Psychology Assignment

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Psychology Assignments






Assignment 1

What are the ethical rules today regarding research?

There are various ethical rules that need to be considered when carrying out research.

These rules stress the need to do good and do no harm. There are five rules that guide the

conduct of the researcher in conducting research (Laerd Dissertation, 2021). The first rule is

to get informed consent from the participants of the research. The second rule is to make sure

that there is minimal harm to participants. The third rule is to protect the confidentiality and

anonymity of participants (Laerd Dissertation, 2021). The fourth rule is to avoid the use of

deceptive practices, and the fifth one is to offer all participants in the research the right to

withdraw from it.

What populations require protection from research?

Population that require protection from research include pregnant women, children,

neonates of uncertain viability, and prisoners. These groups of people are protected by

protections that are described in some federal regulations on human rights (,

2021). They are considered vulnerable populations that can be susceptible to undue influence

or coercion on their decisions about whether they want to take part in research.

What is informed consent?

To be able to make an informed decision on whether or not to take part in research,

participants should be informed about what is going to be done to them, how the research plan

works, the discomforts or risks they may go through, and that participation is a voluntary

decision (U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 2021). The provision of this information is

done through the informed consent process, which means that the research purpose is clearly

explained to the participants, including the roles they are going to play and the way the trail is

going to work.

Are nonhumans protected in the same manner as humans?

The protection of animals in research is not similar to the protection of humans because

there are some things that human beings are capable of that animals are not capable of such as

giving informed consent. Legislation on the protection of animals, including laboratory

inspection and regulation, as well as local ethics committees do a lot in protecting the welfare

of animals and humans. On the other hand, guidelines for human participants require

researchers to obtain informed consent as a first step and protect the participants from harm

and discomfort, to act in confidentiality, and debrief the participants at the end of the research

(Laerd Dissertation, 2021).

How would someone go about getting a potential research project approved?

The process of getting approval for a research project depends on the type of research

that one wants to do. In general, one must prove that research is going to respect the privacy

and confidentiality of the people involved, that the research is going to be of benefit in some

way, that the research does not involve harm to the participants, and that the research is

conducted in honesty, integrity, and fairness to prevent deceit to the participants.

Assignment 6

The defense mechanisms are:

i. Denial which is refusal to accept real events if they are unpleasant.

ii. Displacement which is the transfer of inappropriate urges and behaviors to less

threatening or more acceptable targets.

iii. Projection which is the attribution of desires that are unacceptable to others.

iv. Rationalization which entails justifying behavior by substituting acceptable reasons for

real reasons that are less acceptable.

v. Reaction formation which is the reduction of anxiety through the adoption of beliefs

that are contrary to one’s own.

vi. Repression which entails returning to coping strategies for less mature development


vii. Repression which involves the suppression of painful thoughts and memories.

viii. Sublimation which entails redirecting unacceptable desires through channels that are

socially acceptable.

One of the defense mechanisms is displacement where I accused my partner of causing

our business to fail. The outcome of the situation was a confrontation because he felt he had

also done his best to keep the business going.

Assignment 8

The risk factors that are associated with the development of PTSD following a

traumatic event include the experience of intense trauma, having another trauma in early life

such as childhood abuse, working in an environment that exposes one to traumatic events

such as fire-fighting, having depression or anxiety, substance abuse, lack of a good support

system of friends and family, and having relatives with mental health problems (Mayo Clinic,

2021). Traumatic events are incidents that cause emotional, physical, psychological, or

spiritual harm. The person feels anxious and threatened (Mayo Clinic, 2021). All people do

not experience and react to trauma in the same way, as different trauma types can trigger

reactions that are significantly different. For some people, the effects of trauma can be long-

lasting, resulting in anxiety and depression and post-traumatic stress disorder long after the

event occurred (Mayo Clinic, 2021). PTSD does not affect army veterans alone. It can affect

all people of any age, nationality, culture, ethnicity, and sexual orientation (Mayo Clinic,



Laerd Dissertation. (2021). Principles of research ethics | Lærd Dissertation. Retrieved 12 March 2021, from

Mayo Clinic. (2021). Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) - Symptoms and causes. Mayo

Clinic. Retrieved 12 March 2021, from




U.S. Food and Drug Administration. (2021). Informed Consent for Clinical Trials. U.S. Food

and Drug Administration. Retrieved 12 March 2021, from


%20the%20informed%20consent%20document. (2021). protected population - UW Research. UW Research. Retrieved 12

March 2021, from



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