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Trading Manual


First of all let me say thank you for buying this PDF and for your continued interest in BetGreen. I
will not go into huge detail like a lot of other trading manuals do about Betfair and how you use it
as you have been handpicked to get this book, I do not want to insult your intelligence. However if
there are any questions about this book or the way it works then drop me an email at
[email protected] and I will answer you and help you.

There are three main things I do with the horses to make my daily living, I will explain all three of
them here, two of them are similar and very straight forward and require hardly any work from
you at all. The third requires you to visit a website and read some figures and then put them into
practice but it something you will be able to do in no time at all.

I get a lot of emails asking about how much you can make from Betfair and my advice is always
the same, it is what I do for myself, I set a weekly target from the horses and try to hit that, I have
a stop loss for each day as well, I advise everybody to write your personal trading rules out on
paper, type them print them off and stick them near your computer, if you are trading refer to
them. Stick to them and you will come out a winner in the long term.

Right onto the good part….

The Strategies

The first strategy is very simple and involves very little work; at around 11.00am on a daily basis
the main horse racing market on Betfair starts to get formed this is where we need to be working
and looking, you go onto Betfair and start with the first race of the day and start to click on the
graph of the horse it should look like this…

This is exactly what you are looking for, go through the top 5/6 horses for the race. You are looking
for a graph moving in an upward or a downward direction. On this picture you can see the graph is
moving upward this indicates to us that the price is going to be moving upwards, this is a LAY to
BACK before the off, so what I would do here is LAY the horse Mixed Message at its current odds
and aim to back it higher than the odds I have placed my LAY at.

The other way is if the graph is moving down then you do the opposite, you BACK to LAY. You
back the horse at 11.00am and then LAY the horse before the race.


Visit Betfair at 11.00am

Start to go through the horse racing graphs
Look for horses which the graphs are going downward or upward
Downward BACK to LAY
Upward LAY to BACK
Then visit Betfair about ten minutes before the off and trade out.

Strategy 2

The second strategy is very similar but it requires less work, you only need to be at the computer
for ten minutes before the off of each race.

About ten minutes before the off check to see if there is a clear favorite up to the odds of 4.0, it
has to be one point lower than the next horse e.g. if the horse which is second favorite it 3.5 then
the favorite must be 2.5.

You are now about 7/8 minutes before the off which is the perfect time because the money will
start to come flooding in, now click the graph of the favorite horse, if the horse is getting heavily
backed and the right hand side of the graph and only that side of the graph because that is the
recent activity, if the graph is moving downward so this indicates to BACK this horse the price will
then keep dropping and you can steal a few ticks. If the horse is going upward then you LAY this

There are 3 BACK prices and 3 LAY prices in a row opposite the name of the favorite horse on the
Betfair Exchange market. The BACK line displays the prices the punters are willing to LAY the
horse at to the amounts of money shown. The LAY line displays the prices the punters are willing
to BACK the horse at for the amounts of money shown. The WOM (weight of money) represents
the total of all 3 amounts on the BACK line added together compared to the total of all 3 amounts
of money on the LAY line. If there is a greater total amount of money on the BACK line then more
punters want to LAY the horse than back it. This results in the horse’s odds drifting. If there is a
greater total amount of money on the LAY line then more punters want to BACK the horse than
LAY it. This results in the horse’s odds shortening.

The bigger the difference in the WOM on one side over the other the greater the likelihood of a
price movement for the horse. If the total amounts of money on the BACK line and the LAY line
are fairly equal then the horse’s odds are not likely to move in either direction.

When the odds on Betfair are below 3.0 the price movements are in degrees of .02
Eg 2.5 – 2.52 – 2.54

When the odds on Betfair are 3.0 or above the price movements are in degrees of .05
Eg 3.0 – 3.05 – 3.1

Strategy 3

This is the main and best strategy I use, I found a website a year or two back which complies
reports on horses and how often the horse will place and how often the price of the horse will drop
in-play, this is a massive tool because you can BACK the horse before the off, this website records
the price right from the off and the in play price so it is easier to do it right before the off and then
the horse will run in play and the odds will drop and you can take a profit! I however sometimes
access the graphs using my other strategies explained about and combine then to maximize profit.
This is very powerful when used in conjunction with the two strategies I have put above this
because if your horse has a history of the price dropping in play if your bet does not hit where you
want before the off you can leave it in play to get your profit, in the same token if it does not drop
then you know you can lay it higher.

The website is

See these two screenshots I took from their site

I spotted that Temple Lord had a 33% chance of placing in all its races, the official rating was also
very high and the speed was the third fastest, I picked this horse because of these factors and the
next screenshot…

As you can see on this screen, the horse drops in price 50% of the time and its recent form is pretty
good, remember it does not matter if the horse wins it does not need to win just run well and it
only needs to do well for thirty seconds, that is all you need to get out. According to this
information Enfant De Lune dropped in every race and placed 50% I could of also backed this

I then backed Temple Lord…

I backed this horse about 5 minutes before the off and guess what the graph had dropped and
before the race had even started the money came flooding in and I could of taken £38.18, I didn’t I
left this horse to go in play because I knew it would drop even more in play….

There you have it £74.05! This was 1.18 in the race. This is a really simple and easy way to make
money trading as well and one which has given me a full time income along with my football
trades, all it takes is some assessment of the figures and then you can select a horse, you just pair
the best horse form with good DOB figures the speed and official rating figures and you have your
selection it does not take very long at all. I do however advise that you paper trade these for a
week or use very low stakes so you can get the hang of it and spot what to look for better, I will be
on hand to help you with your selections if you need any help.

The Steps

Go to
Check the next race and see the money form card then access the form card
Place your BACK bet on the horse the stats say will decrease
LAY in play for Green Profit

With all of these you set your own stop loss, for me it changes everyday and depends on what profit
I have made and how close to that target I am, but it is normally £40/50 I am prepared to lose, it
does not very often get close to this figure though.

They are the three main horse racing trading strategies which I use, I always equalize my profit
over all the horses so I get the same amount no matter what but I have found recently that the
horses I have been picking have ran in and won the race so that might be something to keep your
eye on, maybe aim for a £5 free bet on that horse to win and a profit on the rest, it really is up to
you and you will spot things and use the website and the horses differently to me.

I wish you the best of luck! Help will be on hand as and when you need it!
[email protected]

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