Microprocessor Question Bank

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Microprocessor, UCET

Microprocessor & Interfacing (140701)

Branch: E.C & C.E.
Question Bank

1. Explain Microprocessor system bus organization.

2. How many Address lines are required to access 4GB Memory.

(Similar questions can be asked by changing memory size)

3. Explain Memory with its block diagram.

4. Expand 16x8 memory to 32x8 memory.

(Similar questions can be asked by changing memory size)

5. Explain Classification of memory in detail.

6. Compare SRAM & DRAM.

7. Draw & explain Architecture of 8085 Microprocessor.

8. Explain Programming model of 8085 Microprocessor.

9. Draw & explain Pin-diagram of 8085 Microprocessor.

10. Explain various buses of 8085 Microprocessor.

11. Explain demultiplexing of 8085 Microprocessor.

12. Explain Generation of control signals.

13. Explain Minimum system of 8085 Microprocessor.

14. Define Instruction cycle, Machine cycle & T- states.

15. Explain 8085 Machine cycles in detail. ( MW, MR, IOR, IOW, OF)

16. Difference between Full decoding & Partial decoding.

17. Interface 8KB of EPROM & 2KB of RAM with 8085 Microprocessor.

(Similar questions can be asked by changing memory size)

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Microprocessor, UCET

18. Explain 1byte, 2byte & 3byte Instructions.

19. Explain Addressing modes of 8085 Microprocessor.

20. All the Data transfer instructions with their Operation, Example &
Machine cycle.

NOTE: If the instructions are asked in 1 MARK only then you just have to
explain their operation with example. Don’t draw their Machine

21. All the Arithmetic instructions.

22. All the Logical instructions.

23. All the Stack related instructions.

24. All the Branching instructions.

25. Explain RIM & SIM instructions with their Formats.

26. Explain Subroutines & their types. (Recursive & Re-entrant)

27. Explain in detail Memory mapped I/O & I/O mapped I/O.

28. Define following:

(i) Interrupt (ii) ISR (iii) Vectored / Nonvectored Interrupt

(iv) Maskable / Nonmaskable Interrupt

29. Explain 8085 Interrupt structure.

30. Explain difference between Hardware & Software Interrupts.

31. Explain 8259 (Programmable Interrupt Controller ) with Block diagram.

32. Explain Priority Modes of 8259.

33. Interface 8259 with 8085 M.P.

34. Cascading of more than one 8259. (Master & Slave Configuration)

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Microprocessor, UCET

35. Explain Block diagram of 8255. (Programmable Peripheral Interface )

36. Explain Operating modes of 8255.

37. Interface 8255 with 8085 Microprocessor.

38. Explain Block diagram of 8254. (Programmable Interval Timer )

39. Interface 8254 with 8085 Microprocessor.

40. Explain Successive Approximation technique of ADC.

41. Comparison of various ADCs.

42. Block diagram of 0809 ADC.

43. Interface 0809 (ADC) with 8085.

44. Explain DAC characteristics.

45. Explain R-2R ladder DAC.

46. Explain Block diagram of 0808 DAC.

47. Interface 0808 DAC with 8085 M.P.

48. Explain DMA data transfer modes.

49. Interface 8237 (DMA) with 8085 Microprocessor.

50. Write short note on:

(i) Keyboard (Matrix and Non-matrix type)

(ii) Seven segment display.

51. Explain Roll over techniques in keyboard.

52. Interface 8279 (Keyboard & display Controller ) with 8085


53. Difference between Parallel and Serial data transfer.

54. Explain Synchronous and Asynchronous data transfer.

55. What is baud rate?

56. Draw and explain Functional block diagram of 8251.(USART)

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Microprocessor, UCET

57. Interface 8251 with 8085 Microprocessor.

58. Write short note on: RS 232C

NOTE: In GTU out of 70 marks generally 14 marks weightage is assigned

to Programming .

Programs are generally asked based on following topics:

• Timing delays.

• Conversions ( like Binary to BCD)

• Data transfer

• Arithmetic

• Logical

• Stack related

• Branching ( Call & JMP instructions)

NOTE: In Microprocessor figures are more important. If your figure is

perfect then no paper-checker is going to read your write-up.

 So concentrate more on figures rather than write-up.

***Best of Luck***

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