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Cite as: M. Lipsitch and N. E. Dean, Science

10.1126/science.abe5938 (2020).

Understanding COVID-19 vaccine efficacy

By Marc Lipsitch1 and Natalie E. Dean2
1Center for Communicable Disease Dynamics, Department of Epidemiology, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Boston, MA 02115, USA. 2Department of

Biostatistics, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA. Email: [email protected]; [email protected]

Vaccine efficacy in high-risk groups and reduced viral shedding are important for protection

The elderly and people with comorbidities are at greatest risk uncertainty about true effects in high-risk subgroups. This
of severe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). A safe and ef- uncertainty would be greater in interim analyses that are
fective vaccine could help to protect these groups in two dis- based on the number of events across the whole trial popula-
tinct ways: direct protection, where high-risk groups are tion and may be exacerbated if high-risk participants are
vaccinated to prevent disease, and indirect protection, where more cautious and have lower exposure to infection, reducing

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those in contact with high-risk individuals are vaccinated to their contribution to the efficacy estimates.
reduce transmission. Influenza vaccine campaigns initially There are several strategies to address subgroup-specific
targeted the elderly, in an effort at direct protection, but more efficacy, some of them already in place. Ensuring that high-
recently have focused on the general population, in part to risk adults are well represented in the trial population can be
enhance indirect protection. Because influenza vaccines in- achieved by setting minimum enrollment targets for older
duce weaker, shorter-lived immune responses in the elderly adults and/or adults with comorbidities. Another considera-
than in young adults, increasing indirect protection may be a tion relates to the stopping rules for interim analyses in trials.
more effective strategy. It is unknown whether the same is Vaccine trials with early interim analyses that are planning
true for COVID-19 vaccines. to discontinue randomization and vaccinate placebo partici-
For COVID-19, age-structured mathematical models with pants after declaring efficacy are most prone to subgroup un-
realistic contact patterns are being used to explore different certainty. To improve the precision of efficacy estimates in
vaccination plans (1, 2), with the recognition that vaccine high-risk subgroups, regulators could insist that interim anal-
doses may be limited at first and so should be deployed stra- yses be performed only after a certain number of confirmed
tegically. But as supplies grow large enough to contemplate disease cases occur in these subgroups, in addition to existing
an indirect protection strategy, the recommendations of monitoring of the overall number of events in the study.
these models depend on the details of how, and how well, Trials that maintain blinded follow-up to assess long-term
these vaccines work and in which groups of people. How can efficacy and safety may also generate more-reliable evidence
the evidence needed to inform strategic decisions be gener- on age-specific effects. For example, the World Health Organ-
ated for COVID-19 vaccines? ization’s Solidarity Vaccines Trial will preserve placebo-con-
Phase 3 vaccine trials are designed to assess individual- trolled follow-up through month 12 or when an effective
level efficacy and safety. These trials typically focus on a pri- vaccine is deployed locally (3). However, depending on where
mary endpoint of virologically confirmed, symptomatic dis- the trials are being done and whether the vaccine becomes
ease to capture the direct benefit of the vaccine that forms rapidly available in sufficient quantities after emergency-use
the basis for regulatory decisions. Secondary endpoints, such authorization in the population undergoing the trial, it may
as infection or viral shedding, provide supporting data, along become unethical and/or impractical to ask participants in
with analyses of vaccine efficacy in subgroups. Nonetheless, some subgroups to forego access to an available vaccine. For
unanswered questions about COVID-19 vaccine characteris- vaccine candidates evaluated in multiple trials, such as the
tics are likely to remain even after trials are completed. First, Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine being studied in the United
trials are typically not powered to establish subgroup-specific Kingdom, South Africa, Brazil, and the United States, meta-
efficacy, yet the performance of the vaccine in high-risk analyses can synthesize results across locations to improve
groups affects the success of a direct-protection strategy. Sec- precision of subgroup-specific effect estimates.
ond, can vaccines prevent infection or reduce contagious- Ideally the phase 3 trials in progress will identify more
ness? This matters for achieving indirect protection. than one safe, effective vaccine for regulatory approval and
Expanding ongoing efforts or planning new studies may gen- deployment. Postapproval studies will then take on an im-
erate the data needed to address these questions. portant role for continued assessment of vaccine effective-
For estimating subgroup-specific efficacy, randomized ness. These may include individual- or community-level
controlled trials can provide early estimates, yet these will randomized trials to compare different active vaccines with-
have wide confidence intervals, leaving substantial out a control arm, as in the U.S. Department of Defense’s

First release: 21 October 2020 (Page numbers not final at time of first release) 1
individually randomized Pragmatic Assessment of Influenza viral testing, irrespective of symptoms, to capture partici-
Vaccine Effectiveness in the DoD (PAIVED) trial, which as- pants during their period of acute infectiousness. The Oxford-
sesses the relative merits of three licensed influenza vaccines AstraZeneca vaccine trial is testing participants in the United
(NCT03734237). Kingdom for virus weekly regardless of symptoms, but not in
Another approach to amass evidence on subgroup-specific other trials for which protocols have been released. Even
efficacy is postapproval observational studies. This includes weekly testing will not give detailed information about the
active surveillance of high-priority cohorts from, for example, effect of the vaccine on viral shedding, and the relationship
nursing homes or assisted living facilities, as has been done between viral loads and infectiousness is unknown; nonethe-
for influenza. This also includes test-negative designs, which less, this approach is likely to provide some evidence if viral
are routinely used to assess vaccine effectiveness (4). Symp- loads are on average lower among vaccinated people. Human
tomatic individuals that test negative for severe acute respir- challenge vaccine studies, in which individuals in a random-
atory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) function as ized controlled trial are deliberately exposed to the virus,
controls for test-positive cases, and their vaccination status is could generate high-quality data on the effect of vaccines on
compared, adjusting for selected confounders. Test-negative viral shedding (9).

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designs can be integrated into outpatient testing in the com- Other approaches exist to directly estimate infectiousness
munity (5) or use emergency department visits to estimate without the need to extrapolate from viral load. Add-on
vaccine effectiveness against severe disease (6). To rapidly es- household studies can supplement efficacy trials. Investiga-
tablish these systems, researchers can leverage ongoing influ- tors can follow household members or other close contacts of
enza surveillance. Conveniently, these programs can infected participants to assess the vaccine’s effect on infec-
simultaneously monitor more than one vaccine, enabling as- tiousness, as has been implemented for the respiratory dis-
sessment of their relative merits. ease pertussis (also called whooping cough) (10). Viral
A key limitation of observational studies is confounding. sequencing could be used within the trial to link infector-in-
There may be many differences between individuals who do fectee pairs and better estimate indirect effects (11). Another
and do not get vaccinated, which may create noncausal cor- strategy is to design cluster-randomized trials in which indi-
relations between vaccine status and outcomes. Although rect effectiveness is a primary outcome. In influenza vaccine
such biases can threaten any observational study of vaccine trials, health care workers at nursing homes were cluster-ran-
effectiveness, there are some approaches to detect such biases domized to be offered vaccine or not, and the endpoints were
and reduce their magnitude (7, 8). mortality, influenza-like illness, or influenza infection in the
The clearest evidence of indirect protection is from a vac- patients they cared for (12).
cine that prevents infection entirely, thereby reducing trans- Observational studies may also be helpful, but, in general,
mission. These data will be generated in efficacy trials that measuring indirect effects of vaccines is even harder than de-
include infection as a secondary endpoint. This endpoint is tecting direct effects. It is urgent, therefore, to obtain evi-
measured by a specialized assay to distinguish an infection- dence on how each candidate vaccine affects infectiousness
induced response from a vaccine-induced antibody response. either before approval or soon after, when scarcity may jus-
A vaccine can provide indirect protection even if it does not tify randomized distribution of a vaccine.
fully prevent infection (see the figure). Vaccines that reduce Other open questions about the rapidly developed COVID-
disease severity can also reduce infectiousness by reducing 19 vaccines include long-term safety (indicating the critical
viral shedding and/or symptoms that increase viral spread need for pharmacovigilance activities), the duration of vac-
(e.g., coughing and sneezing). A worst-case scenario is a vac- cine protection, the efficacy of a partial vaccination series or
cine that reduces disease while permitting viral shedding; of lower doses (13), the vaccine’s level of protection against
this could fail to reduce transmission or conceivably even in- severe infection and death, efficacy by baseline serostatus,
crease transmission if it suppressed symptoms. and the potential for the virus to evolve to escape vaccine-
To assess a vaccine’s impact on infectiousness, some induced immunity. The answers to such questions inform the
phase 3 trials examine the amount or duration of viral shed- optimal use of any vaccine.
ding in laboratory-confirmed, symptomatic participants by Availability of a COVID-19 vaccine will initially be limited,
home collection of saliva samples and frequent polymerase and so several expert committees are exploring strategic pri-
chain reaction (PCR) testing. However, this would not cap- oritization plans. Health care workers are a common first-tier
ture any change in viral shedding for asymptomatic partici- group (14), which in turn preserves health care systems by
pants. Moreover, serology tests detect previous infection and protecting those who run them and need them. A next prior-
cannot reconstruct shedding during active infection. To ity is to directly protect those who are at highest risk of death
measure viral load in both symptomatic and asymptomatic or hospitalization when infected: specifically, those over 65
participants, it is necessary to conduct frequent (e.g., weekly) and people with certain comorbid conditions. This strategy

First release: 21 October 2020 (Page numbers not final at time of first release) 2
may be optimal for reducing mortality even if the vaccine is
somewhat less effective in these groups (2). But if a vaccine
offers little to no protection in high-risk groups yet is able to
reduce infection or infectiousness in younger adults, an indi-
rect strategy could be preferred as vaccine supplies become
large enough (1, 2). A worst-case scenario for an effective vac-
cine is one that reduces disease in younger adults but pro-
vides neither direct nor indirect protection to high-risk
groups, leaving the most vulnerable at risk. Knowing these
vaccine characteristics is important when evaluating the rel-
ative merits of other products. Fortunately, there are many
vaccine candidates in development that use a mixture of in-
novative and existing technologies. Although vaccines may
vary in their characteristics, having reliable evidence on di-

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rect and indirect protection can help plan how to use these
vaccines in a coordinated way.
1. L. Matrajt, J. Eaton, T. Leung, E. R. Brown, medRxiv 10.1101/2020.08.14.20175257
2. K. M. Bubar, S. M. Kissler, M. Lipsitch, S. Cobey, Y. Grad, D. B. Larremore, medRxiv
10.1101/2020.09.08.20190629 (2020).
3. P. Krause et al., Lancet (2020). 10.1016/s0140-6736(20)31821-3
4. H. Chua et al., Epidemiology 31, 43 (2020). doi:10.1097/EDE.0000000000001116
5. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), US Flu VE Network (2020);
6. Q. Chen et al., J. Infect. Dis. 211, 1045 (2015). doi:10.1093/infdis/jiu578 Medline
7. M. Lipsitch, A. Jha, L. Simonsen, Int. J. Epidemiol. 45, 2060 (2016). Medline
8. N. E. Dean, M. E. Halloran, I. M. Longini Jr., Am. J. Epidemiol. kwaa084 (2020).
10.1093/aje/kwaa084 Medline
9. S. K. Shah et al., Science 368, 832 (2020). doi:10.1126/science.abc1076 Medline
10. M. E. Halloran, M. P. Préziosi, H. Chu, J. Am. Stat. Assoc. 98, 38 (2003).
11. R. Kahn et al., medRxiv 10.1101/2020.09.14.20193789 (2020).
12. W. F. Carman et al., Lancet 355, 93 (2000). doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(99)05190-9
13. S. Riley, J. T. Wu, G. M. Leung, PLOS Med. 4, e218 (2007).
doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.0040218 Medline
14. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, “Framework for
equitable allocation of COVID-19 vaccine” (Consensus Study Report, The National
Academies Press, Washington, DC, 2020).
15. M. E. Halloran, I. M. Longini Jr., C. J. Struchiner, Design and Analysis of Vaccine
Studies (Springer, 2010).
M.L. receives funding from cooperative agreement 1U01CA261277 from the U.S.
National Institutes of Health. N.E.D. receives funding from NIH/NIAID R01-
AI139761. We thank R. Venkayya and N. Grassly for helpful comments. M.L.
receives honoraria and consulting fees from Merck, Affinivax, Sanofi Pasteur,
and Antigen Discovery; receives research funding (institutional) from Pfizer; and
provides unpaid scientific advice to Janssen, Astra-Zeneca, and Covaxx (United

Published online 21 October 2020


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Understanding COVID-19 vaccine efficacy
Marc Lipsitch and Natalie E. Dean

published online October 21, 2020


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