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Candidate Code: 28868


Sub: Offer & Appointment- Telecaller


Congratulations! With reference to the HCL Technologies interview on 02-Dec-2010, we are pleased to inform you that
you have been selected for employment in our organization as Software Engineer.

You are requested to join us on 06-Jul-2011 at 7:30 AM at the following address Hotel Ambassador Pallava, Monteith
Lane, Egmore, Chennai - 08.

We at HCL believe in our colleagues showing flexibility and willingness to be deployed and rotated across the various
locations, geographies and subsidiaries including our Infrastructure and BPO divisions, HCL Axon etc. In line with the
same approach, we look forward to your being flexible towards your placement in HCL Technologies. Your growth in this
organization will be in line with your capabilities.

Your Terms and Conditions of employment are detailed in this offer & appointment letter and appended annexure(s)

You will be paid emoluments of INR 18000 per month for first 3 ( Three ) months from your date of joining (outlined in
Annexure I); after which your Total Compensation will be INR 325000 per annum , outlined in Annexure II.

You will be on probation for a period of 15 months from the date of your joining. The general terms and conditions
governing your employment are outlined in Annexure III.

You will be required to sign a service agreement of 18 months with a surety amount of INR 125000. This amount shall be
payable to the Company only on the event of your separation from the company before 18 months from the date of Joining.

On the date of joining, you would be required to submit the documents listed in Annexure IV. Please note that the
submission of all listed documents is essential for the validity of your appointment in the Company.

I have read and understood all the elucidated terms & conditions of the letter completely. All the above clauses terms &
conditions are agreed and accepted with the expressed intent to be legally bound.


HCLT Confidential
Annexure V provides details on the various compensation components and selected benefits that we offer you as a part of the
HCL family.

You are required to complete your degree without any standing arrear/backlogs at the time of joining.

As confirmation of your acceptance, please click on the "Accept" button given below within 3 days of receiving this letter,
sign the duplicate copy of this Offer & Appointment Letter and Annexure(s) and submit the same on the day of joining
failing which the offer of employment extended to you by HCL Technologies shall stand withdrawn without any liability.

Please note that in case you are unable to report for joining on the respective date, this offer & appointment letter extended
to you by HCL Technologies Ltd. will stand withdrawn without any liability.

Welcome to our Organization! We look forward to a mutually fruitful association.

Yours truly,

For HCL Technologies Ltd.,

Debasis Sarkar
Global Compensation and Benefits

P.S. You are requested to use your Candidate Code (mentioned in this offer & appointment letter) for all your future
correspondence with HCL Technologies Ltd.

I have read and understood all the elucidated terms & conditions of the letter completely. All the above clauses terms &
conditions are agreed and accepted with the expressed intent to be legally bound.


HCLT Confidential

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