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• Network security is required by the users to communicate on the network.
• If medium is insecure then an intruder may intercept, read and modify the transmitted-data from sender to


1) Confidentiality: Information should be available only to those who have rightful access to it
2) Authenticity and integrity: The sender of a message and the message itself should be verified
at the receiving-point (Fig10.1).

Figure 10.1. (a) Message content and sender identity falsified by intruder; (b) a method of applied security

• In figure 10.1a, user 1 sends a message ("i am user 1") to user 2.

Since the network lacks any security system, an intruder can receive the message and change its
content to a different message ("hi i am user 1") and send it to user 2.
User 2 may not know that this falsified message is really from user 1(authentication).
• In figure 10.1b, a security block is added to each side of the communication, and a secret key that only users
1 and 2 would know about is included.
Therefore, the message is changed to a form that cannot be altered by the intruder.
• Internet infrastructure attacks are broadly classified into 4 categories
1) DNS hacking 2) Routing table poisoning
3) Packet mistreatment 4) Denial of Service (DOS)


• DNS server is a distributed hierarchical and global directory that translates domain names into numerical IP
• DNS is a critical infrastructure, and all hosts contact DNS to access servers and start connections.
• Name-resolution services in the modern Internet environment are essential for email transmission, navigation
to web sites, or data transfer. Thus, an attack on DNS can potentially affect a large portion of the Internet.
• A DNS hacking attack can appear in any of the following forms
Masquerading Attack
• The attacker poses as a trusted entity and obtains all the secret information.
• The attacker
→ can stop any message from being transmitted further or
→ can change the content or redirect the packet to bogus servers. This action is also
known as a middle-man attack.
Domain Highjacking Attack
• Whenever a user enters a domain address, he is forced to enter into the attacker's Web site.
Information Leakage Attack
• The attacker
→ sends a query to all hosts
→ identifies which IP addresses are not used
→ uses those IP address to make other types of attacks
Information-Level Attack( Cache Poisoning)
• This forces a server to correspond with other than the correct answer.
• The hacker
→ tricks a remote name-servers into caching the answer for a third-party domain by
providing malicious information.and
→ redirects traffic to a preselected site.


• This is the undesired modification of routing tables.
• This results in a lower throughput of the network.
• Two types of attacks are: i)link attack and ii)router attack.
Link Attack
• This occurs when a hacker gets access to a link and thereby intercepts, interrupts or modifies
routing messages.
• This act similarly on both the link-state and the distance-vector protocols.
• If an attacker succeeds in placing an attack in a link-state routing protocol, a router may
→ send incorrect updates about its neighbors or
→ remain silent even if the link state of its neighbor has changed
Router Attack
• This may affect the link-state protocol or even the distance-vector protocol.
• In link-state protocol, if routers are attacked, they become malicious. As a result, routers may
→ add a nonexisting link to a routing table
→ delete an existing link or
→ change the cost of a link.
• In the distance-vector protocol, an attacker may cause routers to send wrong updates about
any node in the network, thereby misleading a router and resulting in network problems.


• This is a type of security breach that prohibits a user from accessing normally provided services.
• This can cost the target person a large amount of time and money.
• This affects the destination rather than a data-packet or router.
• They take important servers out of action for few hours, thereby denying service to all users.
• Two types of attacks are:
1) Single-source: An attacker sends a large number of packets to a target system to
overwhelm & disable it
2) Distributed: A large number of hosts are used to flood unwanted traffic to a single target.
The target cannot then be accessible to other users in the network.
• This can occur during any data transmission.
• A hacker may capture certain data packets and mistreat them.
• The attack may result in
→ congestion
→ lowering throughput &
→ DOS attacks
• Link-attack causes interruption, modification or replication of data packets.
Whereas, a router-attack can misroute all packets and may result in congestion or DOS
• Following are some examples:
• If an attacker intercepts packets, they may not be allowed to be propagated to their destinations.
• Attackers may succeed in accessing the content of a packet. They can then
→ change the address of the packet or
→ change the data of the packet
• This kind of attack can be detected by digital signature mechanism.
• An attacker may trap a packet and replay it.
• This kind of attack can be detected by using the sequence number for each packet.
Malicious Misrouting of Packets
• A hacker may attack a router and change its routing table, resulting in misrouting of data packets.
Ping of death
• An attacker may send a ping message, which is large and therefore must be fragmented for transport.
• The receiver then starts to reassemble the fragments as the ping fragments arrive.
• The total packet length becomes too large and might cause a system crash.
• Common solutions that can protect computer communication networks from attacks are classified are
cryptographic techniques or authentication techniques(verification).
• Cryptography is the process of transforming a piece of information or message shared by two parties into
some sort of code.
• The message is scrambled before transmission so that it is undetectable by outside watchers.
• The scrambled-message needs to be decoded at the receiving-end before any further processing.
• The main tool used to encrypt a message M is a secret-key K.
The fundamental operation used to encrypt a message is the exclusive-OR(  ).
• Assume that we have one-bit M and a secret-bit K. A simple encryption is carried out using M  K.
• To decrypt this message, the second party can detect M by performing the following operation:
(M  K)  K = M
• In end-to-end encryption, secret coding is carried out at both end systems (Figure 10.2).
In link encryption, all the traffic passing over that link is secured.
• Two types of encryption techniques are secret-key & public-key encryption
1) In secret-key model, both sender & receiver conventionally use same key for an encryption process.
In public-key model, a sender and a receiver each use a different key.
2) The public-key system
→ is more powerful than the secret key system &
→ provides better security and message privacy.
3) Drawbacks of public-key system:
→ slow speed
→ more complex computationally

Figure 10.2. Overview of encryption points in a communication network

• Encryption methods offer the assurance of message confidentiality.
• A networking-system must be able to verify the authenticity of the message and the sender of the message.
These forms of security techniques are known as authentication techniques.
• Authentication techniques are categorized as i) authentication with message digest and
ii) authentication with digital signature.
• This is also called as symmetric encryption or single-key encryption.
• Sender and receiver conventionally use the same key for an encryption process.
• This consist of
→ an encryption-algorithm
→ a key and
→ a decryption-algorithm
• The encrypted-message is called ciphertext.
• Two popular protocols are: 1) DES (Data Encryption Standard)
2) AES (Advanced Encryption Standard)
• A shared secret-key between a transmitter and a receiver is assigned at the transmitter and receiver points.
• At the receiving end, the encrypted information can be transformed back to the original data by using
→ decryption algorithm and
→ secret key

• Plaintext messages are converted into 64-bit blocks & each block is encrypted using a key.
• The key length is 56 bits.
• This consists of 16 identical rounds of an operation (Figure 10.3).
Begin DES Algorithm
1) Initialize. Before round 1 begins, all 64 bits of the message and all 56 bits of the secret key
` are separately permuted( shuffled).
2) Each incoming 64-bit message is broken into two 32-bit halves denoted by L i and Ri
3) The 56 bits of the key are also broken into two 28-halves, and each half is rotated one or two
bit positions, depending on the round.
4) All 56 bits of the key are permuted, producing version k i of the key on round i.
5) Li and Ri are determined by
Li = Ri-1
Ri = Li-1  F(Ri-1,ki)
6) All 64 bits of a message are permuted.
Operation of function F()
• Out of 56 bits of ki, function F( ) chooses 48 bits.
• The 32-bit Ri-1 is expanded from 32 bits to 48 bits so that it can be combined with 48 bit ki.
• F( ) also partitions the 48 bits of ki into eight 6-bit chunks.
• The corresponding eight chunks of Ri-1 and eight chunks of ki are combined as follows
Ri=1 = Ri-1  ki

Figure 10.3. The Data Encryption Standard (DES)

• This has a better security strength than DES (Figure 10.4).
• Message size=128-bit block
Key size=128,192 or 256 bit
Number of rounds= 10 to 14
• The plaintext is formed as 16 bytes m0 through m15 and is fed into round 1 after an initialization stage.
• In this round, substitute-units(S) perform a byte-by-byte substitution of blocks.
• The ciphers move through a permutation-stage to shift rows to mix-columns.
• At the end of this round, all 16 blocks of ciphers are Exclusive-ORed with the 16 bytes of round 1 key k 0(1)
through k15(1).

Figure 10.4. Overview of Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) protocol


• This is also called as asymmetric or two key encryption.
• A sender/receiver pair use different keys.
• This is based on mathematical functions rather than on substitution or permutation.
• Two popular protocols are: i)RSA protocol ii)Diffie-Hillman key-exchange protocol.
• Either of the two related keys can be used for encryption; the other one for decryption.
• Each system publishes its encryption key by placing it in a public-register & sorts out key as public one.
The companion key is kept private.
• If A wishes to send a message to B, A encrypts the message by using B's public key.
At receiving end, B decrypts the message by using its private key.
No other recipients can decrypt the message, since only B knows its private key.
• The public-key system
→ is more powerful than the secret key system &
→ provides better security and message privacy.
• Drawbacks of public-key system:
→ slow speed
→ more complex computationally
• Assume that a plaintext m must be encrypted to a ciphertext c.
• This has three phases: key generation, encryption and decryption.
Key Generation Algorithm
1) Choose two prime numbers a and b and compute n=a.b
2) Find x. Select encryption-key x such that x and (a-1)(b-1) are relatively prime.
3) Find y. Calculate decryption-key y.
x y mod (a-1)(b-1) = 1
4) At this point, a and b can be discarded.
5) The public key = {x, n}
6) The private key = {y, n}
1) Both sender and receiver must know the value of n.
2) The sender knows the value of x and only the receiver knows the value of y.
3) Ciphertext c is constructed by
c=mx mod n
1) Given the ciphertext c, the plaintext m is extracted by
m=cy mod n.


• Two end users can agree on a shared secret-code without any information shared in advance.
• This protocol is normally used for VPN(virtual private network).
• Assume that user-1 wishes to communicate with user-2.
Key Generation Algorithm
1) User-1
→ selects a prime number 'a', random integer number 'x 1',and a generator 'g'
→ creates 'y1' such that
y1 = gx1 mod a
2) User-2
→ performs the same function and
→ creates y2 such that
y2 = gx2 mod a
3) User-1 then sends y1 to user-2. Now, user-1 forms its key k 1 using the information its
partner sent as
k1 = y2x1 mod a
4) User-2 forms its key ka using the information its partner send it as
k2 = y1x2 mod a
5) The two keys k1 and k2 are equal. The two users can now encrypt their messages, each
using its own key
• Message-authentication verifies the authenticity of both the message-sender and the message-content.
• Message-sender is authenticated through implementation of a digital signature.
Message-content is authenticated through implementation of a hash function and encryption of the
resulting message-digest.
• Hash-function is used to produce a "fingerprint" of a message.
• The hash-value is added at the end of message before transmission.
• The receiver re-computes the hash-value from the received message and compares it to the received hash-
• If the two hash-values are the same, the message was not altered during transmission.
• Once a hash-function is applied on a message m, the result is known as a message-digest h(m).
• The hash-function has the following properties
1) Unlike the encryption-algorithm, the authentication algorithm is not required to be
2) Given a message-digest h(m),it is computationally infeasible to find m.
3) This is computationally infeasible to find two different messages m 1 and m2 such that
• Message-authentication can be implemented by two methods (Figure 10.5):
1) In first method, a hash-function is applied on a message and then a process of encryption is
implemented. At the receiver site, the received message-digest is decrypted and the comparison is
made between the decrypted h(m) and the message-digest made locally from the received message.
compare it with the one made locally at its site for any judgments on the integrity of the message.
2) In second method, no encryption is involved. The two parties share a secret key. Hence, at the
receiving site, the comparison is made between the received h(m) and the message-digest made locally
from the received message.

Figure 10.5. Message authentication: (a) combined with encryption; (b) use of the hash function


• A digital signature on a message is required for the authentication and identification of the right sender.
• RSA algorithm can be used to implement digital signature.
• The message is encrypted with the sender's private key. Thus, the entire encrypted message serves as a
digital signature.
• At the receiving end, the receiver can decrypt the message using the public key. This authenticates that the
packet comes from the right user.
• This is a set of protocols to support the secure communication at the IP layer(Figure 10.6).
• An IPSec authentication header has the following fields:
Security parameter index
This expresses a one-way relationship between two communicating users.
Sequence number
This is an increasing counter number.
Payload data
This is an encryption protected upper-layer segment.
This is used to make plaintext a certain multiple of 1byte.
Pad length
This specifies the number of bytes for the padding.
Next header
This indicates the type of next-header attached.
Authentication data
This provides the integrity check value.
• IPsec has two encryption modes:
1) Tunnel mode encrypts the header and the payload of each packet
2) Transport mode encrypts the payload.

Figure 10.6. IPsec authentication header format

• Wireless networks are particularly vulnerable because of their non-wired infrastructure.
• Security mechanisms for the wireless 802.11 standards are known as wired equivalent privacy(WEP).
• WEP is a standard for security for IEEE802.11a and b.
• WEP offers authentication and data encryption between a host and a wireless base-station, using a secret
shared key.
• Communication between a host and a base station happens as follows:
1) The host requests authentication from the base-station.
2) The base-station responds.
3) The host encrypts data by using secret-key encryption.
4) The base-station decrypts the received data.
If the decrypted data matches the original one, the host is authenticated by the base-station.
Message Format
• A 40-bit secret key k known by both the host and the base-station is created (Figure 10.7).
• A 24-bit initialization field to be used to encrypt a single frame
• A 4-byte CRC field is computed for the data payload.
• The encryption is done by
ci=mi  ki where ci = ith byte of the ciphertext
mi = ith byte of the plaintext
ki = ith key
• The decryption is done
mi=ci  ki.

Figure 10.7. Security implementation in wireless IEEE 802.11

• This standard specifies an authentication-server for the base-station communication.
• The separation of the authentication-server from the base-station means that the authentication-server can
serve many base stations.
• Extensible Authentication Protocol(EAP) specifies the interaction between a user and an authentication
To summarize the IEEE802.11i security mechanism:
• A base-station first announces its presence and types of security services it can provide to
wireless users.
• EAP frames are encapsulated and sent over the wireless link.
• After decapsulation at the base station, the frames are encapsulated again, this time using a protocol
called RADIUS for transmission over UDP to the authentication-server.
• With EAP, public-key encryption is used.
• This is placed between hosts of a certain network and the outside world (Figure 10.8).
• This is used to protect the network from unwanted web sites and potential hackers.
• The main objective is to monitor and filter packets coming from unknown sources.
• This can also be used to control data traffic.
• This can be a software program or a hardware device.
1) Software firewalls can be installed in home computers by using an Internet connection with
2) Hardware firewalls
→ are more secure than software firewalls
→ are not expensive.
• A firewall controls the flow of traffic by one of the following three methods:
1) Packet filtering: A firewall filters those packets that pass through.
If packets can get through the filter, they reach their destinations: otherwise, they are discarded
2) A firewall filters packets based on the source IP address. This filtering is helpful when a host
has to be protected from any unwanted external packets.
3) Denial of Service(DOS). This method controls the number of packets entering a network.

Figure 10.8. A simple configuration of a secured network using

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