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I. Introduction

As time went by, the young generation in the 21st century, or most commonly
known as ‘millennials’ became more dominant, and have played an important role in
the society. With the recent news about the different happenings in the politics of the
Philippines, the younger generations are expected to participate in the discussions
related to the matter. This is because they are exposed to use mass media. Different
platforms, especially in social media, can make many students politically aware.
However, many students these days are naturally disengaged on this matter. In
relation, one of the main factors as to why young people think politics cannot change
anything is because they are not given a place in participation declaring political
parties, and, as such, refrain from voting.

According to Dr. Jose P. Rizal, the youth is the hope of the country. With this,
the youth has a big role in building the nation. In addition, the 1987 Constitution of
the Philippines states in Section 13, Article II: “The State recognizes the vital role of
the youth in nation-building and shall promote their physical, intellectual, and social
well-being. It shall inculcate in the youth patriotism and nationalism and encourage
their involvement in public and civic affairs.” The participation of young people in the
country's governance has been also recognized as early as 1970 in the Presidential
Decree no. 603 or the Child and Youth Welfare Code. Furthermore, Section 6, Article
IV states: “Youth can actively participate in civic affairs, and in the promotion of
general welfare, always bearing in mind that it is the youth who will eventually be
called upon to discharge the responsibility of leadership, in hope for the nation’s

Involvement of the youth in politics in the Philippines is still somewhat limited.

One of the reasons behind is the weakness of political parties which do not have
strong youth wings that give the youth an interest to an entry point in politics. “The
task of the youth is to allow new ideas and new talents to come up. It does this by
giving the youth the representation in the political sphere, by helping the party reach
out to young voters and by giving young people a chance to engage in policy debate
and activism.” (Harzog, 2007)

According to Valdivieso (2014), in the last few years, political involvement of
some citizens has changed considerably. The social and economic environment
where the youth encounter may suggest for the decline of their political awareness.
“An entry into the workplace is increasingly deferred, there has been a prolonged
dependence on parental support. It is suggested that this has delayed the onset of
financial and familial responsibilities and hence, the age at which people begin to
become interested in politics.” (Kimberlee, 1998)

With this, it is shown that knowledge about current events can lead to active
participation in social studies, which help students improve their academic
performance. Understanding politics helps them become more strategic and a
responsible as citizens who knows their own rights. It is good to encourage them to
participate more in governmental matters — political science organizations at
schools, local community elections of youth leaders, the Sangguniang Kabataan
(SK), as well as participating in different congress with regards to politics and
international meetings.

However, it is still a major concern that some students have lack of interest in
politics. Some studies cite the lack of concernment of the young generation towards
politics; other studies also point out the difficulty in understanding politics, and other
related topics about politics. The young generation generally found politicians in low
esteem, along with the lack of trust in them (Bentley and Oakley, 1999) or giving
them respect (Pririe and Worcester, 1998).

The young generation’s participation is not well recognized. Richardson

(1990) Argues that politicians are not interested in the view of young people. Jowel
and Park (1998) suggest that the youth's lack of participation results from their
interest matter. In resolution to the current situation, citizens, even the youth, has a
responsibility for the Philippines. In the United Kingdom, for example, the Electoral
Reform Society has supported voters of age 16. In their new system, citizens aged
14 and 15 are already registered voters and can exercise their right at the age of 16.
According to Grover (2011), cited that this new reform has given the youth a chance
for participating in different consultations in every government decision, as well as
giving them an idea on how the government works.

The purpose of this study is to review the political awareness of Senior High
School students of St. Paul University Manila. The researchers will look at their
political awareness, background knowledge in different topics about the Philippine
Politics, along with their willingness to participate in the politics of the future.

II. Statement of the Problem

This study aims to review the political awareness of Senior High School
Students of St. Paul University Manila and came up with data that can be used as a
guide to see if the Senior High School Students has knowledge about Political
Related Topics.

1. What is the current political awareness status of the Senior High School
Students of St. Paul University Manila?

2. How broad is the knowledge of the students about political related topics
and how it affects the following:

A. Their willingness to join in different discussions or debates about

B. Their interest and awareness of the current Socio-Political Economic
C. Their involvement in political, civic, and economic life in the community.

3. How does this assessment of political awareness of the students help in

forming their leadership capabilities in school and community?

III. Significance of the Study

This study will contribute to the cognizance of the society regarding the
capability of high school students in addressing social issues that root from a
country’s political state. The researchers hope to address the disparity of awareness
that thrive among different generations not only in the Philippines but in other
countries. Within this research comes along the hopes of encouraging students to be
involved in exhibiting awareness of their country’s political condition, with the goal to
give aid to the generation’s struggles to contribute to the tackling of political and

social issues.
The outcomes to be considered consist of the following: the improvement of
students’ consciousness regarding political issues; development of positive attitudes
toward politics; increase in students’ competencies to meet demands that would
actively help the society in managing the government or public affairs of a country.


This study aims to serve as a stimulus to disregard the lacking awareness of

students regarding politics through uplifting students’ competencies, with the hopes
of raising consciousness regarding political issues. The researchers also hope that
the awareness of students regarding politics would last long, so as soon to be
present in the future students; may it as well be to future generations that would give
value to the importance of studying politics.


Educators could benefit in this study as it would raise awareness to teachers

who rarely open political talks, and would enlighten the opportunities an educator
could give to let students discuss politics without having little knowledge. The
research would open a chance for educators, not only nationally, to review and grant
knowledge to students who doesn’t have much of background study regarding


This study would give benefit to the society considering that it would help
raise political awareness not only to the students of the present generation but also
the forthcoming generations. This, if the awareness of students is successfully
stimulated through the importance of the study.

IV. Assumptions of the Study

 The research will find out that education has a big factor in their political
 The research will find out that senior high school students of St. Paul
University Manila has an interest in joining different discussions and debates
about politics.
 The research will find out that the students are aware about different Socio-
Political Economic issues.
 The research will serve as headstart for the school to give the students some
opportunity in joining to different political conferences and forums.

V. Scope and Limitations of the Study

Political awareness is a necessity for an individual to further understand the

actions and the decisions of the government. It is important for students to develop
political awareness as they will inevitably be involved in politics, whether as a voter,
as a representative, or even as an official.

The focus of the study is to determine how aware the Senior High School
students of St. Paul University Manila are regarding politics and other political related
topics. The study directly involves students as researchers will be using
questionnaires for their assessment. The study will also cover how the students use
their knowledge about the topics in forming their leadership skills and strategies.
However, the study will not cover the students’ opinions about the topics or issues.

Lastly, the researchers will be giving questionnaires to twenty-five (25) Senior

High School students in a university in Metro Manila in which they will be gathering
further data at St. Paul University Manila.

VI. Definition of Terms


- Government by the people, exercised either directly or through elected

representatives. (Volokh, 2015)


- A formal process for the selection of a person for a public office. It is done
simultaneously in every part of the nation. (U.S. Election Assistance
Commission, 2008)

Philippine Citizen

- A person who lives in the Philippines; legally recognized by the constitution.

(1987 Philippine Constitution, Article IV, Section 1)

Political Awareness

- It is a person’s knowledge or perception about politics and other related

topics. (Puertollano, 2015)


- Social activity that is made up of leaders and officials who serve the
government. (Puertollano, 2015)


- Are those persons between the ages of 15 and 24 years old. (UN
Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, 2017)


This chapter presents related literature that are found to be helpful in contributing

knowledge for the study. With the hopes of having better comprehension regarding the

study, included in this chapter are bodies of literature that provide conceptual knowledge that

have been gathered from various studies.

Political Awareness of Students

The non-inclusiveness of younger people to discussion in politics may affect their

awareness in politics. Rev. Fr. Ambrose Ugo said that the non-inclusiveness of the youth in

politics dawdles the improvement of many countries in the world; Africa, remarkably. The

leaders in the country are fundamentally characterized as “selfish, opulent and wealthy

people.” The short-term goals of the country’s leaders give little justification to the essence of

the youth’s collaboration with leaders to advance a country’s state. To give importance to the

youth’s compliance, Fr. Ambrose said that a nation with zero or 30% youth’s activeness in

politics will always experience growth and developmental sluggishness in the system.

Ambrose suggested the youth be included in political matters, as well as have a say in

politics if a change is desired in order to overcome the slow development recorded by

countries yearly. (Sunday, 2017)

In an article written by Maboloc (2015), he has proven the point that the participation

of the youth is significant in carrying a social reform. In addition, politics must begin with the

choice of right principles, but people end up debating about unique personalities and

attributes. The youth is called responsible for the right thing to do: read books and thrive in

education, all for the advance of the country. Without proper education, democracy would

mean nothing. The young Flipino voter must also give the proper importance for thinking,

most especially in making a choice, as the future of the country is reliant on the young.

In a study done by Dr. J. K. Saroha (2012), he emphasized that giving the youth a

significant place in politics plays a huge role in the general development of a country.

Something that might seem as minimal as television debates help contribute to the youth’s

political awareness.

In the recent study of Husaini (2012), he pointed out that an essential part of building

a nation is having struggles. This can be justified because even with the proper policies, the

part of improving the country would still involve a lot of sacrifices. Political aspect has most

impact in order to lead a nation towards development. For the case, people who are

equipped with intellect are accountable and important to the process of a nation’s advance.

The study of political awareness enlightens the youth, or whosoever is in service with the

country, the purposes and aspects that empower the political awarness within the nation and

society. The younger generations however, have little interest in government and politics

during the past years. From a list of nine topics, about a quarter (26%) of students identify

politics and government as one of the topics they interest in. In contrast, politics ranks

among the three interests for roughly 34% of Gen Xers and 45% of Baby Boomers. The

lower interest in news among young adults, in addition, is not uncommon to millennials.

During a national survey that involved questioning 3,000 young people, ages 15-25

on how they use the internet, social media and politics, new insights that integrated with the

world’s evolving technology have been found. These insights provide the information that the

youth are engaging in “participatory politics”, which include starting an online political group,

spreading info about a political blog tackling an issue and forwarding political videos to

friends. The difference of the act from formal activities, however, is that “participatory

politics” are interactive, peer-based, and do not submit fully to the qualities of a formal

activity. According to the study of University of Chicago, Kahne (2012), emphasized the

importance of politics, mainly to the youth: Young people are utilizing the internet for the

good of politics, but through time, there emerge challenges that involve the credibility of

information – misinformation, and the politics’ potential to promote voice more than

influence. Through this, digital literacy is also essential.

In order to raise the awareness of the students in any political related topics. The

Human Rights Commission of Malaysia, Suhakam, says civil and political rights awareness

among students must be incorporated properly in ordert to raise the voice of the youth to

complement the formal education and training they receive in the university. Suhakam

chairman Tan Sri Hasmy Agam says that any unreasonable hindrance that affect the

student’s practice of rights would hinder a country’s potential for having future leaders. The

curtailment of the students’ basic rights must not be enforced by unversities, so that the

freedom of expression of students are entitled to the same civil, economic, political, social

and cultural rights as all members of the society (Singh, 2015). A great example of this is

Hallom Rofley, a student politician should have a wide knowledge about News nowadays.

Student politician are just basing to the news they tend to read in twitter or in any social

media they have, they do not see what's through it. A student politician should have the

capability of understanding what's the epitome of politics. Students who also vote for the

Students council doesn't have enough information for the person they're voting for.

The lack of awareness of many students in politics leads to some students to seek to

their fellow youth to be interested in politics. In the recent article of Kishimoto (2014), he

pointed out that many students from a university in Japan were frustrated with the political

apathy of their fellow stduents. With this, many students were creatively doing anything to

convince their peers to be aware and have some involvement in the discussion of politics.

Many of them were using social media as a tool to call out other youth. With that, the social

media became as a main source to influence students to be involve in political related topics.

In the study conducted by Raizza Corpuz (2014), she discovered that the generation today

serves as tool to help many people to be politically aware. The same with the study of

(Journel, et. al, 2015) were they found out that blogging of students about politics gains

political efficacy as well as joining discussion about politics. Erron Medina (2017), has also

said that the young people are important in nation-building. The youth can also engage in

socio-civic ties through the use of media as an instrument. (Pasek et al., 2006) Media has

also been found the capabilities of the advancement of nationalism among its consumers

and customers in the nation. In summary, the role of media such as social networking sites

like Twitter and Facebook is to serve as tools for information dissemination and at times


In the study of (William et. al, 2007), High School Students and Their Political Views,

the beliefs of high school students are very much matched with the beliefs of their

parents/guardians. The importance of this should also be put in mind by teachers.

Furthermore in the research, the emphasis of students having the ability and skills is

provided as an essential part of decision-making, as making decisions is a huge part of

social studies education. The study also shown the importance of having a foster

environment for the conducive learning of students regarding decision-making skills.

Chua and Kuo (1991), emphasized the importance of education in the advancement

of good practices in order to advocate the adoption of good habits and choices among the

youth. This induced the idea that a nation thrives on education, not only economically but

also culturally and psychologically. The study also showed that the political awareness and

functional political literacy such as having citizen and civic sensibility are reliant on the family

or a school, a major institution.

The literature and studies gathered determine the following things to consider to

determine if the Senior High School students of St. Paul University Manila are politically

aware and politically engaged. Their awareness to the present political issues are one of the

factors to determine if the student are politically aware. Also, the use of social media plays a

big role in shaping their politacal awareness where they can find different sources regarding

the latest news in the politics of the country. The influence of their parents also contribute to

their political engagement because of the political choices their family has. Lastly, their

willingness to join the different discussions about the politics in the Philippines.

Chapter 3
This chapter presents the research design, respondents of the study, sample
size, sampling procedure and data collection methods to be used in investigating the
study problem. It also discusses the contents of the research instrument and the
techniques that will be used to analyze the data collected from the field.


This study aims to review the awareness and practices of 25 senior high
school students of St. Paul University Manila and come up with data that may use to
see the political awareness of the senior high school students.

The study will use the descriptive research design and intends to use a
questionnaire to gather the needed data to review the political awareness of senior
high school students. It was a four-phased project where the first component focuses
on the definition of research problem, identifying the significance and scope and
limitations of the study and creating assumptions. The first phase includes review of
the current political awareness of the students and the review of related literature.
The second phase will involve the preparation of the data gathering to collect the
socio-demographic profile of the respondents. The third phase will entail the analysis
of interview data followed by the discussion and interpretation of research results
and findings and the formulation of conclusions and recommendations. In the final
phase, the output will serve as a recommendation to make the students politically


Figure 1: Research Design: Phases of Writing Research



The target respondents of the study are twenty-five (25) random senior high
school students of St. Paul University Manila. The data that will be coming from the
respondents will be used to review their awareness regarding politics.


St. Paul University Manila is a private college located at Gen. Malvar St.,
Malate, Manila. The university was previously a woman’s college but turned co-ed in
the beginning of the school year 2005-2006. The senior high school department
currently has a total population of approximately 1,300 students. It is the chosen
area of the research.



A three section survey questionnaire will be used in this study. A

questionnaire is used when factual information is desired. This gives opportunity for
the person administering the instrument to properly explain the purpose of the study
and its terms, and to accurately acquire and assess information.

Section (1) will draw information about the socio-demographic profile of the
respondents, which include name, gender, and level of education.

Section (2) of the questionnaire will evaluate the awareness of the

respondents about politics and any topics related. The questions were designed to
assess the political awareness of the respondents and are based on contemporary
political issues.

Section (3) will determine the stage of practice of the respondents in acquiring
information about politics and the involvement of the respondents in politics
appropriate for their age and level of education. The questions regarding the practice
and the involvement of the respondents are about the efforts of the respondents in

understanding politics and in reacting to political issues. The questions were
answerable with “always” “sometimes” or “never”.

Section (4) of the questionnaire will evaluate the knowledge and awareness of
the respondents about politics in the Philippines through a short quiz. The short quiz
is consists of twenty-five (25) questions that are regarding to the political related
topics in the Philippines.

Chapter 4
This chapter discusses the data analysis and findings from 25 questionnaires
completed by random senior high school students of St. Paul University Manila. The
purpose of the study is to determine how aware the Senior High School students of
St. Paul University Manila are regarding politics and other political related topics.

Questionnaires were given to random senior high school students aged 16 to

21 years old. There are 14 females and 11 males students who participated in this

The data from the questionnaires were analyzed using a qualitative approach.
The findings are discussed according to the sections of the questionnaire. The four
sections of the questionnaire were

 Section 1: Respondents background

 Section 2: Respondents Awareness on Political Related
 Section 3: Respondents Stages in Acquiring Information about
 Section 4: Quiz about Philippine Politics


This section of the questionnaire covered the respondents’ age and class
section. Though not central to the study, the personal data helped contextualize the
findings and the formulation of appropriate recommendations to enable more
students to be politically aware.

Figure 4.2 Respondents’ Age

Respondents' Age

3 6
16 years old
17 years old
18 years old
21 years old


The Senior High School respondents’ ages ranged from 16 to 21 years old, with the
majority being 17 as 15 respondents were at this age.

Figure 4.3 Respondents’ Section

Respondents' Section

5 St. Augustine
St. John
7 St. Anthony
3 St. Benedict
St. Patrick
3 5 St. Ignatius

The respondents came from 6 sections. Most respondents came from St. Patrick
with 7 respondents. The section with the least number of respondents was from St.
Ignatius with 2 respondents.


This section of the questionnaire covered the respondents’ awareness about

the current political related topics and issues. It is made up of five (5) questions that
cover their current political status.

Figure 4.2: Are you aware in current political issues the Philippines have?

Are you aware in current political issues

the Philippines have?


Figure 4.2 reveals that there are 14 who answered “Yes” or they have awareness
about current political issues of the country and 11 who answered “Maybe” which
shows that they may have a little knowledge about the current political issues.

Figure 4.3: Do you give comments about the changes the government are
doing and will do in the future?

Do you give comments about the

changes the government are doing and
will do in the future?

13 No

Figure 4.3 reveals that there are 13 of respondents who are giving their comments
about the changes of the government are doing while there 2 who will not give any
comments. Lastly, there are 10 who answered “Maybe” or may or may not give their
comments about the changes the government is doing.

Figure 4.4: Do you consider yourself to have an interest in Philippine Politics?

Do you consider yourself to have an

interest in Philippine Politics?

9 Yes


Figure 4.4 reveals that there are 9 of the respondents answered “Yes” or they have
an interest in Philippine politics while there are 10 who do not have an interest in
Philippine Politics. Lastly, there are 6 considered themselves who may or may not
have an interest in politics.

Figure 4.5: In the future, do you consider voting for National Elections?

In the future, do you consider voting

for National Elections?

1 No

Figure 4.5 reveals that there are 20 respondents who answered “Yes” or they are
considering voting in National Elections and there is 1 respondent who answered
“No” or who not consider to vote in National Election in the future. Lastly, there are 4
who may or may not consider voting in National Elections.

Figure 4.6: Are you open in joining different discussions about politics or
other related topics?

Are you open in joining different

discussions about politics or other
related topics?

3 14 Maybe

Figure 4.6 reveals that 14 of the respondents are willing to join in the discussion
about politics and other related topics while there 3 who not open in joining
discussion about politics. Lastly, there are 8 who may or may not be willing to join in
discussion in politics.


This section of the questionnaire covers the ways of the respondents in

acquiring information about Philippine politics. There are four (4) questions about
how the respondents acquire information about politics.

Figure 4.7: Do you inquire to social media to get some latest updates about

Do you inquire to social media to get

some latest updates about politics?

10 Always
15 Never

Figure 4.7 reveals that there are 10 respondents who are always using social media
in inquiring information about politics while there are 15 who sometimes use the
social media to inquire information about politics.

Figure 4.8: Do you share your thoughts about trending political issues you
saw in social media?

Do you share your thoughts about

trending political issues you saw in
social media?

4 3


Figure 4.8 reveals that there are 3 respondents who are sharing their thoughts about
trending issues about while 18 of the respondents are sometimes share their
thoughts about political issues. Lastly, there are 4 who do not share their thoughts
about politics.

Figure 4.9: Do you acquire some information about politics through your

Do you acquire some information

about politics through your peers?


Figure 4.9 reveals that there are 5 respondents who always acquire information
about politics through their peers while there are 20 of the respondents who
sometimes acquire information about politics through their peers.

Figure 4.10: Do you hear political discussions through your parents?

Do you hear political discussions

through your parents?

10 Always
15 Never

Figure 4.10 reveals that there are 10 of the respondents who always hear political
discussion through their parents while there are 15 who sometimes hear political
discussion through their parents.


The Section 4 of the survey was designed as a short quiz to further analyze
the awareness and knowledge of the respondents about Philippine Politics. It is
divided into three (3) parts:

A. The three (3) branches of Philippine Government- this section will

determine if the respondents has a basic knowledge about the Philippine
Government. It is also the reflection of their learning in their Araling Panlipunan class
in the previous years.

B. The leaders of the three (3) branches of Philippine Government- this

section will determine if the respondents are aware about the current leaders of the
three branches of the government. This is to see if acquiring information through
different platforms are effective.

C. The Awareness Check- this part of the survey has a set current political
related issues in the Philippines. The respondents are requested to write at least
seven (7) issues that they know. This is to see which political issues were prominent
to the senior high school students.

4.11: What are the three (3) branches of Philippine Government?

What are the three (3) branches of

Philippine Government?

3 Three Correct Answers
Two Correct Answers
One Correct Answer
Zero Correct Answer
No Answer

Figure 4.11 reveals that majority, which is 21, got a perfect score of three while there
are 3 who got a score of 2. Lastly, there is 1 who had a zero score.

4.12: Heads of Three (3) branches of Philippine Government

Heads of Three (3) branches of

Philippine Government

10 Four Correct Answers

Three Correct Answers
11 Two Correct Answer
4 One Correct Answer
Zero Correct Answer
5 No Answer

Figure 4.12 reveals that there are 11 of the respondents who got a perfect score of
11 while 5 who got a score of three. There are 4 respondents who got a score of two
and one respectively. Lastly, there is 1 who got the score of zero in the test.

4,13: Awareness about Current Political Issues

Awareness on Current Political Issues

Shabu smuggled
in Bureau of
Customs from Charter Change
Impeachment of
Jeepney Chief Justice
ICC Investigation
Modernization Sereno
on Duterte
Administration Kadamay Protest
alleged human
Robredo vs Marco
rights violation VP Battle
Revoking the
license of Rapper Extra Judicial
Philippines Killings
Declaring CPP-
Sen. De Lima
NPA as terrorist
TRAIN Law Alleged Hidden
Wealth of Pres.
Shift to Duterte

Figure 2 reveals that the topic that the respondents are most aware of is the issue
about the Jeepney Modernization Program with 23 votes. Meanwhile, the issue
regarding Extrajudicial Killings got 22 votes. Some of the topics that got the least
votes were the issue of Alleged Hidden Wealth of Pres. Duterte and Kadamay

Chapter 5


This chapter presents the summary of the findings, conclusions and

recommendations based on the data analyzed in the previous chapter.

I. Summary of the Research

The focus of the study was to review the political awareness of Senior High
School Students of St. Paul University Manila. The background of the research
problem covers the current political awareness status and the knowledge about
political-related topics of the senior high school students. The study uses descriptive
research method and uses questionnaire which was designed to review the political
awareness and knowledge of the students. The total respondents comprised of of
senior high school students with the age ranged from 16-21 years old. The whole
sample consists of total of twenty-five (25) students with eleven (11) males and
fourteen (14) females.

The section 2 of the questionnaire covered the respondents’ awareness about

the current political related topics and issues. It is made up of five (5) questions. the
answers of the respondents reveals that they are aware about the current political
issues in the Philippines. Some students also willing to give comments about the
current projects of the government but it also reveals that they are not so much
interested about Philippine politics. It also shows that the respondents are very much
willing to vote in the National Elections in the future. Lastly, some students are willing
to join in any form of discussion about politics.

The section 3 of the questionnaire covers the ways of the respondents in

acquiring information about Philippine politics. It is made up of four (4) questions. In
terms of acquiring information about politics, some of the respondents used social
media as their way to get information about politics. It also reveals that many of the
respondents get information from their peers and also encountered some
discussions about politics with their parents.

The Section 4 of the survey was designed as a short quiz to further analyze
the awareness and knowledge of the respondents about Philippine Politics. Majority
of the respondents know the “Three branches of Philippine Government” but some
do not know the current leaders of each branch. The last part of the short quiz shows
that out of 15 political issues the Philippines have, the topic that the respondents are
most aware of is the issue about the Jeepney Modernization Program with 23 votes.
Meanwhile, the issue regarding Extrajudicial Killings got 22 votes.

II. Conclusion

According to the findings of this research study, these are the following

The Senior High School students of St. Paul University Manila are aware
about current political related topics and issues. However, many of the students are
not willing to join any discussions about these topics. It can conclude that they are
engage well in expressing their thoughts to the public since there is a chance of an
argument to other people if they do not in favor to their comments. Interestingly,
many students expresses that they do not have an interest about Philippine politics
because it may find them a boring or too much for them to know and to discuss. The
lacking of good education contributes why they are not interested in politics. They
are aware but they do not have an interest on the current Socio-Political Economic
Problems and Issues the Philippines have. On the other hand, the respondents see
the importance in voting as matter for them. However, due to inappropriate political
environment they may also feel that nothing will happen in the country after the

The mass media plays a big role on disseminating information about current
political related topics and issues. Through the use of the internet, the respondents
are aware about current local political issues and international issues as well. Their
awareness may not directly help them in forming their leadership capabilities in their
school and community since many are not interested in politics but aware on it.

III. Recommendations

For the teachers

- Encourage the students to engage in political-related activities.

- Give the students some time in class in expressing their views about political
issues like quick speak activity.

For University Officials

- Allow the students to join different convention or congress that will engage
them in politics.
- Schools should further educate the students towards political awareness.

For the Local Communities

- Local communities should provide programs such as team building activities

for the young people representation in such way that they can reach out to
each household in their community.

For the Future Researchers

- Conduct this study again and add more respondents to further study more the
political awareness of the senior high school students.

Blog Post
- Miller, A. (2012, September 13). We Need Youth to Care. From
- Raffey, H. (2016, September 26). My Experience of Students Politics. From

- Colby, A. (2010). Educating for Democracy: Preparing Undergraduates for
Responsible Political Engagement. New York. The Carnegie
Foundation For Advancement Teaching.
- Krzywosz, B (2017). Young People and Active Citizenship in Post-Soviet
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Online Article
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Research Studies
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- Ahmed, R. (2010). Role of News Talk Show in Creating Political Efficacy
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- Brett, L.M. (2015). Blogging about Politics: A Study of Students Political
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- Saroha, J. (2016). The Political Awareness among Youth. From
- Sharma, B. et al. (2014). A Study of Political Awareness among Senior
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- UK Essays (2017). Political Awareness and Functional Political Literacy. From
- Velasco, D. (2004). Rejecting Old Style Politics? Youth Participation in the
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