet for easy use.

3.Customer Success Dashboard: The customer success dashboard is meant to give the team a summary
about the companies’ activities using u-sleep system and to makes sure that they are fully utilizing the
system. This ensures that the patients are getting the best therapy feedback from the system for better
therapy outcomes. This is done by calculating a score for each company based on certain criteria set by
the customer’s success team. If any company gets a low score in the weekly update, it is contacted by
the team for a quick check up and to offer any necessary help. I was assigned to keep the dashboard up
to date by obtaining the appropriate data from the SQL server and uploading it to the dashboard site. I
was also assigned to implement multiple changes and updates to the dashboard, which required
modifying the existing SQL query to accommodate the new changes. Moreover, I made the necessary
changes to the website’s html and java script codes in order to display the new features and visual.

Importance of Dashboard

Dashboards allow all kinds of professionals the ability to monitor performance, create reports and set
estimates and targets for future work.
Other benefits include:

 A visual representation of performance, such as with charts and graphs

 The ability to identify trends
 An easy way of measuring efficiency
 The means to generate detailed reports with a single click
 The capacity to make more informed decisions
 Total visibility of all systems, campaigns, and action
 Quick identification of data outliers and correlations

Relation to health informatics

Digging through the data being collected from the patients’ devices and analysing it to find and identify
issues and difficulties with patients’ therapy is one of many health informatics desirable outcomes, which
was achieved via my role as a data analyst in the company.

 Utilizing my SQL knowledge taught in HINF 6220 - Networks and the Web for Health Informatics
course allowed me to create complex SQL statements, which ensured accurate and precise results.
 Using my web development skills and knowledge taught in the same course were very beneficial in
creating web interactive web dashboards for an easy and fast use and data visual representation.
These dashboards allowed the reader to make the most accurate decisions regarding improving
patients’ therapy and care.
 Utilizing the statistical knowledge taught in the HINF 6030 class and the research techniques gained
from HINF 6020 - Research Methods course helped me to preform analytical and statistical analysis
when required.
 The knowledge obtained from the HINF 6110 - Health Information Systems and Issues course
allowed me to understand the information flow and the life cycle of the data generated from the
Sleep Apnea devices.

Examples of some requests and how they are affecting patients’ therapy:

• Simple match-up between the numbers in the database (of the different types of masks that
patients are registering) with the numbers being supplied from the sales departments had
identified that patients were not registering the right type of mask on the website. As a result,
patients received the wrong feedback messages. This observation triggered changes in the My
Air website design leading to more accurate mask registration.
• Making sure that the HMEs are setting up their patients’ accounts properly through the customer
success weekly updated dashboard insured the successful delivery of all the system notifications
and feedbacks to the patients, resulting in a better therapy outcomes.
• Studying the relation between patient compliance and his/her frequency of using the My air
website to prove that using the website increases compliance (percentage) among patients.

Problem Analysis
During my first week of work, I went through some basic training regarding the company, its products,
and more importantly the database structure that I would be retrieving data from. My supervisor did his
best teaching and explaining many aspects relating to the company’s systems, business, and the teams
that I would be interacting with, further he spent a lot of time teaching me about the databases’ different
structures and fields. At that time, I noticed that the company lacked detailed documentation relating to
the databases. Everyone was relying on their tacit knowledge and no one was recording that knowledge
anywhere. Consequently, whenever I needed to find information about a certain field in any of the
databases, I had to ask my supervisor. Moreover, if he did not have the information, I had to ask
someone in the software development team to get the right information. This experience alerted me to
the lack of documentation of the company’s large and complex databases.

The Solutions
I have proposed a simple knowledge management solution based on the general steps of mapping
knowledge. The proposed solution consists of technical and non-technical components. The nontechnical
part includes all of the managerial and non-technical, related steps. For the technical part I decided to go
with Lucene which is “a full-text search library in Java which makes it easy to add search functionality to an
application or website. It does so by adding content to a full-text index.” . Lucene allows for the indexing of
different types of text formats such as raw text files and HTML. Moreover, Lucene adds enables a search of
all the indexed data through a web interface.

The following are the steps –involved in the proposed solution:

1. Identify the business problem. In this case, it is the lack of detailed documentation for the existing
2. Get the required approval from the top management by presenting the business benefits that the company
will gain by solving this problem. This is a very important step when attempting to implement the policy
and when pulling some team members away from their work.
3. Create a knowledge management team that will investigate the problem, as well as develop and
implement the solution. This team should be formed by utilizing a member from each team that is being
affected by the problem.
4. The team should start the problem solving process by going through the existing documentation and
identifying the missing information.
5. Identify the knowledge expert of the databases.

6. Decide the best method for converting the tacit knowledge to explicit knowledge based on the
availability of the person that has such knowledge. Data collection could be done via a personal
interview, electronic forms, or simply by asking people to hand over any documentations that they have
created but never shared with other employees.
7. All the collected data and documentations should be recorded and digitized in Lucene supported formats.
8. Apply Lucene to the digitized files to index them and to make them searchable.

9. Create a web interface for easy search and access using Apache Lucene

10. Asking employees for feedback about the provided service will allow the team to improve the
knowledge-based system with time.

Proper documentation is required for the following reasons:

• Legal liability. Since the company is dealing with different types of medical devices, proper documentation
is very important when dealing with legal issues.
• Reduce the training time for new employees, which would lead to an increase in productivity.

• Improve work efficiency and accuracy, Reduce informational errors.

Umbian Inc. gave me a different perspective on the role of health information in the workforce. The

experience that I have gained from working as a data analyst was very educational. In addition, working for

the company showed me the variety of tasks that I could handle as a health informatician. Being able to

utilize many of my technical skills, such as web development and SQL, combined with the statistical

knowledge to handle the tasks assigned to me, proved to me that my health informatics skills and knowledge

could be applied in the workforce. In a nutshell, this internship has been an excellent and rewarding

experience. I can conclude that there have been a lot I’ve learnt from my work at Cemosis. Needless to

say, the technical aspects of the work I’ve done are not flawless and could be improved provided enough

time. As someone with no prior experience with Umbian whatsoever I believe my time spent in research

and discovering it was well worth it and contributed to finding an acceptable solution to build a fully

functional web service . Two main things that I’ve learned the importance of are time-management skills

and self-motivation. The most rewarding part of working at Umbian Inc. was the satisfaction of knowing

that all the work that I did went towards helping patients. Doctors are considered as the “Life Saviour” of the

human life, So being part of Health Analytics I got to learn a lot for how to deal with workforce and how to

maintain records, I also got to know about “Sleep Apnea” which is a is a potentially serious sleep disorder

in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts. If you snore loudly and feel tired even after a full night's

sleep, you might have sleep apnea. Our Group head Mr. Akash Chaturvedi guide us a lot in how to manage

Database and how to implement queries in getting required data of the required Patients which was very

important for organization then we have to make analysis on the feedback given by the Clients which are

generally patients. We were also responsible for maintaining our web site, moreover Dashboard specifically

Dynamic Dashboard makes the life easier to predict patients problems and start working on it so that we can

improve user experience with the sleep apnea device. The less we avoid mistakes the higher we get efficient.

I also got to know about how managemet works and to work in hierarchial management. The most important

thing is communication which is directed by reporting to the head and make decision and improve their

product and user experience. Mostly reporting done in written way by mailing or sometimes oral

communication in urgency.

 Create a database change notification process to notify every department working with the same

database whenever there is a change in the database fields or structures.

 Hire another data analyst since there is only one person doing this job in the company.

 Prepare a welcome package with all the required reading materials in order to give the new

employees sufficient understanding about the company’s business and its needs. Improve work

efficiency and accuracy, Reduce informational errors.

 Manager should take immediate action in errors

 errors should be communicated orally instead of written, oral request is much more efficient

than written

• Proper internet with sufficient speed should be provided.

• Data should be accurate there should not be miscommunication between retriever and the clients

in order to reduce redundancy.

• Database should be encrypted with highly secured password so that nobody can steal it.

Proper documentation is required for the following reasons:

• Legal liability. Since the company is dealing with different types of medical devices, proper

documentation is very important when dealing with legal issues.

• Reduce the training time for new employees, which would lead to an increase in productivity.

[1","2021.[Online]. Available: [Accessed 19 09 2021].

[2] "About Umbian," [Online]. Available: [Accessed 05 09 2021].

[3] "U-Sleep CPAP Compliance Monitoring and Management Solution," [Online]. Available: [Accessed 05 09 2021].

[4] "myAir," [Online]. Available: [Accessed 05 09 2021]. [5] C. O. a. C. Hubert,

"Locate your Critical knowledge," in The New Edge in Knowledge, New Jersy , John Wiley & Sons Inc.,

2011, pp. 108,109. [6] "Lucene," [Online]. Available: [Accessed 19 09 2021].

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