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What to include in a business

It can be difficult to know what to include in a business contract, but it’s important to
understand the right components so that the ones you send are valid.

This article will detail contract basics and explain what absolutely should be included
in a business contract for it to be useful and legally enforceable.

The difference between written and verbal

It’s pretty clear by their names, but written contracts are recorded in writing and
verbal contracts are spoken agreements that are not written down. A verbal contract,
also known as an oral contract, can be equally legally-binding as a formally-written
contract if the correct procedures are followed.

So, if verbal agreements can be just as legally valid as a written one, then why does
anybody bother going through the effort of having contracts in writing?

Why can’t a conversation and a handshake suffice for business deals?

Well, verbal contracts are often hard to prove legally.

Why you should use written business

The biggest reason for any written business contract is to prove an agreement exists in
case something goes awry. For instance, there may be an argument between you and
the other party. If the agreement was a spoken agreement, then how would anybody
prove their side of the argument?

In another situation, one party may simply forget what the exact terms are. It’s also
possible that one party may genuinely misunderstand some of the original terms, or
one of the parties may go out of business mid-contract.

In any of these situations, a written contract would give everyone involved the
security and confidence to carry out their obligations. If any disputes did arise, a well-
written contract should allow them to be resolved quickly and professionally and help
you maintain a strong business relationship.

What to include in a business contract

All the parties
Every individual or entities that are a part of the contractual agreement need to be
named on the contract. For instance, if a homeowner wants to hire an independent
contractor to construct a conservatory, then both the homeowner and the business
information of the builder need to be included.

Some form of consideration

In a contract, consideration is the explanation of something of value being gained by
each party. In the building contractor example, the consideration for the homeowner
would be the completed conservatory and the consideration for the builder would be
the fee they receive when completing the project.

A legal purpose
There must be a legal reason for a business contract to be legally enforceable. For
instance, you couldn’t have a contract hiring someone to rob a bank for you, as this
act is illegal. Likewise, the payment cannot be illegal either, so you couldn’t pay for a
service in stolen goods.

All parties involved in a business contract must be deemed competent, or mentally
stable when the contract commenced. Being under the influence of alcohol or drugs
can void a party from being deemed competent. Anyone who is a minor at the time of
making the agreement is also classed as incompetent, as they may not understand the
obligations of each party.

Terms and conditions

This is where the obligations and rights of everyone involved in the agreement are
specified. These are likely to be different for every business agreement, but usually

involve things like exact payments, scope of work, and timeframes for payments.
There may also be details about how to resolve any issues when it comes to a breach
of contract.

For written contracts, it is strongly advisable that everyone signs the agreement. This
isn’t a legal necessity, but it does help to prove that each party agreed to the specified
terms of the contract and makes it more enforceable.

Electronic signatures and physical signatures are both legally acceptable. The more
traditional format is physical, although this method can be quite impractical when
multiple people are signing. Using specialized apps like PandaDoc and DocuSign,
everyone has the ability to add their signature with a single click.

This eliminates the need to print, sign, scan, or email contracts for signing, and is far
more efficient. Such apps also have additional functionality to expedite and improve
the contract process. PandaDoc, for example, gives users the option to build legally-
valid contracts from templates in just minutes. Users can also easily send contracts to
multiple recipients and even track the document status from within the app.

Always understand your business contracts

It’s always worth taking the time to understand any contracts you come across in your
business life, no matter the size of your business, big or small. By understanding the
basics, you can ensure that everything you send and sign is legally valid. Just
remember that if you’re in any doubt about a contract, you should enlist the help of a
contract lawyer for legal advice about your state’s laws to be safe.
Related questions
 How are contracts usually signed

 How to sign contracts online

 Are handwritten contracts legally binding?

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Need to write a business contract?
Use PandaDoc to create professional-looking contracts with customizable templates allowing for
on-brand styles and themes.

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