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Safety Data Sheet

Sodium Percarbonate
Revision 3, Date 26 Oct 2014

Product Name Sodium Percarbonate

Other Names Carbonic acid disodium salt, compd. with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) (2:3); Carbonic acid, disodium salt, compound
with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) (2:3); Disodium carbonate, compound with hydrogen peroxide (2:3); Sodium
Carbonate Peroxide; Sodium Carbonate Peroxyhydrate; SPC
Uses Sodium Percarbonate dissolves into water rapidly to release oxygen and provides powerful cleaning, bleaching,
stain removal and deodorizing capabilities. As a kind of new high effective bleaching raw material for detergent,
Sodium Percarbonate also is one disinfecting agent.
Chemical Family No Data Available
Chemical Formula CH2O3.3/2H2O2.2Na
Chemical Name Sodium Percarbonate
Product Description No Data Available

Contact Details of the Supplier of this Safety Data Sheet

Organisation Location Telephone
Redox Pty Ltd 2 Swettenham Road +61-2-97333000
Minto NSW 2566

Redox Pty Ltd 11 Mayo Road +64-9-2506222

Wiri Auckland 2104
New Zealand

Redox Inc. 2132A E. Dominguez Street +1-424-675-3200

Carson CA 90810

Redox Chemicals Sdn Bhd No. 8, Block G, Ground Floor, Taipan 2 +60-3-7843-6833
Jalan PJU 1A/3
Ara Damansara
47301, Petaling Jaya, Selangor,

Emergency Contact Details

For emergencies only; DO NOT contact these companies for general product advice.
Organisation Location Telephone
Chemcall New Zealand 0800-243622
National Poisons Centre New Zealand 0800-764766


Poisons Schedule (Aust) 6

Environmental Protection Authority (New Zealand)

Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Amendment Act 2015

HSNO Classifications Physical 5.1.1B Oxidising substances that are liquids or solids: medium hazard

Redox Pty Ltd Australia New Zealand Malaysia

Redox NZ Auckland Office Phone +64 9 250 6222 Adelaide Auckland Kuala Lumpur
PO Box 76886 Manukau City Auckland 2241 New Zealand Fax +64 9 250 6226 Brisbane Christchurch
11 Mayo Road Wiri Auckland New Zealand E-mail [email protected] Melbourne Hawke’s Bay USA
Web Perth Los Angeles
ABN 92 000 762 345 Sydney
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Safety Data Sheet Sodium Percarbonate Revision 3, Date 26 Oct 2014

Health 6.1D Substances that are acutely toxic - Harmful

6.4A Substances that are irritating to the eye
Environmental 9.1D Substances that are slightly harmful to the aquatic environment or are otherwise
Hazards designed for biocidal action
9.3C Substances that are harmful to terrestrial vertebrates



Chemical Entity Formula CAS Number Proportion

Disodium carbonate, compound with hydrogen peroxide (2:3) No Data Available 15630-89-4 88 %
Sodium Carbonate No Data Available 497-19-8 8.67 %
Sodium Chloride No Data Available 7647-14-5 2.19 %


Description of necessary measures according to routes of exposure

Swallowed If the subject is completely conscious, rinse mouth and administer fresh water. Don’t induce vomiting.
If the subject is unconscious, loosen collar and tight clothing, lay the victim on his/her left side, and give
nothing by mouth. Keep warm with blanket. Don’t induce vomiting.
Eye Remove contact lenses. Flush eyes immediately with large quantities of running water, while keeping eyelids wide
open (at least for 15-20 minutes). Get medical attention immediately.
Skin Remove contaminated clothing, shoes, etc. immediately. Wash the affected skin with soap or mild detergent and
large quantities of running water until no evidence of chemical remains. Get medical attention in case of persistent
pain or redness.
Inhaled Remove the subject from exposure immediately and perform artificial respiration, if needed. Get medical attention in
case of respiratory symptoms.
Advice to Doctor Treat symptomatically based on judgement of doctor and individual reactions of patient.
- Give artificial respiration if victim is not breathing.
- Administer oxygen if breathing is difficult.
- Remove and isolate contaminated clothing and shoes.
- Contaminated clothing may be a fire risk when dry.
- Keep victim warm and quiet.
- Ensure that medical personnel are aware of the material(s) involved and take precautions to protect themselves.
Medical Conditions Aggravated Persons with pre-existing skin, eye, or respiratory disease may be at increased risk from the irritant or allergic
by Exposure properties of this material.


General Measures Intervention only by capable personnel who are trained and aware of the hazards of the product. Evacuate all
nonessential personnel. If safe to do so, remove unaffected product to a safe area.
Flammability Conditions Product is an Oxidizing Solid. Oxygen released on exothermic decomposition may support combustion.
Extinguishing Media Use water spray, alcohol-resistant foam, dry chemical or carbon dioxide.
Fire and Explosion Hazard Oxidising material. Contact with combustible materials my cause fire. It may decompose explosively when
heated or involved in a fire. May explode from heat or contamination. Containers may explode when heated.
Run off may create fire or explosion hazard. Can be released in case of fire: Carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide,
Sodium oxide.
Hazardous Products of Fire may produce irritating, corrosive and/or toxic gases. Decomposition releases steam/heat.
Special Fire Fighting Do NOT allow fire fighting water to reach waterways, drains or sewers. Store fire fighting water for treatment. Dam fire
Instructions control water for later disposal.

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Safety Data Sheet Sodium Percarbonate Revision 3, Date 26 Oct 2014

Personal Protective Equipment Fire fighters should wear a positive-pressure self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) and protective fire fighting
clothing (includes fire fighting helmet, coat, trousers, boots and gloves) or chemical splash suit.
Flash Point No Data Available
Lower Explosion Limit No Data Available
Upper Explosion Limit No Data Available
Auto Ignition Temperature No Data Available
Hazchem Code 1Y


General Response Procedure Avoid materials and products which are incompatible with the product(see section 10). Avoid direct contact of the
product with water. Do not touch damaged containers or spilled material unless wearing appropriate protective
Clean Up Procedures Collect the product with suitable means, shovel or sweep, avoiding dust formation. All receiving equipment should be
clean, dry, vented, labelled and made of material is compatible with the product.Do NOT return spilled or
contaminated material to inventory.
- Small spill : With clean shovel place material into clean, dry container and cover loosely; move containers from spill
- Large spill: Dike far ahead of liquid spill for later disposal. Following product recovery, flush area with water.
Containment Pick up and arrange disposal without creating dust. Keep in suitable, closed containers for disposal.
Decontamination Clean the area with large quantities of water. For disposal methods, refer to section 13.
Environmental Precautionary Ventilate for proper method. Make an embankment for further processing. Prevent entry into waterways, sewers,
Measures basements or confined areas. If product does enter a waterway, advise the Environmental Protection Authority or
your local Waste Management.
Evacuation Criteria Evacuate all unnecessary personnel.
Personal Precautionary Do NOT touch damaged containers or spilled material unless wearing appropriate protective clothing as listed in
Measures section 8.


Handling Clean and dry process piping and equipment before using the product. Never return spillage to its original package or
for reuse. Keep away from incompatible products. Do not use vacuum cleaner for cleaning up. Avoid contact and
avoid breathing the material. Emergency showers and eye wash should be readily accessible. Remove all sources of
ignition. Containers and equipment used to handle the product should be used exclusively for that product. Avoid any
contact with water or humidity.
Provide appropriate exhaust ventilation at places where dust is formed.
Keep away from sources of ignition -No smoking. Keep away from combustible material.
Storage Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area. Keep containers tightly closed when not in use. Inspect regularly for
deficiencies such as damage or leaks. Protect against physical damage. Store away from incompatible materials as
listed in section 10. Protect from direct sunlight. Keep away from heat sources. Keep away from reactive products.
Store in vented containers. This product has a UN classification of 3378 and a Dangerous Goods Class 5.1 (Oxidiser)
according to The Australian Code for the Transport of Dangerous Goods By Road and Rail.
Container Do not leave container open. Avoid formation of dust and aerosols. Container type/packaging must comply with all
applicable local legislation. Store in original packaging as approved by manufacturer.


General No exposure standard has been established for this product by the Australian Safety and Compensation Council
(ASCC). However, the exposure standard for dust not otherwise specified is 10mg/m3 (for inspirable dust) and
3mg/m3 (for respirable dust).
Exposure Limits No Data Available
Biological Limits No information available on biological limit values for this product.
Engineering Measures A system of local and/or general exhaust is recommended to keep employee exposures as low as possible. Local
exhaust ventilation is generally preferred because it can control the emissions of the contaminant at its source,

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Safety Data Sheet Sodium Percarbonate Revision 3, Date 26 Oct 2014

preventing dispersion of it into the general work area. Provide natural or explosion-proof ventilation adequate to
ensure concentrations are kept below exposure limits. Check legal suitability of exposure level.
Personal Protection Equipment RESPIRATOR: Use only respiratory protection that conforms to international/national standards - Use breathing
masks with dust filter P2 (AS1715/1716).
EYES: Use tightly fitting, chemical resistant safety goggles (AS1336/1337).
HANDS: Use suitable gloves of PVC, neoprene or natural rubber having a penetration time of 4-8 hours - Do not
leather or cotton gloves when handling a wet product (AS2161).
CLOTHING: For brief contact, few precautions other than clean body-covering clothing should be needed. When
prolonged or frequently repeated contact could occur, use protective, full body clothing, such as PVC or rubber,
impervious to this material and safety footwear (AS3765/2210).
Special Hazards Precaustions Consult a health and safety expert for the selection of personal protective equipment suitable for the working
Work Hygienic Practices Handle in accordance with good industrial hygiene and safety practice.
Wash hands before breaks and at the end of workday.
Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Avoid inhalation of vapour or mist.


Physical State Solid

Appearance Granular Solid,
Odour Odourless
Colour White or colour
pH 10.0 + 1.0
Vapour Pressure <10-3 Pa (@ 25 °C)
Relative Vapour Density No Data Available
Boiling Point No Data Available
Melting Point No Data Available
Freezing Point No Data Available
Solubility 140g/L 24°C
Specific Gravity No Data Available
Flash Point No Data Available
Auto Ignition Temp No Data Available
Evaporation Rate No Data Available
Bulk Density 0.80-1.0 g/cm3
Corrosion Rate No Data Available
Decomposition Temperature Self-accelerating decomposition with oxygen release starting from 50 °C
Density 2.01 - 2.16 Relative
Specific Heat No Data Available
Molecular Weight 314.06 g/mol
Net Propellant Weight No Data Available
Octanol Water Coefficient Not applicable. Sodium percarbonate is a simple inorganic salt.
Particle Size No Data Available
Partition Coefficient No Data Available
Saturated Vapour Concentration No Data Available
Vapour Temperature No Data Available
Viscosity No Data Available
Volatile Percent No Data Available
VOC Volume No Data Available
Additional Characteristics Oxidising properties: Oxidising solid of class 5.1 (UN Recommendations)
Potential for Dust Explosion No Data Available
Fast or Intensely Burning No Data Available

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Safety Data Sheet Sodium Percarbonate Revision 3, Date 26 Oct 2014

Flame Propagation or Burning No Data Available

Rate of Solid Materials
Non-Flammables That Could No Data Available
Contribute Unusual Hazards to a
Properties That May Initiate or No Data Available
Contribute to Fire Intensity
Reactions That Release Gases No Data Available
or Vapours
Release of Invisible Flammable No Data Available
Vapours and Gases


General Information Oxidising Solid.

Reactivity: Oxidising agents, actual reactivity varies greatly with the identity of the organic compound.
Chemical Stability Stable under normal temperature conditions and recommended use.
Conditions to Avoid Avoid moisture. Avoid temperatures above 60 °C, direct sunlight and contact with sources of heat.
Materials to Avoid Water, Acids, Bases, Salts of heavy metals, Reducing agents, Organic materials, Flammable substances.
The substance can react dangerously with reducing agents, flammable substances.
Hazardous Decomposition Can be released in case of fire: Carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, Sodium oxide.
Hazardous Polymerisation No Data Available


General Information Oral route LD50 Rat (combined sexes): 1034 mg/Kg (OECD SIDS)
Dermal route LDLo Rabbit: >2000 mg/Kg (OECD SIDS)
Inhalation LC0, 1 hour, Rat: >4.58 mg/L/4h (OECD SIDS)

General: Irritating to mucous membrane, eyes and skin.

Eyes, severe damage: Rabbit
Skin, slightly irritating: Rabbit

No sensitization was noted when administered as a 75% w/v mixture during induction and as a 25% w/v mixture at
Comments: Toxic effect linked with irritant properties

(a) Acute toxicity: It can be concluded that the existing animal data on acute toxicity show that sodium percarbonate
exhibits local irritation effects in the gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts and on the skin. Systemic effects are not to
be expected. Sodium percarbonate should be classified for acute oral toxicity, Category 4 based on the criteria of the
CLP Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008.
(b) Skin corrosion/irritation: A human patch test performed with sodium percarbonate (York et al. 1996) and a valid
and reliable skin irritation test performed with rabbits Glaza 1990c) shows that sodium percarbonate is not irritating to
the skin.
(c) Serious eye damage/irritation: In test (BASF test) on rabbit eye corrosion, eye corrosion was observed.
(d) Respiratory or skin sensitization: A valid GLP guideline study was conducted with guinea pigs in which sodium
percarbonate was not a skin sensitizer.
(e) Germ cell mutagenicity: Data on the mutagenicity of sodium percarbonate are not available but it is likely that any
test results for sodium percarbonate will be similar to those of hydrogen peroxide due to the release of hydrogen
peroxide in aqueous media. The available studies on hydrogen peroxide, most of them, in particular the in vivo
studies, were performed according to OECD guidelines and GLP, are not in support of significant
genotoxicity/mutagenicity under in vivo conditions. Therefore sodium percarbonate is also unlikely to have any in vivo
genotoxic potential.
(f) Carcinogenicity: Carcinogenicity studies with animals and sodium percarbonate are not available.
(g) Reproductive toxicity: In conclusion, the available information supports the view that sodium percarbonate and its
dissociation products hydrogen peroxide and sodium carbonate do not act as reproductive toxicants or may reach
the developing foetus under the conditions of human exposure. It can thus be concluded that the substances should
not be considered as reproductive or developmental toxicants.

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Safety Data Sheet Sodium Percarbonate Revision 3, Date 26 Oct 2014

(h) STOT-single exposure: The respiratory irritation can be explained by the elevated particle concentration in the
breathing air and the formation of hydrogen peroxide and sodium carbonate from the dissociation of sodium
percarbonate in the upper respiratory tract. The RD50 was approximately 700 mg/m3.
(i) STOT-repeated exposure: As it is expected that repeated dose toxicity of sodium percarbonate will mainly be
mediated by hydrogen peroxide, no observed adverse effect levels can be defined on the basis of its hydrogen
peroxide content. Based on the 90-day drinking water study according to OECD guidelines and GLP with hydrogen
peroxide and catalase deficient mice, the predicted NOAEL of sodium percarbonate would be 308 ppm (81 to 115
mg/kg bw/day for males and females, respectively)
(j) Aspiration hazard: Not relevant.
EyeIrritant Severe eye irritation, watering and redness, can cause burns to the eye. Risk of serious or permanent eye lesions. In
case of repeated contact: risk of dermatitis.
Ingestion Harmful if swallowed. Severe irritation of the mouth, throat, esophagus and stomach. Bloating of stomach, belching.
Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
Inhalation Slight nose and throat irritation. At high concentrations, cough. In case of repeated or prolonged exposure: risk of
sore throat, nose bleeds, chronic bronchitis.
SkinIrritant May cause skin irritation when exposed for long periods of time. Slight irritation. In case of repeated contact: risk of
Carcinogenicity No component of this product presents at levels greater than or equal to 0.1% is identified as probable,
possible or confirmed human carcinogen by IARC.
Mutagenicity No component of this product presents at levels greater than or equal to 0.1% is identified as probable,
possible or confirmed human carcinogen by IARC.
Carcinogen Category No Data Available


Ecotoxicity Fish: 96hr-LC50 = 70.7mg/L (Pimephales promelas)

Fish:96hr-NOEC = 1mg/L (Pimephales promelas)
Invertebrates: 48hr-EC = 4.9mg/L (Daphnia magna)
Invertebrates: 48d-NOEC = 2.0mg/L (Daphnia magna)
Algae: 72hr-EC50 = 7.7mg/L (Crupina vulgaris)
Algae: 72hr-NOEC = 0.3mg/L (Crupina vulgaris)
Persistence/Degradability Sodium percarbonate dissociates in water into hydrogen peroxide and sodium carbonate. Hydrogen
peroxide is rapidly degraded in a biological waste water treatment plant. (OECD SIDS).
Mobility Volatilisation of hydrogen peroxide from surface waters and moist soil is expected to be very low, while it is
expected to be highly mobile in soil. (OECD SIDS)
Environmental Fate Do NOT let product reach waterways, drains and sewers.
Bioaccumulation Potential Both sodium carbonate and hydrogen peroxide (log Kow < -1) are inorganic chemicals which do not bioaccumulate.
Environmental Impact No Data Available


General Information Dispose of in accordance with all local, state and federal regulations. All empty packaging should be disposed of in
accordance with Local, State, and Federal Regulations or recycled/reconditioned at an approved facility.
Special Precautions for Land Fill Observe all federal, state, and local environmental regulations. Contact a licensed professional waste
disposal service to dispose of this material. Dissolve or mix the material with a combustible solvent and burn
in a chemical incinerator equipped with an afterburner and scrubber.


Land Transport (New Zealand)


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Safety Data Sheet Sodium Percarbonate Revision 3, Date 26 Oct 2014


Class 5.1 Oxidising Substances
Subsidiary Risk(s) No Data Available
EPG 31 Oxidizing Substances
UN Number 3378
Hazchem 1Y
Pack Group II
Special Provision No Data Available

Sea Transport


Class 5.1 Oxidising Substances
Subsidiary Risk(s) No Data Available
UN Number 3378
Hazchem 1Y
Pack Group II
Special Provision No Data Available
Marine Pollutant No

Air Transport


Class 5.1 Oxidising Substances
Subsidiary Risk(s) No Data Available
UN Number 3378
Hazchem 1Y
Pack Group II
Special Provision No Data Available


General Information No Data Available

Poisons Schedule (Aust) 6

Environmental Protection Authority (New Zealand)

Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Amendment Act 2015

Approval Code HSR001351

National/Regional Inventories

Australia (AICS) Listed

Canada (DSL) Listed

Canada (NDSL) Not Determined

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Safety Data Sheet Sodium Percarbonate Revision 3, Date 26 Oct 2014

China (IECSC) Listed

Europe (EINECS) Listed

Europe (REACh) Not Determined

Japan (ENCS/METI) Listed

Korea (KECI) Listed

Malaysia (EHS Register) Not Determined

New Zealand (NZIoC) Listed

Philippines (PICCS) Not Determined

Switzerland (Giftliste 1) Not Determined

Switzerland (Inventory of Notified Not Determined


Taiwan (NCSR) Not Determined

USA (TSCA) Listed


Related Product Codes SOPERC1000, SOPERC1001, SOPERC1002, SOPERC1003, SOPERC1004, SOPERC1005, SOPERC1006,
Revision 3
Revision Date 26 Oct 2014
Reason for Issue Update SDS
Key/Legend < Less Than
> Greater Than
AICS Australian Inventory of Chemical Substances
atm Atmosphere
CAS Chemical Abstracts Service (Registry Number)
cm² Square Centimetres
CO2 Carbon Dioxide
COD Chemical Oxygen Demand
deg C (°C) Degrees Celcius
EPA (New Zealand) Environmental Protection Authority of New Zealand
deg F (°F) Degrees Farenheit
g Grams
g/cm³ Grams per Cubic Centimetre
g/l Grams per Litre
HSNO Hazardous Substance and New Organism
IDLH Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health
immiscible Liquids are insoluable in each other.
inHg Inch of Mercury
inH2O Inch of Water
K Kelvin
kg Kilogram
kg/m³ Kilograms per Cubic Metre
lb Pound

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Safety Data Sheet Sodium Percarbonate Revision 3, Date 26 Oct 2014

LC50 LC stands for lethal concentration. LC50 is the concentration of a material in air which causes the death of
50% (one half) of a group of test animals. The material is inhaled over a set period of time, usually 1 or 4 hours.
LD50 LD stands for Lethal Dose. LD50 is the amount of a material, given all at once, which causes the death of 50%
(one half) of a group of test animals.
ltr or L Litre
m³ Cubic Metre
mbar Millibar
mg Milligram
mg/24H Milligrams per 24 Hours
mg/kg Milligrams per Kilogram
mg/m³ Milligrams per Cubic Metre
Misc or Miscible Liquids form one homogeneous liquid phase regardless of the amount of either component
mm Millimetre
mmH2O Millimetres of Water
mPa.s Millipascals per Second
N/A Not Applicable
NIOSH National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
NOHSC National Occupational Heath and Safety Commission
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Oz Ounce
PEL Permissible Exposure Limit
Pa Pascal
ppb Parts per Billion
ppm Parts per Million
ppm/2h Parts per Million per 2 Hours
ppm/6h Parts per Million per 6 Hours
psi Pounds per Square Inch
R Rankine
RCP Reciprocal Calculation Procedure
STEL Short Term Exposure Limit
TLV Threshold Limit Value
tne Tonne
TWA Time Weighted Average
ug/24H Micrograms per 24 Hours
UN United Nations
wt Weight

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