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Pilani Campus
Instruction Division

Second Semester 2021-2022

Date: 16 Jan 2022

Course No.: PHY F342

Course Title: Atomic and Molecular Physics

Instructor-in-Charge: Amol R Holkundkar

Scope and Objective:

The aim of this course is to present a comprehensive account of the physics of atoms and molecules and the
related spectroscopy. The atomic physics part will include structure of single, two and many-electron atoms,
the interaction of atoms with electromagnetic radiation and elements of atomic spectra. The molecular
physics part will comprise electronic structure of diatomic and polyatomic molecules within the Born-
Oppenheimer approximation and elements of electronic, vibrational and rotational spectra of molecules. The
course will be the students’ first encounter with serious applications of quantum theory.

Text Books:

Physics of Atoms and Molecules, B.H.BRANSDEN and C.J. JOACHAIN, Second edition, Pearson
Education Ltd.

Reference Books:

1. Atoms Molecules and Photons, W Demtröder , Springer (2010) 2/e

2. Atoms and Quanta, Haken and Wolf, Springer (2010) 2/e
3. Quantum Mechanics: Concepts and Applications, Nouredine Zettili, Wiley.

Course Plan:

Module Lecture Reference Learning Outcome

1 1- 9 3.1-3.4, 4.1- Review of one electron atoms (eigenfunctions,
4.7 expectation values etc.), perturbation theory, Interaction of
e.m. field with charged particles, transition rates,
dipole approximation, the Einstein coefficients, Selection
rules, line shapes and widths
2 10-12 5.1-5.3 Fine structure of hydrogenic atoms, the Lamb shift, Hyperfine
structure and isotope shifts

3 13-17 7.1-7.6 Ortho and Para states, ground and excited states
of two-electron atoms, level scheme of two-electron

4 18-25 8.1,8.4-8.5 The central field approximation, Hartree-Fock approximation,

Correction to the central field approximation

5 26-34 10.1-10.6 The Born-Oppenheimer approximation, electronic

structure of diatomic molecules, the rotation and
vibration of diatomic molecules, the structure of

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Pilani Campus
Instruction Division

polyatomic molecules

6 35-42 11.1-11.6 Rotational spectra of diatomic molecules, vibrational-

rotational spectra of diatomic molecules, electronic spectra of
diatomic molecules, vibrational-rotational spectra of poly-
atomic molecules, Raman spectra

Evaluation Scheme:

There will be 4 tutorial tests (18 marks) and 1 take home assignment (18 marks). The take-home
assignment will be given before the last tutorial test. Two tutorial tests will be before mid-term and 2
will be after. All the tutorial tests will be announced a week before.

No. Evaluation Component Duration Weightage Date & Time

1 Tutorial Tests / Assignments 30 mins 30% TBA

(Close/Open book)

2 Midterm Test 90 mins 30% TBA

(Close Book)

3 Comprehensive Examination 120 mins 40% TBA

(Close/Open book)

Notices: All the classes will be conducted in online mode with Google Meet. All notices will be uploaded on
Google Classroom.

Chamber Consultation Hours: To be announced

Make-up Policy: Make-up will be given only in genuine cases, that is, illness leading to hospitalization or
going out of station with prior permission. No make-ups for the tutorials.


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