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General Terms and Conditions of Sale of Plexim GmbH

1 Formation of Contract
1.1 Any order sent to Plexim GmbH (the “Seller”) by the Purchaser shall be accepted entirely at the
discretion of the Seller, and, if so accepted, will only be accepted upon these General Terms and
Conditions of Sale (“General Conditions”).
1.2 Each order which is so accepted shall constitute an individual legally binding contract between the
Seller and the Purchaser and such contract is hereafter referred to in these General Conditions
as a “Contract”.
1.3 These General Conditions shall override any contrary, different or additional terms or conditions
(if any) contained on or referred to in an order form or other documents or correspondence from
the Purchaser, and no addition alteration or substitution of these terms will bind the Seller or form
part of any Contract unless they are expressly accepted in writing by a person authorised to sign
on the Seller’s behalf.

2 Specifications
2.1 All goods supplied by the Seller shall be in accordance with the specifications or descriptions
(if any) expressly listed or set out on the face of the Contract. No other specification, descrip-
tive material, written or oral representation, correspondence or statement, promotional or sales
literature shall form part of or be incorporated by reference into the Contract.

3 Products and Prices

3.1 Product images used for advertising, brochures, the online store, etc. are for illustration purposes
only and are not binding.
3.2 Prices as specified in product price sheets and as posted on the website, or otherwise presented,
are subject to change without notice. Prices are exclusive of taxes, duties, and fees.

4 Delivery / Delay
4.1 Delivery shall be made in accordance with the International Commercial Terms (Incoterms) in
force at the formation of the Contract.
4.2 The agreed delivery term shall begin provided that (i) the Contract has been concluded, (ii)
the Seller is in possession of all the details required for the execution of the order, and (iii) the
Purchaser has fulfilled any other contractual obligations incumbent on it.
4.3 The Seller is committed to provide up-to-date and precise information on availability and delivery
times. However, production and delivery shortages in particular may cause delivery delays.
Therefore, all information on availability and delivery times is subject to change.
4.4 Time is not of the essence in the sale contemplated by the Contract and the Seller shall be
entitled to a reasonable period of grace in the event of any delay in delivery beyond the scheduled
shipping date.
4.5 The happening of any contingency beyond Seller’s control shall not constitute cause for cancel-
lation of the order but shall extend Seller’s time of delivery for a period equal to the duration of
such contingency.
4.6 Seller shall in no way be liable (i) for any loss of profit, business, contracts, revenues, or antici-
pated savings, arising from any delay in delivery, or (ii) for any special indirect or consequential
damage of any nature whatsoever, arising from any delay in delivery.
4.7 All purchases are final upon issue of the license file or upon confirmation of the Purchaser’s order
whichever occurs first.

5 Passing of Risk
5.1 Benefit and risk shall be passed on to the Purchaser upon conclusion of the Contract. The fore-

going shall also apply in the event that the delivery is carried out free of charge or that transport
is organised by Seller.

6 Payment
6.1 Unless otherwise agreed, the Purchaser shall pay to the Seller the full invoice price of the goods
not later than fourteen (14) days after the date of each invoice.
6.2 Payments made after the agreed upon payment terms may, at the Seller’s option, be subject to
interest at the rate of 0.5 % per month on the invoiced amount.
6.3 Preferred means of payment is wire transfer in the currency of the invoice. Any cost for currency
conversion has to be covered by the Purchaser. Upon request and for small amounts credit card
payment can be arranged, subject to Seller’s discretion. Payment with checks is not accepted.
6.4 Whatever the means of payment used, payment shall not be deemed to have been effected before
the Seller’s account has been fully and irrevocably credited.
6.5 In case of late payment the Seller may, after having notified the Purchaser in writing, suspend his
performance of the contract until he receives payment.
6.6 If the Purchaser has not paid the amount due within three (3) months the Seller shall be entitled
to claim compensation for the loss he has incurred. Such compensation shall not exceed the
agreed purchase price.

7 Title of Goods
7.1 Title to the goods comprised in each consignment shall not pass to the Purchaser until the
Purchaser has paid their price to the Seller, but, even though title has not passed, the Seller
shall be entitled to sue for their price once its payment has become due.

8 Guarantee / Warranty
8.1 The guarantee/warranty for software products is set forth in the respective Software License
8.2 For hardware products, Plexim warrants for two-years from delivery date that the ordered product
will be free from manufacturing defects and fully functional. In the event that the hardware does
not operate as warranted, the Purchaser’s exclusive remedy and Plexim’s sole liability under this
warranty shall either be:
• repairing the product free of charge
• providing a partial or full replacement with an equivalent product
• refunding at current value or, at maximum, at the original sales price at the time of order
• providing cost reduction
These warranties shall not apply to any defect, failure or damage caused by improper use
or improper or inadequate maintenance and care. All defective equipment (or parts thereof)
replaced by Plexim becomes the property of Plexim.
8.3 Shipping fees for products returned to Plexim (inside or outside of the warranty) have to be paid
by the Purchaser.

9 Repairs Outside of the Warranty

9.1 All repair costs incurred outside of the warranty described above shall be borne by the Purchaser.
Plexim reserves the right to invoice the Purchaser for the examination of the defect claimed, as
well as for shipping fees for all devices showing no detectable defects or defects that are not
covered by the warranty.

10 Division of Liability for Damage Caused by the Goods

10.1 The Seller shall not be liable for any damage to property caused by the goods after having been
delivered and whilst they are in the possession of the Purchaser.

11 Product Discontinuance
11.1 Plexim may modify the specifications of products and substitute products manufactured to such
modified specifications at any time without prior notice to the Purchaser, provided such products
substantially conform to the form, fit, and function of the original products. Plexim may discontinue
products without prior notice.

12 Economic Loss
12.1 Notwithstanding anything contained in these General Conditions or the Contract, the Seller shall
in no circumstances be liable, in contract, tort (including negligence or breach of statutory duty) or
otherwise howsoever, and whatever the cause thereof (i) for any loss of profit business, contracts,
revenues, or anticipated savings, or (ii) for any special indirect or consequential damage of any
nature whatsoever.

13 Applicable Law
13.1 Any dispute arising under or in connection with the Contract shall be governed by and construed
in accordance with the laws of Switzerland, to the exclusion of the UN Convention on the Inter-
national Sale of Goods.

14 Jurisdiction
14.1 Any dispute arising under or in connection with the Contract shall be subject to the exclusive
jurisdiction of the courts of the Canton of Zurich, Switzerland. The Seller reserves however
the right to initiate court proceedings against the Purchaser in any other court of competent

Plexim Software License Agreement

Licensing Options

Individual License With an Individual License, the licensee can choose between either user-based
or computer-based licensing:

• User-based licensing allows a designated named user to use the software. The software may be
installed and operated on up to three computers (for example, at work, home, in a laboratory, or
on a laptop), provided that the software is only accessible to, and operated by, that single named
user. On each of these computers the named user must have a personal login, which may not be
shared with other users.
• Computer-based licensing allows the software to be installed and used on a single computer.
Under this licensing option, multiple people can use the software, but not simultaneously. Computer-
based licensing does not permit the software to be installed on a terminal server. The software
may only be operated from the computer’s console, i.e., not remotely.

Dongle License A Dongle License allows the software to be installed on one or more computers.
Any person may use the software on the computer that is connected to a specific hardware dongle,
provided that the software is operated from the computer’s console. Damaged dongles can be returned
for replacement. Purchaser is liable for the cost of replacement dongle, unless the dongle fails due to
a manufacturing defect during the warranty period. Lost dongles will not be replaced.

Concurrent License Concurrent Licenses allow multiple users to access the software from computers
that are connected to a central license server. The number of simultaneous users is limited by the
number of installed Concurrent Licenses. The software may only be operated by the person who has
checked out the Concurrent License. Each Concurrent License may be installed on one license server

License Term

Perpetual License Unless otherwise agreed, the software is licensed on a perpetual basis, providing
the right to use the software indefinitely. The initial purchase price for a Perpetual License of the
software includes Software Maintenance Service for the first 12 months. After the initial 12 month
period, an annual fee is required to renew the Software Maintenance Service. Software Maintenance
Service comprises product upgrades, maintenance releases and technical support.

Annual License Instead of a Perpetual License, the licensee may purchase an Annual License. The
Annual License permits the licensee to use the software for one year. For operating the software
beyond that term, the license needs to be renewed for another year. The price for an Annual License
is calculated as 50 % of the equivalent Perpetual License and includes Software Maintenance Service.

Software Maintenance Service

Product Upgrades and Maintenance Releases You are entitled to free product upgrades and main-
tenance releases if you are currently under Software Maintenance Service. The latest version of the
software can be downloaded from the Plexim homepage.

Technical Support Telephone and e-mail access to technical support engineers is provided as part
of the Software Maintenance Service.

License Transfers For licenses currently under the annual Software Maintenance Service, license
transfers are free of charge as follows:

• User-based licenses may be re-designated to other users no more than four times in any 12
month period.
• Computer-based licenses, Concurrent Licenses, or Classroom Licenses may be transferred to
other computers no more than four times in any 12 month period.

Renewal Fees The annual Software Maintenance Service renewal fee is based on the number of
licenses installed in your configuration and the licensing option. It is calculated as 20 % of the then-
current purchase price for Perpetual Licenses of the software. If the Software Maintenance Service
lapses for more than 3 months, it may be reinstated within four years of the expiration date by paying
the lapsed maintenance term plus a reinstatement charge of 10 % of the then-current license price.

Educational Use Restrictions

If licensed to a degree-granting institution at an academic discount rate the software is restricted to

use in connection with on-campus computing facilities that are used solely in support of classroom
instruction and research activities of students, teaching faculty and staff, and research staff. Using the
software for any other purposes, including commercial, is expressly prohibited.

Limitation of Liability

The software should not be relied on as the sole basis to solve a problem whose incorrect solution
could result in injury to person or property. If the software is employed in such a manner, it is at the
licensee’s own risk and Plexim disclaims all liability for such misuse to the extent allowed by law.

Limited Warranty/Limitation of Remedies

Plexim warrants that Plexim has the right to grant the license rights hereunder. Plexim warrants that
the physical media provided shall be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of 90
days from delivery, or it will be replaced by Plexim at no cost to the licensee. Plexim further warrants,
for a period of one year from delivery, that each copy of the software will conform to the description of
its operation in the documentation. In the event that the software does not operate as warranted, the
licensee’s exclusive remedy and Plexim’s sole liability under this warranty shall be:

• the correction or workaround by Plexim of major defects within a reasonable time, or

• should such correction or workaround prove neither satisfactory nor practical, termination of the
relevant license and refund of the initial license fee paid to Plexim for the software.


To the extent any governing law, treaty, or regulation is in conflict with this agreement, the conflicting
terms of this agreement shall be superseded only to the extent necessary by such law, treaty, or regu-
lation. If any provision of this agreement shall be otherwise unlawful, void, or otherwise unenforceable,
that provision shall be enforced to the maximum extent permissible. In either case, the remainder of
this agreement shall not be affected.

Governing Law/Jurisdiction

This agreement shall be interpreted, enforced and construed and the rights of the parties hereunder
governed in all respects by the laws of Switzerland. Place of jurisdiction shall be Zurich, Switzerland.

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